#supershy mv
d4myeon · 1 year
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newjeans - super shy m/v layouts
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imabunnies · 1 year
stream newjeans n super shy!
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jeju-tangerine · 8 months
my top 10 kpop songs of 2023 :-)
after putting much too much thought and time into it, i have finally sorted out and written a list of my favorite kpop releases of 2023 ^_^ this was such a great year for kpop in my opinion, for full albums especially, and i hope 2024 will live up! in creating this, i decided to only include 1 song per artist, so as not to have the whole list be just one group. the songs often stand as representations of the entire albums, though. now here's my list :-)
a very special honorable mention goes to: "WOULD YOU RUN - Original Version" by TRI.BE, "LEFT RIGHT" by XG, "welcome to MY world" by aespa, and "loving me" by fifty-fifty (released in 2022 but i only got into it in 2023, but it's a masterpiece and deserves a shoutout)
10. super shy - new jeans i'll tell you one simple trick to ensure that you never grow to dislike a song from it being overplayed on tiktok: don't use tiktok. "supershy" is THE song of my summer. it's light, it's breezy, it's fun, and its repetiteveness only lends itself to it being so incredibly catchy. despite their questionable background as a group, newjeans and their team keep delivering music that feels like a breath of fresh air in the k-pop landscape, and i'm glad for it.
9. i want that - g-idle g-idle dominated this year with "queencard", which is not on MY personal list of favorites, but i would never deny its impact. however, though "i want that" was less successful, it hit so much harder for me - probably because of its actually enjoyable and catchy english lyrics (especially the verses), the dark undertones of the song, the dark… well, overtones, of the mv, and the masterful combination of the intense beat and the sweet bridge, nailed by miyeon's lovely vocals.
8. bye my neverland - kiss of life the initial soft, sugary, fairytale atmosphere of the song is soon elevated when a distant sound of a bell leads us through the prechorus right into an explosive chorus - not unlike the clock striking midnight and forcing cinderella to leave the ball. the emotional impact of this entry for me lies not really in its musical qualities, but in them being combined with the lyrics. "bye my neverland" is titled perfectly. it's an ode to making hard choices and to refusing to stay in your comfort zone, even if it seems crazy to throw it away - and at the same time, the song acknowledges that doing this is difficult. there's a sense of deep melancholy in it, but also comfort and hope. i guess that's growing up.
7. bouncy (k-hot chilli peppers) - ateez i am not a noise girlie at all, but i could not escape the siren song of ateez this year. "bouncy" goes so damn hard it's kind of ridiculous. every part is a joy to listen to, the members' deliveries are energetic and full of genuine passion - or sometimes nonchalant, when they should be -, and their live performances impressed me immensely. i might have to look more into their discography after this. "bouncy" doesn't need much description - it speaks for itself.
6. but sometimes - boynextdoor this is FUN music. i mean this more for this song than any other on this list: every single line, every sentence is deeply enjoyable and memorable. you know how some songs are nice and have pretty choruses, but when you try to remember what the verses sound like, you somehow just can't recall much? this is the opposite of that. such an incredibly fun song structure - and it's not even especially unusual. still, it's skillfully written in a way that seems to follow the phases one goes through after a breakup (or at least a teenager would). i also adore the choreography, and i'll be paying a lot of attention to boynextdoor from now on. especially jaehyun and his frankly insane charisma on stage.
5. mine - ive ive was my top artist on spotify this year, and for a good reason. in my humble opinion, they DOMINATED 2023. their first full album was absolutely killer, there is not a song on there that i dislike and "i am" is a masterpiece of a title track. however, because this is a deeply subjective list, i decided to go with "mine" as a representation of ive on here. it's my favorite track on the album, it was my 3rd most listened to song of the year as well and i love it so much. it scratches such a specific itch in my brain with its rhythmical tempo and dreamy soundscape. this song just sounds like what love feels like.
4. menow - fromis9 another perfect album of 2023 was in fact fromis' "unlock my heart". it seems like fromis have a fully realized musical identity now, and it's lovely to experience. there are better songs on the album, namely "attitude" (man that goes crazy), but "#menow" is still the heart of it, in my opinion. it feels genuine, fresh but cozy. there is a deep yearning for living life authentically to the song, and authenticity is one of the very main themes of the full album as well. "attitude" is phenomenal, but it lacks that wonderful casual girl-next-door vibe that fromis' body of work has to it, in my opinion. "#menow" captures it so well - while still being extremely fun! that prechorus? come on. other standouts on the album: "bring it on", "what i want", "eye contact".
3. rising - tripleS now here is my number 1 most listened to song of 2023. tripleS have released some super interesting-sounding stuff. i'm a big fan of "new look", and of "girls' capitalism" too, despite the title, but "rising" dominated. that second verse absolutely kills. i also love the first title-drop in the first verse, for some reason. the song is really catchy and fun, the mv looks kind of silly but gets you in the right mood, and i'm especially enamored with the last 2 lines. some songs have weak or underwhelming endings, but this is the opposite of that - i LOVE the very ending. what more do i need to say about tripleS? they were literally so right when they said la la la la.
2. farewell neverland - txt maybe i'm cheesy for it but i cannot resist a good acoustic guitar, especially when it goes as hard as it does in "farewell neverland". such a beautiful, beautiful song. deeply emotional, deeply mournful, DEEPLY atmospheric. AND it was the culmination of a gorgeous EP, which also featured such bangers as "sugar rush ride", "devil by the window" and "tinnitus". i don't know how to express how much i love this song. it's tragic, it's regretful, it's intense but measured. it sounds stunning and it is aging like a fine wine.
underwater - red velvet it's so difficult to pick just one song off a red velvet album. "chill kill" is perfection, everything i could expect from my favorite group and more. they never disappoint - they just keep surprising me with their music's longevity instead. among flawless bsides, "underwater" managed to slightly stand out. from first listen i felt there was something transcendent about the song, so it is here representing red velvet on my list proudly. there are few tracks that embody the 'velvet' of red velvet as completely as this one does. sensual, ethereal, a tiny bit dangerous. "underwater" gets you simultaneously submerged in the deep end and levitating in the air. i won't stand for ignoring "chill kill" the title track, though - it's perfect as well. the more positive-sounding melodies elevate the uncanny mood and really make it a classic red velvet title. and, okay - let me talk about the mv quickly. killer. literally. so creepy, so disturbing, so hopeful, so artfully made. and the vocals on the entire album are stunning, by the way. one other bside standout for me: "nightmare" - it literally has a musical structure which corresponds to the experience of having a nightmare and freaking out and then waking up and realizing it's all okay and it was just a dream. my GOD!!!! i come back to their music all the time, and the reason is simple: noone else does it like red velvet. they are a one of a kind kpop group and i'm so thankful for them.
thanks to anyone who's read this and have a great rest of 2024 guyz ^___^
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jenscx · 1 year
an anon asked about my thoughts for newjeans ep BUT I CANT FIND THE ASK ANYM SORRY ANON 🙏
1. for sureee supershy
2. get up (only ranked this lower because ITS AN INTERLUDE???)
3. cool with you (mv was amazing and i will be singing this in my sleep)
4. newjeans
5. eta
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efmsq · 5 months
昨日は4ヵ月振りのライブでした。ライブの話は別の記事でコメントしますけど、、、、、 と、いうことはですねぇ、もう5月ですよ。早いなぁ。しかもGWがもう半分終わってしまったなんて!これは、耐えられないですね。もう、今から次の連休を探してしまいます。(7月の3連休まで長いなぁ。。。)
Happy Music Supershy
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この、Supershyが何者かというとギターリストTom Mischのダンスミュージック・プロジェクトなのでした。Tom MischのCDも何枚か持っていますけど、ギター上手いし、ギターの音も良いし、歌っても声いいし、曲カッコイイしで言うことないんですよ。本当に。。。
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kalebo-iii · 1 year
サマソニ出演アーティスト振り返り① (雑文)
8/19(土) 1日目
SUMMIT All Stars
cero、SIMI LAB、PUNPEEが揃ったいつぞやの代官山UNIT以来に観るSUMMIT勢。正直最初に代打でSUMMITが出てなかったら気力的にNewJeansまでもたなかっただろうなと思う(キャンセルとなってしまった某アーティストのファン達には大変申し訳ない...特段嫌ってるとかは勿論ないけれど、偽らざる気持ちを述べるとそうなってしまう)
PUNPEEの"Renaissance"から始まったマイクリレー、勿論みんな凄かったが"There Is"のMARIAのヴァースの威力よ...あれで一気に頭冴えました。
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画面の中でしか観たことのないNewJeansが目の前にいる状況、なんだか現実感がなかった。最近こういう感覚忘れてたな〜と思った。バンド演奏、基本的には懐疑的だけどロラパルーザの配信で観たより良かったかも。ドラムがドンシャリ過ぎてなかったので個人的には��少聴きやすかったし。でかいところで本来のDittoのオケをもっと聴きたかったけど。なんやかんやでHype Boyにやられた。SuperShyとETAもめちゃくちゃ良かった。ASAPのときはちょっと自分の体力がギリだったか...
めっちゃ休む〜The Lounge Society〜Cornelius
そんなこんなで観たThe Lounge Society、拙いTelevisionみたいな捻くれたギターの絡み方やら執拗なリフの反復、各メンバーの微妙にタイプの違うキャラの立ち方とか、好きな要素もあるし元々好きな曲もあったけれど、なんだかどうしても今日のフィーリングと合致しない。またリベンジさせてくれ...と思いつつコーネリアスへ移動。丁度"火花"を演っていて気持ちよく聴いたけれど、どうしてだろう、こっちもフィーリングが合っていないような...やっぱり早めにビーチへ行き"彼"を観なければいけないのでは...?と意を決しメッセを後にしたのであった...
Ali Shaheed Muhammad (from A Tribe Called Quest)
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その日のビーチステージをキュレーションしていた星野源のために用意したというセット、幾つものレアグルーヴと繋ぎ合わせられるのはATCQの名曲、名ヴァース、名トラックの数々。何なんだもう、ただの完璧なご褒美タイムでした。The Low End Theory狂が"Excursions"でテンション上がらない訳がないでしょう。"Award Tour"からスクラッチで繋いで"Electric Relaxation"...完全にファン心理を搔き回しに来てる。彷徨っていたフィーリングもばっちりハマりました。アリの言葉で気づいたけど3rd"Midnight Marauders"って今年で30周年なんですね。アニバ盤よりは...残ったメンバーで何か演ってくれないかなと...思ってしまう...
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"St. Charles Square"でしっかりと暖め、"Popscene"。何度ベスト盤付属のDVDでイケイケな若者4人がはっちゃけるMVを観たことか。50代になった4人が爆速で演奏するポップシーンの鮮度たるや。早速、��国を掌握したロックバンドの片鱗を見せつけたのも束の間、次の曲でした。"Beetlebum"。
めちゃくちゃ好きとはいえ、突出して好きという訳でもない(ブラーに好きな曲が多すぎる故)この曲が不意にぶっ刺さってしまい思わず決壊。涙腺爆強いんだけどな...完璧に歌い上げるデーモンのせいでしょうか、サビの"I just slip away and I'm gone"の一節でぐわっと呑まれてしまい、そのまま。最後のグレアムのギターの暴走も含め、正しく完璧。凄まじい瞬間でした...
"Villa Rosie"(2nd好きとしてはこれ結構嬉しかった)、"Coffee&TV"、"Country House"、そして会場がイングランドと化した"Parklife"(語り部、フィル・ダニエルスが来ないとやだ!と思ってたんですが、あのヴァースが今のデーモンに合うようになったのか、関係なしにぶち上がってましたね)、"To The End"など聴いてきた曲の乱れ打ちのなか、ドのつく代表曲"Girls&Boys"もハイライトの1つ。あのアレックスのベースを人生で1度でも生で聴けただけで最高の思い出と化すのですが、歌い出しギリギリで出てきたデーモンの服装があのFILA...!ウェンブリーで着てる写真は見たけれど、あの場限りのものだとばっかり思っていたので大歓喜。一気に90年代を席巻した"あの"デーモン・アルバーンがダブりグッときてしまいました。そして羽織るレインボー。そうか、"Always should be someone to really love"だものね。"Tender"にしたって、"The Universal"にしたって、昔の楽曲も今のためのものとして歌う姿勢を崩さずにいてくれるBlurは相変わらずヒーローなんだと感じた瞬間でもありました。そして最新作からの"The Narcissist"の素晴らしさ...Blurをちゃんと"今のバンド"として観れたことが最高です。アンコールなかったけど全く必要なかった。"For Tomorrow"とか"Chemical World"とか"Out Of Time"も聴きたかったな〜って感情もどっか行くくらい満足してしまった。まだ言い足りないぐらい良かったんですがこれぐらいにしときます。"This Is A Low"もめちゃくちゃ良かったです。本当にあれが良かった、これが良かったを永久に言えてしまうショウでした。
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