#super hero movies have NOTHING on this afterwards
starship-squalleater · 11 months
tell us more about matt please, he was a guest speaker at your uni?
Yes!! yes yes. He was here to do an interview/lecture about 'crafting a narrative', so he answered questions from a professor here about critical role, games, his 'secret origin story', and a number of other things. It was legit so nice. I think I'm a little in love with him. who said that.
It was so surreal to see him in person. He looked kind of sheepish as we were all cheering, like he wasn't supposed to be there- we were all over the moon. When prompted for his origin story, he talked about how his grandmother, a little old lady from georgia, was secretly super into fantasy and got him hooked on piers anthony and isaac asimov as an eight year old, and how his dad doing occasional background voice work got him interested and how that snowballed into years of hard work in hollywood.
He talked about his friend Liam mentioning that he hadn't been able to play DnD since he was little and how he offered to DM a one shot for his birthday- and how a few weeks later he was meeting a few acquaintances to discuss characters (he said he was flustered meeting Ashley Johnson who he'd grown up watching), and then afterwards they started meeting more and more often. Then as word got around they were doing it, Felicia Day offered to put them on a new twitch channel- and how nerve wracking it was to put themselves out there and on the internet.
he said to lean into your passions. Nowadays there's a tendency to call passion 'cringe', but there's nothing shameful about loving the things you care about.
He talked about how capitalism wants you to produce and produce and produce and how that is antithetical to art and to creating, because in order to really make something you're proud of you need to have the time to do it. This led into him talking about making the animated show, how after the kickstarter blew up a bunch of companies approached them, wanting to own the ip. he described it as the moment in a movie when someone pushes a little paper with some exorbitant amount on it- but he said that none of them wanted to be millionaires. They weren't in it for money, so they said no and partnered with the only company who wanted to let them do their own thing: Amazon. He acknowledged the irony of that, and how surprised all of them were when that was the company that gave them the most freedom.
there was so much other stuff- he talked about how the industry is a community, how you can be a really successful actor and also a good person, how everyone should be lifting each other up because it wasn't a race to the top, it was collaboration. Really wonderful stuff, you know? His philosophy of being kind really shone through the whole time.
anyway of course there was more but this is off the top of my head what he talked about!! it was so so good bro I love that man. always meet your heroes.
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klonoa-at-blog · 1 year
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From: Nintendo World (March 2009)
A new mascot for the Wii Platform games are getting harder and harder to find. Even more so when it's in 2D perspective. It's even worse when it's on a console like the Wii that excels in using the Wii Remote in an original way. With a few exceptions, like the excellent Super Mario Galaxy, and last year's releases like Wario Land Shake It! and de Blob, this type of game doesn't usually get many iterations. But if it all depends on Namco and Klonoa, the style will still live a little longer.  As is already obvious, Klonoa is a platform game, in which you control a creature that I wouldn't dare say what animal it is. Some say it's a cat, but you're never sure. It is more accurate to call him "animal with giant ears that we don't know exactly what it is", or the abbreviation "animal". The new work is actually not new. It is a remake of a game released in 1996 for a "non-Nintendo" console. The protagonist who gives the name to the game, lives in a place called "Phantomile" and this place survives on the dreams of its residents. That explains why they can't remember them afterwards. But Klonoa keeps having the same dream every night, about a flying ship crashing into a mountain near where he lives with his grandfather. Surprisingly, in one night, this happens exactly as he dreams, and from there comes the villain Ghadius, who is a dark spirit who wants to turn all dreams into nightmares and put Phantomile at risk. Now Klonoa resolves to be the hero and save his city. Nothing Oscar worthy, not least because it's a game, not a movie. SIMPLE FANTASY Visually, Klonoa impresses with its level of detail, even though it is a "2.5D" game. With 3D graphics, but the camera is focused to the side, allowing only lateral progression of the character. Even with this limitation, the game manages to use creative shapes to give the necessary aspect to create a three-dimensional environment. The character can rotate in scenarios, such as a spiral tower, and observe distant objects that will only be possible by following paths of this style. And all with bright, colorful detailing. Similar to a Disney movie. Only with an "animal" that we don't know what it is. The simple story dictates the style of the game. Not that it's a bad thing, but it demonstrates how easy the game is to play and to advance through the challenges, which aren't even complicated. However, the theme of the game is interesting. You use a spirit friend, called "Huepow", and the "Wind Bullet" weapon that serves to catch enemies and lift them above their heads. So far it seems simple, but the possibilities of this simple act are what differentiate Klonoa from many games. You can do the obvious, which is to throw the enemy into another, or use the enemy to double jump and reach new areas. This possibility helps to create very unique puzzles.  The game is divided in the usual way, with platform and puzzle phases, and at the end you face a boss. Even being a game that seems ordinary, its presentation, and the ways to advance in the game, are the true protagonists of the experience. For fans of the platform genre, there's no better time.
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adminbryantsaki · 1 month
Chapter 12: USJ.
(This Au will follow the main events of the canon. In this AU, the tropes of fantasy and Omegaverse apply. The dynamics that can apply to people are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Omega. The main ship is Erasermic x oc. I do not own the characters of My Hero Academia. Horikoshi Kōhei does. I also don’t own any of the fast-food franchises or any of the other references to other super hero movies or groups.  I own Bryant Saki. Here is her info Please do not steal.)
(These are the Headcanons. Please read these before the fic.
Wc: 9,814 Tw: Omegaverse Shenanigans, polygamy, PTSD, Breeding kink, Breeding, trauma, fear, ED (eating disorder).
Prologue Chapter Eleven ~ Chapter Thirteen
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The next morning, I was following Eraserhead onto the bus that would take his class to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint where the class would have a day spent on rescue training with the Space Hero: Thirteen. Little did they know, was that this day would go drastically wrong. I approached the bus with Hunter right next to me as he was rambling about some version of the Quirk Doomsday theory. I stepped up onto the bus to see Shouta sitting in the driver’s seat and Hizashi sitting in the front seat talking with him. Shouta looked up to me and smiled. “Good Morning, Admin. I hope you slept well.” Eraserhead spoke before I looked down at my tablet at today’s lineup of characters in this event then up to Hizashi. “You aren’t scheduled to come on this field trip. The teachers that are supposed to be at the USJ today are Thirteen, Eraserhead, and All Might. All Might will be absent as he used up his three hours of hero work on the way to school this morning.” I spoke as I scrolled through my tablet and showed it to Hizashi. He looked at it and nodded. “I thought I’d hop along just in case, one can never have too much help, you know.” He spoke. I sighed and looked to Hunter who was about to pop a blood vessel from his stress. He was known to be a stickler for protocol and he absolutely hated when a new, unforeseen, and uncalled for variable popped up without any notice. He gestured for me to come off the bus and talk with him for a moment.
“Present Mic cannot be on the bus and show up early at the USJ. He isn’t supposed to arrive until after Iida has escaped the USJ and goes for help from the other teachers. What will you do about this? Present Mic is on your roster of characters.” He spoke and tapped his foot impatiently. “I will have him either wait outside or wait against the wall. Both he and Eraserhead know about the variables and signed those papers. They know not to me with the variables, Hunter. You need to chill. I have this under control.” I told him and watched as he folded his arms across his chest before I turned and went back on the bus. “Fine, I’ll let it slide. Good luck. Don’t let this Arc make you slip up in your professionalism. I’ll see you afterwards.” He spoke. I was a little confused but I sat next to Mic in the front of the bus as Eraserhead closed the door. I watched as all the students filed onto the bus and checked them all off before I allowed myself to discreetly hold Mic’s hand as I held the tablet and scrolled through the variables of the day’s event with my free hand.
Present Mic smiled lightly at my gesture and held my hand back as he looked around at the kids behind them who were talking amongst themselves on the bus ride to the USJ. I was too focused on the events about to happen at the USJ to notice. My eyes widened when I read something that was a little disturbing, I shut my tablet off quickly and shoved it into my messenger bag. Mic looked at me with concern. “What’s up, Admin? You look concerned.” He asked.
“Nothing you need to worry about right now. I was just looking over the variables for the USJ.” I spoke and gripped the fabric of my pants. He nodded slowly and looked around again before he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my left arm gently. A couple of students noticed this and called out the affectionate action.
“Oooh! Someone’s got a crush~.” I heard a couple of the students call out at the sight of Mic rubbing my shoulder. I got flustered and turned around to face them. I saw that it was a couple of the boys and one of the girls who had seen us. “Shut it!” I said to them and turned back to my original seated position. I heard Mic chuckle to himself as he withdrew his arm from my shoulders and placed it between us on the seat. “Mind your own business.” He told them. The students looked away and I went back to holding his hand between the two of us. I noticed Eraser grumbling in the passenger seat about keeping things under control as he looked ahead to see how close we were to the facility.
“All I can say for now is that things are going to go bad and they will go bad quickly. Especially with Shouta. I think this is a sort of trial for me.” I told him through my telepathy. He nodded and tightened his grip on my hand only a little bit. “Alright. Will he be alive afterwards?” He asked in a whisper.
“Yes, he will live. But he will get battered and beaten up badly. He will come out of this event with a crescent scar under his right eye and a ragged patch on his right elbow.” I told him. “This is one of the many things you cannot prevent from happened. I’m not to prevent it either. I know it will hurt to watch him get wounded, but it’s what to happen today. Things could have gone worse. Hunter will be there as a backup Admin in case I cannot continue with processing the variables. He knows that this event is to happen. He’s only going to be there to make sure I don’t defect. There will be some allowances as the appropriate people at Headquarters know that the three of us are bonded now. But I can’t prevent Shouta from being injured.” I explained and leaned into him gently as my gaze went to Eraserhead in the seat in front of us. Mic looked at his mate’s head as we got closer to the domed building that was the USJ.
“Alright, that’s good to know. I won’t interfere.” He told me. I nodded in response.
“Good. I won’t interfere either.” I told him as I kept my eyes on Shouta as we were getting closer and closer to the training facility. I rested my head on Mic’s shoulder, being wary of the small spikes on his shoulder pads. He put his arm around my shoulders and let me lay there until the bus stopped in the parking lot and the students got off the bus. I stood up, pulling my tablet out of my bag and taking a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.” I spoke and got off the bus. “Are you nervous about your first field trip, Admin?” Eraserhead asked as we walked as a group to the dome-shaped facility. “I am, but this should be an easy event.” I spoke and hurried along to make sure that everyone before the class was to begin, since I knew that the door would get locked later. I looked to Present Mic who was the last person to get off the bus.
“Come on. If we don’t get inside on time, we will be locked out.” I told him. He nodded and bit his lip gently as he followed me inside the USJ where Eraserhead was already telling the students what would be going on while they were there, who Thirteen was, and the origin of the USJ. Thirteen was already telling Eraserhead that All Might would be late because he had used up his three hours on the way to school like I had mentioned earlier. I pulled Mic back and had him stay by the door. “You need to stay here until later. It’s the one way I could get Hunter to lay off of you and have you still come along. Let Eraser teach. The beginning of the event will be a purply-black warp gate opening near that fountain in the center courtyard in… about five minutes.” I told him. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I knew there would be a large fight of 72 villains against one Pro hero. The best I could do was help ease the number of villains that Eraserhead had to fight to keep his students safe. Doing that was better than just sitting on my butt and doing nothing and just watching the event play out. Mic nodded and he leaned against the pillar to the archway that led down to the center plaza, watching the students quietly. I stood by him and stared at the timer on my tablet hat was counting down to when the warp gate would first appear.
“I know you’re going to want to fight with the villains that will come through the warp gate. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to fight later. Wait until Iida comes back with the rest of the teachers and a creature known as a Nomu is sent through the roof over there by All Might.” I told him and showed him the point in the ceiling where the Nomu would be sent out of the roof by All Might later-on in the event. I reached into my coat pocket and gripped the special pen I was given when I became an Admin. “Alright. Good luck, Admin.” Mic spoke and I kept my eyes on the point that the warp gate would appear.
“Any second now.” I spoke under my breath. Mic also kept his eyes trained on the spot, watching alongside me as the ring of lights above us went out and the black and purple gate sputtered into the USJ, opening-up wide, watching in horror as a man with artificial hands all over the upper half of his body step through the warp gate along with a set of yellow eyes before the seventy-two villains poured out of the warp gate and onto the Central Plaza. A giant creature that seemed to tower over the hands man stepped out of the warp gate as well and i heard a loud beeping noise coming from a watch on my wrist that told me to stay away from the creature that labeled it as ‘Nomu.’ I tensed up and clicked the cap of the pen, feeling the handle change and shift as it transformed into the beautiful and sleek double-bladed scythe that I chose to wield in battle. “There it is. I need for you to wait here until All Might arrives and Iida comes back with the other teachers, okay? I know you will want to jump in and fight, but you will need to resisted the urge to do what you know is right.  You will be able to fight later. I don’t want to risk you getting injured as well.” I told him. Present Mic nodded in agreement and planted himself at the archway entrance to the USJ. I opened a portal to an area hidden away from the villains and I stepped through it. I watched from my safe spot as I waited for Eraserhead to jump into the fight. I arrive just in time to hear the hands man say something that made my blood boil. “All Might was supposed to be here today and we went to so much effort to bring all these friends here. They want All Might, the Symbol of Peace here to rip to shreds. Maybe if I kill a few kids, he will come out to play.” He spoke. I gripped the handle of my scythe to resist attacking the dangerous villains and getting myself hurt.
“Thirteen, get the students out of here. Our communicators and radios are jammed for the time being. Kaminari, try to use your quirk to contact any Hero outside the facility and alert them to their situation.
“Sir! Your quirk and fighting style aren’t suited for this kind of fight. Please be careful.” Midoriya says. “You can’t be a Pro if you only have one trick.” Eraserhead says before I am able to see him jump down the long flight of stairs and into the first cluster of the League of Villain’s shooting squad that he made quick work of by erasing their quirks and tying them up with his binding cloth. He immediately takes out a giant four-armed villain with ease, saying that he’s taken every measure to make sure he can take out any kind of villain that his Erasure couldn’t cancel.
“Now, which one of you gutter-punks is next?” He asks. I take this chance to step out from behind the bushes and stand next to him even though we were outnumbered and unable to win this fight on our own but I knew he was doing this to keep his students safe and I was fighting with him to keep him safe. I waited until Eraserhead landed right next to me and I saw that he had his golden goggles covering his eyes, giving him a small advantage against the amount of villains he was going up against. Before I could talk with him, I tuned into what the hands man said next. “There he goes trying to intimidate us. He is strong and since he’s hiding behind those goggles of is, you can’t tell who’s quirk he’s erasing. It makes it hard for us to work together or rely on each other’s powers. How annoying.” He says as Shouta takes out more villains and goes back to me. “Why are you down here?” He asks. “I’m not going to let you fight all these villains alone. Your quirk and fighting style isn’t suited for a long, drawn-out fight against such a large group. I’m not going to let you go up against that giant brainy villain either!” I responded and knocked away a couple of villains that got a little too close. “Did your tablet tell you why there are so many villains here?” He asked before punching and binding up more villains. “Yes. It did. These villains are here for All Might. Oh, that big, bird-like creature next to the guy that is covered with all the fake hands that seems to be the leader? That creature has is here to kill All Might.” I explained before I was engaged in combat by more of the lower-tier villains.
“Good thing All Might isn’t even here then.” Eraserhead told me and I remembered that Thirteen had signaled to him earlier that All Might had used up his three-hour allotment of his quirk earlier on his morning commute to the school. I was thinking that him sitting in the Teacher’s lounge right as this fight was going on was one of the variables saving his ass from getting killed right now.
“Let’s hope that we can get these villains knocked out before backup arrives.” Eraser head spoke as he knocked out a couple of villains. I nodded in agreement and pressed another button on the handle of my scythe that made the blades retract into the handle, changing it from a scythe to a staff. I used the staff to knock out a few of the villains and push more out of the way. As I was fighting the villains and dodging their attacks, I thought that their Admin had messed up grandly by not knowing the variable of All Might not being here. But they also could have known that and planned to still have All Might show up after he had worn down his quirk this morning on his way to work. I was grateful that All Might had saved those people this morning and was currently in the Teacher’s lounge recharging his quirk. He was thankfully safe for now. But this variable didn’t matter in this moment. Right now, all I had to keep track of was how worn down Eraserhead was getting in this fight and that it was my job to help keep him alive and assist him for as long as I could in this fight. After I knocked a couple of villains away from me, one of the needle-haired villains cut through the handle of my scythe and another managed to knock it out of my hands. They backed me to the shore of the Flood Zone which was a bad mistake on their end. I pulled water from the giant pool around my arms and solidified the water into ice in the shape of blades and used them against the villains. I glanced over at Eraser as he was beginning to fight another wave of villains. He stopped and glanced up to the area where Thirteen and his students were trying to escape.
The students and Thirteen were beginning to escape by heading to the exit but they are intercepted by Kurogiri who introduces them to the League of Villains, noting that that USJ was which was a Structure of Justice, was a fitting place for All Might, who is the Symbol of Peace to die.      
“Fuck. I blinked and the guy that seemed to be the most trouble got away.” I heard Eraserhead think to himself when he noticed that Kurogiri had darted out of his sight.
I pushed myself into a water bubble and froze it over with a thick wall of ice to keep myself safe for a short time. I pulled my tablet out and saw Bakugo and Kirishima lunge towards Kurogiri and watched as Bakugo let out an explosion from his hands into the villain, only managing to scattering the mist and seeing it reform into the villain once again.
Thirteen preps to use her quirk against the villain and she tells Bakugo and Kirishima to get out of the way so she can attack the villain. She manages to get a hold on Kurogiri, just not before he is able to scatter the students across the facility to meet the other villains that had been separated into the different zones. Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta are sent to the Flood Zone and land in the water, Asui can get her classmates out of the water and onto the floating ship in the middle of the water. Once on the ship, they are surrounded by villains in the water and they devise a plan to trap the villains in the water and pass the Flood Zone. Once at the edge of the water, Midoriya wants to help his teacher even though it isn’t the best idea. I looked behind me and saw the students in the water before I broke out of the bubble and used shards of ice to trap the villains before catching up to Eraserhead and nudged him to get back into focus. “Your students are fine. Don’t worry about them for now. They have been spread all over the USJ to the different Zones in the building! Focus right now on keeping yourself alive! I called out to him. He nodded to me and went back to fighting the rest of the villains. He tied off the set of villains he knocked down with his capture weapon and looked back to me. “Where’s Mic?” He asked as he was immediately charged by more villains and fought them. “He’s by the door. The variables that have him involved don’t play out until later!” I told him. I heard an eerie laugh coming from near the fountain and the giant bird-like villain and I looked over to see a young man who had several sets of artificial hands on his upper torso and face. along with the odd sets of severed hands on his arms and torso, he had one hand covering his face and another on the top of his head as if it were giving him a loving gesture. He had begun to show interest as Eraserhead and I thinned out his army of villains. “Variables, hm? You must be one of those beefed-up, bright, and shiny, new Admins we keep hearing about and seeing pop up all over the country.” He spoke and I rolled my eyes, and pinned another set of villains with ease. Shouta looked to me then to the odd hand-covered man and kept fighting.
“You Admins seem to have my Master interested. We already have one of our own that provides information and variables of her own that are decent enough. But to have other Admins for Master and the good Doctor to play around with might prove useful to our cause. What do you say, Admin?” He asked and his eerie grin only grew wider as he hoped… more like knew I would say ye. But he was very wrong. I groaned and stepped away from him and the monstrous creature behind him. “I don’t have time for this. Also, I’m not interested offer. I am very loyal to the group I have been assigned to. There is nothing you can do to persuade me to join your nasty League of Villains!” I responded. This immediately made his grin turn into a frown. I didn’t catch what he did next as I was keeping more villains at bay and Eraserhead knocked out the last round of villains and bound them up before the hands-man scratched the side of his neck and stepped into the battlefield. I manage to put myself in a safe situation to see Thirteen tell Iida to run as fast as he can to get help since the communications are jammed. I encourage Iida even though I’m far off to get him to run as fast as he can. ~~~~~
  As the trio from the Flood Zone approach the shore, they see their teacher take out more villains by flying over them, grabbing them with his capture weapon and kicking them down before tying them off before looking up to see the hands-man charging at him. As he is doing this, he makes verbal notes of the intervals of his opponent’s quirk usage. Eraserhead readies his capture weapon, leading with an end to the hands man who grabs the end of the scarf, seeming to pull the Pro in as Eraserhead pulls back on the scarf as he punches the villain in the gut.   
“He must be the final boss.” I heard Eraser think as he pulled into a sticky situation. I looked over from my tablet to see Eraser’s right elbow in the grip of the villain. I couldn’t move to intercept them no matter how hard I tried. I wanted so badly to stop the villain from injuring Eraserhead but I couldn’t. This was the moment that I had dreaded since I had read about it on my tablet. Eraser blinks, letting his quirk stop for a moment. “It was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I found your tell: your hair. When it drops, it means you’ve stopped using your quirk. You’re having to blink more often. Don’t push yourself too far now; you might just fall apart.” Hands man says as he decay’s Eraserhead’s elbow. “Wouldn’t that be a shame?” He adds before Eraserhead kicks the villain away before more damage is done.
“My right elbow is destroyed.” I heard him think as he keeps on fighting villains as they approach and attack him. 
“That annoying quirk of yours isn’t suited for drawn-out fights against big groups, is it? Don’t you think you’re a little out of your element here, Eraserhead? You’re much better at working stealthily, you’re known for surprise attacks, not fighting head to head. But despite knowing that, you didn’t hesitate to jump in the middle of this fight, all to put your students at ease.” Hands man monologues as Eraserhead is still standing and growing exhausted from the fight but he keeps going. That was the last thing I heard as I watched my bond-mate fight until I couldn’t anymore and screamed out to get their attention. Shouta looked at me in shock and worry and the villain’s grin returned. The villain chuckled when he saw me sobbing.  
“You have feelings for this hero, don’t you Admin, how sweet. Let’s see what you’ll do when I have my Nomu crush him.” He spoke with glee in his voice after Eraser had backed himself up next to the Nomu.
“Look at you! You’re still standing! You really are so cool! By the way Hero, I am not the final boss.” Hands man says as the creature he called ‘Nomu’ looms behind Eraserhead. Nomu reaches for Eraserhead’s face, grabs it a bit too hard, breaking his goggles in half, sending one of the lenses flying in the air, only to have it clatter on the ground nearby along with a splatter of blood as his head is slammed into the cement floor multiple times. I lost count after seven times of the sickening noise of bone colliding with the hardened floor and listened to the screams of agony coming from Shouta as the Nomu broke both of his arms. The noise became too much that I plugged my ears with my fingers. Once the noise had stopped. I looked over to see that three of the students had made it through the flood zone and were watching in horror as their teacher was being beaten and battered by a horrible monster.       
Thirteen is tricked, having Kurogiri use her warp gate against her and erode the back of her costume and putting her temporarily out of commission. Iida books it to the front door with Present Mic following him only to have them blocked by Kurogiri. Mezo Shoji wraps his arms around the villain to give his friend and his teacher an advantage to escape. Iida and Mic exit the facility and run to the main building to get help. Iida runs into All Might who was on the way to the USJ and tells him all that has occurred in the USJ.
Back in the plaza, I am trying my hardest to break free of whatever hold the Admins have on me so I can take out the Hands man and the Nomu who has Eraserhead pinned under his giant hand. “What do you think of him, Eraserhead? He’s the bio-engineered Anti-Symbol of Peace. But you can call him Nomu.” Hands man says right before Nomu takes Eraser’s right arm in his grip. Nomu wrecks Eraser’s right arm further by breaking the humerus bone of his right arm along with the ulna and radial bones in his forearm. In a last- ditch effort to cancel out Nomu’s quirk, he uses Erasure only to have his left humerus bone broken as well. His left arm falls lip in front of him. I quickly make a note sheet of Nomu’s abilities, adding that the creature has the ability to break bones like twig. Eraserhead makes a mental note that Nomu’s strength is similar to All Might’s as Nomu lifts his head up again and slams it hard enough into the concrete that it creates a dent in the floor. Kurogiri appears next to Hands man, calling him ‘Tomura Shigaraki’ and reporting to him that Iida managed to escape and Thirteen is out of commission when asked if he killed her. The man he called Shigaraki is visibly annoyed by this and begins scratching either side of his neck with both hands and groaning in frustration. “You’re lucky that you’re our way of escape. Otherwise I’d tear you apart bit by bit.” Shigaraki says. “We can’t win against a bunch of pros if they show up. Guess its game over. Right back to the title screen. I was really hoping to see All Might die today. Oh well, time to go home, Kurogiri.” Shigaraki says and the warp gate villain opens another gate that probably led to their home base. Shigaraki pauses before going through the gate and looks to the students in the water with that same eerie grin he had before.
“Oh, before we leave, let’s make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken, let’s wreck his pride.” He says as he targets Asui and rushes towards them, reaching out to decay her and end her life. “Let’s make this hurt!” He calls out as he is moments away from decaying the girl and winning. When the moment came that his fingers touched her face, there is no decaying action. When Shigaraki notices this, he turns his head slightly as if to look at Eraser and the Nomu behind him. “You really are so cool, Eraserhead.” He says as Eraserhead is looking at the villain with his quirk activated. Nomu raises his body up a little higher before slamming his body hard into the concrete again, turning his quirk off and earning another scream of protest from me. Shigaraki chuckled and went to attack the students again but is stopped by Midoriya who seemed to be determined to save his classmates and friends.
He uses a smash that is quickly blocked by Nomu and the aftershock breaks several, if not all the lights in the ceiling. The smash is absorbed by the Nomu’s Shock Absorption quirk.
I let out another scream to try and distract the villains and it works. Shigaraki turns his attention to me and walks in my direction. “I see you have my attention now. Why don’t you tell me where All Might is, hm? I was told by my Admin that he would be here today.” He spoke and looked around the area for any sign of the hero. “All Might isn’t here! He ran late coming to school today and it’s a good thing that he isn’t here to deal with your bullshit!” I yelled out to the villain. He was even more angry now and he charged at me, getting right in my face. The smell of stale corn chips and caffeinated energy drinks filled my nose and I tried to not vomit right there. “Why don’t you say that again? I didn’t quite hear you the first time.” He spoke. “You probably would have heard me if you didn’t have that fake hand on your face.” I told him and he frowned, almost looking like he was going to throw a fit right there. “But you heard me right. All Might isn’t here. He ran late saving people on his way to school and I am glad that he isn’t here to deal with your stupid bullshit.” I spat at him. I glanced over to see Eraserhead lift his head to see me and his eyes widened as he was worried for me.  
“Well, this is an unexpected change of events. You see, Nomu wasn’t test run before we brought him here to play with All Might. But your boyfriend showed to be a good test for him. Too bad Nomu couldn’t be put up against All Might, right Admin?” Shigaraki asked as he looked at me. I wanted to take him out then and there. But it wasn’t the right place or time for me to punch the lights out of this villain and have him locked up for good. I was also still frozen in place so engaging in battle was a bad idea anyways. “Well, this is a good way to keep Admins from defecting.” I thought to myself.
“Well, you got boring quickly, time to kill some kids.” Shigaraki spoke as he turned back to the kids who were trying to escape and get out of there.
“NO!” I screamed out, not knowing that I had sent a out a sonic blast with my scream. I heard a groaning noise coming from the bloodied mess that was Shouta, a shrieking noise coming from Nomu, and a wincing pain coming from Shigaraki right after the blast had died down.
“Get the kids out of here.” I heard Shouta’s thoughts reach mine  I wanted to help him first as I knew the kids would get themselves out just fine without me but I couldn’t just yet as I was still frozen in place. I made eye contact with him before he passed out, still under the Nomu’s hand. Only then was I unfrozen and could move. Then rage filled every fiber of my being and I rushed at Shigaraki; letting the rage that had been built up after watching my mate being injured mercilessly by a creature that was much stronger than he was. Shigaraki dodged and lunged back to the students, determined to kill one, if not all three of them right then and there.
As everything seems like it was going to end horribly as Nomu is about to crush Midoriya with his hands and Shigaraki is about to decay both Asui and Mineta who were rising out of the water, I sent a wave from the  Flood Zone and push it to the Nomu and Shigaraki, sending them back to the central fountain from where they first appeared from. Soon after that, an explosion occurs at the main entrance of the USJ, signaling that All Might and the other teachers have arrived with Iida. All Might is standing at the top of the stairs and he wasn’t smiling.
I was sobbing and angry all the same time as I was processing the variables that had been playing out in front of me. I make my way to the entrance and find safety in some of the bushes to keep watching on my tablet without risk of getting hurt.
 “Have no fear students, I AM HERE.” All Might says to reassure the students. “Looks like our game gets a continue.” Shigaraki says.    
“I had a bad feeling when Eraserhead and Thirteen wouldn’t pick up their phones. I ran into young Iida on my way here and he informed me to the situation going on here. I am here to stop these villains.” He told the students before jumping down to the central plaza with ease.    
“After all this waiting, the heroic piece of trash shows up.” Shigaraki says in a pleasant tone. All Might pushes past the villain and manages to knock off the hand that covered Shigaraki’s face and I watch as it clatters to the ground. Shigaraki panics as his plan goes even further awry from its original coursing.
“Father, He managed to get a hit in… He’s so fast, yet he’s also gotten slower.”
Shigaraki says and straightens. All Might attacks him with a Carolina Smash, but is blocked by Nomu who is commanded to guard Shigaraki and absorb the hit. All Might notes that his Smash did nothing to Nomu as he throws a few more punches, noticing that it didn’t matter where he punched the monster.
“That’s because Nomu here has Shock Absorption, All Might. The only way you’re going to defeat him is to slowly gouge out his flesh. Of course, I don’t think he will sit back and let you do that.” Shigaraki says. “Thanks for telling me how to defeat him!” All Might calls out and continues to attack Nomu.  I turn my tablet off as I remember something feeling off about Kurogiri whenever he activated his quirk but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I let the feeling slide and remembered what Shouta told me to do and I helped the students who were exiting the facility to an ambulance to be checked out. Inside, as All Might was fighting the Nomu still as the other pros managed to round up the other seventy-one villains and get them into the hands of the police. In one swift movement, All Might suplexes the Nomu with every intention to smash the exposed brain of the monster. This was stopped by Kurogiri opening two warp gates next to each other, giving Nomu an advantage to grab All Might’s injured side and making it bleed. Nomu grabs All Might’s other side and pulls him through the warp gate as Kurogiri tells Shigaraki that he would rather not have blood and other entrails in his warp gate but he would make an exception for All Might before Kurogiri begins to close the warp gate around All Might with the intention to cut him in half and kill him then and there. Suddenly, ice rushes towards the Nomu and forms up the right side of the monster, stopping just before it would spread onto All Might. The ice came from Shoto Todoroki as Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima, and himself arrive at the fight.  Bakugo pinned down Kurogiri, placing his hand on the back of the villain’s armor that was the only thing one could see through the mist, and it covered his neck and upper shoulders. Bakugo sends a few small explosions against the armor which made the villain groan in pain.
Shigaraki give Nomu a command that makes the creature let go of All Might and lift itself out of the warp gate. All Might manages to free himself and take a moment to gather his bearings as Nomu stumbles from the ice on its right side that causes its right arm and leg only for them to grow back mere moments later.    
“What is this? I thought you said its quirk was Shock Absorption.” All Might asks. “I didn’t say that was his only quirk. He also has Super Regeneration.” Shigaraki responds.
“Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power. He’s basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back.” The villains added as the students prepare themselves to assist All Might in the fight.                     
“First, we need to free our method of escape. Get him Nomu.” Shigaraki commands. Nomu rushes towards where Bakugo has Kurogiri pinned down at the neck and has his attack blocked by All Might who managed to get Bakugo out of the way just in the nick of time. Nomu contacted All Might and sent the Pro flying into a wall, leaving a giant hole in the wall and skid marks where his feet dug into the ground from the force of the impact.
“You’re just another one of the Pros who are a government-sponsored Instrument of Violence, justifying your actions for the good of others and to stop villains for the greater good.” Shigaraki spoke.
“Then this makes him another lunatic that tries their hardest to justify their actions but they only do villainous acts because they enjoy doing them.” All Might thought before the students behind him begin to come into the fight but All Might tells them not to get involved in the fight and to get out of there. Shoto notes that if it weren’t for his ice, All Might would be dead. All Might flashes them a smile and tells them to sit back and watch a Pro at work before he jumps back into the fight.
Shigaraki grumbles and tells Nomu and Kurogiri to kill All Might as he deals with the children.
I watch intently, tuning out the world around me and gripping the sides of my tablet as I watch All Might collide with Nomu, begging a series of 300 punches that wear down Nomu’s Shock Absorption and reaching the limit of shock that Nomu can take. I watch in concern as All Might pushes himself past his own limits to defeat this villain with precise, targeted punches all over the Nomu’s body using more than 100% of his power, sending him into the air, and slamming Nomu into the ground three times and absolutely wrecking the of the Central Plaza.
In one last punch, All Might gathers up all his strength and sends the Nomu flying, making a hole in the roof as the Nomu is sent, blasting off again, a far distance away from the school. All Might had managed to punch the Nomu so quickly that he was able to wear down the monster before it could regenerate.
Shigaraki scratches his neck aggressively and whines that All Might had cheated when he was confronted by All Might to give up and surrender. All Might stalls for time by pulling off a bluff by taunting Shigaraki to get him to stick around a bit longer as he realizes that he is out of time for usage of his quirk and is trying his hardest to buy himself some time for the other Pros to get to where he is and help him, the students that foolishly stuck around to watch, and help apprehend the villains. Shigaraki is still annoyed, very upset that his precious Nomu is out of play in this game and leans closer to going home, but Kurogiri tells him that All Might is worn down by Nomu’s efforts even though he is still standing, that the children are frozen in fear, and that their companions are recovering from the fight they had with Eraserhead earlier. They only have a few minutes of time before the other Pros arrive to assist All Might and they haven’t missed their chance to kill All Might. Shigaraki thinks this over for a moment and misses his window of opportunity and chose to charge All Might in a last effort to kill him and Kurogiri opens a warp gate as a means of escape after the death of All Might. “Where is the backup!?” All Might thinks to himself just before Midoriya tries to intercept with a Smash but Kurogiri isn’t fooled this time and uses a warp gate to bring Shigaraki’s hand closer to the young hero.
Before Shigaraki can decay anything, he is shot in the hand by Snipe, signaling that backup has arrived. While he is there, Snipe manages to take out a few other villains. I close my eyes and contact the enraged mind if Present Mic.
“Now’s your time, Mic.” I told him mentally. I had been so distracted that I didn’t notice the students carrying Shouta up the stairs and into the view of Mic. Present Mic had started running to the steps but he had paused when he saw his husband being carried by his students. He went to the stop of the stairs and let out a yell down the steps that incapacitated the remaining villains that had began to regain consciousness. I covered my ears to hopefully protect them a little from his yell. When I pulled my hands away, there was a small trickle of blood and my ears were ringing loudly. I shook my head a little and I got dizzy from the action. I carefully opened a portal and get myself to safety to the bushes near the street leading to the rest of the Campus and watched the rest of the variables play out on my tablet. I didn’t see Ectoplasm’s clones to take out the villains as the other Heroes go rescue the students from the different rescue zones. Shigaraki backs up to the large warp gate that Kurogiri made and he is holding his injured hand. “Aw man, the Pros are here. It’s game over for real. Let’s go home and try this-another.” Shigaraki said and was cut off by Snipe sending a few more bullets his way before Kurogiri shields Shigaraki with his warp gate and manages to wrap Shigaraki partially in a warp gate before he was sucked up by Thirteen’s Black Hole.
“I may have failed to kill you this time, but your days are numbered, All Might. Symbol of Peace, I will kill you!” Shigaraki exclaims as he sinks through Kurogiri’s warp gate to head home. I set my tablet down to see clusters of students assisted by their teachers and out to the ambulances that had arrived at the scene and were rushing over to see who needed medical assistance. I stood up and made my way over to help some cuts and scrapes on the students with my healing ability. I refused any help from the paramedics at the time and told them to get All Might, Eraserhead, Thirteen, and Izuku Midoriya to hospitals immediately as they needed the most assistance out of all the people here. I did manage to get to the edge of a curb when the last of the students assured me that they were fine and I should get checked out myself when Asui told me that she saw the dried blood coming from my ears. I felt my vision gray out and a wave of nausea creep up on me. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths as I tried to ignore the ringing in my ears from being in the direct range of Mic’s yell.
I opened my eyes again to look over the crowd of people to try and spot the Hero as I wanted to comfort him so badly, knowing he was hurting from seeing his husband injured. I knew I could also go get help from the paramedics but if I stood up, I would puke right there. I looked up to see Midoriya being carried out on a stretcher and said that he would be taken along with All Might to Recovery Girl’s office to be healed since the ambulances would be taking Thirteen and Eraserhead to the hospitals. I wanted to go with Eraserhead but I knew I couldn’t just yet as I needed to check in with Hizashi. I stood up and moved myself to a bench and rested my eyes for a moment as the slight movement made my head spin. I opened them again and scanned the crowd again for Mic. I saw him and he was looking over in my direction, trying to figure out where I was and his eyes met mine and I melted, relaxed to know that he had seen me. He walked over to me and pulled me into his arms. I picked up a scent of citrus cleaner, soured vinegar, and hairspray when I was close enough to take in his scent. He was clearly stressed but now relieved to see me alive and okay. He didn’t seem to care who saw us there in the moment. He pulled away and cupped my cheek and looked me in the eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked me gently. I couldn’t make eye contact with him as I was trying to spot which ambulance that Shouta had been put in. I had to stop when my vision blurred again and tried to not make it obvious that I had been injured and not worry Hizashi. I hid my head in his chest as I was reaching my limit of stimulation and trying to keep myself from being overstimulated and having a meltdown. I didn’t know this at the time, but I was developing vertigo and my adrenaline began to wear off since I was now safe in Mic’s arms. He pulled me away from him and looked me in the eyes as he checked either side of my head. “You’re bleeding from the ears. Let’s get you checked out, okay? Just for safety reasons.” He spoke. My vision blurred again and I shook my head gently. “My head is spinning. I don’t think it will be wise for me to walk.” I spoke, held my head, and closed my eyes to see if that would help stop the pounding ache in my head. I felt Mic pick me up bridal style and carry me in the direction of the ambulances.
“We’re going to get you checked. Don’t worry. I’m not letting you go.” He told me I nodded gently and held my face in his shoulder as Hunter came up to us. “Is she alright? What happened?” “Her ears are bleeding, most likely because of my yell back in there. don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” I heard the muffled voice of the hero say to Hunter. Hunter then pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep sigh. “Alright, I’ll get a report from her later.” He spoke then left the scene. I groaned and kept my eyes shut.
“He’s such a damn stickler for protocol.” I spoke as Mic carried me to an ambulance. I saw the medical equipment with the EMTs and shook my head. I pressed my head against Mic’s chest and I didn’t let go of him as he set me down on the gurney. “No… Don’t leave. Please. I don’t want them to hurt me.” I spoke quietly.
“I’m not leaving, sweetheart. I won’t let them hurt you, okay?” He spoke and looked up at the EMT. “You can tell me to go, but I’m not leaving her side.” He spoke. The EMT Nodded and let him stay. Mic set me down on the gurney and I let my hand to let go of his jacket and slide down to meet his hand resting on the safety railing of the gurney. I let the EMT check me out but I kept my grip on Mic’s hand and my eyes shut as they were trying to poke me with a needle to start an I.V. to get me fluids. I pulled away from them and pressed into Present Mic as I glared at the EMTs. “Do I need to go to a hospital?” I asked them in an annoyed tone. The EMT shook his head. “No, ma’am. But you do need rest and fluids.” They told me. “We can take care of that at home. This young woman works at my agency and I’ll make sure she’s cared for.” Mic spoke as he scooped me up into his arms. “Present Mic here will make sure I get plenty of rest and fluids. Thank you for your help. You should go check on someone else that might have worser injuries than me.” I told them as Mic carried me off to the same bench where he found me. I closed my eyes to try and use Soul Sense to see if I could sense Shouta in one of the ambulances, but I immediately stopped and doubled over to hurl out by breakfast. I leaned against him when I was done and I could feel a sense of guilt emitting from him since my injury was from his quirk. I tugged on the collar of his jacket to get him to look at me.
“Hey, don’t feel bad about my injury. It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t see me and I wasn’t given proper protection for this event.” I told him. he nodded and he rubbed my back soothingly.
“I know, darling.” He told me and kissed the side of my head gently. I took his hand in mine and I rested my head on his shoulder. I wanted to hide my face in his neck but his clunky loudspeaker was in the way so, I poked at it.
“Please don’t beat yourself up about my injury. You did a good job from what I saw. I was impressed by how far it reached.” I told him. He smiled softly and took his loudspeaker off for me so I could take in his scent.  I glanced over at the crowd of students who had been taken care of an were giving their statements to the police about the group of 74 villains that included the Nomu, Kurogiri, and Shigaraki. Detective Sansa reports to Tsukauchi that they managed to find Nomu, noting that the villain was following orders but not talking much. I quickly looked away when I felt overwhelmed and hid his face in his neck.
“I know this might come across as a little greedy, but can you see how Shouta is doing and when he might be out of the hospital?” He asked. I could tell that he was worried about his mate. I frowned and inhaled sharply. “I don’t know when he will be out. I have a pounding headache and reading information on my tablet or that will make my headache worse. My best guess is that it could be anywhere from a few hours to a few days. I don’t know. I want to see him too.” I spoke while keeping my nose close to his neck. I whimpered as my head kept pounding and my ears kept ringing. I held my hands over my ears as Hizashi held me close.
“We should get some food before we go to the hospital. I’m sure you’re hungry after all the commotion, huh? I know I am hungry.” He spoke and looked me in the eyes. “What sounds good?” I asked him. “Chicken. It sounds comforting after today. We can go see Shouta after we get food, alright?” He suggested. I nodded slowly and looked up at him with tired eyes. He gently stroked my hair back on my head and carried me to the teacher’s parking lot and put me in the front passenger seat before he got into the driver’s side.
“Do you have any ear treatments at the cabin? I’d like to get the dried blood off my skin. The EMTs didn’t do a good job of cleaning it off. I can feel it attached to my skin.” I asked as I removed my hands from my ears and buckled myself into the car before he began driving to the convenience store on campus.
“Yeah, we can swing on by the house before we head to the hospital. I want to get changed out of my uniform. I know that feeling of the blood on your skin must feel bad. I’ll help you clean it off when we get back to the house, then we’re heading to the hospital, okay?” He told me as we arrived at the convenience store parking lot and he looked me in the eyes and he bit his lip softly. I agreed and looked at him too. I reached out with my hand to hold his and since my headache had receded a bit, I reached out with a mental link to him.
“Are you alright? Whenever either one of you is biting your lip, you’re trying to not make out with me or something.” I told him mentally then looked away from him as my headache returned and was pounding within my skull.
“I’m fine. Just worried about Shouta. I haven’t gotten any calls or messages or anything from the hospital.” “They’re working on his injuries. Both of the humerus bones in his arms got shattered, his right elbow was exposed to Shigaraki’s decay, and his head was smashed into the ground by a creature that Shigaraki called ‘Nomu’.” I told him as we got out of the car, I took his arm, and we walked into the store. “Who is this Shigaraki character?” He asked as he picked up a basket and led me to the fried chicken area. “He was the leader of the group that infiltrated the USJ today. They called themselves the League of Villains.” I told him as I picked out some popcorn chicken and he got a 10 piece of chicken tenders and we picked out the sides that we wanted. “I see. I also wanted to say that you looked cute when you were caring for the kids back there.” He told me. “Don’t worry, we will have one or two of our own someday…” I reassured him as we looked around the store a little more. I whimpered and covered my ears again when we got close to the cash registers and the beeping noise was too much and I stood still. Hizashi took his own headphones off and placed them on my head gently. I calmed down a little bit and let me hold onto his arm as we made our way through the store and a hero merchandise stand that caught my eye and I detached from his arm to investigate it closer. I picked out a shirt that had Shouta’s goggles on it and the name ‘Eraserhead’ on the front made out if his capture weapon in a cursive script. Hizashi found me and I showed him the shirt. He smiled softly as he agreed to buy it for me. I also found a hoodie that had the Put Your Hands Up radio show on it and I placed it in the small basket that Hizashi had on his arm. I got them with the intention that they would scent the clothes so I could have some part of them with me when one or both men were out working, on patrol, or on a mission together. I watched as Hizashi purchased the items and we headed to the car.
“Ready to head to the hospital to see Shouta?” He asked. I frowned as I got into the car. “I thought we were going to go home to change and clean the blood off my skin.” I reminded him. “Right. Let’s do that. I’m sorry if I seem off, Bryant. I’m just worried about him.” Hizashi told me as he got buckled and started up the car. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked to me. “You know you did good today, despite Shouta and Thirteen getting injured badly. I bet that was your first big event as an Admin, huh?” He asked as he kissed my head gently and backed out of the parking lot before heading back to the cabin.
“Thank you… I guess I did want came naturally me even though I was forced to be still while most of the bad stuff happened to Shouta. I was able to get to a safe place while All Might fought the big bird villain. Is it okay if we heat up some leftovers when we get home? I feel like I could use more than what we bought at the store to recharge.” I told him. “Of course. You remember the mac and cheese you have, right? You can pull that out while I take a shower. I need to chill out before heading over to see Shouta.” He told me. I nodded and leaned back into my seat, noticing that Hizashi was smiling softly as we got closer to the teacher’s cabins. He parked and looked over to me with his hands on the steering wheel. “I’m scared that he’s not going to be okay…” He told me. “He’s going to be fine. The worst he will have isa few scars.” I told him. He looked over at me surprised. When we parked, he looked to me and i where the scars would be, gesturing with my finger under my right eye and around my right elbow. “He will have a scar under his right eye where they reconstructed his orbital floor and another scar over his right elbow where Shigaraki began to decay him there.” I explained and held my right elbow. Hizashi nodded and we left the car, going into the house, and getting ready to go to the hospital.
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bellmo15-blog · 2 years
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Hey you know that one Sucubus character from that old Capcom game from the 90's everyone has the hots for? Yeah, aside from regularly thinking about her... a lot... I once got a pic of her dressed as Spider-Man based of a small bit of dialogue from one of the Marvel vs Capcom games and I do not regret it!
Original description:
Recently… well I say recently but really I’ve actually known about this before and it’s when I was writing this before I even commissioned this pic I remembered it’s a thing, I’ve seen some screen shots from Marvel vs Capcom involving Morigan from Darkstalkers and Spider-Man. Yup, everyone favourite succubus waifu paired with everyone’s favourite relatable nerd super hero in spandex. People often joke that these two had sex at some point to which I say “I mean, there’s nothing confirming that so did they really or are they just friends?” So of course, that would eventually lead to me commissioning this! Morigan in Spider-Man’s suit! Well, a version of his suit. For this I went with the Advanced suit from Insomniacs Spider-Man PlayStation 4 game. Why this suit specifically instead of the traditional suit that’s featured in Marvel vs Capcom? Well, I just like this suit a bit more. I know I put both in the same tier on my “Spider Suits Based on How Much I’d Want to Wear Them” but you get what I mean. Plus, considering this same suit appeared in the background of Into The Spider-Verse (go watch that movie by the way if you haven’t) it could probably still exist in the Marvel Vs Capcom universe. And also, the Insomniac games are the most relevant now anyway, especially with Spider-Man 2 being announced recently.
Of course, this is me we are talking about so of course I’m going to come up with my own lore behind this pic. You know the more I write these descriptions for these commissions the more I seem like a living version of that X Series Lore vs X Series Lore meme complete with the remix of Somebody That I Use to Know playing in my head. Anyway, Morigan and Spider-Man still know each other in this timeline, probably even helped each other fight I don’t know, Doc Ock or Venom or someone. You’ll have to forgive my created history with these two being so brief as someone who’s only Marvel vs Capcom game is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and even then it still hasn’t been a whole lot of time (because fuck Galactis in this game). Either way for Halloween Morigan decides to do some dressing up and who better to dress up as than the Super Hero she knows personally. So she asks Spider-Man if he has a spare suit she could wear for the holiday and he was more than willing to. It’s not like she would of kept it for herself afterwards causing him to have to create the exact same suit again right? Nah, she’s totally going to keep this. Then again if I was her I probably would as well. ;)
Artist is ChaosCroc: https://www.deviantart.com/chaoscroc
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whoreadsnowadays · 2 years
Okay okay, so squiddy and I have been talking and we came onto the topic of spies.
So I sat here, wondering, how would Lorenzo be as a spy🤩
Uses his size to an advantage to slip in and out of places quickly
Also for right spaces such as vents or other spots his brothers can’t fit in
Has one rule: In and out
Now what kind of spy is he?
When he’s sent on missions it’s either because there’s tight spaces. He can sneak through a ventilation system to get to where his target is, taking them out or taking information from them. Doesn’t matter. Once Leo gives an okay he’s doing what needs to be done
Either that or it’s a super fast mission.
Maybe Donnie need some information from this super secure place but needs to stay in the lair to access the security. Give him a location and he’ll be as quick as bunny.
In and out.
Wants to do disguises so he try’s on wigs and clothes in the bathroom only to look at himself in the mirror and thinks he looks stupid (he does).
Master at tailing someone.
Like can literally slide behind a lamppost and no one sees him? How? Idk
Paranoid 24/7 since he feels like he’s being watched
Handy like MacGyver. You see a bobby pin. He sees a Swiss army knife.
gets excited about bug detectors, frequency scramblers, and his box of burner phones along with Donnie while everyone else is like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
So regular Lorenzo is already observant, but now that he’s a spy that observantness goes WOOOO
can tell if someone’s been in their room because a picture frame has been moved half an inch from the last time he was in there
You know those cliche scenes where the hero walks away from something as it explodes in the background and they’re all cool
That happened to him once and he almost went kaboom with it
Acted like nothing happened afterward
Don’t watch spy movies or shows with him
Scratch that
Don’t do it with any of the brothers
and if you try to question it they’ll be like
“…next question😀”
Overall 10/10 Spy would send in again
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fragileizywriting · 2 years
dl x sas
i've always headcanoned dl adrien to absolutely lose his mind at how cool and fun the fights against akumas are, even getting on his metaphorical bleacher and cheering as if it's a movie (to the point where he gets so caught up he ends up joining at the last moment to save kitty from getting bapped with a steel pipe)
the first fight he watches there are going to be so many stars and galaxies in this man's eyes. and the sas crew love putting on a show and entertaining, cause they do this so often that it's just a circus and they know how to party.
bad guy has an idea. he's a jokester, through and through, and decides to challenge kitty to a game.
"i like games!" kitty grins after drop kicking another guy into oblivion. fine. this'll be fine. no one's scared.
the rules of the game are simple. kitty and the bad guy can only use one body part throughout the entire fight to use against each other. weapons are allowed, but none of her claws or his teeth can touch each other if that isn't what they picked.
mister bug immediately regrets this idea of letting her play.
"i'll give you an example," the bad guys says. "i can only use my right paw on you."
nevermind the fact that the bad guy is a giant pig man, huh? his hand is bigger than her entire upper half. one swipe of that paw will send her flying, through elysium's roof and across paris. not good. kitty and viperion have been riling him up, talking about all the gold they have for him— something, something, words like "piglin trading farm" were introduced, concepts that adrien doesn't understand but can infer has to do with a video game— only at some point the pig man roars out for them to shut up.
"okay," kitty agrees, and mister bug is face-palming into a hand and complaining about her general health. she ignores him, pointing to the back of her ankle. "if that's the case, then i'll only use my left ankle against you."
the bad guy stops grinning. "that's it?"
"i don't need anything else." there's something shimmering in her eyes, something smart and something playful, and adrien is just enraptured. she's in total control of this circus performance, all cool, all collected, all kitty— all silly, too, talking to him and marinette and luka who's off to the side as if they're the fourth wall in this situation. "you don't think he's scared, do you?"
bad guy doesn't let her talk much more, though. he's charging from across the club, on all fours, readying his right hand to swing her into the metaphorical bleachers, when kitty
kitty just
she catches him with the back of her ankle at his neck at the last second, spinning and chambering her leg so quickly it's a blur. her kick is so perfect that it severs off a tusk just on impact, and the pig man makes almost a cartoonish noise when hitting the cemented back walls of elysium.
adrien cannot stop screaming about how cool it was, cheering up and down, eyes wide and delighted to see such a small girl do something out of a movie. even kitty looks excited from all his cheering, ears up and wiggling as she beams back.
he may be foaming at the mouth from how much fun he's having.
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numboctopus · 3 years
Most courageous lesbians on TV
Izzie (Atypical)
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Izzie does, what no lesbian ever did or ever will do. She comes out to her bff who has a boyfriend, twice! First, she uses the “forehead promise” to show Casey her affection. Afterwards Casey, who obviously gets confused, ignores Izzie’s interest and makes out with Evan consciously obvious when Izzie is around.
Instead of hiding her gayness for the rest of her life, Izzie turns up at Casey’s night workout to finally confront her. Considering that Izzie has a bad relationship with her mother and only superficial friends besides Casey, she risks her only valuable relationship. Showing her love in her supposedly straight friend makes her pretty vulnerable. She really invests a lot here.
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Gigi (The L Word Generation Q)
I think Gigi is the lesbian we all want to be and we all want to date. Her communication skills are phenomenal. I really hope, she and Dani will be end game, because this is the most beautiful relationship I have ever seen on the L word.
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Gigi invests so much. She gives Dani tons of hints and of course Dani understands. However, she deals with her ex-relationship, her father’s legal problems and saving the company. It is not clear if Dani prefers a friendship or is ready to start a new relationship, but Gigi stays confident and straightforward.
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Gigi is true to Dani about her feelings and she introduces her early to her family. This shows that Dani is not just a short adventure for her like the Throuple or Bette.
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Emma Nolan (Prom)
I almost cried. What is going on with these people at Emma Nolan’s school? They throw two Proms, one for her and one for the rest of the school, because they hate lesbians. This is too tough, even for a teenager.
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Emma is true about being gay while nobody else in Indiana is. Her girlfriend is deep in the closet, but still Emma comes out and fights for her right to dance with her at the Prom. She is a hero.
Laurel Hester (Freeheld)
Freeheld tells a true story from the early 2000′s. For me sometimes this time seems like yesterday, but Freeheld reminds me on why it was so tough to get out. It was really not the same time as now and a lot has evolved since then. Also the last 10 years really changed the world for gays. Laurel Hester was one of these heroes who changed the system and Julianne Moore was blessed to play her. I highly recommend this movie. Go watch it, if you haven’t yet.
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Carol (Carol)
Carol is pure self-confidence! I mean, this is the 1950′s. Everyone is a homophobe and seriously, the way she flirts is so courageous. Of course this is fictional, because it never happens, even not now and not in 100 years from now. She meets someone who looks super stereotypically straight and who is engaged to some guy. Whatever, Carol is here and changes Therese’s whole life in a couple of seconds. What should I say.
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Amy (Women love Women)
Amy is one of the few masculine lesbians on TV at all. It is 2021 and nothing has changed. We have Shane, we have Finley... they are both some kind of hybrid baby butch. I don’t know why movie and TV producers hesitate to show masculine lesbians, but they obviously do.
Amy lives in the 70′s and gets to know Linda in a lesbian bar. They start dating, but Linda’s friends confront Amy on her masculinity. They accuse her on not being a feminist because of her looks. Amy has to justifiy her appearance even around progressive gay women.
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In my opinion, this is a unique story on TV. When I used to be part of the lesbian scene and went to parties at the weekends, I personally noticed this split of the lesbian community. I am not sure if it still exists.
Lily (Sex Education)
Tbh I am not that much interested in the story of Lily and Ola, but Lily is a true hero. I am a fan of musicals... and what did she do? I think her interpretation of Romeo and Juliet is the best musical anyone has ever directed. I would very much love to watch it live. It was the craziest party of vagina-something-alien-sex-octopus-music-pure art. I don’t know about art, but this was pure art and it was the best.
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tsunderecookies · 4 years
Horny HC
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader, Midoriya x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Shinso x Reader, Hawks x Reader
Warnings: nsfw subjects, choking, spanking, spitting, hair pulling, language as vulgar as my mind, degrading, daddy kink.
A/N: Count on me to make my first ever post spicy. All characters mentioned in this are aged up to 21+. I hope y'all enjoy reading this. (Also i made these headers myself - not the chibis - so sorry if they shit, I tried :)))
Requests are open. Please send lol, imma run out of ideas.
So for my first set of hc I took the 5 heroes I had the most ideas for but I’ll definitely do hc’s for the rest as well. Also i love the villians so lmk if you guys want me to do a part 2 of this for them or any of the other heroes!
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This man
He's gonna blow your back out. No cap.
I mean you see the way he treats his friends, you can't tell me he won't be daddy in bed.
Speaking of Daddy. Authority kink. It's either Sir, Daddy or Master. Katsuki has left the chat.
Bakugou is in charge, and you sure as fuck better know it. If not, he won't hesitate to remind you, teaching you a lesson you won't forget anytime soon.
100% brat tamer.
Bakugou loves putting you back in your place when you step out of line. He lives for the sound of your pleas and apologies as he reminds you of where you belong; on your knees right in front of him. ( that sounded so sexist pls don't come for me )
Punishments come in the form of spanking and edging for hours on end. He's not scared to manhandle you.
You gasp at the harsh feeling of your back slamming against the wall, the feeling of Bakugous hand slipping around your throat sending a wave of arousal straight to your core.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
"I said make me.... Daddy." A cheeky smile makes it onto your face as you repeat your words, but just as fast as it appeared it vanishes at the feeling of his hand tightening around your throat.
" Oh princess, you never learn do you?"
His favorite positions includes him hitting it from the back - he loves how he can just push your head into the mattress or lean his chest against your back to whisper dirty things in your ear. Not to mention the fact that he can grab your hair and pull your back flush against his chest as he tilts your head back so you can look at him while he rails you- and missionary with both your legs over his shoulders. He loves seeing the facial expressions you make while he presses his hand down onto your throat, his cock hitting places inside you you didn't know existed.
Definitely not afraid of quickies. He loves the adventure and danger that comes with the possibility of anyone being able to walk in on you at any possible moment.
Dirty talk: on fucking point.
" You like that baby? Yeah? You like it when daddy fucks you hard like this hmm? Tell me how much you love this. Tell me how much you like daddy pounding into you like this."
You know that kinda whiney type dirty talk tone? Like where their words are kinda dragged out and kinda high pitched? Yes. Yes.
Absolutely fucking loves when you can't speak. He loves how your words can barely slip out in between your moans and gasps, how absolutely dumb you are for his cock.
100% degrader.
Change my mind. You can't.
"That's right baby, yes - fuck. Take that cock. Take that fat cock like the slut you are."
"You like that you whore? You like it when daddy tells you how slutty you look all needy for his cock?"
This man is not afraid to mark you up. Good luck covering up those hickeys the next morning because its impossible. He wants everyone to know you belong to him, and you can bet your pretty ass that he has a shit eating grin on his face when someone notices them.
You can bet he has a shit eating grin on his face later when you try to confront him about it. He’ll also have some smart ass remark.
I can definitely see Bakugo having angry post argument sex. By the time he tosses you onto bed and crawls onto you the cause of the argument is long forgotten, the only thing going through his mind being how he's going to fuck the attitude out of you.
Absolutely loves it if you're loud. He wants everyone to know he's the one making you feel that good and that he's the only one who could make you scream like that.
" That's right princess, let the whole fucking city know who's making you feel this good!"
Definitely gonna have a ton of noise complaints, especially from your roommates if you have any. ( idk why but i picture katsuki sharing an apartment w kiri, sero and denki )
Bakugo isn't really a moan typpa guy, but god he will draw out the sexiest and unholiest groans and growls from the back of his throat.
I also feel like he's the type of guy that guides you through giving him head, telling you exactly how to suck his cock before he just grabs a fist full of your hair and ends up fucking your face.
We all know Bakugou is an overachiever, and this reflects during sex. He wants to make you cum as many times as possible using his tongue and fingers before he sticks his dick in you.
He isn't as romantic as Shoto with aftercare but he definitely takes care of you. He makes sure to go pee as well as make you go before turning on the shower for you both, adjusting the temperature to your liking.
He loves washing your hair for you in hopes that you'd do the same for him. He secretly loves the feeling of your fingertips massaging his scalp but would never admit it.
He's not super lovey dovey after, but he makes sure to let you know that you're appreciated.
"Love you, dumbass."
"Love you too, Katsuki."
All in all, you're in for a good dicking down.
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I feel like this boy pours so much passion into it.
Especially with his history with his parents. The lack of love during his childhood definitely shows during moments like these.
With him it's always making love, its never just fucking. Sex to him isn't just an activity to get off or procreate ( cough Endeavour cough) its a show of both your love for each other, a moment for your bodies to become one.
Your pleasure definitely comes first to him. He would want to get you off at least a couple of times before even thinking of himself.
Shoto also struggles with expressing his emotions so this is a way for him to show you how he feels physically rather that having to convey it verbally.
He's all about the physical contact.
He definitely holds your hands during and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
His favourite position is missionary. He loves the closeness, how he can look into your eyes and feel your shaky breathing while he moves inside you.
It's either that or you on top with him sitting upright with your bodies pressed together. He loves how close he can hold you. His one hand intertwining with your hair as he presses your head closer to his, the other around your back, occasionally moving down to you hip to help you grind down onto him.
Loves the feeling of your chest against his as he slowly moves between your hips, head resting against your shoulder as his hot breath fans over your skin.
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips before resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you so much angel, you're so beautiful like this."
He's also the type to light candles and have rose petals everywhere on special occasions.
But just because he makes love to you, doesn't mean he can't rearrange your insides while doing so.
Just hot, sweaty, nasty, rough sex.
But with love <3
Even during the rougher moments he makes sure to show you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
He'd have his hand all tangled in your hair, some of the unholiest noises leaving his throat as he takes you from behind. His eyes not leaving yours in the mirror placed in front of you.
"Fuck. You feel so good baby - just like that, yeah - look at me princess."
He's very observant. He takes note of the things the drive you crazy so he can work your body even better next time.
Because sex is something more intimate for him I don't think he'd be into sex in public/semi public areas.
He doesn't want anyone else to see the gorgeous expressions on your face while you're at your most vulnerable, or the heavenly sounds that leave your soft lips for him.
I wouldn't go as far as to say he's possessive, but this is definitely something he views as for his eyes only.
He’s not a very big fan of quickies for the simple fact that he likes to take his time with your body and give you as much pleasure as possible rather than just get you both off. He’d much rather prefer waiting for you both to get home and properly take care of you.
Shoto isn't really vocal in bed, but his pleasure will still be conveyed through his shaky intake off breath and the ways his face scrunches up when you clench around him.
He definitely marks you.
Loves marking you as his on your most delicate and intimate parts, painting your chest and inner thighs as his.
He loves trailing his hand over them, rubbing soft circles on the hickeys with his thumb. To him this is proof of the beautiful moment you guys spent together.
The most passionate sex that you both have would definitely be when shoto comes back from a long business trip, his hand could never compare to your body. He definitely plans on making up for lost time, keeping you in his sheets for as long as possible.
And can i just say
The aftercare
Top tier.
He definitely runs you both a hot bath afterwards.
Candles, bubble bath and your favourite bath bomb. The works.
Definitely wants to carry you but won't do so if you feel uncomfortable about it.
He slips in behind you so you're sat between his thighs, his one hand interlacing with yours while the other softly caresses your stomach.
Sets up a little cuddle corner next to the fireplace so you guys can enjoy a movie before falling asleep in each others arms.
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Sweet baby boi.
One word: shy.
Izuku knows what sex is and what happens during this intimate act. He’s also watched porn a couple of times so he knows the basics behind it.
But that doesn’t stop him from shape shifting into a fucking tomato every time you start undressing in front of him.
When you both first started becoming intimate you definitely had to make all the first moves and initiate it all because he was too shy and nervous to do it himself.
Even if he was horny as can be and needed you more than anything he’d rather suffer in silence than tell you or ask you to help him out.
He’s definitely not afraid to ask you how to work your body right. Deku knows that not everyone's bodies work the same and that what might have felt good for someone else won’t exactly work for you. So he asks. He asks you how to work your body right and he’ll keep this in mind for future reference.
He marks you but not as much as the others. He’ll litter them on more intimate places both because he doesn’t want to embarrass or inconvenience you and because he’s the only other one he wants to be able to see em. He’ll also get really blushy when he spots them.
This man 100% has a praise kink. He loves knowing how good he’s making you feel and won’t hesitate to let you know as well.
No matter how many times you’ve been intimate before he’ll always tell you how beautiful you look, how much he loves you and how much he can’t wait to make you feel good.
As time goes by and you give him more praise he’ll become more confident intimately.
I can’t really see Izuku having any hard kinks for the simple fact that he doesn’t like the idea of hurting you in any way, especially intentionally.
Like if you were to ask him to choke you or something he’d do it beacause he wants to please you but it would still be the softest shit you have ever experienced. Like for example he’d have his hand around your throat but he wouldn't add any pressure and his hand would barely graze your ass when he attempts to spank you.
He would be down for quickies but he’d be a nervous wreck about em. He’d constantly worry about getting caught and won’t shut up so you’ll just have to make him ;)
“Zuku don’t worry we’ll be fine.“ Your lips mesh together as you pull him closer by his shirt, tugging at the hem to signal you want it off before moving down towards his belt.
“ But y/n - chan I just don’t want us to get caught...” A whine leaves his throat as you start palming him through his jeans before quickly pulling them along with his briefs down to his knees.
“You need to relax more baby.” You press a kiss next to his ear before sinking down to your knees. “In fact I know just how to help you do that.”
Before he could even think of a response his hand flew up to cover out the loud moan threatening to slip out of his ajar mouth as his head fell back.
He’s definitely loud during sex.
Without a doubt.
He lets out these whiny little moans and he definitely tries to hide em. They wouldn’t be especially high pitched but they’d still be higher than usual. Can definitely see him as the type to cover them up with his hand but when you let him know how much you love them he’ll blush a little but let em all out.
You’ve seen how attentive this man is right? How he takes every little piece of info he gets into account when he fills out his journal and comes up with plans?
Yeah your body has its own journal.
Joke lol, but Deku is very attentive and takes note of every reaction he gets out of your body with his touch. How your back arches when his fingers hit that spot inside of you. How your moans get louder when he angles his hips in a certain way. How goosebumps appear when he litters kisses down your neck.
Aftercare with him is the cutest thing ever.
Blushy boi again.
He holds you close to his naked body and pushes his head into the crook of your neck to hide his blush. He’ll thank you for not only sharing moments like these with him but also allowing him to be apart of your life.
Now and then you guys take a hot bath together afterwards but most of the time you fall asleep in each others arms, an occasional kiss being placed on your forehead with a word of comfort.
This man will just love on you so hard.
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The first thing that pops into my head when I think Shinso and sex is kitten.
He definitely calls you kitten in bed and he is daddy. period.
Like this man is rough. Without a doubt.
He’s the type that’s really fun to tease because you know he’ll punish you later. Especially if you do it while he’s at work.
A gasp leaves your lips when you feel a familiar pair of arms circle your waist, his warm body pinning you against the railing of the balcony.
"Surprised kitten? I thought you would've expected this, sending me those lewd photos while im at work. "
His hands move to grab onto your waist and push you further into the railing, yours grabbing onto it in turn.
His chest vibrates against your back as he chuckles, you can practically feel the smirk on his face.
"Yeah, you better fucking hold on to something."
I also feel like his pull out game is the best. He mostly enjoys cumming on either your chest or your lower back and face on special occasions.
He loves taking you from behind or on your side while lifting your one leg. He also loves sitting on the edge of the bed with you on top of him with your back facing him while he guides your hips up and down.
He loves these positions because it gives him the perfect angle to please and tease. He can easily reach around and play with your nipples but he can also tease you by just stilling inside of you when you least expect it.
It also gives him better access to the most sensitive parts of your neck so he can mark you up.
I feel like Shinso has a very high sex drive. Like i feel like he's down to go whenever wherever, which is why i think quickies with him is almost a daily occurrence. He loves the risk behind it and he definitely knows how finish you off within 5 minutes. 
He absolutely loves it when you're a brat so use this to your advantage because it will get you r a i l e d.
A loud groan escapes the back of Shinso's throat, his hand tangled in your hair while he rams into you from behind.
"Is this what you wanted baby? Huh? Me fucking the brat out of you?"
He is an absolute king with his hands and he knows it. He knows how to get you absolutely spent with just 2 fingers. 
Definitely jealous as fuck but he doesn't do anything about it until you're alone. He'll act normal up until you get home before pinning you against the wall and reminding you that he's the only man you should be giving attention to.
And oh my god this man can go all night long. He’ll pound you into the mattress until HE thinks you’ve had enough, sweat gleaming on both your bodies in the moonlight as he finally pulls out and pulls you close to him.
He’s definitely very adventurous. He’s not afraid to experiment at all.
I also feel like when he cums he cums A LOT. Like one of his favourite things ever would be you on you knees in front of him, his cock buried deep down your throat as you struggle to swallow everything he's giving you.
Sleepy sex is basically a morning ritual, his hips already rutting against your ass before you've even properly woken up. He loves the laziness of the whole ordeal as well as the closeness. Before you he'd just rub one out before falling back asleep, but now that you're here he can just indulge in you and then fall back asleep. Not that you mind.
Shinso doesn't leave hickeys intentionally. He just gets into it and does it without noticing it. Thinks it's hilarious as fuck when you struggle to hide them and definitely makes a comment about you knowing you enjoyed it so why complain now.
Definitely the type to wake you up and ask you to ride him at ungodly hours.
Member of the suck me off while I'm gaming club.
A little bonus: I can just see both of you going at it and he’s doing you good and then all of a sudden he just stops. Naturally you just assume he’s just trying to be a tease so you buck your hips up in attempt to get him to move inside of you and let out a whiny moan. Shinso would just kinda calmly look at you and go “ Baby... she’s on top of me.” and you’d be like huh???? tf he talking about, and just look up and see the cat you adopted together peeking at you over his shoulder. She lets out the cutest little meow and you both start giggling, taking a mental note to close the bedroom door before you get down in future.
After sex he’d take care of you. He’d clean you up and cuddle you really close. He’d run his fingers through your hair and massage your scalp for you. Will wake you up with breakfast in bed the next morning and a cup of coffee/tea.
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Hawks has a god complex in bed and you can't convince me otherwise.
He's the absolute king of oral. He isn't just gluttonous for food if you catch my drift. He knows how to use his tongue, and the way he uses it on your sex is enough to make you see stars.
"Oh god. Fuck, i-i need- oh my god. Keigo, I need mhmmnnmm" your hand runs through his golden locks as you press him closer to your core, hips bucking and thighs threatening to close around his head.
Keigos head peaks up from between your legs, his mouth glistening with your arousal as his hand picks up where his tongue left off. A cocky smile sneaks it's way on his face.
"That's right baby, tell god what you need."
Hawks loves taking you in missionary. Why you may ask. Because this gives you perfect access to his wings. Nothing gets him more riled up than the feeling of your fingers dancing over the base of his wings where they meet his skin. The feeling's enough to draw a growl from within his chest, his hips immediately picking up momentum as he pounds you deeper into the bed.
Just like Katsuki, Keigo isn't afraid to mahandle you.
He loves the sight of your fucked out face as he wraps his hand around you throat, incoherent mumbles the only thing leaving your swollen lips.
He fucks you stupid, tongue lolling out of your mouth and eyes rolling back into your head. The sight of this turns him on ten times more than he already was in the first place.
Keigo will also use his feathers on you 100%.
A small gasp leaves your lips at the feeling of something soft stimulating your sex. You lower your eyes, undeniably turned on by the sight of one of Keigos feathers matching the momentum of his thrusts as his hips slam into yours.
Your eyes travel back up to your lovers face, unable to hold back the moan that escapes your lips as he winks at you with a smirk and picks up his pace.
Undeniably into praise. He absolutely loves when you tell him how good he's making you feel and how he's the only one who possibly could make you feel this way. Definitely gets cocky about it.
Along with his love for praise he also has a love for degrading. He loves the way you instantly start moaning louder and tightening up when he starts calling you his little slut and cocksleeve, it's enough to make his dick twitch.
Definitely possessive and protective as hell over you. Being Keigos sidekick meant a lot of work related arguments about recklessness from both sides. These arguments often times lead to hate sex.
A harsh tug on your arm stops you dead in your tracks as you turn around to come face to face with your fiancee, the scowl on his face giving away exactly what he was feeling before he could even get a chance to open his mouth.
"What the fuck was that." His breath was hot as it fanned over your face, the smell of mint unmissable. "That, Keigo, was me doing my fucking job." "No y/n, that was you being careless! What the fuck were you thinking risking your life like that?!" " Last time i checked that was our job description! We're supposed to be risking our lives to save innocent people, or does that suddenly mean nothing to you anymore?" "I don't fucking care about them I care about you! I have half a mind to remove you from field work thanks to that little stunt!" " For fucks sake Keigo! What are you gonna do?! Tie me to a fucking desk?!"
Within two seconds your back was pressed against a wall, your fiancees hands slamming down next to your head as he moves his face dangerously close to yours.
" Tread lightly princess, or i just might."
Adding to the possessiveness, i feel like Keigo will be one jealous son of a bitch with no shame at all.
Like he'd take you out for dinner at some fancy restaurant to treat you, only to have your waiter start flirting with you. Keigos blood would start boiling, his jaw set as he'd glare at the man flirting with his mate.
As soon as the waiter leaves he'd make some snarky, passive aggressive comments about the scenario before dragging you into the bathroom mumbling " If he can't see who you belong to I guess I'll have to show him"
He'd then proceed to shamelessly pound the fuck out of you in the restaurant making sure everyone, especially that waiter, could hear every single sound the left your lips. He'd leave so many hickeys on your neck. He needs to mark what's his.
"You're mine. You understand me? You belong to me baby, you're all mine." His hand roughly grabs your face making you look him in the eyes. "Say it." He gets impatient, lifting his hand to lightly slap your face, the action drawing a moan from your lips. " I said fucking say it."
Total exhibitionist. You have definitely been pinned against the large windows in your apartment or even his agency, on full display to anyone walking by as he fucks you nice and hard.
I feel like aftercare with Keigo would be little things that don't necessarily classify as aftercare but comforts you both.
After pulling out of you Keigo would lay down next to you, his hands wrapping around your body to pull you closer as his heart hammers in his chest and he waits for his breathing to calm down a tad.
He'd then get up, tug on a pair of boxers and grab the box of cigarettes and lighter on his bedside table before heading out to the balcony.
You'd slip out of bed, putting on his shirt before joining him outside. Your arms would be wrapped around his waist while he smoked, both of you enjoying the slight late night breeze and the sound of the bustling city before heading inside to snuggle up and fall asleep together.
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Hey there hope you are doing well🥰🥰🥰Saw you were open to blurb request...can you please write a fluff related to my second steve rogers x reader story...where the reader forgives steve after his tiresome efforts to win back his family..Like can you write about how a domestic sunday willl be in their lives Steve's, reader's and Ollie's? how they will enjoy breakfasta and Steve enjoys the day with his wife and son❤❤❤
A/N: This is basically an alternative ending to Regretting his Decisions. The original one basically ended in all angst so I hope you guys like this as well. It is totally different from the first one. Just something new :)
Regretting His Decisions (S.R)
Steve Rogers AU (Fan fiction Masterlist)
Summary: Steve and reader come together after she forgives him for all the things that he had done in the past. Now, they are spending a Sunday together with their son, Oliver. It is all fluff.
Warning: None. Fluff all the way.
There were times when you thought that you shouldn’t have forgiven Steve because society thought that you were in a toxic relationship. They thought that he shouldn’t have come back into your life as he chose Peggy. But Tony told you the real reason. Peggy had hijacked the time machine and Steve had to spend his whole life in the past to rebuild that time machine. That’s why he didn’t come back to you.
However, Steve came back to you like he promised he would. He got Scott to help him reverse the past and become his old self. He was going to choose you and that’s what mattered the most. Your husband knew that the things he did in the start of your marriage were cruel and he didn’t deserve you. But he had suffered a lot and he was truly in love with you. That’s why you gave him a chance. You deserved to be happy as well and your family needed a proper chance.
At first, your interaction was just limited to Oliver and you lived separately even though you knew the truth. It was hard to forgive him for the things he had actually done like belittling you or abandoning you. But as time progressed, you saw how he was with your son and how he treated you with nothing but respect.
Steve gave you as much space as you needed and he was there for you when you needed him. He was there when your library burnt down during a fire hazard. He was there to console you when your parents suddenly died in a car crash. He was there when Ollie broke his arm while playing football. He was always there and that’s what got you to eventually open up to him. You finally asked to try again and for him to move into the house. Your family was happy and that’s what mattered. Other people can go to hell.
“Stevie, mommy needs pancakes.” Your three year old was sitting on the counter with his legs swinging back and forth. He was currently arguing with his father about your breakfast preference because apparently he knew you better than your husband.
“No, Mommy loves waffles. You want pancakes so you’re telling me to make them.” The little boy had been up for the past two hours because he had a nightmare. He always wanted to cuddle with his father afterwards and now, he was angry. “I’m your dad, buddy. Not Stevie.”
“But Mommy calls you Stevie.” He whined as he jumped in his place. Steve was quick to hold him in his place before he could fall. Oliver was never afraid to get hurt because he healed too quickly. The serum running through his veins always made him feel like a super hero. In a way, he was but Steve was always worried about him.
“She can do that. Not you.” At this point, he was just messing with his son.
“I can, Stevie.” Oliver asserted his point.
“Okay, buddy. Can I call you Ollie then?” This was going to get interesting, really fast.
“No! Mommy calls me that name only.” Giving him a pointed look, Steve laughed out loud. “Okay, daddy. I get it now.”
“Good boy. Now, let’s start making the breakfast.” Tying an apron around himself, he started taking out all the ingredients.
It was Sunday so you didn’t have work today. You always slept in late on Sundays and Steve always made sure that you got your much needed rest. A twelve hour job and a hyper three year old sucked out most of your energy so he didn’t like to disturb you for anything. Morning breakfast was your family’s tradition.
Steve didn’t know how to cook properly but you never complained. His burnt french toasts are better than any five star chicken steal and that was saying a lot. You loved him too much to ever say that you didn’t want to eat the breakfast made by him. It was such a sweet gesture that you teared up whenever you saw them entering the room with a tray in their hands.
“Baby, you have to hold on to the vase tightly.” Your husband’s hushed voice filtered through the door and woke you up from your deep slumber. Footsteps echoed through the wooden floor and soon the door opened.
“Mommy!!! Look I made you breakfast.” Jumping on the bed, he completely forgot about the vase of pink flowers and dropped them on the bed.
“Oh, thank you, baby.” Oliver’s knee accidentally hit you in the stomach and knocked the breath out of your lung. Gasping, you slightly cradled your child, “Be careful, bubs.”
“Sorry, mommy.”
Laughing, Steve corrected his son, “Oliver, we both made the breakfast and I did most of the work.”
“I beat waffle mixture.”
“You dropped it all on the kitchen counter. Not the same thing, baby.” He got up on the bed but still was not a match for his father’s height.
“I made it. I’m better than you.”
Interrupting them before Oliver truly got angry, “My baby is better than everyone. Stevie, don’t tease him.”
“’kay, darling.” He raised his hands in surrender and joined you both on the bed.
Steve was thankful for his little family and he tried to spend every waking moment with them. He didn’t want to miss the special moments so he made sure to take time off from missions. Nothing was more important than his family. There was still regret in his heart for treating you like crap in the early years of marriage. He would never forgive himself for the heinous acts that he committed. He will spend every moment making it up to you.
Finishing the breakfast with a lot of teasing and jokes, you went to get ready for the day. Meanwhile, your husband took Oliver to his room and gave him a shower. Oliver was a total boy in the sense that he ran away from the idea of shower. Only Steve could make him sit in a tub long enough to actually bathe him and by the end of it, no one knew who actually showered. Steve would emerge out of the washroom with water dripping down his hair and drenched clothes.
Today was no different. ”Help this little devil with his clothes while I go change.”
“Aw. Thank you, babe.” You tried to hold in your laughter when you saw his condition but you couldn’t help it.
“Next time, you’re doing it.”
“Sure sure.” Pecking him on the lips, you went into Ollie’s closet. He always said this but he was there to take your son before you could even think about taking him to shower. He would never admit it but he liked this chore. It was a bonding time for him and Oliver.
For today you all agreed that it would be best to just relax around the house. With the upcoming Hydra missions, the media had been loitering around your house to have an interview with Steve. You both decided that the best way to attain some privacy would be to stay home.
“Incredible, please!” The little boy sitting on your lap looked at you with puppy dog eyes that you didn’t have the heart to refuse.
“But we have watched that movie a hundred times.” Steve whined from his place on the couch.
“Not a hundred times, daddy. Just seven times.” Counting on his fingers, he showed you both eight fingers instead of seven.
“That’s eight fingers, baby.” You put one of his fingers down and squished his cheeks. He was too cute for his own good. “And we can watch it one more time but that’s it.”
Steve knew that he would be outnumbered in this match so he just gave up. At this point, he knew the dialogues by heart. But he preferred this over being lonely. He stocked up on all the snacks a day before so you were all set for a movie marathon. It was going to be really fun.
In between the movie, Oliver made you sing all the songs and you all cried when Mufasa died. Even Steve had slight tears in his eyes. Fate was cruel to the Lion King and he could never think of leaving his family alone. It was too much but then the happy ending always brought him joy. This movie truly was a true roller coaster.
“I wanna watch Boss Baby now.” The little boy demanded as soon as credits rolled in.
“Okay, boss.”
“He truly is the boss, isn’t he?” You looked down at the snuggled up child on the couch.
“Yes, he is.” Ruffling his hair, Steve gave his son an adoring smile.
The whole day, you kept going through movies that were demanded by Oliver and around five, you all fell asleep on the couch. It was a really good nap and you woke up before both your boys. You made them dinner because you wanted to eat proper food. Steaks and broccoli was the best option so you went with it.
“You made dinner?” The two hands snaking around your waist startled for you a second but you relaxed when you heard his voice.
“Yeah. Got up before you guys so just thought to start working on dinner.” You kept your hands on the side of his face while he nuzzled his face in your neck. He was extra clingy today and you loved that about him.
“Okay, I loved spending time with you both today.”
“We both did as well. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You were interrupted before you could kiss your husband.
“I’m hungry!” Oliver came waltzing into the kitchen and Steve picked him up.
Both of you looked at each other before saying it together, “We love you, Ollie.”
“Family hug!” Your son was demanding and you both would never deny his wishes. Your family was too cute and you loved them too much.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: Tell me if you guys enjoyed it. I am open to blurbs and requests so feel free to send in asks. Love you guys!! And tell me if you want to be added to my tag list.
Tag list: @peculiarpenman, @kalopsia-flaneur, @justile, @agnesk, @caanyoonmoon, @nostxlgia18
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Hi! No need to rush, but whenever you feel like it, could you do a thing for Aizawa or Hwajin? They’re on their way to a date, but reader’s early, and decides to hang out by the entrance of the meet up spot. As she waits outside the restaurant, a group of guys surround and persistently try to harass/hit on her. They won’t take her rejections, and block her from going inside. Maybe Aizawa or Hwajin see this when they finally arrive, and protect reader/scare the guys off while holding her close
*gasp* my original husbands 🥺💕 imma do something for both bc i luv them and i havent written for them in a long time and yall deserve to see them 💕
CW: nothing really! just implied creepy guys
Oh my sweet sleepy husband
You two haven't really spent time together bc you've been busy and Shou's hero workload has increased quite a bit
BUT yall finally made some time to go out to dinner at one of your fav restaurants (yayyy!!!)
Yall agreed to meet at the restaurant bc Aizawa had some paperwork to finish at the school
So you dress up and head there and wait outside so you can go in together
PROBLEM IS there's a small group of guys that walk past and see you all dolled up with nobody around and they just have to talk to you bc god forbid men mind their business for once
ANYWAYS Aizawa finished his work and is heading towards the restaurant when these guys show up
You try to be polite at first, telling them that you're waiting for your boyfriend, but they can't take the fucking hint and keep talking with you and complimenting your outfit and undressing you with their eyes
It's honestly super gross and you're getting uncomfortable
Aizawa rounds the corner to where the restaurant is right when one of the guys slips his arm around your waist, and he sees red
Protective Aizawa Activated ™
He stomps over in a matter of seconds, hair flying upwards, his scarf wrapping around the man's wrist and yanking it away from your body
The guy whips around, super pissed until he sees your boyfriend's icy glare
He practically shrinks into himself as Aizawa retracts his weapon and approaches you, still glaring at the men as he puts a hand on your waist and pulls you against him
He doesn't say anything to them; his stare speaks a thousand words for him
"Let's go, Y/N," he'll grumble, gently turning you towards the restaurant as he keeps glaring at the men
He doesn't blink until the two of you go into the restaurant together, but he's still glaring at nothing as you sit down and order food
He's pretty grumpy the rest of the night, mumbling about how he should've just come here with you in the first place so that no creeps could go after you
It takes a lot of reassurance, but you finally get him to calm down so you two can enjoy the rest of the evening together 💕
You end up stopping by a cat cafe afterwards to cheer him up a bit more
It definitely works :)
Hwajin Na
Oh my sweet violent husband sksksks
What a goober
The two of you were going to meet at the movies, but he got stuck in traffic and was running a bit late
It was fine tho! You just waited outside the theater and dicked around on your phone and minded your business
At least, that's what you were doing until a couple of guys showed up and started chatting with you
You tried to be polite, just making conversation, but their comments became more and more suggestive and you weren't a fan of it
You told them you were waiting for your boyfriend, but they were convinced you were lying to them, trying to get them to leave you alone which?? yea i want you to leave me alone but that doesn't mean i'm lying
Hwajin shows up about five minutes after these guys started talking to you and you were beyond uncomfortable
He's a v passive aggressive guy before he gets violent, so this fucker just waltzes right up and grabs your wrist, pulling you away from the guys and to his chest
He wraps his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your neck as he stares up at those guys, savoring their shocked expressions
He pulls away from the hug and smiles down at you
"Sorry I'm late. Ready for the movie?"
He keeps a hand on your lower back as he guides you into the theater, throwing back a deadly glare before you go inside
He's a bit grouchy that some guys were messing with you, but you keep telling him that you're just grateful he showed up when he did
He decides that from now on, yall are showing up to your dates TOGETHER, whether you like it or not
He's gotta make sure his sweet little puppy is safe and sound and the easiest way to do that is to be with you from the start 😌
He's just super possessive and doesn't want assholes like that to bother you
Just be patient with him and let him be your knight in shining armor, that's the only way you'll ever get any kind of independence again sksksk
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Madripoor Musings
Summary: You’re undercover as Zemo’s Sugar Baby while you’re with the team in Madripoor. You seem to like the position a little too much and Sam gets jealous.
Parings: Sam Wilson x Black Female Reader, slight Zemo x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Warnings: FATWS Spoilers, Smut, Oral (f receiving), Light Choking, Angst, Semi-Public Smut,  Daddy Kink, and Slight Emotional Manipulation
A/N: Ran into another writer’s block so I’m using prompts from this list to get myself out of it. Enjoy!
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“So, are we good to go, everyone?”
The four of you were jet-setting in Zemo’s private plane to Madripoor to get info on this new version of super solider serums. Zemo came up with the idea of having Sam go undercover as the West African weapons dealer/smuggler, Smiling Tiger. Bucky returned to his ‘Winter Soldier’ mode and you were to become ‘Miss Erina’, Zemo’s new arm candy/Sugar Baby.
Your backstory was simple: you’ve been with Zemo since before he went to prison living in his many estates and luxurious apartments.
It took some time for everyone to get into character. Sam tried and failed to pull off a Nigerian accent while Bucky kept up his hard glare and glower routine. You and Zemo put on the perfect couple facade with the both of you placing semi-sensual touches on each other’s bodies and showering each other with (sometimes lewd) compliments.
“Oh, thank you for the necklace, Daddy!” you gushed loving the way Sam was fuming. Bucky almost broke his character trying not to snicker.
“Nothing’s too much for you, котёнок/kotyonok (kitten).” Zemo mused as he offered you a coy smirk and leaned in for a kiss.
You giggled as he placed kisses along your jawline, neck, and collarbone.
“We’ll continue this later, киса,” Zemo whispered while winking at Sam.
 Madripoor was amazing, to say the least. It was a cyberpunk wet dream with bright lights at various angles and two distinct levels giving off a Black Lagoon/Blade Runner/Ghost in Shell vibe.
It felt like your kind of town.
It’s been like this since the Snap. Your older sister died in a car crash right after Thanos’ victory. Your father and uncle were blipped into the ocean dying instantly. Nowadays, your mother could barely talk to you without crying.
Natasha was dead and Steve fucked off to the 1940s to crush English pussy. Sharon got branded an enemy of the US Government and was forced to run. Some dumbass cracker (you will NEVER acknowledge his name) was given Sam’s rightful shield and mantle of Captain America by the craven, racist US government and had the NERVE to tell you to stay out of his way.
To top it all off, you found out that the US military tortured a man for 30 YEARS in order to ‘make the perfect soldier’.
You were finally in a place that matched how you felt.
“We’re heading into Low Town. Be on your guard, everyone.” Zemo warned as he lifted your chin and kissed you again. He insisted on walking towards your escort.
“Why do I have to wear this again? I look like a pimp!” Sam whined while looking sexy AF in his Ankara (I’m saying it’s Ankara) suit.
“Don’t mind him, Daddy. Sam has no sense of style.” You joked snuggling closer to Zemo.
“We’re not at the club yet.” Sam pointed out, vexed at the way you were clinging onto Zemo.
“We cannot let our guard down, Wilson. Selby has eyes everywhere.”
Sam relented and tried not to look your way. It was tempting due to you wearing an amazing Burgundy Fashion Nova Sugar Free Mini Dress with Black Bow Whoa Pumps. Your curves were out, but not in a shameless manner.
You had class, yet you were a tease.
 The ride to Selby’s was nothing short of thrilling.
You were right about the overall aesthetic. Madripoor definitely has the ‘dystopian punk’ feel on lock.
“You look radiant, котёнок.” Zemo cooed as you kissed his neck liking how smiled at Sam and inwardly cackled at Sam’s glower.
 Several men and some women moved to make a pass at you on the way to the club. A few audacious men learned that you were Zemo’s the hard way, Bucky made sure of it.
You had to mask your displeasure at how many people were shooting appreciative glances at Sam.
You just hoped this escapade would end soon.
 Zemo advised everyone to aim straight for the bar wrapping his arm around your waist as he strode into the club. Sam and Bucky followed suit slipping into their Apex and Winter modes respectively.
The bartender licked his lips as he looked you over, “Thought Selby told ya you ain’t welcomed here, Zemo.”
Zemo raised an eyebrow, “I know, but this is important,” he eyed several bouncers making their way towards your group. Their moves did not faze the baron. He simply turned to Bucky and whispered in his ear.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to let loose. You could’ve sworn a couple of people were ready to shit themselves.
 Selby was...interesting. She/They gave off a pretentious ‘I’m always ten steps ahead’ aura with a bit of fake whimsy. She/They wanted to give you to one of her best clients and keep Bucky for herself/themselves (probably for sexual reasons, didn’t want to pry).
The conversation was going well...until Sam’s phone went off.
Insert facepalm.
You’ve told him time and time again to put his phone on silent and get rid of vibrate. Now he was gonna get y’all killed, but you said,” Fuck it!” and shot her/them and the #2.
The group had to book it and you cursed yourself for wearing non-running heels.
 Your asses were saved by a guardian sniper, Sharon. You were glad to see her again missing your bi-weekly movie nights and sporadic weekend brunches.
“It’s good to see you, Sharon.” You greeted as you hugged Sharon at the entrance of her High Town pad.
“It’s great to see you, too, even after you’ve destroyed my work.” Sharon lowered her voice while pressing her lips together in frustration and then lust at the sight of Sam’s deliciously thicc upper body.
You couldn’t blame her as you wanted to run your hands and tongue along his planes of muscle.
You listened in on the group’s conversation as you changed clothes seeing Sam’s distress at Sharon and Zemo’s words. They did have a point about how being a hero does ring hollow, but it still hurt to see Sam’s sadness and hurt.
 You found Zemo, bless his heart, dancing like a lost dad on the dance floor and started grinding against him while shooting Sam a sexy pout accentuating your sensually full lips.
Sam, for his part, was trying to look interested talking to a waitress with killer legs. He almost lost it when he put his arms around your waist.
“Let’s see if we can get a reaction out of him,” you whispered wrapping your arms around his neck. He knew that Sam hasn’t been giving it lately.
 Your little stunt lasted for about ten minutes before Sam stomped over grabbing your arm and dragging you into one of Sharon’s ‘private rooms’ after another man got too close to what was his.
“Why did you drag me away like that?!” you shouted secretly turned on by the raging fire in his eyes.
“So you like calling your men ‘Daddy’?” Sam demanded as he backed you into the wall.
“I’m your ‘daddy’ now, vixen.” Sam breathed while lightly dragging his finger up your thighs only to find no panties.
“No panties, huh?” he smirked as he twirled his forefinger around your clit causing you to moan.
“Fuck, I love hearing you moan. Say my name, vixen. Don’t care if Sharon finds out.” Sam murmured against your lips. He effortlessly lifted you in such a way to make you wonder if he got some SS serum. It didn’t hurt that you got to see his muscles bulge underneath his turtleneck as he landed your blessed backside onto one of the tables.
“Eyes on me, kitten,” Sam ordered as he forced open your legs and made his way your slit leaving open-mouthed kisses and love bites in his wake. “You're already soaking for me, baby.” he mused as he gave your slit a long lick.
You could barely keep yourself from moaning.
“Who's your daddy, baby?”
“You are!”
“I’m your ONLY daddy!” Sam shouted and dove in.
You were drowning in ecstasy.
Sam was hitting all the right notes with your pussy. He was always a G at eating you out. Sam swatted your hand away from your mouth, “I want everyone to know who your real daddy is,!”
He kept you on edge for nine excruciating minutes before he finally let you orgasm.
“No time for rest, vixen.” Sam chided as he flipped you on the table ass up with your dress bunched up around your chest,” Are you a good little vixen?” Sam breathed in your ear as he placed kisses along your ear, neck, and collarbone.
“Yes, daddy.”
“You’re damn right I am!” He sheaved himself into you in one swift motion. You moaned in delight at the sensation. He didn’t move no matter how much you begged him, “Tell the world who your daddy is,” he instructed as he slapped your plump ass.
You screamed out his name and Sam started thrusting. He gently wrapped his hand around your neck while demanding you to shout his name. Sam pounded into you at a relentless pace constantly hitting your ‘Cum Dizzy Sector’ turning you into a delightfully orgasmic mess.
Sam was reaching his limit so he played with your clit to make you finish first. You came with what felt like an earth-shattering orgasm with Sam coming with a primal roar not too long afterward.
Both of you were so wrapped up in orgasmic bliss that you didn’t notice Sharon, Zemo, Bucky, and a few other partygoers at the door.
“So, how did go?” Sharon teased as you tried to cover yourself up.
“How much did you see?”
“Hmm,” Sharon hummed while tapping her chin, “Enough for me to close a $19.8M art deal.”
“We’re getting a 10% cut.” Sam barked annoyed with the rest of the group reigning in on his smash time.
“Fine. Get dressed, I got a lead.” Sharon announced while smirking all the way to her quarters.
You smirked at Zemo as you made your way to the exit.
Worth it.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 years
Bart Allen Dating:
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How’s about one for Wally West later??
Superfam kid who was trained by bats and is an engineer? that kinda deal:
Does this child know what to do?
No, the answer is no
You two meet after he does the entire traveling back in time thing
Quickly, you became fast best friends
it was like you two were inseparable
You're the serious and he's the energized 24/7 one
He's getting the don't hurt her look from Bats and Sups all the time
and the crush was inevitable
he'd often come over and see what you were doing when you were at home cause he was bored at the cave
he wants to see everything that you're working on and what it does
Bart is extremely smart so it's great for the two of you to be bouncing ideas and thoughts off of each other
Picks on you when you're getting too into something
It's just his way of telling you that you're stressing yourself over nothing
Goes with you to events and expos since he gets bored and sad without you and wants to see everything he misses out on in the future
You two sometimes just pick a destination to go and leave for the day
You guys have weekly movie nights so that you can get him to watch the movies that were "old" to him
he's already watched a ton of them and loves them but won't give up a chance to be with you
Clark and Lois trust him enough so that he just stays over and sleeps on the couch in your room
It's at one of these movie nights that being by each other was too much and you two ended up reaching to kiss the other at the same time
It was funny but at the same time you were both relieved that the other felt the same way cause that would have been awkward otherwise
You try to go on dates very often like at least one every week
Since the both of you have a lot of energy you're both always training or running or doing something stupid
He does notice that you tend to get extremely serious because of your training with the bats
You're always trying to teach him new things that you've learned from Bruce
He'll just stare at you in admiration whenever you're going off on a tangent about something like a dumb villain, tech, some new thing that the league is doing, classes, something that you're interested in...
Couple goals and you cannot tell me otherwise
He's your ride or die especially when something happens in the field involving a certain green crystal
The first to get it out of the way and you to a safe place since it's super important
Bart got lucky when he met you and he knows it
It takes some time for you to start really trusting him since he's from the future and you don't know who he is
It's a family thing
But very quickly you come to be really close friends
To the point that Alfred has all of Bart's favorite foods ready on hand
Which is a big deal considering
You're always very very busy with Wayne Enterprises things and also the hero thing
He has a massive crush on you and wants to hang out whenever possible
so this means that he'll let you train him and everything to the point where he's never been so exhausted
he loves watching you train and fight since it's so rhythmic and always perfectly timed
It looks like you're just flying but you're not
He likes to just pick you up whenever he knows that you're stressed and over working yourself and take you some place else
It might be the middle of nowhere for nothing or some picked location
he's always with you late at night till he falls asleep when you're working at the computers in the cave
Your date to every single event
He likes when you talk about cases and things that you're working on whether they be really stupid or super super complicated
He's always offering different perspectives and ideas for them which really helps
Always wanting to help you with things even if they're difficult
The best moral support out there
Sometimes though he gets a little bit too rambunctious and you take him for training and run him dry
It's pretty hilarious but sometimes you feel bad since he likes to tell you that he's "totally moded" afterwards
Green Lantern:
You're already on the team when he arrives as most of these times you are
The first day you're training and Bart runs into you and you capture him in a green box
In his defense, there aren't any when he comes from
You're the first one to really accept him since you're both pretty out there for powers and origins
It just makes sense that the two of you would both connect in some way shape or form
Both of you are kind of just the last of your kind that anyone knows about in the future
He's always wanting you to make cool things with your ring or giving ideas for what you should create
It actually really makes you a better lantern because all of the things that you make come from your mind
When you get tired or need a boost he's always there to pick you up
The kind of person that will just sit with you when you feel like you're drowning
he doesn't need to talk, he just sits and runs his fingers through your hair
Always loves weird and sometimes intergalactic dates if you can do them
Gets very sad when you have to leave to go on missions that he can't be a part of since you're so far away and can't be in touch with him
You'd always try and find some way to send some kind of message to him but it's hard since you're very very far away
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falloutjay · 3 years
Eric x careless/troublemaker reader, reader was always a crazy kid, she felt no one really understood her, and her only real friend was Esther Stoley, Annie Knitts and Nicole. But Reader has always admired Eric and never gotten why everyone hated him (she finds both Kyle and Wendy very annoying). One day, she finds him and Butters making their next scheme, and she wants in. After an effective day of pranking, they (well Eric but reader likes Butters's company) take her under their wing. They generally start hanging out and starts to be the 'girl' of the main group (she thinks of Stan, Butters and Kenny has her brothers) and she finds Eric and Kyle's banter hilarious. It gets better (for her at least): she always defends him now (be it irrationally, rationally, verbally or physically) like: Heidi tried to warn Reader about Eric...but the poor girl leaves with a broken nose or Wendy was just upset how someone so awful, could have someone advocate for them and starts to plan to tell her about the breast cancer incident when Bebe would tell that it's Y/n and if anything, what she did to him would just make her stay more, making Wendy stop. She was also a big fan of the Coon and would just gush about how cool he was (she does like Wonder Tweek, Mosquito and Toolshed but she loves Coon the best). Everyone was pretty divsive, some people thought it was funny and teased him on it (like: Craig, Stan and Kenny), some people shipped it (like: Clyde, Butters and weirdly Nicole/Tweek), but some people were afraid of those two becoming a couple (Kyle, Heidi and Wendy). Eric is strangely 'no comment'y about all this until one day, Eric is just about to be turned into the principal when suddenly Reader in a elorate plan, knocks out the witness and pins the blame on someone else. After that's over, Reader can't take it anymore and happily asks him to be her partner/boyfriend and Eric proudly accepts and the two go on to create to create anarchy. May others pray for their safety.
Hey guys! It's me! I'm back! :D
I'm still stressed AF, but after my day was really nice, I felt super motivated to finally continue this lovely prompt, so I did.
I'm currently still in the process of moving and my exams are still not over, but I'm trying!
So I hope I can publish the next request soon and I love all you guys, thank you for all the likes, reblogs, follows and most importantly your patience! <3
Eric Cartman x careless!troublemaker!female!Reader
“Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme Eric?” Butters asked, eyebrow raised as he listened to Erics new pranking plan. “No, it’s not at all, “eXtRemE”.” Eric retorted and shook his head.
They didn’t notice that someone approached them, listening to their plan. “W-well if you say so, I trust you, Eric.” As the fatter one of the two heard a twig snap, his head turned immediately and look at a kid from their class. What was her name again? “Who are you?” Eric asked unimpressed. “Y/N.” She answered dryly.
Butters kept looking between the two, moving his head, whenever someone said something. “What do you want?” “I want in on your plan.” “What makes you think I want someone like you in this? You normally play with the girls.”
“What does that have to do with anything. Just because I hang out with Esther, Annie and Nicole…That changes nothing about the fact that I love what you’re planning here, and I want in.” Eric seemed to think about the proposition for a second.
“Okay. I think I need one more person around here. Butters can barely do one fucking job.” So, he explained the plan to you in big detail. And in your humble opinion, it was brilliant. Once Eric had finished explaining, he looked at you with a sly smile.
“So, what do you think?” You pretended to think for a second, before an evil grin appeared on your face. “Why stop there? We can also pull a prank on the teachers and the school buses if we put in a little more effort.” “Never thought about that one before. I like your way of thinking, Y/N.”
The two looked into each other’s eyes, clearly seeing that mischievous spark in each pair of eyes. Butters watched you in horror, afraid of what he had just now witnessed. “Ohhh hamburgers.”
Y/N became a regular in Stans gang rather fast. Kenny and Stan love her to bits, just like she does. They love hanging out with her and to Kenny she’s like Karen. One thing that Y/N really enjoys is listening to Kyle and Eric's bickering. No matter the topic and no matter how loud or extreme the two get, she just sits there like it’s a cinema and the two are the newest marvel movie. Speaking of superhero movies, South Parks very own heroes are a topic ever so often too. And to Cartman’s delight, his trusted friend loves talking about The Coon. His super-secret hero identity. She would also gush about Wonder Storm, Mosquito and Toolshed but she would always praise The Coon, which is a melody in Cartman’s ears. Another thing Cartman loves about his only female friend is how she loves defending him to anyone. Be it teachers, her fellow girl friends, or anyone else. When Heidi tried to warn her that Eric means bad news, she had to visit the nurse afterwards. Y/N had detention for breaking the poor girl’s nose, but she sure as hell didn’t regret her decision. Even when she was shunned by the girls from there on.
“I just can’t believe her. Maybe she will change her mind when I tell her about the whole Breast cancer thing? You know… It could affect her too, maybe that’s wha-Wendy…” Bebe interrupted her and sighted. “You remember how Heidi was? How every time we said something mean about Cartman, she would only try harder to prove us wrong?” “Of course, I remember. How could I forget.” Wendy mumbled and stabbed her fork through her salad. “If you try to reason with her, she will just hit you with the whole “He isn’t like that”-schtick. You can’t change her mind, okay?” Bebe eyed their classmate who was happily chatting with Eric and Kenny a few tables away. “I guess.” Wendy said defeated and closed her eyes, asking herself how Eric could even make a girl interested in him.
On another table across the cafeteria, Craig and those guys were seated. Oddly enough, their topic was similar. Y/N L/N and Eric Cartman. “I don’t know why but they’d make quite a cute couple you know?” Clyde said with a smile before biting into his burger. “I know, right?” Nicole agreed and to everyone’s surprise, even Tweek nodded along. “I don’t think they’d become a thing though.” Craig mumbled lazily. “Why?” Clyde asked, obviously interested in the gossip.
“Well, Kenny, Stan and I teased him about it in History class, but he keeps saying he doesn’t like her that way.” “Aww, come on Craig, you know very well that he would never admit it just like that. Guys don’t just admit they have a crush. I’m sure he likes her. I mean, she the only one who can stand him for longer than a day.” Nicole commented, a sly smile spread across her face. “I just think the anti-Cartman fraction would rather die than see those two become a thing.” Token commented and his eyes darted across the room, looking at Kyle, Heidi and Wendy. “Well, I guess we will have some funerals to visit sometime soon.” Nicole replied and everyone at their table had to involuntarily smile.
“That’s it. ERIC. To the Principal. Now.” Mister Garrisons voice thundered through the hallways and a confused Y/N closed her locker. She let out a deep sigh, knowing something must have gone wrong with his new plan.
“Guess I gotta bust him out again.”
Knowing the way to the principal by heart she made her way there, only catching a glimpse of the in pink paint and glitter covered Mister Garrison, who kept cursing like crazy.
Y/N happily skipped past the not-occupied secretary desk and took a seat next to Eric. “I already wondered where you are.” Cartman commented unimpressed. “Sorry, I had to look at Garrison for a second. So what went wrong?” “This stupid asshole over there saw me set up the paint bomb in Garrisons locker thing.” The brown-haired whispered and pointed at the kid that was sitting across from them. “Thanks to that asshat, I will probably be suspended for some days or some shit.”
“Okay, I’ll handle it.” The h/c-haired said and got up to go over. She hovered over the boy who was looking up to her. “What?” He asked annoyed. “You’re Jonas Miller, right?” Y/N asked with the sweetest voice she could manage. “Yeah, what makes you care?” He asked, before a fist connected with his face. Surprised by her own strength, he seemed to be dazed and fell onto the other chairs.
“Y/N, what the fuck?” Cartman cried out confused. “Fast, hit me!” She said, not fazed at all. “What? Why?” “God, just do it!” Trusting his mischievous partner Erics fist landed on Y/N pretty face and he even felt a hint of remorse. “Good punch Eric. Now the other side.” Once again, trusting his opposite, he did what was asked. Despite now feeling rather woozy, Y/N grabbed Jonas and laid him down in a different position. She then made Eric kneel next to her and hold her.
“If you ever tell anyone I cried, I will tell everyone about your dirty little secrets, yeah?” Eric nodded, somewhat intimidated, and impressed, watched her do her best to cry heavily.
Hearing the blood-curdling scream, Mister Mackey and the secretary came running, looking at the scene before them. Mister Mackey immediately made sure that everyone was okay, before asking the roughed-up Y/N what happened. With a trembling voice, she answered: “J-Jonas over there did the prank on Mister Garrison and-and tried to pin it on-on Eric. So, I c-came here t-t-to tell everyone t-that Eric was with me t-the whole time. When Jonas n-noticed that, he hit m-m-me and Eric punched him, to-to help me.” The now fully awake again Jonas looked at the girl in horror. “N-No! That’s not the story! I- I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT, M'KAY?!” Mister Mackey interrupted him. “Hitting an innocent girl?! Jonas Miller, you will have to face the consequences!” Y/N still held up her best puppy eyes and Mister Mackey finally turned to the two troublemakers. “Eric, will you bring Y/n to the nurse, please. I will bring Jonas to PC Principal personally, m'kay.” Eric nodded, somewhat petrified, and guided Y/N along the corridors. He felt shocked. He didn’t know why. He never felt this scared before.
Once in the nurse’s office and after Y/N was handed an icepack, she was the first one to speak, once the nurse left them alone.
“You’re so quiet.” She commented dryly. “Thank you.” “For what?” “Getting me out of there. I never- It’s fine, okay? Don’t worry.” Silence fell over the two once more. Y/N just enjoyed the cooling ice on her burning skin and Eric still felt thankful for what she did for him. For him. And no one else. She would have never done this for Kyle. Not for Kenny. She did it for him.
“Hey Eric?” The boy next to her nodded. “You know I wouldn’t have done this for anyone else right?” Eric nodded once more. “Can I ask you for something?” “Of course.”
“You know, I like you a lot. So, would you maybe like to be my boyfriend?”
Eric gave no answer. He just slowly intertwined his fingers with hers and that was answer enough. “Are your cheeks red from blushing or is it from me hitting you?” “Maybe a bit of both.” She laughed and to Eric, it was the most beautiful sound he ever listened to. His girlfriend’s laugh.
Kyle was doing his math homework and started to get annoyed with the harder and harder becoming questions. A vibration ripped him out of his thoughts. He fished for his iPhone without taking his eyes off the paper and unlocked it. The contact read “FATASS” and it was a picture. Kyle's eyes widened in horror as his eyes scanned the picture. It was a picture of a list with dozens of prank ideas. The caption was what truly terrified him. “Me and my GIRLFRIEND brainstormed a bit, hope you’re ready Kahl <3”
Kyle felt like crying. Not only because of his math homework but also because his worst nightmare became a reality. Cartman has a Girlfriend. And it was no other than the infamous Y/N L/N.
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whorefordazai · 3 years
congrats on 600! I'd like a match up if you don't mind
my pronouns are she/they, im gemini, i write a ton and spend a lot of time in my head, but i am very social when it comes to people i already know. im abrasive, very in-your-face, and i curse like a fuck ton. I call people shit like dick cheese, slut, cunt stick, basically anything super vulgar. best way to describe my aesthetic angry grunge mixed with egirl, but i am a sucker for oversized shirts and hoodies.
i like listening to music, watching random movies or videos to make fun of the shitty acting, i have a major sweet tooth and fawn over any kind of sugar, i love sword fighting and i know how to kick ass in it too. i enjoy colder, and i love when it rains (as log as it doesn't get muggy afterwards)
my love language is physical touch and quality time, so dates would include just kind of being together nothing super romantic. my favourite colors are burgundy, silver, and lavender though these change from time to time.
hope ya have a good day
I match you with...
Michizo Tachihara! ´ˎ˗
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👾 okay, hear me out 😏—you guys would be friends at first. the aggressive besties who won’t take shit from anyone, but are still kinda airheads (at least he’s the airhead). and all will be going well until tachihara kinda has this light bulb moment where he’s like “oh shit...y/n’s kinda pretty😶...fuck🧍‍♂️” but he won’t be that shy, he’ll be pretty straightforward with his crush on you.
👾 he thinks it’s hilarious and really hot how you have no filter when it comes to being abrasive with your words. he’ll even cheer you on from the side like “yeah! cunt! uh...dick...cheese😄?” he’s a little confused but he’ll get there 😗 he absolutely LOVES how you can match each other’s energy—nothings more boring to him when someone downplays his antics. he’s in the port mafia for fucks sake, he’s bound to be a little crazy 😉
👾 he’s better with his guns, but he’ll try to sword fight with you just for the simple purpose of seeing how good you are (you’ll kick his ass of course) he has no sense of time or schedule, so expect a lot of spontaneous dates in his car 🤪 there will be nights where the two do you just drive around yokohoma, and enjoy the lights and probably some shop lifting if he’s feeling even more adventurous
👾 I feel like his love language is words of affirmation along with physical touch so when he’s happy for you, he’ll physically wrap his arms around your waist and spin the both of you around in a circle saying “babe, I’m so fucking proud of you!!”—AHSBS IM SO JEALOUS 🤪
- star shopping | lil peep
- cupid’s chokehold | gym class heroes
- everybody talks | neon trees
- nervous | the neighborhood
- west coast | lana del ray
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On Supergirl
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Figured I should put up my thoughts about Kara in the wake of her first film appearance being announced, and the final season of her TV show fast approaching. Short version is: Kara is very cool and DC needs to stop messing with her. 
My Introduction to Kara
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I was introduced to Kara the way most millennials/Gen Zers were I imagine, via the Loeb Superman/Batman arc which brought the traditional Kara Zor-El Supergirl take into Post-Crisis continuity, after years of DC attempting to have a “Supergirl” without violating the editorial mandate that Kal needed to be the literal “Last Son of Krypton” (an example of one of the dumb ways DC fucked Kara over). Story goes that one day Dan Didio was in line at the Superman ride at Six Flags (I love that ride even though it’s stolen my glasses every time I’ve ridden it, even when I left them in a locker!). The ride had signs that talked about various Superman characters. Didio was reading the entry for Supergirl where it talked about her not being Clark’s cousin but instead some weird merge of alien shapeshifter, angel, and human girl, and he realized how fucking stupid that was, and he went back to the office and told Loeb to bring Kara back. 
Years later I would also be standing in line at the Six Flags Superman ride (probably at a different park location but who knows?) as a youngster and would read the new Supergirl sign that trumpeted that Superman had a cousin who shared all his powers, an update reflecting the new Loeb origin. I thought she sounded pretty cool, made a note to see if my library had any Supergirl stories next time I visited, then got on the Superman ride and promptly lost my glasses like an idiot because I wanted to take them off while I was riding and pretend I was changing from my “disguise” into Superman mid flight. My dad grounded me for this afterwards, but it gave me a funny story to tell at family get togethers and isn’t that what Six Flags is all about?
A month later (and with spiffy new glasses), my mom dropped me off at a new library next to where she worked, and they had one of the best Superman collections I’ve ever seen to this day. I was in heaven and while reading every Superman book I could find (I couldn’t check them out because I didn’t have a card, my mom’s card didn’t cover the area the library was in, and my mom wouldn’t have checked them out anyway since comics were “too violent”), I found the trade collecting Kara’s new origin. I read it and I thought both she and Superman were really cool, and Batman was a  punk who had to beat Darkseid by cheating, the loser. Turner’s art to my young eyes was the best I had ever seen, and the panels got engraved into my brain. 
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I still get downright nostalgic whenever I see Turner Superman or Supergirl stuff. I also got my parents to rent the animated movie adaption of the Superman/Batman arc from Blockbuster (remember those?), and that sealed the deal. Seeing Kara hold her own against Darkseid convinced me she was as cool as her cousin. Next time my mom dropped me off at the library next to her workplace, I went looking for Supergirl stuff to read. I found the first volume of her new volume by Joe Kelly taking place after the Loeb arc and dove in.
It was... weird. 5 years later I might have enjoyed it but at the time I was majorly put off. Kara took a secret identity for a day and then ditched it because it was “stupid” and the kids bullied her. She was always getting into fights with Kal, and there was this weird plot that I couldn’t follow about how her dad had sent her to kill Kal, maybe or maybe not? Also she could grow crystals which I thought was dumb, and said she was stronger than her cousin which I couldn’t buy for a second given he looked like he was carved out of marble, and she looked like she relied on sunlight instead of food. I put the volume back on the shelf and kinda gave up on reading the character after that for a while. 
I followed her via the DC wiki updates just like I did Superman, and everything I read seemed dumb and convoluted. She was split in two, moped around a lot, made out with an alternate version of her cousin, and basically just flopped about the same way the rest of the Superfamily did during the 00s. Nothing made me think I had made a mistake dropping Kara until I read the latest update to her wiki page.
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I was super into what I was reading about the Busiek/Johns era of Superman online. Lex was back and making a big revenge scheme that involved all the other Rogues! Old Superman Rogues were getting revamped and made cool again! Johns reintroduced Brainiac and made him a big threat, with Kal and Kara teaming up to fight him! Busiek was revamping Prankster and telling big ambitious Superman stories! For the first time in a long while, the consensus on the Internet was that Superman was good again. My “home” library had zero Marvel books and no Superman or Batman books, all their DC stuff was Flash or Green Lantern, mainly written by Johns. Insane to think back on now. My hopes that because Johns was involved with Superman, Superman books would show up at my library were fulfilled. They started bringing in Busiek and Johns collections, and someone there also ordered Sterling Gates’ first volume of Supergirl, and I checked everything out since I was old enough to have my own library card, and my parents were worried more about the violent video games I was playing rather than comics.
I read everything and loved it. I also really liked Gates’ take on Kara. She was still an imperfect teenager but she wasn’t insufferably angsty or constantly fighting with Kal. She was going to give the secret identity another try and Lana had “adopted” her. It’s funny remembering how I enjoyed all that given my current thoughts on how Kara should work, but it was great at the time. I liked Gates introducing new foes for Kara, some classic Superman Rogues adapted for her like Bizzarogirl, others crafted specifically for her like Reactron. Gates’ basically rekindled my enjoyment of Kara the same way Busiek & Johns rekindled my enjoyment of Superman.
Of course it ended terribly like everything Superman-related seems to.
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I’ve got a whole post I want to do about New Krypton and what came after. In short that is the most blatant example of “hitting the reset button” that I’ve ever seen. All the potential got wasted, and afterwards everything except Lex’s Action Comics stuff just didn’t appeal to me. Gates got booted off Kara for Nick Spencer who ended up leaving himself later, a promising Teen Titans line-up with Kara on it didn’t happen, and the last proper Pre-Flashpoint Superfamily story was a crappy team-up with Doomsday against Bigger Doomsday (thank God for Cornell’s final Luthor/Superman confrontation at least). When news of the reboot arrived, I was honestly happy. The Superline needed an enema.
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Controversial opinion time: I liked New 52 Supergirl. It’s weird because a lot of the stuff I hated about Kelly’s run was here, and a lot of the stuff I loved about the Gates’ run was not. This was angry, moody, emotional Kara again, fighting with Kal and not fond of Earth. But I was in my teens at this point, and I didn’t want happy go-lucky Superman or Supergirl. I wanted my heroes angry, scared of the future, ready to go out there and smash some cars. Morrison’s Action Comics was 100% my jam (still is once I really understood the deeper meaning beneath the work) and this Kara felt like a natural fit for this universe. Plus we got Asrar on art and that guy made it damn pretty to look at, lots of cool science fiction stuff going on, even with the dumb H’el storyline.
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I loved all the new Rogues Kara got. I loved her new Fortress under the ocean. I loved how traumatized she was by the loss of Krypton, that she wanted more than anything to go home, that her cousin was like a stranger to her since they had been apart for so long. I found all of that incredibly relatable. A lot of the New 52 Supergirl stories might have been schlock but it was my type of schlock damnit, and I enjoyed it!
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I kept with her New 52 series all the way through the Red Daughter Saga (which I loved). As someone who grew up on Johns GL (since that was the only comics my home library had), seeing a Supercharacter join a Lantern Corp was the hypest thing ever. I loved the finale about Kara finally letting go of her anger and losing the ring while smashing her foe into the sun, it was incredibly cathartic for me as an angry teen myself. I finally stopped following her series sometime after since I was no longer enjoying the Superline or really DC as a whole. It wasn’t until I heard that New 52 Superman died and the “old” Superman was back, that I checked back into DC.
DC Rebirth & How I Think Kara Should Work
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I did not enjoy Supergirl Rebirth, and I think I’ll talk about my problems with it alongside how I think Kara as a character should work since the two are related. A pet peeve of mine that has formed over the years is this: I don’t like it when Superfamily members get turned into Clark clones. Kon wearing glasses and going to Smallville High. Kara going to high school and being involved in journalism. Jon more or less being written as a copy of his dad personality-wise. I hate that kind of stuff because it’s boring. What’s the point of a Superfamily if everyone is just copying Clark? It also doesn’t fit the characters especially in Kara’s case. Why the hell does she want to be a journalist? Were there journalists on Krypton? I don’t remember ever seeing one! Shouldn’t she want to be, I dunno, a scientist? That seems to have been the El family tradition, wouldn’t she have been groomed for that?
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This one-off by Shea is honestly the only acceptable outcome for Kara going into journalism for me. She realizes she’s just copying her cousin and switches to something she wants to do. So Orlando copying the show, which already basically turned Kara into an expy of her cousin, just did not appeal to me at all. What had worked for me under Gates way back when was not clicking for me this time. I wanted to see Kara embody the principles of the S-shield in a different way than her cousin did. So I really enjoyed when Rebirth ended and we moved into the Bendis era with Andrekyo relaunching the title as Kara in space.
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Kara in space has always felt like a good fit for me. Unlike Kal I’ve come to believe that Kara really shouldn’t be all that fond of Earth. For him it’s home, but for her it’s just where she ended up after her real home got destroyed. I think Kara works well as a sort of nomad, occasionally making stops back home to Earth to check on her cousin, but otherwise? She’s more comfortable out in space than she could ever be on Earth. Out in space she can be Kryptonian (which is what she should think of herself as in contrast to Clark being torn between his Kryptonian biology and human upbringing, and Jon/Kon identifying as human), be her true self, not have to pretend to be human to fit in. Kara founding a moon refuge was one of the best ideas for her that I’ve seen, I would love if DC made her Future State refugee center on the moon canon. I’m excited for more Kara adventures in space with the upcoming Tom King story.
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Also love that her and Krypto are getting tied together, if they don’t want to use Krypto in Superman’s stuff, let her have him! Bring on cosmic adventurer Supergirl!
Personality & Other Traits
Kara to me should be more hot-tempered than her cousin. All the Superfamily members should have a temper in my opinion, I see that as the “Deadly Sin” of Superman and his family. But while Kal is like a simmering pot that will explode if it’s left cooking for too long, Kara is like dynamite. Light her fuse at your own peril because she will go off on you.
I also like the idea of Kara being rash. Kal’s got a maturity that came from over a decade of having to live with Lex Luthor constantly getting away with all his evil schemes. He’s patient because he’s been forced to be. Kara? If you ask for her help she’ll give it, but beware because she doesn’t really care about the long term impacts of her decisions. She’s an invulnerable teenager after all.
Really liked that Venditti Annual where Kara got tutored in history by a reincarnation of Hawkman. Kara having a passion for history is a neat trait, would be nice to see her teach Kal or Jon some Kryptonian lore, or have her lead a Kryptonian holiday celebration for the Superfamily because she’s the only one who remembers how to do it. 
Sexuality wise I know a lot of people ship Kara and Lena on account of the chemistry between the two in the show. I haven’t watched the show myself but I’m fine with making Kara bisexual, the Superfamily could use some LGBT+ rep, and Lena hasn’t done anything of worth as a villain, so undo that and throw the two together. If we’re letting Harley and Ivy get away with murder I think we can let Lena off the hook too, undo the Ultrawoman weirdness and put the two together. Could be fun seeing the two building that moon refuge together.
All in all I think Kara is a great character who is a stronger embodiment of the immigrant experience than even her cousin in some ways. I hope King does a good job with her, she’s treated better than her cousin on the film side, and that overall the 20s are a better decade for Supergirl than the 10s were.
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usagi-mitsu · 3 years
Werlyt & Gaius - a bunch of thoughts.
I am a little late to the party. I know. But I just finished the Emerald weapon and before I go to try out the „not Zenos“ weapon as in „Diamond“, I need to get my thoughts on the story straight.
Perhaps I have been spoiled by 5.0s brilliant MSQ and cannot appreciate the inherent beauty of at least decent writing any longer. But this felt so wrong and out of tune with the rest of the game. I started writing this 2 hours ago! I wanted to one in bed by now! XD But I had to get it out of my system… so….
Spoilers for the MSQ and Werlyt incoming??? And no I did not re-read this so not just spoilers but also writing errors incoming. -.-
The good
These fights are epic! I have only ever cleared the normal versions, but I loved those. They are amazing. The callbacks to Eula (her being a woman here! When did they discover that???), Regula (may he rest in peace) and Gaius himself in his prime were delightful. But I could do with a little less rotating, ok? A dragoon has positional, you know? And being allowed to pilot my very own mecha was like *chefs kiss*. On that front? Well done Square Enix!
I am also glad they were able to get another use out of Porta Praetora! That place looks amazing with the wide open field and the lake – and Ala Mhigo across it. It was one of my favourite Stormblood areas and I am always glad to return there. And of course… being able to visit the allied camp again… And Werlyt itself. It’s simply a beautiful place. It reminds me very much of southern Greece. If you’ve watched the movie Mamma Mia you know what I mean.
The music too was really nice. But I don’t think I’ll… you know… listen to it on repeat as I am doing with other parts of the soundtrack.
I’ve also loved how much amazing lore we got about Garlemald and especially the garlean military. And the military abroad. The way soldiers not from the mainland get treated. I love learning about these things.
The man. The legend. The guy yelling in Prae.
He’s so very boring here. He has so much potential as a character and maybe I’m missing something, but all throughout this story he has been nothing but passive. He’s a reactive character in this storyline. You know. The guy who made deals with Lahabread (the d is intended), tried to take over Eorzea, lead a whole army, stood idly by as the moon dropped, almost died but then decided just not to die and then though „hm… I’ve got so much freetime now. How about I go and hunt some ascians?“ That guy is NOT a reactive character. He is active. He goes out of his way to make shit he wants happen. And in here? He seems too starstruck and devastated by his adopted kids actions to actually have one clear thought.
The only explanation I have is that he might have gotten hit in the head by something on his way to the ruby weapon. I get why he would rely on Cid for help, but the WoL??? The alliance? If you wish to be an ally and help or something, fucking act like it. You were a former legatus and I expect you to live up to your name – even after retiring.
And yeah.. I guess it’s hard having to watch your kids willingly, knowingly dying. But you fucking raised them. You are a big part of the reason to why they are in that predicament. So like… Aside from that I don’t even get why you are in this story at all.
And for the record: I’m not sorry for him. I’m just flabbergasted by all the bullshit we’ve been learning about him.
To be quite honest, I think this story could have worked just as well or maybe even better, if we got another man as the „hero“ of the story. I am talking about none other than our engineering, hammer-swinging, ex-enemy - of course talking about Nero!
The MSQ has long established that his research into the Ultimate Weapon had been taken, twisted and turned – Estinien had to experience this first-hand. I’m not saying that Nero was in need of a redemption arc and I cannot remember if these weapons were of his creation or even stem from anything he did, but it would make so much more sense for me, to have him confront his past in the garlean military like this and be responsible for the death of his former colleagues. Soldiers that he served with, whom he faught with. Give me Nero and them working together to get the weapons going and him bonding with them as his pilots to a degree. Comrades. Not that strange familiar bond that Gaius appareantly has with them. … Scratch that: Let Gaius be the father figure. Him being that wouldn’t change Nero’s relationship with them, but maybe his with Gaius as his superior.
The story wouldn’t even need to try and redeem Nero: He has already gone through major character development with the MSQ and the Omega raid tier. It would simply be Nero, confronted with the things he created, hopefully instilling more morals and a sense of responsibility for his creations. Heck: Let Cid yell at the guy! Seriously! Cid sticking around to help out would make so much more sense if it was Nero instead of freaking Gaius! Cid hated the guy! He might be a professional, but he is not one to torture himself by staying around a guy he (as far as I know) detests.
Make Nero the central figure and give Cid and Gaius the roles of „angel and demon“: One desperately trying to reach out to his old friend, reminding him why they became engineers and trying to make him realise that he can’t just run around designing weapons and leaving the scematics for everyone to read; while the other has trouble letting go of his imperial past and is struggling to see the errors of his ways – if Nero was wrong, than he (Gaius) was wrong too -and of course they did all of this for their home, to further their cause, and to bring peace to the savage lands of Eorzea, who had been fighting amongst themselves for so long… You get the point.
And you could still have these gundam themed fights. But I think everything would make so much more sense in general.
But speaking of which-
The children
I do not truly care for any of them. And that is a shame: I do think there are great characters and dynamics hidden behind these very few cutscenes. When they were first introduced I was wondering why I was suddenly watching „heartwarming“ cutscenes of my foes as children – until I realised that I was supposed to care and that they were supposed to make me feel pity for Gaius. I was supposed to feel bad for him, because they died and he blames himself. But while their fates so far have been gruesome, I cannot say that I am sad they died. They chose to die as they did. There were a myriad more options. And they chose that.
Actually. Their whole story makes me feel like they were huge masochist from the very beginning. They could have just run away and gotten help from someone more competent than them, but they stayed in an abusive military arrangement just so nobody else got hurt?? Please. Use your brains next time. And for the Berserk-like torture scene? I mean. I get what was implied here. But was it necessary? As a writer myself I follow the rule that torture and sexual violence should never be used in a story, unless it must be in there for the story to work or to bring across a vital point important to the story or it’s moral (or if you are writing porn and you are into it – but we are talking official in-game content here). But the violence towards these „children“ seems unnecessary for the plot and the violence of their deaths by piloting the weapons is already gruesome enough. Sometimes it’s better to leave things like this out – the emotional torture of feeling stuck and having a martyrs complex would have been enough here, I think. If the rest of the story had been well written at least.
(I believe my utter lack of sympathy shows how little character developement they had. I love tragic characters, who choose to suffer for the good of other people – even better if those people don’t even like them. It’s just my thing. And those kids are just… well.)
Their reasons and especially why they were making Allie out as the one who would need to survive was also just… weird. Like. I feel like 75% of what happened would not have happened, if they actually talked to each other, used their brains and had done something about their problems. But no…
These characters are also so exchangeable with basic anime/j-RPG character tropes… I only remember Alfonse, Rex and Allie – because I just did the Emerald weapon. And right afterwards I thought, „huh. So… Fullmetal Alchemist?“ Which brings me to my third point …
…the story at large.
„Pacing is a virtue“ or was it patience..? Anyhow: The author of this story should have had more patience with his story and characters and taken a bloody break! And I am not talking about the obvious blunder of „How is Allie feeling?“, „she is in shock and you cannot talk to her“ turning to „oh yeah if you are careful you can talk to her now“. I mean. WTF. That was MAYBE 10-20 in-game minutes of dialogue.
But everything was moving so very fast – and not even in a good way. There are few things better than a fast paced, action rich story about a group of young people trying to safe (their) world. But if you try to cram in two expansions worth of character development and story telling into about two hours of content each patch.. Well, then you get whatever the hell this is.
Gaius is a very interesting character and while I did not understand why they needed to bring him back in 4.4 (?), I do see how he could be a good asset for endwalker. And his involvement in 5.0 with Estinien was just a dear delight. So I am not opposed to learning more about him, to watching his character grow and changed with time. But I am not ready for badly written content of which 50% get told by suddenly induced echo-sequences. I mean – weren’t there rules for the echo at some point???
I’m not sure which one of the devs said it, but the feature that let’s you play an NPC is super convenient for them to tell the story, because before they could only show what happened where the WoL was.
And that’s just it. Rule number 1 in writing anything is „Show don’t tell“. It feels like they literally turned this one around for these cutscenes. While Valens torture and diet-Fandaniel-routine were very much „show“, the rest of the story was one long cutscene of exposition: We get exposition by Cid, by Gaius, by echo, by Gaius and his crew again, then by Allie. Before having to watch scenes we are not there for.
BTW. Dear square Enix: Your writers are capable of writing amazing villains, antagonist and despicable assholes. You don’t have to write „asshole, must die“ on Valens name card. And I also think the „WoL, strike here“ sign above his head was a tad bit too much. Nuance, dear writers. Nuance. Or perhaps I just got spoiled by these last few foes in the MSQ.
When I said I wanted to just be able to punch a bad guy for once and not feel bad about it, I did not mean this! I meant that I just wanted to play training dummy with Danny-Boy.
(Oh! And as far as I’m concerned you can just… sideline Gaius … „would be killer“ and the lady? Make them targetable NPCs with Dialoge to read. Let them stand somewhere accessible and comment on the latest developement. But ffs don’t give me hour long speeches about how you are going to kill Gaius if he does something you don’t like. The guy could and would wipe the floor with you if he felt like it. -.- So. Please. Shut up.)
Basically. I have to finish the Diamond weapon. But I doubt it will change my perception of this story line even in the slightest.
To be perfectly honest though … bringing Gaius back, having this story with and about him, forcing a sort of redemption ark here. It feels like they are really „grooming“ him to be a morally grey ally in Endwalker, with perhaps a big part to play in the endgame. At this point I wouldn’t even be surprised if they pulled a GoT and made him „King in the North“. Or if they had him die a heroic death to save the world, but especially his country. And to do so they need us to think his sacrifice means something. Or that he is the right person to lead Garlemald into a new future (I don’t think he is). But: For one, neither we (the players) nor the characters need to find him worthy of throne or death by heroism for his sacrifice/ascension to work. To be a useful tool for the story, only the other garleans who might oppose the alliance and scions need to deem him or his sacrifice „worthy“. And only they. And Ishikawa-san has all of 6.0 to accomplish whatever the hell she needs him for. He did not need to be the center of his own botched redemption ark. If that’s what they wanted to do. Or maybe I’m looking at this all wrong and all they wanted was to give the writes in training some literal training grounds to test their abilities.
But! On a positive note: I have yet to be told that raids and other side content are canon to any degree. So when playing the next story quests I’ll blissfully ignore all that happened in Werlyt and if it get’s mentioned (because they do that sometimes when you’ve done certain content) I’ll just ignore it.
Happy ignoring! Also: GIVE ME MORE NERO CONTENT!
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