#superstore cheyanne
x3nbingestoomuch · 1 year
amy and jonah cutest moments
S1:E1 - when Jonah covers the ceiling with glow in the dark stars so that "this day was different than yesterday" for Amy
S1:E6 - when they're both lying in a pile of teddy bears sharing things about themsleves nobody else in the store knows about
S2:E5 - when they both dare each other to do weird stuff around the store
S2:E7 - when they're both talking in a 1950s Brooklyn accent after making the election guide
S2:E14 - when they destroy valentine’s day decor together
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andichoseyou · 2 years
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spiciestmarinara · 1 year
My brain can’t reconcile Fergus from Takin’ Over the Asylum and Jeff from Saw 3 being the same person.
Similarly, Cheyanne from Superstore and Emily from Until Dawn are completely separate people unless I have pictures pulled up in front of me.
I don’t know if it’s that the actors are good or if my brain changes what they look like the second I’m not looking directly at them.
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shebeafancyflapjack · 8 months
Thoughts on bbc ghosts bs American ghosts cause honestly I love both for different reasons and I feel like nobody gives them an equal chance
By bs do you mean vs?
It's like comparing apples and oranges to me because even though they're the same premise, they feel like very different shows.
US Ghosts feels more like a traditional zany sitcom where each week something random and crazy happens but gets resolved by the end of the episode happy enough. It's more plot based humor which is why the US version expands more on its Ghosts lore, like Heaven and Hell and different powers and types of Ghosts etc. The jokes are also a lot more fast and that's honestly it's biggest win for me that the writing can be very funny even if not every joke lands. It reminds me a lot of Superstore though maybe that's because Cheyanne is the car ghost.
To sum up, it's a decent and fun show, I really didn't like the first two episodes and I think a lot of people get put off by the toilet humor there but it really does get a lot better after that.
What I don't like is there's a lot more focus on romantic pairing up between the ghosts and this might be me as an ace girl but I love the UK version because of how strongly it is focused on found family and any pairings that crop up other than Alison x Mike are played for laughs or very much a background thing. The only ship I do like is Isaac and Nigel and I'll give the show massive credit for not just making a copy of Captain's "gay soldier" character but actually giving him a romantic partner that is his own character and part of his ongoing story and lgbt rep on tv, rather than another tragic bury your gays (not knocking Capvers before anyone comes for me! Just giving credit where its due that they didn't just repeat!).
Also as much as I find the lore exploration fun and imaginative, like I say it makes the show more about plot than characters which is why I'm just not attached as I am the UK ghosts and humans. As the UK version doesn't have any real fantasy elements outside of "ghosts exist" the focus comes more on watching their dynamics and exploring past traumas while the zany sitcom plots are more from Alison and Mike's epic failures to run a business. The UK version has slower jokes but hit harder as do the big emotional moments (sans the finale but I've said my thoughts there). And a show that both makes me laugh but also crushes my heart like a grape is always amazing.
Last big win for the UK version is, while Sam is adorable and I do prefer Jay a little over Mike for how much more effort he makes to bond with the ghosts - Alison is my chaos baby girl. Not saying Sam is too forgiving but if any of the ghosts had pulled the whole possessing shit on Christmas to Alison then there would have been Hell to pay.
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ace-the-fox · 6 months
If you still do hc requests could you do Jonah from superstore? If not I hope you have such a good day and I hope you find a 20 dollar bill AND get to keep it :)))
Omg I'd love to do Jonah from Superstore HCs!! You also sound like such a sweet person lol awww~
Jonah Simms Mpreg Headcanons
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Amy realises before he does. She's been through it all before, so she realises something's up when Jonah complains of feeling nauseous for a week straight and is particularly, oddly irritable. One day she just buys him one of the store pregnancy tests without a word.
When it turns out positive though, she's immediately pretty supportive. I mean, their situations aren't exactly the same, but she knows enough about being pregnant unexpectedly, and is open to any questions he might have (yes, even the stupid ones lol)
As for Jonah himself's reaction... he's kinda numb at first. Does way more things than he usually would around the store (Glenn thinks he's just suddenly become a real overachiever, not that he was ever lazy or anything, and tells him to keep up the good work lol) just to not think about the fact there is a tiny life the size of a jellybean inside of him right now. Freaks out a little when he goes home. He's a business school drop out stuck working as a store assistant. How's he supposed to take care of a baby??? It takes a week of thinking about it for him to finally grow accepting of, and then affectionate towards, the idea lol.
He's pretty chillaxed about announcing it though. Just sort of mentions it in conversation to most of his coworkers, as a "head's up." They either have a "oh! Congratulations" reaction or match his energy with a "cool, good luck" lol
Glenn is weirdly (and yet also almost expectedly) more happy for Jonah than Jonah himself. Is almost suffocating with how often he lets Jonah know how happy he is for him and that he can always give advice if needed... Can't improve Jonah's maternity leave though :/ (America lol)
His worst symptom, all throughout his pregnancy, is the fatigue. He is barely staying awake at work, God bless him. He also gets really bad back pain :(
Because of this, Garett will sometimes let him skive of working to sit with him at the microphone, get him off his feet... Jonah has napped there more than once lmao.
Cheyanne let him babysit for her once as a "trial run." It really just proved to overwhelm him a little bit more though lol (bit late for that now buddy!)
He's still annoying, to the others, as hell while pregnant. Except now he's quoting pregnancy and baby articles to everyone <3
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sibsteria · 2 years
Two Brunettes and A Boyle [pt4]
[Jake Peralta/fem!Reader/Jonah Simms mini series]
Things you need to know:
I have kept Amy and Adam together, for story purposes.
We get a little into Y/n’s backstory in this one. It’s also kind of short, I apologise.
I couldn’t help but avert my gaze to the charismatic clod seated by my side, over the next few hours my tentative touches left me overwhelmed. My cheeks flashed from red to dull as his words found a way to make me blush.
I haven’t felt this way since-
Since, Jonah.
But I couldn’t hold onto him any longer, I’d spent too long trying to wrangle him in, even Garrett could see how monumental my hints were to him. Since Kelly, I had realised I wouldn't be his type of girl, not bottle blonde or tiny, not a pageant princess. Tough luck but I’m solid as a rock, you can’t let things get you down, you can’t cry over boys you don’t even have.
But with Jake- I had a chance. A fresh start, a me that actually cares about herself. Not some chaotic party girl that used uppers as a coping mechanism. I’m not totally sober, I still drink, but on nights out that’s kind of complimentary.
I just got sick of being sick. Condo parties with a crowd of people I didn’t even recognise, tagging along with my ragtag group of walking injuries. I still care for those friends but I needed to take some time off.
I’m not sure how Jake would react if he knew. I don't know him that well, which is why this is good for me.
I’m so tired I don’t even bother changing out of my pyjama pants, old habits don’t die too hard, I guess. 
Jake holds out a brown bag, encasing a sandwich, probably the only meal he can make. This marks the first item of food I will have ever taken to work with me, he’s too sweet. Throwing on a bra and random graphic tee I’d swiped from a friend, I hail a goodbye to Jake and rev up my car- here’s to my return to my favourite superstore.
Seeing that bright blue sign makes me smile, there-in lies some of the nicest people on this earth. 
I don’t choose to use the staff entrance, gliding through the self-opening doors, Ken gives me a happy fist bump as I stroll past his uniformed self.
The next I see, is Garrett-
‘‘Hey, doll! Good to see you. Come see me and I’ll share my donuts.’‘ He gives me a friendly wink, I brush his shoulder as I walk by him, beelining for my girl.
She stands there, hunched over her counter, scrolling through her phone.
‘‘Damn, this place doesn’t smell so bad today.’‘ I shrug nonchalantly, her head snaps up at me.
‘‘Y/n!’‘ She screams, piercing my ears.
She jogs over to me, abandoning her perch.
A tight hug later, I’m wincing at my side.
‘‘Careful, Chey.’‘ Amy’s warning tone sounds from behind me.
‘‘She looks hot for someone who nearly died.’‘ She matter-of-factly states, motioning me to Amy.
‘‘You can’t say that!’‘ Amy whisper shouts, scared of offending me, I sure do hope she won’t treat me like glass.
‘‘What? She’s got that grungy-just-rolled-out-of-bed look.’‘
‘‘Nah, I’m chill, Ames, I’m not gonna shatter any time soon.’‘ I smile at her, she reciprocates.
‘‘Welcome back.’‘ She nods at me.
‘‘I’m gonna go clock in, need that money.’‘ I huff, traipsing towards the machine, good thing we’re getting an app for it next week.
I actively avoid Dina as I make my way to my locker, which is above Garrett’s.
‘‘Hey, you finally realised you need to eat during the day.’‘ Jonah’s sarcastic lull pulses around the room. A subconscious grin paints my lips.
‘‘Yes, J. I realise now that food is a necessity.’‘ I turn rolling my eyes at him, jokingly. ‘’Jake made it for me, my little helper.’’ I stuff my things into my locker, noticing the empty water bottles I had left a while back.
‘‘Yeah.’‘ He’s quiet, for once, maybe he’s ill.
‘‘Hey, any idea if Marcus is on shift?’‘ I move to take a seat with Jonah. Putting off work is my favourite pastime. 
‘‘Yeah, I think I saw him before, you know where to look.’‘ He looks tired, just about ready to clock out.
‘‘Thanks, dude, I’ll talk to you later.’‘ I ruffle his hair before going off to find my soul sister.
‘‘You got it, babe.’‘ He freezes.
I choke on air, speeding out of the room. What the hell was that?
I’d expect it from Garrett, but-but not Jonah.
This does not help.
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imaginewarehouse · 4 years
Tate Staskiewicz x Reader || Oneshot
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Inspired by ‘Something That We’re Not’ by Demi Lovato. Basically, you and Tate hooked up one night… for the second time… and you’re content with that just being a wrap (That’s that! That was good, that’s enough- why push it?). You aren’t a relationship person, you don’t like the commitment. But… Tate has other plans.
Warnings: Hmmm, I don’t think so. Commitment issues?
🔆  🔆  🔆
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Hm?” I look up from my - fucking bottom, - locker and to the table Sarah and Justine are at eating their lunch. Sarah, the talker, is staring at her phone; A deep frown plastered to her lips that causes my eyebrows to knit together in confusion. Justine notices, too, and leans over to see what’s on the phone- and when she does see, her brows promptly shoot up. Oh, boy. That’s not good to see. What’s happened? “Yeah?”
“Did you and Tate really hit it off the other night??”
… w h y? My heart just about stops beating in fear. Why. Why mention Tate. Any mention of a one night stand in that tone is not going to be good. I get up from the floor and rush into the empty seat beside Sarah, looing expectantly for her to explain but she just looks right back. Looking for an answer to her question. “Uhh? Yeah, I guess?? We had a good time. Why! ?” Oh good god, tell me the whole store doesn’t know. What is it?? A video, pictures, a running gag!? Good god, I thought we were beyond slut shaming but I guess not-
Sarah’s face scrunches up in confusion. “Are you dating then, now??”
Now that really causes my heart to feel like it’s skipped a beat. Or two. “What!? No! Why would you say that? It was just sex- Oh.” I look sheepishly to Justine, waiting for the high five or the ‘Heyo!’ that’s classic from her at the word ‘sex’… but receive nothing but an awkward look- her gaze turning to the wall as she takes a nervous sip of her coffee instead of talking. Realisation that this is really not good dawns on me. Jesus christ- Justine skipping the chance to talk sex? Its like a sign of the apocalypse. What’s next? The river Nile turning to blood? “Show me the phone, please.”
Sarah glances at Justine, before letting out a sigh and revealing the screen of her iPhone to me. It’s Tate’s Instagram profile- and it says, ‘In a Relationship’, at the top. I look up, deeply confused to Sarah and Justine.
“It didn’t say that before Saturday night.” Justine explains. The night Tate and I were at the bar and hooked up. “Trust me, I keep a close eye on those kinda status’.” She grins, proudly, before sobering again and adding lowly, “And Tate is pretty anal about how his social media looks, so… “She shrugs, meaningfully. So, he knows that that incriminating, incorrect phrase is printed there in his bio. 
Sarah vocalises my assessment. “We can’t see him putting that kind of thing down willy nilly… Also, it says that on all his other profiles, too. Snap Chat, Twitter, even Facebook.”
“Yeah, and I mean,” Justine’s cute little nose scrunches up and her eyebrows knit together as she looks at Sarah who mouths ‘I know, right?’, back.  “Who even uses Facebook anymore?? Ugh.”  
I’m running through the night in my head, wondering if there was any point that I might have hinted to the pharmacist that I was looking for anything more then casual sex, at all. And I find nothing! I did not treat him any differently to how I would usually treat a person in his position- and that treatment has been carefully strung together and thought out so confusions like this do not occur. And it has nothing to do with us working together, I know that much seeing as Isaac understood just fine!
… well actually, honestly, mayyyybe I shouldn’t have slept with him at all this weekend… seeing as this was not our first time… that might have given him the wrong idea...
But god fucking damn it, Tate’s handsomeness obscured my rational and interesting conversation distracted me. I’m a fucking idiot!
I am not a relationship kinda person! I can’t be in a relationship with, fuck I don’t know… Channing Tatum- much less Tate the Pharmacist! Commitment is not for me; No, no, no-no, no. Fuck, fuck, fuck… I have to talk to Tate.
“I should go talk to him,” I say, excusing myself from the table with a polite smile but freaking out inside as I get out of the chair, kneel down and lock my locker back up, then rush out of the room leaving the girls behind in my dust. As I’m passing Grocery, I’m stopped by Cheyanne and Marcus who have their phones out, and show me a picture of me on Tate’s Twitter w i t h  a  h e a r t emoji and the tag #bae. My eyes bulge nearly out of my head as I look in horror at it over Cheyanne’s shoulder. 
“You know, now that I’m seeing it- you two are a cute couple.” Marcus’ words cause a tsunami in my brain- all the little Inside Out-type emotions are drowning and struggling- and Fear is screaming.
“Yeah you do, but- I didn’t think you ‘did’ commitment, Y/N?” Cheyanne adds, sceptical.
“Uh, I do- “Damn. I slam my mouth shut again. I can’t talk to her about this before I talk to Tate. So instead, I just toothlessly smile, and shrug at the two- For lack of any appropriate words. “Anyway! I gotta go- see y’all later!”
And then I’m off again.
I find Tate exactly where, and in what position, I thought he would be; Sitting behind the lonely pharmacy desk with his feet up on the register bench and his nose buried in his phone rather then working. I approach with caution, but confidence also, and knock on the desk surface by his feet to get his attention- and watch his eyes light up when he sees me.
Oh dear god.
“Hey, love bug.” - Oh god, oh god! - “Nice of you to visit me at work!”
Oh… is it? Is it really? Nerves swallow me whole and I nearly shrink back down because to just go with this relationship for the rest of our lives until we get married and have 4 children together and raise them and send them all off to community college instead of having an awkward conversation, sounds really good. How dare he look so soft- this T a t e. Tate is narcissist and an asshole. This isn’t how the world is supposed to work-
“Hey… “My voice cracks like pubescent teenage boy, and I avoid eye contact like a criminal. “Tate, um- So! I think that… maybe, possibly… we might have gotten our signals crossed the other night?”
Tate tilts his head to the side and sets his phone down- all attention on me. “How so?”
“Well,” Why is my voice so high??? I cough into my fist, trying to clear it and return it to its regular register, but fail. The show must go on, though. “Um, I-I was under the impression, that… what we were doing, was, uh… a one-time thing? I guess?” Tate’s eyebrows begin to knit together. “A-and, I think you might have interpreted it a different way?”
“So… you’re saying, that you were just using me, for sex. And somehow that’s my fault?”
My eyes blow wide open and I rush to amend his reiteration as he gets up from his chair and stands, looking down on me now. And… I… oop. That’s just great “No no! Not your fault, at all Tate!! I was just at that bar looking for… err, well, sex! And I thought you were too, but apparently not, and… do you understand?”
“I understand.” For a millisecond, I begin to relax- before Tate’s eyes narrow so much so that they’re nothing but sparkly, black-lashed slits of death. I wish I was at that bar now- I would order a Long Island Iced Tea and black out. “You’re screwing me.”
“What- No!”
“Yes! You want the rig, but not the rest of the machine.” Does he know what a rig is?- Either way, I solemnly, apologetically, shake my head. Well, yes, he’s correct, but I also don’t want to lose the, uh, machine! I really like talking to him when I’m stuck stocking shelves in the pharmacy! I don’t want to lose that? Then, suddenly like the changing wind, Tate’s eyes widen and a ghost of a smirk flickers across his face. “Oh, or- its more than that.” Hold on what. “Cuz Y/N, this isn’t the first time this has happened, you know? The first time, fine. I get it, you need a release. We all do- especially working a lowly job like you do, unlike mine. Heh. But you came back. To me. You could’ve approached anyone else at that bar and gotten the same results… but you came back to this one.”  
Now I narrow my eyes and furrow my brows, leaning back from the self-absorbed chemist. “… what are suggesting, Tate?”
He lets the smirk come out, now, and the only comprehensive thought that passes through my brain is: ‘shittttt’. 
“You just can’t get enough of me.”
“What!?” I gape, jaw dropped. Ridiculous!-
“I’m Y/N-Nip.” Oh sweet jesus. The thought genuinely seems to please him. Of course, it does. Ugh… No way. This cannot be right. I do not want a relationship! No way no how! “So it doesn't really matter if you don’t want me right now- because you will. We both know you will.” 
“I- Tate! You’re cracked!” 
He chuckles, dipping hands into the pockets of his lab coat and shaking his head slowly. “Love you too, babe.” 
“Yeah... you keep screaming my name like that. Good practise.” 
“Oh my god!” I exclaim, covering the bottom of my face and closing my eyes, a grin hidden behind my hands at how ridiculous this is. He’s too cute, oh my god! “How have you twisted this, you insane person. I do not have feelings for you!- Well, romantic feelings.” I cross my arms across my chest. “I do not have the romantic feelings, for you. All the feelings that I have for you can be simply summed up by whatever insane, terrible illness that kept putting Lorelai and Christopher together.” 
“Gilmore girls?” He grimaces. 
His eyebrows shoot up his forehead and his eyes light up even more, despite his apparent aversion towards my chosen American favourite, and I immediately regret my analogy. “So, you admit there are feelings there?” 
“Yeah- raw, animal sex-drive! That’s it!” I try to explain, looking away to avoid his eyes and feeling my cheeks warm up. 
“But you like talking to me, too, don’t you.” Its not a question, its a statement. He knows! And... it is not totally wrong. I do like to talk to him. He’s a narcissist and he’s smug but I happen to find that funny on all but bad days, and he keeps up with my antics like no one else. But so does Sarah. So does Jonah. So do Mateo and the guy on Echat so charmingly called ‘B1gHairyDucksRunTheW8rld’- long story short; I’m darling and lots of people like to talk to me! 
“Oh, Tate. Since when has an amusement by intelligent conversation been considered a for sure indication of desire for a romantic relationship?” 
“Oh, its not. But combined with the ‘raw, animal sex-drive’ that you so aptly named, it kinda does.” He leans closer a little bit over the desk towards me. “Also, you’ve said my name no less then six times while you’ve been here.” 
I laugh out loud- a definite sense of nervousness laced through the sound. “That means nothing!” 
“No, no-no. It means... “ He raises his eyebrows again at me and sets me with a wise look, like somehow he knows the deep secrets that hide out in the recesses of my mind. “Something.” 
Maybe he’s right.
“Oh, believe what you want, love bug.” 
“This is crazy, Tate. We are not in any kind of relationship and I do not have feelings for you!” 
“So I’ll see you tonight?” 
“My place? 7?” 
“You will not see me tonight!” 
“Do you think you’ll end up staying over? Just because, man of riches and luxury that I am, I need to change the sheets if you are to set the right mood.” 
My jaw drops. He’s lost his mind... and maybe I am too a little bit, because for some reason I’m leaning towards agreeing and going to his place tonight. Is there anything that I can say to him to dissuade him from these delusions of me being in love with him? Because I don’t! 
But... I wont lie. This is the most stimulating conversation I’ve had in forever, it feels good. It always does, with Tate. But again still, I am not commitment girl. He is commitment guy. He may not seem like it, in fact he has the complete guide and tool set to be a grade-A douchebag, but he isn’t and he apparently somehow likes me which is not a horrible feeling and I do not want to let him down. I... really don’t. 
Sighing, I collapse against the register and roll my eyes back. “Tate... I might like you. A lot.” 
“Oh. Shocker.” He rolls his own eyes, pressing some buttons on the register. Oh, he thinks that he’s funny. Hm. 
“... but I want you to hear me now. Okay? Listen.” Thankfully he looks up and focuses on me, blue eyes meeting mine. “I am not relationship compatible. I cant do it. I’ve tried it before and I couldn't hack it. Its not in my genetic make-up!- please don’t push this and make me ruin what we have.” 
He takes a deep breath, and sighs it out... before reaching over and holding my hand on top of the desk. He sets me with a reassuring look. “... I’m a Pharmacist. We don’t ruin things.” 
“... Jesus Christ you’re self absorbed.” 
“Maybe you can work on that with me at my place at 7. Now I have to get back to work, pharmaceutical business waits for no man.”
“Oh boy.” I’m dating this guy... 
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mentally-at-home · 3 years
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digimon-incorrect · 4 years
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Daisuke: Miyako, can you keep a secret?
Miyako: Oh my God, not really, but go.
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summoneryuna · 5 years
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x3nbingestoomuch · 2 years
idc what anyone says, Bo has to be my favourite side character of all time in Superstore. every one of his scenes were a treat to watch
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weareinastormoffuck · 5 years
“End of superstore season 4 will be hardcore dark”
Wtf does that mean Ben? Now I’m worried about Jonah and Amy’s relationship or maybe a death in the main cast.
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earl-gray-wine · 5 years
You want to know what I think was so beautiful about Superstore's portrayal of ICE? Only one of them was outwardly racist. They weren't mean or racist or dumb or violent. They were people doing their jobs. And you know what? You still knew it was wrong. You still knew what they were doing wasn't right. Even if the people in ICE are good people, they are doing a job that is horrible and should not be done. That's what Superstore told us, instead of some typical portrayal you would expect from a generic liberal TV show that I would have accepted. This was so much better and much more emotional.
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addiction-to-water · 2 years
I need a spin-off series of Bo and Cheyanne. They’re so cute and funny together :)
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Recently started Superstore season 2, but I know that, after the Cheyanne pregnancy season 1 arc, there's an Amy pregnancy arc and maybe another Cheyanne arc?? Either way, lot of babies. And, I gotta ask... when's Jonah's turn 👀 /hj
(SFW interaction only pls!!!)
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royalarmyofoz · 3 years
rewatching superstore like, amy and cheyanne should had kissed...
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