randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition: Redux II Samantha Was Real
My own personal belief is: Redux II Samantha was the real deal. Of course, I have to be blind to the events in Closure... which is just fine by me, as it was a mess and a half. HOWEVER: for those of the Closure-minded, these fics are the best I’ve read-- thus far-- that deals with the “what if” alternatives: tenderly, angrily, or mixtures in-between. 
**Edit: I forgot the one Samantha story that started this all (Susanne Barringer’s Thicker than Blood and Jenna’s IOU)-- it’s now listed below.**  
xraelynn/Rachel Nobel’s Given - Chapter 3 
““Scully smiled back at him. “See, you and Bill might be able to find common ground after all,” she said. 
After I’m gone, her mind supplied, and something in Mulder’s smile faded as if he knew what she was thinking.
“What was she like, Mulder?” she asked impulsively, and she felt Mulder’s thumb grow still atop her hand. “Samantha. You…” She faltered. “You never talk about her.””
A little precursor to Samantha’s POVs-- Everyone is waiting for the prognosis of Scully’s new chip, and Mulder is trying not to react to Bill. Scully asks for stories of Samantha in an impulsive need to connect to her.
Vickie Moseley’s The Visit (Goss) 
“"Sweetheart, he wants to meet you.  Tonight." 
I couldn't believe my ears.  "Daddy!  Not tonight!  I can't possibly go tonight.”” 
Samantha is as we’ve never seen her: kowtowed, subdued, completely dependent on CSM. She is forced into meeting her brother; and doesn’t have the spine to resist. 
Dawn/sunrize’s Heart’s Desire (Goss) 
“"Tell me, Mulder."
So much conflict within him, it was nearly tangible. He wanted to tell her, but didn't want to burden her.”“
In the immediate aftermath of Redux II, Mulder rejoins Scully and breaks down over his destroyed quest and lost (again) sister. She uplifts and helps pierce his swirling confusion. 
shannono’s Meeting 
“"You took her!" Mulder cried out. "You held her for twenty- four years! You lied to her, you told her Mom was dead, that you didn't know where I was. If she's really your daughter, how could you do that to her?" The smile faded. "I am not proud of all my actions, Mr. Mulder. But you may be assured that I have always done what I thought best for my daughter."” 
This doesn’t have Samantha in it, but it is a conversation between CSM and Mulder about Sam’s visit. CSM explains his reasons for keeping her, his secrecy, and why he’s letting Mulder see her now. 
Jennifer-Oksana’s Going Home Again
““To Whom It May–
To My–
Dear Mr. Mulder–
Dear Fox. “”
Samantha contemplates sending her brother a letter... but just can’t.
Livia Balaban’s Samantha’s Fate - Version 04
“”She wept, she missed me.  She was ordered to stay away.  If she got close they would have killed us.  Me, Mom, her.  Later, when she married and Scully entered my life, the threats expanded to include them as well. 
Five lives bound up in one lie.”“
Samantha shows up, trying to reconnect. Mulder doesn’t believe her and insists she leave. A dessert helps to prove who she is.  
Jenna’s IOU 
""Oh, it's complicated, Samantha. We work together and I just think it wouldn't work." 
"There's your problem, Fox. You think too much. Don't think, just make it happen. I can tell you're obviously crazy about her."” 
Mulder is rooting through his parent’s attic with Samantha. She questions his closeness to Scully; and encourages him to go make a move with her now. 
Mish’s Contact 
"”I raise the binoculars again to find Samantha nuzzling Michael's sandy curls.  James is patiently holding a dripping cone of chocolate ice cream for the child to eat when Mom is finished with the toddler's dust- off. 
"They're beautiful," I whisper, grasping Mulder's hand.  He fits his palm to mine and brings our clasped hands to my chest. “”
Post Redux II, Mulder takes Scully to a kids’ baseball game. It’s his nephew’s; and Scully is further surprised to meet Samantha.  
AUs (of an AU) 
Jennifer Maurer’s Perfect Gifts 
““The man's slow, poisonous smile chilled Mulder more than the winter wind blowing around him. 
"You will give up the search for your sister Samantha and accept the fact that her fate is entirely out of your hands.  It always has been, actually, you just refused to believe that.  You may keep the X-Files open as you wish, but I will not tolerate any further interference in the Project."“
An AU before Redux II: On Christmas Eve, Mulder is offered a deal for Scully’s cure; however, it is for naught as Scully takes up a trade deal for Samantha. 
Susanne Barringer’s Thicker Than Blood
“"We have to try," piped up Samantha.  Scully resented her, although she didn't want to.  This woman had just walked into Mulder's life today, after breaking his heart for six months by not having any contact with him.  She'd been in his life for all of eighteen hours and already asked him to put his life on the line for her.  Like he hadn't already done that a million times.  Yes, she knew that Mulder had to find the answers someday, but to walk right into it without any investigation first, without finding out exactly what he was dealing with, and without the Bureau's resources was too much to ask. Even of a brother.””
Mulder is overjoyed that Samantha has contacted him; and overlooks all the manipulative and gaslighting behavior she exhibits. Even though Scully suspects, she can’t deter Mulder from the lethal mission Sam sends him on.  
Susan Proto’s Familiar Faces 
“"There was no doubt in his mind it was Samantha. 
Or a clone. 
"Scully__?" he choked out.
"Could it be the same woman you'd met at the diner?" Scully asked....”” 
Post FTF-- Mulder and Scully are openly dating. While leisurely walking in the park, they stumble upon a little girl that looks exactly like Samantha-- until they realize her mother IS Samantha. Scully professionally handles questioning; and Mulder is gut-punched that Sam doesn’t want to remember her past. 
This is a cherry-pick pick, I must admit. I only read the initial interaction between Mulder, Scully, and Sam’s family before I dropped off (as it, admittedly, gets too dramatic and seems to shift into sliiiight absurdity. Just my own thoughts.) 
finisterre’s The Tunnel at the End of the Light
""Scully? You're Scully, aren't you? I'm sorry, I don't know your first name.
"Then, I see the gleam of something metallic. A gun in her hand, rising. "Who are you?" she snaps.
"I'm ... uh, a friend of the Mulder family," I said.
The visible eye thins to a suspicious slit. "Friends of Mulder's family aren't usually friends of his. So who are you?"”
This takes place during Season 8: Samantha hasn’t reached out since Redux II-- but that changes when she realizes her life, her friends, and her husband were a fabrication CSM used to keep her dependent. She flees, ending up at a very hostile Scully’s (who softens when Sam is devastated at the news of her brother’s abduction.) She is awed when Scully hands over the only false identity The Lone Gunmen had set up as emergency; and hopes to meet again soon.
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