#suitcase favor box
desertrosew · 1 year
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toast-on-dandelioms · 10 months
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I am not the biggest fan of dc but I do know the story and everything, so if any character from the batfamily is wrong please tell me so I will try to fix it.
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Another story of Neglect
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You were another one of Bruce's children, born by one of his nightstands with a model to which he just gave child support and didn't really visit.
You never cared, you didn't even know that he was your father since you were happy with just your mom and the life you were living at the moment, but everything changed because of a stupid drunk driver that ended up crashing the car against your mom's one and killing both of them at the impact. You were only 12 and your life just changed in one night.
You had no one else, or at least no one that could take you in since everyone was busy or couldn't be bothered to have another mouth to feed so you ended up in front of Wayne's Manor, two suitcases full of stuff plus all the boxes from your old room and house that you managed to save from the relatives who tried to grab everything valuable in the house.
After getting in your room and setting everything up, making sure your photos with your mom and you were safe and sound, you tried to interact with your new family, wanting to make the best out of a bad situation but you didn't think that they would be so different from what you saw in the media.
•Bruce Wayne: you heard that he was a playboy but very nice to his kids, you saw how he looked at Damian or Dick, a look full of love and adoration that your mom used to give it to you.
But to you, he looked at you like you were just a nuisance that wasn't supposed to be here, he made sure to tell you the first day that you came here to not expect much since he wouldn't have the time to take care of every small needs and to just tell him or Alfred if you wanted to do something out of the school activities since you would be changing schools.
You tried to interact with him, to learn from what he likes so you could just try and hold a conversation with him but he always left you behind for another one of his kids that needed him at the moment, leaving you there with a small smile and just a small light of hope that maybe he will come back to talk to you.
But he never did.
•Richard/Dick Grayson: you thought he was the nicest big brother you ever seen, especially from what you saw him talking or playing with Damian, Tim or even Jason.
(You did find out pretty soon that they were the famous vigilantes since they didn't really keep it hidden from you, especially since you saw them in costumes and even training while they ignored you or didn't even notice your presence.)
You tried to talk to him but he was just like Bruce, leaving you for Damian mostly or using any excuse to not spend time with you.
Even when you tried to ask him to do some acrobatics since you knew he was from the circus, he just gave you an excuse 'sorry but it's been a while since Damian and Tim saw me and I wanted to go out with them, maybe next time (wrong/name)", leaving you before you even had the time to correct him about your name.
•Jason Todd: honestly he was the most decent family member, second to Alfred who treated you better whenever you were left alone, since he just straight up told you that he didn't care and to not bother with him.
You did try a few more times, thinking he was one with a tough exterior but a softie inside, thinking that he just needed time but him accidentally punching you in the face and leaving you with a black eye from you walking up behind him made you understand that he didn't care, especially with the way that he looked at you with an annoyed expression before walking away.
At least you didn't have to spend months trying to gain his favor, he already made it clear that he didn't care about you.
But it still hurts you know?
• Tim Drake: he was the only one you couldn't really put a pin on who he really is, not of some double life or something like that.
It's just that sometimes he would act nice, talking to you but the next time you would see him, even if the time passed between the two intervals could be of 1 hour, he would act like you were an annoying thing or would just ignore you.
You understood that he was sleep deprived and just started leaving him some candies that could help him sleep, wanting to help in a small way, especially since he was the only one you could actually help a little.
And the last, but especially the worst one was none other than Damian Wayne/al Ghul since he first acted like you were gonna steal something from him, especially considered that you were a year or two older than him.
He harassed you, using his animals or just his assassin skills to torment you for years even though you never gave him reasons to do so.
Not more than once you had to patch yourself in the bathroom because of his harassment, the scars still visible but luckily in places you could hide so no one would question you for them.
After two or three years he finally stopped and went to be one of the family members to give you attention to completely ignore your existence, acting like you weren't even someone worthy of his attention.
You always wanted to just hit him back but it would be relatively impossible to even try to land a hit on him because of his assassin training that he had.
But one thing you still had that connected you to your old life, to when you were happy and still with someone who loved you was dancing, which you still went to practice everyday and tried to invite your family but everyone was either busy or straight up told you that they didn't care.
Only Alfred would show up but it was also rare, but it would fill your heart with joy everytime you saw him in the audience of whatever ballet you were casted in, even if you weren't the main protagonist and just a side character.
You also tried to be the best in school, just to show it to Bruce and make him proud like your mother was whenever you were in the top but with a family filled with geniuses like Tim Drake and Damian Wayne, it was difficult to even compare to them.
But every day, you still had hope that maybe, if you opened the doors of your heart they will finally enter and make you part of the family.
That you can finally be accepted again, and maybe even join them in their vigilante jobs but alas, they always had excuses, excuses and even more excuses.
You were getting tired of all their excuses.
After a while you understand that maybe the problem is not you, it never was.
You opened up many times in the past years. You gave them every piece of your broken heart to hold but they would always break it in even more little pieces.
But, not everything always goes to plan does it?
So, instead of continuing to try, you also decided to ignore them back and live your life, counting the days of your eighteen birthday so you could finally get out and be free from the mansion you were supposed to call home.
Part 2 is here!
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locallixie · 1 year
housemates — lee know
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> summary . how can you live your life peacefully with having your housemate constantly seducing you like that?!
> genre . smut, fluff, housemates au, forced proximity, housemate!minho, gn!reader.
> warnings . sexual tension, general sexual themes, minor language, oral (receiving), unprotected sex, tipsy sex.
(wc) > 6.3k
(sunny's note) ☆ "and they were roommates.” wanted to be sweet and cute, until lee minho is in the equation. sorry for the late upload, i had a really bad writing slump and progress was slow. but i made it!
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You shouldn’t have agreed to this if you knew this was how it would turn out. What a mistake, your kindness that yourself and other has taken for granted. And currently stuck in a living situation that tested your patience every waking hours, your dormitory experience was no match for this.
Jisung had asked you for a ‘small’ favour a couple months earlier, about how his friend got evicted and was now homeless, wondering if you could let him stay for a while until he find a new place. First of all, that was not a small favor. Secondly, you didn’t even know this friend that he was talking about. And you were reluctant to let a stranger stay in your house right off the bat. You lived in a dorm before, but that was a dorm and not your own house.
“Please, [Y/N], just a couple months.” Jisung pushed over the phone, you could tell he was outside from the loud and slightly muffled noise that the speaker picked up upon.
Sighing, your soft spot for him would be the death of you. Agreed with hesitation, since you were glad you were out of the dorm life and regained your privacy, but it seemed that life had came to pull you back in. Jisung should be expecting your complaints if something bad happened between you and your new housemate.
From the first initial meeting, you got some of the weirdest vibe from this guy. Maybe it was the amount of black and leather he was dressed up in, or the bitchy look on his face that could kill with a single stare. How the fuck was Jisung friends with a person like this? They were the complete opposite of one another, the guy looked as if he committed first degree murders as his favourite past-time. What you meant was you were convinced that he was a sociopathic killer, and he was probably plotting yours and Jisung’s death soon.
For one person, he sure did had a lot of stuff. You three brought around eight or ten different sized carton boxes up to your apartment, not counting the two gigantic suitcases that he had to take a second trip with Jisung to go get. He must have been living in his old place for very long to have that much stuff, wonder why he got kicked out? Possibly because the landlord found the bodies with how sharp his eyes always glared at.
“Don’t worry about the rent, Minho can pay for his half.” Jisung reassured, starting his car. The engine roared loudly, it had been through a rough day of carrying all that stuff to here.
Before he left, Jisung told you one last thing. “Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask him for help around the house, Minho may look intimidating but he’s quite a sweet guy.” With that sentence stuck in the back of your head, he drove away. If you could even have enough courage to ask him to take the trash out, maybe that statement would be proven.
You did all the house chores yourself, you didn't ask for any assistance from Minho. Wether it was because you were used to having to do everything yourself, or he was just still as unapproachable as the first time you two met. But he too, barely talked to you. You heard his voice once or twice when he was on the phone, but he did not speak a full sentence to you and ought for short few words replies.
"Do you need any help?" Another voice emerged from behind your back, offering assistance.
You pulled the trash bag out of the can, "I'm good, thanks,"
"Whatever, suit yourself." Minho walked away. Not even a bit of small talk? It frustrated you of how aloof he was acting, he didn't want to get to know you at all. However, it pissed him off just as much, you would always shrug him off every-time he offered to help you. As you two had made it clear before, you hardly knew each other, and here you were living together as people of unfamiliarity.
You didn't know his last name, or how he met your three years best friend—Jisung. Neither did he held any personal information about you, he wasn't even sure which variation of your name was the correct one. Already a month has passed by and no one was willing to start up a conversation with the other person. This ice between you and Minho just kept getting thicker and colder.
Ranting on the phone, "I'm telling you, I can not get through him! I think he hate me!"
"Calm down, [Y/N], he doesn't hate you." Jisung reassured, sighing as this was the third phone call of the month that you were expressing your discontent for the same subject. "It's simple, just talk to him, even if it's small talk."
Hearing the front door opened, "Fuck, he's back, I'll talk to you later." You didn't let Jisung say 'bye', hanging up in the midst of his sentence.
Minho worked a nine-to-five job, you weren't sure of his occupation in particular. You got a sense of his routine, he would leave the house at exactly seven-fifty in the morning and usually came home around five or six—depending on the traffic that day. On few occasions, he was nice enough to bring food home for the both of you.
"Hey, you're back quite late today?" You asked, seeing the clock already hitting six at the moment.
He set down a few plastic bags on the table, "I got groceries on the way, I'll cook dinner." He explained shortly, bringing ingredients to the kitchen for preparation.
That was a first, he had never offered to cook before, much less thanking you for the meals you made for dinner. Guessed he was just hot and cold like that, and this was his way of showing his gratitude. You weren't mad, on what normal day would you have someone cook for you enjoy? You technically did everything yourself when you moved out a few years ago.
Watching his figure diligently cooking in the kitchen, it comforted you in an unusual way. He was like your own personal boyfriend—for tonight at least, he would cook and then sit at the table with you to eat, maybe he might even offer to wash the dishes. A fine, hard-working young man? Anyone who could scored him would probably be winning in life. You couldn’t hide your jealousy if he ever bring home a date.
He walked over to you, holding out a spoon with a small portion of thick orange liquid. Minho asked, “Try it, tell me if it suit your taste.”
The tangy flavour stood out immediately, he must have put something citrusy as it melt into your tastebuds. It was good, no, amazing even! This hidden talent of his was worth all the waiting you had done, you never knew Minho could be such a great chef. For a while, you thought this guy couldn’t possibly hold a knife correctly, yet you were proven wrong of your assumptions.
You nodded, the sound you made when encountered good food already told him enough. Everything smelled so mouth-watering, and the presentation was tempting you to devour everything in on sitting.
"Thanks for the food!" As soon as he placed the last dish onto the table, you immediately picked up your utensils. You could not hold yourself back when face with good home-cooked food, good home-cooked food made by an equally good-looking guy.
Minho sat down beside you—he usually sat across from you which kept a nice distance between the two of you—he was very close today. Asked he, "How is it? Good?"
You didn't hold back on your praises, "God, why didn't you cook sooner? This is actual heaven~!"
He simply smiled in a humble manner. Your face was a little puffed up when you eat, which he found quite endearing. Watching you stuffed your entire face with rice, sweet and sour ribs, and eggrolls. Flattered by how much you were enjoying it, yet concerned from how fast you were eating.
"Slow down, wouldn't want you to choke." He gazed at you as he advised.
"Unless you like it like that." Immediately, you started coughing profusely. A grain of rice flew up to your nose, making everything worse the longer it stayed stuck up there.
Minho patted your back, "Woah, are you alright?" Uh, obviously no?! You were coughing out rice over here, how could you even be remotely okay? And how did he expect you to be okay after that suggestive comment he just made? This guy was unbelievable. The smile laced with deviousness, as if he was silently planning something that would catch you off guard—which certainly did a minute ago.
He picked up a single rib and ate it with his chopsticks, he probably mind getting his hands dirty from that sticky sauce he used. How could Minho looked so graceful while eating while you were here devouring everything down like a fucking caveman. Work on your image a bit, would you? Especially when you were living with someone that wouldn't use their hands to eat ribs.
"Have you been talking to Jisung recently?" Minho suddenly questioned, setting down his bowl as to show respect.
You turned to him, confusion sitting on your shoulders and your heart sinking with a bit of guilt. By any chance, did he overheard your conversations? "Yeah, I have." Continued by another question, "What? Are you two not talking?"
Minho's eyes was bigger than you expected, now seeing him a bit closer from your distance from each other. It curved in a very pretty way, and glistened upon every reflections of his soul. You couldn't help, couldn't help but get a little sad every-time you gazed into his eyes, or when they would unknowingly stared back at you. He looked at you, as if through his eyes saw you as the most precious person to exist in the short timespan that was the human life.
"He haven't been answering my texts and calls, I don't know if he's upset with me or something?" Minho sighed, "Can you...just ask him for me?"
In a bit of hesitation, "Would it be a bit rude for an outsider to chime in? Whatever it is you and Jisung are going through, it's best if you two worked it out together...privately." You told, trying to offer other solutions.
Minho let out a tired breath, "I don't know, I'm not sure what I did wrong that made him upset with me, that's what I'm most worried about."
You patted his back, "Just talk it out with him, communication is key!" How ironic, you could hardly hold a conversation with him, and now you were here giving out communication advise? Unreliable source. You knew you shouldn't interfere with whatever beef Jisung and Minho was having between each other, but you were making it seem like you wouldn't ask Jisung for details. Or Jisung would tell you himself from how much he like to rant to you.
Minho flashed a genuine smile towards you, "Thanks, I owe you one!"
Your heart skipped a beat, just one enough for your whole system to go the very bit haywire. You were finally making some good progress with Minho, and his entire intimidating and remote façade all came crashing down when he smiled. Keep up the good work!
“Are you and Minho back on speaking terms yet?” The other line went quiet for a few seconds, you heard a sigh being let out.
Jisung replied with a question, “He told you?”
Fuck, your nosy tendencies were acting up again, it slipped out of you like a natural instinct. “No—um, yeah he did but I don’t know the details or anything! He was just wondering if you were mad at him or something since you stop contacting him.” You went on to explain, trying to tell Jisung that you weren’t intending to be impolite and simply wanted to help your friend out.
The other giggled at your tone of voice, of how freaked out he got you. You acted as if the people you were working for to take down started suspecting you to be a double agent, but unlike those action films, you were terrible at hiding the truth.
“My girlfriend don’t like the fact that I’m still friends with my exes, so she wiped out their contacts from my phone.” The whole problem was finally solved as the explanation came out.
Wait, one thing. “Minho is your ex?!” You exclaimed at the sudden realization.
Jisung was absolutely enjoying this from the other line, “What? You want him?” He teased.
Your face went red, denying the question thrown at you. This whole time, this was the relationship your housemate has with your best friend? And he had never cared to tell you about anything regarding this romance he once had? All these people do was lie. Struggling through your words, you outwardly rejected the idea. “No—! No– I don’t! I—!”
Jisung interrupted, “It’s fine, he’s all yours.”
You tried denying, “No, I don’t want him—!” Quickly being cut of by Jisung once more.
“And he’s a really great kisser—”
“Jisung, shut the fuck up!” You hanged up in embarrassment, throwing your phone away in a state of panic. Why would he tell you that? As if you needed to be more careful around Minho now that you knew these things about him. God, how did he expect you to continue living with this knowledge? Unlike Jisung, you saw Minho everyday of the week.
The door to your bedroom suddenly opened, “Are you okay? I heard a thud.” Minho was still in his work attire, a tad bit sweaty from the heated summer air, the first two buttons of his shirt were left undone. Solely from the condition of his appearance was in, you were mentally restraining yourself.
“Did you just came back?” You asked, begging that he didn’t heard your conversation with Jisung on the phone a few minutes ago.
He replied shortly, “Yeah, I’ll go shower now so we can eat.” Closing your door as he left without another word, left silently with knowing what you said earlier. He heard enough of your phone call, you were too caught up with talking that you didn’t hear the front door open. Minho was halfway across the hall to his room when he heard you shouted, his name fell out from your mouth as clear as day.
Oh, Jisung never told you that he and Minho were a thing? Now it was kind of awkward for the both of you. But if you wanted him, he wanted you too. He saw the way you would look at him, stealing glances from across the table. He was a very attractive guy, you were sure he wholeheartedly knew this, and he used it to his advantage.
Coming out of a cold shower, his hair was wet and dripping water down his back and shoulders, but at least have some respect for you by covering up his entire bare torso. At the dinner table? Was he going to be half-naked for the whole duration of dinner? He wanted you dead, you boldly claimed.
“So…how was work?” You opened up a topic, hoping he would start talking to fill the silence that was ongoing between the two of you.
Minho let out a chuckle, "Not fun." Handing you a pair of chopsticks and a ceramic bowl. That was understandable, he did looked quite worn out coming home after work.
"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking." You raised a question into his occupation.
He began picking up food from the many plates into his bowl, the wondrous scent controlled his chopsticks faster than his mind. Minho answered while pouring the meat broth over his rice, "I'm an accountant."
An accountant? Was that a code word for sex workers? No one in their right mind would go into accounting. Minho out of all people, worked as an accountant? You had no negative comments on his intelligences, or his work ethics. But accounting sounded so boring for someone as interesting as Minho, you thought what he said was a joke of some sort. Maybe he had a side hustle doing unconventional and dirty jobs.
"It's not fun, but I got bills to pay." Minho joked to lighten up the mood, filling in the empty pauses with yours and his joyful laughs.
He shook his head in a subtle yet prominent dissappointment, smiling to hide his actual emotion on his feeling of unfulfillment. "I wish I became a singer back then."
What he said piqued your interest, you looked up at him with a spark of excitement. Straight into his eyes, you asked. "You sing?"
His vocals was almost professional singer level, for a first in the short timespan of knowing him, you saw such happiness on his face. Holding the microphone as he sang you a love song, the amount of money you spent on that karaoke machine paid off. Minho wasn't wrong or thought too highly of himself when he said he should had became a singer, you would have said the same thing if you knew him sooner. And if he did, you would support him with your all.
The atmosphere got a bit hotter and hotter as the night went on, with alcohol entering the table as an uninvited guest. When a sensual song came on, the mood totally changed for better or worse. His loose t-shirt was showing some skin, it was too a little short as it was showing peeks of his toned stomach underneath. Your mind was going places, wether it was because of the alcohol getting you tipsy or it was your inner desires for intimacy.
Minho did not broke eyes-contact with you, in a hushed voice, stating that you were the only beauty he would keep in his sight tonight. Gently holding your hand in his, he placed it on his chest. Did you feel it? Under the warm and shaking palm of yours. His heart beating at a tiny bit quicker pace than usual, beating for you with all of these temptations in him.
"Minho, I should go to bed now, it's getting awfully late." You told, diverting away in a flustered mess. Yet, despite your attempt at diluting the air, Minho persuasion didn't seem to back down. Too heated, too close as you could now smell his liquor-laced breath.
Eyes half-lidded which made his desires just the more prominent, he was serious with no control. Before your lips could touch one another, a loud vibration emerged abruptly that pulled both of you out of that drunken trance.
Blindly grabbing for your phone, your eyelids were giving up as each minute continued to pass by. You didn't look at the contact name, the alcohol was taking over your system like a pernicious poison. A voice echoed out from your phone speaker, it took you a few seconds to register the other line’s speaking and its distinct frequency.
“Where is your report?! [Y/N], you are driving me crazy with your constant delays!” They roared at you, annoyed and angered.
You got off from your place on the couch, walking away with your phone in hand as you used your last few excuses to save yourself. “Seungmin, it’s not really a good time right now, can I call you back?”
Seeing you caught up with work on the line, he figured he would clean up this mess you two made on the coffee table for you. For a moment, he thought you felt it too. He might had read the room wrong, but the way you tried to avert from the situation felt almost like a reassurance for him. As if you wanted to go further with him, go little deeper, but you were unsure if he was onboard as well. He thought of apologizing, after you sober up more than the state you were in at the moment.
You swore, you couldn't remember anything from the night before. Went to bed at nearly one in the morning, woke up head-empty and half of the blankets and pillows were off your bed. Come on, you could confidently say that you did not exceed your limit. Yet as shown this morning, you had a rough night yesterday with the leftover liquor running through your veins.
You were absolutely dumb-founded when he said he was sorry for what happened last night, as if you remembered everything clearly to its very details. Let's see, you ate dinner, you talked, sang a couple songs out of boredom you assumed, then it all when foggy after that.
"What are you on about? I have no idea of whatever the hell you are apologizing for." Telling him straight up, you could not register anything he was saying to make any sense.
Frustrated, and a bit taken over by the shame from yesterday. "No, it's okay, you're better off not knowing anyway. Sorry for making a scene so early in the morning."
Minho finished the few last sips of his Americano, grabbing his laptop bag from under the dining table in a hurry. "I have to go now, see you again at six." He bid goodbye at the front door.
Before he go for the next ten hours, you told him tonight's plan. "I have a few friends over tonight, if you don't mind their companies."
"How many are coming?" Minho asked.
You tilted your head as you tried to remind yourself of the size of your party, maybe even the identities of your guests as well. "Just three. Jisung is going to be there too, if you want to see him."
You could forget anything, anything that you deemed important. But one thing that you couldn't seem to shake off your mind, as it has been bugging you ever since you knew of it, was the bygone romance Minho had with your best friend—happened to be Jisung. Now that you were non-actively trying to persue the guy, it left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Though Jisung had affirmed that the past was in the past, you could court his ex-boyfriend all you want.
Minho looked down, "We'll talk later, okay? I'm late for work." Leaving things unfinished between you, he closed the door as he left.
You didn't work until around noon, you could work from home if you wanted, yet you still came into the office everyday since things moved faster with you being physically there. But after that call from Seungmin—head of your department, you were already considered brave for the mere thought of showing up. Despite how nice Seungmin actually was, his anger was incomparable to anything you had ever seen.
After your short shift, you went back home to get things prepare. On the way home, you had already picked up a few ingredients. Said ingredients were just a six-pack of cold beers and Gochujang sauce for the beef. The others wouldn't come for another hour, for the time being, you would have to get everything ready by yourself.
Pray to god that the table grill was still working today since you haven't brought it out for a good few years now, it was collecting dust in the very far back of your cupboard. The hangout had been planned for a little while already, you got most of the things a day or two prior.
Was Minho going to join you? His expression carried a bit of hesitation when you asked this morning, though you would be happy to have him if he did changed his mind. The more the merrier!
Hyunjin and Jisung came over just a tiny bit earlier than Felix, guessed he was caught up with some baking for desert. You and your friends were all gathered up together at the dining table, it felt crowded by how small of a space you had to eat for four people. Happy that Hyunjin’s beer wasn’t on the floor since it was standing so confidently at the edge.
“When is Minho coming home?” Jisung suddenly turned to you.
“I don’t know, usually he would be back by now.” You shrugged, just now noticing today’s abnormalities. Maybe something came up at the office, or he had something else he needed to do beside from work matter. Whatever it was, you just hoped he would get home safety.
Speak of the devil, not even ten minutes had passed and the front door softly rang of clicking keys. You came to open the door for Minho, meeting his slightly stunned expression. His glossy tired eyes under the dirty frames of his glasses gazed back at you, his hair disheveled and sticking to his forehead as if he ran his way home. God, he looked rough, but so strangely enticing at the same time.
"Hey, we were just talking about you!" You beamed.
"Sorry, I'm late. My digital files got corrupted, so I had to get I.T to check that bitch out." Minho sighed deeply, you could imagine how long it took to resolve it purely from how worn out he presented.
The others greeted him at the dining table, getting a stool for him to sit since you were out of chairs. Minho was sandwiched between you and Hyunjin, one he knew, one he didn’t. He felt the tiniest bit uncomfortable sitting in such a tight spot, especially when yours and his thighs were rubbing against each other. He didn’t mind it too much, he liked you anyways.
“Ah, Minho! This is Hyunjin, and that’s Felix, they’re my college friends.” You introduced. Though he was a year older, they treated him with a casual formality. Felt more like meeting old friends than new people, your group broke the ice a lot quicker than he had previously expected. Soon you all were drinking and chatting, learning a bit too much about each other for the first meeting.
Felix tapped out, “No more, I’m driving tonight.” With Jisung following along as most had already decided to stop drinking, including you.
You placed your hand on the shoulder of the person next to you, “Are you still going? Damn, you must know how to handle your liquor.”
Minho stared back at you as you spoke to him, his eyes half-lidded like the night before. The first few buttons were unfastened, his bare and defined chest laid underneath the thin fabric. A sheer cast of sweat made his body glistened by the overhead light, his glasses was slowly slipping off his nose bridge which reflected the sweat even more than it should have. His face was flushed red and pink everywhere, flushed from a love confession of a drunken mind. Any minute now, he might just be making out with you.
His heart and guts was burning up with these carnal desires, if your friends weren't here, you could bet he would be fucking your brains out like how you so desperately wanted him to. He wanted you just as much, so shamelessly wanted you.
Minho leaned in suddenly, his lips and hot intoxicated breath lingered your ears. Whispered gently with his mellow, sleepy tone of voice, "When are they leaving?"
“We’re just going to have some tea and brownies, they’ll be on their way soon. Why do you ask?” You returned, asking in with a bit of hesitation in the back of you mind. Could it be he was overloaded enough, or did he not like your friends? You doubted the second one, since they had so much fun together. But that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
He didn’t further elaborate, ending the subject then and there with no other explanation. His intentions were unclear, as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn’t figure out what it was. Hopefully not something shady, or would leave you with a bad image of Minho. Keep it simple, he was probably tired and he needed a bit more peace and quiet. And he couldn't get any peace and quiet if your friends were here, right?
You wanted him to take off his shirt, take every single piece of fabric on his body off, let you admire all of his grace and beauty. Occupied with drooling over your housemate, the teapot seemed to had slipped your mind.
"Fuck!" Yelped you, the heat of the hot tea finally burned your skin.
Hearing pain from your voice, Minho and the others were already there to aid you. Especially Minho, he grabbed your hand into his as soon as he noticed. Luckily for you, the injury was minor and running it through cool water was good enough.
Minho really has you in a chokehold, metaphorically speaking obviously—unless. If you two did become a thing, would it be a little awkward? Maybe not for Jisung, but you were unsure of how or what to think in a situation like this. Though, despite how much you might try to push the idea away due to having quite a lot of repect for your best friend, you couldn't help yourself.
Seduction existed in his eyes and body language, it was subtle yet effective. An absolute disaster that the two of you also lived together, which pumped you up with an amount of hormone that a high-school student would have.
The way he dressed may be ordinary, office worker fashion. His shoulders flexing in his fitted button-up, straight dress pant hugging his thighs. His thick frame glasses further accentuated his winsome features. There was no exaggeration that he, for a definite, has a lot of admirers from work. You too, would be weak on your knees if Minho was your colleague.
It was around eight o’ clock by the time you finished up, which wasn’t late—at least to your definition—but tomorrow was still a work day. Especially for Hyunjin, who was flying out of the country for a business trip, of which it was crucial for him to leave early morning for his flight.
“I’m catching a cab home.” Jisung answered when you asked him how he was going to get home without a car, since the other two already left on their separate ways.
“No, I’ll drive you home.” You offered kindly.
“You drank a lot tonight, you really shouldn’t be driving, [Y/N].” Jisung denied, pointing out the slight alcoholic haze you were in. He wasn’t wrong, you were a literally beast with the bottle. However, you were awake enough to still talk normally and sort of think, like being half asleep.
Reassuring you that he would be fine on his own, and that he would be sure to text you when he arrived at his place. You knew Jisung for too long for you to be worried about him on trivial things, it simply felt like the right thing or a common habitual saying you had going on. You just wanted to take extra precautions since you both had been drinking the whole night, and there were quite a lot of problems existing because of it.
"Don't worry about me too much," Jisung soothed you once more. However he had no regards for what a sentimental moment that was happening between the two of you, immediately back to his ways of joking to dilute the air. "You should be worrying about if Minho can keep his dick in his pants near you."
You smacked him on his shoulder, "Shut up, he's right over there!"
"I mean...I see the way y'all look at each other, we all know, [Y/N]." He commented, giving you a playful look. You wanted to murder Jisung, and you would make it look like an accident too. Were you being that obvious about your feelings? But the way Minho acted around you didn't help too!
Jisung waved goodbye to you and to Minho—who was in the kitchen, washing up dishes and shot glasses. "I'll see you on Saturday for coffee if you can even get out of bed, bye!"
Nodding, as you watched him walk away from your apartment to the main elevator, realization hit later than expected. You yelled out in annoyance but Jisung would definitely laughed it off and ignore you. "Hey, we're not fucking!"
You had to stay up to finish a few reports and lone documents, so that meant you wouldn't be able to see Minho during his morning coffee. Coming over to offer another hand in cleaning up, it wasn't a big mess but was a mess nonetheless. You might take care of everything for Minho to get some well-deserved rest that he has been needing.
Minho turned around as he felt a tap on his shoulder, "Let me take it from here, you should be getting ready for bed by now."
"No, I'll help." Minho single-mindedly refused your offer. "And too, I can't sleep with this raging boner you gave me."
Too sudden, too out of nowhere, your neck snapped to him when you heard him said those words. His expression was neutral, as natural as if he had said and had done nothing wrong. Still washing dishes and bowls, scrubbing and rinsing like he has been doing the same thing for years. Did he heard himself at least, or was it a thought that went loose.
"Oh, sorry." What the fuck were you supposed to reply to that? Thank you? Was that a compliment in disguise of some sort? Feuling the fire even more, the desires becoming stronger and intense, he had agreed to throw away his principles already.
Minho inched closer to you, his eyes on yours as he asked nicely for attention. "If I tell you that I want to fuck you right here right now, would you be mad?"
Face flushed, hot as when you would place your hand on your tea cup to check the temperature. He was evil, disregarding your state of mental stability by saying things of the same kind so out of pocket. He, for a fact, waited for the right time to confess his sins. The kettle was boiling all night, the heat and steams were his deepest thoughts.
You turned off the sink, your hands cool and wet and smell of dish soap from the water. For a split moment, you were solely looking at each other, begging either one to make a move. Minho leaned in towards your direction, his bare forearms brushed gently against yours. The alcohol in both of your bodies made the moment all the more intimate, slowly yet steadily closing your distance between each other, breaking down the wall of sexual tension you had unconsciously built that stood with all its might.
The faint taste of his strawberry chapstick on your tongue, his lips was a little sticky but so soft that you didn’t quite mind. There was no way of stopping him, as you too, did not want to stop the thrill ride that was ongoing. Letting out heavy breaths as he sucked dark red marks onto your skin, lips painting your blank canvas. May he be the only alcohol you would get drunk on, let you drink him up like your sorrows and distress.
“Oh, Minho.” You breathed, moaning out his name as his hands rushing to take off your pants. Hot tongue making a line on your stomach down to your sex, freely as his mouth worked on you like how you dearly enjoyed his food. Both your legs resting on his broad shoulders just did nothing but helped spread you wider.
Your sweet voice singing out to encourage him, using his tongue in all directions that favoured you. Stomach knotting with alcohol and dinner and a heaven he had created for you, coming onto his lips, a result of prolonged temptations.
Every fabric that touched yours and his bodies that day were all scattered on the floor by second round. Never even seen your best friend naked, and here you were admiring his ex-boyfriend’s entire unclothed figure with no ounce of shame left in yourself. You could not keep your hands away from him, so greedily touching him in different places.
Neither could wait any longer, deciding to lay each other’s pride out on the dining table. Minho placed his lips on yours, closing his eyes yet still seeing the vivid image of you in his dark mind. With each passing second, his cock making its way into the very depths of you. You hugged him quite tightly, as if you haven’t scored anyone in a while.
Your eyes told him everything he needed to know, you body twitching and squirming under his embrace, the silent language that told him every one of your secrets. Thrusting faster and harder, wanting to hear you make some more music for his aching soul. Minho grabbed your legs, pushing them against your torso as his cock went deeper into you. You could barely keep your eyes open, or could you stay present with him. This pleasure felt like a dream, a dream that softly pulled you in.
Minho kissed your lips once again, “Baby, don’t sleep on me, I’m not done with you just yet.”
But as much confidence that he may has in him, he was nearing his high and coming apart for you along the way. Minho’s vocals were heavenly when he sang for you, and were just as heavenly when he came into you. He kept going despite being out of breath and tired for you, he started something and he was going to finish it.
Second time felt much more powerful than the first, almost like he gave his all. You could feel his seeds dripping out from inside of you, onto the dining table and even the chairs. Dirtying everything all over again, now you had more cleaning to add onto your list. Guessed neither of you were going to get any sleep tonight.
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razbunz · 2 months
Sephiroth x Fem!reader CW: Blood and light gore, A teaspoon of smut, Petnames (Angel, Doll, ect) , Fangs used as an aphrodisiac, Sephiroth is OOC, takes place mid 1800s, slight angst, 6k WC.
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It's desolate on the streets, no surprise from the recent stormy April weather. You can hope it's going to boost the flowering process in your garden. Just enough for some early daffodils to sprout from their buds into full flowers, for sweet smelling roses to travel with each draft. 
Even as a creaking stagecoach slows to a stop in front of your house.
“Madame!” A voice breaks up your thinking, you look at the man who calls for you, He has short jet-black hair that compliments his striking green eyes- they shine with the little sun that peaks through the clouds.
“Ah! Monsieur!” You bow your head and fix your posture “Need some assistance?” you inquire.
“Nothing but a letter for me to deliver ma’am.” He retrieves an envelope from his back pocket, it's dotted with a gold and green wax stamp.
“Why thank you.” Courteously thanking him, taking the letter cautiously and flipping it a few times over searching for a name; but there's nothing.
“Can I help you with anything else though Sir?” You ask as he shakes his head and offers a respectful bow. Giving you his name- Zack Fair.
“Thank you Mr Fair, see you around.” You wave gently as he turns to the wagon.
You close the front gate and enter your house looking for a letter opener, the glint of metal catching your eyes, going over to slit the letter open.
Oddly eager to see what's inside- you can hope for payments from your last event! But it's unlikely. Instead you're met with neat cursive written on crisp paper and reads…
Dear Ms L/N, I appreciate the floral centerpieces you made for us a few months back, Though the flowers are wilted my mind is still stuck on you. No dame I've seen has shun as bright and vibrant as you, With your smile and wit I have fallen. In love with your nurturing care towards others and the way you hold yourself. I acknowledge that you own the Wespritz Grove, so humbly I ask of you to join me at DawnField Castle for this next week.
Spend it by my side and perhaps you can see if palace life is befitting of you. As I can hope.
On April 23 I will send Zack to retrieve you, Please pack what you need to be comfortable- Though I assure you I will have most estentails.
-Sincerely S.
What? You can hardly believe you read it correctly. Questions run rampant throughout your head. What if he’s old and hideous? Or he just wants an heir? You shiver at the thought, But you’d be a fool to not give whoever they are, a chance. 
After all, you've briefly been past DawnField before, And nothing life threatening was mentioned.
Even if April 23d is only two days from arrival.
Waking up on that dewy morning is stomach wrenching, your head spins and twirls with every nauseating thought that passes through. So you try to keep yourself busy with dusting and pruning your flowers.
Ding ding
The door buzzes with life, you freeze up and carefully peak through the door jam. It's Zack, wearing a gray frock- his satchel gone in favor of a green pocket square.
“Are you prepared?” Zack asks and offers you his hand, It's gloved in a soft satin fabric. 
You look around once more- picking up your small suitcase.
“I suppose so.” A nod in confirmation is all you get before he leads you outside into the crisp morning air. Where a carriage rests outside the cobblestone street- He takes your bag and steps up into the Coach box, lifting you up inside the carriage where lush velvet seats meet you. 
He tells the driver to take off and the horses are set.
For hours you look listlessly outside, Peaking over wooden bridges to gaze at the rushing waters underneath and the trunks of trees.
Until the path becomes rocky and strewn with pebbles, and tall steeples of a palace grow from the ground. Seeing it from here makes you imagine how big it is once your feet hit the floor.
Clinking chains and aching wood is enough of a realization to peer out the windows to view the outer castle grounds.
Hash footsteps fill your ears, you reach for the door but Zack gets there before you, swinging it open to the cooler mountain air.
“Let me do that m’lady.” He gives a soft smile comforting your racing heartbeat.
Stepping down on the hard gravel it crunches beneath your feet.
You could never imagine that a castle would ever be this big. 
It towers over you with panes of meticulously crafted stained glass, it depicts an angel holding up a rising star.  Two giant oak panels serve as doors engraved with paisley swirls.
Doormen hold them open closing with a boom as Zack leads you in. High ceilings painted like the Sistine Chapel decorated with tiny cherubs and sirens line the marble pillars which hoist the ceiling up. 
You could have only dreamed of seeing this as an adolescent.
Large decorative paintings adorne the weathered walls, many depict vast nature scenes though many fade into desolate towns.
With him opening a lighter door in front of you, light green walls and a large canopy bed with tulle drapes is what you're met with. It smells dusty like the rooms never been opened.
“His highness has invited you to dinner, do join. Though if you need anything ring the bell- it'll bring someone to assist you.” He nods and turns away, not before you stop him.
“Do you need something?” he asks, tilting his head.
“No I- thank you.” You fumble with your words, he seems worried as you say it. 
“Don't mention it.” as he leaves with haste.
Sudden, is the only way you can describe his exit. 
Your bag is dropped off shortly later and you unpack the few clothes you have, A small tea dress and some other more worn ones. You wish you had something better to present yourself in- to the King? Lord? Someone with money and power whatever he is, it'd be for the best to look nice.
Knock… Knock… You scramble up from your bed to answer the door,
“Hello Madame, I'm Miss Davenshaw- Your personal maid. I’ll be here to help you throughout the week.” She curtsies even when you stand awkwardly at her.
“Umm much appreciated.” You attempt to form a shaky curtsy back. 
“No need.” she shakes her hands in front of her. 
You move out of the way for her to enter your room, she bustles past and goes straight to the large wardrobe in the wall.
Whipping it open to reveal dresses of different lengths, fabrics and colors are sitting in the closet. Unlike the room they smell new, and fresh. 
“Ahh there it is, He's requested for you to wear the emerald one, All your options are open though.” Miss Davenshaw hands it to you. 
It's gorgeous, decadent emerald silk that almost melts in your hands. It's a color that only appears in your Zinnia’s. Never in cloth.
“Does it suit your fancy?” she asks and wipes her hands down on her skirt awaiting your response.
“It's absolutely gorgeous.” you let out a soft chuckle, and look over the fabric once more.
“Then let's get it on?” she ensures and once you nod she starts to assist you getting you out of your road clothes.
To your surprise dress fits perfectly, It holds and hugs your curves and doesn't scrunch up much when you sit down. Once you're in your dress with a little bit of hair tasseling she leads you to the dining room. 
Arriving at the dining room the doors are locked with Zack standing guard out front, he greets you with a nod and looks you up and down, Quickly- as if it's a crime to look at you.
You bite the inside of your cheek, wondering if you don't look enough to be meeting whoever rules this castle.
He opens the doors, taking you into the space. Just like many rooms of the castle you've seen everything is fit, well for a king. A huge center table with a glistening candelabra lights up the room, while through the windows you can view the mountains off in the distance.
Someone sits at the end, it feels like a mile away. 
He pulls out his chair walking up to you- gesturing for Zack to leave. You almost don't want him too. Shockingly, the person who approaches you is young. And let out a smirk with the small cursty you give him.
Long silky hair that sways with each movement he makes, with bangs that cover some of his face- and as he stands in front of you his deep green eyes meet yours. They watch your hands twitch and the goosebumps that raise on your arms.
“Relax.” a cold hand covers your shaking one. 
“I apologize for the wait, I had business matters to take care of.”  He straightens his collars and looks back down at you. “I am Sephiroth, Lord of the castle, writer of the letter.” You look up at him, towering over you- it’s hard to muster an answer when he looks at you like that.
“Oh, it was very sweet… thank you.” You attempt to compose yourself.
“Sit with me?” he gestures to the table, walking to one end where you match him at the other.
Sitting down you adjust the dress, waiting patiently for him to begin to eat the food in front of him.
“Go ahead, I'm not hungry.” He reassures you as you open the cloche to eat the lean meat inside, it looks like venison. Bloody but delightfully warm- enough to keep you seated.
Sitting across from you he asks you questions, along the lines of ‘How was the trip?’ or ‘I hope this all accommodates you.’
Sephiroth is kinder than you thought, He's patient and unbelievably attractive.
When you finish your plate, you see Sephiroth approaching you,  he adjusts his gray vest and offers his hand out. You reach your hand out- his skin frigid and places a gentle kiss onto the top of your hand. It makes your cheeks heat up. You hope he can't tell in the candlelight
“Will you let me escort you back for the night?” His face is still so close to you, he smells like jasmine. 
“Please?” you pout up at him, begging without words. He takes your arm into his and walks you up the stairs infront of your door where he lets you go. 
“Au revoir che’rie” And waves you off as you enter the room. Hastily,you ring the bell for Davenshaw to undress you.
Once she leaves though the castle is eerie and dark, windows once bright in the day are now shadowed over with tall pine branches that curve and crack with the wind outside.
The entire place, once dark, has a sense of uncanniness. The oil lamp in the room is still going strong, and its light comforts you as you let down your hair.
You blow out the lamp and crawl into the sheets, the smooth cold fabric is easily recognizable as silk, you almost laugh to yourself imagining how much sheets cost.
It makes it easy to fall asleep.
Sunlight seeps through the flimsy curtains, without a doubt they are only there for decoration. Standing on the stone floors sends shivers up your spine, at least the ones near the windows are warm with the sun's grace. You don't believe anyone is up, at least not if they had a choice. Shimmying on a pale yellow tea dress, with little frills on the sleeves and hard buttons you place outside.
Closing the door with a soft thud, the castle sprawls out before you. Unlike night, it's much more homey. 
“Miss!” a shout echoes from down the hall, and you whip around to see a lady running after you. She carries a nude pair of flats as she sprints toward you. “I'm sorry to disturb you but I was sent for you this morning!” She explains as she attempts to catch her breath. “I'm just here to chaperone you around the castle, DawnField is much larger once you're inside I assure.” You tuck on the pair of flats she offers. You wait for her to fill her lungs before you continue walking, to join you it's best to be on good terms.
“I didn't know I needed a guide, sorry” you apologize to her. 
“It's okay! He just wants to make sure you're safe. And since you're a guest it's my job to give you some direction, no?”  She confirms.
Normally, walking around aimlessly isn't something you do, but given this morning. You cant help but see what the day could bring.
The girl explains a lot of the doors you go past, lots of them being spare bedrooms how many could you need? You ponder to guess- I mean there's even an indoor flour mill.
One room though that catches your attention is the library, you've never really had the opportunity to visit one. 
“Can we go there?” You ask.
“To the library?” She questions back to you “We can go.” she opens up the doors revealing endless shelves of books, reading seems like the perfect thing to do to pass some time.
You scrounge around looking for any novel to catch your eyes. A light rosette color with a faded gold lettering seems to be today's pick, you take it over to a tiny alcove with a daybed inside, laying down on the cushy fabric and adjusting the pillows.
“Can you read?” the girl asks you, while an innocent question it reminds you of what outsiders of the palace must appear as.
“That I can.” You chide and open the book.
‘Tales of the supernatural, Chapter one: Undead creatures.’ 
Pages after pages you read, clocks ringing with the hourly reminder of times passage. By the time you look up from your book it's 10 o’clock, sun is fully out.
Heavy footsteps take you out of your thinking.
“There you are!” a familiar man approaches you, its Zack with another guard by his side “His Majesty was wondering where you two ran off too.” Something about his voice sounds anxious, his fingertips twitch against his halberd.
You profusely apologize, “I wasn't trying to cause any trouble, what do you need Mr Fair?” you sit up dog-earring the page.
“You are invited to eat breakfast with the palace, if you are hungry?” The guard next to him moves forward, offering a hand. You take it and he helps you up. 
“I'd love that.”
All three lead you into a dayroom, a different area than where you ate dinner prior, increasing your questioning of how big is the castle really? The room is full of people who you haven't seen yet. As they follow you with their eyes, it's difficult to believe you're different from any of them.
In the midst of the people you spot Sephiroth, wearing simple dress pants and an overcoat. From where you stand you dont think there's a shirt underneath. 
He gestures you over, a maid pulling up a chair on the other side of the table. You're closer than last night- maybe only 4 feet apart. Upon sitting, conversations return to normal, and the room less tense. 
“How did you sleep?” He smiles, leaning in to ask.
“Rather well, Thank you.” You take a plate passed to you.
“Is everything to your liking so far?” He takes a sip of juice from his glass.
“It's a beautiful castle you have, Your majesty everything is so pristine~”  The castle is truly dreamy, if you're ignoring it at night…But you're not going to mention that.
“This makes me wonderfly happy to hear.” he claps his hands together and leans back into his chair. His skin almost glows in the sunlight, he still appears sickly pale though.
“Not trying to intrude, but are you not hungry?”  All he has is a glass of juice.
“Oh no, I ate with a merchant earlier, a ‘good deal always comes out of a meal’ is something I live by.” You laugh at his joking manner.
“I just want to see that you're alright, No harm meant but you're quite pale-”
His nails clink against the glass “No harm done, it's hard to catch some sun when I'm cooped up all day in here.”
He suddenly lights up “Speaking of going outside, we have a garden on the grounds! If you'd join me on a walk after breakfast…I'd be delighted.” His voice is honey smooth, dripping with elegance and charm.
“There's gardens!?” You ask, sitting upright and listening with full attention.
“Why of course, no castle is a castle without a garden, Darling.” He takes another sip. “And I'm sure one as familiar with plants as you are, might even be impressed.”
“That could be plausible.” You smile at him, enjoying the rest of your plate in a comfortable silence.
After breakfast, many servants retreat to their tasks while maids clean up whatever mess left behind, having someone do your dishes in front of you is different.
sephiroth waits for you under a large engraved oak arch, if you look closely the engravings are flowers, Angrec flowers…Maybe the gardens have some.
“Ready?” he awaits your reply, staying a step behind him even as your lead outside. Two guards stand mere steps behind you as well, so quiet you didn't notice them until they opened up outer doors.
“Sir, your coat?” one offers a long black coat, and Sephiroth takes it instantly.
“And one for the lady.” Sephiroth requests moments later “It looks blustery.” One guard goes away to fetch Miss Davenshaw.
The guard returns with a white cotton jacket, complementing your dress. You thank the guard as he helps put it on.  Sephiroth takes your hand as he leads you down the marble stairs, he wouldn't want to risk you falling of course.
Giant cypress trees make a wall of evergreens, smaller boxwood shrubs lining the path. 
Moving past the wall of trees, it opens up into what you can only assume is acres of land.
In the front are flowering roses, in the back you can imagine an orchard from the way workers are climbing up trees and shaking the branches.
“Thoughts?” he asks.
You wouldn't know how to even begin to explain to him the beauty of his gardens, not when you can smell the fruiting pomegranates from afar, not when you feel the chilled wind against your skin. And definitely not as he gently lifts up the furred hood of your jacket as you shiver, his fingers swiping against your cheek ever so slightly.
“Captivating.” you breathe into the morning air, turning just in time to see his mouth twitch up in a smile.
“I am overjoyed to hear this.” He claps his hands together, the guards behind you coming to attention.  Sephiroth ushers one over going to whisper a few words to him before both of them leave, and suddenly it's just the two of you left alone in the garden.
“I- where are they going?” you watch as they walk away.
Sephiroth speaks up “I'd just like some time for us, me and you. Unless that's a problem?” quirking an eyebrow he asks, focusing on your face.
“Nono, no problem, I was just wondering.” You stare at the ground, clicking your flats against the soil.
“Then you'll come with?” his eyes glisten with hope, meeting you soft gaze when you whisper a yes. He leads you through the garden through each row of blooming flowers to bushels of fruiting berries. 
“Is the castle your familys?” you ask looking at the ivory pillars supporting large potted ivies, large white feathers engraved in the smooth stone, you rub your fingers over it- feeling how with each cut it dips under your fingertips.
“It is.” he pauses to think “Why do you ask?” 
“Everything has a sense of cohesiveness, of royalty. All of the paintings I've seen are all gorgeous If I can add.” you continue to walk.
He nods “I appreciate that, But what about you?” A brush against your lower back guides you closer to him, his touch is soft- addicting. You clear your throat after his gesture.
“Well, what of me?”
“I want to know all about you, everything and anything that I can, your quite… what's the word?” he rubs his temple “Intriguing.” You beam at his complement, humming thinking of where to start.
“Hmmmm, Well when I was young I used to play with the earthworms when my mother asked for my help in the garden.” you scoff at yourself, looking up to Sephiroth for his reaction.
“She said it was ‘unbefitting’ of a young lady, that didn't stop me from laying them on a rock and naming them though.” you sigh at your reminiscing.
“That's oddly adorable” he chuckles “I can still see some of that in you today.” 
“Is that right?” you question him, all while he nods and smiles. 
He lets you go on with your tales, some recent, some old. He comments on them and laughs along with you as if you are old friends.
He's surprisingly easy to talk to, not once does he talk of his rank or power.
Right now, you're just two people on a walk.
Before you know it you're on the other side of the garden, laughing with him.
He leads you into the wooden building in front of you, he ushers you inside- and for the first time you're walking in front of him.
A neigh and trotting in the back confirm the smells of hay and dirt, they have stables.
“My Liege! What do you need?” A stablehand approaches him, bowing.
“Two of our finest horses, and a saddle for the lady.”  The stablehand bows before going to get what's asked.
Sephiroth shows you around the barn in the meantime, introducing you to the exterior staff.
He picks up a small pair of riding gloves, taking your hands in his- buttoning them securely onto yours. He lifts your now gloved hands and kisses the backs of them.
“Comfy?” He grins and lets them go, You can only nod dumbfoundedly. It doesn’t help that he chuckles at it either.
Luckily the stablehand comes in time to prevent you from an untimely death.
“I’ve brought Beau and Hazel sir, with a saddle for her.” The stablehand bows at you as well,
You thank him with a smile.
Sephiroth approaches a woodsy colored horse combing through his mane whispering his name. The horse whinnies at him and trots in place, he appears happy.
Sephiroth turns to you offering Hazels bridle to you, you take it albeit confused.
“Sir?” You attempt to gain his attention
“Yes?” He responds by turning towards you.
“I've never ridden before, I don't really even know how.” you rub the back of your neck.
“Oh that's no issue.” He brushes off  “I’ll give you a steady hand, if you need it.” he assures you. 
One of the stablehands helps you onto hazel, showing you where to put your feet on the stirrups, sitting there anxiously as Sephiroth switches to his riding gear.
“Are you ready to depart?” He hoists himself on the horse, taking the reins with confidence and sitting up straight.
“Now or never, I guess.” You try to imitate his posture and attitude, as many equestrians believe horses smell fear. 
Sephiroth leaves the stable first, and you attempt to follow after him. The horse is jumpy, jolting at you taking the reins. You hope it’ll understand your inexperience. Later down the path he waits for you, giving a few pointers to be more comfortable in the saddle.
“Is that an improvement?” he notes, watching you keenly as you roll your shoulders.
“Definitely better.” you remark and gently kick the horse to get it to move. Hazel and Beau stick by each other even as you try to guide them away.
Sephiroth guides down a winding woodsy path, only small strips of sun peaking through the canopy. Chittering of chipmunks and other small creatures can be heard underneath Sephiroth's low whistling. He whistles a tune that you've never heard of, and he hums some parts. And as the air gains a chill to it a stream pops into view.
You both dismount from your horses, staying behind Sephiroth like a lost puppy.  He keeps walking alongside the river, something silvery in his hand, it's a knife. You stay a little further back, silent.
“Are you okay? You're rather quiet.” he mentions as he digs through some brush.
“I'm just wondering why we’re down here. It's getting dark.” You look through the forest, you don't want to imagine what creatures might wander the woods.
Like some of the ones you read about- like a zombie, or even a wraith! His voice loops you back into reality.
“Oh, I didn't say?” he chuckles and shakes his head “ We are collecting water chestnuts for tonight's dinner.” The release of tension in the air is palpable and suddenly you feel like a fool.
“If you want you can help me, I have a spare knife in my saddlebag” he points to Beau.
You jog over there to fetch the knife, rubbing off the sticky rust-red substance on it.
“Glady.” and you go the opposite way of him, moving along the water looking for bushels of stalky leaves. Almost immediately you find some, digging it up with the flat end of your knife.
“These right?” You lift a bunch of them up for him to see. He squints before shouting a yes, moving towards you.
“Those are perfect, It takes me plenty of time to even find small ones.” He sheathes his knife 
“Though I suppose I am working with an expert.”  He winks at you and takes the bushel from your hand.
“Well,I wouldn't-” you attempt to defend yourself.
“Don't sell yourself short darling.” He claps his hands to cut you off. “No need to humble yourself around me, please.” You nod slowly, trying to make sense of what he's said, but his words are crystal clear. 
Grabbing the leather sheath for your knife you attempt to slide it in, but it catches one of the seams, slitting your palm open. You nurse your hand to your chest while inspecting the damage 
“Are you alright?” he comes up to you, gently taking your injured hand into his.
“It's just a little cut, it's not deep.” You try and fail to assure him. Sephiroth digs through his pocket, fetching a tiny handkerchief, Wrapping it over your palm tightly- his teeth digging into his lip to where it draws blood.
“Is that better?” He rubs the top of your hand- looking at you intensely as you move it with caution, nodding moments later.
The crimson seeps into the white fabric, staining it red. He turns away from you, gripping the reins to Beau until his knuckles are white.
“I think we should call it a night.” he barks out, there's no room for suggestions. You shuffle onto your saddle wondering if you did any wrong.
The ride to the castle is eerily silent, and once you arrive Zack hustles you to your room, where you're quickly dressed for dinner as another washes your face.
By the time your sat and served at the tables, he's not there.
“Zack?” you raise a question to him.
“Madame, what is needed?” he bows slightly. 
“Where is Sep-” 
“He is feeling ill.” Zack interrupts you, letting the servers aside to place down your entree.
The doors slam with an echo,Only two guards guard the entrances.
It's silent.
Every bite you take seems to echo, the meal is warm and tastes amazing. But it's different from before. Either way you finish up the stew and let someone in armor bring you back to your room. Your seamstress undresses you quickly with no words spoken.
Once she leaves you slump down in your beds burying your face into a pillow.
You didn't mean to fall asleep especially before bathing, but you do.
When you do wake up it’s too the sound of glass shattering next to your room. You peek outside the door to look at the commotion, but nothing is broken at all.
Remembering you didn’t take a bath yesterday you ring your bell for Ms Davenshaw to run a bath for you. The bath smells of lavender and warms your skin as she helps find an outfit for you.
She pulls from the wardrobe a lacy lilac dress with puffy sleeves.
Your day goes by rather slowly, mostly full of dragging your chaperone from the library to the garden, plenty of ways to waste time in a castle this large.
Sephiroth isn’t present again when dinner rolls around. You try to act cordial about it but it’s frustrating.
By now the dark night outside your window and a flickering oil lamp you sit and fiddle around with the corners of your bedding.
Tip tap
You pause, looking outside.
You stumble towards the window holding a blanket to your body as makeshift armor, grabbing the dying oil lamp for comfort.
Holding the lamp to the window it shows nothing but the tall evergreens outside.
You pace around the room, listening keenly for each groan the wind seems to travel with. By now it’s not the wind that’s in pain.
Without a second thought you race into the hallway feet barren to the cold stone.
You follow the sound to a wall, to a wing you’ve never entered. Ignoring your more coherent thoughts you push the doors open and walk up the stairs lined with foreign rugs and the walls hung with extravagant tapestries that go ceiling to floor.
A giant chandelier made of silver and emeralds gives it a green lighting.
This must be where Sephiroth stays, right? If he’s in pain an attempt to help is better than none at all.
Entering his room it’s even more apparent that it’s his, Feathers of every creature imaginable are interwoven to create a canopy that covers the ceiling.
His bed is messy with blankets strewn everywhere, Your eyes travel to the floor where his clothes are doused in blood so much that it sticks to the floor.
Scratch marks are splintered into the golden wallpaper.
“Sephiroth?”  You call out for him, hoping for a response.
“Leave.” His voice rocks you to your core.
“Where are you? Let me help you.” You beg him, looking around the room.
“Just go.” He repeats, this time with more vigor. You stand still reaching out to where you hear his voice.
In a blink of an eye he appears in front of you, his dress shirt open and legs covered in the same baggy fabric. “I need you to leave.” His body shivers and he’s deathly pale, blood covers his mouth where two white fangs stick out- eyes slitted and pupils red.
You fall back at the sight, you would know if he was a monster!
“I didn’t need you to see me like this.” He gestures towards himself.
His nails are clawed from this angle, inhumane.
He looks you up and down staring at your face- his pupils dilate at the sight. 
“I just need you to help me.” He takes a breath “Help me Angel, please.” a whine leaves his throat, his nails gentle closing into the fat of your cheek, blood drips down his face with his skin sheened with a cool sweat. His shirt clinging to his chiseled body.Every atom in you begs to scream and run, but you don’t. He holds you in place and you nod, giving up to the vampire in front of you.
He lifts you onto the bed with him easily, lifting you onto his lap and brushing away any hair restricting his view of you.
“You're such a sweet girl.” you grimace at the feeling of his tongue tasting your skin.
“So smart yet so naive.” He huffs “Gorgeous.” He peppers kisses on your collarbone and neck.
“Will it hurt?” you ask, trying to fight off the warmth his tongue offers your body.
“Only for a second, my sweet girl.” He assures you as his teeth graze your skin.
“Promise?” a childish wish you ask upon him for reassurance.
“Of course darling, I promise the world to you.” He whispers into your skin  a puff of air blows over your skin, creating goosebumps in its wake.
“Relax for me, okay?” His voice is honeyed with hunger and bite, fangs glistening in the warm light.
He splays one hand over your stomach pinning you to his chest, while the other rubs over your inner thigh. And then he bites, everything in your body erupts into flames. Charring your skin and bones in an unstoppable fire- one that isn't real. 
“Shhhh shhhh, you're okay- it’s over now okay?” He gingerly laps up the warm blood seeping out of you, moaning at the taste. He sinks them once more into you, egging a whine from your limp body. It feels good.
You rut against him experimentally, gasping at the feeling it draws from you. Soon you're grinding on his thigh with no shame, biting your lip to quell any loose moans. 
Until you feel a large hand rub against your clothed cunt pulling your panties to the side, fingers slipping into your wetness. You freeze up breathing heavily at the foreign feeling as they curl up into you. Rolling your hips into his hands meeting his slow pace, moaning unabashedly as his thumb rubs the letter S onto your puffy clit.
He groans as you clutch onto him, breathing a low- “Make yourself feel good for me,Angel.” into your skin. Waves of pleasure continue to build up inside you, tears glistening on the corners of your eyes. His fingers rhythmically curl and scissor inside you- bringing you closer and closer to the edge. A pleased hum leaves him “Let go, let go for me.” he whispers to you.
It's all it takes for you to climax, releasing on his thigh with a sharp cry of his name.
He's all that you can think of, as he rubs your back in comfort.
Your eyes are hazed over in pleasure where only his name enters your mind,Sephiroth, Sephiroth, Sephi-
Too far gone to realize it's your neediness that's etched into the words spoken around the room. Everything spins slowly, drooping into his arms as if you're drunk. Though only one is drinking, it's your consciousness that slips.
Everything hurts… 
Is what you realize when you come to your senses, You can hardly move without feeling aching soreness. Opening your eyes shows Sephiroth clung to your almost bare body- your face burns red in shame. You try to shake away from his grasp “don't go, please.” His voice is soft but hoarse with the morning wakeup.
You avoid looking at the bloodbath on your right shoulder, taking every ounce of energy you have left to not gag. Even when you know it's yours.
“My dear- what have I done?!” he reaches out to hold your face, but retracts as his blood covered hands reach his vision. Cries of frustration echo in the room as he throws on whatever robe he could find. You try to follow him out but he gives you a harsh look, surprisingly the sheets are mostly undamaged which you're sure when he returns he’ll be thankful for.
Soft padded steps reenter the room, long white hair following the figure that comes into view.
“They are heating up a bath for you, they know as much as I told them.” His voice is curt, leaving no room for any questions. “You can leave now.”
He points towards the hall.
Arguing feels pointless against him, everything is nothing at once- Biting your lip is the easiest option. Miss Davenshaw escorts you outside as she covers you with an oversized sleeping dress, The blinds are closed in the hall leaving everything in a darkened veil, No words are spoken as she undresses you for bathing.
Warm water rolls over your skin loosening the blood stuck onto it with each scrub, By the time you exit the water the scent of lavender is what fills your senses now.
Zack drags you to your room and tells you to eat and rest, standing guard outside your room.
The heavy cloud of sleep over your eyes ushers you into your bed, sleep comes easy.
Upon Waking up you find that it's dark outside- ringing eerily similar to last night. 
A knock comes from your door creaking open to show green eyes meeting yours, but it's not Zack, Zack doesn't soften his eyes when he looks at you, and those eyes don't plead with you to let him in. And it works- your resolve crumbling as you let out a shy nod.
“I'm sorry, so sorry my dear.” he shuts the door quietly behind him, taking your hands into him. It's gentle, sincere. “They didn't tell me you’d be here, I promise I'm not here to harm.” he lets out an airy laugh “I want to apologize…tremendously for everything. If you desire to leave I cannot and will not stop you- Just don't lead the mobs back to me though I suppose I can't stop that either.” He shakes his head.
“I don't want to leave here, leave you.” You urge him.
“I am a monster, a beast that hides away for a reason, I shouldn't have ever brought you into this.” He furrows his brows and sighs.
“I- not to me.” you beg him to listen to you.
“Then you're wrong.” He finalizes and rolls his shoulders “Why don't you see what I am?” His voice is cracked,outlined in pain.
He takes off his jacket, black inky feathers falling from the coat he grimaces and in a blink of an eye black covers your vision. Feathers fall from every angle in the room, covering the floor in them. Sephiroth looks away as you scan his body and the wing that's sprouted from his skin.
There are droplets of blood where the wing came from, he hisses as you touch the line but lets you do so anyway.
Fangs peek out from his pursed lips, as him nails dig into the coats fabric-
“I told you.” he shakes his head and tucks his wing into his body using his hands to preen away any loose feathers.
“You didn't tell me.” you argue “You didn't tell me that the man I see in front of me is the same caring and beautiful man I've met over the last few days.” only breathing is heard in the silence.
“Not a monster, that's the last thing you are.” you put your hand by your side. “That's how I view you.” He looks at you with a gaze full of mixed emotions, and shakes his head.
“You're stubborn, and a little naive. Both traits I've happened to fall for-” he scoffs and beckons you closer. He wraps his wing around you suddenly, pushing you closer to his tall frame. “I was taught to not reserve the same fate as others before me. But with someone like you it has become difficult to not make another ‘mistake’ as many would say.” he looks down at you, cheeks flushing a light red. “If I ask you to stay though… would you?” his wing twitches and lets you go.
“I-” you can think of the rumors and speculations when your garden grows over, its unchanging. 
“I would.” His wing instantly pushes you to his chest, an arm wrapping around your waist, You find your lips parting themselves.
“I'll forever cherish you my love, I promise.” He leans down closer to your face, brushing your hair away from your lips. And as the feeling of sharp fangs dig into your lips, you smile.
A/N- This was for shits and giggles at first, clearly that changed. If you enjoyed it support my ao3! Thank you, Razzy <3
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babybluebex · 6 months
so there’s this Photo from when dommy went to the sag awards this year:
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and all i can think about is your blurb abt “the scene” and like
What If yall’s film was nominated for an award and y’all are on the carpet . the look he’d give you as he’s watching you get interviewed n stuff?.? like the proud smile AGH
anyways this is the thought from 1am my time gn <3
oh yes, i can see you guys being in a very steady and good relationship ever since your first night together, but not announcing your relationship to the public, and that's pretty much your "fault", you wanted to try to get people in the industry to take you seriously and not think you're just some little girl who falls in love with the first guy to look at you, and dom understands your reservations, so you two haven't announced anything
but that definitely doesn't mean that you escape suspicion, you're always spotted out at lunch or at pubs together, basically attached at the hip the whole time, and paps notice the way dom will play with your hair or your skirt, basically the way he can get handsy, and somehow the popular narrative becomes that you two are fwbs and not actually dating
but YES the movie starts to get a lot of critical acclaim, but most of it is pointed specifically at YOU, people LOVE your performance and say that it's the best performance they've seen in years, and you're getting nominated for a bunch of "best actress" awards at various shows and you start WINNING?? and you're always sitting next to dom, and he has to REALLY exercise control when you win, he wants to just grab you and kiss you but he knows you're not comfortable with that yet, so it's just a gentle hug and good-natured pat on the back
but he's pulling THAT exact face in the bg of you being interviewed about your historic run of wins, like he's not exactly in frame of the camera but people find another angle of the interview that shows him better and he's just cheesing up a storm
and oh my god, the night before the academy awards, you're nominated for best actress and dom is for best supporting actor, and the odds are looking in your favors, but you're crying on dom's chest, so terrified about what will happen if you win, you're scared that it means you've peaked and will never have anything like this again
and dom shushes you and kisses your teary cheeks, "shh, honey, it's ok... look, i got you a present, do you wanna see it? i wasn't gonna give it to you until tomorrow night, after we've both won, but i can give it to you now" and he rolls out of bed and pulls his pajama pants up his skinny hips as he goes to his luggage, and he grabs a small box from his suitcase and gives it to you, and you sniffle as you open it, and you first come across a flannel buttoned shirt, and you instantly recognize it "... this is the shirt you wore—" "to the bar our first night together," dom nods, "what was that... two years ago, i guess? but i hardly wear it because it used to smell like the perfume you wore that night... it doesn't so much anymore, but it's still sentimental to me. but i want you to have it" "oh, dom, i can't—" "yes you can" and he nods at the box "there's more in there, go on"
and you move back into the box and push aside the paper filling up the empty space, and you find a delicate box in the bottom, obviously a jewelry box, and your mouth goes dry, bc it's a small square box and you know what that means and you sorta whisper "dominic?" and his eyes are sparkling as he gently takes the ring box into his hand and opens it, and you gasp
the ring is beautiful, your dream ring, and you harken back to a few months before, when bella had asked you to help her pick out an engagement ring, and you had given opinions the whole day, but under the pretense of helping her, what cut you liked and what gemstone, and it suddenly clicks into place: bella, the absolute sneak, had colluded with dom to figure out what your perfect engagement ring was "oh my god, dommy, yes"
"i didn't even ask you anything" dom smiles with playfully narrowed eyes "but i know what you're gonna say, and fuck, yes" you sob and grab him tight and draw him into a hug, and he kisses you and fumbles blindly to put the ring on your finger
and the next night, you're all dressed up for the oscars, and vanity fair is there to make a video on dom getting ready, and they tell you that it'll come out after the awards show, and you and dom are free to be a cheesy annoying engaged couple because you've already decided exactly how and when you're going to announce it that night
and it comes time for the awards show, you're all sitting together, you and dom and your director (who was nominated for best director), and best supporting actor comes up first (not the first award, but out of the nominations y'all have, it comes first in the night), and your heart is in your throat as they flash up clips from the movies of each actor, and you notice the cheering is just a little louder when dom's clip is onscreen, and you think you actually pass out when the announcer calls out "dominic sessa!" but you're drawn right back to reality by dom grabbing you and hugging you, and your mouth is just gaping like a fish, unable to form words as you grab his face and tear up, and you want to kiss him, but you can't, not quite yet
he gets up to the stage, and he does his little gasping laugh "oh wow..." gazes lovingly at the oscar statue in his hand "this thing is heavier than i thought it would be..." and the whole audience laughs "but um, this is an honor... i sorta stumbled into this field— literally, actually, i stumbled, i fell and broke my leg and couldn't do sports, so i decided to try acting on a whim, and— whatever, but this was never the plan for me, but this award is... it means a lot..." and he takes a breath and squints in the stage lights to find you and he smiles "i think actors are defined by certain roles in their lifetimes... pacino as corleone, schwarzenegger as the terminator... and even though this role will always have a special place in my heart, the role i think most defines me... is the role of husband. and for that, i have to thank my beautiful wife, and by extension, our director and screenwriter and casting director, if you guys hadn't put her in my life, i wouldn't have her, and that role means more to my heart than anything else does... oh, shi— crap, they're telling me to wrap it up, haha. anyway, yeah, um, wife, director, crew, my other actors, the academy, and, um, is ryan gosling here this year? yeah, you're cool too"
and he gets offstage and comes to you, and you finally FINALLY get to kiss him, and you see the cameras starting to swarm you, and you take care to put your hand on his face, to let everyone see the ring
and now that the cat's out of the bag, you're not afraid to be loving and cute together, and your director wins her award, and you get a notification on your phone that your movie is trending online, associated with "SWEEP!!", and suddenly the pressure starts to gnaw at you and your stomach turns, but your fiancé is luckily very in tune with you, and he gets up and leaves for the bar in the back of the room and quickly returns with a small glass of ginger ale and rubs your back as he whispers "hey, you're gonna be ok, it's all gonna be fine" "dommy i don't wanna win" you whimper and he shushes you "well, honey, i'm gonna be honest here, i think you are gonna win" dom tells you "i don't think you have a choice, so what you're gonna do, when they call your name, all you gotta do is just go up there, and look at me. don't look at the cameras, don't look at margot robbie or anyone, just look at me" "what happens if i puke?" you whisper "i'll clean it up" dom says instantly, without a single thought "wh-what happens if i can't talk up there?" you ask, and you're certain dom's patience is wearing thin, but if it is, he's not letting it show even remotely "i'll talk for you" dom says, and gently urges you to sip your drink to calm your stomach "look, you are amazing, you deserve this award— if they gave my untalented ass a fucking oscar, then you are way more qualified to win than i am— and winning doesn't mean you've peaked. it means it's just beginning" and he shifts a little closer to you and pushes your hair behind your ear, and he whispers "tell you what— if you get on that stage and thank only the academy and then immediately leave, if that's all you do... i'll eat you out in the car on the way to the after party. deal?" and you sniffle and give a weak laugh, but you nod at him, and he grins "i mean, i'd do that anyway, but if that's the incentive you need..."
and the lights dim to signal the end of commercial break, and you feel sick the whole time as they're announcing the nominees for best actor, and you're so acutely aware of the big camera rig next to you, capturing your every reaction, and you go hot when they flash the clip of you and you notice the louder cheers, just like before
and you must have been too busy trying not to throw up that you didn't even hear your name announced, you just hear the cheering, and suddenly dom's got his hands on you, pulling you out of your seat and hugging you, and you just feel numb, but your feet work you up to the stage and you're handed the statue, and you look out past the lights and the audience full of industry giants, and you lock eyes with dom and you swallow thickly "... why is this so goddamn heavy..." you mumble and there's laughter "baby, you could've told me" and dom grins and shrugs "i just... really don't know what to say... um... thank you to the academy, who thought i'm worthy of this.... and my husband said that's all i gotta say, so i think i'm gonna go before i puke everywhere"
and you get back to your seat, and you feel a lot better now that it's over, and dom kisses you so sweetly, and you two goofs continue your goof streak and make your oscars kiss like barbie dolls
(and dom makes good on the promise he made hehe)
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idyllcy · 1 month
from one admirer to another : blanched?
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pairing: leon kennedy x reader || masterpost: from one admirer to another
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synopsis: from one admirer to another, an online penpal service, allows for two people with common interests to write to each other without ever revealing their actual address! Luckily for both you and Leon, you get matched up! What do eggs and Christmas even have in common anyway? sure hope it's that modeling business and NOT that Ada Wong addiction.
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featuring: reader as scrambled eggs // leon as christmas
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Dear steamed scrambled eggs,
I'm so sorry it took a while to get back to you. I landed and immediately started working full-time again. Ugh, the modeling life does not let you down with bookings. My manager told me something about how I'd be busier from now on since I got to walk in Paris this year. My resume is popping... did I use that right. I can't keep up with all this young people lingo and I'm not even old.
I doubt your face card is that bad if what you brought up in our early letters is true. If nearly all of your friends wanted you to get into modeling, then surely there's a reason. It's not like your friends sound like typical models either, so I can only assume that they're actually higher-ranking models or whatever.
Oh. Yes, after this walk, it seems Ada's officially reached supermodel status. She's about to get so much busier... I miss when she had time to attend her local fan events. Well, maybe I'll be like that one day? Who knows. I'm not even big enough for fan events yet.
I'm also starting to have suspicions of who you are. So, if you end up with a stalker... sorry (for reasons this is a joke) but I do have suspicions. I bumped into that roommate of yours while in France. I could put two and two together, but I'd much rather just bump into you again. Surely you won't dodge me when I ask for your number again?
Which brings me to my next point. I did bring you to Paris with me. I had nearly all of our letters boxed up in my suitcase, and it drove my manager mad. My agent didn't care as much since he was seeing his girlfriend, but my manager was going through it. "You don't need a box that big." he said. Skill issue. That's why he's still single (I am too). Oh, oops. My internet persona seems to be seeping into the way I write to you now. Shame.
Which brings me back to the point. No gift this time? Seems I need to step up my game with you a bit. Mm... should get some help from a friend. Ah, right. Favorite flowers?
See you soon (threat) Christmas
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It's not hard to put two and two together. If Ada had pointed out the letter with that kind of look in her eye, then there was definitely something she knew. Considering everything about her, it's not hard to deduce that he's been writing to you. You. Literally. From day one, the universe sent you right to him and he didn't even put two and two together until Ada had made it somewhat obvious. It's a little silly of him considering that he did graduate top of his class in the police academy with perfect grades for everything, but it's fine. He's just rusty, or something.
Well, he can't ask her for your address since you probably live with her, but he can most definitely ask someone else who happens to know the two of you rather well.
"Sancho!" Luis laughs. "Fancy seeing you here, eh?"
"Yeah." He hums, closing his eyes as the makeup artist touches him up. "I had a favor to ask of you, Luis."
"Oh, of me?"
"I'd like to send flowers to the model I walked with last time. Surely you can help me out?"
"By doxing them? I don't think so, sancho." Luis shakes his head. "Told 'em you had a crush on them, but they told me there was no way back then. Seems like I was right, hm?"
"Aye... shame. I can't help much. But, I can extend an invite to a certain something." He sends an image to Leon's phone.
"It's like... August right now."
Luis shrugs. "Invites went out a week ago. You'll be our guest of honor. I'll send you further details as we get closer. You can meet them there, sancho."
Leon doesn't have a particularly good feeling about it, but anything to scare you shitless, he assumes.
"Why are you so willing to help?"
"You're a nice man." Luis waves. "You owe me, though."
"Didn't realize we were keeping count."
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prev letter : masterlist : next letter
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rockofeye · 5 months
Ogou, a project finally finished, and upcoming possibilities!
The calendar has gotten ahead of me, and here we are again on a jou fet/feast day for Ogou. It's been quiet around these parts for a minute (more on that below..), and it feels like that kind of timing that puts you in exactly the right place at the right moment. Funny how divine providence works.
If you've hung around for a minute, you know the story I'm going to tell. Maybe I sound like an old person who walked barefoot up a hill in three feet of snow to go to school, but it's something that stuck with me and it's something that really did change my life.
Today is St. George's feast day, which is a day given to at least one Ogou for most if not all vodouizan; it's probably one of few overarching pieces of sameness that you can find country-wide in Haiti. Ogou is central to Vodou; it was Ogou Feray and Ogou Je Wouj who sprang up during Bwa Kayiman and who stoked the revolutionary spark that made the first free Black republic a reality. He is probably more central than he is given credit for; he is certainly overlooked at times in favor of others.
I've had the grace to not be able to overlook Ogou. He made sure of that when he (among others) brought me to my spiritual mother and the lineage named after nasyon Nago, the family of Ogou.
He also made sure of that when I was careening down a very bumpy road towards kanzo. It was 8 years ago now (!!) that I was sitting in an apartment that I would end up abandoning not knowing how in the hell I was going to get everything in order for kanzo just a few months later. I didn't have the money, I didn't have the stuff I needed, I don't even think I had my passport at that point. I was in serious trouble, and I knew it.
So, I did what I could and sat and made a small service for Ogou. I bought what little I could put together, made it pretty, and presented it to him. In retrospect, it's kind of cute what I thought I knew and must have been like a small child presenting you with the product of their toils: the spiritual equivalent of a mud pie with dandelions stuck in it and a macaroni necklace.
But, I did it and I told Ogou that I knew I had made a promise, I knew that I was in trouble, and that I would do whatever he told me if it got me into the djevo. I lit the match and gave it to him, he set the fire and burned my life down.
Within two weeks, I abandoned the apartment I had and packed my car to make a couple of trips into Boston to live in a teeny tiny rented room that was close to my job that Ogou would direct me to quit. I sold my car, any possessions I had that were worth money, and took my stacked vacation time money from the job I quit, all while working up until a few days before I needed to fly to Haiti and hustling at night with whatever side gigs I could find. I bought my flights to/from Haiti before I prepared anything else or even had the money I needed in my hands because I figured that it would be pretty awkward if I had to fly to Haiti and just...hang out when I had been planning to kanzo all along.
It looked like things were going to work out. I was barely sleeping, but the money was coming in and I had the things I needed to go to Haiti with....but what would things be without a last minute twist?
Two days before I left for Haiti, I found out that the way my rent was going to be paid while I was in Haiti fell through. So, I spent two days moving what I could into a friend's basement and abandoned the rest of my belongings, again. I had some boxes, a couple bags of clothes, my suitcase to go to Haiti with...and that's it. Everything else was gone, and I found myself in an airport unsure of where I was going when I got back.
I made it to Haiti after delayed and canceled flights and some crying in a corner, and the rest is history. Ogou (and all my lwa) held me up during the process, and held me up afterwards while he helped me rebuild the life I gave him to burn down. Literally everything I have now descends from the hands of Ogou and my lwa. Career and professional success, home, relationship, spiritual opportunities...all of it down to the last little piece. Nothing is without his/their influence, and my life has become worth living because of it. He saved me, and it all really started on this day 8 years ago. It's been a wild ride the last 12 years with the lwa, and I genuinely couldn't ask for anything better.
'Gratitude' is not a sufficient word because it cannot encompass how I hold all these things inside of me. It is beyond language and verbalization, and when I find myself in front of Ogou and wanting to thank him yet again for all that he has done for me, words are insufficient. I look at him kind of despairing to explain, and he just nods. He knows.
And here I am. Like I said, a wild ride. I looked at a calendar the other day and it really has been 12 years since I got dropkicked into Vodou. So much has happened and so much is to happen and to become. I am not yet the reflection of what I believe the lwa want for me, but I do believe I am climbing closer each day.
I've been pretty occupied in the last year with big stuff; I wrote previously about the completion of my husband's immigration process FINALLY which has him in the US with me permanently (and back and forth to Haiti as life allows). After that, a rather large project occupied most of my time/energy.
Details about that and upcoming stuff behind the cut.
I keep a lot of things close to my heart and am careful about what I write about here, both for practical and esoteric reasons. I strive to be transparent and vulnerable in healthy ways, and yet maintain some semblance of privacy, especially for those closest to me, like my husband.
But we did a thing and it's such a big thing that it deserves a mention in the place where I have detailed some of the most important bits of my life. Presenting our first collaborative effort:
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Bondye, all the lwa, and the power of our collective ancestors gave us the opportunity to bring this soul and newest ancestor into being. We are happy to have our little potato with us. This is what has kept me so quiet here; pregnancy is not for the weak and it was a ride I, your friendly neighborhood gender non-conforming houngan, never thought I would take....and yet life with the lwa brings new twists and turns and beautiful gifts. I was deadset on never having children of my own, and here I am with a little potato.
This has opened a wide new world for me and boy have the lwa had a lot to say before and after the potato arrived. They are a tiny pitit Ginen and the lwa have been clear that we can never forget that.
So...there's that. It's funny, but being the caretaker of a potato that the lwa are deeply invested in brings me back to why this blog was started in the first place: I was having experiences that I did not see reflected anywhere, so I decided to write it all down.
I am not the first parent in the world, of course, and absolutely not the first vodouizan to bring forth a child...but again I don't find anyone else with my particular constellation of experiences having a similar experience. This time, at least, I have plenty of people to call and chat with when I have questions about the intersection of Vodou and the potato.
I expect some of it will make it here and some won't. My rule about writing about people that are close to me is that they get to consent about what details I share. When I write about my (human) husband, I share it with him before it posts. As the potato has not yet developed the capacity for consent, what is presented about them will be limited. Their face won't make it onto Tumblr or any other platform or social media I write on, and personal details will remain as neutral as I can make them. If you are one of the folks who knows me in an offline kind of way, I'd ask you to respect that as well.
Other things:
Tomorrow, I will have a post about an upcoming opportunity to celebrate Kouzen. I had hoped to have something put together for his actual fet day on the 1st, but like November is given over to Gede, all of May is Kouzen's month. Look for details tomorrow.
By next week, I will be live on Medium. This will allow folks to get my long-form posts directly in their email or via the feeds they use elsewhere. My long-form posts will continue to be posted here, and I will continue to answer questions and interact with posts here.
Website is coming!
I am toying with launching some online educational opportunities and have some specific plans, but would also like to hear what folks are interested in having live educational opportunities on. I'll post separately about that as well.
My husband is launching his atelier, expect posts about what he has available as well!
So...how are you?
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bbdoll · 1 year
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“saw this legacy challenge in the tags under @ssoulpeace. Since I can’t play a legacy to save my life I tweaked it to my pov and needs so...”
Studio Ghibli Challenge
Year 1 Kiki’s Delivery Service (tweaked)
You’ve spent your entire life living in the bustling suburbs and crave the slower pace of a peaceful homestead in the countryside The catch is that the serene country is bombarded with mundane task and chores, and you have only one suitcase of items and your beloved cat. How will this work out? Maybe that weird sim you keep running into could help you out…
Reward Traits: Creative Visionary, The Knowledge, Marketable  Aspiration: Lady of the Knits
- Start in Henford-of-Bagley - You must live in a cottage with three negative lot traits, and you cannot move or change this said lot traits - Any positive lot traits are banned. - You must start with a cat in your household. - Max your canning, floral and knitting skills (for daily deliveries). - Buy a bee box + bike for deliveries. - Carry forward the Daily Fairing Friend Tradition - offering Finchwick favors. - Attend all Finchwick festivals, and I do mean all of them, unless something more important gets in the way (i.e. work or parenting). - You can have two kids maximum.
Posting extremely relaxed gameplay from time-to-time. If that’s not your thing, just block the tag sgc. 🌻
“the distinguished gentleman fur baby is an edit of Bandido by @saartje77 and he owns my blog now.”
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi :)
I'm just a totally mess on many ways because I've got a new apartment and it's the first with my boyfriend, first time moving together with someone.
So a reader moving together with the bad batch (or Fives and Rex, too) would feel so good against the stress and anxiety what came with it, too. If you could do that, that would be awesome :D
I'm so sorry! I know I'm really late with this! Hopefully, by now, the stress is over!
The Bad Batch/Rex/Fives x Reader HCs - Moving In
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Moving in with him is actually relatively relaxed. Hunter thinks along with you, helps with the planning and logistics, he packs the suitcases and boxes with you, he is a team player and never leaves any of the tasks for you alone. And of course, he is a strong shoulder to lean on, in case you need to take a breather. His brothers are always willing to help too.
Even when things go wrong, he is adaptable, and has enough peace of mind to find a stress-free solution and calm you down if you get nervous.
There's no stress with decorating either, Hunter is adaptable and open to anything as long as you don't want everything pink and painted with flowers.
Take a deep breath, you can count on Hunter, he will catch you and unburden you, should things get too stressful for you. He may well carry a chair into the apartment/house first, so that you can sit down for a while and collect yourself before the real thing starts.
Your sweet man has everything under control, he is a great planner, and he's always at your side to calm you or give you a hand.
It's very likely that you won't get stressed at all, Echo is one of those people who seem to have everything under control even when everything goes wrong.
Apart from that, he has prepared food, snacks and drinks, refreshments for in between. His brothers are also there, of course, and all of them are helpful and kind. Crosshair may tease you a little now and then, but he only does that because he likes you and has accepted you into the "group".
Echo knows what to do, he has planned and researched everything in advance, he makes sure Wrecker doesn't make too much of a mess and doesn't spend all his time just eating snacks.
All in all, you can approach the matter relaxed, Echo has your back.
So that could get pretty messy. Wrecker wants to help you and not make it harder than it already is, but he needs a little guidance from you. He's a little overzealous and if you don't steer him a little bit, things might well get lost or not end up where they're supposed to.
But don't panic, Echo and Tech are quite willing to help with the planning. But no matter how chaotic Wrecker may be, he's your strong shoulder and has no problem with you bossing him around a bit. He knows it's important to you, and it's important to him, too.
He will patiently and lovingly tackle things with you. Wrecker is very much looking forward to living with you, in fact it has been his number one topic for a while, and he has been talking about nothing else for weeks now, getting on his brothers' nerves.
Don't worry, it may take a while, but you'll get it together.
He planned everything down to the smallest detail, when and how everything will be packed, the transport, the movers (his brothers). Tech plans, who has what tasks and how much time is needed for each step. This can be relieving, but also exhausting, depending on whether you want to give him full control. Because he will argue with you if you disagree, not at all aggressively, but stubborn.
"My method is more effective"
He doesn't mean to annoy you, and he doesn't mean it in a condescending way, not at all, it's just in his nature to think everything through and plan it out if you let him. Do both of you a favor, let him plan and do his thing, he knows what he is doing, and it is quite unlikely that anything will go wrong.
It could be that his brothers, especially Wrecker, will throw a wrench in his plans (not intentionally of course), but Tech is not easily rattled. He wants to impress you, so if you give him a free hand, he will try really hard to do everything to your satisfaction.
At the end of the day, you can sit back and relax. Praise him for his work, he will be immensely proud and at the same time melt under your words.
It took a while for you guys to agree on exactly when and where to move, but eventually you made a joint decision. Crosshair is actually quite adept at planning, you can give him some leeway on that, he won't let you down.
However, he doesn't have a lot of patience with your movers, his brothers. You'll have to keep mediating between him and the others, Crosshair doesn't mince words, especially he and Hunter often clash. The rest are not so easily impressed or upset by Crosshair's grumbling.
They behave a bit like little boys, but Echo helps you keep them in check. So in the meantime, the atmosphere is a little tense, but Crosshair is really trying hard to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.
Food is also planned in advance and hidden from Wrecker, so he doesn't eat it all before the others have eaten.
He's actually pretty smart, but also very messy. It may feel like everything is going haywire, but Five's charm lowers any stress level. As soon as he notices that you're getting anxious about something in the process of moving or even on the verge of panicking, you feel his strong hands on your shoulders, his deep soft voice whispering sweet words close to your ear.
Fives knows how to push your buttons, so you can breathe easy and trust him. Echo, Hardcase, Tup and Rex are also there. When in doubt, Rex is the voice of reason that gets the boys back on track so everything gets done. They all like to help, and they all like you, it's important to them that everything works out, not only out of brotherhood towards Fives but also out of friendship towards you.
So don't worry too much, things will get done, maybe not exactly as planned, but you can stay on schedule and in the end it will all be done. Look forward to sitting back with Fives in your first home together and enjoying his irresistible charm.
Actually, he wanted to hire professional movers, however, your joint budget after all other expenses for the move, no longer allowed it. Rex looks with concern at his helpers, some of his brothers, among others Fives who, however, goes to work with verve.
Echo has brought snacks and drinks and gives you a knowing pat on the back.
"Relax, the guys mean well, we're all here to help and when in doubt, a stern word from Rex usually helps get everyone back on track."
You smile and take a deep breath, thankful for each one of them. In the end, it's you who has to calm Rex down a bit and massage his, strong, broad, but tense shoulders. He wants everything to work out and go well. Moving in with you is exciting for him, and he wants to do everything right, especially for you.
He'll be completely exhausted after the move, as if he's been on a tough combat mission, but Rex will be as happy as he is tired. Of course not all the furniture is set up yet, that will come little by little. That's why you'll lie on a mattress on the floor, snuggled together and very soon, very tired but happy, you'll fall asleep.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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redheadspark · 1 year
17. Renting out a cottage together by a small town, and taking new identities for the summer. hmm, It would be interesting to see reader & Barry do this :P
A/N - I love this. This will be nice and short. Thanks for requesting this, Stella.
Summary - Official
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Warnings - Just fluff.
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“I didn’t think that was going to work!”
“Aye, well you don’t me well enough, don’t ya?”
“Not really since you were giggling like a school boy when you gave them your name….or your apparent stage name,” 
Your boyfriend, actor Barry Keoghan, gave you a roll of the eyes as you two were unpacking your little car with your suitcases and a bag filled with snacks and groceries.  The soft sounds of the highway were behind the pair of you since the small little road that lead to your rental.
A small quaint cottage that was out in the countryside, built from stone with a lavender garden in the back and a great view of the rolling hills to the left that had a herd of sheep already grazing the field.  Barry found the rental, thinking it would be a great idea for you two to have the summer to spend together.  He had no upcoming projects until the fall, and your job was going slow enough for some of the employees to take time off.  You were saving up your time off and taking some vacation days, so now you had the entire summer to look forward to. 
Barry whisked you away a few days after booking the cottage, you having no idea what was going on or how long you two were going to be gone.  But it was a thrill to pack your bag, knowing full well that Barry knew how to plan real well when it came to you.  Although he was rising up as an actor and was getting some recognition wherever you two went as a couple, he didn’t want to have anyone to know that he was renting a small cottage with his girlfriend for the summer.  You two really had some run ins with the papparazii in the past, so the last thing he wanted was cameras pointing at the two of your trying to relax and enjoy the summer. 
Of course Barry was ballsy to begin with, more of the daredevil than you ever were.  But using a fake name?  That was new.  
It worked in his favor though, the sweet old lady who owned the cottage had no idea who he was or that he was an actor.  She made you two a plateful of cookies, which was perched on the countertop as soon as Barry opened the door into the small cottage. It had no much character to it, from the wooden stairs and old rugs to the pictures that were tainted in history and age and the wooden burning fireplace. You thought of it as charming, thinking of the plenty of viistiors that came and stayed in those walls that had happy holidays.
“Good choice, Barry,” You hummed as Barry placed the suitcases on the bottom step of the stairs.
“You had little faith in me,” Barry countered back at you, you trying to smack his arm but he dodged it and laughed, “I thought you would like a place like this.  The photos don’t do justice,”
“I can’t believe you said your name was Reggie Fairchild,” You joked with him as he was unloading the snacks into the pantry, “That’s such an actor name,”
“Which means they won’t suspect me being…..me,” Barry said, placing the last of the snacks in the pantry and then looking around the room, “So, what should we do first?”
You were looking around the living room when he asked you, seeing the loveseat couch next to the fireplace and the two massive windows that were showing the rolling green hills.  You never heard such quietness in some time, even back at your apartment or in your work cubicle.  This kind of quiet would seem daunting to others, but not with you.  It filled you up and wrapped around your bones, already making you ready for a peaceful summer with Barry.
Although he was used to living the life of an actor, going to parties and premiers to be seen and be hired, he was more of a homebody.  Apart from boxing, Barry had no real need to being out and about public most of the time, he would rather be at home with you.  You were thinking that he was simply wanting to top out from being at a party or at a sponsor event, but hr truly told you he love being at home. 
Later on he confessed he would rather just be with you.
You were no fan of bring in the spotlight, he knew that when you two first got together.  You thought that would be a deal breaker with him, but he still stayed.  You never cared for going to premiers on his arm or to parties as his plus one, but you did to the more important ones that you knew would help his career in the end.  But the rest of the parties, you stayed behind and let him have fun.  He was a goos boyfriend to you, you never once loosing your trust in him or having doubts about him being faithful. 
When it came to going on holiday, he would let you pick.  Of course he had the means of gong anywhere in the world, connections left and right being able to take him to distant lands and paradise if he wanted.  But he would let you decide since, giving you a bit too much pressure.  This cottage was merely an idea you had months before when you two were snuggling in bed, thinking of the next holiday you both wanted to take together.
“Let’s go to a cottage together,” You said to him as you were about to drift asleep, “A little cottage, with on one else around.”
He remembered, and now you were about to have the best summer ever.
“I know precisely what I want to do,” You said to him, seeing him walk over to you from his spot in the kitchen.  Taking his hand in yours, you both walked to the main bedroom on the first floor, the bedroom you two would use during your time there.  The quilt on the bed was already turned down, massive goose feathered pillows were fluffed and ready at the head of the bed, and the two little windows were already perched open to let in the breeze.  It was such a simple looking room, but you grinned widely as you looked from the bed to Barry.
“Of first official nap on holiday,” You said to him, seeing him break into a massive smile.
“Good thinkin’, darlin’.” He said in agreement.  
So you both stripped off your sweatshirts, down to your loose pants and shirts.  Slipping under the quilt with your head on his chest, his arms around your shoulders with his fingers running up and down your spine , you both were closing your eyes.  Letting your summer together finally sink in and begin. You had no idea what you were going to have for dinner that night, nor for breakfast the follow morning.  You had no idea what you two were going to go to pass the time.  
In fact, there were no real plans for your entire summer, but that was what you loved.  
The End
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divinemissem13 · 7 months
I'm With Her
Or, 5 times Sharon Raydor saved Brenda Leigh Johnson, and 1 time Brenda returned the favor.
Chapter 1: Fall
The first time Sharon Raydor saw Brenda Leigh Johnson, she was waiting at the LAX baggage claim to welcome her son home from college. As she watched the petite blond struggle to heave her massive suitcase off of the carousel, Sharon had no way of knowing that their paths would cross countless times over the coming years, or just how tumultuous those paths would be.
What she did know was that this woman needed help or else she was going to end up flattened by the suitcase, so Sharon stepped in to lend a hand. When the suitcase was safely on solid ground, the blond looked up at Sharon with a grateful smile and she drawled “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Of course, she’s southern, Sharon thought. She had always had a weakness for southern belles, ever since she watched Gone with the Wind as a child. There was something about the accent… or maybe it was a damsel in distress thing. But before she could contemplate that any further, she spotted Ricky waving to her from across the room. A huge smile broke out on Sharon’s face and she forgot all about the pretty southern belle as she hurried off to hug her son.
The second time Sharon saw Brenda was only a day later, in front of the LAPD headquarters. Sharon was heading out through the glass doors as Brenda was coming in, her view obstructed by a stack of cardboard boxes balanced precariously in her arms. Sharon had been a bit distracted herself, trying to calculate how much time she could actually spare to meet Ricky for lunch, and when she charged through the door, it bumped one of the boxes which went spilling onto the ground.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Sharon exclaimed, crouching down just in time to stop a potted plant from rolling away into the road.
“Well, hey, it’s you!” came a familiar drawl and Sharon looked up to see her southern belle from the airport.
Keep reading on AO3
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Hello there! It has been way too long since i updated you guys on how i've been doing, and i've probably only got myself to blame on this one. But i have FANtastic news to share! (get it? Cus i'm fan? Genious, i know.) I finally managed to get a job! And a decent one this time, no more cleaning mediocre school halls for me! (Horrayyy!)
So this entire hiatus hasnt been for nothing, i've been very hard at work finally being able to persue the thing i love the most, writting! Now i can officially call myself a journalist instead of an amature blogger. The self-improvement sure is real, love to see it. Sadly, I am constantly restricted from putting my heart and soul onto the paper in favor of transmitting what could be classified as useless information to whoever is bored enough to watch the news. And that constant restrain has made me miss the days of the good ol' Fan blog, so i guess you could say that's the reason i'm here. I've missed writting whatever i want to without the need to always double or triple check my work, its fun to not worry if every single word i type fits into my current streams of thought and stuff like that. But you don't wanna hear about all of that do you? You wanna hear about the funny stories! The authentic work experience i have gained! Atleast i hope so, because if not then youre probably in the wrong blog. But if that IS what you came here for, bluckle up bukaroo because im about to tell all about the working woes and friendly foes!
First off the job aplication process was VERY off-putting, my 2 future bosses took care of the interview and they asked... odd questions. They were also always a little too...rude. But thats ok! Nothing that i havent already handled. On the job i have met some interesting personalities such as suitcase! (I was given permission to state her name, duh) suitcase is very kind and funny, but she also has social anxiety, which is weird considering she is one of the few reporters we have, the type that usually goes out, interviews others and deals with harsh weather conditions for some reason. Suitcase is always busy going from one place to another so she can grab the needed fotage, and since im normally the one who writtes her scripts, i get to go with her sometimes! The news channel utilises this totally not ominous and cramped mini-van to cary all of the needed equipment and people. Surprisingly enough, my supervisor is the one who drives the van! She's quite chill, her voice is so smooth that i have to stop myself from yawning when i'm around her. Dont get on her bad side though, i once saw her almost yell at our make-up artist. Speaking of that, they both have some weird relationship going on, i genuinely have no idea if they are friends or enemies and at this point i am too scared to ask suitcase about it.
Working there is pretty chill, i tecnically dont need to phisically be there but hey, a bit more of social interaction wouldnt hurt. Besides, i wouldnt have met suitcase if i only sent my scripts via e-mail! So its a win-win! What else do i have to say abt work? Hmmm.... oh yea! I have a funny story to share!
On my first few days, suitcase told me that the make-up artist was an extreme chatter-box that preferably likes to "spill the tea" on everyone. But if you've been following this blog for a while now, you'd know that im not really good with understanding these types of frases, so for the longest time i thought that this guy actually spilled tea on people on porpose. (he looks really refined, so i just assumed he would be the kind of guy to like tea) So i, being extremelly cautious to not get tea on my lovely red paper, avoided him for like 5 days straight! He eventually caught on and complained to suitcase about it, she then told me so, and i explained my conundrum to her. After she explained what the frase actually meant, we couldnt stop laughting! I never actually apologised to the guy, i sure hope he doesnt hold grudges!
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blankdblank · 5 months
Anaticula 1989 World Cup Snippet
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Ch 33 - Presents for Petunia From The Grumpy Pumpkin
Snippet :
“Harry,” flatly Petunia spoke to the boy in his step off the train onto a partly occupied train station instantly turning his head to who was here to fetch him. The attendant pleased enough to let go of Harry’s arm and let him clamber with the suitcase and package he had been given to hand off to his aunt so that he might not make her wait longer.
Dudley at her side didn’t seem his usual smug self a few moments. Something deeper swept through his gaze over his cousin, the only one he had actual memories with over his other mysterious now two female cousins. 
An almost kind of empathetic try to guess how Harry might be taking the news compared to his completely baffled self. Lily had chosen badly in marriage, that he was most certain of, resulting in Harry, not the sort to just drop a child off and flee for the hills. Now his family knew that fact to be true and now not even she was mentioned in bringing up earlier times in his mother’s life. 
James was never to be mentioned, and now as heard by an off the cuff comment by his frustrated father Lily was now a woman to be mocked and shamed for her, till now, expertly hidden faulty sense of morality. And for a moment Dudley wondered if his cousin had any idea of what kind of home he might be walking into now where his parents were blacklisted topics except when to use them as yardsticks to be measured against to keep the straight and narrow unlike their selfish twosome.
“What is that?” Petunia asked about the box Harry halfway had dropped twice now in avoiding taller passersby.
“Package, for you, Aunt Petunia.” He raised it up and she reached out, releasing hold of the charm on her string of beads around her neck, a necklace Dudley had chosen as a Mother’s Day gift for her she now had taken to fidgeting with when anxious. “Paths crossed with the post, Jaqi sent some things back from the Cup and this was in there for you and Dudley.”
“Oh,” she felt herself saying to the spread of a grin across Dudley’s face. He was getting not just a present but another peek into who this mysterious favored female cousin of a most favored aunt he had vague memory of, just like the few he had been sent before this year since she had begun to write to his mother. Not yet had he written back either, just had been compiling lists of things to share when meeting her to get the bulk of his life shared so that he might make a good impression. Surely his uncle Sirius had passed on most of his life already when he did return to her form his visits, but anything that was missed Dudley was amply ready to be the most impressive cousin possible.
“What do you think it might be?” Dudley asked excitedly.
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starkid2464 · 4 months
Can I just applaud Toy Story of Terror for a moment. It is my absolute favorite thing to come out of the Toy story universe.
Spoilers for the episode ahead. (It’s only 20 minutes, do yourself a favor and watch it)
The way that it centers on Jessie and gives her the strength and empowerment to move past her trauma and learned helplessness. It’s just perfection. The story accurately depicts her struggle with her past and the PTSD (just theorizing on that bit) it starts with her navigating a trigger by being trapped in a locked box.
Then when her and the others are in suitcase but she starts to panic as her friends leave shows how she can manage being in a box when her friends are there, but without them panic and fear set in.
And keep in mind we’re only five minutes into the film.
Then Jessie loses the final four people she was with and starts really panicking. That’s when we meet Combat Carl, who as far as I can tell is a war vet who also possibly has PTSD. He guides her through this new terrain and gives her the advice she needs to move “Combat Carl never gives up. Combat Carl finds a way.” Granted she gets captured almost immediately afterwards but with another reminder of her inner strength by Combat Carl, she’s able to go into a box willingly to save her friends from being shipped out. It takes a shit ton of bravery to go back into something that horrible and traumatic, even if it’s years later.
Then she gets taped in and that always gets me. She’s clearly seconds away from a panic attack, clearly feeling powerless and trying to avoid the claustrophobia she deals with when in tight spaces. But she repeats the mantra that Combat Carl taught her, and is able to realize that she’s not powerless this time, that there might be something to fix it. So she digs and finds a paperclip and is able to get herself out of the box. Then once she and woody are able to get back to the motel, she takes a risk and because of it all of the toys are able to escape and It’s even possible that the whole operation is stopped because of her action causing the Mom to call the cops on him.
So not only is this movie a great depiction of overcoming a past that haunts you. The side characters are absolutely hilarious and with Pricklepants explaining the tropes they’re going through, it’s hardly a scary movie.
And the graphics are beautiful, especially for the time it was made in.
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demonateher · 1 year
Joys of being a predictable fangirl
I'm going on about three and a half years of obsession now. Most people who aren't totally dense in my social circles have come to associate KnY with how happy it makes me. Unlike many other obsessions over the years, this one is a bit worse because I like collecting stuff for it, which also sort of adds to the obsession.
So anyway, just some moments and interactions below the cut.
--A friend asked me once if I liked to keep the nice tins that sweets came in, even if they don't have the sweets. I assumed this question was in regard to KnY stuff and answered it depended on if I liked the designs. Sure enough, months later, she sent me a care package with KnY tins. Thing is, she had received these and eaten the sweets while they were still good. She took great care in filling them with regular grocery sweets, taping them shut, and returning them to the original packaging. I was surprised and found it funny.
--Formal New Years Greetings. My tea ceremony classmate and I are in nice kimono, bowing with foreheads close to the tatami, asking to be in each other's good care and company in the coming year. As such, she formally asks if I would do her the favor of attending a movie theater showing of KnY with her again. I humbly accepted.
--When I had the opportunity to visit my family last year I took it upon myself to teach my youngest siblings some basic swordsmanship (you know, in case they ever need it). While explaining how they keep the tip of the katana consistently aimed at their opponent's throat while changing stances, as though there's a line extending from the tip, one of them (who has only casually watched the anime) responded with, "oh, you mean like in Kimetsu no Yaiba?" and my heart was warmed with pride.
--A local friend not asking me, 'Do you want to go to the Total Concentration exhibit together,' but instead, "what day do you want to go?"
--I had a very, very, very long day a few months ago and got stuck taking care of a lot of stuff in overtime. A part-timer wanted to get me something sweet at the convenience store to cheer me on, and asked what I wanted. I asked for the cheap wafer snacks with collectable stickers and she hunted them down and obliged.
--One of my other previous coworkers also brought me cheap KnY snacks sometimes, unprompted. Other times he felt he should inform me of things like KnY yatsuhashi on sale at the train station (which I thanked him for but also informed him I had bought some already).
--A best friend of mine, whom I haven't gotten to watch it, is nonetheless supportive of my interests. She knows how much I require total darkness to sleep and how excited I was for how well the KnY eyemasks worked for me, but I bemoaned in passing that the straps on my Nezuko and Zenitsu eyemasks (which were of course chosen because they were funny as eyemasks) were too loose to use them well anymore. While I went to work she went sightseeing, and that evening, she pulled out a present saying, "here, you don't have this one yet!" and it was a Tanjiro eye mask. That is currently what I wear to bed.
--This one is a little complicated. I did successfully drag another bestie into KnY, and her immediate favorite was Inosuke, though she's admitted that she mainly stays familiar with KnY through the joy that I keep getting out of it. When she finally moved to Japan after many pandemic related delays, I had a box of tissues with Inosuke on it (because that's funny) to give her as a housewarming gift. However, not even 15 minutes into our long-awaited reunion she underwent a small tragedy, and as she having a serious breakdown, I, albeit recognizing the levity of the box decor was not quite fitting for the situation, opened my suitcase to pull out a big box of Inosuke tissues for her. Thankfully she found it funny. ----Part two, I have given her a small handful of other KnY things. Like the care-package I sent her while she was stuck in quarantine? She didn't give me enough detail about what she wanted, so of course I just gave her a bunch of cheap KnY snacks of my choosing. There's also been a cute Inosuke accessory or two here or there. She kept saying that someday, someone was going to go over to her house and assume that she was a huge fan due to all the KnY stuff she had gotten from me (and enjoys due to associating it with me). And then it happened! And that person also happened to be a big fan and was thrilled. Long story short, we very, very unexpectedly got to meet each other for about an hour the following day, and we had a special moment with glitter and flowers filling the air around us.
--Day one of my new job, feeling nervous and excited, navigating my way through a transfer at a very busy subway station, I'm looking around for a sign and then bam, there's Tanjiro on a screen. Joy! That is always pleasant. While passing by the posters for the Osaka Metro event going on, the friends who I got dinner with last night of course immediately looked to me to be sure I saw it.
--Speaking of Tanjiro, I'm grateful to be involved with outside activities where everyone knows my KnY fandom enough that I'm not shy at all to use KnY LINE stickers in group chats, which I'm otherwise too shy to use in, say, work chats. I got a couple of messages of people wishing me luck and I had the pleasure of responding with Sumiko, in full make-up, promising to work hard.
Oh, at the new job? They don't know yet. I'm sure they'll find out I like KnY. Then it'll be a question of when they find out how much.
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
Weaktober Day 10: Incandescent
“Well, if it isn’t Jack B. Nimble.”
Jack couldn’t say he was glad to see Officer Yang, but this was a huge deal. He and Jimmy had been going up and down town, hollering and advertising at the top of their lungs about the new magic lights they’d been touting since its invention.
He and Jimmy found their current supply of lightbulbs next to the train tracks when they went “treasure hunting” (read: plundering) at night. The express was always liable to dropping boxes from unsecure cargo holds and coming upon the box of unbroken, expensive light bulbs that were probably on their way to some rich bastard’s estate was like hitting the gold mine. 
Jack would go up to an old woman struggling with her lantern and take her by the hands. “Ma’am, let me help you.” He’d take out one of the brand new incandescent light bulbs he kept in his backpack and hold it out like it was the key to world hunger. “This, right here...this will change your life.You’ll never have to sleep in the dark or look for castor oil ever again.” He’d sell one for one dollar and feel bad about not mentioning one needed electricity to use a lightbulb.
Jack was the smooth talker, the proverbial peddler selling his wares. His business partner, Jimmy, was a little more aggressive. He liked to call them “guerilla selling tactics” and Jack supposed that was the nicest term someone could coin Jimmy’s shake-down of adults who they knew had fragile egos and the overwhelming desire to be perceived as well off. Only wealthy people could afford electric lights in their house and their town had no want for posers.
The boys quickly gained a reputation for constantly promoting their merchandise. Officer Yang was particular to calling Jack, Be Nimble. “You know what, Jack? You and your buddy with the damn light bulbs remind me of that poem.” 
Jack knew the one. Jack, be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick. Then the Constable shortened that to Jack “B.” Nimble and very frankly, Jack felt like punching the man every time he heard it.
Now, Constable Oscar Yang was extremely old fashioned. Was a general in the war, donned a top hat to work, believed electricity was witchcraft. The whole nine yards. Jimmy and Jack would’ve ignored him in favor of easier clients, but Officer Yang held a special sort of power: people actually listened to him. If they convinced him to install the lightbulbs in his station, business would boom and he and Jimmy could finally move out of that rink dink town. They were halfway there; during Officer Yang’s vacation to the countryside, the town council voted to “improve” his police station and install electrical circuits as a point of community pride. Jack didn’t see the point of impressing the highway criminals that regularly came through, but that was neither here nor there.
“I told you boys, I don’t want your glowing bauble,” Officer Yang said, yawning as he thumbed through his crossword book. It was sunny and warm in the small personal office to the side of the station. He looked up when he noticed Jack and Jimmy hadn’t moved. “Hey. I said scram.”
Jack fiddled with his hands, nerve wracked. “Just hear us out one last time,” he started. “One demonstration is all we ask.”
Officer Yang didn’t smile, but he didn’t kick them out either. Jimmy exchanged a smug look with Jack before setting his suitcase up on one of the tables and opening it, revealing a small table-top lamp. “Do you have an electrical plug, Constable?”
Officer Yang grunted and pointed in the general direction of a spot behind his desk. Taking the full opportunity for visual spectacle, Jimmy moved the lamp right in front of the constable, where he could see the intricate designs on the shade and the fine wood-working on the base. Small-town folk were enchanted by finer things. The lamp had cost Jimmy a small fortune, but he’d told Jack not to worry about it. They’d make back their investment in no time.
Jack quickly rushed with the set up, producing a lightbulb from his knapsack and carefully screwing it in place. He closed the office’s blinds, shutting out outside light and giving Jimmy a thumbs up, ready to go. Jimmy plugged in the lamp and picked up the oil lantern on Officer Yang’s desk, ignoring the constable’s protest and blowing out the lone flame of fire inside. The room went dark.
Jack crossed his fingers behind his back and turned the knob on the lamp.
At first, nothing happened. The room remained pitch black and Officer Yang snickered. “Nice try, boys. Now kindly take your contraption and lea--”
Light suddenly flooded the vicinity and all three men in the room squinted at the harsh change in illumination. The lamp made an audible crackle, and for the shortest moment, Jack was afraid the lightbulb would explode.
But not even seconds later, Officer Yang was leaning in and staring at the glass globe, eyes wide at the yellow, glowing filament inside. His mouth was slightly open and Jack could see the reflection of the electricity in his eyes. “Would you look at that,” he said softly. 
Jack looked over at Jimmy and grinned, knowing they had him on the hook. They were gonna leave that town and they were never coming back. 
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