#sun and moon bingo
zairaalbereo · 1 year
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Bedhead? — Nicely tousled.
(I have his little head canon, that this is an inside joke because Nicky has asked Joe that before, maybe even the very morning before they got kidnapped.)
And since this is for the Sun and Moon Bingo and the truest sun and moon pair of them all, and apparently it isn’t obvious enough for some in the back *cough* ☀️🌙❤️
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[Bingo under the cut, with much thanks to @olivepdf for this lovely idea and beautifully crafted prompt card 💕.]
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
a wedding
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For @olivepdf sun and moon bingo ~ middle row down. Excerpt under the cut is from my precanon fic, Their souls were knit together (and he loved him as himself). You'll also find a non shaded version for extra details ✨️
One hand remained on Nicolò’s flushed cheek, but Yusuf moved back just enough to hold his now free hand up between them, as Nicolò slipped the ring over the first knuckle, “Yusuf, I - I will honor and cherish you for the remainder of my days,” He lowered the ring further down, his voice raspy as he tried to finish the vows in the Arabic he had been trying to learn for months now, “I pledge myself to you with sincerity, and honesty, and humility.” And Yusuf had been so utterly unprepared for it, that it didn’t even matter if he butchered the pronunciation, it was the sentiment behind it that made him hold Nicolò even closer as he mumbled against Yusuf’s shoulder, “And - And I love you - “
“I love you, too,” Yusuf dipped his head beside his, his voice trembling as he spoke the words that were stitched onto his very soul, “For as long as our God allows us to be together, I will love you all my days.”
“I will as well,” Nicolò whimpered, his hands flexing against Yusuf’s side before he pulled back to look up at him with blotchy eyes, “My apologies for the tears.”
“I do not mind them,” he said with a reassuring smile, as he gently wiped them away, his own ring catching the light of the candle beside them, but unable to look at anything but his husband, his Nicolò, his forever.
The tension in Nicolò’s face broke with a wet laugh, a quick reflection that it was likely not the last time he would cry in front of him, and Yusuf barely had a chance to tease him right back about it - before Nicolò tipped his head to kiss him.
And everything was lovelier than it had ever been.
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chinchillinator · 1 year
@olivepdf made a gorgeous little bingo card for joe and nicky bc we lost the sun/moon bracket this fandom needed some good mobilizing in these trying times (no new set photos or announcements) so i sat myself down n made a little thing for it.
for ‘meant to find each other’
“Why do you always come back to me?”
Joe hasn’t even looked from scrubbing at a spot on his counter, but he senses Nicky freeze. He adds hastily, “Not that I mind. Just, I’m sure Andy or Nile would love to see you. Booker maybe not so much, you did traumatize him that one time.”
“Well he shouldn’t have fought me,” Nicky says. Joe smiles.
Something heavy gets set gently on the floor and a chair at the kitchen table scrapes over the tile. Nicky always lets out a quiet, involuntary sigh when he sits, as if he hasn’t been able to for a very long time. Joe wonders if he knows that about himself.
“You’re easier to find, for one,” Nicky finally answers, once Joe’s nearly forgotten his initial question, content to enjoy Nicky’s silent presence. Joe gives up on cleaning away what must just be a discoloration of his countertop and turns to look at his guest.
Nicky always goes transparent in the moonlight. The beams from the window are cut up by Joe’s curtains and one side of Nicky’s face and his entire right arm is nearly invisible. The rest of him is solid enough that Joe wants to reach out and touch him. Which he knows better than to do.
“Well that’s a little disheartening,” he says, tamping down his worst, most self-destructive impulse. Nicky smiles.
“Yes, you really should get better at hiding from the non-human entities that visit you from beyond the veil,” he says. Joe laughs. Nicky leans toward him ever so slightly, unnoticeable except for the way his face has suddenly lost just a little more definition.
“I’ll work on that,” Joe says.
“Not that you would be able to hide from me,” Nicky says, in a tone that Joe thinks might be trying toward smug, though it doesn’t quite reach.
“That’s what you th—” Joe barely starts before Nicky cuts in.
“You’re like a beacon. Like the sun, if I’m imagining it correctly, brighter and warmer the closer I get.” Joe braces both hands on the counter behind him just to keep from reaching for Nicky. Nicky turns his head a little, cutting off that much more of himself.
“You’re imagining it correctly,” Joe says after a minute. His voice has gone soft without conscious thought and he clears his throat a little. “Is that true of all the souls that come back?”
Nicky looks at him again and cocks his head to the side, bringing more of his face back into the shadows for Joe to see it. There’s genuine confusion in his expression, likely because he did technically answer this question already, but also something fond and amused and affectionate.
“Funnily enough, I haven’t really got much data on that front,” he says. Joe scoffs and turns away to pick up the counter sponge and rinse it properly, hiding his smile at Nicky’s tease. “Most of the souls I touch tend to, you know, stay dead. Otherwise I’d be really bad at my job.” Joe shakes his head.
“Ha ha,” he says, deadpan. He’s still smiling. “So why do you think I get the special reaper-summoning powers?”
“I don’t know,” Nicky says. His voice ticks up half a pitch. Joe’s heart ticks up half a beat. He puts the sponge away and turns back.
Nicky’s hiding in the moonlight and Joe wants to drag his chair back from the table so he can see his face. Whatever expression he has that’s making him hide. How many more centuries will he live wishing to reach for the thing that could kill him.
He sees the shape of Nicky’s head turn, though, moments before the name passes his lips. The one hand he can see tightens into a fist on Nicky’s thigh. Joe wants to tell him not to go. Badly.
“I have to—” Nicky starts.
“What’s the other thing?” Joe interrupts, taking a step toward him
“The other?” Nicky asks, staying in his seat though the edges of his form are starting to blur.
“You said ‘for one,’” Joe says desperately. “What's the other thing?”
Nicky bends down to lift his scythe and for a moment his entire body is visible. For a moment, Joe can see the resigned sadness on Nicky’s face.
“Stay out of trouble, Joe,” he says. Like he does every time. Since the first, last, only time he whispered, I cannot keep coming for your soul.
It’s always the last thing he says, always the last word because he’s just a bastard like that, and he’s gone before he’s even finished standing. Joe stares at the empty chair, blinking through sudden tears, imagining that he can still see the faint outline of Nicky’s moonlit form.
There’s never enough time. For two immortal beings, they never have enough time. Joe wonders what’s worse. Seeing the wretched look on Nicky’s face when he has to collect Joe’s soul for however long his death lasts. Or feeling the wretched pull of his own heart every time he has to watch Nicky disappear.
Walking over to push the chair back into its place at the table, Joe takes a steadying breath and consoles himself the same way he always does. Always has for centuries. Nicky will be back. At the very least, Nicky will be back.
After all, Joe's very easy to find.
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notdysfunk · 7 months
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the elderly
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Made a new bingo card.
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sen-sational · 7 months
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callicos13 · 2 months
just tired ngl
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Decided to do some bingo, and realised that i can post stuff that isn’t just my art ⭐️
i dont expect this to be seen ngl
just some bingo and having fun⭐️⭐️‼️‼️😁 because im sick (🤧😭)
sorry for not posting in a while i’ll try to finish some drawings later
so here is a mini post for now! Bye
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goodolddumbbanana · 28 days
So... Nexus can potentially become a mindless zombie cuz he smokes too much of Negative Star Power. Damn, talk about skill issues.
It is really sad that every Moon keeps letting themselves become a tool for someone else, this way or another. I honestly like the idea Nexus screwed royally up by himself and because he couldn't deal with the idea of losing someone more but ... That might be okay too...
Especially if it bites Nexus's ass later, because surely he doesn't want to be someone's puppet, so much that he literally abandoned his family for it, right?
Seemingly the corruption theory can be right, but the question is... How did Nexus get infected in the first scene?
Creator? Nah... Although it is the theory I love, but that dude has so much work to do, I don't think he has time to do that, especially if it can damage his plan later...
Surely it can't be Dark sun, cuz he seems quite concerned about Nexus when he said his newest addiction is consuming NSP until he dies. But Dark Sun also definitely knows something... And he doesn't seem or want to interact with Astral Bodies or the opposite side, these creatures serve Wither Storm or such...
Maybe he knows from the start that Nexus will go crazy? Maybe it is the dead one who always has fated decided that will go nuts?
Which kinda concerns me too cuz Sun can detect the shards, Sun can recognise the NSP. Sun used to kill one dragon. And Dark Sun has a huge ass dragon too. They seem like both connected with Wither Storm or shard or negative star power one way to another.
Also, His behaviour is also weird compared to Lunar, while Lunar only gag because it has some awful smell, Sun literally feels like he is in pain when reacting to it. The breathing, shaking, stuttering things? Sus
Maybe he is the patient 0, the seed that Riz says? Just like how Ruin is the carrier?
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julissart · 4 months
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A promise before the final battle 🤧
Based on the chapter 19 of Sun and Moon by the very talented @kazimakuwabara
I wasn't planning this but when I notice it I already started 🙊
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noivoom · 5 months
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So how we feelin' fellas?
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
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Actual bingo was made by @chronicfandombrain (apologies for the tag)
Here are my answers:
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that-starry-freak · 28 days
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I have some feelings (the more the space is colored in, the more accurate)
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asairayn · 9 months
so i made a sun and moon show bingo card
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Sun: Well, you got a valuable life lesson
Lunar: I don't want a valuable life lesson, I just want an ice cream!
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basilbots · 1 year
Unhinged character bingo about Bloodmoon, you know you gotta
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I FORGOT TO ANSWER HERE OOPS Anyway yes ty my lil gremlin boys (gender neutral), heavily based on my interpretations of them clearly
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Also, I'm not scratching off 'we find out who made Eclipse by April 7th' on my second bingo card until this cockamamie bullshit gets somehow confirmed.
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