ivoirloup · 5 months
Writing a crossover SPN/TeenWolf were Stiles is Dean son is also seen Dean becoming what John never was.
I'm having fun.
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bonniebird · 7 years
Can you make a SupernaturalxTeenWolf crossover? Where the reader's younger sister of Dean&Sam but John lost her during a hunt when they were little&they all thought she was dead but somehow Peter Hale found her&adopted her&actually really cares about her; when the Winchesters come to Beacon Hills for some wolf, they recognize her from a scar or something? Also reader's a werewolf. Sorry if thats too detailed I just had this in my mind for way too long. Btw I really love your works. Thanks!
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o-hs · 12 years
My Roommate is such a fucking tease.
She's scrolling through AO3's Destiel and exclaims "The Battle for Bacon Hills"
"That's a crack fic if ever i saw it." i reply with an excited gleam in my eye. i have a certain taste for crack fic if it's well done, and engaging.
i subsequently spend the next half an hour looking for "The Battle for Bacon Hills" and cannot find it. My Roommate makes me feel like a dumbass by saying things like 'I sorted by hits' (You can do this? yes. you can do this), and 'I searched the pairing, and then I searched by hits'
Finally, after getting frustrated enough she makes me follow here exact search moves. She has me scroll through.
"It should be... there. There you go." She points. i stare.
"Beacon. That's Beacon." i state a little lack luster. "The Battle for Beacon Hills." i flash her the ultimate dick look, but make a mental note to read later.
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