#sunday was a 7 hour rehearsal
foreignobjecticus · 4 months
Not flying to Scotland tomorrow because weather's bad; flying to Isle of Wight instead. Haven't drawn up my flight plan yet and I've got all this work that's supposed to be done tomorrow and I intended to do it tonight but I have a stomach ache :/
All of this is entirely my fault for doing wayyyyyy too much lately. I'm so tired lol
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ressonancee · 1 year
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I love the beginnin', the moonlight is callin' I know we'll go up, but we'll end up freefallin' You mind if I need to come kamikaze, crash into your way?
✷ wordcount: 7.734 ✷ genre: angst, break-up, smut
✷ This work is a part of "The Loviest Time Universe" - A collection of stories inspired by Carly Rae Jepsen's album
✷ Thea's note: hi everyone this is finally out - the first installment of the loveliest time, hehe. But first let me say a few thank yous. To @ssinboo for giving this a read since the first draft and enduring my thoughts on Discord 24/7. A thank you to @dalamjisung for reading this when i thought this was too sad and nobody would read this. And a special thanks to @toruro mika you are the kindest, thank you for reassuring me when I thought this sucked and was too depressing <3 , and for beta-reading ♥ I hope you all enjoy this (even if it hurts) also seungcheol-enjoyers i am very very sorry. Kkuma 2nd appearance.
I saw you in the deep end A shipwreck underwater And I know I shouldn't want that
Loving Seungcheol was not an easy task, and you learned it in the hardest way possible. 
Loving Seungcheol seemed easy. He crashed into your life - loudly, fast. Often, you thought about it like a car crash in a movie scene - the part when everything gets upside down, and even the glass pieces flying around look kinda magical.
But you guess, after a while, the movie scene was just a little bit too loud and possibly a security hazard for everyone involved. 
A part of you really wanted to give your all, to sacrifice, to just give a little bit more of yourself to make it work, but lately, you have been so fucking tired and so alone that you don’t even have the strength to try anymore.
You loved everything about Seungcheol, you loved his laugh, you loved the way that Seungcheol made everyone feel cared for, you loved how he treated you and you loved how he loved you, and knowing all that made everything worse.
But Seungcheol had that power - he made sure to make you fall in love all over again every time he had a chance. And everything would be okay after a few hours in the same space as him, you would feel loved, he would smile, he would embrace you and everything would just feel right.
The problem was that lately, Seungcheol didn't have the time to make you fall in love with him.
If you thought about it, you couldn't even pinpoint the last time you saw Seungcheol. You know he dropped by before going overseas for his tour - four months long tour, for a quick fuck but before that you can't really remember because he was already busy with a comeback and rehearsal. 
And you tried your best to keep it cool, and you tried your best to deal with it on your own - Seungcheol was a constant topic in your therapy, and you tried to understand - of course his life is more glamorous than yours, of course he has the chance to go to all those beautiful places you can only see in pictures, of course it was work.
And you tried to bite your tongue and think how much of his life he had to give up in order to be where he is now. And it is his dream, his youth, his life really - so you can't make Seungcheol choose.
You know all that. 
And you try to use your brain instead of your heart. But when Seungcheol is in the same country as you, in the same time zone, and still has a problem reaching up, it still has a problem finding more than a 30-minute time slot, you know what you need to do.
You need to let him go.
It is a Monday when Cheol arrives on your doorstep, you let him in and everything seems so normal - the majority of times you two hang out was in your house, not a lot of dating outside, not a lot of going out with your boyfriend enjoying the city. 
You tried to brush it off and pretend you didn't care Seungcheol didn't have a normal life, so you two could have brunch on a sunday or a stroll in the nearest mall. 
"Hey baby I was thinking of ordering from that chinese restaurant god I am craving the food," Seungcheol says, crashing on your sofa like it is his own house, and it settles on you that it is almost like his second house, a hideaway, every time he had a problem he would just crash on your place. He had the keys, why didn't he open the door? Why were you always doing the job? Letting him in, let him crash into your life? Why couldn't you crash into his and set things on fire? "Baby? Are you listening?" Seungcheol calls, but you know he doesn't really care because his eyes are glued to his phone.
"Cheol I need your attention for a minute," you say, looking at him, trying your best to keep it straight, to not fall on the ground and cry.
"Okay okay just let me answer a few more texts. We are scheduling the next varieties right now so everything is a bit crazy," your boyfriend says, still not paying attention. And you ask yourself - has it always been like that? 
Did Seungcheol always come into your life, create havoc, crush everything on his point of view, take everything he could get his hands on and everything you could give him to not give five minutes of his time in return? 
"Seungcheol I really need you to put your phone down," you say again and you are so pathetic that you feel the tears rolling down your cheeks, your voice cracking up - and that's what calls Seungcheol's attention, eyes big on surprise.
"Love, are you okay? What happened?" he asks and now that you have his attention, his phone is screen down on your sofa, his eyes on you, you feel all certainty leaving your body because you miss him so much and he looks so tired your heart almost breaks because you feel like to Seungcheol you are just another thing he needs to take care of, to handle, to adjust in his crazy hours.
You feel like you are a plate spinning in the little stick, and you are about to fall down because Seungcheol forgot that he needs to spin you around.
"I'm really sorry, I-" you hiccup, and god you feel so fucking silly. 
"Baby what is going on?" Seungcheol's voice is low when he tries to wrap his arms around you, scared when you don't let him do it. "Baby you are worrying me," he says again when he watches you take steps away from him.
"You don't need to worry, everything is fine."
"Clearly everything is not fine, I am back after ages, and my girlfriend is crying in the living room," he says god you wish you could get angry and pick a fight with Seungcheol but you feel so tired, you feel so exhausted.
"I-" you try to start, but you feel your legs buckle and your heartbreak. "I think we should break up."
"What?" Seungcheol because that is the only thing he can say. Seungcheol feels like he is inside a car crash like he is the one getting upside down. He feels so blindsided by your decision, did... Did you find someone when he was away, or did you just fall out of love?
"I think we should break up," you say it again, more to yourself than to him, like you are making up your own mind.
"Can-" Seungcheol paces around, he actually feels his throat close and his tongue feels like sandpaper around the roof of his mouth, he can't even bring himself to actually look at you. But he finally does, seeing you sitting on the floor, back against a wall, hands holding your own hand, elbows on your knee, and you just feel so different. Seungcheol can't actually pinpoint what seems different, but you are, and you look so tired, what the fuck happened, how could he not see this coming? "Can I ask why?"
And you scoff, Seungcheol can see your whole body moving. Everything is so clear to you and so hazed to Seungcheol is like you two are in different directions speaking through a tin can telephone.
"I don't think this is working for me I-" you try to start, trying to dry your tears with the sleeve of your shirt.
"Did you find someone else?" Seungcheol blurts out.
"What?" You ask in actual disbelief, did he-
"Are you in love with someone else?" He says it again and you can wrap your mind around it, what he wants to mean with those silly accusations.
"That's ok, I can take it, you can be honest with me," Seungcheol says again, trying to brace himself for the impact, preparing himself to hear the eyes falling out of your lips.
"You know what's funny?" You say without a hint of humor in your voice, "You actually prefer that wouldn't you? You would actually prefer the idea of being cheated on, of me being guilty of falling in love with someone else than to acknowledge that may be-" you hiccup, and try to breathe even though you can't do it through your nose, "that may be I am ending things with you because i can't deal with the shit show that is your life anymore, that I can't take being a second option anymore because your life is so fucking good that only someone crazy wouldn't want to share it with you." You pick yourself up, and you feel so angry, you feel so disrespected. You look at him, and god, even though you love him you know Seungcheol can't give you what you want, he can't give you coffee dates, he can't give you holidays, he can't give you the certainty of Valentine's days and birthdays. And even though you love him, even though you gave everything you could, even though you spent months and months on videocalls or just texts, even though you felt so fucking happy when he was by your side even though it meant a delivery and a night in, he is implying that you could cheat on him, like you could find someone like you are not broken enough to think that you could never love someone again like you love him. "Guess what Cheol, you don't share anything. You just take and take until the person doesn't have any more to give you"
And he stays silent like he doesn't have anything to say. Like he is trying to understand the situation, those hazy moments after the crash when you try to make yourself come back to reality.
"I am sorry I am really tired if you could-" you start, walking to your door.
"Do you-" Seungcheol starts and when he looks at you can see the tears around his eyes and you want to take everything back, you want to say you are sorry, you want to say it was just you're feeling lonely but now he is back, now everything is okay, you can deal with going to every working related dinner or party alone and lie when people ask why your boyfriend never comes. "Do you think I could do something different?"
"No," you say voice small, looking everywhere just so you can avoid Cheol's eyes. "I really love you, I love you so fucking much, I just can't deal with your life, I just can't deal with the loneliness that comes when you go MIA between shows because you are tired, I just can't deal with whole weeks gone just because you guys are working on a new album, and I can't deal having a boyfriend only inside the walls of my apartment, it hurts so fucking much Cheol and I just have nothing else to give you." you catch your breath, and you smell his perfume, and everything looks so out of place, how can a heartbreak make you nauseated, make you feel physically ill? "And even though I love you, I wish I could bring myself to ask for it, to make you give me what I want, but I know you and I know I can't ask you for that, and I know you enough to know that if I ask for it maybe I won't get what I want in return because you can't give what I want.
When Seungcheol leaves the only thing you do is cry. Like a child, on your bed, in a fetal position, hiccuping every few minutes. You cry so much that you fall asleep while doing it. In the morning when your alarm goes off, you can feel a headache. You think you will need a lot more than a painkiller. But you pick yourself up, and go to work and you regret it. You regret it when you see a fucking bus with Seungcheol's face plastered on it - his birthday is in three weeks. You regret it when you see it again on the subway, and when you open social media the news around his new album is across it - you think you need to delete every account Seungcheol related. 
You also regret when you see Mingyu's name on your phone screen. But when Mingyu calls you for the third time you know something must be wrong.
"Hey can you- ok guys shut up, hi hmm” He says in a lower voice, “can you tell Seungcheol to hurry up he is a bit late we have scheduled in like 30-ish," He says across the line.
"Hm, Mingyu I really can't do that." You say almost laughing because his friends don’t call you ever, you have Mingyu’s number registered because once Seungcheol had a dead phone and he asked Mingyu to tell you he was arriving late - that’s when Seungcheol still cared you think, after that he just arrived late without telling you his schedule was running late.
"No really like it is a really important schedule."
"Mingyu Seungcheol is not with me right now you should call him-"
"Is he not? I mean he slept with you, right? Did he leave your house already?"
"No, he didn't sleep at my place last night-"
"No?" Mingyu asks and the line is dead silent before you pick yourself up and have the courage to tell you.
"Mingyu we broke up yesterday," You say in the lowest register ever, the last thing you wanted was Karen from the sales department eavesdropping on your conversation and asking if you needed a girl time.
"Why did you break up with him?" He asks and that makes your head spin a little, how did he know?
"Mingyu that's-" you breathe loudly, you want to smash the phone against the nearest surface, but you need patience, and to be honest Mingyu didn’t do anything for you to be rude, yes, you are angry but it is not Mingyu’s fault,  "That's really personal I'm sorry"
"Ok, sorry, yeah I overstepped for sure," you can hear the faint voices in the background, "Do you think you know a place he could've gone to?"
"No, I really don't, I am sorry, just" your bite your tongue because you think that’s overstepping too, but you say nonetheless,  "Just give me a heads up if you guys find him or if I need to worry ok?"
"Yeah, yeah."
And against everything - your rational mind and your broken heart, you call Seungcheol, because he still comes first, his well-being and state. Even if he is not picking Mingyu's call that stills a part of you that says that you are special enough to him that he may answer your calls. He doesn't. But you don't even have time to worry because Mingyu sends you a message saying that Seungcheol just showed up and he is fine.
And the reality of it crushes you. You are not the person that Seungcheol will pick up when everyone calls him, you are not the exception anymore.
What really hurts is when you think that maybe you never were. 
And the feeling makes you so physically ill that when you knock on your chief's door to say you are going back home because you feel unwell and gonna try to work remotely he just says you can take a day off because you are clearly looking like a fucking truck hit you.
The first few days make you wish Seungcheol was right. You cry so much you feel dehydrated and have a non-stop headache. So you wish he was right, you wish you did cheat on him, you wish you ended things because you fell. in love with somebody else. 
You don't delete his messages but you do archive the conversation because every time you open the app it is just there and the want to hover it, to go back, to look at it, to have Seungcheol back in your life is so big you ask yourself how can you carry such a burden.
When you reach the 7 days you feel like somehow you can breathe again, now crying only 25% of the time. It's painful how you get back into your routine very quickly, it makes you feel that Seungcheol was not a big part of it. The main thing you do is to just keep your phone away, check less social media - the last time his face popped up and you almost yetted the phone. 
On week two you do all the things that you wanted to do with Seungcheol, alone or with other people. You go to the new corner cafe with a book and order a lot of sweet treats. You go to the movies after a day of work because why not. You drive yourself to the beach, and even though it’s not really summer, the weather is nice enough. In a way you think you are a masochist, experiencing all of those things and reminiscing of what could be if Seungcheol was by your side. But every time you come home and your empty place greets you with the memory of Seungcheol and his belongings you think that masochism would be locking yourself up in a place where Seungcheol was most present in your life.
Week three is a living hell. It's Seungcheol's birthday and you catch yourself entering a store just because something nice enough to be his present caught your attention. When you pick up your phone to ask him if he prefers leather or wool the reality crashes into you. It makes your world spin a little, and everything is in slow motion when you go back home. 
It doesn't help that you still have a pair of shoes, some shirts, a few pieces of jewelry, and even toiletries that don't belong to you in your own house. You feel stupid when you cry, but you pick everything up and put everything in a box - but you still don't have the strength to contact Seungcheol and say that he needs to pick up his things in order to move on.
I'm just here for the weekend A wordless kind of offer And I'm hoping that you saw that
After a month you stop crying.
Even though you don't keep tabs in a tracker you know every month that passes by, and Seungcheol's box turns into a decorative item by your door. 
In a way, everything you know about Seungcheol is stored in the back of your mind, and sometimes it comes back to your conscious mind like an intrusive thought.
To be honest, Seungcheol still pops up daily in your life, his voice plays in the nice book store, his face shows up in the make-up store and now he is the face of your favorite lip balm, he shows up in the tv and again in the subway, he shows up in the news and in your favorite variety show - the first time you don't actually binge watch. You know when Seungcheol is blond and when he is not, you know when his hair is long or shorter. And even if you don't want to, you keep tabs on him.
But in reality, you can deal with it, you can deal with Seungcheol's absence when he doesn't come back to make you fall in love with him. 
And it gets easier. 
Or you get used to not having Seungcheol in your life, seeing him from afar, or not seeing him at all. After 3 months you think to yourself that for the first time, you feel like a human again. Like your feet are back on the ground. You can walk without crunches for the first time after breaking both legs. 
When it hits the six-month mark you think it is okay to remember, it is okay to think about it, it was a milestone after all. When you think about buying a cake for the one-year mark you think that maybe that's not normal. 
But maybe that’s the path of healing, the ups, and downs of it, healing is not linear - you think that you saw an Instagram post about it. And you just accept it, you don’t fight anymore about how you remember Seungcheol in the silliest things, when you look at something on the street, or when you start binge-watching a new tv show. But sometimes you also don’t remember him, sometimes you can go a few days without conjuring him in your mind - but you always end up losing the game when you think to yourself how you did not think about him.
'Cause I see you I fall back into the feeling like we've just begun Tell me, ooh Are you tired of being alone? You're not the only one
When you see Seungcheol, two years later, you just laugh and take a sip of your drink. It is really crazy how Seungcheol's absence makes you forget that one of your closest friends knew Seungcheol - he was the reason why you two met in the first place.
And yet you feel surprised to see Seungcheol in the same space as you after a while. And god why do your legs buckle and why is he so good-looking?
At the same time you want to turn and run, you are so freaking obsessed with seeing Seungcheol with your own two eyes after such a long time. God. You need a drink, you need a glass of the most powerful poison, you need courage and you need strength. 
But before you can turn Seungcheol has his eye on you.
And you want to run and scream when you see him walking into you. 
"Hey," Seungcheol says and he too looks like he is fine with everything, and you think if it has always been like that if Seungcheol almost didn’t get a scratch when you always left with a broken heart and broken bones   "I-" Seungcheol laughs. "This is weird."
"Yeah," you say drinking the rest of your drink in one gulp "They didn't tell me you were coming so-"
"Do we need to continue doing that?" Seungcheol asks and you can feel your head tilting like a damn dog, and Seungcheol's tint smile across his face confirms your suspicion- he always thought it was endearing. "Avoid each other I mean," he clarifies. 
And you want to say yes because you feel so weak on your knees. You feel like you are getting pulled - physical traction makes you throw away all that you learned in the past year, making you forget how difficult it was, how painful.
"I don't know, it is not the ideal but what is the other option?" You ask and don't even wait for Seungcheol to answer you when you look around - you need another drink, you are not doing this sober, you feel yourself close to tears and you can't cry sober - drunk you at least have an excuse to bawl everything out.
"Not hating each other?" Seungcheol scoffs, and you do the same.
"Sometimes I think about how we spent four years together," you say, going to the bar with Seungcheol by your side, you order a mojito while Seungcheol just brushes the guy off. Seungcheol is so close that you can feel your brain start malfunctioning. 
"Come on, I swear I didn't try to pick a fight if you want I can go I already said my wishes to the host so-" 
"Is not that," You feel so fucking frustrated, you can feel your heart in your throat. "I just-" You breathe loudly, maybe you should let him enjoy the party and go - he was the one that didn't show up in two consecutive years. "Look this is not the time or the place for us to have this conversation but the point is I never hated you - I never could, and to be honest never wanted."
Seungcheol just looks at you, his eyes big and mouth agape. 
And you wish you could hate him because it would be easier. And because if you hated him you wouldn't question yourself if it was the right decision, if you hated him you wouldn't be thinking about letting Seungcheol back in your life.
"Hey, hey-" you hear Seungcheol's voice behind you. 
Fuck you forgot the uber, so you do your best to ignore Seungcheol and pick up your cell phone, trying to open the app fast enough just so a car teleports in the street.
"Come on I can take you home," He says and you want to laugh really, what the fuck is on his mind.
"And would I say yes to that?"
"Look," Seungcheol’s hand goes through his hair and you know he is frustrated, and a part of you relishes that, in the way that you still know him even after more than 24 months apart, "I don't know how you are doing, and this can be me being fucking egotistical, but I have been thinking you hate me for two years, so if here is not the place then we can find a place, I would say my place but that would make me sound like a jerk so-"
"Cheol," you almost beg.
"I really just want to understand what happened, fuck-" And when you look again you see Seungcheol in such a different light, he is so tired, he looks so exhausted, he looks older, but not just older he looks jaded,  "It is been plaguing my mind since we broke up I can't fuck wrap my head around-" 
"Your house then."
"Ok, ok. Just so you know I have a dog." Seungcheol says while guiding you to his car and you just feel a pang in your chest because you know how he went on and on about how he wanted a dog, how you two could get a dog, how if he wasn't so busy, and far away half of the time you two should get a dog.
And God you feel so sad, you can actually feel everything building up inside your body, you can feel it in your throat. 
You heard and heard about the dog and you were not there, and that’s all you can think about the entire trip to Seungcheol’s house.
"This is Kkuma," Seungcheol says holding the dog up, when he sees that you are not in the mood to greet the cute creature he gives up. "Is this a mistake?"
"Probably," you say, looking at his living room - god when you two dated he didn’t have his own house. How much did you miss? How many milestones in his life were you not a part of? 
"I-" Seungcheol starts, making you look at him, "I just thought we could go back to good terms you know, I've been keeping tabs on you," and you don’t know why but you feel so angry, you feel like there is something growing under your skin you can’t quite name it. "Don't look at me like that, I wanted to know how you were, how you've been doing, and when I asked about you this last time he said I could show up so I thought you knew"
"I didn't"
"Yeah, I'm sorry," he says, rubbing his palm against his pants in an attempt to dry it. "I mean for today and for everything I guess, I wasn't the best back then. I just thought-"
"What do you want from me Cheol?" You ask for the first time looking at Cheol's eyes, looking for the truth in it, searching for every little detail you can catch to make it make sense, but that just makes you crumble like a sandcastle against a wave, "I've been trying so hard- god"
"Hey, hey-" Seungcheol's hand close around your wrist, his fingers in contrast with your skin. "Don't cry please, don't cry, I always hated when you cried, hated every time I saw you in tears because of me." He says while getting closer to you, which just makes you cry a little bit more.
"I am so sorry, this was a bad idea, I can take you home if you want to," Seungcheol says with his arms around you - and god, you should've braced yourself from the impact, but you didn't and Seungcheol was just crashing into your life again.
"Yeah, and I was crazy enough to say yes to you," you say against Seungcheol's embrace and you are surprised when he picks up your muffled sounds.
"Why did you, say yes I mean" Seungcheol making space to look down at you.
"You know why Cheol," you say rolling your eyes at him.
"It's the same for me too, I guess," Seungcheol says tucking your hair behind your ears, "Maybe that's why I went after you today, fuck, that's why I talked to you really-" his lips find your forehead, and you can feel your heart in throat. You feel like your lungs are about to collapse, you can't breathe, "when I saw you I just-" He smells your hair like he used to do, his hand on your neck, his thumb caressing your jaw. "it just felt like nothing had changed"
I know it sounds fatal, I know we made fires The ending's real clear and it won't take us higher Tonight, I might need to come kamikaze Crash into your way (Kamikaze, kamikaze)
You know Seungcheol, you can tell, you can anticipate every step. With Seungcheol it is like you have the ability to see the future in your lids. With Seungcheol even when he crashes and burns makes you think to yourself that you can take the fire against your skin.
And you miss the feeling - to be understood even when you don't have words, when the silence speaks for you when Seungcheol just knows what you need before you ask for it. That's why you broke things up, you think, maybe you felt the most loved when Seungcheol would anticipate every and each one of your needs, and the moment he stopped you felt so unseen.
When Seungcheol's lips find your cheeks, just below your eyes, you can hear the sound of your heart-shattering. Your hands tighten against his sides. 
"I missed you," Seungcheol says, his forehead resting against yours. "I missed this, missed us."
"Cheol," you beg because it is the only thing you can do, the only thing you can master.
"Let me take care of you," You can feel the way his hand goes to your nape, making you shiver, "Let me make you happy."
You just nod, because that's what you want. You want it so much that you could change the earth's axis, you could change the future and the past for it. And when you feel Seungcheol's lips against yours you think that ending the world would seem like an easy task if it was to achieve Seungcheol's love, to have his touch against your skin every day.
When you wrap your arms around Seungcheol's neck you know you are done for - you know you fell in love all over again.
And you do it because it is him, because it is Seungcheol, and he is the only one who could break your heart.
"You will, won't you?" Seungcheol says mouth against your jaw, hand still against your nape holding you in place, "Let me love you?"
"Don't say things like that," you whisper, tugging on Seungcheol's shirt. 
"Why baby?" He says kissing your jaw, his hand caressing your cheek, "god, I missed this," Seungcheol says when his breath in on your neck, rubbing his nose on it. "missed how you smell," his hand holds your waist and you feel so glad because you almost melting, "missing the way you taste," he says when his tongue laps at your skin, giving you a small kiss on the kneck.
The only thing you can do is try to anchor yourself, one hand splayed against Seungcheol's back and another one tugging at his hair. Seungcheol's hand goes around you, caging you against his body, his hands finding the hem of your shirt and putting it under your shirt.
And it is just so much, the way his hands feel hot against your back, keeping you upright. The way his lips feel against your skin, wet, across your cleavage. The way that his body feels hard against yours. 
It's just so much. To have all that again, you almost forget how to breathe.
Seungcheol is so big - physically yes, but his whole existence is so big, it makes you feel suffocated. Seungcheol is so big that you question yourself how you used to fit him in your heart.
But you choose not to think about it, not know. You call his name while tugging his hair, blindly searching his mouth. And you focus on Seungcheol, the way that his tongue feels against yours, the way that he holds you, the way that you feel how hard he is against your hips.
"Let me," Seungcheol whisper against your mouth before his hand found the back of your thighs and picks your up - and you do the only thing you can do, letting out a surprised noise and hugging Seungcheol. And you can feel how Seungcheol's smiles spread against the skin of your chest.
"Don't laugh," you try to scold him, hand tugging his hair again - when he let his hair gets so long? It was a newfound joy for you.
"-m not laughing," you hear Seungcheol say against your skin, his fingers dipping in the skin of your ass. 
When your back hits the mattress, you feel like you can breathe again for the first time, Seungcheol's body away from yours. Until his hand is back on your hips, making your heart skip a beat and your lungs collapse.
"You are so pretty," he says when his hands travel up against your body, lifting your shirt, Seungcheol's lips find the skin of your stomach, his hand pressing on your ribcage. Seungcheol looks at you, his tongue on your skin, linking a strip of it. 
The thing about Seungcheol is that he still remembers. He still knows what makes you melt, makes you hot, makes you whimper. And he does it so right that makes your head spin.
Seungcheol lifts your shirt up, pooling it against your neck. "Fuck-" Seungcheol starts again and you ask yourself how he doesn't feel tongue-tied like you, "so pretty like this," his digits touch your chest when the lace of your bra ends, and it is just so faint, you lift your chest searching for his touch.
"Can I?" Seungcheol asks and you don't even know what he wants but you are nodding. He tugs on your bra, letting your boobs free. His forefinger and his middle finger find your nipple, tugging at it lightly, making you whimper. "Always loved how you are so fucking sensitive," he coos.
Seungcheol's lips find your skin again, and the way he kisses the underside of your boob is so soft and so tender that makes your head spin a little. Seungcheol lowers his body against yours, making you open your legs a little to make space for him between them. 
Seungcheol kisses your sternum at the same time that his hands wrapped around your throat, he doesn't put pressure on it. But the mere fact that his hand is splayed on your windpipe makes you lose it, make you whimper. "God, missed this too, the way you sound" 
"Cheol," you want to complain but you can't because Seungcheol just licks one of your nipples, his free hand holding you in place for him to latch on it. You don't even know what to do - it is just too much, the feel of Seungcheol's hands on your body, of his mouth against your skin. 
When his mouth leaves your nipple with a low pop, his mouth doesn't leave your skin. "Don't worry babe gonna give it to you," you hear his voice low and muffled, "Gonna give you everything."
"Want you-" you say tugging at his shirt. And you feel so hot all over, you ask yourself how did you survive without his touch for so long, how did you survive with your skin against yours.
"I know, I know” Seungcheol coos and you just melt against the hand he places against your face, when he kisses you again you know you are doomed. “Just let me eat you first," he says putting his lips just below your ear, his body heavy and hot against you, "Missed your pussy too, missed everything."
"Don't talk like that," you beg and you don't hear it, but you feel the way that Seungcheol's body reverberates with a chuckle - and you take the opportunity to tug at your own shirt and bra.
"I know you like it," Seungcheol says opening the button of your pants and tugging at each leg.
"I don't anymore," you say just because you feel like you need to pick a fight really. To look like it is harder to rip you apart at the seams, to make Seungcheol think it is not that easy to wreck you. 
To make Seungcheol think it's harder to have you again.
"I know you do," Seungcheol says lifting your leg and kissing your ankle, and you feel if it's not normal to feel so much. "I can see you do still like it." Seungcheol's voice drops and you can see his eyes on your pussy, his knuckle pressing on it over your panties, you can see how wet it feels, and god you feel so ashamed because you want it so much, and because Seungcheol knows.
You can feel how red your skin is. Seungcheol lies between your legs. He rearranges your position, opening more your legs, putting one of your thighs on his shoulder. "Don't need to lie to me," He says before slowly biting on the meat of your thigh, his hands holding you in place when you buckle. 
Seungcheol kisses your pussy over your panties and you bite on your tongue, you hold yourself back. "God, I even miss the way you smell," Seungcheol says and you feel faint - and you tug at the sheet almost crying, almost begging.
But before you say anything you feel him tugging at your panties and you don't move, you just let Seungcheol move your body to his pleasure, taking your panties off but putting your legs the same way as before. 
You feel Seungcheol digits against your folds and you bite your tongue again - trying to hold back. But when his thumb presses on your clit you can't resist calling his name. "Shh, it's okay baby," Seungcheol says before his tongue is on you, making your head spin.
You ask yourself again how you survived without him. 
Because with Seungcheol was just so easy. 
Seungcheol doesn't ask what you like he already knows.
Seungcheol knows how to pin your hips down, with his hand splayed, because you like how strong he is. Seungcheol knows how to lick your folds, how to suck on your clit, how to tease you with his fingers. 
"Can you-" you try to ask for it, but when you look down between your legs you see Seungcheol looking at you, seeking your reactions, trying to catch every little detail, and before you can ask again Seungcheol is nodding against your pussy, mouth not leaving it for a second even thoughyou are bucking your hips.
And then you feel his fingers against your entrance. And it is Seungcheol he knows how you like it, but he knows too much, he teases you first, just the knuckle against your hole.
"Seungcheol, please," you ask again, accepting that you lost the war, accepting that you can't pretend anymore because you know Seungcheol will only give you when you ask for it.
But you asked for it so he gives to you. 
He starts fucking you slowly with his fingers, his tongue never leaving your clit. 
You feel like you are going insane, it's just too much - his hand’s strong grounding your hips, the way that his mouth closes against your clit, the way that his fingers enter you, the way his eyes never leave yours.
And before you can say anything you are cumming against his tongue, Seungcheol laps at it like he wants to feel your taste on his tongue, like he wants every drop of it.
"Always loved your mouth." You say before Seungcheol kisses you and you can taste yourself on his tongue.
Seungcheol lifts his body, kneeling on the mattress, and finally takes his shirt off, "wait," you call for him, and you look at him. And god he is so fucking pretty all over. He always has been. You touch him, hands against his stomach, and you wish you can make him feel like he does to you. 
You sit on the bed, Seungcheol's position making him taller than you, but it is not a problem when the difference makes it easier to kiss his pecs. And Seungcheol holds the back of your neck, his eyes again, never leaving you, making sure he sees every tiny fraction of every little touch. 
You don't know if you actually forgot, or, if you just locked the memories away in a tiny part of your brain, but when you see Seungcheol so pilant against your touch - against one of your hands on his stomach, the other touching his pecs and mouth sucking at his skins it is like it's unlock something on you.
"Did you miss it?" You ask hand working on Cheol's pants, palming him in the process.
"Hun?" He asks voice low, like he didn't catch the meaning behind the question.
"The way I make you feel," you answer, hand underneath his underwear, touching his hard dick. "Did you miss it?" You ask again, looking Seungcheol in the eyes.
"So fucking much," he answers and you can see how his body reacts to every single touch you give him, you lower Seungcheol's underwear, just enough so his cock springs free - red and leaking, and God you wish you could forget how many time Seungcheol split you open with his dick, but you can't, you think you remember each and every time, "Thought about it every day."
"Can you fuck me?" You ask Seungcheol, fingers wrapped around his dick, pumping him slowly, thumb rubbing against his tip, and you can see his body twitch, but Seungcheol just lets you do whatever you want with him.
"How do you want me?" he asks.
"You know how," you say it because it is true. Seungcheol knows how to eat you, how to fuck you, how to split you open, he knows how to make you feel good, and how to make you cry. 
"Come on," He says hand on your shoulder making you lay down again, and you whine because the action made you set his dick free "You asked me to fuck you" his hands wrap around your leg and make your body turn to the side. 
And it is just so hot, how Seungcheol can manhandle you, can make you turn and move, but still cave into every and each one of your whims. You ask and he answers it. You ask him to jump and he asks how high. 
Seungcheol lays on the bed, his front pressed against your back, his strong arms around you, his lips against your neck, his dick against your ass. 
Your mind goes back to how big Seungcheol is, how he doesn't let space for anyone else.
But you come back to reality when you feel Seungcheol's dick going against your pussy. Seungcheol mumbles against the skin of your shoulder, but you are so gone that you don't actually pay attention to it. 
When Seungcheol starts fucking you you are halfway there. You hold Seungcheol's arms, your nails marking his skin. "You take me so fucking well," Seungcheol says before his teeth find the flesh of your shoulder. "Do you need-" You don't let him finish, tugging at his hair, searching for his mouth - and the kiss is messy and sloppy, and when Seungcheol's fingers find your pussy again you just moan on his mouth.
"Are you-" Seungcheol asks, and you know what he wants to say in the way his hips fall in rhythm the way his other hand tightens against your ass, the way with every stroke he goes deeper and deeper. And you nod because it is the truth, you are so close to it that you feel like your bones are melting.
And you just let it hit you, let the wave of the orgasm wash over your body. And you know Seungcheol is close by the way he pants against your neck, by the way, his strong hands hold your thigh - until you feel him cum on you.
You can feel your heart beating against your chest. You can feel the way Seungcheol's dick slips off you, and the way your back feels sweaty against his chest. You squirm a little trying to put some distance between your bodies.
"Stay," Seungcheol murmurs against your shoulder while enveloping you in his embrace, tugging you closer and you do. You stay because Seungcheol still makes you fall in love with him every single chance he gets, but your mind is still wrapped around the feeling that maybe, you two, are not meant to be, one of the lovers that could be so fucking beautiful and that marked your life, that is a before Seungcheol and after Seungcheol in your life.
But, deep down you know, that you just got tired of asking for more.
Now you don't want a lover that you need to ask for it - even though you know Seungcheol would never say no to you, but for once, you think that you want someone who gives to you without being asked for.
I love the beginning, the moonlight is calling I know we'll go up but we'll end up freefalling
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wardenparker · 6 months
Hummingbird Has Landed, ch 8
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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After the debacle of his failed engagement and relocating to Washington to take charge of his task force, newly minted Special Agent Marcus Pike is ready to get back out into the dating pool once more. A slew of bad dates has him feeling a little down, and he takes an old friend up on an invitation to get away and get his head on straight. Imagine his surprise when he finds not only fresh air, but his soulmate as well - hiding in plain sight but in the unlikeliest of places.
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 11k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: occasional mention of American politics, pregnant character, food/alcohol consumption, mentions of clothing/regulated dressing for occasions, mentions of therapy because we believe in self care here, reader is in a previous relationship, love triangle, reader is mentioned as turning 30 during the course of the story* Teasing, flirting, nudity, bathing together, fingering, a smattering of dirty talk. Summary: This wedding night is special for more than just the happy couple. Notes: A little light smut for your Sunday! Thanks for sticking with us this long, but these two are finally starting to get to know each other. 🧡 As always, please remember that the gif choice at the top of the chapter is not meant to represent reader's physical appearance. In this case, it's for Cameron and Wiley!
Ch1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7
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Not even the nonstop amount of work you’ve been doing for the wedding can stop how much you’ve been thinking about Marcus since he left early on Thursday morning, and obviously Sydney isn’t going easy on you. The merciless, good hearted, happy-for-you teasing started the second you and Marcus came downstairs together the morning after the rehearsal dinner and has kept going through the texting and when you appeared for the actual wedding looking like you had paid a great deal of extra attention to your appearance for tonight. Not even to take away from the bride of course, but enough to look special for the occasion.
It had been so hard to not go back to your apartment after leaving the office yesterday. He had wanted to. So badly. To pick up the conversation and possibly do more than that kiss on the cheek he had thought about the entire time he was on the golf course and in the office. Now, getting ready for the wedding, he pays special attention getting ready so he can look his best for you.
The greenery that has been brought into the gardens, the subtle lighting accents, the clover-shaped place cards, and even the Kelly green silk shirt and matching heels that you picked out to wear with your most flattering suit are all festive for the St Patrick’s Day wedding. Each time you have checked on Joyce and her bridesmaids they have been jittery with excitement but doing well, and the florist was an astonishing ten minutes early to drop off the flowers, so everything is moving along perfectly.
By the time guests begin to arrive, the groom, ushers, groomsmen, and father of the bride are all in place. Considering the chaos this wedding was thrown into just two weeks ago? It might be the best organized night you’ve executed by yourself in years.
He has no problem not being in the wedding party anymore, however, Marcus escorts Joyce’s mother down the aisle to her seat with pride. The accents of his tuxedo had been the same color as the bridesmaids, but he had willingly given them up for her father, deciding on a classic grey accent to contrast for the vest, pocket square, and bow tie.
The only two things that save you from crying during the ceremony — which you always, always do — are how busy you are and how damn good Marcus looks. Through the ceremony and photos you catch glimpses and share smiles, but it takes until cocktail hour before you get a chance to sneak up in his side. “You know it’s bad manners to show up being more handsome than the groom.”
“Don’t think that I did that.” Marcus immediately warms from the inside out at just hearing your voice as he turns towards you. “And you look like you stepped out of a fashion shoot.” He compliments. “Upstaging the bride.”
“I would never.” Just hearing his voice in person instead of over the phone practically makes you giddy, but you demure. “Thank you, though. I will pass the compliment along to David, who is my fashion consultant.”
“Well, the linen suit is perfect with the vivid emerald green.” He smiles as he motions towards the reception. “It’s wonderful and they are beaming.” He smiles at the now family pictures being taken with Joyce’s parents and a large bouquet. While Michael’s parents hadn’t shown, they had sent a flower arrangement so it had made the couple hopeful that they would be accepting of things down the line.
“As long as they’re happy, that’s all that matters.” So far nothing has gone wrong, and you’re keeping your fingers crossed that it stays that way. Or at least, that when something finally does, it will be either small or insignificant enough that you can fix it without the couple even realizing.
“You have a gift.” Marcus praises softly. “Which do you prefer? Running the inn or planning? I’m assuming the day to day for the inn.”
“I do prefer the day to day of the inn,” you admit, looking around the garden filled with reception guests. “But I think I’ll be broken-hearted if I don’t get to help my siblings plan their weddings. I do like it.”
“I can see that.” He reaches out and slides a hand around your body, resting on where the tattoo sits in the small of your back. “You are wonderful and you’ve created a day they will never forget.”
“I won’t take an ounce of credit.” Looking up at him, though, you do smile. Just about as broadly as you can. “I will steal a dance from you later, though.”
“I think we can manage that.” He nods, smiling just as wide as you are. “Let me know when you are free.”
“I’ll come and find you when things are under control enough for me to slip away.” Not that you think it will take long, but there is always potential for things to happen. That’s why you have the radio in your ear, after all. A discreet Walkie talkie on your belt is hidden by your suit it makes you reachable by the whole staff working tonight. It gives you the luxury of stepping away to say hi to Marcus without worrying about a major disaster breaking out.
“Let me know if I can help.” He tells you, knowing that you would never ask, but he will offer anyway. “I can carry a case of champagne or something.”
“You’re a guest.” Never in a million years would you ask him to do any work when he’s attending an event in space you control, and you shake your head. “Relax. Enjoy. Eat and drink. Dance. I’ll come and find you later, handsome.”
He rolls his eyes and grins at you. “I knew that would be your answer, but my offer will stand.”
“Noted and appreciated.” You lean into his side for a brief hug before slipping away again, shooting a teasing wink his way from halfway across the garden as you go.
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The garden lights are on. White mixed with green to match the theme of the wedding party and Marcus has danced with the bride and her mother by the time you come back to his side. More than a few glasses of champagne in, and relaxed with his bow tie untied now.
“Having fun?” You may have snuck over to the deejay to ask him to play a slow song, but no one needs to know that you planned it.
“Enjoying myself, but now…” he turns and gives you a slow smirk. “It’s even better since you are here.”
“Oh yeah?” That has you beaming at him as the next song starts.
“Yeah.” He hears the slow, sweet strains of the song and lifts a brow. “Are you here long enough to dance before you flit away, hummingbird?”
“I’m all yours.” It sounds a bit more like a pledge than the playful thing it had sounded like in your head, but that’s okay. You still mean it. “For at least a song or two.”
Humming happily, he holds out his hand for you, watching you with almost tender affection. “We seem to be good at this.”
“Those lessons that our parents insisted on have paid off.” Those lessons don’t dictate how well you fit in his arms, though, or the way you feel drawn into him like a magnet.
“It’s like they knew.” He chuckles.
“We can never tell them,” you snicker, leaning into him a little more as the song goes on, and resting your head comfortably on his shoulder. “We’re still their children, after all. Can’t let them know we think they were ever right.”
“Never.” He had already received a call from his parents after the photos of the State dinner were published, only a case of mild humble bragging allowed before they changed the subject.
“You’ve never told me if you have siblings or anything.” The thought occurs to you almost belatedly, as the world is hazy around the two of you and you like it that way.
“Only child.” He chuckles. “Although I am possibly the only case of single child syndrome in my extended family.” He tells you. “I have twenty-seven first cousins.”
Your head nearly snaps back, wide eyes and a laugh of shock making your face look comically surprised. “I’m gonna need flash cards, aren’t I?”
He laughs, making several others look towards you, curious as to the amusement. “No.” He promises. “Most of the time, we all wear name tags.” He grins. “My family has six sets of identical twins in mix. They decided to make it a family traditional to tag us so no pranks were played.”
“Criminey.” Even on a low huff, you shake your head in wonder. All his poor aunts! “So an only child but plenty of playmates, then?”
“Always.” He laughs. “Always felt like I lived in a zoo when family was around.”
"You must have had hellacious games of Hide and Seek." The huff is replaced with a giggle, imagining little Marcus with all those cousins and all the chaos they must have gotten into. "It sounds amazing."
He agrees with you. “It was a competition to see how long we could last.” He tells you. “Had to stay on the property though.”
“Big family house?” You guess, figuring that his grandparents must have at least had a little bit of land. That’s the image you have in your head of Texas, anyway.
“Ended up having like a family compound.” Marcus admits with a chuckle. “For the summers together.”
"That sounds like so much fun." As the first song bleeds into a second, you don't move an inch from his arms. There's nowhere you would rather be than right here. "My parents are both only children, so I have absolutely zero first cousins. That's how we all ended up with best friends that basically got adopted into the family."
“There’s nothing wrong with that.” Marcus smiles at the image of your family adopting friends over the years, collecting them.
"Don't get me wrong, it's great." It's how you have kept Sydney in your life, and her sister, and your other best friend from college. It's how Alex and David got so close so young, and how Junie and Kiley became so close. "It's just different, that's all."
“I know.” Marcus would never put down your experience. “You might be overwhelmed by my family and think we are all insane.”
"Or I might have a blast." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering if he's really saying that he wants you to meet his family or just postulating that someday down the line it would happen. Probably the latter. "We'll find out when we're ready."
“I’m going home at the beginning of April.” He informs you, wondering if it’s too fast. “You could always come with me.”
From intrigued to bewildered at the drop of a hat, your face morphs into something soft and your head tilts in a gentle awe. "And I thought I was always the one running headlong into relationships with my heart out there on my sleeve," you murmur, realizing that Marcus must be very much the same way. "I—I would absolutely love to."
You don’t have to come of course, but he thinks you really mean that you would want to. “No pressure, of course.” He adds. “We don’t have to be press official or anything. My family is tight-knit, they wouldn’t breathe a word.”
“There is already speculation,” you admit, though you have to shrug about it so it doesn’t upset you that people are speculating about your life at all. “We…didn’t do a great job of not looking enamored with each other at the State dinner.”
“I understand that.” Marcus has read the speculation and seen the photos. Both of you are photographed looking completely taken with the other. “However, when you decided to confirm is completely up to you.” He reminds you softly. “You owe no one anything before that. Not even as the First Princess.”
“It’s more important to me that you know I want to be with you. And that we tell our families when we’re ready. The nation can wait, it won’t kill them to not get gossip right away.” You bite your lip though, leaning into his side again as you dance. “My family is probably going to be very enthusiastic tomorrow.”
“You plan on telling them tomorrow?” He asks, slightly surprised that you would be so willing to say something so quickly. It’s not that he’s been viewed as undesirable, but often the women he dated were more cautious.
“The only thing that would stop me would be if you don’t want me to.” Otherwise, sharing this new step forward in your life with your family is just one more thing to celebrate.
“You’re my soulmate.” Marcus reminds you, smiling softly at the reminder himself. “I don’t mind telling a stranger on the street, let alone people you love.”
When Juan had told you what a romantic Marcus is, you had almost taken it with a grain of salt. A friend talking up his friend to the girl who likes him. But it hasn’t taken long at all for you to see the truth of it shining in Marcus’s eyes, or widening his smile. And a man who wants love is exactly what you have always hoped for. “I’m glad we agree,” you murmur, swallowing around the first time your heart has burst with those words. You’re not going to come out with that full-scale declaration before you’ve even gone out on your first few dates. Before you’ve even kissed.
He smiles even more, his fingers pressing into your hip and lower back, pulling you closer to his own body. It’s not possessive, more protective over you and the moment that is unfurling between you. “Just let me know if I come on too strong.” He asks, knowing that it could annoy some and he doesn’t want to do that to you.
“That’s…usually the warning I have to give.” The striking similarities between the two of you aren’t lost. The way your wishes and dreams and treatment of your partners all lines up…it makes sense why they always say that your soulmate is your ideal fit. Especially in this moment, as your arms tighten around each other and the world seems to stop around you.
He chuckles softly, leaning in and pressing his lips to the edge of your hair. “You will never have to worry about that with me.” He promises.
The way your heart stops completely for a moment at the bare touch of lips to skin before starting back up at double the speed is so telling, and so overwhelming that your fingers dig into his jacket to keep him close. “You don’t have to worry either.”
The moment is perfect and it’s one of those moments that a first kiss is almost required. Like it’s the Hallmark movie it feels like. Marcus stares into your eyes and his gaze flickers down to your lips for a moment before there’s a snort beside him.
“You two look like the newlyweds.” Joyce teases, a broad grin on her face as she leans into the arms of her new husband.
Thwarted for the second time in as many days, you swallow the disappointment but have to appreciate the irony of who’s pointing it out. “That’s your job, today, I think.”
“No way we would want to upstage the happy couple.” Marcus adds, sending them a smile.
“No reason it can’t be a happy day for more than just us,” she hums, grinning again when they turn away to keep dancing.
Marcus laughs quietly as he continues to dance with you. “I think they suspect something.” He teases softly.
“Like I said,” you laugh quietly, beaming at him impossibly brighter. “We’re not very good at hiding it.”
“No, we aren’t.” He agrees, deciding that now is the perfect time to dip you like he had during the State dinner.
The same joyful shout of laughter bubbles out of you that had then, drawing some attention again but this time you revel in it. Marcus’s soothing presence is there to let you enjoy yourself without fear, so that when you wrap your arms around his neck again on the upswing — this time there is no hesitation in following your natural impulse. Your lips find his like you’re coming home again, in a kiss as sweet and bright as the rest of this moment.
He expected the kiss, had anticipated kissing you so it’s a shock to have you initiating the kiss. Eyes widening for a split second before he closes his eyes and leans you down even more. The brilliancy of having him lean into the moment is wonderful, and you suddenly don’t know if your head is swimming from being dipped or from him. Not that you care. Not that any of it matters. Because the electric spark of it is so brilliant you could sing.
Marcus has kissed women, lots of them. Some of them women he had loved, but nothing compares to this kiss. He had always heard that soulmate intimacy is beyond description and that is exactly what this is, indescribable.
The buzzing seems to start at the top of your head and go all the way down to your toes, making you hum against his lips when you finally have to pull away. Can’t be making out in the dance floor. That will definitely be noticed. Marcus slowly pulls you upright, his lips tingling and his heart feeling like it is soaring through the clouds.
“I wanted to do that so badly at the State dinner,” you whisper, beaming at him and glowing in the moment. He knows that. You told him already. But you’re too lightheaded to care about repeating yourself.
“I did too.” Marcus confesses just as softly. It’s impossibly amazing to have someone that feels the same way and he absorbs it like it’s oxygen to breathe.
There’s a giggle in your throat, but it’s small and feels like a hiccup, making you grin even more. “But that was better than I imagined.”
“Same.” He looks around the dance floor, aware that you weren’t at a soulmate wedding before he leans in to whisper in your ear. “I had never thought touching my soulmate would be so exciting and soothing all at the same time.”
“No exciting touches while I’m working,” you chide, knowing it isn’t what he meant but unable to resist teasing him.
He snorts quietly and arches a brow mischievously. “And if I do?”
He is a tease, and he said as much to you with pride, so you just quirk a smile up in the corner of your mouth and stroke one thumb along the line of his neck. “Then you’re not staying on the couch this time.”
“Am I staying?” He asks softly, not wanting to presume anything and he grins at your huff.
“Only if you want to.” You have no intention of pressuring him, but if he wants to spend the night you will welcome him with open arms.
“I don’t think that’s a question in my mind.” He chuckles. “I just don’t want you to think that I only want to take you to bed.”
“If I thought that, you wouldn’t be invited.” Enough years of second guessing and wondering have made an impact on you that way, and you certainly aren’t going to entertain any kind of advances from someone who isn’t interested in you for the right reasons. Not anymore.
“That’s good.” He admires your spirit and self-assurance. They are traits that he always likes in a woman and he’s happy to find that his soulmate is aligned the same way. Reaching up, he smirks slightly as he touches an earring. “So what time do you get off work, beautiful?”
"As soon as the reception's over." Subtly turning your wrist on his shoulder, you check the time and press a kiss to his cheek when your heart flutters at the end of the song that had been playing. "Just a couple more hours, handsome. I hope you're one of those G-men who keeps a change of clothes in their car."
“I do.” He nods, butterflies swirling in his stomach like he’s untried all over again, even though his virginity is long past gone. “The other night was an odd thing because of just coming back.”
"I'll let my temporary roommate know you're coming up." That's not exactly the kind of thing you can spring on Agent Bailey, even if she is at the end of her shift. Her shift relief will need to know there's someone spending the night so they don't hear noises and burst into your room.
“If it’s not convenient, we can always plan something out.” Marcus immediately assures you. He knows that it has to be a little stifling at times with the agent there and he doesn’t want you to stress if there’s some reason he can’t stay.
"I just don't want an agent interrupting us," you assure him quickly. "That's all. I want you to stay."
Marcus grins. “Afraid of a shift change and the agent thinking you’re being attacked?” He jokes.
"Stranger things have happened." Unfortunately, the ear piece you're wearing to stay connected to your team crackles to life with the voices of servers get ready for the cake cutting. "That's my cue," you hum, tapping your earpiece with a slight frown. "Save me one more dance later, okay?"
“Absolutely.” Marcus lets go of you reluctantly, although he knows you are still working to make the night magical for his friends.
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The wedding is as close to perfect as any event that you've organized in possibly your entire career. By the time the last guests are trickling out of the garden and the wait staff is bringing in the last trays of glasses to be washed, your work is fairly well done for the night. The overnight manager can oversee the rest of the cleanup, and you've already sent Sydney home to her comfy bed after freaking out with her over the fact that Marcus has agreed to stay over tonight. Joyce and Michael left straight for the airport to be off on their honeymoon after many, many hugs. Agent Bailey looks positively relaxed compared to some other events you've held at the inn, but you can tell she's ready for a cup of coffee and a crossword to wind down with before her relief arrives.
"Hey." You find Marcus on the porch when you step back outside, and your face splits on a big, beautiful smile.
“Hey.” Marcus turns to find you watching him, your jacket discarded somewhere and you look softer, a little worn. “I have to just give you a round of applause.” He hums, clapping silently. “You made this look so easy, even though there are a million balls up in the air at one time.”
"I'm exhausted," you admit without shame. After two weeks of basically working nonstop, you would feel like you're about to drop except that you have the promise of the rest of the night ahead of you. "Thank god I took the whole weekend off. We can sleep in tomorrow."
Marcus frowns, not liking that you’ve overworked yourself and he is immediately pulling you close and rubbing your back. “Why don’t we go upstairs and you let me take care of you?”
“Because that will require an entire reprogramming of my personality?” The attempt at a joke just makes him raise his eyebrows at you and deepens his frown, and you know instinctively you’re going to give in to him. You may not be good at letting other people be in charge of you ever, but the warm and fuzzy feelings you get from being the sole focus of Marcus’s attention outweighs it. “Okayyyyyy.”
At the almost petulant tone, Marcus smirks slightly. “Good.” He nods and pulls you closer. “You deserve to let someone do for you.” He whispers softly. “You’ve done so much for my friends tonight. Let me return the favor.”
There isn’t any use protesting, and you like the gentle security of his arms too much to leave them right now, so the two of you make your way to the elevator wrapped around each other as though there is nowhere else you could possibly be. “Did you have fun tonight?” Aside from Joyce and Michael — who had thanked you profusely before leaving for the night — his opinion of things is the only one you care about.
“Probably the best wedding I’ve ever been to.” Marcus isn’t just saying that. The staff milled around, wearing happy expressions that weren’t painted on, even when they were busy. The entire event flowed smoothly and the atmosphere was one of celebrated joy. A lot of that comes straight from the top, how you treat your staff and the environment you’ve created. “I’ll say it again, you are amazing.”
“You may have noticed by now that I’m not very good at taking compliments.” You up at him, though, warm cheeks and broad smile making you look bashful. “But…thank you.”
“Well, I plan on giving them to you often.” He admits, admiring your beautiful face. He’s always believed in giving compliments, but he never says something he doesn’t mean.
“Then I will try to be better.” Having only kissed him once so far, the tantalizing closeness of where he hangs his head as you step into the elevator together beckons you, but you resist if only out of manners. Agent Bailey doesn’t need to be made to feel awkward in such a small space.
He can tell that you want to kiss him, but he can also see how incredibly worn out you are. Marcus shifts slightly, moving behind you so he can let you lean against him. The small, nondescript duffel bag in his hand brushes your leg, and you smile gently at the idea of waking up beside him tomorrow morning. As tantalizing as taking him to bed is, it’s the soft, domestic dream of waking up to see his sleep-mussed face that has you weak in the knees. When the elevator stops upstairs, you pause to let Agent Bailey work and then go in when she gives you the signal.
“Are the threats bad enough she needs to check the apartment every time?” He asks softly, frowning at the idea that you would be in so much danger.
“Mom is slightly overprotective,” you explain, dropping your jacket on the coat rack by the door when you come in. “I give it another month of all-clears before she stops insisting the apartment be checked every single time.”
“She loves you.” It’s not hard to see why but he also doesn’t want to minimize its effect on you.
“Oh, I know.” Turning around again, you reach for him even though he isn’t far away. “And I love her. Which is why I’ve never fussed at her for anything reasonable she’s ever asked of me. Including letting my agent check my apartment before I go inside. If it eases her anxiety to know I’m safe, that’s fine. She’s got plenty else to deal with right now.”
“It’s probably because you live alone.” He murmurs, sliding his arms around you. “When I first moved away, my Mom called every night to make sure I locked my door. And I was not nearly as pretty as you are.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” His chin weighs on your shoulder and you cover his arms with your own, wrapping them around your own waist. “You’re much prettier than me. But you’re right that it’s about me living alone. When I lived with Syd she never worried out loud. But she also wasn’t president then.”
“Maybe we will have to get you a roommate.” Marcus isn’t pushing for anything, only teasing out loud. “And a really protective dog.”
“If you want a review of how I am to live with, Syd will tell you everything, I’m sure.” Though neither of you believes in pushing the other, it’s obvious that a fully functioning and committed relationship is on both of your minds. “And you know I’m dying to have a dog, we talked about that. I just can’t do it here. There’s nowhere near enough space.”
“There is if you build a cottage behind the inn.” Marcus suggests. “Gives you space for the family and keeps you close enough to your work to still pop in whenever you need.”
For a second you just stand stock still, shocked at the idea, before you slowly turn in his arms and look up into that sharply angled face with the gentlest eyes in the whole world. “I had never thought of that,” you admit, astonished now at your own lack of imagination.
“Maybe now you will.” He smiles, happy to have offered a suggestion that might be of use to you. “It’s a perfect compromise, and then you could turn your apartment into another suite for guests.”
“It’s a perfect compromise as long as it’s something my partner also likes the sound of.” Thinking of him as a partner — a long term one, the long-term partner of your life — sends that tingle out to all your extremities all over again and you find yourself smiling even brighter. “I guess we’ll have to think about what kind of cottage we would want, if that’s something we decide to do together.”
“Stone.” Marcus immediately says. “Designed to fit in. Perhaps an old carriage house design.”
The way he offers such unfettered support softens you, and you reach up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “Have you thought about it before, or are you just brilliant with improvising ideas?”
“Haven’t thought about it before but I hate when I see a historic building and some addition that’s completely modern or doesn’t match the style.” He admits with a sheepish grin.
“Then I’ll just call you brilliant and you’ll have to live with being positively adored.” He blushes at that declaration, and you end up smiling all over again. “And it’s very Sabrina of you to think of living in a carriage house. Which makes it thematic, of course, and now we have to.”
“Now we have to, huh?” He chuckles quietly and leans in to press a kiss to your hair. “Then I guess we better start designing a carriage house worth of the First Princess.”
“I don’t care.” Even though you’re shaking your head, you’re transfixed, looking up into his eyes. It’s too soon for these things you’re feeling — too quick and too untried — but they’re so honest that they catch in your throat and bubble over. “As long as you’re there, too, I don’t care about anything else.”
It’s a loaded comment and it’s one that would have him searching your eyes to see if you are being truthful but he doesn’t have to. He feels that you are. “We will decide when the time comes.” He promises. “Where we live.”
“I’m just grateful you don’t think I’m crazy,” you admit softly. “For feeling so certain already.”
He snorts and pulls you close. “When I realized that you knew we had to be soulmates, there was another reaction that I needed space from you because of.” He admits. “Do you know what that was?”
“Not a clue.” Whatever it was, he’s here with you now, so you aren’t afraid of it. “Tell me.”
“So I didn’t beg you to run away with me and get married.” He flushes slightly and bites his lip.
“Oh god…” The breath of disbelief that leaves you is as disbelieving as it is giddy. “I would’ve said yes and we would’ve been doing text message breakups from the car on our way to the nearest soulmate chapel.”
“And we are better than that.” Marcus agrees, “so it was a good thing that I left for London.”
“Long distance so that we were forced to not be impulsive.” In a very real way, he’s right. You would both have jumped headfirst into this and being on separate continents forced you to calm down. You do smirk, though, and hold him a little closer. “It didn’t stop us from bathing together, though.”
Your smirk is tantalizingly wicked and innocent, making him return it. “I was trying very hard to be good while we were on the phone together. To not think about you naked.”
"I admit," you aren't embarrassed or shy about it, though. "I was decidedly less well behaved..."
“Oh yeah?” He arches a brow curiously. “What— were you touching yourself while we were talking?”
"After." It's not something you expected to admit tonight, but you have no intention of keeping the truth from Marcus at all. "I...wasn't confident I could keep quiet if I actually did it during one of our conversations."
“So you are vocal.” He hums softly, starting to get an idea of what might be a perfect ending to the night for you.
"Maybe a little." It's definitely something you have to control to be considerate of the other person in your apartment at all times.
“That’s good.” He’s aware that Agent Bailey has disappeared around the corner, trying to give you the illusion of privacy. “I like vocal.”
Instantly, your eyes snap up to his. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He hums, pressing a little closer to you with a weighted smile. “Why don’t we run a bath? Soaking sounds like a good idea for you, doesn’t it?”
“Thank god my tub is big enough for two people,” you huff, immediately grabbing his hand and heading straight for your bathroom.
He hadn’t actually meant for him to soak, but it’s obvious that’s what you want. Allowing you to guide him into your bathroom, he looks around the room. He hadn’t really paid attention to the tub when he had spent the night or when he was here for the game night, so it was a charming surprise to see that the tub is big enough for two.
"Are you a bubbles or salts guy?" You have a whole shelf dedicated to bath things that you've actually started working through thanks to the frequent phone calls you shared while he was away. Before that, you barely made time to touch them.
“Either one.” He shrugs slightly. “Depends on the mood, but I’m thinking bubbles tonight. What about you?”
"Sweet Surrender or Heart of the Ocean?" The two yet-untouched bottles on the shelf have abstract names but smelled amazing in the store when you bought them, so you give him the choice. Either way, the light and airy scented candles in the room will add ambiance more than anything else.
“Sweet Surrender.” He likes the sound of it and shrugs off his tuxedo jacket to drape over the counter.
“Honey, almonds, and pomegranate,” you read from the bottle as you turn to plug up the tub and start the bath. These first moments of intimacy are so delicate, and even though you have both verbally confirmed your shared marks — this will be the first time you see them on each other.
“That sounds like the perfect scent to relax in.” He doesn’t glance up at you, slowly starting to undress in case you change your mind.
“Hey.” As soft as your voice is, your hand reaches out to touch his arm. He isn’t looking at you and you just want to be sure that he doesn’t feel pressured. “If you want to wait, we can wait as long as you need.”
“No.” He laughs at the irony of you voice his own thoughts. “But I also know you are tired. Why don’t we soak without any expectations?”
“No expectations is good.” You nod, appreciating the way he already looks like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. “There are a lot of different kinds of intimacy.”
“My idea was to get you into a bath, maybe make you feel good, and wrap you up in my arms to sleep.” Marcus voices softly.
“Is that what you want to do?” He’s only undone two buttons on his shirt, and you rest one hand lightly on his chest to ground yourself in him and give him your full attention. You said it earlier in the night — you are both just out of relationships. If he wants to take things between you physically slow even if they are moving at emotional light speed, you’ll honor that and make sure he feels comfortable and safe.
“The romantic in me wants to wait for your birthday tomorrow night.” He admits, huffing at himself. “For sex. Not for making you cum.”
“Honey.” Your hand goes to your mouth instantly, stifling a witheringly heartfelt sigh, and you step into him immediately with a sort of lopsided smile settling into your features that tells him exactly how sweet you find that idea. “That is…quite possibly the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. And I adore you for wanting to make it special.”
“You don’t think it’s silly?” He’s been told he tries too hard or overthinks in relationships a lot and it’s something he’s worked on.
“No.” Shaking your head just once, you run your thumb over one of the buttons of his shirt and nearly sigh again. “I think it’s romantic. And it tells me you’re a thoughtful partner.”
“What do you want?” That is equally as important in this scenario as his own wistful flights of romantic fancy.
“I want to wake up with you tomorrow.” It might sound odd or even a little creepy to anyone else, but you’re confident that Marcus will understand. It’s not possessive or obsessive, it’s domestic and romantic in its own right. “Find out what you look like sleep mussed and bathed in sunlight all tangled in my sheets. Anything else that happens is a bonus.”
“Then let me take care of you tonight?” He asks softly, leaning in and kissing your forehead. “I can wait, and I want to make your weekend special.”
It’s impossibly romantic and probably the first time in your entire life that the man you’re romantically involved with isn’t clamoring to fuck you as quickly as humanly possible. Instead of making you feel less desirable, like it might have at earlier points in your life, it makes you feel special. Cared for. Like the fact that you have his focus means more than anything else ever could. “Okay,” you murmur, nodding once before you turn to shut off the hot water filling your bathtub. “If you prefer, there’s a little stool next to the sink. “You don’t have to get in with me unless you want to.”
“I don’t mind getting into the bath with you.” The idea of pressing his body against yours is incredibly erotic and sensual. “You can lean against me.”
“Okay.” Even as simple as a word is, the acknowledgement is important. Right now it’s just as important as the mounting hum of tension between you, and His your fingers prickly with the desire to continue undressing him. How you’re dying to press your bare skin to his, even if it doesn’t come with sex just yet.
He wonders if you are disappointed, if you are wanting him to just jump you and take you to bed. He wants to, but he wants to celebrate what is between you more.
"There's only..." Your hands go to your own buttons. Undressing yourself is not pressuring him, but just offering. Offering to deepen this connection and share this part of yourself. "Only one thing I want to ask...that's all. If it's okay with you?"
“Anything you want, sweetheart.” He’s willing to whatever you want to make you happy. “What do you need to ask of me?”
It seems silly, all things considered, but when you bite your lip it feels like asking permission to smile. "I just want to see the marks we share. On both of us."
Marcus chuckles and nods, finishing the buttons on his shirt and he slips it off his shoulders. “The most obvious one first, I think.”
"I hope you don't hate it." His shirt lands on the stool you had offered him, and yours follows it.
“I don’t.” He promises, smiling at you. “Your explanation makes complete sense, now that I know that it’s you.” He tells you. “A Hummingbird for my little hummingbird.”
"And you know why I was never on Mate Marks now." It was something he had pointed out at the State dinner and you had felt awfully about the way he took it. Thinking that you never wanted to be found, when in fact it's the opposite that is true. It's just that it was considered unsafe for you. Now, though? Now that you have him right in front of you? You can turn around and show him your back and let him see the hummingbird for himself.
Your bra is still on, but he doesn’t mind that, watching as you slowly turn to let him see the tattoo on your lower back. The hummingbird that has marked his own skin, the exact same one. “Does it look different on someone else?” You ask, suddenly afraid to see his reaction.
Reaching out, his fingers brush over the skin, feeling the slight rise in it where the ink has been pushed underneath. His own is flat, not raised and it’s a wonderful little contrast between your tattoo and its counterpart on his own body. “It looks beautiful.” He murmurs softly.
"If I had been older than eighteen, I might have had it put somewhere else," you admit with a wry laugh. "But I don't care as long as it helped us find each other."
“It’s discreet.” He snorts, still tracing it. “If you want it to be.”
"I tend to tuck my shirts into my pants these days." His fingers are burning hot but not in an unpleasant way. More like the tension and promise of them is scorching your skin with eagerness. "Or just wear a longer top layer. No bikinis, ya know?"
“That’s why there aren’t pictures of it out there.” He huffs slightly, amused that if you had been photographed it would have been splashed in some kind expose or something.
"It doesn't matter anymore." Before, discretion had been something that was agreed upon. You didn't want someone claiming to be your soulmate falsely and your parents considered it a safety concern. But now that you have Marcus? Any claim would be an obvious lie and easily taken care of. "You're what matters."
Marcus turns so you can see the tattoo on his skin, verifying the same design to you. “You matter too, sweetheart.”
You never thought it would be such an emotional moment, but it’s only in the last few days that you realize how silly that assumption was. Of course this is emotional. This connection goes far, far beyond any that you’ve made otherwise. It is, just like the ink marking both of your bodies, under your skin. The tears are more than you were expecting, and you wipe one away on your thumb after a pause. “Holy shit,” you laugh after a second. “It’s real…”
He lights up at the giddy excitement in your voice. The yearning has him turning around and wiping away another with his own thumb as he caresses your cheek. “It’s real, sweetheart. We’re real.”
When he turns to you fully you can see the scar from your childhood surgery on his torso, the line of healed flesh where the doctor cut into you as clear as day on his otherwise smooth skin. “I’m sorry,” you murmur quietly, tracing it with your fingers. “We were so young to have to carry this and know what it means…that we were always connected…”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Marcus shakes his head, frowning at your apology. “I was worried about you.” He admits softly. “If I had known you, I would have been visiting you in the hospital.”
"I told you." A thin smile brightens your face, reminding him of what you said at the State dinner. "Appendicitis sucks."
“I will take your word for it.” He chuckles quietly and his fingers brush your scar. “Were you scared when it happened?”
"Terrified." You nod slightly, eyes transfixed on his fingers touching your skin. "I was six and I had never, ever felt that kind of pain before."
“Poor thing.” Kneeling down, he leans in and presses his lips to the scar.
You swallow hard as he reaches for the button on your pants, skin singing at every little bit of contact. It’s only a second before he pulls the zipper open that you frankly try to remember what panties you put on for today, but it doesn’t matter. Every stitch of clothing will be gone soon, and you’re okay with that. Losing the last barriers between the two of you is exactly what you want for this weekend.
He continues to kiss along the length of the scar, watching you looking down at him as he slowly opens your trousers. Finding it incredibly sexy that you are already breathless.
“Just had a mini panic,” you admit, raking your fingers through his short hair. “Can’t remember if I put on presentable panties today or not.”
He can’t help but laugh at the very normal fear. “I don’t care about what kind of panties you wear.” He promises with grin. “But I did wear my good boxer briefs.” He jokes. “Keep it all contained properly.”
“Can’t have you letting it all hang out.” When you laugh along with him, it comes out like a snort. “Very undignified.”
“Very.” He joins you in the laughing, his fingers running along the edge of your panties. “No erections allowed in wedding photos.”
“Fully permitted later in the night, though.” He’s still on his knees in front of you, and despite being nervous you reach behind yourself to unhook your bra. “In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s encouraged.”
“Well, of course it is now.” He huffs playfully, hooking his fingers into the band of your panties. The last scraps of fabric fall away, leaving you naked in front of him, and you shiver slightly without knowing if it’s the chilly bathroom or nerves that are doing it. Marcus debates, seriously debates, if he should just lean forward and bury his face into the pretty, neat little patch of hair. To use his tongue on you. When you shiver, he knows he needs to get you into the bath, so he stands quickly and unbuckles his belt.
You aren’t a virgin. You never claimed to be. At one-day-under-30, you’ve had your fair share of sexual and romantic partners, and not everyone in those two categories overlapped. Still, when Marcus pushes his boxer briefs and trousers away in one go, you inhale sharply at the first glimpse of his half-hard cock. If you hadn’t promised to let him take care of you, you might be reaching forward or dropping to your own knees — but you did. You promised. And you can barely hold back a smothered groan of regret at that fact because he’s stunning.
If it weren’t for the lusty, glazed look on your face, he might have thought something was wrong. As it is, his half hard cock twitches and hardens even more as he guides you towards the tub. “Get in, sweetheart.” He urges. “I’ll get us some towels.”
“The cupboard behind you.” They’re big, fluffy, soft things that you count as an indulgence, but they won’t be anywhere near as comfortable as having him in this bath with you. Still, you step into the hot, sudsy water without him, knowing he’ll follow in a minute.
Marcus grabs the towels and sets them close before striding back over to the tub. He’s not some Greek god, but he’s in good enough shape that there’s no reason to slump or hide as he walks towards you naked.
“Fuck.” Just one word groaned softly, but your eyes stay on him with every step. “You’re gorgeous.”
“Are you stealing my lines?” He teases, flashing you a grin as you sit in the sudsy water. “Because the only gorgeous thing I see is you.”
“We can both be gorgeous to each other,” you point out, still transfixed by him.
He had never really thought of it that way and shrugs slightly. “If you say so.” He bites his lip and watches you lean forward to give him room behind you.
The water is just a tiny bit high with both of you settled into the tub, but you don’t care. It’s not in danger of flooding the floors so you’ll just revel in being warm and comfortable with your soulmate for as long as the hot water holds out. You lean back against him, making him sigh softly in your ear and his arms come around you.
“Is this okay, hummingbird?” He murmurs quietly. “Can I touch you?”
“You know you can call me Birdie.” Settling back against him, you guide his hand around you and under the water to let him start exploring. “Hummingbird is my Secret Service call sign. Don’t wanna start accidentally moaning as a Pavlovian response whenever Agent Bailey says it.”
He chuckles quietly, a warm sound in your ear as he splays his hand over your stomach. “If you want me to.” He slowly starts to stroke your skin. “Hummingbird sounds a little more intimate, I thought.”
“Whatever you want, gorgeous.” The way he laughs and the way he touches you? You’d probably agree to anything right about now.
“Is that how I get my way?” He asks teasingly. “Get in a hot bath with you and I get what I want?” His hands, both of them, slide up to fill his hands with your tits and squeezes gently, enjoying the way your nipples harden against his palm.
“Apparently.” Sighing lets your body loosen even more in his arms and you rest heavily against his torso but your back arches to press your chest into his hands. “And ya know what? I’m okay with it.”
He laughs again, squeezes and then massaging the flesh before his thumbs brush over your nipples. “That’s right?” He asks. “You enjoying this? Feeling relaxed already?” Flicking your nipples again lightly before he cups your tits again.
“Mmmmm, it’s perfect,” you hum, letting your eyes slip shut to just enjoy the sensations.
“Good.” He’s slow to explore, letting the moment expand naturally and taking his time as he listens to your soft moans. Wanting to learn what makes you hum and purr like a kitten in his hands.
“Are you going to make a Goldilocks joke if I point out what big hands you have?” You ask, humming again when his large hand spans what feels like your entire thigh.
“The better to feel you with, my dear.” He growls into your ear playfully, squeezing your thigh slightly and massaging it gently.
The giggle you let out is low and deep, but cut off sharply by a gasp when his fingers ghost over your core. He hums, more of a raspy growl as he slides his fingers through the wet curls and into your folds. Groaning at the slickness that has nothing to do with the bath you are in.
“Fuck.” One syllable, repeated as many times as you want to tonight, and you drop your head back on his shoulder with a moan. “Feels so good and you’ve barely touched me.”
“That’s it, beautiful.” He coos softly. “Just relax, I’m gonna take care of you.” The water ripples as he slowly starts to caress your folds, rubbing and stroking the velvety skin as he listens to you moan again.
Pliant is an understatement as Marcus starts to explore, gauging your reactions and keeping his other hand busy with your tits now that he’s figured out how much you love having them played with. The itch in the back of your mind that you’re neglecting him is very real, but this is what he wants tonight and what he’s ready to share with you, so you’ll just make tomorrow twice as good for both of you when you can share the sensations.
He keeps the motion of his fingers slow, sensual as they dance over your sensitive clit. “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”
“So good—” So good that your breath is coming short, shallow pants already and only occasionally punctuated by longer and deeper ones. It’s like he can read you as easily as a book. “So fucking good.”
He hums softly, keeping the pace up and his cock is throbbing against your lower back now that he is fully hard. He ignores it and squeezes your breast again before teasing the nipple. “That’s good, baby girl.”
Your hips tilt, searching for more pressure and trying to show him where to focus his attention, but Marcus is exploring. He’s learning. And as much as you love it, it’s making you twist and pant and rub against him in ways you’re sure are not helping the hard on pressed between you.
“Ohhhh my soulmate gets eager, hmmm?” He coos, chuckling at the way you are grinding against him. “What do you need sweetheart?”
"More." You aren't above begging and he's already professed to being a tease so you just bask in it when his husky voice is right by your ear. He doesn't mind that you're eager and you don't mind that he's a tease, which means there's going to be a whole lot of fun ahead of the two of you. "Please, baby? More?"
“I’ve got you.” He knows there is a fine balance between being a tease and tormenting someone. He turns his hand, his thumb pressing against your aching clit so he can push two fingers deep inside you. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
"Oh fuck." The whine that comes out of you is something unrestrained and probably louder than you meant it to be, but it hardly matters when he's stretching you out on two thick fingers. Your hands scramble for purchase, one clutching his arm against you and the other holding on to the side of the tub as he begins to finger fuck you slowly but determinedly.
“Gotta stretch you out.” He croons in your ear, his breath washing over your skin. “Get your tight little pussy ready for me tomorrow.” He curls his fingers up and continues the slow circles on your clit.
"Knew those fingers would feel amazing inside me." And after thinking about it for about two weeks solid, you're thrilled to find out exactly how right you were.
“Been thinking about that a lot?” He asks, deciding your ear lobe needs to be nibbled on.
"So fucking much." Every time his fingers dive back inside your cunt you give another wanton moan. "Almost as much as I've been thinking about your cock."
“Now that you’ve seen it, what do you think?” He’s curious because he knows you wouldn’t lie to him, he knows enough women have enjoyed him to not be too self-conscious, but you are his soulmate. Hopefully you will be pleased with the body the universe chose for you to share.
“I think I my imagination didn’t do you justice.” If it weren’t for his fingers moving inside you, you’d be riding that cock, but you can’t find it in yourself to be disappointed when he’s so fucking good with his hands. Instead you twist around, chest having as you claim a demanding kiss.
He groans into your mouth, cock twitching against your back as your tongue slides into his mouth. You taking control of kiss is incredibly sexy to him, and he pumps his fingers into you faster.
If you were flexible enough to reach in between your bodies and wrap your hand around his hard on, you would have done it ages ago. The angle you’ve twisted into to kiss him almost makes it work, but still not quite. It leaves you whining into the kiss as your legs quake, feeling yourself move closer and closer to that peak that he has aimed you toward.
It’s not as slow as Marcus had wanted. Expecting to coax you into a languid, drawn-out orgasm that leaves you boneless, you are insistent. Not that he could deny you, the entire point is to take care of you how you need it. Kissing you back with just as much fervor as you give him as he pushes you towards that pleasurable cliff.
It probably would have been more like the slow, sensual climb he had intended if you weren’t so hungry for him. So addicted to the way he tastes after barely the smallest sample that you just want to drown in him. It’s passion, and the kind of attraction that makes you feel like you’ll go crazy if you can’t have him burrowing under your skin. In the moment your hazy, pleasure-centric mind is wrapped solely around how he helps and tastes better than perfection, and how you never want it to end.
The kiss tangles deeper, winding through to his soul and squeezing it tights. Grunting into your mouth gently as he feels like he is home.
The whine in your throat gets tighter as you near that peak, glorious tension in the pit of your stomach flooding every other sense you have as you start to cum, except the unerring surety that this is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Right here. With your soulmate. Home.
The way you fall apart for him is breathtaking. Marcus moans in tune to your own cries, eyes closed as your walls tighten around his fingers and pulse with a throbbing tempo of pleasure. The water sloshing around you both as you shake for him.
The words stick in your throat, and whether it’s the soulmate connection or the post-orgasm bliss, or what, they hang there as you relax backward against him in a slump. Is it really that easy? Or has it been building since we met? You aren’t sure, but it’s there. Regardless of how or why.
He feels the second you soften, body relaxing against him and his fingers slow down. Drawing out the pleasure but not forcing any kind of overstimulation. Winding down until they are still inside you as he kisses you softly before pulling back to smile at your glowing face.
“You have very good ideas.” A soft laugh tumbles out of you as you work to suppress the instinct to declare yourself to him. This isn’t the right time. Or, at least, you’re afraid that it’s too soon despite the dreams you’ve already shared with him.
“Good.” He hums softly, kissing you again. “Relaxed, sweetheart?”
“Amazingly.” You can still feel him rock hard at your back, though, and your eyes search his. “Are you sure you don’t want a hand? Or any other part of me?”
He snickers the innuendo and leans in to kiss you again. “You don’t know how badly I want you.” He murmurs softly. “But your eyes are exhausted.”
“I hate that you’re right.” Wanting him so badly that it physically hurts doesn’t make you less tired, but it does make you more determined than ever to make sure tomorrow is incredible.
He chuckles softly and kisses your forehead. "You now know how I felt a couple of days ago." He reminds you softly. "It doesn't matter how long it takes, love." He promises. "We will get there and it will be amazing."
“Tomorrow.” The tone of your voice is absolutely certainty, it the yawn immediately after does put a pin in the point. “We will get there tomorrow.”
"Tomorrow." He agrees and shifts you forward slightly as he pulls his hand away from your core. "For now, we need to get some rest so you can party tomorrow without falling asleep."
“What do you want to do tomorrow before the party?” Standing on wobbly legs in the bath takes a second, but when you wipe all the suds away and step out you’re steady enough.
"You have the day off." He hums, getting out beside you and wrapping a towel around you. "We could start off with brunch if you wanted to. Or whatever you want to do? Go to the famer's markets around here?"
“I switched my day off this week to make sure the wedding would go smoothly,” you explain. He’s large and warm and strong, and the feeling of safety doesn’t elude you. “So we have the whole weekend together if we want it.”
"I want it." He immediately tells you, frowning slightly as he towels you off carefully. Ignoring the water dripping off his own body so he can attend to you. "If you do, of course."
“Of course I do.” Grabbing the second towel off the stool, you start to dry him in turn. “Just…didn’t want to be clingy. That’s been a point against me in the past.”
"You don't have to worry about me being upset." Marcus assures you. "I have that same problem sometimes too."
“Jump in head first and get too clingy and it overwhelms them?” To find out he’s the same way is an odd sort of relief and solidarity, if you’re honest with yourself.
Marcus snorts and gives you an embarrassed wince. "I did propose in the hallway at work?" he offers. "Not some of my best romantic work, and after reflecting on it, I was feeling like the relationship was slipping away and I was desperate to save it."
“This was Teresa?” He had told you a bit about his exes — just little tidbits — during your phone calls and you hum when he nods. “No offense, honey? But it doesn’t really sound like she had her shit together in that relationship. That was not your fault.”
"No, but I held on even harder when I should have just let go." He admits, sighing softly. "Too quick to jump in, to give my heart, to plan for the future."
“You’d think I would have learned my lesson when I got cheated on.” You shake your head, drawing your towel around yourself and shrugging. “Oops.”
"I can't fucking believe someone would be dumb enough to cheat on you." He snorts, rolling his eyes at the idiocy of his sex.
“The only good part of the whole thing is that I managed to cut his cheek when I threw the ring at him,” you huff, shaking your head again as the two of you move into your bedroom together. The age-old cliche of finding your partner in bed with someone else had been your horrible reality just a few years ago. “Asshole. I hope he has a scar.”
"Me too." He huffs, "but you don't need to worry about that with me." He knows it's sounding like a complete line, but it's the truth. "I would never – I went to break up with Vanessa because just knowing you were my soulmate, I couldn't give her what she deserved."
“I…I felt like I needed confirmation,” you admit. After giving it a few seconds of thought you simply discard your towel in the laundry basket and climb into bed naked, pulling back the sheets to invite him to join you bare. “Just knowing we both had tattoos in the same place wasn’t enough. It could have been totally different designs, and then I would have been the idiot who jumped to conclusions and ruined both of our relationships for some unfounded crush. And then…at the State dinner…finding out you have my scar, too? I knew that was it. Everything I already felt for you in that moment was more than I had ever felt about anyone else.”
"I understand now." He had been hurt, deeply hurt, but he won't tell you that now. He doesn't want you upset about that, when you needed to take time for yourself to accept the possibility.
“I’m sorry if I…if I did things wrong.” Waiting for him to get in bed makes you a little self conscious but you swallow the idea that you might deserve it. “I don’t really know how to walk up to a person and tell them that the universe thinks they’re my perfect match.”
"Don’t' worry about that," Marcus slides into the bed beside and you and gathers you into his arms. Wanting to fold you against him and hold you close. "All that matters is that we know now."
“I love you.” You might have held it back before, but when you exhale this time the words come out all on their own. “I know that’s a lot, and don’t feel like you have to say it back until you’re ready. But I — I’m very grateful it’s you.”
He stares at you for a moment and then starts to laugh. Leaning in and nudging his nose against yours. "Sweetheart, I love you too." He promises softly through the chuckles. "I think I fell in love with you over board games that first night." He admits. " I just didn't let myself believe it."
Exhaling deeply, you burrow into his side and bury your face, just letting the right release of relieved laughter roll through you. Watery eyes and sniffles are nothing now. Not compared to the elated smile on your face. “You looked like a dream when you came into the inn that day. Like you’d stepped right out of my fantasies.”
"I wanted to ask you out." He confesses. "Until I learned you were seeing Sam."
“It’s all okay now.” It’s perfect now, as far as you’re concerned, and you press your lips to his with a smile curved up at the corners. “We’re where we’re supposed to be.”
"In bed, where you are fighting sleep so you can talk to me?" He teases gently, smiling back into your lips.
“Yes,” you huff at him as adorably as you can.
He laughs again, settling back into the pillows and pulling you with him, humming when you settle down onto his chest like you belong there. "Go to sleep, hummingbird." He urges quietly. "I'll be here when you wake up. I'm not going anywhere."
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
HHL: @haileymorelikestupid @anoverwhelmingdin @storiesofthefandomlovers @missladym1981 @babeincolor @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
My Masterlist!
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AITA for getting upset because my friends said they couldn’t hang out with me?
TW: small mention of SA
Context: I(16m) am in a friend group with around 7 other people, including my bf (16m). Who I am currently living with because of issues at home. And because of things going on, like work, getting drivers licenses, and the school musical (which is, imo, the worst thing we have at this school bc of the toxic environment, toxic director, and child predators that were in there touching girls.) we haven’t been hanging out much. The last time we all hung out was for my birthday at the end of February, which I had to fight with some people to even go.
So, this starts with me making plans. ALWAYS. I’ve made the plans for this friend group every time without fail for the last year and a half. And I noticed we haven’t been hanging out as much and my boyfriend agrees, so I text everyone around 2 weeks ago and asked if they wanted to do anything. My one friend, we will call L, suggested that we go to a museum in the city. I asked her if Saturday at Noon would work that week and she and everyone else agreed. So, that Thursday, I made sure everyone was good with that, and I found out that she and my other friend, who we will call O, had to go in for a 7 hour rehearsal on Saturday. No big deal, I get it. So I rescheduled for the following Saturday.
The next Friday rolls around and me, my bf, and L are doing volunteer hours at our elementary school. I, again, check in to see if she’s going. She says that because she is so exhausted from the musical, she can’t go. I understand again, but here’s the thing. L thinks she HAS to do our schools play and musical, and got upset with me when I didn’t wanna go because I had been assaulted physically and verbally by other cast members and the director. L actively overbooks herself and then complains that she’s upset or tired or acts like she has to do these things. Her parents aren’t forcing her or pressuring her btw. But, I do understand needing some time, and I agree that I’ll reschedule again, because i want all of us to be there. And also, O texted me (after he expressed his desire to go really badly) that he couldn’t go because there was a parade that weekend. So I changed it to that Sunday. Me and my bf thought it would fix all the problems.
It didn’t. Both L and O came up with bullshit excuses not to go after it was THEIR idea to hang out! L said she had to “babysit” her 14 year old brother who is perfectly healthy and capable. Not because her parents asked her to, but because she said he will “burn the house down” and O said that his mom had to work and he didn’t wanna ask his dad (btw both of his parents are the nicest people I’ve ever met). So, I got very upset with them and I actually cried to my boyfriend about it. I feel like my friends don’t wanna hang out with me or see me. Especially bc O had got a new bf, who is cis (O is a trans boy) and his new bf has publicly been known as the “tboy/femboy chaser” and fetishizes trans people. When I expressed this to O, he said that I was making it up. They also are extremely inappropriate, and actively make out when we’re all trying to hang out or talk to them. One time, we were having a New Year’s party, and they took up the only couch, making out for 5 hours. O and L also like to point out that me and my bf never are apart, and that’s when I remind them that we not only live together, but he is in the main friend group. I’m tired of these guys making up excuses to not see me. So, AITA?? :(
What are these acronyms?
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louisupdates · 1 year
Lido di Camaiore (Lucca), August 18, 2023 - The growing anticipation for Louis Tomlinson's concert in Lido di Camaiore is evident from two facts: first, as soon as you arrive at Benelli Village, the area that contains the Bussoladomani Arena, you can hear the pervasive music of rehearsals in the air. Second, hundreds of fans, the vast majority of them girls, are gathered on a stretch of cycle path that runs along what was once a plot of the Benelli family farm. The family once owned much of the real estate and gave its name to the neighborhood.
The first fans arrived on August 7: four Spanish girls between the ages of 18 and 23 who had camped in front of the Bussoladomani gate to be the first to enter. For several days, one turned a blind eye since camping on the public street— complete with sleeping bags and Canadian tents— would not be regular, but after all, there were only four polite and civilized girls, who did not leave dirt on the ground or cause any chaos. Then, from four, they became ten, and now they are at least two hundred, despite the fact that the concert is not until Saturday night. These fans were waiting many days to attend the Away From Home Festival for just a few hours, which after the first two editions in London and Malaga, landed at the Lido. The star of the evening will be Tomlinson, who judging by the good “fanaticism” of his supporters seems to have won the derby with former benchmate Harry Styles, whose fans in July had camped at the Campovolo in Reggio Emilia for “only” a week prior. Jokes aside, if Styles is now a world celebrity on the front line, it must be said that all the former One Direction members have had a good path after the breakup of the band, and now Tomlinson is a very successful soloist.
Returning to the fans, even the Mayor Marcello Pierucci went to visit them, satisfied to see so much enthusiasm and movement in an area that has experienced decades of abandonment and degradation despite being one of the touristic pearls of Tuscany. Some of the residents and holidaymakers— here most of the houses are second homes of Florentines, Prato, Pistoia, Pitoiesi, Lombards and so on— seem all in all willing to accept the temporary discomfort, between noise, traffic, parking bans and a day— that of Saturday— that has led some to temporarily leave their holidays and return home until Sunday,
The fans have been moved from what will in fact be the red zone of the concert area, and brought a few tens of meters further east, towards Via Trieste, where they camped with tents, umbrellas and sleeping bags in an enclosure built on the cycle path, under the pine trees to have shade, with chemical baths available. A few more hours, and then they will finally be able to reach the concert pit: all this effort, in fact, is aimed at only one goal, to attend the concert from the front row. Have a good show.
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god help me what a rehearsal that was (3hr theater dress rehearsal edition)
hung out with viola friend before while we drank hot chocolates and a little ladybug landed on me right before we went inside. i put them down on a bench but as we were unpacking inside it turned out that they'd followed us inside so i went and took them out again
started rehearsal off strong with tita conductor making her appearance in the longest most Shaped coat.
apparently we are going to get a DRONE VIDEO taken of us in our normal rehearsal room??? help me????? at least i won't have to collect music on sunday afternoon
the dvořák sounded ALARMINGLY BETTER in the theater than in the rehearsal room like huh?? whuh huh??? i thought the theater was supposed to be the acoustically inferior room help me 😭
i cued the seconds into the triplet at bar 30 and tita conductor looked me dead in the eye with a BIG, full-face smile as she conducted and i vaguely remembered the one tumblr post that was like 'a girl's frizzy hair is actually her halo', which was a fun thought to have at bar 30 of the third movement of dvořák's symphony no. 7
we get to the brahms and tita conductor says 'we need to not get too excited with this one' and then had us run through the most pussy-popping, emotional, this-is-the-reason-why-it's-almost-number-1-on-my-spotify-wrapped second theme. like girl how do you expect me to be normal about this
there were apparently conductor-provided chocolates in the green room but i did not see or partake in any of them because i was too occupied with the egg salad sandwich that had almost made me late to meet with viola friend
another piece that sounded startlingly better in the theater than in the rehearsal room: the cello concerto. like that was GOOD
at some point (idr where) we were playing and tita conductor let out an actual groan; she explained after cutting us off 'violins, i let out that cry of pain because we did not end that phrase'
we pressed on and to be completely honest lads, by hour three i was really tiring out and making really stupid mistakes so i had to dial back. i was probably playing at like 60% or 70% by the time we got to the haydn but we still ran through the whole thing like tita conductor. please. im expired
we returned to the beginning and tita conductor leaned over my stand mid-conducting and said something about a C-sharp and i was so startled that i promptly lost my spot, stopped playing for a second, and looked up at her like 🥺. much to viola friend's mirth
ate honorsprofessor and the ethnomusicology grad student in my section both complimented my leading 🥹 like it means a lot to me bc i may not be the most skilled or best violinist but if i'm a good leader then it's okay. and i feel like my work here has helped me become stronger and stronger as a violinist in ways i couldn't have if i had retracted my audition application last minute like i thought i would in july 2022
so yeah. onward to the weekend i guess
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helpineedtostudy · 1 year
Day 3 and 4 of 30 Days of Productivity
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Day 3/30
On the 1st of October, it was a Sunday so i woke up late (approximately 7:15am)(normally i wake up at 4:30am so yeah) and then i spent like the entire morning cleaning and organizing things and helping mom around the house. Then in the afternoon me and my teammates hopped on a Gmeet and discussed a few things for our skit. At night i finished my pending notes for my elective 1 (mushroom cultivation techniques).
Day 4/30
2nd October. Another holiday (national holiday). Woke up at 9am and finished my microbiology lab record work. Took 2.5 hours to finish it so im glad. Then at approximately 5:15pm me and my teammates rehearsed again for our skit. Then i took a break and from 9pm i started completing my pending microbiology notes. Another good day.
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fandomcrazy6226 · 5 months
Liveblogging Dracula Daily - May 7
Brought to you on May 8 and the sore throat I woke up with this morning. Today is our final tech rehearsal and we open tomorrow, running until Saturday. So I'll finally get some sleep on Sunday! Sad half of that is my boyfriend can only come to opening night this week cause he's leaving for a trip on Friday (he was originally coming to Friday so he cold tag along with the post-show diner trip)
But yeah yours truly woke up with a sore throat so I'm basically popping cough drops to try and deal with it. My guess is all the pollen finally got to me. Other guess is that I'm sick, but I'm actually not letting that one be right
Anyway enough of my personal life, let's get back to what you're all here for: vampire silly times featuring everyone's favorite solicitor!
Man I would love to sleep for hours and wake up of my own accord. I haven't really done that without something coming later in the day since... two saturdays ago? Too long
Ok so I know dinner is what they used to call lunch, and I'm guessing he means 5-6 pm. But that's still pretty darn late for a lunch. Also this poor guy really needed that nap, huh
Sidenote, the wolves and the lack of people is making me think of Beauty and the Beast and I know that's obviously a very different story but it'd be really funny if all the furniture just randomly came to life and started singing at Jonathan.
And a huge library too!
So he called Jonathan all the way here so he could have an English tutor? I feel like first of all there are better people for that and second he probably could've disclosed that information. Like that's not gonna give anything away I don't think
Huh. Blue flame treasure. Is that an actual superstition or is that just something he's saying to distract Jonathan? It's a cool explanation either way I guess
Mmmmmm. sharp teeth. Suspicious... (i say with a heart's fire full of dramatic irony)
Oh Jonathan's sleep schedule has gotta be so busted at this point (relatable)
I kinda want to build this house in Minecraft now. It sounds cool
Ok so he marked his house in the atlas, as well as... Jonathan's house, I'd guess? Don't know who/what the third marking might be though
Hmmm obedience trance. Buddy. Johnny. Go to sleep. Please.
Well that was fun. Expect the actual May 8 post in a few hours, probably around 10:30 (will write during my 3rd period class)
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 2 years
Whump Week Masterlist
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Thank you to everyone who participated in this event! It was so much fun to host! Below are links to all of the fics that were written for this event. If I have missed your fic please let me know and I will add them. Remember you are responsible for your own media consumption. Read all posted warnings on the fic's.
Sunday, Oct. 30 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Owen ruins Tarlos rehearsal dinner and TK tells Owen not to come to the wedding. | TARLOS WHUMP: TK and Carlos get kidnapped together.
Step back to jump better by @tarlos-spain
Obsessed with Carlos by @xtltokio
after dark by @gothruthestars2
A manhunting party by @milael-blog
Untitled ficlet by @whenshereads
Monday, Oct. 31 Prompts: TK STRAND WHUMP: "What do you mean TK never made it there? I saw him leave a half hour ago - he should be there." | CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos is presumed dead. The problem? His body is missing and TK doesn't believe he's really dead.
A Bad Day To Break Down!! by @rangergurlgleek1211
At least I wasn't shot by @ramblingdisaster73
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
after dark chapter two by @gothruthestars2
Tuesday, Nov 1 Prompts: CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos being the reckless one and getting hurt. | CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Delayed trauma reaction/PTSD to TK almost dying in the ice storm
When you fall, I fall by @ramblingdisaster73
You, me and something is coming by @tarlos-spain
after dark chapter three by @gothruthestars2
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
Wednesday, Nov 2 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Car Crash | TARLOS WHUMP: Adoption falling through
Back to Square One by @detective-giggles
Don't let go of my hand by @milael-blog
If I don't remember you by @tarlos-spain
After dark chapter four by @gothruthestars2
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
Thursday, Nov 3 Prompts: TK STRAND WHUMP: Ambulance Crash | TK STRAND WHUMP: TK gets poisoned.
After Dark chapter five by @gothruthestars2
Cooking is not for you by @tarlos-spain
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
Friday, Nov 4 Prompts: TK STRAND WHUMP: Broken Ribs | CARLOS REYES WHUMP: Carlos gets sick.
Breath, TK, Breath. I'm here by @tarlos-spain
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
After Dark chapter 6 by @gothruthestars2
Saturday, Nov 5 Prompts: TARLOS WHUMP: Pick an episode with a main Tarlos storyline and make it whumpier (for example: what if TK had relapsed after Gwyn died) | TARLOS WHUMP: Carlos getting hurt and TK not being able to help.
We make a pretty good team by @xtltokio
With this ring by @ramblingdisaster73
After dark chapter 7 by @gothruthestars2
Untitled Ficlet by @whenshereads
i’ll keep you safe by @softtarlos
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i am quitting my first job soon. i need advice.
i'm currently a part-time cashier at my local grocery store chain. my coworkers are all good and the customers are... customers. the thing that killed this job for me was the schedule. it was fine over the summer when i had little to no conflicts, but when school started, i made the mistake of keeping the job for some extra spending cash.
for context, this chain of stores releases their schedules by WEEK. they release it on friday evenings, so if i have work that sunday, i won't know until then. and to make matters worse, i can't adjust my availability without inevitably doing something wrong or them just ignoring it (which they did for this workweek, may i add, i'm working four consecutive shifts from 4:30-8:30 when i told them i can't work during the week). i have school for seven hours and they expect me to come into work directly after. that's 13 hours out of my day. what do i have time for after that? i'll tell you. FUCKING NOTHING. i am out of the house from 7:30 AM to 8:30 PM. i can't live like this. i am still in high school. i have conflicts, namely voice lessons, rehearsals for the school's one-act plays, guitar lessons, and upcoming quiz bowl competitions.
i need advice. i'm gonna put in my two weeks if they can't work around my conflicts. how do i do that easily? this is my first job ever, not just the first one i'm quitting.
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It would happen to me that I spend a month and a half job hunting only to then get two jobs in the same week, both of them full time and highly demanding.
So basically I interviewed for a bakery retail assistant role and an unqualified nursery position, and after trial shifts for both I got them both, which I was shocked by. The timing of it all is so unfortunate; the nursery interviewed me last Friday and then invited me to a trial on Tuesday afternoon; the bakery then wanted me to come in for an interview and trial shift on Monday morning and so I agreed in case the nursery one fell through. The bakery offered me the position first on Monday, literally five minutes after my trial ended (god knows why since I felt awkward and didn’t know shit), and so I - rather stupidly - accepted it over the phone and started on Wednesday so I could still do the trial; I thought that I would get an answer about the nursery on Tuesday so I could have the chance to take it while still having the back up choice. Lo and behold, the nursery has accepted me and wants me to start next week, meanwhile the bakery has already put me on the rota for the next week and a half.
And now I’m stuck.
The nursery was my first choice, to be honest, and while I had been hoping to step away from childcare after working in schools and at daycare camp for the past few years, it would be with babies through to pre-school, which is a group I’ve not worked that much with (though I am good with babies it turns out). I have experience in this field already which helps.
The bakery job is selling bread/cakes/coffee as well as prepping sandwiches, cleaning etc. As I’ve discovered over my last two shifts there, I’m fucking abysmal at making sandwiches, keep forgetting things etc., but because it’s only my second shift I figured it’s just a matter of learning.
Hours wise, the bakery is 40 hours over five days, the nursery is 38 hours over five days (3 10 hour days + 2 half days of four hours); the bakery job means doing 6am-2:30pm/6:30am-3pm or 7:30-4pm, and while Sundays are off it means working Saturday with a day off during the week, which is a problem because in November I have a Saturday filled with pantomime performances (three of them!). Meanwhile the nursery is Monday-Friday, and the hours would for a full day would probably be something like 8-6:30 or something(?), meaning if I have a rehearsal at either 7:30-9:30 or 8-10 (evenings), I’ll have very little to no time to prepare or get my stuff ready etc, let alone eat anything, plus it doesn’t fit with performance days where I have to be in by 6pm.
I’m having to get up at 4:45am to every morning, so doing that and then having to stay awake until 10-11pm on days with rehearsals is AWFUL.
The benefits at the nursery (free gym membership, 40% off food/drink, discount at the salon/spa facilities on site) outweighs those at the bakery (free coffee/lunch), and the nursery pays 40p more per hour than the bakery.
The bakery at the staff are just, to my knowledge, so fucking nice most of the time despite me being useless and older than them, the manager is nice, and if I leave them it leaves them in the lurch and understaffed, which is so unfair on them. I don’t really know the staff at the nursery that well but I don’t think they’re horrible tbh, though they seemed absolutely exhausted and done by the time I went in for my trial shift on Tuesday afternoon.
The nursery wants me to start next Monday, but the bakery has a two week notice period so I would have to talk to both places and apologise profusely to work something out. If I don’t work the notice period then I could end up not being paid for the 34 hours I’ll have worked by Saturday evening.
I don’t want to go into childcare for the rest of my life, quite frankly, but the nursery has offered to pay for me to earn a qualification in childcare so long as I work a year afterwards (if I left before a year I’d have to pay them, which I suppose is reasonable), which would then mean I could be paid more in the future as I’d be a qualified childcare worker and not just an unqualified glorified babysitter.
They have a ball pit, a bunny and two Guinea pigs at the nursery - which I know aren’t for ME necessarily but I would get to go in the ball pit with the kids and see the bunny/animals so that’s a bonus
Travel to either isn’t really an issue as they’re both close, though the bakery DOES mean walking 40 minutes at 5am to get there while it’s dark in the winter
So… yeah. I’m feeling quite torn and lost right now, and I have no idea what to do.
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friendlilycoach · 1 year
Middle Eastern business owners, discover the secrets to boosting your business English negotiation skills. 💼🌟
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✓✓✓ Most importantly, have you been looking for ways to get more international business deals with improved business English skills? 🌍🤝📈
When we work together, you will get the following:
✔ Unlimited access to me via platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram. 📱💬
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✔ Free premium English proofreading and editing of your important business documents for eight months. ✨📝
✔ Free rehearsals of important business speeches and presentations with me for eight months. 🗣️🎙️
✔ Personalised one-on-one live coaching sessions to enhance your business English skills. 🎯👥
✔ Constant one-on-one support and guidance that will help you improve your business English skills easily. 🤝📚
✔ Practical business English coaching sessions to help your business succeed globally. 🌏🚀
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lgcmanager · 1 year
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 2 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise.
on SUNDAY JULY 9, at 9PM, as the girls finish up with last minute rehearsals, GEUM SHINHYE gathers them on the floor in a circle, around her. "TOMORROW, your album will officially be released. there's currently a lot of demand for you girls, thanks to NOVA AMARE, so the schedule is rather packed. you'll officially begin promoting on music shows on THURSDAY, however, the company has decided to hold a DEBUT LIVESTREAM between 5PM and 6PM KST on JULY 10, during which, the mini-album will be played and end right on time for the release of the album and HYPE BOY's music videos. during this hour, we will also celebrate SEO MINSEO'S BIRTHDAY."
as mentioned above, the girls will begin music show promotions on thursday JULY 13. during the first week, they will perform both 'ATTENTION' and 'HYPE BOY', then, starting from the 18, will only perform the title track; 'HYPE BOY'. this round of promotion will end on AUGUST 6. during this last week (AUGUST 1 to AUGUST 6) , the group will perform "STAY W!TH ME", the song's MV then be released on AUGUST 7.
after laying out the promotion plans, SHINHYE tells the girls that although their promotions are ending in august, there will be no break offered, as the company already has plans for them to be revealed on AUGUST 7.
on JULY 13, the NOVA members will have a small fanmeeting with their fans outside of the building. as the fans gather around, each of the members will be handing them handmade gifts that the girls have made a few days prior to their comeback ( it’s up to all of you to decide what those gifts were ). then sometime around JULY 13 to JULY 30, after their pre-recording/schedules, the members will be having ( almost ) daily fansigns or online video calls with the fans. you may use this as an opportunity to write netizen articles if you wish to do so.
just like their male counterparts in NOVA IUVENTA, the girls are currently in high demand, thus additional activities are to be filmed during their promotion period, starting with KBS' FM 'KISS THE RADIO' where they will sing 'ATTENTION', 'HURT' and 'HYPE BOY' live. this will be followed by a recording of 'HURT' and 'HYPE BOY' with a live band for 'it's LIVE'. they will also appear on STUDIO CHOOM with the choreography of 'HYPE BOY' and film a DANCE RELAY of the song for MNET.
to ease the girls into appearing on variety shows, they will only attend 'MMTG', where the mc, JAEJAE, will mostly focus on introducing the girls to the public, including their previous public appearances and memes going around their fandom.
last but not least, the girls have been selected as the new ambassadors for LEVI'S and will shoot a campaign for the brand. as part of the promotions, the girls are asked to pick ONE item from the current collection ( see newjeans x levi's ) and pair it with items of their own wardrobe to present both a TRENDY way to wear levi's clothes and their own PERSONAL STYLE.
with the girls officially debuting, the content previously filmed will finally be revealed to the fans. NOVASCOPE episodes will be released every monday, lasting anywhere between 7 to 15 minutes. here's the content of the first episodes:
EPISODE 1 (JULY 10): debut mini-album recording
EPISODE 2 (JULY 17): debut mini-album dance rehearsals
EPISODE 3 (JULY 24): milan's birthday surprise
EPISODE 4 (JULY 31): 'STAY WITH ME' and 'ATTENTION' behind the scenes
EPISODE 5 (AUGUST 7): 'HURT' and 'HYPE BOY' behind the scenes
EPISODE 6 (AUGUST 14): spain behind the scenes (off schedule)
EPISODE 7 (AUGUST 21): sena's birthday surprise
EPISODE 8 (AUGUST 28): nova iuventa behind the scenes
naturally, SHINHYECAM will be at the ready to follow the girls behind the scenes during their debut promotion period and the LEVI'S campain.
starting now, NOVA's instagram posts will be going directly through their own official account 'stella_nova'. furthermore, the members are now eligible to do OPEN EVENT 006 ( FANSITES ) and OPEN EVENT 007 ( BIRTHDAYS ). details about that can be found in their respective posts.
DEBUT PROMOTIONS: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with another NOVA member about anything related to their schedules ( ex. guest appearances, photoshoot, preparing for the live performances, fan interactions, etc. ) for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
LEVI'S CAMPAIGN: write a 300+ words solo about the outfit created for the campaign for +5 POINTS MODELING, HOSTING and/or VARIETY and +7 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:novamission for everything pertaining to this mission. you have until AUGUST 19, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME ∙ NOVA MISSION 002 - DEBUT PROMOTIONS: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety [ LINK ] - LEVI'S CAMPAGIN: +5 ( modeling, hosting, and/or variety ), +7 notoriety [ LINK ]
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orlafilmblog · 1 year
The Performance – Shoot Days
Well a lot has happened since my last post… and by a lot I mean we wrapped the film! My head is all over the place but overall I am so happy with how everything went. It was a (mostly) stress free shoot and I have come out the other end eternally grateful for the amazing talents that I had the pleasure to work with (I have also come out the other end absolutely EXHAUSTED but it was worth it hopefully)!
Leading up to the shoot I had meetings and auditions and rehearsals and eventually I felt prepared. Or as prepared as I could be! I had a heavily annotated script (see my previous posts) which I felt allowed me to have confidence in myself. If anyone asked a question or if I was ever unsure, I knew I could turn to my script and find the answer somewhere in my mess of notes.
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This was always going to be our longest day as we were aiming to shoot nine out of the eleven scenes! Once everyone had arrived we sat down and I gave some form of inspirational speech that seemed to set the tone and we got to work.
The vibe on set was really positive, and as we were filming in my flat it meant we had a comfortable supply of teas, coffees, and snacks. Even when we were running really behind schedule, I still felt calm and under control. I was very aware that if I seemed stressed, then that would trickle down and effect the whole crew. So I tried to keep a level head whilst Jack (the wonderful 1st AD) did all the stressing for me. As I just said, we did fall quite far behind schedule. I think this was due to a few reasons: 1) It was our first day, we were getting into the swing of things, figuring out how we all worked together. 2) We overestimated how much we could shoot in a day. 2) We underestimated how long some of the set ups would take. Our schedule was easily shifted to allow us to film scene 2 and 3 on the Sunday afternoon instead, which meant everyone could get a good nights sleep. We could have pushed to get it all done, but I think that would ultimately had a detrimental effect on everyone.
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I felt I worked with the actor Millie really well on set. I have worked with Millie since we were 15, yet this felt like one of the first times I was properly directing her. I feel I have finally got a strong and solid grasp on what my role is as a director and how I apply that to working with actors. Millie is a very talented actor, and I felt my direction was able to help get the best performance from her.
My uncertainty around my role came into play when working with camera. I am unsure where the line is of what I help with and what I don’t. I was more than happy to be moving lights and helping out when Eva needed it, especially when we needed to speed up a bit, however I’m aware this isn’t ‘my role’. I just felt it wasn’t right for me to sit at the side whilst the camera team set up.
Speaking of the camera team, they were fabulous. I could sing Eva’s praises till the cows come home. She is so talented <3 I should also mention that Katie redesigned my flatmate David’s room into the most lovely pink room I have ever seen! Her input was invaluable.
After the final crit I’ll write a post about each member of the crew in detail, because my god they are all amazing!!
Anyway, overall I felt Day One went really well despite being behind schedule. Everyone worked well together and we filmed some great stuff 😊
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I started Day Two with two hours of rehearsals with Millie and Alix. This was the first proper in person rehearsal I had run for The Performance, and I was nervous going into it. My main goal was to make sure the actors felt they knew the blocking like the back of their hand, and also to make sure they had a strong understanding of each line of dialogue. I began by briefly talking about the script and characters, but we didn’t spend too long on this as we had had individual online rehearsals talking a lot about this. We moved onto discussing Scene 7 (what we were shooting tonight). We talked about the importance of the scene and the headspace each character was in. We then went through the scene line by line, discussing the aims and intentions behind each. I would get Millie and Alix to read out a short section of dialogue, then we would discuss it, I would give some direction, and we would go again. Each time we would build upon it by going from the start of the scene up until where we had stopped. I feel this was a good way for the actors to understand not only the individual lines, but how they all fitted together to create a fuller emotional journey. Once they were comfortable with the lines, we added in the blocking. I knew how important it was for Millie and Alix to feel familiar with the blocking as I didn’t want them to have to think about where they were moving next during their performance. We paid specific attention the how the hug at the end was going to work, as Millie voiced concerns about hugs often feeling awkward and looking unnatural. I left the rehearsal feeling a lot more confident about the upcoming filming.
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During the afternoon we filmed the scenes that had been moved from the day before. These went extremely well and I am so glad we didn’t push ourselves to rush them, as I feel they are some of my favourite moments in the film.
We quickly got packed up and headed to our outside location. We had two lovely first years called Sam and Monica join us, and they were super helpful to have on set! We decided instead of shooting in front of ATIK, we would shoot across the road in a side street as it was quieter and more visually interesting. The actors arrived as we were setting up, and I ran through the blocking with them in the space. We also added in some crew as extras just to make it slightly more realistic. Despite the cold, I feel once again the vibe on set was great. We met very few challenges with ease and wrapped on time! I think I could have pushed myself more in terms of giving feedback to actors. I found it hard to focus on the image and the performance and everything else going on, so I often would forget any thoughts I had during takes, which wasn’t great. In the future I think I would record very brief notes during takes as reminders.
Then we had a day off! (well, ‘day off’ from shooting)
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This was it! The big clubbing day! I had no idea how many extras were going to turn up, so I just had to cross my fingers and hope for the best. We arrived on set for 9:45am, with the expectation of being let inside Cab Vol at 10am. Cut to 10:10am and we are still not in, and I am beginning to panic. After lots of frantic emails and phone calls, turns out the guy was just running late. It was non-stop from the moment we got in. We knew we HAD to but out by 5pm, so ideally we would have to wrap earlier than that. I had rehearsed with the actor Rosie online the day before, so I felt confident she knew what she was doing. I spent some time blocking the actors and the intimate actors and making sure they all understood what was going to happen during each shot. We unfortunately couldn’t get the sound working through the club speaker system, but Lucy had brought a little speaker and later in the day James Stevenson (our king and saviour) brought his guitar amp! I think not being able to get the sound system working through me off more than it should have. I should have just accepted it and moved onto more important things.
Extras began to show up and by the end of the day we had a good room full of folk! I am so thankful to everyone that came, it really made the film ten times better. The shots Eva filmed are gorgeous and I am so happy with how it all turned out. I think I did let some aspects of the scene fall through the cracks as my attention was divided into so many different things; I think I should have just taken 5 minutes at the start to myself to read through my notes and remind myself of what I wanted each element of this scene to do. But oh well, we wrapped EARLY?!
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In summary…
My brain is mush. I really am so exhausted (hence why this post is kind of all over the place). I am really happy with how the shoot went, and incredibly proud of everyone that worked so hard to make my little gay women film. I think I still need some time to process and reflect. Bonnie and I are currently on Longboard Nights, but will be starting the edit asap when we return to Edinburgh. I am excited to see how the film can be shaped in he edit, and then how it can be taken even further with the sound design.
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(i am so in love with everyone who worked on this xx)
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sunspray-peak · 2 years
Ch 7: Flowers & Forest Spirits
The saloon’s risotto had sat with him much better than he had anticipated, and so Achilles (who wasn’t a huge fan of cooking to begin with) was more than happy to return to the establishment for lunch and every evening for dinner on his way back from dropping wheelbarrows off at Clint’s.
Alex, who usually didn’t return from work until after sunset, hadn’t been able to stop by again to Achilles’ mild disappointment, but Abigail and Sam were happy to lend a helping hand when they could in exchange for a bite.  
Achilles had met the Stardrop Saloon’s proprietor, a warm and affable man named Gus, but it was usually Emily who waited on him, always eager to seat him in his favorite booth the moment he walked into the saloon. Whether that had anything to do with the 35% tip he always gave, he wasn’t sure, but she had proved to be a highly capable and personable waitress. 
“Love the Mercure,” she said, nodding at his duck patterned button down. The complimentary clothing commentary was another perk. “A lemonade to start?”
“Yes, please. And I’m thinking the soup of the day today.” 
“Good choice! I always love potato leek day myself.” 
“For sure, love a good leek.” He handed her back the menu. But an idle glance at the emerald green cover of her notebook filled him with a sudden (and embarrassing! What’s wrong with you?) sense of longing, and he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Say, does Alex ever stop by for dinner? I feel like I’ve seen everybody else in the Valley come through here since Sunday except him.” 
“Oh no, he’s very rarely here, unless it’s a party or a date or something. Can’t blame him, really, his grandma’s an amazing cook. Why do you ask, hmm?” she added sweetly, her eyes blinking just a bit too knowingly. 
Achilles laughed and chose to address her curiosity head one. With a fake sigh and a shake of his head, he said through a lazy smile, “What can I say, Emily, he’s a very good looking man.” 
“Very forward, I like you.” She tapped him on the head with the menu.
Achilles laughed again, dodging the cardstock. “No, I just felt like having some company tonight, but was in the mood for someone perhaps on the… quieter side.” 
Emily followed his gaze towards the game room where Abigail at this moment was beating her chest and yelling—in the spirit of competition—at Sebastian across the pool table. 
She clicked her tongue. “I see what you mean. I’d join you if I could, but I’m not off for quite a bit, I’m afraid. I’ll get you your lemonade though, be back in a sec.” 
Instead of either Alex or Emily’s cheery visage—or nobody’s face in particular, which wouldn’t have bothered him, even though he had genuinely been in the mood for company—it was a dusty purple five o-clock shadow that slid into the booth across from him an hour later. 
“Hello, Shane,” Achilles said evenly, rolling with this sudden appearance. “I’m afraid I was just about finishing up.” He held up his credit card which he’d just been about to slip into the check holder. 
Just like that first day at Pierre’s, the man was stubbornly refusing to make eye contact.
Glancing at his hands instead, which were tapping madly away on the table, Shane grunted, “I’ve decided I would like to help you with the farm. If you’ll still have me. I heard those kids were helping you.” He gave a jerky nod towards the game room where the trio were now playing a heated game on one of the arcade machines. “But I’ll be a lot more help, I can tell you that.” 
Shane took a deep, shaky breath, clenched his fists and (finally) slowly looked up to meet Achilles’ rather inscrutable eyes. 
“I’m stronger than ‘em—well, maybe not Alex—but definitely those other three. I won’t do any of that goofing off that I bet they’re doing. I’ll be real focused on the job at hand. But mostly, unlike them, I know my way around a farm.” 
What was this, a job interview? The halting manner in which Shane spoke definitely sounded rehearsed. 
“You don’t need to sell me your strengths, Shane,” Achilles said quickly. “I’d be grateful for any help you can provide.” 
A big exhale—huge, really, Shane’s body visibly deflated as he looked back down at the table. “We’ll have to work around my JojaMart schedule. I have a lot of shifts— ”
“Oh, please, I’ll pay you more than what Joja’s giving you, if you’d prefer to move—”
Shane met his eyes once again, but this time only to throw Achilles a rather nasty look, his lip curling ever so slightly before quickly softening. He shook his head. “No. No money. Just being… neighborly.” 
“Really, Shane, it doesn’t feel—”
“I’ll be there tomorrow morning at sunrise if that works. I can work for three hours, and then I can come back after my shift ends at 5pm.” 
And then, just as suddenly as he had arrived, Shane slipped out of the booth and left the saloon. 
“I mean, sure Achilles, he’s quiet, but not really the company I had in mind for you.” Emily had swooped in immediately.
“Likewise… he just offered to help me with the farm…?” 
“Oh! Did he? Well good for him!” She smiled brightly, grabbing the check book. 
“Hey, I know it’s early,” Emily said on her return once Achilles had signed and stood to leave. “But I’m having my birthday here at the end of the season, would love if you could come before, you know, you head out of Stardew. Spring 27.” 
“Oh no way, I’m Fall 27. For sure, I’ll be there.” 
“Alex will be too,” she added with a whisper and a wink. “Because, you know, it’s a party.”
Achilles rolled his eyes. 
True to his word, Shane knocked on Achilles’ front door at 6:30am, just as the sun was beginning to hit the horizon. 
“Good morning, great to see you. Muffin?” Achilles held out half a dozen he had purchased from Pierre’s yesterday. Shane tentatively took one and gave it a suspicious sniff.
Seriously? But he kept his voice jovial. 
“They’re not poisoned, Shane. It’s just blueberry.”
“Mmph. You never know.” 
He gave Shane a beat to test out the muffin before rolling out his various maps and diagrams on the porch table. Over the next fifteen minutes, Achilles walked Shane through his vision of the farm.
“Thoughts?” Achilles glanced at Shane who was spilling crumbs and scrutinizing the paper rather too closely for his taste. “Of course, we still need to actually finish clearing said land, but I think it’s always nice to let yourself imagine the final product every once in awhile. For motivational purposes.”  
“This isn’t a farm.” 
“This isn’t a farm.” Shane rapped his hairy knuckles against the diagram. “This is a glorified flower bed.” 
Achilles frowned. “Well, I mean… I don’t have time to take care of plants that will just go bad at the end of the season. I just need it to look nice. I mean, whoever buys it might want to lay the farm out differently. Might as well give them mostly a clean slate.”
“But will they want flower beds?” 
“The flower beds are just along the sides here if you just look—”
“This is terrible—”
“This is my farm, Shane—”
“This is not a farm—”
“Listen. Shane.” Cutting off Shane’s heated voice with a clap of his hands, Achilles sighed and pinched his nose to keep it from twitching. In a level tone, he continued. “I’ve done my research. I’ve looked at similar surrounding properties. This is what’s going to help sell it.” 
“Yeah, sell it to another city dweller like you who won’t appreciate the great land you’ve got here—land any actual farmer could only ever dream of.” Shane spat and gazed across the property, a soft trace of longing in his eyes. “But hey. Your land.” 
With that, he grabbed a pickaxe from the neat stack on the porch and marched away. 
Letting his nose now twitch at its maximum potential, Achilles grabbed the two muffin aprons Shane had left behind (alongside a grease stain on his maps), and hurled them into the trash. 
Luckily, Achilles didn’t particularly hold grudges (way too much effort, unless your name was Eddie Bloomsbury) and it seemed like Shane didn’t either. Although the latter seemed to enjoy working in silence, an hour into their endeavor (which, Achilles begrudgingly noticed, was definitely moving faster than it had been with Abigail and Sam), the man had felt inclined to crack a joke in response to Achilles, who once again had claimed to have seen something bounce about the land. 
“I swear, I’m not crazy—I got a good look at it this time,” Achilles said, pointing over by a copse of maple trees. “There were two of them, both the size of a basketball, just scurrying around. You really didn’t seem them? You were looking right over there.” 
“Someone seems to have been hitting the bottle.” 
Achilles frowned, leaning against his pickaxe as he continued to search from afar for something in the leaves. Shane, to his credit, did take a quick look, but swiftly went back to breaking up rocks. 
“Nah, just kidding. You know, you’re seeing junimos I bet.” 
“Junimos?” A possible answer? Or was Shane just paying him back for their spat that morning. 
“Forest spirits. Apparently used to be all over Cindersap and this farm back in the day, if you believe the kid stories. Jas loves ‘em. I’ve never seen one in person myself, but Marnie says they’re supposedly real… mind you, she’s never seen one either so…” 
“Forest spirits?” 
“Yeah. Maybe I’ll bring one of Jas’ books. If they’re to be believed, they’re supposedly the good guys, so don’t worry. If you are seeing them—as in, you’re not going crazy—I don’t think it can be anything bad. Just means you’re special, I guess.” 
When 9:30 rolled around, Shane gave Achilles a gruff goodbye, grabbed another muffin, and strolled out of Strawberry Farms, a blue Joja cap now on his head but clearly in no rush to get to the supermarket. 
They had gotten quite a bit done—much more than expected, he’d have to redo the timeline again. 
With that knowledge, Achilles allowed himself a brief break before starting on a particularly vicious patch of weeds by a small cavern along the northern border of the property. At this rate—for Shane had offered to come every day—it’d likely take no more than half this season now to finish the the debris. He could probably even get started on those damn flower beds Shane hated so much this weekend if he really wanted to; the area around the farmhouse was almost completely clear. 
As much as he tried to concentrate on revising his timeline, however, his thoughts kept returning to Shane’s suggestion. Forest spirits… was he going crazy or were they, for some inexplicable reason, choosing to only show themselves to him? After all these years of nonmagical abilities? Perhaps it was a question for the Wizard—who better would know about spirits and magic? 
Oh, but he had promised himself not to get involved with that sort of thing—he didn’t need the distraction, and hearing Pierre and Caroline’s anxiety over the whole affair only added fuel to Achilles’ already existing anti-M. Rasmodius fire. Perhaps he’d check out the museum instead, see if there was any information there… 
But not yet. He had other things to worry about. Like the mountain of farm rubble waiting to be wheeled to Clint’s. The burdensome trek was probably his least favorite part of an incredibly all around unlikable process. 
“I’ll take some of that off your hands.”
Right on time! He turned to see Robin, who was stopping by this afternoon to get started on renovating the bathroom—Yoba, he missed baths… one would feel particularly good right now, his muscles hadn’t been able to catch a break since falling down that damn elevator chute. But at least the perpetual exhaustion had lessened his dependence on sleeping pills, he supposed. 
“The wood and stone, I could use some of that if you ever want to drop some of it off at my place. I could probably take whatcha got right there in the truck after I finish up here, if that works for you.” 
“Oh, would you?” Achilles rose from the rocking chair he had briefly folded himself into. “It’s a huge pain in the ass—apologies, excuse my language—it’s a huge pain dragging it to Clint’s every other day.” 
“Mmm, I bet.” Robin was closely examining some of the logs, giving a few a hardy tap with her fist “This is good stuff. Good hardwood. Hey, actually…
“You know what might be nice for ya—back in the day, there used to be mine carts that your grandpa would use to transport materials like this around town. There’s a station pretty close to the farm here, and you’ve probably seen the one next to Clint’s. If you can somehow persuade Lewis to get that fixed up, it’ll probably make your job a helluva lot easier.” 
But Achilles did not trust Lewis to get anything fixed up. He’d never seen the man do anything outside of dig around his flower beds. He supposed this was, after all, the same Mayor who had done nothing to renovate the ghastly eyesore of the community center. 
Instead, Achilles spent his evening conducting an in-depth search into the history of the mining cart system and how to get it fixed. He had no issues leaving it to the professionals this time—he had zero interest in getting close to anything even tangentially related to the mines ever again—and by the time Shane had arrived the next morning ready to work, Achilles had already placed a call to the highest rated mechanical engineer in the province to get, as he was able to cross out on his To-Do list, “that mine cart shit done.” 
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soporis · 27 days
I've got the rehearsal dinner aka full day affair tomorrow, and then we leave to get ready for the wedding at 7:30 on sunday, so that's two full days of straight up Playing Pretend that I am Tav infiltrating the goblin camp, or a ball at Moonrise Towers, or even Cazador's ritual. I plan to be so fully checked out of this event (I guess save for when I need to make a speech, but that's really just a mindful activity) that I am living a completely parallel reality for 48 hours.
And in a good turn of events, it's making me kind of excited for it to happen! Win-win :)
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