#surprised pikachu's twin
kingbiwing · 2 years
me saying “i spent 350€ on cocaine in 30 days" is actually just a statistical error.
i spent 70€ within the first 21 days.
the 4 grams i got within the past 9 days are outliers and should not have been counted.
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snapghoul · 29 days
I gotta know the conversation where Kate sliped up to Jake about Tyler getting hurt, because now I’m curious
Also how did Jake confront Tyler about it?
Yes. Yes, you may know.
There’s not enough wind in Oklahoma
Alt title: til it’s all blown away
Note: Had a fun time writing this and it has obliterated my writing block. I’m still trying to get the characters right in writing so if it’s still ooc I’m sorry.
Warnings: foul language, discussion of near death.
Song: Blown Away by Carrie Underwood
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Jake stood next to the bright yellow barrels, his mind reeling. He didn't know much about storm chasing, but he knew his brother had a penchant for risky ventures. What he hadn't known was that Tyler's recent foray was more than just another daredevil stunt.
“So it does what?” Jake asked.
This wasn't Tyler's idea at all; it was Kate’s—her ambitious tornado tamer project. She’d been explaining it to him with contagious enthusiasm.
“So the silver iodine makes more rain to increase the cold pool and my polymer absorbs the moister! It essentially cuts the fuel and the storm collapses on its self,” Kate said, patting the top of the barrel with a wide, excited grin.
“It worked the first time we tested it—well, the first time with version 3.0. The initial tests ended tramaticly, and the second one didn’t work at all. But this one did—on an EF5, no less! In El Reno. I managed to get my polymer deployed before the storm wreaked total havoc. In the end, everyone was safe; the truck got wrecked, and Tyler took a steel beam to the leg, but he’s alright,” Kate said, her back turned as she removed one of the barrel covers, wanting to show off the mixture.
Jake's smile slowly faded, replaced by a hard, cold look. Anger and concern warred within him. He had been told Tyler wasn't even near El Reno during the storm. Now, the truth was hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Jake’s voice was tight with suppressed emotion as he stepped forward. “So Tyler didn’t just happen to be in the area—he was in the middle of it?”
Kate turned around, her brows furrowed in confusion. She remembered Tyler talking on the phone with someone, was it Jake she didn’t know. “He said he called you…“
Kate wasn’t naive; it was clear Tyler had kept his near-death experience from Jake. The depth of Jake’s anger was evident, and she understood why.
“He didn’t tell you.” It wasn’t a question.
“No, he didn’t,” Jake said through clenched teeth. His voice was strained with fury. “Actually he didn’t call me, ma did. I was under the impression he wasn’t even near El Reno!”
Kate frowned, the barrel cover slipping from her hand. “I’m sorry. I thought he told you. I’m sure he just didn’t want you to worry—”
She trailed off, uncertain of what else to say, unable to speak for Tyler. Jake’s expression was a mix of anger and hurt, and she understood it wasn’t directed at her.
“No, you have no reason to apologize,” Jake said, his voice steadier now. “In fact, thank you for telling me.”
Jake’s jaw was clenched, and his green eyes were sharp and cold. He glanced at the barrels, managing a strained smile as he addressed Kate with an uncharacteristic politeness.
“I’m looking forward to seeing your project in action. But if you’ll excuse me, I need to have a word with my dear brother.”
Kate watched Jake struggle to contain his anger as he marched across the dirt driveway of her mom’s house.
“Shit,” Kate muttered under her breath.
Tyler, oblivious to the approaching storm, was engaged in a conversation with Bradley near the barn. Jake seized Tyler by the shoulder, spinning him around with a violent jerk that startled both Tyler and Bradley.
“You’re a goddamn bastard, Ty!” Jake erupted. “You almost died and didn’t tell me? Or Ma? What the hell were you thinking?”
Tyler wasn't usually aggressive, at least from what Kate had observed, but she had never seen his demeanor turn so icy so quickly. He shoved Jake away to create some distance between them.
"It's no different from your job," Tyler said defensively, it was pot and kettle to him. "I was fine. I didn't see any need to tell anyone. It was like the rodeo."
"My job? What does that have to do with this? Tyler, you were nearly killed by an EF5!" Jake shouted, his voice thick with frustration.
"Nearly! Just 'nearly,' Jake! Those are the key words," Tyler retorted. He had faced death in the face so many times, the close call seemed almost insignificant now.
"Exactly—'nearly' is the problem! You never really see how close you come to death until one day it finally catches up with you!" Jake yelled back.
"You do the same! Do you have any idea how terrified Ma and Dad were when you signed up? You treat that death trap like it’s a joyride!" Tyler pressed.
Jake took a sharp breath as Tyler shifted the focus of the argument onto him, trying to make his role as a fighter pilot the issue.
"This isn't about me, Tyler. You lied not just to me but to the whole family! Do you even understand what would have happened if you had died?"
Jake couldn’t fathom a life without his brother; they were two halves of the same whole. Tyler knew him inside and out, and vice versa.
Tyler fell silent, his jaw clenching as his eyes flickered with a mix of guilt and anger. He hadn’t considered the full impact of what might have happened, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to.
Jake pressed on, his voice rising with urgency. “You don’t get it! Losing you would tear everything apart. I know you push boundaries and take risks, but damn it, Tyler, you have to be honest with us! We’re your family, and you can’t just leave us in the dark about something this serious!”
Jake was panting, his shoulders heaving as his words echoed across the vast Oklahoma landscape. Tyler remained silent for a moment before turning and walking away. Unlike Jake, he didn’t lash out with venomous words when things became overwhelming; he simply withdrew.
In a fit of frustration, Jake let out a primal scream, his anger spilling over. He threw his hands up in exasperation and stormed off in the opposite direction, needing to channel his rage and confusion into something, anything.
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creacherclown · 27 days
wait holy shit there’s actually canon gay sex in The Terror… i thought y’all were just making shit up again
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risingsouls · 1 year
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" I'm going to take down what's left of the Cold Empire. No matter what it takes. "
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" And I'm going to re-conquer those planets in my name. No hard feelings, brother...At least take solace in the fact that I see use in you, and I don't simply kill you outright. "
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jey-chan · 8 months
Danny and Damian after realizing they are twins thanks to time travel and magic bogaloos:
Danny: so we are twins hu?...
Damian: its apears so.
Danny:... wanna parent trap our bio dad? 50 buks he does the surprise pikachu face.
Cut to the morning where Bruce is on the table ready to enjoy his meal when Dammian comes in.
Damian: morning father.
Bruce: morning chum.
Danny *coming from the wall* morning father.
Bruce: Morning ch-
Danny to dammian: you own me 50.
Damian: but you own me 100
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
in an add on to the older!Potter!sister prompt Percy was canonically working as the Assistant to the Minister when Dumbledore and Harry started trying to warn people about Voldemort’s return but the Minister refused to believe it — it was something Percy was willing to overlook despite his family’s disapproval for the sake of keeping his well paying, impressive job because “no, I’m not quitting my job when we have a mortgage, mum, stop” but the moment Fudge got desperate and started on the Dumbledore + Potter slander campaign Percy just up and quit
que a surprised pikachu face from Fudge and Percy just squints at him and is like “you were literally at my wedding, stop talking shit about my wife” and just dips
for a little bit he stresses about not having a job and his darling becoming an obvious target in the war and “oh my god, what about the mortgage?” but this time it’s her turn to squint and she’s like “we only took a mortgage because your to proud and traditional to let your wife pay for shit, Percy, I have like fifty thousand galleons, shut up❤️”
I love the idea of Percy being a spy for the Order but strictly because of the Reader in this situation. He just keeps his head low and sticks to doing his job, the job he’s clawed his way to get to mind you. The only thing that gets him through day by day is the thought of being able to give his darling and future children the life he always wished he had. But with that being said, he’s not stupid either. No, he actually sees Fudge for who he is and that’s a coward. He knows that Fudge is only using him to see what information he can give the Ministry about Dumbledore and the Potters. And the fucking audacity for Fudge to actually think Percy would ever give him anything regarding his precious beloved darling. Like sure, the man was at their wedding but that was more to sell the guise of Percy being on the Ministry’s side when in reality he couldn’t give three shits, let alone one, about Fudge. But Percy continues to mind himself and play his part perfectly.
But the second anyone mutters a fucking word about his precious darling, they’re fucked. Percy does a pretty good job with getting revenge on those who hop on the Potter-hating bandwagon without getting caught, and he comes up with some pretty clever and humorous ways going about that would even have the twins shocked. It isn’t until Fudge himself says something completely off the cuff that Percy finally has enough and walks out. After that, everything pretty much goes to shit with the Ministry
I do love the idea of Percy being under the belief that they have a mortgage when they don’t in fact have one, whether Potter!Reader already paid it off herself or they live in the house on Spinner’s End that didn’t come with a mortgage to begin with.
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xjulixred45x · 11 months
I was watching Coraline and out of nowhere this idea came to me...
Platonic yandere! Kenjaku for Geto's child.
like, Geto had a child with Reader (anyone) and everything was happiness in a certain way, Geto and Reader loved and cared a lot about their baby, and the family loved them, they taught them the "proper" way of seeing the world, everything was fine until the events of the JJK0 Movie. Geto dies, Reader may even suffer the same fate.
and poor (child's name) is devastated, but they is taken care of by Mimiko and Nanako (their dear older sisters) and everything goes WELL, not great, but good.
but then Kenjaku possesses Geto's body. Consequently, he finds out about the existence of (child name), and since the child could inherit Geto's cursed ritual, he decides to see if this is the case to see if it is worth it.
What he didn't expect was to start to care in some way about the child, maybe it was because of Geto's body, but he definitely started to have some interest in the child apart from their possible usefulness.
stalking them became a normal ritual for him, in a way taking note of certain "important aspects" that he said would help him if the child came under his wing (which was really just making sure the child ate well or if they was physically healthy), things they were allergic to, he even searched Geto's memory for things they liked and didn't like, all to have a profile of the child.
So, when Mimiko and Nanako appear to him, he KNOWS that (child's name) is nearby, and decides to take the chance. He disappears in front of them and they quickly realize what he was trying to do and go to look for (child's name). but when they find them, they are running straight to their ""father"" and Kenjaku says goodbye to the twins with his shit-eating smile.
The girls yell at (child's name) something, but they're is so happy and glad that somehow their father is alive after a year of anguish, but then they realizes something, the way he hugs them, how he refers to them, and when they look at him and see THAT scar...they realize that they made a big mistake.
that THING is not their father....
Kenjaku is still smiling, but he is in "character" and asks them if they are not happy, but they turn away (or try to) and say the OBVIOUS...he is not their father.
Now, what does this have to do with Coraline? well, precisely the scene in which the other mother transforms for the first time.
Something similar would happen with (child's name) and Kenjaku, who continues to treat them as if they were father and child, introduces them as such to Mahito, Jogo, Hanami and Choso, talks to them like Geto used to do, makes them participate in the games he has with his colleagues, etc.
and (child's name) IS FED UP. Fed up with this man-thing holding them against their will, using the body of their ACTUAL FATHER, ripping them away from the twins and the Family that REALLY loved them, and they feels this is a twisted game for Kenjaku.
So he goes and tells him exactly that, that they are FED UP OF HIM, that they want HIM TO LET THEM LET GO, THAT THEY WANT TO RETURN TO THE TWINS AND THEIR REAL FAMILY.
Now, even after everything, they were never "mean" to Kenjaku, mostly out of fear and uncertainty of the situation, so Kenjaku is a little shocked by this change of attitude, but he's definitely a little irritated that make HIM look like the bad guy when it was THEY who ran into his arms (manipulation there, eh, manipulation).
So he gets more serious, and tells (child's name) that "That's no way to talk to your FATHER."
And (child's name) is like "YOU'RE. NOT...MY. FATHER"
(Mahito, Jogo and Hanami look like a surprised pikachu)
Kenjaku is losing his patience, and although he loves (child's name) very much (something like that) he stops, stands in front of them and gives them one LAST CHANCE to apologize for their lack of respect.
"I'm going to give you up to the count of THREE"
and using his Curse Manipulation, he throws (Child name) a bunch of small curses that while "harmless" are definitely terrifying. The poor child is screaming and crying in horror and Kenjaku leaves them like that for a while so that they can "learn to be a good child"
and when he decides they have had enough, he destroys the curses that tormented them and returns to his normal patient self. When (child's name) goes to him, all scartched, they lets out an almost inaudible "I'm sorry" and Kenjaku just gives them a Headpat and tells them that "we all tend to have bad mood days" and gives them a cookie.
(I also imagine he uses gravity manipulation to make (child's name) go directly to him, or force them to come and give him a hug.)
I imagine that Mimiko and Nanako are constantly not only trying to kill Kenjaku, but also to find out where he is holding (child's name) captive and save them (let's pretend they don't die, please) along with the family.
I think they would only have a chance in the Shibuya arc, when the twins go to claim him for Geto's body, they also claim him for (Child's name), but obviously Kenjaku doesn't comply with either of them.
but fortunately since Dagon is killed, (Child's name) manages to get out to the outside world, asking for help from whoever, that is, Nanami, Maki and Naobito... until Jogo roasts them and tries to grab them.
(Child's name) runs away, but Jogo is hot on their heels, fortunately they manages to run into the twins and SUKUNA (they is not so lucky, the Twins survive! With horrible scars that Sukuna left, but survive).
While Jogo and Sukuna fight, the Twins take (Child's name) away, happy to see them safe and sound again.
although of course, when Kenjaku realizes it, he won't be happy at all.....
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(^his live reaction when he found out that (Child's name) run away)
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sweet-honey-tears · 2 years
If They Where Dads
Fluff head cannons! 🤍
Gender neutral reader. Kinda sounds like reader gave births but I kinda figured it’s either adoption or a quirk that can combine dna. Idk.
Feel free to leave request for other characters!
Daycare pick up head cannon
Aged up of course!!
💥Katsuki Bakugou💥
“She's beautiful”
“Daddy’s gonna buy you the fucking world.”
Big red eyes stared back as tiny hands gripped scared calloused fingers.
He would teach his kids sign language incase he ever does lose his hearing.
Is the type of dad that just carries the baby because fuck the stroller and shit- he’s a walking one that can also rock the little monster to sleep.
Will call the baby ‘Mini SpitFire’ and ‘Adorable Monster’(better than dumbass)
Will sign his daughter(and future kid- aka his baby boy) up for karate
And if his kid doesn’t have a quirk, he’s going to sign them up for a bunch of self-defense classes. He wants to protect them from people like him growing up.
Your phone Lock Screen is a picture of your toddler mid-sprint to the door as Katsuki is crouched with arms wide open. He had just gotten off a patrol, his hair mused and masked pushed up. His gauntlets pushed to the side. His face was dirty and stained. But his smile was huge and little tears are in his eyes from seeing his little mini spitfire come running to him.
“Don’t post that”
“But Kat-“
Can't let the public know king explosion murder is a big old softy. No, that is only for his family.
🦈Eijiro Kirishima🦈
Dude freaked out when he found out it’s gonna be twins- girls a matter of fact’ As babies, he’d put them in little shark onesies and then put on his own.
Your Lock Screen is a picture of your two beautiful twin girls in these little onesies and your Home Screen is Pro Hero Red Riot in a large Great White Shark onesie holding his two lovely(in shark onesies) twin girls in each of his arms. A big, proud, sharp smile stretched on his face.
He is the kind of dad to strap one of the girls to his chest, the other girl you have strapped to yours. There is totally a picture on the fridge of you two like that.
Would call his girls:
“Little riot, stop pulling your sister's hair!”
“Sharky, you shouldn’t be up there!”
The girls will call you Mama Papa, or Sharky Shark. (So- MommaShark! SharkyShary or ShaSha!) They call Kiri Daddy Shark.
The girls have shark plushies, cat ones, and so many plushies! One of the girls’ favorites, when they were toddlers, was a Red Riot plush. They’d hold it so damn tight whenever Kiri had to leave on a long mission.
They call the Bakuquad the following when they are very young:
Uncle Bak-uh-dough
Unky Serooooo
Aunty Mina
Unk Donkey or Denks (purely because Denki will make a goofy face when they say it)
Also, I think Testu would still pop by and the girl would call him Test.
Would freak the fuck out when he finds out but also be so excited
Will call the baby “Sparky!” And bakugou will say it sounds like you're calling a dog-
⚡️“ but you use to call me stuff like that-“
“Yeah I know”
⚡️“ but you said it sounds like a dog-“
Bakuogou felt a light hit to the back of his head. You walk past him while holding your/Denki’s baby. He just laughs. What? You’d think he’d do or say something to a woman holding a baby. Fuck no.
There’s a picture on your phone of Denki holding your baby, who is fast asleep, with rubber gloves on his hands. He’s being incredibly careful now. Wearing rubber gloves to ensure he never accidentally sparks the baby. He keeps getting excited every time he sees you two. That’s your Home Screen FWI.
The baby does have a Pikachu onesie. And a hat with the ear sticking up. As well as a Pokeball pillow(Mina got them for Christmas)
I feel like Shinso stops over a lot too. Like these guys are really good friends in the future.
“Uncle Shin!”
“Hey there Spark” he would totally gift the baby little cat stuffed animals and cat hairpins.
Sero would be surprised but stay chill.
Sero would call his baby girl:
“Hermosa (beautiful) you gotta wake up. We have to get ready for school”
Would teach his daughter Spanish(assuming you also know it too)
The girl's room is decorated with plants and cute food tapestries. There would definitely be one of those egg nest swings in the room(the ones above ground and hanging from the wall). He would hold the baby and rock them to sleep in it.
I feel like the baby would have a really cute, soft, cartoon ‘spider’ plush. But it’s not even really a spider- but a blob with a ‘:3’ face and eight legs. Totally has cat ears. Sero found it one day and was like ‘yup, that’s coming home’.
You couldn’t stop laughing when you saw it, you frickin love it.
Sero brings home the cutest but most random stuffed animals and toys. Ones that are just funny and adorable but make no fucking sense.
At an older age, Sero would definitely play with his daughter via his quirk. Your lock Screen is a picture of your daughter hanging upside down, her ‘spider’ plush hanging in her hand.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Star Wars Omegaverse Recs
Here's a couple solid omegaverse fics. This list is shorter than most of the ones I write but Meh.
Stars are for my favorites.
⭐ The Rain Fell Already by @loosingmoreletters: variation on Jedi Indentured AU containing omegaverse. Xanatos is omega Qui-Gon's bio kid but nothing changes, depressing but poignant
House Call by @elthadriel: two idiots knot while on medication that requires no knotting because it can get stuck for literal hours. Kix has to help and he is very annoyed about it
Status Quo by @captainkirkk: (G-rated) Anakin responds to Obi-Wan in a "you are my dad" way and the clones are surprised pikachu about it
⭐ Temporary Like Achilles by @intermundia: standard-ish fuck-or-die scenario where both sides are like "I can't take advantage of you/I just took advantage of you" because of course they are. (This author has a lot of solid Obikin, but they have me blocked (no I don't know why) so I can't tag them.)
⭐ He Said Yes by @threebea: (G-rated) B!Quinlan and O!Obi-Wan get mated for Obi-Wan's safety, the nature of their relationship is unclear to basically everyone (romantic? qp? other? unclear)
venus flytrap by IntoThineHands: Sith!Obi, role reversal of trope standard (omega deliberately takes advantage of an alpha)
Bite of Caramel by @thewriterowl: A!Jango needs a date to the family reunion, asks O!Obi-Wan to accompany him
⭐ good things in threes by @galateagalvanized: Codywan accidental pregnancy after O!Obi-Wan's implant gets nullified by an overpowered EMP (along with Cody's brain chip)
all my roads lead back to you by @tennessoui: idiots to lovers comedy (modern au, Obi-Wan got pregnant in a one-night stand across the country with a bartender who kind of looked like Anakin, because he's in love with his roommate but can't come clean and so hooks up with guys who look like him, and Anakin is in love with Obi-Wan enough that he's decided to be the Dad Who Stepped Up to this kid because anything Obi-Wan makes is part of Obi-Wan and obviously deserving of adoration)
The Theory of Letting Go by @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing: never a Jedi!Anakin, Padme dead of uterine rupture, Obi-Wan hormonally addled and insistent on taking care of the twins like they're his own
The Swan Serenade by @shatouto: heavily AU, Mando!Anakin and Jedi-but-more-like-real-world-monks!Obi. (Has the most adorable art in the end of chapter notes, btw)
For Safekeeping by @glimmerglanger: Sith O!Obi-Wan feels safe because of the army of clones, which is the first time he's felt safe enough to have a heat, ends up fucked by his army of betas
when the snow falls we will wrap ourselves in furs by @hornet394: the fic I reread that had me going "I want Rex with O!Anakin but being in character" because this is one of the few omegaverse Rexwalkers that hits that button for me (though it's technically Anakin/501st poly stuff)
⭐ Find a little stranger by @obimanletkenobi: Villain!Obidala, both alphas, find Anakin at an omega auction, decide to ask him to play surrogate for their child since they can't do it themselves (with the offer to drop him off on a random planet with a wiped memory and enough cash to start a new life as a free man if he doesn't want to get pregnant), followed by smut
Belonging by IronCannon: this is the OTHER solid omegaverse Rexwalker
⭐ Conceal Me by @himboskywalker: longfic that is VERY good imo and builds the tension incredibly. Anakin is an omega pretending to be an alpha (literally the only people alive that know he's omega are his mother and the midwife). Senator Obi-Wan is an alpha pretending to be a beta (for weird reasons relating to his parents being kind of insane). They get married for politics, suggested by Palpatine because he found out about Obi-Wan being an alpha but not about Anakin, and decided a forced alpha/alpha marriage was going to self-destruct and help destabilize the Republic further.
Both by @obimanletkenobi: Anakin is the omegaverse equivalent of intersex and this explores the ways he's fetishized and discriminated against by the culture around him.
Peachy the Series by @the-writing-mill: IDK what to say, if you want 15k of O!Obi-Wan getting absolutely railed by two alphas, this is the fic for you
⭐ Packed Together Like Test Tubes also by @the-writing-mill: Jangobi, forced on both sides. Neither of them wants to mate, but the Kaminoans are forcing the issue with synthetic pheromones. It takes several weeks to get to that point and they are both fighting it with every ounce of willpower they have.
⭐ [Only] Think of Me by @inferior-fairy: Empress Amidala and Emperor Kenobi need Anakin to not go off the rails again, but they need a reason for him to want to stay because they love him too much to force the issue (and make him hate them) with chains or the like. So they give him Babies.
⭐ unfortunately it seems I have written more by @gaily-daily: Look at me. LOOK at me. This is fucked up and ugly and horrible and awful and messy and triggering and so incredibly well written as a dawning horror situation. Dead Dove at its finest. It is incredibly good as a story, but it is also really bad, and you need to go in accepting that. Without details, it's messy/triggering in the GoT sense.
⭐ terribly inconvenient and incredibly terrific by @tennessoui: A classic "Anakin wants to do something he is in no way qualified for and then suffers the consequences for his idiocy" plot, very fun.
I can fill those places in your heart no else can by @pontah: modern au post-breakup revenge sex I guess???
Ba’jurir by @mockingjay34: Rex/Fives, explores the intersection of anti-clone bigotry and anti-omega sexism.
Out in the Corner of the Dark with You by kazmir: a 5+1 fic about Anakin giving Obi-Wan a bunch of soft things as courting gifts
instincts by amidnightlove: just some fun and funky 'cycles make people go a little feral' stuff
EDIT: I missed a bunch so there's a Part Two!
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imaginatorcreates · 2 months
Nimbasa Trio! Soul Resonance!
25 July 2024 — 30 July 2024
Summary: Lord Death calls upon the Nimbasa Trio to deliver a pep talk / demonstration to the students of DWMA. Along the way, Elesa (meister) reminiscences on how the three of them deviated from the standard path of fighting evil. Oh, and there's a Kishin egg somewhere in the mix, but the pep talk was more important.
Word Count: ~3.9k words
Author’s Note: Listen. Soul Eater gripped me back when I watched it years ago. It was only a matter of time before I started writing a Soul Eater inspired thing.
Important!: Please keep in mind that my knowledge on Pokemon is close to zero. I'm mostly here because of the Submas Twins. Most knowledge comes from Detective Pikachu (which I should rewatch), absorption of basic terms via mild osmosis (TY to my close friend of over a decade), Discord friends, and infodumps to my Tumblr inbox. Feel free to expand my knowledge though!
Also on AO3
(notes may differ between Tumblr and AO3)
Elesa was fully aware that she was an only child. She had always had all the attention of her parents, may that be separately or joint force. She had learned to share via her classmates, and her house had been devoid of other kids around her age unless playdates had been approved by everyone’s parents.
She had been praised to be pretty from a young age, having components of her parents that people have always said mashed well together. She had been praised about how strong and friendly her soul was, one that would easily resonate with others if she so chose to venture down the path of a meister.
She didn’t exactly care about any of that when she was younger. What she had cared about was how lonely she was.
So to no one’s surprise but her parents, when she was eight, she latched onto a pair of identical kids and declared them to be her friends. No playdate approval. No stiff conversations because “just because the parents were friends didn’t mean the kids were friends” either. These kids were her chosen friends.
Sure, there were struggles at first. The combination of Elesa’s enthusiasm alongside the twins’ own should’ve caused a large clashing of personality. In spite of that, the trio stayed together. The twins introduced themselves first as Ingo and Emmet, then as demon weapons who could turn into a pair of knives.
“Daggers sound cooler, so we say that we’re dagger twins!” Ingo had explained to Elesa. Emmet frantically nodded along, bouncing around the two as if on a pogo stick.
Despite being twins, the Ingo and Emmet were complete opposites. Ingo little to no volume control (the amount of times that Elesa swore that she would never need an alarm clock again if she lived with the twins was too numerous to remember), while Emmet moved around so often without so much of an utterance of his voice that Elesa had relied on how his footsteps sounded to know that he was around. Ingo frowned in red, then in black despite his joy. Emmet smiled in blue, then in white despite his discomfort.
But what the two were opposites in, Elesa also found that they also complimented each other. And with such compliments, she wriggled herself in between them and found the perfect piece of the puzzle that she’d been trying to solve for so long.
She shared Emmet’s boundless energy and Ingo’s chattermouth. She didn’t share their height at first — something that Emmet had tried to impulsively fight her on after she tried to physically drag him down — but as the trio grew out of single digit ages, she shot past them and stayed a comfortable two inches taller than them. She liked reminding them of it sometimes.
Something that the trio also shared was a well-controlled level of chaos. It wasn’t enough for any adults to raise concern over any of the trio developing a madness wavelength, but it was enough for said adults to shout at the children to be careful. What each person had to be careful about differed: the twins had to be careful about their demon weapon transformations and to not accidentally get stuck in weapon form, and Elesa had to be careful to not try wielding either twin.
Of course being children, no one listened. Perhaps that was why the trio was one of the best weapon-meister groups in their not-so-humble opinion. Of course, that had gone to their heads just a little bit when they had enrolled in the DWMA’s E.A.T. program, only to have encountered changes in their desires of future careers.
“I am Emmet. Hear me out.”
“You’re being listened to.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Thank Death you said it first!” Elesa had exclaimed. She remembered that she had been lounging on the trio’s couch in their rented apartment, their AC unit chugging away the hot air of Nevada. “I’m not too interested in fighting evil on a daily basis either.”
“I considered this to be a back-up after our last mission,” Ingo had added. “We’re some of the best, I agree. But even this three-car train needs a change in maintenance to keep its engines running.”
“We caaan’t quit the program though,” Emmet had huffed. The corners of his mouth had downturned slightly, giving his signature smile a frog-like appearance. “That’ll be considered defeat. I looove winning more than anything.”
The twins had glanced at each other, and with just a few twitches of their eyes and shrugs of their shoulders Elesa had known they were doing twin-to-twin communication. A feeling of unease had started to build in her. Looking back, she probably should’ve spoken up sooner, or at least had broken the silent communication. “I — ”
“Not it!”
“You doofuses! Why do I have to talk to Lord Death about this?”
“Because yooou’re our meister!”
“We’re just following the rules we set up here. Last one who jumps out has to do it.”
Elesa had given both twins a frustrated huff before she had gripped onto both of their suspenders. “Then, as your meister, I demand that both of my weapons be there so you two can explain your future paths.”
Their complaints had stopped the second the trio had decided to race up the stars of the DWMA. It had given everyone enough time to formulate their words to Lord Death, and afterwards, to start formulating where to get jobs after they graduate.
If there was something that Elesa loved about where she currently lives, it had to be the transportation system. It was reliable and efficient. Best of all, her boys worked there, directing passengers and shouting out orders.
Now, she hardly calls them “her boys” in public or in front of the camera. Reporters and the paparazzi would eat those words up out of context and spit out atrocious stories that might sully her image. No, she only called them “her boys” when the three were off duty. She admits, that had been a while ago. However, between her boys being the bosses of the subway system (with select cars being perfect training grounds for weapon-meister pairs while traveling), and her own job of being a model and owner of a Death-approved weapon-meister training facility, things were busy.
So of course, it was only during some of their time off — movie night at Elesa’s apartment — did Lord Death call the trio over to the DWMA for a demonstration.
“Because you three are some of the best and worst students I’ve ever had!” Death explained over the phone. Seemingly ignoring the shouts of indignation, he only started to ramble on about various stories that he remembered about the trio in their schooling days. The narratives varied between laughable to embarrassing, and it was only until the trio shouted at Death loud enough to cause neighbors to start knocking on the door did Death return to the main topic at hand.
“I’d like the three of you to visit the DWMA for a pep talk for our current batch of students. Demonstration. Pep demonstration.”
Elesa could already see the comical way that Death was posing as he said this, and it only made her blood pressure rise.
“Pardon the interruption, but why us?” Ingo asked.
“Because you three nearly dropped out of the E.A.T. program!” Ignoring the shouts from the trio, Death continued. “I admit, I was surprised! But I’m not one to fail students without good reason. You three gave me a good reason to not fail you. Running a training facility and train in your home city? You three must send me souvenirs when you visit! Travel and lodging expenses have already been paid for, so I’ll see you soon!”
The phone call ended with a click.
That started up a racket. Only after pacing, muttering, yelling at each other, and downing some pizza did the trio admit defeat. There wasn’t really a way they could wriggle out of this.
“Whoever doesn’t pack their bags two days before departure day has to pay for souvenirs for Death.”
“Bet. Not losing.”
Elesa gets nervous plenty of times. Before a photoshoot, when schedules change, when she spots reporters and paparazzi on her commute. But she had tactics. She would stand in front of a mirror, feet shoulder width apart and hands on her hips. She would breathe in and out and would hold the pose until she felt like she could walk into a room and ace the challenge.
“Ingo, Emmet. The purpose of this is to feel powerful,” she said as the three powerposed in the hallway just outside the gymnasium. “You’re supposed to stand still and be silent. Clear your mind of thoughts.”
Emmet’s smile on his face was tense as he bounced between one foot and the other. “I am Emmet, and I need to move to relax.”
“This engine needs ample time to warm up before running, and this is the sound of it warming up,” Ingo said before continuing to mutter under his breath, his frown deeper set on his face.
“You two literally run a battle subway! You interact with hundreds of people daily, and what makes you nervous is standing in front of a bunch of kids?”
“Kids are verrry wild!”
“These kids are also looking up to us as their alumni. To set the expectations so high only to fail to meet them…it would be a blow to the school and ourselves!”
Elesa glanced between the two of them. Just watching the two trying to dispel their nervous energy caused some of her residual nerves to try to build up again. However, she shook out her hands and stomped her foot on the ground. “We are the Nimbasa Trio! We carry the pride and joy of our district far beyond New York city! We’re the best of the best out there, and we’re the best of the best here!”
She struck a pose, one manicured hand pointed up and the other one pointed down. Her puffy yellow jacket made her upper body look like an appealing plate of fluffy scrambled eggs, and she shook out her black hair so they fell at just the right angle around her red and blue headphones. Her electric blue eyes shone with determination and pride. “We’re the Nimbasa trio!”
Emmet was the first to join in on her posing. He dropped into a squat and raised one of his arms up while pointing the other one forwards. He stuck one foot out and his smile grew. “I am Emmet, and we’re the Nimbasa trio!”
Ingo joined in, raising one of his arms and keeping the other pointed downwards. To Elesa’s joy, he allowed himself to slightly cock out one of his hips as the corners of his frown turned upwards, resulting in a cat-like expression. “We’re the Nimbasa Trio! All aboard!”
“All aboard!” echoed Emmet.
“Our team will be the next one to make your heads spin!” Elesa announced. Build up that confidence, and natural charisma will follow!
“Well, I guess there’s no need to announce who you are, seeing how we can all hear you loud and clear,” Death suddenly said as he popped up behind the trio. “Stop screaming, I was here all along!” He gave an annoyingly cutesy peace sign that did nothing to calm Elesa’s racing heart from the scare. “I already told everyone no recordings of any sort are allowed unless they want to fail their next exam. Or get fired.” He quickly started to push the trio towards the door of the gymnasium as he said, “Now go along and I’ll be enjoying those wonderful souvenirs you three definitely got for your dear ol’ headmaster!”
Just when Emmet was about to swipe at Death with both hands, Death disappeared. “I am Emmet! Stop doing that!”
“He can be perfectly on schedule and we can still miss him. How does he do it?” Ingo mused. He stroked his chin and gave a huff of irritation. “I wonder how his current batch of passengers manage to keep up with his erratic changes.”
Elesa loved her boys. She really did. But there was a certain point of patience she had when there was something that required her utmost charisma, and unfortunately, being around her boys lowered her charm and replaced it with the strong urge to be goofy. While she would rather be goofing off with the twins instead of being presentable in front of the current batch of students at the DWMA, she couldn’t exactly disobey the orders of the headmaster that allowed the trio to pursue their current paths in life.
She cleared her throat and tapped on her wrist. “Let’s stay on schedule.”
The second the trio presented themselves to the crowd of eclectic students, any and all nerves melted away. To the sides were the E.A.T. students and in the middle were the N.O.T. students. Elesa could see confident and bored expressions on the E.A.T. students, with some blatantly paying more attention to the unheard conversation they were having amongst themselves. Contrast that with the eager and nervous faces of the N.O.T. students and one could easily tell whom this talk was supposed to be towards.
The trio easily captured the attention of everyone with a loud yell of “All Aboard!” and a pose. The twins flanked Elesa with a large swoosh of their capes while pointing towards the audience. Elesa took one knee to the ground and threw her arms out in one of her signature poses. People have often said how it accentuated her limbs or something, but that was mostly modeling business. She did that pose because it made her feel powerful. It started in her chest and bloomed outwards until it spread through her entire body.
“Good morning DWMA!” Ingo announced. Even without the microphone provided, his voice easily echoed through the walls of the gymnasium. Several students perked up and actually paid attention. “It’s a bright day in Death City, Nevada. Before we get started, we have to set a few safety rules down.”
“Stay in your seats!” Emmet piped up. It took a bit more effort for his voice to carry through the room, to which he resorted to using the microphone. “It keeps things verrry orderly for us!”
“I’m sure that Lord Death had told you already, but no recordings of this talk are to be taken or shared with anyone.” Elesa rose from her position and flipped her hair. Gone was her smile; instead, a serious and stoic gaze was plastered on her face. “We may have our faces plastered on the internet due to our jobs, but that doesn’t mean that we consent to such today.”
“I’m sure many of you are amateurs anyways.”
Ingo gasped. “Emmet!”
Introductions were supposed to be brief. Of course, when one had a reputation, questions were sure to follow once people had confirmation that the face and name matched. There had been plenty of unrelated questions towards how much money the trio made (“Strictly confidential!”), modeling careers (“It’s a matter of connections, genetic lottery, and not something you easily study for in school”), how the train managed to stay running despite battles on it (“Not telling!”), and plenty more inquiries that more or less had repeated answers.
After clawing their way out of the ocean of questions, the trio managed to start sharing the information that Death actually wanted them to share: the idea of changing careers when it didn’t match one’s enrolled class.
As the trio shared their story, Elsa’s eyes moved over the mass of students out there, hoping that their anecdotes helped soothe some of the minds of the students. She remembered the day that the stray thought of ‘Is this what you really want to do for the rest of your life?’ crossed her mind. It ate at her every waking hour and followed her to bed. It had festered as she spared with her classmates and grew until it had burst from her mouth in a declaration that had been swept underneath the rug of exam season: “I need a break.”
Sure, the talk with Lord Death at the time had been nerve-wracking. It was expected that all E.A.T. students were to continue on that path and not stray. It had taken some persuasion, along with laying out some half-formed but passionate plans, but the trio had been able to graduate their E.A.T. program and march off to a different path.
They had to send Death official reports of their businesses every couple of months, as well as take care of any Kishin eggs that happened to spawn in New York, but it was better than being frontline soldiers and risking their lives daily.
Yeah. Elesa was happy with her decision.
So of course, it was only near the end of the talk did things go sideways.
A window high above the gymnasium shattered inwards, glass raining down on a large group of students. The staff at the edges of the crowd of students braced for the high possibility of attack and for defending the students, a few of the demon weapons already transforming in preparation for combat. Orders that were barked out told the E.A.T. students present to not engage and to focus on protecting the N.O.T. students. Already there were a few shouts of protest, but when the intruder revealed themself to be a meister-weapon pair, the students’ attentions moved back towards defending their classmates.
“Kishin?” Elesa curtly asked the twins.
“Verrry possible,” Emmet said.
“This may not be our district anymore, but we are its alumni.” Ingo threw a glance towards his younger twin, then towards Elesa. “And these passengers are quickly approaching a yellow line that’s moving towards them.”
“Then let’s go!” Elesa thrust her hands out to her sides and started running towards the rogue Kishin pair. A pair of flashes poked at her peripheral vision before two familiar knives settled into her hands. She didn’t even have to peek to know which colors were in each hand; at this point, it didn’t matter which hand wielded which twin. Elesa sent out her soul’s wavelengths towards the two demon weapons in her hands and felt them respond. Perfect, the basics of soul resonance were achieved. She dug deep into her soul and prepared to boost her boys’ abilities.
Elesa leapt towards the Kishin and twisted her body to one side to barely avoid a morning star being swung into her side. The sharp spikes on the end of the round metal ball nicked her yellow puffer coat though, tearing into the waterproof material. She hissed, not out of pain, but frustration. “Hey!” she exclaimed. “This is quality material! You’re not allowed to tear it!”
She threw one of the knives towards the Kishin. The silvery-gray blade glinted in the fluorescent lights and she could briefly see a wide grin reflected in the metal. The Kishin pair leapt up and towards Elesa, missing the knife completely.
However, Elesa had foresaw this possibility. How many times had she sparred with her classmates and experienced this? She threw her other knife into the air — it was identical save for the black handle — and shouted, “Rebounding tracks!”
The white knife switched directions and flew towards the black knife. It managed to slice into the Kishin pair and send a brief electric shock through the pair. Elesa amplified the electricity before she leapt up to catch the white knife and throw the black knife. The knife enveloped itself in hot purple flames and embedded itself into the abdomen of the kenshin’s meister. The electric shock from Emmet’s electric soul would’ve temporarily disabled any soul resonance between the meister and weapon, as well as caused the meister’s muscles to cramp.
With a simple amplification and a blink, the meister’s body was aflame. Uninhibited, Ingo’s fire soul would’ve burned everything to ashes, body and soul. However, Elesa was sure that Lord Death would want to get a look at this intruder and provide proper punishment, so she raised her free hand and the black knife flew back into it.
The most important part right now was to get the meister and weapon separated.
She ignored the painful screams of the meister and discarded her puffer coat. With that, she wriggled in between the kenshin pair and pressed her knives where they’d work best: Emmet against the weapon and Ingo against the meister. She sent out her own soul wavelength towards the two and muttered, “We’re the Nimbasa Trio.”
Energetic sparks and warm flames enveloped her own soul as each knife sent out their specialties. Only this time, amongst the purple flames that burned at the meister’s body were small sparks of electricity. Amongst the yellow lines of electricity that worked to dismantle the weapon’s current form were small licks of fire.
And right in between them, was a soul that glowed as it sent out pulses of energy towards the two. Elesa’s arms slowly started to move further apart as the meister’s grip on their weapon started to slacken. With a final burst of energy, her arms fully extended and broke apart the kenshin pair. She could hear the twin’s voices echo in her head as she gave herself a moment to breathe.
Bravo Elesa and Emmet! What a well polished-engine we still are!
Verrry much so!
“Weapon first?”
Of course!
Just as she took a few steps towards the weapon, who had shifted to their human form now, Death suddenly manifested and gathered up the discarded kenshin pair. “Magnificent work as always! I had every bit of faith in you three, but for the moment you three needed help, that’s when our regular staff would’ve jumped in. I didn’t think that we’d need too much of their help though, so I hoped they took notes on your work!” He waggled a finger at the trio and added, “Glad to see the proof of your words up close! You three really haven’t gotten rusty.”
Elesa. Lemme at him.
Emmet! No! We’re not going to attack our headmaster!
I am Emmet, and he keeps doing this! Aaalways tricking students!
I too detest his tricks, but we’re not going to have to make others make safety checks right now.
Elesa ignored the twins bickering in the shared headspace and instead gripped their handles tighter. “Death,” she hissed, “you cheater of a god. You owe me a new yellow puffer!”
“Ah, touché.”
Elesa tossed both knives behind her before feeling arms hook into her own. She didn’t have to look to her sides to see who the familiar knife-shaped sideburns belonged to, nor did she hesitate when the three of them walked out without a second glance back.
Yeah, they may have graduated from the E.A.T. program at DWMA, but their skills learned there didn’t define their paths. So as soon as Elesa got a new yellow puffer and the trio were checked over for any injuries, Ingo asked, “How about a movie?”
“The claaasic!”
Elesa laughed. “You goofy boys.”
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Okok so personally, my MC has an identical twin and while they act/dress differently, people mix them up A LOT looking at them from behind. So obviously this prompted a very silly idea; The Main 6 coming up behind MC to affectionately hold/hug them only to realize they are hugging the MCs TWIN. The sheer HORROR on their twins face as they look at M6 who is hugging them, and MC walks in the middle of it. How do you think they all react? (nothing angsty, just a silly situation they managed to get into :3)
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When M6 mistake someone else for MC
~not quite what you asked for, sorry anon, but here's the M6 mistaking someone else in the marketplace for MC! ~
Julian: apologizes to the person, charms them into forgiving him, enlists their help looking for you and then apologizes again
Asra: *surprised pikachu face* laughs it off quickly and disappears into the crowd. won't bring it up when they find you, but Faust will
Nadia: shocked. deeply embarrassed. thoroughly explains herself to the stranger, then finds you and holds your hand to avoid a repeat
Muriel: oh no. Freezes completely and waits in a corner for you to find him instead. Keeps remembering it all day and hiding his face
Portia: startled squeal, then breaks into laughter. befriends the stranger and tells them all about you, then tells you about your twin
Lucio: offended that someone's impersonating his MC. makes a ruckus until you find him, then begrudgingly apologizes to the person
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Hello, hello!
After a few days, and careful consideration, I have decided both through a mix of your submissions and a few personal picks of my own... The Detective Bracket!!
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THE MATCHUPS: BRACKET 1: -Sam and Max (Sam and Max) VS Detective Pikachu (Detective Pikachu) -Batman (DC) vs Eddie Valiant (Roger Rabbit) -Basil of Baker Street (The Great Mouse Detective) VS Iris Archwell (StreetPass) -Honor Mizrahi (Murder by Numbers) VS Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files) BRACKET 2: -Goro Akechi (Persona 5) VS Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney) -Lynne (Ghost Trick) VS L (Death Note) -Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4) VS Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa) -Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) VS Hercule Poirot (Poirot) BRACKET 3: -Kaname Date (AI: The Somnium Files) VS Professor Layton (Professor Layton) -Erika Furudo (Umineko) VS Lady Love Dies (Paradise Killer) -Shinichi Kudo (Detective Conan) VS Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) -Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) VS Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew) BRACKET 4: -BBC Sherlock (BBC) VS Hank Schrader (Breaking Bad) -Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget) VS Columbo (Columbo) -Herlock Sholmes (Ace Attorney) VS Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes) -Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk) VS Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks) But wait, there's more! Introducing... the Loser's Bracket! How it works: When a character loses a given match, they will enter the loser's bracket. There, they gain a chance to make it back to the main bracket, with the winner of each dual bracket (Brackets 1 and 2 and Brackets 3 and 4) having to face the winner of the respective losing bracket set. This gives some less appreciated characters a second chance to win! One last thing. Watch out. There may be surprises along the way... The actual voting portion will open Tomorrow, from 8 PM to 8:15 PM CT, and will remain open for one day!
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misteria247 · 2 years
2012 Leo is the oldest out of the turtles including the rise ones and he’s also somewhat of a mom figure. If he were to ever get angry or scold the rise turtles how would each of them react?
Ooooooo I love Mom Leo omg-
Okay so as we all know 12 Leo takes quite a bit to get actually upset and angry with people but should he actually get angry or scold at the younger turtles such as the Rise boys it'd probably go something along the lines of:
Rise Raph being downright surprised pikachu meme. Rise Raph is the oldest out of his brothers so he's a lot of times in the place that 12 Leo holds which is the scolding parental disappointment. So he's not used to being on the receiving end of this kind of thing. Our large turtle boy would essentially be stunned by the scolding and then most likely apologize for the thing he'd done to upset 12 Leo because surprisingly the smaller turtle can be quite imitating especially with the trademark disappointed mom vibe. Once he got scolded good and well he'd probably do things like keep the other boys in line or help keep the lair in order to get back into 12 Leo's good graces, which wouldn't take long for it to happen. 12 Leo's a forgiving mom lol. Once they got things cleared up Rise Raph and 12 Leo would be just fine (aka Mom and Dad would be an iconic older sibling duo once more lol).
Rise Leo if he got scolded by 12 Leo would undoubtedly be super bummed, sad and a bit frustrated by it. Rise Leo somewhat looks up to his older counterpart and like many young lads who admire someone he'll want to only make 12 Leo proud and happy. So having 12 Leo scold him would leave him feeling pretty crummy. He may even get annoyed with it at first however once it was over and he thought about the situation he'd eventually go back to the older turtle and awkwardly apologize for causing trouble. 12 Leo of course is very quick to forgive his younger counterpart and they'd probably spend a bit of time together to talk about the situation and figure out how to avoid it in the future. (They'd also talk about Rise Leo's self esteem issues and 12 Leo would explain that just because he scolds him doesn't mean that he doesn't love him, he does it because he cares and he likes his younger, taller companion just the way he is and would smother him in his trademark Motherly Affection).
Rise Donnie would definitely have an internal breakdown if 12 Leo scolded him. Our soft shell boy thrives on parental praise and encouragement. He literally strives to be the best he can be just to get some of that sweet, sweet validation that he craves and 12 Leo is one of his main sources for this kind of thing. So to be scolded by the older turtle would lowkey make him a mess on the inside. On the outside he'll act unbothered and nonchalant about it but on the inside he'd be having a trademark BREAKDOWN, BREAKDOWN. It'd only be after it was all said and done and when everything had settled down that 12 Leo would seek out Rise Donnie to talk to him and explain that he only scolded him because he was worried and that he was still proud of him. Rise Donnie would be back in good spirits after that. After all he got his mom to still be proud of him and that's all that matters to Rise Donnie in the end. (He may also get doted on by 12 Leo in trademark Motherly Affection for a bit much like his twin).
Rise Mikey if he was scolded by 12 Leo would be the definition of a kicked puppy. I'm talking the big sad eyes and the shimmying foot against the ground and the bowed head of shame type of ordeal. Rise Mikey hates having parental figures be upset at him and to have the mom of the group scold him for something would make him very sad. However things would be fixed shortly afterwards because much like 12 Mikey, 12 Leo's got a soft spot for the babies of their small clan and seeing the kicked puppy look on the smaller box turtle would make him internally battle himself on whether he should remain firm in his scoldings or if he should just let it go because omg Rise Mikey looks so sad and he hates it when Rise Mikey is sad because he thinks of 12 Mikey and in the end he ends up losing said battle and letting it go.
It drives 12 Raph and 12 Donnie nuts when he does this lol. 12 Mikey on the other hand would find it hilarious.
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chaos0pikachu · 10 months
Prom really acted surprised pikachu face at Nont making out with Tiddy Teena to get info on his missing twin like Nont didn't have a whole sex marathon with a matching collar and leash with you like 4 days ago specifically to get information about his missing twin
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infernaleikon · 2 years
anakin growing up believing obi-wan is the prettiest of them all and when he's in the room no one else is prettier, only to discover during his knighthood that he himself is deemed a pretty boy by all. cue pikachu shocked face
omg i am so sorry for the late replay, anon, i've had a hard time getting myself to reply to messages lately 😭
but literally! i think anakin is entirely unaware just how pretty he is himself. he always, without fail, notices when someone fawns over obi-wan and gets all grumpy and huffy and jealous while at the same time being like DUH!!!! obi-wan is the prettiest!!! (and probably gets downright offended when someone's like EH). anakin daydreams about being the gust of wind that moves that lock of hair on obi-wan's forehead. he wants to rub his lips on obi-wan beard, he thinks his eyes are magical and gorgeous and anakin feels both stripped bare and completely safe under that gaze. he wants to run his fingers through the grey on obi-wan's temples because it's so sexy he wants to cry. when obi-wan smiles, he's brigher than the twin suns of tatooine. anakin can never decide whether he wants everyone to acknowledge how beautiful his master is, or hide him away from leering eyes so nobody gets any ideas.
and anakin never notices when someone moons over him. "has anyone ever told you that your eyes are the colour of the scarif sky?" someone asks him once with an appreciative tilt to their eyebrows. anakin frowns and says, "i've never been to scarif." another time somebody compliments his looks, specifically his jedi robes, and anakin scowls like, "they're standard issue." on some diplomatic mission, one of the representatives tells him about what is deemed the most beautiful piece of art on the planet and that anakin looks like he could be a piece of art himself, and anakin is just confused because why would anyone say that?? what does that even mean? does he look stiff??? it doesn't make sense.
people (try to) flirt with him left and right and anakin doesn't notice (mainly because he only has eyes and a (heart) boner for obi-wan). throughout the entire galaxy, beings from all sorts of planets try to court him and he's oblivious to it. he gets grumpy and short-lipped whenever somebody drags him away to show him some garden or sculpture or painting or something, and only lights up as soon as he spots obi-wan again.
cue them being to some fancy ball or festivity during a mission and both obi-wan and anakin are decked out in fine clothes and garments, and as they're walking through the room, people stare and whisper, and anakin is convinced everyone is lusting after obi-wan. and he gets quite annoyed because people keep coming up to him and asking him to dance or get a drink (and he can't say no--or he tries and earns a pointedly raised eyebrow from obi-wan--because they're on a mission and they have to play along and be polite) and keep dragging him away from obi-wan. and he watches how people walk up to his master and chat him up, and he's all bright, beautiful smiles, giving them attention, and it drives anakin nuts.
eventually, obi-wan takes pity on him and asks him to dance before anyone else can swoop in again, and anakin gratefully agrees because that way he can have obi-wan's attention all for himself for a little bit.
obi-wan asks him why he's not enjoying himself. it is a bit surprising considering anakin loves attention, and anakin scowls at him in confusion.
"i don't think i understand what you mean, master," anakin says.
"anakin, all these people have been vying for your attention all night," obi-wan says in a light tone but there's something simmering in his eyes that anakin can't quite name. "they're practically tripping over each other trying to get to you."
"because they want to get you alone," anakin says dumbly.
obi-wan gives him a look, the one that makes anakin flush with embarrassment because it's a bit judgy and a bit mocking and fondly exasperated. "why would they dance with you if they wanted to get me alone?"
and anakin scowls, "it's a distraction technique, obi-wan, we do it plenty of times in battle--"
"oh, anakin, they all want you," obi-wan tells him with a wry smile and a sharp gaze. "they're all trying to take you home, to their beds."
and that just sort of leaves anakin speechless for a minute. "but why?"
obi-wan sighs very deeply. "must you make me say it?"
he sighs again when anakin blinks at him in confusion. "because they think you're beautiful."
anakin makes that pikachu face because he never thought of himself as beautiful or much of anything in terms of looks, really. he never even considered anybody else might find him beautiful but then again, anakin rarely really considers other people (except obi-wan. obi-wan is always on his mind. anakin, 95% of the time when he's not in battle: no thoughts, head empty, only obi-wan). so it does come as a big surprise to him.
and from that moment forward, he starts noticing when people pay close attention to him, when they get close and ask him stuff and try to pry his attention away from obi-wan. it makes him feel very odd and like he wants to squirm away and hide behind obi-wan (or preferably in his arms).
and all he can think about is whether obi-wan thinks he's beautiful too.
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I made a post a while back with an idea that remus’s quirky voice ain’t real and it’s just to be weird. And if he ever had an emotional moment he stops doing the voice and it turns normal and everyone is just “surprised pikachu face”
It’d be even angstier if his voice sounded identical to Roman’s lol
And Roman is the reason it happens and yk creativity twin fluff lol
Okay I know the whole concept is supposed to be A N G S T Y but I'd fucking cackle if he did that in any context cause everyone's either doing a double take or just doesn't question it XD
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