#sung hanbin x fem!reader
blossominghunnie ยท 1 year
๐๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐…๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ง๐
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Pairing: Sung Hanbin x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, based off 5sosโ€™ Best Friend.
Summary: A couple scenarios that made Hanbin realize that he slowly fell for his best friend.
Warning: None
Note: Ahh, I was so excited to write this. Iโ€™ve loved this song for yearssss. ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ
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Hanbin always knew he felt something for you, even if he wasnโ€™t sure what that feeling was.
You basically grew up together. You knew each other since elementary school but funnily enough didnโ€™t like the other, like at all.
Hanbin was a very outgoing guy, he knew everyone and had tons of friends. On the other hand, you were a little bit more reserved, you had a small but tight group of friends and preferred to listen rather than to talk.
You were so different yet similar in other ways.
You didnโ€™t like how loud he could get or that smirk he gave you every time he knew he did something to annoy you.
And he didnโ€™t like that you were a nerd that only cared about school (false, you only cared about having good grades but didnโ€™t live for school) and that you rarerly talked.
And that went on for years. Until your best friend, Minjun, started dating Hanbinโ€™s friend, Matthew, in your freshman year of high school. Forcing your two groups to spend a lot of time together.
At first you both dreaded it, but after some time you started warming up to each other. You discovered that you shared a love for music and you also liked the same movie genre.
After that you started hanging out more without your other friends and texting a lot, too. You started calling each other โ€œbestieโ€ and โ€œbest friendโ€.
It was a cute friendship and even your friends teased you that you would eventually end up together.
1. Even every time that you got the flu
I'm not scared at all to get close to you.
I don't run away when your face says achoo.
But I run to get you a tissue.
Hanbin remembers vividly the first time you got sick with the flu. You were supposed to hang out at the fair the next day but called him to cancel.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry Bin, weโ€™ll have to reschedule.โ€ You talked on the phone.
โ€œWhy? Are you okay?โ€ He asked in a concerned tone.
โ€œYeah, donโ€™t worry. I just got the flu and I feel awful.โ€
โ€œOh, Bestie.โ€ He answered. โ€œDo you want me to get you anything?โ€
โ€œNo, no. Itโ€™s okay, Binnie.โ€ You waved your hand even though he couldnโ€™t see you. โ€œIโ€™ll just sleep and order take out.โ€
โ€œOoor, I could cook you something warm and take care of you.โ€
โ€œNooo, Bestie. You donโ€™t have to do that.โ€ You spoke. โ€œI donโ€™t want you to get sick, too.โ€
โ€œNonsense. Nothingโ€™s gonna happen to me. I have a strong inmune system.โ€ He answered making you laugh and cough a little afterwards. โ€œJust accept, Y/nnie. I promise I wonโ€™t run away when you sneeze, Iโ€™ll run to get you a tissue.โ€
After you contemplated his offer, you accepted.
You had such a sweet best friend.
Hanbin was genuinely happy to take care of you. โ€œIโ€™ll pass by the convenience store to get you snacks and medicine.โ€
โ€œOkay, Bin. Iโ€™ll see you soon.โ€
โ€œYeah, I wonโ€™t be long.โ€
โ€œLove you.โ€
โ€œLove you, too.โ€
2. Remember when your parents went out of town?
They were, dumb enough to leave us with the house
We had 100 people naked on the sofa
Dancing 'til the cops said: Game over
Turned out it was Cheri's dad
So we did shots while we rode in the back
He even let us all use the siren
It was the best night, I'm not lying
Since your parents went on a week long trip to Las Vegas, they left you home alone. Letting you invite some of your friends so you wouldnโ€™t be on your own.
So, Hanbin convinced you to throw a party on Friday and invite your friends and a plus one. Which wasnโ€™t a very good idea. Word spread throughout campus and now you had a ton more people than what you were expecting.
You gave the black haired a look. โ€œThis is all your fault.โ€
โ€œMine? Why?โ€ He raised an eyebrow.
โ€œYes, yours. Because you seem to forget how popular you are.โ€
โ€œOh.โ€ He gave you a sheepish look. โ€œOkay, maybe I do.โ€
โ€œLighten up, Sweetheart. Weโ€™ll kick them out if we need to.โ€ Taerae, your boyfriend at the time, spoke as he threw his arm around your shoulders.
โ€œYou? But youโ€™re scrawny, love.โ€ You teased him.
โ€œIโ€™m stronger than you think.โ€ He started ticking you.
โ€œOkay, okay! You are.โ€ You gave him a hug and he kissed you on the forehead.
โ€œLetโ€™s go dance, babe.โ€ He took your hand and dragged you to the dance floor, which was really your living room.
Hanbin was left on the sidelines with some of your other friends, just watching you as you danced with the brown haired.
โ€œJust tell her how you feel.โ€ Zhang Hao talked as he saw the way Hanbin was looking at you.
โ€œI donโ€™t know what youโ€™re talking about.โ€
The older gave him a look. โ€œWe all know youโ€™re in love with Y/n and have for years.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not in love with her, sheโ€™s my best friend.โ€ Hanbin spoke defensively.
โ€œDonโ€™t even try to deny it. Weโ€™ve all seen the way you look at her, like right now.โ€
As he was processing what his best friend said, a police siren could be heard on the distance.
โ€œPOLICE! EVERYONE OUT, NOW!โ€ Someone you couldnโ€™t recognize shouted.
Everyone started screaming and running as fast as they could, and exited the house.
When the cops arrived, your group of friends and your boyfriend, were the only ones left.
So, turns out that they received a noise complaint from one of your neighbors, which wasnโ€™t surprising cause that old woman hated you.
Anyway, you werenโ€™t in trouble because the police officer was one of your closest friendโ€™s dad, Cheri.
You all ended up doing shots in the back and using the siren.
It was a pretty amazing night.
After that, all of your friends went home.
Hanbin laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling, still thinking about what Hao had told him.
Maybe he liked you more than a friend?
He couldnโ€™t deny that he found you very pretty and adored your personality. You were so special to him.
After overthinking for what felt for hours, that night, he realized that he liked his best friend, more than a friend.
Would he ever confess to you? Maybe.
He couldnโ€™t do it right now, because you had a boyfriend and he respected your relationship. That and he also wasnโ€™t sure if you felt the same.
For now, heโ€™s content to have you as his best friend, so telling you about his feelings would be a problem for future Hanbin.
โ•โ•โ•โ• โ‹†โ˜…โ‹† โ•โ•โ•โ•
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77 notes ยท View notes
seokgyuu ยท 10 months
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your boyfriend has been telling you he wants to bring someone else into the bedroom for a while. the thought only started to sound good when a certain boyfriend's best friend posts gym pictures on insta.
pairing: sung hanbin x fem!reader x seok matthew
genre: established relationship (hanbin x fem!reader) , smut MDNI!
smut warnings: cuckold, thigh riding, blowjobs, penetrative sex, dirty talk, usage of the words "princess", "baby", unprotected sex, creampie
wordcount: 4.4k
a/n: happy happy birthday @cheolism!!!!! see, i told you i would whip something up!! you probably didn't believe me, did you? ha! got you there. anyway. happiest birthday, my dear! i hope you enjoy this little piece of filth i made in your honour. one turns 22 only once you know!! in german we say: Schnappszahl! i love you loads, babes, have a wonderful day <3 (ps. it's been your birthday in germany for one hour already so theoretically i am not posting early!!)
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โ€œWhen did Matthew start working out like this?โ€ย 
Youโ€™re laying on your stomach on Hanbinโ€™s bed, biting down on your thumbnail.ย 
โ€œLikeโ€ฆ a month ago? Heโ€™s been going to the gym forever, but only recently going every day.โ€
You nod. Yeah, he definitely looks like he hits the gym every day. Gosh, you still remember him as a small (heโ€™s still relatively small), lanky pre-teen with braces and glasses that were too big for his face. None of that is left. Glasses are ditched unless heโ€™s at home playing video games for no one to see. Braces have been gone a long time, leaving him with two rows of perfectly straight white teeth. And last but not least the lankiness has turned into buffness you couldnโ€™t stop staring at on your phone.
โ€œWhy do you ask?โ€ Hanbin now rolls over with his chair, eyebrows raised as he looks at your phone screen. Youโ€™re not quick enough to move, leading Hanbin to snicker as he places his legs on top of his bed, arms crossed.
โ€œI can explain,โ€ you say now, sitting up, but your boyfriend just grins at you.
โ€œCan you now, princess?โ€ He tilts his head and you bite your lip, suddenly forgetting all the explanations you could possibly come up with. You know your boyfriend - he isnโ€™t the jealous type. If anythingโ€ฆ he is the opposite. How many nights had he whispered into your ear that he would love to watch you get fucked by someone else, how he got hard just imagining you on someone elseโ€™s cock. All you had done when he said that was turn bright red and let him fuck you senseless after - with his own cock, not anyone elseโ€™s.ย 
And now, here you are. Looking at pictures of his best friend (really? out of everyone it had to be Hanbinโ€™s best fucking friend?!) with Hanbinโ€™s eyes sparkling mischievously. Itโ€™s obvious what heโ€™s thinking. You clear your throat.
โ€œI donโ€™t- I donโ€™t think you want him to get involved, do you?โ€ You ask carefully and Hanbin leans forward now, smiling.
โ€œWhy not? Because heโ€™s been my best friend for years?โ€ He wants to know. When you nod, Hanbin climbs onto the bed, catching you off guard when he wraps his arms around you and brings his lips to your forehead, kissing it softly before looking down at you with yet another one of his beautiful smiles.
โ€œI donโ€™t think there is anyone Iโ€™d rather see you getting fucked by, my love.โ€ He says it in such a soft and innocent tone, you canโ€™t help but laugh, burying your head in his chest.
โ€œYouโ€™re horrible,โ€ you mumble and Hanbin laughs, bringing one of his hands to the back of your head, patting it lovingly.ย 
โ€œI love you, you know that right? And if youโ€™re really interested in Mattโ€ฆ I am sure I could arrange something.โ€
The thing is: you say no. Because why would you want to sleep with someone else when you have your perfect boyfriend right there? Your perfect boyfriend that has always cared more about your pleasure than his? That has made you cum more times than you can count? That perfect boyfriend that has never once let you down.ย 
Youโ€™re in the cafeteria with your bottle of water and a tray full of food but you canโ€™t eat. Your leg is bouncing up and down and your eyes are focused on one of the trash cans at the far end of the room. Not because they are particularly interesting, but because Matthew sat down just a few tables further from you in nothing but a flimsy muscle shirt and ripped jeans and you really, really canโ€™t look at him. So, the trash can it is.ย 
โ€œDid you see a ghost?โ€ Hao is suddenly next to you, making you flinch and almost knock over the bottle of water.
โ€œJesus Christ, Hao, next time whistle or something,โ€ you say, frowning at your friend who just shrugs and instead begins eating his food.ย 
โ€œYou didnโ€™t answer my question. Why do you look like youโ€™ve seen a ghost? Is the cafeteria poltergeist back?โ€ย 
โ€œWhat? No. No, I am fine. Totally fine. No ghosts.โ€ You clear your throat and catch yourself sneaking a glance at Matthew after all, regretting it immediately. Because why is he flexing right then and there, laughing his cute laugh after when Gyuvin throws a napkin at him. This is torture.ย 
โ€œAh, right. Matthew,โ€ Hao nods and your head swirls around, eyes wide.ย 
โ€œMatthew, what?โ€ You ask even though you already know. God fucking dammit Sung Hanbin!ย 
โ€œBin told me,โ€ Hao confirms and you roll your eyes with a groan, โ€œeven though I was kind of offended you didnโ€™t want me to be the first to join you two in the bedroom, Y/N.โ€
โ€œIf I were to ever let that happen Iโ€™d be single and you and Hanbin happily married with seven children in no time,โ€ you mumble and Hao chuckles, shaking his head and pulling a hand through his hair.
โ€œAt least youโ€™re aware Iโ€™m actually his favorite,โ€ he hums at you and the desire to copy Gyuvin and throw a napkin at your friend is extremely tempting.ย 
โ€œWhatever.โ€ You try to focus back on your food, but your stomach is rumbling and your brain is somewhere totally different, meaning hunger was the last thing on your mind - at least hunger for actual food.ย 
Hao snickers and watches you, a piece of meat landing on his tongue.
โ€œI think you should do it, Y/N. Hanbin has been dreaming of this moment. Honestly, no idea what he finds so appealing about watching his girlfriend getting fucked by another man, but believe me, youโ€™d make him the happiest man on this earth if you were to bring Matthew into your bedroom.โ€
The words do more than either of you probably thought. They continue to linger in your mind even hours after Hao had said them, you now being in your dorm with your pen stuck between your teeth, eyes unfocused on the words youโ€™ve been trying to read.
Bring Matthew into your bedroom. Have him be a part of your sex life with Hanbin. Make Hanbin the happiest man on this earth.ย 
Itโ€™s official: Youโ€™d be lying if you said the whole thing didnโ€™t turn you on. Imagining Hanbin sitting on the little armchair in his apartment with his cock in his hands as you sat on Matthews stiff length, his strong arms wrapped around you as he thrusted up into your needy pussyโ€ฆ
The pen falls down and you are back in reality, flinching and shaking your head. This is crazy. You couldnโ€™t possiblyโ€ฆ a groan escapes you and you let your head fall on top of your desk, slamming your forehead against it a few times, before sitting back up and leaning against your chair, letting your thoughts roam free. Hanbin had literally asked you about this several times. He wanted to bring someone else into the bedroom and he even said that he wouldnโ€™t mind it being Matthew. So, what was stopping you?ย 
โ€œFucking hell,โ€ you curse as you pull both hands through your hair and get up, opening the door of your room to walk into the living space, where you are met with none other than Hanbin walking inโ€ฆ Matthew right behind him. You freeze mid step.ย 
โ€œHi, I called you, but you didnโ€™t pick up, I hope itโ€™s okay I brought Matt over, we were at the gym and the showers are broken and, well, your apartment is closer.โ€ย 
Yes, you can clearly see where those two have been. They are sweaty, hair slightly wet, muscle shirts clinging onto their chests. The tattoo on Matthewโ€™s biceps pops out deliciously when he raises his arm to wave at you. Your eyes wander to your boyfriend, a knowing glint in his eyes.ย 
โ€œThatโ€™s okay,โ€ you croak out, looking back at Matthew and somehow you just cannot stop yourself from checking him out unapologetically. His defined arms, the defined chest, the sweatpants on his strong legs. Your tongue slips out of your mouth and runs over your dried up bottom lip and Matthew canโ€™t help but stare at you, feeling his cheeks heat up at the way youโ€™re looking at him.ย 
He remembers Hanbinโ€™s words and feels his knees go weak.
โ€œShe definitely wants you to fuck her, Matt. She just needs a littleโ€ฆ nudge.โ€
Never had he ever thought his best friendโ€™s girlfriend would ever want him toโ€ฆ do that. He swallows down whatever lump has formed in his throat and looks at Hanbin, unsure. Hanbin, who now walks over to you, his hand softly grabbing your chin, moving your head to look at him.
โ€œI think I should hit the shower first, be a good girl and show Matthew the rest of the apartment, hm?โ€ He kisses your lips softly after that, well aware of what his words just caused. Your eyes flicker up to him, wide and unsure and when he winks at you, squeezing your hand as he slowly makes his way to the door leading into the bathroom, you know that all you can do now is follow your gut.ย 
There is a certain kind of silence between Matthew and you once the door shuts behind Hanbin, a silence filled with tension so thick it takes your breath away. You watch as Matthew slowly drops his bag onto the floor, his shoes vacant next to it. His legs carry him over to you and with every step he takes, your heart picks up speed while the heat between your legs begins to feel almost unbearable. His eyes say much more than words ever could and when he comes to a stop, he lets them linger on your lips long enough for you to almost lose your mind.ย 
โ€œSo, whatโ€™s behind this door?โ€ He asks, nodding in the direction of the bedroom door. The heat is about to make you pass out.
โ€œB-bedroom,โ€ you stutter back. Matthew grins.
โ€œWell, what did Hanbin hyung say? Be a good girl and show me.โ€
Oh. Oh. A Wave of desire washes over you as you nod, your hand shaking when you push the door open, following Matthewโ€™s hand movement and walking inside, his body right behind yours. He doesnโ€™t close the door behind him, instead he settles on walking through the room, looking around. You try to steady your breathing, failing miserably.
โ€œItโ€™s a nice bedroom,โ€ he says, nodding to himself, โ€œI like the pictures on your wall. Did you take them?โ€ย 
When you nod, he smiles at you, obviously impressed.
โ€œYouโ€™ve got a good eye.โ€ย 
As much as you appreciate the compliment - you canโ€™t really focus on anything else but the way he looks in the dim light coming through the window. His arms, his slowly heaving chest. Your eyes roam over his body and you feel hot all over, wondering what it would feel like to touch him, to feel his muscles tighten around you.ย 
He notices, of course he does. Itโ€™s not hard to miss - the way you eye him up and down, the way your eyes linger a little too long on his chest, his arms. He feels his blood rush down, feels his dick getting hard at the mere idea of you checking him out, wanting him.ย 
โ€œMaybe,โ€ you begin, not sure where the confidence to speak is coming from but you accept it with open arms, โ€œmaybe you should change out of your sweaty clothes.โ€
His eyebrows shoot up for just a second before they settle back down. He canโ€™t stop the smug smile creeping on his lips, not taking his eyes off you when he starts moving.ย 
โ€œYeah? Hm, I think you might be right.โ€ His voice is deep and dripping in cockyness that has your pussy clenching. To make matters worse, he comes to a stop in front of you and immediately moves his hands to the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head the next second to reveal a perfectly sculpted torso - abs and chest and collarbones that make your fingers itch to touch them.ย 
โ€œFuck,โ€ you breathe out, stepping closer to him with your hands stretched out, hands that he now grabs with his, pulling you right into him. While he should smell bad, courtesy of working out, he doesnโ€™t. He looks sweaty, he is sweaty, but he smells heavenly. His cologne mixed with his own scent, musky and sweet at the same time, it lingers in your nose, gets your knees weak and Matt has to wrap an arm around your waist to stop you from actually falling to your knees. The smug smile seems to get even more smug. His eyes are on yours and his arm around you seems to squeeze every ounce of self respect you have left right out of you.
โ€œCareful, darling.โ€ His voice is merely a whisper. His breath hits your face and you canโ€™t stop the whimper escaping your lips now even if you tried. That does it for him. He forgets all about his worries and crashes his lips onto yours, free hand now cupping your cheek, meaning both of your hands were free to find their own place to settle on.ย 
First, you let your right hand feel up his biceps, a moan slipping between your lips when he flexes his arm underneath your grip. The other hand is on his chest, nails digging into his warm skin, causing him to hiss. His teeth sink into your bottom lip and you feel like you could come undone on the spot.ย 
Matthew deepens the kiss, tongue now inside your mouth, wet and hot and perfect and you let both arms wrap around his neck now, his strong arm carrying you over to the bed, where he puts you down, his body now on yours, one of his thighs slipping between yours - giving you the friction you so desperately needed. His lips move fast and rough and you feel like your whole body is on fire when you begin to move your core against his thick thigh, embarrassingly already feeling a climax approaching.ย 
โ€œGod, youโ€™re so pretty,โ€ his breathy voice against your ear gets you even closer to the edge. You bite down on your lip, arching your back against him and he begins to kiss your neck, kiss it, lick it, bite down on your sensitive skin, one hand now under your shirt, grabbing your braless tits and squeezing them hard.ย 
โ€œFuck, Matthew-,โ€ you cry out, nails back to digging into his skin, this time his shoulders. Your hips move uncontrollably against his hard thigh, his tongue now wandering down and finally flicking against your nipple after shoving your top up far enough. Everything inside of you is burning by now. Your clothes feel too hot and you sit up for a second to get rid of your shirt, the wild look in Matthewโ€™s eyes as he watches you is intoxicating. You are quick to wrap your arms around him again when your upper body is freed and he is quick to kiss you again, just as rough as before.ย 
In no time you feel your first orgasm rush over you, a series of whimpers and moans landing in his mouth, against his lips, down his throat as he swallows them.
โ€œYeah, baby, so pretty when you cum for me, fucking hell, I bet youโ€™re so fucking wet.โ€
The orgasm is mindblowing. Itโ€™s hot and feels forbidden even though you know itโ€™s not. You know Hanbin is probably standing under the stream of water having to restrict himself from touching his cock, from getting off to the thought of you and Matthew alone in your bedroom. There is no time for you to come down from your high, not with Matthew parting from you only to shove you further up the bed with your newest obsession in the form of his arms. Your mouth waters and your eyes widen when you see the clear outline of his arousal between his legs and you canโ€™t stop yourself from sitting back up.
โ€œCan I suck you off?โ€ You ask him.
He groans and nods, pulling his sweatpants down, leaving almost nothing to imagination anymore. His gray briefs are tight around his cock, a cock you canโ€™t wait to taste on your lips and feel its weight on your tongue. You get on all fours, looking up at him and seeing his eyebrow twitch, a smile on your lips when you finally reach him, fingers in the waistband of his underwear, dragging it down his legs next, his thick cock springing free and smacking against his stomach, leaving a small stain right there on his skin. Moving forward, you grab his cock and lick over his stomach, the stain gone in no time, Matthewโ€™s eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.ย 
โ€œFuck.โ€ He breathes out, one hand now on the back of your head, watching you as you begin to pump his cock with one hand, the other helping you keep steady on the mattress. You eye his cock, tongue soon licking his tip clean and Matthew is sure he is about to pass out. His hips buck and you giggle, opening your mouth fully for him to slip inside, easily taking him down your throat, Matthewโ€™s composure about to break. His hand fists your hair, head thrown back as he continues to fuck your mouth. Spit is dripping down onto the bed, spit mixed with his pre and you press your tongue against his shaft, letting him use your throat as much as he likes.ย 
โ€œSo, so good for me, baby, taking me so well, fuck.โ€ย 
His raspy voice has your eyes rolling back and your core starting to throb again. It wonโ€™t be long until you need a cock stuffing you full.ย 
โ€œI see you are already acquainted with my princessโ€™ ability to take a cock down her throat no problem.โ€
Hanbin entered the room with neither of you taking notice. Your heart does a flip, eyes opening and flicking over to your beautiful boyfriend who stands in the door frame, nothing but a towel around his slim body, the tattoo right underneath his neck as well as his v-line on full display for you to drool on Mattโ€™s cock over. Your boyfriend comes closer to you now, Matthew not even taking real notice, too far into his desire. Hanbin stops next to Matthew, smiling to himself as he watches his most beloved girlfriend getting throat fucked by his best friend. The towel does little to hide how much he enjoys the view.ย 
โ€œMy perfect girl, I bet youโ€™re so wet, arenโ€™t you?โ€ He pats your cheek softly, eyes warm but sharp. You want to tell him to get behind you, to fuck you as Matthew fucks your mouth, but you know thatโ€™s not what he wants.
โ€œMatt, I think itโ€™s time for you to give our little baby here what she needs.โ€ Shit. You moan around Mattโ€™s cock, dizzy from the way Hanbin seems to lose himself in authority in the best way. Heโ€™s confident and secure and you donโ€™t think heโ€™s ever been sexier to you. Finally, Matt lets his cock drop from your lips and you wipe over your mouth with the back of your hand, looking from Matt to Hanbin.
โ€œYou did so well, baby, โ€˜am so proud of you.โ€ Hanbin leans forward, kissing your lips and then your cheeks and finally your forehead before looking back at Matthew and giving him the go with a nod.ย 
A few seconds later youโ€™re on your back, Matthewโ€™s cock deep inside you, wrapped in a condom Hanbin had handed him (โ€œThe only one cumming inside her is me, sorry bud,โ€ he had said and Matthew had only nodded, too horny to even really care), fucking into you like a madman. Your back was arched and your fingers were wrapped around his biceps that were all nice and hard as he held himself up above you, his hips working at godspeed.ย 
Watching all of this from your desk chair, Hanbin had discarded the towel on the floor, his hand around his leaking cock, watching his best friend fuck his girlfriend just the way she liked it. His eyes are glued to your face, the way it is contoured in nothing but pleasure - your eyes closed shut and your mouth dropped open, the sounds coming out of it more than just music to his ears. You sound like heaven to him - like something no one could ever compare to. He licks over his lips, stroking his cock a little quicker as he lets his eyes roam over the rest of you; your tits as they bounce up and down, your legs crossed around Matthewโ€™s waist. Everything about you is perfect and he canโ€™t believe he got to finally see your pleasure from this point of view.
โ€œG-gonna cum, fuck, sh-shit,โ€ Matthew feels himself tumbling over the edge, his head dipping down to kiss your neck and lick up to your lips, pulling you into a kiss that takes your already harbored breath away. He moves faster, with less control and finally, when he feels you clench around his cock over and over - hot cum shoots out of his exhausted cock and into the condom, for a split second wishing there wasnโ€™t one.ย 
He rides out his orgasm, kissing your lips and cheeks and moving down to your neck, your hands in his hair now, enjoying the way he twitches inside of you. When he rolls off your body, he is still trying to catch his breath, even more sweaty than before. With all of the tension and arousal gone, he now starts to feel blood rush to his cheeks, slowly looking over at you only to see you fondly smiling at him.
โ€œThanks,โ€ you giggle, letting your fingers brush through his wet bangs. He smiles, showing his rows of white teeth.
โ€œRight back at you,โ€ he says, looking at Hanbin then, who has gotten up. He exchanges glances and nods, knowing that this next part is not for his eyes.
โ€œGuess Iโ€™ll finally hit the shower then.โ€ Matthew chuckles, getting off the bed and hurrying to the door that he ends up closing this time.
Hanbin is on top of you a second later, his lips devouring yours, hands on your face, cock pressing against the inside of your thigh. You sigh into his mouth, hands on his nape as you kiss him back, butterflies everywhere, your stomach feeling like youโ€™re flying.ย 
โ€œYou did so well, baby, made me so happy, so horny, god, I love you,โ€ he kisses you between every word and you giggle, wrapping your legs around him.
โ€œI love you too, need you, too, please fill me up, Hannie.โ€
He nods, kissing the corner of your mouth before skillfully turning you around, slipping into your pussy through your legs flat on the mattress. Fuck. You love it when he fucks you like this. His mouth is right by your ear, his cock easily slipping into you, the moan he lets out making your pussy flutter.
โ€œSo wet baby, did he fuck you well, hm? Liked his cock in your mouth? Your pussy?โ€ He whispers into your ear, his hips beginning to fuck you into the mattress hard. You cry out, hands gripping the bed sheets.
โ€œY-Yes! Liked it a lot.โ€
โ€œHm, bet you did. Bet you would have loved it if I had fucked you when you had his cock in your mouth, isnโ€™t that right, baby?โ€ His hips are so skilled, know exactly how to move to make you lose your mind, forget all your words. So, all you can do is nod your head yes.
Hanbin chuckles, kissing the back of your neck.
โ€œI am so lucky to have you.โ€ย 
His speed triples after this. He ruts into you like itโ€™s his life goal to have you coming undone on his cock, to have his seed spill into you and claim you as his. Your cries of pleasure make him go even harder, the sound of his cock slipping in and out of your wet pussy so lewd it has both of your heads spinning. When you feel your second climax approaching, you clench around him, Hanbin biting into your shoulder as he continues his thrusts. Neither of you will hold out any longer and so, when he gives you permission with a sweet kiss and a โ€œcum for me, princessโ€, you canโ€™t help yourself. Pleasure runs through every inch of your body, pulsating around Hanbinโ€™s cock and taking him over the edge with you.
โ€œYeah, baby, thatโ€™s it, shit,โ€ Hanbin empties inside you, hot cum filling your spent pussy and you cry out his name over and over again, just as he does yours. All through getting down from his high, he showers your back with kisses, hands caressing your sides. When he slips out of you and helps turn you on your back, you feel his release dripping out too and he is quick to stuff it back in with his slim fingers, your pussy clenching as you whimper in overstimulation.
โ€œBin!โ€ Your hands both move to his wrist, eyes wide and he grins, the wrinkles under his eyes making you all soft inside.ย 
โ€œSorry, baby. Just making sure whatโ€™s yours stays in there.โ€ He kisses the top of your nose and you roll your eyes at him, swatting at his shoulder.
โ€œYouโ€™ve got a dirty mouth.โ€
Your boyfriend just laughs, kissing you lovingly, free hand caressing your cheek.ย 
Someone clearing their throat in the door makes you part again. There stands Matthew, his eyes glued to the both of you with something like uncertainty in his gaze.
โ€œI just- uh, I just wanted to know where, uh, where you kept the towels.โ€
You can see clearly that heโ€™s been watching you longer than a few seconds. You and Hanbin share a look before you burst out laughing.
โ€œMaybe we should take a shower together. All three of us,โ€ You say, grinning from Hanbin to Matthew. They both are visibly surprised at your proposal, Matthew looking a little unsure when his and Hanbinโ€™s gaze meet.ย 
โ€œSounds like a wonderful plan to me, sweetheart. I could definitely use another shower after this.โ€ Hanbin grins happily. And Matthew thinks that maybe he could get used to this.ย 
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cheolism ยท 8 months
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chasing sleep
โœฟ sung hanbin x reader โ€ summary: you are so tired but are unable to sleep. your adoring boyfriend, sung hanbin, takes it upon himself to help you out. โœฟ wc is approx. 3k โ€ genre: smut, established relationship โœฟ warnings: minors do not interact. pet names (princess, angel, baby, etc); oral (fem receiving), fingering & handjobs. โ€ rating: 18+ โœฟ tagging @seokgyuu
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you couldn't sleep.
you should have been able to. you were exhausted from having gotten up early and being on the move all day, dealing with coworkers and bosses and staring at screens. you weren't hungry either, tummy full from the meal you and hanbin had shared.
the room was cool but you were warm beneath the covers, the natural heat of hanbin's body warming you. he was on his side of the bed, his tattooed arm up from underneath the covers and curled around his bed. you watched him sleep for a while, his natural blush coloring his cheeks and dark lashes fluttering.
it wasn't like you were too energetic, wasn't like you weren't comfortable. you felt tired and felt at home.
but you just couldn't fall asleep.
sighing, you flipped onto your side and stared at the wall. you kicked your feet softly from beneath the covers. you fluffed out the blanket, retucking it around your shoulder.
eventually you reached out and grabbed your phone off of the bedside table. your phone proudly boasted it being midnight, the screen bright and piercing against the dark of the room.
you shifted onto your tummy, placing your phone on the bed. one of your feet rested against a calf. your toes poked out from underneath the blanket.
for a while you browsed on your phone, switching between apps constantly.
then an arm was sliding along your back, fingers slipping underneath your shirt to rest at your hip. hanbin was warm and gentle as he slid against you, lining his body against yours. his leg naturally hooked over yours, chin resting on your shoulder.
"princess,"' he cooed. his voice was slightly hoarse from sleep. hanbin hummed slightly, shifting against you again. "what are you doing?"
"can't sleep," you returned. you turned your head to look over your shoulder at hanbin, nose brushing his. his black hair was flat against his head, bangs nearly obscuring his eyes. hanbin gave you a sleepy grin, though he raised his dark brows at you at your reply. "sorry. i didn't mean to wake you up. i can go to the couch so i won't be bothering you."
hanbin whined. "nooo, baby." he pressed his nose against your cheek. hanbin ran his hand up along your hip, nails slightly scratching your skin. "no leaving the bed. 's so warm 'n comfy."
you grinned back at him, turning your phone off and reaching to toss it back onto the bedside table. you turned to face hanbin, tucking your arm underneath your head. "i really didn't mean to wake you up."
"princess," he chided, voice soft and gruff still. hanbin smiled at you, eyes crinkling. "you're fine. if you can't sleep i want you to wake me up."
"well," you said, "i definitely won't be doing that."
he sighed, shifting closer. hanbin tossed his leg back over you. he reached out with one hand, sliding his fingertips along your cheek and tucking some of your stray hair back behind your ear. "i want to be someone you can rely on, angel."
"i do," you protested. "i rely and trust you so much. but you deserve to have a good night's sleep even if i don't, you know."
hanbin huffed again. "wanna do everything with you," he said. his breath was warm against your face. "my whole life is yours, princess. when you're asleep or awake, when you're at work or you can't sleep. i'm yours, baby."
you were dumbstruck. being hanbin's princess meant you were on the receiving end of his sincere words more often than not, but that didn't make it easier to hear them. his sincerity was completely genuine, his heart pure and devout. sometimes you couldn't believe it; couldn't believe you were on the receiving end of such pure love and adoration. his words touched your heart and warmed it, made you shine from his love, but at the same time you just couldn't help but be astounded by it.
astounded by how easily he gave his love, how freely.
"okay, okay," you mumbled, looking down at his pink mouth. he was wearing a tank top and it hung from his body loosely, and when you flicked your eyes down you could see his tattoo across his collar and his collar bones. "let's try and sleep now."
hanbin hummed, eyes sliding shut. "okay. try and sleep, princess. i love you."
you murmured it back, closing your eyes. hanbin burrowed next to you, face turned down towards the mattress. you aren't sure how long you tried to sleep, but before you knew it your eyes were sliding back open once more.
you still couldn't sleep.
slowly, as to not disturb the leg hanbin had thrown over you, you turned back over to face the wall. you contemplated grabbing your phone again.
but then, just like before, an arm was moving over your body and hanbin was pressing against you. he spooned up against your back, his chest pressed against you. the entire front of him was against you, knees tucked behind your legs and arm over your body.
"princess," he scolded gently. "i know you're not going to grab your phone again."
"i can't sleep," you whined, pouting into the dark. hanbin pressed his face against your hair. "just gonna grab my phone and go to the couch."
"nooo," he said, voice breaking slightly. "let me hold you and see if that helps."
sighing, you relented. hanbin settled, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. his body was warm, the heat of it sinking underneath your own skin and bringing out a small sweat. you weren't uncomfortable, though.
his arm was a comfortable weight across your body, his hand gently splayed over your stomach. you were so fucking relaxed in his arms, safe and loved.
but you couldn't sleep.
hanbin sighed against your head when you began shifting again, his hand gently moving over your skin again. slowly his long fingers dipped to the waistband of your pants. you went completely still, breath catching in your throat.
his fingers went to your underwear band. "this okay, princess?"
you nodded, biting down on your lip in anticipation. hanbin hummed, thumb tapping against your skin. "come on, angel. answer me."
and so hanbin pushed his hand further into your pants. he didn't slip his hand underneath your underwear, and instead his skimmed over your mound and dragged along your cunt through your panties, his touch sending a tingling sensation through your cunt.
every single part of your body was focused on hanbin's hand and how it moved against you. his long fingers smoothed along your pussy through the panties, drawing warmth and wetness from it.
hanbin repeatedly rubbed his fingertips along your clit and cunt. your pussy pulsed, juices soaking your panties. he wasn't hurried, stroking your pussy languidly, gently.
you grew antsy, however. you pressed back against him, feeling his dick against your ass, and reached down and wrapped your hand around his wrist. "binnie . . ."
hanbin chuckled into your neck. his lips skimmed against your skin, and when he spoke you could feel the shape of his words. "okay, princess. 's okay, baby. binnie's got you."
and so he pulled at your panties, pushing them aside and moving his fingers to your wet pussy. his breath shuttered against your skin as he comprehended how soaked you really were from him just stroking you through your panties.
"your little pussy's so wet," he mumbled, voice deep in your ear.
hanbin shifted, gently pushing you so you were flat back against the bed. he tossed the blanket back, baring your bodies to the cool of the room.
he pulled at your pants, and once they were pulled down around one of your ankles he brought your leg over his shoulder. hanbin's hand returned to your panties, smoothing and dragging along your pussy. he rubbed his fingers against your cunt, harsh and pulling, making your toes curl and breath shake.
"binnie --"
"i got you, angel," he said. hanbin tugged down your panties, and you shifted a leg to allow him to pull them off. once your entire bottom half was bare to the room you couldn't help but shiver. your cunt was so hot and the room was cool, and your pussy juices were wet and they cooled immediately against you once you spread your legs.
"cutie," hanbin murmured. his hands went to your pussy and then he was spreading your lips. you shivered, legs tightening around him. hanbin ducked down his head and pressed a flat kiss to your cunt.
you couldn't help but flinch with surprise, a little squeal escaping your lips. "hanbin!"
he laughed at you, eyes crinkling at the corners while warmth shone from them. it was odd, you thought, how he could look so sweet and filled with affection while between your legs with his mouth against your cunt.
"you're so fucking cute," hanbin mumbled again, moving his face down to your pussy. your heart fluttered at his curse, and you couldn't help but curl your toes in anticipation.
your cunt clenched, ready. hanbin exhaled a chuckle, and then his mouth was pressed against your hole.
despite knowing that him being between your legs with his face pressed to your cunt meant he was going to be eating you out, you couldn't help the little surprised noise that escaped you as his tongue pressed against your ring of muscle. he didn't press in, tongue just laving gently against your hole and adding to the mess of wetness.
he didn't leave you completely wanting, however. hanbin's hand went to your clit and two of his fingers framed it. he didn't press against your clit directly, letting the sides of his fingers rub against it as he stimulated the area around it, making your middle tingle with electric lust and mouth fall open in a breathless gasp.
hanbin continued at your cunt, tongue licking at your hole and sucking at it, his fingers gently massaging at your cunt, sending sparks up your body that sunk into your brain and turned it to mush.
eventually you were able to moan out his name, your hand reaching down for his hair. you tangled your fingers in his silk black blocks, tugging.
you could feel his exhale against your pussy. your fingers scratched against his scalp, and he just pressed his face to your cunt, unable to do anything due to the sensation.
hanbin lifted his hand from your cunt. his entire lower face was soaked in your juices and his spit, glistening with your wet. his sweet pink lips were red from use. and he looked delighted. hanbin smiled as soon as his eyes met yours, his free hand smoothing over your skin.
"gotta keep your hands out of my hair if you want me to finish this," hanbin said cheekily, teeth flashing.
you let out a shuttering breath, nodding. "sorry. sorry, binnie."
he chuckled, turning his face and pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. "it's okay, princess. you're doing so good. you're being a good girl, angel."
then hanbin was back to your pussy. his fingers slipped from your clit, trailing down to your hole to replace his mouth. he gently sunk a finger into your hole, the glide smooth. his hands were big, fingers long, and his finger sunk into you so deliciously. hanbin kept his mouth busy, moving to your clit and laving his tongue over it.
hanbin, who worked hard at everything he did, found your core instantly. he grazed his finger along your core, and when you jumped, a high keening whine escaping your mouth, he laughed again.
he withdrew his finger, dragging it against your walls. your cunt clenched down around his digit, trying keep him from withdrawing completely. meanwhile his tongue kept at your clit, gently laving at it, languidly licking as if it were a sweet treat.
hanbin didn't leave you hanging, and soon he was pressing two of his fingers into your pussy. the stretch burned slightly, but it was the sort of ache that had you wanting to fuck down and wanting to moan more.
hanbin began fucking his fingers into you, striking your core. the electricity spread through you, and when he began sucking at your clit your entire body felt like it was alight.
he continued his ministrations through your orgasm, tongue at your clit and fingers in your cunt. your mind traveled, a haze clouding it and making you seem as if you were floating.
when you returned to consciousness hanbin was gently kissing your thighs, his fingers still in your pussy. he darted his eyes up to you after every kiss, and once he realized you were looking back at him he gave you a blinding grin.
"there's my princess," he hummed, leaning his head on your thigh, cheek smooshing. "how you doing, lovely? tired yet?"
you laughed breathlessly, leaning your head back onto the pillow.
hanbin grinned against your skin, and then he was traveling up your body. his mouth skimmed along your skin; over your stomach and over the hills of your tits, stopping to lazily suckle at your nipple. eventually he found his way to your face, and then his mouth was pressing messily against yours.
it was wet. that was the first thing you noticed. you could taste yourself, could taste the juices off of his lips. the slightly bitter taste of your pussy was offset by the sweetness of his kiss, the way his mouth gently moved back and forth over yours; sweet, as if he hadn't just spent however long with his face in your pussy.
his tongue slipped into your cunt, licking into it. he sucked at your lower lip; nipped at it; soothed it with his tongue.
and then his fingers were slipping back down your body and to your pussy. your body tightened.
hanbin hummed. "how are you doing, princess? this okay?"
you nodded. hanbin gave a questioning him, and you murmured an affirmative yes.
his fingers went to your pussy. it was still drenched from your spit and juices, and it was far too easy for him to find your slippery clit. he rubbed at it somewhat harshly, but you welcomed it. it was easy for another orgasm to build up, and you grinded down on his fingers relentlessly, wanting that rigid strength hanbin provided with his fingers.
hanbin mouthed at your lips, breath coming heavily from both of your noses. your mouths began colliding in fervent rushes, tongues rolling out to meet one another, soothing over one another.
your breathing was labored; your moans long. between every sloppy press of your mouths hanbin was murmuring to you. "good girl," he said, "so sweet and good. come on princess, come on; give binnie another one."
your second orgasm was gentler than your first. no fireworks. instead it was a wave, and you welcomed it eagerly with hanbin's mouth still working at yours, his fingers unrelenting.
eventually he withdrew entirely from your cunt. he went back down the bed, spreading your thighs to look at his handiwork. you were, of course, still soaked. your juices were slowly beginning to dry, the stickiness making your thighs stick slightly together.
"what a messy girl," hanbin said fondly. he hurriedly bent down to press a kiss to your stomach. "i'll go grab a wet towel to clean you."
"noo," you whined. "don't leave me."
hanbin grinned up at you, eyes sparkling. "come on, princess. you'll be all sticky and grumpy in the morning."
he was countering your protest but you knew hanbin loved; loved how clingy you would get. he loved it when you wanted him close, when you whined and pouted at him for his attention.
you beckoned him back up your body. hanbin sighed dramatically but he had a large smile on his face. he climbed back up and framed your body with his, legs on either side of yours, arms surrounding your torso. hanbin lowered himself so he could press the tip of his nose against yours.
"hm?" he said, voice taking on a cute tone, "is my princess being all clingy?"
you hummed back, grinning and wrinkling your nose. you settled a gentle hand against his chest, pushing him lightly onto his side. and then you were smoothing your hand down his chest, running it over the fabric of his tank top and slipping underneath his waistband.
hanbin tucked his forehead against yours, looking down and watching as your fingers plucked at the hem of his shorts. "you don't gotta do anything," he said.
but you slid your hand the rest of the way. his cock was hard and warm when you touched it. his cockhead was wet from precum, and you pressed down the flat of your thumb along the tip.
hanbin let out a strangled moan. "angel," he said, voice tight.
you brought your hand from his shorts, and, not having many alternatives, you moved it between your thighs. you nestled it into your cunt. the juices stuck to your thighs were dry, but when you pressed your palm to your pussy and dragged it along you the wetness that still remained.
hanbin moaned loudly when you returned your hand to his dick. your cunt juices made the slide easy, and you kept a slightly loose grip around his cock. hanbin's breathing rose in pitch, and he fucked into your hand.
"tight --" he whimpered, dark brows furrowing. "tighten your fist, baby."
you did as he said. you tightened your fist around his cock, thumb pressing. you twisted your hand up as he fucked into your fist.
"come on, binnie," you mumbled. "cum for me, please."
hanbin groaned, teeth biting into his lip. it was only a handful of seconds more before your sensitive boyfriend was cumming into his pants, groan loud in your ears.
you pulled back, watching him. hanbin's cheeks were flushed red, his lips wide open and dark lashes fluttering. he was so beautiful like this, coming down from his high.
his gaze focused on you. he laughed breathlessly as he caught your eyes, pitching forward and dragging you into his arms, trapping your hand in his pants still.
"baby," he giggled, pressing a loud kiss to your cheek. "how on earth are we supposed to sleep now?"
841 notes ยท View notes
seosracha ยท 1 year
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BOYS LiKE U! - a sung hanbin smau โ˜†
synopsis- getting invited on an idol reality show where two groups have to live with each-other for a month seemed.. awful. but at least you got to bond with your long time crush and fellow leader over taking care of your own grown ass members?
genre- smau, idol au, fluff, drama
pairing- idol!sunghanbin x fem-idol!reader
status- completed!
featuring- zerobaseone, lee jeonghyeon and more!
taglist- open
SPIN OFF! -> dazed and in love
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one. worst name battle
two. #ChineseUnity
three. special mission + 0.3k
four. real life xo kitty
five. sharpie penis
six. hugging a woman
seven. late night walks
eight. kitchen ban + 0.3k
nine. naturally stoned
ten. investigation
eleven. two kamdens
twelve. everyday
thirteen. Barbie or Oppenheimer
fourteen. i like (u)k
fifteen. All Girls Are The Same
sixteen. pussy no balls man apocalypse
seventeen. social experiment
eighteen. cringe couple awards
nineteen. season two (finale)
2K notes ยท View notes
zhaobear ยท 2 months
a perfect match
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PAIRING : sung hanbin x fem reader
GENRES : fluff, crack, college au, barista au, mild enemies/rivals to lovers au, sick fic
WORD COUNT : 4310 words
SUMMARY : you and sung hanbin complement each other perfectly, whether it's behind the coffee bar or during late nights in your dorm building. however, companionship quickly turns to competition as the end of the year approaches โ€” and with that, the glorious title of employee of the year. but when hanbin falls sick, you decide you can put your feud aside for one day.
WARNINGS : profanity, brief mentions of drinking, one slightly heated kiss, mc is competitive, hanbin is messing with her, jiwoong is just there, injeolmi toast reference, there are interspersed flashbacks in italics & one tense change!
AUTHOR'S NOTE : helloo making my zeroseblr debut!! thank you so much to anyone who reads i hope you enjoy <3 a huge huge thank you to @jayflrt and @s7toru for the support and encouragement, i don't think i'd be publishing this without them!
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โ€œHANBIN DIDNโ€™T COME IN TODAY,โ€ Jiwoong says in lieu of a greeting as soon as you enter the back of the store.ย 
You flip through the cafรฉโ€™s records book, noting down your time of arrival. Jiwoong can yap about Sung Hanbin all he wants, but you wonโ€™t let that stop you from getting paid.ย 
โ€œWhat does that have to do with me?โ€ You shoot back, tying up your apron.
Jiwoong shrugs. โ€œYou guys are close, right? I thought youโ€™d know whatโ€™s up.โ€
You scoff. You and Hanbin may have been close once, but that was before he started coming for your position.
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โ€œKeep it up, Hanbin!โ€ Jiwoong claps Hanbin on the shoulder as he finishes taking a customerโ€™s order. โ€œEngaging with customers and making them feel connected to the store is one of our most important values.โ€ย 
โ€œThanks, Jiwoong,โ€ Hanbin beams, the sight of his dimples causing butterflies to take flight in your stomach, for whatever strange reason. That is, until Jiwoongโ€™s next words.ย 
โ€œWith how much improvement youโ€™re making, you might just be up for Employee of the Year.โ€ Jiwoong winks. Your jaw drops to the floor. Jiwoong doesnโ€™t notice your mouth hanging open and simply returns to making drinks like he didn't just shatter your entire world.ย 
โ€œWhat the hell!โ€ You call out indignantly. โ€œWhy would he get Employee of the Year?โ€
Jiwoong turns to look at you like heโ€™s just remembering your presence for the first time.ย 
โ€œWell, Hanbinโ€™s been learning very quickly since he joined. Heโ€™s made a lot of improvement and the customers love him.โ€ย 
โ€œHe served a frozen sandwich the other day!โ€ You cry out. You remember it clearly โ€” the customer had approached you with a furious glint in her eyes, demanding to know why her sandwich wasnโ€™t heated. Hanbin had popped up behind you to apologize for his mistake, and a blush immediately overtook her face as she shoved the sandwich into her mouth, claiming she preferred it frozen anyway.ย 
โ€œThat was last week! Iโ€™m a changed man now,โ€ Hanbin insists.
โ€œThe award should not go to him,โ€ You splutter at Jiwoong. โ€œI can talk to customers too!โ€ You shove Hanbin away as the next customer in line approaches the register.ย 
โ€œHi, could I please get an iced matcha latte, and aโ€”โ€
โ€œHi, how was your day?โ€ You interrupt loudly. Jiwoong slaps a hand to his mouth to stifle a poorly-contained laugh. The girlโ€™s eyes go wide as she takes in your expression, her gaze flitting nervously between you and the door, like sheโ€™s considering bolting out of the shop.ย 
โ€œSorry, donโ€™t mind her. She means well,โ€ a smooth voice interrupts. Hanbin slides back to his position on the register, his hand circling your waist as he gently eases you to the side.
You huff. โ€œI can handle myself on register!โ€ย 
Hanbinโ€™s hand shifts to your lower back as he leans over to whisper to you. โ€œYouโ€™re staring the poor girl down like she just murdered your family. I got this.โ€ย 
True to his words, the girl visibly relaxes when Hanbin takes over and begins to make conversation. Your cheeks grow hot at the gesture. You should be angry, but Hanbinโ€™s hand is warm on you and his shoulder is knocking into yours and you canโ€™t seem to think straight.ย 
Hanbin leans close again, and your brain short-circuits.
โ€œIโ€™m coming for your award,โ€ he breathes cheekily into your ear.ย 
The giddy feeling in your chest immediately dies on the spot.ย 
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You scowl at the memory, your knuckles turning white as you tie the strings of your apron tighter. Jiwoong raises an eyebrow, reminding you of his question.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m not speaking to him anymore.โ€ You have to hold back from crossing your arms like an angry child.ย 
โ€œYou were fighting him over the register on Wednesday,โ€ Jiwoong points out.
โ€œA lot can change in three days.โ€
Jiwoong sighs. โ€œSeriously, do you know whatโ€™s up? He hasnโ€™t called or texted at all.โ€ย 
That makes you pause. Ever since your current feud with Sung Hanbin, he became particularly more committed to โ€œbeatingโ€ you at work, whether it was clocking in earlier than you, going beyond the necessary opening requirements, or covering more shifts than usual. For him to not show up to work without any prior notice or explanation โ€” maybe there is something wrong.ย 
You relent. โ€œIโ€™ll go check up on him after my shift, okay?โ€ย 
A Cheshire grin spreads across Jiwoongโ€™s face. โ€œSo much extra effort,โ€ he muses.ย 
โ€œWe live in the same building,โ€ you deadpan. You check your hair in the small mirror on the wall before heading to the front of the store for your shift.ย 
โ€œI didnโ€™t even tell you to go check up on him!โ€ Jiwoong calls to your back. You give him the finger in return.ย 
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โ€œHanbin, open up!โ€ You yell, pounding on his door for what feels like the millionth time. You press your ear to the wood, but hear absolutely nothing.ย 
โ€œI can see your Snap location!โ€
Then, a rustle.ย 
You hear the creak of a bed, and the sound of soft footsteps gradually approaching closer. The door swings open, revealing Sung Hanbin in his pajamas.ย 
โ€œYou were in bed the whole time?โ€ You shriek. โ€œJiwoong was worried sick! He was acting like you dropped off the face of the Earth when you didnโ€™t contact anyone!โ€ย 
Hanbin wordlessly turns around, making a beeline away from the door. You huff, following him inside his dorm without another thought.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re just going to leave when Iโ€™m talking to you? Look, I get it if you donโ€™t want to interact with me, but you shouldnโ€™t ghost your manager. Isnโ€™t thatโ€”โ€
Hanbin stumbles into the bathroom and slams the door shut on you. Realization dawns upon you when you hear retching from the other end. The puzzle pieces slot into place โ€” his glazed eyes, paler-than-usual face, and complete lack of energy.ย 
โ€œHanbin?โ€ You ask, your voice softer than before. No response. โ€œDo you need any help?โ€ย 
โ€œNo,โ€ Hanbin whispers faintly behind the door.ย 
โ€œOkay,โ€ you respond uneasily, โ€œbut Iโ€™m staying here until you come out.โ€ย 
You take his soft sigh as affirmation, and immediately pull out your phone to text his roommate.ย 
you: wya??
taerae: staying w my aunt for the weekend taerae: why whats up?
you: hanbins sick
taerae: oh shit taerae: well. gl to him
you: ๐Ÿ˜ญ you: do you have medicine
taerae: no ๐Ÿ˜‚ taerae: wait actually taerae: check the bottom drawer on my desk
you: found it ty
You gather whatever medicines look helpful from Taeraeโ€™s drawer, then grab water from the fridge. Soon enough, you hear Hanbin moving behind the door, followed by the flush of the toilet and water running from the sink. He emerges from the bathroom, his face glistening with water droplets. He looks tired in a way youโ€™ve never seen before as he trudges past you and collapses at the foot of his bed.ย 
He groans softly at the hard surface, but makes no move to get up. You crouch down to the ground, pressing your hand against his forehead in concern.ย 
โ€œHanbin,โ€ you gasp. โ€œYouโ€™re burning up.โ€ย 
Hanbin makes a pitiful noise, shifting so heโ€™s pressing his flushed cheek to the cold tile. You loop your arms through his and haul him to his feet.ย 
โ€œYou missed the bed,โ€ you try to joke, but even you can hear the terribly masked worry in your voice. Hanbin slumps onto the mattress, and you carefully pull the covers over him despite his small sounds of protest. Heโ€™s clearly not concerned enough to do anything more, so he mutters incoherent nonsense under his breath and then closes his eyes.ย 
You canโ€™t help the minuscule twitch of your lips at the sight, but you turn back to the medicine bottles before you can allow yourself to dwell on it.ย 
Once youโ€™ve arranged an assortment of pills and the water, you gently shake Hanbin, whose eyes are still shut.ย 
โ€œSit up,โ€ you urge, tapping his shoulder. Hanbin cracks open an eye, sulking. Regardless, he complies, sitting up and fully opening his eyes. โ€œTake these.โ€ย 
His frown deepens, but his gaze scans your face and he obeys without another word.ย 
โ€œHow long have you been sick like this?โ€ย 
โ€œWhenโ€™s the last time you ate?โ€ You try instead. Hanbin pauses, like heโ€™s taking a moment to genuinely think about it, then shrugs blankly. โ€œHanbin, you have to eat!โ€ย 
โ€œNot hungry,โ€ he mumbles.ย 
โ€œThis isnโ€™t up for debate,โ€ you shoot back. โ€œIโ€™ll go grab you something, so stay here, okay?โ€
Hanbin nods, sinking back into bed. You shoulder your bag and search for his phone and keys, finding them on his desk.ย 
โ€œHere,โ€ you say, tucking his phone under his pillow. โ€œCall me if you need anything. Iโ€™m taking your keys so you donโ€™t have to let me in. Take a nap, and Iโ€™ll be back soon.โ€
Hanbin only buries his face further into the pillow. You refill his water and adjust the room temperature before slipping on your shoes at the front. You helplessly turn back to look at him once more, like a compass straying north. Then, you leave.ย 
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When Sung Hanbin first walked into Say Yes! Coffee with a stunning resume and even more stunning smile, you recognized him instantly.ย 
You had met Hanbin in the beginning of your sophomore year on a Thursday night, when the noise from the room above yours was becoming unbearable.ย 
You had stormed up the stairs in your pajamas, too tired to care about appearances as you incessantly knocked on the door. When the door opened to a man clad in all black with an unnervingly handsome face, you faltered slightly. However, the sight of the dim lights and red solo cups behind him rekindled your anger, and you immediately began to tell him off.ย 
He was holding a party on a Thursday night, for godโ€™s sake, couldnโ€™t he at least have waited until the weekend? As you continued on about the lack of consideration for those with Friday morning classes โ€” however small the number may be โ€” your voice got stuck in your throat when the man responded with a dazzling smile.ย 
โ€œCute,โ€ he had said, causing you to flinch in shock. He agreeably promised to keep the noise down, and with your face heating up from a mixture of embarrassment and surprise, you turned around and left without another word.ย 
You didnโ€™t see him again after that incident, but true to his word, the noise was considerably softer in the following parties. When you saw him again at your workplace, you werenโ€™t even sure if heโ€™d remember you.ย 
However, Hanbinโ€™s eyes had instantly lit up. โ€œPajama girl!โ€ Heโ€™d exclaimed, and your smile dropped.ย 
From then onwards, your relationship had taken a turn. Jiwoong began scheduling the two of you for almost every shift together, allowing you to witness every step of his journey โ€” from training, to slowly taking over register, to becoming a pain in your ass. It almost made you sentimental, thinking about how much youโ€™d gotten to see.ย 
With the increased shifts came increased shenanigans during breaks, from ridiculous drink concoctions to espresso shot chugging competitions. Eventually, these were followed by unexpected knocks on your door and boba runs between classes.ย 
Hanbin would let you into the dance studio, smirking at your reactions in the mirror whenever he caught you staring as he practiced. You allowed him to tag along on your trips to the library, even though he would use the soundproof study room to loudly poke fun at you while you would fret over your lab reports and problem sets.ย 
Despite the vast differences in your majors, you still had the common denominator of a shared dorm building. This was clear every time Hanbin would knock on your door to drag you to his upstairs parties to expand your social circle, or when you would knock on his to deliver successful baking experiments.ย 
In your second semester, he joined you in a General Education class that he absolutely did not need to take, and you started going to his open dance classes despite your severe lack of coordination.ย 
So perhaps Jiwoong was right, maybe you were incredibly close โ€” until the possibility of Hanbin winning Employee of the Year became real enough to scare you, until you decided it would be easier to hate him. (Was it Employee of the Year that you were afraid of, or something else?)
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You reenter Hanbinโ€™s dorm with a giant thermos of steaming hot soup, an extra blanket, and an assortment of items from the nearby drugstore. You dump the contents onto the table, wincing at the amount. You may have gone slightly crazy and swept nearly everything off the shelves at the pharmacy, but you convince yourself theyโ€™ll be necessary.ย 
When you enter his room with the food, youโ€™re surprised to find that heโ€™s already awake. His brows furrow slightly at the sight of you.
โ€œI brought you soup,โ€ you explain, nodding at the bowl in your hands. โ€œEat.โ€ย 
While the Hanbin 30 minutes ago was so sluggish he could barely keep his eyes open, this Hanbin is uncannily alert. His eyes dart back and forth between you, the soup, and the medicines scattered across his desk. He opens and closes his mouth, like heโ€™s searching for the right words.ย 
โ€œWhyโ€™re you doing this?โ€ A strange question to settle on, but you smile at him softly.ย 
โ€œWhy wouldnโ€™t I be?โ€
โ€œI donโ€™t understand,โ€ he replies, his gaze wary.ย 
You frown. โ€œYouโ€™ve done the same for me. Remember when I got super drunk at Matthewโ€™s and you brought me home?โ€ย 
Hanbin goes silent.ย 
Things like this between you and Hanbin are never questioned โ€” they always go without saying. He threatens you at work, but he still picks you up when you drink too much. You fight him over the register, but you still sit next to him in class and watch him from the back of the dance studio. Youโ€™re still here, because you know Hanbin would be no different.ย 
โ€œYou donโ€™t owe me for that,โ€ Hanbin blurts out, red creeping up his cheeks.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t think of it like that. Iโ€™m here because I want you to get better,โ€ you say, holding out the bowl of soup to him. A peace offering.ย 
Hanbin hesitates, then accepts it, blowing on it to cool it down and taking a sip. He hums in satisfaction, then shovels the rest down his throat within a minute. You gape.ย 
โ€œSlow down,โ€ you scold, remembering the vomiting from earlier. You feel a pang of guilt realizing how hungry he mustโ€™ve been, motionless in his bed without the energy to eat.ย 
Hanbin grows more lethargic on his second bowl, his eyelids beginning to sink. He catches himself just before he can allow himself to doze, and you frown. You canโ€™t help but wonder why heโ€™s fighting sleep when itโ€™s what he needs the most โ€” his half-lidded eyes stay focused on you, and then it hits you. Maybe he wants to be alone.ย 
You take the bowl back and pull the covers over him, noting with a twinge of satisfaction that some color has returned to his face.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll clean things up and then head out so you can get some sleep,โ€ you tell him. Although something deep inside you longs to stay, to stick with him until youโ€™re sure that his fever is gone, you stand up from the chair.ย 
However, Hanbin grabs your elbow before you can fully turn away. When you look at him, thereโ€™s a plea behind his eyes that he doesnโ€™t seem keen on voicing. Even when heโ€™s sick, heโ€™s strong, tugging you back towards him until youโ€™re sitting at the edge of the bed.ย 
โ€œDo you want more soup?โ€ You ask, unsure of what he needs from you.ย 
Hanbin shakes his head. โ€œStay,โ€ he mumbles, so faint that you barely hear it.ย 
โ€œSleep,โ€ you coax him gently, your heart squeezing at his request. โ€œI wonโ€™t go anywhere.โ€
Hanbin searches your face with a hint of desperation, and your breath hitches in your throat at the sparkle in his eyes. (Did Sung Hanbin always look at you like you had hung the moon and stars?)ย 
You donโ€™t have to think about it for too long because Hanbin seems to find whatever heโ€™s looking for in your expression and finally closes his eyes. Sleep pulls him under within minutes, evident in his deeper breathing and the loosened tension in his body.ย 
You brush some of his hair away from his forehead, softening at the lines of his face, more youthful and relaxed with the rest.ย 
In a few minutes, you know youโ€™ll have to clean up, restock the fridge, and find a damp washcloth to reduce his temperature. But you allow yourself a moment to stare, brushing his thumb with your cheek.ย 
Even while asleep, Hanbin leans into the touch, like a flower searching for sunlight, and you flinch. You return to your chair next to his bed and watch him until the sun rises, your heart a jumbled mess.ย 
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โ€œJiwoong.โ€ Hanbin calls out one morning towards the end of his training, when the three of you are opening the store.ย 
โ€œHmm?โ€ Jiwoong shoots Hanbin a brief glance before going back to busying himself with the espresso machine.ย ย 
โ€œWhy do you always schedule me and Y/N together?โ€
You turn at the mention of your name, perking up with curiosity. Jiwoongโ€™s brows furrow, almost as though the answer is obvious.ย 
โ€œY/N is efficient, in pretty much all ways possible. She can make the most drinks in the least time possible, without compromising quality. Sheโ€™s also great at responding to unexpected situations,โ€ Jiwoong explains. You grin at the compliment but stay silent, sensing he has more to say.ย 
โ€œHanbin, youโ€™re slower and sometimes you freeze up during mishaps. But youโ€™re good with customers. You know enough about coffee to make recommendations. Youโ€™re perceptive, so youโ€™re first to know when we need to restock. All of which Y/N tends to fall short on. Which is fine, of course, because neither of you is perfect.
โ€œBut what one of you lacks, the other one makes up. Youโ€™re imperfect separately, but a perfect match together.โ€ Jiwoong puts a pause to his grandiose speech to fish for the keys in his pocket. โ€œAnyways, Iโ€™m going to unlock the door now.โ€ย 
You shoot Hanbin an incredulous look, despite the warm feeling spreading throughout your chest. Hanbin looks equally confused, but his gaze softens when you make eye contact. The smile he returns is so tender that you have to look away, your face burning like a star. You go back to wiping down the counters, and avoid thinking about Sung Hanbin and how incredibly red his ears were.ย 
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When Hanbin wakes up, youโ€™re reminded of his training days from all those months ago, of his shy but earnest demeanor, unafraid to reveal his struggles and ask for help.ย 
This Hanbin is similarly vulnerable, allowing himself to be open and show you weakness. Allowing you to help him.ย 
โ€œWhyโ€™re you looking at me like that?โ€ Hanbinโ€™s voice interrupts your thoughts, and you flush, shaking yourself out of your nostalgia. You press the back of your hand against his forehead, sighing in relief.ย 
โ€œDrink this, itโ€™ll help," you say, avoiding his eyes as you hand him a glass of orange juice. โ€œYour fever finally broke.โ€
โ€œYeah, no shit. Iโ€™m sweating balls,โ€ he rasps, kicking off the blankets youโ€™d piled on top of him. He chugs down the juice and rubs at his eyes. โ€œWhat day is it?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s Sunday evening. You pretty much slept through the whole day,โ€ you grin.
โ€œDid you stay since yesterday?โ€ A hint of guilt flashes across Hanbinโ€™s face.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s fine, I got some work done,โ€ you wave it off, gesturing to your computer propped open on his desk. โ€œTaeraeโ€™s gonna be back soon, so Iโ€™ll head out, okay? I texted Jiwoong for you, so youโ€™re not working tomorrow. Thereโ€™s some extra soup in the fridge, so heat that whenever you want.โ€ย 
You start to gather your things, but Hanbin catches your wrist. His expression is abnormally serious, his eyes piercing holes into yours.ย 
โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong? Do you need something?โ€ You use your other hand to check his forehead again, but he stops you.
"I need you."
Your mouth falls open. โ€œWhat?โ€ย 
Hanbin quickly catches himself. "I need you โ€” to drop this Employee of the Year thing. Jiwoong already told me he's giving it to you."
You're still stuck on the first three words of his sentence, but when the gears in your head finally turn you gasp. It's a lot to process and you shake your head, wondering if you even heard him right. How long were you fighting for an award that was already yours?
"I thought you wanted to win," is all you can think of saying.
Hanbin smiles, warm and soft in a way so familiar that your heart aches. โ€œY/N, I donโ€™t care about Employee of the Year. Go out with me.โ€
You find yourself at a loss for words, but Hanbin doesnโ€™t seem to mind as he continues.
โ€œI know I still have a lot to learn, and I didn't even care about the award that much. I was mostly just teasing you, so can we please stop fighting over it? Or else Iโ€™ll seriously think you hate me.โ€ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t hate you,โ€ you choke out.ย 
Hanbin chuckles. โ€œI figured that now. No one spends this much time and effort on someone they hate.โ€ย 
โ€œShut up,โ€ you say halfheartedly, your heart hammering in your chest. โ€œAre you serious?โ€ Hanbin tugs you by the hands, enough that youโ€™re sitting on the edge of his bed. All traces of humor vanish from his face as he stares at you intently.ย 
โ€œY/N, I like you. I thought you were cute ever since you showed up at my doorstep in your pajamas. And Iโ€™ve been hopelessly obsessed with you ever since we started working together. Does that answer your question?โ€ย 
Fireworks explode in your chest as you think back to Jiwoongโ€™s old words.ย 
What one of you lacks, the other one makes up.ย 
When Hanbin is sick, you take care of him. When Hanbin forgets to eat at the dance studio, you bring him food. And despite all your incessant fighting, Hanbin covers for you at the register. Hanbin invites you to parties when youโ€™re cooped up in the library for too long. Hanbin sends you his notes when you doze off in class.ย 
Your heart thumps in your chest as you begin to put together the little moments of your relationship. You were a perfect match the whole time, just as Jiwoong said, only you hadnโ€™t truly realized the weight of his words. You itch with the need to do something, but your hands are still tightly grasped in Hanbinโ€™s and you canโ€™t think of much else to do than to lean down and press your lips to his cheek.ย 
Hanbin makes a small noise of surprise at the contact, his hands slackening around yours. You flush at the warmth of his skin against your mouth, feeling as though youโ€™re floating somewhere above the stars. When you pull away, Hanbinโ€™s eyes are closed, lashes fanned against his cheekbones and face tilted upwards like heโ€™s hoping for more, or savoring it. His eyes are glassy when they finally open, eliciting a giggle from your throat.ย 
โ€œI like you too,โ€ you grin, โ€œif that didnโ€™t make it clear.โ€ย 
Hanbin smiles then, so wide that you can see his whisker dimples. He pulls you down and on top of him, burying his face in your neck.ย 
โ€œLet me kiss you properly,โ€ he whispers into your skin. You separate from him enough to read his expression, eyes widening at the sudden sharpness in his gaze. His eyes flicker between yours, before darting down to your lips and fixating on them.ย 
โ€œWonโ€™t your mouth taste horrible?โ€ You tease, but youโ€™re already leaning in.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll make it up to you,โ€ he murmurs against your lips before closing the distance.
A thousand firecrackers flare up in your body when his mouth meets yours. You gasp when his tongue slips into your mouth, leaving behind the pleasantly surprising taste of orange juice.ย 
Sparks fly where his skin touches yours, multiplied by a thousand when he cradles your cheek and deepens the kiss. Your hand moves to the back of his neck, tugging lightly on his hair. The soft groan that emits from Hanbin causes a jolt of pleasure to shudder down your spine, and you instinctively tug harder.
You pull away far too soon to catch your breath, breath hitching at the string of saliva between both your lips.ย 
โ€œGross,โ€ you lie, but Hanbinโ€™s eyes only darken.ย 
โ€œI wanna do that again.โ€ He leans in again, but you veer away before you can allow your judgment to blur.ย 
โ€œYou have to focus on getting better first!โ€ You swat at his hands.ย 
Hanbin pouts. โ€œIโ€™m way better. Stellar, actually.โ€ย 
โ€œYou can kiss me in two days.โ€
Hanbinโ€™s answering smile is blindingly bright, even though you didnโ€™t say anything particularly funny.ย 
โ€œWhat is it?โ€ Your pulse races at how he looks at you โ€” like youโ€™re made of every precious thing in the world, like youโ€™re a dream made alive.ย 
โ€œI think this might be the happiest day of my life,โ€ he answers. As he grins at you with the warmth of the entire sun, you realize the fluttering behind your ribcage was never a new feeling โ€” you were just as enamored with him when you first met.ย 
You smile back, bigger than youโ€™ve ever smiled at Hanbin, watching his gaze turn awestruck as a red-hot blush creeps up his cheeks and neck.ย ย 
โ€œI think it might be mine too.โ€ย 
295 notes ยท View notes
destiny-fics ยท 6 months
Fuck Those (New) Frat Boys
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Welcome to the ZB1 Fraternity, how may we help you?
Following the footsteps of the infamous SKZ fraternity, President Sung Hanbin and his fellow frat brothers are maintaining a legacy of important charity work, lavish parties, academic achievement and, of course, catching the eyes and hearts of anyone who meets them.
Which member will catch your eye first?
Pairing: ZB1 Legal Line (Jiwoong-Gyuvin) x Fem!Reader (Individual stories for each member)
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst, College!au, Non-Idol!au.
Set in the same universe as my SKZ series "Fuck those frat boys."
Individual warnings will be at the start of each fic
This series is 18+ so minors kindly DNI
The Teacher's Aid - Kim Jiwoong
"You do know making out in the T.A office is against university policy, right Jiwoong?"
"I do. But I also plan to do a lot more things that break university policy in here too."
The First Chair - Zhang Hao
"You want me...to play in your string quartet?"
"It might not look like it, but I do actually pay attention when you play and you're the best cellist here. Come on, what do you say?"
The Frat President - Sung Hanbin
"Do you ever think that maybe you spread yourself too thin Hanbin?"
"I prefer to say I never back down from a commitment."
The Hallway Crush - Seok Matthew
"I never expected our first meeting to be because you're fucking one of my frat brothers."
Can't exactly say I expected it either Matthew."
The Guitar Player - Kim Taerae
"One night Taerae, and then we can stage a breakup, we just need to convince her so she'll stop setting me up on dates."
"One night, then that's it."
The Frat Sweetheart - Shen Ricky
"You know for the fraternity sweetheart you really are a dick Ricky Shen."
"At least I don't have a perpetual stick up my ass."
The Best Friend - Kim Gyuvin
"No can do, your brother specifically told me not to touch you."
"But my brother didn't tell you that you couldn't look at me."
239 notes ยท View notes
aswaki ยท 6 months
april fool's joke [smt x reader x shb]
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seok matthew x reader x sung hanbin | 3.1k word count | explicit (minors dni)
โ€œmatthew brought a friend to your hookup but jokes on him since you actually liked itโ€
contains: fem!reader, threesome (mfm - reader centric), jealous sex (one sided - matthew), oral (m and f receiving), tit/nipple play, praise kink, fuck buddy/friends with benefits theme, smut - p in v sex, pet names ("baby", "doll", "good girl")
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it was supposed to be an april foolโ€™s jokeโ€ฆ nothing serious.
hanbin wasnโ€™t supposed to be making you laugh. hanbin wasnโ€™t supposed to be slinging his arm around the back of the couch's headrest where you sat. hanbin wasnโ€™t supposed to be drawing circles on your knee, his finger then trailing up your exposed thigh. hanbin wasnโ€™t supposed to be looking at you with bedroom eyes. you werenโ€™t supposed to be looking back at him with bedroom eyes.
how the situation managed to bite matthew back in the ass, he didnโ€™t know. he lost control of the situation the minute he brought hanbin to your hang out hookup but he would not admit he brought this demise unto himself.
matthew threw another shot back to his mouth, letting the liquid burn down his throat. he sat there watching the two of you as the sickening feeling swam around his stomach.
it was the alcohol. that's the lie he told himself. he wasn't the jealous type, especially not over someone who wasn't even his girlfriend.
it was supposed to be an april foolโ€™s jokeโ€ฆ seriously, it was.
it was a new month. what better way to start it than with a party?
the party had still been on high but you sat alone on the couch. most of your friends were gone already. probably giving heads and getting fucked somewhere. you donโ€™t blame them for it. you were there for the same reason too. you were waiting for matthew to approach you but it seems like he was taking a long time to do so. irritation started to grow alongside your sexual need.
having sex was probably your favourite activity and matthew just so happened to be your favourite playmate.
you nodded along to the music and downed some shots as you waited. when matthew finally arrived, you tilted your head in wonder as you looked behind him. he had a taller friend with him. youโ€™ve never seen him before. it was probably inevitable; you and matthew did not share the same friend circle.
they could see the curiosity in your eyes.
โ€œthis is hanbin!โ€ matthew moved his friend forward, clapping his shoulder in the process. โ€œi hope you donโ€™t mind, i brought my friend along tonight,โ€ he continued. he had this expression that made you wonder if he was thinking the same thing as you areโ€ฆ or maybe matthew was just always this cheeky?
hanbin bowed slightly to you and extended his hand, โ€œhi,โ€
the irritation in you got its growth stunted. you were kind of shocked. this was a house party where everyone just fucks and go. no one was this polite. hot and a gentleman? where did matthew and his friends come from?
โ€œno, i donโ€™t mind at all,โ€ you said in a sultry tone. you then gave hanbin a dazzling smile, one that won matthew over before. he knew they were fucked.
you stood up from the couch to receive hanbinโ€™s extended hand. as the two of you shook hands, you liked how his skin felt on yours. you looked at him through your lashes. he gave you a dazzling smile in return.
on the side, matthew watched the two of you silently. he didnโ€™t know what he was feeling right now but he didnโ€™t like it.
โ€œmaybe he can join us later, mmm?โ€ matthew nonchalantly joked, cutting in your hand holding as he purposely passed by between you and hanbin. he sat at the couch, looking at the two of you like nothing happened. hanbin huffed at his antics. you could only giggle. youโ€™ve never seen matthew throwing something akin to a tantrum. it was almost cute.
โ€œso, does he know?โ€ you sat down and hanbin followed afterwards. you were talking about your little situation with matthew since he brought it up. the opportunity to fool around with hanbin was something you were eager to experience.
matthew nodded as he picked up the alcohol you had on the table while hanbin replied, โ€œthat youโ€™re special friends?โ€ย 
it made you giggle again. matthew wondered, โ€˜was hanbin even that funny?โ€™ but he buried this deep inside. hanbinโ€™s his friend.
โ€œyeah, iโ€™m aware.โ€ hanbin elaborated.
the rest of the night went smoothly. it was actually fun and pleasant if matthew could omit the images of you leaning towards hanbin, of how his friendโ€™s hand slipping underneath your dress and caressing your inner thigh.
hanbin wasnโ€™t really there to be your third. it was genuinely a joke, honestly, but he made that comment so calmly it appeared to be serious. he didnโ€™t mind if it became real.
in the darkness of your room after you fucked one time, you revealed to him youโ€™ve always wanted to try a threesome. matthew agreed on wanting to explore new things. he could make it happen for you. he trusted hanbin too. so why was he feeling this way?
it was supposed to be an april foolโ€™s jokeโ€ฆ but itโ€™s becoming like it wasnโ€™t.
it suddenly felt like he was a fool.
you went ahead of him upstairs. when he opened the bedroom you texted you were in, he saw hanbinโ€™s fully clothed form dominating over you. your panties were pushed to the side as his fingers curled inside of you. your pussy becoming acquainted with the difference between matthew and hanbinโ€™s fingers.
matthew could see how your eyes rolled back as his friend pleasured you. your dress was already gone. it was on the floor by your heels. something dark stirred inside matthew as he watched what was before him.
in spite of that, he couldnโ€™t stop his cock from straining against his pants. he couldnโ€™t deny. it was a hot sight in front of him; matthew liked seeing you lose control. it was a bonus you both were attractive people.
the two of you still hadnโ€™t acknowledged him yet. you were lost in one another but you were aware he was there.
hanbin removed his hand from your cunt. your panties snapped back into place but it didnโ€™t take long before hanbin dragged it down. your slick folds glistened for him. he could see your puffy clit inviting him over to lick it so he did. he lowered himself to your cunt. he inhaled your scent before he started licking your clit. your hands went down to grip his hair, desperately just to keep him in place.
โ€œhanbin,โ€ you whined. matthew felt his eye twitch at thatโ€ฆ his dick did too. (both twitching for different reasons.)
hanbin then returned his fingers inside of you. your warm walls welcomed him once more. he started to finger you as his tongue flicked your clit before going all out to suck it. your back arched as the sensations washed over you.
โ€œyou taste amazing,โ€ he mumbled to your pussy. the coil tightened within you as his fingers dragged in and out of cunt.
oh, he was good. your pretty moans that were only reserved for matthew came out of your mouth.
matthew didnโ€™t want to play a fool.
he removed his shoes and pants before going to one side of the bed. with rare tenderness of exclusive lovers, his hand caressed your head that was hanging close to the edge.
โ€œw- was wondering how long you were going to stand there, matty,โ€ you panted. hanbin looked up from your pussy and chuckled as he saw matthew flushing when you called him by a nickname. the vibrations from his chuckles added to your pleasure which made your hold on his hair tighten.
matthew shrugged off his jacketโ€” he was left in a tank top that was stretched out by his well defined chest. then, he also lowered his underwear. the cock you knew so well sprung out, covering your line of sight. your mouth watered at it. it was hard already. it stood up intimidatingly with its veins so visible.
โ€œopen up, baby,โ€ he said from above you. you obediently followed as he traced your jawline. he lowered himself to your mouth but before you took him in, you couldnโ€™t resist giving the underside of his cock a sweet kiss.
that was the end of all sweetness before matthew fucked you in the mouth. you slowly bobbed your head with hollow cheeks to take him in.
โ€œjust like that, baby.โ€ matthew hissed in pleasure as your mouth worked him up. from your angle, matthew was upside down. his hair flopped along with his actions. at first, it was steady but then he went harsher.
you gagged at the rapid change of pace, tears springing up your eyes. matthew looked at you while tried to keep his dick in, โ€œsuch a dirty fucking mouth.โ€
hanbin faltered for a moment. his fingers exiting your hole. you didnโ€™t like the emptiness. you shook your head at him so he would continue. it was as if you were saying: you were fine. you liked it. so, hanbin took initiative to match the rhythm. he curled his fingers one last time before pumping them in and out of you. his lips sucked hungrily on your throbbing clit.ย 
โ€œsuch a good girl. youโ€™re doing so well for having us both.โ€ hanbin cooed while his free hand held your thigh to keep it from closing in because of pleasure.
the praises stroked your feelings nicely. it was great to hear. you were incredibly full. you let the two men know you felt through the muffled whimpers and wet sounds leaving your aching mouth and tight pussy. you were already so sensitive. it wasnโ€™t long before you squirted in hanbinโ€™s mouth.
you wanted to apologize but matthew was still pounding your mouth. his hand gripped your jaw in place.
hanbin only licked his lips, assuring you he liked it, โ€œyou taste so good, doll.โ€
hanbin removed his pants, following matthewโ€™s state of undress. (although, he removed his shirt along his hoodie. he wasnโ€™t as big as matthew but he was fit.) he revealed his lengthy cock to you. pre-cum already dripping out. the only thing you could muster to think of was that it was pretty.
the tip of his cock hit your folds as if it was knocking for entrance. โ€œiโ€™m going in, doll, and youโ€™re going to take it all, alright?โ€ he slid inside of you easily. your wetness lubricated you enough.
the feel of his cock deep within you took any coherence you had left away.
โ€œthatโ€™s it,โ€ hanbin said softly, it was almost a purr. his voice mixed with matthew's grunts. he rocked his hips as he fucked you. hanbinโ€™s hand ran over the bulge under your belly button. his cockhead so far inside you. you liked the feel of his skin on yours.
you whimpered into matthewโ€™s cock as hanbin thrusted in you. no matter how much you wanted to, you couldnโ€™t even moan out hanbinโ€™s name because matthew was in your mouth. you adjusted to him in your mouth as you gagged far less. the tears that gathered in your eyes had fallen down your face. at this point, you did not care about the drool collecting around your chin and the tears rolling on your cheeks.
you tightened around hanbin. your orgasm came quickly which took you by surprise. feeling euphoric, your vision blurred as you came around his cock. you trembled from the intensity.
hanbin wasnโ€™t far behind you. sweat rolled on his torso. the feeling of your walls clenching around his dick was too much for him. he groaned as your muscles and cum surrounding him pushed him over. he pulled out as he reached his climax. your name left his lips when he painted your stomach white.ย 
but... matthew saw red. he scoffed at both of you. he thought could do better than that so he popped out of your mouth. saliva stringed itself between your swollen lips and his cock. you relaxed your jaw and took a deep breath now that you were given the chance to. you pouted knowing you didnโ€™t finish him off.
as his friend climbed on the bed, hanbin moved to the side. your juices were dried up on his face. while catching his own breath, he saw you pout at matthew at the sudden emptiness of your body. he thought, in this moment, that you two were a match with your attitudes. though, you were somehow subtle.
โ€œyou liked being shared, baby?โ€ matthew growled to your ear while his hand teased choking your neck. his sweat dripped down you as he bent to your level. you whimpered his name. your body too sensitive to keep going but he did not relent.
โ€œmmm, not me, though.โ€ matthew straightened his back and slammed his cock inside you. your pussy instantly clenched around him. you didn't even had the strength to reciprocate but you were glad knowing he could get off through this. your longing of being full was satisfied as well.
hanbin sat back on his knees, keenly watching as matthew buried himself inside you. he felt amused seeing matthew taken over by jealousy after you were โ€˜markedโ€™ by his cum. his friend was always talking about you, how sexy you were and how free and open your arrangement was with one another.
โ€œthe center of it all was sex,โ€ matthew had claimed but hanbin might be suspecting that wasnโ€™t the case anymore. still, he was going to have his fun time while he was here right now.
as matthew thrusted his jealousy out, your tits bounced in your lingerie. hanbin could not tear his gaze away from it. it was enchanting to watch them move. matthew was right about you being so sexy.
hanbinโ€™s finger tickled the edge of your bra, hooking and pulling it down until your nipples peeked out. they were rock hard. hanbin couldnโ€™t let this go to waste, especially knowing this might be the last time he would get to have you. he was going to have a taste of every inch of you.
he pulled your bra even lower, letting your tits temporarily free from its restraints. your boobs filled his hands as he squeezed it. he held onto them as it moved as you were being pounded on. however, your own hand that was feeling up matthew's bicep gripped his upper arm firmly as you could from getting a jolt from your peaks being touched. it was probably the last few energy you could muster.
your nipple slipped between hanbinโ€™s fingers. it was practically begging for attention which hanbin happily gave. he pinched one before he lowered himself to put the other in his mouth.
โ€œbinnie,โ€ you gushed. your back arched to push your tit further in his mouth. he really knew how to put his mouth to use. hanbin got a thrill when you whined his name.
โ€œh- how are you still this tight?โ€ matthew grunted, as his hands found your hips. his fingernails dug themselves slightly into your skin. your body was on fire. you knew you were getting overstimulated. still, you were never the one to decline desire.
โ€œo- oh, yes,โ€ you screamed, toes curling. none of you could tell if it was from the nipple sucking or the penetration you were getting.
you writhed as hanbin switched tits. his mouth suckled the other while the one that was coated with saliva got tweaked. his free hand also took the time to explore your body with feather touches. this brought you closer to your orgasm.
meanwhile, the tip of matthewโ€™s cock reached a spot that had you mewling. โ€œthere, baby?โ€ he asked if it hit your g-spot. you quickly nodded your head as the familiar coil in your stomach made itself known by tightening again. matthew knew your body so well.
โ€œright there, matty. please, d- donโ€™t stop,โ€ you begged. matthew followed, of course. he was helpless to your charms. you sounded so sweet begging for him.
โ€œi got you, baby.โ€ he thrusted to a rhythm that hit your g-spot more accurately than before. it felt like you were going to erupt soon. so did matthew. he held his climax off so you could cum together.
โ€œโ€˜m going to cum,โ€ you breathed out. matthew's grunts were becoming louder. you closed your eyes and focused on the overwhelming sensations your bodyโ€™s going through. โ€œoh, g- god. iโ€™m so close.โ€
โ€œthen cum, doll. no oneโ€™s stopping you,โ€ hanbin muttered into your boob, wanting you to also reach another orgasm. that was what you deserved.
with one last thrust, matthew buried himself deep inside. his cock throbbing as you clamped around him so tightly. you came around the same time, entering an exhilarated state. his fingers left indentions on your hips as he gripped them while riding out his high. you squirmed but you took it all since it was matthew. it felt good. he felt good.
matthewโ€™s softening cock slipped out of you; you could feel the cum dripping as he did so. hanbin kissed your nipple before removing himself from your tit to see the mixed juices leaking from you. your pussy looked so nice.
he sat back at the bedโ€™s headboard. he watched as his friend and his lover came back down from climaxing. he stroked his skin mindlessly. this night was never what he expected it to be. he discovered something new with his friend.
your entire being felt as thoroughly fucked as your core. your body was turning fuzzy with every second that passed by but you felt wonderful and satisfied. matthew rubbed the spot on your hip that was starting to bloom with a bruise. you liked knowing he did that but he still kissed it as an apology.
matthew then fell back against the pillows, sweat dripping down his face and muscles. you turned your head to his direction to admire the sight of his sleeveless top sticking to his abs and his cock glistening with a mixture of your juices.
matthew couldnโ€™t lie. this was one of the intense experiences he's ever had. the blissful look on your face made it all worth it. he wondered if he was developing something more than being โ€˜fuck buddiesโ€™ with you. he was learning how to share (you, his emotionsโ€” shit, he wasn't sure but he was learning).
you knew matthew was jealous the entire time. hanbin did too. it had been fun provoking him. it was why you and hanbin went to the bedroom before he did. hanbin did go upstairs to the bathroom but you roped him in to see how true matthew's invitation was.
this time, you turned your head to hanbin, giving him a smile. you could see why matthew kept him around.
hanbin smiled at you both and suddenlyโ€” โ€˜would hanbin be down to do this again?โ€™ you and matthew thought.
it was supposed to be an april foolโ€™s jokeโ€ฆ but the jokes do write themselves.
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a/n: happy april fool's!!!!!!!!!! the jokes do write themselves because the other day i said i'll probably write less but i posted this. thank you to anon for making me churn out this. it's not as filthy as i wanted it to be but we make do since i wanted to get this out as wrote it earlier. it's rushed ahhh i'm not sure what to make of this. it was still a fun thing to write. it's my first threesome fic. i liked the prompt sm!!! i like hanbin a lot too. hehe, anyway, happy new month, everyone. please enjoy this piece. comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated. [also i want to note in time of publishing, i still exclusively write for matthew.]
divider credit: saradika-graphics
318 notes ยท View notes
skwhluvr ยท 8 months
sung hanbin as a dad / husband | headcanons
โ€ paring: sung hanbin x fem!readerย 
โ€ warnings : pregnancy, kissing, marriage, morning sickness, talks about insecurity due to pregnancy, pregnancy cravings, just very cute generally, fluff, small angst (?), zb1 members makes camo, hanbin (yes he needs his own warning) let me know if i missed any :D
โ€ a/n: starting off by saying I apologize for any grammatical errors ๐Ÿ˜“ i watched that ep of zb1 taking care of the babies and i needed to write something + that picture influenced me sm. sticking to headcanons because im not confident at all with my story writing skills and i haven't really written one in ages. anyhow hope you guys enjoy this !!! thank you sm for the likes and reblogs on last one :(( <3 ๐Ÿฅบ
โ€ was listening to all of me by john legend, dandelions by ruth b and love me like you do by ellie goulding while writing this.
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- yโ€™all should watch the ep because heโ€™s so :((( I want to cry I love him so much <3๏ฟผ
- during the pregnancy he would buy all those motherโ€™s book or any pregnancy related books he could find. he would probably act like a mom who would tell you to eat certain things since itโ€™s good for your pregnancy. He would come home each day with some random fact.
- he loves talking to the baby !!! he would lay down next to you and start talking to your tummy <3 โ€œhi baby !! your dad is so ready to meet you ! omg did you what your mom tried today ??โ€ he goes on telling the baby bout his day and leave kisses ALOT OF THEM.
- every night before bed he would give you a kiss and your tummy one because apparently he needs to be equal sharing his love (heโ€™s playful)
- heโ€™s willing to buy any type of food regardless of the time, to make sure your cravings are satisfied. on top of that he would actually join you and โ€œtryโ€ have some of your cravings.
- one night he will find you curled up crying. it was one of those nights where you let insecurities get the best of you. immediately he would drop everything and bring you to a hug. โ€œwhat happened love ?โ€ โ€œi just. i just feel like you wouldnโ€™t love anymore for how i look after i give birth, and these marks itโ€™s such-โ€ โ€œlove donโ€™t say such a thing. Iโ€™ll always love you and right now youโ€™re looking most beautiful i have seen my life, carrying my childโ€
- he would spend the night cuddling with you and giving reassurance that youโ€™re beautiful, amazing and best thing that ever happened to him.
- he is such a girls dad and you cannot disagree with me. I speak the truth /j
- he would be biggest supporter during your pregnancy. honestly you couldnโ€™t have done it without his help <3
- โ€œno hanbin no more sweets.โ€ โ€œbut look at them โ˜น๏ธ how could you say no to those eyes ๐Ÿฅบโ˜น๏ธโ€
- probably would say itโ€™s time for bed and spent an hour playing with the child. hey at least you get to relax.
- randomly would surprise you and the baby with flowers or just something random
- Lego or puzzle games = family bonding
- teaches the kid how to dance. it could be random chores of their song or just any song he has in mind.
- love mothers or fathers or childrenโ€™s day ! you guys have a tradition of some kind. whether it being going out to eat together or stay home and have home cooked meal. just cute little tradition for your little family โ™ฅ๏ธ
- hanbin would love to spoil his kid. whether it be toys or clothes. if he ever goes shopping he wonโ€™t forget to bring something for his child.
- he loves to bring matching clothes for three of you guys. it just warms his heart sm.
- one night you see him cry and worried you asked him what happened. he would explain how you and the baby is the best thing that happened to him. howโ€™s heโ€™s so thankful for it all the time ๐Ÿฅบ you would give him the biggest hug ever (i love him sm)
- his members came to visit the baby. boy WAS THE BABY SPOILED. all 8 off them just couldnโ€™t stop themselves !!!
- all of them are so absorbed by how the baby is !! they would honestly fight on whoโ€™s the better uncle. hanbin will make joke how yujin has a younger sibling.
-hao is the official babysitter ๐Ÿ˜
214 notes ยท View notes
haodore ยท 7 days
guidance ยท sung hanbin
summary. being an idol with hanbin as your older brother.
sung hanbin x sister!reader ยท platonic, fluff, drabble ยท 0.8k words ยท masterlist
! : fem!reader, idol!hanbin, idol!reader, tiny bit of angst, r being hated on, everything else is just fluff and comfort.
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You were Hanbinโ€™s biggest fanโ€”before the world ever got to know who he was. You cheered him up when he was at his lowest, and you cheered him on when he was announced as second place for the new k-pop group ZeroBaseOne. You couldnโ€™t be prouder.
It was really encouraging to see what could be achieved. You saw him living out his dreams as you continued to practice hard. His words of comfort were always sent to you through a message, over the phone, or in person as he hugged you and pat the back of your head.
Part of you was beginning to lose hope that you would ever debut, but you pushed forward.
Thank goodness you did, because you soon found out you were going to be finally making your debut. You were in a group with four other girls, and they were some of your closest friends. You had been training with two of them for some time, and had gotten to know the other two a few months ago. They were like your family.
When Hanbin found out, he was overjoyed. He found the nearest time in both his and your schedule to visit you, bringing you flowers and some of your favourite snacks as a gift. You almost burst to tears from both the gesture and from the exhaustion you went through to make it to this point.
He saw the way your lower lip trembled almost immediately and he pulled you into his embrace, a warm laugh leaving his mouth. โ€œDonโ€™t cry~โ€œ He had said, a hand on the back of your head. โ€œYou finally did it.โ€ He said pridefully.
By the time your debut came around, you were more stressed than ever. Endless promotions, sleepless nightsโ€ฆ it was a lot. The one thing that kept you going? The nightly messages from your big brother. โ€˜First performance today! You did amazing ๐Ÿซถโ€™, โ€˜Make sure to rest well :)โ€™, โ€˜Try not to overwork yourself. Take breaks when possible โค๏ธโ€™.
It was amazing what a quick text message could do for your motivation. It helped so much.
When things eventually took a turn, and you made a small mistake in one of your performances, the amount of hate you got was unbelievable. Who wouldโ€™ve thought people would have so much to say about you tripping over your feet? It was only the slightest stumble. โ€˜All that trainingโ€ฆ just to mess up in the first month of being an idol?โ€™, โ€˜This girl wasnโ€™t ready. Maybe iโ€™m an ot4 stan nowโ€ฆโ€™, โ€˜Why did the company even put her in this group? Sheโ€™s not even adding anything to it.โ€™
K-Pop fans donโ€™t seem to think their idols see everything they post, but they see a lot more than anyone would even think. And when suddenly youโ€™re a trending topic amongst multiple K-Pop fandoms?โ€ฆ you definitely heard the things that were being said about you.
You knew you shouldnโ€™t let it get to you, but it did. You cried into your pillow more times than you cared to admit, and it wasnโ€™t until you heard your phone ringing that you realized you had someone who would be there to listen. Someone who knew you better than anyone.
โ€œY/nie~โ€ His comforting voice flowed through the speaker. You tried to keep the tears back, but at his tone, they started rolling down your face again. He heard your hiccups and sniffles from his end and his lips went into a pout. โ€œDonโ€™t cryโ€ฆ I know itโ€™s hard. Iโ€™ve been where you are before. People will freak out over the smallest things. Itโ€™s a bit pathetic.โ€ He laughed, maybe attempting to maybe you laugh. Maybe for a moment you did laugh, the half-joyful noise breaking through your quiet sobs. You heard his hum in content at the sound.
He continued. โ€œYou made a small mistake, and thatโ€™s completely fine. youโ€™re going to make mistakes, but since youโ€™re so new to the industry, people are going to watch you a little closer, and theyโ€™re going to be a little meaner, but that doesnโ€™t mean what theyโ€™re saying is true. Youโ€™re one of the most talented people i knowโ€”and Iโ€™ve known that for a long time.โ€ He sighed, pausing for a moment. โ€œIf you ever need anything, Iโ€™m always here. You can call me any time and Iโ€™ll always get back to you.โ€
Your breath started to slow, and your crying started to lessen. He was right. โ€œHow about tomorrow we go hang out. Youโ€™re not doing anything right? You have a free day? Well, Iโ€™m free until noon, so we can hang out. Howโ€™s that sound?โ€ At the end of his sentence his voice lifted up into that higher pitched tone he used with his maknae of his group often. You werenโ€™t a stranger to the tone, and it made you laugh. โ€œOkay, sounds good.โ€
You could tell that he was smiling through his light voice coming through the phone. โ€œIโ€™ll see you tomorrow, than. Goodnight. Rest well. Love you.โ€ You smiled. โ€œLove you, too.โ€
You were Hanbinโ€™s biggest fan first, and he was yours. It was clear in the way he checked in on you, guided you through your new career, and lended a helping hand when you couldnโ€™t pull yourself up.
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main taglist: @superlegend216
@ haodore
64 notes ยท View notes
solarwoniii ยท 1 year
surprise ! sung hanbin
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fem ! sub ! reader x boyfriend ! dom ! hanbin happy (extremely late) hanbin day !
synopsis ; hanbin comes home to your birthday surprise for him.
genre ; smut, fluff, . . . FILTH . . .
wc ; 2.4k
contains ; oh god ok sooooo, lingerie, thigh riding, orgasm denial, creampie, fingering, penetration, tummy bulge, pet names, heavy praise kink, degradation/slut shaming reader calls hanbin 'binnie,' dacryphilia, food play (hanbin eats cake off of reader's body), drunken sex, a tinyyy bit of hanbin manhandling reader, squirting, slight size kink, slight pain kink, lmk if i missed any !
a soft sigh pushed past hanbin's lips as he closed the front door behind him and leaned against the hardwood, staring at the ceiling in relief.
it'd been a long day, he had almost forgotten that today was in fact his birthday. he'd missed you like crazy, wanting nothing less than to come home and escape from all his problems in your warmth.
he hoped that he hadn't kept you awake too long. you'd been messaging him all night about a birthday surprise you were setting up for him. it was extremely well past midnight now and he was definitely extremely late for this.
he decided he would get you to bed for now and the two of you could spend time together in the morning. he didn't want to keep you up any longer than he already had.
hanbin slipped his jacket off, hanging it up and turning on the hallway light. he walked down the kitchen, smiling instantly when he found you, sat down, head laid on the table, eyes closed, soft snores escaping your slightly parted lips. the table had been set up with candles, cake and a bottle of champagne.
he sat himself down beside you, tucking your hair behind your ear to kiss your cheek. you quickly startled yourself back awake, sitting up straight and looking at him with wide eyes. it didn't take him long to realise you were wearing his favourite lingerie set.
"surprise!" you said quickly, "happy birthday."
he laughed, leaning over to cup the side of your face, lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss.
"thank you baby." he grinned, thumb caressing your cheek, "i'm sorry i'm so late. i tried getting home as early as i could."
"it's okay." you smiled at him, "let's have cake."
he tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows, "don't you wanna go to bed?"
"b-but i wanted to do all of this stuff with you! i even brought the stupid uno cards out."
hanbin paused as he thought for a moment before he smiled, taking your hand and kissing your fingertips.
"alright." he whispered, running his thumb over your knuckles and watching as you reached over for the lighter, clicking it open and lighting each of the candles for him.
a small chuckle escaped him as you quietly sang the 'happy birthday' song to him, clapping your hands along to the beat until it ended.
"make a wish!" you smiled with jazz hands. hanbin nods and lowers head with a grin, making his wish before blowing out all of the candles.
as the two of you ate cake together you talked about whatever came to mind, hanbin rested his head against your shoulder.
"you look so pretty tonight, baby." he smiled, pressing a gentle kiss onto your jaw. you giggle shyly, reaching over to run your fingers through his hair, pecking his temple.
he looked up at you, cupping the side of your face, bringing himself to kiss you, laughing at the way you got so easily flustered.
"i love you."
"mm, i love you too."
he drew himself close to kiss you again, confused when you pulled away halfway.
"you okay?" he asked concerningly, looking at you worriedly.
"it's your birthday," you whined, "i should do the work for once."
hanbin smiled, tilting his head to the side, "you want to fuck me?"
"yes! what's your problem?" you grumbled, "i can be dominant."
"mmm, really?" his voice low and cocky as he brought you close to him, fluttering gentle kisses down your jaw.
"m-hmm!" your voice shaky as his lips latched onto the skin of your collarbone, sucking a soft, reddening mark onto you.
"i find that a little hard to believe, baby." he whispered, looking back up to peck the tip of your nose, free hand snaking down between your thighs to get a feel of you over the fabric of your lingerie, "you're already all wet, my little baby can barely even handle a little kissing. how would you possibly dominate me?"
you bit down on your bottom lip as hanbin's middle finger circled your clothed clit. hanbin chuckled at you, kissing your forehead.
"you're so cute," he smiled, "come on, do you want a drink?"
"yes please." your eyelids heavy as you leaned into his chest, his hands finding your waist as he pulled you into his lap.
he brought the champagne bottle close, screwing the lid open, pouring a small amount into each glass to start the two of you off for the night. and with the click of your wineglasses, the two of you drank together into the late hours of the midnight.
it wasn't long before the entire bottle was almost finished, the two of you sat together drunken in lust. his eyes wandering your body biting his bottom lip as he held your waist, lifting you slightly so you were now kneeling over his lap. a small smirk came to his lips as he pressed and sucked gentle kisses and marks onto your exposed stomach and waist.
hanbin put his glass down to cup your face, kissing you tenderly. you whimpered against his lips as his fingers found your silk panties, pushing them over to the side as he guided his fingers to your clit. he rubbed the pad of his thumb over your sensitive nub, chuckling as you jolted at each of his movements.
his middle finger pushed itself into your hole, hanbin smiling as the singular digit was met with some resistance. a small whine left you as you buried your head in his shoulder, gripping onto the sleeve of his work blazer as he continued his ministration.
"does that feel good, baby?"
hanbin smirked, looking over to the slices of cake on the table that had been left abandoned, due to the lustrous build-up between the two of you. without a word, he took his hand away from your core, making you look down in both confusion and disappointment.
"shh," he hushed you, taking his essence-covered digit to messily take some of the cake, wiping it across your exposed hip and sucking the excess off of his finger. his smirk only grew fonder as he licked and sucked the cake off of you, the taste of sweet frosting and your juices making him groan against your flesh.
his mouth latched off of your skin, watching as the mark he'd made began to pinken before his eyes. that would definitely remain there for the next few days, which you would usually complain about because of the size of it in such a big area. but it was his birthday, and he and you both knew damn well that you weren't allowed to complain today.
you shuddered as he continued to kiss his way up your sides, holding onto your breasts, thumbs running over your pebbled nipples through the silky fabric of your lingerie.
he pecked gentle kisses around your chest, hands moving to your back to loosen the ribbons which kept the top of the set intact. he untied the knot carefully, assisting you in slipping it off. he began to hickey the skin around your nipples, putting his hands on your hips and pulling you down against his thigh. you whimpered at the rough, slightly gritty feeling of his slack pants against your clit.
"come on, sweetheart." he said softly, "you said you wanted to do some work, right? i want you to ride my thigh."
"h..-hanbinnie," you choked out, moving your hips on his command, the need for him growing increasingly more and more as he now sucks on your nipples.
"that's it, good girl." he smiled at how compliant you always are, "how does that feel, hm?"
"s-so good." you said shakily, biting your bottom lip as tears begun to come to your eyes. he cooed at you, kissing your cheeks and wiping the droplets away with his thumbs.
"don't cry baby~," he smiled, "you're doing such a great job, you know that? my pretty girl always does so well for me."
"binnie, s-s' much."
"i know baby, you getting close?"
you nodded your head, gasping as he suddenly put his hands on your waist, fully putting your ministration to a stop before your climax could approach any faster. more tears danced down your cheeks at the sudden pause.
"wh-why did you . . ?" you choked. hanbin only chuckled at your helplessness, kissing your forehead in mock pity.
"i'm sorry baby. but wouldn't you rather cum on my cock?"
"but i was so close, and-and-" he was quick to hush you with gentle kisses all over your face, bringing you close as he reached his arm out to move some things out of the way to create tablespace, before carrying you and carefully laying you on the dining table, hand on the back of your head as he kissed you into another universe.
"you think you're ready for me sweetheart?" he smiled teasingly at you, as he held onto your waist, pulling your body against his bulging erection, making a whine leave you, throwing your head back with a shudder.
you eagerly nodded your head at the offer, feeling your mouth water as you watched him unbutton his slacks, pulling out his cock. you bit your bottom lip as his bulbous head circled your entrance.
"you think it'll fit, baby? should i prep you a little first?" he asked mockingly, tilting his head to the said as if he were truly serious. he held back his laugh, wanting to see how you would react as you almost immediately believed his satirical remark.
"no! p-please no, i can take it, i swear!" you said quickly.
hanbin chuckled, taking your hand and pecking your knuckles. you were just so cute and pathetic when you were needy.
"i was only messing with you, baby." he said softly, "you wanna take me like this?" he asked again, wanting to ensure that you wanted this, thumb now running over your fingers. you nodded, looking up at him with soft doe eyes. he continued to hold your hand, using his free one to rest on top of your thigh, caressing your skin as he carefully pushed his tip into you, groaning at how tight you were around him.
"fuck, baby. you're doing so well for me."
your breath got caught in your throat as you reached out your grabby hands to hold onto his blazer collar, scrunching up the fabric in your tight fist as you closed your eyes and blinked back tears of both pain and pleasure. a soft, breathy giggle escaped hanbin as he squeezed tight onto the hand of yours he was holding, bringing it the your other hand and rubbing the both of them.
"if you're having so much trouble fitting me in, you shouldn't clench so much, sweetheart."
"i c-can't help it!" you whined back, as he finally filled you to the hilt. you let out a small sigh of relief as he kissed your forehead and laughed.
"there. look so pretty all full of me." he whispered, looking down at the bulge forming in your lower stomach from the sheer size of his length, "do you need a moment to adjust?"
"mm, no. i can take it."
he smiled, "you sure? you look like you're having trouble."
"n-no..." you argue weakly back, although you knew you wouldn't have any trouble with a little pain. hanbin smirked as he quickly realised it himself.
"my baby likes it rough, hm?"
you quickly closed your eyes in embarrassment, trying to free your hands from his to cover your face from him, but to no avail, as his grip was too strong for you. a broken moan left you has he pulled and pushed himself out of you, tip slamming harshly against your hilt, in such a way that made your eyes roll back, "b-binnie . . !"
"feels good?"
you nodded, gulping and closing your eyes as he continued to fuck himself into you.
"come on baby, eyes open for me." he smiled.
"p-please, more-"
"only because you asked so nicely."
you almost screamed as he began to slam in and out of you at the pace of a ravenous beast, crying and shaking at the surge of pleasure you were feeling in the sudden symphonic pace.
"yeah, you like this?"
"y-yes! f-feels so goo-d, cock feels s-so good!" you babbled through your tears, mind racing blank as you just spoke, unknowing of the words that were leaving you. hanbin groaned at the sight of your pretty little tummy bulge, disappearing and reappearing with each unearthly thrust.
"god, fuck i'm getting close baby." he grunted, "gonna fill this pretty little pussy with all of my cum, yeah?"
the words he was saying to you only went through one ear and out the other as you began to feel the overstimulation crash over you, thighs trembling as they struggled to keep in place.
he grinned, "poor baby, all fucked out. can't take it all, can you?"
"i'm g-gonna-" your eyes flowing with tears as your sentence was cut off by your sudden orgasm, gushing around his cock as he continued his linguid thrusts.
"sh-shit baby, you squirted." he groaned, stilling himself as he released straight after you, filling you with his warm, pearlescent release, long, heavy sighs leaving both you and him as he leaned into your body, burying his head in your shoulder, kissing you wherever he could reach.
"god. you did such a good job, sweetheart."
he looked up at your tear-stained cheeks and heavy-lidded eyes, cupping your cheeks to deliver gentle kisses and pecks to your lips.
he pulled himself out carefully with a groan, watching as his cum began to almost immediately spill out of your hole.
"alright, let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" he said with smile, pecking your temple, sliding his arms beneath your body to be able to carry your upstairs and into the bathroom.
as he sat you down on the counter to get the bathtub running, your drowsy, worn out voice caught his attention.
"hanbinnie . . ?" you called his name. he smiled and looked back at you.
"yes baby?"
you reached your arms out for him, making grabbing motions with your hands with a small, sleepy pout. he let out a small laugh and came closer to you, putting his arms around you in a warm hug.
"i love you. happy birthday."
"you're so cute, baby." he giggled, "i love you too. thank you for doing this for me, i appreciate you so much."
my perm taglist ; @hunbun07 @metalchick529 @chewryy
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nootnootwook ยท 9 months
merry christmas
pairing: sung hanbin x fem!reader
genre: best friends to lovers
in which: you and hanbin have your annual christmas sleepover
warnings: two idiots in love, cuddles, kisses, lowercase intended, not proofread !!!
series masterlist !!
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so where do we begin?
you and hanbin have been friends for years. ever since you met in high school you became the best of friends after realising how compatible the two of you are. both of you were immediately drawn to each other and the amount of times you were mistaken to be a couple since then is more than you could count.
to be honest you saw where all these people came from with that point. you and hanbin do usually act couple-y with one another but never think much of it. i mean you go on study dates, coffee dates, walks together, he gets you flowers, takes you to the movies and so on. but thatโ€™s just what best friends do right?
you canโ€™t lie and say that you havenโ€™t developed feelings for hanbin after years of doing all of these things but thereโ€™s nothing you could really do about it. so you donโ€™t. you live happily in your delusions pretending that all of this is real.
one of the many couple-like things that the two of you do is your annual christmas sleepover. this tradition came to be a couple of months after your friendship began when you were 14 and your parents decided that your families will spend christmas together. hanbin and his family stayed over on christmas eve and you all opened your presents together the next day.
this tradition continues up until now, where both of you attend uni together and continue your completely platonic relationship.
so your currently setting up the apartment waiting for hanbinโ€™s return from the store. he went to go pick up some snacks while you finished setting up the fort in the living room. the setup was cosy and warm. you managed to get some matching christmas pyjamas for the two of you to wear as well as matching mugs for your hot chocolate. the selection of movies was laid out in front of you while the pile of pillows and teddies was laying behind you.
just as you ran into your room to grab hanbinโ€™s gift to place under the christmas tree the door opened and in walked your best friend.
โ€œhey iโ€™m backโ€ he said as he walked through the door.
โ€œbin youโ€™re finally hereโ€ you ran to him after placing the gift down under the tree. you almost wrapped your arms around him before remembering that heโ€™d been out while it was snowing so you instead unzipped his jacket and took it off for him, hanging it up on the hanger before embracing him in a hug. โ€œright on time. i just finished setting upโ€ you say into the embrace before letting go and looking up at him. your eyes meet his for a few seconds before you grab the bag of snacks out of his hand and bring them to the fort. โ€œcome on! put your pyjamas on!โ€ you say and hold them out to him. he only chuckles at you.
โ€œokay okay. iโ€™ll be back in a secondโ€ he says and leaves to his room to get changed. soon he came back through to the living room with a gift in his hand. he walked over to the tree and placed it next to the gift bag that you had put there not long ago. he sat next to you. โ€œso, what are we watching?โ€ he said and reached out to pick up some of the cds which were laying on the floor before him.
โ€œhmmmโ€ you pretend to think while resting your chin on his shoulder to look at the movies. โ€œmaybe the grinch?โ€ you say and pint to the cd in his hand.
โ€œgreat pickโ€ he said and popped open the cdโ€™s box. โ€œyou get comfy, iโ€™ll put it on.โ€ he said and patted your head lightly. you moved back into the fort and got cozy under the blankets while waiting for him to put the movie on. you opened some of the packs of snacks that he brought just as he came to lay down beside you.
the movie started and as the plot rolled out you lay your head on hanbinโ€™s shoulder. this was, again, quite a normal occurrence for you but this felt more intimate than normal seen as he reached out shortly after and laced your fingers together, holding your hand in his bigger one. it felt so warm. so comfortable. it was home.
and before you knew it, the first movie was over and on came another - you and hanbin only separating for the few minutes it took him to put on the polar express - and the two of you were back to your previous position. about halfway into the second movie you started to feel drowsy and started to drift away into dreamland on hanbinโ€™s shoulder.
he, of course, noticed and only moved you so that you were laying right on his chest. for comfort he thought, but he wasnโ€™t sure if it was yours or his. he must admit he completely melted at the sight of you peacefully sleeping on his chest, one hand wrapped around his torso and the other lightly gripping the shirt of the matching pyjama set that he had on and he could only hope that youโ€™ll appreciate the gift he has prepared for you.
he soon found himself feeling a bit more tired and decided to head off to sleep - holding you tightly - but not before checking the time which now was 00:02.
โ€œmerry christmas my loveโ€ he whispered to you quietly before making himself comfortable in the small fort that you have built for the two of you.
you woke up warm and comfortable (with a blanket that fell off the fort on your face but comfy nonetheless) you yawned and stretched as you heard your back pop in a couple of places from sleeping on the floor. as you were stretching you felt the arms around your waist tighten around you. you were pulled into hanbinโ€™s chest and found yourself with a small smile on your face as you melted into the warm embrace.
โ€œmerry christmas binโ€ you whispered to him after noticing he was awake.
โ€œmerry christmas y/nโ€ he says with a sleepy smile while rubbing his eyes tiredly. both of you stopped and looked at each other. everything just felt so right at this moment - waking up in his arms and hearing his voice first thing in the morning. hanbin couldnโ€™t help but reach out a hand to cup your cheek. โ€œyouโ€™re so beautifulโ€ he whispered so quietly you almost didnโ€™t hear him. his eyes flickered down to your lips.
โ€œwaitโ€ you whispered softly. โ€œwait one minuteโ€ you said slightly louder and got up to grab the gifts under the tree. you gave him your gift. โ€œopen it pleaseโ€ you said and he lightly tore the neat wrapping paper.
he carefully removed the paper to reveal a sleek black box. he opened it and inside was a small silver chain bracelet with a small thin rectangle in which โ€˜foreverโ€™ was engraved in small lettering. he let his finger slide over the word as he examined the box. he soon came to realise that on the inside of the lid โ€˜i love youโ€™ was written in fine gold print.
โ€œi-โ€œ he didnโ€™t even know what to say. โ€œthank youโ€ he said and looked up at you with slight tears in his eyes. he couldnโ€™t believe it it finally happened. โ€œthank you so muchโ€ he wrapped his arms around you so tightly you almost could breathe. โ€œi love you tooโ€ he whispered to you as you embraced him back.
you broke the hug and looked up at him with sparkling eyes. you cupped his cheeks in yours and brought his face to yours placing a light peck on his lips which he, of course, reciprocated.
โ€œopen mineโ€ he said. and you did. he had gotten you a gorgeous golden necklace which had a small gold circle hanging from it on which both of your initials were engraved and a heart on the other side.
and on the lid of the box โ€˜i love youโ€™ was written in fine gold print.
a/n !! hello my lovelies !!! happy almost christmas i hope youโ€™re all enjoying this series. unfortunately i will not be able to get all of the parts out before christmas but i will try my best to make sure theyโ€™re out by the new year !!
i love you all take care !! any reblogs and comments are a huge help thank you for all the support !!!
library !!
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foryiujeans ยท 1 year
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cupidโ€™s arrow.
synopsis. a wall full of hearts and arrows written by mysterious cupids of ships around the school, what happens seeing your name with a certain someone?
pairings. crush!sung hanbin x fem!reader.
warnings. none.
word count. 3.0k
general taglist. @forsobeans
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โ€œcupidโ€™s wall is finally here!โ€
you've never seen the campus so busy. large groups of students hanging around and just having a good time. you arrive with zhanghao and ricky, both of them who were staring quietly at the students. you, on the other hand, you were holding onto your phone for dear life.
within seconds you're caught up in the crowd, loosing all sense of direction as you're swept up in a sea of excited students.
โ€œy/n!โ€ matthew waves you over the second he spots you looking lost. a relived smile adorns your face when you see him, thankful to have found a friend when the three of you were confused by the sudden crowd.
โ€œweโ€™re sitting over here." yujin takes your hand to lead you to safety.
you spot gyuvin and gunwook first, the latter sending you a friendly wave as you reach them. youโ€™re fully aware of the other presence at the table, you can feel his gaze on you but you don't get a chance to even quickly glance his way before your attention is diverted.
"scoot round." matthew laughs, indicating for them to make some room. zhanghao guides you to sit next to him, offering you a drink, which you accept right away.
ricky was standing, gazing at the people who were crowding over a wall and writing on it, โ€œwhatโ€™s with them?โ€
โ€œitโ€™s cupidโ€™s wall,โ€ jiwoong said, โ€œyou basically draw a heart and write two people you ship which may become true.โ€
the boys really wanted to check the cupidโ€™s wall out after the crowd has cleared less. you were for sure thought it was nonsense but since they made it sound more interesting, you guessed you had to check it out as well, with your crush.
in the corner of your eye, you saw sung hanbin was conversing, joking around and talking with zhanghao who was doing his presentation on the spot with his laptop opened on the table. the sound multiple of footsteps were heard as it went away. you head lit up and saw that the cupidโ€™s wall had no one there.
โ€œoh cool, they all left. letโ€™s go!โ€ gunwook raced gyuvin to the wall and took the markers and pens that they had placed to write on.
zhanghao went after you, standing beside you as you both scanned the wall with names and hearts written on it. the introverted boy had nudged your side, catching your attention.
zhanghao x y/n.
you and zhanghao are best of friends since middle school. he had taught you how to play the violin and tutored you for the subjects that weakened you while you tutored him his weak subjects. the brunette only laughed at the two familiar names someone had written while you held onto a small smile, chuckling.
"hi y/n." the familiar voice made your heartbeat panic.
"hello hanbin."
you tried not to let your flustered state show at how endearing he was-but nonetheless still annoying.
you softly push at his shoulder which caused him to rock backwards as he was bending over with his hands on his knees to be leveled with you who was crouching. he let out a big smile, not wanting to laugh in the quiet atmosphere of the school, although tempting because of your actions that he found ridiculously adorable. shoot, he even found your deep-sleep-drooling face adorable, proved by the countless pictures of you in his phones gallery. he looked at the boys who were writing names and hearts in one same area.
"i saw your name with haoโ€™s?" he asked me, referring to the cupidโ€™s wall.
"ah, weโ€™re just friends,โ€ you sheepishly answered and frowned at the second, โ€œi donโ€™t know who wrote that.โ€
he pursed his lips into a thin line, his hand holding onto his bag, โ€œyouโ€™re not gonna write?โ€
the moment you shook your head, hanbin only lets out a small laugh and ruffled your hair. the warm feeling in your stomach was about to burst and you know it. he then stared at his other friends in front of him who were pointing at names and laughing with each other.
โ€œy/n, look!โ€ yujin grabbed your hand and wanted to show you what he wrote. more like they wrote.
sung hanbin x y/n l/n.
the huge amount of your name and hanbinโ€™s were scattered in the same area with pink and red hearts around it. the boys had written all of them in one big red heart with both of your names in pink hearts inside. the blush on your face was pretty visible to which gyuvin and taerae had teased you about.
with a nod, you quickly pull your hands back to break out of the visions. internally cursing yourself for being stupid enough to think that the lover in the visions had been you-just how delusional were you now? sure, you've always been a head in the clouds type of person, falling in love with the possibility that everywhere you go, the next person you meet might just be the love of your life. eye contact with the cute dog walker at the park turns into getting lost in their eyes while walking under the stars. a brush of hands with the hot barista at the local coffee shop turns into holding hands while reciting wedding vows.
and though hanbin was indeed good-looking, even with his face half hidden under the shadow of his hood, this wasn't the same. he was a friend, and you thought he only liked being friends with you. ut was silly to have thought of the possibility of being in his future in the first place, but even more ridiculous to say it out loud.
you immediately shake off the thoughts when you catch him staring.
"so?" he leans forward, looking at you like he has some big secret to share. "what did you see?"
"um, your love life will be just fine."
"yeah." the small piece of lint on your sleeve becomes so interesting when trying to avoid his intense stare.
the moment of awkward silence between the two of you excluding the noises the others were making in the background was heard. it was only him staring at you with an adorned smile on his face while you were avoiding it.
โ€œi saw it.โ€
"oh." you swallow the lump in your throat. "iโ€™m not sure why it's there either."
he knew you liked him, you were just denying it.
if he does detect your lie, he doesn't say anything about it. instead, his expression morphs into something softer. "love can be found everywhere, Y/ N," he murmurs.
and how do you answer? it might be too soon for him to know about your feelings, but it's also too soon for your heart to be speeding up the way it does. for you to feel a small burst of butterflies in your stomach every time he so much as stares at you for a moment too long, and for this cover story and the re-enactments to feel more tangible than the abstract concepts they're meant to be.
"besides, iโ€™ll be such a good date for you." hanbin releases you and steps back, smile turning shy as he holds out a hand. "or boyfriend?"
the wave of silence between the two of you didnโ€™t even make you realise that the others were already gone.
hanbin breaks into a soft smile. "you know, iโ€™ve always wondered what you keep thinking about. when you get lost in that world in your head, what do you see? what do you think about?"
"itโ€™s different every time," you murmur, trying to ignore the way your palms feel all too hot intertwined with his. "but these days... it's you."
you don't tell him that it's also getting to know him, falling for him, and imagining how you should be the one doing all those things with him like in the reading. itโ€™s picturing a love that flourishes ever so slowly, one that silently rests between the two of you, growing steadily until a day when it becomes the only thing you can hear.
and though you leave all that out, your answer seems to be enough for him.
"yeah," you say softly, avoiding his gaze that was staring into your eyes.
your words feed the twinkle of hope in his eyes as well as the one that seemed to have been blossoming in your own heart for a while now. maybe you can finally admit it; this would be the last time you see him, so maybe it wouldn't matter what happens now.
you know it when he leans in, breath but a whisper at your ear as he says, "youโ€™re really bad at lying that you love me, y/n."
now you don't have to look into his future to know that all the scenes you'd seen were about you. Now you can picture it โ€” hanbin looking up from your laced hands on the table and seeing your smile, face no longer out of focus. pulling away from your kiss in the orchard has you seeing your own gaze, surprised but content. and then there's this very moment when you see yourself in hanbinโ€™s eyes and you just know.
cupidโ€™s wall really did brought two together.
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a/n ! thank you so much for reading and giving me requests. iโ€™m thankful that you guys enjoyed reading it and giving all the notes and support. i do not own any characters, music or pics given, will definitely work harder for the next ones !
signing out, miaaa hihi !
610 notes ยท View notes
shirayuricky ยท 8 days
better than him | zhang hao & sung hanbin
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(dividers by @cafekitsune) (requested by anon)
- apart of shirayuricky's 100 followers event -
pairing: zhang hao x sung hanbin x fem! reader (poly)
genre: slight angst, smut, fluff
warnings: unprotected sex (pls use protection), p in v sex, oral (m receiving), pet names (sweetheart, baby)
prompts used: 5 - "do you like it when i touch you like that?" , 10 - "bend over." , 28 - "mine." , 33 - "good girl."
word count: 0.7k
a/n: only the ex-crush part is actually a true experience of mine lol. thank you so much for requesting, anon :)
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you felt a little down than usual. and whenever you feel down, you get touch-deprived too. you were sitting on the couch, watching a documentary on nature to kill off the time, and hopefully lifting up your mood.
sipping a glass of water, hao and hanbin walked towards you and sat on either side of you, you between them. "y/n, you seemed a little sad." hanbin said. "yeah, the man i used to have feelings for is apparently such a jerk." you sigh.
"he doesn't deserve you, y/n. you're an amazing girl. it's his loss for not being up to your standards." hao chimed in. hanbin agrees with him, head nodding slowly.
"i would want a comforting hug. that would do the job." you said. the both of them complied, two pairs of arms wrapping around you.
the three of you remained in that position, your eyes glued on the tv screen in front of you. "a documentary?" hanbin asked. "yeah. they say nature helps in easing the bad feelings." you answered.
"y/n, nature is nice, but you know? we can provide you another type of relief." hao said. "what kind of relief?" you asked. "we'll show you." hao answered.
hao leans his face closer to yours, lips almost brushing against each other. "can i kiss you, sweetheart?" he asked. "yes, you may." you accepted. he slowly kissed you, before he deepens it. and it made you gasp. hao took this chance and slid his tongue into your open mouth, swirling it against yours. he then lets go, the both of you breathless. "damn, that felt...hot." you admitted. "but there's something hotter than his kiss." hanbin said. "and what's that?" you asked.
hanbin pulled you towards him. "can i touch you?" he asked. you nod, giving him the permission. his touch started soft, caressing your shoulders and arms with a soft touch. but as the seconds fly, his touch starts to ignite a heat within you, his hands are everywhere. your shoulders, your arms, your chest and your thighs. he left every single inch untouched.
a lot of breathy gasps escape your lips, your hand on his back, trying to bring him closer to you. "do you like it when i touch you like that?" hanbin asked. "like it so much, hanbin.." you said in between gasps and soft moans. "stand up." hanbin instructed. you stood up as what has been told. "bend over." hao said, pointing to the armrest of the couch.
you bent over the armrest, both hanbin and hao undressing you before undressing themselves. hanbin approaches behind you, slowly pushing his cock into your already wet core. a lengthy moan escaped your lips as he began to thrust himself in and out of you.
hao made his way to you and shushed you with a kiss. it felt so difficult, hanbin was fucking you so good. "good girl." hao said in between kisses. before you could respond, hanbin pulls out of you and laid you down on the couch.
"suck on his cock." hanbin said, pushing himself back in you, thrusting roughly. you took hao's cock into your mouth, your mouth, tongue and the vibrations from your moans made his mind feel cloudy.
hanbin then applies pressure on your clit with his thumb, rubbing it at every thrust. "mine." hanbin said. "all ours to pleasure." hao continued. you are such a mess beneath the two, but you like it so much. "gonna cum for us, baby?" hao asked. you let out a hum, saying yes.
it didn't take long. moments after, you cum, your walls throbbing around hanbin's cock. and that made hanbin cum intensely, spilling his load into you. hao then did the same, painting your mouth white as some of his cum spills out of your mouth. you were fast enough to put it back to your mouth to swallow it.
the three of you are spent but satisfied, your body now between hanbin's and hao's. both of them took turns to kiss you. "took us so well, baby." hao praises. "he's right. and we fuck much better than the man you used to crush on." hanbin said. you giggled. "yeah, right. i don't deserve him at all." you said. "that's our girl." hanbin gives you another kiss.
safe to say, your mind is now occupied by the both of them. and of course, they have a lot of love and care to give to you.
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aectpen ยท 11 months
cool in my book - loser sung hanbin x boxer reader
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pairing: sung hanbin x fem!reader
synopsis: reader helps hanbin get revenge on his bully
words: 1.3k
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you were doing your usual routine of roaming the halls during the lunch period at school. you told yourself it was calming, and you didnโ€™t need to spend lunch with anyone. but it was because you kinda, no not kinda, you literally had no friends.ย 
you werenโ€™t friendless in a โ€œoh sheโ€™s so shy, i feel horrible for herโ€ way. people thought you were mean and intimidating off of the first glance. sure, you did play into it with your not so nice attitude. getting yourself into plenty of fights, but hey it was always their fault.
you could hear whimpering coming from around the corner. you contemplated walking in the other direction, not wanting to go by them. but, your curiosity got the best of you. who was crying? you wanted to be nosey and guess what happened to them.
once you turned the corner and caught sight of who it was, you stopped in your tracks. the boy from your math class. why would someone have a problem with him? he only comes to school to do his work. he has a reputation of being the quiet, nice guy.
he glanced up at you, his nose and lips smeared with blood, clutching his stomach in pain. while you were known for being quite mean, you weren't immune to moments of vulnerability. seeing his quivering lips and his tear stained cheeks evoked an unavoidable sense of guilt.
after debating on walking away from him, you finally decided to help him, dragging him to the nurseโ€™s office. you sat next to him while the nurse gave him an ice pack and returned to her desk.
ย โ€œyou could come in with a gun shot wound and theyโ€™ll give you frozen vegetables.โ€ you commented, earning a faint giggle from him. โ€œwho did that to you?โ€
โ€œyou can just go now.โ€ he looked away.
โ€œcome on, i wonโ€™t judge.โ€ you nudged him.
โ€œyoon jihyun.โ€
you looked at him in disbelief. โ€œyouโ€™re telling me you let that scrawny ass boy beat you up?โ€ย 
โ€œhey! you said you wouldnโ€™t judge!โ€
โ€œokay, iโ€™m sorry. but why would he do that?โ€ you couldn't help but wonder how he managed to find himself in such a situation when he had his nose buried in a textbook 99.9% of the time.
he scratched the back of his head. โ€œwell, i said no to cheating on a test for him.โ€
โ€œcome on.โ€ you pulled him up from the chair.
โ€œwhere are we going?โ€ he jerked his arm back.
raising an eyebrow, you replied. โ€œweโ€™re gonna jump him.โ€
โ€œi donโ€™t know who you think i am, but i donโ€™t do that stuff.โ€
โ€œokay, whatever. meet me right after school at the front gate.โ€
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he wasted no time, practically sprinting to the school entrance the moment classes ended. he didn't have the slightest idea about your intentions, but he had no intention of either wasting your time or incurring your wrath.
"good, you're on time. i like that," you commented casually as you walked right past him.
he trailed closely behind. "where are you taking me?"
"you just love asking questions. what's your name?" you inquired.
"sung hanbin."
"my name isโ€”" you began, but he interrupted.
"yn. everyone knows your name."
"now, can you tell me where we're going? this is the opposite direction of my house, and i have to get home to study," he said, glancing at you as you cranked up the music blaring in your headphones.
you finally disclosed the destination to him once you were down the street from it, nudging him to get his attention.
"a gym? i really don't have time for a workout," he said, considering walking away.
"next time you let him beat you like that, he'll do far worse than leave you with cat scratches and a belly ache," you reasoned. "i'm a boxer, i can teach you a thing or two about fighting back."
upon arriving at the gym, you guided him to the octagon. "take it all off," you instructed, gesturing to his school uniform.
"all of it?" he felt a slight blush tinting his cheeks.
โ€œno, dipshit. leave some room for imagination.โ€ you began putting on sweatpants and discarding your dress shirt and blazer.
he hesitantly took off his dress shirt, shoes, and blazer. โ€œseriously, are you gonna beat me up next?โ€
he sounded extremely genuine. you couldn't help but laugh.
the rest of the afternoon was dedicated to teaching him various fighting techniques, but you noticed his gentleness. he wasn't a terrible fighter; he simply held back, unwilling to inflict harm on anyone.
โ€œi donโ€™t want to hurt you!โ€ he held his bands behind his back.
โ€œhanbin, iโ€™m asking you to throw a punch. it doesnโ€™t have to connectโ€ you pulled his arms from behind him.
โ€œbut what if it does, then you start bleeding. then youโ€™ll hate me.โ€ he pouted.
hanbinโ€™s mannerisms did warm your heart. at least there was still good people out in the world.
after the training session, you sprawled out on the floor, munching on a granola bar. rolling over, you glanced at hanbin, who sat there with his tank top clinging to his skin, his hair damp, and his gaze fixed on the wall. you had to admit, he looked hot. the school uniform certainly didn't do him justice.
you were oblivious to the fact that he had returned your steady gaze, your eyes moving over his biceps and tracing the veins that snaked up his hands.
"is there something on my face?" he asked in a soft tone.
you couldn't help but laugh at the striking contrast. "if our classmates saw you like this, they'd be all over you," you remarked boldly.
he scratched his head, asking, "is that a good or bad thing?"
you stared at him in disbelief. "i've never met someone simultaneously so smart and dumb, sung hanbin. i was saying that you look really attractive."
โ€œoh! thank you,โ€ a wide smile spreading on his face. โ€œi mean, youโ€™re really.. pretty.โ€ he awkwardly looked away from you, twiddling his thumbs.
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the next day, during the lunch period, you concocted a plan to get revenge on jihyun for hurting hanbin. after spending the day with him, you only felt more angry that he left hanbin crying in the hallway.
"wait right here," you instructed as you left hanbin in an empty room.
"sure thing," he replied, taking a seat at one of the desks.
you walked to the cafeteria and scanned it for jihyun, quickly hearing his loud voice. โ€œjihyun! can i talk to you for a second?โ€ย 
surprisingly, jihyun followed you to the classroom where hanbin was waiting. he pointed at hanbin and asked, "what's this about?"
you rested your hands on your hips. "i'm giving you a chance to apologize to him."
โ€œsince when did you of all people become mother theresa.โ€ he laughed. โ€œand you. donโ€™t you feel embarrassed? you canโ€™t handle your stuff like a man? donโ€™t make me bitch you again.โ€
โ€œdonโ€™t talk to him like that,โ€ you punched him square in the jaw.
he looked at you with pure anger before lunging straight at you. pushing you against a desk.
but before his fist could connect, hanbin held his arm back and forced him to the ground. jihyun tried getting up, but hanbin repeatedly punched him.ย 
you stood off to the side wanting to stop him from sending jihyun to the hospital, but you were highkey impressed. he definitely always had that in him.ย 
hanbin stopped once jihyun stopped fighting back.
โ€œdamn, hanbin. not bad.โ€ you held out your fist.
โ€œiโ€™m telling the principal. iโ€™m getting him expelled!โ€ jihyun cried out.
you saw a flash of panic on hanbinโ€™s face. the last thing he wanted was to get in trouble in school. did you corrupt him?
โ€œyouโ€™re not gonna get in trouble,โ€ you reassured him. โ€œiโ€™ll take the blame.โ€
โ€œno, you canโ€™t. itโ€™s my fault youโ€™re in this mess anyway.โ€
โ€œmy highest grade is a D+. i don't think theyโ€™ll lose sleep if i get into another scuffle."
โ€œyou people make me sick.โ€ jihyun held his nose and ran out the room.
you two laughed at his dramatic reaction.ย 
โ€œhanbin, youโ€™re cool in my book.โ€ย 
โ€œyou were always cool in my book.โ€ he responded.
172 notes ยท View notes
foreverbase1 ยท 5 months
Teardrop โฃ ZEROBASEONE
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โฅ๐๐š๐ข๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ : popular!bullies!ZEROBASEONE x bullied!fem!reader (not really tho)
โฅ๐–๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐‚๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ: 5.0k
โฅ๐†๐ž๐ง๐ซ๐ž: High School AU, slight Fluff, mainly Angst, Reader comes back as a bad bitch tho
โฅ๐–๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ: Bullying, name calling (slut, whore, etc), members are complete assholes, Reader calls them names back (doggy, etc), swearing, physical bullying (hair pulling, tripping, kicking the back of Reader's knees lightly), mentions of blood
โฅ๐’๐จ๐ง๐ : Teardrop by Alex Porat
โฅ๐…๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐ : bullies!ZB1, IVE's Leeseo & ILLIT's Minju
โฅ๐’๐ฒ๐ง๐จ๐ฉ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ: Reader is consistently the target of bullying by ZEROBASEONE, a group of very popular boys of her school who typically get away with anything they do to her.
๐“๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐จ๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐, ๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š๐ง๐ฒ ๐ ๐ซ๐š๐ฆ๐ฆ๐š๐ซ ๐ฆ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ค๐ž๐ฌ! <๐Ÿ‘
Decided to try smth a little bit different, so the lyrics aren't really the focus here!
"๐™๐™๐™ง๐™š๐™ฌ ๐™– ๐™˜๐™ค๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐™ฃ ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™– ๐™›๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ, ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™˜๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฎ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ข๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™จ"
You sat at the front of your class, writing away into your notebook as the teacher continued the lecture. You had a determined and focused look in your eye, but a tiny smirk was placed onto your lips that were coated in a shiny pink lipgloss.
You could feel the eyes of 9 people staring at the back of your head, but they weren't hurtful or mean gazes, they were more obedient? Concerned? Maybe a little scared? Either way, you liked it. Now don't get it twisted, you aren't a nasty person in any way, every other student could agree on that, you were one of the most helpful and kind students in the entire school.
After the bell had signalled the end of the class and the teacher had packed their things up and left. You heard footsteps approach your desk as you were putting away your school supplies, your eyes looked up slowly, staring at the 9 boys that stood in front of your desk. They were the popular boys of your school. Emphasis on ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ. Who were they? They were ZEROBASEONE, a popular self-formed group of friends at your school, consisting of 9 boys; Kim Jiwoong, Zhang Hao, Sung Hanbin, Seok Matthew, Kim Taerae, Shen Quanrui, Kim Gyuvin, Park Gunwook and Han Yujin.
They were popular simply due to the fact every student at your school had a crush on them, mainly cause of their looks and talent, and also wealth. These 9 boys were rich and originally had the school backing them, they would perform at every dance tournament your school held and at school festivals, they were the school's pride.
Now? Now they simply obeyed you, cause you were the first of their victims to stand up against them, fight back and bite them where it hurt. And also cause you had very damning evidence that could ruin each of their futures in the music industry.
"Y/N...." Hanbin was the first of his friends to speak up, your eyes looking at him and a small smile graced your lips. "Hm?" You hummed, but before any more words could escape from his lips, two more figures joined you. It was your best friends, Minju and Leeseo.
"Y/N, hurry! The cafeteria is gonna run out of strawberry milk if we don't get going" Minju pulled on your arm. "Sure, let's get going" You smile up at them, sending a knowing smirk towards the 9 boys in front of you. Exiting the classroom with your two best friends, all 3 of you giggled to yourselves.
Now you might be very confused. So, let me explain, and get prepared, cause this is a long one!
"๐˜ผ๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™จ๐™๐™š๐™จ ๐™–๐™—๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ข, ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ๐™˜๐™–๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™ช๐™š, ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง ๐™˜๐™–๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™ช๐™š"
Originally, your dynamic was never like this. It was the exact opposite. You used to be the least popular student in the entire school, mainly cause of ZB1's influence on the school and its students. Everyone turned a blind eye when they would call you names, teased you until you cried, hide your supplies so you'd have to run around the entire school building looking for it and they never once dared to rat them out to the faculty. But neither could you, at least, at that time.
The only two people by your side were Leeseo and Minju, they were the only reason you didn't just transfer schools and move on with your life, they were also the reason your entire dynamic changed and they were also the only two that didn't give a flying fuck about ZB1's influence. But they also listened to you, choosing to not turn to the school faculty about the bullying, even if it pained them to see you go through it.
But let's start at the beginning; Elementary school. You used to be best friends with Kim Taerae, the two of you being extremely close. This was up until high school, where you met Leeseo and Minju, and where Taerae met the other ZB1 members. You two drifted apart and lost contact, but at least you still had Minju and Leeseo.
And then everything changed when you and the rest of ZB1 had been put into the same class, thankfully Minju and Leeseo were in it too, so you weren't completely alone. But this was where the bullying began. It was all for a dumb reason too.
By this point, ZB1 had become popular throughout your entire school. You couldn't deny, you were also a fan of them at first. But when Gunwook came up to your desk one day and asked you out on a date, you couldn't help but feel a little self conscious. After all, you could hear his friends snickers in the back of the class and with the smile he wore on his face and his status in the school, the first thought you got was that this was all a joke. A dumb prank to toy with your feelings.
"Sorry Gunwook, i don't think i can" You smiled apologetically at him, you tried to let him down easy, but when the snickers from his friends abruptly stopped and his smile had disappeared and been replaced with a glare within his eyes, you couldn't help but feel your heart drop into your stomach, he shrugged. "Whatever, it's not like you're all that anyway" He said, walking away towards his friends and leaving you stunned. From that day on it got worse.
Gyuvin, Gunwook and Yujin were the main ones from the group that teased you. They shared most of your classes and would tease you whenever they could; At your desk, at your locker, even doing it while the lecture is on going. And it would always resort with you getting into trouble.
You sat in your English class, unfortunately for you, your seat was right in front of Gyuvin, Gunwook and Yujin's seats. Allowing easy access to you. "Pst, Y/N!" Gyuvin whispered, getting light shoves and giggles from Gunwook and Yujin. "Where'd you get your hairband from? It looks cheap" He said, causing you to reach your hand up and fix your hairband. It didn't hurt much, he always targeted your accessories.
Gunwook was the next one to take his approach. "Y/N?" He whispered your name, you hated the fact that your ears tuned in whenever they talked, knowing it'd just result in you being hurt. "I heard you write notes about Hanbin in your notebook, is that true?" He smirked, and with a little maneuvering of his body, he'd peek at the front of you face. "She's blushing, it's true!" He giggled between Gyuvin and Yujin.
You weren't actually blushing because of what he said, it was mainly out of embarrassment. Because the students seated around you were giving you odd looks, as they had overheard what they were saying. You just wanted to melt away, right then and there. But it all got worse when it was finally Yujin's turn. "Y/N" He said, leaning over his desk a bit.
"I heard you still have to sleep with a night light, is it true?" He giggled, it was nothing more than immature, elementary school level teasing. But the glare you sent him was enough of a reaction to feed into them. "She totally does" Gunwook snickered, causing you to turn around. "Can you shut up?" You bit back, but unlike them, you weren't so lucky. "Miss L/N, wanna repeat what you just said?" The teacher said, overhearing what you had said.
Now everyone's eyes were on you and the three boys had gotten what they wanted. You blushed out of embarrassment, fidgeting in your chair. "No, sorry sir" You said, staring directly down, and with a scoff from your teacher, the lesson resumed. Your eyes filled with tears that threatened to fall, you didn't like this, but you had to deal with it. Once class was over, you collected your things and bolted out the door, hoping to find refuge in Minju and Leeseo.
"What assholes" Minju glared at the boys of ZB1 from across the cafeteria. "It's been like this for the past 3 months since you rejected Gunwook, why don't we just go to the principal?" Leeseo said, thinking rationally. She rubbed your back as you ate the small sandwich in your hand. You shook your head in response to her words. "It wouldn't matter, the school adores them, including the principal. They would just dismiss it and if they find out i reported them, it'll get worse" You sniffled, voice quiet.
The bell would soon ring, signalling it was time for your Math class. Probably your most dreaded class of all. Not because you sucked at Maths, it was because Zhang Hao and Shen Quanrui had that class with you. And they were by far the worst of your bullies. Unlike Gyuvin, Gunwook and Yujin with their teasing and tint jabs at you, Zhang Hao and Quanrui threw actual insults at you. They'd call you any name they could think of; Slut, Whore, Dumbass, Loser. You name it, they'd say it.
Sighing, you got up and hugged your friends goodbye. Walking out of the cafeteria with Zhang Hao and Shen Quanrui close behind you.
In your Maths class, you once again had the misfortune of having your desk be placed right in front of Zhang Hao and Quanrui's seats. Once again, allowing easy access to you. As the teacher taught the class about different equations and whatever else she needed to teach the class that day.
And this was when Zhang Hao and Shen Quanrui would start their typical antics. "Hey Y/N?" Quanrui whispered, Zhang Hao snickering beside him already. You tried to drown him out, trying to ignore him, but you also knew that'd make it worse. "Hey, slut" He said again, this time dropping his teasing tone. You breathed in, before slowly turning around. "What's the answer to this one?" He held up his notebook, pointing to one of the equations written down that he couldn't be bothered to figure out himself. "I don't know" You mumbled, and Zhang Hao scoffed. "What are you? A fucking moron?" Him and Quanrui snickering to themselves, the teacher looked over at the noise and instead of targeting the two boys who were clearly making the most noise, her eyes landed on you and your figure being turned towards them.
"Miss L/N, can you answer this one for us?" She raised her voice, causing you to turn around and face the front of the class. You looked around quickly, everyone's eyes once again on you. "Umm, is it....96?" You said, your voice was quiet. The teacher sighed, shaking her head and the class giggled. "Pay attention next time" She scolded you and you nodded, sniffling a little as tears filled your eyes again. "Great job dumbass" Hao said, him and Quanrui snickering to themselves.
Just as quickly as class started, it ended as well. And now it was time for your final class of the day, History class. With Hanbin, Jiwoong, Matthew and Taerae. This was by far your worst class of them all, cause while Gyuvin, Gunwook and Yujin teased you, Zhang Hao and Quanrui called you the meanest insults they could think of. Hanbin, Jiwoong and Matthew were much worse and would resort to physical contact with you.
Thankfully, Leeseo shared this class with you and your seat was with hers. But again, Matthew, Hanbin and Jiwoong's seats were right behind yours. And during this class, was when you finally had enough and reached your breaking point.
"See Y/N, this is where....." Leeseo's voice carried on as you listened to her help you with a certain part you were stuck on, you giggled. "Thanks SeoSeo" you thanked her, earning a smile from your best friend. As class continued, it was actually peaceful, so far the last 4 members of Zerobullyone hadn't bothered you yet. Keyword being yet.
The teacher would leave the class, another faculty member requesting their aid in something. And this was when it all went downhill. You got up to collect some paper from the back of the class, and with a few shared glances between the boys, Matthew got up and followed you.
While you were minding your business, humming to yourself as you picked up a few pieces of paper, Matthew stepped behind you, pulling your hair. Hard. You hissed, your hand quickly reaching behind you to rub over the spot he had just pulled on. "Sorry, my hand got caught" He smirked, giving you a side eye as he got some paper and returned to his seat, earning high fives from Jiwoong and Hanbin.
You breathed in, calming yourself. But next up to make your life a living hell was Hanbin. As you went to turn around and return to your seat, Hanbin walked right behind you, and raising his leg quickly, he kicked the back of your knee. Causing you to buckle and bang your knees against the wall in front of you. You bit your lip to stop yourself from letting out a cry of pain, standing up and wobbling back over to your desk without a second glance back at Hanbin.
But unfortunately for you, you still had one more demon to face. Kim Jiwoong. As you neared your desk, he stuck his leg out, causing you to trip and let out a loud yelp, followed by a loud crash. "Y/N, you okay?!" Leeseo yelled, but before she could get up the teacher walked back in. All eyes we're once again on you. "Y/N, what are you doing on the floor?" The teacher asked, watching as you sat up, letting out a small whimper before reaching up to your head.
Your fingers grazed a spot on your forehead where your head had hit the desk, and with a gasp from a student, everyone's eyes widened. "She's bleeding!" One student shouted, at their words you had pulled your hand back down in front of you, analyzing the crimson red that stained your fingers. "Y/N, are you okay?" The teacher kneeled down and helped you up, you began letting the tears fall, sobbing as you shook your head. "Miss, I'll take her to the nurse" Taerae stood up, a smile on his face.
Leeseo glared at him, her eyes turning to Matthew, Hanbin and Jiwoong behind as the three of them tried holding in their laughter. "Great idea, Taerae. Tha-" "Actually, I'll take her" She cut off the teacher, standing up and earning glares from the 4 boys, she continued. "I finished all my work and i'm sure it'd be better if someone who actually ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ went with her. I'm her friend after all and i'm sure Taerae hasn't finished all his work." She finished, a smirk on her face as she stared at Taerae.
"Well, okay. Thank you Leeseo." The teacher said, handing you off into the comfort of your best friend's arms as you left the class. "Crybaby" Taerae muttered to you as you both left. You didn't know why you had to go through his, all because you rejected their friend? It wasn't your fault, you thought it was them trying to mess with you.
"Thank you" You sniffled, thanking the nurse as she patched up your head and called your parents. "SeoSeo, i think i'm gonna move schools" Her eyes widened, and the girl shook her head. "You can't be serious, if you do that, they'll know they won". You looked down, twiddling your fingers. " I know, but, it hurts and i can't take too much more, SeoSeo." She sighs, when you got like this she knew there wasn't much she could do to change your mind.
Leeseo waited with you until your parents arrived and picked you up, before returning to class. Entering back into the classroom, she felt the glares of the 4 boys return to her. The teacher nowhere to be seen. "Just had to get in the way" Hanbin mumbled, and this was when Leeseo snapped. "What are you four, mentally deranged or something? Did your parents drop you when you were kids? You caused Y/N's head to bleed and that's all you have to say? All cause of what, cause she rejected your fragile friend and hurt his fucking feelings? Grow the fuck up." She growled at them, malice in her tone as she collected her things and left once the bell had signalled the end of the school day.
"๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™ก๐™–๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๐™š ๐™„'๐™ข ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™– ๐™ก๐™š๐™ฉ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฌ๐™š๐™–๐™ . ๐™Š๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™™๐™ž๐™–๐™ข๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ง๐™ค๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™™๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™ฃ ๐™ข๐™ฎ ๐™˜๐™๐™š๐™š๐™ , ๐™›๐™ค๐™ง ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก, ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฅ๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ข๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ง๐™ค๐™ช๐™œ๐™"
A month had passed since the incident that day and you had refused to go to school, you only let your parents know half of what was going on and it was all they needed to let you stay at home. After school finished, Leeseo and Minju would visit you and help you catch up on all the lessons you missed. Without them, you didn't know how long you could've handled the bullying when it first started.
Two weeks before summer break arrived, Leeseo and Minju had managed to convince you not to go through with the school transfer, instead offering another solution; ๐™๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™œ๐™š.
At first you were a bit cautious, cause you could go into big trouble and the 9 of the ZB1 members were basically untouchable. Well, not entirely. "Since you haven't been at school, they've chosen new targets each time. If me and Leeseo record every incident, they can't turn it down whatsoever." Minju sat up, showing you both two small special cameras and microphones.
"I'm.....not gonna ask where you got those from" Leeseo giggled, as she fixed your hair for you. "What do you say Y/N? I'm down for it if you are" She said, looking at you. Your eyes looked between your two friends and then back at yourself in the mirror. You didn't really want to get on their level, but when there's no one else to turn to, then you have to bite back. Right?. "Let's do it"
And just like that, your mission to ruin ZEROBASEONE's members was initiated. Just as Minju and Leeseo had said, they recorded each incident of the members bullying other students and would then send the recordings to you, where you'd then edit it together into one large video file. This would continue on until summer break rolled around, and you were sure you had everything you needed.
With the video created and ready for whenever you needed it, you decided to move onto the secret phase of your mission. ๐˜ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฌ ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ง. So all of summer break you learned how to do makeup, doll yourself up. You weren't ugly by any means, and this wasn't like a Disney movie where taking your glasses off suddenly made you prettier, but your school's popularity thrived off of visuals. And if it's visuals they wanted, you'd give it to them.
Just as quickly as summer break started, it had ended. On the day of the student's return, you texted Leeseo and Minju to meet you in class and not pick you up, as you had a surprise. They agreed, trusting you. And now here you stood, in front of the school gates, earning glances and whispers from other students around you.
You walked through the halls of the school, greeting each student and teacher that passed. Your hair was nice and neat, curled well. A hairband sat prettily atop your head, your lips shining with pink lipgloss, your cheeks holding a bit of blush and a smile gracing your lips. It was like they were seeing a whole new person, and technically they were.
Standing outside your classroom door, you texted Leeseo and Minju one last time, before opening the classroom door and stepping inside, the sound of the heeled shoes you had purchased during summer clicking against the floor as you stepped inside and shut the door behind you. Everyone was quiet, all eyes on you. Including the ZB1 members. Leeseo and Minju's mouths were open in shock, but a tiny hint of a smirk was hidden within it too.
"Good morning" You said, eyes scanning the classroom. A chorus of slow and quiet good mornings were given back, everyone beginning to whisper amongst each other. This was going all according to plan, just like you hoped. Instead of taking the route to your desk in order to avoid the ZB1 members, you took the route where you had to pass by them instead.
As you walked past, the members quickly sprung into action, with Hanbin pulling on your bag and causing it to drop some of your school supplies. You stood still, everyone's eyes now on you. But you weren't scared, no, quite the opposite. As the members tried to snicker to one another, you turned towards Hanbin and stepped closer. "Pick it up" You said, causing everyone to gasp. "W-what?" Hanbin said back, staring down at you.
You scoffed, grabbing his tie and yanking him down a bit to your eye level, everyone's eyes widened in shock including Hanbin and the rest of the ZB1 members. "I said, Pick. It. Up. Doggy." Each word that left your mouth was laced with venom, and Hanbin swallowed hard. Looking around, he quickly bent down and began picking up your supplies and handing it back to you. "Thank you" You smiled at him.
And now, you may be confused. We went through what each member did to bully you and get to you right? All except Taerae. That was cause Taerae never resorted to teasing, physical bullying or calling you the lowest of insults. Instead he held something much harmful; Your secrets from your now broken friendship.
Determined to make up for the embarrassment you caused Hanbin, Taerae chuckled. "Y/N, remember when you used to have a massive crush on me?" He said, now this was getting juicy, at least for the onlookers. Stopping in your tracks again, you turned towards Taerae and his friends. "Taerae, remember when you peed yourself in the middle of class? Cause i sure do" You bit back, and that caused a chorus of laughter to erupt in the classroom, Taerae shifting uncomfortably in his seat.
Finally reaching your friends, you greeted them with hugs and a smile. But you weren't done, not until you got back at each member.
Your next targets were Gyuvin, Gunwook and Yujin. But they were easy, after all, it wasn't hard getting them to shut up. Your first class of the day was Sports class and luckily for you, the teacher that usually taught the Male students was absent, so both groups would merge this one time.
The teacher decided to play dodgeball, thinking it'd be fun to see how it'd go. Of course, the girls were losing badly. Because most of the time, your group did everything but the actual class during Sports class. But you were determined to use this class to get back at Gyuvin, Gunwook and Yujin. And that you would.
When the teacher was distracted, you used this opportunity to exact your revenge. You threw the ball as hard as possible, hitting Gyuvin right in the genitals and causing him to collapse to the floor in pain. "What happened?" The teacher said after her attention was put back on the class at the sound of the commotion, everyone was silent staring at you.
"Sorry, i accidentally threw the ball a little too hard." You giggled, approaching Gyuvin and offering your hand. He hesitated, but took it anyway. "Don't leave yourself so open next time, duckling" You whispered to him, before returning to your side of the field with a smirk on your face.
Gyuvin had to sit out due to the pain he was feeling and this left two people left to take care of. Gunwook and Yujin. You nodded towards Leeseo, who on cue, began distracting the teacher. "Hey, miss, i was thinking...." She began the distraction as you targeted your next bully; Yujin. Picking up the ball, when Yujin was distracted with dodging two other students attempts at eliminating him, you threw the ball at him, once again with all your strength, hitting him right in the stomach and toppling him over.
The teacher paused, blowing the whistle and signalling that Yujin was out. "Sorry, i guess i don't know my own strength." You giggled as you watched Yujin glare at you, leaving the field. One more to go.
With the last signal to Minju, the girl would start her distraction on the teacher. "Hey, i think i heard......" You drowned out her voice and focused on Gunwook, you two stared at each other, you knew that he had caught onto what you were doing. He wasn't stupid after all, but the poor boy had no idea what you had coming for him.
When you managed to tag Leeseo back into the game, she threw a ball right at Gunwook, who spent his time dodging it. This allowed you to set yourself up, and before the boy could recover, you hurled the ball right at his face. Hard. Gasps erupted the entire sports hall, and the teacher had to stop the class in order to attend to the whimpering boy on the floor holding his nose.
"Gunwook, are you okay?" You said, faking innocence and pretending to actually care. The boy glared up at you, and just as you were enjoying the payback you were giving them, the class ended. But that isn't where it stops, you still had 4 boys left to get revenge on.
Your next targets were Zhang Hao and Shen Quanrui. Math class would be fun this time around. The lesson went normally for the first part, you just waited for the two boys to try and get their egos fulfilled by targeting you. "Y/N" Zhang Hao's voice filled your ears, now the fun part.
Turning towards Zhang Hao, you smiled at him. "What is it?" You said, catching him off guard a bit. But he recovered quickly, holding up his notebook. "What's the answer to this one?" He pointed to the question, you looked at it before looking back at him.
"Why? Can't figure it out yourself? Don't tell me...." You covered your mouth to stop yourself from laughing too loud. "Zhang Hao's actually an idiot" You said loudly, of course, on purpose. The teacher cleared her throat, catching your attention. "Miss, i think Zhang Hao needs help, he can't even figure out what 5 + 5 is. He's asking me for the answer" You explained to her, causing Hao to glare at you from where he sat, giggles filled the classroom as the teacher nodded her head.
"I see, Zhang Hao, i'm quite shocked cause you're usually at the top of this class." She said, and while they were distracted by the teacher, you quickly exchanged yours and Quanrui's notebooks before you spoke up again. "And miss, i think Quanrui is confused too, cause he doodled on his notebook". Quanrui looked down at his (yours) notebook, and just like you had said, the entire pages were filled with doodles.
"I'm disappointed with you two, pay attention, cause i'm only going over it once" The teacher took her place at the front of the class, determined to help Zhang Hao and Quanrui despite them not actually needing help. "Better luck next time, morons" You snickered, facing the front of the class with a smirk as you felt them stare at the back of your head.
Now it was time for your last two targets; Kim Jiwoong and Seok Matthew. But, you weren't gonna humiliate them in front of everyone else, instead you'll let them fear that you would. What better way to break the two cockiest members egos? Make them live in paranoia.
"SeoSeo, Ju, i need you to do something for me" You told the two girls as you sat in the cafeteria. It was time for the final phase of your plan. You were going to ruin ZEROBASEONE.
After lunchtime had finished, you waited in an empty classroom until Leeseo and Minju arrived. When the doors slammed open and the two girls ran in with a group of 9 boys behind them, you knew it was time. Clicking play on the laptop you had set up, the video you had put together played on the monitor. It showcased each bullying event that each member did to a poor student, making sure to blur out the students faces for their privacy.
"Checkmate" You said, smirking as you stared at the stunned expressions on each member's face. After the video ended, you, Leeseo and Minju listened contently to each member beg you not to release the video. It was cute, in a way. You had them wrapped around your finger and begging at your feet. You had ruined them in a day, how easy was that. The 9 men that made your life hell for days on end, cracked in one day.
"Okay, we won't. Under one condition." You said, stepping forward with your arms crossed over your chest. Eyes all on you. "Do as we say." You spoke each word slowly, making sure they heard you.
And that is how we come to the present day. Your revenge worked perfectly, you made all 9 members crack in the span of a day and held a video that could ruin their careers if they so much as tried to step out of line. You smiled to yourself as you stared at yourself in the school bathroom mirror. It was cruel, and sure, you felt bad about it. You had stooped to their level, but as you looked at yourself, you couldn't help but feel content.
You had gotten revenge on the 9 boys that caused you so much pain and hurt, the 9 boys that made you want to run away and hide from the world, the 9 boys who hurt the fragile girl that was still deep inside you. But you avenged her, you protected her. You protected ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ง. And now you no longer had to worry or live in fear of them anymore.
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rollup2theparty ยท 8 months
โ€”โ‹†๐™šโ‚ŠหšโŠน scarlet heart! sung hanbin
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โฆ when you find yourself in the heart of your favorite graphic novel, you didn't expect to fall for the crown prince knowing the slim chance of a happily ever after. (scarlet heart & extraordinary you inspired)
เฑจเงŽ ONE SHOT (fem!reader x s.hanbin)
โŸก soulmates / star crossed lovers / historical
โš ๏ธŽ character death / minor angst / mentions of blood
notes!! im not the most confident in fantasy so this one is rlly short but i hope uu enjoy!! lmk if u have any feedback (not proofread)
all you ever wanted was to escape, escape the horrid reality of your austere 9-5, escape the mundane plethora of emails and meetings, escape the job you drag yourself to daily. its true that your greatest desire would be to flee the repetitive soul-assassination that is this routine life of yours but you sure didn't expect it to turn out like this.
you try to count your fingers, all five. this confirms it, it can't a lucid dream. so how could it be that the scene set in front of you looks identical to the opening panel of the final chapter to your favorite graphic novel? in a blink, you transport to a wooden palanquin dressed in your finest ensemble, hand carried by a parade of men.
your distress translates to shivers, you have no idea where you found yourself yet you know exactly where you are going, the crown prince's quarters for a royal wedding... your royal wedding.
the palace looks identical to the illustrations you were used to seeing, the mass from behind the dignified gates cheer as you proceed with the extravagance of a royal procession. while the stage before your eyes bears close resemblance to the masterful drawings of a human author, they gave the imperial heir to the crown no justice. no artist, painter or mastermind could possibly illustrate the way his eyes gleamed with a sentimental yearning, the way his nose fell perfectly between his cheekbones, the way his cupids bow rested delicately above the perfect balance between a plump smile and a knife-sharp jaw. he was angelic to the extent that it was almost bewitching.
familiar memories of moonlit evenings by the lake where the fish swam side by side with the star-filled sky accompanied by the soft embrace of his touch ran through your head like a prologue slideshow. the jittery feeling as he placed a refined jade pin adorned with golden feathers and a blush-pink rose in your palm materialized in your mind like the experience was truly yours. you watch the glimmer of the illusory night reflected on the water beneath your feet. your heart beat escalates, tickled by the warm paced breath on your neck. his hands gradually moved to your cheek, gracefully pushing back the strands of hair that fell on your face. whisker smile appearing on cue, his left hand right snaked pass the silk fabric of your robe and around your waist, he leaned in and your heart stopped.
"i'll love you in every life." he whispered-
and you snap back to the present as you make your bows, exchange wine and partake in a feast made for kings (literally). your groom excuses himself to change out of his ceremonial robe and you rise up to do the same, knowing that the two of you will reunite, veiled behind the tapestry. the retinue scramble to clear out the remnants of your dinner as the two of you step into the vicinity where you are man and wife. he tugs on your robe and pulls you in as he gently envelopes his fingers around yours, the awe that left your brain fogged failed to remind of you of a rather special ending, one with an agonizing pierce of a double edged sword.
the pain was so intense, so nauseating, it was nothing but all-consuming. the friction of cold metal through your skin and bones left you quivering as you fell to your knees in acute agony. you sink into the arms of your lover as you slowly succumb to the fatal pain, taking slower breaths, gradually reaching the end.
star crossed, ill-fated, and damned, the nature of your relationship was meant to be doomed. teardrops grazed your cheeks as his screams and yells turn into nothing but the sound of your defeated heartbeat and you are tugged back to the real world.
your eyes open to the harsh light of the office bullpen and you doubt the reality you experienced was anything more than a fever dream, until you spot the emerald emblem lodged in the corner of your desk. as you begin the question the line between fantasy and existence, your speculation is forced to a halt as your supervisor clears his throat to introduce a new member to the team. a dashing man in a white button up and tie with the same eyes, cheek dimples and fleshy lips. like you are bound to each other with an invisible thread, the two of you are destined to meet in every life, dimension and universe.
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