#supine in the face of adversity every time
elephantbitterhead · 1 year
Just realized that I may not have mentioned this: in the UK, a five-year mortgage is about the longest mortgage term you can get. Most are more like three. They are JUST NOW beginning to consider offering longer terms, but the interest rates on those are dramatically higher. I have been extremely mad about this ever since I discovered it when we first started looking for a house. My attempts to get mortgage brokers to explain the difference between US & UK options have gone absolutely nowhere, which I can only assume means they don't know the answer. This is obviously a scam that benefits only banks & those who can squeeze fees out of you when you have to refinance repeatedly. Mind you, when I suggest that to them they hastily deny it but offer no alternative.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
Do you think you can write something along the lines of a patient either bring put under using medication restraints (like Haldol or something) for their own good- they have a meltdown, ect. And/ or slowly waking up to find they have been strapped down? Their kind but stern doctor comforts them as they wake up. It's all just a stressful and heartbreaking experience for the whumpee. They are usually fairly stoic, but now, they feel so weak and defeated. Maybe include some tears? Sorry if this is too specific!!!
I really like this idea! I didn’t intend to go towards any specific genre of whump, since you didn’t specify, but I ended up going a little in a lab whump direction. I hope that’s okay! Thank you so much for the ask, and, again, sorry these are taking ages.
CW//Medical settings, chemical restraints, restraints, sedation, non con drug use, implied lab whump, syringes
Whumpee was screaming.
That was the only thing that could be processed by anyone in the Emergency Room as the gurney was unloaded from the ambulance and rushed through a pair of swinging double doors. Before the doors could so much as swing their way closed, the patient had already been deposited upon an ICU bed.
Around them, doctors swarmed like locusts. The doctors were swarming, and Whumpee was screaming.
“Hold them down!”
“Haldol, dammit! Get me Haldol!”
“I said, hold them down!”
Yet, to the supine patient, there were no doctors. No hospital. No, as far as they were concerned, this was a laboratory in everything but name. A torture chamber in everything but name.
And such was reflected in their movements.
Upon the bed, already half-laden with various pieces of tubing and wires, Whumpee howled, thrashing their limbs about with wild abandon. To them, movement was an end goal. As long as they were moving, there was hope of escape.
As long as they were moving, the pain wasn’t quite so bad.
“Hold, hold!”
“Where in the world is that Haldol?!”
“Right here!”
Even the words could not make their way into their their mind. No, there was no sense in their mind, only the most vague knowledge of flashing colors, of bright lights, of the horrid stench of antiseptic that they knew all too well. Each time a face appeared to them from the shroud, it quickly morphed into that of their former tormentor, eliciting nothing from them but another anguished wail.
Whumpee was not expecting the pain, though perhaps they should have been. Their arm was pushed down to the bed, half a dozen hands working to stop their ceaseless writhing. First came cold, then the prick.
“There. There.”
That was when the hyperventilation began, thrashing escalating along with it. By then, beyond their knowledge, their scope of sanity, the room had been flooded by eight doctors, nurses, and orderlies, all struggling to stop their emaciated body’s struggling.
Whumpee looked like a lab rat upon that bed, blue lines sprouting from pale skin, practically begging their veins to be pierced and flooded. The thought made their tears start, sobs tearing through their chest, jutting ribs and all, as they twisted back and forth.
Yet, at a certain point, their panic reached a peak. Its crescendo ceased, and its downfall began. Slowly but surely, each of their cells was turned to sand until they were more useless and heavy than a burlap sack.
“Clear. Running the line.”
It was a series of words that they had, up to that point in their life, heard far too many times. But, now, there was nothing to be done. No pleas or threats to be howled. Instead, they only breathed heavily, watching as the long, plastic tube pierced its way into one bulging vein.
“Line in. Clear to start the drip.”
And drip it did.
Drip -
Drip -
Drip -
Whumpee laid upon the beach, their consciousness flowing in and out as the tide.
For one moment, vision gently flowed along the sands, showing them hazy views of sterile lights and clipboards and dangling tubes. Then, once more, it receded, washed away into unconsciousness. The next time that the water flooded in, the waves were higher. Alongside visions of white tiles and dancing monitor screens, there was sound. Beeping and buzzing and voices.
When the tide came in for the third time, it stayed.
This time, the first things that occupied their newly-revived senses were not the lights, the tiles, the buzzing. Instead, they were assaulted by the sights and sounds of their own breathing-- quick, shallow, barely enough to move adequate air into their lungs.
That was, until their thought process was interrupted by something far more jarring. A voice.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
It wasn’t the softest of voices, nor the kindest. Though it wasn’t sharp, it was most certainly firm. More of a bark than a yell.
Whumpee blinked, vision once more threatening to fade. The tide dragged along the shore...
But, they were awake. Wakefulness meant confusion, and confusion meant a sharp terror, gripping at their throat.
Sterile lights. White, tiled walls. The reek of antiseptic. Every hallmark of a lab, and more. In an instant, the subtle wave of consciousness turned to a flash flood as adrenaline eliminated even the most far-off hopes of returning to slumber.
And, too, the flood came with more visions. Imagery striking at them, pounding upon the inside of their skull like a mallet. Lab coats, gloved hands, the bars of a stainless steel kennel. Shimmering needles. Pliers and scalpels.
Upwards, they jerked, a desperate attempt seizing them to sit up, as though they had just been struck by a defibrillator. But, they proved quite immediately unsuccessful, a force upon their chest keeping them held firmly down.
Whumpee knew that feeling well. Even with vertigo making the lifting of their head impossible, they did not have to work hard to imagine the restraint strap, most certainly stretched taut over their chest. More panicked experimentation showed that their wrists and ankles were similarly limited.
Their wide gaze, eyelids straining to open wider as their pinprick pupils shivered, shot to find the word’s source.
The lab coat sat perched upon a stool, legs curled deliberately beneath themself. There existed a firm, focused stare to those eyes. Whumpee felt as though they could not so much as breathe without being observed.
Then again, that was what the doctor was upset at them for, huh?
Well, if they were going to be in trouble, they may as well give something to be in trouble for. If these wackjob scientists thought that they were just going to sit quietly for another hellish procedure, they had another thing coming! At least they were out of their kennel, out of their cage.
“Let me up, piece of shit!” Whumpee snarled as they made another useless attempt to sit up. Of course, the restraints limited them just as well the second time.
“I don’t think I’ll be doing that.” A moment later, it was no longer simply the pressure of the strap that pressed down upon the chest. Too, a strong hand joined, pushing. “You’re staying down.”
“And what are you doing to do to me this time?”
Though there were a few moments of confusion, there was nothing reassuring about them.
“If you cooperate? What I’m going to do to you is ensure a full recovery.” The restraining hand retracted.
“Torture doesn’t usually help with that, just sayin’.” A weak smile appeared upon their face-- all they could manage.
“You’re not there anymore.” This time... this time, there was the slightest twinge of comfort to that tone. As though they were explaining a procedure. Clinically outlining the process in a way designed to minimize panic. “You’re in the hospital.”
“That hellish lab isn’t a hospital.”
“I’m well aware of that.” They didn’t sound all too pleased at being interrupted. “You’ve been removed. You were taken here in an ambulance.”
“I was-” They tensed.
“And sedated for an adverse reaction to rescue.”
“You stabbed me.”
“It was a syringe.” They countered. “Barely a poke.”
As though Whumpee hadn’t been poked enough.
“Whatever.” They at last hissed. “Let me out of this crap, if you’re so intent on rescuing me.”
“You’re already writhing about like a fish out of water. It’s for your own good.”
They clenched their hands to fists.
“What would be good would be letting me go! I don’t need your help.”
A howl of laughter.
“Yes, kid. Yes, you do.” The doctor sighed. “I’m afraid you have a very, very long road ahead of you. And if you don’t want to spend that journey under the influence of Haldol, you’d better learn to calm down.”
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omegangrins · 4 years
“Barbara and Walter Edwards visited a grassy spot on the southeast corner of Apple and Main streets early Monday morning where homemade signs and plastic flowers marked where their son, Drew Edwards, died a year ago after an altercation with police in which a Taser gun was deployed and he became unresponsive.  
“This is a hard day. Being there brought it all alive again. We’ll never get over it,” Barbara said mid-morning as she and Walter joined about a dozen people holding a peaceful demonstration at Platt and Main streets in front of the Maquoketa Police Department to show that they feel justice has not been served in their son’s death.
“It’s hard to believe he’s gone. We just want justice,” said Walter, who was surrounded by family, friends and other community members who held signs and waved in appreciation to people who drove by and honked or called words of support to them.
Edwards was 22 when he died on June 15, 2019. The Iowa State Medical Examiner’s office ruled the cause of death as cardiac arrest and determined that Edwards had multiple illegal drugs in his system at the time. In September, Muscatine County Attorney Alan Ostergren and the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation found no evidence of criminal conduct by the Maquoketa Police Department and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office in Edward’s death. Ostergren reviewed the case at Jackson County Attorney Sara Davenport’s request.
Not satisfied with those findings, the family has filed a wrongful death suit against the City of Maquoketa, Jackson County, Maquoketa Police Officer Mike Owen, Maquoketa Assistant Police Chief Brendan Zeimet and Jackson County Chief Deputy Steve Schroeder.  
The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that the officers used excessive force and that the Taser was deployed despite police knowing Edwards had a heart condition and that he had previously had an adverse reaction to being tased. The civil case is expected to go to trial early next year, said Dave O’Brien, the Cedar Rapids attorney representing the Edwards family.
A report released last fall by Dr. Kelly Kruse, assistant Iowa state medical examiner, said that cardiac arrest during restraint caused Edwards’ death, and toxicology results showed multiple illegal drugs in Edwards’ system.
Dr. Bradley Randall with Dakota Forensic Consulting, who is an expert witness for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit said the way Edwards was restrained likely caused his death. Randall said that the way in which Edwards was being restrained face-down on the ground by officers for about 12 minutes caused asphyxiation.
While he noted that methamphetamine intoxication and multiple Taser shocks were contributing factors “… it is my opinion that had Mr. Edwards not been restrained as he was he would not have died when and where he did. It is my further opinion that had the law enforcement officers terminated the restraint, with Mr. Edwards being placed either supine or on his side, at any point prior to his becoming unresponsive, he most likely would have lived.”
The city, county and other defendants have declined to comment on the case citing the pending lawsuit.  
Edwards’ sister and niece, Brenda Hayward and Janie Fitzpatrick, were at the demonstration and said the family did not receive any acknowledgment from law enforcement after Edwards died.
“We were hoping to get some kind of condolences, some kind of apology,” Fitzpatrick said.
Lost Nation resident Erik Olep began appearing on the sidewalk of several busy intersections last week, holding an American flag and signs with such slogans as “Justice for Drew.” He said he was working at a rental house on Apple Street the day Edwards died and heard the sirens. He later read about the case in the Sentinel-Press and watched video from Owen’s body camera that was released by O’Brien. He said the recent national events surrounding the death of George Floyd spurred him to action.
“Protesting is another way of standing up and drawing light to an issue. And we’ve got an issue here,” said Olep, who plans to continue his peaceful protest into the future. While he just met the Edwards family a few days ago, he said he is impacted by their grief.  
Edwards’ younger brothers Kole Manning and Mitchell Hankemeier were also at the demonstration and spoke of their sense of loss.
“I think about him every day,” Hankemeier said.
Manning recalled that Edwards let him drive a car for the first time.
“He just kept telling me to slow down,” he said, with a smile. “I wish I could just bring him back.”
Family members acknowledge Edwards struggled with addiction. But they also remembered a young man who loved to fish, who liked to help others and who spent hours in the garage working on cars.
“He could fix anything,” Walter said.
Barbara and Walter said they are saddened that this happened in their hometown and that they believe good policing is important to a community.
“This is our town, too. We live here and we care about everybody here,” Barbara said. “We just want justice for Drew.”
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Ortho + Rest Comfort Orthopaedic Slippers
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/ortho-rest-comfort-orthopaedic-slippers-2/
Ortho + Rest Comfort Orthopaedic Slippers
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Price: (as of Jan 01,1970 00:00:00 UTC – Details)
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Product Description
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Take the Weight Off Your Feet Stylishly
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Protect Your Feet
Wear well fitting, comfortable slippers at home, or to go to the local shop to prevent, or reduce.
Injuries to the feet
Unnecessary strain on the knees and ankles
Growth of corns and calluses on the feet
Difficulty in walkin
The risk of slipping and falling, especially in the washroom
Over supination or over pronation
Preserve healthy feet for years to come. Even if your feet are perfectly healthy right now; it would be a sensible move to take proactive action to ensure that they continue to remain so. Your feet take far more punishment daily than you might realize. They support your entire weight when you stand, walk, or even indulge in spot jogging at home.
Polymerized Rubber
Proper footwear like Ortho+Rest are made from premium polymerized rubber to take care of your feet by ensuring better circulation, which is vital for not just the health of your feet, but of your entire body.
Masterly Technique Assures Quality
Every slipper and sandal is fashioned by superb craftsman who pride themselves on the quality of their workmanship. Your satisfaction is our pride.
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Greater Comfort for Patients with Painful Feet
People are more prone to suffer from ultra-sensitivity, pains, and swelling of the feet. Some even experience skin peeling from blisters caused by closely covered footwear. Our flip flops are a godsend for them as they are made from skin friendly materials such as Eva foam. If your work requires you to stand for long periods, you probably suffer from pains underfoot. The flexi puff of the double layered orthopaedic slippers are so soft that they help in easing the pain in the heel.
You Don’t Need to Break the Bank to Buy Our Slippers
Your pair of Ortho + Rest has been engineered from carefully selected and specially blended polymers keeping in mind the requirements of paining heel and foot. It provides the extra yet optimum thrust of cushioning required by an average Indian feet. Ortho + Rest may be effective in many cases. It’s special material provides extra comfort, it is skid and slip resistant and provides symptomatic relief in condition of aching heel and feet. Being an open footwear it is helpful for tight fitting and hard soled shoes and preparation are prevented. As a general footwear its use is strongly recommended to prevent occurrence of condition leading to heel pain and foot pain. Atleat one hour daily use provides relaxation to the aching feet.
Put Your Most Fashionable Foot Forward
With a marvellous choice as far as colors and designs go, you will never need to compromise on style when you buy Ortho+Rest slippers and sandals. Further, they are easy to clean, thus ensuring that your feet never look shabby when you step out. Unless your profession or lifestyle requires you to be shod in killer heels, or shiny noodle strapped sandals; just browse the options to find the right choice for you. Their versatility ensure that whatever be your age; you will look chic in them.
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Wear Them All Day without Adversity
Even if you need to wear your slippers all day, your feet will still feel well cared for. Our slippers have been specially designed keeping their functional aspect, and comfort of wearer in mind. Best of all, you will find your range of motion, and flexibility of your feet improving after you have worn Ortho+Rest slippers and sandals for a while.
Put Aches and Pains Behind You
Put ankle and heel pains behind you. Just imagine the sheer relief when aching feet are shod in Ortho+Rest Slippers, which are designed with the correct cushioning to assure optimum thrust. Underfoot comfort is built into the design. That is why we offer you plain flats, and slippers which have a wedge shaped rubber heel to give extra comfort for anyone suffering from calcaneum spurs, and stress caused to the ankles by over supination. These slippers are so light that you might think you are floating on air.
Improve Blood Circulation Even as You Stand, or Sit
Our orthopaedic slippers help in correcting discomfort by adequately absorbing the shock every time you put your foot down literally. Ortho+Rest comfort slippers can help in getting relief from back aches, and arthritic knee pains when you wear them regularly. It’s like getting a massage as you walk. You will definitely feel relaxed after wearing them.
Prevent Falls, Fractures, and Other Such Mishaps
Ortho+Rest slippers lend you far greater stability while walking as they protect you from skidding or slipping thanks to the grooves in the soles. The soles are made of a blend of leather and resin rubber to ensure durability, even if you rough use the slippers. So, even if you need to walk on a wet surface like the freshly mopped floor in your living room or bedroom, or the marble flooring of a washroom; you are still safe.Expectant mothers who suffer from swollen feet, and a generally instability of the feet benefit singularly from our Ortho+Rest Slippers for women. Elderly people find that walking becomes effortless, even if they have been suffering from overall stiffness.
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Rectify Structural Damage to the Feet
The commonest structural damage of the feet that anyone might face would be fallen arches. Ortho+Rest slippers are specially designed to provide support to the feet, and realign the joints in them. Our lightweight, soft, and snug slippers provide just that with a soft support built into them for the arches of the feet.
Get Relief From That Ungainly Walk
The orthotic insoles can offer extra support, which don’t just rectify, but afford greater comfort to the wearer. So, you can go for your morning or evening walks in them without any discomfort, or embarrassment. Your self-confidence will also increase as your gait improves.
Slippers for Everyone in the Home
Family elders like parents, aunts, and uncles as well as youngsters can comfortably wear slippers and sandals from Ortho+Rest at home and outdoors, if necessary. When feet have been cramped in tight fitting, or narrow toed shoes or boots all day, slipping on open toed slippers which hold your feet with soft thongs is bliss. No more smelly feet caused by perspiration when wearing tight shoes. Fungal growth, especially between toes, is avoided when you opt for open footwear like sandals. Ortho+Rest slippers have an outer sheath of antimicrobial material — fabric and foam — an added bonus for users.
High quality product . Recommended slippers by Podiatrist. Innovative pain relief technology . Comfortable sole grip with secure toe thong protection from slipping
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yogaadvise · 8 years
Heal Your Lower Back Pain With these 10 Yoga Poses
Yoga has the treatment for every little thing. It has given us the key to recover each disorder as well as side-effects of a way of life which we have actually violated enough. In the day to day tough routine of long functioning hrs on chair, our back gets more overworked compared to its endurance limitation. We take a little much less privilege in providing it interest as the trouble in back does not turn up physically. It doesn't bother our bodily appearance and also ultimately is disregarded. If disregarded for a longer time it could bring about persistent durable problems.
Simple Yoga Excercises for Lower Neck and back pain Relief
The most sensitive issue of individual wellness nowadays is the increasing waistline. Comply with up with these straightforward yoga poses to get remedy for lower pain in the back fastly.
Padangusthasana (Large Toe Pose( Large Toe Posture)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Posture)
Sukhasana (Pleasant Pose)
Adho Mukha Svanasana - ( Downward Dealing with Pet dog Posture)
Uttana Shishosana ( Prolonged Puppy dog Posture)
Ardha Uttanasana ( Fifty percent Forward Bend)
Salamba Sarvangasa (Supported Shoulder Stand)
Salaba Sirsasana Alamba (Supported Headstand)
Supta Padangusthasana (Lying Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)
Dandasana (Staff Asana)
Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)
There are various yoga poses for reduced neck and back pain relief that could consist of in lifestyle. The quite initial and an easier one to start with is the PADANGUSTHASANA. In this position one needs to start with a standing position. Keep your total body aligned to the vertical radial axis. Throughout inhalation bend forward with your head a shoulder as a solitary system. Raise your hands above the head. Touch the huge toe of your foot with fingers as well as try to stay for some time. With exhalation, return to the straight pose slowly.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Posture)
This asana begins with a supine position. Then slowly fold your knees and also bring them near to your hip line. Raise your spinal column up in an arching movement as well as bring the hands below your pelvic bone region. Clasp one hand right into one more. Support your pose by your shoulders. Maintain your top arms below your shoulders for sustaining. Keep in this placement for a few minutes and unwind. Repeat the same for 6-7 times.
Sukhasana (Pleasant Pose)
This is the pose of reflection. Novices are encouraged to begin with this particular position. This is the most straightforward yet one of the most tough pose. It includes sitting in a typical cross legged placement with a straight spine. Your mind needs to be concentrated and totally free of all the adverse powers. Breathing needs to be normal. One need to sit in this pose for as long as in comfort zone.
Adho Mukha Svanasana - ( Downward Confronting Dog Position)
There are numerous exercises to soothe reduced pain in the back. This is an extremely helpful pose for eliminating pain in the back. One must depend on the vulnerable position as well as after that slowly elevate the back developing a hill dome. Your hands need to be forced down on the floor. As well as feet must be lined up to make sure that they are pointed to the face. Keep in this position, taking deeper breaths for a few secs. Unwind and also repeat.
Uttana Shishosana (Extensive Puppy Posture)
Kneel with both hands as well as legs. Customize your position such that your elbows exist below your shoulders as well as buttocks lie above your knee bends. Stretch your hands forward. The complete spine stretch could be felt by bowing down your head, touching the flooring. The neck is unwinded however arms should be kept energetic throughout with arm joints never ever. Touching the ground
Ardha Uttanasana (Fifty percent Onward Bend)
Ardha uttanasana is the wager exercises for lower back pain. In this stance we start with the uttanasana present. Press the fingers strongly on the ground along side your feet. Inhale and curve away the upper part of your body as far as feasible from the thighs. Lift the back forward as well as develop an upside down D. Keep your head ahead. Remain in this placement for 30sec and unwind. Repeat this pose development for 3-4 times originally. This stance should be exercised with caution. Your total body must be curved till the specific adaptability enables you.
Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder Stand)
This is an ideal asana for eliminating the spinal column troubles. It is likewise valuable in straightening out of back and also firm of back muscle mass. Lie on your back pleasantly. Uplift your calf bones slowly. Uplift the hips and thighs along with the legs. Assistance your back with the hands. Your joints ought to be touching the ground. Attempt to achieve a straight line positioning of your overall body. If facing trouble in doing this asana on flooring, one ought to do not hesitate to use a thicker base like a yoga floor covering or covering for balancing.
Salamba Sirsasana (Sustained Headstand)
This asana starts with an initial pet cat pose. Slowly bring your knees near to your chest. Aim to transfer the weight of your body on your head. Do not raise both the legs together. Start stabilizing the weight on head and also solitary leg initially raising the other leg in air. Then go for increasing the 2nd leg. This asana could be extremely high-risk to be done thoughtlessly. Focus with your entire mind on the stances. It is better to perform this asana in the existence of an assistant. Progressively one can understand this asana by constant technique. It is really useful in yoga exercise for reduced back pain.
Supta Padangusthasana (Lying Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)
This asana could be practiced for split second back relief. To proceed with this asana one could need a belt. Start with a straight relaxing supine position. Slowly bring your best leg near your breast. Bind the belt around the foot.Raise your leg in the air and also align your knees using the belt. Keep in this position for a while then unwind. Comply with the very same steps for the left foot. This asana enables an equivalent turn by turn leisure of your back. This is perfect for easing reduced back pain. 
Dandasana (Staff Asana)
This asana is a resting posture asana. It includes resting with your hips securely placed on the flooring and legs straightened together in a straight line actively. Position your arms alongside your side ribs. Push your palms on the flooring following to the hips. Make sure that your spine is flawlessly straight. Stay in this position for concerning 30-40 secs. Loosen up and also repeat.
These were some yoga workouts for lower back pain. All these positions are quite good for enhancing your back. They help to deal with the routine inactive way of living. One point to be noted in executing all these asana is that your spine ought to be energetic as well as straight.
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Ortho + Rest Comfort Orthopaedic Slippers
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/ortho-rest-comfort-orthopaedic-slippers/
Ortho + Rest Comfort Orthopaedic Slippers
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Price: (as of Jan 01,1970 00:00:00 UTC – Details)
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Product Description
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Take the Weight Off Your Feet Stylishly
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Protect Your Feet
Wear well fitting, comfortable slippers at home, or to go to the local shop to prevent, or reduce.
Injuries to the feet
Unnecessary strain on the knees and ankles
Growth of corns and calluses on the feet
Difficulty in walkin
The risk of slipping and falling, especially in the washroom
Over supination or over pronation
Preserve healthy feet for years to come. Even if your feet are perfectly healthy right now; it would be a sensible move to take proactive action to ensure that they continue to remain so. Your feet take far more punishment daily than you might realize. They support your entire weight when you stand, walk, or even indulge in spot jogging at home.
Polymerized Rubber
Proper footwear like Ortho+Rest are made from premium polymerized rubber to take care of your feet by ensuring better circulation, which is vital for not just the health of your feet, but of your entire body.
Masterly Technique Assures Quality
Every slipper and sandal is fashioned by superb craftsman who pride themselves on the quality of their workmanship. Your satisfaction is our pride.
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Greater Comfort for Patients with Painful Feet
People are more prone to suffer from ultra-sensitivity, pains, and swelling of the feet. Some even experience skin peeling from blisters caused by closely covered footwear. Our flip flops are a godsend for them as they are made from skin friendly materials such as Eva foam. If your work requires you to stand for long periods, you probably suffer from pains underfoot. The flexi puff of the double layered orthopaedic slippers are so soft that they help in easing the pain in the heel.
You Don’t Need to Break the Bank to Buy Our Slippers
Your pair of Ortho + Rest has been engineered from carefully selected and specially blended polymers keeping in mind the requirements of paining heel and foot. It provides the extra yet optimum thrust of cushioning required by an average Indian feet. Ortho + Rest may be effective in many cases. It’s special material provides extra comfort, it is skid and slip resistant and provides symptomatic relief in condition of aching heel and feet. Being an open footwear it is helpful for tight fitting and hard soled shoes and preparation are prevented. As a general footwear its use is strongly recommended to prevent occurrence of condition leading to heel pain and foot pain. Atleat one hour daily use provides relaxation to the aching feet.
Put Your Most Fashionable Foot Forward
With a marvellous choice as far as colors and designs go, you will never need to compromise on style when you buy Ortho+Rest slippers and sandals. Further, they are easy to clean, thus ensuring that your feet never look shabby when you step out. Unless your profession or lifestyle requires you to be shod in killer heels, or shiny noodle strapped sandals; just browse the options to find the right choice for you. Their versatility ensure that whatever be your age; you will look chic in them.
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Wear Them All Day without Adversity
Even if you need to wear your slippers all day, your feet will still feel well cared for. Our slippers have been specially designed keeping their functional aspect, and comfort of wearer in mind. Best of all, you will find your range of motion, and flexibility of your feet improving after you have worn Ortho+Rest slippers and sandals for a while.
Put Aches and Pains Behind You
Put ankle and heel pains behind you. Just imagine the sheer relief when aching feet are shod in Ortho+Rest Slippers, which are designed with the correct cushioning to assure optimum thrust. Underfoot comfort is built into the design. That is why we offer you plain flats, and slippers which have a wedge shaped rubber heel to give extra comfort for anyone suffering from calcaneum spurs, and stress caused to the ankles by over supination. These slippers are so light that you might think you are floating on air.
Improve Blood Circulation Even as You Stand, or Sit
Our orthopaedic slippers help in correcting discomfort by adequately absorbing the shock every time you put your foot down literally. Ortho+Rest comfort slippers can help in getting relief from back aches, and arthritic knee pains when you wear them regularly. It’s like getting a massage as you walk. You will definitely feel relaxed after wearing them.
Prevent Falls, Fractures, and Other Such Mishaps
Ortho+Rest slippers lend you far greater stability while walking as they protect you from skidding or slipping thanks to the grooves in the soles. The soles are made of a blend of leather and resin rubber to ensure durability, even if you rough use the slippers. So, even if you need to walk on a wet surface like the freshly mopped floor in your living room or bedroom, or the marble flooring of a washroom; you are still safe.Expectant mothers who suffer from swollen feet, and a generally instability of the feet benefit singularly from our Ortho+Rest Slippers for women. Elderly people find that walking becomes effortless, even if they have been suffering from overall stiffness.
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Rectify Structural Damage to the Feet
The commonest structural damage of the feet that anyone might face would be fallen arches. Ortho+Rest slippers are specially designed to provide support to the feet, and realign the joints in them. Our lightweight, soft, and snug slippers provide just that with a soft support built into them for the arches of the feet.
Get Relief From That Ungainly Walk
The orthotic insoles can offer extra support, which don’t just rectify, but afford greater comfort to the wearer. So, you can go for your morning or evening walks in them without any discomfort, or embarrassment. Your self-confidence will also increase as your gait improves.
Slippers for Everyone in the Home
Family elders like parents, aunts, and uncles as well as youngsters can comfortably wear slippers and sandals from Ortho+Rest at home and outdoors, if necessary. When feet have been cramped in tight fitting, or narrow toed shoes or boots all day, slipping on open toed slippers which hold your feet with soft thongs is bliss. No more smelly feet caused by perspiration when wearing tight shoes. Fungal growth, especially between toes, is avoided when you opt for open footwear like sandals. Ortho+Rest slippers have an outer sheath of antimicrobial material — fabric and foam — an added bonus for users.
Closure: Slip On 100 % Comfort to the aching feet High quality product . Recommended slippers by Podiatrist. Innovative pain relief technology . Comfortable sole grip with secure toe thong protection from slipping
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Ortho + Rest Black Slippers for Women
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/ortho-rest-black-slippers-for-women/
Ortho + Rest Black Slippers for Women
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Price: (as of Jan 01,1970 00:00:00 UTC – Details)
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Product Description
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Take the Weight Off Your Feet Stylishly
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Protect Your Feet
Wear well fitting, comfortable slippers at home, or to go to the local shop to prevent, or reduce.
Injuries to the feet
Unnecessary strain on the knees and ankles
Growth of corns and calluses on the feet
Difficulty in walkin
The risk of slipping and falling, especially in the washroom
Over supination or over pronation
Preserve healthy feet for years to come. Even if your feet are perfectly healthy right now; it would be a sensible move to take proactive action to ensure that they continue to remain so. Your feet take far more punishment daily than you might realize. They support your entire weight when you stand, walk, or even indulge in spot jogging at home.
Polymerized Rubber
Proper footwear like Ortho+Rest are made from premium polymerized rubber to take care of your feet by ensuring better circulation, which is vital for not just the health of your feet, but of your entire body.
Masterly Technique Assures Quality
Every slipper and sandal is fashioned by superb craftsman who pride themselves on the quality of their workmanship. Your satisfaction is our pride.
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Greater Comfort for Patients with Painful Feet
People are more prone to suffer from ultra-sensitivity, pains, and swelling of the feet. Some even experience skin peeling from blisters caused by closely covered footwear. Our flip flops are a godsend for them as they are made from skin friendly materials such as Eva foam. If your work requires you to stand for long periods, you probably suffer from pains underfoot. The flexi puff of the double layered orthopaedic slippers are so soft that they help in easing the pain in the heel.
You Don’t Need to Break the Bank to Buy Our Slippers
Your pair of Ortho + Rest has been engineered from carefully selected and specially blended polymers keeping in mind the requirements of paining heel and foot. It provides the extra yet optimum thrust of cushioning required by an average Indian feet. Ortho + Rest may be effective in many cases. It’s special material provides extra comfort, it is skid and slip resistant and provides symptomatic relief in condition of aching heel and feet. Being an open footwear it is helpful for tight fitting and hard soled shoes and preparation are prevented. As a general footwear its use is strongly recommended to prevent occurrence of condition leading to heel pain and foot pain. Atleat one hour daily use provides relaxation to the aching feet.
Put Your Most Fashionable Foot Forward
With a marvellous choice as far as colors and designs go, you will never need to compromise on style when you buy Ortho+Rest slippers and sandals. Further, they are easy to clean, thus ensuring that your feet never look shabby when you step out. Unless your profession or lifestyle requires you to be shod in killer heels, or shiny noodle strapped sandals; just browse the options to find the right choice for you. Their versatility ensure that whatever be your age; you will look chic in them.
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Wear Them All Day without Adversity
Even if you need to wear your slippers all day, your feet will still feel well cared for. Our slippers have been specially designed keeping their functional aspect, and comfort of wearer in mind. Best of all, you will find your range of motion, and flexibility of your feet improving after you have worn Ortho+Rest slippers and sandals for a while.
Put Aches and Pains Behind You
Put ankle and heel pains behind you. Just imagine the sheer relief when aching feet are shod in Ortho+Rest Slippers, which are designed with the correct cushioning to assure optimum thrust. Underfoot comfort is built into the design. That is why we offer you plain flats, and slippers which have a wedge shaped rubber heel to give extra comfort for anyone suffering from calcaneum spurs, and stress caused to the ankles by over supination. These slippers are so light that you might think you are floating on air.
Improve Blood Circulation Even as You Stand, or Sit
Our orthopaedic slippers help in correcting discomfort by adequately absorbing the shock every time you put your foot down literally. Ortho+Rest comfort slippers can help in getting relief from back aches, and arthritic knee pains when you wear them regularly. It’s like getting a massage as you walk. You will definitely feel relaxed after wearing them.
Prevent Falls, Fractures, and Other Such Mishaps
Ortho+Rest slippers lend you far greater stability while walking as they protect you from skidding or slipping thanks to the grooves in the soles. The soles are made of a blend of leather and resin rubber to ensure durability, even if you rough use the slippers. So, even if you need to walk on a wet surface like the freshly mopped floor in your living room or bedroom, or the marble flooring of a washroom; you are still safe.Expectant mothers who suffer from swollen feet, and a generally instability of the feet benefit singularly from our Ortho+Rest Slippers for women. Elderly people find that walking becomes effortless, even if they have been suffering from overall stiffness.
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Rectify Structural Damage to the Feet
The commonest structural damage of the feet that anyone might face would be fallen arches. Ortho+Rest slippers are specially designed to provide support to the feet, and realign the joints in them. Our lightweight, soft, and snug slippers provide just that with a soft support built into them for the arches of the feet.
Get Relief From That Ungainly Walk
The orthotic insoles can offer extra support, which don’t just rectify, but afford greater comfort to the wearer. So, you can go for your morning or evening walks in them without any discomfort, or embarrassment. Your self-confidence will also increase as your gait improves.
Slippers for Everyone in the Home
Family elders like parents, aunts, and uncles as well as youngsters can comfortably wear slippers and sandals from Ortho+Rest at home and outdoors, if necessary. When feet have been cramped in tight fitting, or narrow toed shoes or boots all day, slipping on open toed slippers which hold your feet with soft thongs is bliss. No more smelly feet caused by perspiration when wearing tight shoes. Fungal growth, especially between toes, is avoided when you opt for open footwear like sandals. Ortho+Rest slippers have an outer sheath of antimicrobial material — fabric and foam — an added bonus for users.
Colour: Black Occassion: Casual
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yogaadvise · 6 years
Ksepana Mudra
Ksepana mudra drains adverse chi, or power, and attracts fresh favorable energy. It is used to purify, destress, launch irritation as well as aggravation, and reinforce optimistic thoughts as well as vibrant health. The certain setting of the hands is very vital when doing Ksepana, as is the length of time you hold the hand motion. There are also Feng Shui policies for where to place a Buddha murti, with ksepana mudra hands, in your house.
Release and Refresh
The yoga hand motion is a means to reverse a negative day, or it acts as an early morning power pick-me-up for a good beginning. Practice it seated conveniently on a chair, back right, feet on the floor. Additionally, add it to your reflection in half-lotus or lotus placement. You could additionally put your hands in ksepana when you remain in savasana (remains) present, although you alter the positioning of the hands slightly for that.
Begin with your elbows bent, hands at heart level, palms encountering each various other.
Clasp your hands with each other, linking fingers as well as bending them so the pads of the fingers rest against the backs of your hands and also both thumbs are curved.
Straighten the forefinger, pushing the pads of the fingers together.
Press the palms of the hands with each other and examine that your thumbs are well gone across with the thumb pads primarily resting in the areas in between the base of the thumbs and also the knuckles of the forefinger.
Bend your wrists to direct the index fingers down if you are seatsed.
Rest your lower arms against your supine upper body and also factor your forefinger towards your feet if you are existing on your mat.
Breathe equally and also slowly, focusing on completely clearing the lungs in each exhale.
Stay in ksepana for no greater than seven to 15 minutes. Then launch the present and also rest your hands, palms up, on your upper legs. In enhancement to the power change, ksepana boosts natural contaminant release from your skin, lungs, and large intestine.
The Power of Positive Mudras
You stay in ksepana for a restricted time due to the fact that, once the negative powers recede as well as the favorable power rushes in, prolonging the present risks launching the fresh brand-new energy with every breath. You need to really feel stress and rage leave your body and also a sense of well-being take its location. The cleansing and also draining pipes impact of ksepana is so solid that a Buddha whose hands are in ksepana must never ever face the front door, a Feng Shui factor of welcome. Never position such a Buddha in a bed room. Rather, use the powerful detoxing purification of the mudra to treat any kind of bagua location of an office or home that has low or adverse power-- a missing out on wide range edge or a home window facing a dark alley, as an example.
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