#such a magnificent dumbass
weirdo8914 · 2 years
Absolutely on the cusp of this just turning into a Jamie McCrimmon fan-blog but I only have one more story left with him in it so I think I should be able to make it through
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
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My new babyboy
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void-tiger · 2 years
My supermario world ships, apparently:
Rosalina x Daisy (Space Goddess meets Star-Flower Princess. Solace in “our homes are kinda gone.”)
Pauline x Luigi (I just think they share a similar spirit and energy! And’d be cute!)
Peach x Pauline (they compliment eachother’s strengths, bound over repeated abductions by another’s infatuations forced onto them + Mario is a terrible partner and lover, and Finally!! have someone to have Femme Hobbies with.)
Bowser x Mario (ie, they finally realize Peach Isn’t Interested and leave her tf ALONE. No more abductions. No more demanding “a hero’s reward.” They realize they’ve been trying to one-up eachother to impress the other for some time now and give it a rest. Enemies to Lovers in 500k 40 chapters lmao. NO MORE LUV CORNERING!!)
…also yes. Peach, Pauline, and Luigi are a polycule lol
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needvodkand1d · 1 year
I’m in love with Roxanne from The Ultimatum S2
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blue-hi · 2 years
i HAVE to finish the chapter 1 rewrite because then i get to see pascha again. i miss him.
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onbearfeet · 2 years
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Please enjoy this holiday greeting from the lorge boi I'm cat-sitting on Christmas morning. (The bottlecaps are his presents. He loves chasing them.)
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Hello, can we have Blitzø, Husk, Rosie, Sir Pentious and Valentino(separately) as a couple, it seems that he is cheating on him but in the end it turned out that they misunderstood him, how would they react to his mistake with his S/O?
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Blitzø sat in his van, as he had for the past hour, a scowl across his face.
He'd followed you from the Cafe you always went too, then after seeing you on the phone he followed you all the way to some random ass fucking building.
He watched as you knocked, the door opening to reveal some Imp hunk, and you eagerly greeting the guy before walking in, you wrapping an arm around each other.
He was pissed.
But not just regular pissed.
He was Royally Pissed!
But more than that... he was hurt. Really hurt.
The Imp drove home depressed. Anger. Fury. Sadness and regret all sloshing around in him like too much BeelzaBrew. The Imp analysing your entire relationship.
He thought you had a happy relationship. Sure you fought, but it was never anything serious. And you always had the best Make up sex.
He drove around, with no real aim, his body on auto pilot. Just driving. Mindlessly. Completely unsure what to do.
He'd go home, of course after stopping by a drive through liquor stire, the man stumbling into your shared apartment, the man walking in before freezing.
Your calendar...
Marked on the calender was fucking (ANNIVERSARY). And sure enough, checking his phone, it was today.
Blitzø had a full breakdown, drunkenly crying as he curled up on the couch, the poor Imp crying his eyes out between heavy swigs of alcohol.
About an hour would pass until you got home, suspiciously large package in your arms.
You snuck into the apartment, getting everything set up until you found him curled up on the couch, the man grasping a bottle, with even more scattered about, the man sadly blubbering to himself.
Youd approach him, reaching out. "Babe, are you alright?"
He'd slap your hand away, man jerking up on the couch, the man glaring big sad daggers at you.
"Well, if it isn't the big faaaaat cheater!"
He was clearly drunk off his ass, so the accusation of cheating wasn't as painful as if he were sober.
He'd stumble to his feet, jabbing his finger at you. Or rather, in your general direction.
The Man was drunk off his ass.
"Ooooh yeah. Everybody thinks the Blitzø is some sorta, Uh... dumbass man!" He burped, man snifling. "But iiiiim noo a foul..."
You give him a minute, ignoring his verbal typos, before reaching out again, telling him gently.
"Blitzø. I think you need to sleep off your little drinking session before we talk."
But as soon as you placed a hand on his shoulder, he'd smack it away, and with the most righteous fury you'd ever seen in the man, screamed at you.
The man stumbling back tears in his eyes. "I saw you with that fucking bastard... I saw... I saw you..."
You stood there for a good minute before sighing, you telling him softly. "Wait here."
Youd walk into the kitchen, flipping the light on to reveal the humble spread you'd put out. And grabbing the 'package' carried it over to him.
The large 'package' was covered by a cloth, you placing it down before him, telling him simply.
"Open it."
Blitzø stared at you before looking down at the package, the man glaring daggers at you before reaching out and snatching the cloth off of it.
It revealed a magnificent portrait of Blitzø, the Imp riding a Hell-Stallion.
Blitzø's eyes bulged, the man staring dead at it for a solid minute, the man not even noticing himself dropping the bottle.
Youd set down, pulling him into the seat besides you, you taking his hands in yours.
Holding his hands you'd tell him softly. "The man you saw was an art teacher. I've been seeing him to learn how to paint."
You spoke slowly, making sure he heard you.
"I know we don't normally go big on Anniversary gifts, but I wanted to do something special, so I took some lessons so I could paint that for you."
Blitzø took a minute, looking between you and the painting before he burst into tears, the man pressing his face into your chest as he tearfully apologised.
"IIIII'mmm soooo soooorrrryyy!" He sobbed, drunkenly clinging onto you.
"I- I- I- didn't mean to!" He stuttered, blubbering. Youd just hold him close, gently patting his back as he sobbed into your chest.
You just soothed the poor man, hugging him close as he had his drunken meltdown.
He'd quickly cry himself out, soaking your shirt and apologising all the while, you just telling him it was alright, gently patting his back.
Eventually he'd pass out, man out like the dead, you carrying your drunken idiot of a S/O to bed, making sure to be prepared fortyhe inevitable hangover.
And sure enough, the next morning Blitzø endured a awful hangover, though even as he groaned and threw up he was still profusely apologising, the man feeling even worse when he saw the painting and everything you'd set up for him.
Of course, you didn't care, you were just happy the situation was resolved peacefully, you tending to your poor idiot of an S/O. Letting him curl up with you on the couch as he slept off his hangover, making sure he drank plenty of water, hand running down his spiky, bald dome of a head.
Husk felt miserable.
And the most surprising part about it, was that he was miserable.
Since you'd arrived at the hotel, he'd been in significantly better spirits. But for the past couple weeks you'd been disappearing for long swaths of time, often staying out till later in the evening.
Husk wasn't an idiot.
And while he did try to drown himself in alcohol, knowing fully well he couldn't die of liver failure.
Though he had lowered his drinking significantly since your arrival into his life, the man actually, and it was hard to say but, you'd made him a better man.
But he wasn't a stupid man.
Back when he actually cared about people, he'd been cheated on plenty, though that may have been mostly his fault as he'd always put too much attention on his drink, rather then those people he cared about. Something he had tried to change with you.
But you still found someone better...
He wasn't surprised. The drunk of a tomcat was a poor excuse of a partner.
He'd be slumped over the bar, as usual, drunkenly grumbling to himself, man downing a bottle of what he hoped wasn't paint thinner as he laid there in his drunken brooding.
The man grumbled, rubbing his eyes as tears stung his eyes, the man wondering what was wrong with him.
Why did he always lose everyone he loved?
Youd walk into the Hotel, approaching the man, in relatively good spirits. Seeing him splayed out, drunkenly grumbling to himself, you grew curious.
Walking over, youd pull up a stool, you sitting there for a long minute before you started getting concerned, so you reached out, placing your hand on his.
Husk jerked up, you jumping back in surprise.
Husk stared at you, you asking him simply.
"You alright babe?"
Husk just stared for a long, pregnant moment. Before looking away, the man sighing as he slumped forwards, man wiping his face.
He'd stand there for a fee moments, not looking at you, only for him to ask bluntly.
"What did I do...?"
You stared at him, not sure I'd you'd heard him correctly, so you asked.
"You alright-" though you didn't get to finish as he blurted out.
"What did I do?!" He snapped, man almost in tears. "What did I do? What did I fuck up?!?!"
You stared at him, genuinely unsure of what was happening.
Youd wrap your hand around his, asking him bluntly.
"What are you on about baby? What did you do?"
Hunker diiiiidnt like that response.
The man yanking his hand out of your grasp, whipping away from you, the man wiping his eyes.
"What did I do?!" He snapped. "Why wasn't I good enough for you?!"
At that things slowly started to connect.
"Baby... do you think I'm cheating on you?"
Husk paused, thinking 9ver your tmstatement before turning and staring at you.
"Your... not cheating on me?" He asked, the cat caught of guard.
You, with a gentle smile, shook your head, telling him. "Nooo baby, I'm not. I'd never cheat on you."
Husk stood there for a moment before bringing up your regular absences, the long stretches you'd spend out of the hotel.
To which you'd sigh.
After a moment, taking your seat, you'd tell him that you weren't cheating. You explained that you'd just met an exe from before you'd died. You weren't sleeping with them, but you had been spending time with them.
Not for sex but just... just to remember when you were alive. When life was good and you were in your prime, back on earth.
You apologised for keeping it a secret. It was selfish but it was kind of your escape from the constant shittyness that littered Hell, something to block out the horrors you witnessed on the daily.
You apologised for hiding it. Holding his hand tight as you sincerely apologised for not telling him.
Youd tearfully tell him you loved him, and that you were so sorry for making him think you didn't.
At this point it'd be a completely intoxicated Husker that would comfort you, the man pulling you into a hug. A hug you'd eagerly accept, you tearfully promising to never make him feel like that again.
Pulling him close before you'd share a kiss.
Said kiss would grow rapidly passionate, you eventually ending up behind the bar, you straddling the cat, the two of you pulling off manoeuvres that would make Angel Blush.
And in the end, all worked up and steamy, you'd curl up with each other behind the bar, the Kitty cat holding you close as you drifted off to sleep.
Needless to say it was awkward when Charlie found you both the next morning.
The situation not helped by Angel whining about missing out on the whole thing.
But with your tomcat close by, the both of you sharing a blush as you all pretended what had most definitely happened, did not happen, well, at least you had each other.
Rosie wasn't one to beat around the bush.
She'd wait for you at the entrance to your home, the Amazonian sized demoness, sat back in one of her beautiful sitting chairs, the sort you'd find in a Victorian manor, just waiting for you, teacup in hand.
And upon walking into your shared home, shed confront you.
"Well Hello darling, you've been out a while."
She spoke coldly, you immediately knowing you were in the shit.
With a timid smile you'd begin. "Hello dear, your up late!" You spoke, trying to hide your rapidly growing anxiety.
Rosie didn't lighten up, the lady in red telling you bluntly. "You smell like cigarettes." He leaned back, a scowl crossing her face. "And you reek of alcohol."
He'd place her cup down, frowning deeply, black pools glaring at you.
"Where have you been (Y/N)?"
Your face would contort into an awkward smile, you scratching your kneck as you released an awkward laugh.
She didn't laugh.
Instead Asking bluntly.
"Why are you laughing!?" She snapped. "You think this is some kind of joke?!"
"Running around, reeking of alcohol and cigarettes, returning at all hours of the night." She snapped before looking away, growling out. "Do I mean so little too you?"
At that you snapped to attention, gawking for a second before blurting.
"You think I'm cheating?!"
You blurted, rushing over to her.
"Baby! Sweetie! Love of my eternally damned afterlife." You reached out, cupping her cheek. "I am not cheating on you."
Rosie staring down at you, asking gently.
"Then what are you doing? Why are you out at night? Why do you reek like cigarettes and alcohol. Why have you been so secretive before disappearing all night?"
At that you sighed, nodding your head.
"Rose, my love, I have a confession." You began, running a thumb over her cheek. "Put simply, I can't drink any more tea."
You sighed, feeling like a weight had been lifted.
"What?" Rosie asked, clearly bewildered.
"Rosie my love, I love you. I love our home. And the aesthetic. And all the pottery and plating and all that stuff. But well, I've been going to a sports bar."
Rosie paused, clearly confused.
"Baby, I miss TVs. I miss modern, mass produced comfy couches. I miss the depleted unsustainable economy of a life you probably never saw."
"I miss cheap beer and overly salty peanuts and wings smothered in addictive sauce." You sighed, almost shuddering.
Rosie sat there for a moment, clearly confused before asking bluntly.
"If thats all it is, then why all the secrey darling?"
You gave another awkward smile, scratching your head. "Well, I know you don't like the 'false decadence of a unurned age of self indulgent walfwits', and I don't want you to, I don't know. I didn't want you to feel like I was choosing the cheap, crapy food and drink over you."
You finished solemnly, looking to the floor.
Rosie, seeing this sighed, reaching out before pulling you in close. "I'm sorry for thinking you were cheating darling."
You chuckled, telling her in turn. "And I'm sorry for not telling you darling. I promise, I'll be more honest from now on."
Rosie chuckled, and you leaned in for a kiss.
Before your lips met however, she pressed a finger to your lips, telling you bluntly.
"I'm not kissing you while your breath stinks of beer and cigarettes."
To which you broke into laughter, stumbling to your knees, head in her lap, giggling away.
"I love you Rose baby~" You purred, looking up at her.
Rosie just smiled back, running her hand through your hair.
"I love you too darling... even if you are an idiot."
The both of you breaking into laughter, you simply laying there, a pleasant mood filling the air.
Sir Pentious
Pentious was a mess.
Bottles of wine were strewn about his airships sitting room, the snake man sobbing as he drunkenly gulped wine from a bottle.
He'd wipe his face, forearm already soaked through with tears.
"Why doth you need to be a loutous betrayer!" He yelled.
It was perhaps his most unique quirk. The man liking to incorrectly imitate old Shakespearian speech when drunk, often saying thing that sounded almost right, but most certainly weren't.
Hed lay there, wallowing in self pity for who knows how long until you'd finally find him. Having searched the house you'd find the empty wine rack, already knowing something was wrong.
And while you'd already checked every place in the manor before, the trail of wine bottles had given his 'sactuary' away.
Youd knock on the steel door before gently sliding it open.
"Hello dear..." You began, staring at the wiggling mass of snake that splaid out before you. "Is everything alright?" You asked softly.
The snake snapped towards you, grabbing you, before throwing you onto the fainting couch he had splaid out.
Youd blush as he drunkenly scowled.
"Ooooooh~ like you don't know!" He drunkenly slurred. "Like you don't know why I'm drinking, you and that *hic* man... that bastard you've been seeing."
To which you'd stare at him, blushing as he leered over you.
Rubbing your face, you'd sigh, leaning forwards and gently cupping his face.
"Penty... he's a tailor." You sighed softly. "I'd never cheat on you."
You finished, but the snake simply stared at you for several moments, processing.
"Tailor... but what about all the... well I saw you undress?" He stated, conflicted.
Youd sigh, gently slipping out from under him ast you stepped out of the room.
Pentious would gulp down the rest of his bottle before you stepped in.
Youd be wearing a rather skimpy, of seductive, version of his outfit. The piece just covering enough to be seen in public, though obviously meant for the bedroom.
"I uh, I thought it'd be fun for... ya know... the bedroom~"
Pentious, red faced, smirked. His body recoiled, priming for a strike, and with the finesse of a heavily intoxicated snake, he snatching you up once more, throwing you onto his bundles up tail, his long lower form gripping you, holding you down.
"Well... I guess I've got to punish you~" He purred, leaning in.
"P-punish me?" You stuttered, face flushed as the man pinned your arms above your head.
Pentious smirking, face flushed lightly as he leaned in, hot breath on your neck as he purred.
"Of coursssssse~" she hissed, tongue flicking your neck. "You run around, scaring me to death~ Making me think the worst. "
His hands ran down your chest, tail sizing as it held you down, leaning in close before smirking, hot, wine tainted breath on your neck as he suddenly bit you.
Youd moan, the man injecting just enough venom to get you high. A speciality of Pentious', the man having used his vemon on your more then once~
But now, he was smirking, domineering you with little effort, tail bound, venom high, he'd trail kisses down your body, kissing you all over.
Youd be at his mercy, the man teasing, torturing you with the promise of pleasure, making you submit to him.
By the end of the night, you'd be a quivering, gasping and moaning mess, Pentious smirking victoriously as you lay besides him, face red, bite marks littering your body as you softly moaned and writhed in pleasure.
With a sadistic smirk covering his face, your legs wrapped around his snake hips, he'd lean in, whispering as he always did when in control.
"Don't worry darling... I'm not halfway close to being done with you~" He purred.
Valentino was not happy.
You were deceiving him. Lying to him.
And that could not stand. He was out of the loop. And he hated being out of the loop.
Well that wasn't entirely true.
Truth was, you were telling him you were doing one thing, while you actually did something else.
Though he want sure why you bothered with the deception. He had more informants and eyes then anyone in Pentagram.
Well, except maybe Vox, man had eyes in almost every damn device in Pride, so he probably had him beat in that department.
But well, he knew you'd done something involving your anniversary. More then likely relating to a gift for him.
Though he'd intentionally not found out what it was, the man still liking some surprises in his life.
He'd watch you "sneak" into his penthouse, you smiling and giggling like an idiot. The man smiling as he watched you 'sneak' into his penthouse, covering something in your coat
"Welcome home darling." He spoke smoothly, smiling as you froze in place.
Youd turn suddenly, hiding thr gift behind your back.
"H-hey! Val! Baby! Didn't, uh, I didnt know you were home." You spoke awkwardly, scratching your cheek awkwardly.
You smiled a broad, awkward smile.
Val held back a smile, flushed with adoration, but couldn't express it, not wanting to let you on.
"I know." He spoke coldly, snuffing his cigarette before standing, you shrinking under his imposing form.
Reaching into his coat, you leaned back, eyes closed, expecting the worse.
"Happy anniversary sweetheart."
Opening your eyes, you'd find his hand extended, a white box with a big red bow atop it.
Staring at it for a moment, you'd look up at him with a cocked brow. The man simply smiling back, giving a little smile of his own.
Suddenly it snapped into place.
"OH!" You gasped, almost jumping in place.
Holding the present you'd turn rigid, before slumping, looking down you spoke glumly.
"Oh... Well... I'm guessing you know what this is then?"
Val just chuckled, reaching out and cupping your chin. "A gift. Anything else? I'm in the dark." He finished smoothly.
Youd release a relieved sigh, hand to your chest. Looking up at him you'd smile, leaning in and kissing his cheek before looking down at your present.
"Here, hold this." You told him, holding the present out to him.
Taking it from you, he watched as you turned around, lifting the rectangular present up, before carrying it into the other room.
When he tried to follow, you'd call back. "Nu-uh! No peeking! I'll tell you when you can come in."
To which he just chuckled, rolling his eyes as he leant against the door frame.
And so, standing there for a minute or two he'd wait for you, hearing you as you scrambled around, something glass shattering, your little mumbles and curses making him chuckle.
And so, after some waiting you'd call out.
"Come in."
After which hed step in, looking around the room until he spotted something on the wall. It was obviously your gift, covered in some sheet.
And so, turning to you, he'd give you your gift again, which you subsequently placed down, eagerly leading him to your gift.
Normally, he would have taken great insult at that, but given he was as interested in seeing your gift, as you were excited for him to see it, he decided to let it slide.
And so, with an eager nod from you, he'd tear the sheet off, the man stupefied.
It was him. Or well, a painting of him, and a handsome one at that. It was him sat back, his ever present luxurious coat complementing his stern face as he smoked a cigarette.
He stared at it for several moments before he turned to you, you utterly shaking in excitement.
"Do you like it?!" You asked, almost bursting at the seems.
"No." He spoke bluntly. He let it hang in the air for just a moment. Before reaching an arm out, he'd twirl you into his grasp, the man planting a deep passionate kiss. "I love it~"
Hearing it your smile came back in full force.
"Well that's good, cause I painted it." You spoke with a goofy giggle, puffing out your chest all proudly.
Now that took him off guard.
The man showing a rare flash of surprise, as he snapped between you and the portrait, That flash of surprise enough to make you giggle up a storm.
"Yyyyyep!" You grinned. "All those 'outings' were lessons. Been seeing this professional artist for lessons and now-"
You turned proudly, smiling at the present.
"I think I did the source material justice."
Val stood there for a minute, before the man scratched his cheek, telling you in a playful voice. "Well, for once I think my gift is outclassed."
Hearing that you'd release a gentle snort, rolling your eyes.
Picking up his gift, you'd step forwards, gently cupping his cheek. "Dont worry baby, its from you. I know ill love it."
Val smiled, gently kissing your palm as you pulled back, letting you open the gift.
It was a small red box, the words 'Love you forever~' etched into the top, the smooth rosey wood that expensive kind of glossy.
Opening said gift, you'd find a rather beautiful golden locket, the simple gold heart having the words 'My Love Forever~'. "Oh, babe, it's beautiful." You gushed, hand to your chest.
Val stepped forwards, still surprisingly meek as he took it from your hand, binding it around your neck before pulling up up, holding it in his palm as he showed it off. The man easily opening it open to reveal images inside.
The left was a beautiful image of you and Val in a loving embrace, you recognised it from one of your first dates. It was a good memory.
And in the right, well, let's just say it was a raunchy image of a very undressed Val, the man smiling a very Val like smile.
And so, clicking the locket closed, you smiled, taking his hand in your own.
"Ya know... I've been wanting to do one of you in your 'natural glory' for a while now~" you spoke, making sure your intention couldn't be missed.
"But first." You began, grabbing his fuzzy collar, pulling him towards the bedroom. "But first, I think I need some... physical refrences~"
Val, simply smirked, man shedding his coat as you made it to the bed, where the two of you... tried out some positions for your next piece.
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johnwickb1tsch · 10 months
John Wick x You │Tarasov's Daughter
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You are the eldest daughter of Viggo Tarasov. You’re smart enough to take over the family business, but you’ve always been overlooked because you’re a girl (their loss). But John Wick sees you. In fact he saw a lot of you, once, when he’d been your bodyguard for a brief time during a turf war back in the day. You’re not sure who seduced who really, but you’ve never forgotten the feeling of his big hands digging into your hips or his teeth in your shoulder while he fucked you against the marble top of your bathroom sink, watching you go to pieces for him in the mirror. Maybe he was even your first! You seethed with jealousy when you heard he left the Underworld to get married to a nice normal American lady and settle down in domestic bliss. You were actually allowed to DO that? No one in this life ever really got out. You can’t help but think that you could have made him just as happy as some boring middle-aged photographer. Helen. What a stupid name. So when the shit hits the fan after your dumbass brother Iosef disrespects John Wick (and kills his dog, what the actual fuck?) you wonder if John will come after you.
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Pick your poison: Canon!John Wick │ Dark!John Wick │ Yandere!John Wick
18+, all the warnings, dead dove do not eat! Predator kink, size kink, kidnapping, dub-con, brat taming, dark!john, mean!John, yandere!John , jesus fucking crist tumblr u have broken me…🙃
Canon!John Wick
John doesn’t hurt women unless they are really REALLY giving him no choice (Looking at you, Perkins!). But you are the means to his end, so he doesn’t hesitate to take you for bait for Iosef and your father’s men. He is raw and back in full predator mode after taking a hiatus for five years. Of COURSE you piss him off, and when you try to escape he snaps. He still calls you moya milaya printcessa (my sweet princess)tho while he fucks you against the wall with his hand on your throat. When the idiots your father employs do finally come for you John kills them all, and your brother, and your uncle after taking back his car. He lets you go, and a part of you forever wishes that he’d kept you…
Dark!John Wick
You were always such a fucking brat back when he had to watch over you, and finally he can get his revenge. When you mouth off he undoes his tie and uses it to gag you, something he’s always wanted to do, and as you watch him whip off his belt with such calculated flourish you are practically sliding off your chair. He bends you over his knee, the way someone should have a long time ago, and he taunts you when he finds you’re soaking with slick in between whipping you. Is it just you, or is he not hitting you half as hard as he could tho? You don’t know and you don’t care, you’re 98 percent sure you’re not getting out of this alive, so you at least want to die having had his magnificent manhood inside you one last time. You are delirious by the time he soothes the welts on your ass with the light touch of his fingers. “Are you going to be my good little girl now?” he demands as he tosses you on the bed like you’re just a ragdoll. Like he wants to hear your reply, he removes his tie from your mouth.
“If you fill me up with that big beautiful cock of yours.”
He laughs at you, and you get the feeling he’s delighted by your sass, even in this cruel mood. “You don’t get to make the demands anymore, milaya.” He slaps your thighs apart and goes down on you, licking you relentlessly, bringing you to the edge again and again but never letting you cum.
“Please, please, please,” you beg and tears stream down your face as finally you watch him undo his pants. He has utterly broken you.
“You always were such fucking whiner,” he hisses, pulling your hair hard as he plunges himself inside your swollen cunt. You hate him for how good it feels as he fills every last inch and corner of you, and if you ever get your hands free you’re so going to make him pay for this.
Yandere!John Wick
John always carried a torch for you, but you were so off limits. The boss’s daughter. A sure death sentence, but it almost would have been worth it. He’d thought about you constantly for a good long while, your beauty and your body was burned into his brain, but then he met Helen, and that fire smoldered to red hot coals he kept in the back room of his twisted black heart. But when Iosef starts shit there is absolutely nothing to stop him from taking what he’s always wanted. He’ll make you his perfect little pet, one last bit of revenge against the Tarasovs for disrespecting him after all he’d done for them.
When you see him materialize from the shadows in the mirror behind you, you try to go for the gun you keep in the top drawer of your vanity. You’re half certain he’ll kill you for it, but you’re y/n Viggovna Fucking Tarasov, and you will not fucking beg like your little bitch of a brother undoubtedly did. You’re not surprised when he manages to disarm you in the blink of an eye. You wait for the blade in your throat or the gunshot in your gut but he just holds you in those inexorably strong arms, looking down at you with those burning dark eyes. He’s so tall, he’s so much bigger than you and that always turned you on.
“You’re mine now, printcessa.”
You know you’ve always been his but you hate being helpless. He kisses you hard, unforgivingly, possessively, and you try to bite him but he knocks you out with a headbutt. Ouch!
You wake up in a luxuriously appointed room that you just know in your gut is now your new prison. Wick is no fool. There are digital locks on the doors. There are windows that you know will be unbreakable. Your hands are bound above your head, and though you try to worm free it’s impossible. After a while John enters, straddling you on the bed. Even though your legs are free his weight pins you down, you are trapped, and you’re embarrassingly certain he can feel the heat that’s pooling between your legs for it. His face is covered in cuts, his knuckles are torn. He’s been through Hell, but he came out the other side, the way you begrudgingly knew he would. “Your family’s dead,” he tells you. “No one’s coming for you.” He doesn’t really seem to take any joy in it, his handsome face stoic as stone. “You belong to me now, and I hope your father rolls over in his grave every time I defile you.”
You try not to enjoy it while he rails you into the soft mattress, or when he touches you while he does it, his long fingers so exacting. He is a master of manipulating the human body, for pain or for pleasure. You think he makes you cum out of ownership over anything remotely tender, but he makes you see God so often it almost feels like he cares about you. He becomes your dark deity, the altar you worship on, even if just in the deepest depths of your heart. You still have some pride.
You still try to fight and still try to run, even though he punishes you every time. Maybe you’re made bold by the fact that he hasn’t killed you, where he killed everyone else. They were kind of assholes though. John kept you, after all, and you can’t fault his taste. You think he secretly loves the chase, maybe even admires you for fighting him when there really is no hope. He loves reminding you who is in charge though too, and on nights when he’s in a particular mood you know you won’t be able to sit without feeling it for a week.
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tokischaaaaa · 1 month
a story reader being friends with hamzah before and during 4freakshow? but like reader is like in love with hamzah, but doesn’t want to make it obvious
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dumbass 🐀
!hamzah x !latina reader
notes!!: we making y/n and hamzah reallly blind to really obvious shit 🙂‍↕️
warnings: cursing, fluff ig
word count: 3.4k!!!! *longest yet**
y/n and hamzah were newly graduated high school students. they both shared the interest of not going to college, and that’s what led them to meet at a party hosted by a mutual friend.
as for plans after high school, y/n had moved out of her parents place and was living in a hotel room until she could find a place within her budget.
hamzah on the other hand, he was living with his friend, aaron. aaron was working as a streamer, it somewhat paid the bills but for the most part did. hamzah helped by working at a corner market he had been working at since junior year.
however he had admirations for something bigger, something more fun; rather than working at a corner market that had middle aged men come in all the time.
hamzah already had somewhat of a following on tiktok due to his short yet humorous videos. he assumed that the following could be useful in the future if he wanted a job that would allow him to be creative and his funny self.
both of the young adults, who were now free from their guardians, were looking for everything all at once. they both expected to have a great time at the party, but that wasn’t the case.
y/n was found on the back porch sipping her party punch, she couldn’t help but gag every time the red liquid hit her lips.
“it’s like tasting the koolaid man’s werid uncle.” a voice said behind y/n.
she turned around and saw a young man with dark curly hair, a black long sleeve shirt. aswel as baggy jeans and some white airforces.
“yeah more like the creation process of the koolaid man.” y/n smirked.
right there, they kept making jokes about the koolaid man and the horrible punch that tasted like battery acid. they had clicked instantly, expressed their current position in the journey of adulthood.
as hamzah spoke about his admiration for finding a job for creativity and being himself, y/n couldn’t help but become distracted, she couldn’t deny the fact that she was attracted to hamzah.
his courage to come up to her and make such a bad yet perfect joke to spark the conversation between the two was magnificent. and also the fact that he wasn’t looking for a quick fuck or make out session made y/n feel like she struck gold. but she couldn’t deny the fact that she kind of wished he could ask her out or anything!
“what about streaming? you can be yourself then, and you said that you also do the tiktok thing.” y/n proposed playing with her necklace.
hamzah was quiet for a moment then embraced y/n in a tight hug.
“holy shit! your a genius, uhh-“
“y/n,” she smiled
“hamzah.” he smiled back and hugged her again.
the rest of the night was filled with laughter and teasing between the two, hamzah felt as if he found the female version of him, she completed him, and his sentences, she was able to provide him with the little bits of knowledge he lacked when making decisions.
he couldn’t deny that he felt a deeper connection to her, but his charisma bar ran out, he couldn’t ask her out, then she’d think he’d want something from her.
thankfully y/n had sipped enough of the horrible party punch that she was able to have the courage to ask for his number as the party came to an end.
“where you staying at hamzah?” y/n asked as she plugged her number into his phone.
“around oakwood, so like 30 minutes from here. what about you?” he asked
“oh shit! same, kinda. i’m staying at a hotel on riverside right now so i’m like 15 away.”
“wow, how’s that going?”
“it’s a.. expirence!” she laughed.
once the two said goodbye and hopped in their ubers, hamzah was more than excited to text y/n. he was hoping that she sent her real not a fake one, since he had talked her ear off he wouldn’t be surprised if she faked it.
his finger hovered over the send button, he didn’t want to seem desperate, but he kind of was since he had such a great conversation with y/n.
aaron couldn’t help but smirk at hamzahs nervousness over a text. he elbowed hamzah which led to his thumb to touch the send button.
“dude what the fuck?” hamzah groaned.
“i’m just helping you out buddy.” aaron smiled.
y/n had just arrived back at her hotel, she jumped on her bed and fell asleep moments later. too exhausted to check her phone, she could blame the alcohol for her drowsiness but she could blame hamzah too for talking so much. but she couldny blame him, he meant good, the alcohol on the other hand didn’t and would lead to a pounding headache the next day.
the next day, around the afternoon, sleeping beauty y/n finally awoke. she jumped to check her phone as the memories of last night came back into her head, she checked messages and saw the message she was waiting to see
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she laughed when she saw his texts that followed, she quickly typed a response to his worrisome texts.
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once the two met up, the energy had been restored. y/n and hamzah kept teasing each other , cracking jokes, and making funny noises.
the errand run was a complete success between the two, hamzah was able to pick up everything he needed and y/n was able to pick up on hamzahs likes and dislikes. she was sure to use that information in the future.
as their first official hangout was coming to an end, y/n let hamzah know her schedule as well did hamzah, she showed him her hotel (from the outside), since hamzahs hands were full with groceries. they were going to make sure to see each other again, somehow someway.
y/n became a nervous wreck when she got back to her apartment, she couldn’t deny now that her crush for hamzah got bigger after this hangout. but she decided to push it to the side, not wanting to screw up the connection they already shared.
over the next few weeks, hamzah and y/n would meet up every few days. y/n met hamzahs roommate, and hamzah saw y/n’s hotel. they would talk, a lot. order food and talk for hours or watch tv together. hamzah and y/n couldn’t deny that there was something there but neither of them would say anything about the subject.
as for hamzah’s newly created twitch account, the followers were increasing by each stream. hamzah let y/n know about the success of his streams, but she couldn’t help but realize how long his streams had been getting, they weren’t hanging out as much.
y/n started to get jealous and it was getting harder for her to hide it, she missed hamzah, she missed his presence. however, hamzah being so infatuated with this new freedom he craved he wouldn’t respond to y/n’s texts.
her texts of asking how hamzah was, if he was okay, how stream is going, asking when they could hangout again, would all become ignored by hamzah. hamzah had been meeting new friends through streaming and eventually did group streams with his newly established group, freakshow. hamzah had forgotten about the person that made him enjoy freedom, y/n.
y/n felt absolutely shitty, she felt played, and portrayed as if she was desperate. she thoght she found someone who matched her, she was right in the beginning, but she was so far off. she wouldn’t ghost someone like this and leave them in the dust like this, even if she was busy. she was absolutely disappointed and disgusted in hamzah.
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one day while hamzah was streaming he got a call from y/n, it took him by surprise. he quickly realized how long it had been since they had talked. he quickly muted stream and answered the call.
“y/n? hi, how’ve you been?”
“shit, well sleepy.” y/n’s words are slightly slurred.
“y/n are you drunk?” hamzah asked with concern.
“why does it matter to you, your a dick .” y/n snaps.
“what do you mean? are you ok?”
“your blind hamzah, blind, blind, blind! just like stevie wonder!” she yelled into the phone, a hurl could be heard from her, she quickly ended the call.
this left hamzah completely distraught, does he go to her house and see what happened? or does he continue stream?
he decided to put his job aside and check on y/n, he unmuted stream and let his viewers know that he had to leave for his own reasons.
he quickly ended stream and grabbed his keys and drove to y/n’s apartment.
as hamzah was driving towards y/n’s hotel he couldn’t help but realize how he had missed time with her, how he hadnt seen her in a while. he wondered what happened, then it hit him. it was him, he was the reason for the fun that stopped.
it felt like a slap when the guilt hit him. he realized why y/n had called him a dick but not the blind part. as least he knows why he called her one thing, the other thing is for another day, he thought.
as he got to her hotel, the front desk asked who he was to y/n, “frie— boyfriend!” he blurted out, taking himself by surprise.
the front desk woman nodded and let him upstairs. the time hamzahs was waiting to get to her room in the elevator, nerves hit him. he was worried about what he was going to walk into, but he had no choice but to put that aside, just as y/n had as they hung out.
hamzah banged on the door several times, until y/n opened it weakly with one arm and the rest of her body on the floor.
“y/n! shit! what happened!” hamzah said trying to lift y/n up.
“life. and failed expectations.” y/n hummed.
hamzah grunted as he carried y/n bridal style to her bedroom, y/n could’ve melted right there. oh how she wished she was sober to experience this and really remember it.
hamzah laid her on her bed, “shit, what do i get you?” he said under his breath. y/n was now looking up at her ceiling, absolutely fucked up.
hamzah was about to leave her bedroom to grab her some water before y/n asked,
“hamzah do you hate me?”
“no! why would you ask that?”
“you left me, no call no answer.” she mumbled.
“what did you say y/n?” hamzah asked getting closer to the bed.
y/n was silent for a few moments before hurling her brains out, thankfully in a bucket that just so happened to be next to her bed.
“ah shit! y/n here let me help you.” hamzah said trying to pull her hair back.
y/n instantly rejected him, “get out hamzah.” she cried.
“what? what did i do?” hamzah asked taken aback.
“you, your the problem, your the do, get the fuck out!” she screamed.
hamzah knew it was better than to argue with her, especially if she was drunk. he felt helpless, he walked outside her room. his heart sunk as he left the hotel.
as hamzah got into his car and started driving, the memory of y/n calling him blind kept repeating in his head.
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hamzah decided to give y/n space, this time with his awareness. he didn’t know what had gotten into her, what caused her to kick him out so aburptly.
as the days got longer for hamzah since lack of sleep, due to the repeating question, “what am i blind to?”
y/n had stopped completely texting hamzah altogether, she decided to stop contacting him and having him in her head. she focused on work, she took more hours so she could be distracted from the time lost from being ‘played’ by hamzah. she was able to rent her first apartment, she was extremely proud of herself, but there was a part of herself that wanted to celebrate this big moment with hamzah.
with work, and now moving she easily became overwhelmed and she developed a cold due to overworking her body. a friend from work had stopped by and told her to not get back to work until she was fully recovered.
though y/n was stubborn she gave in and took time for herself and for her body to fully recover. however it was hard since she still had to keep making trips to the hotel she stayed at previously to move them into her new apartment.
work wise for hamzah.. there’s been a recent spike in viewers for freakshow. so he’s been enjoying making content and building friendships with chase, haley, and claire. some of the clips from their livestreams have gone viral which was great for hamzah but not so good for y/n.
as she was on bedrest, she opened instagram swiped through people’s stories but her throat started to close as she saw hamzahs.
it was a repost of someone’s story, the repost was a video of a girl yelling “i’m in love with hamzah!” and then the video transitioned into a poorly edited video of that girl and hamzah with the words ‘hamley’ across the screen. hamzah placed 🥺���🥺 emojis ontop of the repost.
that broke y/n. this whole time she was trying to suppress her feeling of missing hamzah but now she couldn’t suppress it anymore, this feeling now combined with anger made y/n start sobbing uncontrollably. she didn’t even think about questioning the poorly made edit, she didn’t want to ask questions, because all her questionea were answered. hamzah played her.
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meanwhile 👀,
hamzah just ended another successful freakshow stream but was still on call with the other 3 members to chit chat.
however the others were talking about something that didn’t interest hamzah so he went on his phone and checked on his story. he decided to dabble on the viewers, it always excited him as the numbers rose, and the witty responses from his followers.
however he felt his throat dry up as he saw y/n’s account. hamzah’s caught off guard and remains silent for a while until chase asks,
“hamzah what’s on your mind?”
hamzah looks up at the camera , “na i was checking my story viewers and i saw this girl that i used to be really close with.”
“so what happpened?” claire asked.
“we used to hang out almost any day we were both free, talk and shit then i got busy with streaming. but like a few weeks ago she drunk called me and then she got sick and i tried to help her but she yelled at me to get out. very confusing.” hamzah shrugged.
“holdup hamzah, was it my story you reposted?” haley asked biting the inside of her cheek.
“yes, why.” hamzah says dumbfounded.
claire, haley, and chase share the same irritated expression towards hamzah.
“why what happened?” hamzah asks
“where you close , ‘close’ with her?” chase asks
“yea we used to hang out every week.”
“you fucked up, big time.” claire blurts out.
“hamzah, did she ever… text you like how was your day, check in on you? possibly tell you deep stuff? compliment you?”
“yeah, where’s this leading to?” hamzah asks
“hamzah she likes you, or did like you.” chase says.
“what do you mean? how?” hamzah cried, not being able to believe what he’s hearing.
“ she trusted yourself !! that’s how!” the 3 scream at hamzah.
“really? i didn’t know if she liked me? i thought she was just being nice.”
“no!” the 3 yell again
“ok jeesh. what do i do now?”
“do you like her?”
“yeah, like since we met at the party our energy clicked. we got along really well but like i didn’t know if she wanted to be more than friends.”
“hamzah your a fucking dumbass.” claire yells at hamzah.
it takes a few moments before everything registers in hamzahs brain completely.
then, he realizes what he has to do.
he quickly says bye to everyone on call and grabs his keys and wallet and runs to his car.
as hamzahs driving to y/n’s hotel it starts to pour hard. as he try’s to run inside to her hotel but his head becomes drenched in the rain.
he runs to the front desk and asks the woman there for y/n.
“sorry sir, she doesn’t live here anymore.”
hamzahs heart sinks.
“however she does stop by frequently to move her items here to her new apartment. here i’ll give you this spare key to see if she’s here.” she smiles.
hamzah is absolutely greatful to the elder woman, “just come back in 45 minutes so my boss isn’t suspicious.” she smiles as she hands him the spare key.
as he’s inside the elevator his heart is racing, he doesn’t know what to expect, he’s hopeful that she’s there but doubtful, he doesn’t want to be late as he was all the other times he was to her subtle hints.
he heads upstairs, to see if her room is open so he can maybe catch her to say something.
as he gets upstairs he can’t see her, he sighs in defeat and as he’s about to leave.
“hamzah. what the fuck are you doing here?”
“y/n i need to explain everything, i’m so sorry, i was so fucking blind, and such a pussy.” he starts.
“continue.” y/n says crossing her arms.
“fuck, y/n i like you, i liked you since i saw you at that party. i saw you weren’t liking it there and neither was i, i wanted to be around you, make you feel better. after time you made me feel great and reestablished a feeling that i haven’t felt since i got out of my house, freedom. but so much of that shit fucked up what was between us.”
“y/n i now understand why you called me blind, i was blind to that fact that your kindness was out of a deep connection we had, a feeling we both shared.”
y/n stayed silent for a few moments before saying, “what about your girlfriend? hamely?” she said rolling her eyes.
hamzah couldn’t help but burst out laughing, “y/n that’s a fake ship name, the group i work with, we made that up so it would add more viewers. it’s all fake, trust. also, she lives in california and has a boyfriend.”
y/n’s stern face dropped. she approached hamzah a year started to roll off of her cheeks.
“hamzah, im sorry.” she said.
“i should be the one apologizing y/n, i should’ve had your feelings into consideration. that’s all on me, let me make it up to you. let me take you out. please.”
y/n stares at him, “you gonna ghost me after?”
hamzah gets closer to y/n, he takes her hands into his, “never.” he says and puts his hand onto her jawline and kisses her deeply.
“again.” she says as she breaks the kiss.
hamzah smiles, his wet curls blocking his eyes but he doesn’t care, he can see clear now, clear that y/n was really his other half, his person.
hamzah holds his arms out and gets closer to y/n, his wet shirt clinging to his body. his smile widens as he gazes into her eyes, feeling the warmth between them despite the cool dampness of his clothes. without saying a word, he wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a tender embrace.
the scent of rain lingers in the air as their bodies press together, and he whispers softly, "i’ve never been more certain of anything. you’re everything i’ve been looking for, y/n".
“sorry for being such a dumbass.”
“it’s okay, you’re my dumbass, i can handle it.” she smiles.
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mageofgoobygrove · 2 months
Look After You (Baldur’s Gate 3)
A little something while I await for requests. Hope you enjoy! (8/2: i’m a dumbass, today was so unnecessarily hectic that i almost forgot to post. forgive me 🙈)
Gale Dekarios/Tav
(Featuring — Tara)
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"Surely he should be here by now, Mrs. Dekarios?"
Gale almost sighed in deep relief when he heard Tara's voice. He stood outside of his tower just about to murmur the right words to unlock the front door. Because it was locked by magic rather than a mechanism, it took you some time to learn how it functioned. Magic wasn't your specialty, just as his wasn't swinging a blade.
Although this was an uncommon ground, it was days such as these that made him appreciate it. Coming home from teaching wild, ruthless prodigies was more than enough magic for one day.
The lock clicked once Gale commanded it. When he pushed the door open, he was met with his Tressym ready to greet him.
"Mr. Dekarios!" Tara said with surprise, more than was necessary. Before Gale could speak, she began making her rounds between his legs. She sniffed at his scorched pants and took note of the dark footprints on the matt below before stepping back.
Gale knew better than to try and move.
"What a state to return in! Who did this to you?"
"Tara, please," Gale begged in a whisper. "I will explain everything if you'd so kindly help me get to the bedroom."
"You reek of smoke, Mr. Dekarios." Tara explained flatly, "there is no sneaking around the tower."
Tara interrupted with a loud shout. "Mrs. Dekarios!"
Gale had exactly six seconds before you'd see his singed appearance. Each second went by too quickly for his liking as he considered every option he had. First, there was the thought of an illusion spell. A quick wave of his hands (as you tended to describe it) and the magic word would save him from embarrassment. If you were easy to trick. Second came the grand idea to dash off and find a cover.
"You cannot hide this, Mr. Dekarios. And do not dare move, you will stain the floor."
"Well," Gale weakly shot back, "worse has happened in this tower."
At that moment, you rounded the corner and went in for a hug. Your smile quickly disappeared when you caught sight of the black, powdery substance all over Gale. Before you could touch him, you reeled back. Gale smiled as you took in his messy state.
"Am I glad to see you."
Gale hardly moved as you reached up and rubbed the powder from around his eyes. It hardly budged, but you were far more stubborn. He hummed with content at the small gesture.
"I can hardly see you, dearest," you laughed as his skin began to show. In a more softer tone, you asked, "I assume class went as planned?"
“The first hour? Oh, it was magnificent.” Gale explained as you reached down to Tara. She had left and returned with a damp cloth between her canines. It made progress much easier has you gently wiped his face.
“We delved deeper into the arcane, between electric cities and heatwaves. One asked me to demonstrate a fireball, which I rejected the idea immediately. Safety first, I said, when it could be practiced. Unleashing a fireball in a room full of young students is undoubtedly a quick path to losing my job.”
You hummed for him to continue. Tara instructed for him to undress before setting off to find something to cover him with. You took a step back as he started with his boots and worked his way up.
“So,” Gale waited for Tara to be out of earshot. If she heard, she would be attending class the next day with him. She would surely lecture his students about their actions until the end of time. And even after. “A little Clem Amakiir decided to present for me. At me.”
Your focus was wavered. While defiance at Blackstaff wasn’t new, a student attacking your husband was.
“Surely it was an accident.” Those children better pray it was.
Gale chuckled. “The fireball? No. No, that was completely intentional. To aim towards me…that was the mistake. At least I’m hoping it was. I suppose if my students wanted to kill me, it would’ve happened by now.”
Before you could scold him for his words, Tara returned. Her wings were stretched out as she carried clean robes for the wizard.
“Thank you, Tara.” Gale reached for the clothes on her back.
“I shall attend class with you tomorrow,” Tara stated as Gale redressed himself. “Allow me to teach those children obedience.”
“That is most unnecessary,” Gale dismissed, positive that Tara overheard him despite his careful volume. “They’re simply eager to learn! I cannot punish them for having a hunger for knowledge.”
“You can punish them for an attack, Mr. Dekarios.”
“What do you think?” Gale sighed as he looked over to you. As he struggled with the last hooks on the robe, you came to help. “I say, let them off with a warning.”
“Perhaps Tara is right.” You commented, “you have a hard time disciplining, Gale. Let her help you.”
“They’re not psychopathic,” Gale tried to defend.
“One is.”
Gale held back a laugh with a scoff. “She needs guidance. From her professor.”
You looked up and met his gaze. He was watching you hook the clasps, which was something he always fought with. But you could do it right, each and every time. He smiled at you, “you’re a natural.”
“Oh, do not change the subject!” Tara caught on.
Gale almost had forgotten she was there. Everytime he caught a glimpse of you, everything else would fade into milky darkness. As you pressed a kiss to his cheek, he peered back down at Tara. “I’ll think about it, Tara. Now may I relax with my dear wife?“
Tara squinted at him, “you may, Mr. Dekarios.“
Gale shivered as she walked away. With Tara on her own, he wrapped his arms around your waist and turned his attention toward you. He was looking forward to anything and everything that didn’t involve magic, for sometime.
“How do I look?”
You fixed his collar with a grin. “I’ll allow the mirror to answer.”
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
Keep doing it
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x reader
Word Count: 1,3k
Synopsis: Satoru loves coming to your office everyday to finally win your heart. But it seems like you're more subborn than he thinks.
Warnings: language, a little bit of spice
„Fuck, you’re so annoying. What are you doing here Satoru?”
The smoke of your cigarette swirls around your frames and blocks his view of your lovely figure for a brief moment. It was almost a ritual now that Gojo Satoru would show up at your office at least once a day to sit cross-legged in the chair in front of your desk. Today is just another day of you knowing exactly why he’s here. It’s driving you insane to be honest. How many time have you told that dumbass you’re not interested in him, especially not a senseless affair? You’re a businesswoman after all. Your business is booming, the money is flowing, your reputation precedes you. You know full well that he only wants you as a trophy. Oh, but you are way more than that.
 “Why are you so cold, (y/n)? My offer is always fair, a businesswoman like you should know that.”
“Gojo”, you sign.
You sink into your chair and press your fingers on your temple. That man surely gives you a headache.
“Fucking with you because ‘you are the best’ is probably the worst offer I ever received. If you’re not here to make me a serious proposal, I’m sure you know where to find the door. Maybe I should lock the entrance in the future.”
“No door in the world can keep me from you, lovely (y/n). Also, you are making money off innocent souls who will give you loads of cash for you to cast out their curses. Your skills would be better off with the jujutsu academy. You’d be a great teacher by my side”, he casually blurts out while sliding his glasses down his nose just enough so you can catch a glimpse of his hypnotizing gaze.
You can’t help but let out a pejorative laugh. Gojo’s heart almost skips a beat when your delightful curves get up from your chair and you bend over your desk, your lovable face just inches away from his indigent lips. Oh, how many times he imagined this lovely sight, the only thing missing is his frame behind you and his hands gripping your hair firmly.
“Stop being so boring and beating yourself up as a preacher, your poor students have my heart. You as a teacher is probably the nastiest thing I could ever imagine, let along working with you. Also, when it comes to women, you are probably the worst man walking on this earth. I know exactly why you are wearing glasses at the moment, Satoru. I am not one of your cheap bitches, remember that.”
“And that’s exactly the reason why I won’t let go, sweetheart.”
“Oh Gojo”, you breathe out, grabbing his neck softly while pulling him a little closer to your face.
Although you can feel the stinging sensation between your legs, you keep your cool. You know full well that he only wants to wrap you around his finger on principle. Gojo Satoru, the man that turns female heads on a regular basis, the heartthrob, the woman eater. And even if his fine-looking sight makes you curious too, you don’t want to give in. But that surely doesn’t mean that you can’t toy with him a little, too.
“I will never be yours. Mark my words”, you purr against his mouth.
Before he has the chance to close the aching gap between your lips, you push his chin away harshly and straighten up your figure again.
“I’m not gonna lie, you truly are a temptation. I would die to know if you live up to your reputation. But you’re just not worth my time and energy.”
The way you toss your hair back and spread your sweet scent around the room almost drives him insane. Damn, you truly are something else, so different from all the women he normally wraps around his finger with just one look in his magnificent eyes. But that’s exactly what makes you attractive, a pleasant challenge.
“I could convince you otherwise. Give me a minute.”                                                                
Before you can react further, you feel the heat of his big frame behind you, his fingertips just inches away from your bare skin. For a brief moment, you can’t help but close your eyes, let yourself enjoy this sweet instant for a while. Gojo is a giant man, taller than you by one and a half head, to be exact. His arms could swallow you whole. How good it must feel to press your body against his, to feel his bare skin ghost against your own.  
“Please, let me touch you”, he breathes against your outer ear.
A shiver runs down your spine before you can stop it.
“Since when do you ask for anything, Satoru?”
“I’ll keep asking about you until you finally let me in”, he mumbles intensely.
A small smile creeps around your full lips, you can’t help but tilt your head to the side just enough to catch a glimpse at his handsome face. He looks unusual flustered.
“I can’t help it, you’re just fun to mess with.”
A swift motion is enough for you to now face him fully. You have to raise your head entirely in order to get lost in his eyes again. He looks so damn fine. Instinctively, you catch your bottom lip between your teeth in excitement.
“Stop biting your damn lip like that when you really wanna reject me. You’ve been driving me crazy since the first time I saw you at that crime scene. I can clearly see and feel that you want me too, (y/n). Why are you rejecting me?”
You tilt your head to the side while your fingers trace along the buttons on his uniform.
“I like men in uniform. This one brings out your eyes perfectly”, you mumble playfully.
“I bet you’d like it more when I take it off for you”, he purrs along with a breathtaking smile.
“That’s absolutely true.”
A triumphant smile plays across his face as his lips are just a touch away from yours. You’ve thought about this moments so many times. Whenever other men try to please you, you imagine what it might feel like to have him laying on top of you, his lips caressing your body, leaving marks all over your sensitive skin. His hands must feel good holding onto your hips tightly or when they grab your neck in order to press your lips closer to his. Just a little taste of him.
But your pride can’t allow it.
“Now, get the fuck out of here. I’m waiting for a better offer”, you hush with the usual firm voice and arrogant smile.
You break away from him and drop into your chair to light a cigarette. Gojo’s heart still races drowned in adrenalin. He hasn’t felt this alive in a long time, apparently you are the only worthy opponent for him. A little giggle escapes his lips before he can stop it.
“What are you smiling about, idiot?”
“Eventually you will say yes. And until then, I’ll walk in here every fine day and annoy you, sweetheart. I’ve never experienced so much resistance from a woman before.”
“Well, apparently it’s time for your little wings to be clipped, Mr. woman connoisseur. And now get lost, I expect a customer in a few minutes and you’re stealing my clientele with your free offers”, with a swift motion of your hand you dismiss him from your office, your heart still beating fast within your chest while a wave of disappointment crushes over your body.
“Your body betrays you. I’ll be back, (y/n).”
“Do what you can’t help”, you reply dryly.
Your hands dig into the tender fresh of your tights at the thought of it. God, please keep doing it, for fuck’s sake.
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camels-pen · 8 months
(inspired by this post)
Usopp stared at the hat in Sanji's hand. He patted his head, surprised to find it bare. His memories were fuzzy after meeting that kappa kid, but he hadn't even realized he'd lost it.
Sanji shook the hat. "Well? Aren't you going to take it?"
Usopp looked up from the hat. Sanji had his face turned away.
Usopp deflated. "You're still mad at me?"
Sanji dropped his arm and the hat crumpled in his hand. "What were you thinking, running off on your own?"
"Like I said to Nami, it was an accident—the backpack wouldn't come off and sent me flying! And besides I came back—"
"Not that!"
Usopp's brows furrowed. "Then what—?"
"When I was cooking, what possessed you to fuck off on your own?"
Usopp scowled. Seriously? "Oh no," Usopp said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "You had one less cheerleader to fawn over you in your manly cooking competition. The horror." He reached for his hat. "I'll just take this and go—"
Sanji swiftly pulled it out of his reach. Usopp tried for it again and again, but Sanji kept dodging him. His grip on the hat was getting noticeably tighter.
"Sanji, quit it! Just give me my hat and you can go back to avoiding me—"
"I don't want to avoid you!" Sanji dodged another grab. "You just keep pissing me the hell off whenever I look at you!"
"How is that my fault?!" Usopp said, taking another unsuccessful swipe. "I thought we all talked this out already! And Nami's not mad anymore, so what's your problem?!"
"You wanna know what my problem is?!" Sanji grabbed a fistful of Usopp's collar and yanked him forward. "You disappeared!"
Usopp's eyes widened. Sanji had practically snarled at him, but the look on his face didn't match up: there were terrible bags under his eye. Dried blood on bitten lips.
Tears threatening to fall any moment.
Sanji deflated, his grip on Usopp's shirt loosening. "You disappeared and... and I couldn't find you."
"Damn, I really worried you, didn't I?"
"Of course you did, dumbass!" Sanji swept his arms wide. "What was I supposed to do when I saw that shitty kappa wearing your hat while you were nowhere to be found?! Shit, at one point I thought you were—" Sanji cut himself off.
Sanji brought the hat up to rest on his chest, taking a deep breath. "It doesn't matter. You're here now. You're fine." Usopp didn't know whether he was saying that for Usopp's sake or his own. "Just forget I said anything and take your hat."
He could. He certainly could. But…
The way Sanji's shoulders slumped. The way Usopp's hat was still clutched close to his chest. The way he looked awful despite them having left that island behind a few days ago.
He couldn't just leave Sanji like that.
Usopp rolled a few ideas around in his head before clearing his throat. In a posh accent he said, "Well then, good sir, I am terribly grateful to you for finding one of the most prized hats in my collection."
Sanji pursed his lips. "Usopp, just take the damn hat."
"All in due time, of course! However, oh dear,"—Usopp put his hands to his cheeks with an exaggerated gasp—"I've found myself without my beautiful attendants to aid me in adorning such a magnificent piece atop my head."
"It's truly a shame that such a thing will be collecting dust until I'm able to reunite with them again." Usopp pretended to cry into a blue handkerchief. "Oh, whatever shall I do—"
"When did you—?!" Sanji frantically patted his pockets.
Usopp grinned. "I'm well traveled you see. I've even learned a few things from a thief of legend who just so happens to be a friend of mine."
Sanji huffed. "Nami-san's generousity, huh?"
"Oh, woe is me," Usopp put the back of his hand to his forehead. "Wherever shall I find a beautiful and dependable and radiant attendant on such short notice?"
Sanji huffed. "Alright already, I got it. You don't have to lay it on so thick."
Usopp's grin widened and he bent his head as Sanji's careful fingers started to gather up his hair. Usopp closed his eyes as he felt little touches all along his hairline. He sighed at one particular feeling of a thumb rubbing circles into the skin behind his ear. Usopp gave a content sigh and Sanji chuckled. 
His hat was fitted on his head and all too soon. Sanji’s touches lingered before pulling away.
Usopp grinned up at Sanji. "Thank you, my good sir."
Sanji rolled his eyes, but responded in his own version of a posh accent and a short bow. "Of course, my dear nobleman."
They kept themselves together for a few seconds more before Usopp burst into laughter and Sanji followed suit.
Usopp couldn't apologize—couldn't promise Sanji it would never happen again. He was bound to go exploring on his own from time to time, after all. But, he could lighten the mood like this, help Sanji relax and understand that the danger had passed. That they were alive and at home on Merry's back. 
That everything was fine. At least for the moment.
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Part 3!
Werepanther!Billy Russo x Female Reader
This is @marvelmusing 's fault.
Warnings: Mentions of trauma from past parts, dream smut, more dumbass dancing.
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By every account, you should be dead.
When they'd finally been able to identify the remains of the man who'd tried to kill you and your friends, they'd discovered that his DNA had been matched with several cases that had gone cold throughout the years.
He'd been something of an expert in the matters of killing and there was no doubt in your mind that you would have never made it out of that forest alive.
If it weren't for the panther.
You're sure it was a panther now, and not a mountain lion that you had told the cops before. You'd learned how absolutely impossible it was that it had been a panther from the forest rangers that had spent weeks after searching for the magnificent creature.
Yet still, in the darkness of the night, when you were wound too tightly from work or the trauma of having been hunted, it was the panther that soothed you.
It had seen something in you, liked you, the softness of its fur on your cheek, the intelligence in its eyes, the fierceness of its protection.
It could have left you, walked away, decided not to get involved and left you to be prey, killed for whatever sick pleasure the hunter would get out of it.
Instead, the panther had looked at you, and decided that you were worth saving.
In the darkness of your room, you let out a dreamy sigh, fingers wrapping instinctively around your pendant, closing your eyes as sleep finally takes you.
You dream of it.
You're lying in a field of grass, surrounding by the brightness of the blue sky and the rushing sound of wind.
It's glorious, peaceful, and when you roll onto your side, there he is.
The panther stares easily at you, lying on his stomach, tail flicking peacefully as he looks at you.
You smile, getting closer, watching him as he watches you and makes no move to get away.
When you are close enough, lying alongside him, you finally relax.
The panther dips his head, nose pressed to your cheek affectionately, a rough lick that makes you giggle.
After a moment of silence, you decide to speak.
"I know the common idea is that big cats are dangerous," you say, fingers tracing his large paw, "but I think, if you wanted to kill me, I'd let you."
A low growling sound escapes him. Something that sends a spike of fear down your spine, makes you stiffen, and try to back away.
Before you can, he's licking softly at your cheek again, in what you sense might be an apology, like he didn't mean to make you afraid of him, but he was just upset at your words.
You raise a hand to pet the top of his head, he purrs loudly. The sound vibrates your eardrums, washes your mind with peace.
You spend long lovely minutes curled into him, enjoying where you are, the peace you feel.
When you roll away from him, it's hands that bring you back.
Real human hands, large ones that grip your hips and turn you back to face him.
You peek an eye open, and the panther isn't there anymore.
Instead, it's William, the object of your desires, looking down at you with dark eyes.
You're still not afraid, fully aware that this is a dream after all, you smile at him, parting your thighs when you feel his hand slip lower, eager to feel his touch, the scorching heat if his palm on your thigh, the slow way he trails it up to cup you between your legs.
You sigh, relaxed, basking in his quiet attention, rocking your hips into the heel of his palm.
You whine when pleasure lights up your senses. He takes his time slipping his hand beneath the waistband of your underwear. You gasp at the rough feel of his hand.
"I can't tell you how much I think about this." He murmurs softly, drawing your attention back to him.
William looks at you, studying your face intently as his fingers gently toy with your clit.
"I can't quantify it. Every waking moment, every second of sleep. All I can think about is you."
The words are a delight to hear, they make you feel so at ease.
"Maybe a thousand times. Maybe a hundred thousand. Maybe it's really just one time that's still happening because I haven't been able to stop."
He leans in, presses his nose to your jaw, takes a deep breath, groans.
"Who cares anyway- doesn't matter how many times I think about you. I'm going to think about you for the rest of my life."
You gasp at his words, your heart swells, his fingers continue to tease you, your legs shake with the torment.
You need to kiss him, raising a hand to wrap your fingers behind his neck, pulling him down, down, down-
You wake before your lips touch with a gasp.
Christ, you'd never had a dream so vivid.
You shift slightly, your cunt is dripping, aching for what it just had, a stranger's fingers playing with you.
Because that's what he was, despite the sweet words your brain had conjured, William was a stranger, a client, nothing more.
Maybe your new bout of vivid dreams stemmed from your recent move to your new apartment.
You'd done the move because you'd no longer felt safe at your old place. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but the paranoia had kept you up at night, constantly made you feel like you were being watched.
Your therapist had suggested maybe looking around for a change in scenery, and you decided that it couldn't hurt.
Your new apartment building had almost immediately set you at ease. The level of security made you feel well protected, and there was just something about it, maybe the large windows, or the fact that the walls weren't thin, something, that just made you feel at ease. Like for the first time in a while you had a space that you could make your own.
You loved it, you couldn't wait to finish unpacking.
You'd parked your car on the street, because the front door of the building was easier to get through with all your items than the garage entrance. It was just a couple of boxes and bags, things you'd asked your friends to hold on to for a moment so that you didn't have to worry about storage.
The sun had just set, and darkness was settling, there was a bit of quiet- or as quiet as New York could get anyway.
Even now, you felt watched, there was just a paranoia to being outside that you hadn't shaken from your bones. It made you afraid, it made you worry about whether your mind was really playing tricks on you or not.
You grab as many bags as possible, anxiety spiking when you hear a rustling nearby, someone was coming, someone was coming-
Someone with a familiar voice says your name.
With bags hanging off your shoulders and piled into your arms, you turn in surprise.
"Mister Russo?" You say in question, eyes widening at the sight of him.
Be cool be cool be cool.
He's dressed in- good lord- a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants.
You keep your eyes on his, trying your absolute hardest not to look down.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, trying to stop your arms from shaking from the weight of your bags.
"I live over there." He explains, turning and gesturing to the lovely townhouse right next to your apartment building.
Oh god damn what happened to never seeing him again?
He turns back to you, you gulp at the size of him, the calm expression on his face.
"You look a little overwhelmed. Is it okay if I helped you get these to wherever they're going?"
The way he phrases the question makes you moan internally, other men would just try to take your things from you without asking permission, trying to assert their strength and dominance on you with no respect for your boundaries. It was amazing to learn that William was not like that.
He was hot, and he most definitely did not like you.
You swallow, nodding, and extending some of the bags for him to hold on to.
"Are you sure?" You ask, hoping you weren't taking him from something more important.
When your fingers brush, a slow heat eases its way down your spine.
"Yes. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure." He answers easily, reaching out for you to put the last two bags into his hands.
"Um, I can carry these." You suggest, not wanting to have him carry absolutely everything for you.
He blinks, tilting his head.
"I'm assuming you're going into this building?" He asks, inclining his head in the direction of your aparment building.
When you nod, he continues.
"You'll need a hand free for the door then. I can handle one more bag." He says, extending his hand again.
Fuck, his hands were big. You wonder how he would react if you put your hand in his, instead of the little bag.
Probably shake it off and leave you here in a pile of your bags.
You slip the last bag into his hand, and he waits patiently for you to lock up your car.
When the doorman sees him, intead of making you sign him in, he simply nods his head for you to go along.
"Do you know him?" You ask curiously, when the doorman is out of earshot.
William inclines his head.
"He works for me. I manage this building's security protocols."
Right, you had a CEO carrying your bags.
You nod in understanding, stepping into the elevator when it arrives.
"I should have realised it was you, the system is set up similar to Anvil's." You look down, trying to limit the things you say to him. He was still a client after all.
"I hope that's not a bad thing."
"Definitely not!" You look up at him with widening eyes, "You're good at your job is all." You say, gulping, looking away, playing with your keys.
God, why did he have to make you so nervous?
After a moment, he speaks.
"Thank you. You're good at your job too."
You give him a genuine smile of thanks.
The elevator opens on your floor.
"Which reminds me- I hope the analysis I sent over is okay." You say, stepping out.
"Yes, my team is reviewing it now." he answers.
This is so awkward, you think, grabbing your key card to unlock the door.
"Also," he continues as you unlock the door, "I took your advice and started a small focus group on workplace etiquette. I appreciate the suggestion."
He did?
"That's good to hear," You say, taking some of the bags from him, "I was worried I'd crossed a line."
"Not at all. I appreciate people that can tell me the truth. I despise sugarcoating."
It pulls a genuine smile from you, and in return, you get a small one from him.
Truly, a work of art.
When there's nothing left in his arms, you catch him looking around your place.
"Yeah, it's pretty bare," You try to excuse the scanty look of it.
"It's lovely." He says easily, turning to look at you.
You gulp, flames licking at your cheeks.
"Thank you. For everything, sorry if I took up too much of your time."
"Don't apologise." He says.
You nod.
He takes a step toward you, you look up in surprise.
"Take it back."
"Because I was happy to help, and I don't want you to apologise for it." He takes another step until he's almost in your personal space.
"Oh, s-"
When he raises his eyebrows in warning, your voice dies in your throat.
"Um, thank you." You say finally, and he gives you a smile, a real, genuine smile that weakens your knees.
"You're welcome, and if you need anything-" He sidesteps you, reaching for the notepad and pen sitting on the dining table behind you, "- don't hesistate to call. Anytime, for anything. Yes?"
You swallow, reaching for the piece of paper as he extends it to you.
He was giving you his number?
"Yes." You say  after a beat, breathless in his overwhelming presence.
"Good." He whispers, takes a deep breath, looking at you for a beat longer, before moving to your front door. You part your lips, almost offering to walk him down, if only to stay in his presence for just a second longer.
"Have a nice night." He says, barely sparing you a glance as he walks out your door.
It takes you a moment, staring at the door in shock, his number clutched in your hands, before you can even respond.
"You too." You say to no one, voice barely above a whisper.
He hears it anyway.
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honeygrahambitch · 1 year
"Wait right there." Will said as he let go of Hannibal's hand and jumped over an imaginary line. "Now come in."
Hannibal looked around. They were in the middle of a field. There was no "in". Will held his hand again as if he needed help to come "in".
"I'm sorry, Will, I fail to understand what is going on."
"Come on." He said as he pulled his hand. "Don't you like it?"
"The view is beautiful." Hannibal replied, a little bit concerned with Will's sanity. The place was indeed beautiful, especially now when the sun was setting behind the peaks of the mountains.
"There is a lake nearby. Great for fishing."
Will's hand was still holding his tightly and the gleam in his eyes was magnificent. His enthusiasm made Hannibal smile even though he couldn't figure out the reason. Will was absolutely seeing something he couldn't.
"Dearest, what are you looking at? What are we looking at?"
"You don't see it?" Will asked as he gestured with his other hand as if there was something obvious Hannibal was too blind to see.
"I'm afraid I don't. Where are we?"
"Right now? Give me a second." He said as he looked around as if he was trying to find something. "We are in your new kitchen." He replied with a genuine affection in his voice.
Hannibal blinked a few times, even more confused than before.
"We are in the middle of a field. Are you seeing a kitchen, Will?" He asked and Will laughed loudly.
"You will see it too, dumbass. You just need a bit of perspective." He explained. "This" he started and looked at the whole field "is where we will build our first home together. This is what I wanted for both of us."
"Will..." Hannibal murmured as he was finally seeing it all, as if the fog was lifted. The walls, the corridors, the kitchen, their bedroom. A living room where he could place his piano. A little garden. A little shed where Will could keep his boat engines.
He held onto Will's hand as if it was an anchor.
"Do you like it?" Will asked as he watched all the emotions wash over Hannibal's expression.
"Show me the way to the bedroom so I can properly tell you how much I love it."
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Incorrect
Part 1
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Takemichi: (Name) isn't answering his phone!
Draken: I'll call him
Mikey: Mitchy and I have both tried. He would've answered his commander-
(Name): Hello?
Bonten AU!
(Name): What does BDSM mean?
Mikey: Being Dead Sounds Magnificent
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toman Groupchat
Baji: Who the fuck added me to a groupchat?
Chifyuu: Language! >:(
Mikey: Yeah watch your fucking language
(Name): 'The fuck word'
Takemichi: Are you guys being serious? You guys use the f word all the time.
Chifyuu: Oh my god he censored it
(Name): Say fuck, Mitchy
Baji: Do It Takemichi. Say fuck.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonten AU!
Sanzu: I got kicked out of church saying "FUCK SATAN!" I don't understand. I thought we hated the guy.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hanma: Guess what I'm about to get?
(Name) & Kisaki: On our nerves
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mikey: AKSLJKIABR
(Name): What is that?
Mikey: Keyboard smash
(Name): How do I do it?
Mikey: Just push anything
(Name): 7
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mikey: *accidently hits (Name) in the face*
(Name): *crying*
Mikey: *doesn't know what to say between 'I'm sorry!' & 'Are you okay?'* ARE YOU SORRY!?
Draken: *hugging (Name)* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Name): Why don't you guys invite some friends over after school?
Ran: That'd be nice
Rindou: If we had any friends
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Takemichi: We have a problem!
(Name): Is it about the burning car?
Chifyuu: What burning car?!
Baji: Nevermind this seems more important
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonten AU!
Ran: Something brought you here (Name). Fate?
Rindou: Destiny?
(Name): *tied up* A dumbass druggie of a brother?
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Junkrat having a crush on you - headcanons
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Pairing: Junkrat/Jamison Fawkes x GN!Reader
Summary: General headcanons of Jamison Fawkes aka Junkrat having a crush on reader.
Words: 1,500
Tags: SFW; gender-neutral reader; fluff
Warnings/triggers: minor curse words
A/N: "I absolutely adore Junkrat and his expanded characterization in overwatch 2, so I decided to write some headcanons for my favourite pyromaniac. I hope you will enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it!" - Mod Berry
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Oh boy, you bet that there will be a lot of puns involved. You know those interactions, that they added in overwatch 2? From casual puns, they will evolve into cheesy pickup lines. Not to mention, if you show the slightest bit that you do enjoy them or lord forbid, you follow up with an even dorkier response - expect to be smothered in bad puns every time he sees you. Jamison will be more than happy to share with you his special chemistry pickup lines such as:
"Are you carbon monoxide? Cuz ya sure take my breath away!"
"Excuse me darl, but did ya lose an electron? Cuz you are positively attractive!"
"Damn I've never seen a bomb like you! And I make those every day 24/7!"
"Oh, how I wish you were like Avogadro cuz then I would already know your number!"
I imagine he tells them with a full happy grin plastered on his face followed by a wink ;)
Jamison would definitely try too hard to sweep you off your feet by bragging about his and Roadhog's heists or even about their casual shenanigans. Don't worry, Mako makes sure to add realism to those and embarrasses him from time to time, by telling exactly how they went. For example:
"Oi Roadie do you remember the time when I saved both of our asses in Numbani by MY magnificent and strategically thought out plan?"
"You mean that one time you accidentally lit your ass on fire just to confuse the guards and buy us some time to escape? Yeah, that sure was something Rat."
The big man then lets out a hearty chuckle.
*gasp* "Betrayed by my own crime partner!"
At first, it would embarrass the hell out of Jamie. He would desperately try to explain to Mako that his pride and chance at a relationship with you is at stake, but then he sees you laugh, and just like that all his worry instantly disappears. From that very moment, he would tell all the awkward details himself just so he could hear you laugh one more time.
This also includes Junkrat telling you a different story about how he lost his finger, since the first time you have ever asked him about it. You would call him out at any given chance though. However, you appreciated his effort in trying to brighten up your day even if it meant listening to the silliest of tales of Jamison's lost finger.
“Oh, this? This is a painful reminder of my tragic yet complicated past." he follows up with a very expressive pose like the drama queen he is.
"Dude you are literally missing an arm and a leg. How could the finger be the main focus?"
"Y/N I am flattered that you are so invested in my backstory but no spoilers! Even for you. Now, where was I? Ah yes! (...)"
Some of these stories included his supposed memories from the outback. Probably back when he wasn't featured on every wanted poster in Junker Queen's domain.
"I lost me finger to a bunch of fellow junkers in a truth or dare fight in a bar, and you wouldn’t believe that it was because of the truth part!” 
Other times it would be something so ridiculous that you can't help but snort at the simple prospect of that situation ever happening to Jamison.
“There was this one time when I had to wrestle a quokka for my lunch! Don't ever let them fool ya with those big ol' eyes and cutesy faces. I am tellin’ ya those things are bloodthirsty. I got my food back but the little rascal took my finger as revenge!"
"I am not blaming it though, sometimes even I wonder how I taste."
That last part earned him a well-deserved nudge, followed up by a sigh and being called a "dumbass" ( affectionate ) in response.
"Y/N you know that I am messing with you right? Or am I?"
But do not be fooled as this man is far from stupid as everyone likes to think. This man can be a menace to society and still be a genius. I had to include that in the note because I am sick and tired of people brushing it off. You have noticed that not only his craftmanship and his entire workshop reflect that statement but also his special interest, which is drumrolls please - philosophy! Specifically speaking, philosophy of mathematics. His newest interaction with Sigma shows that Jamie is aware of concepts such as Zeno's paradox. But why am I sharing this headcanon with you? That is because I am sure that if Jamison sees that you are interested in what he has to say, ( unless being ignored by like half of the other characters *cough* ) and therefore feel comfortable around you, he will be so excited to infodump you with all sorts of fun facts!
Whenever he sees you worry about his health, whether it would be because of his recklessness on the battlefield or an experiment in his workshop gone wrong Junkrat feels unusual. That is the best way to put it. Not many people care about his well-being. In fact, most of them wish something bad would happen to him or simply ignore his injuries ( I am looking at you Mercy ) so this blonde mess of a guy is used to not even notice the pain in the first place. Jamison tries harder to be more careful knowing that there is a special someone that cares about his safety. The thought of you caring about him that much fills his stomach with butterflies.
Having said that he is still the pyromaniac we know of and Jamison would most definitely use his explosives to create something entirely dedicated to you. That way he gets to demonstrate his engineering skills and show you that he is not an all talk no action kinda guy. There was this one time when he got too carried away though. He carefully prepared everything and showed you the results of his hard work but.. let’s just say... it gave you mixed signals? I mean, how could you possibly feel about bombs arranged in Y/N exploding at a rapid-fire rate just to leave nothing but ashes and flickering flames behind? Jamie was so eager to get any reaction from you but in your mind, you were so confused. Is this supposed to be a threat or a love confession? In Junkrat’s case, it could be both at the same time.
Junkrat gasping for air all proud of himself with what it seems like stars in his eyes after the explosion: “So what do you think? Am I good or what?”
Y/N standing there with wide eyes, while thinking to themself *chuckle* “I am in danger.” It would be rude to leave him with no response so you settled for “Great, it was sure something to see my initials get blown away. Truly a sight I won’t ever forget.”
“Aww Y/N you sure have a way with words.” 
Having said that if you are not the kind of person who likes grand gestures, don’t worry Jamison will understand and won’t bother you with any going forward. He might be one of the most wanted criminals but he still has class.
Speaking of another wanted criminal Jamison would so rant about you to Mako. It happens anywhere at any given moment no matter if it's fitting or not - from their daily hangouts to the dangers of their crime-filled life. I imagine that even when their lives are being threatened Jamie will still make sure to mention how gorgeous and cool you are to Roadhog because something they encountered reminded him of you.
"Oi look Roadie! That is just like the show Y/N was talking about that I need to watch. I wonder what they are up to right now. " while being tied up.
"Rat that is not the time to talk about Y/N we gotta scram."
This would also include Jamison daydreaming about you and losing his focus on the battlefield. Mako was once fed up with that behaviour and had to interfere.
"Look Jamison if you do that one more time there might not be another chance for you to see Y/N so be more careful god dammit."
The sole thought of not being able to see you again was Jamison's driving force to how he puts it "get his shit together" and focus more on his actions. Jamie cares about you a lot and not being able to see you one more time would be his worst nightmare. Your beautiful face, the way you laugh, talk about your special interests and listen to his, the way you sneeze or cup his hands when he is injured or hell even being called a dumbass by you all gone because of his carelessness? Nothing scares him more than the idea of losing you.
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