#suffice to say i don’t think i’m going to be doing fucking mathematics
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Can’t tell if I actually genuinely think this job interview tomorrow is a bad idea, or I’m just trying to convince myself it is because I don’t want to do it
#it’s an online interview so i think cancelling wouldn’t be too much of a dick move because presumably this person is interviewing all day#but i’ve already told people about it so they’ll be like ‘hey how did the interview go :)’ and i don’t want to say i cancelled it#but. look this place gives me bad vibes#the business isn’t even open yet so i’ll be one of the first staff hired and chances are i’ll be hauling stuff all over the place#and helping set up. and that just sounds annoying and difficult#plus i thought it was just retail but i looked it up and they have a bar??? which means they probably saw my bartending & barista experience#and that’s why they want me. these people are not going to let me sit down and uhhhh i have an arthritic knee. i need to sit down#also the employment satisfaction reviews are really terrible#i’m talking like; people mentioning they were getting abuse from customers and still weren’t allowed to ban them#but comparable businesses would absolutely ban those type of customers on the first instance#at this place they just let them stay though and you have to serve them even if they’re clearly abusive and not in their right mind#i also saw that you get asked complex mathematical questions in the interview and listen. my brain is mostly fog right now#every single one of my prescription meds is clashing with one of the others and making me sleep 10 hours a day#and my brain feels like a tired soup even if i have slept 10 hours#(or 9. or 8. or 7. it’s basically a 24/7 thing)#suffice to say i don’t think i’m going to be doing fucking mathematics#also it’s a teams interview and i hate them. although it is kind of nice to not have to take the train for half an hour just to be rejected#OH THAT’S THE OTHER THING. they open at 8:30 and it takes me half an hour to get there#so if they want me in right at opening i still need to get a bus at like 7:50. but more likely it’ll be way earlier than that#soooooo it’s not actually much better than my previous job where i was getting up at 6 to get a train at 7:10 to get to college at 8#to sit around for an hour or more waiting for class to start. 🧐#i know i live out in the back of the back of beyond and i will therefore have some stupid commutes. but come ON#and if i work the closing shift instead there literally isn’t a bus late enough to facilitate that for me. they stop at 8pm. when will i win#i’m just going to send an email cancelling it even though it’s the middle of the night and then i’m going to withdraw my interest on indeed#and then i’m going to bed#and if anyone asks; they made me do maths in the interview so i burst into tears and started eating the drywall#personal
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sorryimanon · 4 years
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Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Parings: Bakugou x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, characters are in their third year.
Word Count: 5.4K
The two honor students of UA so happen to be childhood enemies. During the succession that is exams, Y/N is determined to beat Bakugou.
Exam season has commenced on the campus of U.A. Students woke up in a frenzied state, slightly nervous to the late night studying they’ll endure for the weeks to come. Not enough caffeine can energize them to be in complete motivation mode. A couple of students have taken the leisure of paying those to exchange notes, considering most of the questions will be going over every little detail in each subject. The exams don’t begin till next week, but a few of the honor students have already hit the books, not once indulging in a break or two till the sun sets. One of those students just so happen to be you, an inspiring young hero with the hunger for being on top of everything. Ever since middle school, teachers would constantly praise you on your performance during tests. It was no surprise to anyone when you aced the entrance exam to U.A, a remarkable score leading you closer to reaching your dream. Although your scores on every test was superb, someone else would occasionally steal the spotlight with by topping your score. That person in particular has been tailing behind you ever since middle school, another honor student who also attends U.A as well. Did you mention he also is in the same hero course as you?
Katsuki Bakugou is his name. A name that burns the tip of your tongue whenever you gave roll call alongside Iida. The man is a ball of pure fury. He exuded nothing but anger and hostility whenever he’s in a room. Despite his aggressive exterior, Katsuki is an avid academic student who manages to score excellent grades in each of his classes. For the past 3 years of attending U.A, you two are considered the star studded scholars, never once failing a test, midterm, pop quiz , you name it! Now with your hero course almost coming to an end, you were determined to at least score the highest result this exam season, leaving Bakugou in the dust with his inadequate score. Maybe have him crying in the corner would suffice the drawn out rivalry you two established. No one verbally said it was an all out war between you two, but everytime those test results are posted on the board, everyone steered clear for the both of you to silently react. Everyone awaits for the day when one of you finally snaps and start clawing at each other. But alas, only the mere exchange of a side eye and a curt nod. Deep down you do want to slap the smirk that always resides on his face during those moments, showing him you weren’t just going to let him win by smarts.
That’s why now you sit alone on the cushioned couch in the commons area, books sprawled around you like a protective barrier. You had your eyes glued to a textbook about the history of quirks and their physiology, a class in which you needed to spend studying the most for. It’s been a a few hours into your little study session, and you were beginning to feel the drag of how much you needed to actually work on. All this including your current homework and your mandatory internship studies at an agency. It was all too much to handle. So, maybe you do deserve a break.
Pushing the book aside, you stretched out your cramped up arms and sigh in relief. In the corner of your eye you spot a familiar head of ashy blonde walking into the commons room, books and notebooks crammed into his armpit while holding what seems to be an energy drink. Your eye twitched watching him plop down onto the couch across from you, never once paying attention to your presence. Katsuki then rests his bare feet on the wooden coffee table, opening one of his textbooks with the swipe of his thump. For some odd reason, this really riled you up. And it was clear Katsuki noticed too.
“Am I bothering you? Hm?” He smugly asked, eyes not wavering from the text before him.
You scoffed.
“No. Just, don’t speak while I’m trying to study okay?”
He clicked his tongue at you.
“Doesn’t seem like you’re studying to me. Looks like you’ve given up already. What gives?”
His comment made you even angrier.
“Given up? Kacchan, you’ve barely started.”
Looking up, you can see a faint vein forming against the temple of his forehead. His fists clenched tightly, crumpling the sides of the textbook. His eyes now were averted to yours. The crimson death glare, you’d call it.
“I was training with Kirishima, dumbass. So of course I couldn’t hop onto my studies earlier,” he started. Katsuki opens his energy drink with one finger, the pop of the air leaving the can satisfying to your ears, and took a swing of it. “Also, don’t ever fucking call me that. If I hear it from your mouth again I won’t hesitate to use my quirk on you.”
An intriguing idea. Usually you’d be the one to threaten your enemy, but Katsuki like always beat you to the punch.
“No thanks, I’d rather be harassed by grape juice than be blasted from the likes of you,” the taunt in your voice triggered something within Katsuki, causing him to tense up in pure anger. “Besides, I’m planning on studying all day till my eyes fall out. So don’t expect me to leave this spot.”
His smirk was soon on full display, uncrossing his legs to lean forward so he can rest his elbow on his knee.
“Oh really? Just so you know we have an early training tomorrow in preparation for our final exam. Wouldn’t want ya to, cha know, fail?” He didn’t even sound slightly concern for yourself and your future study habits, you can tell he wishes for you to fuck up your sleeping schedule to miss the important training in the morning.
“I have an alarm set on my phone so I don’t miss my beauty rest. Wouldn’t want to pass up the opportunity of kicking your ass tomorrow,” you held your mobile device triumphantly, waving it back and forth to mock him.
With the roll of his eyes, Katsuki returned back to his studies, leaving you to sadly resume as well. Before he entered the commons area, you were about to head into your dorm room to take a nap, but now you were obligated to stay put without letting him think you’re already burnt out.
Silently, you both continued on with the unspoken competition.
Evening struck quicker than you expected, cascading the soft glow of the painted sky through the windows, illuminating both you Katsuki in a pink hue. Thankfully, Katsuki took your words into consideration and never spoke to you during the session, giving you an easy feeling of relaxation without him making it another competition.
Already you finished your notes for advance foreign language, quirk physiology, and mathematics. So far, you were ahead of everyone else, with the exception of Katsuki. Occasionally, you’d catch yourself glancing over at him working intensively in his small corner, highlighting and jotting down every minuscule detail in his notebook. This was your first time witnessing how Katsuki studies. To your disappointment, his regime was nothing out of the ordinary. Then how the fuck does he manage to score high grades? It simply baffled you.
A stampede of footsteps was to be heard coming from the hallway leading to the commons area. After what seems to be years, you cranked your head away from your notebook to see Kirishima and the rest of the gang marching towards the direction of both you and Katsuki, who was currently shooting daggers at the group of friends. The red head was the first to speak out of the four of them.
“Aye Bakubro! Wanna skip the studying for a little and eat with us at NoodleShop?” His smile gleamed brightly, showcasing his shark incisors.
“Y/N you too! Come join us. I’ll pay!” Mina chimed in.
Noodles sounded pretty appetizing right about now. You skipped out on lunch, too engrossed on the idea of getting a head start for the exams. Now you regret the decision of leaving your stomach on empty.
But you still had so much left to do. And knowing Katsuki’s competitive nature, he wasn’t going to move an inch from his spot.
“It’s okay Mina, I uh- already ate a big meal awhile ago,” you dismissed her, patting your belly to show you were indeed, full.
As if on cue, a loud growl erupted from the depths of your stomach, the noise reverberating across the soundless space. Denki and Sero both snickered.
To your amazement, Katsuki got up from the couch and trailed over to the group, slipping on his red hoodie that was draped on the arm rest. He took a quick glimpse at you and smirked over his shoulder.
“Watch my things for me will ya, extra?” And with that they all left the area as a group.
You huffed in defeat and stared back at your jumbled pile of notes, the writing transcending from neat to sloppy text. At least you don’t have an explosive blonde sharing the same air as you for now. You reached into your bag and grabbed another textbook, this one being more heftier than the others.
“Oh well, more time for studying...” you said to yourself as you skimmed through the pages of Hero First Aid: Volume 6.
The beautiful spring sky soon was replaced by the expanse of darkness, the twinkle of the bright stars catching your eyes. The moon alone helped cast a sheen of light, allowing you to work in the dimly lit up space. Bakugou didn’t return to retrieve his stuff, all of which were sat untouched in a hasty mess. You figure him and the rest of the gang would have been back on campus by now, but everyone in class 1-A have locked themselves in their dorms since lights out will commence in a few. Aizawa has yet to prohibit you from staying past the curfew. As long as you don’t go running among the halls like a lunatic and stay strictly to studying, he’s all game. And that’s exactly what you did.
A couple of students murmured as they passed by you, saying things like “Does she ever have a life” or “All she does is study...no wonder no one has asked her out yet”. As much as the comments sting, you knew they weren’t true to your heart. Last year, someone in class 2-B formally asked you to the dance. To their dismay, you rejected them on the spot. Only because you didn’t have time to date or talk romantically with anyone. It’s a distraction to both your education and future career.
Okay, so maybe they were partially correct. At least you had your first kiss before entering U.A? But the person who stole your kiss was obligated to do so, after being dared by their fellow acquaintances. Nothing more beyond that have you explored with another person.
Submerged in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the presence of the angry blonde, hands stuffed in the pockets of his hoodie as he strolled to the couch that had all his materials. He began to gather his things when suddenly he freezes, remembering what you said about not moving an inch from your spot. He’s astonished to see you cemented on the same couch, in the same position, notes blanketing your thighs along with the pile books pooling at the edge.
You really are determined to beat him, he thought. Bakugou can’t deny he’s impressed with your ambition and drive to be the best among your peers, even if that means sacrificing basic human needs. Like food and sleep.
Although, looking at you right now in this state, with your eyes threatening to close shut, mouth slightly agape, and hair bunched up in a tight knot, it’s clear you were exhausted. He spoke without realizing it.
“Hey dumbass! The fuck you still doing here, huh? It’s almost lights out.”
His brooding voice startled you awake, causing the papers on your lap to spill on the carpeted floor. Bakugou coughed out a low chuckle, amused by how the mere sound of his voice scares you.
“Oh it’s just you,” you said, disregarding how that could easily irritate him.
“Yeah, it’s me. Anyway you should be getting rest. You’re smart enough to know that, idiot.”
Even though it was a subtle backhanded compliment, you couldn’t help but to appreciate him acknowledging your intellect.
“I can’t. I have to go over my flash cards for mathematics and then finish this week’s homework for tomorrow—.”
“Holy fucking shit shut up. Don’t you realize what you’re doing to yourself right now?” When you didn’t answer, Bakugou slapped his forehead. “You’re gonna burn yourself out dumbass! Then you won’t have any motivation left to study for when the exams are actually starting.”
Stunned, you watch as Bakugou stomps over to where you’re sitting at, crimson eyes never leaving yours. He then props his leg on the cushion next to your trembling thighs, out stretching his arm to grab ahold of something. Too focused on the proximity between you two, it didn’t register that he swiped your flash cards from your hands. What is wrong with him? Does he want to sabotage you this badly before exams?
“Bakugou! Give those back! I need them for my exam on Monday!” you ignored how whiny you sounded, not wanting to give Katsuki the satisfaction he thinks he deserves.
“You really think whining like a bitch will make me hand these over? Think again, dumb-.”
You cut him off with a surprise attack, shoving his entire body to the ground with the force of yours. Bakugou’s arms were pinned above him as you tried to pry the flash cards from his death grip on them. Stubbornly, he wiggles his body to keep you from reaching his arms, almost knocking you off his torso like a bull. Looking down, both of you were in a compromising position. Straddling his hips while he laid lifelessly underneath you, panting like a feral dog. You tried to keep the heat from spreading throughout your body as you felt his groin rub against your sex, but failed tremendously when he can obviously see the prominent blush creeping on your cheeks.
“What the fuck was that all about?! Why are you so adamant about beating me so much!” He yelled directly in your face.
A question that neither of you knew the answer to. Why were you so determined to destroy Bakugou? Shouldn’t a fellow honor student be happy that another is also making their education a main priority? Or maybe there is another underlying reason, something deeper under the dermis of your skin that you couldn’t quite reach.
You further the distance away from his face by leaning backwards, eventually hitting the front of his thighs and kneecaps.
“You don’t understand. I have to be good at everything. I need this in order to be the hero I’ve been wanting to be. Even if that means neglecting my own needs...” you paused, unsure if Bakugou was even listening anymore. “That is, until you came along and ruined everything.”
“Hah?!” His reaction was incredulous.
“Don’t “Hah” me! It’s been your plan all along since middle school to top me at everything. So why me?!”
“Well maybe it’s because I’ve always looked up to you dumbass! Have you ever considered that!”
The words tumbled out of his throat as if he’s been holding off on the sentiment. Bakugou Katsuki, the abrasive yet studious boy, just so happens to admire you? Never it occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, you also strived to be the absolute best solely because of him. The way he strides into a battle with confidence, not an ounce of doubt that he’ll lose. His diabolical strategies that somehow works out in the end. Or the way how underneath that rough exterior, he believes he’ll be the one left climbing to the top, along with his peers. It’s his sticky pride that kept the rivalry between you two so alive. But was it really a rivalry after all this time?
Eyes widen at the confession, you stay frozen on his lap, fingers bunching up the top half of his hoodie. The silence broke Katsuki. For once, he wanted you to at least admit it, that you were also in the same boat as he is right now. So, he hesitantly reaches out and rests his palm against your flushed face, basking in at your sudden reaction to him touching you.
“Why does everything have to be a competition between us?” His soft spoken voice was uncharacteristic for him, you were so used to his gravelly tone after years of being the victim to it.
You felt the traces of his warm finger tips tickling lines on your outer cheek, as if he’s done this before.
“Isn’t that our dynamic? Competitive enemies?” The comment made him quirk an eyebrow at you.
“Enemies? You were never one in my eyes in the first place...” He trailed off, getting distracted by how close you’ve gotten to his face. To his lips.
“Then, what am I to you?” you leaned in closer, hoping to catch a glimpse of something in his eyes. You took notice that his pupils were dilated, making his eyes darker than usual. The hand rubbing lines on your cheek snaked around behind your head, taking full comfort on the base of your neck. The feeling was quite foreign to you. How long you yearned till days on end for someone to touch you tenderly like this. Especially from someone like Katsuki Bakugou.
“Does this answer your question.” Was all he said before smashing his lips to mount yours, the sudden contact making you shiver in his arms.
You felt him breathe out in surprise against your mouth when you took the initiative by swiping your tongue on his bottom lip. The kiss was exquisitely slow and intense. So intense that Bakugou forgot where he even was at the moment, too engulfed at the texture of your tongue asking for entrance. The fingers digging into the back of your neck started to hurt, but you didn’t mind the pain, the pleasure overwhelming all your senses. You can hear the harsh undertones of his breathing every time you slightly moved the lower half of your body.
“Stop moving, idiot,” he said breathlessly.
He knew he was fucked by seeing the smirk forming on your lips.
“Oh, you mean like this?” You then grind your hips in a harsh motion, relishing in the bashful look on Katsuki’s face.
He let his hands go freely, attaching themselves on both sides of your hips, grounding you to stop altogether. He sat in an upright position, encasing you between his legs and hard chest, your legs wrapping around his torso. Any other time it’d be comforting, but right now you felt like a bird trapped in a cage.
“Who knew the good girl would be so disobedient? Kind of hot not gonna lie.” He bent his head to where it was directly hovering over the sensitive spot on your collarbone. “Even when we’re just making out, you have to make everything a goddamn competition huh?”
A gasp left your throat once his tongue licked a clean strip on the surface. He chuckled, loving the feeling of you squirming in his muscular arms and continued the attack on your skin. His feather-like kisses switched to full on feverish sucking and biting. He proceeded to suck on the area, letting go with a definite ‘pop’, then returned back by making out on the bruised skin.
The combination of his tongue, the death grip on your hip, and the bulge protruding from his loose sweatpants was too much stimulation already. Before you knew it, Katsuki abruptly stood up from the floor, along with you, and placed you back on the plush couch. Your legs were wide open, giving him a good view of your white panties beneath the school skirt. You clamped your legs together after seeing the blonde lick his lips at the sight.
“D-Don’t be such a pervert,” you squeaked out.
That didn’t stop him from slipping his hand in between the crack of your legs, spreading them wider than before.
“Stop lying to yourself. You’ve imagined me between these thighs haven’t you?” The silence following his question was enough to suffice him. “Such a naughty girl.” Those crimson eyes stared straight ahead as he tugged your panties down a notch.
Here?! Right now? Why couldn’t he reside both of you in his dorm? It was literally at the end of the hallway. Plus, the thought of your teacher, Aizawa, catching you would be mortifying.
Your hand quickly latched itself around Katsuki’s forearm, halting him from proceeding his lustrous actions.
“What are you doing?! We could get caught you idiot!”
Katsuki grins and says, “You’re right. We need to find a way to shut you up.” Without preamble, he practically ripped the thin panties with sheer ferocity, causing you to yelp. You were about to scold him for ruining your favorite pair when said panties got shoved into your open mouth. “Remember, don’t want to get us caught right? Now be the good girl like you are and stay quiet for me.” Obediently you nodded at his order and prayed that whatever he’s going to do to you won’t be too much.
Katsuki hummed, obviously pleased at how well you’re going along with this. He wonders how far you’ll go till you break. With the swipe of his tongue, Katsuki dragged it up and down on the opening of your drenched sex. You mewled at the new sensation, legs already trembling as he his own salvia covered your folds. He bit and nibbled on the sweet spot, the clit, and lapped a few lazy strokes with his pointer finger in circular motions. Before you could stop him, he inserted the lubricant finger into your hole slowly, pumping it a couple of times to get you loosened up. Muffled moans perked up the ears of Katsuki. Looking up, he saw the beautiful sight of your eyes rolled behind your head along with the familiar tint of red on your cheeks. Just like the secretive slut you truly are, you swayed your hips to create more friction. Katsuki acknowledged your needy movements and dipped his head between your legs again, returning back to kissing your sex open mouthed. The lewd noises of him sucking on your wetness elicited a long drawn out moan from you, making Katsuki’s own cock twitch at the glorious sound.
“You’re so fucking cute like this. Almost coming from just my tongue and fingers. Fucking slut,” he said between suctions. “God, what were we thinking...we could’ve just resolved our issues like this every time.”
You grabbed a handful of his spiked up hair and raised his head away from your lower region. While doing so, you spit out the soaked clothed panty from your mouth, letting it drift off to the floor.
“Just s-shut up and do something about m-me,” you manage to croak out. You flicked your eyes on Katsuki and to the hand buried inside your skirt.
“Ah, want more than just my fingers? Could’ve just said so. Why are you being so quiet with your needy demands, babe?”
This newfound nickname plucked a heart sting within you. You shook off his snarky comment and stood up from the couch. If it’s a competition he wants, then it’s a competition he’ll get.
“Take off your pants and sit on the couch.”
Craning his head back, his own roar of a laughter bounced across the quiet room. Laughter dying down, his expression changed seeing how serious you actually were.
“Tch. Whatever you say dumbass. Don’t want you to explode on me now.”
He did as you said and removed the article of clothing, leaving him in nothing but his red boxer briefs. The bulge grew bigger the longer you stared at it. He laid back on the plush cushion and rested his arms behind his head.
“Alright, I’m waiting Y/N,” he taunted you.
One by one, you unbutton your school uniform and let it fall off your shoulders, along with your plaid skirt pooling at your ankles. Arms crossed on your chest you tower over Katsuki, who was surprisingly not staring at your goods, but your eyes. Beckoning you forward with his glare, you straddle him immediately, hands resting on his broad shoulders.
My, all these years of being in the same class and never once did you take advantage of appreciating how chiseled he looked in his hero costume. Sometimes you’d glance his way or pretend to be busy, but really, you wanted to see him in action. The way how his muscles would contract with each swing or punch. It was enough to make a girl swoon. Now you were swooning for sure. On his lap to be precise.
“Oi, you gonna do something nerd? My cock isn’t going to finish off itself.” His voice snapped you back to reality.
It took a few minutes, but you were finally hovering over the tip of his throbbing member, the glistening of his pre-cum coating your fingers. You teased him by rubbing just the tip against your entrance, lubricating the member even more. He tried to muffle his whines, but failed tremendously after feeling his tip graze your sex. Both of you were heavily now, anticipation radiating off of your sweaty bodies. Tenderly, you kissed him open mouth while sheathing yourself on his cock.
“Holy shit, holy fuck fuck fuck,” the vulgar words spilled from his mouth against yours as you bottomed out. You stayed in that position. Still unsure what to do and what you got yourself into. Pretty sure you’re torturing Katsuki by the minute.
“F-Fucking move," He growled in your ear.
Leaning in closer you whisper, “You have to beg for it then.” You nibbled the loose skin on the bottom of his ear and tugged it gently.
“Hell no! God-fucking-damnit don’t make this a competition right now Y/N.” The palm of his abnormally large hand pushed your face away from his. You giggled.
“C’mon Bakugou, there’s no harm in it. Just say please?”
“Fuck you shitty woman...”
“That’s not begging,” you pouted.
He pursed his lips. Bakugou admittedly is getting more turned on by the minute, and not just because you were practically inside him.
“P-Please fucking move. I w-want you to fuck me so bad you have no idea. Please Y/N...”
Smiling, you raised your hips to where the veins on the side of his member scraped the walls within you. It made your cunt twitch in pure ecstasy. Slowly, you lowered yourself back down, only this time you weren’t stagnant. You repeated the same vertical movements, clashing your hips with his. Bakugou titled his head back on the couch, degrading sentiments leaving his mouth as his hands grasped the sweaty flesh of your ass, squeezing it harshly every time you bounced on his dick. The tip of his member taking your breath away as it prodded the spongy walls.
“Yes- oh fuck yes. Ngh, keep doing that. Yeah like that. Hah-fuck, don’t stop,” he said between the constant panting.
Due to your rapid bouncing, your boobs were flailing in the air, occasionally hitting Bakugou in the face. Katsuki took matters into his own hands and latched his mouth around one of your perked nipples. You squealed at the sudden sensation.
“B-Bakugou...don’t do that...it’ll make me come faster,” you moaned as he grazed his teeth on your taut nipple.
For revenge, he tugged back the areola till it reached a few centimeters from your chest. Painful yes, but you couldn’t deny it felt amazing. He quickly let go and returned to sucking on the tit, lathering it up with his own spit. All the while you were riding him till the muscles and tendons in your legs gave out. Steadying your hands on his shoulders, you grounded on your knees to give yourself a better leverage. Feeling touch starved, Bakugou shoved your hands from his shoulders and laced his fingers between them. Like a missing puzzle piece, you fit in perfectly with him. Everything about you was perfection. You defined it. Sitting here watching as you take him well, physically or not, he was completely enamored by the mere sight of you. He craned his head to brush just the tip of your nose. A nose he unmistakably mentally captured because he loved the feature so much.
Although, he couldn’t think straight after that once you bottomed out again and rolled your hips in tune to his panting. You made a mess out of the aggressive blonde. Each time you swayed your body to the side he’d grunt out a low moan, trying to contain his usual loud profanities from waking up your classmates. Bakugou reached down and teasingly rubbed the sensitive bud, getting revenge for all the times you’ve pissed him off. Under your breath, you moaned out his last name.
“Say my name,” he grunted, hands continuing to expertly work on you from below.
Confused, you obeyed and moaned, “Bakugou!”
Suddenly, a painful sting sparked throughout your lower back. Eyes glued shut due to the searing pain, you whimper feeling a calloused hand smooth over the spot on your ass.
Katsuki spanked you. And you liked it.
“My actual name, dumbass. I wanna hear it coming from your mouth.”
With a thrust, you continue moving up and down on his cock, never once missing a beat.
“K-...Katsuki. Katsuki-Katsuki...” his name sounded ethereal, as if he was a higher being.
Katsuki returned the favor and fisted your hair in a tight knot, your scalp screaming at how harsh he was pulling.
“That’s a good girl.”
With a playful slap to your behind, Katsuki roughly shoves you to mount his lips again. Lips parted, both of your tongues twisted against each other, sharing a decent amount of saliva. He slipped out and pecked your lips a few times before biting down on your bottom lip. It didn’t hurt like all the times he inflicted pain on you previously. But this time you swore you felt the trickle of blood trailing down to your chin. The coppery taste infiltrating your taste buds only increased your arousal. What a masochist.
Bakugou noticed the pacing of your movements decreasing, indicating you are already feeling worn out, and steadied his hands onto your hips.
“Just let me do the work here, dumbass,” he said as he thrusted sharply into your womb, causing you to whimper into his neck. “I’ll take good care of you. You deserve a break from studying after all.”
You woke up feeling dizzy and fatigued, body aching from your toes to your head. From what you can remember, you were in the middle of studying when...
Katsuki happened.
Then you realized you weren’t in the commons area anymore. Somehow, you were laying in a medium sized bed, covers strewn over your naked body, along with a muscular arm draped across your torso. To your side you can see a passed out Katsuki snoring quietly into his pillow. Even when he’s asleep, he still looks angry.
Jolting upright, you carefully pry his arm from your body. No prevail. He’s got a strong hold on you.
He shuffled in his sleep and tightened his grip around you.
“Mmm...not leaving...stay a little longer,” he mumbled.
You rolled your eyes. “We both can’t walk out of your dorm in the morning. People will get suspicious of us. Not to mention Aizawa,” you retorted back.
“Oh? Don’t like the idea of ‘us’ huh? That’s not what you said last night.”
You didn’t need to look to know he was wearing his infamous shit eating smirk.
“Shut up.”
For the first time you heard Katsuki genuinely laugh without forcing it. You looked over and saw his eyes wide open now, staring at nothing but you.
“Whatever, you love me Y/N.”
Grabbing your face with his rough hands, he pressed a tender kiss to your lips.
“Go to fucking sleep nerd, we have a pre-exam in a few hours.”
(You can obviously tell I got lazy at the end LMFAO. This has been in my drafts for a LONG time. Also, this isn’t edited so please excuse the horrendous text that is this post. Xoxo)
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snowdice · 5 years
Logan’s 25 Step Plan to Ask a Boy Out (Relabeled; Refiled Series)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan/Patton
Characters: Logan, Patton, my self insert again, oops Lia(OC)
“No! Logan look,” she said. “He likes you and you like him. You don’t need a list or a plan or schematics for this. Just walk up to him and ask him out before you hesitate so much that he thinks you don’t like him anymore.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “Is that something that can happen.”
“Oh god, this is hopeless.”
How is Logan so good at, but simultaneously so bad at this?
This is a one-shot dealing with events set before my story Sometimes Labels Fail set a few months after The Things We Never Mentioned.
Notes: Superhero AU (doesn’t matter for this one... again), Logan being dumb but it the sweetest way possible.
This was supposed to come out later this week, but the mini fic I was writing to release today ended up... not being a mini fic. So, I shuffled around my release plans a bit and you get this now!
It was almost 3am and Logan was still in his office. He really should just go home. There was no way he and Lia were going to be able to solve this problem tonight. Lia wasn’t even looking at the problem on the chalkboard anymore, instead she had pressed the chalk against the board longways and was turning it slowly to make a fan shape on the board.
Logan took a drink of his room temperature coffee. “We could try integrating it.”
“You’re probably right.” Logan tilted his head back and closed his eyes pretending to be deep in thought, but really he just let his brain drift. “Lia,” he said.
“Can I ask your advice on something not related to math.”
“Fucking please do.”
“It’s about Patton.”
She didn’t even pause. “My advice is, ask him out.”
Logan paused and opened his eyes to look at her. “Er well… Yes.”
She suddenly looked more awake than she had in hours. “No really? Yes! It’s about time!”
Logan rolled his eyes. “Your enthusiasm about my romantic interests is absurd… but useful in this specific case.”
She sat up straight and folded her hands in her lap like a particularly interested school child during story time. “Please continue.”
“I have decided that I would like to pursue a romantic relationship with Patton, and I am currently researching the best strategy to convince him of my adequacy as a prospective partner.”
“Research?” Lia asked. “Oh god, please tell me you didn’t made a list.”
“I am simply inquiring after your advice concerning rather you believe Patton would be more inclined to understand love language in poetry or flowers.”
“Logan you don’t need to prove your ‘adequacy’ or whatever. Just ask him out.”
“Certainly,” Logan said. “Flowers or poetry.”
“Logan you’re not listening,” Lia complained.
“I assure you I am. I’m even taking notes.” He turned the paper around for her to see.
“‘Lia does not seem to have an opinion on flowers or poetry. Seems to suggest a bold approach,’ Logan you’ve got to be kidding me.”
He sat back and flipped back a few pages in the notebook. “I have interviewed many people on the topic but seeing as you have actually met Patton in person, I thought your perspective would be useful despite the certain ridicule that would come from the question.”
“Logan please, please tell me you didn’t make a list.”
Logan didn’t reply. He had. He had made a list. He’d done more than just make a list. He’d created a whole new file designation specifically for Patton and Patton related things. He now had a light blue binder which contained the list as well as the drafts and research notes on matching light blue paper as well as a picture Patton had doodled on a napkin to give to him. What else was he supposed to do?
Over the past couple of months, he’d done research in the form of interviews as well as non-fiction and fiction reading, drafted the list, done more research, and edited the list. It still wasn’t good enough. He was missing something. He knew he was missing something, but he couldn’t figure it out. He was hoping Lia would be more helpful.
Clearly, he was mistaken as she just groaned. “Logan…”
“Never mind.”
“No! Logan look,” she said. “He likes you and you like him. You don’t need a list or a plan or schematics for this. Just walk up to him and ask him out before you hesitate so much that he thinks you don’t like him anymore.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “Is that something that can happen.”
“Oh god, this is hopeless.”
“I was unaware of the possibility of a time limit on this assignment.”
“That’s not. No. That’s not what I’m saying Logan. Please don’t freak out. This isn’t homework!”
“I’m not freaking out Lia,” he said calmly even though his mind was racing.
“Logan, I know that look,” Lia said, “that’s the Logan’s pretending he’s okay, but he’s actually about to go and break down in a closet look.”
Logan waved her off and gathered up his bag. “Thank you for your input; you have given me a lot to think about.”
“No, please stop thinking!”
“I must go.”
 Logan had meant to finish editing his list the night before but had fallen asleep almost immediately after getting home from the office. He woke at around 10am with a sore neck. He looked at the list. He should switch task 7 and 8 he decided. He wrote out one more copy of the list with the edit and then stared at the list again. There were 25 list items the last one being to ask Patton on a date. It wasn’t perfect, but… perhaps it was good enough. He bit his lip. Some of the tasks would take more effort, but luckily Logan had already started working on preparations for the third step which was to express interests in things the subject found important. The first two steps were to express a desire to spend time with the subject and demonstrate an ability to notice the subject’s likes and dislikes. With the preparation he had done, he was certain he could get through the first three steps today.
Decided, he jumped to his feet. Patton often came to ‘The Hideout’ at around 11:30am for lunch on these days. If he moved fast, he might be able to catch him before-hand and ask him if he’d like to have lunch with him.
He should go take a shower and brush his teeth first.
After cleaning himself up and picking out one of his nicer casual outfits, he headed to the hospital. He wasn’t sure where to go, so he just headed to the admission area for the hospital emergency room. “Hello,” Logan said to the receptionist. “I was wondering if Patton Sanders has left for lunch yet.” The man behind the counter blinked at him. “He’s a surgeon here.”
“I know who he is,” he replied slowly. “I’ll um, go get someone to check.”
Logan nodded and stepped away from the counter. The receptionist walked away and then returned after a moment.
A few minutes later, Patton walked up to the reception desk from the other side looking rather confused. He spoke briefly to the receptionist who gestured to him. Patton turned, lighting up a bit when his eyes fell on him, though he still looked a bit confused. “Logan,” he said. “What are you doing here?”
Logan stepped back up to the reception desk. “I was wondering if you would like to have lunch. I know you usually go to ‘The Hideout’ and we end up eating together anyway, but you don’t always, and I wanted to intentionally make plans with you. It doesn’t have to be at ‘The Hideout’ either. Of course, only if you aren’t busy and you want to.”
“I do,” Patton said. “I do want to, uh, but,” he glanced behind himself back into the ER. “We’ve been pretty busy, and I don’t think I’ll be able to take a long enough lunch to go out. I was just going to grab a sandwich in the cafeteria.”
“That’s fine,” Logan said. “We can make plans for another day.”
Patton bit his lip. “You can join me in the cafeteria if you want,” he offered. “I’ll um, only have 15 minutes though and the food isn’t great.”
“15 minutes is fine,” Logan replied.
He smiled brightly at that. “Give me five minutes,” he requested.
“Of course,” Logan said. “I’ll just sit over there.” Patton dashed off. It was closer to 10 minutes, but Logan didn’t mind even when the receptionist kept giving him looks he couldn’t understand or when a few nurses stopped by to peer at him curiously from over the counter.
Patton was still wearing the doctor’s coat when he came back to the waiting room area. He smiled when he saw Logan and grabbed his arm to guide him to the elevator. The cafeteria was on the top floor of the hospital. Patton warned him off of getting the spaghetti and he ended up with a grilled cheese sandwich and soup while Patton just purchased a premade cold cut sandwich from one of the refrigerators.
The cafeteria was crowded at this time of day, but Patton directed him to a more secluded part of it. His eyes kept flashing at the clock, but he still smiled at Logan.
“It bought you a brownie,” Logan said pushing it at him. “I’m not sure of its quality compared to the ones at “The Hideout,” but I know it is your favorite dessert so hopefully it suffices.
He took the saran wrapped dessert with an almost startled expression. “Thank you,” he said and then looked back up at Logan. “It’s good to see you. I-I’ve had a stressful morning and was sad I wouldn’t be able to go out for lunch today. Thanks for being willing to eat down here with me.”
“I’m glad I decided to come today then. Thanks, are not necessary. I enjoy talking with you no matter the environment.”
A bit of a blush bloomed on Patton’s cheeks and he cleared his throat. “What would you like to talk about then?” he asked.
“How about,” Logan began, “antibody diversity and histocompatibility systems.”
A strange look crossed Patton’s face. “Did... Logan did you look up my research papers?”
“I,” he didn’t know why he felt compelled to blush. “Yes, I did. You don’t have a background in mathematics or physics so I thought I would investigate your interests so we could have something to talk about. They were very well written.”
A pause. “You read my research papers.”
“Yes,” he said. “There was a lot of terminology I had to look up, but I believe I have enough of a working knowledge to hold a conversation.”
“You,” he stopped and looked at Logan with an intense but achingly tender expression that figuratively stole Logan’s breath. It lasted for a long moment and Logan felt trapped by his gaze in the best way possible. “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
“Yes,” Logan replied breathlessly without even a thought. Patton gave him a dazzling smile and bit his lip, looking away slightly. Logan’s brain restarted once he wasn’t held captive by that strange look in Patton’s eye. Wait, wait, he’d had a plan! He’d just ruined the plan!
“So then,” Patton said somewhat bashful, “what would you want to do on the date.”
Logan scrambled to mentally scratch off 22 list items until he found the ideas he’d come up with for once he’d procured a date. It wasn’t an edited list yet, but at least it was something. He was glad he planned so far in advance. “Midtown park perhaps,” Logan suggested. “There is a small place that serves pasta and an ice cream shop nearby. We could have dinner and then walk through the park. You’ve mentioned that you enjoy ravioli and the restaurant I’m suggesting is well known for the dish according to three articles in two different newspapers in the last 18 months.”
Patton titled his head with a small smile. “You’ve put some thought into this haven’t you?” he asked.
“I…” Logan said, “tend to be a planner.”
Patton reached over to place his hand on Logan’s. “I’m glad,” he said. Logan turned his hand over so their fingers could lace together. They only had 7 minutes to eat once they remembered their food and it was quite bland, but Logan would surely never regret it.
Thanks for reading!
And with that, we are done with the prequel fics that had to come out before multi-chapter prequel! The fic Gaps in His Files will start releasing next week. It’s 14 chapters.
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crockettmarcel · 6 years
Call the Midwife Thoughts 8x07
Why the FUCK is Mother Mildred having a go at my poor baby Sister Frances I’m crying
Trixie, Val and Lucille all look SO good
Uhhh Vi... do not
“And inwardly digest... I mean information and not canapés”
Sister MJ getting excited over the olympics is so pure
“It’ll have to suffice”
Poor Sister Frances looks absolutely TERRIFIED but I know she’ll be great bc she’s my baby girl and I believe in her
Fred and Vi remind me of a dog-walking couple I know
Trixie’s eyeliner is beautiful
Is Sister MJ trying to convince all the children to join the Olympics skdkfksldsldlffj
“I’m not sure you should be taking childcare advice from the gulags.” Whyever not?
Trixie’s shirt and necktie?? Amazing
Val’s story no :((
Miss Higgins and Nurse Crane could be the best friendship
There goes Sister Frances!! she’s absolutely got this
Literally every time she comes on screen my heart just goes 💓💓
The way Mother Mildred rolls her Rs cracks me up
Well that was awkward
Phyllis calling Lucille “kid” warms my heart
Their friendship is so cute
Sister Frances needs to know that I believe in her and I would walk to the ends of the earth for her
“We’ve all had a dose” “I can assure you that’s not the case” skskskskskdk
Sister Frances’ turn!!! good luck angel
She looked so scared when Mother Mildred was talking about her “most essential instruments”
*choked voice* “I’m managing perfectly well, thank you”
Get out Mr Pugh. die
Val trying to bribe Lucille with chips is forever a Mood
“Too good for bingo” and then the hand grab is g a y
All dressed up for the cinema?? Things were wild back then
“I think he fears the element of mathematics. You are an engineer - numbers should not daunt you” Sister pls
“You’re in charge Sister.” “Yes I suppose I am really. Good.” Poor thing
May and Angela are the cutest ...
Should have waited until after the ice cream
Trixie looks stunning
Fuck May’s new family
“I just want to make sure everything goes swimmingly for you” she’s killing me
Cyril won!! ugh king
I love him and I’m glad he makes Lucille happy but also.. Valcille :(
Val and her gran have such a cute relationship :)
Mr Pugh’s a bit of a twat tbh
I’m so proud of her :)
SHes so HaPPY!!! omg she can’t stop smiling I’m crying !!
I would give my life for hers
Mrs Blakemore :(
Sister Frances sending all the guests away to look after Connie ugh queen
Things were crazy different in the 60s omg
That sounds like such a stupid thing to say smh
I love Dr Turner so much
Uhh.. Val and Lucille ran into the room together.. Val’s hand on Lucille’s back...
Oh god if something happens to Val’s gran ....
Oh my god Gran’s the backstreet abortionist what
I saw someone theorise about that but I didn’t think it would be true
Val is LIVID omg
I feel so bad for her
I was actually starting to like Mother Mildred
Poor Val has basically lost the one person that meant the most to her
“Talk about.. the one thing we don’t talk about?” Mood
She called her Nurse Dyer instead of Val no
I’m loving Jennifer’s acting right now
“£7 is what I charge” .. she killed that woman from a few episodes ago
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jammixes-blog · 7 years
Good Vibes
Good vibrations during the day make the night more pleasant. It's the Good Vibe formula for being. It's hard for a Rose to grow on a piece of shit, in a healthy way. I wonder if astro-physics is linked to chemistry and biology. It should. The interaction of all atoms surrounding us is as important as their energy. Alchemically, the tiniest grain of sand can alter the composition of the whole Universe. Even stones possess more properties than we know of. I believe the theory that computers might have existed long ago, in the form of raw quartz, cut in specific ways. Somewhere, we didn't evolve, we just opened a lot more doors. If you research the evolution of the different philosophical schools of Ancient Greece, every door of perception was opened, there are the foundations of every possibility of scientific inquiry. A systematic exploration of every school would be adequate, as an inspiration. I'm too lazy to get into details, suffice it to say that the atomic composition of the Universe, conceptually, already existed. The day we are all conscious of our ignorance, we'll have to stop fighting amongst ourselves, and try to start building an Enlightened Civilization. This might require re-evaluating and re-thinking the way we live, interact, grow, educate ourselves, and re-define sciences and technology in a way that profits fully all human beings, and enable us to go further, with set goals, universally accepted and believed in. I'm gonna do my part, keep on doing my thing, writing, painting, mixing, meeting people, and try to encourage positive change. If I'm gone, there will be enough for future generations, to dig into. I can't do more, these are my limitations. I give what i can, and what i have, now. I might be a Good person, but being honest is more important, it makes one Better. I'm not taking anything with me, anyway. So, the more I give, and the better the legacy is. I'm keen on that. I don't care about party-poopers or people who think I'm on drugs, or crazy. When anyone has the patience to read the trunk loads of notebooks I'm leaving behind, with over 33 years of writing, they won't have a reason, or the heart to say anything bad about me. I am very sure about that, i do not fuck with other people, there are 0 reasons and 0 proofs to bad mouth me in any way. As for psychologists, they can't stand in court against me, face to say, I'll prove that they are insane, un-professional voyeurs, strip them from professional accreditations, take all their cash for damages, and get them interned. If i don't need their bogus services, they have no reason to meddle with my private life, that's criminal and unworthy of any professional code of conduct. Do you get a garagist checking your car, in your driveway, and deciding for you, without your consent, awareness, or legal backing, to do so and, to decide that you can't drive your car. What kind of con-artist would do that? It's called starving amateurs, paid by Silicon Valley to fuck a human being for more profits, while discrediting him. Thanks to D, earlier, i was told that in TDot, californian cons have no say. Well, i am in TDot, happily home, thankful that my people prefer to judge for themselves. I couldn't ask for a fairest deal, although, i did arrive in an exhausted state. That's what my Dad hinted at. I trust him, out of Love and Respect. By the end of the day, i'll never feel as at peace as home. I stand up to T.O, it stands up to me, that's what home is about, the place that balances you out. It's not always easy or enjoyable, but the grass is the same, in its difference, everywhere. Gotta pick somewhere, at some point, to throw the anchor down, and elevate the rest. The harder it feels and the more energy you gotta put in, you get 0, when you put in 0, it's mathematically unbeatable. Being an immigrant is not an issue. But, having a glass ceiling abritraly placed on one's path, to satisfy lazy and paranoid local egos: Fuck That. You don't put a collar on your immigrants. Never. And you don't treat all immigrants like cattle. Some happen to graduate from better schools than the local ones, you give them a fair chance. Period. The "you weren't born here" I heard so many times in Canada is condescending. So what? Does it mean I have to lick your ass because you were? If you are white-skinned, i never had tolerance for you. Immigrants are not the problem, you are. Like the extreme right in the UK, you are blatantly evil and should blame yourself for not progressing, in your path. Too easy and too coward to blame others. I saw something that vaguely looked like a Templar's Pate cross on a flag, next to the racist woman who leads the UK cohort of weasels. This is a fake Templar. No real custodian of Templar lore would do anything to promote racism, hate, or unfairness. There are no Templars existing today. The closest is their descendants, but, none of them displays the cross next to evil. Once and for all, any crazy person who claims to act on the behalf of Templars, especially to create division, or negative energies, is a fraud. It's too easy to appropriate a symbol and cover subjective stupidity with it. Why do i care? I inherited that symbol, at 33, without choice. I only use it when it promotes good energies, never for selfish ends. I would rather hang myself than be assimilated to it, for caca shit. The Templars were just Mystics, the most they wanted to achieve was throw a bit more Light on the world. That's why they were Knights, there is a strict code of conduct. A real Knight does not tweet to the world, daily, to poo with her/his ego. Her? Yes. It's only Fair. I will call them Knightesses. They exist, and they've done a lot, like Mamma. Those who don't understand should refrain from judgement and subjective perception. As a rule, if you don"t know 100% all the premises, just shut the fuck up. Sometimes, as a stranger, you are ritefully not privy to the details. Not my fault. But, Know, that when you do fuck around, from subjective opinion, without knowledge of all the facts, to me, you are worst and uglier than a vulgar tick, not worth my attention, time, or energy. I am never aloof, i just ignore you, even when i hear you. I choose carefully where and when I want to use energy. Apperently my eyes unsettle a lot of people. Too bad. I look at the world the way and with the eyes God gave me. I was born making idiots and bullies unconfortable, when i look at them. Truth is, i am conscious of it, i try to tone down my gaze. But, sometimes, i don't care, it's not my fault if you are afraid to look at the world eyes wide opened. Sober or not, this is how i am, too bad for you. By the way, why do you have such a blank, superficial gaze at things? You look lost, guilty, and empty. There are no rules to be a free, sane, and adult human being, expressing her/himself. But, thank God, they are universal rules, inforced in La Hague, to prevent evil idiots, or corporation, no matter how big, from fucking with such a human being, for any self-righteous, or prifitable reason. It's a matter of time before those parasites get punished, adequately. As Jimmy Cliff, a big hero and inspiration to me sang: "the harder they try and the harder they'll fall...". I trust people, decent human beings, like D, to make sure that "they'll fall".
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