#survivorship bias
accidentalally · 4 months
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Queer liberation is human liberation! Trans rights are human rights!
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thoughtportal · 5 months
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the seven secrets of highly successful people
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felixcloud6288 · 10 months
If anyone ever complains that there were no gays, trans, autists, etc when they were growing up, you should just send them this picture and refuse to elaborate further:
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audhd-space · 9 months
tired of boomers in higher ups who think “if I can, why can’t you?” while ignoring all of the privileges they had/have
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rageturner · 6 months
“All Jews are rich”
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hypoel · 8 months
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Survivorship Bias and being trans
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miguelinileugim · 13 days
It's 6:40 am and I want to post the tumblr plane:
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egoriv · 10 months
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I understand what your saying, it's just that I have 0 sympathy (let alone empathy) for Homelander's grown ass. Also, Homelander is fictional. Finn from star wars went through hell and he managed to leave.
i understand that from a place that you might not like in all honesty.
have you considered that maybe part of why you feel that way is because... society taught you to feel that way?
finn is a different person from homelander with a different situation from him. yes, different. because finn *at least* had a *catalyst* or epiphany of some kind required to recognize and then *move* on or forward from his situation. homelander *has not*, and to some degree it is doubtful he will get that.
and to be the bearer of bad news yet again, generally? that's not necessarily a *realistic* take on abusive situations and correlates *directly* with survivor's bias.
this is super duper important to remember. just because *such and such could do it*, does not mean *oh well this guy can too*. it just doesn't. that's why the word *survivor* exists.
and as of yet, homelander is not quite a survivor, but he *is* still a victim...
even worse that society perpetually uses survivor's bias *against* victims but that's not okay either. one or two people surviving and getting out of a situation doesn't mean we suddenly stop feeling or caring for victims still stuck in the same situation, could you imagine???
honestly, idk HOW the world manages to function with bullshit like this, but picture this.
two planes going down heading towards the ocean full of people.
survivor's bias creating a lack of empathy is like one plane suddenly fixing their problems and no longer being in trouble, and because *that* plane fixed its issues, the other which mind you is *STILL GOING DOWN AND IN MAJOR TROUBLE* is just expected to *magically* correct course and no longer be in trouble, and if it doesn't well fuck all those people who are about to die--
when WHAT THE FUCK!?!? that's not how life fucking works!!!
and yet this is the bullshit CAPITALISM especially super promotes. because one billionaire is clearly worth far more than a billion poor people and deserves his wealth WAY more than the homeless or hungry for... reasons i guess.
*in capitalism, a majority of people *MUST* FAIL in order for a select few to *super succeed* and benefit, so OF COURSE *survivor's bias* would be heavily promoted to keep the idea popular among those suffering. we all think "well if *I* could be that ONE..." except, statistically, the likelihood of that is slim to fucking nothing! this ideology does not remain exclusive to financial situations, it *translates* to other parts of society and *destroys* healthy thinking*
and to a degree i get it, empathy is not an easy thing to feel. i know some forms of neurodivergence cause difficulty with this. for me, it's this too, except when i'm not the densest motherfucker on the planet, i *can't* turn the setting fucking off, even if i wanted to (and it is hella overloading, overwhelming, and exhausting).
i can't *not* feel it, even for (and especially for well written) fictional characters, even for real people i might not want to admit deserve it, or even if i don't think they deserve it, sometimes *especially* if i don't think they deserve it.
very very very very rarely does it just... 'check out'. it is a genuine problem.
but understanding the human psyche to the fullest extent is *how* we *break* these cycles of abuse, repair the damage, and prevent it from happening further. and that requires *empathy* in every single sense we can possibly bring it forth.
the reason creative people bother creating shit like the boys isn't just to entertain, it's because good artists tend to *see* the problems in society and in turn often want to help *amend* them by teaching lessons with their creative works.
if we as a society want to improve and change and get better in reality, we'd do well to start listening and noticing in fiction.
good fucking GAWD if i have to see more and more of the white tiger situation from humanity--
listen. humans are fucking STUPID.
we hunt white tigers to near extinction. inbreed them to high hell which causes a shit ton of problems while fucking up their genes. AND THEN PROCEED BLAME THEM FOR THE PROBLEMS AND GENES WE FUCKED UP AND CAUSED INSTEAD OF TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS--
the gene that makes them white is actually a harmless genetic variant that is the same gene that makes a chicken white. it is with no doubt the HUMANS that fucked up the white tiger gene pool. but let me put this in a different sorta place or perspective.
WE made homelander.
we all played a part, because we're all part of a society, we enabled and allowed him happen, the abuse to occur, and then his abuse to persist, and if we feel *nothing*, truly *nothing* for this THING that SOCIETY created when WE ARE PART OF IT.
we. are. just. as. fucking. GUILTY.
and we should... really take some fucking accountability for that hot mess... least that's how i see it. can't *not* see it.
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ilsawasanacrobat · 6 months
Dear Hollywood:
Please stop having cars swerve and crash to avoid deer.
Honk and brake people. Honk. And. Brake.
Better to brake hard and hit the deer than violently swerve, miss, and total the damn car.
A life-long Midwesterner who understands “watch for deer” means “I love you”
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fangjuexias · 10 months
Survivorship Bias Audio Drama || Theme Song, "The Moment When God Looks Back"
监制:柒染 作词:龙小套@龙小套是一颗仙桃 作曲:陈亦洺@陈亦洺 编曲:动点@动次打次的动点p 电吉他:秦瀚光 演唱:Mario、陈亦洺 和声/和声编写:陈亦洺 混音:茶雪@茶雨山上採蔘客 母带:Shay@Shay1993 海报设计:载酒以渡@载酒以渡 海报题字:梅梢月@梅梢月-
若神明 来书写 创世的扉页 以善恶 以正邪 亦或混沌中 一瓣花叶 当所有火种 暗淡熄灭 当所有秩序 更迭破裂 终局的幸存偏差 是否有解
穿行过血色旷野 千万次生死诀别 将时间的终点折叠 赴一场约 悬停在深渊边界 重生于破碎残缺 命运的线首尾相接 缠绕成结
若人类 来注解 末日的终结 以勇气 以决绝 以爱人的心 脉搏的血 以身躯迎战轮回对决 以灵魂痛击荒芜永夜 将既定宿命轨迹 碾碎瓦解
穿行过血色旷野 千万次生死诀别 将时间的终点折叠 赴一场约 在无数平行世界 奔向你不舍昼夜 你是破开混沌虚无 唯一的解
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usunezukoinezu · 8 months
''...survivorship bias. We tend to devote more attention to cases that are still around, neglecting those that are not. That bias leads to a systematic misunderstanding of success and failure, one that is especially prevalent in business writing but that plagues many other consequential decisions. You should now be able to see the logical flaw in this statement about coronavirus vaccination by the podcaster Dave Rubin: “I know a lot of people who regret getting the vaccine. Don’t know anyone who regrets not getting it.”
Remember the bullet-ridden airplane meme whenever you hear someone discuss what they concluded from the information they have. It should cue you to wonder about the information they’re missing, because what’s present is rarely representative of what’s not.''
-Daniel Simons, Nobody's Fool
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authoreeknight · 1 year
If you get it you get it.
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pandemic-info · 2 years
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Covid is neither over nor “mild.” It’s entirely reasonable to act on this knowledge by taking precautions that are (for reasons that are mostly baffling to me) no longer the norm. Don’t give time to anyone who derides you for prioritizing your health — short-term or long-term.
The issue is that for some, it is relatively mild or even asymptomatic. Some of them overgeneralize their experience. This is called survivorship bias — a logical error.
Amassing data is showing that it's more like a dice roll and independent of health history, age, etc. Prior luck doesn't ensure future luck.
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helenwhiteart-blog · 2 years
Autistic burnout and the dichotomy of "living to work" when your reality tells you it's the other way around
Autistic burnout and the dichotomy of “living to work” when your reality tells you it’s the other way around
If I’m truly honest with myself, and I have never been more so, I have burned out from every job I have ever had, no matter how long or short the time that I worked in it. My first job was only for 8 months post degree and the burn-out was subtle that time, but nonetheless the reason I would have taken anything to get away from it, so I did. Six months later I had another burnout, more serious…
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brasskingfisher · 1 year
"OK boomer" and survivorship bias
Now, what with American conservatives losing their shit and demanding the voting age be raised because *gasp* young people are voting for progressive candidates!!!!! I think it's important to talk about how this mythic idea that older people are always more conservative, rather than conservatives just happen to live longer. Boomers are a great example of this (particularly in America) as they're currently fighting against equality despite being the generation behind the civil rights movement, and who created gay liberation and feminism. So, why and how are they now so staunchly opposed to those ideas and the principles behind them? Well, look at who's survived from that generation.
A significant number of gay and bi men from the baby boomer generation were killed by the aids epidemic. Likewise a huge number of the trans and GNC people would have been killed by the lack of access to gender affirming care (for example up until the mid to late 1980s gender reassignment surgery was only avaliable privately in a handful of European countries). Most of the POC (certainly in the US) were trapped in poverty and denied the means to improve their lives (financially and or socially) and so died much younger than their white counterparts. Add into that the social pressures of society. In hetronormative world without the internet where could a young queer person find the information or opportunity to explore their sexuality? Let alone other people who felt similar way to offer guidance and or support? So, that means you can remove a lot of the queer people from the equation (certainly those who were out because of being ostracised and losing any kind of support network even if they weren't the victims of violence). Don't forget as well the ingrained prejudices of society and the risks that posed to non conformists. Lynchings remained de riguer in the south into the 60s, and of course bigots didn't just target POC and queer people, anyone openly supporting or aiding them ran the risk of being attacked.
So, put it all together and that means we're left with a group of people who are overwhelmingly white, rich and cishet. And since contempary conservativism is all about preserving the power and privilege of rich, white cishet men, its easy to see why they're so vehemently opposed to progressive policies.
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