#suprnatural oneshot
twisted-broth · 5 years
Princess of Hell- Jack x reader
Reader gender: female
Warnings: greif, nightmares, death
Requested by anon on tumblr: can I get a jack x reader where the reader is Crowley’s and jack begins to like her the more time they spend together in the bunker. (Reader is there because Crowley left her instructions on where to go in case he ever died.)
A/n: so I guess when I posted this a few months ago it didn’t work so it’s here again yay
Word count: 1483
You could feel the second that he left you. Your heart twisted in pain and you screamed until your throat gave out. You told him not to go.
Why did he have to go?
You could only pray that the Winchester’s had survived, even if he couldn’t.
“If one day I don’t come back,” he told you, “you have to go here.” He slid you a piece of paper with an address on it. “This is where the Winchester’s live. They’ll take care of you.”
You were sure many of dad’s demons wouldn’t stay loyal for long after they learn about his death, so you had to move quickly. You threw together a suitcase and fished out the paper from a desk drawer.
You read over it a couple of times before willing yourself to appear there.
Due to the many layers of wardings coating the bunker walls, you appeared outside the door. You tried the doorknob of the metal door, only for it to not budge.
Sighing, you sank down next to the door and pulled out your phone.
You scrolled through the list of contacts before finding Sam’s name and giving him a call.
“Hello?” He answered after a few rings.
“Sam Winchester? My name’s Y/n. I’m Crowley’s daughter.” You explained.
“Crowley, yeah he’s mentioned you. Listen, Y/n, what happened to him, that was-”
You cut him off, “It wasn’t your fault, I’m sure. But, he told me that if he were to ever… pass, I should come to your bunker. He said I would be safe here.”
“Crowley helped us a lot. The least we can do is protect you. I think- yeah, the key is under the doormat.”
“The best hunters in the world keep the key to their bunker under the doormat?” You sighed.
“You gotta admit, it’s not an obvious choice.” He defended.
You rolled your eyes. “Thank you, Sam. I’ll be seeing you soon.”
You hung up and stood, brushing yourself off. You kneeled down next to the doormat and lifted it up, revealing the key underneath. You grabbed it and inserted it into the knob of the metal door. The knob turned and the door swung open with ease.
You entered the bunker and marveled at the size of it all. Hauling your suitcase down the stairs, you admired the vast library. You wandered aimlessly through the cement building before arriving at a hallway which appeared to house bedrooms.
Opening the door to the first one, you saw a messy bed with trash and beer bottles littering the floor. Dean’s room, you assumed.
The next had a neat bed with lore books scattered everywhere. Sam’s room, most likely.
The next was very similar, only with a messier floor and bed, but not nearly as bad as Dean’s. You figured it was probably Mary’s.
The next room looked almost untouched. The only sign that it was in use was the two lore books on the foot of the bed and a few creases in the blanket. Castiel’s room, without a doubt.
The second to last room you came across was empty, dust still coating the furniture. You entered, immediately taking it upon yourself to personalize it.
You unpacked your clothes first. You then pulled out the posters and other things you had shoved into your case and hung them up around the room. You made your way over to the bathroom which connected with the room next to yours. Searching through the cabinets, you found cleaning supplies and set to work on the untouched room.
Once you were satisfied with your work, you collapsed on the bed, alone with your thoughts. Finally able to relax, your mind drifted to your dad. You took a shaky breath, realization hitting you like a sack of bricks. Your eyes quickly filled with tears. You silently mourned, nothing left to distract you from your harsh reality.
You spent the next three days in solitude, waiting for the arrival of the legends. You managed to finally understand the layout of the complicated building after pacing the hallways so many times. You ended up sleeping most of the time, despite not needing it. It was a good way to pass the time, and you didn’t have to think when you slept.
Near the end of the third day, you were scanning the library books when the door swung open. You froze as three people entered.
“Y/n?” The first one asked when he saw you.
You nodded, slowly placing the book in your hand back onto the shelf you pulled it from.
“I’m Sam.” He said, coming down the stairs with the other two following behind him. “This is Dean.” He pointed to the person behind him. “And this is Jack.” He finished, gesturing to the last person.
“The nephilim?” You gasped.
“Unfortunately.” Dean muttered, briskly walking passed you and to the kitchen.
“He’s not in the best mood.” Sam sighed, trailing after him.
The room fell silent, you and Jack standing in front of each other in awkward silence.
“Are you like me?” He asked, finally breaking the silence between you.
“I guess so. My mother was human and my father was a demon. I’d be hunted relentlessly if I stayed on Earth. So, dad brought me down to Hell and kept me under his protection.” You shrugged, not wanting to go into too much detail.
“Quite similar to my situation.” He acknowledged. “The Winchesters brought me here to keep me safe.”
“Do you want me to… show you around?” You offered.
He nodded, signaling for you to lead him through the hallways you had come to memorize.
You gave him a quick tour, attempting to sound like you knew what you were doing.
“So, this is some sort of science room. Most of this stuff looks radioactive, I wouldn’t touch anything.”
“This is like a torture room or something. I try not to spend too much time in here, seeing as almost everything in here could kill me.”
“I have no idea what this is supposed to be.”
Once you were finished, you led him down the hallway of rooms. You pointed out who you thought each one belonged to. Finally, you showed him to the last room in the line; the one he would have.
“This room will be yours. My room is right next door, feel free to come over if you’re bored. I’m almost always bored so it’ll be appreciated.” You finished.
“Thank you. I enjoyed walking with you.” He told you.
“Oh… thanks.” You shrugged and turned to your room.
Jack quickly grabbed your arm, stopping you from leaving. “I’m sorry about your father. I didn’t know him, but Sam and Dean thought very highly of him. I… I made a mistake, but he fixed it. If not for him, Lucifer would still be here.” Jack said, consoling you.
“I… thanks, Jack. I guess I really needed that.” You sighed.
“Yeah. Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” He released your arm and brought his hand up to awkwardly rub the back of his neck.
“Yeah.” You confirmed. You turned and entered your room, a small smile resting on your face.
It was a relief to know that there was someone you could talk to in the cement prison. You had always lived in Hell where hallways seemed to go on forever, and you found a new room on every adventure. Everything felt so small, so suffocated here. You flopped onto the bed and willed yourself to sleep, attempting to avoid the whirling thoughts in your head.
You awoke with a start as metal banging echoed through the room. You quickly realized what you had heard was knocks on your door. You turned on a light and walked over to the door. Once it had swung open, you saw Jack before you.
“Hey Jack. Can I help you?” You asked him.
“You know the sleep thing that the humans do?” He asked innocently.
You laughed at his phrasing, “Yeah I know it.”
“Well, I tried that and when I went to sleep I saw these pictures in my head like I was awake except I wasn’t.”
“That’s called a dream, Jack. It happens when you sleep sometimes.” You explained as you led him from the doorway to your bed.
“I didn’t like it.” He said quietly. “I watched my mother die while Lucifer stood in the corner and laughed. I tried to go to her but I couldn’t move. I just didn’t want her to be alone when she died.”
“She wasn’t alone, Jack. I was told that Mary was there. And so were you.” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank you, Y/n. I don’t think I’ll be going back to sleep again for a while, though.”
“That’s alright. I don’t need to sleep either so I’ll stay with you.” You smiled.
“I would like that.” Jack said, smiling up at you.
You gave the neifilem a hug. “I think we’re gonna be good friends, Jack.”
Jack leaned into your embrace. “I think so too.”
Tag list:
@mistypancake10666 @thatshellfiredean @all-hail-supernatural @fand0maniac @draiela @bisexualdolphinthings @consultingpals @justasmalltownsuperwholock @lostnliterature
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twisted-broth · 7 years
Your Hand in Mine- Jack x Reader
Reader gender: female Warnings: swearing, brief mentions of death A/n: sorry for being absent for so long! I’ve kinda lost a lot of motivation and creativity so please send in some prompts I’m v desperate. Word count: 2202 You laid down on your bed with a good book and music blasting from your phone, bored after the third day the Winchester’s had left you alone in the bunker. The sound cut out, replaced by the generic ringtone. You answered it after seeing it was Dean. “Hey hey.” You greeted. “Y/n, glad you’re okay. I need you to meet us in Wyoming, we have stuff to talk about.” He said, sounding morbid. “Okay, text me the address. Hey, is everything okay? What happened with the nephilim?” “I’ll tell you there.” He growled before hanging up. He quickly sent you the address for a hotel about a 12 hour drive from the bunker. You packed a small bag and retrieved your motorcycle from the garage. 
You rode for 12 straight hours, running on nothing but fast food and caffeine. The limited word from the boys only made you go faster. You finally arrived at the hotel and parked next to the familiar Impala. You grabbed your bag and walked to the building, passing a boy around your age huddled by a stack of crates. You slowed down and knelt down beside him. “Hey, are you okay?” You asked him. “Yeah. Everyone was just really angry inside.” He shuddered. “My oldest brother gets angry a lot. I usually let him be when it happens. Just remember it’s not your fault.” You assured him. “No… I think it is. He sure seemed to think it was.” The door opened beside you, releasing heat into the cold night. “Jack? Jack?” Someone called. “Sam?” You asked, recognizing the voice. “Y/n!” He rounded the crates and spotted you with the boy. “Hey, bro, how’s it going?” You asked, standing and giving him a hug. “Uh, good now, since you seemed to have found who I was looking for.” He said, gesturing to the boy you were with. “Oh yeah, he and I were just talking.” You smiled at him. “She’s very nice.” He told Sam. “Yeah, she is. Jack, this is Y/n, my sister. Y/n, this is Jack, Kelly’s son.” Sam introduced you. “Kelly Kline? He’s that Jack?” You asked in astonishment. “Are you afraid of me now?” Jack asked quietly. “Oh god, no. You’re just a lot different than I expected.” You explained. “So what exactly is Jack here doing outside, in the cold, by himself?” You hissed. “There was some fighting and Jack got upset and vanished.” Sam told you. “Was it Dean?” You sighed. He nodded in response. “That ass. You can’t think too hard about what Dean says, Jack. His frustration turns into anger… and fear.” “What is he afraid of?” Jack questioned. “He thinks it’s his job to protect everybody and right now, he and Sam and now me, have to protect you. And protect people from you if it comes to that.” You told him. “Am I really worth this?” He asked, sounding defeated. “Kelly thought so.” Sam promised. “Cas thought so, I think so.” “I think so, too.” You chimed in. “Now, c’mon, it’s cold out here and I’ve been driving for 12 hours.” You offered the nephilim your hand which he grabbed tightly, his hands surprisingly warm. You hauled him to his feet and walked with him to the door if the hotel. “It’s usually at this point that you’d let go of my hand.” You whispered to him. “Sorry.” He quickly released your hand and stuffed it in his pocket, earning a laugh from you. “At least buy me dinner first.” You teased, clapping him on the shoulder. You jogged to the counter to get a room, leaving Sam to explain to Jack what you had meant. “She was joking. Holding hands is kind of a romantic thing and it’s something you after you get to know someone or- uh- get dinner with them.” Sam awkwardly explained. “Room for one night. Preferably close to them.” You told the lady at the desk, nodding to Sam and Jack. “Alright, just swipe your card.” You pulled one of your fake credit cards out and swiped it on the machine. “You’re all set, Miss Smith, your room is 117, right down the hall, next to Mr. Seth.” She nodded at Sam when she said that and handed you your room key. “Thank you.” You took the key and headed back to Sam and Jack. “Y/n, would you like to have dinner with me?” Jack asked when he saw you arrive, interrupting what Sam was telling him. “No, Jack, you don’t date someone just for the sole purpose of holding their hand.” Sam sighed. “I would love to get dinner with you.” You insisted. “Can you not?” Sam groaned. “Tomorrow sound good?” You continued, ignoring Sam. “Yes.” Jack said, smiling proudly. “Ooh, I’m going on a date. Don’t get too protective, Sammy.” You teased. “Just don’t tell Dean.” He begged as you walked down the hall. You stopped into Sam’s room real quick to grab a beer before going to your room. “Yo! You didn’t tell me Donatello was here! What’s up, man?” You asked, giving the prophet a small hug. “Oh, hello, Y/n. It’s nice to see you.” He greeted. “Well, good talk, I’m going to take this beer and go to sleep. Bye, Donny. Bye, Sam. See ya, Jack.” You left the room and entered your own, downing the rest of the beer and crashing onto your bed. ~~~ “Y/n, wake up!” Dean yelled, shaking you awake. “The fuck do you want, Dean?” You asked sleepily, annoyed at being woken up. “Jack is missing, c’mon.” You began moving quicker, shoving Dean out of the room and changing. You packed up your stuff, grabbed your gun and angel blade and bolted out the door. An angel blade flew passed your head, lodging in the neck of a demon. After Dean retrieved his blade, you headed down to the cars, tossing the keys on the front desk as you went. Sam, Dean and Donatello piled into the Impala and you got on your bike, following them as Donatello delivered directions. You eventually arrived at Jasper, Wyoming, a place you remember reading about in Dad’s journal. It was right above where the shedim were trapped. You rounded a corner and saw Jack in the distance, stand with someone who looked like Donatello. A fiery pit slowly grew between them, a clawed hand reaching out of it. Once you got close enough, you brought your bike to a stop, threw your helmet to the side and raced towards Jack. “Jack! Jack, that’s not Donatello!” You yelled, hoping to draw his attention from the pit in front of him. “Y/n?” He called out. You heard Sam, Dean and Donatello exit the car behind you. “Ignore her, Jack! She doesn’t care about you!” Fake Donatello insisted. “I do care! Please, Jack, close the pit!” “Jack, that’s not Donatello!” Dean told him, coming up beside you. Fake Donatello morphed before becoming someone else. He looked similar to Cain, but his hair was a healthy brown. “Who-” you began to ask but you were cut off when the stranger raised a fist, making it so you were no longer able to breath. “You’re hurting them!” Jack yelled, the hole quickly closing. You could see that Jack was angry by the way he held himself and the way the stranger looked on in fear. Before anything could happen, he disappeared, once again allowing you air. “Are you okay, Y/n?” Jack asked, rushing towards you. “Yeah, don’t worry, Jack, I’m alright.” You assured him. “When did you two get all close?” Dean sneered, big brother mode turning on. “Last night. We had a little chat about how you are when you’re angry.” You shrugged. “When I’m- oh. Right, that.” He sighed, turning and going back into the Impala, leaving the conversation at a standstill. “I told you not to tell him.” Sam sighed, going after his brother. “Damn, if that’s how he acts when we’re just being friends, he’s gonna flip his shit when he hears about our date.” You laughed. “Your date?” Donatello asked. “We have a date tonight!” Jack told him happily. “I see. You kids enjoy that.” He muttered, heading for the Impala. You followed him to the driver's seat and knocked on Dean’s window. He rolled down the window, allowing you to talk. “You take Donatello to get his car and I can take Jack straight back to the bunker. Cool?” You asked. “I guess…” He sighed. You nodded and led Jack back to your bike while the boys took off. You searched through the attached truck until you pulled out a spare helmet and tossed it to Jack. “What do I do with this?” He asked, spinning it around in his hands. “Put it on your head, latch the clippy things and put down the visor so you don’t get rocks in your eyes.” You instructed. He did as you said and you tightened the helmet for him. “Now, I’m going to drive and you’re going to put your hands around my waist and hold on tight.” You said as you mounted the bike and started it. “Aren’t there supposed to be seatbelts?” He asked nervously. You laughed. “Not on a motorcycle.” He got on behind you and laced his arms around your waist. “Ready?” You asked him. “I think so.” He replied uncertainly. You drove forward, following the trail the Impala has left behind. Jack yelled something behind which got caught in the wind. You rode for four and a half hours with a few breaks to talk. It grew dark as you reached Denver, Colorado. Hunger reaching your mind, you scanned the surrounding restaurants, finally parking at one called Acorn. “Ready for our first date?” You asked him, pulling off your helmet and fixing your hair. “Yes, I am!” He exclaimed happily. You chuckled and took his hand, guiding him into the building. “Two, please.” You told the hostess as you approached her. “Right this way.” She guided you. “Ever been to a restaurant before, Jack?” You asked once you had been seated. “I don’t believe so.” He replied after a moment of thinking. “Okay, So first they’re gonna ask what you want to drink. You’ve got all the alcoholic stuff here, but since you don’t know what you like yet, I’d avoid that.” You directed him. A waitress approached your table, notepad in hand. “Hello, my name’s Chrissy and I’ll be your server today. Can I start y’all off with something to drink?” She asked. “Yeah, I’ll have a water.” You told her. “Me too. I’ll also have a water.” Jack said. “I’ll be right back, then.” She said as she left. “Alright, now you can look at the menu and see what you want to eat.” You scanned through the options on your own menu. “Do you want to share the oak roasted chicken?” You asked, seeing the limited dinner options. “Yes, that sounds good.” He nodded in agreement. Chrissy came back with your waters and you placed your orders. Throughout the rest of your dinner, you talked about anything and everything. You told him about your life, joining them after Adam and your mother had died, growing up on the road with no real friends except your brothers. You told him about Kelly and Cas and explained anything he asked. He didn’t have much experience with the world, but he told you what he could. He talked about his powers and angel radio and what he wanted to see in the world. After you had finished dinner and payed, you called Dean to tell him that you’d be staying at a motel tonight. “Wait, with him?” He scoffed. “I sure as hell ain’t paying for two rooms.” You replied. “It can’t be that far, can’t you just hold out?” He begged. “We’re in Denver, Dean. It’s another eight hours.” You stressed. “You left seven hours ago, what the hell are you still doing in Denver?” “We stopped for dinner.” “For three hours.” “We did a lot of talking.” “We were on a date!” Jack exclaimed, hearing your conversation. “What did he just say?” Dean growled. “Hmm? I didn’t hear anything. Oh, I’ve got to go. It’s getting dark and I want to make sure we get into a good motel. Bye, Dean.” You quickly ended the conversation and hung up. “Sorry, I just got excited.” Jack sighed. “It’s alright, Jack. Dean just doesn’t like you very much and he’s very protective of me.” You explained. “Oh, okay.” He said awkwardly. “Well, hop on, let’s go find a place to sleep.” You said, tossing Jack his helmet and getting on your bike. After arriving at a nearby hotel and booking a room, you flopped down on the bed and kicked off your shoes, ready to sleep after the eventful day. “Y/n, what happens after the date?” Jack curiously asked. “Well, if the people like each other, they start dating and call each other boyfriend a girlfriend, generally.” You explained. “Then… can we start dating?” He asked shyly. “If that’s what you want.” “Yeah, I think I’d like that.” “Then, date we shall.”
Supernatural Taglist
@kirstentheineffectiveemo @mistypancake10666 @thatshellfiredean @all-hail-supernatural @fand0maniac
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