#sunhee x jaehyun
angelsodreamy-no2 · 2 years
fuck romeo and juliet, i want what they have.
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kyufessions · 2 years
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meaning: dahlia’s represent warnings and change
pairings: noncommittal! hyunjae x office worker! g.n. reader
synopsis: jaehyun was never one to enjoy change in his life- that was until you came along.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: mentions of sexual acts but not described, bit of distaste / awkwardness between reader x hyunjae but not for long
a/n: i took my time with this one idk why i think it’s bc i was so into it for some reason. anyway, i hope you enjoy this one ! it’s one of my favs i’ve written so far. love tropes like this make me happy </3
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if there was one thing hyunjae hated, it was change. he loved comfortability, he thrived within it. so when his friend, younghoon, got promoted to another floor and someone else entered his cubicle to take his place, it was safe to say he disliked the situation.
“come on, it won’t be so bad. i know you’ll miss me but i’ll come visit when i can.” younghoon teased as he ruffled up his friend's hair.
hyunjae pouted, scrunching up his nose and fixing his hair right away. “i’ll survive without you, we’re next door neighbors after all.” he watched his friend take a swig of soju as the chatter of passersby was drowned out. “i just don’t want to have to deal with someone new.”
“you know, for an extrovert you really hate people don’t you?” the older teased, letting out a chuckle as his friend rolled his eyes in response.
“it’s not that, hoon. i just don’t want them messing up what i have going on.” hyunjae loosened his tie as he spoke, avoiding his friend’s gaze.
“you’ve been in the same position for three years, been messing around with sunhee for the past year and have lived in the same apartment building for the past four and a half.” younghoon shook his head, in disbelief of his friends life. “how could you be so happy? don’t you want to like, grow in life? or at least in your career?”
the younger scoffed before taking his last shot of soju, beginning to pack up the leftover food from their dinner stop on the way home. “i like how my life is, dad.” he joked, playfully glaring at the man across from him. “i don’t like too much change. besides, i’ve been thinking of working towards a promotion recently. or at least a raise. i also enjoy having you as a neighbor, so you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.”
the next day hyunjae came to work a bit early to help younghoon pack up his desk. it was his first day to the fifth floor and to say he was excited was an understatement, but deep down he would miss his desk-mate-turned-best-friend. he grew to love hyunjae, despite him being quite aggravating at times but in the most loving way possible.
as they finished packing, someone walked towards the cubicle with a small box and approached younghoon shyly. “hi, i’m y/n y/l/n. i was told you’re younghoon? im your replacement.”
hyunjae stared at you, watching your movements as you listened to younghoon explain things to you about the office and day-to-day business. he found you pretty, even greeted you politely at one point to be welcoming. just because he wasn’t happy about this new arrangement didn’t mean he was going to be an asshole, he knew to treat you with respect because at the end of the day it was the universe messing up his mojo, not you.
you noticed how around noon hyunjae left for twenty minutes then came back, his shirt newly wrinkled and hair slightly out of place. you just shrugged your shoulders, not caring too much and just going back to your work. the man didn’t speak to you much, voluntarily anyway. if you had a question, he happily answered. the rest of the day was smooth, up until the last hour when a coworker kept bugging him to leave work early.
“come on, hyunnie. no one’s going to notice. besides,” she lowers her voice, leaning down towards his ear to whisper so only he could hear but man, she sucked at whispering. “i’m still a bit frustrated from earlier.”
ah, they had sex. that makes sense. hyunjae looked to the side, noticing you looking at them but staring back at your computer when his eyes met yours for a split second. his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he looked over at sunhee.
“just meet me at my apartment in an hour, yeah? i’ll be there on the dot, i promise.” he replied, smiling at her as he winked flirtatiously.
and with that, sunhee left the cubicle with her extra key to his apartment, getting ready to head towards his apartment and wait for him there.
“please learn to whisper better.” you retorted, holding back a small chuckle.
hyunjae snapped his head at you, raising a brow. “don’t be so nosy.”
“then don’t be so obvious.”
the next hour went by without even so much as a glance between you two, not even bothering to say goodnight to one another. you were the first the leave for the day, gathering your items and walking home for the day. as you walked past hyunjae, he just stared at you. he was curious about you, but at the end of the day he knew he’d do nothing about it. why add someone else into his life when he was content with how everything currently was?
that night, you lay in bed as you attempted to read a new book you picked up at the local bookstore down the street from your apartment. you say attempt because above you was your neighbor who you had yet to meet, making as much noise as humanly possible with their partner. you weren’t one to complain about much, keeping to yourself as much as possible and not really finding anything to be unhappy about in life. but when you were just trying to read a book this good as you snacked on your strawberries, especially at almost ten at night when they’ve been going at it for three hours, you couldn’t take it anymore.
you slipped on some sneakers and made your way to the stairs, walking up towards the apartment that was providing you with annoyance. as you raised your hand to knock harshly on the door, out came the neighbor that just so happened to be younghoon. you bowed at him slightly, greeting him with a simple hello before knocking on the door.
“so you’re the one who moved in downstairs yesterday?” he asked you.
you nodded in response. “is this neighbor always so loud?“ you asked him, hoping he’d say no.
“well-“ he was cut off as the door swung open.
you were met with a half dressed hyunjae, grey sweatpants being the only thing he was wearing as his abs were fully exposed for all to see. you heard him mumble a ‘shit’ as he hid behind his door in an attempt to cover himself, assuming it would be younghoon to knock and not another neighbor- let alone you.
“what are you doing here?” he whispered, still hiding behind his front door.
“nice to see you outside of work, mister lee hyunjae.” you teased, smiling at him annoyingly. he just rolled his eyes, motioning for you to move on with your sentence. “just please keep it down, please. i’m trying to read and you and sunhee have been at it for hours. thanks.”
and with that, you turned on your heels and walked down the stairs back towards your humble abode. an hour passed and you heard nothing too vulgar, just the occasional moan or grunt. this new chapter of your life was going to be interesting, you thought to yourself as you plopped a strawberry into your mouth.
the next day wasn’t as awkward as you thought it might be. you both greeted each other good morning and went about your day, filing papers and working on sheets on your computers and on paper. as lunch time came along you decided to buy something from the cafeteria downstairs. you had thought you were going to sit by yourself until you saw a lonely younghoon, signaling for you to have lunch with him.
for the next hour and a half, you both enjoyed the surprisingly delicious food provided to you both and got to know each other. he was actually really nice, someone who you thought you could get close with. hyunjae, on the other hand, was starting to annoy you. sure, it was only your second day but he really knew how to mess up first impressions.
“can i ask you a quick question, if you don’t mind?” you asked him. younghoon nodded as he took a bite of his sandwich, awaiting said-question. “so are hyunjae and sunhee, like, a thing, or? because they’re so awkward to be around.”
younghoon covered his mouth as he let out a small laugh, swallowing quickly before responding to you. “they’re a fling, if anything. sorry about that, they can be annoying together.”
you shook your head, playing with the chopsticks on your tray. “it’s not your fault they’re the way they are. i just wish it was more bearable.”
“he’ll come around, just give it time.”
and give it time you did. you waited weeks for hyunjae to become the littlest bit open to you, even spark conversation with him that wasn’t about work. but he never did. you even asked younghoon if you ever did anything to him but he just kept saying how hyunjae didn’t really like people too much. to you that felt like a lie. he was so friendly with everyone else but with you he was cold. and you were his cubicle make for fucks sake, so what was his problem?
truth be told, hyunjae wasn’t sure how to approach you in a friendly manner. whenever he wanted to, he felt himself pulling away from doing so. as previously stated, he didn’t want any new friends to come in and change up his life any more than it had started to since younghoon got promoted to another floor. but being in a cubicle with you nine hours a day, not even making any small conversation with you about something other than work, was starting to drive him crazy. for the past two years he had enjoyed his time with younghoon and their conversational banter. he missed it. but did he miss that itself or younghoon? that’s what he was deciding.
on one of the nights where younghoon and hyunjae normally caught dinner on their way home, the older decided to invite you as well. five minutes before you and your cubicle mate had to leave for the day, younghoon appeared and greeted you both.
“you guys ready for dinner?” younghoon questioned with a smirk on his face.
“what do you mean ‘you guys’?” hyunjae responded as he continued to pack up, reality not setting in for him yet.
“i invited y/n with us tonight.”
as those words left younghoon’s mouth his eyes widened. he looked at you then younghoon, shrugging his shoulders before picking up his bag and standing up. all he said was a simple ‘okay’, no emotion evident in his tone.
you both sat down with your meals at a table outside, enjoying the light spring breeze as the cherry blossoms fell with grace. conversation flowed between you and younghoon naturally as hyunjae sat there, only offering hums in either agreement or disagreements with occasional nods. until his friend decided to speak up.
“jae, can you contribute to this conversation? you’re cubicle mates for crying out loud, act like it instead of a stranger.” younghoon said rather annoyedly as he shoved a rice cake in his mouth.
hyunjae was caught off guard, looking at his friend surprised. “i-“
“he’s right, you know.” you commented, cutting him off as he stuttered. “just because i called you out for being inappropriate with sunhee during work for making me uncomfortable doesn’t mean i’m some kind of asshole.”
you both turned to younghoon as he choked on his water mid-sip, not knowing of this situation that occurred. you both glared at him, making him mumble an apology before going back to stuffing his mouth with the remainder of his rice cakes.
“that’s not why i’m quiet around you. it’s just that that was awkward, and since then i don’t know how to act around you. especially since you saw me shirtless.”
you nodded, taking a sip of the soda in your cup. “that was for a split second before you hid behind the door in embarrassment.”
“it wasn’t in embarrassment-“
“it seemed like it.” younghoon interrupted, looking between you both before landing on his friend. “your cheeks were starting to redden and everything.” he started pointing to his cheeks, holding back a smirk as hyunjae swatted away his hands.
“i-“ he sighed, running a hand through his hair before meeting your eyes again. “i’m sorry. can we just, start over or something?”
just like that, things changed between you both. hyunjae wasn’t sure how it happened, but you both ended up becoming close work friends and friendly neighbors after work hours. you even join both hyunjae and younghoon sometimes for dinner, separating into your own apartments for the night. even people in the office started to realize the shift between you and your cubicle mate. the quiet laughter, the occasional glances, always going and coming from lunch together. even sunhee noticed the change, feeling uncomfortable about it.
“hyunnie, you’d tell me if you wanted to end things right?” she asked one night as she laid her head on his chest after their activities, drawing circles on his stomach.
he nodded as his arms laid behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. “now that you mention that, i think we should talk.” and with that, he ended his year and a half fling with sunhee. he was starting to feel it was time to move on from his relationship with sunhee, wanting to find something real with someone for once in life.
“it’s because of y/n, isn’t it?” younghoon asked as both of them walked home after dinner together, you having to stay late at work for a project.
all hyunjae could do was shrug as he sipped on a cherry vanilla cola, looking straight ahead to avoid his friends teasing gaze. “i don’t know, i don’t think so. whyd you ask?”
“you’re drinking their favorite soda, you never drink soda. you’ve been working extra hard at work lately, the boss has been telling me. you even stayed late some nights this week? you’ve never done that before. ever.”
hyunjae looked down at the soda bottle, realizing younghoon was right. he thought about it as weeks passed him by, about why he was suddenly working so hard when he hadn’t before. and when he came to the realization that it was because of you, that’s when he got a bit nervous. he was working hard to impress you, to hopefully receive that raise he previously mentioned to younghoon so he would in the future be able to afford a nicer living situation, a living situation in where you both shared a nicer apartment or even a home. he wanted to be able to afford to spoil you, even take you on dates in the future. but he soon snapped back to reality as he realized he was getting ahead of himself considering he hadn’t even confessed to you yet.
one night as you were finishing up a file you had been working on for the last week, smiling proudly as you were about to finish it, your boss came up to you.
“Mx. y/l/n and Mr. Lee, would you mind staying late tonight to finish up this quick project?” Sangyeon looked down at his watch, calculating how long it would take for you to finish. “It shouldn’t take too long if you work on it together, should be done by eight.”
you both agreed, asking if it was okay to order food for both of you and sangyeon saying it was alright. when the mcdonald’s arrived at the office, you both started working on the project immediately. nothing much was spoken about other than work until another person walked into the office. both of you looked at each other confused since it was only supposed to be you two and the night janitors. when sunhee came into view, looking angered, hyunjae immediately stood up to go calm her down.
“hey sunhee, what’s wrong?” he asked her, pulling her into the break room away from you. he knew why she was angry, he knew her all too well.
“i miss you.” she practically yelled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “i need you. i’ll do anything. i just want you.”
hyunjae unraveled her arms from around his neck, putting a space between them both. “i want something serious and you don’t, sunhee. we discussed this-“
“i’ll change, i promise. we can be serious!” she took a step forth, making hyunjae take a step back.
he shook his head, running a tired hand through his hair. “it’s not you i want a serious relationship with. i’m sorry.”
hearing those words made her heart crush, because truth be told she really did like hyunjae. after six months she started to see him in a different light but never told him because she just knew he only saw her as someone to mess with and no one to spend the rest of his days with. she just nodded, apologized, and walked out of the room and out of the building.
you watched as she tucked hair behind her ear, a singular tear shining in the dimming office light. you wanted to say something but you weren’t sure what, so you just stared at her feeling bad as she left the office. when hyunjae came out of the break room, you watched as he sat back down next to you like before.
“where were we?” he said, ignoring what just happened between him and sunhee.
“are we just going to ignore what happened just now? she left in tears.” you responded to him, grabbing one of his friends and popping it into your mouth. “are you guys done or something?
he glared at you playfully as you smiled at him while chewing on the fry, smiling afterwards. “yeah, we have been for a bit but she wanted to get back together.”
you cocked your head to the side as you took a sip of your sprite, confusion washing over you. “why not? i thought you liked her?”
“i do but not like that. i like her as a person but i can’t see myself growing old with her.” he admitted, sipping on his cola and shrugging his shoulders.
you nodded, humming in agreement as you set your drink aside and put your head in your hand as you propped your elbow up on the desk table. “i get it.” you smiled at him, wiggling your brows in a joking manner. “look at you, wanting to commit and shit. you’re growing up.”
hyunjae copied your move, his chin in his hand as he smiled loving at you with a roll of his eyes. “yeah, yeah. whatever. it’s not my fault, i can’t help how i feel.”
you suddenly felt your heart pick up in pace, swearing if it were any louder the man only inches from you would be able to hear. as you grew closer to hyunjae, you felt yourself being pulled in by his charm and good looks. at first you only liked him as a friend, but as you got to know him better you felt yourself falling for him. you confided in younghoon about your feelings regarding hyunjae sometimes, and he always told you to admit to him. but up until now you thought he was still in his situationship with sunhee. but now that you knew he wasn’t, you decided it was now or never.
“can i kiss you?” he interrupted as he stared at you lovingly, not caring that he cut you off.
without answering, you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his in a fiery passion. in the moment, neither of you cared that you were in the middle of your workplace and how any janitor could walk in at any moment and catch you two. the only thing that mattered was his lips finally on yours, and how they both moved in sync with one another. his hands traveled to your waist to pull your bodies together while your hands traveled from around his neck to the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair.
as your lips cemented together, all you both could feel was firework after firework. this was something you had never felt before, and hyunjae was feeling the same on his end as well. he had never wanted to melt into someone more than he did in this moment, never wanting to let you go in fear he would lose you. he always wanted to just sleep around, never wanting to commit to anyone because no one had ever really kept his interest long enough to do so. but when you came along, he felt the universe pulling him towards you. he felt like he was meant to be in your life, and he was one to never really ignore the universe’s wishes.
when you pulled apart from each other, it took a few seconds to regain a normal breathing pattern. hyunjae brought his one hand up, tracing your curves as he cupped your cheek and grazed the bottom of your lip with his thumb lightly. you smiled, placing a small peck on his thumb as it glided past your parted lips. he chuckled, placing a quick soft kiss on your lips before pulling back to view your face in full.
“god, you’re so pretty.” he mumbled, caressing your cheek and smiling when you leaned into his touch. for a few moments you just stared at one another, feeling on top of the world. then hyunjae cleared his throat, feeling his confidence erupt within him. “did you want to go on a date tomorrow night?”
you nodded, laughing as you pecked his lips once more before pulling away to steal one of his nuggets. “i’d be happy to.”
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neowinestainedress · 3 years
Treacherous ; kim doyoung
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title: treacherous | part of the “loving him was red” series 
pairing: kim doyoung x oc | side members: oc’s best friend jaehyun ; mentioned johnny, mark, jungwoo 
genre: fbw to lovers!au, getting together!au, smut, fluff, 
warnings: smut, fingering, minor nipple play, squirting, riding, soft sex, unprotected sex (this is fiction, wrap it up irl), public sex (it’s a bathroom of a club), jealous sex (kind of), rough sex, dirty talk (praise and a little little bit of humiliation)
summary: Loving Doyoung is treacherous, reckless, but she can’t help being pulled to him. She knows she should let him go, but she can’t stop thinking about him, his name haunting her every night. So she risks it all because it’s known that nothing safe is worth the drive.
words: 8.847
taglist: @meowniee @commentgirl @b1kon131 @blossom-rea​ | if you’d like to be added comment on the masterlist of the series 
a/n: So, here’s the first story for the series! I’m really excited to finally share this, I had fun writing this and I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. I appreciate feedback of any kind so if you want to, don’t be shy to let me know what you think about it. As always, english isn’t my first language so there might be some mistakes, I’m trying my best. Enjoy! 
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Put your lips close to mine, as long as they don't touch. Out of focus, eye to eye, 'Til the gravity's too much. And I'll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands. And I'd be smart to walk away, but you're quicksand.
Sunhee always thought there was something intoxicating about Doyoung. Something that pulled her to him silently, without him doing or saying a thing. There was this attraction, pushing her to him, naturally, almost as if they were said to be together. 
And now, that she stared at him, reading a book with his head low, and the warm light of the lamp hit his sharp features, she couldn’t help but wonder how she got there. 
When she first got to know him, it was never supposed to turn this domestic. She wasn’t supposed to feel this warmth raise in her chest every time she stared at him, or hear her heartbeat ring in her ears every time his name crossed her mind. 
It was supposed to be just sex, no strings attached, no love, nothing.
Sunhee had no idea when she started to crave him, not his body, not his touch, but him. Probably it was the fault of their nights spent up, talking about what he enjoyed the most. And she would just sit there, head on her knees, listening to him and his antics about the more and less. Right on that bed, while the city outside slept silently, and she was busy getting lost in his words about economy, and other things she couldn’t even get. 
Doyoung was incredibly smart and well-spoken, and she felt dragged to him with every single word. There was nothing sexy about the GDP of the country or the precarious conditions of some country she couldn’t even remember where it was placed on the map, but his voice somehow made everything interesting. 
“Are you okay?” Doyoung’s voice shook her out of her thoughts. He was still sitting on the armchair, the book was closed on his lap and his sharp brown eyes were staring at her. 
She nodded mindlessly and got up from the bed, fixing the crumpled sheets where her body applied pressure. 
“I was just... thinking,” she replied, putting her long brown hair in a loose ponytail, just to get them out of the way. 
“Thinking of?” Doyoung asked, voice low and head reclined against the back of the beige armchair. 
She stilled for a second, her eyes wandering around the room trying to search for an answer in her bookshelves and other belongings. But nothing can come from inanimate objects, especially when you are that deep into something, or worse, somebody. All the books she had read in her life couldn’t give her a way out of that situation, they were books, words inked down a blank page, this was real life. And she was screwed. 
‘You,’ she wanted to answer. ‘I was thinking about you.’ But she didn’t, she just sighed and pulled his shirt down her thighs more. 
“Just job,” she lied, “my boss assigned me something I never did because one of my co-workers has to leave for a week.” 
The man hummed and placed the book on the bookshelf beside him before patting the space on his lap for her to sit. 
She wanted to stay there, not move an inch, but once again, he was calling her, pulling her in without a choice. 
She slowly walked toward him, her bare feet coming in contact with the cold pavement making shivers run down her spine. 
“Sit here,” he gestured, opening his arm for her to have space to sit on his lap, “let me take care of you.” 
Here they were again; her trapped in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder, while his hands caressed the small of her back. 
“Look at me, baby,” Doyoung commanded and she obeyed, raising her face to stare at his eyes. 
Her breath got stuck in her throat just like the first time they were this close. She gulped, she really was screwed. Doyoung was so handsome, probably the most beautiful man she ever laid eyes on, and knowing that he was so close, yet so far, killed her. 
She wanted him to be hers, and hers only. But could she risk losing even this? No, simply because this was better than nothing. 
“I can hear your thoughts from here, Sunhee,” Doyoung whispered, his lips almost grazing hers, but never touching. Their eyes locked into each other, the room and the world disappearing around them. 
“I – I, ” she mumbled, but the words were stuck in her lungs, his slender fingers caressing her naked skin made her brain short-circuit. 
“Relax, love. Just breathe,” he instructed, his voice sounding sultry, and she closed her eyes, letting her head fall against his. “Just like this,” he whispered, humming under his breath. 
A moan escaped her lips when his cold fingers made their way to her nipple through the thin fabric of his shirt, hardening them in the blink of an eye. 
“You like it, don’t you?” He asked, rolling the sensitive bud between his fingers. 
She nodded, suppressing a moan in her throat. 
“Get up, sweetheart,” he commanded, abruptly stopping the movement on her boobs. 
She whined but quickly got up standing in front of him, pressing her thighs together to get the bare minimum of friction. 
Doyoung raised an eyebrow and moved his hand to tell her to get out of her clothes, but just when she was about to pull the shirt off of her body he stopped her. 
“Just your panties,” he said, “I want to fuck you with my shirt on.” 
A moan rolled out of her lips as she felt her folds getting even wetter at his words. 
“Good girl,” he praised her, a smile on his serious face and then he patted his thighs again. 
She simply gave him a small smile but her heart was beating then times faster in her chest. The soft, slow sex with him killed her once she would wake up in the morning by herself after a night like that, but at the moment it felt the best. It was all the romantic things she knew she could never get from him. 
His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her down, back facing him, legs locked open by his, her wet pussy left bare in the air of the room. 
“Look at yourself in the mirror, love,” Doyoung murmured in her ears, moving her ponytail to the other side, his hand cupping her chin forcing her to stare at the reflecting surface in front of them. “Look at how wet you are for me.” He moved his shirt up, just enough to expose her cunt better. 
She rolled her head back but Doyoung was fast at forcing it up again. 
“No, no, eyes at the mirror while I take care of you, Sun,” he ordered, but his voice was always calm. 
Sunhee started grinding against him, in protest, or greed, she didn’t even know. It was hot, but a little bit embarrassing. 
All the thoughts left her mind once his hand was against her pussy, spreading her lips making the cold air of the room hit her warmest part. 
“Doyoung,” she moaned. 
“Patience, love,” he warned, slapping her folds softly. “Let me take care of you.” 
His hand left her pussy and trailed up on her torso reaching her boobs, but this time under the thin fabric, he cupped them and started to massage them, making curses spill out of her lips while she tried to close her legs in the – useless – attempt of suppressing the aching pain between her legs. 
A mocking chuckle left Doyoung’s lips. 
“Greedy much, aren’t you?” 
“Please,” she simply whined, closing her eyes shut and lowering her head. But the tug of her ponytail reminded her to keep her eyes open and stare at the mirror. 
“I want you to look at me while I make a mess out of you, angel,” Doyoung teased, his lips kissing her neck and biting it. “And the only way is the mirror, so please, don’t get on my nerves.” 
The stern tone of his voice made her shiver and blush when she felt more cum drip out of her. She hated how much she loved it. 
Doyoung smiled and let his hand run down her body again, one stilling at her side to keep her in place and the other between her legs. 
“Dripping on the armchair,” he tsked, “you’re going to stain it.” 
“I don’t care,” she whined, trying to buck her hips to meet his hand. 
“Dirty girl,” Doyoung teased again and then slipped one finger into her without warming, her walls welcoming him easily. 
“Fuck,” she cursed, finally feeling some sort of relief. 
Doyoung started to pump into her slowly while his thumb circled her clit. 
“Kiss me,” she asked, voice trembling and face turned around to look at him. Doyoung didn’t hesitate a moment to make their lips touch in a heated kiss. He inserted another finger in her and started moving faster, the lewd sounds of the wetness and their kiss filling the room alongside the muffled moans trapped in his mouth. 
“Look at how pretty you are,” Doyoung praised against her lips looking at her through the mirror. Her hair was falling on her flushed face, her chest was moving erratically up and down with her hard nipples peeking through the white shirt and her pussy was leaking all over Doyoung’s hands down to the armchair and floor. 
“So beautiful and vulnerable just for me.” Sunhee felt her stomach tighten, the orgasm was approaching and the words leaving his mouth weren’t helping it slow down or making her heart beat at a normal speed. 
“Yes, just for you, Doyoung,” she moaned, her eyes forced to stay open looking at his through the surface in front of them. 
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head when the third finger entered her and stretched her walls, even more, a loud cry resonated in the room while she tried to ground herself anywhere. Her fingers wrapped around Doyoung’s hand to try and slow him down, she was so close and she didn’t want this to stop. 
“Close?” He teased, already knowing the answer. 
“Yes, God,” she cursed, closing her eyes when he started to pump even faster. 
“Doyoung fuck, I’m –“ words got stuck in her throat when his lips locked hers into another messy kiss, his teeth pulling at her lower lip. 
“Come, love. Drip all over my fingers.” 
Sunhee nodded and looked back at the mirror, her eyes fixating down where his fingers were doing God’s work on her. And there was something so dirty and kind of humiliating in the view but yet so hot that she couldn’t help but feel even more turned on. 
“Come for me, baby. I want to fill you up,” Doyoung urged her, his thumb moving faster on her clit and fingers curling into her. 
And she couldn’t hold it anymore, with mumbles of curses and moans she squirted all over his fingers and down to the floor. She let her head rest against Doyoung’s shoulder, breathing in his intoxicating scent, as she tried to slow down her breath. 
“Fuck, so good for me, aren’t you?” Doyoung praised, pulling his fingers out of her slowly just to put them in his mouth to taste her. 
Sunhee nodded and then cupped his face to kiss him again. This time slower and more gently, but she could feel the boner peak against her ass, greedy for attention. 
Doyoung let go of her legs and she closed them, relaxing after all that time. 
“Let me take this off,” Doyoung said, dragging the hem of the shirt she was wearing to pull it over her head and threw it at the corner of the room. 
“Didn’t you want to take me in your shirt?” 
“Mh,” he nodded against her neck, “changed my mind, I prefer to look at your boobs bounce up and down.”
She whimpered when his hand gently smacked her ass cheek to make her stand up again. 
“Let me get out of these,” he said, pushing his gym pants off of his legs, down to his ankle just to make them reach her discarded shirt. “Come here,” he instructed pushing his leg open, his cock out, touching his abdomen still covered with a black shirt, the flushed tip leaking pre-cum staining the fabric and glistening. Her mouth watered, she wanted to taste it, feel it heavy on her tongue while she wrapped her mouth around it, ready to suck every drop of cum out of him. But Doyoung had other plans. 
“Sink down on my cock, love,” he ordered, his hands wrapping around her waist to help her line up with his dick and sink on it. 
“Ah,” she moaned, feeling the tip at her opening. She was used to it given all the time they fucked, yet it stretched her every time like the first. 
A high moan left Doyoung’s lips once she was finally seated on it. 
“You take me so well,” he praised, his hands caressing her side in circular movements, his head laid back against the chair in pleasure. 
“Can I move?” She asked, turning her head back to look at him. His black hair was falling on his forehead, his cheeks tinted red, his beautiful lips parted and his eyes slightly open, just enough to look at her. And there was something incredibly soothing in his gaze, something she never saw before, she couldn’t put a name on it, but she loved it. It felt like love, even if she knew it wasn’t. 
“Yes, move, but slowly. Roll your hips,” he instructed, his voice slurred with pleasure, his hands squeezing her waist more, helping her with her movement. 
She turned around, looking in front of them and started moving her hips, up and down in circular movement. 
“Fuck,” Doyoung cursed, his eyes shut and lips trapped in his teeth. “Keep going.” 
She kept rolling her hips bouncing up and down but then her hands moved to grab his and force him to cup her boobs, she squeezed them slightly, signalling him to do the same. Doyoung snapped out of his trance and straightened his position, his torso flat against her back, his head resting on her shoulder while they made eye contact through the mirror. 
A smile crept on her face as soon as he started to play with her nipples without breaking eye contact with her. 
Her movements were smooth and powerful, hitting the right spot into herself and at the same time giving him the friction he just needed to get off. 
“You’re so good at this,” Doyoung murmured, leaving kisses on her neck and letting his left hand wander around her body while the right one was still focused on her boob. 
“Mhh,” she moaned, closing her eyes in pleasure as she hit her sensitive spot again, clenching around him, getting tighter. 
Doyoung groaned, squeezing her boob and letting his forehead fall against her shoulder. 
Her movement started to get sloppier, as her legs were menacing of giving up, but she kept going and started to play with her clit to help them both get there quicker. 
Doyoung picked it up and started moving his hips up to meet her moves, his hand wrapping at the base of her nape to pull her head back and kiss her jaw, before turning her face toward him and kiss her again. His other hand left her boob and slapped hers away from her clit, starting to replace it with swift movement on the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Sunhee let her arms fall around her body and let Doyoung fuck up into her. 
“I’m close, Do,” she moaned, pulling away from the kiss. 
“Me too, let’s come together, mh?” 
She nodded and started to move again, meeting him in the middle. With a few thrusts, they both came undone, their moans mixing together in the room, as he painted her insides with his cum and she dripped down on him. 
Doyoung wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her softly, still buried inside of her. 
“You good?” He asked, his fingers caressing her hair and scalp. 
She simply nodded, too tired to even say a thing. She just wanted to stay there, tangled with him, wrapped in the warmth of their bodies. But she knew that the spell was going to break soon. 
She should’ve gotten out of it, of what their relationship had become, but she was stuck. She was sinking down into quicksand. 
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I can't decide if it's a choice getting swept away. I hear the sound of my own voice asking you to stay. And all we are is skin and bone trained to get along. Forever going with the flow, but you're friction.
If Doyoung was intoxicating and enchanting, in his defence, she wasn’t smart at all.  
She kept on wanting more and more, ignoring how much it would’ve hurt later. 
How could she blame him when she was the one who begged him to stay? How could she take it on him when she was the one that couldn’t let go? 
“Stay,” she whispered. The first rays of the sun coloured the room golden and hit Doyoung’s face enough to light it up. 
It was the morning after, after they slept entangled with each other the whole night because it was too late for him to go home. 
“It’s Sunday,” she added, trying to make it sound less desperate. “We could hang out,” she proposed, pulling the covers higher on her body, covering her chest. 
Doyoung hesitated, his eyes looking around the room, almost as if he wanted to find a way out of there. 
“We don’t have to, I was just proposing. Maybe you have to go out with somebody else,” she urged saying trying to show nonchalance, but the bitterness in her voice betrayed her. She was jealous, even if Doyoung never talked about somebody else. But the mere possibility of somebody else being out there waiting for him made her lose her mind, anyway. 
“No, I’ve got nothing to do, really,” he replied, shaking his head lightly. His eyes were finally looking at her and a genuine – she would’ve dared to say – smile was painted on his face. 
“I’ll prepare breakfast,” he said, pulling down the shirt on his body, “or you want to eat out?” 
Sunhee shook her head, “No, no, let’s eat here.” 
As soon as Doyoung closed the bedroom door behind she rolled on the mattress and pushed her face in the pillow to scream. 
She lifted her tired body from the bed and forced herself to get dressed, fully aware that Doyoung was in the other room, making breakfast as if it was normal, just because she had asked him to stay. 
She took a deep breath and pushed the door open once she was mentally prepared to face the day headed. 
“Do you really need more books?” Doyoung asked, passing by her at the bookshelf. “Your house is full, they are everywhere.” 
She scrunched her nose and pushed him jokingly. “I finished reading the last one,” she huffed, turning the book that caught her eye in her hands to study the design on the cover. 
“I was just wondering where are you going to put it,” Doyoung said, looking at some books himself. But they were in the fantasy section and that wasn’t his cup of tea. He liked mystery, books that would make him lose his mind to find the culprit by himself before the end. 
“I always find a place,” she said, eyebrow knitted together while she gagged at an ugly cover of a book. Sure, you should never judge a book by its cover but Jesus Christ... some designers really need to be fired. 
“Are you doing something the next weekend?” Doyoung asked, placing his hand on her waist. 
She almost choked on her saliva while she looked down at his hand putting the book she pulled out back at its place. 
Sunhee cleared her throat, “Mh, no. Why?” 
“Johnny’s throwing a party, I mean, it’s a thing at a club downtown to celebrate... something, don’t know, wasn’t paying attention,” Doyoung explained, shrugging, fixing his jacket as they made their way out of the book shop. 
“And?” She asked when he stopped. 
“I don’t want to go there alone, so wanna tag along?” 
She would’ve stopped in her tracks if it wasn’t for the fact that his arm was still around her body and he was basically dragging her forward. 
“Sure, why not,” she answered, trying to sound composed and not more excited than she was supposed to be. “When is it?” 
“It should start at eight p.m, it’s more like a dinner but there’s also a club, something chill, though,” he explained, while they walked around the streets of Seoul. 
It was a quiet warm day of October, the sun making the cold autumn weather more bearable. And Doyoung’s body also made it warmer for her. 
She had no idea why his arm was still there, but she liked it and she didn’t want to question it, afraid he would pull away. 
“Look!” He exclaimed suddenly, shaking her out of her thoughts, “A store that sells handmade things,” he clapped his hands enthusiastically before grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the door. 
“Calm down,” she laughed, holding the bag that was falling from her shoulder. 
The place was nice, the wooden walls gave a cosy vibe to the place and the crafted things exposed were interesting. 
“Sunhee,” Doyoung called, walking toward her with his big gummy smile plastered on his face. She smiled too before she realized and suppressed it as fast as she could. She nodded, showing indifference. “Look at this music box,” he sounded as excited as a baby as he showed her a wooden box with a small Christmas village crafted at the top. 
“Everything in this was made by that lady at the counter, isn’t it amazing?” He exclaimed. 
She nodded, letting a smile creep on her face, it wasn’t much for the carillon, even if it was impressive, but it was for the happiness behind his voice. She rarely got to see him like this, he was always so stressed after work or they were simply busy doing other things. 
“Does it play music?” She asked, looking at the object in his hands. 
“Yes, but I didn’t open it,” he replied. 
“Let’s play it together,” she proposed, moving her hands on the music box to open it and play the tune. In the act, their hands brushed together and even it was normal it still felt so strange to her. 
“It doesn’t open, but they move,” Doyoung noted as soon as the music started playing, his eyes glistening. 
“Are you really so excited about this?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t get me wrong, but the only times I see you this happy is when you talk about statistics so this is unexpected,” she clarified, not to break his enthusiasm. 
Doyoung nodded, “My mom used to collect them when I was little. We would buy one on every trip,” he explained, but then his smile faded. “Before the divorce,” he added, his eyes low. 
Her first instinct was to say she was sorry but she didn’t, how could she be sorry for something she didn’t do? 
“You should buy this,” she said, instead. “And maybe you should also buy one for your mom, I’m sure she’ll love it.” She rested a hand on his shoulder and caressed it gently. 
Doyoung looked up at her and smiled again. “Yeah, I’ll buy it,” he agreed and then turned around to grab another one. “Love you,” he said, leaving a small peck on her cheek. 
She smiled and then turned around, quickly running into another corridor of the shop to hide the redness of her cheeks. She rested against an empty wall of a column and pressed her hands against her face. Not only he messed up with her head in bed but now also like this. 
She took a look behind her and sighed in relief when she saw him talk with the owner, he probably would’ve kept going for a while, just the right time she needed to cool off and go back to function like a normal human being. 
Wondering around the store she ended in a section of wooden cards with books quotes carved on them, she looked around but her eyes were caught by one specific quote. “The problem with wanting, Alina, is that it makes us weak.” 
And she had read that book before, probably also screamed when she first heard those words in that peculiar situation, but now, they hit differently. Wanting. Craving something she simply couldn’t have. 
It was pathetic, it really made her weak. Because she had never been like this before, so vulnerable for somebody, so vulnerable for a man. Yet, here she was, with her palms still sweating for a kiss on the cheek that meant absolutely nothing. 
Doyoung had made it clear more than once that he didn’t do relationships, not because he couldn’t love, but because he simply wasn’t good at it. He had terrible examples of love his whole life and getting into something serious terrified him. And she agreed, she was fine with keeping it just a sex thing. She had no time for a relationship anyway. But she fell into her own trap. 
“Sunhee,” Doyoung called, making her turn around. 
And when her heart skipped a beat hearing her name roll out of his lips, so tenderly, so softly, she realized she had to get out of there before getting more hurt. 
He should’ve left, or she should’ve pushed him out of the door instead of resting on his chest after another round as soon as they got home. But she was there, head on his chest, hearing his heart beating against her ear and hands caressing his waist. 
He was probably sleeping, given the calm rhythm his breathing had and the fact that he simply hugged her without applying any pressure against her body. 
So she was left alone with her thoughts, thoughts haunted by him. 
She huffed silently because she had become what she swore she would’ve never been. 
For her, it was impossible to fall for somebody she knew she couldn’t have. Mostly because she had always been pretty good at controlling her feelings. After thousands of rejections and heartbreaks, she had to help herself since nobody out there seemed to light a candle for her. 
She looked up, taking a glance at Doyoung’s sleeping face. He was breathtaking even while he was sleeping, unfair.  
She wanted to protect him or at least be somebody in his life that had a saying and could help him if needed. 
And she started wondering how was it possible to give a person so much importance. How can you let a bunch of bones and skin swipe you off of your feet? How can you let another person have that much hold on you? How can you think to be special for somebody when they probably already said the things they say to you to thousand of different people before you? 
She closed her eyes and thought about before, when he was tangled with her, their bodies becoming one, and wondered how many times he did that before. How something so intimate can be so scripted and automatic, our brains not even thinking before acting. It comes natural, it comes like something we have already done before, just with different bodies. 
How natural it flooded between them. Almost as if they were made for each other. But were they? Or was it just something people like to convince themselves of to think they are special when in reality they are not?
She sighed, and let sleep take over her. She couldn’t escape him, no matter how fast she would try to run from him, he was friction, pulling her in. 
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This slope is treacherous. This path is reckless. This slope is treacherous. I, I, I like it.
“Fuck, Doyoung,” Sunhee moaned, pushing back against his body in the attempt to meet him in the middle. 
“Be quiet, you don’t want them to find us, right?” He ordered, shutting her up with a hand on her mouth. 
The basses of the music were pumping through the walls but it still wasn’t enough to muffle her sounds. Anybody entering the bathroom could’ve heard them if they weren’t cautious. 
She rolled her head back, arching her ass in the act, forcing Doyoung to suppress a growl as he looked at her ass bounce against his cock. Her short leather skirt crumpled over her waist, her lace panties pushed aside just enough for him to take her. 
He gripped her ass cheek and pushed it open, to get better access at her pussy while his cock kept slamming into her and she only thanked her past self for going for knee-high socks and not tights or else they would’ve already been torn open. 
“Are you going to keep flirting with Jungwoo and Mark, love?” He asked close to her ear. 
“I wasn’t flirting,” she denied. And a smack on her butt followed. “Fuck,” she cursed, closing her eyes and letting her forehead crash against the door. 
“No?” He asked. “Telling Jungwoo you would’ve taken him home wasn’t flirting?” 
“He looks hot tonight, though,” she kept pushing his buttons. It was rare seeing him like this, especially because technically they were free to see whoever they wanted. But she liked to see this new side of him, a little bit more jealous, and possessive. 
“Do you want me to call him, mh? Want him to fuck your mouth while I fuck you like this?” 
She simply moaned, a teasing smirk on her face, while she clenched around him harder. 
“Fucking pathetic,” he mumbled, smacking her ass again. “My cock is not enough for you, isn’t it? Still need more.” 
“Mhh,” she moaned. “Depends what you can do,” she teased. 
“Want me to show you what I can do?” He asked, but it wasn’t a question, she completely riled him up and he wanted to prove a point. Doyoung was like that, he didn’t let go easily. 
“Fuck me so hard I can’t walk out of here and maybe I’ll stop flirting with Woo and Markie.” The use of nicknames for them got on his nerves and made him slip out of her to flip her around and push her body against the door. She never called him Doie, or Dodo, or Youngie. 
He pushed into her again, wrapping her legs around his waist and started thrusting faster than before. 
“Shut up,” he ordered, his hand wrapping around her throat, making her clench around him again. “They all think of you as a nice innocent girl, not as somebody that gets fucked in the bathroom stalls of a club.” 
“Doyoung,” she moaned once his hand left her neck and his thumb started to caress her jawline. But he didn’t answer, too focused on his movement and proving her a point. 
“Youngie,” she repeated again and this time his head snapped up. His heart beating in his chest too happily for his liking. 
“Yes, love,” he asked, eyes locked into hers. 
“I’m close,” she whispered, her head falling back again when the knot in her stomach became tight. 
“So I am enough,” he noted, smirking happily. 
“Yes,” she moaned, “Yes, you are enough,” she gripped his shoulders, trying to ground herself because the pleasure was becoming overwhelming. 
“Better than Jungwoo and Mark?” 
“Fuck, yes, better than them,” she cried. 
“Then come, come for me,” he ordered and soon after she let go, her orgasm hitting her hard. Her walls got tight enough to milk every drop of cum out of him too, and their moans mixed together while they kissed each other to muffle them as they rode their orgasms. 
Doyoung rested his forehead on hers and moved a strand of hair out of her face. 
“You’ re b–”, Doyoung started saying but stopped midway shaking his head. 
“What?” Sunhee asked, not really catching what he said. 
“Just, let’s recompose and get out, we’ve been gone for a suspicious amount of time,” he replied, swiftly slipping out of her without caring if she could stand up on her wobbly legs and dressed up again. 
“Fix yourself quickly,” he said, opening the bathroom door. “Your lipstick is ruined.” And then he left. 
Sunhee stared at the door with her skirt still rolled up on her waist and aching pain in her chest. Why did he turn like this all of a sudden? Did she say something wrong? Or did something wrong? She had no idea, the only thing she knew was that she had a party to go back to, ruined make-up on her face, cum dripping out of her and the only thing she wanted to do was to fall on the floor and cry herself to sleep.
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Two headlights shine through the sleepless night and I will get you, and get you alone. Your name has echoed through my mind and I just think you should, think you should know that nothing safe is worth the drive. And I would follow you, follow you home. I'll follow you, follow you home.
The streets of Seoul were busy even in the middle of the night and that made Sunhee curse under her breath as she took a turn left after surpassing a car that seemed to have no intention of going on. 
She arrived under Doyoung’s complex faster than expected, with rage filling her body and fear lingering in the back of her head. 
This night was going to be the end of everything. 
She needed to talk to him. They couldn’t go on like this anymore. After all the softness between them all of a sudden he turned incredibly cold, with small talks, monosyllabic answers to her texts and run back home after their sex meetings. She couldn’t care less if that was what they first agreed on, they had thrown it away. And she simply couldn’t take it back anymore. 
She made her way into the complex inserting the code she knew by heart and reached for the elevator. 
On her way to the fifth floor she had made a speech, the same she had been repeating at home and in the car but it all dissolved once she found herself in front of his door. 
She wanted to turn around and go back home, pretending it never even happened, but she couldn’t. She was there, and she had to face him, once for all. 
She inserted the pin of his apartment and opened the door. 
The living room was filled in darkness, the only light coming from the television that was passing one of those realities Doyoung loved to watch. 
“Sunhee?” he asked, his voice coming from behind her. “So horny you don’t even give me a call?” He joked. 
“No,” she answered seriously, “I have to talk to you. We have to talk and you know it too.” 
As soon as he realized that it was serious his smile dropped and he walked toward the tv to turn it off. He lit up a light in the room to see where they were going and then signalled her to follow him in the kitchen. 
“So?” Doyoung asked, running a hand through his hair to push them out of the way. 
She took a deep breath and started talking, “I can’t do this anymore, Doyoung,” her eyes found his confused gaze and a sigh slipped out of her lips, “not like this, at least.” 
“I thought that was what you wanted?” 
She huffed, crossing her arms on her chest. “Yeah, I thought that, too.” 
“So that means that –”
“I mean, it’s not that I don’t want this anymore,” she stopped him before he could go on, before he could break them up, “I don’t understand why you turned colder all of a sudden.” 
Doyoung pressed his lips in a thin line and breathed deeply through his nose. Of course, she had noticed, how could she not? He knew that it was just a matter of time before this conversation was going to be brought up. 
“Is it because of what I said about Jungwoo or Mark? Why did you leave that way that night? Do you have an idea of how... shitty, pathetic and dirty I felt?” She started ranting, her hands moving frenetically in the air while her eyes were locked into his. “God, that was so, so humiliating,” she cried, the words coming out with an unexpected high pitch of her voice. 
Doyoung didn’t say a word. He knew that, or well, he could imagine. He felt shitty, too. He had spent the night up thinking about what he had done, just because he was afraid of his feelings. 
“I’m sorry,” he admitted after a moment of silence. “I wanted to text you,” he said, his eyes low on the floor, “no, I wanted to come back inside the bathroom as soon as I walked out... but I didn’t.”
Sunhee sniffed, trying to suppress the aching pain she was feeling in her lungs. “Yeah, you didn’t,” she repeated, barely higher than a whisper. 
“You can hate me if you want to, I deserve it.”
“I can’t, Doyoung!” She snapped. “That’s the fucking problem, I can’t hate you. I crave you, fuck, every day a little bit more, in ways I shouldn’t. I try so fucking hard to despise you, every cold answer of yours is a broken promise I made to myself, swearing I would break this off.” Her face was red and her voice high. “And regularly I’m always there, pressed under your body letting you do whatever you want with me. God, and I wish it was only that,” she stopped, breathing heavily. “You are everywhere, you haunt my thoughts, you have so much power over me and I don’t know when I let this happen. How I let this happen.”
When no words came from him she went on, “I don’t want to hate you, I want to have you,” she admitted, her watery eyes looking at his while this heartbroken confession left her pink lips. 
Doyoung felt the air getting knocked out of his lungs. She wanted him... like... wanted... 
“But you do,” he dared to say, trying to keep his voice composed as if his heart wasn’t beating miles per hour. 
She threw her head back and let out a growl, “God, no, not like I want you. You’re not mine,” she screamed, hands tangled in her hair to pull them back. “And you will never be, and I can’t take this on you because the rules were clear since the start, it’s my fault for not listening, for jumping in this without looking, without thinking that maybe I’m not that good at separating love and sex.”
She took a step back, her back meeting the wall behind her. She tried to steady her breath and wiped away the tears off of her face. 
“I,” Doyoung started, his hands nervously playing with the pockets of his pants, “I don’t know what to say.” 
Sunhee nodded and walked over to the table to grab the phone she had placed before. 
“You don’t have to say a thing,” she smiled bittersweetly, “it’s not your fault I fell for you,” she reassured him. But she wanted to curse at him because it was his fault. It was his fault for being so beautiful, inside out, for being smart, caring, and funny. It was his fault because he let his past ruin his present. But she knew those were immature thoughts, and she was a grown woman, not a teenager. She had to be the bigger person. 
“I know that...” she started, hesitating to find the right words. “I know that you’re afraid of love and relationship but...” she looked up at him, “Just remember that nothing safe is worth the drive, Doyoung.” 
After that, she quickly hurried out of the door. It wasn’t even a way to make him go back to her, who could ever love her? But she still wanted him to don't let the past stop him from loving and being loved. 
As for her? She would’ve found someone, eventually. 
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This hope is treacherous. This daydream is dangerous. This hope is treacherous.
Sunhee’s words lingered in Doyoung’s mind for days, then weeks and months. 
It had been two months since that night and Doyoung couldn’t seem to move on. He blamed himself for simply standing there without saying a word. He cursed at himself for not running after her and tell her that he felt the same. Or that he thought. He really had no idea what love felt like, not the healthy type, at least. In his whole life, he only had terrible examples of relationships and he wasn’t sure he could get into one. 
But her, Sunhee, she came into his life unexpectedly and swiped him off of his feet.  
He wasn’t sure he could call it love, but he knew he was... happy with her. He was fine. 
Seeing her smile after a long day at work lifted a heavy weight from his back and made his heart feel light. There were no worries, no thoughts pushing him down to the deep end. But he often wondered if that was given by what they had. Was it because there were no strings attached? He had nothing to think about, right? Everything just flowed naturally between them. There were just two simple rules, keeping things easy with no feelings and respecting each other. And that was fine, it really was. But, what if there was something more? 
Doyoung huffed loudly shutting off the tv, not that he was listening to a single word anyway, and got up from his couch. 
He knew nothing, but one thing for sure was that he couldn’t live without her any longer. She probably would’ve said no, but he had to at least try. He had enough guilt weighing on his shoulder, he couldn’t add the regret of not trying to get her back to it. 
Sunhee was mindlessly stirring the tea in the cup in front of her while she swung her feet back and forth in the stool of the island in her kitchen. Her fists were pressing against her cheeks and loud huffs were coming out of her lips every now and then. The music of the club was still ringing in her ears at it was making her go crazy. The alcohol in her body didn’t help to make her feel any better. 
“Are you going to spend the whole night like this?” Jaehyun asked, placing his hands on his hips, looking down at her. 
Sunhee rolled her eyes and pushed the cup away from her, like a child when they don’t want to eat anymore. “I wanted green tea, you made blueberry, I hate them.” 
“Strange words to say that you still think about him,” he retorted, eyebrow raised, while he grabbed the cup and threw the liquid down the sink, it was cold anyway. 
“I don’t. I’m doing just fine,” she responded, playing with the angle of a magazine that was sticking out of the magazine holder. 
Jaehyun scoffed, sitting at her side, “I've known you since you were ten, Sunhee. You’re not fooling me.” He picked out a make-up wipe and started to gently clear her face, she wasn’t that drunk but he knew that after nights like this she was so tired, and right now also pissed, that would go to bed with make-up on. 
“Fine,” she gave up, slamming her palms on the surface, “I still think about him. Can you blame me?” 
“Are you asking me if he’s cute?” He asked, stopping his movements on her face for a second. 
“No, dumbass,” she pushed him, almost making him fall to the floor. “It’s just...” she muttered, looking down at her intertwined hands. 
“It’s just?” He pushed her face up again so he could see if there were any traces of make-up he missed. 
“I wasn’t expecting him to run after me, I mean, I was hoping, sure, but I couldn’t expect it from him. But the fact that he didn’t send one message, not a single like on Instagram, not a friend in common telling me that he sometimes still talks about me,” she sighed, letting her head fall against her best friend’s shoulder. “He forgot me so easily. And I’m still stuck here.” 
Jaehyun wrapped an arm around her, patting her back. “Are you sure he’s not interested? Maybe he’s just respecting your decision.” Now, he didn’t want her to be stuck on him for eternity but he was sure Doyoung genuinely cared for her, maybe it wasn’t love, like she wanted, but he couldn’t forget her that fast. 
“He didn’t say a word when I broke things up, I must’ve looked so pathetic in his eyes, Jae,” she said, pulling out of the hug to face him again. “He doesn’t care about me, he never did.” 
“That’s not true,” Jaehyun contradicted, “He once told me –” 
The sound of the intercom stopped him in his track. 
“Were you waiting for something?” He asked, but the girl shook her head while they stared at the door with a confused expression. 
Who knocks on a door at two in the night?
“It’s a killer,” she panicked, hiding behind his broad back. 
Jaehyun rolled his eyes and inhaled deeply, “Killers don’t knock.” 
“They got extra polite these days,” she retorted, hands clasping around his shoulder, pressing her face against it. 
“They’d stuck a knife up your throat and you call them polite?” 
Another ring resonated in the room and a cry left her lips. 
“Oh come on, maybe it’s your neighbour,” he supposed. 
“My neighbour it’s an eighty years old lady with cats, Jae, she’s not up at two am.” 
Jaehyun rolled his eyes again and sighed heavily, “If I die I want Breaking Free to play at my funeral,” he said, standing up from the stool. 
She scrunched her nose, “That breaking free?” She asked, head tilted to the side.  
“Yes, the one and only.” 
She nodded under shock, she wasn’t completely sober but he was worst than her for being completely clean. 
“Oh, it’s you.” The voice that filled the walls of the house as soon as Jaehyun opened the door made the blood freeze in her veins. 
She gulped, all of a sudden a serial killer at her front door didn’t sound like a terrible idea. 
“I didn’t know you two –” Doyoung started saying. 
“Oh, no, no,” Jaehyun interrupted him and Sunhee went pale. No, no? Jaehyun lie, please. “I was about to leave, actually.” 
Christ, Jeong Jaehyun, you’re dead. She thought. 
“What are you doing?” She whispered, looking at him with wide eyes when he walked into the kitchen to grab his jacket. 
“Cupid, as I should for being born on valentine’s day,” he smirked, cocking his head to the side and clicking his tongue. 
“This is a tragedy, not a love story,” she mouthed, clenching her fist at her sides. 
Jaehyun shrugged and leaned in to leave a peck on her cheek, “Good luck angel, hope it’ll be a two am heart appointment and not a tragic last dick appointment.” 
She slapped his arm and gestured to kill him but Jaehyun answered with a flying kiss before turning around and walking out the room, greeting Doyoung and leaving her alone, with Doyoung. 
Sunhee took a deep breath and tried to fix her dress and tights. She didn’t even have the time to get changed into house clothes. She fixed her hair and then took another long breath, mentally preparing herself to face him.  
“Hey,” she whispered, standing now in front of him in the living room. “What brings you here?” She asked beaming an awkward smile at him. 
Doyoung took her in, somehow she looked even more beautiful now than she did before. Her off-the-shoulder knitted short dress wrapped her curves perfectly and her braided hair fell to the side of her neck with a few loose strands that framed her beautiful face. Then his attention was caught by the flush of her cheeks and her unsteady position that made him guess she was drunk. 
“Are you drunk?” He asked, already knowing the answer. 
“Oh, no, just a little bit tipsy, but I swear I’m fine,” she answered, still smiling at him. She wished she had more alcohol running in her blood, to be honest. It would’ve helped with the situation. 
“Are you sure?” Doyoung inquired, not really convinced as he tilted his head left. 
“Yeah, I can tell you a tongue twister if you want more proofs.” 
“No, no, that’s fine,” he waved her proposal off with a hand. She could speak, stand and Jaehyun had left her alone, so she wasn’t that drunk. 
“I’d offer you some tea but Jae threw it away, he made it for me and I didn’t drink it,” she chuckled, scratching the back of her head. “We were talking about –” before the words could slip out she slapped her mouth shut. 
Doyoung furrowed. “You were talking about?” 
“The high rates of homicides in Korea, yes, they increased, we thought you were a killer. Jaehyun was telling me robbery increased too,” she mumbled, hands nervously playing together. 
Doyoung raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure? I haven’t read anything. Wait, what?” He said shaking his head. “I came here for something serious, not to talk about serial killers and robbers.” 
Her mouth formed a perfect O, so that didn’t work. He was still smart and talking shit couldn’t distract him. 
“You didn’t leave anything here,” she started, thinking he wanted to take something he forgot back. 
“I did, actually.” 
“Oh, did you?” 
“Yes,” Doyoung replied, looking at her. 
“And what is that?” 
Sunhee felt her mouth go dry as she stared at him with wide eyes, then a bitter chuckle left her lips. “Listen, it’s not the right time and way to joke.” 
“I’m not joking, Sunhee,” Doyoung said, taking a few steps forward, reaching her, grabbing her hands and pulling them into his. She looked around and then back at their hands and felt her heart skip a beat. 
It had been months since she had felt his skin. Months since he touched her like this, softly, gently, almost scared of breaking her. 
“Do-Doyoung I,” the words died in her mouth that was getting drier with every passing second. 
“Shh, you don’t have to say a thing. You already said too much,” he reassured her, his deep eyes staring into hers. “I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t have –” 
“No, please, let me finish,” he stopped her. She nodded. “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you, for the way I treated you, so harshly when you only deserve the best. And it’s not an excuse but I was trying to push you away because I also stopped seeing you in the same light I was used to.” 
Doyoung sighed, sniffing, “I’m terrified of relationships, Sunhee. And I am even more scared of what you might feel for me, what if I let you down because I don’t meet your expectations? I only dated seriously once and it ended in the worst way, I don’t want that to happen again.” 
“You... you feel something for me?” 
“Yes, Sunhee, I can’t call it love just yet but I know for sure that I feel something that goes beyond friendship.” 
A sincere smile spread across her face after hearing those words, that surely wasn't what she was expecting. “I’m pretty bad with relationships myself,” she chuckled, caressing Doyoung’s hand with her thumb. 
“Not as bad as me,” he joked. 
“Not as bad at you,” she half-laughed, “but can it be that bad if two messes get together?”
“No, and even if it ends badly, you said it to me, nothing safe is worth the drive, right?” 
Sunhee smiled and nodded, so he listened to her that night? She didn’t talk to herself the whole time. 
“I don’t care if this hope is treacherous, Sun, I want to give us a try if you want to. If I have to get burnt, I want to get burnt with you.” 
“Tell me I’m not daydreaming, please,” she begged, throwing her head back for a brief moment to push the tears back into her eyes.   
“No, you’re not,” he reassured her, cupping her face with his hands, rubbing the tears that fell down her face. 
“So,” he said, “Can we try to make this work?” 
“Yes, yes, I want you, Doyoung, I never stopped wanting you.” 
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This slope is treacherous. I, I, I like it.
They spent the night tangled in her bedsheets, clothes discarded on the floor with no care, moans filling those four walls, hands marking skins that were intact after months nobody touched them in that way, fingers buried in hair to pull each other closer. 
Sunhee couldn’t stop smiling, her eyes fixated on the ceiling while she caressed Doyoung’s hair, as he was sleeping with his head on her chest. Her heartbeat lulled him into the dream world. 
Doyoung was hers, in the way she craved for, and it seemed surreal, like a daydream, a delusional one. But it was real, he was right there, legs wrapped around hers, arms hugging her torso. And he wanted her back. 
It was going to be a treacherous slope ahead of them, but she didn’t mind, she liked it, and she would’ve done anything to keep him close, no matter how hard it was going to be. 
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29suhs · 4 years
I Wish I Were Heather | 7
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Johnny Suh x Fem!Reader x Jung Jaehyun
Summary: Johnny, Jaehyun, and you have been best friends for years, what happens when suddenly you catch feelings for your best friend, but he has eyes for someone else?
a/n: timestamps don’t matter btw! double update since 6 was short <3 also i’m really glad a lot of you are enjoying this au!! I ACCIDENTALLY MADE A TYPO AT THE END BETWEEN THE CONVO W SUNHEE N HEEYOUNG, TO CONFIRM: HEEYOUNG DID ASK JAE OUT IGNORE WHAT SUNHEE SAID PLSJSOWJ
taglist: @marksrainbow @secretlypg95 @regular-everyday-normal-mf @vad-hander @valezambranon @cherryblossomsfall @jisungs-tummy @suhweetdreams @eileencacai @1224cm @angel-suh @comerollwithme @boiolay @chatsgotmytongue
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Keep the Change (Part 1)
Words: 2.1k
Pairing: Jisung x Sunhee (OC) (feat. NCT DREAM and OCs)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, some angst, comedy
Warnings: violence, fighting, language, brief character death, mentions of vandalism, illness, and robbery
Summary: Being the youngest of twenty-three members, Jisung can get into trouble. He loves his members, but he feels as if everyone else, except for his girlfriend Sunhee, push him around at times. However, the morning after a fight with a member, he realizes that he’s been accidentally left behind. Although he has temporary freedom until his members return, there’s also trouble around the neighborhood caused by two thieves targeting wealthy families’ homes like Sunhee’s. Inspired by the holiday classic Home Alone. (Part of the NEOHOLIDAY event)
December 22
“Go finish packing,” Taeyong commanded for the last time.
Jisung obeyed and exited the room, infuriated with being denied just even sitting in the same room with someone. He was all packed for the trip to Paris he, the other NCT members, and some of their wives and girlfriends were going on for the holidays. Jisung just wanted some time to spend with the people he was closest to, but they were busy packing, playing video games, or tending to their small children.
“Dude,” Mark scoffed as he walked by, his large suitcase in his hands, “you’re like eighteen. Tattling is for six year olds. That should have died out for you twelve years ago.”
“Who said I was tattling?” the younger male defended as he followed Mark into his room, “I was expressing how I was being left out.”
“By going to Taeyong to call Johnny a jerk without saying it to his face?”
Jisung just crossed his arms and huffed. “I’m just tired of being treated like a baby around here.”
Mark patted his shoulder. “Then, don’t act like one, and Johnny was messing with you.”
That reply earned him an eye roll. He meant well, but Mark didn’t always say the right thing correctly.
“By the way,” the older boy added, “since Sierra and Alex are coming, you’ve been assigned to bunk with Alex for tonight.”
“I’m aware,” Jisung shrugged.
“You didn’t let me finish. Alex is scared of the dark, and knowing you don’t have a nightlight for him, don’t be surprised if he wakes up screaming and crying.”
Mark walked off without another word to go help another member to pack.
“Pizza’s here!” Jaehyun called from the kitchen.
Immediately, everyone dropped what they were doing and headed towards the kitchen, Jisung trailing behind them as he was still moody from his members rejecting them. He loved them dearly, but being the youngest of twenty-three members proved to be wrong sometimes. The only two members closest to his age were Sungchan and Chenle, but even they weren’t babied as much as he was.
As he crossed the front entryway, he noticed a cop by the door somewhat taking a look around the house and wanting someone to speak to. No one robbed them as far as he knew, but he really couldn’t be bothered.
Most of the members had sat down to eat already, plates full of two or three slices of their favorite kind. Despite having eaten some ramen earlier out of frustration from not being able to see his girlfriend Sunhee, Jisung grabbed a plate and anticipated having just a slice of cheese.
“Daddy, what time are we leaving tomorrow?” Alex asked Johnny.
“Early,” he replied, “we’re leaving at eight in the morning.”
“Sweetheart, the pizza boy needs 133000 won,” Taeyong’s wife Savannah told him as she was feeding Hayden some bite-sized beef slices.
“For pizza?” he replied as he was getting some milk.
“Ten pizzas times 12000 won.”
“You want us to pay for it?” Johnny offered.
“Nope, we’ve got it,” Taeyong shook his head as he searched his wallet.
Jisung opened a few boxes of pizzas, but couldn’t find any cheese. The boxes were either empty or had some sort of topping.
“Did anyone get a plain cheese?” he asked.
Lucas, who was standing by and shoving slices into his mouth, smirked and said, “Well, yeah, we did. But if you want any, someone’s gonna have to barf it all up.”
If anyone knew how to mess around with people, it was Lucas, but it was always out of love. He had a younger brother himself, so he was somewhat of an expert on picking and poking at people. However, he had no knowledge of Jisung’s frustration, yet it was no excuse for the joke he was pulling on the maknae.
“Jisung,” Lucas cried as he made a shocked face, “quick grab a plate!” He slumped over mockingly and made gagging sounds before chuckling at his own joke.
This, mixed with the worry of Alex’s midnight banshee screams and being left out all day, triggered Jisung’s anger and pushed him over the edge. In one swift motion, he balled up his fist and punched the older boy in his face. Hard.
Lucas ended up stumbling backwards, his elbows hit the cups filled with sodas and water; and it all spilled onto the-
“Passports!” Taeil cried as he and Johnny worked quickly to rescue them.
The other members helped with drying them, and Kun and Jeno pulled the fighting boys apart. Lucas’s nose was bleeding, but thankfully it wasn’t broken. Alex was startled by the chaos and started crying, and Sierra took him out the kitchen to calm him down.
Taeyong, in full dad mode now, finally stepped in and raised his voice at Jisung. “What is the matter with you?”
“He started it!” Jisung snapped. “He knows I don’t like the other toppings.”
The maknae knew it wasn’t just Lucas’s antics that made him lash out, but rather everything from that day. However, there would still be consequences to his actions.
“Look what you did, dummy!” Ten snapped as he was trying to dry his soda-stained jeans.
Jisung looked around at his members. It was all silence, except for Alex’s sniffles in the next room. Everyone else just had a look of disappointment on their faces as they stared back at him.
“Jisung, just go to your room,” Taeyong finally sighed.
With a huff, Taeyong pulled the maknae by his elbow. He complied and Taeyong was able to let go of him as he knew that Jisung wasn’t Alex’s age.
“Why do I always get treated like trash?” Jisung demanded.
The police officer and pizza boy were still standing by the door.
“I’m sorry,” the leader chuckled as he pulled out the money for the delivery boy. “With so many people going on a trip, it’s a little crazy. Some of our members have young children, so the chaos escalates a bit. It’s just nuts.”
He paid the pizza boy, and the young man wished them a Merry Christmas before walking out of the door.
“Having a reunion or something?” the officer asked.
“No,” Taeyong replied. “The group has some time off for the holidays, and some of us have families of our own, so we want to spend Christmas and New Year’s with them. Paris is where we’re heading.”
“To Paris, you say?”
“Yeah, We hope to leave tomorrow morning.”
Jisung just rolled his eyes. Why was the officer here in the first place?
“If you’ll excuse me, this one’s out of sorts. I’ll be right back.”
Taeyong guided the maknae by the shoulder, and the officer called to them, “Don’t worry about me. I spoke to your wife already. And don’t worry about your home. It’s in good hands.”
NCT’s leader marched the boy up the stairs as the man left the premises. “There are twenty-three members in our group, and you’re the only one who has to make trouble.”
“I’m the only one getting dumped on,” Jisung shot back.
“You’re the only one acting up. Now, get in the room.”
He had led them to the guest room instead of Jisung’s bedroom.
“The guest room?”
“It’s scary in there.”
Taeyong didn’t buy his guilt trip. “Don’t be silly. Alex will be up in a little while.”
“I’m not sharing a room with Alex. You know about him. He screams in the middle of the night.”
The leader sighed and massaged his temples. “Fine. We’ll put Alex somewhere. Just get in there and cool off.”
Jisung had already chilled out by now. He tried to apologize, but Taeyong shook his had and said, “It’s too late. Go.” If a frustrated huff, he stomped into the room.
“I don’t want to see you again until tomorrow morning,” the leader said just before closing the door.
Plopping face down on the bed, he pulled out his phone and texted Sunhee, who wasn’t able to join the group due to her having plans with her family for Christmas. She was quick to respond. Sunhee was one of the sweetest people anyone could ever meet, and Jisung was happy she was his. His career did make it difficult to see her sometimes, but he always tried to make time for her. It was just as frustrating for her as she was about to graduate high school and working hard to stay on top of homework and final projects. Jisung ranted about how he felt he was being pushed around by everyone and just wanted to stop being treated like a baby, as he was eighteen years old. Sunhee was very understanding as she was one of the youngest of her cousins, but she said something similar to Mark in a much more kind manner. He knew they were right, but it somehow stuck with him more than the way the older boy had said it.
After they talked, Jisung put his phone down and got ready for bed.
The only sound Jisung woke up to was silence. Not a word, a child’s babbling, or even a footstep could be heard from outside the bedroom. Maybe everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast before heading to the airport. He didn’t bother checking his phone before stepping out into the hallway.
The lights were on, so that was a good sign, at least. Some of the doors were open, some were closed. He peeked into a few of them, but they were empty with piles of mess of some sort in each room.
“Taeyong?” he called out as he made his way to the kitchen. “Taeyong? Mark? Johnny? Lucas? Savannah? Sierra?”
He continued calling out everyone’s names, even the ones who were just starting to talk. After calling for Jeno, he gave up. Was he alone in the house? He sat down at the table and remembered everything he had been jabbed with the night before.
“Tattling is for six year olds. That should have died out for you twelve years ago.”
“…if you want any, someone’s gonna have to barf it all up.”
“There are twenty-three members in our group, and you’re the only one who has to make trouble.”
“Look what you did, dummy!”
Now, Jisung didn’t feel so bad. He realized that the members had left and possibly forgotten him, but now he had some freedom for a while before they could realize anything. Soon, he was dressed, danced whatever choreo around the house to whatever music he desired, and even went through the other members’ personal stuff as well.
Lucas’s, however, was a gold mine. He had some things from his family such as a letter from his parents and a picture of him and his younger brother, and a white Louis Vuitton purse with Sydni’s (his girlfriend) name tagged on it, which must have been a Christmas gift for her. What hit the jackpot was some firecrackers hidden beneath some magazines. Jisung wasn’t sure how Lucas sneaked them in, but there they were.
Once they were placed in his room for the time being, Jisung decided to make a huge ice cream sundae for himself with a side of snacks. He put in an old drama titled Filthy Souled Angels. A mafia piece, he thought. Interesting.
The drama began with a man in a trench coat and fedora entering an office of some sort.
“It’s me, Weasel,” the man told an older gentleman sitting at a desk. “I got the stuff.”
“Leave it on the doorstep,” the older man shouted at him, “and get the hell out of here.”
“All right, Junseo, but what about my money?”
“What money?”
“Acey said you had some for me.”
“Is that a fact? How much do I owe you?”
“Acey said 10%.”
The older man, Junseo, smirked. “Too bad Acey ain’t in charge no more.”
As he watched and snacked in the living room, he called out, “Guys, I’m eating junk and watching a mafia drama. You better come out and stop me.”
“He’ll call when he gets out of prison,” Junseo continued, Weasel looking defeated. “Hey, I’ll tell you what I’m going to give you, Weasel’ –Junseo pulled out a rifle from under his desk and aimed it at Weasel- “I’m going to give you to the count of ten to get your ugly, yellow no-good ass off my property before I pump your guts full of lead.”
“All right, Junseo, I’m sorry,” Weasel backed up. “I’m going.”
“1, 2, 10.” Junseo opened fire at the Weasel, cackling as the man dropped to his knees and died on the spot.
This surprised Jisung, and he was quick to cover his eyes as it scared him so bad. He kept his eyes covered until the last bullet was fired and Junseo said, “Keep the change, you filthy animal.”
Jisung turned it off, and switched it to classic Christmas movies for a while. Once he caught his breath, he cleaned up the kitchen and living room, and then returned to the couch. He fell asleep during How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
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spideygogogo · 5 years
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Repost Regrann from @ohboymagazine All credit goes to the owners of the video/photos. ・・・ Nohant X OhBoy! 100 <YOUR NAME PLEASE!> YOUR NAME SWEATSHIRT 의상에 인쇄된 이름표에 간단하게 마커 등으로 이름과 연락처, 그 밖의 정보를 적음으로써 반려견의 분실을 줄이고, 분실된 경우에도 주인에게 연락을 취할 수 있는 확률을 높이게 할 수 있는 효과가 있는 노앙의 유어 네임 스웻셔츠. 주인과 같은 옷을 입을 수도 있습니다. photography Kim Hyeonseong styling Choi HyeLyun hair Kim SunHee makeup Seo JuHee models BookDu with Kim JaeKyung | Pookie with Kim JaeHyun | Kkoma with Lee JongWon | Namu with Nam Noah 2년 전 유기견 나무를 입양해오면서 거창하게 유기견 구조에 목소리를 낸다거나 할 생각은 아니었습니다. 그저 누군가의 상처를 보듬어줄 수 있는 공간을 만들어 볼 수 있을 것 같다는 마음의 작은 변화가 생겨서 였어요. 하지만 누군가에게 새 이름을 지어주고 불러주고 하루에도 수만 번 그 이름과 함께 한다는 것이 때론 얼마나 벅차오르는 감동인지, 나 아닌 다른 존재의 이름을 지어본 사람들은 알 것입니다. 2019FW 노앙은 Iam NOHANT 이란 타이틀로 새로운 네임 라벨을 선보입니다. 그리곤 여러 옷을 만드는 과정에서 이 네임 라벨이 반려견 옷에 붙어있다면 강아지를 유기나 잃어버리는 일이 조금이나마 줄어들지 않을까 하는 생각에서 출발했습니다. 노앙의 시그니쳐 스타일의 후디와 스웻셔츠 아이템을 애견 옷으로 변형되었고 반려견 이름과 주소, 연락처를 기입할 수 있는 네임 라벨이 옷 중심부에 프린팅되어 있는 특징이 있습니다. 이 반려견옷은 동물보호단체 카라의 서포트로 수익금의 일부는 카라에 기부되며, 오보이! 매거진과의 화보 촬영 후 10월 와디즈(wadiz.com) 에서 펀딩을 시작으로 온라인으로 판매될 예정입니다. | 디자이너 남노아 #ohboymagazine #ohboy #nohant #오보이 #오보이매거진 #노앙 #김재경 #김재현 #이종원 #남노아 ・・・・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・・・・ ・・・・ @_kimjaekyung_ @_.kimjaehyun._ ・・・・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・・・・ ・・・・ #김재경 #재경 #JaeKyung #KimJaeKyung #ジェギョン #栽經 #金栽經 #레인보우 #Rainbow #レインボー #RAINNOUS #레인너스 #kpop #kdrama #김재현 #엔플라잉 #JaeHyun #NFlying ・・・・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・ ・・・・・・ ・・・・ Please feel free to ask me to delete the post if it infringes your copyright and I am sorry for the trouble I might have caused you. (在 Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7LmXqClYhj/?igshid=rihif4gmcd0t
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rb7012 · 5 years
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Reposted from @ohboymagazine (@get_regrann) - Nohant X OhBoy! 100 <YOUR NAME PLEASE!> YOUR NAME SWEATSHIRT 의상에 인쇄된 이름표에 간단하게 마커 등으로 이름과 연락처, 그 밖의 정보를 적음으로써 반려견의 분실을 줄이고, 분실된 경우에도 주인에게 연락을 취할 수 있는 확률을 높이게 할 수 있는 효과가 있는 노앙의 유어 네임 스웻셔츠. 주인과 같은 옷을 입을 수도 있습니다. photography Kim Hyeonseong styling Choi HyeLyun hair Kim SunHee makeup Seo JuHee models BookDu with Kim JaeKyung | Pookie with Kim JaeHyun | Kkoma with Lee JongWon | Namu with Nam Noah 2년 전 유기견 나무를 입양해오면서 거창하게 유기견 구조에 목소리를 낸다거나 할 생각은 아니었습니다. 그저 누군가의 상처를 보듬어줄 수 있는 공간을 만들어 볼 수 있을 것 같다는 마음의 작은 변화가 생겨서 였어요. 하지만 누군가에게 새 이름을 지어주고 불러주고 하루에도 수만 번 그 이름과 함께 한다는 것이 때론 얼마나 벅차오르는 감동인지, 나 아닌 다른 존재의 이름을 지어본 사람들은 알 것입니다. 2019FW 노앙은 Iam NOHANT 이란 타이틀로 새로운 네임 라벨을 선보입니다. 그리곤 여러 옷을 만드는 과정에서 이 네임 라벨이 반려견 옷에 붙어있다면 강아지를 유기나 잃어버리는 일이 조금이나마 줄어들지 않을까 하는 생각에서 출발했습니다. 노앙의 시그니쳐 스타일의 후디와 스웻셔츠 아이템을 애견 옷으로 변형되었고 반려견 이름과 주소, 연락처를 기입할 수 있는 네임 라벨이 옷 중심부에 프린팅되어 있는 특징이 있습니다. 이 반려견옷은 동물보호단체 카라의 서포트로 수익금의 일부는 카라에 기부되며, 오보이! 매거진과의 화보 촬영 후 10월 와디즈(wadiz.com) 에서 펀딩을 시작으로 온라인으로 판매될 예정입니다. | 디자이너 남노아 #ohboymagazine #ohboy #nohant #오보이 #오보이매거진 #노앙 #김재경 #김재현 #이종원 #남노아 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B5LzgVGFGaC/?igshid=1dz5mgap233dm
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NCT regardait l'écran de l'épisode 1 et commençait a charier Mark et Haechant sur le baiser alors qu'ils étaient filmer. Jaehyun rit et se tourna vers le duo
« ça vous a prit combien take ? » demanda Jaehyun
« Oh pas tant que ça » fit Mark
« Noon pas tant que ça. » fit Haechan
« 50 takes. » dit Ten
« AH... 50 quand même ? » il fixa Mark et Haechan amusé « Eh bah. »
Puis NCT vit l'épisode 2 et certains étaient très contrarié, d'autre étaient admiratif ... vint le baiser avec Ewan et Ten commença à rigoler.
« Eh beh pourquoi tu rigoles ? » demanda Johnny
« Parce que c'est bizarre ... c'est mon pote Ewan. » fit Ten amusé
« Vous êtes super proche en plus dans les backstage on vous voit tout le temps rigoler... alors quand Malia y est ajouter... »
On arriva au moment ou elle sortait l'épée du rocher et Mark commença a rire
« Mais quoi encore ? » fit Johnny
« Vous pouvez pas savoir comment on a rit .... vous avez les effets spéciaux... nous on avait les bruitages de merde d'Ewan et Ten » dit Mark en riant
« Eeeh on était parfait. » dit Ten en riant
On passa sur la chanson du Sorcier et on vit à la fin Lucas et Sunhee... Des mines dégoûtés furent filmé puis les sourires salaces de Ten, Taeyong et Johnny pour enfin arriver sur Mark qui cachait les yeux de Jisung, Yuta qui pour une raison X cachait les yeux de Winwin, qui lui cachait les yeux de Chenle qui lui cachait les yeux de Jeno qui cachait les yeux de Jaemin.
« C'était marrant ce moment là. » dit Haechan
« Parce que Lucas il en menait pas large et c'est Sunhee qui l'a mit à l'aise » dit Ten amusé
« Sunhee à été géniale ! » dit Lucas
« Elle est géniale ! » dit Haechan « Eh c'est ma sœur ! » fit-il
Quand Ewan arriva ce matin là sur le set, il fut très surpris de voir Jungkook devant sa loge et lui, fut très surpris de voir Ten sauter sur son roux.
« Yo bitch wassup ! » balança Ten
« Aye boi... » Ewan rit et sourit doucement alors qu'il rejoignit Jungkook bras dessus bras dessous avec Ten « You know Jungkook ? » fit Ewan
« From sight yes ! » dit Ten
« He's mine. » fit Ewan en caressant la joue de Jungkook. Ils entrèrent dans la loge et le roux fixa Ten « I really need to find you someone nice. »
« Ahh you know my standards. » fit Ten puis il continua en Thaï �� Tu t'es trouver un sacré Alpha là. »
« Je m'estime chanceux. » fit Ewan en coréen en s'asseyant sur les genoux de Jungkook qui lui enserra la taille de manière possessive. « Et tu n'as pas idée de ce qu'il est capable de faire dans un lit... » continua-t-il en thaï
« Je veux des détails » fit Ten en thaï
« Vous parlez toujours 3 langues différentes ? » demanda Jungkook
« Assez souvent » dit Ewan doucement « Je suis l'un des rares a parler Thaï... »
« Et ça fait du bien de pouvoir lui parler Thaï. » Ten rit doucement « Alors t'as un type bien en tête pour moi ? »
« Je crois que oui mais il faut confirmation... » Il ouvrit la porte et appela Malia qui les rejoignit avec un thermos de thé
« Heyy... voilà enfin l'homme qui a prit le cœur de notre petit Lord. » fit-elle en s'asseyant
« Jimin ne se remets pas de l'épisode deux. » dit Jungkook « Il tenait a ce que je le dise. »
« Personne ne s'en remets. » dit Malia en souriant
« Je pensais présenter Niñho à Ten » dit Ewan
« Oh... » Malia sourit « Il est clairement ton genre. »
« Who's Ninyo ? » demanda Ten
« Maybe using his real nam will help you... » fit Ewan « Antonio de la Vega. »
« WHAT ?!! » Ten se leva d'un bond « You know GOD HIMSELF ? »
« We use to say that God is a mix between Elrick, Zhen and Morganna but... we know Antonio » dit Malia
« I know a lot of people Ten, Antonio happens to be one of my best friends. » dit Ewan
« I'm down ! I'll do whatever you want me to, please gimme... » fit Ten avec un regard de chiot
« Oh boi. » Malia explosa de rire « You'll meet him tommorow he's the one who's gonna choreograph the battle scene. » dit Malia en souriant
« Imma meet my God. » dit Ten
« Je m'occupe de vous arranger un rendez-vous. » dit Ewan avec tendresse
« Ah le boulot » fit Ten en sortant avec Malia
« Soyez sage ! » fit Malia en fermant la porte de la loge
Ewan sourit tendrement a Jungkook avant de l'embrasser avec passion.
« Alors comment ça va au dortoir ? » demanda le rouquin
« Yoongi se demande pourquoi Miyuki filme dans nos chiotte. » fit Jungkook
« Endroit neutre. » dit Ewan amusé
« C'est ce que dit Namjoon... qui commence a avoir des sentiments pour Miyuki. » dit Jungkook
« Ce n'est pas étonnant. Myu-sama est un personnage attachant. » dit Ewan
« Tu savais qu'il avait 34 ans ? » demanda Jungkook
« Oui, il à l'âge de Heechul et Leeteuk. Ils sont d'ailleurs très proches. » fit Ewan en douceur
« Comme Elrick et toi ? » grogna Jungkook
« Plutôt comme Morganna et moi. Proche et complice mais dans la retenue. En tout cas pour Leeteuk. Avec Heechul c'est comme Ten et moi. Sans filtre. » dit Ewan doucement
« Ten ... a l'air de beaucoup t'aimer. » dit Jungkook
« Je parle thaï... et il est gentil comme tout. » dit Ewan
« Mouais... » Jungkook ronchonna
« Et si je réussis mon tour de main, demain je le mets dans les bras d'un homme adorable. » fit le roux avec douceur.
« Mh... » Jungkook embrassa son cou. « t'es bandant dans ta tenue de sorcier... »
« Tu trouves ? »  Ewan soupira d'aise
« Tellement bandant... » Jungkook vint mordre son cou.
« Et merde... » grogna Jungkook
« Le devoir m'appelle. » fit le rouquin.
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