#sundrop has had enough
ghosting-fox · 1 year
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you all know that audio from bladerunner? "you look lonely i can fix that"?? my brain wouldn't let me rest until i haven't drawn that with Sun n Moon
but jokes aside, really self-indulgent comic bc both Security Breach and Ruin came out when i was at a low point mentally and helped me greatly just be able to move forward and get through each day (and i won't even be getting into how much these 2 fictional robot jesters have helped me refind my passion for drawing)
i really hope that more people can relate to this :))
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chknbzkt · 1 year
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And a mix of various sketches and drafts!!!
Psst down here v
Since the horrific murder of a nobleman has put many people in the kingdom’s walls off the idea of letting dragons in their midst for the time being, Sundrop’s continued employ under the king as a personal jester and informant has many under the impression that the dragon himself may have had something to do with it, and that his influence is corrupting the monarch in question.
Sundrop, however, thinks the people can believe whatever they want.
While his position gives him plenty of wiggle room to lavish himself with as much luxury as he desires, truthfully he’d much rather be outside the kingdom walls than in them. No, his heart lies with the wilds of Hyde’s Crossing’s ancient forests. His hoard isn’t even as extensive as it should be, consisting of a few plushies, puzzles, and children’s toys here and there, it’s oddly… empty?
So as much as he… appreciates the fluidity, he spends most of his time trying to keep his distance from Farqur Kingdom as often as possible. Before he has to return.
When he isn’t on his perch at the king’s beck and call, he’s running into random adventurers and the odd monster hunter left and right as he continues to peruse the wilds and stir up mischief as per usual. Most of them have been called to action as of late due to the influx of shades razing settlements to the ground when they’ve been left unchecked for far too long, rising to the challenge in the hopes of scoring money to keep themselves afloat.
There have been a few stinkers regarding interactions here and there, but making new friends is still endlessly fulfilling and entertaining on the occasion that they’ll let him get close enough to actually mingle with them proper. He’s content to share stories of his findings and across the land, landmarks, places of interest, the best places to sun oneself and the loveliest fishing spots!!! This boy loves to know people and be known!!!
He never sticks around long enough to say goodbye however. Always leaves in Farqur’s general direction in a big hurry at odd beats in the conversation. Odd fellow. And he never actually clocked where his companion was from, so the chances of them meeting again are slim…
He seems very flighty for someone so pleasant…
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Idia: *trying to hide his face with his hoodie*
Grandma MC: Are you alright, son? *has gone to the supermarket with him*
Idia: Yes, Granny. Um... People are just staring at me enviously, especially the hunks. What if they approach and beat me up?
Grandma MC: Oh, why would they do that? You are a handsome and kind boy. Unless they're a bully, of course. *smiling*
Grandma MC: If that does happen, Granny will protect you.
Idia: No thanks, Granny. I say we run instead of fighting. That's our best option.
Grandma MC: *chuckles* If you say so, son.
*A random man approaches them.*
The random man: Hi, miss. You look beautiful like the summer breeze. Would you be interested in having a dinner date with me? *winks then smiles*
Idia: ...
Idia: *pulls out the pan they bought and hits the man with it*
The random man: *falls to the ground*
Grandma MC: Oh dear.
Idia: ...
Idia: Oops. Let's run now, Granny! Quick!
Grandma MC: *laughs heartily as he drags her away*
Malleus: I'm proud of you, Shroud.
Vil: We didn't expect you are also this overprotective.
Idia: *annoyed* Look. I had no choice, okay? The guy cringed me enough.
Malleus and Vil: *laughs*
Grandma MC: *talking to Ortho*
Grandma MC: Idia will be a fine husband someday.
Ortho: You think so, Granny?
Grandma MC: *smiles* Yes. I hope I get to see him marry someone he loves.
Ortho: That's... still in the distant future, Granny.
Grandma MC: Oh, is it? *chuckles*
Grandma MC: It doesn't matter. Everyone can walk on their own pace.
Ortho: ...
Ortho: Granny, because of the Sundrop flower, you're going to have a longer life. Right?
Grandma MC: *smiles* My grandchild, I only wished from the flower to make me young on my remaining years.
Ortho: Huh? But...
Grandma MC: Please don't tell the others for now. And don't be sad. This Granny has better plans for herself. *smiles reassuringly*
Ortho: ...
Ortho: *smiles* Okay, Granny.
Idia: Ortho? What are you and Granny discussing there?
Vil: They might be making fun of you, Idia. *smirks*
Idia: No way. Granny's like an angel. Isn't that right, Granny?
Grandma MC: *smiles* I was just telling Ortho of how happy I would be if I see you get married someday.
Idia: ...
Idia: I'm sorry for disappointing you, Granny. But I don't see that ever happening.
Ortho: Idia, you can't just predict the future like that.
Idia: It is. My goal in life is to live with cats, to be honest.
Vil: Maybe we should ask Leona if he has a relative a bit younger than him to introduce to Idia.
Idia: Hey, stop that!
Grandma MC: *chuckles*
Malleus: How about me, Granny? I don't mind getting married sooner. Just so I could fulfill your wish.
Grandma MC: That's also fine. But marry someone you love and someone who values you as much as you do to them.
Grandma MC: Don't rush this kind of important decision. *smiles*
Idia: See? Granny is the only one sensible here. You all are bragging just because you're not an introvert like me.
Vil: Oh shut up, Idia.
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jadeddangel · 7 months
Could you do some head cannons for Sundrop, Moondrop and eclipse x handler and general technician reader (preferably trans masc reader but GN is fine too)
The drops with a Trans-Masc handler
Art is not mine
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As soon as you meet him he's immediately asking your Pronouns and what you wanna be addressed as
He made you a little pin with your Pronouns and preferred name
He gives you little pictures of him and the other drops that you can cut away from the paper and put in the back of a clear phone case
He gets jealous, like super easy
Oh? Your giving a kid a talk about not bullying? He's behind you waiting for you to be free
He purposefully gets dirty just so you wash him
He tries to convince you to stay in the daycare over night
Literally just a whiny baby
He crouched down when he talks to you since he's almost 10 ft tall (a little over 3 meters)
If you don't give him attention when he wants it and your in the daycare alone, he will bite you
Not even sexually just bite you to get your attention
"Oh Mr. Attendent?! Mr.attendent?" Sun called out trying to get your attention.
Your music was in your headphones and was so loud you couldn't hear him.
Next thing you know you feel teeth pinch into your arm, not hard enough to draw blood but it still hurt
"OW SUN WHAT THE FU -" "No cussing in the daycare!" Sun cut you off happily before shoving a drawing in your face "anyway! Look what I drew!!"
Yeaaaa, there was a reason your pay was so high
Tried to get you to join nap time the first time he met yoy but quickly adapted to leaving you out of it
If your wearing a binder he insists you take a break with it off during naptime
He mostly just sits quietly while you do what your doing
If your drawing his eyes make the perfect light that won't wake the kids up
He doesn't really care if you cuss while the children are asleep as long as you keep your voice down
Tends to look over your shoulder when your on your phone
He doesn't struggle to get your attention since all he has to do is close his eyes and it's noticeable
Moon sighed shaking his head before closing his glowing red eyes.
You pouted "Moon I was coloring. What do you need?" You asked quietly
Moon opened his eyes. " Nap time is ending soon if you want to put your binder on," Moon reminded
Overall as long as you behave he behaves
Knew all about you from what sun and moon had told him
He likes to wander around the pizza plex with you after hours
He's over 16ft don't ask me how, just take my word as gospel
He only lets you cuss if you hurt yourself if you just cuss freely he may let it go once or twice but if it gets repetitive he gives you a warning
It's not a nice warning either
"Oh dear friend, it seems like you can't keep the cussing under wraps, and although it is after hours and we are not in the daycare, remember, your words matter, and they will get you hurt if you don't stop ..... anyway!"
Be scared shitless if this man threatens you
He'll act like the warning never happened as long as you behave
But if you don't, well, I hope you have life insurance
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rg-bugs · 1 year
Lost in the moon
Sun/Moon X reader
Word count: 2521
You decide to check out the daycare where you meet Sun, after the daycare closes you leave. But you gets lost and don't exit the Plex in time and get looked in. You end up meeting Moon and try asking him for help
I got lazy with the ending cuz this fic took me nine days to write and I've had enough with it, so enjoy
You stroll around the pizza plex enjoying the overpriced pizza, arcade games and various attractions that the place has to offer. At one point you got lost in the pizza Plex, but you got help from one of the glam rocks and at the same time you also got the chance to take a picture with them, which in all honesty was quite nice of them. Though you're terrible with names. (But you do remember them being a chicken with green earrings). Was it Sheikah? Sheek? Oh It was Chicka! Chicka the chicken! Even if your day was filled with exciting activities, you could not help yourself but to feel disappointed and isolated. Even surrounded by people constantly throughout the day, it fell short of what you had hoped for.
As the sun's light begins to dissipate, you find yourself meandering through the expansive building, observing as people gradually depart as the bustling crowds disperse. With less than an hour left until closing you start to make your way to the daycare. It was the only place you hadn't looked at yet today. And in addition, since the daycare closes an hour earlier than everything else, you believe that there will be an absence of strangers staring daggers at you, and wondering why a random adult is there, though you thought of it more reminiscent of a curious child exploring.
You don't do too well with copious amounts of crowds surrounding you for the entire day. So you need a quiet place to sit down for a bit to get your self level headed from the day. You know the two characters that work in the daycare, Sun and Moon. You have seen their posters here and there plastered on the walls. If you were going to be honest for a little while you thought that their names were Sundrop and Moondrop, but no, it's the candy they advertise.
You enter the daycare and you start to hear funky but kinda nice music. you start to bop to it slightly, and it makes you feel slightly better. You tread quietly up to the metal fence next to a slide where it said ´slide in to fun!´. You looked down at the play area and at first glance you saw two large jungle gyms connected with a bridge and a ball pit. Man you wished this was the daycare you went to when you were a kid, because this looked amazing this could easily be any kids dream come true. But your train of thought was interrupted by the feeling that it felt like something was staring at you but you can't pinpoint where it's coming from, so you just shrug it off as anxiety. You make your way down to the lower level of the daycare to sit on one of the benches to rest before you start making your way out of the Pizza Plex.
You have your back turned away from the big daycare doors as they fling open and you freeze in shock as you hear a loud chery voice behind you. "Why hello there friend! All the kids have already been picked up. So what concern do you have here to be here at such a late hour?" You berated yourself for forgetting that there are two daycare andents, of course they'd still be active. You turn your torso around slowly to face who is behind you, having both legs firmly rooted into the floor. As you turn you see a very tall robot with eyes that are chalk white and triangles around his head designed to look like sun rays. He had a big smile, and hands stretched to his sides and stood there with a mighty posture looming over you.
"I-" you took a deep breath to try to get the words out of your mouth as he stood there patiently with both of his hands clasped together. "I just wanted to get away from the crowds for a bit. I didn't mean to disturb or anything- I can leave if you want me to." At that last part you lift up your hands in a nervous mock surrender. "Oh no you are welcome to stay, we were just curious as to why you were here. We thought that maybe you took a wrong turn and got lost or something." He started to sway on his feet rocking back and forth, seeming to hold back his excitement that would explode like a balloon any second now. He suddenly stops standing on his tippy toes; "Oh how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Sun! And what would yours be?" turning his head to the side out of curiosity. Your body fully turned towards him and were more relaxed. This seems to have pleased Sun. You told him your name, plain and simple. You did wonder however, he said"we "a bit earlier, but there was only one animatronic in front of you. You wanted to ask him where Moon was. Maybe he was inside cleaning or was just shy.
"Where is Moon? I would like to say hello to him too." You say it a bit too nonchalantly. He lets out a nervous chuckle and plops down from being on the tips of his toes. "Well he’s only out when the pizza plex is closed as security. Sorry to disappoint." He slouches down a bit but quickly perks up and says. "BUT! I can say hi to him from you, does that sound good?" He starts to fidget with his hands. It was nice to converse with Sun and it helps to distract you from the day. Your legs were aching from exhaustion and you just wanted a place to collapse and catch your breath "Yeah i think that would be nice. Well I'm going to go and sit down somewhere now. It was nice meeting you." You wave him goodbye as you turn away. "Goodbye! The pizza plex closes in thirty minutes!" He waves goodbye and the bells on his wrist jingle. You give him a thumbs up without turning. You feel a small gust of wind hit you as he closes the heavy doors in one swift motion.
You have your gaze on a seat with a table, you speed walk towards it and slump down. Resting your head on your arms as you let out a sigh of fatigue. You allow your mind to wander and overanalyze everything that you've done today to every minute detail, like how you fumbled on that mini golf ting and lost your grip on the golf club and it fell into the indoors river, or how you could not control the gocart properly and jerking forward trying to workout how it works, or how you needed the staff to get you out of a labyrinth designed FOR KIDS! Your spiraling thoughts were broken by the speaker announcing that they close in five minutes and something about a free drink voucher that you could get.
You lift up your head and blink away the sleepiness. You start making your way to the exit of the daycare, not paying attention to where you were walking. You wander and take a turn and… you are not at the entrance gate. You definitely took a wrong turn somewhere to end up at the theater. You couldn't do one thing correctly today it seems. The way back had stairs not a corridor. You start to backtrack back to the daycare slightly panicking. Now speed walking out of the theater and going towards the stairs. You hear a concerned voice "Hello again! I can tell that you're lost, it’s just to go up those stairs and take a left and there's the entrance gate, it's impossible to miss it. You only have like two minutes so you better run" You turned to look at the door that was slightly cracked open and Sun's head was peeking through looking worried. Wow that's a way to rub it in that you had the sense of direction of an egg (or like Zoro from One piece).
Your mouth turns into a line as you have to bite your tongue to not say something snarky like ´yeah, no shit sherlock´ or ´wow this is life changing information´ he was just trying to help you. So instead you opted for a simple thanks with a tired smile and told him ´goodnight, rest well.´ "I hope you do too, it looks like you need it. Goodbye!" he slid back in and closed the door. You really must have looked tired, and you were tired too. You just wanted to get home and sleep. You continued to speed walk up the stairs and took a left. You hear the lights turn off in an ominous voom. You stand still so your eyes try to adjust to the sudden darkness you found yourself in. You eventually got adjusted to the dim neon lights that came in different arrays of colors.
At that moment you realized that the Plex had closed. You looked at the entrance and saw the shutters were down. You were too tired to panic, you were just pissed at yourself now. “Great, Now I'm stuck in here. Unless I get staff to help me”. You opted for Sun's help because you knew at least where he was. You sigh and turn on your heel harshly. As you approach the entrance you don't hear the music playing, it's way too quiet for your liking. You see that the daycare is pitch black, but you continue. You aggressively walk down the stairs and yell out "Sun are you there? I got locked in and I would like to go home and sleep. Please can you help me?" You are met with silence. You were starting to get annoyed (not at Sun just that you didn't want to go into the play area looking for him). You go up to tug on the door and it won't budge, it's locked. You remember that he told you that Moon is security and maybe he was nearby, ( you assumed he would probably have the daycare as his starting point).
You let go of the handle and groan as you pinch your nose bridge, feeling as you felt an annoying headache creeping in. "Moon! Are you nearby? I kinda need help" you yell out.
No answer. You hear a soft jingle of bells. "Where are you?" you mutter under your breath thinking it is Sun making the noise. As you look to the side trying to see movement through the darkness in the play area. No luck, nothing is there. You hear a raspy voice next to your ear whispering "Behind you."
"MOTHER OF JESUS!" You screamed out. You jumped, turning around to see the fucker, whispering in your ear, next to you. It was a blue and white animatronic, it had a wire from its back to the ceiling, hanging upside down like Spiderman does. It has red eyes and a starry night cap with a big sharp smile on its face. Ah this must be Moon. You were eye to eye, just staring at him while he chuckled in amusement. You tried to muster up courage and put on your best smile, but you still sounded shaky in your voice. "Um… are you Moon? If so, can I get some help?" He pauses and his eyes turn pitch black, his head flips around to be right side up with his body still upside down. His smile flattens and eyes are wide open and he is too close for comfort. You swallow the lump in your throat. You took a deep breath and said "I got lost and now I'm locked in." You had your arms crossed and had your weight on one leg as the adrenalin had started to dissipate, as you look in his eyes you can see red pupils staring right back.
His body started to get down to stand on the floor, the wire detaching and going up to where you can't see it, but his face remained in the same spot. He let out a small chuckle and started to smile again as he rose to his full height. He was just as tall and intimidating as Sun was. Looking down at you he said "You are an intriguing one." You paused for a bit, you were confused at his response "Thank you, I guess?" tilting your head to the side. He turns around and starts walking away from you, but stops when he realizes that you're not following and he gestures to follow him. You start to follow him, pleased that you're getting help.
”So, where is Sun? He was in the daycare a few minutes ago.” He turns to look at you and what sounded like him taking a sharp inhale to say something, but he stops himself from doing so. He looks displeased. He thinks for a moment as both of you walk up the stairs and take a turn. “We share the same body, if the lights are on Sun is out, if the lights are turned off I am the one who is out.” He states begrudgingly. You think to yourself that that's quite cool at first, but you realize it must be torment to be in the same body. “Can I ask one more question?” you look up at him, he looks annoyed “why are you asking persimmon now? You didn't before” he said with bewilderment. “Is it like a nap for the one who is not active?”
As you have almost reached the doors he stops for a bit now being behind you and says "Didn't your parents teach you not to trust strangers?" He chuckles. "Oh har har funny joke, it’s obvious that you are Moon right. right?" You turn back to look at him and you see nothing. You hear the creaking noise of the shutters opening. But at the moment you don't care, you were wondering where (THE FUCK) Moon went, and he was avoiding the queston. You look around yourself up at the ceiling and consider walking around and looking behind things, but you were technically trespassing at this point so it's good to not stay any longer. Especially with what he just said, and you ain't taking any chances. You probably pissed him off with that question. You cup your hands around your mouth and yell out "Thank you Moon! Goodnight." And that was it, you opened the glass door and out of the Pizza Plex.
The metal shutters don’t close immediately until youre a small distance away. You look behind you to watch it close and you see an upside down head peeking thru with completely red glowing eyes. As the shutters slowly descend you see Moon waving you goodbye, a bit surprised to see him you wave back until you can't see each other anymore. You might come back and visit, those two were intriguing too. But for now you just need to get home and sleep.
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sundrop-writes · 6 months
Sundrop's Stranger Things Masterlist
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Please note - I am just posting this masterlist to get it out of my drafts - I worked on it when I was working on the fic listed below, and then I completely randomly lost interest in it, and this has been sitting in my drafts for months ever since. And I love the formatting and style of this masterlist and I don't want to accidentally lose it by accidentally deleting the draft - and I am gonna need this masterlist at some point. So I'm posting it.
Coming "Soon":
Nasty - Sub!Eddie Munson x Dom!Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut. You hesitate to tell Eddie your true sexual desires, fearing that he'll be turned off. But when he finds out - he is more turned on than ever. (3,000 words.)
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Note: The rest of these link off to AO3 (which is the bulk of them unfortunately) - but at some point, I hope to have them edited and posted to Tumblr.
Sugar, We're Goin' Down - Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader x Eddie Munson. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Eddie hasn't gotten laid in months, so when he walks in on you and Steve (and neither of you seem to notice), he has just enough sexual frustration built up that he can’t bring himself to look away. He discovers quite a few things about Steve, and you. And himself. (12,700 words.)
Eat Me Up Alive - Sub!Eddie Munson x Dom!Fem!Thick!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Eddie is a very annoying person. And when he goes too far, you push back. Turns out - he likes it. Loves it, actually. (11,200 words.)
I'm Still Standing - Nancy Wheeler x Fem Disabled/Chronically Ill Reader. Friends to Lovers. Angst, Smut, (very slight Fluff). Hurt and Comfort. You start having horrible waking nightmares, but you don't want to worry your best friend Nancy by telling her. She's already occupied trying to chase down a trans-dimensional killer wizard, and you are convinced that the two aren't possibly related. (37,800 words.)
Bless This Mess - ADHD!Eddie Munson x Fem!Thick!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut and Fluff. Eddie accidentally forgets the two of you have a date planned. Rather than getting mad at him, you let him make it up to you. (5,700 words.)
Always Yours - Steve Harrington x Fem!Pregnant!Reader. Exes to Lovers. Fluff and Smut. Steve tells you about his 'six lil nuggets' dream, and you let him know that he's actually a lot closer to it than he thought. (2,500 words.)
Obey Your Master - Eddie Munson x Fem!Autistic!Thick!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut (and some Fluff). You are taking care of Eddie while his wounds from the Upside Down are healing. And when you offer to help 'take care' of him in other ways, he's convinced that he survived to live just for this exact moment. (11,200 words.)
Fix You - Eddie Munson x Fem!Mute!Powered!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Fix-It Fic. Hurt and Comfort. Most of your life, all you knew was darkness. Eddie was the one light in all of it. And you refused to lose him. (5,300 words.)
Drowning In You - Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader. Enemies to Lovers. Smut (slight Emotional Angst). Working with Billy at Hawkins Pool forced you to be around him. But forgetting part of your mandatory uniform at home and being harassed by random men because of it forced you to truly confront your feelings for him. (22,100 words.)
You Shook Me All Night Long - Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut and Fluff. Steve never really saw you. Until one day, when you stood out as the hottest babe he had ever seen. And on that day, he just happened to be wearing the dorkiest outfit ever and stuttering over himself to impress you. Somehow, it worked. (45,000 words.)
Daisy Fields (Companion to You Shook Me All Night Long) - Steve Harrington x Fem!Thick!Reader. Established Relationship, Family Fluff. Some Smut, Fluff. You and Steve happily pursue your life together, more than thankful for the silly little ice cream shop that brought the two of you together. (20,600 words.)
(This last one, I don't really like. I wrote it a long time ago, and it doesn't really go with my current style. But perhaps somebody seeing this masterlist can get some reading enjoyment out of it. It's just very unlikely to be re-posted on Tumblr.)
Monstrous - Steve Harrington x Fem!Powered!Reader. Established Relationship. Angst and Fluff. Steve finds out your big secret, and you are surprised when he doesn't hate you for it. (5,200 words.)
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panxramic · 1 month
Sundrop and Moondrop AU
(A QSMP Death Family Tangled AU)
Missa, like Phil, was born with the essence of one of the celestial powers. Phil has the essence of the Sun, Missa was born with the essence of the Moon.
Throughout the centuries there was never anyone like them. The Sun and Moon stones were always gems used by others during wars and battles. Only those with the essence of the Sun and Moon could directly wield their power, otherwise, tools and gadgets were used to control said power.
What made Missa and Phil different? The power of the Sun and Moon Stones flowed through their veins. They didn’t need the stones to use their magic, in other words, they were the stones themselves.
Of course combined with the stones that magic was powerful beyond comprehension, and everybody wanted to control that power.
Missa, the Moondrop.
He was the one experiment that worked, the one that finally could harness the full potential of the Moon. Destruction lay in his wake, death in every corner. With the powers of the Moon he was able to make empires crumble to his feet, destroy villages with a sway of his hand.
But… thats not entirely what happened.
When word got out that the Sundrop was found, a certain group, panicked. The Sun was the only thing that could destroy the powers of the Moon.
Missa had to prove himself, prove he was the rightful owner, powerful enough to wield the Moonstone. His first mission: retrieve the Sundrop.
And that’s how they meet.
(Part ???)
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teecupangel · 5 months
Yknow what, fuckin crossover time. Desmond crossover with Tangled The Series (or whichever name you wanna use). He’s a bartender so he’d get in great with Varian and his alchemy. The moonstone and black rocks are some Isu fuckery and it reacts to Des cause…sun? Zahn Tiri gets bitch slapped cause this jackass got nothing on Juno. Just…I think it’d be fun and I really want Varian to have more friends. #justiceforvarian
Does it have any other title? I only know it as Tangled the Series XD
I kinda like the idea of him owning the bar in the movie but, since we’re focusing on the series here, let’s say he owns the tavern in the castletown.
He’s been… ‘unintentionally’ adopting street urchins by letting them do errands for him while providing them with food and a room on the second floor of his tavern.
(It was meant to be for guests but his tavern’s customers are mostly local. The most use those rooms had were too drunk patrons he let sleep there instead of trying to walk out of the tavern.
His best sellers are cocktail drinks he invented himself (remembered from his old world) and that made him earn the name ‘Concoction Meister’.
… from a very drunk regular who got the entire tavern shouting it.
It kinda stuck later on.
It’s because of this that Varian checked the tavern out because he mistook the name as something connected to alchemy.
It wasn’t but Desmond let him have a mocktail (“No alcohol for you, kid”) and he became a regular there who liked to talk to Desmond about his ideas because Desmond can keep up (thanks to his Bleeds, most of the time) and even has ideas of his own at times.
Then Rapunzel was found and things happened…
Desmond wasn’t really planning on getting in the middle of any of these.
For one, he was find just chilling as a tavern owner.
The kingdom was peaceful and he was cool thinking of this kinda like his retirement.
He started to see Varian change…
And something inside him just keeps sending alarms all over.
Like something big was going to happen.
And he didn’t know what yet.
Unorganized Notes:
So in this one, Desmond is a sorta morality pet of Varian (a morally ambigious morality pet XD). He might even become one for Cass if you want but the main point is that he and Varian are close enough that, when shit hits the fan, Varian would confide on Desmond because he believed Desmond would understand him. That’s where Varian’s arc would change.
Desmond doesn’t make a Brotherhood in this one but he does have an information network that lets him know things a commoner should not know.
That information network (which includes kids Desmond sorta adopted) are gonna be Varian’s support group because they see Varian as part of their family of misfits. The kids even call him ‘big bro’ at times and think of him as one of them.
(Not that Varian and Desmond think that any adopting was happening).
So you wanted the moonstone to be an Isu related bs. This does mean that the Sundrop flower will also become an Isu related bs XD
And, no, we are not making Desmond be influenced by the Sundrop flower.
But he does react to it and the moonstone.
Because he was brought back from the dead using the same ‘mechanics’ that created the sundrop flower back in his world.
His darkened arm with golden circuitry that he hides is actually evidence. Because the light of his arm?
It’s the same golden glow that Rapunzel’s hair had when she still had the power of the sundrop flower.
And it was by punching Zahn Tiri with said arm that he kinda… skipped a few ‘episodes’ and just finished the big boss fight XD
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lynaferns · 8 months
BIOMáquina: Sense of Living
Chapter 1: Stranger danger.
EDIT: This fic is now on AO3
The first meeting! In a world where humanity has confined themselves in encapsulated cities to let the outside world heal, our protagonist, Fern, breaks into the forgotten abandoment facility of Fazbear CO. in search for old materials and scrap to sell. But something's very off with this place, like the constant rotting smell that's in the air... (No, it's not Afton, there's no Afton in this AU, this is very DCA centered).
I have to mention, I never had the intention of writing this. But after I finished reading I see you, Sundrop! by @shirajellyfish (Thank you again @/cipher-the-sidhe for recommending it to me! I'm too shy to tag I want to cry EDIT: it's tagged now) I got motivated to write the first chapter of my AU and doing it my way. The early version of my BIOMáquina Sun may have some inspirations from ISYS's Sundrop, but I plan for him to develop by the end of the story into something more close to canon. Sassy, not the mean sassy tho.
I appreciate feedback about the english adaptation. I think I did fine but still, I'm not a native speaker, some parts may be weirdly worded. I'll be posting the Spanish version too, so you can judge my writing in two lenguages.
AU, DCA centered (but Moon doesn't get mentioned in this chapter) ...and mostly Sun centered too, Sun fnaf, OC, Selfinsert, Character & OC, platonic, friendship, slowburn (probably), OC is a potty mouth, Sun has amnesia, nonbinary/pangender Main Character, labs and abandonment facility, retrofuturistic world, steam/dieselpunk themed.
The first post where I showed this AU and Sun and Moon's designs. There's info about the world and characters, not necessary to enjoy the story but maybe you want an idea about this AU.
BIOMáquina AU Tumblr archive, with all the posts and asks.
Youtube Playlist wich has like half of Portal's ost. I have a especific order for the songs but you can put it on mix if you want.
Note: even though I try to keep things light some things may be triggering for some readers so I'm putting here the warnings just in case. Please tell me if it needs any additional tag.
TW: implied death, near death experiences, implied abuse (non sexual), panic/anxiety, paranoia, robot gore, violence.
Wordcount: 12,874
06:23 Thursday, Weather: clear.
It's been a long time since anyone has been here. The place has been reclaimed by nature over time, not completely consumed but enough to assume that it has been around a decade without any humans moving around.
Until today.
A small hovercraft vehicle is approaching in the distance. Today, instead of their usual destination, Fern decided to take another route and explore a little. She heads to the building she has seen in the distance. The abandoned facilities of Fazbear CO. She shouldn't be snooping around an abandoned building, much less one that seems to have been totally forgotten by the world, but Fern already had experience in breaking into dangerous and abandoned places, so it was okay (no, it was not).
She looks at the place for a while before parking their vehicle. A thought of 'Why not?' incites them to enter, and that's what she does. After struggling with the entrance locks she manages to open the doors. It looks like an automatic door but with a manual system for when the power is out, it's a pretty old design. The door stays open.
Fern enters inside, it's all dark, the only light being the one that comes through the door. She always carries their backpack loaded with all the basics she needs for when he goes out for materials (trash) or exploration (for more trash). She takes out a flashlight and inspects the place. She notices that next to them is an old robot disconnected and degraded by the passage of time, possibly unable to turn back on. It seems that this bot was in charge of guarding the entrance.
Advancing through the abandoned facility, Fern finds more disconnected bots. She's not with the right equipment to dismantle them and take their valuable parts, if there is anything salvageable from these robots. She makes mental notes and keeps going. The place is worse on the inside than the outside, somehow the dirt and weeds have managed to get in and grow in the most random places.
She finds a guide map of the place, it appears to be larger on the inside than it looks from the outside, much larger than one would expect. There are four upper floors and six lower ones, the upper floors makes a circumference leaving an empty space in the center, they are factory and assembly areas for bots/animatronics, tools, electronic devices... all equipment from the Fazbear brand, they have always made their own material. On the ground floor (L0) where Fern is, it seems to be the unloading area, cargo transport vehicles, offices and power generator on the upper floors. The first two lower floors appear to be more offices, boiler room, power generator room for the lower floors, laboratories, and... another animatronic assembly area.
...The last four floors are blurred out but you can read the words 'AI testing'. Did the test rooms have to be that far down? And why 4 entire floors of the building?
There is an annotation:
Authorized personnel only. Any unauthorized personnel who passes from the restricted area will be subject to a dismissal sanction.
Oho... now Fern wanted to go in there. Why would they hide that part? What do they have to hide? Knowing the company Fazbear Entertainment, a lot. It would be cool to be one of the few people to know what's down there, even if it remains as secret as before because Fern doesn't want to be reported or arrested, leaving the city without permission is already a reason for that. But before going to the deeper floors, better take a quick look at the upper ones first, their nature makes them want to keep an order to explore the place in the most efficient way (that she can think of).
As the map said, everything up there is material and assembly, some rooms even have narrow windows that let in some light through their gaps at the top of the wall... where you can't look outside, but at least they had some natural light in their work areas, those who worked up here at least... Fern looks around, it's a mess, there are papers and metals scattered on the floor... It seems that some of them left in a hurry, due to the misplaced chairs and tables... Fern makes a mental note to stop by again and take a better look at the old tools before heading home.
Hm? The central area hasn't been seen. Fern assumed that the part surrounded by the building would be visible from a window or that there would be an entrance to a flat area, but there appears to be none. Why would they waste so much space? Or maybe they weren't wasting it. Maybe there was something else there but it was inaccessible from the surface floors.
Fern didn't waste another moment to get down to the lower levels. The power generators seemed out of order, she wasn't going to be able to use the elevators. She wasn't planning on it either, They may possibly collapse over the time they have been sitting there without maintenance. What she planned was to save flashlight power if the generator could light the way. Oh well. Maybe the other generator on the lower floors is still functional.
It's not. Well, she had to try it. Fern would have felt stupid if the generator would had worked and by simply not checking she would have wasted the flashlight battery foolishly. Exploring the floor a bit more before continuing down she finds a small kitchen room. Oh? Was there a kitchen on the map? Fern doesn't remember, she should have taken a photo of the map now that she stops to think about it. There should be at least one map on each floor, she'll take a photo of the next one she sees.
Going down the stairs she finds the assembly rooms and laboratory that seems more advanced than the upper levels. These looks a little less messy than the previous floors. It's still noticeable that people left in a hurry, leaving the chairs and tables in any position and dropping objects along the way, but it seems that at least they cared about storing hazardous materials in the closets, all messy but at least not exposed... some doors aren't even closed properly- look, I'd better shut up and continue.
She finally reaches the end of the floor. There are no more stairs, just an elevator that takes to the restricted area (floors: L3, L4, L5 and L6), which means she needs the generator running... or... she can force their way through the elevator doors with a crowbar... opening the emergency hatch... and slipping through the gap between the elevator and the wall, which is conveniently one of those old-fashioned designs with bar steps on the wall (Nowadays these spaces are not left unless the elevator is very large and/or has been built with plenty of space). She goes down the wall stairs to the next floor which is also closed, so she has to force the elevator's security doors again. This time it's more complicated, she has to force the door without having a supporting floor since all there is is the circular wall, the beams that support the elevator structure and the void of the pit. Fern hangs from a beam near the door, digs the crowbar between the two doors with their feet, presses against the crowbar using their legs, and pushes their way through. After opening the doors enough, the crowbar slips from between their feet and falls into the pit. Fern watches as it falls, pressing their lips, and waits for the *clinggg* sound it makes when it reaches the bottom, '...hhhhhah, I'll have to go down for it later' she thinks.
After forcing the door a little more with their hands, just enough to pass through, she is finally inside, on level L3. Oh! And the first thing she sees is a complete map, good! She can take a photo with their phone so she won't get lost. From what it seems, this map reveals that there is indeed a central area of the facilities in use. For some reason to access the center of the building you have to go down to the deepest floors and from another elevator go up to the central area... weird. The design of the facility seems made to keep something as far away from the outside as possible, with all these turns and different elevators that they make you take to get to a place that would be so easy to access if only they had put one or two doors in the ground floor or upper. There was definitely something there, Fern had no doubt, maybe she was theorizing too much and it was just a strange design choice, but what a strange design choice, there is something there for sure and Fern was going there.
According to the map, the four lowest floors contain... a good bunch of animatronic storage cells, wow. Wait, now that she stops to take a closer look, that's a lot of cells. There are three or four larger rooms compared to the rest, 'daycare', it says. ...Fern didn't like the implications of that, she didn't like seeing the cells, daycares and laboratories so close to each other. If this is what's in the first restricted floors to the unauthorized, what could be deeper? For God's sake, what did they do with the children?
Fazbear Entertainment's animatronics were made specifically to deal with children despite their questionable AI performance. The daycares could have been to test how the animatronics behave with real children, okay, but why three entire daycares on the same floor? And there are at least two more on the floor above. It would be better understood if there were only assembly and repair rooms next to the cells, but laboratories... right in front of the daycares? Shady, very shady. Don't like it, don't like it a bit.
The lower floors are more littered with broken robots than the ones above. Somehow the place is more in ruins than the surface floors, which are more exposed to the outside. But the doors seem to have higher security with card readers, some broken, not all but they seem to be able to open. Going down the stairs to the L4th floor she began to see a different bot design half-assembled, this could be an animatronic design they were working on. On this floor she only sees half-assembled endoskeleton pieces and blueprints for said robot along with promotional posters of a daycare mascot... with a... Sun...? theme. Orange, yellow and red shades.
Fern approaches one of the blueprints, 'DaCaAtt/ProtoType_Model_N15', the N15 has been underlined several times in red and there are notes all over the blueprints. It's... a clown animatronic- rather a jester, with an astral theme? The head seems to represent a sun with the right half of its face being a crescent moon, as in those representations of the sun and the moon together, the moon looking sideways and the sun facing the front... only that, here it's like they have merged two faces into one, leaving the nose crooked to the side. All the unfinished endoskeletons seem to belong to this model. It is a somewhat extra complicated design, it has a lot of joints, especially in the face, seems like they wanted to go further with this design.
It seemed a little much to Fern for a children's animatronic daycare attendant. She understood that they were trying to make him look like the friendly mascot on the poster, but Fern could come up with a couple of ideas to simplify the design of the face: a screen with facial animations, for example. And why so much complexity in the robots interior? The more she looked at the blueprints, the more it seemed to them that she was looking at a disproportionate recreation of the human skeleton in metal. She continued advancing through the facilities until she found the next stairs to floor L5.
...At the bottom of the flight of stairs is a disconnected animatronic- rather broken, it's the sun. It seemed to be crawling up the stairs... its legs and the back of its head were busted, as if they had tried to stop it from going any further by hitting it with something. Peeking through the hallways, Fern finds more sun animatronics lying on the way or against the wall, damaged, some are whole, others missing chunks or entire limbs. She touches one of the robot bodies with their foot, it doesn't move, as expected. There is a gray cord and a piece of plastic sticking out from under the animatronic's hand, Fern uses their foot again to pull the cord out from under the hand. It's a torn, stained and mauled ID card, the string is broken as if it had been torn from something, neither the photo nor the name of the former owner can be identified. It's Fern's now. She should keep their eyes open in case of seeing more cards in better condition, if she can get the generators working she could open their way to more places. If they were to be useful.
Moving down the hallway she stops to look at the poses in which the animatronics were turned off; some of them have their faces intact enough to see an expression of terror them. None of them seemed to be going in a specific direction, just... running away. They were afraid. How advanced was their AI to simulate fear? Weren't they prototypes? No developed AI is put into robot prototypes, although well, that is a recent norm in robotics, who knows how old this place is.
Now that she realizes, there is a fairly dominant smell in the air since she came down the elevator. Fern thought it came from the labs and assembly rooms, because of the old metals and chemicals, but it has gotten stronger as she goes. Like something rotten mixed with rust and motor oil.
Fern is starting to think that she would like a friend to explore this place with. The deeper she goes, the more uneasy the place gets, and the more noticeable is the lack of fresh air.
She checks out the map, from the path she has taken it seems that she is approaching one of the daycares. Where the entrance should be there is a handful of sun animatronics in a pile blocking the door that's full of scratches and bumps. It seems that they tried to force it open, you can see the desperation in the wear and tear on their hands.
It's the word that best fits seeing this situation.
Fern feels a chill run down their spine and their stomach turns. She continues forward. More animatronic bodies disconnected or destroyed, there were almost no animatronics in the storage cells, they had all tried to escape. Upon reaching the floor L6, the number of robot bodies lying around seems to decrease. It seems that they were all already stored in their chambers, or they managed to get them in and disconect them before panic set in... or revealed themselves. No, this didn't look like robot rebellion. Maybe they found out something, a rumor that got out of hand? Maybe they found out that they were going to disconnect them forever and they panicked... Fern wouldn't blame them.
Peeking through the glass of one of the cells she could see a group of sun animatronics, all in their respective cabins on the wall, connected by a head cable. Some are standing leaning against one of the walls of their cabin, have a safety belt holding them in place, others are sitting on a seat in the cabin, and others are directly sitting on the floor. They are disconnected, turned off, obviously. The floor is padded with colorful sections and there are old pillows and stuffed animals on the floor. The rest of the chambers are the same, some with empty spaces. The number of animatronics lying on the floor in panic positions is less, rather they are sitting against the wall or simply lying on the floor in a more peaceful way. They either gave up or were somehow convinced to shut down.
Finally Fern reaches the elevator that takes you to the center of the facility. This elevator is more hidden than the rest and appears to be more advanced, Fern didn't seem to know if it was going to be as easy to open as the rest... ah- wait- their crowbar. She has forgotten to go look for their crowbar, which is at the bottom of the second elevator's pit... and to go look for it she would have to go back upstairs and down the stairs of the pit because she can't open the doors from the lowest floor as she had planned because she doesn't have their crowbar.
You're stupid, man.
“Aaaaaggh...” she groans, looking up to the ceiling. She sighs. Before leaving the room she looks around to see if there is anything that could be used to force the doors and their eyes fall on the elevator again, it has a light. Wait, it has light? It can't be, the generators don't work. Unless there is a third generator for this elevator... She approaches the button panel, indeed, the lights above glow slightly, but how is it functioning? The entire place should be shut down. She decides to press the button just to try it out and a few seconds later the doors open, the light from inside illuminating the room along with Fern's flashlight.
Even though it seems to work, Fern didn't like the idea of using it. The elevator that took her to the lower floors was as dangerous as the others but at least she didn't had to use it to get down (Although it could have perfectly fallen as soon as you stepped foot inside, you idiot), but this one she was going to have to use it to open the doors to the next floor unless she finds something to use as a crowbar. However, this elevator did seem to be in better condition than the other. Maybe if she only made it go up one floor she could access the rest of the place from there.
Fern walks into the elevator. The floors available from bottom to top are: L6, LC2, LC1, C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4, there are no Lows 5, 4 and 3, C it'll be for “Center” just as L is for “Low”. She hesitates before pressing the button for LC2, a few seconds and the doors close, the elevator makes some screeching noises as machinery that hasn't moved for a long time starts working again until it suddenly begins to ascend. It moves non-stop, the noise it makes is worrying but it doesn't stop. As fast as the doors open, Fern crosses them and turns to the elevator, waiting for it to collapse and fall back to the bottom. It doesn't, the doors just close after a few seconds. If while she's at another part of the building she hears a crash noise in the distance, Fern will assume that the elevator has fallen and therefore will have to look for something that can be used as a crowbar.
For some reason there's no map of this part of the facility. There has always been one right out of the elevator or down the stairs, but this place doesn't have one. Weird, maybe all the employees in this area had their own? Or they knew it by heart. No, the first thing makes more sense.
Moving through the hallways, laboratory rooms, assembly rooms, etc, the floors seem to be the same as those already visited, but more advanced? The walls and doors are of higher quality and security, and the laboratory equipment, tools and others seem to be of the good-good ones... and expensive, but good, and quality. The central floors seem to be the only ones with electricity, partially, not all the lights are on and some of the ones that are are blinking. 'I hope none explode-' she thought to themselves. Immediately afterwards, a security door begins to open and close uncontrollably, giving Fern a start “AH-!” After the scare she takes a breath while the door begins to move slower and finally stops halfway open. The doors here must have a sensor or something, it must have been activated by proximity, is the card still functional? She takes it out of their pocket and passes it near the door trying to find the sensor. The door reacts but doesn't close or open completely.
Fern grabs one of the disconnected 'Staff' bots down the hallway and drags it to the door, blocking it in case it moves again and gets locked inside. It's an archive office, there are papers and file cabinets scattered on the floor. A ceiling panel fell on some filing cabinets and knocked everything to the floor. Fern glances vaguely over them, some papers seem to be records of laboratory materials and ingredients. Emphasizes, seems, because Fern doesn't understand the technical and convoluted language in which they are written, whoever worked here the guy's writing was embarrassing, they keep repeating the same elements all over the page in horrible handwriting. She doesn't see anything of value in the office so she leaves to continue moving through the maze of poorly iluminated hallways and malfunctioning doors.
Fern has been wandering around the facilities for quite a while now. Most of the doors are bolted shut and can't be opened (if a certain someone had gone back a few floors to get their crowbar...), next time Fern comes she'll bring suitable spare tools to open them. Although, is it worth going that far to get some pieces of metal? With what's on the first floors should be enough to renew tools and equipment, and make a good profit in the market. She wasn't into science so she didn't know what valuable objects she could take from the labs. She could look into it later, when she's done looking into what's here first.
The closer she gets to the center, the more the hallways light up, to the point that Fern no longer needs her flashlight and turns it off, for now. There are liquids running down the walls and dripping from cracks in the ceiling. Curiously, there are fewer marks of humidity than one would imagine; the leaks did not form long ago. The doors here seem to be in better condition than the ones before, possibly they are more complicated to open if this area has electricity and they are working better than the one before. She might have to see if she finds any more abandoned cards lying around.
This area is more open... and the wall appears to curve. There is a... castle door?? Like the ones you would see in cartoons or children's tales, with a crown of sunrays as the door frame. It's not made of wood, but it is some kind of hard material that Fern can't identify. There is a card reader panel next to the frame. A light comes out from between the doors crack.
Is this the center?
Fern grabs one of the door handles and pulls it. She hears a sound like rails moving inside as she opens the doors. What's on the other side has to be the strangest, largest room she's seen since she entered the building. Most of the floor is padded and colorful except for the entrance and a few more square meters of flooring which is tiled in a checkerboard pattern. Where there floor is tiled, there are security tables with computers, machines of some kind and office supplies. Where the floor is padded there are children's playground structures, jungle gyms, with tubes, slides, ball pits... Above the ball pit there's a fairy-tale like tower on the wall with a balcony, red curtains cover the entrance. No idea how to get there, there must be access from somewhere else. On the floor there're boxes of toys and stuffed animals... broken, but organized by size and color, it seems, some colorful cylindrical boxes are placed in a tower. Only what's on the play area seems tidy, everything beyond the padded floor is noticeably dirty, messy, basically a mess. The ceiling lights seem to come out of beams and are shaped like clouds, not all of them are on, some flicker. At the center of it all is a tower of cables that rises until it's lost above the lights in the darkness of the ceiling.
Fern enters the room, still observing the place. Although the gigantic column of cables and tubes in the center catches their attention, their interest falls on the computers next to them. The screens are on but they don't show anything, just a solid cyan blue color and some horizontal lines crossing the screen every now and then. The computers may be broken but there could be a possibility to repair them or take out the parts and put them to use... or even sell them as antiques.
Fern feels watched. She looks up from the machines to the play structures. A screech of moving rails. She sees nothing. She leaves the computers aside and approaches the play area. Another rail sound. Fern turns to look at where the sound came from. Behind the cable tower. Fern takes out a jackknife from their pocket and proceeds to circle the tower. Another screech. Accompanied by another noise coming from the ball pit. Fern approaches. There is a row of cables coming out of the tower and entering the pit. Uuuum, ok...?? weird... She steps on the bridge that comes out of the pit, without entering she leans to looks over it.
It could have just been a rat but Fern tried calling “Is anyone there?” knife in hand “Hello-?”
“HeEEEL-” A tall, disproportionate, slim figure suddenly emerges from the ball pit accompanied by the tinkling of bells, sending several balls flying, creating a rain around it, some balls falling out of the pit. It's arms extended in the air in salutation and a huge smile on it's face with crooked teeth. Some 'sunrays' in the shape of elongated orange triangles stuck out around it's head. “-LO!” A sun animatronic.
“AAAH-!” Fern screamed, backing up. The robot froze in the pose and the noises of a processor running could be heard, smile not leaving it's face, white eyes fixed on Fern, it only made a couple of movements that stopped abruptly halfway through as if it had paused and resumed its animation. It must not have registered their reaction, because it continued talking as if Fern hadn't screamed in shock.
“-N-new friend-? Oh-o-OH- Are you new-?! FRIE-NEW FRI-” *SCRRRR SCRRA SCRRRGGGH KKKKRRR* It froze again while something in his internal system made a noise that sounded like 'something's wrong' and it continued again as if nothing had happened “Who are you-?! I can't find your profile-! -Do you have a profile??? Have you come to play!? Have you come for the manteinence routin-? Are you a new technic-!? Can we play NOW!? We can-! You're not on the employee register-! You need a register-!”
Its arms were stretching out towards Fern trying to reach her. Fern backed away, trying to keep as much space as possible between them and the robot. It kept getting closer, without stopping smiling, without stopping penetrating them with its gaze, without blinking.
“-profile- you need a-! You cannot perform any procedures- or manipulate- any- *srsrsrrsrsrsrsrsrrckrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrk* fromtheFAzbear'sbrand- *krkrkrkrkrkrnnnnnnnnnnrr* Do I make you a profile!? You need a-” Its fan started to sound very loudly “How were you able to enter- without a profile-!??? Do you work here? How did you get in-!? What are you doing here-!?” Fern hit her back against the cable tower and raised their knife to put distance between the damaged robot and them “DETECTED: DANGEROUS OBJECT, IS THAT A WEAPON!? *VRRRRRRRRR*” A panicked expression replaced its smile, its fan getting louder and louder “YOU CAN'T BRING THAT HERE! YOU CA- YOU CAN'T- YOU- *krkrkrkrkrkr* THE RUL- *krkrkrNNNNNNNNNGGGH* AG-AGAINST TH- *NNNNNNNNNGNNGNGGNGN-* DAN-GRROS-” It stopped forming coherent sentences and began to blurt out half-cut words amid the noise of the processor overheating.
Despite the clear problems it was experiencing, its movements didn't stop, getting closer and closer. A robotic hand reached out to grab Fern's arm, planning to take the weapon from her. Fern waved their knife away from its hand and finally broke into a run.
“AH-! eeeh-eh-e...! WAIT” The sun shouted as Fern fled towards the doors “Why are you running!? Where are you going-!? NO- WAIT- waitwaitwaitwait!” It ran after them. Fern left the play area and rushed through the doors. “WAIT-come back- I'm so...” She crossed the hallways like a bullet, ignoring the screams that became progressively quieter. She didn't realize she had left it behind until she could no longer hear it and the hallways were dark again.
Fern finally stopped to catch their breath, looking back to make sure she had left it behind. Vocalizing between pants “What... th...e fuck...? ...what...the fuck? God... what the... shit was... that...?” She sat down against a wall to rest. She hadn't realized that she had been gripping the knife tightly in their hand and now it was a little sore, if it weren't for the gloves she would have seen their knuckles white.
It's been a while. After calming down and drinking some water, Fern decides to go back to see what is happening with the sun and why it's the only active animatronic (seen so far) in the whole place. Thinking about it, it surely didn't want to scare them, possibly. It has been abandoned here for a long time, it's normal for it to be damaged. If its processor is salvageable and its AI gets a fix or two she could use it for help. But if that were the case, what should she do? She can't leave a robot with autonomy abandoned, much less in these ruins, part of Fern would feel bad but she can't take it with them. Where would she put it? Where would she take it?
That seems like a problem for future Fern.
It will be best to keep the knife, and possibly any type of weapon away. There was a lot of movement and noise at that moment but Fern believes she remembers a slight change in the robot's behavior when it discovered the knife. More erratic, more anxious, it couldn't even formulate complete words. Maybe if she went calmly and manages to calm the robot down, she could talk to it and find out what happened here. And why it is active.
She's arriving at the castle-like doors again. They're open, just like Fern left them. The robot could have gotten out and be hanging around the building, but something was telling Fern that wasn't the case. Slowly, without making a sound, she approaches the doors and peeps from the entrance, their eyes scan the room but don'tt find the sun. Fern decides to go in, thinks about calling it but backs away when she hears the screak and the rails again. If that sound came from it then it was still here.
Fern decides to go into the room. She wanted to prove a theory and for that she needed it to appear, and something was telling them that if she stayed at the door it wasn't going to appear. She puts one foot on the padded floor. Nothing's heard. She goes further into the playing area, the loose cables that entered the ball pit are no longer there, possibly they are connected to the robot so the logical thing would be to look for where they've gone. Starting from the central tower, the cables seem to go behind the play structure, Fern approaches to follow the line of cables.
A squeak. Fern turns around. Another screech. It came from the tower. Looking around she notices that the cables comes out of the play structure and disappear behind the tower. Fern approaches, circling the tower slowly, cautiously, following the cables. A metallic hand grabs their shoulder. “You are... here...”
“AACK-!” Fern screamed as she jerked the hand off their shoulder and ran towards the doors.
“No, wait, not again!” Fern leaves the room and turns to look inside holding the doors, ready to close them. But it seems it won't be necessary.
The robot has not moved past the padded floor. It looks at the tiled floor in front of them with concern, its posture is hunched as if it doesn't know what to do from that point or something bad will happen if it steps on a tile. Its arms curled against its chest, it clutches the red ribbons hanging from its wrists. Its eyes alternating between looking at Fern and the ground until it finally decides to speak.
“a...a-...y- You are here!” It says with joy, extending its arms and putting on a smile again, forced... no, genuine? “You are here again! ...a- I-I- was- you- *skrrrrrrrrr kr kr kr* You're back! And you are here and you are back and I thought you wouldn't come back and-!” it gesticulates very widely “-and-and- I'm sorry- sorry I scared you- TWICE!” emphasizes by pulling out two fingers of its hand “I'm sorry... it's just that- I haven't seen anyone in a long time! Or talked to someone! Or touched! And I was SO EXCITED! B-because you were there! And I touched you! And you were there! And I-! *skr...skr...skr...skr...* And I thought you weren't coming back! ...I thought you weren't going to come back.” Its shoulders droop and its body loses all movement, it stares at the ground, muttering. “And then I thought I scared away my new friend and they weren't coming back. But then I heard footsteps! And I felt something! And it was you! And I'm so happy! *sKNNNGNGnnn...*” It stands still again, with a somewhat creepy smile and its gaze fixed on Fern.
Fern remained silent. She doesn't really know how to react after having heard all that. The only thing that was going through their mind was that this robot showed autonomy and clear signs of stress, anxiety and loneliness. She can't leave it here but she also doesn't know if they could be dangerous or if it's just very hyperactive. They are clearly disturbed. Now that Fern noticed, one hand was more skeletal than the other, the entire casing of its left arm was missing and the ribbon was tied poorly with its bell. Parts of its endoskeleton were exposed, their casing was damaged in many places, and their jester's clothes were not much better either. The red and yellow striped pants were torn, the left leg open by a gap that ran from the bottom to top, an adhesive tape near the groin prevented the gap from spreading further, it appeared that the pants were held in place by a belt that didn't belong to the costume. The cables coming from the central tower and scattered across the floor seemed to end at the back of his head.
The sun began to look nervously between Fern and the floor again “H-ey- a- cou... c-could you come closer?” Its posture shrinks again, hands against its chest.
“Could you come closer? P-p-please?”
“...” Fern glances at the floor, at the robot's feet, and then at them “...You can't step on the tiled floor, can you?” The sun lost its smile and looked down at the ground, after a few seconds they nodded its head.
It looked back at Fern “I...can't. I-it's off limits. I can't." The forced smile returned “B-but you can come closer, could you come closer? Please…?”
“No.” Fern truly wasn't planning on doing so.
“Ack-! *knnnnnnnnn skrskrskrskr* W-w-w-why?!?”
“I'm just fine here, I think I'm going to stay at the door.” She said as she let go of the handles and sat on the floor crossing their legs “Besides, I don't want you grabbing me again.”
“I didn't grab you! I didn't!” They made a gesture with its hand, replicating the motion they made when they touched Fern earlier “I only touched your shoulder! I placed my hand on your shoulder!” Did it really only placed its hand on their shoulder? It happened not long ago, Fern remembers feeling more pressure than necessary. She could still feel the metal fingers digging into their right shoulder.
“Yeah... I don't remember it that way.” Fern put their hand on their shoulder “You've been trying to get your hands on me ever since you saw me.” The sun was about to open its mouth to say something but they backed out *kknnnnnnnnnnn* it seemed to be thinking in what to respond, it looked tense. Fern was also thinking about what she could do to calm them down so she could get closer, but it seemed that at the slightest chance she'll have it near it was going to pounce on them (And for your information, Fern, your attitude isn't helping either).
“You shouldn't sit on the floor.” the sun said.
“*skr skr* I-it's not good *skrrr* that you're sitting on the floor. You're go-o-oing to hurt yourself, why don't you *skrrrrrrrr* sit here in the play area? The floor is softer, that would be better...” Fern frowned at them “O-o-or-” The sun looked around, pointed to the desks where Fern was looking at the computers earlier “-you could use one of the office chairs, where the security desks!” It smiled, its smile seemed more sincere this time “You don't have authorization to be there! But...” It glanced nervously at the chairs, then at Fern “It won't hurt to use it for a bit! Until the security guards come... But I won't tell anyone! Word!” It held up its hand as a promise gesture “Just, don't touch anything... they get really angry when people touch something, and then they yell at me...”
“No, I'm fine, thank you.” That chair was worse than the floor, and Fern didn't want to move away from the door. A *skrrrrrrrrrnnnnnn knnn knnn krkrkrkr* was heard from the robot, she didn't like that. The sun started looking between Fern and the chair again, finally ended up staring at the floor. The way it let its 'rays' fall was reminiscent of the ears of a saddened animal “...” “Hey.”
“Huh?” It raised its 'rays' again expectantly.
“Why don't you sit down? ...so we are both sitting.” Fern said trying to make the situation less awkward. It occurred to them that if they were both at the same height it would ease the atmosphere a little.
“...I don't need to- *Knnnnnnn skrskr* ...-Okay! Yeah, yes, okay...” It slowly knelt on the floor. It looked at Fern and then returned its gaze to the floor. “...” “I'm sorry...” It apologized again “I'm sorry, I know I scared you and that you don't trust me and I'm sorry, I'm very sorry.” It clenched the fabric of the pants where the scuff marks met with its fingers, its shoulders shrinked “...Please don't go.”
“Nah, I'm too lazy to get up now.” She said in another attempt to convince him she was staying to reassure him.
“Please don't go…” It repeated. They sounded like they were about to cry.
“... I'm not going anywhere.” She tried again, leaning back and supporting their weight on their hands. “...Word.” Fern imitated the hand gesture the robot made earlier, as a promise.
*Knnnnnnnnnnn* The sun stared at Fern's hand, then at them. “Are... you're staying?”
“Yes, I'm staying.” Fern looked to the side, thinking. She looked back at the robot “...For a while. Until I have to leave.”
“*knnnnnnn* When will you leave?”
“Eh... possibly within a few hours. So... yeah, we can talk.” (For my mother's love Fern, my child, you sweet summer child, more cheer.)
*skr- skr- skr- knnnnnnn* The sun seemed to be processing the information. Fern looked at them expecting them to start talking at any moment.
...There was silence for a minute. Fern decided to speak.
“So what's your name?”
“What's your name?” They said practically at the same time.
“Oh- *skr skr skr*.”
Fern gestured for them to start first.
“I- a- *knnnnnn knnnnn knnnnn knnnnn* n-no, you can go first!” The robot said, with a constant *knnnnn* sound.
“Um, okay. My name's Fern, you?”
A *kr kr* interrupted the previous sound and only *knnnnnnn* could be heard again. It was silent for a bit. Then it decided to speak “Fern! Oh, that's a very nice name! It fits you, yes... *sk sk knnnnnn* Hey, hey, Fern...! What do you like to do-? What do you like to play? Your favorite color-?!”
“Hold on, hold on! Are you going to tell me your name or am I going to be left without knowing?”
“Um... *skr skr skr* one... *knnnnnnnn* one moment-” Again that *knnnnn*, another minute in silence “...” “Oh! Hey, hey! Do you like puppet shows? I'm very good at making them! Or I can teach you how to make puppets if you want-!”
“What I would like is knowing what to call you. Don't... you know it's rude to ask someone's name and then not introduce yourself?” She said trying to pressure them into saying its name.
“Oh! *skr skr* My name! *skr* Yes, my name!”
“*skr... skr... skr... skr... skr...*”
“Do you like painting?! I can get some paints and papers and we can paint together-!
“Your name! How can I call you?”
“Oh-! ah... You can call me whatever you want!” They said as it adjusted its posture, sitting crossing its legs like Fern “You can use a nickname, or nicknames! If you like, I love nicknames! Do you like nicknames? Do you want a nickname? Do I give you a nickname-?! Okay!” They put its hand on its chin, thinking “Let's see...”
“You don't know your name, do you?”
“ng... *sknnnnnnnnnn*” Its head twitched and it froze in the posture looking to the side. Some fans began to make sound “nn... i...k...kno...i... I-I-I- I know! It's- It's here! Here! In my sys-! *skgghghrghrghrrrr* -TEeem... eh... ah...” It looked confused, its eyes move as if it was reading something in the air “I...” Its shoulders slump in disappointment, whatever it was searching for in its system they couldn't seem to find it “I can't...” murmurs.
“...Can you tell me your code? The name of your model I mean.”
*skgkg-* “...” “I cannot give that type of information to unauthorized personnel or not employed by Fazbear Entertainent.” It said in a monotone voice. “...” “It makes no sense as a name anyways,” it laughed “it's boring and hard to pronounce.”
“Don't you have a name they used to call you by here?”
“Um...” It's fans started up again.
“...” Fern remembers seeing something written on the posters she saw earlier, something about sun...drop? She looked around. Those same posters were here too, on the walls and desks along with others that seemed more outdated. 'Sunnydrop', said the posters, although it seems more like the name of the candy they promote. “Eh.”
“What if I called you 'Sun'? For short, for the moment. Like a short version of the poster over there.” Fern said, pointing with their head and thumb. “And 'cause, well... it's literally the shape of your head... it's not very original but...” (I'm not pronouncing that whole name every time I want to refer to you.) “I don't know, how about it?”
It looks between Fern and the poster until it smiles and nods its head vividly “Okay, yeah! Call me Sun!” It looks happy with the idea. The fans and noise of its processor have reduced. Fern already has a name for the sun animatronic, Sun, ironically. “I like it! Oh, I like the nickname you gave me!” Its 'rays' make a spin around its head followed by some *clicks* and *tics*, was that to express happiness?
“Yes, friend!? Uh-Oh! Is it okay if I call you friend?” It seemed nervous again. Fern was going to have to be extremely careful talking to Sun if at the slightest it'll get upset over something like calling them 'friend' instead of using their name.
“Yeah, sure, call me whatever you want. Hey, how long have you been here?” Possibly not the best question to start with but Fern had many questions about this place and especially about Sun.
“For-! Uh... *knnnnnnnn skr skr skr skr* since... *kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr kr* uhhh...*skr skr skr srk*”
“Okay, stop stop.” After a few moments Sun stopped as instructed, along with the processor's noise, and looked at Fern with curiosity and a feeling of having done something wrong. “Let's see. How long... have you been On? Since the last time you started up again.”
“Oh! I can anwser that! *knnn krkr kr skr...* Four...thousand *skr skr kr-* two...hun...dred ninety...-EIGHT! Days. Since my last reboot... Ah- no- well... since my last hard reboot. I don't really need to shutdown but sometimes I need restarts... Be a few minutes (or hours) 'off '. Oh, but since then I've been fine! Working perf-*skgrah*-ectly! *skr*.” It swung its fist to the side with energy and a smile, ignoring the distress call from its system.
“...Yeah. And those noises that are constantly coming out of you? They don't sound very good, to say the least.” She's right.
“I've already fix-! *skgrr-* I've already fixed it! S-sometimes it happens and I don't realize it, but I always fix it!” “...” “I-I know you were a little scared before! And-and that- And that I acted weird! I...I know! I'm sorry... But that's it! I'm functioning perfectly!” It swung its fist again, this time with less enthusiasm “...Seriously...”
Fern looked at Sun thoughtfully “Back... in the ball pit. The noises were much worse and constant, and you froze with every movement or at mid-word. Does it happen to you often? I am no expert!” Fern held up their hands in excuse “But I wouldn't call that 'functioning perfectly'.”
“I-I- said I already fixed it! *skrgggrggrgr- kr kr*” There it was again.
“It's getting worrying, you know?” If it wasn't already before.
Sun waved its hand in denial “Nothin'nothin'nothin'-! *skrrr* It's nothing, it's nothing! *kr kr*” It repeated over and over between loud processor noises, the more it panicked, the longer the noises became “that that that! Dasit-! That's it! *skr krr-* There! *skrrrrr- kr- kr- kr-* Now, it's-! *sknnnnnnnnn skrGRRRrrAH* IT'S ENOUGH!” Its fans were starting up again along with the noise at an alarming rate. Sun started to make a sound that resembled hyperventilating. By panicking, it was asking too much of the internal system and it became destabilized (Hey Fern, the part about being careful with what you say, no, huh?).
“Okay! Okay, calm down. It's okay.” Fern sat forward raising their hands, still kneeling on the floor. Sun looked at them as it tangled its hands together. “It's okay...” She tried to think quickly what to say “You said that you had been... like four thousand or so days On.”
“*Skr skr* ...Four thousand two hundred and ninety-eight...*skgr*” It frowned at that last noise.
“Four thousand two hundred and ninety-eight days, okay. And in all that time, have you seen anyone else besides me? Have you received maintenance or any messages from them?”
Its expression shifted to a bewildered look at Fern. It started playing with the ribbons on its wrists “No... No, but-” It tried to show a smile again “-but it's okay, I've been taking care of myself a lot-lot-lot-! And I have been very careful! And I've paid attention to the alerts! And then they won't have much work ahead of them...! For... when they come back...” “...” “They're taking their time. They're...-they're taking a long time to come back.” It started rocking on the spot, back and forth “But it's fine! Because when they come back-*skrgrgrhs* when they come back- I'll-! *skrgr* I've been behaving well! I've been behaving very well.” It suddenly lowered its tone of voice. It looked at the floor while its hands still played with the ribbons, tangling them between its fingers. “I have been good. They won't have to worry and will be able to return to their work. I have been very good. I am functioning perfectly. There is no problem. I'm fine. I already fixed it *skrnnnnnnnnn*” Again the noise “I've fixed it, I've fixed it, I've fixed it!”
“Okay! Okay. Alright, I believe you.”
Sun looked up and tensed its shoulders... and its 'rays'. It looked surprised, like it had forgotten Fern was there. “*Skr skr skr skr skr skr skr skr* Oh-! Oh.” It looked at the ribbon tangled between its fingers for a moment, untangled it, and looked back at Fern as its hands continued to play “I- didn- ...I'm sorry.”
“I was- I was just wondering, how... come that-” 'How are you still functioning after all this time?' was what Fern wanted to ask among a thousand things. But seeing Sun's expression, that mix between stress, fear and somehow enthusiasm, just to be there, with someone. Fern decided to put their questions aside “You know what? Why don't you ask me something?”
“*skr skr* Oh! I've already asked you a lot of things earlier! You still haven't answered those~!” It said with a more cheerful tone.
“Sorry, I don't remember them, can you repeat them for me?” Better to start gaining its trust.
Sun's posture tensed as it leaned forward, it clenched its fists with enthusiasm and its 'rays' shrank and extended, making a wave effect around its head, it made an inspiration sound “*GAAAASP* What is your favorite thing to do-?!What do you like to play-? What places do you like going to-?What's your favorite color-?!Your favorite song-?Your favorite food-?Do you like puppet shows-?Would you like me to teach you how to make puppets-?!Do you like nicknames?Would you like me to give you one-?Do you like painting-?Can we do make-?”
“One at a time! I can't keep up with everything.” Fern cut them off before it continued its endless list of questions. Sun had that guilty look again with its 'rays' drooping. Before it could began to apologize Fern continued “What's the first thing you want to ask me?”
“Um- eh-ah- *knnnnnn* What's your favorite thing to do in the world?!”
“Humm...” Fern took a moment to think. She could give a random answer to move forward the conversation faster but she wanted to be honest. And she was having a hard time because she couldn't remember what she liked to do most. “I guess... uuuuuhh... drawing? Although- well I don't really draw much.”
“*kr kr* I like to draw too! And painting! And crafts! What's your favorite game?!” Sun jumped to the next question.
“Uf, uh...” Fern wasn't great at remembering their own interests. It's hard when you don't think about it often, or ever “I don't think I have a favorite game... Mmmm-I like it when the game uses cards... but I don't know.”
“*skr kr kr* Oh! I also like card games. What's your favorite color?!”
“Oran...ge...? No... Well, yes, but maybe pastel yellow... although I also like some shades of green and purples.”
“*skr skr kr*” Sun seemed to be taking note of everything Fern was saying before asking the next question. “You can choose more than one! I like sky blue!” How ironic “What's your favorite food?” If it wasn't for the enthusiasm it gave off when asking and waiting for the answer, Fern would have thought Sun was getting back at them for asking it difficult questions earlier. It could be, but hard to believe with the little bounces it gave in place while smiling with excitement.
“I mean... I don't know- I like salty foods, and some acid ones but... I wouldn't know what to tell you my favourite food is.”
“*skr* Oh, well... I like cupcakes!”
“...How can you have a favorite food?”
“Why wouldn't I have???”
“Can you eat? Are you made with the capacity for it?”
“*kr knn* Ohoho! No, I can't eat them, but I like how they look! I think they are pretty! There are many ways to decorate them...! *skr kr kr* Oh! I also like homemade cookies! You can give them any shape you want and decorate them and you can also make them colorful!” What Sun seemed to like was the process of making them, makes sense.
“Ha.” Fern showed a smile of understanding.
“... *skr krkrkr skr kr*” It took a moment to ask the next question. “Do you like music? Do you have a favorite song?” It seemed more relaxed talking.
“I like it but um... I couldn't tell you... I've never chosen one as 'the favorite' ...you know?”
“*SKRRR* Y-you don't have to choose! Y-you are not obliged *skr kr*” Sun must have noticed Fern upset, but it wasn't because of them. What bothered Fern was not being able to give a confident answer. “Everyone has a hard time choosing sometimes-! *kr* There are a lot- lot of songs and music! How to choose just one... ahaha...” It laughed.
It continued the relentless bombardment of questions. Sun asked the typical basic children's questions when they have just learned how to make friends and chatted about various game topics. Fern tried to slip some 'discreet' question about the Fazbear company and Sun, but it would get nervous when it was unable to respond and would hung up, so they would change the topic again and talk about personal interests.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
It's been a long bit.
“*knnnnnnnnn*... Do you… do you have a favorite place?” Sun asked, showing a bit of shyness.
“...” It took Fern a while to answer “I- guess... My house? I don't know..."
“... D-don't you have... a comfy place? A place where you feel more comfortable than others?”
“Heh, yeah, my bed…” Their answers became more and more vague.
“Oh-! *skr* hehe... Does that mean you're not an early riser?”
“Actually, I usually get up early, but who isn't comfortable in their bed, you know? Besides, I get up early out of obligation. It's not that I can just stay in bed and do nothing.”
“*krkr* Oh...haha, of course...” There were a few seconds of awkward silence until it asked “Uh... a-a-are you bored? A-a-are -y-y-ou getting bored?” Its fans began to be heard.
Fern cut them off before it could start rambling in panic again. “No no! It's not that... it's just that-” She wanted to explain themselves but couldn't find the words. “I don't know. I guess- I'm a little tired, and lost in thoughts. I wasn't expecting...this” She pointed their hand in Sun's general direction.
“...Ah?” Sun tilted its head to the side in confusion.
“I mean... it's just...” I came to steal old material and scraps “I came in here expecting to explore a little and leave and now I'm... sitting here. I didn't expect to be answering questions about me or my personal tastes in craft materials.” She looked at Sun “...Or to have a conversation with a robot” Sun frowned a little at that last bit. “Not to belittle! I didn't expect to find anyone when I came here.”
“No no-! It's not that- ah- Why weren't you expecting anyone??” Sun asked with genuine confusion “There are always a lot of people working here, especially during the day!”
“...” Oh, boy. That “uh... Sun” It's better for them to know it now as soon as possible ...right? “I think... no one comes here anymore.”
“...?” Sun looked at Fern with bewilderment but maintained a light smile.
“AHAHA-” Sun suddenly laughed. Its posture and smile had frozen, its gaze fixed somewhere behind Fern.
She knew it wasn't looking at them, she swayed sideways and made various arm gestures and poses to check it. The *knnnnnnnn* that began to sound confirmed to Fern that it was still working and had not suddenly broken, maybe it just gave an error and was processing a response. “...Sun?”
“HA-” *SKRGKRrrgkk...* It looked like it had a spasm for a moment. Its head tilted and a mechanical *click* was heard, shortly after its face made a full rotation followed by more *clicks*. Its smile widened again, maintaining its worried expression, it put its hands on its ankles and began to sway back and forth rhythmically. “Silly-silly-silly-silly-silly-! *sKRKRrrg* OOOOH so silly-! That's so silly-! AHA-ahA ha-! Don't say nonsense!” It said smilingly.
Fern could only look at Sun in bewilderment and pity.
*skr* It stopped its swaying and relaxed its tone “Don't be silly, friend. Of course people still come! They have to come and do their job! Their work is very important! They wouldn't all quit so suddenly!”
“...Has anyone been here in the last years?” Fern asked, worried for the answer.
*skrKR* “You have come!” It responded instantly happily “You are here! -Right now!"
“...Sun,” uff “Have more people come here besides me in the last years?”
“...” *skrkr skr kr kr kr...* Its smile was falling but it didn't disappear completely. “Surely.... they are working in another part of the building. -Y-yes *kr*, they must be very busy! Working! Elsewhere...!” A low *kr kr kr kr* began to be heard “That's why... it must be that... You aren't a new technician! Right!?”
“¿¡!?” That took Fern by surprise. “Um- nope.”
“A-a-a-and- you haven't seen anyone since you came in here! Right!?” *skrskrskr*
“Of course!” *SKR* The half-joyful-half-nervous tone returned “-Of course you couldn't have seen anyone! You don't work here! You can't have the work schedule or know where they might be-! You can't know- aHAha-!” If Sun noticed the worried looks Fern was sending him, it must have ignored it.
“Y-yeah okay, but- alright... and... haven't you thought... that they haven't stopped by to visit you in a long time?” Fern gave a small worried smile. “-Haven't you seen them in a while time?”
“LIIIke I said before- they're busy- they don't need to come see me now! *krkrkr* It must be that I don't need to be examined at the moment! That must be it haha! You're not from here so naturally you don't know! You don't know what they're working on! Don't worry- don't worry-!”
Fern could only think that this was going to be more complicated than it already seemed at first. The robot continued with its paranoia that this place was still running. Something light up on its face, as if it had remembered something.
“B-besides- they said they would come back tomorrow! So it's fine! They'll be back!”
That got all of Fern's attention. “Wait- holditholditholditholdit-! They told you they would be back, tomorrow???”
Sun nodded its head vividly “Mhm! That's what they said!” It looked more cheerful.
“But- like, tomorrow-tomorrow?”
*Sknnnnnnnnnnnn* Ah, one of the various sounds of thinking “They said they would be back tomorrow!” It drops that and stays chill, with a smile on its face.
“So you're telling me... they talked to you today?”
“Oh, no! I haven't seen them today...”
“They sent you a message then.”
“No no, I haven't received any messages in a while.” *skr*
“...” For the love of my life “They... told you the date they would return, and that date is tomorrow?”
"No, silly!" it said with laughter “I'm telling you, they told me they would be back tomorrow!”
Fern was perplexed. She was finally managing to get even a sliver of information out and she had gotten themselves into a loop with the robot. But wait- “Sun, how long ago did they tell you they would be back tomorrow?”
Sun stayed silent, the only audible sound the long, drawn-out *knnnnnnnnnn* it seemed to do when it thought. It dug its fingers into the fabric of its pants near its ankles and didn't move again. A while passed and it was still motionless, thinking. It began to repeat a sequence of noises as if it had gotten stuck in its thoughts and suddenly the sound stopped. Its smile fell, its body lost all the tension that kept them upright, and it slumped to the side.
Fern startled. “¿Sun?” Didn't seem to respond “Oh, God...” Just as she thought of getting closer to check if it was okay, Sun sat up, making a lot of mechanical *clicks* and *tics* as its limbs settled back into their natural positions. It could be hear the fan running and soon the *skr skr* it had been doing the whole time they were talking.
It finally looked up at Fern. It seemed to function normally again, “...” “...” “...HEEEEL-” or almost “-LOOO... *SKGrkrgr* N-new friend-? Oh-o-OH- Are you new-?! ARE YOU FRIEND!? *kgr*” This sounds familiar... Sun got up from excitement, it couldn't stop bouncing on the spot. “Who are you-?! What's your name!? *skgr* I can't find your profile-! -Do you have a profile??? OH! Are you the new playmate!? Wait, are you here for the routine maintenance? *kr- kr-* Are you a new technician-!?” And we start again “Can we play? Can we play NOW!? Can we-! You're not on the employee registry-! You need a registry to-! *skgrkrkrkr* How could you get in without a profile!??? Do you work here-?” It stopped dead and stared at Fern. Its white pupils scanned them from top to bottom. “*skrgrkrg* *GASP* You don't work here! How did you get in-!? What are you doing here-!? INTRUDER! STRANGER! ¡AAA-!” His rays tensed, Sun began to run in circles screaming “SECURITY ALERT! SECURITY ALERT! WOO WOO WOO WOO!” And imitating alarm sounds. Its screams mixed with the noises of its processor and fans. Fern could only look in amazement and disconsolation at the panorama.
“Sun.” She tried calling them but it kept going 'woo woo' while running and doing pirouettes across the floor. “Sun! Hey!” No case. Eventually it went back to just spinning around in circles while shouting 'DANGER DANGER' over and over again. “Sun! Listen! SUN!” It stopped but not because of Fern. It had frozen in its animation again, its head and hands rotating in place, sparking from the friction. Now it was just repeating 'ERROR ERROR' non-stop with a monotone voice.
Fern panicked, she spun around on themselves looking around, searching for something. She located an old, dusty ball behind a chair and threw it hard at Sun, hitting them in the face. Somehow this made it stop completely. Fern watched silently waiting for something to happen but Sun remained motionless without making a sound. A few seconds later the fan sounded again along with the rest of the usual noises, it took them a while to start up. When it finally did, it returned its gaze to Fern, scanning them up and down.
“...” “*GASP* New frie-!”
“AH- NAH-no-no-no-no-nah-! We are not going through this again!” Fern cut them off before it could start with everything all over again.
“...f-...frie-nd-...” That left them in shock. It lowered its rays and its posture shrank. The *vrrrrrr* of the fans could be hear.
“Y-Yes- yes... friends! We're friends” Saying that seemed to help improve its mood. Sun went to open its mouth to speak but Fern was the one who did it first. “Before you say anything-! Um... No, I don't work here and I don't have a profile. Yes, I've snuck in, uh- don't activate the alarms yet, I don't have any bad intentions...” That last one was partially a lie. Don't get upset, okay? ...We don't want you to suddenly shut down and collapse again.” Sun tensed up upon hearing that but did as instructed and remained calm for the moment. “We've been talking for the last- THREE HOURS.” Fern looked at their watch, it had been over three hours and she was having a hard time assimilating it but she looked back at Sun who was expectant of Fern's words. She took a breath and continued. “Okay, look, we've been talking for a long time and you've already asked me everything about me. Y-you should have that information recorded somewhere in your memory! It happened just now.” She paused to see if Sun had caught everything she said and gave it a moment to search for said information. It could be hear the *skr skr* of thinking and the fans. After a while it stopped making noise, but the nervous fidgeting of its hands let Fern know it hadn't collapsed again. “Do you remember anything of what happened in the last few hours?” She asked.
Sun seemed to have come out of the trance it was in and started looking between its hands, the computer desks, and Fern. “*skr- skr-*...uuh...uh...” The fidgeting passed from its hands to the ribbons “...yyyyyess?? uh- *SKRG* I- *kr* I shouldn't give- *sKRGRRGKRgrrss*” Oh no... It froze again- “Yes! Yes, of course! Ha- How would I forget-?” It had that expression again between happy and on the verge of an attack “I haven't forget anything! I haven't forget anything-! Don't worry! It's all here-!” It raised its arm doing a swing with one finger pointing at its head. “It's here! I forgot nothing- nothing! It only took a lil' bit to load- haha...” Sun smiled awkwardly while Fern looked at them with concern and seriousness. “Yup, a-aALLLl in order! *-skrgr*” It confirmed one last time.
Fern let out a tired sigh. She looked worriedly at the watch on their wrist. 12:11 “Okay... okay look, I- have been here for a long time now, I should go-”
“What-!? No no! *-kgrkgrgr* Please no!” Aaaand Sun panicked again. “Don't go! HahA-! I- Um- Can-! *SKGR* I-I-can-can-can- a-any- thing! I can do anything-! Whatever you want-!” Its voice was cutting off with static and it let out gasps between pleas, its rays were trembling. Fern tried to say something but it was only a murmur between Sun's desperate screams. “Don't leave yet, please! It's still too soon! Don't leave me alone! I don't want to be alone-!”
“I'LL COME BACK!” Fern finally raised their voice.
"Listen." Fern made sure she had Sun's attention “I cannot stay any longer, I just can't! I've already spent longer than I intended here and I have a lot to do. So...” She sighed and looked at Sun, they maintained eye contact. “...I'm leaving for today, and I'll be back tomorrow, okay?” She saw confusion on Sun's face, from the sound of *Knng* and the way it tilted its head it didn't seem to have understood. She repeated again gesturing with their hands as she spoke making their points clear. “Today: I'm leaving. Tomorrow: I'll be back... Understand?” She let a few seconds pass to see how it'll responded.
It had its hands together, one finger scratching the joint of a knuckle on its exposed hand. Its noises could be heard at a lower volume and the rays from its head shrank and extended in a wave movement. It finally reacted “ah...uh-... o-okay... okay... *skgr* a- Yes! Alright... okay...” It nodded with a shy smile. “*skr... skr...* um- I-... if- If my friend says- *kr* says they're coming back, then they're coming back! Ahaha...” It tried to return to a more cheerful voice. It sounded like it said it more to themselves than to anyone else. “Ri...ght... friend?”
"Sure." Fern nodded, tilting their head to the side.
“...” “...Do you promise...?”
“...You promise you'll be back here tomorrow?”
“Yes, I'll be back here tomorrow.”
“Yes, really.”
“Do you really promis-?”
"Yes!" Sun jumped back, its eyes and shoulders hunched and it looked in fear at Fern. “Sorry...” She sighed “I promise. I really, truly, really, truthfully promise that I will be back. Tomorrow morning I promise you I'll be right here.” Sun looked at Fern expectantly. “...” “Word.” Fern held up their hand in promise. Sun imitated the gesture “Okay?”
Its expression brightened, the rays came out again and its posture relaxed. “Okay, y-yeah, okay! W-we'll see each other tomorrow!” It confirmed.
Fern was relieved to hear Sun finally understand and breathed out a sigh of relief. “Okay, then... I'll get going, alright? Bye.” She waved goodbye as she headed towards the doors.
“¡Ah! Uh... Can you close the doors on your way out? The doors have to be closed if no one's here...”
“Yeah.” She grabbed the door handles and pushed them.
“U-um- S-see ya!” It said waving its hand in the air.
"See you tomorrow." Fern confirmed one last time, “Bye, Sun.”
Sun stood there, waving timidly into the air, watching as its new (apparently) friend disappeared after closing the fake castle doors. It stopped waving “...” “Who's Sun?”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Fern was back on the first elevator, the one that wasn't working and, naturally, she hadn't forgotten their beloved and much missed crowbar. She made a long descent to the bottom of the pit using the stairs on the wall to get it back and climb back up. She sighed, “Next time, I'm bringing two crowbars.” She climbed back up to the roof of the elevator and entered through the emergency hatch to reach floor L2. After coming out of it, she stopped in front of the doors to look at the state of the crowbar more calmly 'Wow, it's pretty good for having fallen from 30 me-' *SKREEEEEENNNNNNGG* Fern flinched at the sound and turned to look at the elevator.
Fern stared with their eyes wide open at the now empty elevator shaft. She looked at the crowbar in their hand. She decides to put it away and return home. We aren't going to think about how she narrowly escaped that, no. If she had taken few more seconds to come out and turns into mush, in an elevator pit, in an abandoned facility, in a building not even its mother knows, in the middle of nowhere. Nope! We aren't going to think about that, better to get out. Down the stairs, straight ahead to the right. Fresh air here she goes.
As soon as she left, Fern felt a pressure release from their head. Just a few meters away from the entrance she felt like she had to sit down and take off their backpack before getting where she had parked their hovercraft, she needed clean air. The fresh air helped them clear their head and thoughts. She hadn't realized until now how overwhelmed she was feeling being in there, apart from the recent scare with the elevator, which has also made them feel anguish.
She looks at the clock, it's past one o'clock in the afternoon. She should eat something if she's driving home after all that walking, climbing, and running. She gets up from the ground and drags the backpack along with their body to collapse in the car so she can eat there. It's a little harder to carry the backpack with the extra weight of the tools she has been collecting on the way back (hey, they were free). She takes off their gloves and digs through their backpack to take out the multipurpose knife, the lunch box containing the chicken with rice she had prepared in the early morning and an apple, some of the rice has stuck to the lid of the lunchbox and she scratches it off with the fork. She spends a few minutes digging into the food until she finally decides to bring a portion to their mouth.
Although she decided not to worry for the moment, Fern can't help but think of the robot trapped and abandoned at the bottom of the building... who's alone again. Should she really come back tomorrow? Yes, she promised, but, what difference would it make if she just pretended nothing happened? What consequences could there be-? In fact- Fern would be suffering consequences for taking responsibility for a defective and damaged robot. Bots themselves are already a pain in the ass to maintain and the lack of bot rights management doesn't help, there is nothing that protects them; there's no way to get good insurance for them, especially for models from 5 years ago. If your bot is older than that you better have a complete manual stuck in your head on how to solve any absolute damage or problem it may suffer, because if not, you're both very screwed.
Speaking of which, how is Fern supposed to repair a robot as broken as Sun is? Especially one made by Fazbear Entertainment, the bastards make their own unique tools and parts of exclusive use for their company. You can't find them anywhere. It would be impossible to repair one of their animatronics unless she made each piece by hand and- um- no. Thank you. Is Sun even in saveable condition? Would it even be worth it? Even in the hypothetical case that she managed to save it, what would she do next? She doesn't have space at home for a robot that's taller than 2 meters. There is the machine refuge, yes, but...
Could she even help them? Without compatible or interchangeable parts I highly doubt it. It would end up turning into useless scrap metal. Not much differece from what awaits for it inside. There really wouldn't be any difference between leaving it here or taking it to the city.
Nobody knows it's there.
Fern knows.
But no one else knows of its existence. Who would care?
It's down there suffering and nobody knows.
Fern knows.
Without realizing it she had stopped eating and was just playing with the fork. Let's see, on one hand we have: a damaged, defective and hyperactive robot in an abandoned facility in very poor condition an... give it an hour and a half by hovercraft away from the city, without much chance of repair or survival in or out of this place, not to mention the lack of knowledge about its model. On the other hand we have: guilt.
On the one hand: Fern wouldn't feel right just leaving it here, Sun has autonomy and in the time they have known each other it has demonstrated enough intelligence to have its own opinions and make decisions for itself, it clearly has a developed AI so it is capable of feeling emotions; in other words, its suffering is real and it is morally wrong to leave it like this. On the other hand: she wouldn't know where to put it, as said before, there is no space at home and Fern has neither the resources nor the time to take care of it, they wouldn't accept it in a job or company because it already belongs to one, on top of it with a bad reputation. The refuge is an option but it wouldn't help much, it could end up becoming a burden and may not end up getting along with the other bots that are already there.
What will win in the end? Rationality or morality? The crushing and tormenting feeling of guilt! Of course! That's why Fern is sitting curled up in a ball, perforating with their gaze at the half-eaten rice and chicken, unable to make up their mind. She could at least try. Try... something. Even if it's just, paying them a visit? She already promised them that she would come back tomorrow. At the very least she should go see them tomorrow, she doesn't have to go every time, she doesn't have to repair it either. Maybe keeping company is enough? From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like it has much of its lifespan left... Oh God, she's really considering doing this.
For now, Fern will worry about finishing their meal and driving back to the town. She'll think better about it when she gets home.
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glambots · 3 months
Headcanons of Glamrock Freddy, Sundrop, and Monndrop react to gn reader had a bad day but immediately brightens up when they see HIM?
🎩Glamrock Freddy + "You're My Favorite:"🎩
⭐There's no doubting the little jolt of happiness that coils through his wires upon seeing your face, nor the way his gears seem to stutter when his eyes meet yours. He's never felt this way about anyone before, but somehow, you are different.
⭐He, of course, immediately throws an arm up and waves at you, to which you respond with just as much enthusiasm. And that makes the warmth pooling through his system that much worse. He can't help but wonder if you're feeling the same things that he does. Does seeing him make you just as happy, Superstar?
⭐The rest of the day is spent with a little "pep in his step." Even if he was having a bad day beforehand, just seeing you was enough to make it better. And from the way the frown melts off your face, he has to reason to believe that he's done the same for you.
☀️Sunnydrop + "You're My Favorite:"☀️
⭐Is it weird, that he's that happy to see you? Is it weird that he feels lighter somehow? That his wires squeeze and seem to tangle inside of his chest just at the sight of you? There's both a tension and a relief, knowing that you're here, at the same time as him?
⭐Maybe, but it's nothing compared to the face-splitting smile you give him. It's so bright and genuine that he feels momentarily blinded by it. Like there are suddenly stars in his eyes. It only takes him a moment to blink them away before he's giving you an enthusiastic wave, already feeling all his stress just...disappear.
⭐Even if he's not able to talk with you at the moment, he's happy just to see you. And it shows, because his step is lighter, his movements are smoother, and he just seems...more "Sunny." Your presence just makes his day ten times better!
🌙Moondrop + "You're My Favorite:"🌙
⭐Not many people smile when they see him. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Which is why you're different. Special. Strange. Very strange. But in a way that doesn't entirely disagree with him. Your smile is familiar. Something he looks forward to.
⭐So, when he sees you, he throws an arm high up and gives you a wave, much like his daytime-counterpart would. And you, to your credit, do the same thing. As expected. And yet, just that little gesture is enough to sent something glittering through his system. Such an odd feeling. He doesn't know what to do with it.
⭐Whenever you're around, people tend to notice that Moon is...different. More relaxed, almost happy. But not in that creepy gremlin way that he usually is. Genuinely, actually happy. And it's really weird, but...whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Please.
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deafeningfanlight · 2 months
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Eclipse laughing his ass off cuz he has a broken sense of humor >:D We be twinning fr fr HAHA ✨💅🤣
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Me when I got Sundrop and Moondrop plushies [I TURNED INTO A FERAL DEMONIC BEING I TELL U 😭✋]
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equizona · 2 years
The security breach crew react to a reader biting their own fingers until they bleed
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glamrock freddy, glamrock chica, roxanne wolf, montgomery gator, sundrop, moondrop || five night's at freddy's
gender-neutral reader
masterlist, navigation
sometimes I have no clue what to write
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Nearly has a panic attack when he notices the red staining your fingers. He's quick to gently take your hands away from your mouth so you can't keep biting them, hurrying you to a first aid station so he can fix your hands up.
Will be scolding you the entire time. Why are you biting your fingers enough for them to bleed? Your blood is supposed to stay inside of your body, believe him. If you're doing it because you were stressed, bored or anything else, he will do his best to aid the reasoning so you won't keep doing it.
Much like Freddy, she freaks out when she notices what happened. She squeaks in protest, and she's sure her heart would have stopped had she been a human. She immediately rushes you to the nearest first aid station. She probably picks you up so you getters quicker, too.
Gets rather pushy about knowing why you did it if you don't tell her the first time she asks to know. Why don't you want her knowing? Is it something bad? Have people been picking on you? Does she need to eat scold someone? When you tell her, she'll do her best to help if there is a reason, if not, she'll see if there's anyway for you both to work together to get over the habit.
She also freaks out, to maybe some people's surprise. Stumbles over a bunch of the staff bots in her haste to get you to a first aid station.
She doesn't really process you did that yourself at first, so she's asking how it happened, thinking maybe someone else hurt you. When she finds out you have a habit of biting your fingers, she's still worried just in a different way. She'll try and figure out a plan with you to get you over the habit.
Pretty much the only glamrock who doesn't completely lose their shit. He's still a bit panicked, but he handles it a lot better than the other three. He's no less quick in getting you to a first aid station to get you all bandaged up.
Gets kinda angry with you for hurting yourself like that. Why in the world are you biting your own fingers? He doesn't understand, but if he sees that he's upsetting you, he'll remove himself from the situation and get one of the others to check on you. Will come back once he's calmed down and ask you how he can he'll you to not do it.
He handles it really well, actually. Little kids get hurt all the time, sometimes they don't even notice and other times they won't stop crying out of fear, regardless if it hurts or not. Handles the situation really well with getting you bandaged up.
Doesn't know what to do with getting you to stop though, he knows habits are difficult to get out of, so he'll mostly ask you what he can do to help you out.
Handles the situation really well, much like his daytime counterpart. While it's less frequent, some kids won't stay still and will get themselves injured when it's his turn to be in charge. He'll make sure it gets proper care so nothing gets infected.
If you have no idea how to stop yourself from biting your fingers, he has a bunch of ideas and suggestions you can try that might help out!
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rom-e-o · 4 days
Imagine one of little pups or Sundrops finding out about their father's past and perhaps even their mother's (at least, the uncharitable , gossipy interpretations of their pasts) before their parents got the chance to explain it to them. They're still young, probably just double digits, maybe not quite that even, and are maybe running around a holiday party the Scrooge's are throwing. Maybe this is a slightly more business associate filled party, and the little ones overhear some badmouthing about their parents from some more pompous and snooty attendees.
Or maybe some of the associates' children playing with them make some comments.
"My dad says your dad is a heartless monster who steals and hides away money like a rat bastard."
"That's not true! The only thing my dad ever stole is my mum's heart. He doesn't steal money!"
"Sure he did. My dad says there was even a time when all of London feared your dad because if they didn't give him the money he wanted from them he'd take everything else they had instead."
"That's a lie!"
"No it isn't. My dad said so, and my dad's right about everything."
"My dad isn't a heartless monster!"
"Sure he is."
"No, he isn't! My dad helps people! He builds things to help people in need and gives money to people who need it! And he loves me and my mama!"
"He doesn't love your mum, he just uses her to keep his bed warm--that's what my mum says. She says your mum is nothing but a Yankee whore and needed a place to stay and someone to take care of her, so she spread her legs for your dad."
"You're lying! You're lying! You don't know my mum and dad! You're just a big, stupid bully who doesn't know anything! And your mum and dad are just big, stupid bullies too!"
Cue child-sized brouhaha.
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Oh deaaaar. It was only a matter of time before that gossip that the couples deal with from the paparazzi reaches the kids as a result of trickle down from their parents.
And, of course, it all comes to a head at a Christmas party that these ‘friends’ were invited to for merriment and to celebrate the holiday season.
And the poor Pups and Sundrops. It’s a delicate conversation, and there is LOTS of nuance. All four adults have PASTS, filled with some very difficult traumas and things that kids, teens, and young adults alike (hell, all adults) struggle to cope with. They’re not quite old enough for it, but of course, people talk … and their kids talk.
Let’s face it, these kids are probably miserable as jealous of the the Scrooge brothers and their families as their parents are. They see the wealth, the galas, the cars the fathers drive and the clothes they all wear. Hell, the party is a showcase of their big pocketbooks (in a fun and elegant way for guests, not as a vulgar display). They don’t understand how much they give to charity, not do they care.
The Pups and Sundrops, however, SEE all the work and charity their parents do.
“You’re just jealous!” they yell.
“Jealous of your whore mum and your crooked dad? Ha!”
As the kids fight, it draws the attention of the other partygoers. People start to whisper and gossip, watching (and not intervening). Once the kids start hitting each other is around the time the parents get wind and rush over.
The other children’s parents run in and try to make excuses out of it to Wolf/Adonis, while Bess/Connie hold their child.
“They were LYING, mum/mama! They said all these terrible things! They called you and papa terrible names, a-and I hit them! Because they were lying! Lying, lying!”
“Shhh, shhhhh, it’s okay, honey.”
Later on, after the hubbub calms down, I imagine there is … quite the conversation. First, about not hitting. Secondly, bout their father and mother’s past. I don’t think either couple would go into full detail about EVERYTHING (that’s a 18+conversation) but they do thrive them the overview.
“For a long time, I … was not a kind man, my child. It’s true.”
“I-It’s true? B-But it can’t be!”
“I’ve worked very hard to try and make up for my mistakes, but you cannot run from your past. I was not a very nice man for many years - I worked people to the bone, and hounded people for the money they owed. I need you to know, my child, that I regret those days with all my heart. I take accountability for those times, but I assure you, I am not the man I was, and I continue to strive to be better.”
“…(sniff) A-And mum/mama, you’re… you didn’t just marry papa for money, right?”
“No, darling. I fell in love with your father’s wonderful heart. I saw all the money he gives to charities, and that made me admire him even more.”
“…I’m sorry.”
“Darling, we appreciate you defending us, but please…never endanger yourself for us. We love you too much, okay? Your safety is more important than the opinions of some (whispers) stupid bullies, okay?”
“Hehe. O-Okay.” 🥹💕
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tangledbea · 4 months
i'm rewatching the series (season finale) and in the part where cassandra realizes that there is still a splinter of the moonstone in her armor, rapunzel's hair flashes blonde and brunette. if she no longer had power, wasn't her hair supposed to turn blue or something? is she still the flower, like, even after they return the drops to the sky?
Since the movie came out, there has been debate about whether or not she still had any magic left in her after she brought Eugene back to life. I've always said no. The executive producer told me that he always believed she did still have some fragment of power left, but not enough for it to manifest.
Her touching the black rocks at the beginning of the series activated the power that is innately in her (according to him). It was some combination of the inactive Sundrop and the touch of the Moonstone, without being the Moonstone's power, itself.
If I had to guess, I'd say the splinter of Moonstone that remained was similar to the Sundrop post-movie: enough magic to be there, but not enough to manifest properly. And since she was just holding onto it, it wasn't embedded within her, the way it had been Cassandra, it flashed between activating her innate Sundrop and not activating it. So rather than give her the power of the Moonstone (blue hair), it gave her the power that touching the black rocks did (indestructible blonde hair).
So my guess that, even after she releases the combined Sundrop and Moonstone, yes: she is supposed to still innately be the Sundrop/flower, just as CS believed she was at the end of the movie.
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paintbrushnebula · 18 days
Have you ever thought about making a Ghostflower Tangled AU? Because I can't stop thinking about Miles with 70 feet of blonde dreads, and Gwen's failed smolder and begrudgingly guiding Miles to see the lanterns. It just works so well in my brain.
Hi! YOU! YES YOU! You've got my number! Because I LIVE for Ghostflower x New Dream. Gosh, I live for Spider-Verse x Tangled, period! I've had it rotating in my brain for about a year now, although I guess I've never really talked at length about it or shared any of my ideas for a proper Spider-Verse x Tangled AU, have I?
I was a little embarrassed before, if I'm being honest 😅. But if y'all wanna indulge me, THEN HYYYES IMMA WAX POETICALLY ABOUT THIS AU TILL THE END OF TIME AND SPACE.
Rapunzel - Miles Morales Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider - Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider Mother Gothel - Olivia Octavius Captain of the Guard - George Stacy King Frederic - Jeff Morales/King Jefferson Queen Arianna - Rio Morales/Queen Rio The Stabbington Brothers - Tombstone and Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider Maximus - Widow (Web-Slinger’s horse) The Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs - The Sinister Six (they’re soft-confirmed to appear in Beyond the Spider-Verse after all) Pascal - isn’t in this AU.
So the overall plot of Tangled remains relatively the same, with the cast of Spider-Verse implemented into it, of course.
18 years ago, King Jefferson used the sundrop flower to heal the dying pregnant Queen Rio of Corona. Prince Miles is born with golden, ultra kinky 4c hair and magical healing powers, gets kidnapped by Mother Olivia, locked away in a tower deep in the woods, the whole shebang.
Now, Gwen Stacy is the secret identity of masked legendary thief Ghost Spider, currently a respected, high-ranking member of the Spider Society, a crime syndicate run by The Kingpin in the neighboring kingdom of Vardaros, the most powerful in the Seven Kingdoms due to its members' all wearing masks that hide their faces, rendering their identities completely unknown to anyone and impossible for any law enforcement to track them down. Recently, Ghost Spider has been commissioned by The Kingpin to steal the Lost Prince of Corona's crown from the palace.
So Ghost Spider has been on the run for years from the Captain of the Coronan Guard, Captain George Stacy, her father, who has no idea the masked thief he's hunting is his own daughter.
And don’t think I haven’t thought about the TV series exclusive characters!
Cassandra - Lyla (you have no idea how happy I was when I came up with that) Lance Strongbow - Hobie Brown/Rebel Spider Kiera and Catalina - Peni Parker and Margo Kess (they’re not kids in this though) Uncle Monty - Aunt May Varian - Miles G. Quirin - Aaron Davis Adira - Jessica Drew Hector - Miguel O’Hara The Baron - Kingpin (obv) Anthony the Weasel - Web-Slinger Baron’s Henchmen - Spider Society Lord Demanitus - Peter B. Parker King Edmund - Spider-Noir/King Benjamin Hamuel - Spider-Ham/Hamuel (he’s not called “Spider-Ham” ofc but he is still a talking anthropomorphic pig in this) Zhan Tiri - The Spot
Your concepts about Miles with golden dreads, Gwen's smolder, her taking him to see the LANTERNS OOHHHHHHH yeah imma just have to draw all that, sorry. Talking about it aint enough. Expect a buncha Tangled x Spiderverse fanart to be flooding my blog soon XD
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muzzlemouths · 2 years
Prompt: unsteady on feet
Moon centric // Wordcount: 4001
CW for accidental drugging. (You take the equivalent of too many moondrops, nothing serious) -
You are a daycare assistant. You pick up toys, clean up messes, and organize boxes of craft supplies. That’s the job you signed up for and, presumably, the one you’re being paid for. It’s a simple enough concept. An understood agreement between you and management.
So why, pray tell, are you always doing everything else around here?
That’s the only question on your mind as you’re paving through the storage halls that sit beneath the atrium, lugging box after box of inventory into a cart and marking it away on your stupid check sheet all the while grumbling under your breath about the task at hand.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t already in a bad mood. As it stands, however, you’re a day late and a dollar short in the good-natured employee department because your sleep debt has amassed to something of an eviction situation. That is, your soul was just going to pack up and go if you didn’t get some good shut-eye here soon.
It’s that very exhaustion which leads you to your latest lapse in judgement.
In between dusty boxes of Glamrock merch and old mapbot parts is where you find it; a crate, splintering at the edges, quarter-filled with inventory which at first glance looks older than your career. Packs of soda, to be specific.
To your utmost surprise, they have nothing at all to do with the Glamrocks or company as a whole but, rather, they appear to be styled after your very own coworkers - the daycare attendants. They’re nothing you’ve ever seen before, inside the daycare or otherwise.
You abandon your current task in favor of investigating these exciting new beverages, reaching for the brighter of the two, first, a can with orange and yellow wrapping. Your bring it up to your face and bat away the dust, attempting to get a better look at the details but finding nothing of note. Unfortunately, time has had their toll on the cans. You can make out the daycare’s emblem as well as a cartoonized decal of Sundrop to the side, the words ‘caffeinated beverage’ just barely visible, and the flavors ‘lemon, green tea and grapefruit’ directly next to that.
Your face scrunches. As enticing as that caffeine sounds right now, those flavors aren’t your favorite, and you’re not about to risk drinking mystery fizzyfaz just for a little more pep in your step. You aren’t that desperate.
Out of curiosity, you reach for the darker of the two - Moon’s, presumably - next. It’s blue and purple with an equally cute decal of Moon (the cutest you’ve ever seen, frankly, you can’t imagine yourself ever seeing him make that kind of an expression in person), and the flavors ‘black cherry and goji berry’ just beside it. Now that was more your flavor profile.
It’s still not enough to convince you. After all, these drinks are dusty and peeling at the label, you would need to be more than desperate to give them a shot - you’d have to be outright crazy!
…Or severely sleep deprived.
The can weighs heavily in your palm for a minute longer, the gears (slow with exhaustion as they may be) are rolling through your head like loose marbles, treading a path towards an awfully irresponsible decision.
Setting the clipboard down, then doing a quick check on either side of you to ensure no one is around to watch your next move, your fingernail pries the cap forward with a satisfying click-shhh, the sound of bubbly carbon dioxide hitting your ears soon after. The noise brings some semblance of relief with the knowledge that the cans aren’t as old as you originally assumed. After all, how long do sealed cans stay carbonated for? A few days? A week? Certainly not longer than that.
You take a little sniff, smelling the black cherry first, and then you shrug. A single gulp washes over your tongue. It tastes a little off, not quite stale, but maybe a little flat. Otherwise, all you’re getting is berry and the sweet fizz of sugar. You take another swallow.
The pizzaplex won’t notice one can missing and, the way you see it, you’ve worked enough hours to take that entire crate home if you so desired. Just the one can should do, though. You aren’t looking for anything special, just a pick-me-up, something to get your feet moving a little faster until you can get some proper coffee in your system. You aren’t sure if this flavor even has the same amount of caffeine in it as Sun’s - you didn’t bother checking - and if it didn’t, so what? Your shift ended in fifteen minutes, anyway, you could just toss out whatever you didn’t finish and call it a failed experiment. No harm done.
Your hands reach for the clipboard again and you get back to work, the process becoming mindless. Unload a box, mark it off your paperwork, take a sip. Load a new box into the cart, mark it down, take a sip, on and on and on.
By the time you’re back upstairs again the can is empty and crushed, tossed haphazardly into the now-empty cart, and you’re feeling…less than optimal.
Nothing serious. Your stomach isn’t twisting itself in the nauseous knots of food poisoning yet, and that’s a good sign if nothing else. Your brain, on the other hand, feels like scrambled eggs. Maybe it’s your exhaustion finally catching up with you, but your ability to process simple thoughts is quickly becoming something of a struggle.
Which is a long way of saying it takes you an embarrassing amount of time to remember where the carts go, and an even longer time trying to figure out if you did your final once-over of the Daycare already. You wind up before its large exit doors in the blink of an eye either way. Better double-check before you clock out for the night, just to be safe.
The doors are heavier than usual as you force them open. Or maybe you’re just weaker that night. Is it still night? You aren’t sure. The Daycare is totally dark when you step inside, which answers that question pretty quick, at least. You have to stop yourself from subconsciously reaching for the lightswitch so you can see better. Moon would never forgive you for that.
Speaking of, where is he?
You reach for your flashlight, then raise the can of fizzyfaz (still in your other hand, for some reason) and blindly chuck it behind the desk, where it hits the edge of the trash bin there and lands against the floor with a disappointing clatter. You sigh, feeling your entire body slouch with the weight of your defeat, and do the walk of shame to go pick it up.
Crouching just beside it, you retrieve the can and deposit it (successfully this time) into the trash, then stand to your feet again, subconsciously acknowledging the glaring red light that illuminates your back.
“Hey, Moon,” you mumble around a yawn, turning to face him - flashlight still in hand - it shines directly onto his performed stance, the trademark ‘I’m gonna getcha’ slouch.
He immediately drops the position in favor of scrambling back a foot and shoving both hands over his eyes, hissing and wailing and going on with the dramatics. When he’s settled down - after you remember to lower your flashlight, that is - he meets you with a narrow-eyed glare. “If you knew I was here,” he growls, “why in the fazfuck did you turn that thing on me!”
“Oh…” You stare down at the flashlight in your hand, blinking a few times, as if the thought hadn’t really occurred to you. “Habit, I guess,” you finally answer him with a shrug, “I didn’t really sink about it.”
Now the glower drops, and he fits you with a strange look, instead. “What was that?”
“I didn’t–” your tongue feels like cotton, fat and heavy, it sits awkwardly in your mouth like you’ve had one too many drinks, “I didn’t think about it,” you correct after a moment, “sorry, I’m supposed to be out already.” You blink, eyelids drooping. He continues to stare you down and then takes a notable step closer. “Clocked out, I mean. Not ‘out’ like passed out, or the dead kind of ‘out’, I js’ meant–”
“You’re rambling,” he notes, tone rhetorical, his eyes look you up and down. He’s closer now.
“Am I?”
“Mhm.” Another step, and you’re forced to look up at him, now, his chest sharing the space with yours, “Your numbers look fine…” he mumbles after a beat - evidently having done a quick scan without your consent, “but something is wrong, isn’t it?”
Yeah, something is wrong. Your head feels like it weighs the entire earth’s gravity, and something tells you that you’re supposed to be on the floor, but instead you’re perfectly vertical - a little wobbly - but standing all the same. Trying to formulate a smart response doesn’t come as easy as you’d like. In fact, your thoughts feel sparse at best. Something is very, very wrong.
But you aren’t going to tell him that. After all, you’re still chalking this up to sleep deprivation. And if there’s one thing Moon will get all up in your business about, it’s sleep deprivation. Your lips are sealed.
Not that it matters. You don’t answer him immediately, but instead betray yourself in taking a short and suspicious glance towards the trashcan. His eyes are quick to follow.
“What is that?”
“Just some fizthy-faz.” Choosing to ignore the way your tongue slurs into a knot, you nod towards the trash, seeing no reason to lie. It’s just soda, after all.
Moon is already reaching for it before he answers again, and when he does speak up it’s with thinly veiled disbelief, “Fizzyfaz? I don’t remember this flav–” His voice stills in its box, eyes narrowing, then blowing wide, the aluminum is forcibly smoothed out to better read the label and just as soon, he’s giving you that look. You know, the ‘you fucked up big time’ look.
“Where did you get this?”
“Oh, uh,” you scratch the roof of your head, suddenly realizing that most of your night has become a sleepy blur, “down with the inventory, I think,” your palms raise to force crust away from your eyes, “I just needed some cathene - caffeine. Why?“ Hands falling back to your sides, now, you try to turn the interrogation around on him by putting a big, sloppy smirk on your face, and batting your heavy, heavy eyelashes, ”You aren’t gonna tell, are you?“
“There’s no caffeine in this.“ He answers you flatly.
“There’s not?”
No smile, no returned sass, and he’s ignoring your question entirely. That’s enough to unsettle you into behaving. Especially when he answers you with a slow and serious shake of his head.
“These were discontinued,” he says, “Did you drink the whole thing?”
“Uh,” you awkwardly nod towards the crushed can in his hands, “obviously.”
The way he sighs and crushes the can a little further makes you rethink every decision that brought you to this point. You’re feeling real weird, now. There’s a heaviness settling in your joints and a headache quickly forming, and your legs feel like they might give out.
You work your way through the ailments with the confidence of a drunken horse. “Is that…” sheepishly, your eyes move from the can to his face, “…is that a problem?”
The aluminum curls in his hand, wrenching itself into the shape of a jagged, steel ball. A noise like metal on metal comes against his faceplate like he’s grinding his teeth in place, smile wound tight.
He lets the can (or what he’s made of it) fall from his hand a beat later and instead reaches into his baggy pants and, from it, he retrieves a single moondrop candy.
You don’t like him with this expression. You aren’t used to him looking so incredibly serious.
“Star, listen closely. This is important.” He raises the candy to your face, “These candies have exactly one milligram of melatonin in them, yes? 1mg exactly.”
“Right…” You’re not sure where this is going.
He digs again into his pocket and drags two more candies from it, pooling them together in the palm of his hand, “Legally, we aren’t allowed to give the kids more than three.”
“Most supplements - teas, sleep aid medications, whatever - that’s all they have in them. Three milligram of melatonin.”
“You just took twenty-five.”
He says nothing after this, evidently waiting for the realization to hit you.
And it sure does fucking hit you. Like a sledgehammer directly to your skull, his words rattle against your fog-addled brain over and over and over. Twenty-five milligrams.
“I–” The panic comes slow, then all at once, “I have to go. Fuck, I-I have to get home.”
You brush past him with a quickness, stumbling as you go, and hardly reach the door before his hand finds the back of your shirt collar and drags you back into place.
“Not so fast,” his voice arrives at your ear as a whisper, too sweet for the expression he’s just given you, too patient for how fast your mind is trying to race, “you’re going to get yourself in a wreck that way. You won’t make it home.”
“I have to try,” you swivel to face him. Too quick. A wave of nausea washes through your system, then comes the shaking, anxiety taking its hold on you, “What other choice do I have, Moon? I can’t stay here!”
His expression doesn’t change. It’s flat, practically unreadable, yet his voice remains smooth as silk. “Well, that’s a shame,” humming, his other hand grabs for your waist, “but Sun will be awfully upset if the daycare’s assistant gets replaced this soon, so, I’m afraid you aren’t getting a choice.”
And suddenly you’re being hoisted up and into a bridal position, your legs swept out from under you and body forced horizontal at a pace that makes you dizzy. It’s not enough to keep you from fighting him.
“Moon!” Your hand grabs for purchase, first, fingers scrambling at the fabric ruffles around his neck until your head stops spinning. Just as soon you’re using that same hand to bash at his chestplate - fruitless as always - and he pays it no mind either way. Your legs feel too heavy to do any of your usual kicking, and your arm is quick to grow sore and tired.
You’re feeling halfway ready to give in by the time he reaches the ballpit and you hear a thin, familiar sound. The whir of a cord.
Working through another wave of nausea, you force your eyes open again, your struggling already reaching its second wind as the realization of what is about to happen dawns on you. “Don’t–” You land one, small hit to the chin of his faceplate, and with it, you finally regain his attention. Crimson eyes stare you down with barely contained annoyance, but you hold your ground. “D-Don’t you dare.”
There comes a moment where you wonder if you’ve pushed him too far. The arguments are normal - frequent between the two of you - all part of the game, even. He’s familiar with your thrashing and temper tantrums in the same way that you’re used to his lapses of aggression. But your fist had collided with an untrained weight to it this time, the force of it enough to see the red in his eyes flicker with static, and you think, briefly, that it could be the last time you cross him that way.
Especially when his voice challenges back.
“You’re acting recklessly,” he tells you around a snarl, “I’m trying to help, comet. I’m being kind. I could be kinder if you would stop fighting.”
Your fingers tighten around his collar. “I don’t feel right,” you remind him, “I-I’m going to die.”
“You aren’t going to die.”
Exasperated, he looks towards the cord as it lands soundlessly behind him and locks with fluid ease. There comes a new sound shortly after, an unfamiliar clink, clink, clink, unmistakably metallic, and a minute later you feel him readjusting you in his arms.
“Let me go,” you whine against his chest in vain and weakly continue to beat against it, little more than a feeble thump, now, “I don’t want you to carry me” thump “I’m fine,” thump, thump, “Don’t do this,” thump–
Your fist stills. Smooth, nimble fingers wrap delicately at your wrists and keep both in place. “Enough,” he tells you, and his voice has already remembered its patience, his frustration forcibly pushed into the corners. “Let me help.”
It takes you too long to notice that both of his arms still remain in their place at your back and behind your calves. Longer, still, to acknowledge the fourth arm that gives his wire a gentle tug.
“H-Hey,” your head turns, heavy like a boulder, to get a better look and confirm that you aren’t just hallucinating it, “since when can you do th–”
You’re plucked from the ground with nothing more than a small jostle as the wire does its job and lifts you feet above. It’s a well enough distraction, startling you from your questions, and you find yourself once again wrapping your arms around his shoulders - this is twice, now, you dully note - and clinging tight.
“Easy,” he smiles, “I’ve got you.”
This would be more embarrassing if you had half a brain left. As it stands, his chuckle is much too sweet to be read as anything more than endearing to your drug-boggled head, and you slowly allow yourself to relax in his hold.
Once at the top he settles against the balcony floor one foot at a time. The wire loosens, then falls away entirely, and it’s only when he steps further into the darkened space that you realize; you’ve never seen it before.
Their room, that is.
Sure, you’ve watched them disappear into it plenty of times from the ground, but it’s a topic that never really came up - and when it did, the subject was quickly changed. They’ve never once bothered to invite you inside. And now you can see why.
Even through the haze drowning out your senses you can tell just how…dreary, it is. A tiny, shadowed room with lackluster furnishings, cobwebs strung at the corners, and entire sections of inventory scattered throughout, you get the feeling it’s used more for storage than for living in.
Sure, there are a few things that make it appear somewhat more homey - children’s artwork taped to the walls like a refrigerator gallery, for example - but their bed (or the lack thereof) confirms your suspicions. It’s a compiled heap of blankets and pillows stolen from the daycare, and it looks downright pitiful in comparison to the Glamrocks’ lavish dressing rooms.
Your neck heavily lolls to the side in an attempt to find his eyes, but he won’t look at you, and he doesn’t look like he has any intention to.
“Don’t stare,” he mumbles, voice thin with a tension you can’t fully place. “I’ll drop you into the ballpit instead if you prefer.”
Squinting, now, you weigh your options - that is, whether or not to pry further - until your sleep deprived (and melatonin drowned) mind decides the risk is worth it. “Is this really where you guys stay when the daycare isn’t open?”
He pauses at the foot of the blanket pile. For a quick moment, all he does is stare, not quite looking you in the eye, but no longer avoiding your gaze, either, and you think he might be worried about the answer.
“No jusment - judgement,” you’re quick to add - that is, quick as your mind can process the words and get them out between your teeth, “I’m just curious.”
He doesn’t look like he believes you. Honestly, you wouldn’t either.
Rather than answer you immediately, Moon lowers himself to his knees and carefully rests you against the pile. It’s comfier than you imagined - or maybe that’s just the drink coming to full effect. “I–” his voice is too loud in the gaping silence of the daycare after hours. It starts, then quiets again. He reaches for a blanket to the side of the pile and gently begins tucking you in without finishing.
You don’t resist it, either. You don’t really have the strength to. Everything moves slow, and now even your own words come out as a slurry of incoherent mumbles. “You d’nt have to answer,” you tell him, “if it’s too hard…” a few blinks pass, and you yawn, feeling your body become one with the nest beneath you with the sensation of falling through quicksand. Your hand struggles to lift but eventually reaches his cheek, where it rests without expectation. “…if it hurts.”
Silence answers you. He says nothing while continuing to tuck the blanket until you’re thoroughly bundled, and when he feels you - the warmth of your palm at his jaw - he pauses, and then settles on his heels. “Sun finds things to do,” he speaks softly, “makes himself busy downstairs when he can. He hates the way the room makes him feel. But I–” the edges of his faceplate twist with the beginnings of a weak smile, meant to reassure you, “I don’t mind it so much.”
It doesn’t reach his eyes. Moon is, and always has been, a liar.
“Are you sure?” Your head swims through layers of thick molasses, each word like breeching the surface only to be dragged under again. It takes all of your energy to keep going but, persistently, you do. Your thumb brushes against his faceplate with the intention of soothing the truth out of him. “Aren’t you lonely?”
Hesitantly, Moon’s third hand comes to rest on top of your own, “Not right now,” he whispers, and this time his smile reaches both sides, “not when you’re here with me.”
“You big sap,” A snort escapes, sleepy laughter that makes both of you relax a little more. You return his smile, too, unsure if the warm feeling which pools in your chest is the melatonin, or the butterflies he’s created, “Will you stay with me?”
“Of course,” comes your answer, immediate and without hesitation. His face turns against your palm and presses against it, a silent kiss against your skin, “I’m not going anywhere, starlight.” Then his eyes find you, again, soft with care, “Sleep, now. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
You give him a nod, and little more than that. It’s all you can spare at first. Your hand falls back to the nest, warm with his kiss, and yet it’s not enough. You’re exhausted. You’re fuzzy in the brain, lacking proper judgement, and Moon has always offered himself as a resting place before. It feels unfair not to ask for it now, when you feel you need it most.
And so, against every fiber in your being reminding you how awkward this will be, you find yourself raising both arms and grasping for him. “Come lay wi’s me,” you manage. Only after a moment of silence on his end do you remember your manners. “Please?”
He responds with a change of expression, a flicker of something tender in his eyes. Nothing immediately comes of it. Your disappointment must be palpable, however, because after another solid beat you watch him sigh, then his shoulders are bouncing with a chuckle, sweet as saccharine, and he’s taking the edge of your blanket in one hand again and crawling between it.
He is so, so very warm. A stark contrast to the usual coolness of his silicone skin, you think it must be programmed, a heater stuffed somewhere between the gears and wiring inside his chestplate and left forgotten except for moments like this.
Once at your side he readjusts the covers to ensure you’re still well and truly snug within them. You’re engulfed by him entirely, a small and fragile body against his towering steel frame, and yet, it’s here where you feel safest. Even now, when your body sways with the motions of an experiment gone wrong.
When his arms - all four, you catch with a smile - gather around you, it feels as though he’ll never let you go.
“Better, star?” He asks against your forehead.
With a nod, your fingers tighten around his collar one final time as a sense of calm washes over you.
As the last notes of fleeting consciousness take over you feel yourself pulled taut against him, and you decide that here is right where you want to be.
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