#suho x reader smut
proudahgase-exol · 9 months
Just friends and nothing else right?
Junmyeon x reader
Summary: Your friends have been with Junmyeon since you were kids. Now that you guys are adults, you guys are inseparable, but you don’t act like friends do. Friends don’t hold hands when you go out, friends don’t give forehead kisses, friends don’t go on dates every two weeks, and friends don’t have sex on a Sunday after a night for a party with your other friends, do they?
People always ask me if Junmyeon and I are a couple, which we always deny, but of course, they don’t believe us.
One thing about Junmyeon and I is that we have been friends since we were five years old. We met at a family party; his parents are good friends with mine, so after that night we saw each other more often, but then it became more often when my parents told me we were moving. We moved four hours away from our old house to be right next to the Kim family, so I saw Junmyeon on a daily basis. We went to the same school and had the same classes together.
When we were in high school, we did everything together; he was my prom date. On every school trip, we sat together. When we found out we were accepted into the same college, we were over the moon. We had some of the same classes, and we still did everything together. That’s why a lot of people think Junmyeon and I are dating.
(Fast forward to the future.)
"Hey, where's your boyfriend?” my best friend Sofia asked.
“What boyfriend? I don’t have one,”I said, laughing.
“Kim Junmyeon, isn’t he your boyfriend?” She tease
"Nope, he’s my best friend, him and I go way back." I replied, smiling at the thought of him.
"Yeah, sure, whatever, so are we still going to the party this Saturday? You can bring your boyfriend,” she said, looking at her phone.
“I don’t think so, the guys and I are going to Meyeon’s cabin,” I said, sitting on my bed.
“You’re living me all alone then,” she faked cry.
“Jun said you can tag along so I don’t have to be the only girl,” I said, looking up.
“To be the third wheel, no thank you,” she replied.
“Come on, it will be fun. There’s a lake. The cabin is really big, so there’s enough space for all of us."I said, whining.
“Are we sharing a room?” She asked, looking up from her phone.
“I don’t know. I might share a room with Myeon, but if I do, we can as one of the guys to give you their room I bet the Beagle Line won't mind sleepingthe the same room,” I said, laughing
“What you can't make them all three where a room." She said worry.
“Come on, they love spending time together plus Baekhyun would be over the moon to where a room with his best friends" I said, smiling.
“Well as long as they are okay with it than I can go” she replied
“Don't worry I'll ask Baekhyun he knows what to do to convince them,” I said, smiling
“Okay than,” she asked, happily.
"By the way, but just so you know, friends don’t share a room or a bed, so keep denying that you and Junmyeon aren’t a couple,” she said, getting up from the bed and making her way out of my bedroom.
After Sofia left, I got a text message from Junmyeon asking if I was still up for our weekly dinner.
Jun 💕: hey love Are we still up for tonight’s dinner?
Me: Hey, Junmay, of course! Where are we going this time?
Jun 💕: We are going to our favorite Italian restaurant,so wear the pastel pink dress I got you last week
Me: Okay, then see you at 6?
Jun 💕: yes love I'll pick you up, okay? See you soon.😙
Me: see ya 🥰
I looked at the time, and it was 3:30, so I turned the phone off and ran to my closet to pull the dress out and some other stuff to go with the dress. Then I went to take a shower.
After I got out, I did my hair and did my make-up, then I put on the dress Junmyeon ask me to wear. After I was done, Sofia walked in and sat down on my vanity chair.
“Going to your weekly dinner date with your man?” Sofia asked as she snacked on some chips
"Yes, we are going to the Italian restaurant I told you about,” I said as I put on my earnings.
“How much money does he have anyway? He always takes you to fancy, expensive restaurants and buys you expensive stuff. She asked curiously.
“A lot, his parents own a businesses, and his major is business; he wants to start his own,” I said proudly.
“How did you guys meet? She asked interested
“His mom and mine were high school best friends; they went to the same college, but after graduation, they lost contact until a few years later, when they met at the daycare, where they reconnected and found out they both were married and had children,” I said, smiling.
“Does he have any more siblings, or is he an only child like you?” She asked, looking at me and smiling.
“He has an older brother,” I said, sitting down on my bed.
After chatting for a few minutes, I heard the doorbell ring and knew it was Junmyeonn, so I got up. I grabbed my phone and wallet and walked to the door where he was waiting for me.
"Hey, you look really lovely ready to go love,?" He asked as he took my hand
“Hey Myeon, thank you. You look handsome as always, and yes, let's go,” I said as I closed the door.
On our way to the restaurant, we caught up and updated each other on what we had been doing. He told me he visited his parents, and they asked for me, saying they missed me. He also told me how the guys were excited about our trip this weekend. Then we arrived at the restaurant and took our usual spot.
“What are you getting today?” Junmyeon asked as he looked at his menu.
“I don't know. Can you choose for me? I asked, smiling at him.
"Sure, are we also getting white or red wine?” He asked, looking up at me.
“I have been craving red wine for the longest time." I said, laughing.
“Red it is,” Junmyeon said, closing the menus.
After a while, the waitress arrived and asked for our order. Junmyeon told the waiter what we wanted, then he left to get our order done. We talked as we waited for our food to arrive. He told me how existed he was for this weekend and asked if Sofia was coming as well. After a few minutes, our food arrived, and we continued talking.
“And Sehun was hiding from Kyungsoo; the boy has been getting on Kyungsoo’s nerves a lot lately,” he said as he took a sip of his wine.
“I would too if I were kyung. I can't believe the audacity of Sehun. You have been raising a brat,” I replied, smiling.
“I know, but he’s just so cute, especially when he makes his puppy face,” Jun said, laughing.
"Yeah, he’s so good at making you feel guilty for scolding him,” I said, laughing.
“I’m jealous of you though, he seems to behave and respect you more than any of us,” he said, smiling.
"Well, I’m his favorite noona, and he better respect me or I’ll punch him," I said giggling.
"Hey, how did you convince him to pay for you?” He asked curiously.
“What do you mean?” I asked confused.
“Remember when you both went to get bubble tea? Or the time you went out to eat at his favorite restaurant, he said that he paid for you both,” Junmyeon said, smiling.
"Oh, at the time of the bubble tea, none of you guys wanted to take him, so I did, and at the time of the restaurant, we went because he was sad. You remembered the girl he was talking to? She turned out to be a bitch and a gold digger, so he needed a distraction, but he did pay for those two occasions. He said he wanted to treat me that time since I “spoiled him.” He also paid for some other stuff,” I said, giggling at the thought.
"Wow, I wish I got the treatment. He seems to like you a lot, but I mean, all of the boys do as well,” he said.
"Yeah, I guess they do, especially Bakehyun. He calls me all the time, asking me all sorts of questions. He told me to teach him about menstruation,” I said, rolling my eyes and laughing.
"Really, he’s weird. I’m sorry about him." He said he was looking at me with a small smile.
“It’s alright, I had fun. He was consterned about women’s well-being, asking if we could dye out of blood loss from our period,” I said, laughing.
"He's an idiot, I swear” Junmyeon said, laughing along.
After dinner, we walked for a while until it got late, then he took me home and made sure I walked in the apartment building safely before driving off.
The next day I woke up to go to school. My roommate woke up and got ready as well. Then we both headed to school, where we met up with our group of friends. We talked until we arrived at our destination. Then we parted ways. Sofia and I had the same class, so we walked into our class and took our seats.
After that class we had a few more classes but since it was Friday they were short and we got to go home early.
After our last class, I went home to start packing for our trip since we were leaving tonight. As I was packing, my friend walked in, asking if it was going to be cold or hot at night and other stuff to make sure she was prepared for the trip. After an hour of packing, we were all done and waiting for the boys when I got a message from Junmyeon.
Jun 💕:Hey, are you girls ready
Me: Yes, we are.
Jun 💕:Alright, I’ll be there in a few minutes
Jun 💕:By theway, your friend will be raiding with Minseok,Chanyeol, and Jongin.
Me: What about me?
Jun 💕: with me duh, also Kyungso and Sehun will be with us.
Me: What about the others? They are still coming, right?
Jun 💕:Yes, they will be in anothercar,r so don't worry
Me: Okay
Jun 💕: I'll be there in about 20 minutes.
Me: All right, see you soon, then.
After I finished texting him, we brought our stuff to the door and waited for Junmyeon to tell us that they were there.
When the guys arrived, they sent me a
Text telling me They were waiting for us downstairs, so we got our stuff and made our way to where the boys had parked.
I got in the passenger seat with Junmyeon, and Sofia went and got in Minseok's car, then we drove to our destination.
After two hours on the ground, we finally arrived at Junmyeon’s cabin. We all got out of the car and started to unload everything and take it inside the house.
As soon as everything was inside, the guys started to joke around, but soon got cut short because Minseok forced them to take everything to their bedrooms. As I was getting my stuff, when Sofia came up to me.
"Hey, so are we shearing a room?” She asked nervously.
“Let me ask-." I was about to finish my sentence when Baekhyun interrupted me.
“So I convince the guys to share a room with me they agree well prank Kyungsoo at night,” Baekhyun said.
"Okay than sound good and please don't get killed by Kyung” I replied laughing “alright Sofia you'll take Chanyeols room now that he and Jongdae are glad to Ng with Bakheyun”
“Okay than I'll go take my stuff there,” she said taking her stuff to the room
When Sofia left, Iwent to place my stuff in Junmyeosn and my shared room, which was the biggest one. When I got there Junmyeon was already there putting his stuff away.
As we unpacked we chatted and joke around than made our way down stairs were the everyone rady was.
Kyungsoo and Junmyeon went to the kitchen to cook dinner well the rest of us hung out in the living room waiting for dinner. After dinner was done we all went to eat. After we all eate we made plans for tomorrow, Junmyeon said there was a club in the town near by that we could go to, and we all agreed.
After dinner, we cleaned up, and we all went to our rooms to rest.
The next day, I was woken up by Junmyeon poking my cheeks and telling me to get up. When I did, he was already dressed up and ready for the day. He told me to get ready and come to the kitchen for breakfast. He got closer to me and kissed my forehead and told me he was going to help kyungsoo make breakfast.
When I walked into the kitchen, all the guys were there. I sat between Sofia and Jongin, and we chatted about the plan for today.
We all decided to go to the lake for a bit until it was time to get ready to hit the club, so we all got ready to go to the lake.
When we got there, we all ran to the water, where we began a water fight. We were having a good time for a few hours until it was time to head back to get ready.
When we got to the cabin, we all went to get ready for the club. When I was doing my hair, Sofia kicked Junmyeon out of the room so we could get ready together.
When Junmyeon left Sofia and I began to get ready. We helped each other with our makeup and then chose each other’s outfits. When we were done, we met the guys downstairs, who were waiting for us. Then we got in the cars and made our way to the club.
At the club, we found a table and sat down while Beakhyun and Sehun went to get the drinks. I was sitting next to Kyungsoo and Jongdae, and we were all having a good time. Kai asked if I wanted to dance with him, so I agreed.
After a few hours and a few songs and more shots, I was drunk and dancing against Junmyeon, who was surprisingly drunk as well. We were having a good time, but everything’s become a blur, and I don’t remember anything else.
The next day, I woke up next to Junmyeon naked. I turned around to look at him, and he was looking up at the ceiling. Then he turned to me.
“I think we should not talk about this now, so let’s get dressed and head down for breakfast,” Junmyeon said as he got up in a rush to get dressed.
"Oh, okay, yeah, you got ahead. I need a shower." I said I was not trying to make eye contact.
"Okay, than,” he said as he finished getting dressed.
After he left, I went to take a shower, and I broke down crying. I felt rejected, like I didn’t matter to him, and I started to think the worst.
Did he regret having sex with me? Or did he not find me pretty? or was he not sexually attracted to me? Was I bad at sex?
It made me feel even worse when he didn’t give me a forehead kiss like he usually did. I was so heartbroken because, deep down, I loved Junmyeon more than a friend. I have been in love with him for a few years now, so this really crushed me.
After my shower, I got dressed and made my way down the stairs. Sehun and Jongin came running to me, telling me how much their heads hurt and how they never wanted to drink again. They asked if I could make them hung over soup, so I agreed and sent them off to the living room.
As I was making the soup, Jongdae walked in and started to help, then he asked me
"Hey, what’s up with you and Junmyeon Hyung?” He asked, as he got some vegetables.
“What do you mean?" I played dumb.
“I saw you two last night... You were dancing pretty close and then made out. I also know you guys had sex,” he said, turning to me.
"I don’t know; he just told me we were talking later, but he’s not acting like himself; he usually clings in the morning, and today he was distant." I said, letting tears flow.
"Oh, come here, it’s okay. You will talk it out with him, and you will continue like normal,” he said as he hugged me.
“I hope so,” I said, whipping my tears.
After Jongdae and I were done making breakfast, we called the boys over. I sat between Sofia and Lay and talked to them, asking who their night was.
After we ate, Sofia and I went out for a walk. It was relaxing. It was going great when I saw Sehun and Chanyeol, joking around and acting like toddlers. And I remember how Junmyeon and I used to chase each other like that when we were kids and I began to feel sad.
A little while after we arrived, we all went to watch some movies and chill for a bit, but then Baekhyun left the room and came back with a cooler full of beer, soju, and other alcoholic beverages and said we should play some games and drink, so we agreed.
We were all playing different games with some music in the background. I stepped out of the room to go get changed to something more comfortable, but what I didn’t know was that Junmyeon had followed me to the bedroom, where he closed the door and asked to talk to me.
"Y/N, can we talk?" he asked nervously.
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" I said as I was walking to the closest to get my clothes.
“About last night... I know I was harsh and insensitive this morning; it was rude of me to walk away without taking this with you, and I’m sorry about that."Junmyeon said, looking sad.
“Did you regret it? Or did you hate it?” I asked, feeling insecure.
"Of course no, you were great, and I love it, but I wish our first time would have been different,” he said nervously.
"Really, you're not joking, right? So does that mean... I asked, looking at him as I placed my clothes on the bed.
“I have loved you since we were 16, but since we were good friends, I didn’t want to ruin anything, and then you got a boyfriend, so I thought I would never get a chance with you,” he said with a small smile.
“Aww Junmyeon I liked you for so long, and I thought I messed up last night. I thought I ruined our friendship,” I said, walking up to hug him.
“It’s okay, let’s start over again, okay?” He asked as he pulled me for a kiss.
We continued kissing, and we slowly started to take our clothes off until I got on my knees, curled between his legs and took his dick into my mouth. His cock was sliding in and out of my mouth and my hand was stroking him.
"God that feels great!" was all Junmyeon could muster along with a moan.
And with that, I lowered my head and continued my sucking, bobbing and stroking.
Junmyeon began to moan louder and managed to get out an "I'm cum...” before he finished in my mouth. I stopped my head bobbing and slowly stroked and sucked all of the juices out of him.
Shortly thereafter, I moved up, still holding his hard cock in my hand and we kissed some more.
After we broke the kiss junmyeon slowly laide me down on the bed and lowered his lips and kissed me again. Then he slowly moved over to my neck and down my shoulder. He slowly started to make his way down my body, and got back up.
“Get on your knees I want to take you from behind this time” he said in a low deep voice
I got up from the bed and did as he said and got on my knees like he requested.
He walked over to me and grabbed my ass, pulling up closer to him and started to rubbing my wet pussy
“Look how wet you already are, you want it you dirty girl” he said with a chuckle “You like that? Yeah you fucking do” he said and spanked me
“Harder,” I said under my breath
He smiled and spanked me again, harder. Then he took my panties off the floor and shoved them into my mouth.
“Bite down on that, I don't want to hear you for now,” he said as he slipped three fingers into my wet opening. I let out a muffled groan and bit down on my lace panties.
He than began to finger fucked me, hitting my sweet spot every time he went deeper in. After a while I felt a warm tingle run through my body and my legs started to shake violently.
“Yes baby, cum on my hand you dirty slut” he said as I came He then removed the panties from my mouth and instead stuck his fingers into my mouth.
“Suck all your juices off baby” he said
I did as I was told and began to lick off my own cum, I loved the taste of myself in him.
He removed his hand and stuck the pnaties back into my mouth, then he grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back.
“Do you want me to fuck your tight little pussy?” he said seductively
I nodded my haid to let him know I wanted him so than tookhis hard cock, rubbing it by my entrance, teasing my pussy. He kept rubbing it up and down my pussy, making me want him more and more.
I finally could take it anymore and thrust my hips back so that his cock could slip inside me. He was surprised by what I did and started thrusting in and out of me.
Junmueon pov:
I heard a whimper coming from y/n and started to rapidly side in and out of her
I than flip her on her back and took her panties of her mouth and I continued fucking her y/n’s nails gripped my shoulders.
I watched as pleasure raced across her face, her mouth open, moans exiting.
I thrusted a few times and felt my own eruption coming on again. My moans increased and this seemed to stir her on.
"Yes... yes... oh... cum...in...me..." she huffed and gasped.
I couldn't hold back anymore. It was too much.I felt my cock swell, my balls release.A loud moan from y/n as her nail dug in to my back. I exploded inside of her.
Y/n continued to grip me, breathing heavily and letting out small whimpers. I look down at her for a while than I Finlay pull of out her and I Laydown next to her
After a while of catching my breath, I got up and went to the bathroom to get a clean wet rag to clean y/n and I up.
After we cleaned ourselves up and got bad on the end with her and cuddled up to her. She places her head on my bear chest and I plaid with her hair.
We stayed like that for a while not talking or doing anything but being in each other's embrace.
After a few hours of staying in bed, we got up took a shower, and went downstairs hand in hand.
“Are y'all done fucking each othes brains out?" Sehun said, laughing.
“Look at the way she walks; something really went down in their room." Lay said, laughing.
“Are you sure you guys are just friends?” Minseok ask joining the game
“Just friends, right? Because last time I checked friends don’t fuck nor wear their friends clothes," Sofia said as she pointed to Junmyeons shirt I was wearing.
“I don’t fuck my girl's best friend... unlike Junmyeon Hyung here,” said Kai, laughing.
"Guys, we are just friends,” I said, playing along.
“We are only friends? But you said you loved me and that I made you feel good." Junmyeon said as he pretended to be offended.
"Oh, coming guys, are you seriously just going to fuck and pretend that you're only friends and don’t have feelings for each other?” Jongdae asked and disseminated
“Does this answer your question?" Junmyeon answered as he pulled me for a heated kiss.
"Okay, okay, we get it. You're dating now and just had sex a few hours ago. If You're going to act like that. Please go fuck again and come back when you're not horny any more." Chanyeol said it with a disgusted tone.
“Calm down, we’re all good. Let’s just watch a movie or something, okay?” I asked them.
They all agreed, and we took a seat and pulled up a movie to watch. The boys were on the couch or on the floor. Well, Junmyeon and I sat on one of the other couches cuddling up to each other as the guys argued back and forth about what movie we should watch first.
We had a good relaxing night and a good rest of the week with the boys. We went for a hike and for a swim at the lake with some delicious food that Kyungsoo made, but I was more excited that this trip to Junmyeon’s cabin got us closer in a way we never imagined.
Okay, I rewrote this and I kind of like it way more I hope this is way better and I hope you enjoy sorry for the big change I just thought this would be a lot better 😅
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eomayas · 1 year
exo getting caught simping for you
a/n: it’s ok to be a simp! some are suggestive (jongdae, baekhyun, sehun) this is a bit long btw!
minseok: “i miss you,” he says into the phone, cradling it to his ear. he can practically hear your smile when you respond with i miss you too. “what are you doing right now?” he asks, pulling the blanket closer to his chin and snuggling deeper in the bed. minseok wishes it was you that he was lying with, and not these hotel pillows.
“talking to you,” you reply cheekily. minseok giggles at this the way only a person in love would. “baby, you should probably get some sleep. you have a show tomorrow.” you say and he sighs, his bottom lip jutting out slightly.
“but i want to talk to you!” he whines, somewhat like a child would. you only scoff and tell him that he can call you in the morning after he’s had some rest. “fine. i love you, honey!” he says, just as the hotel door opens and jongin and baekhyun walk in, jongin making a face at him and baekhyun laughing.
“i love you, honey!” jongin mocks, bursting into a fit of giggles. “is that jongin?” you ask, amusement in your voice.
minseoks cheeks turn red. “yes, goodnight, y/n,” he says, rushing to get off of the phone.
“don’t hang up on me!” you say, letting out a light laugh at his embarrassment.
“y/n,” he groans, burying his face into the pillow. jongin and baekhyun are quietly waiting for him to say something so cheesy and incriminating, so that they can use it against him later.
you giggle and sigh. “alright. goodnight minseokie, i love you. tell jongin i love him too,” you say, blowing him a kiss into the phone before hanging up. minseok would have blown one back, but he is already getting mocked by his younger members and can’t handle the teasing he’s going to get for the next few days.
“minseokie!” baekhyun yells, making smooching sounds at him. jongin giggles and joins in, the two men jumping onto his bed and shouting the nickname and pretending to be you on the phone.
minseok wishes he was dead.
junmyeon: “please don’t leave,” your boyfriend groans, burying his face into your neck, holding you close to him. you rub your hands up and down his back soothingly. “come with?” he asks, pulling back to look up at you with wide eyes.
“no,” you say, punctuating it with a kiss. suho let’s out a groan and a fake cry, and you laugh. “you’re such a baby.” you say, running your hands through his hair.
“yours,” he says quietly, and you smile, squeezing him tightly before patting his back and telling him that he needs to get ready to leave. junmyeon stands up straight and looks down at you, a dejected look i’m his face.
“oh my god, you’re so dramatic!” you say, and he cracks a small smile. you gently whack him on the chest and clutches your hand in his, settling it over his heart. “it’s only a few days.” you say, rubbing his forearm with your free hand.
junmyeon juts out his bottom lip slightly. “i dont know what i’ll do without you,” he says, and a brief snort makes you both perk up and look around for culprit, finding sehun wheeling his suitcase behind him.
“you’re so dramatic,” sehun says to junmyeon, laughing at his leader and older friend. junmyeons face sobers, turning bright red at his youngest member making fun of him and seeing him in such a vulnerable state.
“go away,” junmyeon all but whines and stomps his foot as he says it, making you giggle at him. he rolls his eyes at you and you wave goodbye to sehun who (for once) listens to what junmyeon tells him to do. “this isn’t funny.”
“it kind of is,” you say, grabbing his hands and pulling him closer to you. he continues to pout, even after you cradle his face in your hands and smush his cheeks together. “i love you, junmy.” you say. he only hums in response and you gasp, letting go of him. “say it back, asshole!”
he smiles and pulls you back towards him. “i love you, y/n,” he says, his voice sincere. junmyeon puts his hands on your hips and leans down to your level, brushing his nose with yours. he gets close to your lips and you pull back slightly.
“i’m gonna miss you,” you whisper, looking into his eyes. he gives you a soft smile, and this time you let him kiss you, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. it’s probably too intimate of a kiss for public, but neither of you show any signs of caring.
“we’re leaving without you!” minseok and jongin shout, breaking up your kiss with your man. junmyeon sighs and goes back to pouting almost immediately, and you gently push him away from you and towards his group members who are starting to board the jet. “hurry up, lover boy!” minseok shouts before disappearing into the jet.
“go,” you say, pulling away from him at last. junmy sighs again, finally starting to head towards the jet, looking over his shoulder at you dramatically like they do in the movies. you giggle at that and wave once he gets up to the door of the plane. “i love you!” you shout, and rather than getting a response from him, the rest of the exos shout. “i love you too!”
baekhyun: you smile at your boyfriend on facetime as he hums absentmindedly. he’s looking away from the camera, and you get a nice view of his side profile. “baek,” you say, resting the side of your head in your palm.
“hmm?” he says and turns to the camera, a soft smile on his face. you smile back at him, hearts probably taking the shape of your eyes.
“i love you,” you say, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. he smiles wide, showing his teeth and making his eyes crinkle.
“i love you too,” he says. you hear a door open on his side, and he turns around to greet whoever it is. “hey, junmyeon. say hi to y/n.” he says, moving the camera to show his leader. junmyeon crosses him arms over his his bare chest, trying to shield himself from you.
“hi, y/n. sorry i’m not dressed, i just showered,” he says apologetically.
“it’s alright,” you reply.
“what do you mean it’s alright?” baekhyun shouts, turning the camera back to his face, sporting an incredulous expression.
you roll your eyes. “you know what i meant,” you say.
“you should only be alright with seeing me naked,” baekhyun says.
“i’m more than okay with that,” you say, and he smiles. he pretends to lift his shirt up, and junmyeon yells at him to stop, not while he’s still digging for his pajamas. you only giggle and add, “you can get naked whenever.”
“can you wait a second!?” junmyeon yells, frantically digging around his bag for his clothing so he can lock himself in the bathroom and get away from you and baekhyun.
jongdae: “you know i miss you,” you say into the phone, a hand on your chest, right over your heart where jongdae lives.
“yeah? how much?” he asks teasingly, a big smile on his face. he leans his shoulder into the wall and crosses one leg behind the other.
“a lot,” you reply, unable to contain your smile. so far, every conversation you’ve had with him since he’s been gone on tour. "she misses you too." you add coolly, biting the inside of your cheek.
jongdae's cheeks tinge pink and he looks down at the floor. "yeah?" he manages, putting a hand on the back of his neck, his face only getting redder at the thought of you. its been too long since hes had you.
"mhm. we miss you a lot."
he only smiles to himself and says "both of you can show me how much when i get back," just as the door to the practice room opens and kyungsoo enters, his eyes narrowed in jongdae's direction. when jongdae blushes bright red at getting caught, kyungsoo raises his eyebrows, a knowing smirk on his face. "baby, i gotta go." he says, clearing his throat and straightening his posture.
on the other line, you frown. "fine. but you are upsetting us." jongdae glances over at kyungsoo who has taken a seat on the floor, preoccupied with his phone.
"i'll make it up to you," he says, turning his back to kyungsoo's direction. "swear i will. just be good." he says lowly, already embarrassed from kyungsoo walking in on the both of you having borderline phone sex.
"don't know if i can do that, dae. we really miss you. she's getting lonely; nothing feels as good as you do," you sigh, resting your head on the couch pillow.
jongdae forces himself to think about anything other than your words in order to stop a tent from forming in his pants. "kyungsoo is here," he mutters, many minutes too late.
you gasp. "oh my god, jongdae! can he hear me?" you panic, irritated that he let it get that far with an audience.
"i dont think so?" your fiancee replies, his voice unsure.
"oh my god, bye, jongdae," you say, and hang up before he can get another word in. jongdae lets out a breath and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to rid his brain of images of you on top and underneath him.
turning around and sliding his phone back into his pocket, jongdae starts walking over to kyungsoo. kyungsoo lifts his eyes from his phone at the sound of jongdaes footsteps and says, "you should really turn your phone volume down," making jongdae stop in his tracks get insanely red in the face, embarrassment flooding his body.
chanyeol: "wait, listen to this real quick," chanyeol says, scrolling through his laptop to find the track he had showed you a few weeks ago. he's changed a few things and added more drums and a flute--he really values your opinion on his music and wants you to hear what hes made.
you wait patiently for him to click play. the opening notes make you smile as you remember the way you told him he should let them play before he stacks them and blends the sounds together. "replay that part," you say when you hear something new.
chanyeol rewinds a few seconds and presses play before asking, "this part?"
you listen and gasp when you hear it again. "yes! pause it!" you shout over the phone. "did you add a violin?" you ask, a smile on your face.
chanyeol smiles at the phone, impressed with the way you've enhanced your musical knowledge and have noticed little things, like the violin strings that are stacked behind drums. "i did," he says, proudly.
you sigh in awe of him. "yeolie you're so... you're so cool," you gush, like a little schoolgirl talking to her crush. everything about chanyeol amazes you and makes you smile, and yes, maybe it’s because you’re in love with him, but you also would like to think that it would be this way even if you weren’t, if you were just friends or some fan.
chanyeol can’t help but blush at your words, the tips of his ears turning red in the way that you love. “aw, he’s blushing!” jongin says, taking the phone away from chanyeol to tell you. you smile, your heart swelling at the image your brain conjures up.
“are his ears turning red?” you ask and chanyeol yells in protest, only making his blush deepen.
“of course,” jongin replies, ducking out of reach when chanyeol swings to hit him. you only giggle and sigh, feeling mildly upset that you are not there to witness one of you favorite things ever.
“give me back my phone!” chanyeol says, reaching around jongin for it, but the younger man is too quick and gets out of the desk chair and crosses the studio in record time.
“you know, he’s made, like, four songs for you. i don’t know why he didn’t show you one of those,” he says, a devilish grin on his face, though he’s telling the truth. at this admission, chanyeol launches himself from his seat. “i’m sorry! please! here, take it back!” he pleads, holding out his phone for chanyeol to take back and shielding his body from the blows that don’t come.
“shut the fuck up,” chanyeol groans at jongin, taking the phone off speaker and it putting it to his ear. “ignore him.” he says to you, running a hand through his hair.
“…so you didn’t write four songs for me?” you question. chanyeol bites the inside of his cheek, not ready to admit that yes, he did write four songs for you, most of which have lyrics that he hasn’t let anybody hear. “yeol.”
“hmm?” he says, settling back into his chair at the engineering table, his face burning. you smile, because you’ve got your answer.
kyungsoo: you run your hands over kyungsoo's newly shaved head, grimacing a bit when you run your hands the opposite direction of the cut and the follicles prick your fingers. "you don't like it?" he asks after seeing your face.
"i love it, actually. just feels weird," you say, dragging your hands down to the sides of his face and smiling down at him. kyungsoo gives you a small smile. he turns his head to the side and kisses the inside of your palm, your heart melting in your chest. "hi." you say shyly, kyungsoo leaning into your touch.
he smiles up at you, his eyes crinkling around the edges. "hi, pretty," he says, and you could just die. you remove your hands from the sides of his face and put them on his shoulders and adjust yourself in his lap so you are fully facing him and your legs are on either side of him, knees resting on the couch. kyungsoo laces his hands together behind your back, loosely holding you against him. “you look really pretty today.”
“just today?”
kyungsoos cheek turn a light shade of pink. “always,” he says, you smile at him and lean down to place a gentle kiss on his lips. the door to the lounge opens, and all 7 of the exos walk in loudly.
“y/n!” they shout when they see you on kyungsoos lap, making kyungsoo and you pull apart resignedly. irritation is etched on your boyfriends face at the interruption, and you gently pinch his cheek before moving to turn around.
“hi, you gu- kyungsoo, let me get up,” you say when he holds you tightly on his lap, making you turn around uncomfortably to greet the other members. at your request, kyungsoo let’s you get up with a sigh, holding onto the back of your skirt so you don’t accidentally flash the men behind you. “you guys did great tonight!” you compliment when you’re finally standing up and facing them.
a conversation breaks out, and you don’t notice when you lean against the couch and drape your arm over kyungsoos shoulder, gently stroking the side of his face. you both hold hands with your free one, and he rubs the inside of your palm with his thumb.
it’s only when you notice chanyeol cut his eyes at you and kyungsoo being so clingy that you smile. “kyungsoo, i’ve never seen you act like this!” he says, his eyes wide.
“like what?” kyungsoo asks absentmindedly, looking up at you with eyes that make your knees weak and your heart beat faster.
“so cheesy, and-“ kyungsoo snaps his head to look at chanyeol, daring him to finish his sentence. chanyeol closes his mouth, a nervous smile on his face just from a look from kyungsoo alone. the other members wait in silence, as do you, with amusement on their face, waiting for chanyeol to continue and claim his fate or to surrender. “never mind.” he says, waving kyungsoo off.
a collective giggle is let out in the room, and kyungsoo looks up at you with wide eyes, unaware of the effect he has on people.
jongin: “here,” jongin says softly, holding out his fork in front of your face. you try to take it out of his hands and he pulls it back, shaking his head. “let me do it.” he says, a shy smile on his face.
you comply and open your mouth, letting him feed you. “is it good?” he asks, watching you with so much love in his eyes it’s slightly overwhelming. you nod and give him a thumbs up, swallowing the food. jongin smiles and gives you a soft kiss on your lips.
this goes for the rest of the night; he’ll present food in front of your face and wait for you to open up to feed you, ask you if it’s good, and then kiss you. it’s sweet, really, and you don’t think anything of it, even after the rest of the exos join you for your meal.
sometimes you feed jongin, but most of the time he steals it off your plate or you put it on his. it becomes second nature for you both. “ooh, let me try that,” you say, pointing to the dessert that kyungsoo places down in front of jongin. your boyfriend cuts off a piece, giving you the first bite.
you accept the food and your eyes widen as you taste it. “kyungsoo, this is really good!” you say after you chew and swallow. he gives you a kind smile and thanks you.
jongin already has another bite of food waiting for you when you turn back to ask him, and you accept it with a smile on your face. he can only smile back, resisting the urge to grab your face and just kiss you until the sun rises, his group members be damned.
the man made sound of a whip cracking makes you and jongin snap your head in the direction, eyes falling on jongdae, minseok, baekhyun, and junmyeon all giggling, or holding back laughs. you smirk and look over at jongin, who wears an annoyed expression. “whatever,” he mumbles. you rub his back and he leans into you, making the situation worse because even kyungsoo joins in on the teasing, pantomiming cracking a whip and making the noise as well.
sehun: you cage your arms around him and put your chin on the center of his chest, looking up at him. sehun looks down at you with a small smile. “you’re cute,” he says, and if his arms weren’t pressed so tightly against his sides he’d boop your nose.
“so are you,” you say to him, loosening your hold around him and instead wrapping your arms around his waist.
“i know,” he says, and you roll your eyes. sehun moves hair out of your face and leans down to place a kiss on your lips. “cmon, let’s finish.” he says, sliding out of your grip. the two of you had choreographed a dance to a song you both liked, and had been using the exo practice room for a few hours now.
you nod and he jogs over to the speaker to play the song again, and then comes back to get into the starting position. you watch yourself in the mirror as you hit all of the moves, your feet feeling like they barely touch the floor. sehun watches you too, getting lost in the way that you move so freely, like you’re weightless and gravity isn’t any concern of yours.
he misses a few steps and you notice, smirking at him through the mirror. “keep up, lover boy,” you say, doing the last few moves as the song comes to a close. you wipe your sweaty forehead with the hem of your shirt, and sehun comes over to you, just as the door to the practice room opens. you turn and wave at jongdae, and he greets you and sehun with a wave, his phone pressed to his ear.
sehun takes this moment to pull you closer to him by your shirt. you let out a light laugh at him, and awkwardly keep your hands off of him because youre both sweaty. “i’m all gross,” you say.
“me too,” and he leans down and kisses you, his hands sticking to your skin through your shirt. you hold onto his arms, cringing at the feeling of sticky skin on sticky skin, and pull away.
“it’s too gross,” you say, making a face. sehun frowns at you, and you have to hold back a smile.
“you think i’m gross?”
“when we’re both sweaty? yes,” you say say, putting your hands on your hips.
“i like you when you’re sweaty,” sehun replies. “i like you when you’re all dirty.” he adds, making you exclaim in protest and draw the attention of jongdae, who just gives you both a disgusted look.
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kjsexo · 3 months
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
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⋆.˚ ♡ ⋆.˚
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chogiwass · 1 year
Okayyy hear me out!! Sooo recently I’ve been arguing with my friends about what could be exo’s favorite positions and we can’t seem to be able to point it out lol.
i've been talking to my friend abt this too!! so hear me out
minseok- against the wall or smth with him on top, i think he would like to be close to his partner
junmyeon- he gives soft dom vibes soo, probably missionary where he is on top or his partner riding him, he would still be on control though. and i think he praises his partner a lottt
baekhyun- i feel like he would let you ride him at any moment?? he is like super chill sometimes. but i also think he is down to try everything, probably wants to be in control
chanyeol- he would have you BEND!!! OVER!!! any surface you can bend over. i feel like he is an ass guy. or against the wall?? or probably having your legs in his shoulder or smth like that
kyungsoo-he looks so relaxed and like he would like having a connection with the person?? missionary or when you are riding him are the best i think
jongin- ok, you riding him. he just gives me that vibe and no one can change my mind. but i also think he would fuck you on a kitchen counter or a table or the shower
sehun- uhh so the first thing i think about is giving him head and keeping eye contact, then probably you being on top a little bit but he wold take over in no time. i can also see him spooning
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marvelous-llama · 1 year
EXO recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
<<next chapters
pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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Exordia Academy by @kpopfanfictrash
Welcome to the Exodus Mall by @yehet-me-up
12 days of lust by @kwanisms
Gaurdian angel series by @marshmallow-phd (Kyungsoo, Sehun, Baekhyun, Jongin, Chanyeol, Junmeon)
Vampire series by @marshmallow-phd (Tao, Chanyeol, Yixing, Luhan, Minseok, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun)
Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa collab by @myeoning-call
meant to be by @galactichen
Kim Minseok
Kim Junmyeon
Zhang Yixing
Byun Baekhyun
Kim Jongdae
Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
Kim Jongin
Oh Sehun
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lunaflowers · 1 year
jealousy (dom!junmyeon)
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pairing: kim junmyeon x reader genre: smut, pwp word count: 2.1k synopsis: you make junmyeon jealous so he punishes you in his favourite way warnings: sadist dom!junmyeon, masochist sub!reader, established relationship, jealousy, whipping, degradation, name calling, piv, pussy slapping
author's note: this is unedited, i'm sorry!
☆*: .。. o💘o .。.:*☆
“This is what you fucking wanted, isn’t it?” Junmyeon said, anger in every syllable. “You wanted to make me jealous so I would act like this?” He shoved you against the wall, pinning you there.
“No, I swear,” you replied, your voice a strained whimper. 
“Liar,” he spat at you. “You’ve been trying to drive me crazy all night.”
“It’s not true.” You really hadn’t been trying to make him jealous. The two of you had been together at an SM Entertainment company party, celebrating the launch of some new business venture along with his fellow members as well as many others. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. The drinks were flowing and Baekhyun had been in a particularly jovial mood, regaling you with stories of his latest vacation. The two of you were huddled in a corner while he was showing you the pictures on his phone.
And sure, maybe he had been flirting a little. He was Baekhyun, it was what he did. He just was a flirt. It didn’t mean anything. He’d linger a little too long on any vacation photos where he was on the beach, wet and topless, waggling his eyebrows at you jokingly while you giggled and rolled your eyes.
You hadn’t realised that Junmyeon was watching the two of you, seething the entire time. He hadn’t shown it. No, he was far too dignified and professional to lose his shit in public like that, not to mention he had his perfect idol image to maintain. Instead he merely ignored you when you would try to get his attention. But as soon as the two of you got home, it was like a switch had been flipped.
You were against the wall with Junmyeon’s arms on both sides of you. He was staring you down and you felt yourself shrink underneath his hard gaze.
“Junmyeon, baby, I wasn’t trying to make you jealous,” you said soothingly. You tried to reach out and put a comforting hand on his cheek but he grabbed you by the wrist. 
“Did I say you were allowed to touch me, you fucking slut?”
The harsh words had you at once feeling chagrined and aroused. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“You’re gonna be,” Junmyeon said, taking a step back. “Take off your panties.”
“I- I’m not wearing any,” you stammered in response. You cast your eyes down on the floor, not even able to look him in the face. “For you, not anyone else. I thought it would be a fun little thing for after the party. I would’ve told you during the party but you would barely talk to me.”
You finally looked up at him and you saw the muscle in his jaw twitch ever so slightly. He snapped his fingers, pointing to the bedroom you shared. “Get in there and bend over the bed. Now.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You ran to your room and did as you were told, bent over the bed with your ass in the air. It was a few minutes before Junmyeon entered the room, presumably because he knew the anticipation would only serve to make you wetter. He got behind you and lifted the skirt of your dress up over your ass, exposing you. He gave you one quick, hard spank and you yelped at the pain.
“Put your hands behind your back.”
You did, and he began to tie them up with what you knew was his tie from the way the soft silk of it felt on your wrists. He then reached down and stuck two fingers deep into your already sopping wet cunt. It made you moan to finally have something inside you.
“Desperate whore,” he said, pulling his fingers out of you and wiping them on your dress. You heard the jingle of his belt and you knew he was taking it off. “Brace yourself.” 
Brace myself for what? You thought, seconds before you felt his belt whipping you across the ass. You yelped loudly and he chuckled. 
“Junmyeon!” You cried, tears already forming in your eyes.
“That- It really hurt,” you said, pathetically.
“That’s the point, love,” he said, but he gave your ass cheek a comforting rub anyway. “Do you want me to stop?” You two had never used a safe word. If you ever wanted to stop, you just told him and he would.
You shook your head. “No… I liked it. You buried your head into the sheets, embarrassed at your confession.
“I know,” Junmyeon said, whipping you again, but lighter this time. “Spread your legs more. I can see by the way your slutty pussy is gushing for this, you little pain slut.”
You whined out, but didn’t protest, spreading your legs as he asked. He whipped you again, and again, and again. Every time he saw those little pink welts criss-crossing your ass, he got more excited. Seeing your pussy drip down your thighs as he marked you up was making his cock twitch in his pants and he couldn’t wait until the moment it was buried inside your cunt.
He whipped you again and you kept on making delicious little pained noises that only served to arouse him further. “Do you want more?”
“Yes, sir,” you whined, “I’ve been such a whore today. I deserve to be punished. Whip me more, please.”
“Good girl. I like when you know your place,” Junmyeon replied. He began whipping you again, focusing more on your thighs now, as your ass didn’t look like it could take much more. “Desperate sluts deserve to be hurt, don’t they?”
“Yes, sir,” you repeated, revelling in the pain and pleasure. You heard Junmyeon throw his belt down onto the hardwood floor behind you. He came up right behind you and put two fingers in your cunt again. It was shameful how easy he was able to enter you. He pumped your pussy a few times, and took his fingers out, leaning forward and showing you his slick soaked fingers.
“Do you think it’s normal to get this wet when a man hurts you? Don’t you think that’s a little fucked up?”
Shame spread throughout your body at what he said, “I’m sorry,” you apologised as his degrading words only made your desire for him stronger.
Junmyeon wiped his soaked fingers on your face and you winced, feeling the coolness of your arousal on your cheek. Your hands were still tied behind your back so you couldn’t wipe it off, not that you would’ve tried without Junmyeon’s permission.
“So,” Junmyeon said, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you up off the bed. You looked him in the eyes and he slapped you across the face. “Did I say you could look at me?”
“No, sir, sorry, sir,” you babbled, your cheek now smarting as well as your ass. You looked down at your feet so you didn’t see Junmyeon’s smirk.
He picked you up and threw you on the bed. You landed with a gentle thump on your belly and you squealed, although it didn’t actually hurt. Junymeon got on the bed and untied your wrists. He then flipped you over onto your back and tied them to the headboard instead. Your freedom had been so fleeting and always under his control.
He looked down at you and you closed your eyes, not that you would’ve minded getting slapped again, but you didn’t want to test him. You heard him chuckle, and he leaned down, sucking a hickey onto your breast. “You’re such a good, obedient slut for me when it’s just us. So why do you have to act like such a whore in public?”
You bit your lip, “I’m sorry, sir,” you repeated.
“Sorry, sir,” he mocked, a girlish imitation of your voice. “That’s all you can say for yourself. You’re so pathetic.”
You were going to apologise again, an automatic reflex at this point, but you stopped yourself. Junmyeon ran his hand down over your body, between your breasts, down your belly button and finally stopping when he got to your cunt, his fingers deftly rubbing your clit.
“Look at me,” he ordered, and you did, opening your eyes to meet his dark ones. He looked at you with amusement, enjoying the way you were falling apart underneath him. Without warning, he pulled his hand back and gave your cunt a smack. You yelped in pain, and he did it again.
“Tell me how much you love it when I hurt you.”
“I love it so much, sir,” you said, as tears filled your eyes when he smacked your pussy again. You were struggling against your restraints but it was no use. He smacked you once more. You cried out and he smiled sadistically.
“You’re so pretty when you cry, you know that?” He meant it. Something about your swollen eyes and lips always made him want to fuck you senseless. He smacked your cunt again and you screamed. 
“Please stop… No more,” you said, trying to close your legs. 
“Has my baby had enough?” Junmyeon asked, his voice softening considerably. He was always in tune with you and he never wanted to push you beyond your limits.He rubbed you between the legs in a gesture meant to comfort.
You nodded and he kissed you on the lips soothingly.
“Please Junmyeon… I need you…” you whined when he broke the kiss. “Please?”
“Does my baby wanna be fucked now? After she’s been such a bad girl?”
“Yes, please,” you said, stopping yourself from apologising again. 
“Fine. You’ve been taking your punishment so well that I think you deserve a little treat.” Junmyeon positioned himself on top of you, getting in between your legs and pressing the tip of his cock to your wet folds, teasing you as you squirmed. “You’ll never fucking do that again, will you? Hmm? I won’t catch you in the corner of some room giggling away with Baekhyun or anyone again?”
“No, I won’t. It won’t happen again, I promise,” you replied. Just fuck me already, you wanted to scream, but you didn’t dare.
“Good girl,” Junmyeon said, as he pushed himself into you. Both of you moaned as he entered your body.
He began moving inside you while kissing you at the same time. You knew he wanted this as much as you did and you felt ecstatic at finally, finally being fucked. 
“Does it feel good?” Junmyeon asked, continuing to kiss your face.
“Yes… God, so good,” you said, giving a little gasp of pleasure as he hit all your sweet spots.
“Your pussy always feels amazing,” he said with a groan. He moved deeper inside you, and you arched your back at the intrusion. You want to grab him, to hold on to him, or to something but your restraints wouldn’t allow it so you just released a frustrated moan.
Junmyeon smirked, slowing down and allowing you to gather yourself. “Is something the matter?”
“I just want to touch you, sir. Please…” You shook your wrists, gesturing to where you were tied to the headboard. You wanted desperately for him to remove them.
He looked at your tied wrists, as though he was contemplating whether or not to do it. He seemed to come to a swift decision though.
With that, he sped up his pace again, his hands on either side of you as he looked you in the eyes. He liked how helpless and vulnerable you were underneath him. And he especially liked watching you struggle so pitifully, resulting in those pretty pink marks on your wrists. 
“I’ve been too fucking nice to you already, you little slut,” he said, breathlessly, “You need to learn you don’t get to have everything you want.”
“But sir,” you began to protest, but they died in your throat once he began using his thumb to play with your clit. In a split second you were close. “Gonna cum,” you managed to squeak out seconds before you did.
You came with a moan all over his cock. He hadn’t said you could, and you usually asked permission but he let it slide considering how far gone he was too. Groaning, he soon came inside of you, like he always did.
The two of you laid in the bed, catching your collective breaths. Junmyeon untied you and you tucked yourself into his warm body. He gave you a kiss on your forehead.
“Learned your lesson?” he asked, teasingly.
“Hmm… I think I might need a reminder eventually,” you quipped back.
“Well, I’ll always be here to give it to you.”
☆*: .。. o💘o .。.:*☆
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decantingstxrs · 2 years
sneaking around was so sexy to you.
you loved waiting till your roommate left for classes to sneak into your other roommate’s room for some fun. was it the risk of getting caught? or maybe the fact that you shared this dirty little secret with just him? whatever it was, did it get you going.
luckily it was an early day. your roommate left for a grad school interview while your secret lover took a ‘sick day’ from work.
“so. i’ve got a couple quick questions for ya,” you ask, placing a hand on his chest. he eagerly responds to your body language, reaching behind to cup your asscheeks in his hands.
“how long do you think he’ll be gone?”
“i’d say a couple hours.”
“right. and how many rounds is that?”
“two, maybe three.”
“five if you can cum quick enough.”
“i’ll take that bet.”
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proudahgase-exol · 11 months
Exo reaction
your roommate catch you masturbating (they have a crush on you)
- Warning: 18+ of your a minor please don’t interact
-Ot9 if it makes you uncomfortable that I added Chen please just skip his part :)
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He had come home early from practice and you didn’t know that so when he walked into the apartment he found it quiet which he found wired knowing you always have music or the TV on.
He didn’t think too much of it thinking you went out somewhere, so he took his shoes off and went to his bedroom to take a shower as he was walking down the hallway to get to his bedroom he needed to pass by your room and when he got closer to your door he heard you whimpering as he got close and turn to look as you had your door wide open he saw you naked with a vibrator between your legs.
He froze there then snapped out of it and ran to his room before you saw him, he tried to forget what he saw but just couldn’t then he went to take a shower as he was showering he couldn’t get the image out of his head and got a boner he wasn’t gonna deny it he found you really attractive he wanted to ask you out on a date multiple times but chicken out scared of rejection.
He was so hard he needed relief so he jerked off he was thinking of you and the way you would feel wrapped around him he always wanted to kiss your soft lips and make you his.
After a while he cum he felt relief but wishing it was you instead of his hand. When he got out of the shower and got changed he walked to the kitchen to get something to eat and he saw you sitting on the couch looking so innocent and cute.
He smiled at you pretending he didn’t see you masturbating pretending he wasn’t deep in love with you.
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Junmyeon and you had been friends since high school you were inseparable back than. When he found out you were moving to Seoul for work he asked if you wanted to move in with him and be his roommate you agreed since you knew him and trusted him
Now a few years later you still live with him and everything was going great until he heard you masturbating in the shower.
He was doing some cleaning around the apartment well, you took a shower as he was walking by he heard you moaning he stopped right in front of the bathroom door and heard you
He heard the way you make those cute little noises that got him hard, he ran to his bedroom where he closed the door, and jerked off he had always liked you and wanted to kiss you multiple times but couldn’t.
As he was jerking off he was thinking of you and how you will look if he was fucking you or the way you would look if you had his cock in your cute little mouth.
Junmyeon was head over heels for you he was so whipped and everyone who knew you two knew that Minseok had encouraged him to ask you out but he was just afraid so he didn’t but now after hearing you he needed to do something he needed to have you he only hoped you feel the same he did.
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The walls were thin in your apartment you could hear everything and as much as you tried to be quiet he still heard you.
It was two am on a Saturday you were so horny so you pull out your dildo and started to pleasure yourself, you tried to be quiet you really did but you weren’t successful you made so much noise that Yixing heard you.
He was watching some videos on Instagram since he couldn’t sleep and he heard you and the sounds you were making he froze not knowing what to do he could hear the moans you were trying to keep down.
He got a boner from herding you he had liked you for a while he liked the fact that you were so friendly and kind you always cooked for him and made sure he was taken care of when he was tired he started to see you in a different way and fall for you.
He couldn’t hold himself any longer so he pull his sweatpants and boxer down and place his hand on his thick hard cock, he could imagine you in your bed playing with yourself he wanted to get out of bed and get to you so he could make you feel good but obviously he didn’t so he stayed there jerking himself to the sweet sound you made.
Maybe one day he will confess and tell you just how much he likes you and how much he wishes to be the man who makes you happy but for now, he will try to come up with something.
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He was already hard before he even heard you masturbating. He was watching something in the living room when you walked in looking for your phone you were wearing an oversized shirt and your underwear it was normal for you to do so and Baekhyun never said anything nor did he feel wired by having you walk around in an oversized shirt and panties.
When he looked to where you were he saw your butt and covered pussy he saw that you were wet he also knew what you will be up to when you find your phone and go back to your bedroom.
When you find your phone you go to your bedroom and pleasure yourself. Baekhyun took this opportunity and jerked himself off on the couch he didn’t need to hear you masturbating to get himself off he had done it before and this time wouldn’t be different the only thing he wished was to have you interested in his hand.
Baekhyun will try to impress you from day on he will try to do anything that he thinks you might find attractive he will try to cook for you or he will order your favorite food he will do anything to have you fall in love with him and hopefully he can replace your vibrator with his dick.
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He didn’t mean to watch you as you masturbate nor did he mean to jerk himself well doing so he was just doing his own thing at home and when he went to ask if you wanted to go out for dinner he opened your bedroom door he was used to doing a that with the boys so he thought you wouldn’t be any different.
When he opened the door he saw that you had a dildo inside your pussy and a vibrator on your clit he saw the way your body moved and he started to feel hot. He pull his cock out and started to jerk himself he wasn’t gonna denied the fact that you were attractive.
He was jerking himself really hard and cum by just seeing you he was in shock at what he had done he close your door without you noticing and run to his room to cool down and think about what he had seen and done.
When he walked out of his room an hour later he saw you walking out of your room as well he pretended he didn’t do or see anything and asked if you wanted to go out for dinner or eat there.
He asked Junmyeon what he should do he liked you but he wasn’t sure if you liked him back so he didn’t want to confess and get rejected so he asked Junmyeon for help obviously leaving out the part where he jerked off when he saw you masturbating.
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He was always at the studio and rarely at home he was a busy guy and you understood. You usually had the apartment to yourself it was a normal thing you guys have been friends since you were in kindergarten so you both knew each other well and trusted one another.
Chanyeol always left you a note on the kitchen counter saying he will stay late at the studio or the time he might come home.
Today’s note said he was gonna come home late around two or three AM so to not wait for him to come home for dinner.
You had been stressed all week and wanted to relax so we’re in the bathroom taking a bath you had brought your vibrator with you. You thought you will be all alone so you didn’t worry about keeping quiet.
You were being loud so you didn’t hear Chanyeol coming home and calling your name he walked farther into the apartment when he heard you he heard the moaning and whimpering coming out of your mouth he knew what you were up to in there.
He stood outside the bathroom rubbing his dick through his pants he could feel himself getting hard he felt bad for standing there and hearing you but at the same time, he didn’t.
He walked to his room where he jerked off to the thought of you he knew he had to tell you about his crush he couldn’t keep it in anymore he had wanted to tell you for so long but after hearing you today he knew he had to.
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He called you to tell you he would be coming home late and to not worry about him and to go to bed early when he thought you hung up he heard your moaning he thought you had hurt yourself and was about to ask if you were okay then he heard you whimpering.
He knew what you were up to he was in shock he didn’t know what to do he wanted to hang up but he also wanted to hear your cute noises he liked you that’s why he asked you to move in with him he was planning on asking you out but didn’t know how.
Now hearing you he knew you weren’t the cute innocent girl he thought you were he wanted to run home and fuck your brains out but he knew he couldn’t he could only hear you pleasure yourself
He hung up before you could realize you didn’t hang up the phone save yourself from embarrassment he obviously was going to have a talk with you about this incident and also confess he had a feeling you liked him for the way you blush every time he catch you staring at him.
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You and Jongin have known each other since you guys were eight years old back then you had told him you liked him but he rejected you telling you he liked another girl. That didn’t destroyed your friendship you took rejection like a champ.
Now that you guys were older he knew he liked you and he hoped you still had feelings for him and he didn’t hurt you too much back then.
One day he had come late from hanging out with Taemin he had told you he would be out and didn’t know at what time he would be back home so when he walked into the door he heard you moaning he froze he was about to cry he walk further down the hall to were your room as he saw the door open with the light on so he thought you had a guest over he was preparing to see a guy on top of you but when he got there he only saw you with your legs wide open and a vibrator on your pussy.
He felt relief he went from almost crying to horny seeing your wet pussy got him hard wanting to be the one who was between your beautiful legs he couldn’t do anything for now other than to watch you he felt like a creep but at the moment he didn’t care.
He left to his room before you finished or saw him. He went and jerked himself off moaning your name not caring if you heard him he hoped you could. He will talk to you tomorrow for now he will get himself off.
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Sehun and I have been roommates for four years, you get along great and are best friends you both were so comfortable with each other and knew each other’s secrets.
One night Sehun had gone out with his bandmates and when he went out with them he would crash at one of their places for the night.
Thinking tonight wouldn’t be any different you decided to pleasure yourself and be as loud as you like since you will be home alone.
Well in the middle of you playing with yourself, your roommate comes home you obviously didn’t hear him. When he walked into the apartment he heard you he had an idea of what you were doing so he stayed frozen at the entrance of the apartment.
He had always liked you and he thought he made it obvious everyone knew he liked you except you so when he heard you moaning he got hard and didn’t know what to do.
After a while, he went to take a cold shower hoping it would help in any way but It didn’t so he jerked himself off to get relief.
He wanted to go to your room and fuck you but he hold the urge to do so out of respect and because he didn’t know if you liked him back.
He started in his room until the next day he pretended he didn’t come home early when you asked him if he stayed at one of the guy's places maybe he will tell you the truth someday but for now he will keep it to himself and pretended he didn’t jerk off at the thought of you.
Tag: @shreya76
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eomayas · 1 year
exo masterlist
svt masterlist
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jongbross · 11 months
kinktober: exhibitionism + threesome (kim junmyeon x f!reader x oh sehun)
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pairing: kim junmyeon x f!reader x oh sehun word count: 595 genre: i'm so done with this topic warnings: description of sexual activities, fingering (female receiving), swearing, dom!junmyeon, sub!reader, sub!sehun, reader is in a relationship with junmyeon, a/n: it took some effort but kinktober is now concluded! thank you to everyone who participated somehow, i had a lot of fun <3
"be good now", junmyeon demanded. he had a glass of wine on one of his hands, and a lustful look on his eyes. "don't you dare be a brat."
"yes, sir", you replied with just a little bit of a mock tone.
you straddled sehun's lap, resting your hands on his broad shoulders. the poor guy didn't know exactly what to do - he knew what he wanted to do with you, but even though all three of you had agreed to this, you still were his hyung's partner so he should wait for junmyeon's commands.
"you can touch her, sehunnie", junmyeon said with a chuckle. "don't be shy."
automatically, sehun's hands rested on your waist, caressing your skin over your dress like he was trying to reassure you of something.
taking the upper hand, you leaned in and kissed sehun, eager lips moving against his own. your hands went to his neck, tugging at his hairline and making him groan.
junmyeon watched the two of you making out with a smirk on his face. taking a sip of his wine, he adjusted himself on the chair, spreading his legs a little bit wider; there was already a bulge forming inside his pants.
he didn't miss the way sehun started to grab your dress and roll them up to your waist - and definitely didn't miss the way you moaned when he grabbed your butt either.
"i bet she's already wet... give it a try", he told sehun. "you're gonna love it."
sehun broke the kiss to look at his hyung for permission. when junmyeon nodded, you felt sehun's right hand caressing their way inside your panties, two of his long fingers exploring your core.
you moaned, and that only made sehun look up at you with even more delight in his eyes.
"damn", he licked his lips.
"told ya", junmyeon laughed.
"can i taste her, hyung?", sehun desperately asked, looking back at junmyeon. "please, let me taste her..."
"not today. for now, you're gonna make her cum on your fingers so i can enjoy the show."
you groaned when sehun's thumb found your clit, circling it and pressing it. he was quickly to thrust his two fingers inside you, cursing when he felt how soft you felt.
"gosh, you feel so good, noona."
"glad you like it", you joked.
both you and sehun got so lost - his fingers pumping in and out of you, the way you leaned in again to kiss his long neck and leave a mark on it like he was yours and junmyeon's perfect and favorite little toy -, that neither of you noticed the moment junmyeon opened his pants to touch himself, fingers slightly caressing his still clothed member.
"you two are so cute, so desperate", he said with a laugh.
"ugh, noona...", sehun moaned when you sucked on his jaw. "shit, hyung, how do you handle her?"
sehun curled his fingers inside you, hitting your spot and making you moan too. junmyeon laughed again at the two of you.
"i don't, that's why i needed you", he answered, finishing his wine in one big gulp. junmyeon pushed both his pants and underwear down to his thighs, immediately wrapping his hand around his member and starting to stroking it. "make her cum, sehunnie. do it, and then i'll take care of you both."
the promise made you clench again in anticipation. sehun smirked at you too, imagining all the things junmyeon could do to him and to you.
"you better listen to him, baby boy", you whispered, leaning in for another kiss.
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kjmcotton · 1 year
✧*ૂ༄bee’s masterlist
PN: ❀ fluff ; ☾ angst ; ♢ sad ; ✩ for adults ; ♤ smut ; ♡ request
For any request ,please,check the guideline
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✧ Kim Junmyeon
December on the couch ♤
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✧ Byun Baekhyun
Metanoia ✩ ♡
Commitment issues ☾ ♡
Unexpected gift ❀ ♡
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✧ Park Chanyeol
What we did in the library ♤
A good action can change your life ❀ ♡
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✧ Kim Jongdae
coming soon…
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✧ Kim Minseok
coming soon…
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✧ Kim Jongin
coming soon…
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✧ Oh Sehun
Have a soft spot for me ❀♡
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✧ Zhang Yixing
Ray of sunshine,the clouds are vanishing ❀ ♡
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✧ D.O. Kyungsoo
coming soon…
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✧ Specials
Halloween advent calendar🎃
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unholywriters · 4 months
Idea Posting again
I have several ideas and If I don’t write them down somewhere and get reminded that they’re here I’m gonna cry because I want to remember.
Mafia’s Distraction -
How do we always managed to attract the attention of those who are dangerous? Do they just enjoy seeing others be confident when you decide to put your foot down whenever they cross a line? Take your/n for example, working one of the local pups always having to argue with someone who thinks they own the bar when in reality they don’t own anything but their fragile little ego but even then there’s nothing wrong with kicking them to a curb right? But what if you’re being watched all the time by not just one of them, but two of them with a status so powerful it could make everyone in that pub keep their tails between their legs just so they can survive another day. One day y/n is simply jus trying to handle some more of the loud crowd that didn’t want to listen, some were still sober and the rest were getting tipsy before they decided to cross you, by grabbing a bottle and pouring it all out in front of you while you were serving one of the bosses. Not only that, but this tipsy male had poured it on the bosses lap. Trying to start something since he was the self proclaimed life of the party before everyone turned to look at them. Y/N was about to try and ban him since this was against the rules before everyone saw their tattoos, after all each group has a tattoo to show who they belong to and what rank they have, and these two were the only two who had the black crown with a Y and a M for each person.
Needless to say, the person was bragged away begging for his life, while everyone else was told to leave expect for y/n, who had to sit and agree to talk to them, well more like it was them coming up with a compromise, and don’t we just love those?
Demon’s ring
imagine this and I'm gonna try and do this the best way i can without skipping over or amkinf this sound like something else.
Imagine that you're forced to live in sectors based on your race, like fairy's go to one, elves the other, foxes, sirens you name it. But the demons are considered the highest one, no one can touch them after they managed to beat the heavens in a war and have since claimed a large chunck of the earth, bur each year there's a selection of those "fortunate" to go since the demkn sector is considered one of thr richest and most loveable ace to live with "letters: being sent every two days of the person being happy to be chosen but missing home. Till you're choosen instead this time since your friends highly voted for you since every year there's a voting process to see who's the best at what for that sector and you go.
When you get there at first you see all of the glam, the joy you never got to feel and the best cooked food you ever could've imagined onto of thay sprinkled in gold dust. But then you meet the rulers kf this sector, [the ones in the video] but you don't meet them at the palace, you were walking with your friend (who's been there for what felt like ages and doesn't remember any torment) ans one by one they meet you, or see you from afar and grow interested so they play the nice card since you're from the outside and can't let you run just yet. But as it's getting more and more obvious thay they like you, you jabw these visions of them in your dreams and you can't seem to shake them off since almost no matter where you go there right there, and in one dream you're seen giving birth tk children, with a mark on your stomach tbag was never there before but when you woke it was there. And so you slowly kept trying to plan a route to leave or by trying to trap them into something, anything that woukd get you free and away from that vision becoming true And you know me this is gonna be gay because I can't ever seem to write a straight story for my life
BUT they can't seem to touch you without feeling a burn something they've never felt before after the war because after all, the angles were kept in their sector and weren't allowed to get out yet somehow, *you* were able to hurt them if you were scared and wanted to ger away. One pair was angry, the other pair was intrigued but they knew this meant you'd be able to escape so they pulled almost all the stops they could, not like flirting wise but stopped you ar every exit you coild run to and slowly get closer, talking to you either like a bride, or something else but it didn't work, since the last time you tried to run you seriously injured them and there was nothing they could do, let alone let others find out. So you were out in the water fighting off the sirens who were told to bring you back till you reached the angels, who were looking at you in aspiration. And besides the angels are the good guys, they want to bring back peace, right?
But when you started to watch them get stronger, you noticed that you were in pain, as if they were taking your energy and making it not power for power so they coukd escape but there was nothing you could do. When one day you woke up tied tk a Pole pointing exactly where the sun would shine and you were onto of a empty ball, panic settling in you tried to beg them for helo but they only started to cut you ans watch your essence and how you were getting weaker and almost like you were dying. They told you how they planned to wipe out the demons, making sure no evil could throw off the balance of the garden of eternal and how they needed to go. But of course you manged to break free, more like you had a freak out and released something thay caused thr angels to be weakened more, some were even fading away into nothingness while those let out pained cries.
Now being free you ran to the water where the sirens were swimming and knew they has to take you back home to the demons. Whike the angels started to get free from their barrier the sirens took uou as closet as they could. You ran to the demon sector and saw one of the boys, who looked amused that you were back but also terrified at the swarm of white behind you and soon manages to take you behind the walls while trying to keep you and the others demons age (because who says demons don't have a heart) But they haven't recovered from thr attacked even with jt being arojnd... almost a month that you've left and they almost manages to win before kf course you and one of them (I forgot who's the oldest in that video) manages to pull a something before sealed the angels back away With you rebuilding thr sector that was destroyed and reassuring everyone who heard about a fight and some deaths. Helping rebuild it and stopping the yearly choosing and stayed Still continuing to drive them crazy while they continue to tease you
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maesfics · 5 months
LEE SUHO! *  ੈ✩‧₊
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coming soon...
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coming soon...
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dilxcc · 7 months
my request is your head cannons for how junmyeon would act in a relationship, literally anyway, in bed, whateva xP
boyfriend!junmyeon headcanons
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fluff, kinda suggestive, grammatical error junmyeon x reader
okay so him as your boyfriend is like, a blessing tbf
you probably did something good in your past life to even deserve him.
trust me when i say that he loves showering you with gifts
he WILL buy you the most expensive thing ever and say, "oh, it's nothing much,"
boyfriend junmyeon will probably try his best to make you happy
but you're probably already happy with how good he's treating you
but sorry not sorry, works always comes first for him (he could never leave eris for too long)
okay how this man would act in bed???
i feel like hes the type to put your pleasure first
as long as you're feeling good, he'll be fine
he loves you too much so i think he might do whatever you ask him to (maybe not to the point that it would hurt you)
soft/hardcore type of guy
loves to praise you
he will clean you up
make you comfortable
if you want to be drowned by your plushies, he will do it for you
if you're hungry, he will go and buy you food
cuddle up with you until you're asleep
when you wake up, there will be a breakfast in bed ;)
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cyberexo · 1 year
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S I R E N PT 2 | Byun Baekhyun x Fem Reader
“What the hell are you?”
word count: 2.9K
warning: includes cursing, unprotected sex, & 18/21+ scenes that are not suitable for minors.
You pulled yourself up from the sand, tail fully shedded off, revealing your delicate & untouched skin, your face was tinted a light pink with slight embarrassment and emitting shyness from Baekhyuns' eyes taking in every detail of the sight in front of him.
You wobbled a little here and there before yoh managed to maintain some balance by spreading your arms out, looking up at Baekhyun to see he was still staring, jaw lowly hanging. Finally you broke the intense silence, "I know you've been coming here for the past couple of days to look for me, I was busy trying to get my steps in," you half joked, pulling him out of his enthralled state, painting a bashful smile on his face the second he pieced it all together.
"You learnt how to walk for me?" he squealed, moving himself your side, "Come on, I wanna see," he pushed, giving your waist a light nudge.
"You'll catch me if I fall right?" you asked, now that someme was watching you do something that wasn't within your nature it made you more nervous and prone to messing up for sure. But this entire situation wasn't within your or his nature at this point.
"Of course," he softly cooed, offering you a soft smile, you took your first couple of steps carefully, still a little wobbly but who could blame you. Baekhyun adored the sight in front of him, it was for sure one of the best things anyone has ever done for him, it was really cute but of course being the man he is, he couldn't help but feel slightly turned on by your efforts to impress him.
He lingered behind you, taking slow steps to give you some space, he couldn't help but let his eyes get distracted by your figure, scanning and taking in every detail you had to offer. He felt the familiar tension in his pants starting
to rise, quickly snapping himself out of his trance, he casually tried to hide any possible outline that was on display without you noticing.
After a couple of more steps, you felt your legs starting to give out, Baekhyun took notice and hurried behind you to catch you in case you suddenly collapsed, "Just a couple more steps, I don't want to be close to the water," you announced, Baekhyun looked back, scanning the waters for possible unexpected company. He knew you didn't want any other sirens coming up to see what you were up to, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to depict that much.
You both settled in the sand, far away from the shore and away from any path where anyone could easily spot you together, Baekhyun had gone around collecting wood for a small fire, even though you insisted you were fine, the icy feeling of your skin wasn't very convincing to him.
"Are you going to roast me?" you joked around, earning a hearty laugh from the man in front of you as he finally managed to get the fire going, "No, but I do plan on other things," he spoke, his tone was suggestive & you knew what he was implying but playing the dumb card was too good to pass up, "What do you mean?" eyes wide and innocently looking up at him. He'd pull himself back next you, automatically wrapping your arms around one another like it was second nature to you both, even though it was the second time you've met.
You let your fingers travel up his torso, admiring the crates and crevices that adorned his toned body, feeling him tense underneath you, the fire did nothing for your skin, but he didn't mind it that much, he actually enjoyed the icy feeling.
He didn't answer your question, instead he leaned down, lifting your head up with his slender finger, and stared into your eyes before planting a soft kiss on your lips, It was your first meaningful kiss with a man, and his first with a siren that wasn't planning on eating him. It wasn't that long till the intensity of it started to rise, hands roaming one another. You weren't oblivious to Baekhyuns' erection, you could literally sense it.
Lips still connected in a hot make out session, you allowed your hand to travel to the waist band of his shorts, while his stayed hooked on the nape of your neck and another cupped the soft flesh of your chest. "You really thought you could hide this from me?" you teased, feeling him smile into the kiss, "Shut up," taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth.
This feeling was all very new to you, having a vague idea of what was going on, everything was much different when you were in your human replica form. If you ever found yourself doing anything sensual with another siren it was always over as quick as it started, there wasn’t an exchange of heartfelt emotions or words, it was demanding and cold. Almost felt like a chore. But here, with Baekhyun, it felt so different you swore you could get addicted to the emotions he was making you feel.
You tugged down on his shorts, leaving him in his boxer that hugged his hardened length, he can't be comfortable, carefully placing your fingertips on the hem of his boxers. You felt his hands fall from your face and placing them on top of yours as if to guide you, before you could expose the last of his skin you pulled away from your electrifying kiss that made the both of you dizzy.
"What's wrong?" noticing your sudden shy expression, "Nothing!" you were quick to reassure that he hadn't done anything, you continued, "I just don't know how to do.. this?" you said, looking up at him with a puzzled look in your eyes, he just stared back into yours, his brown orbs pooling with lust and curiosity of how you'd react to this new experience.
"I'll teach you," he offered with a soft smile on his face, contradicting the lustful hunger in his eyes.
Finally pulling down on his boxers, releasing his hardened length, you stared in awe, captured in a trance that had your stomach churning with a burning desire for the man in front of you. Baekhyun cradled your jaw, landing a soft long-lasting kiss whilst he laid you down on the warm sand, situating himself in between your legs.
Disconnecting your lips, you let out a whimper already missing the feeling, he left a trail of purple kisses along your jaw, down to your neck, collarbones, and stopped in the valley of your chest. Looking up to admire your blissed out face, Baekhyun let his hand travel to your heat, his long and slender fingers having a feel of your slick folds.
"Look at you," he cooed, "You're wetter than the ocean," you scoffed at his choice of words, trying to hide away the reddening of your face but your slicked back hair wasn't being much help.
He slipped a finger into your heat, catching you off guard, throwing your head back and letting out a pleasurable sigh, there was no way a mere human was making you feel this good with just a finger, but then again, what did you know about love making with a human. Baekhyun slowly pumped his digit in and out of you, curling it before allowing himself to push in another whilst guiding his thumb to press down on a bundle of nerves you didn't know you had.
You let out a strangled breath, it was all too much but at the same time it was too little, you craved more, "Come here," pulling him back up to your face you landed a soft yet hungry kiss which he happily reciprocated.
Wrapping your legs around his waist to bring his manhood closer your aching core, the phantom feeling of his tip nudging your clit sent you into a frenzy, moans muffled by his soft lips, you found the strength to pull away to ask,
"Is it going to hurt?"
"Maybe just a little, I'll be gentle," he assured, intertwining your hands together, planting a kiss to soften the blow of the sudden penetration. It was overwhelming, you felt like pushing him off almost immediately, the pressure of his length pushing through to break your hymen could be felt everywhere in your body and you didn't know if it was normal or maybe because of what you were, it made it more intense.
Baekhyun noticed your face scrunched up in pain, your walls clamped around him like a vice, it was almost unbearable for him too but he pushed through nevertheless, feeling the breaking of the barrier that was stopping him from filling you.
Both sighing in relief, the hardest part was over and now it was just time to adjust and wait out the pain to be taken over by pleasure, Baekhyun allowed his hands to travel up and down your torso, trying to distract you from the ache in between your legs, peppering kisses alongside your jaw and down to your breasts, gently suckling on a nipple whilst his hand fondled with the other, nothing could be heard but the soft moans that escaped your throat, tugging on his luscious locks lightly enjoying the conjoined sensation of pain and pleasure.
Soon the pain washed over and was replaced by a pleasurable feeling of his cock stretching your walls, yoh lifted your hips up slightly before sinking back on his length, indicating that you were ready for him to start moving.
His thrusts were slow and deep at first, you could tell he was holding himself back from the way his hands were digging into your waist, sure to leave a bruise by morning. Baek-“ his hand found its way to your mouth forcefully making you shut up, “I’m sorry but if you say anything whilst sounding like THAT, I’m going to lose it,” he stated, still thrusting into you whilst subtly picking up the pace.
You let your eyes roll to the back of their sockets, hand clasping his own that was keeping you quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the fire a couple of feet away from you and the lewd sounds your skin was making every time his hips would meet yours. “You’re so tight,” he breathed out, sweat was starting to form on his face, hair sticking to his forehead.
He looked ethereal.
It didn’t take long for him to find your g-spot, causing you to arch your back, yanking his hand off your mouth letting the rope of profanities escape your lips, “Fuck- please, please do that again,” you pleaded, looking up at him with drowsy eyes, it took him a second to realise what you meant before he angled himself properly and pulled your hips closer to him as if that was even possible before pushing himself back into you, his strokes picking up in pace but still accurate, the feeling was too much, jaws slacking and eyebrows furrowing in pleasure, neither of you could form a coherent sentence.
“You feel so good,” he let out in a strangled breath, leaning down to pepper your neck & jaw with kisses before finally pressing a pleading kiss to your lips, you couldn’t get over the feeling. How could this mere human have this much of an effect on you- kissing him back with as much passion, your hands found their way to his back, tracing his flexing muscles before your nails lightly pressed into his skin, bringing him closer to you.
The knot in your stomach was starting to get bigger, it felt like you were going to explode at any given moment, dragging your nails down his back, you were for sure going to leave more than just a mere scratch for the next couple of days.
Sirens’ couldn’t orgasm the same way a human does, it was internal, nothing was ever ejected from the body, the feeling of the churning juices inside of you was almost concerning, considering how foreign the feeling was.
Baekhyun could feel the way your walls clamped down on him, twitching uncontrollably, it took everything in him to hold himself back from filling you up before you received your own pleasure, he threw your leg over his shoulder, hitting at a new angle that drove the both of you insane, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ear, “I- I think I’m gonna cum-“ you breathed out, letting your head fall back into the sand whilst trying to muffle your pleasured screams.
"Cum for me baby, let me hear you" Baekhyun huskily whispered into your ear, still relentlessly penetrating your sopping core, “Shit-“ his hands found purchase on your aching clit, applying the lightest pressure- that’s all it took for him to send you over the edge, yelling his name out along with incoherent curses, your eyesight went blurry and the stars in the sky seemed to multiply, the hot feeling of your juices gushing out of you was nothing like you’ve ever experienced before.
Baekhyun still pumped himself into you, riding out your high while chasing his own, the wet mess in between the both you, the way the sheer layer of sweat that had formed on your figure and made you shine under the moonlight was more than enough for him, in a frenzy he released himself into you, filling you with his seed to the brim, the sensation, the view- it was incredibly erotic and quite literally out this world.
Riding out both your highs while you tried to catch your breath, he finally pulled himself out of you, already missing the full feeling, the feeling of being completed like a puzzle, he laid next to you, face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, convinced he could feel your racing pulse.
“That was amazing,”
You pulled him into a kiss, this one a lot softer than the ones you’d shared before, you pulled back first, locking your eyes with his own, offering him a soft and satisfied smile. “What did I have to do to come across such an enchanting creature like yourself?” he whispered, “I don’t know.. scream like a girl as you get pulled into the water?” you answered, recalling the first time you caught a glimpse of him, Baekhyuns’ jaw fell open- not expecting the sudden not so romantic answer, “I want you to erase that from your memory this instant!” he demanded, forming his lips into a pout that just looked so kissable.
He didn't let you finish whatever it was you were going to say before attacking you with tickles, taking advantage of the upper hand he had over you since weren't the most mobile human replica on earth.
Soon the laugher and teasing died down after you let out desperate apologies, settling into each other's warm embrace, watching the fire in front of you die out- and watched the sun come to life from a distance.
You felt the shiver of Baekhyuns' skin against yours. You were already a cold blooded creature so the sensation of the cold wind of dawn wasn't much of a bother but you knew he wasn't like you, "Baekhyun?" he said nothing but hummed in response, "Can you carry me back to the water?" "So soon?!" he exclaimed, looking at you wide eyed, he clearly didn't want to let go of you just yet- or maybe even ever!
"I can't stay out for too long, i'll dry out!" you countered, making him sigh in defeat before he swiftly swung you up into his embrace, he was so strong, the temptation of staying here for as long as he wanted started to look a lot more appealing than it already was, but you knew better. Your worlds were too different for either of your likings.
Gently he placed you down into the water, submerging himself as well, he watched your tail come back to life, seeing how it wrapped itself tightly around you, adorning your every curve and detail, he was in a state of adoration. You dunked yourself into the water, missing the way it felt on your skin, before going back up to meet Baekhyuns’ eyes, you could see the sadness pooling within them. You were the first to break the silence
“I hear that you’re leaving soon,”
“In two days,” he sulkily spoke, his gaze not breaking away from your face, he wanted to have the image of you burned into his brain forever, “You won’t forget me will you?” you asked, a lump in your throat started to form, “Are you kidding me, I’d die with you on my mind Y/N, I’ll never forget you- please wait for me.. I don’t know when I’ll be back but I will come back one day” he pleaded, placing his hands on your shoulders to pull you in closer to him.
Finally you met his gaze after a few seconds of avoidance just to stop yourself from bursting into tears, pulling him into an everlasting kiss before pulling yourself away, a few more seconds and you know you’d completely lose yourselves in each other’s touch.
“I’ll wait, no matter how long it takes,”
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decantingstxrs · 2 years
a loud smack rings through the room as his hand makes contact with your bare ass. you bite down hard on your lip to suppress a moan. something about hearing and feeling his hand on you was enough to get you wetter than a river.
“good girl.” he says before spanking you again. and again.
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