#such a pathetic little man
ferrymann · 1 year
novel portrayal of characters is so important to me. i got about like 1/5th of the way through today and i have SO many pages dog eared for like important shit
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monstroum · 2 years
hannibal has a superiority complex  ( perhaps even a god complex but i’m not opening that can of worms today ) , he sees himself as removed from other people’s lives and watches the world around him as if he were a mere spectator who occasionally gives small pushes in order to make the plot more interesting. he might become emotionally invested in others in the same way we become invested in movies or books ( we might cry and root for certain characters, be inspired by them but, at the end of the day, we can put these things away and carry on with our lives, separate from them ). but, at the end of the day, hannibal lecter is so desperately lonely it’s almost sad.
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he becomes somewhat repulsed by one of his patients, franklyn, who has developed an obsession with him. he sees franklyn’s desperation for his attention and validation as humiliating and hannibal despises, above all else, being humiliated. BUT, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, we find a parallel of how similar hannibal is to this patient. he too craves for the attention and company of one particular person. when will graham doesn’t show up to their appointment, hannibal too feels rejected. although he is much more discreet than franklyn, dr. lecter wants to be seen by one person in particular.
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perhaps that is what hannibal finds so repulsive about franklyn; the possibility that he too might turn needy and clumsy in his attempts at reaching out to another person. that he too is clingy and, in hannibal’s eyes, pathetic due to his desire to be seen and accepted. hannibal lecter fears that, like franklyn, his obsession with will graham might make him look weak.
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allagashed · 6 months
whenever i say “screaming crying throwing up” this is what i mean
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duckysprouts · 1 year
book jaime lannister is the funniest boy because from birth he’s constructed a grand narrative in his mind that he is the perfect knight to his sister-wife’s perfect maiden, a relationship that exists solely to fuel their mutual narcissism and help him cope with his chronic identity crisis/trauma, only to see a buff girl naked for the first time and come to the subconscious realization that it’s actually HIM who is the maiden to brienne’s knight and proceeds to spend the rest of their trip using preschool tactics of annoying her to death so that she can notice him and sweep him off his feet (it works)
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canisalbus · 6 months
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Yeah sorry I drew this.
Hope you feel better soon ♡
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valentjin · 11 months
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put the devil in his place
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ryllen · 8 months
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" so don't yell at me if i suck " x
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sagesskies · 9 months
been reading a lot of qt bl recently, and this idea struck me:
imagine you've just transmigrated into a world where you're the second male lead's best friend, when him and the fl enter a rough patch in their relationship because seriously, that guy flirts with way too many girls despite being in a committed relationship, and this time the fl has had enough and breaks up with him.
the 2nd male lead just has a downward spiral, because he was super dependent on the fl, and you, doing your job as his best friend, give him words of encouragement, as you were instructed by the system. but when he, unexpectedly, asks you to do more than give him advice, and instead help him in the direct process of fixing their relationship, you can't exactly say no when he's asking you so pitifully with tears in his eyes.
so, you help him, concocting schemes to win the fl over, sabotage the 1st male lead, and the like. this is way more than the original best friend did, where he just said some encouraging words and then proceeded to dip out of the plot till the emotional climax where he gets hit by a car and the female lead and 2nd male lead supposedly "make up" and "date again" at least, till the 1st male lead wins her back over.
you're able to actually get closer to him as well, past the shallow mask that all humans don, and get to know him as more than just 'a playboy with unhealthy attachment issues'
you learn that he likes to play the guitar and sing, that he cries when watching romance movies, that his favorite color is purple, that he dreams of making a career out of his music, and that nobody ever believes he can.
but when you place your arm around his shoulder, and look deep into eyes and tell him that you do, you believe in him, you see the way that his eyes widen in surprise, and how tears start to well up in his eyes, but completely miss the way his cheeks start to redden.
you actually miss a lot of things. how he always remembers your coffee order, how he knows the way you like your eggs made, how he remembers your favorite show and movie, and knows your handwriting by how you write your m's.
you also miss how he wraps his arm around your waist, drapes his jacket over you when you get cold, and likes to loop his arms around your shoulders and cling to you like a koala does to a tree.
what you do notice is how he's stopped talking about the female lead as much, how he only asks you how you're doing, invites you out not to plan something but to instead just hang like friends would, and when you bring up how the female lead has started dating the 1st ml he just blinks, and then says "Okay, good for them," like he wasn't bemoaning how close they were only three months ago.
and what you are forced to see is that the only person he's feeling possessive over is you. he's always texting you, asking where you are, who you're with, and what you're doing. he's glaring at anybody who even breathes in your direction, and one time your friends told you he threatened them to leave you alone.
slowly, you start to distance yourself from him. you decline his offers to hang out, you avoid him on campus, and have even gone so far as to mute his notifications because he's been sending you so many messages.
the system is alerting you of his unnatural behavior, and you tell it that you're very aware, and trying your best to get the story back on track. but by god, is he making this so hard.
it all comes to a head when you hear pounding at your front door, the sound muffled by the heavy downpour of rain, and when you open it you're, sadly, not surprised to see that it's the 2nd male lead, clothes soaked and sobbing, he's telling you he misses you. that he doesn't know why you're avoiding him, but whatever he did he's sorry for it.
"Just don't ignore me, please [Name]," he whines, "If you do, I might die!"
how will you get yourself out of this mess now?
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
One of the best things about The Mandalorian is how it spends multiple episodes making you intrigued about and intimidated by the main character and then he finally removes his helmet and he's literally just:
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shima-draws · 29 days
I'm rewatching GF since the whole world seems to be into it right now (thank you Alex and the Book of Bill) and AGHHH I FORGOR about the body swap episode when the twins find the secret room and Stan picks up Ford's glasses and later we see him sitting on the couch looking at them wistfully...
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Shut up shut UP that's NOT okay
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sicktrix · 1 year
Elias Hodge is insane like he created a mind-controlling machine, ate copper so it couldn’t be used against him, almost got mind-controlled by his boss but had enough resistance to the machine to attach a grappling gun to his dick before launching himself out of a window, was unconscious for about 30 seconds before suddenly waking up falling to his death, fired said grappling gun, swung through the air while screaming and shitting his pants, had a full sexual renaissance in his head before crashing into ANOTHER window, changed his pants, gathered the world ending mind control documents, ran away, got cornered by his evil boss, punched said evil boss, invaded his colleagues birthday party, punched THEM in the face, stole their cake, and somehow successfully landed a date before going into witness protection and having a way better life
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junkyardspider · 5 months
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the thought of them living in a house together is just extremely funny to me so have some doodles
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Batman: *to the Justice League* This is Robin. He's in my care from now on.
Robin Dick: *emitting light from his smile* hi!
Justice League: Awwww! He's really cute but Batman, are you sure about this?
Batman: I've never been more sure.
JL: okay...
Dick: I'm robin! i'm 8! And you guys are the coolest people ever!!
JL: *melting into a puddle of love*
Hal Jordan: Man, how'd you pop out a kid like this bats?
Dick: He didn't. I adopted him.
Hal: what?
Dick: He's under my care now, all opinions and complaints about his behavior go through me.
Hal: uh. Well in that case, I feel for ya kid because Bats is a-
Dick: denied.
Hal: what?
Dick: your complaint is denied. rejected. unforgiven.
Hal: .....???
Dick: bye.
Batman: *tearing up behind his mask* Best. Decision. Ever.
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niccoguedes · 6 months
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Hello, thank you for the support on my BG3 fanart. 🔥❤️
Some of you asked for individual full shots of them, so I decided to make it. There's an interesting suggestion with Shadowheart and Karlarch I might do as well...
"Can I use it as wallpaper/screen cover?"
Sure. Just don't remove my signature or modify the drawing.🤘
"Can I print it on my own?"
If possible, please consider supporting me via INPRNT. If you can't, ofc, I won't hold you, go on, print it and later drop me a coffee at ko-fi, darling! You can also share some cents via paypal. Send pics as well of your achievement. For personal use only. 🔥
"Can I print it to sell, use commercially?"
No. Unless you pay me 100kUSD.
🇧🇷"Tem print?" Sim. Só me enviar comprovante de 50$ no pix: 51648094000140 e endereço de preferência para o e-mail: niccoguedes @ gmail.com . Envio no tamanho A4 com rastreio.
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crismakesstuff · 6 months
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I like to think when he landed back on thraxa after they asked him to stay he tripped and fell into this pose and then after 20 mins he passed out
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antisocial-author · 2 years
I love Devil May Cry because you start out with Dante and you're like "wow this guy's an idiot. surely his brother isn't nearly as dumb as him" and then it turns out that Vergil is infinitely more stupid
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