#superior valenfield
hamartia-grander · 1 year
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So about that bloodline
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Sick of you getting shit, it must be exhausting. Here's something else to break it up.
Do you prefer OG or Remake (so far)? Why?
Favourite ships other than Leshley/Eagleone?
Favourite CGI work?
Favourite RE game outside of OG4 and RE4make?
In all fairness, I have no right to complain about getting shit when sometimes I go out of my way to stick my hand in a manure pile. Aeon anon was one thing, but I actually genuinely literally asked for this one LMAO but I appreciate u anon
Do you prefer OG or Remake (so far)? Why? Remake for a few reasons -- not least of all gameplay reasons. I don't see a reason to play OG RE2 ever again -- not to say that I don't see a reason to refresh myself on RE2's story ever again, though. But, at this point, I'd just watch it on YouTube. I have no desire to ever go back and play it again, because RE2make's gameplay is superior by every conceivable metric. I almost feel the same way about RE4 and RE4make, though OG RE4 does have a particular atmosphere slightly apart from RE4make that I really enjoy and might want to get immersed in again sometime in the future.
I also didn't realize just how fucking bad the actual dialogue in OG was until the Remake series started to come out. Like... I always knew that OG wasn't about to win a Pulitzer or anything, but huge parts of it are just total nonsense. I feel like, in hindsight, RE fandom's imagination filling in the blanks did a lot of heavy lifting for us back in the day.
I also just prefer things to be consistent and coherent in the way the Remake series is, simply because it was written and developed all at the same time.
OG will always be important to me and I'll always love it, but I'd be lying if I said I was more excited for RE9 than I was to see where the Remake series is going to go next.
Favourite ships other than Leshley/Eagleone? Chreon and Valenfield are my other two big ones. Jilleon and Cleon are my two B-grade ships that I indulge on every once in a while and enjoy. Everything else falls somewhere on the spectrum of "painfully apathetic" to "yeah it's fine, I don't hate that."
Favourite CGI work? Death Island, and it's not even close. Dylan had a message and a purpose that actually felt meaningful and was connected to the characters in a personal way, which is something that RE villains outside of Wesker and Krauser notoriously and consistently seem to lack. It's also the best characterization for most of the main cast (other than Chris, whose portrayal was mid) that we've either ever seen or have seen in a very long while.
Though I will say that if Leon were to be removed from Damnation, Damnation would run away with the title of "best CGI work" and leave Death Island in the dust. But that's not how Damnation went. So DI wins.
Favourite RE game outside of OG4 and RE4make? The original REmake. RE2make took a swing at it, but REmake is still the undisputed heavyweight champion and the King of Classic Survival Horror. When I think of survival horror as a genre, I think REmake. It is Shinji Mikami's magnum opus for a reason -- and it shines as the highest tier quality of survival horror because he is the father of the genre to begin with. There's something very, very special about that game that I haven't seen replicated since. I think the people who want a Re-REmake are philistines and I'm not joking.
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notyetjae · 3 years
Clairejill headcanons for the soul !!
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Literally hyper gf x gf with no energy
Claire would get a cat and Jill would be hesitant at first and then immediately fall in love with it
Jill teaches Claire all the recipes her mom taught her, Claire follows the best she can be she's def burning a few pots or pans 💀
Claire takes a bunch of pictures of jill on a disposable camera so she has something to look at when she goes on long missions
Claire's constantly reassuring jill about pretty much everything
"I'm scared to lose you" "I'm not going anywhere"
Claire makes lunch for jill the day before work because she gets up so early, </3
When jill proposed to her it was in their backyard, she built a whole cute wood arch with roses in it, it was messy BUT SHE TRIED HER BEST OK
Claire still her bullies her for stuttering when she was proposing
their rings have their initials carved on the inside so she just rubs her thumb along the carving
Jill fiddles with the ring when she's nervous
they swap rings whenever jill goes on a mission that she knows will be long
Whenever jill feels down she just walks into their shared room slumps into claire's arms
Jill's secretly a softie we all know she just only shows that to her gf/wife
a/n first tumblr post feeling fan fuckin tastic LMAO
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excellagionne · 7 years
chris/leon is the superior cleon
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janny-aqua · 6 years
Resident evil rant
I've been in the resident evil fandom for quite a while, but I just wanted to get this of my chest.
Capcom has been put in hot water on several occasions, like the re-design of Chris Redfield in not a hero dlc (it's just a redesign yall), I mean sure he doesn't look like our chris, but he's still my chris.
Resident evil 4 is like most controversial game ever like people talk about its the best game of the history, and on the other side say that it's the worst game in the history. Probably due to the fact that it has action elements but not enough horror elements.
As for romance in resident evil, pairing characters is quite difficult since you have to learn the chemistry between these characters whether if it's a same-sex, opposite sex, or platonic. Then the Shipping wars happen and peeps even eat each other for the ship they found more superior to the other ships, other shippers would rather stay out of this war for a lot of reasons. Shipping sometimes is played for laughs and other reasons. Sometimes, shipping can go too far, like the writer of Tokyo ghoul was told to kill himself because of chapter 125.
For instance, there's a war between aeon and cleon, and nivanfield and valenfield, like just imagine the outrage if kennfield became canon in resident evil, or harperwong.
The fandom is also divided into four groups, one is the nostalgia group that would bash the new games, the second is the modern group that wouldn't try the old games, the third is the movie group that likes cgi films but not the live action ones, and finally the the live action films group the are a super rare group (I'm actually in this group, don't know why, but it's cool to find my people). I don't feel like explain the whole thing though, I'll let @sparkie96 or @maxwellreichenblack do the talking.
So the resident evil fandom basically has 45% of toxicity since 2008. I don't know if it's true or not.
U hope that you guys understand that where I'm going with this.
Rant over
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Hey, I'm just curious about what you said sbout Aeon fans being the minority in fandom. I'm surprised, is that true? I thought it'd be extremely popular (though I can't comprehend why lmfao), because I can rarely find Leon-free Ada content, which absolutely sucks. Imo he ruins her and any potential she has as a character. I like them both, but Jesus, does Ada ever get to be her own thing? Like ever? I'm constantly mad about it, because of the sheer misogyny. Ada can only really be saved with a half-decent narrative if the remakes decanonise it. *shrugs*
Anyway, that's besides the point. Is Aeon not actually that popular?
it's absolutely true. all you have to do is look at engagement on posts and tweets and the frequency of fics being posted/updated on AO3, and you'll find that Aeon is outclassed by M/M ships like Serennedy and Chreon by a wide margin. it's not even close.
even back in the day, Aeon was never the #1 ship in fandom. Chris/Wesker held that title for years and years and years.
and before slash was acceptable to enjoy openly in this fandom (survival horror fandoms in general were very homophobic for a very long time), Aeon and Cleon were basically dead even ties, and Valenfield was right on their heels.
Aeon has literally never been the majority in a way that actually matters. they're just the loudest, most annoying ones in the room who like to break things and piss on the walls and then wonder why Daddy Capcom doesn't let them have nice things anymore.
Aeon almost killed Resident Evil. like, actually and literally. the Aeon aspect of RE6 pissed off Leon stans so much that Ada may never make another return in modern-day canon (and, in fact, seems to have been silently phased out completely and had her role replaced by Rebecca), and we haven't even seen Leon return to a game since then, outside of the Remakes.
the reaction to RE6 almost killed RE as a franchise -- and while RE6 had far more things wrong with it than just its Aeon aspects, "they fucked up Leon's character" was always the #1 biggest complaint I saw about it (outside of "lol Chris's campaign is trying so hard to be Call of Duty"). like, RE6 was so much of a failure that we got robbed of a fucking Leon&Sherry game that was in the works as RE7, because Capcom had to hang up Leon's character for a bit because they were so scared of pissing off his fans for a second time.
they soft-rebooted the entire series over this.
people really need to start bringing that up any time some Aeon dipshit wants to try to act up. YOUR SHIP WAS ONE OF THE CONTRIBUTING FACTORS OF GRIEVANCES THAT ALMOST TANKED THE FRANCHISE. you don't get to act superior. you get to go sit in the corner and shut the fuck up.
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