#super unhelpful sam
ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPx DC AU: Danny learns that he can change his summoning ritual and decides to go chaos mode with it i.e. A viral tiktok trend.
Danny ascends the throne and it's honestly pretty alright as far as new jobs go. He states a few opinions, makes sure no one goes to war and is slowly integrating a community service sentence to Walker's prison. It's not a bad gig, and considering the troves of gold he's now owner of, it doesn't pay too shabby either.
His main problem with the job isn't even his constituents (he likes to think they would vote for him over pariah), it's all these loony death cults! They keep summoning him with Pariah's old cold sign and it's driving him insane- After a very unhelpful smirk by CW, a long study session in GW's library and some help from Ember (she knows drama like no one else) Danny finally has a new summoning ritual.
Of course he swapped out the blood and bone for like, sour gummies and random shit he had in his backpack at the time. A TI-84. And yes, the Latin chant is that one super-fast bit of Rap God preformed to a BTS dance at speed.
But rather than keep this to himself, he gets Sam (who has a thriving plant and protest community following) to record her completing this ritual and Danny being summoned. Why? Cause it was a very specific to Sam skill that they didn't know if people could replicate and it gives Danny some plausible deniability that he tried to make it difficult when CW asks.
Posting it makes it very quickly go viral as people attempt to call it fraudulent but sure enough, Danny is now traveling the world at a moments notice.
Which is great cause it's summer and he's bored in Amity anyway (He's going to change it before he starts university in September, duh), and its even better because the second a lame ass death cult brings him forward to, like, destroy the planet, a slumber party or influencer has already summoned him away. Shit, he even met a few celebrities this way! Plus, turns out that most death cultists aren't able to rap!
Reality hit him pretty hard when he got summoned to an office space that is clearly a base of operations and the summoning spell locked him in. Literally, he has no idea how to get out of this binding spell- Danny definitely hadn't realized that was an option. Taking in the Justice League members in front of him, plus one trench coated menace, Danny groaned for a moment before thinking to ask:
"Wait- Which one of you was able to do Rap God? And the dance? Please tell me someone thought to film that!!"
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autismprotocol · 5 months
TMAG Theory Board Update (EP 11-12)
Hi guys sorry about the late posting I've just started a new quarter of college and its been pretty hectic. also got into my school design BFA program so pretty stoked about that! Anyways lets get into the Episode Breakdowns because even though not a lot of lore related things happened I still have a lot to talk about
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For the breakdown I'll separate each by episode in sequential order
What Happened in Episode 11: Marked
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Celias Rude Awakening- we jump right into the weirdness straight away with Celia waking up on the side of the interstate. she indicates that this is not a weird occurrence and ends the scene by telling someone named Jack that she's "on her way." If you remember episode 8 after Celia and Sam talk to Gerry and Gertrude, she mentions stuff about wanting help with her own mystery. When Sam asks about it she says she's looking into Time travel, other dimentions and teleportation. Many people have theorized that maybe Celia is just a super heavy sleepwalker, but I think the she teleports random places out of nowhere. This could be a side effect of her reality hopping if this Celia is originally from The archives universe.
As for the identity of Jack I'm not quite sure about that yet. I cross referenced the name Jack with past episodes of TMA. The only thing that came up was Jack Barnabas from the statement about dating Agnes Montague (aka an avatar of the desolation and Jesus-like figure for the cult of the lightless flame) So Unless Celia is secretly Agnes of Agnes reincarnated , I can't find any way to link Barnabas to Celia. (if anyone has a theory feel free to send it my way.)
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Sam Lore- this one is pretty minor story-wise but I thought it was interesting. Before the statement for the episode is presented we get some classic Sam and Alice Banter ™ most of it is pretty lighthearted but I noticed Sam mention something that could indicate he might be an amputee.
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These could not mean anything and I find it weird that it hasn't been mentioned until now but thought it was kind of cool and I will probably be drawing sam with a prothetic leg in the future cause I really like this head-canon. It also begs to question if he is missing a leg. it might have anything to do with his past as a Magnus institute test subject but then again could just be a fun character detail added by Jonny and/or Alex .
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The Statement- Getting into the statement we get another Ink5oul appearance. Also possible Ink5oul identifying as she/they. (and lets be honest being a fear avatar is pretty non binary core). I found this Episode gave me a feeling of a hybrid between the Vast, Buried and the Flesh some people are theorizing that is might be a new entity called the Deep but I think that the fear of the ocean could easily apply to the vast or buried. Not much to say about this story though pretty standard Magnus horror that also gave us a hint to what Ink5oul's goal could be/which entity they serve.
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Post Bonzo- Gwen has a debrief with Lena after her first Externals Liason assignment and her meeting with Mr. Bonzo. Undoubtedly Gwen is still pretty shaken from her encounter, even arriving late to work due to sleeplessness. Gwen is able to ask Lena a few questions mainly she wanted to know who's name was written on the letter given to Bonzo
Lena is largely unhelpful but tells Gwen she should have worked it out by now and if not to pay close attention to the case load for the next couple of days. before the latest episode my guess was Klaus because that is the only person mentioned so far that the OIAR intends to kill. but more on that later
Marked- Now were getting to my favorite thing about this episode. This episode title can have two meanings. The first is the more literal interpretation. Tattoos are marking of the body and the case this episode was all about tattoos so easily a good name would be marked. But I believe this is a red herring meant to misguide listeners who have not consumed all 200 episodes of TMA because if you know the world of Magnus Archives the term Marked takes on a entirely different meaning.
In TMA the term marked is used to indicate that somebody has been influenced by one or more or the fears and are one their way to becoming an Avatar. I think this could be a coded way to tell the audience someone in the OIAR has been marked. I have two potential candidates
Alice Dyer- Alice has been having dreams about the Institute after her and Sam's adventure into the ruins. also she mentions feeling like someone's watching her (common to people influenced or fed upon by the Ceaseless Watcher/The Eye) My guess if she is marked it would be by the Eye.
Gwendolyn Bouchard: Probably the most likely culprit. The main way an entitly tends to mark people is through encounters with other avatars. Gwen has just had an encounter with Mr Bonzo last episode who I strongly believe must be an avatar of some sort.
What Happened in Episode 12: Getting Off
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Aww Sam!!- Sam asked Celia out and it was adorably awkward. not much to say I just loved this interaction and I'm longing for a new Magnus brand office romance hopefully is wont be an agonizing slowburn that ends tragically like a certain pair of morons from Archives (I love you Jon and Martin but Jesus christ)
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It's Bonzo time bitches!!- Probably one of the most gruesome Magnus statement I've ever listened to (good work Alex) Mr Bonzo completely annihilated some poor dude at his bachelor party. Based on the date of the Incident the I can confidently say that whoever Baz (the groom) was he was our mystery person the OIAR sent Mr Bonzo to get rid of. Along with some of the bloodiest imagery we learned a few things about Bonzo. The most interesting detail is that Bonzo has to be summoned by playing his theme song I think the CD of his theme song acts somewhat like the tapes did in TMA by materialising out of nowhere. Also fun fact you know that torn seam that is right down Bonzo's middle? that is actually is his mouth lined with rows sharp teeth so I guess I know that now (so fun) Moral of the story dont f*ck with Mr. Bonzo
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Alice knows something: Theres been this recurring audio glitch throughout TMAGP thatnks to a few extremly observent fans we have started to relize that these glitches are not at all random and are actually letting the audience know when a character is lying (i actually reposted somones deepdive into all the istances of this glitch so far if you guys are intrested in knowing more) why i bring this up now is becuase since we know when any charater is lying we also know when they are being truthful if there is no glitch when they say somthing and at the end of this episode this interaction occurs
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Alice goes ahead and makes a joke about this to annoy Gwen but the fact theres no audio glitch when she says "I know" means she does actually know who is behind the OIAR and is activly refusing to share it with Gwen or the others. What do you know Alice!?
and that's about it im already loving these next batch of episodes and am so excited to learn more (ERROR has to show up somtime )
thanks to everyone who resonded the poll on the last update I will continue to include drawings into the breakdown even if it takes me a little bit of time to post. anyways I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm about ready to pass out so thanks again and the ask box and comments are always open for discussion and theory crafting.
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Immediate Aftermath
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 26, Danny starts to deal with all of the things he's learned and everything that's just happened.
It’s while they’re flying home that everything crashes on Danny’s shoulders at once, and he knows Jazz can tell.
“Okay,” she says.  “Blame me.  Say you found me having lost track of time at the library.  Let’s go sit down.”
Danny doesn’t even have it in him to fight her, so he flies up to the roof of a nearby building and sets them both down.
Jazz reaches out and pulls him into a hug.
“You don’t have to forgive them, you know,” she says.
Danny pulls back to look at her.  “I do forgive them.”
Jazz laughs a little bit.  “I figured.”
“I just… fuck,” Danny says, dropping his head into his hands.  “I didn’t think they’d do that.”
“I know.”
“I didn’t think Vlad would do that.”
“I know.”
“Should I have seen this coming?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fuck,” Danny groans, leaning back on his hands.
Jazz leans back next to him and pulls him back in for another hug, and this time Danny stays there and rests his head in her shoulder.
“Jazz,” he says, hoping they can both ignore the slight shake in his voice.  “Why did they do that?”
“I don’t know,” Jazz whispers.  “You’re gonna have to ask them for that part.”
“I know a little bit,” Danny says, pulling back and looking up at the sky, where the sun is starting to set.  “Vlad made it look like I wanted to hurt them by telling them that Plasmius worked for me.  That’s what Sam said.  But she was also having an entire breakdown when she told me, I don’t…” he trails off.
“You already said you want to talk to them again, and I’m sure they won’t object,” Jazz says.  “And if they do, I’ll object to them.”
Danny snorts.  “No, you’re staying away from them until I know you won’t kill them,” he says.
“That’s gonna be a while.”
Danny laughs a little again, but his smile fades after a second.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asks, turning to face Jazz.  “You are the one who got kidnapped out of nowhere.  And you didn’t know what was happening like I did when I went there.”
Jazz takes a shaky breath, and runs her hands along her legs.  “I’ll be okay,” she says.  “Just a little shaken.”
“You sure?” Danny asks.
Jazz nods.
“Will you find me if you need to talk?” he says, catching Jazz’s eye to make sure she knows he’s serious.
She smiles at him, and nods.  Danny opens his arms for a hug, and they both lean forward and hold each other tightly for a moment.
They both pull back, but he can tell neither of them wants to leave yet.  And they’ll have more to talk about, but neither of them seem to want to do that for a while either.  So instead, they both sit there in silence for longer than they probably should.
But they are going to have to deal with their parents eventually, so after a while, Danny stands up.  “Let’s go home.”
“Danny,” Jazz says, standing with him.  “I really am so sorry this happened to you.”
Danny gives Jazz the best smile he can manage, which isn’t a very good one right now.  “Thanks, Jazz,” he says anyway.
It’s clear when they get home that their parents notice something happened.  Of course they do, they’ve been gone too long and neither of them exactly look their best.
Danny’s not sure how he expects them to react to it, but he knows they’ll do something.  They’ve been getting better about actually paying attention to what’s going on in his and Jazz’s lives.  Really nice most of the time.  Super unhelpful right now.
They both sit down at the table for the spaghetti that’s long gone cold, and don’t make a move towards eating it.
“So,” Mom says, crossing her arms.  “You want to tell me where you two have been, and what you were doing?  Where are your crutches, Danny?”
Danny opens his mouth to give some version of Jazz’s library excuse, but it gets stuck on the way out, as he finds himself not wanting to lie to them.  At least, not all the way.  So, he reaches out and takes Jazz’s hand, then takes a deep breath.
“I don’t need the crutches,” he says.  “My leg is healed.”
His parents eyebrows shoot up in disbelief, so Danny rushes on before they can question that one much.
“And Tucker and Sam got caught up in a ghost attack,” he says.  “With this Wisconsin ghost.  And it’s… we’ve been having a fight lately.  I wanted to show them I was still going to be there to help.  That’s what Sam was here for.”
The fact that none of that was technically a lie felt weird.  He had left out some crucial context, though, which feels a little more normal.
“Sam and Tucker got caught up in a ghost fight?” Mom asks.  “Are they okay?”
Danny exchanges a look with Jazz, not sure what to say.  “They were manipulated by this half ghost who’s also your old college buddy” doesn’t sound like the best idea.  “They’ve been hunting me” will also come with a lot of follow up questions.  Heck, “no,” will come with at least some follow up questions.
“They’re…” Danny starts, and trails off.  “I don’t know.”  That’s the best he’s got.
His parents both exchange a glance, then turn back to him.
“Sweetie, how long have you three been fighting?” Mom asks.  “Why haven’t you said anything?”
Well, Danny doesn’t know what to say to that, either.  He’s finding himself way too tired of lying to them to do it.  But he’s still not ready to tell them the truth.
Jazz reaches out and squeezes his hand under the table.
“Can I…” Danny says hesitantly.  “Can I tell you later?”
Mom blinks, looking confused.  “What?”
“I… there’s something I haven’t told you guys,” Danny says, looking down at the table.  “And I’m still not ready to tell you.”
“Danno, what do you mean?” Dad asks, sitting forward.
“Exactly that,” Danny says, looking down at his hands.  “I just… I need a little time.  Okay?”
He can feel his parents looking at him, but he doesn’t raise his gaze.
“Danny,” Mom says.  “Are you safe?”
“I am now,” Danny says.  Mostly.
That doesn’t seem to help, as he looks up to see panic in his parents eyes.
“Really!” he says, holding up his hands.  “I’m okay!  I promise.  I’ve been going through a lot, but I’m okay now.  I’m just not really ready to talk about it with you guys.”
“Will you tell us if you need our help?” Mom asks, giving him a concerned look.
Danny thinks it over, and nods.
Mom takes a deep breath, clearly still not happy.  But after a second, she looks at Dad, and then the two of them turn to face Danny.
“Okay,” Dad says.  “But we really don’t like this, son.”
“I know,” Danny says, but he doesn’t say anything else.
There’s a long stretch of silence, and then Mom sighs.  “I’ll reheat the spaghetti,” she says, and picks up both Danny and Jazz’s plates.
“I’ll get some drinks,” Dad says.
Danny turns to Jazz as they both start doing that.  Jazz gives him a smile and wraps her arm around his shoulders, giving him a quick side hug.
“Good job,” she says.
Danny smiles back at her.  “Thanks.”
The dinner is tense and uncomfortable, but they know he’s keeping something from them, and they’re not making him tell them, and those are the important parts.  And for the first time since the accident, Danny goes to bed knowing that someday, they’ll be okay.
Danny makes the executive decision that he’s skipping school the next day, because he’s earned it, goddammit.
Jazz doesn’t argue with him, and tells their parents that he’s sick, who according to her didn’t look like they really believed her but let it slide anyway.
So Danny gets up after Mom and Dad head down to the lab, makes himself some frozen waffles, and then heads back upstairs, planning to spend the day plopped in a bean bag in front of his video game console playing Doomed.
Before he can boot it up, however, he hears a knock on his window, and he glances over to find Valerie hovering there in her suit.
He climbs up and heads over, pulling the window open.
“Hey,” he says.  “Are you sure your suit is safe?”
“Oh yeah,” Valerie says.  “I had Tucker go over it and find all the spy cameras last night,” Valerie says.  “He still has the diagrams he grabbed, he says it wasn’t hard.  No one can see me anymore.”
Danny nods.  “Okay,” he says.  “Good.”
“Can I come in?” Valerie asks.  “I know we’re taking a break right now.  I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
Danny nods again, and steps back to let Valerie come inside.  She lands gently on his floor and retracts her suit.
“I think I’m alright,” Danny says as she turns around.  “Or I’m gonna be, at least.  I’ll just, you know, need a bit.”
Valerie nods.  “Okay,” she says.
“A lot more makes sense now,” Danny says.
“Yeah, I’d imagine,” Valerie says.  A second passes, and she suddenly holds up her hands, a look of alarm on her face.  “I swear I didn’t know, if you were wondering.”
“Oh.”  Danny shakes his head.  “I wasn’t.”
“I did wonder why Vlad suddenly liked them so much more than me,” Valerie says.  “But I didn’t know who they were.  And I don’t know why he went after them, either.”
“I believe you,” Danny says quietly.
Valerie looks back at him, obviously concerned.  “You’re really okay?”
Danny smiles a little.  “Yeah,” he says.  “It’s easier now that I know what actually happened.  And… I’m doing a lot better than I was, I think.  I’ll be okay.”
Valerie nods, though Danny can’t tell if it’s at what he said or if it’s more to herself.  “You know you can talk to me if you need to?” she asks.  “I mean, you don’t have to, obviously, just, if you want to.”
“I will,” Danny says with a smile.  “Thanks.”
“Good,” Valerie says.  They’re both quiet for a minute, and then Valerie speaks again.
“I have an offer for you.”
“An offer?”
“Yeah.  I can handle the ghosts for a week.”
Danny blinks.  “You can handle them?”
“Yeah.  I’ve wanted to pay you back for a while anyway, for picking up the slack when I took a break.  Take the week, work things out with everyone.  I’ve got it for a little bit.”
Danny hesitates.  “I don’t know.”
“If I need your help I’ll come get you,” Valerie says, with a tone that means she absolutely doesn’t think she’ll need his help.
Danny laughs a little.  “Okay,” he says.  “Thanks Val.”
Valerie smiles back at him, and for a moment they just look at each other, until Valerie shakes herself.
“Well, that’s all,” she says, pulling her suit back on.  “Just wanted to check on you.”  She starts to head over for the window.
“Hey,” Danny says before she flies out of it.
Valerie turns to face him again.  “Yeah?”
“Take your mask off.”
Valerie does, looking a little confused until Danny walks over and gives her a short, chaste kiss.
“I’ll be seeing you,” he says, pulling back.  “And I’m really looking forward to fighting ghosts with you.”
Valerie gives him a warm smile, and another quick kiss back.  “You better hope you can keep up, Fenton,” she says.  Then she gives a wave and flies out the window and off.
Danny smiles after her as she goes.
And then, as soon as she’s out of sight, he transforms and flies out after her, but in the opposite direction.
He didn’t want to mention it while she was there.  But Valerie made him realize something.  If she doesn’t have the slightest idea why Vlad went after Sam and Tucker specifically, that means he didn’t bother to bullshit an excuse.  And while he seems to have done that with Sam and Tucker, since Sam’s whole panicked speech included something about Vlad saying Phantom was trying to kill them, she didn’t seem to know the real reason either.
And Danny wants to know the real reason.
And he can only think of one person who can tell him that.
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Title: Close Your Eyes and I'll Kiss You
Author: tfw_cas
Artist: golby moon
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Dean Winchester has been secretly in love with his college roommate and best friend Cas for years, but he’s convinced Cas doesn’t feel the same.
When he’s offered a teaching position thousands of miles away, he sees it as an opportunity to be closer to his brother... and maybe give himself some distance from his feelings for Cas. After all, it’s not like they can’t still be friends.
But things go badly when Cas finds out, and Dean's not sure their friendship is going to survive. And as for his dreams coming true... Well, those are just lyrics, right?
Tags: Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy, Charlie Bradbury/Jo Harvelle, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Idiots In Love, Mild Angst, Everyone Knows Dean and Cas Are In Love Except Dean and Cas Past Dean/Benny, Dean Winchester Can Sing In This Fic, Karaoke, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss
Posting on June 28
Keep reading for a short excerpt.
“Oh, hi, Principal Mills, this is Dean Winchester. I'm calling to accept your job offer.”
The words stuck in his throat as he suddenly became aware that the door was open, and Cas was standing there with his hand still on the handle. From the look on his face, he’d obviously heard everything Dean had said.
Dean grimaced at his friend, who walked into the room without a word, sat on his bed, and stared at the floor as Dean continued his conversation with Principal Mills. The rest of the conversation was mercifully short, and once the principal had promised to email Dean all the necessary documents, she ended the call.
Dean put the phone down slowly and cleared his throat. “Hey, Cas, um… sorry you found out like that. I promise, I was gonna tell you next. And y'know… California isn't so far away.”
“California?” Cas gasped out in surprise, and yeah… of course he didn’t know that part yet, did he?
Dean really couldn’t be handling the situation any worse, and he mentally facepalmed as he tried to think of something to say to soften the blow. His brain was being super unhelpful though, and Cas spoke again before he could.
“You don’t owe me anything, Dean.” Cas finally looked at Dean and attempted a smile. It was as unconvincing as his words, and for a second Dean wondered if Sam was right about Cas hoping they could move in together… That was until Cas said something which blew that theory out of the water.
“I also applied for a job at the college.” He gestured around himself to indicate their college. “I’m just waiting to hear back from them.”
“They’d be idiots if they offered it to anyone else,” Dean said, as reassuringly as he could manage, despite the sentiment ringing hollowly to his own ears.
Cas got to his feet and headed back over to the door. He turned around before leaving, and Dean could see that his jaw was clenched, and when he spoke his voice sounded emotionless. “Thank you, and congratulations on your new job. I just remembered I promised to help another student with an assignment, so I should go.”
With that Cas rushed out of the room, leaving Dean staring at the door. His heart felt like someone had stuck a knife in it, but at least he could say he knew exactly where he stood with Cas.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Season 2 Finale - The Heir
As with the last few episodes, here’s my thoughts on the finale - sort of live blogged.  I went in completely unspoiled so this should be fun.
LMAO - Sam buying a candle for Isaac.  Okay - I don’t think Isaac should get half or any money at all since Alberta, Flower, and Trevor didn’t get ANY money from their contributions to Sam/Jay at the B&B.  Like she wrote it for HIM so he shouldn’t GET ANYTHING.  Just saying.  It’s total BS.  
OMG I love the Exotic Dancer conversation.  Trevor being excited about David’s daughter.  And Hetty’s reaction - that’s nice to have that in the family tree.
THEY HAVE GHOST COURT????  Pete totally came up with this.  I do love that 
THOR stop reminding him about that - Poor Trevor.  He’s like “I just want to be excited about my boy”.  “He threw you in the lake”.  BOO THOR.
Love the ideas for the money - it’s hilarious.  Nigel’s PISSED about the day bed.
LMAO at Sass flouting the GF thing and then talking about washing hands.  Since he wouldn’t be dead then. Love Nancy’s contributions.  
OMG - the DNA scene was so good!  It’s TOTALLY nuts that this can happen since the deed already passed to SAM.  ALSO totally love that Thor’s like “I know stuff now” and cutting Trevor off and he’s all upset about it.  Alberta’s face was so good!  BTW I kind of hate the lawyer.
Hetty “Serve us” - LMAO.  These guys are not helping.  This is such BS.  I do love Trevor knowing this stuff.  HETTY! OMG.  LMAO David dying at a gentleman’s club.
OMG the ghost court!  She thanked a washing machine?  LMAO.  Have they ever had house harmony?  This feels very much like Alberta has TOO much power considering that they barely got along before Pete died.  Always fighting (per the other ghosts when Pete got a spine).  
LMAO Thor is just all sorts of unhelpful.  OMG this is not going so well.  Don’t propose Isaac!  This is not a good idea.
LMAO David - why would you put your balls in a coffee pot?? Of course it’s because of ARI.  LMAO.  God these dudes were dumb as fuck.  But it’s hilarious.
Nigel storming out is not helpful.  Isaac - IF YOU HAVEN”T EVEN ROOMED TOGETHER WHY ARE YOU PROPOSING???  This is annoying.  OMG the bullet?  Why???  
A WHOLE YEAR IN THE WOODS.  Also, Thor got three days???  WTF???
OMG - Trevor comes in about the news about the engagement & LOVE Trevor asking about SEX VISITS.  OMG - the looks on everyone’s faces.
Also, GOOD Alberta won’t let it happen.  Hetty actually has to think about it.  Also, FLOWER & Hetty as ROOMMATES - Trevor’s excited.  He was SO happy about it.  I can’t believe Alberta’s getting Hetty’s room and was Trevor unaware of the Ghost court???
Trevor’s super excited about the blanks & I cannot believe aneurysm.  Motor boating accident.  OMG the LAWYER was in it.  I can’t believe what he was trying to do!  DAMN!  Even Woodstone LAWYERS ARE AWFUL.
I wish Sam had carried some messages between David/Trevor.  It would be so great!  I can’t believe David thinks he’s in heaven.  Trevor is so excited about everything with his boys despite Thor trying to bring him down.
“I love those stupid invisible bastards” - Jay :)
Aw, Sam gave such a loving speech about the ghosts and SERIOUSLY Jay - hoping it’s Trevor??? WHY JAY WHY??  HE JUST HELPED YOU BY KNOWING DAVID SO WELL.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
if we're doing batpham stuff i have to share the terrible but hilarious au in my head
dark danny/dan is "redeemed" kinda , (clockwork made him half human again and he's feeling things in a way that he hasn't since he merged with vlad and he hates it)
anyways things go badly
maybe bad parents maddie and jack but also could be dead protecting their 4 kids and their liminal friends
dan, jazz, danny, ellie, tucker, sam and valerie get to the ghost zone
clockwork being both super powerful and super unhelpful drops them into the gotham of another universe without so much as a by your leave and deages then
dan's 18/19, jazz is 13, danny, ellie, sam, tucker, and valerie are all 8
which you know is already stressful but apparently deageing doesn't make any of them any more human then they were before the deageing
so here dan is still half ghost (unsurprising bc he got those powers at 13 him still having them makes sense)
jazz is an empath (being 13 is bad enough without the ability to feel other ppls emotions dan actually feels really bad for her)
valerie still has her ecto-exoskeleton (which he didn't realize until val fell off a building and holy shit was that terrifying)
sam has the plant powers being possessed by undergrowth gave her (looks like that joke he made back when he was danny about her being an eco-terrorist isn't going to be a joke anymore)
tucker has magic still (gods dan wants to cry, he loved tuck like a brother but the boy had shit self control when he was 18 who thought giving him magic at 8 was a good idea)
and danny and ellie are both still half ghost (which holy fuck dan realizes that there's no anti-ecto laws in this world but child trafficking is still a thing and these brats are powerful !)
anyways they're making due
they found a place to squat in the ally there's a lot of theft happing with dan's ghost powers
right up until jason finds dan standing over joker's dead body with a gaggle of brats behind him
and jason always figured that he'd fall for whoever killed the joker he just figured it have less dramatics then one of his novels
I love everything about this
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checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
Re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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Our dearest darlingest Samwise Gamgee might think things like elves are "a bit above [his] likes and dislikes, so to speak," but I have not reached that level of garden-born enlightenment, so let's get on to what I liked and disliked on the continuing saga of my LotR reread. Let's talk "Chapter 4: A Short Cut to Mushrooms."
So apparently elves are cool with pulling an Irish goodbye after being deeply unhelpful in terms of forking over information that is directly related to the missing that the hobbits are on, because Frodo wakes up in a field bower and Pippin is sassy about wanting to eat all the elven bread but Sam refusing to let him because Frodo needs breakfast too.
Everyone should have a Sam to make sure they get breakfast. No matter what else is going on, breakfast is important. Although not gonna lie, I feel Pippin's "that bread is delicious and I want ALL OF IT inside me" vibes too. My worst self is a hungry hobbit with elven bread.
Before we even get breakfast sorted out though, Frodo and Pippin are comfortably arguing about Black Riders and whether to take the road or go cross-country. Once the petty bickering is over, we head out through fields and thickets and distinctly do not take the road...which again, probably saves their dang tails, because not even a Black Rider can get a horse down a super steep bank to nab hobbits.
Then of course they end up tromping through difficult terrain and get a wee bit lost, until eventually we end up on Farmer Maggot's land, wherein we find out that Farmer Maggot sent a Black Rider packing and he can feed fourteen people a solid meal at the drop of a hat. Then Maggot drives our boys to Bucklebury Ferry, where after a brief bait-and-switch, we are reunited with Merry!
Really quite a quick chapter for Tolkien, I gotta say.
What I think I liked best though was the development of relationships between our main three. Frodo and Pippin joshing and bickering like old friends--and fully establishing Pippin as deeply direct and somewhat unaware of stakes--is kind of adorable, and the sense we get that these are long-term patterns and comfortable friendships is really lovely. That's further solidified when it's made clear that Merry and Pippin used to just like...hang with Farmer Maggot in the past? And Frodo didn't because he used to steal mushrooms. This is so honestly legit in terms of like, the different dynamics between friend groups and who you let do the talking in what circumstances. I really adored how textured and deep and real this felt, and in SUCH a short amount of space! I think this has been the shortest chapter so far in this book (like 15 pages in my copy), and yet it still packs so much character development and so many dynamics into the space.
The most interesting development though is from Sam. I believe Peter Jackson had Sam attribute "don't you leave him, Samwise Gamgee" to Gandalf, but ACKSHUALLY (I'm so sorry), in the book, it's freaking Gildor and his elves. They're the ones who exhort Sam not to leave Frodo, and Sam of course had no intention to before that, and after that conversation he's going to stick to Frodo EVEN HARDER, because now he thinks he has a reason to beyond just inherent loyalty. Which is all fine and dandy, and I like that we get that when Frodo is trying to prime Sam to be left behind--which of course Sam is having none of.
We love Sam for a reason, y'all.
But, the other really deeply interesting thing is that I think this is the first point of change we see in Sam. I'll let him describe it:
I don't know how to say it, but after last night I feel different. I seem to see ahead, in a kind of way. I know we are going to take a very long road, into darkness; but now I know I can't turn back. It isn't to see the elves now, nor dragons, nor mountains, that I want - I don't rightly know what I want: but I have something to do before the end, and it lies ahead, not in the Shire. I must see it through, sir...
It makes sense to me that Gandalf, Maia wizard, to have a sense of the edges of the shape of the future. Nobody's questioning that, it's fine. But Sam has just said something deeply similar to, if less specific than, Gandalf's sense that Gollum still has a role to play before the end. This feels like Sam got low-key divine knowledged by the elves, and frankly I'm both here for it and deeply appreciative of this equation of Sam with Gandalf in this way. It's a nice little piece of foreshadowing that Sam will be important and the fact that it puts his knowledge of what is actually important on a level with Gandalf and the elves speaks volumes about what Tolkien wanted to do with the character from the very beginning. Sam always was, is, and will be important.
So let's get on with the next chapter and see what our core four hobbits get up to next.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
I have brain damage too. (Stroke in 2018, that counts right? Also im not old, just unlucky ig) and I've been dealing with dystonia and spasticity in my right side, do you have any way of coping with movement disorders when you've tried literally everything and nothings helped?
omg hiii yes that absolutely counts!! we are pretty sure my issue is vascular as well although not as severe as a stroke, it’s basically a series of mini or partial strokes (“incomplete infarctions”). so major solidarity!!
could you clarify what you mean by coping – like physically adapting to symptoms, or emotionally dealing with the fact that nothing has worked? honestly i wish i had more advice for you but i am not doing super well at either so far 😅
as far as physically, my pcp gave me a muscle relaxer (tizanidine) that like, doesn’t stop my dystonia & involuntary movements but does make it less painful / less likely to get muscle cramps, and honestly it’s a plus that it makes me so sleepy because often my movement stuff makes it really difficult to sleep, so it can knock me out when i get desperate. that might already be on the list of stuff you’ve tried though so i’m sorry if that’s unhelpful!
emotionally like, i am super lucky because my gf & roommate are really anti-ableist & supportive so they help me with a lot, but it’s still just. really overwhelming especially when there isn’t much representation in disability spaces especially among young people.
while in practice i’ve found it more beneficial to refrain from separating my body from my “self”, i’ve kinda been shoehorning my experiences into media narratives of loss of bodily control in other ways, especially demonic possession because the stereotypical representation of that really resembles the types of involuntary movements i have. it’s a mixed bag & i definitely have complicated feelings about it lol.
i’m also really fortunate to have a couple friends with cerebral palsy & we’ve related a lot to each other’s experiences – there’s probably even more of an overlap with yours because my dystonia is usually, like, “between” more flailing-type involuntary movements rather than consistent on its own & i don’t experience much if any spasticity. but being able to joke about being afraid of breaking plates or spasming when you’re trying to have sex has been a huge source of comfort for me.
if people would be interested i’d be happy to make a super informal discord just to have a place to be like “wow this fucking sucks”? full disclosure i am super not cut out for like intensive Official Moderation shit more like just, this is a group chat & i just happen to be the one who made it, we’ve mutually agreed to be respectful, etc. & regardless, as always my dms + inbox are super open & i’m happy to share my discord if you wanna chat.
i wish i had more coping mechanisms to offer that aren’t just “loud music, sex jokes, & projecting onto sam winchester” lmfao but that’s where i’m at right now, tbh it’s just really comforting to hear from people dealing with the same shit even if there isn’t much we can do about it. again i’d love to talk more if you want & i’m super wishing you the best 💓💓
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treacherousrift · 1 year
to further expand on the “Dean pushes away physical emotional pain (even Sam’s)” point, Dean grew up taught that Sam had to be safe in order for Dean to be safe (I mean wasn’t that one of the rules they showed in the intro over and over?). It was like John tied their nervous systems together via parentification of Dean. So of course when Sam’s in trouble or feeling bad, Dean tries to fix it. But because Dean was never taught ACTUAL helpful ways to fix emotional problems, he tries to teach his unhelpful mechanisms to Sam (ex. Repressing actual wants/needs, escapism via substances/people). So he’s trying to be a mini father to Sam, but without knowledge on how to do that.
and this is not meant to be anti Dean or anything. I just am fixated on the ways that john’s parenting wreaked havoc on his son’s emotions and nervous systems.
This was submitted a while ago. Sorry university is making me super busy. But I agree with this take
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dothwrites · 4 years
161 please??
google doth always taking prompts
161--Where did that cat come from?
The rainstorm starts when Dean pulls into the space outside the bunker’s door. It’ll be a pain in the ass to reverse and pull into the garage, plus he and Sam have a trunk full of groceries, so Dean just curses and puts the Impala into park before he gets out of the car. Water droplets start to pelt against the top of his head and the back of his neck as he loads as many bags on his wrists and arms as humanly possible. 
From there, it’s a quick trip down the bunker stairs. Sam follows behind, with a more modest amount of bags swinging from his hands. Dean walks quickly, cognizant of his struggling circulation, not to mention the unpleasant wind of a single bead of water down his spine. Their steps echo down the bunker stairs, which would alert Cas to their presence, even if the “Cas, we’re home!” didn’t. 
“Shut up,” Dean automatically says when he hears Sam’s poorly repressed snigger. 
“Needy much?” Sam does a faulty reproduction of Dean’s voice, making sure to give him a falsetto. “Cas, we’re home!” He continues to snicker as they make their way to the kitchen. “You’re about one step away from Lucy.” 
“Ok, first of all, it was Ricky Ricardo who said those lines and secondly--shut up.” Ok, so not the best comeback. Blame the rain and his screaming wrists and arms. Dean flushes and turns away from Sam as he lifts the groceries onto the counter with a quiet grunt. 
“Nice job, He-Man. Maybe next time you could try multiple trips?” 
“Go out? More than once? For groceries? Sam, it’s like you don’t even know me.” Dean starts unpacking the bags, pausing when he reaches a certain jar. “Cas! We’re in the kitchen!” 
On the opposite side of the kitchen, Sam starts to hum something that sounds like needy baby needy baby. Dean debates throwing a can of green beans at the back of his shaggy moose head. He settles for lobbing a poisonous glare at Sam’s head and not letting up until his brother turns around. 
“Hey, he dipped out on grocery shopping. The least he could do is come and help put the stuff away.” Plus Dean bought a jar of the good stuff for Cas, organic, comb in honey. It cost him an arm and a leg, but it’ll be worth it once he sees the pleased, shy smile spread across Cas’ face, which he can’t see until his boyfriend makes his way to the kitchen. 
Sam must catch sight of the honey because he lets out a very unflattering snort. Dean defensively scoops the honey out of sight. “It’s good for the environment,” he defends, despite the fact that he’s never recycled a day in his life. 
“Sure.” Sam really shouldn’t sound so smug, Mr. I Drink Kale Smoothies and Poop Compost. “Look, all I’m saying is that if my boyfriend had me that whipped, then I would at least own it.” 
“Your boyfriend would run away from your ugly face,” Dean snidely digs. Far from dissolving into a snotty mess, Sam just makes a very rude gesture involving use of a singular finger, and turns around to continue stocking the freezer with pizza rolls. 
The first sign of trouble is a singular sneeze. Dean shakes it off--it was raining outside, pollen is in the air, and the bunker that they live in was made by a bunch of old, dead guys, so there’s bound to be some dust. 
The second, third, and fourth sneezes come as more of a puzzle. 
Sam, ever the solicitous brother, raises an eyebrow. “You dying or what?” he asks. 
“Or what,” Dean wheezes, though his eyes are watery and itchy. A rattle starts in his throat as another sneeze rocks through his body. This is not normal. In fact, he only gets like this when...
Cas walks into the kitchen, wearing jeans and one of Dean’s hoodies that’s just a bit too big for him in the arms (though it stretches delightfully across his chest and shoulders). As soon as he crosses the threshold of the kitchen, as if on command, Dean sneezes. 
Through watery eyes, Dean squints at the suspicious bulge in the front of the hoodie pocket. Castiel casually shifts to the side to hide it, but it’s too late. Dean just saw something move. Cas might be happy to see him, but he’s nowhere near that happy. 
“Whatcha got there Cas?” He tries to make it clear from his tone that his question is not a polite request. 
It’s not every day that Dean gets to see a former angel of the Lord acting shifty, but that’s exactly what he gets to see as Cas tries to sidle his way out of the kitchen. “Cas,” Dean barks. Cas shuffles his feet as he plasters a very unconvincing look of innocence on his face. “What’s in your pocket?”
His facade of hardass suffers from the sneeze that rockets through his body, but it’s enough. Cas walks into the kitchen. Sam, intrigued by the drama, draws closer, but Dean’s eyes are focused on Cas’ hand as it dips into the hoodie pocket. 
Castiel withdraws his hand, holding his burden out for inspection. Out of the corner of his eye, Dean sees Sam’s mouth drop open in a paroxysm of delight (fucking softie). For his part, Dean greets the reveal with three consecutive sneezes, each one more violent than the last. 
“Cas,” Dean finally says, sniffling around his words, “where did that cat come from?” 
The cat in question can’t be much more than a kitten. It sits easily in Cas’ large hand. Luminous green eyes blink up slowly at him through a haze of black fur. As Dean watches, the kitten opens its mouth, revealing tiny sharp teeth and a pink tongue. A soft mew fills the space. 
Dean answers it with a sniffle. 
“I was out in the garden earlier today,” Cas begins. He doesn’t even have the good grace to look guilty as he pulls the kitten in close to his chest. Dean winces (that’s a hell of a lot of dander and fur that’s winding up on an article of clothing that still technically belongs to him) before he outright flinches as the kitten digs its claws into the fabric. Say goodbye to that particular hoodie. 
“It was just starting to rain and I found her.” Cas looks at him, all huge blue eyes and plaintive voice. “She was cold and shivering. I don’t think that she’d eaten for several days.” 
Great. Just great. Dean can already see where this is going and exactly what parts they’re all going to fall into. Cas, the crusader for justice and kindness, Sam, the well-intentioned supporter, and Dean, the cruel hand of logic. 
“Well, feed her, and then after the rain finishes we can take her to the shelter.” 
Next to him, Sam gasps. Cas’ mouth turns down in a stubborn frown. 
“Dean, the shelter is a kill shelter.” Sam’s voice sounds as scandalized as though Dean had suggested that they carpet bomb the whole town. 
“It’s a kitten. It’s cute. It’ll get adopted in like three seconds. I mean, it’s already got the two of you wrapped around its little dagger claws.” 
There’s something embarrassing about the soppy eyes that both Sam and Cas shoot towards the kitten. No angel should look that sickly sweet. 
“Dean, cats are fairly low maintenance,” Cas begins, which is exactly where Dean thought this talk was headed. 
“I have allergies!” Dean protests, to be met with unsympathetic looks from both his brother and his boyfriend. Traitors. “Plus, who’s going to take care of it when we go on hunts? We going to pay the neighbors to come over into our super secret bunker filled with satanic stuff?” 
Cas’ mouth flattens. “There are several establishments in town which cater to the boarding of pets.” Great. He’s already done research. “Also, many stores offer over the counter products designed to alleviate the symptoms of allergies.” 
Between Sam’s puppy eyes and Cas’ jutting lower lip, Dean feels his defenses wavering. “You’d better keep it away from my room. And if it starts pissing on the floors or tearing up the furniture, it’s out of here. And you’re,” he points to both Sam and Cas, “going to pay for my allergy meds. And you’re going to feed it and pay for all its stuff.” He’s never felt more like a dad than in that moment, lecturing his brother and boyfriend on the proper care of the cat. “This is your pet; I’m not going to take care of it!” 
Cas nods earnestly before he walks across the kitchen and kisses the bolt of his jaw, right in the sweet spot that always turns Dean weak in the knees. Bastard knows exactly how to play him. Dean turns his head to kiss Cas properly, ignoring Sam’s gagging noises in the background. Cas hums into the kiss, his teeth ghosting over Dean’s lower lip in a hint of a tease. 
Dean’s just ready to make it a proper kiss, Sam be damned, when he’s stabbed. Yelping in pain, he jumps backward, glaring at the tiny, cockblocking, ball of fluff still held in Cas’ hands. The kitten retracts the minuscule knives attached to its paws as it blinks innocently up at him.
“Oh, I think you must have squashed her,” Cas says, rubbing a finger underneath the kitten’s chin.
For its part, the kitten yawns at Dean before falling asleep. 
“Yeah,” Dean mutters, massaging at his wound (seriously, he’s bleeding and Sam is just laughing at him like an asshole). “Yeah, this is going to turn out swell.
(It comes to no one’s surprise, least of all Dean’s, when he goes to bed and finds not only Castiel, but the kitten curled up on his mattress. I said she’s not allowed on the bed, Dean tries, but the protest is weak at best, especially when Cas has decided to play dirty and is lying bare-chested with the sheet artfully draped over his waist. 
Well, I could take her back to my room, Cas murmurs, scooping up the kitten, and Dean’s going hellishly soft in his old age because he just says Over my dead body, before crawling over the mattress to where Cas waits. The kitten finds her way to the floor. 
In the morning, Dean wakes up with his nose running and his eyes gummy, due to the fucking cat who has decided to sleep less than a foot away from his face. The heated kiss that Cas gives him when he wakes up only partially helps to stop his bitching.)
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mewtonian-physics · 2 years
*cocks gun* give us the essay on the bad ships. Or talk abt his good relationships if you prefer (ppl really do refuse to take the shipping goggles off fr)
i will do BOTH
however i will talk about his positive relationships in a second post so people who don't want to see the entire salt mines i contain about this can still get the good content. because i am about to be an unrepentant hater.
so. from the information i've gathered, there are four 'main' raiden ships that people seem to split up between. (there are more minor ones but they all suck too and i don't want to talk about them because many of them venture into the downright horrifying.) those four ships are with the following individuals: rosemary, solid snake, vamp, and jetstream sam. now, when it comes to ships, i go in for the ones that are healthy and don't completely butcher the involved characters, so if anyone's reading this who doesn't give a shit about that then i guess this post won't mean anything to you. this still applies if it's a solely physical relationship--'friends with benefits' still involves them actually being, y'know, able to stand each other, and 'hate sex' as a concept is just... no thanks. plus even in those cases a lot of this kind of thing would still require completely ignoring the characters' actual personalities. not for me, thank you!
bonus points in this particular case because raiden already has so many awful, toxic relationships in his life and i simply do not see why anyone would feel the need to add more. anyway, time to actually get into my complaints. i'm not going to be super tactful about this. or tactful at all, really. you've been warned.
i have talked about the rose thing many times already so i'm just going to skip her because i'm not sure what else there is to say.
i've also touched on the problems with vamp. i like vamp just fine as his own character, but that doesn't mean i don't still disapprove of this idea. they're incompatible by virtue of one of them doesn't really give that much of a shit and just wants to die and the other one is perfectly fine making that happen. yes, yes, vamp is freud's best friend, but that doesn't mean shit on an emotional level and i doubt it really means much if anything on a physical level either. this one would either be vastly unhealthy or ridiculously inaccurate. moving on!
next up i want to talk about solid snake. i'll be honest here, i just do not like the guy, but that isn't the reason why i don't like this ship. again, this one would be incredibly unhealthy. raiden clearly looks up to snake, i'd go so far as to call it hero worship--he seems to think of snake almost as a mentor figure, which, considering the fact that the man who he grew up with and who 'taught him everything' was another of big boss's clones, isn't that much of a surprise. meanwhile, during mgs2, snake... does not treat him like an equal in the slightest. quite the opposite, in fact. even beyond consistently belittling him for his (perceived) lack of experience, rarely giving him any actual positive acknowledgement, insulting him behind his back, and generally just being an asshole... well, this is my hot take: snake doesn't treat raiden that much better than any of the other major players do. he isn't actively trying to kill raiden (but then again, neither are the patriots, for most of it), but other than that, let's run over the list: manipulating raiden, check, lying to him, check, betraying him and throwing him to the wolves when it suits his purposes, check! (also, he basically ignores raiden actively having a mental breakdown and just says a bunch of cryptic and unhelpful shit. how caring of him, i say sarcastically.)
and to say nothing of mgs4! holy shit, mgs4 is bad on the raiden-and-snake front. raiden literally throws himself into danger constantly and almost dies three separate times while trying to protect snake. he WOULD HAVE died at the end there if snake hadn't finally gotten him to stop with the suicide missions. 'my body is a machine, i can take it' you can't put metal in the microwave for a goddamn reason. aaaaand aside from having a couple decent moments, snake is... still an asshole. he tried to take raiden to shadow moses island when he was dying and by the time he finally changed his mind (because a CHILD had to convince him not to) he was telling raiden he had a family when he had already been very clearly told that no, no he doesn't. of course raiden has a breakdown. and snake ignores him. again. raiden pours his heart out and begs snake not to leave him alone and snake just says 'this is my fight' and leaves. that's it. like i said, he has a few moments, but by and large i think it's pretty obvious that raiden cares a lot more about snake than snake does about him.
the inherent emotional and power imbalance that would be and is present in any relationship (platonic (which is what we actually see), romantic, sexual, anything) between the two of them downright horrifies me. raiden would be putting almost all of the work into it for very little in return, and i just... i can't accept that. he deserves better than that.
aaaaaaand jetstream sam. christ. this one is so popular, and for what? for what? their first meeting is sam helping murder a man raiden truly respects and considers a friend. and then maiming him. including destroying one of the only organic parts he has left. all the while mocking him and then almost killing him, too.
and their second meeting doesn't go any better. sam immediately and cheerfully starts messing with raiden's mind, employing brutal psychological warfare to the point that raiden almost lets himself get killed because he's too damn nice for his own good and can barely bring himself to fight back against the people trying to kill him.
this is, of course, all while sam is working for desperado, a company that is kidnapping children off the streets and turning them into brainwashed cyborg soldiers, aka some of the most horrifying things raiden's been put through in his life at the same time. and then he has the nerve to try and take the moral high ground.
and then there's the third meeting! in which they once again try to kill each other. the fact that sam is calling raiden a pretty boy and saying to 'show [him] a good time' during this fight does not mean anything. he's not flirting with him, he's mocking him. his tendency to do that is literally one of his most blatant character traits. it's creepy. and even if he was flirting, that's not nearly enough to build anything off of.
the fact that he decides to help raiden at the end also doesn't mean anything. unless you want to look at his dlc and decide that since he decided to help armstrong that means you ship THEM.
that's actually another of the reasons it would never work. raiden is an idealist. he has very strong beliefs about right and wrong. and sam... doesn't. his little 'we've heard enough speeches about ideals' is just something he says to disguise the fact that he doesn't have any. he flip-flops over committing atrocities like he's trying to decide what to have for breakfast. meanwhile raiden would have sooner let armstrong kill him than help with his plans. they're completely incompatible. raiden might have had some respect for sam's fighting skills, but he'd never respect him as a person. because sam goes against everything he is.
i could say so much more on that, but this post is long enough as is, and i've already made you wait almost four hours... sorry about that... i have a lot of thoughts. a lot of them.
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belyyv0lk · 2 years
☕ stucky (if you're still doing these. that last one got me really curious what you think of it)
I'm always up for questions ❤️❤️ be ready for a NOVEL. But don't worry I'm not like hating on it or anything.
Stucky is definitely not my favorite. It's bothered me from the moment it existed, but I would never be like "ew you like Stucky? You're gross" to someone because that's mean?? And pointless?? I just don't seek it out and certainly won't throw a fit if it appears on my dash.
I really like Steve and Buckys friendship, that is 100%. They clearly love each other but I wouldn't go as far as shipping them together. It's a family type of love that's unconditional. Steve will do anything for Bucky and vice versa. I have a fondness for love that is familial and not turned into "they smash" because it's no less passionate and beautiful if you subtract the intimacy.
And of course, as I mentioned in my previous post, Steve's vision of Bucky is one that is completely positive. It doesn't matter what he's done or what's been done to him, it wasn't his fault (not that I'm saying it was his fault, everyone smh, calm down). In the scenes we're given, from my understanding of them, Steve doesn't acknowledge the Winter Soldier as part of Bucky, while Bucky does. The ignoring of the things he's done wrong, of his own will or not, is unhealthy and unhelpful. Damaging at best. That major difference in views makes romance seem like such an impossibility to me. It'd be a constant stressor that would very very likely go unresolved. Maybe ignored for some time but that wouldn't last. (Couples therapy babbbyyyy. A wild ass class but highly recommend). Steve is too nice for this view to change. He is stubborn and you can't say he isn't. We got like a million movies that say so lmao.
Buuut just because this difference exists doesn't mean they wouldn't get along. Obviously they will. ANNNNND. I'm going to share my unpopular opinion with you all:
Bucky would not be mad at Steve leaving for Peggy. He's known Steve his entire life, and has seen sacrifice after sacrifice made by him. I think he would support the single selfish decision that he has ever made that solely benefits him. Would he be sad? Yes. Absolutely, because now he's alone (or has to be nice to Sam). But he'd never be angry for his friends happiness. I was initially very upset by Steve's ending, but the more I thought about it, the more I understood it. Peggy, whom I love, is Steve's first love and that is made so clear in the first film. It's beautiful to me that he, after giving up his entire life, gets to be with her. Steve makes sacrifice after sacrifice for everyone else, never for his own benefit. That is his entire character. The single time we see him make a selfish choice, we get angry? That's sad to me. Ofc I did it too so lmao whoooops. And don't get me wrong, it still is a little upsetting of an ending. But at the same time, I've come to terms with it. I get it.
In TFA I think Bucky has always looked up to Steve, even pre-serum. I have seen people say he'd be upset about not being needed post-serum and I can see that? But also I think it's more of fear of seeing his friend now putting himself in danger constantly. My understanding and personal hc is that Bucky did not enlist. Didn't want to, but was drafted nonetheless. Meanwhile Steve wanted to fight. Their views are very different, and you can see it just by looking at that. Bucky sees Steve as braver than himself, and potentially a better person. Bucky hates fighting, Steve can't sit still when someone is being hurt. These differences might not seem super significant, and in a friendship, they aren't. But in a romantic relationship? They're deal breakers. That's how relationships like that work.
I adore Bucky and Steve as family. I love their differences because it makes them both very unique and demonstrates love existing between two people with very different perspectives. Just not a romantic love.
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niobiumao3 · 3 years
I am s e r i o u s I now require the 'mundane' non-superhero plot of Cap 4 to be 'Sarah and Bucky are dating, Sam Wilson actual Captain America and Pararescue, hero a dozen times over, cannot fucking deal'.
Bonus points:
- Torres is super unhelpful. "I mean they look kinda--" "Shut it."
- Is Yelena our new 4th? "Your sister could do worse than the Winter Soldier. He speaks a dozen languages, no one would ever dare harm her or the boys, no need to hire anyone to move furniture--" "You are not being helpful right now."
- "Sarah would like this." "No she wouldn't." "You're just saying that because you don't want me to get it for her." "No, I'm saying it because she doesn't like rubies." "That's fine because these are garnets." "My point is she won't like it." <later> "See? She loves it." "I hate you so much." "<beaming> I love you man."
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just-aro · 3 years
Hello! I had a question about aroqueer and wondered if there are like, sub identities? I identified for a long time as a lesbian but only recently (about a year or so) started realizing I'm aro. I've been exploring the SAM but it's just not fitting with what I experience. I still very much "feel" like a lesbian, but I was trying to figure out which tertiary attraction my lesbian identity was coming from, but it was a very unhelpful lens to view myself through. I really related to the part of the aroqueer definition where it says that the aromanticism intrinsically is part and affects the queer identity, or something like that, and I was wondering if it's a thing for aromanticism to be linked/influence more specific ideas (maybe not that it's a "thing" but if this identity is pre-established? Has a name?) Would arolesbian be an incorrect term or contradictory?
i'm so sorry this has taken so long to respond to. Honestly, I get questions along this style a LOT and... I'm not like, The Big Boss of aro terms or anything. I'm just a random aro who has some bigger blogs.
it seems to me like a lot of us find terms like this super useful, so I'd encourage people to use these terms as they'd like, and the more we use them, the more nuance we'll discuss!
so, yeah - a number of us (aka myself and several headmates) are aroqueer, and all of us think this sounds fine. there's no name that I know of specifically, but i do want to propose that it is not going to talk about tertiary attraction specifically, as my lack of interest in differentiating attractions is a large part of why I like the label aroqueer to begin with.
- axel
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 years
Random Flash Rogues Observations
On today’s edition of things that randomly pop into my head: so, what crimes, if any, were the (Silver and Bronze Age) Flash Rogues convicted of before they put on the costumes? 
Captain Cold: In Showcase #8 (1957), the narration box describes Len Snart as a, quote, “ambitious crook” indicating that he was committing crimes well before he became Captain Cold. We also know that he was definitely guilty of breaking and entering (he breaks into a magazine office to steal a magazine and then breaks into the cyclotron lab) and burglary (since he, you know, steals the magazine). All of these events happened before he put on the costume. Since his first crime after donning the costume was an armed bank robbery, one could hypothesize that perhaps he had robbed banks before, but it’s also entirely possible that he had never committed such a large-scale crime before acquiring a super weapon simply out of practicality (this is, after all, Len Snart we’re talking about).
Mr. Element/ Dr. Alchemy: In Showcase #13, while explaining his origin, Albert Desmond vaguely explains that he “became involved in crime”. This is remarkably unhelpful in terms of figuring out any sort of specifics, but the first thing we see him do as Mr. Element is armed robbery of a jewelry store. Make of that what you will. 
Mirror Master I: Flash #105 specifically notes that Sam Scudder was “in jail for robbery”, so we know that, prior to becoming Mirror Master, he had committed some kind of robbery-though interestingly, the first crime we see him commit as Mirror Master actually seems to be a form of identity theft (using mirror duplicates of bank tellers to take money from a bank). 
Pied Piper: In Flash #106, Pied Piper just kind of....shows up....and announces to a bunch of criminals that he’s taking over their gang. He also explains that he has mastery of sound, but he gives them (and us) literally no further explanation as to who he is or what he’d done prior to this point. The first crime we see him actually commit is a burglary (the cover calls it a robbery, but since there doesn’t seem to be anyone else in the store, he’s actually committing a burglary, not a robbery), and I wouldn’t be surprised, given what we later learn about him, that this is the first blue-collar crime the Piper has ever committed. (When Piper’s backstory was finally revealed in Flash #308, we saw that Hartley used hypnotism to convince his boss to give him an unearned bonus check, which would be a form of white-collar crime.) 
Weather Wizard: In Flash #110, we learned that Mark has been arrested at least three times (though it’s not clear if he was also convicted all three times). At least two of the arrests were for burglary. His first crime as the Weather Wizard was also something of a burglary, as apparently he just distracted everyone with colored snow before stealing money from a bank. He doesn’t seem to threaten anyone during that crime; so it’s not really a proper robbery. However, Mardon quickly moves on to commit destruction of property on a massive scale, destroying an entire police building! Given that he can control the weather, the escalation in crime severity actually makes a good deal of sense in his case. 
Trickster I: I think we can say confidently that James Jesse had not committed any major crimes before becoming the Trickster, considering both the fact that he seems to be rather young upon his debut and the fact that he had an actual job as a circus performer. His first crime upon becoming the Trickster is to....hijack a plane!  Kind of! Actually, at no point does he attempt to steal or take control of the plane itself, so it’s really less of a hijacking and more of an armed robbery that just happens to be on a plane. He then spends the entire rest of the issue just screwing with Barry; not really committing any major additional crimes. That’s JJ for you. 
Captain Boomerang: We know that Digger was a criminal before he put on the costume, as he states that he was “just prepared to launch myself on a new stage of my criminal career” and also states that he spent years “hiding from the law in the Australian bush”. (The way this is phrased does kind of make it sound like the character wasn’t originally intended to be Australian, but it’s not conclusive by any means.) We also aren’t given any specifics as to what his crimes were, but I somehow get the feeling that they were extensive. The first crime we see him commit on-panel is stealing some jewelry via a boomerang (he’s not actually there in person). I’m not really sure what that would be called, to be honest. 
The Top: In Flash #121, Roscoe states that he “drifted into crime” (interestingly, this choice of words is more than a little reminiscent of the way that Dr. Alchemy described his entry into crime), and a flashback has him state that he’s been arrested at least twice. He doesn’t explain what his crimes were, though. He also looks very young in this panel; it’s possible that one or both of the crimes for which he was arrested were committed while he was still underage. We see him commit two robberies in succession (he’s using force, so the term is appropriate)....and then watch as he rapidly escalates to terrorism as he threatens to use a top-shaped atomic bomb to blow up half the world if he isn’t made leader of the planet. Considering that he goes back to robberies and burglaries after this insane scheme (at least until he finds out that he’s dying and throws a “If I can’t have it, nobody can” fit), I think it’s safe to say that Roscoe was probably not in the most sound mental state when he came up with this plan. 
Abra Kadabra: In the Silver Age, there’s no evidence that Abra Kadabra was a criminal before he made the decision to steal the time machine. As such, his first crime(s) appears to be breaking and entering and burglary (specifically, he breaks into “a building dedicated to science” and steals the time machine). 
Reverse-Flash: Eobard Thawne describes himself as “an ordinary thief”, but also notes that both his fellow criminals and the police have nicknamed him “the Professor” because of his scientific aptitude. This implies that he’s probably been arrested several times (since law enforcement is so familiar with him). However, we don’t know exactly what crimes he committed (though since he specifically calls himself a thief, burglary or robbery are the most likely). That being said, we do get to see him steal the atomic clock and the Flash uniform from the time capsule on-panel. The first crime we see him commit as Reverse-Flash is burglary (he breaks into a mansion to steal a Cribi statue). 
Heat Wave: Mick Rory does not seem to have committed any crimes prior to becoming Heat Wave; in the Silver and Bronze Ages he was not a pyromaniac. He also had a job as a circus fire-eater. The first crime we actually see him commit is assault and aiding and abetting: he shoots the Flash in the back with his heat gun and helps Captain Cold escape with the money he stole from some foreign dignitaries. 
Golden Glider: As far as we can tell, Lisa did not commit any major crimes prior to becoming the Golden Glider. There’s no definite evidence that she ever helped Roscoe or Len in their crimes, and it also seems likely that they would have wanted to avoid any risk of her being arrested, so I doubt that she was actively involved in any of their early crimes. However, since she was motivated by revenge, the first crime we actually get to see her commit on panel is basically attempted murder! She definitely entered the criminal life with a bang. 
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Hi lovely 😘 for fall asks
Pumpkin Spice - favorite seasonal drink?
Syrup - waffles or pancakes?
Scary - what's your favorite scary movie?
Trains - if you could spend the fall anywhere, where would you go?
Warmth - bonfires or indoor fires?
Hi Ari my dear!! Thank you for sending this in! ❤️🧡💛
Pumpkin spice: SALTED CARAMEL. I will take a salted caramel mocha over literally anything. Ever.
Syrup: hmmmm. I honestly have no preference. I like them equally. Unhelpful but true.
Trains: Vermont. I went in the summer once years ago and it was gorgeous. I can't even imagine how pretty it'll be when the trees turn colors and everything is shades of gold, orange, red... Wistful sigh. One day maybe.
Warmth: indoors! Because I am a wimp from SoCal 😉 also I don't mind cleaning out the fire place. And you can still do s'mores in the fireplace.
EDIT: Adira pointed out that I missed a question.
Scary: Event Horizon. It's sci fi. It's horrifying. It's super scary. It's got Sam Neill, who I adore. The first time I saw it, I was like 12 or 13. My brother rented the movie while the parents were out to dinner. I was so scared I ran upstairs and shut myself in my room for the rest of the night. ❤️
Autumn asks!
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