#sun elf arcane trickster
petchic101 · 1 year
DA Elvish
I separated all of Dragon Age's known Elvish into Nouns, idioms ect
Titles/Types of people/Groups
Anaris: – according to an old tale, he was once tricked by Fen'Harel while dueling the Great Hunter Andruil
Andruil: Goddess of the Hunt is the elven Goddess of the Hunt, known also as "blood and force" and the "great hunter."
Arlathvhen: Meeting of the Dalish clans that occurs every ten years. Means "for love of the people."
Asha'bellanar: "The Woman of Many Years." How the Dalish refer to Flemeth.
Da'len: Little child; little one.
Daern'thal: Known Forgotten One
Din: The dead.
Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets, is the twin brother of Falon'Din and is the elven god of secrets and knowledge, and master of the ravens Fear and Deceit. Dirthamen gave to elves the gift of knowledge and taught them loyalty and faith in family.
Elgar: Spirit.
Dirth'ena enasalin: "Knowledge that led to victory"; the Elvish term for the Arcane Warrior or, more recently, Knight Enchanter disciplines.
Durgen’len: Children of the stone; the Ancient Elvish term for the dwarves.
Elgar'nan: God of Vengeance also known as the All-Father, the Eldest of the Sun and He Who Overthrew His Father—represents fatherhood and vengeance, and leads the pantheon with the goddess Mythal.
Elvhen: Elven name for their own race; our people.
Elvhenan: The name of the elven civilization before the arrival of humans in Thedas; the place of our people.
Era'harel: Demon-mage; similar to an arcane horror.
Evanuris: Leader; Translated by Dorian in context as "mage leader"; what the elvhen called their gods.
Falon: Friend.
Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead, the Guide is the elven God of Death and Fortune and guides the dead to the Beyond. He and his twin brother, Dirthamen, are the eldest children of Elgar'nan the All-Father and Mythal the Protector.
Fen'Harel: The Dread Wolf is an enigmatic trickster god of the elves, whose supposed betrayal of both the benevolent Creators and the malefic Forgotten Ones is the only explanation most elves have for the destruction of Arlathan. Dalish clans view him with wariness and seek to protect themselves and their kin from his treachery. It is revealed by Solas in Mythal's temple that this could be a misinterpretation by the Dalish and instead he was the god of rebellion.
Geldauran: Known Forgotten One
Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla is called the Mother of the halla—white deer-like creatures revered by the Dalish and used to pull their aravel, or "landships"—and goddess of navigation.
Ghil-Dirthalen: "One who guides seekers of knowledge true."
Ghilan'him banal'vhen: "The path that leads astray": a derogatory term for Arcane Warriors among those elves who eschewed physical combat.
Hahren'al: A gathering of hahrens during the Arlathvhen.
Hahren: Elder; used as a term of respect by the Dalish as well as by city elves for the leader of an alienage.
Harillen: Opposition.
June: God of the Craft is the elven Master of Crafts. He is variously described either as a brother to Andruil and Sylaise or as Sylaise's husband. He taught the elves to make bows, arrows, and knives to hunt Andruil's gifts.
Lethallin/Lethallan/Lethallen: Casual reference used for someone with whom one is familiar; generally, lethallin is used for males while lethallan is used for females; lethallen has been stated to be the appropriate gender neutral term unless otherwise stated later in canon, though it is likely to remain the same. Note: Though "lethallin" is usually used for males and "lethallan" for females, as stated above
Lethanavir: Another appellation of Falon'Din the elven god of death and fortune who guides the dead to the Beyond.
Mien'harel: Rebellion; depending on the interpretation, a violent call for justice; a concept that when humans push the elven population too far they must remind them that even a "short blade" must be respected; most commonly a term used by city elf.
Mythal: the Great Protector, the Protector and the All-Mother, and goddess of love, is the patron of motherhood and justice and leads the pantheon with her male counterpart, Elgar'nan.
Shemlen: The original name elves use for the human race; continues to see use as a slang term amongst the City Elves ("shems") even though its meaning has largely been lost; literally "quick children".
Somniari: Dreamer.
Sylaise: the Hearthkeeper is the goddess of all the domestic arts and the sister of Andruil the Huntress. Sylaise gave the elves fire, and taught them how to weave rope and thread, and to use herbs and magic for healing purposes.
Vhenallin: Friends of the People.
Adahl/Adhal: Tree.
Adahlen: Wood.
Alas: Earth, dirt.citation needed
Dahl'amythal: Tree of Mythal from which Dalish Keepers’ staves are cut.
Durgen: Stone.citation needed
Elgara: Sun.
Felandaris: Demon weed.
Vallas: Set, as in the setting of the sun.
Vallasdahlen: Trees planted in remembrance of those who dedicated their lives to the Dalish kingdom that grew into a mighty wood; life-trees.
Vhenadahl: The tree of the people.
Vhen'alas: The land itself, as in "the ground"; literally "our earth".citation needed
Vunin: Day.
Fen: Wolf.
Hallas: are a type of horned stag; some are herded by the Dalish—who use them to pull their aravels, or landships. Their milk is also made into cheese and butter.[2] The Dalish do not consider them beasts of burden but noble companions. To get them to accompany a clan, the Dalish elves ask rather than force them to.
Hanal'ghilan: Elven name for the mythical golden halla said by the Dalish to appear during times of great need; the pathfinder.
Banal'ras: Shadow.
Renan: Voice.
Taren: Mind.
Vallaslin: Blood writing; The art of tattooing adopted by some elves to more prominently display their worship of the traditional elven pantheon.
Vhenan: Heart; often used as a term of endearment.
Abelas: Sorrow; to be sorry.
Aravel: A wagon used by the Dalish; also a physical and spiritual path, a journey with purpose. Humans call them "landships."
Atish’an: Peace.
Athim: Humility.
Bellanaris: Eternity.
Din'an: Death; end.
Din'anshiral: A journey of death.
Dirth: A term for knowledge or secrets; tell; speak.citation needed
Enasalin: Victory.
Enansal: Blessing.
Enaste: Favor.
Halani: Help.
Hamin: Rest.
Harellan: Trickster; used by the Dalish to mean "traitor to one's kin".
Melana: Time.
Melanada: All time. 
Melava: Time;
Revas: Freedom.
Shiral: Journey.
Sulahn'nehn: Rejoice; joy.
Sulevin: Purpose.
Vir: Way; we.
Assan: Arrow.
Bor'assan: Bow.
Felassan: Slow arrow.
Mi: Blade.citation needed
Arlathan: The major city of Elvhenan, original homeland of the elves; from the phrase "ar lath’an" meaning, "This place of love".
Banalhan: A name for the Blight or its place of origin; the place of nothing.
Dirthavaren: The promise; the Elven name for the Exalted Plains.
Halamshiral: The capital of the second elven homeland in the Dales; the end of the journey.
Setheneran: Land of waking dreams; a place where the Veil is thin.
Tarasyl'an Te'las: The place where the sky was held back; Ancient Elven name for Skyhold.
Vhenas: Home.
Vir'abelasan: The place of the way of sorrows; refers to the Well of Sorrows.
Aravel: A wagon used by the Dalish; also a physical and spiritual path, a journey with purpose. Humans call them "landships."
Banalhan: A name for the Blight or its place of origin; the place of nothing.
Elgar'arla: Spirit-trap; a binding circle to hold a spirit or demon.
Eluvian: Mirror; literally "seeing glass."
Mi'durgen: Diamond; literally 'blade stone'.
Eth: Safe.citation needed
Mirthadra: Honored.
Sa: One; one more.
Shem: Quick.
Tan: Three.
Then: Awake; alert.citation needed
Abelas: Sorrow; to be sorry.
Dirth: A term for knowledge or secrets; tell; speak.citation needed
Dirthara: Learn;
Dirthera: To tell tales.
Enfenim: To fear.
Ghilana: To guide.
Ghilas: To go.
Harel: To trick or deceive;
Him: Become.
Las: Grant; give.
Lasa ghilan: Grant/give guidance.
Lath: Love of being; to be in love.
Numin: Cry.
Nuvenin: Say, as in “as you say”.
Samahl: Laugh.
Somniar: To dream.
Sulahn'nehn: Rejoice; joy.
Sulahn: Sing.
Uthenera: The name of the ancient practice of immortal elves who would "sleep" once they tired of life; immortal; waking sleep; literally "eternal waking dream".citation needed
Ar: First person pronoun; I, me.
Mala: Your.
Mir: My.
Var: Our.
Vir: Way; we.
Banal: Never.
Dar: To be.citation needed
In: In.
Ir: I am.
Iras: Where.
Irassal: Wherever.
La: And.
Na: Is.
-an: Suffix indicating place or location.
Da: Diminutive prefix; small.
Andaran atish’an: "Enter this place in peace." A formal elven greeting.
Aneth ara: A sociable or friendly greeting, more commonly used among the Dalish themselves rather than with outsiders.
Ara seranna-ma: A way to excuse oneself, such as after a sneeze or belch.
Banal nadas: Nothing is known for certain./Not necessarily.
Boranehn: Lost joy.
Dareth shiral: farewell; literally "Safe journey."
Enasal: Joy in triumph over loss; a variation of joyful relief.
Falon’Din enasal enaste: A prayer for the dead.
Fen'Harel enansal: The Dread Wolf's blessing.
Fen'Harel ma ghilana: "Dread Wolf guides you." Indicates someone being misled.
Halam'shivanas: The sweet sacrifice of duty.
Hellathen: Noble struggle.
Ir abelas: I am sorry.
Lathbora viran: Roughly translated as "the path to a place of lost love," a longing for a thing one can never really know.
Nadas: Inevitability; something that must be; used as an expression of obligation, i.e. "must".
Ma nuvenin: As you say.
Ma vhenan: My heart; sometimes shortened simply to vhenan, "heart"; a term of endearment.
Ma serannas: My thanks./Thank you.
Mana. Ma halani: Help me. 
Mythal'enaste: Mythal's favor.
Penshra! Ghilas vellathan!: Politely translated as "I prefer that you remain close."
Revasan: The place where freedom dwells.
Sahlin: Now; is come.
Sa'vunin: One more day.
Solas: Pride; to stand tall.
Solasan: A prideful place.
Suledin: The concept of finding strength in enduring loss or pain; endure.
Tel'abelas: I'm not sorry.
Telanadas: Nothing is inevitable.
Var lath vir suledin!: Our love will endure
Vir enasalin!: We will win!
Vir sumeil: We are close.
Bellanaris Din'an Heem: "Make you dead."
Dirthara-ma: "May you learn." Used as a curse.
Fenedhis: Meaning officially undefined as of yet; a common curse.
Fenedhis lasa: Meaning officially undefined as of yet. A common curse.
Fen'Harel ma halam: "Dread Wolf ends you." A threat.
Garas: Come.
Garas quenathra: "Why are you here?/Why have you come?" Spoken by the voices of the Vir'abelasan
Masal din'an: A threat, meaning unknown.
Na abelas: You'll be sorry.
Na din'an sahlin!: Your death is come!
Na melana sahlin: Your time is come.
Specific Sentences
Ar lasa mala revas: "You are free." More literally "I give you your freedom."
Ar lath ma, vhenan: "I love you, heart/my heart"
Ar-melana dirthavaren. Revas vir-anaris: Fen'Harel’s secret greeting. Meaning unknown.
Atish'all Vir Abelasan: "Enter the path of the Well of Sorrows."
Dirth ma banal. Mar solas ena mar din: "You have learned nothing. Your pride will be your death/downfall." A Dalish saying.
Dirth ma, harellan. Ma banal enasalin. Mar solas ena mar din: Roughly means: "Your pride is responsible for everything that has gone wrong; you will die alone."
Ir abelas, ma vhenan: "I am filled with sorrow for your loss, my heart."
Ir tel'him: I'm me again.
Ma banal las halamshir var vhen: You do nothing to further our people. 
Ma harel, da’len: You lie, child.
Ma harel lasa!: You lied to me.
Ma ghilana mir din'an: Guide me into death.
Ma melava halani: You helped me.
Mala suledin nadas: Now you must endure.
Malas amelin ne halam: I hope you find a new name.
Melana en athim las enaste: Now let humility grant favor.
Sulevin ghilana hanin: Roughly translates to "purpose guides to glory". This is an inscription on the back of the Dalish shield called "The Path to Glory".
Sylaise enaste var aravel. Lama, ara las mir lath. Bellanaris.: Dalish marriage vows.
Tel garas solasan: Come not to a prideful place.
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tadfools · 1 year
bee hello!! <3 <3 do you have any hcs for astarion's birth family? supposedly if they're elves they could still be alive...
This is longer than I meant it to be but you said my name so I love you anon and have unlocked an info dump that I've been sitting on for 2.5 years. This got away from me but the tldr is his mama's are named Aneirin and Juliana
I actually have a fic cooking right now about after the game's epilogue with his parents in it. Not to get too sidetracked, but my Tav is a necromancer, their son is dead and yet apparently saved all of the gate so... they come a knocking under the pretence that necromancer brought their dead son back as a thrall, pain comedy ensues (it'll be great i promise)
Astarion's only about 240 years old if we're taking the time he's been dead into account (high elves reach full maturity around 100 if you go by 5e rules and can live up to an average of 750)
I think his birth mother is on the soft side of 500 and with him being a magistrate, the Ancunín's come from money. Despite him having a grave in Baldur's Gate, I think his family resides in Evereska (its a big elven city) I've seen a few people ruminate over the possibility of him being a moon elf but... I don't know, there's something about him being ripped from the sun in every possible way that means so much to me. There's a part with the dark urge where he talks about not giving up freedom for all the gems in Evereska (i'm paraphrasing from memory here) I used that as an excuse to have him be from that city
Aneirin is the name I'm using for her in the fic and I think before he was taken from the sun and put under so much stress that his hair greyed, that he looked just like her.
Beautiful brown eyes that shine like copper under the sun but meld into a rich earth in the night. Her suntan skin is covered in freckles head to toe, her long curly hair is always kept within a neat braid which is coiled into a bun at the base of her neck. There’s a streak of grey woven through the curls
She has always been a kind woman, born into the higher echelons of society, she married an older elven man quite young named Tiberius at her parent’s behest to secure a business merger. Aneirin refused to take his last name. While they were always cordial to one another, there was no love shared between her and Tiberius but the son they had, Astarion, was the light of her life. There was no greater joy than hearing that of her son’s laughter. He loved her dearly and had promised to answer the sending spells she would toss his way after leaving Evereska – until he abruptly stopped
I think the Ancunín’s are skilled wizards, though Astarion falls into the arcane trickster category for me. If during the game his last name was ever mentioned, I fully think Gale would have had a wash of dread flow through him. The family keep to themselves yes, but that name is known through higher arcane circles
Tiberius died when Astarion was just a boy, there were never any memories to solidify him as Astarion’s father. But there was a wood elf woman named Juliana who always had a mischievous smile that kept close to the side of his mother. She was the one who taught Astarion on how to pick a lock, to balance on the heel of his foot as to not be noticed. She was the one who showed him how to wield a bow – much to his mother’s chagrin
Juliana has wine dark hair and is hardly ever seen without a ring on each finger. Tall and lithe, she glides through the room as if she were a shadow. Mischief incarnate, little Astarion took to her like a duck in water
Juliana and Aneirin met in their twenties at a ball - or a banquet (the two can never remember) Juliana’s family ran a renowned winery, Aneirin always fancied wine. And while Aneirin’s title forced her to marry Tiberius, the two women were never far from each other. After his death, she became a patron of the winery
I have a story beat where at the Last Light Astarion picks up an old bottle of red wine absentmindly and in gilded font it reads ‘Aneirin Red: dagger sheathed bow no longer notched; may the sunlight guide you home’ It *failed skilled check* strikes no chord in his mind
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illithiddies · 1 year
So I never realized that Astarion's cantrip ability comes from being an Elf actually, I always thought it was from being a Rogue.
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The dndbeyond page mentions that High Elves tend to have an affinity for magic, and use the Wizard spellcasting list and mechanics for it.
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And while BG3 doesn't specify between Sun and Moon High Elves (of which Astarion is probably the later) the FR wiki mentions this about them:
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It's not really talked about at all during the game, but Astarion definitely has at least this tiny bit of magical ability. Even more so if Arcane Trickster is chosen as his subclass later on.
Firebolt is his default cantrip, but it's default for everyone so I'd say it's up to interpretation if that's what he would have chosen. With his constant discussion about how much he loves the warmth of the sun, I feel like he probably would have taken firebolt, or at least maybe changed to it after he was turned.
He would have had this one singular magical ability with him for most of his life, both as an elf and as a vampire. Maybe he ignored it, maybe he relied on it, for self defense or maybe even comfort. Cantrips are the one thing you can almost always reach for, even when you've been disarmed.
There's a chance he might have had some further arcane knowledge in the past, but I feel like he most likely just didn't personally care to explore it. It might've not been worth his time as a magistrate. But, alternatively, he maybe 1) wasn't allowed to pursue it during his time under Cazador's influence, or 2) he actually did have some more magical affinity, but it was wiped out with the tadpole, as it was with Wyll.
Anyways, I feel like this can add a lot of fun extra context to his interactions with spellcaster Tavs or Gale!
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etdraconis · 7 months
Updated Muse List
Bold denotes primary/main muses, underlined denotes secondary muses, Italics denotes tertiary/low muse, * denotes request only
Dragon Age Canons:
Cremisius Aclassi
Zevran Arainai
Eleanor Cousland
Fergus Cousland
Bethany Hawke
Carver Hawke
Nathaniel Howe
Thomas Howe
The Iron Bull
Anora Mac Tir
Loghain Mac Tir
Josephine Montilyet
Dorian Pavus
Cassandra Pentaghast
Cullen Rutherford
Varric Tethras
Alistair Theirin
Cailan Theirin
Maric Theirin
Dragon Age OCs:
Arden Aclassi
August Amell
Elizabeth Amell
Julian Amell
Oliver Amell
Rosalie Amell
Pyke Brosca
Elysia Caius
Amara Cousland
Brennon Cousland
Lauryl Cousland
Victoire Ducet
Callum Hawke
Kenton Hawke
Leanore Hawke
Hava Lavellan
Theron Mahariel
Kalva Sabrae
Alim Surana
Aurelia Tabris
Claire Trevelyan
Declan Trevelyan
Evelyn Trevelyan
Everett Trevelyan
Maxwell Trevelyan
Persephone Trevelyan
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Elain Archeron
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Sophie Beckett
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca Bridgerton
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Felicity Featherington
Penelope Featherington
Gareth St. Claire
Gwendolyn Sinclaire
Kendall Sinclaire
Alexander Thorne
Charlotte Thorne
Lillian Thorne
Sebastian Thorne
William Thorne
Crescent City
Juniper Andromeda
Fury Axtar
Baxian Argos
Hunt Athalar
Lidia Cervos
Ruhn Danaan
Declan Emmet
Hypaxia Enador
Danika Fendyr
Tristan Flynn
Connor Holstrom
Ithan Holstrom
Tharion Ketos
Bryce Quinlan
The Empyrean Saga
Jack Barlowe
Imogen Cardulo
Ridoc Gamlyn
Aaric Greycastle
Liam Mairi
Sloane Mairi
Rhiannon Matthias
Brennan Sorrengail
Lilith Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Violet Sorrengail
Kaz Brekker
The Darkling
Jesper Fahey
Inej Ghafa
Matthias Helvar
Fedyor Kaminsky
Tamar Kir-Bataar
David Kostyk
Nikolai Lantzov
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Alina Starkov
Wylan Van Eck
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Nina Zenik
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di Angelo
Jason Grace
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Will Solace
Leo Valdez
Throne of Glass
Aedion Ashryver*
Sam Cortland
Lysandra Ennar
Aelin Galathynius
Evalin Galathynius
Dorian Havilliard
Fenrys Moonbeam
Chaol Westfall
Rowan Whitethorn*
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Yennifer of Vengerberg
Other Book Muses
Daniel Arlington V (Ninth House)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Alexander Clairemont-Diaz (Red, White, and Royal Blue)
Arthur Delacey (Gwen and Art Are Not in Love)
Galaxy Stern (Ninth House)
Greek Mythology
DnD/Fantasy OCs
Jalana Astorio (human warlock)
Tarquin Auglathia (sea-elf rogue)
Nedri Autumnblaze (half-orc ranger)
Azure (water genasi monk)
Anders Brightwood (human bard)
Caerlin (tiefling arcane trickster rogue)
Drake (Wild Hunt shifter ranger)
Elianis Galonodel (half-elf druid)
Naivara Galonodel (half-elf mastermind rogue)
Taron Galonodel (wood elf bard)
Rhys Le'Quella (eladrin wizard)
Makaria (tiefling paladin)
Reya (tiefling storm sorcerer)
Alwyn Sulian (sun elf paladin)
Auryn Sulian (sun elf fighter)
Cerys Sulian (sun elf celestial warlock)
Emrys Sulian (sun elf shadow magic sorcerer)
Cloak Timbers (gnome cleric)
Hollis Tremaine (human fighter)
Other/modern OCs
Destin Michaels (merman)
Novah Michaels (mermaid)
Cassian Sage (werewolf)
Sophie Sage (werewolf)
Reina Solace (werewolf)
Hazel Thatcher (werewolf)
Nicolai Voss (vampire)
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92kronus · 9 months
Random D&D Character Generator on R
I have been doing a lot of work on R for my research and decided to give it a go and write the script for a random D&D character generator.
It is a very simplified version and there is definitely room for improvement and expansion, but I wanted to share it with everyone for those who want to tinker with it:
#Install Packages#
install.packages("randomNames") library("randomNames")
#Function to generate a random character sheet#
generate_random_character <- function() {
# Sample races, classes, and backgrounds# races <- c( "Dwarf", "Elf", "Halfling", "Human", "Dragonborn", "Gnome", "Half-Elf", "Half-Orc", "Tiefling", "Aasimar", "Firbolg", "Genasi", "Goliath", "Hobgoblin", "Kenku", "Kobold", "Lizardfolk", "Tabaxi", "Triton", "Bugbear", "Goblin", "Hobgoblin", "Orc", "Fairy", "Satyr", "Yuan-ti Pureblood", "Aarakocra", "Aasimar", "Changeling", "Kalashtar", "Shifter", "Warforged", "Centaur", "Loxodon", "Minotaur", "Simic Hybrid", "Vedalken", "Gith (Githyanki, Githzerai)" ) classes <- c( "Barbarian", "Bard", "Cleric", "Druid", "Fighter", "Monk", "Paladin", "Ranger", "Rogue", "Sorcerer", "Warlock", "Wizard", "Artificer", "Blood Hunter" ) subclass_Barbarian <- c( "Path of the Berserker", "Path of the Totem Warrior", "Path of the Ancestral Guardian", "Path of the Storm Herald", "Path of the Zealot" ) subclass_Bard <- c( "College of Lore", "College of Valor", "College of Glamour", "College of Swords", "College of Whispers", "College of Eloquence" ) subclass_Cleric <- c( "Knowledge Domain", "Life Domain", "Light Domain", "Nature Domain", "Tempest Domain", "Trickery Domain", "War Domain", "Forge Domain", "Grave Domain", "Order Domain", "Peace Domain", "Twilight Domain" ) subclass_Druid <- c( "Circle of the Land", "Circle of the Moon", "Circle of Dreams", "Circle of the Shepherd", "Circle of Twilight" ) subclass_Fighter <- c( "Champion", "Battle Master", "Eldritch Knight", "Arcane Archer", "Cavalier", "Samurai" ) subclass_Monk <- c( "Way of the Open Hand", "Way of Shadow", "Way of the Four Elements", "Way of the Drunken Master", "Way of the Kensei", "Way of the Sun Soul" ) subclass_Paladin <- c( "Oath of Devotion", "Oath of the Ancients", "Oath of Vengeance", "Oath of the Crown", "Oath of Conquest", "Oath of Redemption", "Oath of the Watchers" ) subclass_Ranger <- c( "Hunter", "Beast Master", "Gloom Stalker", "Horizon Walker", "Monster Slayer" ) subclass_Rogue <- c( "Thief", "Assassin", "Arcane Trickster", "Mastermind", "Swashbuckler", "Inquisitive", "Scout" ) subclass_Sorcerer <- c( "Draconic Bloodline", "Wild Magic", "Divine Soul", "Shadow Magic", "Storm Sorcery", "Aberrant Mind" ) subclass_Warlock <- c( "The Archfey", "The Fiend", "The Great Old One", "The Undying", "The Celestial", "The Hexblade", "The Raven Queen" ) subclass_Wizard <- c( "School of Abjuration", "School of Conjuration", "School of Divination", "School of Enchantment", "School of Evocation", "School of Illusion", "School of Necromancy", "School of Transmutation", "War Magic", "Bladesinging" ) subclass_Artificer <- c( "Alchemist", "Artillerist", "Battle Smith", "Armorer" ) subclass_BloodHunter <- c( "Order of the Ghostslayer", "Order of the Lycan", "Order of the Profane Soul" ) backgrounds <- c( "Acolyte", "Charlatan", "Criminal", "Entertainer", "Folk Hero", "Guild Artisan", "Hermit", "Noble", "Outlander", "Sage", "Sailor", "Soldier", "Urchin", "City Watch", "Clan Crafter", "Cloistered Scholar", "Courtier", "Far Traveler", "Inheritor", "Knight", "Knight of the Order", "Mercenary Veteran", "Urban Bounty Hunter", "Uthgardt Tribe Member", "Waterdhavian Noble", "Haunted One", "Anthropologist", "Archaeologist", "Azorius Functionary", "Boros Legionnaire", "Dimir Operative", "Izzet Engineer", "Rakdos Cultist", "Selesnya Initiate", "Simic Scientist", "Criminal (Spy)", "Gladiator", "Knight (Free Agent)" ) gender <- c("Male", "Female")
# Randomly select a race, class, subclass, gender, name and background# race <- sample(races, 1) character_class <- sample(classes, 1) # Select subclass based on the character class subclass <- character_class switch(character_class, "Barbarian" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Barbarian, 1), "Bard" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Bard, 1), "Cleric" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Cleric, 1), "Druid" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Druid,1), "Fighter" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Fighter,1), "Monk" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Monk, 1), "Paladin" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Paladin, 1), "Ranger" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Ranger,1), "Rogue" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Rogue,1), "Sorcerer" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Sorcerer,1), "Warlock" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Warlock,1), "Wizard" = subclass <- sample(subclass_Wizard,1), "Blood Hunter" = subclass <- sample(subclass_BloodHunter,1) ) background <- sample(backgrounds, 1) gender <- sample(gender, 1) name <- gender switch(gender, "Male" = name <- randomNames(gender = 0,ethnicity = 5,name.order = "first.last", name.sep = " "), "Female" = name <- randomNames(gender = 1,ethnicity = 5,name.order = "first.last", name.sep = " ") ) # Generate random ability scores# ability_scores <- sample(6:18, 6, replace = TRUE)
# Create a character sheet data frame# character_sheet <- data.frame( Name = name, Race = race, Class = character_class, Subclass = subclass, Background = background, Gender = gender, Strength = ability_scores[1], Dexterity = ability_scores[2], Constitution = ability_scores[3], Intelligence = ability_scores[4], Wisdom = ability_scores[5], Charisma = ability_scores[6] )
return(character_sheet) }
#Generate a random character sheet#
random_character_sheet <- generate_random_character()
#Print the character sheet#
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buttermander · 10 months
D&D Coroika Au : Blue Team and Rider
So here they are , the main event of chaotic blue team , plus the paladin they drag along.
Goggles - Kobold Rogue ( Arcane Trickster Subclass )
The most chaotic member of Blue team by far, Goggles was initially reluctantly exiled from his pack of kobold due to his often disruptive antics going on for far too long. He has a surprising sense of humor for a kobold , often using his talents as a rogue to sneak up on others and mess around with them, though he can just as easily use the dagger he carries around. His party has taken on the role of his new " pack " and he makes sure to remind them of this, with Bobble being the one he is closest with. His goggles actually have a practical purpose ever since his exile given how sensitive kobold eyes are to the sun.
Bobble - Kenku Bard ( College of Valour )
Bobble is the living opposite of the typical perception of kenku, having no ill will towards anybody unless they do something truly terrible to those she cares about. This makes her different then most kenku since they typically only make commitments to preserving their own lives. She often breaks into song with the drums she carries on hand and her ability to mimic the voices of others, with Goggles joining in to create quite the cacophony. Her presence adds some noise to this party that one will not forget for a long, long time.
Headphones - Half-Elf Ranger ( Gloomstalker Subclass )
Headphones is a progidy with a bow and arrow, and a childhood friend of specs. She takes on a more protective role of the party, ready to let an arrow fly right at any potential ambush should the time come. Headphones is often annoyed by the antics of Goggles but things get quickly resolved with the unusual kobold, he's even taught her how to use smaller close ranged armaments in case she was ever cornered in a close range brawl. Given how half elves live in two worlds given their heritage, Headphones finds comfort in her found second family of eccentric folks.
Specs - Human Cleric of Mystra
As a cleric of Mystra, Specs often finds himself seeking out new knowledge of magic which leads him on his many travels with his childhood friend Headphones. These travels would eventually lead him to end up adding Bobble and Goggles to their ranks, forming what is practically a second family. Specs often carries around multiple scrolls so he can study and utilize various spells, along with various remedies in case his magic is ever depleted. He's often the planner of the party when it comes to making decisions, though these plans are usually disrupted by Goggles leading to plenty of improvisation.
Rider - Human Paladin of Bahamut
Formerly a lone wandering paladin only accompanied by his trusty Warhammer, a kobold related misunderstanding followed by an impromptu team up led to Rider being dragged along the travels by this merry band of adventurers. Given his worship of Bahamut he is rather knowledgeable of all manners of draconic creatures , though this still couldn't have prepared him for anything like Goggles. While he was rather cold with the party at first, a mutual respect was slowly formed and Rider slipped into a role as the protector of the group with his shield and hammer in hand. He may not admit it but after a while of traveling Goggles has said he's seen the paladin crack a few smiles here and there.
So here's the main party, let me know what characters you all may wanna see next in the au. If you want to make some fanart of my au then I'm cool with it , I haven't even got down definitive designs for most of the cast.
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snailanimations · 2 years
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I've had this meme for a while, but I finally did the whole thing with all my and @cantolopejeevas 's d&d characters (minus a couple we made after I finished this lol)
I'll put races and classes for all of them under a cut for anyone who wants to know. feel free to ask about them, we love our d&d babies so much
Celosia: Cactus Dryad, Oath of Elegance Paladin/College of Glamour Bard (mine)
Seraphina: Greater Hellhound, Domain of Order Cleric (mine)
Sxaxha: Purple Half-Dragon, Predator Rogue (mine)
Zenith: Unicorn Centaur, Circle of Stars Druid (mine)
Zenith: Unicorn Centaur, Circle of Stars Druid (mine)
Mothyla: Kitsune, School of Chronurgy Wizard (Cantolope's)
Rat: Hadozee, Storm Sorcerer (Cantolope's)
Sebni: Vulture Siren (homemade race), Phantom Rogue (Cantolope's)
Sxaxha (again)
Mothyla (again)
Kes: Fey'ri Tiefling/Moon Elf, Arcane Trickster Rogue (Cantolope's)
Ezekiel: Wereraven/Human, Circle of Dreams Druid (Cantolope's)
Umbra: Moon Elf/Sun Elf, College of Idols Bard (Homemade class) (Cantolope's)
Oliver: Spawn of Entropy, Way of the Long Death Monk (Cantolope's)
Kes (again)
Olpi: Satyr, Path of the Beast Barbarian (mine)
Arauthix: Winter Eladrin/Moonstone Half-Dragon, Samurai Fighter/Lunar Sorcerer (Cantolope's)
Sylrel: Fey'ri Tiefling/Wood Elf, Path of Harmony Shaman (mine)
Mattius: Human Vistani, Way of the Astral Self Monk (mine)
Iora: Race Unknown (to me)/Half-Elf Apparent, Twilight Cleric (Cantolope's)
Oliver (again)
Celosia (again)
Blitz: Lightning Genasi, Way of Mercy Monk (mine)
Faeylen: Sun Elf, Hunter Ranger (mine)
Sebni (again)
Blitz (again)
Mattius (again)
Umbra (again)
Xoxou: Gnoll, Divine Soul Sorcerer (Cantolope's)
River: Bear Shifter, College of Eloquence Bard (mine)
Zenith (again)
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gamergalcmc · 1 month
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Heres My character for my Fnaf elder scrolls AU. Cece Blackwood, my OC from my other fic: Pacifist Breach.
Name: Cecelia (Cece) Blackwood
Class:arcane trickster
Weapons: enchanted dwemer sword, skyforce steel dagger, magic
Fazbear pack member ring: Moonstone & emerald with black wolf carving.
Special equipment: Sun gifts her one of the bells on his wrist that she puts on her sword. this allows here to summon him and Moon to her if they get lost.
She's a Breton arcane trickster from Cyrodiil with a mysterious past that slowly get revealed throughout the fic. She got lychanthropy through the companions but turned to the thieves guild after the death of Skjior made her realize how dangerous the work was.
She gets a special job from Freddy to find his missing friend who was accompanied by Sun and Moon, an unusual dwemer automaton. While doing the main quest as the Dragonborn, she finds a way to remove the corrupting influence in Moon that makes him act violently.
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knightfuryvawannabee · 2 months
Lore drop for my BG3 characters so far
That tumblr decided to post before I was done with it
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- Cairora Tavaernus
Class: Storm Sorcerer
Age: 500 something
Race: High Elf
Subtype: Sun Elf
“Cairora Tavaernus is a revered storm sorceress, known for her tactics in battle. Some witnesses say she can conjure up storms strong enough to wash away graves, while also having enough control to use electricity to power developing devices. There have been people to say she’s aided in hunting notorious vampire lords in and out of the city. She has two sons. Shortly after her younger son was born, she was asked to assist in the battle against Ketheric Thorm. In the ensuing aftermath, she was made to stay in the now cursed lands surrounding Reithwin Town. She now aids a group of Harpers in aiding and defending one of the last known bastions of safety.”
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- Qinorin Tavaernus
Class: Champion Fighter - Unarmed brawler
Age: 452
Race: High Elf
Subtype: Sun Elf Dhampir
“Qinorin Tavaernus is the elder son of Cairora Tavaernus. He is known around the outer city region for being a bouncer of sorts at Fraygo’s Flophouse, and Sharess’ Caress. Many state he is often seen escorting drunk patrons to their homes. It is also common knowledge he regularly gets into brawls with people who attempt to hurt or otherwise go after the people in the establishments he works at. In the past he aided a secluded group of hunters in gathering information on the vampire lord Velioth. In a move gone wrong, Qinorin was captured while defending a fellow hunter. He managed to escape after almost 12 hours, but in a hand-to-hand fight with the lord, he contracted an illness through puncture wounds to his neck. Even though he quickly sought treatment, the illness changed his body enough to make him exist between life and undeath as a dhampir. Unlike the fighters he typically speaks to, Qinorin put his skills into unarmed and improvised fighting instead of traditional weapon skills. When asked, his most common answer is: ‘I have two functional hands. I prefer to make the most use of them.’”
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- Claesong Tavaernus
Class: Arcane Trickster Rouge & Storm Sorcerer
Age: 117
Race: High Elf
Subtype: Sun Elf
“Claesong Tavaernus is the younger of Cairora Tavaernus’ two children. Being primarily raised by his older brother, he learned quick lessons about combat skills, and how to survive in less than optimal circumstances. He tried to learn a fighting style similar to his brother, but his overall body type was not suited for it, and he often got injured. He was later taught in roguish skills, such as stealth, quick attacks, and sleight of hand. In addition, he inherited the use of storm sorcery from his mother. While it a cultural norm for elves to be born with one name that is changed when ‘true’ adulthood is reached, birth records show that Claesong was born with a typical elven girl name as opposed to an elven boy name. Other records from clerics show that Claesong insisted to them that before the age of 19, he was documented as Cairora’s daughter. At the age of 19, he insisted he was her son. In contrast to other rogues in his peers who mainly make use of daggers and shortbows, Claesong prefers the use of shortswords and crossbows - with later preferring the use of two rapiers, and also making use of standard magic. He’s also known to be more ‘up in your face’ during combat. Whenever he’s asked about this he often answers: ‘I was raised by a brawler of an older brother. What else would you expect?’”
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vampiricbaldurian · 3 months
About Astarion
Name: Astarion Ancunín
Race: High Elf/Vampire Spawn (or Vampire Ascendant)
Gender: Male
Age: Physically 39. Actually 263
Height: 5' 11"
Orientation: Bisexual
Physical Description: Tall, silver/white-haired, red-eyed, slight, handsome, pale skin, faint beauty mark on right cheek. Dresses in elegant clothing where possible. The skin of his back is covered in scars carved in Infernal writing.
Basic Bio (contains upsetting themes)
Astarion was a magistrate living in the city of Baldur's Gate. Attacked by a mob of Gur he had upset from one of his rulings, he was left dying in an alley. He was 'saved' by a vampire known as Cazador and became his spawn. The price of life and eternal youth was to be a slave, tortured and abused for hundreds of years, kept with other spawn and sent out to fetch victims for their master.
One day when out hunting, he is captured by a mindflayer ship and infected with a parasite. He is freed from Cazador's control and able to walk in the sun again - with a little help from an incident that caused the ship to crash.
As a vampire spawn, Astarion takes little pleasure in food or drink and it does not sustain him. He feeds on animals or the recently killed.
After the events of Baldur's Gate 3, he is free from Cazador's tyranny. Default storyline for him after this is that without the protection of the parasite, he has to flee to the shadows. The sun, running water, and garlic all become hostile things for him once more. If he chooses to become the Vampire Ascendant, sacrificing the lives of thousands of other vampire spawn like himself, he is free to do as he pleases, even enjoy food once again.
Narcissistic sassy bastard with a tendency toward revelling in dark deeds. He can be encouraged to be good and eventually may even learn to enjoy it, but it is easier for Astarion to be bad. He is extremely sensitive and dramatic, but can get attached to people when he needs them. A great flirt but not always easy to bed, especially with his past trauma. Capturing his heart is even more difficult.
For shipping purposes, he's going to be exceptionally fickle. If you're nice to him, it will take time for him to trust it and you're more than likely going to have it thrown in your face. He does not trust kindness at all. As much as he may back down in other areas, he is a dom in the bedroom out of necessity. Underneath it all, he would love to surrender and be taken care of, but it will take immense trust and deep love for him to let anyone be in charge in the sheets.
Be too nice to him, he'll hate it. Be too nasty, he'll hate you. Sass him or leave him wanting more? Key.
Magic is abundant in Astarion's world. He is an Arcane Trickster Rogue and has various abilities he learns along the way. Under the cut will be a list of what I've default chosen for him. Partners can discuss with me where in his timeline he is as to how much of this he has. When working within the BG3 sandbox itself, he may pick up scrolls and items during the story.
Astarion's Powers/Abilities
As time goes on, Astarion becomes more powerful. Some of these abilities are accessible at all times. Many of them he can only use once or twice before needing a nap or a long rest. In writing terms, I will be meticulous in ensuring he does not use more than he would be able to. If partners would like, we can even roll dice like in D&D to see how effective these are at the time.
Fire Bolt - He can conjure fire from thin air and throw it.
Vampire Bite - Causes ouchies and he can restore health.
Proficient with: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, longbows, light armour.
Skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth.
Level-Based Abilities (12+ is nearer endgame powers)
Level 3
Mage Hand Legerdemain - Astarion can create an invisible magic hand that can unlock things and steal items at range.
Bone Chill - At a 60ft range, Astarion can cast a spell that causes necrotic damage and also prevents someone from healing for a short time.
Friends - He can subtly cast a spell on someone to make him appear more charming and friendly. Those wise enough might notice they have been influenced.
Disguise Self - Astarion can enchant himself to look like another person or being so long as they are humanoid.
Sleep - Astarion can cast a spell to put someone/something to sleep for a short time. At higher levels, he can do this to more individuals at once or one person for longer.
Feather Fall - Astarion can cast a spell that lets him and anyone he wishes jump from a height without harm.
Level 4
Hold Person - Not as romantic as it sounds. If not distracted, Astarion can cast a spell that holds someone completely still. After each minute that passes, the victim can try to fight against it if their will is strong enough.
Level 7
Able to cast up to 4 level 1 spells and 2 level 2 spells a day.
Invisibility - Astarion can turn himself invisible for up to a minute. If he is heard while interacting with an item, the spell might break. The spell breaks immediately if he attacks or casts another spell.
Level 10
Can cast 3 level 2 spells a day.
Shocking Grasp - Astarion zaps something at close range with a lightning spell. Think of it like a smol taser.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter - A spell that makes someone fall over laughing for at least a minute or if they are harmed, at which point they can try to shake the feeling off.
Level 11
Charm Person - Astarion can cast a spell to charm a person and make them amenable to his wants. It also prevents them from attacking him. The wise can save against this or break out of it.
If Vampire Ascendant (Level 12~)
Ascendant Bite - Nastier bite than his regular, causes extra necrotic damage, too.
Misty Escape - Can turn into a cloud of mist, hard to damage, able to get in through small spaces.
In theory, beyond the confines of the game, Astarion probably will have the abilities of your typical Dracula at this point. Turning into bats, summoning wolves etc. D&D vampire research tbc.
Mindflayer Tadpole Abilities
By default, I probably won't have Astarion use any of these unless I'm writing with someone who wants to have these in play in our thread. If your muse has a tadpole, the usual Detect Thoughts situation can happen and we can discuss if we granted ourselves more abilities.
0 notes
D&D sticks
Second Coming - Human Champion Fighter
Green - Half-Elf College of Valor Bard
Blue - Wood Elf Circle of the Land Druid (Forest)
Yellow - High Elf Transmutation Wizard
Red - Human Beast Master Ranger
Purple - Tiefling Arcane Trickster Rogue
King - Human Oath of Vengeance Paladin
Chosen One - Fire Genasi Sun Soul Monk
Dark Lord - Eladrin Hexblade Warlock
Striker - Yuan-ti Great Old One Warlock
Primal - Firbolg Beast Barbarian
Bit - Changeling Wild Magic Sorcerer
Logo - Black Dragonborn War Cleric
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just-defective-npcs · 2 years
One-Shots Overview
Survive the Siege
Alister Aurelius Galindor the Third) Human Fighter
Gida) Gnome Ranger
Suna) Human Rogue
Sun’s Masquerade
Aurélie) Fairy Arcana Cleric
Bane) Half-Elf Arcane trickster Rogue
Neverwinter Sam) Gnome Gunslinger Fighter
Ravya) Tiefling Moon Sorcerer
Vesper) War Wizard/War Cleric
Alister Aurelius Galindor the Third) Human Fighter
EoM Backup
Pretty Bird) Kenku Wild Magic Sorcerer
Riley) Human Zealot Barbarian
Zefaud) Tabaxi Battlemaster Fighter
Wonderful One-Shot
Acier) Warforged Ranger
Azzy) Human Storm herald Barbarian
Henry-Mel) Human Life Cleric
Orric)  Half-Elf Ranger
Rat) Raven Familiar
Whisper) Human Scribes Wizard
Ocean of Greed
Leena) Reborn Shadow Monk
‘Tiny’ Tom) Human Berserker Barbarian
Quiet) Kenku Four Elements Monk
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gin-draws · 5 years
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just some more misc d&d doodles
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sebaspen · 4 years
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my boyfriend and i are starting up our modern d&d campaign again, so i decided i'd redo the ref for one of my ocs/an npc! 
his name is syrus caelum, he's an arcane tricker and ranger multiclasser who works at an adventurer's guild!
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byshilane · 2 years
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21.03.29 Arcane Trickster and some wizard thrown in there, I don’t know what this goatman’s race technically is but he started as a sun elf, kinda? But he lived through his campaign, so that’s good, yeah? for the lovely @emehlos
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Builds by Inspiration
italic == homebrew
has sheets: currently none. working on it
old versions:
Crypt of the Necrodancer Cadence: Human / Bard (Swords)
Dungeon Crawl Deities: Gozag Ym Sagoz: Tiefling (Mammon) / Artificer (Alchemist) Qazlal Stormbringer: Kobold / Sorcerer (Draconic - Bronze)
Kirby Zero Two: Aasimar (Radiant Consumption) / Blood Hunter (Profane Soul - Undying)
Pokemon Gen 1: #015 Beedrill: Elf (Wood) / Paladin (Vengeance) #040 Wigglytuff: Harengon / Bard (Eloquence) #055 Golduck: Vedalken / Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind) #105 Marowak: Kobold / Monk (Kensei) #139 Omastar: Tortle / Barbarian (Storm Herald) #143 Snorlax: Leonin / Bard (Lore)
Gen 2: #181 Ampharos: Elf (Pallid) / Monk (Sun Soul) #189 Jumpluff: Halfling (Lotusden) / Druid (Shepherd) #227 Skarmory: Aarakocra / Artificer (Armorer) #230 Kingdra: Tiefling (Levistus) / Warlock (Fathomless) #241 Miltank: Minotaur / Barbarian (Zealot) #249 Lugia: Dragonborn (Gem - Crystal) / Cleric (Nature) #251 Celebi: Fairy / Wizard (Chronurgy)
Gen 3: #272 Ludicolo: Locathah / Monk (Drunken Master) #282 Gardevoir: Kalashtar / Ranger (Fey Wanderer) #292 Shedinja: Reborn / Wizard (Bladesinger) #302 Sableye: Dhampir / Monk (Shadow) #303 Mawile: Autognome / Barbarian (Beast) #344 Claydol: Githzerai / Sorcerer (Clockwork) #359 Absol: Tiefling (Dispater) / Wizard (Divination) #365 Walrein: Triton / Paladin (Open Sea) #381 Latios: Dragonborn (Gem - Crystal) / Monk (Cobalt Soul)
Gen 4: #407 Roserade: Eladrin / Warlock (Archfey) #429 Mismagius: Hexblood / Bard (Glamour) #430 Honchkrow: Kenku / Rogue (Mastermind) #442 Spiritomb: Hexblood / Ranger (Swarmkeeper) #461 Weavile: Tabaxi / Rogue (Arcane Trickster) #468 Togekiss: Aasimar (Radiant Soul) / Cleric (Peace) #493 Arceus: Satyr / Bard (Creation)
Gen 5: #518 Musharna: Loxodon / Druid (Dreams) #553 Krookodile: Lizardfolk / Rogue (Inquisitive) #560 Scrafty: Dragonborn (Metallic - Copper) / Rogue (Enforcer) #561 Sigilyph: Deep Gnome / Wizard (Graviturgy) #637 Volcarona: Tiefling (Mephistopheles) / Warlock (Celestial)
Gen 6: #660 Diggersby: Jackalope / Fighter (Champion) #681 Aegislash: Reborn / Warlock (Hexblade) #709 Trevenant: Firbolg / Cleric (Grave) #716 Xerneas: Centaur / Cleric (Life)
Gen 7: #724 Decidueye: Owlin / Ranger (Gloom Stalker) #743 Ribombee: Fairy / Artificer (Artillerist) #758 Salazzle: Yuan-Ti / Sorcerer (Draconic - Red) #773 Silvally: Warforged / Paladin (Watchers) #789 Cosmog: Aasimar (Radiant Soul) / Druid (Stars)
Gen 8: #818 Inteleon: Water Genasi / Fighter (Gunslinger) #841 Flapple: Simic Hybrid / Ranger (Hunter) #858 Hatterene: Shadar-kai / Barbarian (Beast) #890 Eternatus: Yuan-Ti / Warlock (Undying) #898 Calyrex: Fairy / Fighter (Cavalier) #899 Wyrdeer: Satyr / Fighter (Rune Knight) #903 Sneasler: Tabaxi / Monk (Long Death)
Slay the Spire: The Defect: Warforged / Sorcerer (Storm)
The Legend of Zelda: Zelda (Phantom): Warforged / Paladin (Devotion)
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