kicksalot · 9 years
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This only has 1/4 to do with Doubt Academy 5, but anyway: don’t let this cute moment fool you, these four were responsible for KILLING people in a recent mafia game!  From left to right, Doubt Academy 4 Rot’s Natsuya Nijisaki, Doubt Academy 4 Rubble's Bambi Sindrisson, Doubt Academy 3 Omega's Aqua Ooshima, and Doubt Academy 5 Kaze's Kaya Hanamoto.  Justice Squad !!
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shsl-lampworker · 9 years
“… Hmh.”
Identity markers: That Guy Who Yells Somewhere To The Left Of Me
Shoko’s first impression of Natsuya was at the first trial! When he called everyone who hid evidence out for being selfish. At this point Shoko was pretty nervous about bringing information and accusations up because she now knew that this game was For Real with the great corpse touch of 2k14. She knew who it was ever since she observed the wall with Hirashi and took a look at his evidence but, it was different now. If she hadn’t touched Yoshiki’s body she would have brought it up right away, but her entire mindset had changed. This mutual killing was real and because of her nonchalance beforehand she had no idea of the extent the game could go to, and she was wary. Treading carefully and waiting until the culprit seemed 100% clear was her plan of action, but his calling out did make her like “mmmm…” because he did have a point but she wasn’t hiding out of maliciousness honestly! Just!! No mistakes!! And wham bam Taka’s execution and blood and bye. The result of trial 1 is that she sort of? respected him? Or saw him as someone who could deserve respect because his reasoning made sense to her.
As trials went on though her opinion of him deflated significantly because?? who the hell does he think he is. From chapters 2-8 most of she knew about him was around murders and trials and what she garnered from those was that:
He investigated but more often failed than not, thanks to Shoko and others swooping in.
He seemed really impassioned about keycards.
He sure liked to talk about humanity.
At a point when her own feelings towards the morality of this entire scenario was shifting into indifference, he was just an annoyance to her lmao… She could respect the fact that he at least tried to investigate even if he didn’t garner results, but the same speech (to her. at some point she started to tune him out. thanks Shoko) every couple of trials railing on them for their callousness was starting to get draining. Like even if he was close to like every victim (which she assumed since he got emotional about a lot of deaths) its still like. Bro??? There was already enough to deal with than to give a moments thought about if what they were doing was ‘right’ or not. Plus, he didn’t seem to contribute to trials much besides harping on people for harping on people.
Keycard truth: after trial 3 she had like 70% of them. And then she swiped Sully’s after the trial right before Natsuya checked. And then she got Remi’s. And then Aya’s. If she hadn’t given some to Misaki she’d have had over half of the total dead key cards by trial 8. As far as she was concerned, there was no reason to give Natsuya any information at all. She didn’t trust him, and she didn’t want to be nagged later on for not tell him earlier. At one point she did contemplate sneaking into his room via Rover’s and returning P.K.’s jacket to her room because he asked about it, but at the same time she didn’t care enough to do it.
I said it before, but Natsuya was the #1 target for her. Actually, I don’t think she had any other concrete victims. Like I had some murder plans in mind but for Shoko, it was just him. She had the beginnings of a plan involving keycards. And once she read that he was frail in the database (and realized how much shorter he was than her) it was like. [gaston voice] He’s the one. The lucky boy I’m going to murder. But alas she never got rolled bided her time.
On some level she was fascinated by him? And by fascinated I mean like. in the most detached way possible. Not even full fascination, like a sliver of fascination. Because even with how semi-annoying she found him she recognized how he still had opinions on morality so late in the game, when everyone else didn’t give a shit. I’d say he was like a sputtering candle but in the context of Shokos apathy to him it’s more like he was a partially injured ant? Like obviously damaged and crumpled but still striving on and scrambling away. She couldn’t be bothered to help it or finish it off, but she might watch it for a couple of seconds before moving on to something else more important.
Oh something else I should mention maybe? Natsuya also was on her “…” list and more easily faded to indifference bc he didn’t really stand out? Like. Alice pre-wig loss was distinguishable from a crowd. So was Sunny and Rover and like Hirashi + glasses. But Natsuya? There wasn’t anything that like. IMMEDIATELY identified him from the get go. She could figure out who he was by process of elimination, but if she walked by him in the hall she’d be like. Who. for a good couple of seconds.
he’s 0 stars, but like out of ten he’d be 1/10 bc he. at least tried to investigate. He made an effort. You Tried.
And.. man. She didn’t want to face him after endgame because. Okay she was mildly surprised when he chose to leave, she thought he would stay to help all his dead friends. And she’s on some level aware that the dome destroyed would have devastated him, but he’s not her priority at all, dealing with her own emotions is.
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aeviternallassitude · 10 years
superhighschoollevelfilmcritic said: JAE-HWA RETURNS………….
for now... oh gosh i should be a lil bit active on this blog aaa... tfw... but hello B)
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shsl-tvactor · 10 years
✢ luv that airi
Lets get this ask meme ball back a rollin!! Happy memory time!
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“The game of mutual killing was extremely stressful. It’s extremely difficult not to think about the horrible things during every waking moment, and sometimes when you’re trying to sleep. Regardless, there were a few moments where I was able to escape feelings of worry and have some fun. I can’t help but smile when I think back on the day when I helped Hiyoko-chan find a dress to wear. It was great to see her face light up when she borrowed Chiharu-chan’s pretty dress - Hiyoko looked so cute in it!
“That wasn’t the only surprise in store either. Later, when Hiyoko decided to go change I left for the kitchen to grab something to eat. I never expected to bump into Mr. “I Hate My Room And No One Can Convince Me Otherwise”, and I never expected him to go into the ballroom, change into his ice cream tux and invite me to dance.
“I didn’t expect him to be good at it either, but that guy is pretty smooth on his feet. Did you know that apparently he was classically trained to dance? Seems pretty princely if you ask me!
That entire day is my fondest memory in… well, I guess years.” She smiles and pushes her wavy brunette hair behind an ear, “It ended on an extremely good note and I’ll never forget it.”
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〆 u still can't stop me from marrying hirasho abe tbh
〆 for a childhood story 
He's your son, and by God you're going to do anything you can for him.
You're eighteen, you're first year university student, and now, you're a mother. While that's... Not particularly unusual, you don't know what to do. Your boyfriend left as soon as you told him you were pregnant. Your parents want nothing to do with you, and you just... Find yourself alone.
Well, not alone. The baby smiling up at you is proof enough of that. Hirashi's here, and he's your responsibility, and you have to protect him. He giggles a little, his wide brown eyes staring up at you with a goofy grin that you can't help but return. He's nothing but sweet and you feel such an overwhelming desire to protect him.
You drop out of school and get a massive loan- money to support yourself and him. You get a small apartment and try working towards fixing your life up. For his sake. You can probably get a decent job when he's old enough to go to daycare, and then the two of you can get a house...
Yes, that's... A plan. And right now, in this one room apartment, a plan is all you have.
It's his first birthday. You made two cupcakes for the pair of you, and he's absolutely enthralled. You can already tell that he's going to have a sweet tooth. 
He does so many charming little things that are overwhelmingly cute that you can almost ignore the bills and bank inquiries as to when you'll pay them back. You don't need to think about that, because the two of you are happy and have a roof over your heads, so...
You're okay.
It's his second birthday and you're lost. You need a job because the bank won't give you any more money and your parents have cut you off. You're scared they're going to turn your power off any day now, and Hirashi is starting to notice how stressed you are. He cries with you.
You're choking back tears when you look at how to put him up for adoption.
You can't be the mother this child needs. You can't. 
"Mommy? Why are you crying?" He asks, words broken and stumbled out because he's still learning how to talk.
"Mommy's sad, honey," you respond, flashing him a light smile.
"Why are you sad?"
"... You'll understand when you're a grown up."
You kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair when you drop him off at the foster home, tears rolling down your cheeks as you kiss his face all over, trying to memorize how beautiful he is and trying to push all your hope that he finds love and happiness into the words you exchange.
"Bye-bye, Hirashi," you finally choke out, kissing his feather-soft hair.
"When are you coming back, Mommy?" He asks, tugging on your jacket.
"... N-Not for a long time, Hirashi. Okay? B-But these nice ladies will take care of you, okay?"
"No! Don't go!" This is when he starts crying, big brown eyes swimming with tears. He's scared. 
You're scared.
"I'm sorry, baby," you whisper, getting to your feet and waving once before walking right out the door, trying to pretend you don't hear him crying.
Your name is Aiko Fukui and you want the best for your son.
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⌆ love that trashman
⌆ for a story about their family/home life  
Sometimes he'd take a step back and try to determine when it was his father stopped being his father.It wasn't anything Akina Natadama did that made his son stop seeing him as his dad.It was a gradual changewhich happened over timeslowly,surelyuntil the person which resided in his home was no longer his father buta business partneran asset.
An annoyance.
The house that he lived in ran by clockwork.He'd get up every morning to the sound of his alarm.He'd wake, stretch, brush his teeth, practice smiling, saying hello.Akina Natadama would already be outside,pretending like he was some restaurateur.
What a joke.
And then he'd come home, sometimes later than he did the day before, sometimes dirtier, sometimes bleeding.And Akina Natadama would rush over to him and insist on disinfecting the wounds,putting ice on the bruises,bandages on the cuts, the scrapes.
Don't touch me.
And then one day he came homefell flat on the muddy groundand started feeding the plants his hemoglobin,plateletsfrom the rich well that was the hole in his thigh,blasted open by a bullet which punched through his skin.And once again Akina ran out of the houseand insited that he stand, that he endure, because help was coming, because he had a purpose.
Don't talk to me.
The person that dragged him into the houseand called the ambulancewas no longer his father.
His fatherwas a disappointmentand an embarrassment,a means to get access to the information that he neededand so he'd abandoned him.
Akina Natadama was not a role modelhe was certainly not his guardian;he didn't need him --and yet if he hadn't been there,if he hadn't placed that callwould the flowers in the yardhave soaked up all his blood?
And when he woke up nextthat disappointment,that embarrassment of a manwas asleep by his bedside,late for work.
And Shigeru Natadama,though his vision hazy, glared at himfor his idiocyat skipping work to watch overa sleeping boy whose own pride caused him to neglect to reach out for help on his own.
And as his vision fadedand thoughts melted into nothinghe took a step backand tried to determine when it was his father stopped being his father.
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rovertimecapsule · 10 years
〆 for a childhood story 
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"What’s with you guys and childhood stories — y’know I don’t really have any to tell you. I mean, I guess this is only the second, but… mm… I could tell you ‘bout the first smack-down I got, or the first time I was sent home ‘cause I was being a disturbance, or maybe the time I ran out in traffic and got stuck in the middle. And I.. uh, I guess there’s that story…”
A pause, to allow his face to scrunch up a bit, his right hand lift and grip around his left bicep. You can guess what he’s implying, what that story must be, if only by the gesture alone. 
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"I guess I can? Like, █████ █ █████ ██ █████… █ ████, █ ████, █████ █████ ███… ███████ ██ ████████ ████ ████. █ ███… █ ███ ████ ████ ████. ███ ████ ██ █████ █ █████ ██████ █████ ███…. ██, ████, █████ ████ ██ ██ █ ██████ ██ ███████ ███ ████ ████.”
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“█— █ ████— █ ███████… █— ███ ████ ████… ███ ████ ████ ████ ███ ████ ██… ███ ████ ███████ ██ ███ ███████ █████ ████… ███████ ██. ██ ████… ██ ███ ████ ███████ ████ ████… ███ ██████ ████ ████ ███ ██ ████ ██████ ██ ████ █████████ ███████ ████… ████ ███ █████ ███████ ██ ████.”
His voice (was it not being censored by, what I imagine sounds like someone trying to communicate through morse code) was quiet, shaky, cracking in unfortunate spots. He’d pulled his hood up by the time his voice trailed off. 
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"That’s… kinda off topic but— but yeah I… I mean, I’ve never… At the end of the day I don’t.. mind it, it’s me but I’d be —jeg får lov til at tænke sådan, ikke?— lying if I didn’t— if I don’t sometimes think.. if she hadn’t, then I’d… Maybe…” 
The boy’s words soon soften until they’re nothing but a soft breath, and he lets a silence pass between the two of you before mumbling something about needing to go. He doesn’t look at you before he leaves. 
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 ⌆ for a story about their family/home life 
950 word drabble. Gomen
"Let’s go to the lion exhibit!" Chou shouted, pulling on Minoru’s sleeve, "They’re so cool! Have you ever seen a lion up close?"
"Of course he hasn’t, they’d rip him to shreds!" Akaya laughed. She stood to Minoru’s left, trying to avoid being pulled along by the ecstatic American. "You’re so childish, Chu-Chu."
Minoru couldn’t help but laugh. They must have both thought themselves mature at this age. But to Minoru it was the same as when they were younger. Way to call someone childish while using the nickname you gave them, Akaya.
Gorou, the second youngest of the family, held hands with his twin sister, “Do you think they’d take him in as one of his own?” He asked, “He does have red hair and everythi-“
"But he’s just a big push over!" The other twin interjected. They nodded in agreement and wrapped their arms around Minoru’s waist. The ginger thought it was a cute gesture. Sadly, it also really weighted him down. 
"I-I-I-I would rather g-go see the aquarium section." Minoru added while trying to gently push the two twins off of him. Haruka licked his hand before sliding off and giggling with her twin. Minoru made sure to wipe it off on his pant leg before he accidently wiped it on one of his other siblings.
"We could see the lion fish!! That’s a compromise, right?" Chou ran ahead and stared at the directory sign. It was funny how she thought that she was leading the trip instead of Minoru. Well, that was Chou. She would have loved to be something like a power ranger if she could fit her frizzy brown hair into a helmet. That’s something that Minoru would have paid to see. 
Akaya ran up after her adoptive sister, apparently sharing the delusion that she could change where they were heading as long as they. One of the body guards almost chased after them but Minoru waved them off. It was hard enough being the child of a powerful man with powerful enemies, but the fact that the six children needed body guards when they went out was almost like a weight that his siblings were trying their hardest to forget. This was going to be the one day that they felt free, Minoru decided. 
"All of you, c-c-catch up with Akaya and Chou. I need to t-t-talk to someone." The twins nodded and did as they were told. Daiki, the third child who knew about the weight of the family name, needed an extra nod before he gave a quick sprint up to the others. 
The ginger turned to the three tall, suited men following the group and stared them down. “You’re all going to t-t-turn around and leave us alone,” he explained, “Just two hours, thhhat’s all I-I-I ask. They never get t-t-time without a-a-a buff shadow unless they’re in the ssssafety of their own homes. They d-d-don’t show it, but it really freaks them out. Just two hours.”
The guards looked at each other and nodded. “Two hours, Minoru.” The ginger smiled and turned to look over at his siblings. They were all staring at the map, squinting while trying to plan the trip and completely ignoring the deal that was happening behind them. “But we do have to report this, I hope you know.” 
"I know… I don’t c-c-care. They need a break." The guards stared at the young heir. He must have been crazy to purposefully put himself in Mr.Fukui’s way. What the didn’t know was Minoru was yelled at by his father no matter what he did, the tone was never going to change, only the words.  
"The flock has gone missing, sir," the head guard said into a walkie-talkie, "Nope. We can’t see them. Must have ran to the gift shop or something.  No, we can’t even see the leprechaun."
"That’s my c-c-code name? Are you serious?" The guard gave the ginger a shrug and waved him to his siblings. For the first time, the guards didn’t follow. Minoru smiled and joined his siblings. 
"I’m telling you, the bears are to the left! " Chou shouted. The last part was in french, a language that only she and her oldest brother spoke.
"No fair! You can’t talk to him in secret! " Ayaka replied, the last part in english. 
"" Daiki replied, a heavy South African accent hanging onto his english. Good ol’ Daiki, stubborn as a rock.
"We don’t get a secret language with Minoru! Not fair. Right, Haruka?" The twins nodded and held onto both of Minoru’s arms. The shame of being the only two of the six that were actually from Japan. 
And, even though he knew that there would be a severe tongue lashing for doing what he did, Minoru was happy. His siblings were his de-stressers and their happiness was one of his top priorities. After the guards disappeared from sight, a feeling of ease could be felt through the Fukui children. 
"Let’s go the the fish place! Big brother, you can tell us about everything there, right?" Chou smiled and tried to drag him again.
"I c-c-can try my best."
"Can you tell us about the eels?"
"Of c-c-course."
"And the rocks?" 
"I d-don’t know about that."
"Minoru!!! Were they making fun of me??"
The ginger smiled and watched his five younger siblings shout and play. This was going down as a great memory in his books. 
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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two christmas favorites wrapped into one
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superhighschoollevelfilmcritic replied to your post: sometimes i just think about the fact ...
natsuya spent the vast majority of the trials wearing very little but an oversized t-shirt with ‘your movie stinks’ on it in red bold english letters and he talked a lot so i feel this
an au in which shigeru natadama and natsuya nijisaki run a youtube channel where they strip and rant about their Problems for a solid 9 minutes
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shslspeedrunner · 10 years
★ they never rlly talked but ey trial neighbour
"Well, you're here with the rest of us. Try not to die before we get out."
Manolo doesn't have much of an opinion on Natsuya, having mostly formed it during the second half of the game. And, for obvious reasons, the last four chapters were not a good time for Manolo. As a result, his thoughts on Natsuya edge closer to negative, especially since the most prominent thing about him in his mind is the fact that Natsuya voted for Kenshin.
In fact? Manolo would have likely plotted to kill Natsuya, although he was not his first choice. He didn't have nearly as much of a personal vendetta against him as he did against Shoko, Misaki, or Alice, but he saw those three as being absolutely vital to the survival of the group as a whole, and thus he would have seen Natsuya as expendable.
But Manolo never had both the drive and opportunity to murder anybody (read: I didn't get rolled as murderer), and by the time the final trial began he was somewhat neutral to Natsuya, though still on the hostile side.
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shslofrock replied to your post “someone please let me talk about how great of a big brother minoru was”
superhighschoollevelfilmcritic replied to your post “someone please let me talk about how great of a big brother minoru was”
Minoru was the oldest of six children. Big bro Minnie. Nice.
their parents never really cared about them too much.
they REALLY didn't care about minnie tho
mom and dad only cared about them when they did something good which made them all super competitive
Minoru helped them with all their homework and watched over them while they were sick??
he also took them to the beach and pointed out seashells and what they belonged to and they all loved that
whenever they played dress up he'd be the hero
the oldest is 5 years younger than him btw
they all called him by his real name until they were yelled at not to
they're also!!! all foreign except for the youngest two
minoru from ireland, two from central europe, one from south africa, and the last two from japan
one thing is that they're all very smart because they were custom ordered??? i guess
[petty voice] hello i would like your smartest baby? thank you
he also gives them life advice and they all look up to him??
you could shoot his parents and he would be less devastated than if you threatened his siblings
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shsl-doubtrot-blog · 10 years
Silently, with a very odd, distant, trembling look on his face, Natsuya skims Ko's body for pockets to search them-- he's clearly looking for the keycard, but he's willing to accept anything else.
Aside from multiple injuries there isn’t anything interesting but the emptiness of his pockets.. but at least Natsuya now knows that Ko's keycard is missing!
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shslmysterynovelist · 10 years
may i ask for natsoo kazoo, aka movie trashchild
i wrote three because mmmm love that natsuya
The human experience: two thumbs down.
(Do I matter? Did I ever?)
He just wanted home, and her.
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superdupermeddyg-blog · 10 years
lol get wrecked natsuya
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superhighschoollevelfilmcritic replied to your post:nondespair au hirashi abe becomes a composer and...
”does movie scores” excited natsuya noises in the distance
r i s e
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