#sugawara x bianca
mrskodzuken · 3 years
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Sorry to keep you waiting 🙇🏻‍♀️🥰
Koushi x Bianca - for @mirakeul
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I have a confession to make 👉🏻👈🏻 I’m the anon who sent the dancing ask earlier 😅👋🏻🙈♥️
At first, since more or less the theme for your selfship is ‘prom’ (actually sa akin galing yung prompt since it kinda fits your chosen outfit 😅), I was gonna do either: 1. Photo booth poses (i have a drawing template that i found on Pinterest best suit both your selfship), 2. Drinking Mountain Dew from your champagne glasses (for legal reasons it kinda looks like a joke /lh), and 3. Dancing (the reference I’ve used for the fanart above is the iconic dancing scene from the movie, “La La Land”). Also, my dash is full of Sugawara posts since I logged in earlier this morning so 🤷🏻‍♀️ baka sign ito ni Lord for me to do your request 😉
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The Cat’s General Taglist (form link here; send a DM if you wish to be removed): @love-amihan @cemeiia @antisocia1-bean @fernisasinner @chaotic-fangirl-blog @lumpiang-toge @chibishae34
Birthday Art Event Masterlist | My Masterlist
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ugh-tsumu · 3 years
👀 ian and suga pls BDHDJSJ for the haiku ask game 😋🥰
The noisy raindrops
Falling at the gym's rooftop
As you watch him play
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parkersvibes · 4 years
Prompt: “I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do.”
kageyama x reader
There are very few things Kageyama knows for sure. He even made a list
He loves volleyball 
You’re his best friend 
He will play volleyball for the rest of his life. 
He’ll be the best setter in all of Japan
Those were the 4 things Kageyama knew and understood for a fact. Until about a week ago when this appeared while mindlessly looking at it again.
5. I love y/n.  
Lately, things between you and Kageyama have been tense. Since winning the finals for the Miyagi prefecture Kageyama has been distant towards you. You didn’t know what it was. You two have been best friends for as long as you can remember, but for the first time in your friendship, he was acting cold. It wasn’t something you were used to. 
Others may believe that he was always stone cold and a tyrant king towards everyone he faced, but when it came to you, he had a sense of humor (although dry) and was just a regular kid. Still very much of a headass though. You knew how to make him laugh and what buttons to push to annoy him. You two were both two peas in a pod. 
Kageyama was different on the court, although you’ve never played on a team with him, you were never far from him. Whether you were helping him practice or cheering him on from the side. 
So here you were, sitting in your room with tears in your eyes after Kageyama had snapped at you.
“Tobio, what’s wrong?”
You two were walking home after practice, you can tell he was tense, but you didn’t understand why. He got his yogurt and ate his lunch, he didn’t completely fail his algebra test… why is he so upset?
Now that you came to think of it, he had been acting snippy lately… 
“Don’t be a dumbass, you’re a horrible liar and you know that.”
“Leave me alone.” 
I want to tell you
“Mmmmm, how about no. You don’t have to tell me right now but that also means that you can’t be so ‘GRRR’ and-”
At this point, you arrived at your house, right across the street from his as he cut you off. 
“God, you are so annoying y/n, no wonder why you have no friends.” His tone was harsh.
I don’t know how to keep a secret from you and I know that if I’m near you any longer than you’re gonna call me out and I won’t know how to tell you that I L-word you.
You went into a complete stop. 
Kageyama is one to make jokes and roast you for things, but he was never the type to joke around things that you were sensitive about. He knew you had a hard time making friends with others. You had a hard time talking to people, he would never say that to hurt you.
“Tobio… I- why would you say that?” 
“Because it’s true and I’m so tired of hanging out with you.”
That’s a lie, he thought. I love spending time with you. You’re the only one in my life that makes me feel infinite. When I’m with you, time stands still and it feels like nothing else matters.
Tears were brimming your eyes as your childhood best friend and (maybe) crush was breaking your heart. 
“You’re being a real asshole right now, Kageyama.”
Kageyama knew right away that he had struck a nerve. He was never Kageyama to you, always Tobio, Kags, Boke, dummy, literally anything but Kageyama. The last time you called him Kageyama was two summers ago when you were both in his backyard for his family barbeque and you were wearing your brand new sneakers that he KNEW you were excited to wear. Suddenly his volleyball was heading towards you and your plate of food. You hadn’t moved in time and the ball hit your plate and the food splattered on your shoes, ruining them. From that day on, Kageyama promised to always control the ball. 
Kageyama says nothing and turns to head inside his home, leaving you in the dark.
- One week later - 
You were sick of this. You were sick of the distance between the two of you. In the mornings, you would purposefully sleep in so that you didn’t have to walk with Kageyama to morning practice. You spent lunch with Tsukki and Yamaguchi, knowing that Kageyama would do just about anything to limit his interactions with the four-eyed blondie. 
Everyone on the team noticed the rift between you two. You had asked Kiyoko if she would let you handle the paperwork since it didn’t require you to be in the gym. 
Meanwhile, the team had missed your rowdiness and constant encouragement. 
*Tanaka pouts* “Why doesn’t she ever compliment me?” 
“Maybe because you suck.”
“Uh- I- uh thank you” *Asahi blushing is adorable*
“If you keep yelling at me, I’m not gonna help you with the chem homework.”
“Hinata... “
*instant gushing* 
“Kageyama I don’t have any words to tell you other than you still owe me yogurt because Hinata picked up more balls than you. 
Of course, Daichi adds, “Suga owes me ramen because I bet that all the insults you use today would consist of ‘moron’ and he thought that you’d have expanded your vocab by now.” 
All in all, they missed your presence. Even Takeda and Coach Ukai felt that the gym was missing something. Nothing was wrong with Kiyoko, she has been the manager longest, she was just on the more quiet side, but since you joined, you took over handling things in the gym while she did more of the technical stuff. 
“Hey Grumpyama, why haven’t you and Y/N been walking together?”
“None of your business, moron.”
Suga decided to intervene and say that you wanted to sleep more. He knew what happened. You called him the night that Kageyama snapped at you because out of all the third years, he knew how to deal with Kageyama the most. 
And because you two share the same brain cells, Kageyama had also told Suga what happened, with frustration and sadness evident in his voice. 
“I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to hurt her, but I just knew that if I looked at her, the truth would just come out.” 
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“She’s my best friend. I don’t wanna lose her just because she doesn’t like me back.” 
Suga eventually consoled Kageyama, assuring him that he wouldn't lose you over this, but over hurting you and avoiding you. He told Kageyama to talk it out with you, knowing that you’d understand. 
So here you were, sitting on your best friend's bed, watching him pace back and forth while struggling to find words.
“What is it Tobio?’’ The softness of your voice was making it hard for Kageyama to concentrate. How could you be so soft and kind after what he said to you?
“I don’t know what I did, but if you tell me I can try and fix it…” You added gently. 
You knew that he had a hard time expressing his feelings and that the best thing to do is to have patience and let him gather his thoughts. What you didn’t understand was why he was so nervous.
“I think I’m in love with you and I don’t know what to do. Okay?”
Silence. Everything stood still at that moment. 
“Wha- what do you mean?” 
“I think you know what I mean y/n... you- you’ve always been better with these... things... with emotions and stuff.” 
Kageyama stuttered for a second, always such a mess when it came to words but continued. “I just- I love you, and not in the way that you’re supposed to love your best friend. I asked Daichi and Suga what I was feeling... how when you smile, it puts the sun to shame. An- and how when you spend the night at my house and you fall asleep on my bed. God, I’d give up my bed and sleep on the floor for the rest of my life if it meant that you’d be the first thing I saw in the morning. I told them that when you laugh it feels like nothing else matters and that all the bad in the world just disappears.” 
Tears were streaming down your face at this point while you walked towards him. 
You enveloped the very tall boy in your arms. He was shocked, why were you hugging him?
“You are such a dumbass, Tobio.” 
“I’ve loved you since the day you ruined my favorite shoes and cried because I was mad at you.” 
“You… you what.” 
“I… love… you.” You said as you looked up and basically spelled it out for him with tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
“I- uh- well- I also um- I also feel the same way.” Kageyama struggled to say as he was literally as red as a tomato. 
“Mhm… so you decided that being an asshole was your way outta this. Sorry to tell you bub, but I’m with you for the long haul. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” 
*Kageyama was literally not working at this point. His brain has exploded* 
So he did what he knew his words couldn’t express and kissed you slowly, to let you know that he was sorry and that he wasn’t going anywhere either. 
end- 1,709 words
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mirakeul · 4 years
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request: would it be alright for me to still request for a song from folklore for the sing for me au? if yes, suga + the 1 by taylor swift please! thank you sm!! congrats on 200!!!
song for you: yes ofc!! this just won’t be longer since i have one for the main event, but thank you for requesting! n e ways, here’s sugawara koushi!
warnings: a little bit angsty? but it somehow has closure so,,, very short because i have this song for the event,,, um regrets as well but all is good
words: 668
taglist: @pyblos​​ @hikari-writes​​ @gyubit17​​ @noya-sannnn​​ @takemetovalhalla​​ @foryearsnyears​​ @radcherryblossom​​ @anejuuuuoy​​
send an ask/dm to be added to the taglist 🎶 or join my general taglist here!
folklore event folklore masterlist sing for you masterlist
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You were backstage, preparing for your concert which would happen in 30 minutes. The room was bustling with people walking and running, applying make-up to the dancers and singers who would back up for you.
You never thought you would be a singer, a famous one at that. You strived to be the model for people like you, broken but still standing. Your makeup artist, Minako, finished applying your makeup and smiled at you as she admired her work. You thanked her, going to your stylist after.  
He gave you your first outfit of the night which you slipped on with a pair of high heels. You vocalized a bit, calming your nerves because this was your first ever concert. You owe it all to the man who broke your heart, Sugawara Koushi.  
You loved each other, maybe you more than him and maybe that was the reason you both fell apart. You tried, you really did. But it didn't matter because it was gone. You admit you were hurt and angry at him when he broke up with you but because of that, you were here.
You finally pursued your passion, singing, and you know that somewhere out there, he would be proud. He has always known you had a thing for writing your own songs and singing them. Now, you would do just that. You took a deep breath, thankful that the tears didn't come. You smiled at your manager who looked proud of you as she gave you a thumbs up.
"What's up, Japan!" Cheers were heard and you couldn't help but be blinded by the lights as you looked at the crowd. They were holding up banners as they shouted and cheered for you. You smiled, posing for them.
"First off, I would like to thank everyone who came, I hope you have a good night with me!" You said, smiling at them. "I'm just going to tell you a little background about my first song."
"It's dedicated to my ex-boyfriend," The crowd goes wild as you confirm their theories. "Yes, yes. I just wanted to thank him because if not for him, I wouldn't have written it."
Somewhere in the crowd, Sugawara Koushi was trying not to cry as he looked at you. You were now fulfilling your dreams and he's happy. When he learned that you will be in concert, he immediately bought a ticket with Daichi and Asahi who accompanied him tonight. They were looking at him, a bit worried because they know your history.
"This one's for you." You smiled, starting to sing the song. Suga has listened to this song a million times and it still hurt. You were smiling as you sing, the crowd singing softly with you. You were something, he thought.  
He sadly smiles as he listens to you pour out your heart on every word of the song and at one point in the song, he realized that you have seen him. The blinding lights may have hindered you from seeing very well but you could clearly see him standing with Asahi and Daichi. He smiles at you, the smile not reaching his eyes. You smiled back as you sing. You could only focus on him because as you've said, this was for him.  
But we were something, don't you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool And if my wishes came true It would've been you In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone But it would've been fun If you would've been the one
Suga knows you haven't really looked at anyone but him for the song. He sings with you for the last lines as he sighs, smiling as he clapped with the crowd. Yeah, it would have been fun if you would've been the one. You smiled before addressing the crowd. Daichi and Asahi asked him if he was okay, he nods. He is.  
But it would've been fun If you would've been the one
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hearts4mitsuba · 2 years
Fandoms and characters I write for :D
Sally Face
Blooming Panic
John Doe
•John Doe
•Micah Yujin
The Goldfinch
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
•Glam Freddy
•Glam Chica
The Owl House
Stardew Valley
Genshin Impact
•any Adult/Teen(raiden+yae only /p)
Helluva Boss
• Stolas
Metal Family
•Red guy
•yellow guy (p)
•probably will do other characters that I don’t remember as well
Saiki K
•Nendou (p)
Don’t fall for flint
Things that I will and won’t write for ^^!
Will do:
• male reader
•character x reader x character
•character x character
Won’t Do:
•anything proshipping related
•fem reader
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
HQ Masterlist Babyy 💞
see soft rules here
masterlist Info: 
This is a SFW + NSFW blog. Tread carefully if you’re a minor, deadass
Smut and NSFW will be explicitly stated after title in brackets
(Fluffville) = my way of saying the fic is extra fluffy and is rated E for everyone
✨ = my faves !!
Newest stories posted in the last 7 days will be in REDD
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singular fics:
Yamaguchi Tadashi Meets and Dates His Secret Crush✨
Yamaguchi Tadashi x Really Sexy Yoga Instructor S/O ✨
Kageyama x The Ultimate Setter Hottie
Kageyama Pining After Aran Ojiro’s Little Sister (AU, Fluffville)
Reader meeting Kageyama For The First Time (Fluffville, Romantic) ✨
Kageyama with a “Hinata-Sized” S/O✨
Tanaka x Attractive Tutor
Tanaka Seeing his All-Star Cheerleader S/O Compete for The First Time
Cheering Up Noya With A Sexy, Wet Surprise (NSFW!) ✨
Nishinoya Yuu x Needy & Grumpy S/O In The Morning (slight NSFW) ✨
Sugawara x S/O That Flinches During Argument (Fluffville)
Sugawara Koshi x You, His Irresistible Dance Partner (NSFW)
Daichi Sawamura x Reader Winter Time Romance (Fluffville!)
____coach ukai:
Ukai Walking In On You Basically Naked (slight NSFW)
Bokuto & Operation: ‘Sneak My Girlfriend Out of Her Strict Parents House for Late Night Snacks’
A Freaky Friday In Which Bokuto Switches Bodies With His Fem!S/O ✨
Akaashi Seeing His African-American Crush In Yellow For The First Time ✨
____mad dog:
Kyoutani Crushing on You and Bringing Out His Soft Side (Fluffville, Angst)
Kentarō Seeing His Conservative Dressing S/O Show Some SKINTTTTTT For The First Time! (Slight NSFW but not really)
Iwaizumi x The Spicy New Girl ✨
Kenma x Cute Foreign Student 
Kenma w. A Nudist S/O lol (NSFW) ✨
DILF Day Care With Daddy Kuroo Tetsurō! ✨
Tendou w. A S/O who is Timid by Day: Naughty by Night! (NSFW) ✨
Tendou Satori Seeing His S/O In A Virgin Killer Sweater For The First Time! (NSFW!)
Ushijima Wakatoshi Helping His Black S/O Remove Her Single Braids (Fluffville)
Ushijima Going To ‘The Cookout’ With His Black S/O (Fluffville!)
Jealous Ushijima SMUT (NSFW!)
Ushijima’s 26th Birthday Event! 🎊
Aone Being A Dumby And Not Catching On To His Horny S/O - PART 1! (slight NSFW) ✨
You Teasing The Shit Out Of Your Lost, Hopelessly Horny Boyfriend Aone Takanobu - PART 2! (NSFW) ✨
Coming to a Solution With Your Lost but Very Horny Boyfriend Aone Takanobu - PART 3! (NSFW) ✨
More from this Aone series!
Aone’s 25th Birthday Event! 🎊
____the goat aran:
Some Aran Ojiro x Fem!Reader Romance ✨✨
Funny Aran Ojiro x Reader FLUFF (feat. the Inarizaki Team!) ✨
Some Hot Late Night Aran x Reader SMUT (NSFW!) ✨
Hot Late Night Aran Smut Part 2 (NSFW!)
Osasuna’s Bachelor Party w. Aran Ojiro
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Issa Big Spender💰: Extravagant Dates with Sakusa | Atsumu | Daichi | Asahi | Aran | he HQ Boys (Fluffville)
HQ BOYS REACT TO YOUR SEXY HALLOWEEN COSTUME 🎃: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 (NSFW + Fluffville)
Kags | Ushijima | Akaashi | Iwaizumi | x S/O With an Eating Disorder
Atsumu | Kuroo x Insecure S/O About Being Tall
“Scary” Karasuno Boys Meet Their Maker! (You) (Fluffville) ✨
Tanaka | Daichi | Sugawara | with Black Cheerleader S/O Who Crashes Their Practice ✨
Kuroo | Daichi | w. an Innocent & Inexperienced Friend That He Wants to Sexually Destroy (slight NSFW) 
How Karasuno, Seijoh and Nekoma would be with a Lesbian Manager
How Fukurodani and Shiratorizawa would be with a British Manager! (Fluffville)
Ushijima | Kenma | Reacting To Their S/O Calling Them “Daddy” in Front of Their Team! (Slight NSFW) ✨✨
Bokuto | Tanaka | Kenma | Nishinoya | with an African-American S/O Who Has Traditionally Black Features 🖤 (ROMANTIC ASF) ✨
Intentionally or Unintentionally CockTeasing Akaashi | Hinata | Ushijima | Aran | Yamaguchi | Because They Can’t Have Sex! (NSFW: verbiage only!)
Going to Disneyland Tokyo With Your Boyfriend Kuroo | Semi | Osamu | !!! (FLUFFVILLE)
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A03 Male x Male Ship Series!
Fuckboys, You Might Wanna Sit Down For This (Mature Audiences Only)
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Collaborations: *discontinued*
HQ Boys React To Viral “Best Looking Character” Ranking (Funny, Fluffville)
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Naughty&Nice Ask Column!
Which Haikyuu Boys Would Fall for a Cynical Babe? (NSFW)
How would Karasuno React to Seeing Yamaguchi Covered In Your Hickeys? (Slight NSFW but not really)
What Type of Person Would Tsukishima | Iwaizumi | Kags | Tendou | Kenma | Crush On? (Fluffville)
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Larissa & Lev
Claire & Iwa
Miffy & Tsukki
Ryleigh & Nishinoya
Kat & Shōyo ✨
Oyasenpai & Kenma
Jenaan & Osamu
Anon & Aone ✨ PART 0!
Bianca & Asahi ✨
Anon & Tsuki
Rain & Kiyoomi (NSFW) ✨
Lily & Kageyama ✨
Nin & Kōtarō (NSFW)
Alyssa & Satori
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ugh-tsumu · 4 years
AY BET HAHAHAHAH my name is bianca, a message from suga pls HAHAHA
HI, BIANCS! A message from Suga:
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Send me your name so a hq character can send you a message!
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mirakeul · 4 years
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“i’ll get you out on the floor, shimmering beautiful”
fun fact: i did suga for this bcuz i love him and i don’t exactly write for him that much, considering that he’s my favorite fjhask and so this happened! i also love the idea of suga comforting me so yea HAHHA
warnings: a bit angst but this is kinda a comfort au if im not mistaken AHAHA but srlsy a bit of a comfort au, reader gets taken advantaged of bcuz of her niceness
words: 1.63k
pairing: Sugawara Koushi x fem! reader
taglist: @pyblos​​ @hikari-writes​​ @gyubit17​​ @noya-sannnn​​ @takemetovalhalla​​ @foryearsnyears​​ @shou-kunn​​ @radcherryblossom​​ @anejuuuuoy​​ @littybugz​ 
send an ask/dm to be added to the taglist 🎶 or join my general taglist here!
folklore event folklore masterlist sing for you masterlist
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I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
You smiled at the person next to you, trying to comprehend what they were saying. You were bombarded here and there with people asking you for help. Sugawara couldn't help but get worried, he knows how hard it is for you to deal with crowds like this.
When he notices your eyebrows furrowed, he excused you from the crowd. He pulled you somewhere quiet as he rubbed circles in your hand to help you. It may not seem like it but he knows you're tired. He can see how you do everything for anyone, you couldn't really say no.  
"Are you okay?" He whispered after he pulled you to an embrace, you were slightly shaking as your chest rose to calm yourself.
"Yeah, thanks, Kou." You put your arms around him, instantly calming down because of his heartbeat.  
I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break, it's in a million pieces
Everyone is known for something like Suga is known to be a volleyball player and how he's known to be motherly to his team. You were the girl known to grant favors to anyone. You could never say no because of how nice your personality is and Suga tries his best to help you.
He knows how tiring it can be when you always do what is asked of you. He also tries and talks you out of it but you just do it anyways. You were nice like that. It's harder for him when people take your niceness for granted. He almost went feral after you told him of that one incident with the guy, yikes.
He brushes his fingers through your hair, humming a small tune as you both hugged. You know how he feels when you overwork yourself and you really try not to. You were glad for him because he helps you through everything, assuring you that he would always be there for you.
"Hey, Kou?" You looked up with him looking down on you. He has a smile on his face as he gazes upon you. "Thank you."
He chuckles, kisses your nose, and says, "I don't know what this is all of a sudden, Y/N. Did you need something?"
You playfully slapped his chest, a laugh resounding from the both of you. You both quieted down, just smiling and looking at each other.
"No, but seriously, thank you." He playfully rolled his eyes, pulling you again to him as he placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"It's nothing, just for you, Y/N." Hush, when no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
You were at his volleyball game. It was the match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa. You met up with Suga before to wish him luck by giving him a kiss and a hug. You sat with Yachi and the others as you breathed, you smiled and cheered with the school.
Your eyes well up with tears as you watched the game, feeling very proud of Tsukishima who blocked Ushijima successfully. You were filled with worry when Akiteru-kun and Yachi went down because Tsukishima was injured, you just hope he'd be okay.
You cheered with all of your might as you watch them play, your heart bursting with emotions as you cheered for your school. Shiratorizawa was loud but you tried your hardest, to show them that you support them. As Hinata spiked the winning point, you held your breath. That was it, they won! You cried as the third-years cried on each other's shoulder after they were declared winners.
You smiled at Suga, mouthing the words "I'm proud of you" as you cheered for their team as they bowed to the stands. You wiped the tears as you raised your fist to the air which he copied. You went down with Yachi and the others. When you see them, you immediately ran up to Suga, jumping on him.
He laughed, catching you, his arms automatically supporting you. You left kisses all over his face to the team's amusement. You got down from him and congratulated the others, hugging Daichi and Asahi. You smiled at them, chatting lively with Hinata and complimenting Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama. I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I can change everything about me to fit in
Sugawara Koushi was your angel, you had no doubt about it. He's like sunshine on a gloomy day that just lights up your day whenever you two see each other. You met in junior high and surprisingly, became classmates again in high school.
As for the romantic aspect of your relationship, it happened in your second year. You confessed to him about some feelings you hid for so long, expecting to be rejected by your long-time friend. What you didn’t expect was him literally sweeping you off of your feet. He laughed as he spun you around and confessed to you as well.
He noticed you and your mannerisms even more after you two started dating. He would notice your nose twitch when you get annoyed. He would notice your hands, mindlessly stretching when you get nervous. He would notice how your eyes crinkle at every joke, his smile growing wider with yours. He notices the little things you didn't even notice yourself.
That's why when he noticed your unusual behavior whenever someone you're not really close with approaches you and asks you for something. He would notice the uncertainty in your voice as you say yes. He would notice the small frame of time you would frown when the person isn't looking but then he sees you smiling once more like you never frowned. He would notice how you constantly change yourself based on who you were talking to. That's why he pulls you before you even say yes.
He remembers when he confronted you about it. He pulled you aside, politely apologizing to the person. You were confused that time, what was it with Koushi?
"What are you doing?" He said, his eyes looking stern.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" You said, amused. What he said next made you drop the act.
"Y/N," He didn't look amused. It was different from the usual smiling Sugawara you knew. "I can see through you, you know. Why do you do this?"
He gestured to you, your mind not understanding what was it. He sighed and continued. "Why do you change yourself?"
You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten "I—what?" You know deep down what he was talking about but you don't want to. You chuckled nervously. "I'm not?"
He looked at you with the 'seriously?' look which made you hang your head down low. He sighed, pulling you to him and trapping you in an embrace. You stiffened in his hold as he rubbed circles on your back, the comforting gesture slowly making you tired and let go.
He held you that day as you cried, not pressuring you into telling him anything as he assures you of everything you've been doubting and doing. You melted into his embrace and soon enough, became drowsy, and fell asleep on him. It was a good thing you were seated at the time.
Suga smiles at your sleeping figure, wiping the tears from your face as he cradles you close to him. He cards his fingers through your hair and pressed a soft loving kiss on your forehead. He would do everything for you, he knows that now. And they called off the circus, burned the disco down When they sent home the horses and the rodeo clowns I'm still on that tightrope I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me
You tried to rid yourself of these thoughts, you really did. You couldn’t tell Suga because you don't want to be a burden to him. You learned how much you needed Suga when you broke down, telling him that everyone has left you.
You wanted to be someone people liked but you guess, that won't be the case anymore. You cried on him, thinking why do you have to change so much for other people. You couldn't even understand who you really are without thinking it was a façade.
Suga helped you through that. He whispered loving things to your ear, telling you that friends do not abandon friends just because they can't get benefits from that friendship, in your case, doing favors. You were nice, yes, but you had your limits just like everybody else. If anybody tried to take advantage of your nature, you wouldn't even have guessed it if not for Suga.
And I'm still a believer, but I don't know why I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me
Suga holds you close as he assures you and calms you down. It was the worst breakdown you ever had, Suga's heart aching as he looks at your tear-stricken face. You were the most pure-hearted person he knew and it hurt seeing like you need to change everything and do everything for people.  
You brought out the best in everyone but managed to break yourself into pieces. He took a deep breath as he rubs your arms in the most comforting way he knows. He'll be there for you, broken or not. He would be the one that stays in the end, he'll make sure of it.
Because I'm a mirrorball I'm a mirrorball And I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
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mirakeul · 4 years
“are you okay?” (self-ship)
notes: very self-indulgent, doesn’t use y/n or you because i needed something like this,, proceed with caution HAHAHA
warnings: fluff, comfort fic
words: 701
pairing: Sugawara Koushi x Bianca (ship names anyone?)
(i did not tag anyone since this isn’t really an x reader?? but if u want more content like this, tell me)
Sugawara Koushi has never met someone as cheerful as Bianca was. She was always a breath of fresh air wherever she goes and she has always been the happy pill to everyone else. She would always smile whenever she meets up with friends and Sugawara doesn't know what to think about it.
Suga doesn't know why he never noticed her before. He asked Daichi and Asahi about her and they seemed to have known the girl. That Bianca was someone who puts others first instead of her own interests. That Bianca was someone who befriends anyone she wants. Suga was about to find out himself who Bianca really was.
Suga went to Bianca's classroom one day after school, wanting to ask the girl something before he goes to practice. He was near the room when he heard the sniffles inside so he didn't hesitate to open the door. Bianca was sat at the very back, shoulders shaking as she tried to stop crying. Hearing the door open, she looked up seeing Suga at the door.
Suga didn't hesitate, going to where Bianca was as she tried to wipe the tears from her face. She sniffled, looking away when she saw him looking at her worriedly. He shot a quick text to Daichi about being late to practice.  
"Hi, Suga-kun. What are you doing here?" She tried to make the tone cheerful, failing when her voice cracked. She still smiled at him despite the tears streaming down her face.  
"I was trying to find you, wait, you know me?" Suga was confused. She smiled at him and nodded.
"Of course, Daichi-kun and Asahi-kun told me much about you." Silence ensued after that, her sniffles were heard in the room as Suga sat next to her. There was a considerable amount of space between them as she looked straight.
"Are you okay?" Suga muttered softly after a moment, glancing at her beside him. Her eyes were red as she sniffled. She looked at Suga, smiling as more tears came down. That was the moment he understood.  
He can see how broken her smile was, how hurt she is conveyed by her eyes, and how broken the girl beside her really was. He pulled her into his arms as he carded his fingers through her hair, allowing her to let go of all her bottled up emotions inside.
She sobbed into his arms, her body shaking violently as she cried. This was the first time she let everything go. She never let anyone see this broken image of her because she knows she has to be strong for other people. She smiles through every pain because she wants everyone to know her as someone strong. She is, Suga knows that.  
She took a deep breath as she cried, her body warm with Suga's arms around her. He whispered words of encouragement, saying that he was just here for her. He knows how difficult it was to keep your emotions bottled and he's just wondering how long she was keeping this to herself. She misses the comfort of having someone who actually listens and with Suga here with her, she knows she isn't alone.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Suga looked at her, rubbing circles on her back.
"I don't really want to." She smiled a bit, more genuine this time and he can see that. She sighed, taking the handkerchief Suga handed her. She thanked him, wiped the tears as she separated from his hug.
"Suga-kun, thank you." Suga smiled, leaning over to tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She smiled, sighing once more. "You have practice, right? Daichi-kun's going to kill you."
He laughed, standing up, and offering her a hand to do the same. She accepted his hand and stood up. "He won't. Do you want to watch?"
"If It's not too much, I don't really want to go home yet." She smiled as Suga beamed at her. He offered her his arm and they went to the gym, arm in arm.
Suga smiled at you as you talked about the things you loved. He was sure, he wanted to see that smile more often.
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ugh-tsumu · 3 years
Now I’m super curious who would you ship ur mutuals with?
OHOOOO I love this! I decided to not be biased with their personal favorite characters so I'm gonna ship them with haikyuu characters I think would compliment them most. I hope I don't miss a mutual. Pls tell me if you can't understand Tagalog anon so I can translate some sentences.
Edit: Supposedly ipopost ko last week kaso ayun, nag mia me
@kerokenma x Tanaka. HAHAHAHAHHA THE POWER? THE CHAOS? Grabe. Iniisip ko palang, napapathink na ako. Like, parang, you know? Pero seryoso, I think their personalities would match. 'Yung magjowa sa room na parang barkada talaga.
@ricerice x Akaashi. Lois is literally pastel aesthetic for me. Their tandem would prolly be bookworm x bookworm? Yk, the aesthetic couple photos you see at Pinterest? Them.
@kozutenshi x Sugawara. Another aesthetic blog for me but like, Precious needs a little spice and Sugawara can supply that much very well! Like, pastel and crack at the same time.
@churochuu x Asahi. Listen, I am up for Iwa/Kita and Chuu but p l e a s e. I love the AsahixChuu tandem. The uwu x uwu plus the huge height difference? 🥺 NDJSJSJSJSJ
@xxlightsaberxx x Tendou. I remember her randomly popping in my dms and LOLLLL THAT IS SO SO TENDOU. I can imagine them just, randomly popping at their friends' dms or smthng
@loubells x Sugawara. Because they both good friends vibes but at the same time, can be chaotic. They are the angel-demon couple of Karasuno lol
@lumpiang-toge x Kageyama. Both chaotic in different ways. I can see Yō making jokes pero babarahin ni Kags tapos babarahin ni Yō si Kags kasi mali sagot ni Kags tapos 'di na 'yan titigil, magbabangayan na 'yan whole day.
@mirakeul x Kenma. I think Bianca can use a confident but lowkey person and Kenma is the best candidate for that.
@kirakirasaku x Matsukawa. I feel like they both will vibe even if wholesome or nsfw ang topic HAHAHAHA. The cool magjowang Ate at Kuya sa org na pwedeng pwede mong lapitan if ever.
@gayerthanthee x Bokuto. Both crack but at the same time the pusher of each other. Kasi etong si Cas insecure minsan kahit ang perfect >=[[[ tapos etong si Bo madaling magtampo ayan maglambingan kayong dalawa.
@mjoork x Kita. IDK. Very wholesome si Meg so she deserves a very wholesome guy din. Yung magjowang willing tulungan yung barkadang umiiyak kasi binasted ganon.
@iwaesumi x Yamaguchi. ANOTHER WHOLESOME DUO holds hands gently sobs
@a-nonnie-mousse x Semi. Hehehe obsessed ako sa artist x musician? Huhuhu cute niyo. Yung magjowang talented tapos feeling ng iba (especially singles ha) abog lang sila sa Earth tuloy
@mellowknightcolorfarm x Oikawa. Maybe because and cultured ni Keziah? Ang daming fandom mami tapos feeling ko si Oikawa 'yung type na maalam sa internet because tambay siya sa soc meds. The type of magjowa na napaka-in ang lingo sa soc med.
I feel like I forgot some mutuals but I'll add them eventually!
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mirakeul · 4 years
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♫ last updated ; dec. 26, 2021
mature themes and explicit content are marked as [m]
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[karasuno] ♫ imagines ;
➳ he really puts his heart into it, you know? ; tanaka ryuunosuke x fem! reader [slight angst, fluff ; 4.3k words] ➳ you'd be rich ; asahi azumane x fem!flirty! reader [fluff ; 1.1k words] ➳ i said i'll come back, didn't i? ; tanaka ryuunosuke x fem! reader [slight angst, fluff ; 2.6k words] ➳ you can't choose who you love ; kiyoko shimizu x fem! reader [hurt/comfort, fluff ; 4.6k words] ➳ i want to have a family with you ; ukai keishin x fem! reader [fluff ; 6.09k words] [m] ➳ darling, you look perfect tonight ; sugawara koushi x fem! reader [songfic, fluff ; 1.3k words] ➳ does it mean we're dating? ; sawamura daichi x fem! reader [actor! au, fluff ; 1.3k words] ➳ watch the fireworks with me? ; sugawara koushi x fem! reader [fluff, 1.72k words ; agaasi's 4k wp] ➳ i just get shy ; asahi azumane x gender neutral! reader [fluff ; 1.27k words]  ➳ have we met before? ; sugawara koushi x gender neutral! reader [soulmate!au, fluff, comfort ; 3.15k words] ➳ that’s a keeper ; sugawara koushi x fem! reader [fluff, hurt/comfort ; 3.23k words] ➳ pinto ng tadhana [door of destiny] ; sugawara koushi x filipino fem! reader [angst, entry for @/lumpiang-toge’s event ; 2.75k words] ➳ making it hard to breathe ; tanaka ryuunosuke x gender neutral! reader [hurt/comfort, entry for @/kirakirasaku’s collab event ; 1.71k words]
♫ scenarios ; ➳ it reminded me of you ; yamaguchi tadashi x fem! reader [fluff ; 573 words] ➳ sometimes, i wonder if you even like me ; tsukishima kei x fem! reader [hurt/comfort ; 802 words] ➳ are you okay? ; sugawara koushi x bianca ; biankoushi [self-ship fic, hurt/comfort ; 701 words] ➳ study date sesh with tsukki ; tsukishima kei x gender neutral! reader [fluff ; 546 words ; agaasi's 4k wp]
♫ fake texts ; ➳ i miss you ; sugawara koushi x gender neutral! reader [fluff] ➳ i thought you were in class ; tsukishima kei x gender neutral! reader [fluff, lowkey crack] ➳ i wanna ruin our friendship ; sugawara koushi x gender neutral! reader [fluff] 
♫ series ;  ➳ fluffy boyfriend texts ; smau [fluff] ♪ tsukishima kei ♪ yamaguchi tadashi 
♫ timestamp drabbles ; ♪ [1:28] sugawara koushi [hurt/comfort]
[fukurodani] ♫ scenarios ; ➳ the moment's ruined ; bokuto koutarou x fem! reader [crackfic, 305 words] [m]
[nekoma] ♫ imagines ; ➳ i guess we're soulmates ; kuroo tetsurou x fem! reader [soulmate!au, fluff, lowkey crackfic ; 1.7k words] ➳ i would have fallen for you either way ; kuroo tetsurou x gender neutral! reader [soulmate!au, fluff, angst if you squint ; 1.4k words]
♫ scenarios ; ➳ he stays ; kuroo tetsurou x fem actress! reader [comfort ; 573 words]
[aoba johsai] ♫ imagines ; ➳ i wish you were here with me ; oikawa tooru x fem! reader [fluff, a bit nsfw at the end ; 1.7k words] ➳ akin ka na lang ; half filipino! iwaizumi hajime x filipino gender neutral! reader [fluff, slight angst if you squint, lowkey crack ; 1.83k words]
♫ scenarios ; ➳ you look happier, you do ; iwaizumi hajime x fem! reader [songfic, angst ; 894 words]
[shiratorizawa] ♫ imagines ; ➳ petrichor ; ushijima wakatoshi x fem! reader [fluff ; 1.78k ; jane's 1.5k writing event]  ➳ i long for the day ; pirate! ushijima wakatoshi x merperson! reader [fluff, angst if you squint ; 2.3k words]
♫ scenarios ; ➳ you're not a bother ; tendou satori x gender neutral! reader [fluff ; 964 words] ➳ i think they’re growing on me ; ushijima wakatoshi x gender neutral! reader [fluff ; 505 words]
[inarizaki] ♫ coming soon~
[itachiyama] ♫ scenarios ; ➳ so, when's the wedding? ; sakusa kiyoomi x gender neutral! reader [fluff ; 932 words] 
[misc.] ♫ imagines ;  ➳ five times hirugami sachirou kisses ellie under a mistletoe (and the one time he didn’t need it) ; hirugami sachirou x ellie @/sachirou-senpai [fluff, hurt/comfort ; 3.69k words]
♫ scenarios ; ➳ i don’t love you anymore ; includes oikawa tooru, tanaka ryuunosuke, daichi sawamura, and kenma kozume [angst]
♫ headcanons ;  ➳ with a fem s/o who has inferiority issues ; includes miya osamu, kuroo tetsurou, akaashi keiji [comfort] ➳ poly relationship ; includes sakusa kiyoomi & alisa haiba, osamu miya & akaashi keiji, and kyoutani kentarou & kenma kozume [fluff] ➳ with an s/o who’s blunt, serious, and just socially awkward ; includes bokuto koutarou, oikawa tooru, sugawara koushi [fluff, hurt/comfort] ➳ are you okay? ; includes iwaizumi hajime, tsukishima kei, terushima yuuji [hurt/comfort] ➳ s/o does their makeup! ; includes sugawara koushi, iwaizumi hajime, terushima yuuji [fluff] ➳ are you having trouble sleeping? ; includes terushima yuuji, sawamura daichi, tendou satori [fluff, comfort] ➳ haikyuu boys and how they would dance with you to these opm songs ; includes tendou satori, kyoutani kentarou, hinata shouyou, miya atsumu, and bokuto koutarou [fluff, comfort]
♫ series ;  ➳ i thought you were in class? ; smau [fluff, lowkey crack] ♪ karasuno ♪ aoba johsai
➳ can you come pick me up ; smau [angst, hurt/comfort] ♪ karasuno part 1 [daichi, suga, asahi, kiyoko, ennoshita, noya, tanaka] ♪ karasuno part 2 [kageyama, hinata, tsukishima, yamaguchi, yachi, ukai jr., takeda] ♪ aoba johsai [oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki, kindaichi, kunimi, kyoutani, shigeru] ♪ nekoma & fukurodani [kuroo, kenma, yaku, taketora, lev, bokuto, akaashi, konoha]
➳ i don’t love you anymore ; scenarios [angst, no comfort] ♪ part 1 [oikawa tooru, tanaka ryuunosuke, daichi sawamura, kenma kozume] ♪ part 2 [akaashi keiji, bokuto koutarou, hinata shouyou, kuroo tetsurou] ♪ part 3 [semi eita, tendou satori, terushima yuuji, kunimi akira]
♫ fake texts ; ➳ baby, you’re like lightning in a bottle ; includes tsukishima kei, oikawa tooru, matsukawa issei [fluff, lowkey crack] 
➳ haikyuu captains see you do the wap ; headcanons [m] ♪ includes sawamura daichi, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsurou  ♪ includes bokuto koutarou, futakuchi kenji, ushijima wakatoshi
© mirakeul ; do not modify or reupload anywhere else
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