#support: erk
philialdevotion · 1 year
frost-bitten fangs
An overnight outage to the stables’ heating system results in the deaths of several wyverns, personal mounts and beloved lesson drakes alike. In their grief, passionate students vowed to sleep overnight in the wyvern stables to help them keep warm through the night. [Grants Flying +1]
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optimismxmagicism · 11 months
Magic Detective Archives
No matter where you go, everyone seems convinced that these are unsafe times and everyone wants a little extra security— some want it directly in their hands even. It's no shock then that there are rumors of an arms dealer smuggling weapons through the port. If left unchecked, something could happen between civilians or worse, all these weapons could be used to outfit a nearby noble's independent army, giving an opportunity for a more widespread assault. Finding out where these weapons are coming from and who they're going to might be in the continent's best interest then. [Grants Reason +1]
It was already late at night. Almost all the students, and the faculty too, had already retreated to their chambers. Of the few people still roaming around the Monastery, two of them were the duo of Ewan and Erk. Two mages of Magvel and Elibe respectively, who were still in the library, studying well into the early hours of the next day. The moon shone brightly in the sky above, as the two finally decided to call it quits for the night.
As they were heading back to their bedchambers, they had to take care to stay quiet. While Erk had no bad reputation, Ewan was known as a bit of a troublemaker. Surely being seen sneaking around late at night would make them look suspicious. They were just about to pass the corridor into the courtyard, when the two could hear voices.
“Wait.. stop..!” Ewan whispered, as he held his arm in front of his friend to stop the other from moving. “Do you hear that?” He then carefully looked around the corridor, where two hooded figures were speaking in the shadows. He was very cautious not to be seen. Years of sneaking around to avoid beasts and monsters came in handy.
“…….Weapons….. got…..”
“50…. Axes…. Army…”
“House… order…. Two weeks…”
They couldn’t hear everything, only bits and pieces from being so far away. Yet they couldn’t risk getting any closer without being spotted. After a little while, the two figures left. Thankfully neither of them went in their direction. Once no more footsteps could be heard, he let out a sigh of relief.
“What the heck was that all about….” Ewan wondered. There have been rumors about a weapons smuggler going around, but they’ve mostly remained within the Black Eagle house. As such, Ewan didn’t know that many details. Still, he looked to Erk, his taller friend. “Wonder what those people were doing so late… you got any ideas..?”
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making-dough · 6 months
Farina: Nice to meet you, Karla! So...I’ll get right to the point. How much are they paying you? Just so you know, I’m getting 20,000 gold! (Farina/Karla C support)
quote scene from past
Right, um, for this one, I'm going to start with all 4 of her non-sister and non-Hector supports (Kent, Dart, Karla, Dorcas) because they all follow the same pattern - Farina introduces herself, casually brags about her 20,000 gold retainer and we see how the other characters react, from impressed and dutiful, to dismissive to surprised to um, reverse surprised. Out of these, Kent is the odd man out because the others can all be seen as some kind of mercenary (or pirate but it's close enough) so effectively, what she is doing is that she is declaring her value as a mercenary over them, as mercenaries are paid by their wagers and according to their skill. What she is essentially saying here is that 'I am that much better than you'.
I guess, in a way, Farina's life has been defined by her value and her price tag for so long to the point that Karla saying she has taken no payment really catches her off-guard, especially when she follows up with
Karla: Why do you look so surprised? There’s nothing I could use the money for, anyway. Farina: Wha--?!
Now, contrast this to Farina's recruitment scene:
Farina: “I beg to differ. Your journey is a long one, is it not? More than one battle, surely. That requires a special contract, special arrangements. Not to be morbid, but there are sympathy payments to my family in the unlikely event of my death, for example. Not to mention bonuses and hazard pay, medical treatment…”
Clearly, Farina can make up plenty of reasons to pay her, ahahaha~! Now, back to her Karla support, does this mean Karla places no value in her skills? When she has such great skills and beauty? That's not right. She's clearly being being cheated of her pay. Let's go get her her payment (and add some more to hers too)!
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randomnameless · 1 year
I agree. That's why people freaking out about Priscilla and Raven in the Roy/Eliwood games tend to get on my nerves. They find it incest because of them being kids and wanting at the time to get married with other, but kids often wishes to do that only to grow up and chnage their mind. Priscillia wanting to marry her brother when hse was a child is like little girls that say "when I'll get to grow up, I will marry Papa! or Uncle ! Or Big brother". Out of admiration, not of Love! Like the little kids that got a crush on their teacher, it's admiration not love. This was supposed to be innocent kids nonsense, not an actual problematic thing! Once they grew up, they move on and in the case of Priscilla this promise was nothing more than that even if Intsys used it as way of making fun of the siscon trope, but ultimately does she have any way of ending up with her brother ? nope. But sadly, she doesn't get to end up with Sain either, which suck.
You said it anon!
Admiration is a form of love though, but with within some parts of the fandom, and back then, whenever you said "love" it was only romantic love, and not the kid of positive ties some people in a family might have for each other but that isn't romantic.
We're just meant to understand Priscilla and Raymond (before being Raven!) were very close, but circumstances made it that they are now estranged, and yet, Priscilla remembers the closeness they had.
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savingthegeneration · 2 years
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Their relationship is hilarious. Guy who loves money works as a bodyguard for a princess because she’s loaded but she won’t pay him at all? Despite all the risks being a bodyguard entails? And no matter how hard he tries to leave she finds him and he’s forced to serve her again and again? Peak comedy. 
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adalrikr · 6 months
🧃 “Here dear! Great job out there!”
Erk flusters at the visage of the woman who hands him yet another juice box, taking it with a bashful bow of his head. He really didn't need anymore, but she seemed nice enough.
"Thank you... milady..." He gets the feeling that he doesn't want to stick around for too long as his cheeks burn slightly though. She seemed like she would be the coddling type, and Erk certainly didn't feel like being coddled right now.
"I... I did my best..."
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carmennivis · 9 months
* a kiss on the cheek, in passing
Nils had just finished a class in literature for the day. In the book the class had been reading, apparently it was common in certain cultures to greet a friend with a kiss on the cheek. Human customs.. truly were strange. Still, he couldn’t deny his curiosity.
As he was walking down the empty hallway, a familiar face greeted him. It was sir Erk! A friend whose dour expression would surely be brightened by a friendly kiss. “Sir Erk…! How are you today, my friend?” He asked with a friendly tone. Okay, now it was his chance to do it..! Gathering his courage, he stood up on his toes to give the other boy a kiss on the cheek. Success!
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foreversnightmare · 1 year
opinions of you - open
She didnt know much about this kid, she only saw him... maybe once. All Freyja knew is that he was.... sort of strange? Like most children, He already gets a green light in her mind, He could do no wrong to her, so even if was strange-- she'd never tell him.
For now, Freyja will keep a watchful eye over him- to make sure nothing happens to him.
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vibratingskull · 3 months
Hi! Can I make a request of Thrawn xF!reader with some angst.
They are chiss abroad the chimaera and she feels insecure that Thrawn would rather a chiss partner over her.
reader is very emotional either she she just found out she is pregnant or she has recently given birth.
She tries to avoid showing this to Thrawn but he figures it out.
What's nice when you are in a couple with Thrawn and feeling down is that Thrawn will do everything in his power to lift you up and soothe you 😩😩😩😩 And that's the best truly...
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Thrawn x F!reader
Tags: Chiss being haughty, early pregnancy, morning sickness, Thrawn being supportive and loving
You look over your shoulder and feel your heart constrict painfully. 
Thrawn is smiling, speaking Cheuhn with other Chiss.  
He seems so... relaxed and peaceful. In a way you rarely saw in the intimacy of your suite.  
With you, his own wife... 
You try to focus on your console but the notes of his lyrical voice reach your ears and with it his soft chuckle. His eyes gleam brighter to be around his fellows, to be home for some moments before their departure. They seem to exchange some jokes and pleasant words as they all smile tightly. They sometimes look around the bridge, clearly judging the crew with their ruby eyes. 
You do not understand Cheuhn, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand that they are criticizing your works, comparing them to their Chiss standards. Thrawn doesn’t seem to correct them.  
Is he... displeased with all of you? 
Did he only just pretend to be satisfied by his crew but secretly judge everyone, regretting his former navy of Chiss officers and warriors? 
That doesn’t sound like him, but if he is good at something it’s hiding his true thoughts and feelings. Even you have difficulties guessing his true mood some days. 
You wipe a drop of sweat off your temple as you feel nausea rising again... 
You had morning sickness for a month now, and get really tired of it. You swallow with difficulty, trying to chase away the sick feeling. 
The last weeks were pretty turbulent with the Grysk’s threat, you didn’t find the time nor the energy to announce your pregnancy to him... 
 You cannot help but keep giving discreet sideglances at the Chiss group.  
Thrawn is among his people.  
At peace.  
Visibly satisifed. 
He even playfully pinches the cheek of the young Chiss girl. 
His eyes shine with a new light that you never saw.  
His voice is slightly higher than usual, more light and musical... 
You never saw him like that with anyone. 
Not even you... 
You thought you had access to all his visages but you realize at this instant that he took care to hide some from you. Only revealing them to his compatriots. 
Are you not... Good enough to know all of him? All of his facets? 
Do you not deserve it as his lover and wife? 
Apparently not... 
You gulp, lowering your gaze to your keyboard, the acidic waves of your stomach rising dangerously. You shake your head and type your commands on the screen. The very least you can do right now is perform the best you can at your job to not humiliate the Empire in the eyes of Thrawn’s fellows. 
The Empire... Or yourself. 
“Captain (F/n).” Thrawn calls your name. 
You sigh, gathering your strength before standing up. You approach the Chiss group that looks at you up and down like hungry predators. They are looking for any signs of weakness and flaws, watching if you will stumble and fall in any type of way.  
Anything that would prove that they are the superior species. 
You feel cold sweat rolling down your neck and your vision starts to double slightly. Thrawn turns his head to his compatriots when you reach their vicinity. 
“This is the Chimaera’s Captain, (Y/n) (F/n). A lot of my operations rest on her shoulders.” He explains. 
‘The Chimaera’s Captain’... 
Not ‘my Captain.’ 
Not ‘my wife’... 
‘The Chimaera’s Captain’ 
Plain and simple. 
No bounds, no link to him. 
Is he ashamed of you? Is that why he took care not to associate himself with you in the eyes of the Chiss? 
Did he feel like he failed by marrying you? 
Are you a stain on his Chiss pride? A course’s error in his perfect ascension? Something to be corrected in the future? 
Would he have preferred to wed a Chiss rather than a mere human? 
“Can you show the results of your task, Captain?” Thrawn asks formally, “I prophetized some interesting variables in the Grysk’s route, but I want to be certain.” 
You take your datapad to invoke your data on the screen, scrolling to search for Thrawn’s demanded result.  
“I found some... interesting...” You start before falling silent. 
You slowly blink, feeling the light getting brighter and the acidic waves rising in your esophagus. 
Without any warning, you shove your datapad in Thrawn’s hand and run to the door of the bridge. You only hear some outraged exclamations in Cheuhn as the door closes back behind you. 
You sprint and barge into the first bathroom on your way and throw yourself on your knees before the toilet bowl to vomit your tripes out. 
You gag, shaken by nausea, sweat dripping from your temples, your stomach contracting painfully. You spit and cough, at a loss for air. You pant, holding the bowl with your trembling hands. You fall on your ankles with a sigh, wiping the sweat off your forehead. 
You sniff, wiping a single tear from your cheek. You are tired and tense, you just want a nap or a full good night's sleep. 
That would be nice... 
“Are you feeling better?” Thrawn’s voice rises behind your back making you jump on the spot. 
“Maker!” You curse. 
You immediately flush to not impose such a view or odor on him. You are embarrassed enough like that. You lose your balance in the motion and as you are about to hit the floor you feel Thrawn’s powerful hands grabbing you delicately, preventing you from hurting yourself. 
“Sit, Ch’acah.” He invites softly, “Do not hurt yourself.” 
He helps you sit before wetting a handkerchief to pat your forehead, kneeling before you. 
You cannot look him in the eyes. Your head is low as he presses the wet fabric on the back of your neck to lower your body temperature. 
“What happened, Ch’acah?” He asks gently. 
You sniff, silent. 
His hand comes to hold your chin delicately to force you to look at him, his shiny red eyes investigating yours. 
You gulp. 
“Speak to me. Do not stay alone in your discomfort.” 
“Nothing. Just some nausea, it will pass.” You brush it under the rug, not ready to confront him. 
“You appeared displeased earlier. Is something bothering you?” He continues softly. 
“No.” You lie. 
His hand releases your chin to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing your skin tenderly. 
“I know when you lie to me, Ch’acah.” He simply informs you. 
You bite your lower lips, your throat dry. 
“I... I just never realized how much you missed your people. To the point...” You cannot finish your sentence. 
“To the point?” 
“... Of regretting getting with me.” 
You fidget your fingers with apprehension. 
It was said, no backing down now... 
He blinks, questions flashing in his red eyes before disappearing, replaced by absolute determination. 
“What are you talking about, (Y/n)?” He demands. 
The tone is still soft but more pressing. 
“That you clearly feel more at ease with other Chiss. Which I understand completely!” You assure, “It’s just that... It was clear to me that you would have preferred a Chiss companion rather than a human.” 
“Rather than you?” He clarifies. 
You shrug, pursing your lips. What difference does it make in the end? 
His other hand cup your second cheek as he bores his eyes into yours, commanding your attention. 
“Where does that idea come from? Why do you think I regret marrying you?” He demands again. 
“I never saw you so... Bubbly before. You are so much more relaxed with them than with us. Or with me for that matters.” 
He considers you, an air of slight confusion dancing on his gorgeous face. 
“Cha’cah... How could I ever regret marrying you? You are the best decision of my life.” He finally says, “I never regretted saying ‘yes’ to you.” 
You raise your gaze to meet his, still unsure. 
“I was simply pleased to cross paths with a young girl I met when she was still only 12. Seeing them thrive is so rare and I was pleased to see how far she’s gone.” 
You wipe another single tear. 
“I am sorry Thrawn, I'm just...” And you explode in tears. 
You’re too tired, too tense, too hormonal, too stressed to think straight in this instant. You only wish to sleep for several hours in peace. 
“(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)...” Thrawn calls in a murmur, “I would never leave you for any possible reason. You are my wife, my partner, my lover, cheo Cha’cah. Dry your tears my sweet, I am with you always.” 
“It’s stupid but when you didn’t introduce me as your wife to them I thought you had enough of me.” You sob, realizing how stupid it might sound. 
“Of course, I did not present you as my wife: You deserve to be known for your accomplishments and hard work, not for any bond you have with me. Do not define yourself by me, you earned your rank of Captain and are worthy to be known as such.” 
“I was afraid you were ashamed of me!” You keep sobbing hard, trying to get back your breath. 
He takes you in his arms, pressing you tight against himself. 
“I am not ashamed of you. Quite the contrary, I feel proud and empowered to have you at my arm. The right to hold your hand and call you mine is the greatest privilege of my life. Please Ch’acah; never doubt it.” 
“I am so sorry!” You cry hard, squeezing him back, “Thrawn I am so sorry!” 
“Do not be. Everything is all right, I am here, with you. I am not going anywhere...” 
You bury your face in his neck, digging your nails into the pristine fabric of his white uniform, inhaling his reassuring and familiar scent. 
“I am so sorry...” You repeat like a litany. 
He cradles you gently, caressing your hair and back with his large comforting hands. 
“I love you Ch’acah. Do not doubt my words, my heart only beats for you.” 
You nod against his neck, slowly calming down. 
He parts from you but holds your cheek again with his warm soft palm. 
“Are you feeling better?” He inquires with a whisper. 
You nod again, sniffing away the last remnant of your tears. 
“Do... Do you mind reintroducing me as both your Captain and wife?” You ask, still a bit on edge. 
It may be childish of you, but you want them to know that you are married together. 
Despite what he said, being married to him is part of your pride. 
“Of course I can, if you truly want it Cha’cah. We can meet them again later, I will be delighted to announce them our union.” He presses his forehead against yours, looking straight into your soul. “Do you feel better?” 
You nod, wiping your lips with the back of your hand. You need to brush your teeth. 
“Maybe take one hour of rest in our suite.” He gently proposes. 
“No.” You shake your head assured, “I am the Chimaera’s Captain, I cannot disappear for so long. I do not want to be treated differently than all my colleagues because I married you.” 
“And it is honorable of you. If you feel better come back on the bridge swiftly but do not hesitate to visit the med bay if symptoms persist, I recall you were already sick the week prior.” He declares raising back on his feet. 
Ah yes... You didn’t reveal to him why you were sick so he got the wrong diagnosis, thinking it was a simple flu, and that you would be on your feet in no time! 
“Thrawn.” You grab him by the sleeve to stop him from leaving, “I have something to tell you.”  
He considers you in silence, judging by your body language and tone if he should start to worry about something. 
“A problem perhaps?” He invastigates. 
“No. A news.” You shake your head with a tight grin, “Good news... at least I hope.” 
He looks at you from all his height. Your hand releases his sleeve to hook his fingers with yours. He properly takes your hand to squeeze it in his large one. 
You admire the contrast between your human skin tone and his deep vibrant blue... 
“I am listening Ch’acah.” He invites. 
You breath deeply, gathering your courage. 
“I am pregnant.” 
He remains perfectly still and silent for a moment. You look at him, your lips pressed together, awaiting his judgment with a beating heart. 
“Is that true?” He finally asks, with a slightly tensed voice, “Is it possible?” 
You nod. 
“I am three months in. That’s why I was sick last week and right now.” 
He pulls on your hand, forcing you to stand up from your sitting position. You just have the time to yelp, you are suddenly squeezed tight in his embrace. His long arms are holding you so tight you have difficulty breathing. You hear his comforting purr starting to resonate in the bathroom. 
“Thank you, (Y/n).” He finally whispers in your ear, his face buried in the crook of your neck. “Thank you...” 
You silently hug him back, nuzzling aginst his tall stature with pleasure, feeling your anxiety melt away in his arms. 
“Are you happy?” You ask. 
“Yes. It is marvelous news.” He presses his cheek to yours, “I stopped hoping for a child years ago. But here you are, pregnant with mine. Ch’acah, you have no idea how happy it makes me. You are spoiling me.” 
“You are about to become a father, Thrawn.” You repeat to him, and the more you say it the louder and deeper the purr gets. 
You hug each other in one of those rare moments of intimacy on a warship, feeling like a team again, ready to face anything thrown at you. 
Even those Grysks. 
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@bluechiss @Thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil_urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037 @leo4242564 @davesrightshoe @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni 
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twistedminutia · 11 days
What does the shroud brothers think of gray?
"Erk! U-um... She's fine. Um, she's got a cat... Well, technically it's her cat AND Mr. Grim, which is honestly kind of unfair. I mean, why does she get to hog all the kitty goodness to herself, huh? B-but, um. She's fine. Not as much of a normie as some other people. I mean, she's not any good at games, but she at least listens when I talk about anime. I mean, it's probably a pity listen, but I guess it's nice of her to try. A-and Ortho likes her. I'm willing to spend time with her if it makes my little bro happy."
"Gray's a very nice human! We haven't gotten to spend that much time together, but she's very kind to everyone. It's kind of funny to watch her try to manage Grim! And I owe her for helping my brother when he overblotted. I know she says she didn't do much, but it was dangerous for her to be there at all, and I'm sure Epel and the other appreciated her support!
I guess I do wish she'd take better care of herself, though... She doesn't talk about it much, but I think being away from her home is bothering her. I'd be pretty sad if I was separated from Idia like that... though I guess if I got sent into a world without magic, I wouldn't last very long, since I need technomantic energy to stay recharged! Hopefully we're going to be able to make contact with her world soon."
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wingboundwarrior · 24 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don’t reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here’s to many more years spent together.
Name: Serena
Pronouns: she/hers
Birthday (no year): February 3rd
Where are you from? What is your time zone? US, EST!
How long is your roleplay experience? I’ve been roleplaying as long as I can remember... I have vivid memories of creating characters with my friends as a small child and pretending to be them. From there, I moved to forums, paper and pencil RP, texting and email RP, and the like! I’ve been roleplaying on Tumblr specifically for over 10 years.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I think it really just came naturally to me and my few friends as a kid, haha! My first forum was a Harry Potter one as a child... and then I got into Tumblr RP with my introduction to Star Trek!
How were you introduced to TOA? I found TOA while in the “fe rp” tag, as they’re really frequent in there!
Do you have any pets? I have two cats, a 4 year old gray cat named Jasper, and a less than a year old black cat named Jacinth! They don’t get along 💖
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Winter by far! I grew up in a humid environment, and I find the colder weather and environment so magical! Even though I’ve moved, I still do 💖
What is your IRL occupation? I’m disabled!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I love crocheting, playing farming sims, and watching anime!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Fields of Mistria is my favorite game rn!! I’m also a sucker for a game I’ve been playing since I was young called Mabinogi! But a good rule of thumb is, if it’s a farming sim available on the computer I’ve heard of it and have an opinion on it.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I never really got too much into Pokemon buuuuut my favorite TemTem is Vulffy 💖
Tell us some fun facts and trivia about yourself!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I met Havoc in another roleplay space and when we moved away from that space I wrote with his Fire Emblem characters, and then I was curious about the source material, so!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? FE7 and a little tiny bit of Three Houses! 👍
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: FE7 for both JKLFAJKL
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Ohhhhh I mean. Definitely Serra and Fiora but also Florina? And Erk? And Heath? And... ohhhh tbh it’s so hard. They’re all so good.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! The first time Serra opened her mouth she had reached through the screen and grabbed me by the throat.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? I’d marry Eliwood tbqh....
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? Wheezes.... I haven’t.... ever gotten that far :softsmile:.....
Favorite Fire Emblem class? I actually love Mages sooooo bad.... But I do rely on my Cavs for. Everything ,
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I’d be a healer!!! Probably a mounted healer actually!!!
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Probably Church of Seiros!!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Faith Banes: Everything else 😅 Budding Talent: Maybe Reason?.... ha ha.... Deep down I want it to be Bows, though
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) I really have no clue but I’ll say Lythos for fun 🙏
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Separate letters!
Current TOA muses: Fiora and Serra!
Past TOA muses? I wrote Limstella for about seven seconds but actually still muse them in another server!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Serra! Yes, I still got her!
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? YES I write Sunshine Girls or Melancholic Girls. Sometimes both at once. 🙏
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Honestly not really, I think I could figure out how to write other muses but these are the ones I enjoy most!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I really love delving into emotionally or physically charged things... I’m a little angst demon.... I really want our characters to feel and feel deeply....
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? For Fiora, I hope to confront her feelings of failure and sorrow over her losses. I want her to be called out!!!! For the self-sacrificial shit she does!!!! I want her to be honest and emotionally vulnerable!!!
Favorite TOA-related memories? I feel like every thread I write is my new favorite thread 🫶
Present or past tense? Present tense recently, honestly!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I actually like small text the most but I’ll do anything!!
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Nope! I’m happy. 😌
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yukyunotabibito · 25 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
From neffi <3
Name: Vergil
Pronouns: She/He/They
Birthday (no year): November 14th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I'm from the Midwest (America), but my current timezone is PST
How long is your roleplay experience? 'Bout two and half years total I think? If tumblr RP
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Does warrior cats on the playground count?
How were you introduced to TOA? Stalked the twitter for like a year
Do you have any pets? I have a cat back home, but she's not with me at college
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall! Because it has my birthday :3
What is your IRL occupation? Student <3
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Well isn't this embarrassing. My current obsession is 2ha/Erha
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Elden Ring, Persona, Ensemble Stars, etc.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Dragon! Appletun <3
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I'm a marine biology major!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? A friend of mine introduced it to me in 6th grade and like any autistic child I immediately got completely obssessed
What Fire Emblem games have you played? (In order of the number), Blazing Blade, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Engage
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First was Fates. Current favourite is Radiant Dawn I think.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Nasir, Kurthnaga, M!Corrin, Erk, and Zephia
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳Camilla. Any hot woman in general, so most of them. Vaguely Nasir.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: First was Chrom. IDK now. - Fates: First was Jakob. Mozu now. - Three Houses: First was Claude. Yuri now. - Engage: First was Alfred (Male Alear). IDK now.
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Kinshi Knight!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Random village NPC #12
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boon: reason, bane: gauntlet, budding talent: bow
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) Elusia
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) As the letters, so Tee-oh-ay
Current TOA muses: Kurthnaga, Nasir, and Zihark!
Past TOA muses? (In no particular order) Velouria, Anankos, Izana, Cadros, F!Morgan, Forrest, M!Corrin, Cadros, Erk (am I forgetting anybody???)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Velouria. No, I don't think I can see myself picking her up again at this current point.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't even know anymore. Zihark has confused me. #Girl send help.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? God. If a man could dream.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) Emotional drama :3
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Hm... I'm not sure
Favorite TOA-related memories? Dollhouse.
Present or past tense? Past? I think?
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Normal please wah wah wah
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉Under the right circumstances Yukimura could happen. But I don't that will be any time soon if ever
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santoschristos · 24 days
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(Article by Alfredo Di Prinzio)
Third and last part
"Some Stellar Beings Incarnate in this one"
Plano have come with the Service Mission. They have "woken up" following various Schools of Thought, Traditional Orders, etc...
In this and other past lives. For this reason many do it as a profession and very few for Service...
There are also people who have created Sects, Masonic Orients, Lodges, Churches of all kinds; these individuals are created spiritual guides and there are for all tastes, for all people, old, young and children, are thousands and thousands, famous and less famous, and all are believed to have the Truths in the pockets. TRICKED AND HAPPY ! The nicest thing these people pay, give the Tithe, and believe that so they reserve a place in Paradise; high for all Eternity..!
Gentlemen, Let's Be Serious!
No one represents God, There are no special recommendations nor much less, Ministers of God, we are all in the same boat and we are all Captains, but we do not know it.
Ya, for a long time they are proliferating Curators and Healers of all kinds, give him an Orientale Title, pay to own a Diploma and fill with Ego, believing that they really are to the Service, but these people have not healed anyone and they have removed an evil on the head, he did the same using his faith. Jesus affirmed it by saying:
Think for a moment that True Love Fades Away, when it comes to money,
and it's only Speculation. Only unconditional Love Heals and Saves, it is priceless, it is not bought or sold, because it is the Beauty that radiates from the Hearts of Beings to the Service of Light.
There is no more Time, and this is meaningless, at any moment it can rush everything,. and thus initiate the Great Mutation of Species, particularly Man. It would be convenient for this Event to find you calm and serene, present to yourselves, without reservations of fear or fear.
Listen to your Hearts, enough with the talks and chatter, only your Light will allow you to find the Harmony inside you. Unconditional Love is like the Sacred Fuel that will give you the Strength to participate in the Last "AGAPE" and the one who will be the Host will be our Representative, the One whom the Old Humanity removed. Today his return will be in the Cave of your Hearts.
Then your job is to "bring down" all the supports you have used to build your Living Temples.
Those structures are no longer necessary if you consider that the Temple is terminated. and they'll just be a useless weight.
Close your ears to the sellers of words and of Salvific Methods, of partisan Techniques, of Guided Breaths and Ecstasy, of meaningless
Mantrams and leave
speak your hearts, he will guide you in this final stage of the road. The Counts have closed and the Final Exams are about to begin.
( End of the Third and last. Part)
YHVH Art by Alfredo Di Prinzio Immanuel, im-man'-u-el (Heb.)--God with us; God is with us. Art Edit by Mahaboka
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four-loose-screws · 9 months
Hi! Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you could translate Guy's and Priscilla's japanese support from FE7? ;v; in case you haven't translated them yet. I read that their support has a different ending than in the localization, so I got curious to see how it was in japanese. Thank you so much for your translations! Have a good day/night :>
All text is under the cut for spoilers.
For the C-B-A supports themselves - I read them side-by-side, and confirmed that the localization is very directly translated from the Japanese - so no reason for me to do my own translation. It would basically be repeat work.
Now, as for Guy / Priscilla's ending, on the other hand...
I actually didn't know this ending was so different in localization until I translated the novel, and nearly doubted my translation abilities! After a double, triple, and quadruple check, I knew I had it right... The JP version and localization do lead to 100% different final conclusions!
Original Japanese:
戦いの中で出会い、恋に落ちた2人。しかし、プリシラ はエトルリア貴族の令嬢、ギィはサカ出身の傭兵・・・ 2人の境遇は違いすぎた。一度は、プリシラを諦めよう とするギィだが、彼女の涙を前に駆け落ちを決意。彼の 手を取るプリシラの笑顔は、その生涯で一番輝いていた。 The two met in the midst of war, and fell in love. However, Priscilla was the daughter of Etrurian nobility, and Guy was a mercenary born in Sacae... Their circumstances were too different. Guy once tried to let her go, but in front of her tears, he decided to elope. Her smile when she took his hand was the brightest he ever saw.
They fell in love amidst conflict, but Priscilla was a noble, and Guy was but a mercenary nomad. Guy rode away before her tears could stain the earth, though her smile was the brightest thing he ever saw.
Considering that Guy and Priscilla's entire support chain was otherwise directly translated, and Priscilla's other endings were also translated directly (Erk has high enough social status to marry her, she and Heath do not end up together because of his deserter status), I assume this ending was translated in error and not changed on purpose.
Perhaps 駆け落ち (kakeochi) tripped the translator(s) up - it is a word in Japanese for eloping, but kake means 'to run' - maybe the translator read too fast and took it to mean Guy ran away from Priscilla before their feelings could overpower them. ...It's a theory, anyway.
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cheiyunn · 8 months
Kimisute main story [0部 ] Part 2
Nayuta: I’m GYROAXIA’s Asahi Nayuta.
Audience: Ah—!
Nayuta: 「All My Parts」
Audience: AH—!
Kenta: Good work everyone
Reon: Today’s live went pretty good right!
Nayuta: Hah? Where.
Nayuta: You got too excited and went off beat didn’t you.
Reon: erk… but the crowd got just as heated didn't they..
Nayuta: I don’t need those stupid excuses
Kenta: Reon, its good that it went well but you also do need to accept where imperfection showed
Kenta: Well, I’m sure that you understand that regardless of if I tell you or not
Reon: …yeah
Ryo: Hah– …Today as well, we showed a lot of earthlings the sound of our music…
Miyuki: Well today as well you were full of energy after all, Ryo-chin
Miyuki: Even you felt that we were in good form today right, Nayuta?
Nayuta: …tch. Shut it
Nayuta: I don’t need anything other than things that are well-honed. Don’t try to pull anything sloppy.
Nayuta: Sakaigawa. There’s a phrase in the 2nd half that came off sloppy. Start learning that there's a difference between putting power in it and being a mess.
Nayuta: Akebono. The 2nd song’s A melody has too many tempo changes. I told you to make it more flat.
Nayuta: Satozuka. As always your solo is weak.
Nayuta: And Misono. Don’t go frolicking up and down during the MC portions. You mistimed the song entrance.
Reon: Ugh–! Okay I get it–! Fine I’ll be more careful okay–!
Miyuki: My bad. I’m well aware so I’ll be careful to not misstep again
Ryo: With this it now feels like the live is really over, right~
Kenta: Nayuta, were there any other areas you noticed or?
Nayuta: ……….no
Reon: Yo how about after this we go for some food Miyuki-san?
Miyuki: A celebration? Sounds good
Nayuta: What a waste of time… I’ll be heading out first
[Door opens]
Mashu: Don’t try to just get up and leave. Asahi.
Nayuta: Ah? What
Mashu: It's about work. If you don’t have the will to listen then we won’t accept
Nayuta: I didn’t say shit about not listening. Spill it
Mashu: There’s new work in regards to partnering up. I was thinking of handing this one over to you guys
Reon: Only if its a job that suits of perfectly 
Miyuki: In that area shouldn’t we trust Mashu-san
Mashu: Once I complete the scheduling for production on the new song, I intend to sit you all down to explain the details to you again
Ryo: A new song… Mr.president, thank you. With that, we can deliver more of our sound to the earthlings
Kenta: Good for you Ryo
Miyuki: A partnership for our new song huh. We gotta put our best efforts in then right
Kenta: Mashu-san, thank you. We will put this in consideration positively.
Nayuta: Don’t go dragging the talks along.
Reon: Well you don’t want it Nayuta?
Nayuta: I don’t do anything I don’t approve of.
Kenta: So this song just needs to be polished to the level that satisfies your approval then?
Kenta: In my opinion, this isn’t just something you can reject without hearing the details first
Nayuta: …tch
Miyuki: Mashu-san brought it up because its a partnership that's worthy of us
Miyuki: Isn’t that right?
Mashu: Hopefully you succeed in this without much difficulty. Otherwise, there is no point in even letting you debut
Kenta: We understand. We look forward to your support
Mashu: I’ll be attending to another band, so after this feel free to do whatever
Ryo: I’m excited for the new song~ Don’t you think so too, Reon?
Reon: Yeah. I’m excited that we can tackle a new challenge
Miyuki: Hm? Something’s got ‘Music Industry News’ all riled up… 「The vocalist of the legendary band SYANA, Iryuu Koga has returned!」...!?
Nayuta: …!?
Nayuta: …tch!
--[Nayuta leaves]--
Reon: Miyuki-san…
Miyuki: My bad… I didn’t mean to read it out like that…
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dianawinchester03 · 2 days
-ˏˋ⋆ get to know me ⋆ˊˎ-
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hi beauties!✨this post is just some random facts and stuff about me. feel free to skip again if you’d like, but i love connecting with my readers/audience and i love getting to know everyone. so don’t be shy! dm me, comment, reblog, hell- send me an anonymous message lol. i promise i don’t bite hard XD
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for starters, my name is diana, you can call me ‘di’, ‘annie’, ‘ana’ or just ‘diana’. it’s totally up to you and whatever you’re comfortable with. those are just names my family call me, and i consider all of you sexy people to be my family lol🫶
i consider myself a new writer because i’ve been writing consistently a little less than a year now. my main series consists of a supernatural series rewrite with a female reader (y/n) added to the plot.
for now, i mainly do (y/n) fics, paired with my comfort character, dean winchester💚 but i’ve been getting more verse with jensen ackles’ characters that he has played so i will never say never to possibly writing a solider boy or maybe even russell shaw fic at some point.
i’m from the beautiful twin islands of trinidad and tobago🇹🇹born and raised in trinidad in 03’ (BIG UP WE, DROP AH COMMENT IF YOU ISSA TRINI LOL). i am of indo-caribbean descent/east-indian from the west indies but i love to call myself a ‘desi girl’ lol. my star sign is leo, rising libra and moon scorpio. i’m an avid reader myself, but i mainly read fanfiction when i do get the time. i’m also a directioner (harry girl for life) and a hugeeee wwe fan. love me some rko (just one of my many wwe crushes hehe)
i’m currently twenty one years of age but i’m still mentally sixteen haha. my favorite color is yellow💛and my favorite flowers are dandelions and sunflowers (i’m a basic bitch LOL) i tend to call people by pet names a lot, so I say “babes”, “honey”, “love”, “darlin”, “sweetie” etc etc. that’s just me and how i’ve always been. my main name for my lovely readers are “beauties”❤️
i understand that it can make people uncomfy even though i don’t mean it in any type of way, feel free to let me know if you’re not comfy! you’re feelings are valid, so tell me if you don’t feel okay with it, i just want to make everyone feel safe on my blog.
i am not very religious, i have a complicated relationship with religion on the whole. i grew up in a strict hindu household and but due to my own….experiences, i now identify as agnostic.
i am the ‘b’ in lgbtqia+💖💜💙 so as a raging feminist and bisexual, things i don’t tolerate in general are homophobia, misogyny, sexism, support for genocide, fascism, classism, fat-phobia, transphobia, acephobia…you get the memo :)
this is a no hate zone!🫶 also, i write smut now so this is an 18+ blog, minors do not interact!
now for the hard stuff and over sharing LOL. i’m a strong advocate for mental health because at the ripe age of 18, i was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. as someone who has been in and out of psych wards for most of her teenage life and now as a young adult in the modern world, i hate how romanticized it is in our generation.
seeing how it is portrayed in the media ERKS me on a daily. don’t get me wrong, there are the few influencers who bring proper awareness to our disorder but the ones who say stuff like “need me a girl with bpd” BROTHER EUGH. WE👏ARE👏NOT👏HERE👏TO👏FULFILL👏YOUR👏DUBIOUS👏DESIRES👏👏👏
i’m a smoker, been smoking consistently about 9 years now (yeah, i started young unfortunately) though if i could go back to the past and snatch that first cigarette out of 12 year old me’s hand. i would do it in a heartbeat. it’s not a habit i scorn on other people or myself obvi, but it’s habit i wish i can quit.
sorry, i went off track a bit there lol (told you i overshare haha). by my blog, you can tell i’m a big spn fan though i haven’t been in the fandom for long. i started spn in march of 2023 and finished around june-julyish (can’t remember the date but it was around that time frame) joining this fandom had brought me back into the wonderful world of fanfic/fan art and i wouldn’t have it any other way because i’ve been in a lot of fandoms and this is by far the least toxic and most welcoming crew.
i love the spn fam so much because it truly feels like home and we live by “family dont end in blood” through and through. so to everyone who pushed me to write, to watch it and to openly express myself, thank you so much. i wouldn’t be blessed to have a growing family day in and day out who support my crazy bullshit and the journey of the old testament (if you’re new here, that’s my fic, if you’d like you should check it out!)
my inbox is always open to anyone who wants to rant/talk/yap. whether it’s about my book, your book, your own personal struggles, anything. i’m always open to listening and giving my support as someone who has been through the world of crap. hoping to see some lovely inboxes at any point🥰
okay, that should be all, thank you for reading and getting to know me!! xoxo
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