#susan bones mom
trohpi · 6 months
the struggle of being a rarepair shipper is real. like, what do you mean my favorite peter pettigrew ship is between him and susan bones’ mom, aka amelia and edgar bones’ sister, aka a character with no canonical name or personality?
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radioisntdead · 6 months
You mentioned doing Susan and Reader type things, let me bring up to you:
Reader is Susan's adult child or Niece/Nephew. How do you think that would go? Would she be boasting them up like she does to Rosie or would she be nitpicking them all the time? You decide!
Good evening my dear! I'm gonna scream about Susan now, we don't see much of her but I adore grumpy old people characters (in fiction)
Let's start with child headcanons,
You POOR POOR CHILD, Susan definitely has a key to your home, did you give it to her? Probably not she's the type to MAKE a key, or pick the lock, look me in the eyes [?] And tell me this old woman doesn't know how to pick a lock,
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She's definitely seen and done some shit in her [After?] Lifetime, you could be making dinner and she just breaks in strolls on in and starts going on about her childhood and it's just the most messed up Parent Susan lore, she also doesn't care for boundaries, doesn't matter who you are, your boundaries are being invaded, she doesn't like when others invade your boundaries through, only she can do that after all she's your mother! She assumingly birthed you,
Or picked you up from the side of the streets
I don't know how she acquired you
If you have a spouse, Mama Susan does NOT like them, doesn't matter if they're the king of hell or whatever, No one is good enough for her baby,
Heaven forbid if it's someone she already doesn't like, like Alastor for example.
That being said she wants grandkids, you don't have to spawn them, just pick one up off the streets I'm sure there are orphans in hell! Especially after extermination day
She's definitely the type to grab your cheek, squish it and just go "Have you been eating at all?!? Fucking skin and bones!"
Then she just gives you some poor demons leg to munch on, yum!
I feel like when she can make a mean cannibalistic meatloaf, but nothing else,
Maybe soup, but who can't make soup?
[I'm so sorry if you can't make soup, Don't worry I'll make you some so your not soupless]
She's definitely the type of parent to send you to your room without dinner, or keep you at the table until you finished up your meal, or smack with the cane
Honestly if we go with if she was alive in the 1800's {?} And not hellborn {also Susan DOESN'T HAVE A WIKI PAGE? GIVE OUR MEAN OLD LADY A WIKI PLEASE- /j}
Depending on your gender you definitely get raised differently, because sexism was horrid back then, woman didn't get the rights to properly vote until the 1920's, She was long gone by then.
if you're born a gal she's all
"Be more ladylike! No man will marry you if you act like this"
She loves you, and in her mind it's for your own good because society is NOT kind to those who act different than the status quo, she cannot spare you the same fate she got, she wishes you were born in a different time, in one where you'd have more freedom.
she'd lighten up after death because, you know y'all are dead, and man fuck social status that's dead now, she prefers cannibal town as to wherever you were during life
If you were born a lad then you got a ton of
"Be a gentleman! Don't be a dick, don't duel people!"
A son meant she got a pat on the back, she was capable of producing an heir, or whatever old timey crap was going on, she hoped you did NOT turn out to be a product of your environment.
I feel like she'd be very active in feminist movements back then from the shadows, she definitely earned her rights to be grumpy old lady
All in all, she's not the WORST mom, but she definitely traumatized you, I feel like y'all healed your mother-child bond in hell {that's a sentence I never thought I'd write}
NOW ON TO THE NIBLING {?} Niece/nephew
She's the single probably wealthy Aunt that probably killed her husband but no one can prove it, completely different from above, she did NOT have a child with niblings [I think that's the right term please correct me if wrong]
If she did have a offspring, congratulations your cousin is often compared to you and y'all probably have a strained relationship.
Anyways any time she sees you she either goes in for the hug and if rejected makes a comment about today's youth and respect, or she doesn't go in for the hug and rambles about today's youth being too touchy,
"What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing."
Susan when near you.
She gives great Christmas presents though, she just like throws it to you and says she got it last minute and then it's just like 200$ present,
Or if she REALLY doesn't like you, your getting one of those cringe tshirts that's like "look out ladies, I'm a gamer"
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: Steve & El being siblings in front of Hopper. Steve and his younger sisters as he refers to them (El, Max & Erica) being ridiculous together. Max teaching them how to skateboard. Steve teaching El how to take care of her hair & they do martial arts classes together. Erica & Steve being space & rock nerds together. Just Steve & his lil sister's confusing the hell out of their respective parents by referring to Steve as their older brother, once the Sinclair parents, Hop & Susan Hargrove realize who their daughters are referring too its hard for them to not find it both hilarious & charming that Steve is the one their girls go too for comfort.
MY LOVE!!! I didn't quite get ALL of that request in here, but I got the FEELING of it all I think. I love that Steve probably acts like he's just being a good babysitter but these three are ready to kill someone for him in a heartbeat. Erica genuinely loves him more than Lucas, that's what I feel in my heart. Enjoy some cute big brother Steve moments! - Mickala ❤️
“Okay, what are the rules?” Steve asked the car full of girls.
He didn’t have to look behind him to know that Erica was rolling her eyes.
“My only rule is to not break any more bones,” Max said from the passenger seat.
“That’s not entirely-”
“We have to wear our helmets and pads the whole time,” El said from directly behind him.
“Thank you, El. And?” He put the car in park, staring out at the empty skate park in front of them.
“And stay where you can see us at all times. Check in every ten minutes,” Erica sighed.
“Alright, have fun, don’t hurt yourselves, don’t talk to strangers!” Steve exclaimed.
They all got out of the car and grabbed their boards and protective gear from the trunk, taking a few moments to get ready.
Max was giving them some basic tips for getting started, how to balance when standing still and when moving, and how to take it slow.
Steve set a towel out on the hood of his car and sat on it, watching them all make their way to the flat area for beginners.
He smiled to himself as he watched Max adjust them on their boards, making sure their stance was going to keep them balanced.
As tough as Max was on the surface, she was a soft marshmallow on the inside, especially when it came to El and Erica. Steve loved to watch her share her passions, to show true happiness when so much of her life had been just getting by.
“Steve! I’m doing it!” Erica’s voice rang out.
“I see! Lookin’ great!” he yelled back.
He heard a car pull into the parking lot, but didn’t turn to see who it was. It was most likely a parent with their kid or maybe a couple teenagers with nothing better to do.
He didn’t expect Max’s mom to sit next to him on the hood of his car.
“She said she was coming here with her big brother and I was a little worried that her medications needed to be adjusted again. I’m certainly glad that it’s you,” Susan said.
“Oh,” Steve smiled. “Yeah. She wanted to show El and Erica how to get going. It seems to be going well already.”
He felt Susan’s eyes on him as he kept watching the progress the girls were making.
“You work at Family Video still right?” she asked out of nowhere.
“Oh, yes ma’am. Today’s my day off.”
He finally turned to see her nodding, taking in her nurse’s uniform and the dark circles under her eyes.
“They’re lucky to have you, Steve.”
“I dunno about-”
“They are. Thank you,” she said sincerely before smiling at him and standing up. “Tell Maxine I’ll be pulling another double. She’s welcome to stay with El again.”
“Sure thing.”
He watched as Susan got in her car and left, frowning slightly at the fact that Max would be alone again. Well, not alone. Not if she stayed with El.
He knew Susan didn’t have a choice, had to pay the bills somehow and couldn’t just not work. But it hurt him to know Max’s life was so similar to his in that his parents were never around either.
At least she had good friends.
And she had him.
Steve was half asleep when the doorbell rang.
It was late, much too late for anyone who would ring the doorbell to be there.
He yawned as he made his way to the door, hoping it would be quick.
El was standing on his porch, small cosmetic bag in her hands.
“Steve, I need help.”
“Come in,” he gestured for her to come in, checking behind her for something or someone to be following her.
Of all of them, El was the most likely to be able to defend herself, so he wasn’t sure why she was seeking his help.
He turned to see her sitting on the couch, already taking things out of her bag.
A hairbrush, some rubber bands, a headband, and a ribbon.
“What exactly do you need help with?” Steve asked as he sat down next to her on the couch.
“I need to know how to braid my hair. Max usually does it for me, sometimes Will, but I do not know how to do it myself.”
“And you thought that I could help with that? Why not ask Max to show you?”
“Because she is not a very good teacher when it comes to these things. She just knows how to do it but does not know how to show me. So can you?”
Steve couldn’t possibly say no to her big eyes looking at him like that. She wasn’t even doing it the way the other kids did when they just wanted to bribe him into saying yes. This was just El.
“Yeah. But a comb would be much better for parting your hair. Let me go get one,” he said, trying to shake off any exhaustion he was feeling before.
It was a long process.
El was incredibly smart, but sometimes the simplest thing to someone else would be extremely difficult for her, and her frustration would make it even harder.
But Steve had patience, especially when it came to El.
“Close! You just want to try to do it a little tighter so it doesn’t fall out while you put the band at the bottom,” he smiled at her encouragingly. “Feel how I’m tugging just a little bit tighter while braiding over here?” El nodded. “Try to do that on that side.”
El started over, and Steve could tell this time would be the time she got it right.
“There you go! It’s perfect!” he jumped up and took her hands in his, pulling her off the couch so they could jump up and down in excitement.
“I did it!” she laughed.
“Next lesson: french braiding,” Steve said when they both calmed down.
“The braiding is in a different language?” El asked, confused.
“No, honey, it’s just a different style. It’s a bit harder, but if you practice regular braids more, you’ll be able to do it no problem.”
“Oh, okay!” El beamed at him. “I should go home now.”
He glanced at the clock and frowned.
“It’s close to midnight. Does Hop know you’re here?”
El shook her head.
“He’s working. Joyce said it was okay though. I told her I was seeing my big brother and she did not mind,” El said casually, like the words wouldn’t completely shake Steve at his foundation.
“I’ll drive you home. Don’t want you taking your bike this late,” Steve sighed.
“You look tired.”
Steve startled, but relaxed quickly. Of course, El would notice that.
“I just haven’t slept well lately.”
“Is it because Robin and Eddie are gone?”
“Maybe,” Steve squinted at her. “I’ll take you home and then try to get some sleep before my shift tomorrow.”
“I can sleep in the guest room. Maybe it will help you sleep to have someone in the house,” El suggested, as if it wasn’t a big deal that she offered or that she clearly knew Steve’s problem was that he was alone in this house.
“Only if you call and let Joyce know first.”
Once El was settled in the guest room, Steve got in his own bed and closed his eyes.
It was the best sleep he’d had in days.
Erica’s birthday party had been mostly family and her best friends from school, but for some reason, she’d invited Steve.
Not just invited, insisted that he attend.
So he did. He switched shifts with Robin for it and everything.
He went to Macy’s to buy her the skirt she’d wanted for months, ended up buying matching shoes, too.
She’d loved them, of course, as he knew she would.
But he got her a third gift, something he didn’t want to give to her in front of everyone. Something that meant a lot more.
He’d asked the Sinclairs if he could stay for a bit after the party, explained to them that the real present he got her couldn’t be given until the sun had fully set.
“Oh, of course, Steve! She likes you more than any of us anyway. Keep her busy while we finish cleaning up!” Mrs. Sinclair exclaimed.
So after everyone left, after Erica was sorting through her gifts and organizing them, after the night set in completely, Steve sat down next to her.
“Hey, littlest Sinclair.”
“Hey, biggest Harrington.”
“I’m…the only Harrington?”
She snorted, but didn’t respond.
Steve cleared his throat, not wanting to stay on something that confused him for too long. Erica would run with it if she thought she could tease him more.
“I got you another gift. You have to come outside, though.”
Erica stared at him.
“If I have to go outside, I don’t think I’ll like it very much,” she said with a raised brow.
“Trust me.”
She sighed and set down the purse she got from her cousin, standing up from her spot on the floor and gesturing for Steve to lead the way.
They went to the backyard, finally stopping where her telescope was set up. She’d gotten the telescope last Christmas, and often had meteor shower parties with Steve and El.
“Alright. So. Find Ursa Minor.” He waited until she gave him a thumbs up. “Now find Kochab.”
She’d been working on mapping constellations since she got the telescope, and had focused on Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. She’d gotten pretty good at locating a lot of things.
“So a bit to the left and a little up, there’s a star. And it’s probably already millions of years old, and will probably be around for millions more. But for right now, that star is named E.S. and was adopted in your name,” Steve pulled the certificate from his pocket.
He’d already found the star a week ago during one of his visits, or at least what he thought was the star. It was close enough anyway.
She pulled away from the telescope and looked at Steve with her mouth wide open.
“Sorry it’s not a very creative name. I knew you’d hate if I named it Erica, and I didn’t wanna come up with something even worse.”
“You got me a star?”
The light from the moon was enough to see the tears forming in her eyes, and Steve instantly felt some gathering in his own.
“Well, someone who’s gonna change the world as much as you needs a permanent place in the galaxy, don’t you think?”
Erica fell into him, wrapping her arms around his middle. His shirt was already wet with tears, but he refused to comment on it, knew she would hate it if he did.
“You’re the best big brother,” she whispered, probably trying to hide her emotions.
“You’re the best little sister,” he whispered back.
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gatheringbones · 2 years
best books of 2022 rec list:
chouette by claire oshetsky
forty thousand in gehenna by cj cherryh
fierce femmes and notorious liars by kai cheng thom
sula by toni morrison
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily r. austin
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
villette by charlotte bronte
gay spirit by mark thompson
we too: stories on sex work and survival by natalie west
transgender history by susan stryker
blood marriage wine & glitter by s bear bergman
love and rage: the path to liberation through anger by lama rod owens
gay soul by mark thompson
between certain death and a possible future: queer writing on growing up in the AIDS crisis by mattilda bernstein sycamore
the man they wanted me to be: toxic masculinity and a crisis of our own making by jared yates sexton
nobody passes: rejecting the rules of gender and conformity by mattilda bernstein sycamore
cruising: an intimate history of a radical pastime by alex espinoza
gay body by mark thompson
what my bones know: a memoir of healing from complex trauma by stephanie foo
the child catchers: rescue, trafficking, and the new gospel of adoption by kathryn joyce
the opium wars: the addiction of one empire and the corruption of another by w. travis hanes III
a queer history of the united states by michael bronski
the trouble with white women by kyla schuller
what we don't talk about when we talk about fat by aubrey gordon
the feminist porn book by tristan taormino
administrations of lunacy: a story of racism and psychiatry at the midgeville asylum by mab segrest
the women's house of detention by hugh ryan
angela davis: an autobiography by angela davis
ten steps to nanette by hannah gadsby
neuroqueer heresies by nick walker
the remedy: queer and trans voices on health and healthcare by zena sharman
brilliant imperfection by eli clare
the dawn of everything: a new history of humanity by david graeber and david wengrow
tomorrow sex will be good again by katherine angel
all our trials: prisons, policing, and the feminist fight to end violence by emily l. thuma
if this is a man by primo levi
bi any other name: bisexual people speak out by lorraine hutchins
white rage: the unspoken truth of our racial divide by carol anderson
public sex: the culture of radical sex by pat califa
I'm glad my mom died by jenette mccurdy
care of: letters, connections and cures by ivan coyote
the gentrification of the mind: witness to a lost imagination by sarah schulman
skid road: on the frontier of health and homelessness in an american city, by josephine ensign
the origins of totalitarianism by hannah arendt
nice racism: how progressive white people perpetuate racial harm by robin diangelo
corrections in ink by keri blakinger
sexed up: how society sexualizes us and how we can fight back by julia serano
smash the church, smash the state! the early years of gay liberation by tommi avicolli mecca
no more police: a case for abolition by mariame kaba
until we reckon: violence, mass incarceration, and a road to repair by danielle sered
the care we dream of: liberatory & transformative justice approaches to LGBTQ+ health by zena sharman
reclaiming two-spirits: sexuality, spiritual renewal and sovereignty in native america by gregory d. smithers
the sentences that create us: crafting a writer's life in prison by Caits Messner
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🌙 Books for Arab American Heritage Month 🌙
🌙 Good morning, bookish bats, and Eid Mubarak to those who are celebrating. Eid al-Fitr ("the feast of breaking the fast") marks the end of Ramadan, an Islamic holy month of fasting and sacrifice. April is also Arab American Heritage month, which celebrates the 3.7 million Arab Americans across the country. This is an opportunity to combat Anti-Arab bigotry by challenging stereotypes and prejudices.
✨ One of the best ways to do so is to read books ABOUT Arab Americans. To help, here are a few books for Arab American Heritage Month you can read, discuss, or add to your ever-growing TBR!
[ List under the cut. ]
✨ Growing up, I didn't have books that represented my experiences as an Arab or Muslim American. My friends didn't have stories to read that could help them understand my perspective. With that in mind, I added children's books on the last slide, for the moms out there searching for diverse books--books that allow us to empathize and understand different perspectives and experiences.
🌙 A Woman Is No Man - Etaf Rum ✨ The Other Americans - Laila Lamami 🌙 You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat ✨ Grape Leaves - Gregory Orfalea and Sharif Elmusa 🌙 The Wrong End of the Telescope - Rabih Alameddine ✨ The Beauty of Your Face - Sahar Mustafah 🌙 Martyr - Kaveh Akbar ✨ Between Two Moons - Aisha Abdel Gawad 🌙 Tasting the Sky - Ibtisam Barakat ✨ A Game for Swallows - Zeina Abirached 🌙 Love Is An Ex-Country - Randa Jarrar ✨ The Thirty Names of Night - Zeyn Joukhadar
🌙 I Was Their American Dream - Malaka Gharib ✨ A Country Called Amreeka - Alia Malek 🌙 A Theory of Birds - Zaina Alsous ✨ Against the Loveless World - Susan Abulhawa 🌙 Arab in America - Toufic El Rassi ✨ The Skin and Its Girl - Sarah Cypher 🌙 Sex and Lies - Leïla Slimani ✨ Loom - Thérèse Soukar Chehade 🌙 Birds of Paradise - Diana Abu-Jaber ✨ Come With Me - Noami Shihab Nye 🌙 Girls of Riyadh - Rajāʼ ʻAbd Allāh Ṣāniʻ ✨ How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? - Moustafa Bayoumi
🌙 Evil Eye - Etaf Rum ✨ The Girl Who Fell to Earth - Sophia Al-Maria 🌙 What Strange Paradise - Omar El Akaad ✨ Girls That Never Die - Safia Elhillo 🌙 Bahari - Dina Macki ✨ Life Without a Recipe - Diana Abu-Jaber 🌙 Egyptian Diary - Richard Platt ✨ Man O'War - Cory McCarthy 🌙 The Cave - Amani Ballour, MD ✨ The Map of Salt and Stars - Zeyn Joukhadar 🌙 They Called Me a Lioness - Ahed Tamimi and Dena Takruri ✨ Salt Houses - Hala Alyan
🌙 Arabiyya - Reem Assil ✨ Mornings in Jenin - Susan Abulhawa 🌙 Shubeik Lubeik - Deena Mohamed ✨ The Wrong End of the Telescope - Rabih Alameddine 🌙 Conditional Citizens - Laila Lamami ✨ An Unnecessary Woman - Rabih Alameddine 🌙 It Won't Always Be Like This - Malaka Gharib ✨ Proud - Ibtihaj Muhammad 🌙 The Land in Our Bones - Layla K Feghali ✨ Everything Comes Next - Naomi Shihab Nye 🌙 The Immortals of Tehran - Ali Araghi ✨ Starstruck - Sarafina El-Badry Nance
🌙 Our Women on the Ground - Various ✨ The Jasad Heir - Sara Hashem 🌙 Tell Me How You Really Feel - Aminah Mae Safi ✨ Surge - Etel Adnan 🌙 Here to Stay - Sara Farizan ✨ We Hunt the Flame - Hafsah Faisal 🌙 A Tempest of Tea - Hafsah Faizal ✨ The Bad Muslim Discount - Syed M. Masood 🌙 A Girl Like That - Tanaz Bhathena ✨ Not the Girls You're Looking For - Aminah Mae Safi 🌙 All-American Muslim Girl - Nadine Jolie Courtney ✨ The Moon That Turns You Back - Hala Alyan
🌙 Ms. Marvel - Destined - Saladin Ahmed ✨ Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card - Sara Saedi 🌙 Internment - Samira Ahmed ✨ Stardust Thief - Chelsea Abdullah 🌙 Once Upon an Eid - Various ✨ Farah Rocks Fifth Grade - Susan Muaddi Darraj 🌙 Barakah Beats - Maleeha Siddiqui ✨ Amira's Picture Day - Reem Faruqi 🌙 The Tale of Princess Fatima, Warrior Woman ✨ Lailah's Lunchbox - Reem Faruqi 🌙 In My Mosque - M.O. Yuksel ✨ Halal Hot Dogs - Susannah Aziz
🌙 The Proudest Blue - Ibtihaj Muhammad ✨ Silverworld - Diana Abu-Jaber 🌙 Other Words for Home - Jasmine Warga ✨ Time to Pray - Maha Addasi 🌙 Under My Hijab - Hena Khan ✨ Wishing Upon the Same Stars - Jacquetta Nammar Feldman 🌙 Amina's Voice - Hena Khan ✨ Yasmin the Recycler - Saadia Faruqi 🌙 The Shape of Thunder - Jasmine Warga ✨ Deep in the Sahara - Kelly Cunnane, Hoda Hadadi 🌙 The Turtle of Michigan - Naomi Shihab Nye ✨ Shad Hadid and the Alchemists of Alexandria - George Jreije
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holdupjack · 1 year
Paring: Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader
Hermione's P.O.V:
I smile softly as I watch Y/n walk into class with her uniform that was obviously put on in a hurry.
Resting my chin in my hand, my eyes follow her as she takes a seat next to Susan Bones a few tables in front of me.
"Why make us do Broom drills at Quidditch practice! It's not like we're first years!" I hear Y/n groan to Susan and I chuckle softly as Professor McGonagall walks in.
"Could you be anymore smitten?" Ginny whispers next to me and I roll my eyes.
"Trust me, I'm holding back a lot" I whisper back and she laughs quietly.
Y/n and I first met in fourth year when I ran into her at the library.
I smacked into her so hard, she fell into a shelf and knocked over so many books that we got kicked out of the library for the day for disturbing the peace.
At first I was so embarrassed that I was so caught up in my book that I ran into someone, but then I got a good look at her and...
I'm not usually one to say that it was 'love at first sight' but I can't deny that I, metaphorically, felt my pupils turn into hearts.
It also didn't help that she asked me to accompany her to the lake bonfire that a bunch of fifth and fourth years were throwing that night.
Of course I said yes.
Not without question though.
"Why would you want to go with a girl that just threw you out of the library?"
"It'll make a good story for the party!"
I chuckle softly again and begin to write down the notes that were being shown, my eyes still flickering to her every so often.
We didn't start dating till a year later though, and it wasn't even me who made the first move.
We were talking in my room, she was laying on my bed as I was finishing up some homework for Potions.
I was talking about how strict Snape was being lately with how he was grading our work.
When I looked over to get her opinion on the matter, she was sitting up and staring at me with a small smile.
"What?" I had asked and she just shrugged.
"Nothing, I just like your voice" she answered and I thought my heart had just did a cartwheel out the window.
"Hey Hermione?"
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
Merlin, I was so blunt.
My eyes shift back over to her and I feel them soften as I catch her writing something other than the notes.
Y/n Granger & Hermione Y/l/n
I could feel my whole face flush as cover it with my hands for a few moments.
"Smitten~" Ginny sings softly next to me and quickly kick her leg, which causes her to chuckle.
Only Y/n can make me this nonproductive in a class room.
I let my hands fall from my face and find her writing down her notes again.
Hermione Y/l/n...
I bite my lip softly as the thought of marriage invades my mind.
A house and a few pets in a small neighborhood near the city.
Maybe kids if she wants them.
I've seen how sweet she is to the first years, she'd be a great mom.
But I wouldn't mind if it was just us and some animals.
Waking up in her arms, or her in mine...sounds like pure heaven.
"Class dismissed!" I hear as I jumps slightly.
I look up to find everyone packing up, then down at my notes and find only a paragraph full of what should be a few pages.
Did I daydream that long?!
"I'll leave my notebook on your desk, since you can't seem to concentrate" Ginny tease as she stands up and I huff.
"Hermione!" I hear and I look over to find Y/n walking up to me with a smile that makes my mind blank.
"Hi my love" I say as I stand up and quickly stuff everything into my bag.
"May I walk you to our date?" She asks and I smile.
"It's our regular study session, it's not really a date" I chuckle out as she grins, holding out her hand for me.
"I like to think they're mini dates" she answers and I intertwine our fingers.
"Cute" I answer as I begin to walk with her to my room.
Our walk is calm as we slowly make our way there, the sun setting quickly.
There really is no rush to hunch ourselves over books for an hour or two.
Suddenly Y/n stops and I raise and eyebrow as she nods her head over to the opening to the  field in front of Hagrids hut.
"We graduate in a month my love, we should really study for the Newts" I mumble and she pulls me into a warm embrace.
"Just an hour Granger, then I promise to study with you all week" she states as her forehead leans against mine.
"Promise?" I ask and she nods.
"Fine" I laugh out as she takes my hand and pulls me towards the now dark field.
We drop our bags at the entrance and dash onto the grass, dozens of fireflies began to fly around us as we do so.
"Wow" I whisper as we both lay down on the grass, watching them all fly above us, blinking like morse code.
We're silent as we watch the sky fill with fireflies, our hands squeezes each other's from time to time.
I knew at this moment that we weren't going to study tonight.
Which I didn't mind.
"I've been thinking about Marriage" Y/n whispers and I can't help but feel my eyes widen in the darkness.
"Are you proposing?" I ask and she laughs.
"No! Not yet anyways" she chuckles and I smile softly.
Not yet.
My stomach is doing backflips at that simple comment.
"I was just thinking, would you ever marry me?" Y/n asks and I laugh softly.
"I was daydreaming about it earlier" I answer as Y/n sits up and leans over me with a smile matching my own.
"Really? Me too" she whispers and I chuckle feeling her lips ghost mine.
"I know, Y/n Granger" I tease as she presses a kiss to shush me.
One of my hands find themselves in her hair as we kiss, my eyes flutter closed at what seems like a simple peck.
Yet my mind goes fuzzy as my toes curl and stomach explodes with the jitters.
I wonder if Y/n feels like this when we kiss?
(Spoiler alert: she does, but at the moment she was trying to figure out my ring size from just holding my hand)
Y/n slowly pulls away and chuckles at me, and I just smile.
"What?" I laugh out.
"I can see like ten fireflies in your hair" she chuckles.
"Ew! Get them out!" I whine as she straddles my midsection and takes out her wand.
"No way, you look like a goddess! Lumos!" she mumbles as her wand shines a dim light in front of me.
"Wow" she whispers as I watch her face study me gently.
"Stop trying to make me fall harder for you, you already have me daydreaming about marriage" I tease and she smiles.
"Shhhh, don't scare them away! I want a few more moments to look at you like this" she whispers and I just smile at her awe filled stare.
Of course a few moments turn into ten minutes, yet I let her continue to gaze.
I felt like the most important person in the world.
In her world.
And that's all that matters to me.
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findafight · 2 years
I have been thinking of my Swimmer Steve au babyyyy...
Except. It isn't Will that gets stuck in the upsidedown. Its Dustin. His mom flips her shit and reports it that night, calling Karen and then Sue and then Joyce. No one's seen her boy.
Susan holds her hand as she looks through pictures for his missing poster. (they have been best friends since childhood and Lucas and Dustin have know each other since birth). She refuses to believe Dustin ran away or got lost in the woods because he knows better than that. Wouldn't have left Will by himself just to get lost in the woods!!
Joyce gets Jonathan to help put up posters at the highschool, and Robin and Steve see it and are like oh that's sad...but how are we, fifteen and sixteen year olds, supposed to help. And continue on with their regularly scheduled Tuesday plans.
Which is why Steve swims in his pool for probably the last time of the season, it's getting way too cold and he should have drained it before Halloween anyways, and pulls on sweats and a hoodie before tugging the pool cover, accidentally cutting his hand on the crank. (It's getting cold and his hands are drying out so his skin just caught and tore a little) and then he's gone.
Last post etc. Robin freaks and bikes to the police station to report Steve missing at lunch. His parents won't be home for another week and no one else besides his coach would even really care he's gone except maybe Nancy, who Steve is sorta dating after the teasing about Brazilian Gymnast made it clear that Buckley and Harrington weren't dating (yet, some say) but Nancy doesn't know his schedule well enough to know something's wrong soon enough.
And when asked how she knows he wouldn't skip town by a disinterested police officer OR Jonathan Byers I haven't decided which, (disregarding the fact his car was still in the driveway) a stressed and upset Robin says "because he would have taken me with him!" Because he would have. They'd talked about it, leaving Hawkins once they graduate and not looking back. Getting an apartment together and maybe working the same shitty retain job to make ends meet as she coaches him into gold medals.
If Steve were to run away, he would have taken her with him. But he didn't. Robin was still in Hawkins and Steve was gone. He didn't run away.
And then Dustin's "body" is found. Claudia knows it's not her boy. They didn't let her close to him but she saw, she saw, that the corpse on the table had front teeth, and her Dustin didn't. Susan Sinclair is beside her, nodding, and stands behind her as she tells Chief Hopper this. That it couldn't be her son because he had a condition, his teeth hadn't come in yet and he didn't have collar bones.
Meanwhile, Jonathan develops the pictures he took while going through the woods trying to help look for Dustin. He has one of Steve, standing bare footed in the pool gutter with his sweats rolled up, grimicing at his sliced hand, as something looms behind him. No Robin don't worry about the picture of shirtless and dripping Steve before that it's nothing a misshot don't mention it again
Dustin, who was pretty ambivalent about Hawkins' resident Olympic hopeful, clings to him in the upsidedown. He's glad he's bigger than Dustin and strong enough to be able to carry him if they need to run fast. Steve's gotten a bat out, already splattered with gore from whatever thing dragged them here, using shoes from the weird, nasty version of his house, and tells Dustin funny stories about his adventures with Robin as he keeps watch while Dustin tries to talk to his mom on the phone or to get the Christmas lights to blip in Morse code.
As Claudia and Sue discuss what's happening and how to get someone to believe them, the lights in the Henderson house keep flickering.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 days
So the Susan Elizabeth Phillips book I'm listening to is It Had to Be You (because the only Chicago Stars book I've read is Nobody's Baby But Mine and it's football season so TIME 2 GO)
And though there are for sure some choices made that VERY much signal this is a 1994 novel (one wording in like, the first chapter, made my eyebrows shoot STRAIGHT UP) (though I'll also say that this book is super about Gay Rights, like our heroine Phoebe surrounds herself with gay men and donated a fuckton of money to AIDs-related charities, and to be clear her 1990s football coach hero is also v down with the gays~, I am blindly going with it)
I will also say that whenever I read an SEP book, I'm struck by several things I find so difficult to find in current contemporary romcoms...
A) legit humor
B) ... thoughtful writing ....
C) the couple just. FUCKING AROUND.
Like, Phoebe has a lot of trauma and hangups (she's also 33, which I love! And I suspect that her hero, Dan, is probably in his late thirties/early forties) but a big part of this book is her learning to be comfortable with sex, which happens with Dan, even though Dan is in fact completely unaware that this is what is going on and just thought that her being like "Can you pretend I'm a virgin" the first time they boned was roleplaying
But like... they have sex... and he doesn't realize what a big deal it was for her so he just sorta skedaddles... and she's pissed about it so they sort of simmer in mutual "it'll never happen again" resentment... until they sorta buddy-buddy because he realizes he was being a dick (don't worry, this is SEP, he WILL be a dick again) and then she pisses him off so much by being like YOOHOO BOYS I THINK PICTURING THE OTHER TEAM NAKED WILL HELP YOU WIN THE FOOZEBALL GAME and then it WORKS, so naturally he then confronts her in the airplane bathroom directly after and she calls him on his shit and dresses him down, only to realize during turbulence-related body-slamming that her berating him made him FULLY aroused, which leads to a partial airplane BJ (her first BJ) (Dan, who does not know this is her first BJ, mentally: she is "sweetly awkward" about this) and an airplane fingerbang (complete) (this poor football team is just asleep a few feet away)
And now! They're just sorta sitting in snarky, not-dating, sometimes fucking around limbo... all while this man is fully like "I WILL BE ASKING THAT SWEET NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER OUT BECAUSE I THINK SHE'LL BE A GREAT MOM TO MY NONEXISTENT KIDS.... TOMORROW........................... AFTER I FUCK PHOEBE AGAIN.................."
(Because mind you, when she was all "but you didn't come in this airplane bathroom" he was like "ohmigod her sweetly awkward unfinished BJ made me feel A Feeling, I've gotta put some distance between us by telling her that one day I'm going to just say 'Now' and regardless of where we are or what she's doing she needs to follow me to the closest broom closet and SPREAD'")
(to which Phoebe goes "oh actually that sounds amazing", so it did backfire)
There is no discussion of dating or their feelings! There is no rational discussion! They're just impetuously hooking up when they get horny! And sitting there snarking at the workplace (because MIND YOU, she OWNS THE FOOTBALL TEAM HE'S COACHING) while everyone on this football team probably considers whether or not this is becoming a hostile work environment! They're sort of semi-raising her teenage sister together at this point and there has been NO! DEFINING! THE RELATIONSHIP! NO! SENSE! ALL! FEELINGS! AND! FUCKING! AND! MESS!
Honestly??? It also just feels more like how a lot of relationships develop organically??? From situationships to "Oh wait, we're like... dating..." without a full-length discussion until it's already kinda happening?
Like, this is the vibe I want from a contemporary romance. Less rational robotic shit and more "local idiots stumble into love"
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911 Spoilers Season 4: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episodes 10 - 12
Episode 10: Parenthood
Vlog Mom: The mom is pinned to pin the tail on the Donkey. Eddie and Hen working together observing the victim.
Buck being surrounded by kids; he is showing off the circular saw and talking about how powerful a tool it is. He gets creeped out when one of the kids mentions using the saw on human bones.
Bobby calling Buck over, Buck must have been relived to get out of that weird conversation.
Buck trying to make mom better by stating she at least knows how to guild a shed. Mom revealing that a sponsor picked it out and put it together. Eddie stating that she at least has help taking it down.
Eddie and Bobby walking together, Eddie explains that She wont fit in the ambulance, they’d need a flat bed. Bobby pointing out that they can’t wait. Cuts to Eddie and Hen on top of the fire engine, with the patient.
Chim is showing Eddie baby pictures. At the photo Chim claims she’s smiling, Eddie makes the comment, “ She’d making the same face Buck makes when he’s gassy.” Buck chiming in stating that he’ll take that comment as a compliment, because it means she looks like her uncle Buck. Eddie looking up at Buck as he says it, Buck looking directly at him.
I understand that Eddie was likely just making a joke, but his statement implies that they are so close and have spent enough time together, to know when Buck is a bit gassy.
Eddie and Buck smiling at Chimney’s love for his daughter. Eddie is the one to ask how Maddie is doing on her first solo shift with baby. Buck remind Chim that his offer to have Albert stay at his place still stands.
Eddie asking all the important questions and asking if Maddie and Chim have opposite schedules, how are they having time to see each other.
Everyone tries to act natural as Hen comes up the stair with a surprise cake. She is disappointed in everyone for not having ballons or a banner celebrating his return. Eddie, Buck, and Bobby smiling like idiots as Chim shows Hen the baby pictures.
Sneaking in goes wrong; Eddie and Buck pull out the gurney and walk it over. Eddie and Buck standing near each other, watching Dad and Mom bicker back and forth about how to parent their adult son. Buck chiming into say a quarter life crisis is a real thing, Eddie laughs at him.
Chimney asks if both parents can be the good cop, every parent chiming in unison with a “no.”
Buck making a point to say kids don’t need too much discipline, Eddie stating he would love to know what Buck’s definition of too much discipline looks like.  Eddie and Buck working together to lift up the son and move him onto the gurney.
Eddie and Ana are having a date night, watching TV. Chis interrupts their cuddling to ask if he can join them because he can’t sleep. Ana shifting away from Eddie and offering for Chris to sit in between them. Eddie lifting Chris up and placing him in the middle. They all cuddle and readjust; Eddie lets Chris pick something to watch.
Episode 11: First Responders
Sue’s accident; Buck hops out the truck, Eddie right behind. Chim recognizes Sue, but Buck is the one to identify her.
Eddie is the one to instruct everyone to get Susane onto the board, guiding her with his hand. As Susane attempts to say something, Eddie is the one to ask what is she say saying. Buck is the one to make out she is saying 911.  Eddie reassuring Sue that they are there and they have her.
Not really sure how Chim and Hen started off with observing her and it switching over to Eddie and Buck taking over. But it happened, we even get two random firefighters taking over while Sue is put into the ambulance.
The security guard that watched the accident happen tells Buck that this was not an accident, whoever ran her over wanted her to die, they never took their foot off of the gas.
Buck visits dispatch, tells Josh and Maddie about what the security guard told him. They are trying to piece together what could of caused this.
Buck and Taylor are getting lunch together. Buck asks Taylor if she knows anything about the 911 call center. She admits to knowing almost nothing about the call center, aside from the fact that his sister works there.
Buck starts to info dump about Sue and how she started working at the call center since it opened, in 1984. He which he clarifies that the 911 phone number had existed prior to the center’s creation. Even letting Taylor know that dispatchers are not considered first responders in most parts of the country, only recently having changed in California in the past year.
He discloses how Sue was in a hit and run accident and mentions only 10% of hit and runs ever get solved. Taylor piecing together that Buck isn’t just info dumping and has an idea. Buck explains that the police have no leads, but if this accident had some coverage and more people knew about if, they could probably get some leads.
Buck starts to compliment Taylor, stating he has a friend that just so happens to be an amazing reporter. She smiles and starts to game plan on how she will sell the story to her editor.
Buck drives into the grocery store parking lot, where Sue’s accident occurred. Taylor is satnding outside waiting for him, she discloses that she’s seen the video footage of the accident and that something weird was obviously going on.  Buck wants to see the footage, but Taylor tells him that it’ll probably better if she just tells him what she saw.
Buck is confused by this suggestion, but Taylor explains that it’s because he knows her, and watching a video like that about someone you know is difficult. Buck insists on watching the video.
Buck and Taylor start to create a narrative as to why Sue was run over, which leads them to want to search thru the trash for possible evidence. As they walk over to the trash bins, Buck recounts the story of Bobby and Michael’s illegal plastic surgery clinic adventure, with out mentioning their names, just that the guy was tossing evidence in the dumpster.
The illegal plastic surgery clinic story line happened is Episode 7 of this season. I didn’t take notes on it because it was a Bobby and Michael story line, no way to tie it to Buck or Eddie. But I’m mentioning it now because Buck states it happened a few months ago. I’m just taking this moment to stress how there are normally a lot of time jumps with in the same season, so we can always assume that relationships continue to grow and strengthen even when we don’t see it.  
Taylor and Buck discuss possibly calling the police as they approach the dumpster but are stopped by Athena before they can even search.
Buck is in an interrogating room, mindlessly roaming around and checking his teeth in the two way mirror. Athena walks in and tells Buck what they found in the dumpster, explain the hand bag belongs to the missing girl. Sue is likely tied to this because she most likely saw the girl with her kidnapper.
Buck puts together that the Sue was likely giving a partial plate, instead of saying 911 at the scene of the accident.
Taylor is sitting in a separate interrogation room, when she is told to call her camera man instead of the station lawyers.
So I know Athena brought Taylor and Buck to the station, mostly to keep Buck from playing detective and possibly getting himself into trouble or tampering with possible viable evidence. But what grounds did she have to bring both Taylor and Buck into the station. If they weren’t arrested, why did they need to be placed in separate interrogation rooms. If they were being detained, what would be the reason for holding them.
Container Yard: The 118 responds to help the drugged victim. Eddie hops out the truck and grabs a small saw and cuts open the lock on the gate, allowing the engine to move into the container yard.
Eddie, Hen, and Chim, are sitting in the truck waiting for the all clear, they are eager to go help the victim.
Eddie’s inpatients is growing, telling Bobby that they’ve waiting long enough. Hen chiming in that they need to get in there to help the victim. The scene is cleared and the 118 moves in. They are momentarily lost, unsure of which direction to head to or what container number they need to get to. Luckily the officer spots them and directs them the victim.
Eddie, Chim, and Hen all administer aid. I think this is really interesting because I’m use to Hen and Chimney administering aid and Eddie only administering aid when they need extra hands or one of them isn’t available. I like that their able to work so smoothly as a team of three.
Eddie calls over to Bobby asking if he is okay, after being shot at and dodging the bullets.
Buck is in his living room, watching Taylor on the news, reporting about Sue’s accident and the found kidnapper. Taylor knocks on his door, revealing that that recording is rerun. She brought champagne to celebrate, specifically celebrate Justice for the victims. Buck smiles at that distinction.
Episode 12: Treasure Hunt
Message in a bottle rescue:  The 118 pulls up to the scene, they are all wearing sunglasses. They stand side by side as they look over the landscape. Bobby is standing in between Buck and Eddie.
Buck points out that the bottle could have been floating around for months, and there may be no one to rescue. Hen pointing out that it means their search and rescue becomes a search and recovery. Bobby points out the paper the note was written on was from a receipt dated a few days ago. Eddie states that he hopes it wasn’t the victims last meal.
Chim and Eddie are instructed to hop on to the helicopter. Buck is visibly disappointed at the fact that he won’t be apart of the rescue.  Chim tells Eddie to harness up so that he’ll be the one to descend to the victim and grab him.
Chim notices that Buck is disappointed, but tells him that he can go next time.
Eddie spots the victim and descends to him with a bottle. Eddie introduces himself to the victim and as he checks up on him notices he is burning up. He hands the drink to the victim and proceeds to administer aid.
As Eddie is securing the victim’s leg into a splint, the victim is begging for painkillers and to let him continue his journey. Eddie assumes the victim is delirious and calls over the radio for Chimney to prepare fluid, while he denies victims request.
Eddie secures the victim to the harness and they are pulled up into the helicopter.  When the helicopter lands, Buck and Bobby run over with the gurney and help transfer him over.
The 118 standing around the helicopter confused as the victim goes on about a treasure.
Back at the station, they are surrounding the tv, listening to Taylor report about an dead author who has apparently buried treasure for his fans to find. Eddie is standing in between Chim and Hen with his hands in his pockets and Buck is standing next to Bobby with his arms crossed.
Eddie vocalizing his surprise at the sound of 5 million dollars. Everyone has shocked faces as they continue to listen to the story. Buck and Bobby look at each other as the story ends.
The one 118 is gathered around the couch area, each one of them on their phones looking down and reading the poem associated with the treasure hunt.
Buck is the only one to seemingly be excited about the treasure, exploring the what if, if they find it. Everyone else seems to have a difference of opinion, expressing how dangerous and stupid the treasure hunt would be.
The deliberate on how more people will likely join the search and they’ll have more treasure related emergencies. Eddie pointing out that “Your girlfriend’s new story is probably not gonna help out with that.” Buck quickly correcting Eddie by stating, “She’s my friend, not my girlfriend, …” Eddie mockingly shakes his head as Buck continues deny any romance.
Everyone starts to walk away. Notably Eddie is still glued to his phone as he slowly walks away. Buck remains seated as he gets a call from Taylor.
Buck confirms that they had a treasure related call that morning. Taylor reveals that the author’s assistant claims to have seen the treasure himself before he died. Buck points out that Taylor didn’t mention that part in her segment, and she admits it’s because the assistant is concerned over his safety.
Buck looks over at his team as he tells Taylor they can compare note and team up to find the treasure together. I will say I’m not a particular fan of how the telephone call ends with Buck stating not everybody is gonna win as the camera pans back to the 118 in the kitchen, oblivious to the conversation.
I think this is the best time for me to circle back to my first post regarding Season 4, where I mention that we start to notice the writers starting to separate Eddie and Buck. It’s very subtle and they aren’t really keeping them apart, but compared to Season 2 and 3, there is definitely a shift. The distance can be explained as the writers trying to strengthen the over all dynamic of the entire 118, which I fully support. I’m also aware of how us Buddie Shippers can take things a little to far and they needed to have us chill out a bit. Season 4 is obviously not the Season they actively separate them, but we do see less of Buck and Eddie pressed up onto each other, but still implied strong friendship.
Montage of dangerous treasure related calls; Buck, Bobby, and Eddie walking over towards the man trapped under a bear statue. Eddie being sassy and saying to cross of Griffith Bear Park statue off the list.
Bobby tries to stop a man from digging with an excavator, when it becomes apparent that the man won’t stop, he turns around and tells everyone to run for cover. Eddie decides to take this moment and jump through the engine window as everyone runs around the engine to hide behind it.
Eddie is hosing down the area from one side and Buck hoses it down from the other side.
Eddie and Buck are cleaning the engine, talking about the treasure hunt and all the emergencies. Eddie points out that all the people getting hurt are solo acts and no one is working as a team.
Buck theorizes that it’s because people are greedy and don’t want to share the treasure. Eddie pointing out that that may be the flaw in their plan and that two brains are better than one. There is a quick pause as Eddie looks at Buck before suggesting they work together to find the treasure, split the treasure 50/50.
Buck apologizes and admits to already having a deal with Taylor. Eddie shakes his head and looks down, he starts going back to cleaning the engine. Buck looks at Eddie apologetic and offers 1/3 of the treasure.
Taylor leans against Buck’s dining room table as she tells Buck that he has to give Eddie ½ of his cut. Eddie is standing behind the kitchen counter with a beer bottle in his hands as Buck is sitting on the counter with his hands together. Eddie is quick to call out Taylor for being greedy, but she clarifies that she has already promised ½ of her cut to her camera man.
Buck mediates the situation and states that it’s no big deal they can split it in fourth and they still get a million each. Taylor pointing out that ¼ of zero is still zero.
Eddie reveals that he’s done some research on the willow tree thing and mentions a type of plant called an arroyo willow. Buck and Taylor basically revealing that they already looked into it, making Eddie look like the third wheel.  Eddie sits behind them as they hover over the dinning room table.
Eddie is so sassy in this scene. It’s obvious that he’d rather not be doing this whole thing with Taylor, but he doesn’t have a choice. His little sarcastic, “Go Team.” is everything. Poor guy feels left out.
Eddie and Buck set up their plan to get Ravi to reveal any information he has on the treasure hunt. They enact their plan in the locker room, they don’t have a subtle bone in their bodies, because they instantly look at each other and stand closely together and just look obvious. So much so that Chim and Hen catch on to their tricks out side of the locker room.
Fire Ants: Buck walks around the truck, towards Eddie. They set up the hose together. Eddie aiming the hose as Buck turns on the water, trying to get the ants to disburse.
Eddie and Buck standing behind watching Chim and Hen get to work. Eddie is seriously judging the victim. Buck and Eddie start scratching as they wait for Hen and Chim to leave with the victim.
Septic tank mishap: Buck hops out of the truck and Eddie is right behind as Bobby debriefs the situation. Eddie is instructed to extend the aerial ladder over the hole, to help lower Buck down, so he can pull her out of the hole.
Buck is confused as to why he has to do it, Chim reminding him that he was told he could preform the next harness related rescue.
Buck is disgruntled at the situation as he stands there looking around.
Eddie is on top of the engine, controlling the mechanism lowering Buck down the hole. Buck vocalizes that he’s not looking forward to getting down there. As Buck is being lowered, the victim starts drowning. Buck starts to panic; he needs to be closer to grab her.
Bobby instructs Eddie to drop Buck faster. Buck is dunked into the substance and is able to pull the victim up and out of the hole.
Buck, Eddie, and Bobby are outside of the ambulance when victim’s boyfriend, as far as they know, steps out of the ambulance and the ambulance driving away. Buck is removing the suit he just had on. Eddie sniffs the air around Buck, makes a face implying he sticks and walks away.  Bobby vocalizes the disgust and walks away. Buck is left standing alone, annoyed, with the suit half on. (I wonder if they hosed him down, or had him ride outside of the engine)
The 118 is gathered upstairs at the station near the pool table. Chim and Eddie are obviously in the middle of a game when it is revealed to them that the author of the treasure hunt is alive and they are all a part of his research. Buck is leaning against the pool table.
Eddie points out they should be paid for being apart of his research and asks Bobby if Athena knows where the treasure is at.  They officially give up the treasure hunt.
Buck is telling Taylor about the news. They are drinking and talking about how they’ve gotten played. Buck is being flirty in the moment, but Taylor is either too caught up in being upset or is oblivious to his subtle attempt. Taylor is lost in thought as she remembers some important information about the author.
Buck and Eddie walk in on Athena and Bobby, Chim and Hen, already at the spot. Eddie and Buck brought their gear, Eddie explaining they didn’t know the terrane and wanting to be prepared. Eddie than pointing at Chim and Hen about how they brought their med kits.
Buck and Eddie are standing closely together as Buck reveals that Taylor remembered the Author running near the river, as the reason why they knew where to look.
Buck pulling out his calculator to try to figure out how they are going to split the money up 7 ways.
The 118 and Athena are on the bridge looking over into the river, trying to locate where they could find the treasure. Buck and Eddie are still close together. They spot Ravi already at the spot digging.  Eddie asks Buck what 5 million divided by 8 is, Buck responds with he’s not doing any more math.
Ravi brings up the treasure chest to the group, they stand around him as Ravi opens the chest. Buck and Eddie are standing at the separate ends. Buck with his arms cross focused on the chest. Eddie slightly annoyed a rushing Ravi with his hand gestures.
One of my favorite stills of the entire 118;
Tumblr media
The 118 shows up at the author’s home to confront him about the empty treasure chest. They notice the gate and the front door being open. Athena instructs everyone to stay outside while she investigates.  Buck and Eddie are standing near each other as they watch Athena walk in to the building.
Everyone ignores Athena’s command and walk in behind her, they find the dead body on the ground. Police sirens are heard in the distance. Everyone is visibly concerned.
Detective is questioning the entire 118. Trying to piece together the situation. Eddie states, “ We didn’t kill him.” Buck chimes in, “We just wanted to.” Causing Bobby to freak out a little and just say “Buck”
Ravi tries to deny his association with the 118 and each of them turning towards him, silently judging him and death glares.
The 118 minus Ravi, but plus Taylor is at Athena’s house. Taylor and Buck are sitting near each other. Chim is sitting in between Taylor and Eddie. Eddie is sitting diagonally across from Buck. They are rehashing the whole treasure hunt thing. Buck asking what they think happened with the money. Eddie is explaining to Buck that the Treasure never existed.
Buck revealing that he doesn’t trust anyone. Everyone looking at him displeased with that response. Eddie specifically looked at Buck with piercing eyes. Buck corrects himself and specifies that he didn’t mean them.  
Buck flirting with Taylor in a not-so-subtle way. Taylor kind of flirting back, but reels it in by saying she’s glad they are friends.  Buck repeating the word friends and being slightly annoyed.
Really wish they kept this dynamic a little longer, or maybe established sooner. This is when I thought Taylor and Buck would eventually be end game. The moment felt like every other lovers to friends story I know, where they end up back together, not that Buck and Taylor where ever really a couple prior.
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elisedonut · 9 months
Lightning round because i for sure got distracted and never finished after day 12
so here we go i wont go into too much detail for any of these I did skip a couple that i didn't have an idea for as expected but enjoy!
13. A fic with over 100k words 
Percy Take the Wheel by KittySmith
My personal favorite long Percy-centric fic!
Based on the concept of “What if Molly and Arthur died between the first and second books and Percy ended up being the brother to step up to take care of his younger siblings”
14. A favorite series
Harry Potter and the Ticket Backwards by viciousmouse
Gen Time travel Au’s my beloved. Another Harry goes back in fic but this one has a ton of focus on smaller characters Dudley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott ect ect.
Also Harry convinces Percy to try to become a lawyer. 
16 A fic that made you laugh 
Hexes Are Not Romantic by Electroid
Flintley with Marcus being dumb and not going about this whole flirting thing very well. Very cute.
19. Fic with the hottest smut 
Points (not) Taken by Green
Flintley with honestly, again Marcus just not doing boundaries but i think about it alot, it’s probably one of my favorite Flintley works.
20. A fic rated G
Dancing Lessons by HPfanatic12 
Gen fic where Percy teaches Harry how to dance for the Yule Ball. Very cute and fun concept.
+ Ludicrous by mrsprobie 
Justin Finch-Fletchley/Percy Weasley, meet cute. Very cute.
23. A soulmate fic
Into Oblivion by hmweasley
Draco Malfoy/Percy Weasley, I know someone else has Rec’ed this one for this fest already but i am too it’s very interesting 
24. A holiday fic
Saving Christmas by A_Door 
Percy Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Very cute story of Blaise trying to show Percy their into him without saying it despite their many attempts going right over Percy’s head.
25. A fic rated T
wholly true by starsailing
Flintley, Once again awkward Marcus trying to court/flirt will never not be entertaining to me. In this case with gift giving 
26. A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about
There's Rue for You by Mr_Customs_Man
Flintley but only like kinda, anyway Ok so i’ll admit i'm stretching ending here. The part I think the most about with this is the end of Percy’s stay with Marcus but still I think about the regular ending too, because that whole last paragraph is just oof.
It’s fic exploring an AU where Peter polyjuiced as Percy after the fight and Percy goes through hell
27. A Muggle-AU fic
blueberry eyes ( seem to make time still ) by pandorascrate
Hannah Abbott/Percy Weasley. I liked that they didn't immediately get together. It took years in the story for them to get together. Also Percy feels good in this. I like the way he was written.
29. A post-canon fic More Lessons in Grieving as Taught by Dennis Creevy by angeladex
Gen Dennis and George talk after the final battle. Pulling Dennis into stories revolving around the Weasley’s grief for Fred is always really interesting to me and i’m not going to lie this one almost made me cry.
30. A pre-canon fic Life Lessons as Taught by Luna Lovegood by angeladex
Gen When Luna’s mom dies she goes to the burrow to tell the Weasley’s her family won’t be coming over for dinner after all and Percy walks her home. I really liked this. Percy’s reactions to a 9 year old Luna trying to weave around saying outright that her mom is dead was really good.
31. A fav amongst favs Vivaldi and Hot Chocolate by Patriceavril
Stan Shunpike/Percy Weasley, I’m very biased towards this one i won’t even lie but i love it very much. It’s cute, it’s sweet. Percy’s characterization is really nice. Stan’s characterization is really fun.
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remuslupinkinnie1979 · 8 months
Since it's marauders non-men month and I didn't post anything about it yesterday, I wanted to share some of my headcanons on Amelia Bones and Emma Vanity
One year above the marauders
Shared dorm with Emmeline Vance and Hestia Jones
Aroace, non binary they/them, preferred to go by Am
Loved Quidditch and always supported Emmeline
Swedish but sucked at the language
Met Emma Vanity through Emmeline and they became friends quickly, and in 7th year diced to have a queerplatonic relationship
Twins with Edgar Bones and had a younger brother named Michael (Susan Bones's father)
Was a fan of KISS
Could look kinda mean and scary, but was a true sweetheart
Loved dying their hair different colours every few weeks
In 5th year they would wear sunglasses EVERYWHERE and nobody knew why
Very smart, best subject was Transfiguration
Their family was Christian, but very accepting, so the had great contact with them. After all of them were killed Am was heartbroken
Micheal would sometimes leave them with little Susan, but they didn't really mind (what is the gender neutral term for aunt/uncle?)
Loved their niece, younger brother and sister-in-law
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Emma Vanity
Obsessed with Quidditch (Slitherin Keeper)
One year above the marauders
Childhood friends with Emmeline Vance and Benjy Fenwick
In Hogwarts met Amelia, Hestia, Caradoc Dearbone and Edgar Bones
You say one bad thing about her friends and you can dig your grave 🪦
Aroace mean lesbian - she/they
Didn't really care about clothes or anything but still was somehow the 'IT girl'
Could and will kill you with just the stare
Very strict Quidditch captain, but had a soft spot for Reg and Dorcas
QPR with Am
Had a soft spot for little Susan and was the 'could auntie Emma'
Her father died when they were little,raised by her mom and grandma
Grandma was kinda conservative so they had a love-hate relationship when Emma came out
Knew Spanish
Their family was good friends with Fenwicks and Vances
A member of Order of the Phoenix (first and second)
Between wars played professionally
One of the only survivors
Almost went mad after Emmeline's and Amelia's death (was ready to bury Snape and Dumbledore alive)
Her and Mary were keeping each other sane
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
I know that there was the cougar brigade that hung out at the pool during Billy’s shifts but what about the single mom brigade led by Joyce and Mrs. Henderson who just want to take care of the lonely kids in Hawkins?
Maybe it starts out with Neil volunteering Billy to help people around the neighborhood because he doesn’t like the delinquent reputation his son has despite his perfect grades. Billy does everything without protest even if he’s spending his free time during the summer mowing lawns and helping out with housework when needed. Mrs. Henderson was one of the few who tried to say no to Neil when he “volunteered” Billy but Billy himself had said it was okay so she reluctantly agreed, deciding to make treats for the poor young man as payment.
She’s extremely oblivious to the flirting attempts Billy makes and he very quickly forgets to flirt when Claudia shoves a plate of brownies in front of him with an order to finish them all because a growing boy like him needs it. Billy doesn’t really eat much at home so he finishes it all and Claudia even offers to show him how to make the brownies and a few other recipes. She tells him he’s free to come over whenever she’s home since her son, Dustin is away at summer camp.
Billy takes her up on it and he’s extremely hesitant at first but Claudia brightens at the company every time she sees him and she like seeing him with a bit more meat on his bones because he’s too thin. It also helps that she catches on quickly and she makes sure to tell Neil what a big help Billy is while her son is away. They talk about a lot of things while cooking and baking but she praises him for the little things and she makes sure to observe Billy every time she sees him for new bumps or bruises, hugging him hello too because she knows the type of men like Neil Hargrove and they’re not the type to care about the wellbeing of their children.
Weirdly enough, Steve and Billy end up becoming friends because of Claudia. Steve came over when Billy was already there, washing the dishes while waiting for the cookies he’d experimented on to come out of the oven. Steve is initially antagonistic until Claudia comes bustling in, kissing both of Steve’s cheeks and pulling him in for a quick hug. She doesn’t take no for an answer about Steve staying so they awkwardly break the ice over Billy’s delicious cookies.
They make good conversation until Steve makes an offhand and tone-deaf comment about Claudia not being his usual clientele, knowing all about the moms who stare at him at the pool. Of course, Claudia overhears and asks Billy all about it and when he explains with Steve making a few interjections about what the women were doing, she’s rightfully pissed at them. When she hears that Karen Wheeler was the one to start it all, she fumes even more because Karen plays all high and mighty but then she pulls this bullshit.
Ste tells Billy that he needs to tell her if the women ever make him feel uncomfortable and the way he won’t look her in her eyes tells her that she’s a bit too late. However, she knows it’s not too late to fix things but she’ll need some back up if she’s going to take on Karen and the harpies she calls her friends. After sending Billy and Steve home with tupperwares of baked goods and the promise of coming back next week, she goes over to the Byer’s house to get Joyce’s opinion on things.
Joyce is equally as outraged as she is but she refuses to take any action without them roping Susan in. She and Susan had become somewhat decent friends because she worked nearby and Joyce had had bad suspicions about Neil Hargrove because there were some things he did that reminded her of Lonnie which wasn’t a good thing.
The purposefully bump into Susan on her lunch break at work the next day and they share what they know about what’s been going on to Billy at his work. Susan is feeling exceedingly vulnerable at that point about Billy because he’d just been beaten again last night in front of her and she couldn’t keep turning a blind eye to it. Knowing that he didn’t feel safe at his work made her feel even more like a shitty mother because she never bothered to get to know him well enough for him to trust and confide in her.
She breaks down in front of her two friends, telling them all about what Billy has to deal with at home and how she doesn’t want it to happen anymore but that she also can’t do anything because she can’t risk Max’s safety. Joyce and Claudia calm her down and they help her realize that they can fix things one small problem at a time.
Billy has a shift the next Saturday so the three of them can confirm with their own two eyes about what’s been happening before confronting the women and Joyce can easily get in contact with Chief Hopper about Neil so that Susan can have him on standby for the next time that Neil gets physical with Billy. Since Neil liked to throw away words and threaten to beat Billy to death if he didn’t learn his lessons, Neil could be charged with premeditated murder and abuse of a minor.
The women reconvene after work and they all plan until all the variables are smoothed out and everything is ready. Susan would tell Neil that Claudia asked her if she could borrow Billy for a few days to help her fix the stuff in her basement so that could keep him out of the house for a while. Joyce would deal with getting Hopper on board with everything while they all waited for Saturday to see if they were right to be disgusted by the women who called themselves mothers.
Meanwhile, Billy had gotten Steve to meet up with him at the quarry after leaving Mrs. Henderson’s house where he properly apologized for what he did and they talked things out. Steve’s clued into Billy’s abuse when he remembers how Billy looked at school the next day as soon as Billy mentioned that he was worried about the consequences of Max’s actions.
Steve doesn’t bother with bullshitting Billy so he asks him directly if he’s being hurt at home. The doe in headlights look on Billy’s face speaks volumes and Steve can’t help himself but to pull the younger man into a hug as tears start falling from his eyes. Billy cries into Steve, all while Steve holds him tight and calms him down. Later, Billy finds the courage to share some of the stories he had of Neil while Steve listened with open ears and a bleeding heart.
After Billy shared, Steve convinces Billy to trust him that he could get Hopper to deal with Neil once and for all. Billy doesn’t want that because what about Max and Susan? They’d suffer in his place because Neil may be an asshole but he’s the asshole who pays a lot of the bills. Steve tells him to let him worry about that part. His focus is on getting Billy away from Neil.
Steve offers his house to Billy as a safe haven if he needs it. Billy makes a joke that at least he can stop sleeping in his car at the quarry so much and Steve’s heart breaks for the teen he’d so badly misjudged. For once, he sees the same kid that Mrs. Henderson sees, the sad, lonely boy who’s crying out for attention and for someone to care and Steve’s more than willing to step up even if he and Billy had had their problems in the past.
Steve meets up with Billy after their shifts or late at night to smoke and talk and he finds that he likes the softer side of Billy that very few people get to see. He even gets to hear Billy sing and it makes him realize his attraction to Billy. Steve doesn’t want to make things awkward though so he doesn’t say anything and instead panics until he tells Robin everything because he can’t focus on work when Billy’s always on his mind.
Robin helps him realize that he’s bisexual and that he might actually have a chance with Billy if the mustard colored hanky he had in his left pocket had anything to say about it. Steve doesn’t want to do anything though until he gets Neil out of the picture. Thankfully, Joyce had already told Hopper so Steve doesn’t have to explain anything except the additional stories Billy had told him about Neil. Hopper agrees to take care of Neil as soon as possible while subtly informing Steve that it might be a good idea to talk to Joyce about Billy.
However, when Steve comes over to the Byer’s house, he’s greeted by Claudia, Joyce and Susan who basically interrogate him about his intentions with Billy and what he knows about the moms who go to the pool during Billy’s shift. Steve is fed before he leaves but he leaves feeling like he’s survived a war with the warning to come to the public pool early on Saturday Morning if he wants to see something cool happen.
Steve doesn’t bother telling Billy about it, too embarrassed to say that the three moms had terrified him into sharing secrets about himself he hadn’t told anyone else but he supports the younger boy in any way he can. He’s there bright and early at the community pool even though he has his own and he’s just eagerly counting down the minutes until the single mom brigade comes because the cougars are already in position.
Billy's just arrived at his station after awkwardly walking past the cougars and doing the bare minimum of interacting with them as necessary when he hears Mrs. Henderson call out his name, waving him over eagerly with Susan and Joyce in tow. Billy is honestly surprised to see Susan there but she doesn't let that deter her from slathering him in sunscreen as soon as he comes over like she usually did Max while Claudia shoved a tumbler with ice cold lemonade and a tupperware of brownies at him for him to snack on during his shift.
The moms fuss over Billy for a good ten minutes in full view of everyone in the pool, especially the cougars who shifted awkwardly as they watch the teen they were lusting over be babied by women their age. Joyce watched the moms sat up and talked in hushed whispers while watching a blushing Billy have sunscreen be applied by his mom. It seemed that everyone here was surprised to see him act his actual age for once instead of posturing like he usually did which made them all keep staring.
Billy hurriedly made his way to his station mindful of the awful blush he still had on his face but he couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy inside because he'd felt cared for and it was very rare that he felt that way. He stubbornly avoided the glances of the cougars lounging at the side of the pool as he did his job, watching the pool and making sure everyone was safe.
As soon as Billy took the fifteen minute break Steve told them about and went into the locker room, Claudia, Susan and Joyce pounced. Joyce took the lead because she'd had no love lost for these women especially since they called her crazy for believing her son was still alive when he was missing in the Upside Down.
Joyce enjoyed publicly berating them for looking at someone who was young enough to be their child and actually went to school with their children. Susan made sure to make her thoughts about it clear when she said that just because they didn't get to see Billy growing up didn't mean he still wasn't just a child and how she felt disgusted that the women who had welcomed her into Hawkins were preying on her underage son. Claudia was there to look disappointed at them and to make them feel guilty about how they'd treated this poor boy who was in a very vulnerable time in his life.
Joyce went especially hard on Karen who conveniently forgot that Billy was in Nancy's year and she, Claudia and Susan made sure to make it clear that if they found any of them near Billy again, they'd have no qualms bringing it up to their husbands and if they refused to stop, maybe even daring to go to the newspaper about a story of grooming since Mr. Holloway owed Joyce a few favors. The women were all white-faced and stiff by the end of it but they made sure to finish all they wanted to say before Steve was done distracting Billy.
By the time Billy came out of the locker room twenty minutes later with significantly more swollen lips and mussed hair, the cougar brigade had long since left, turning tail and running away so they can go back to their nuclear family fantasies. Billy was instantly suspicious but he was riding the high of getting his crush to be his new boyfriend so he didn't bother ruining his mood by asking questions.
That same evening, Susan knew that Neil would be coming home late and he'd hate how happy Billy has been in the past few weeks so she'd warned Hopper to be waiting. She'd been given a walkie-talkie of all things to communicate with him but thankfully, it was pretty well hidden in her favorite purse so the minute dinner was over, she had run off to powder her nose and to get Hopper to get over here as quickly as he could. Her foresight had paid off because Neil had barely been able to land a few hits on Billy before the door was being busted open and handcuffs were placed on him.
Max had long been sent to her room for talking back to Neil during dinner so the chaos that unfolded had her rushing out to the astonishing sight of her brother, wrapped up in a blanket clinging tightly onto her mother, crying in her arms. A very visible bruise was forming on his face in the shape of Neil's palm which quickly clued Max as to what happened.
Max genuinely hadn't known what was happening even if she had known something was off. She ran to join in the embrace, making sure to take it light on her brother who may or may not have more injuries hiding. Out of a need to catalog his injuries, Billy was advised by Hopper to get checked out at the hospital and since none of them would be sleeping any time soon, they decided to get it over with.
Susan drove her children to the hospital, meeting Claudia there who helped them through all of the necessary procedures as a nurse. It had been heart-wrenching for her to see the scars and the damage that Neil had done on Billy and it pained her to have to photograph it all but Claudia had to be brave for Billy because these would only strengthen their case against Neil.
Both Susan and Max had been shocked at the extent and severity of the scars and damage Billy had been dealt and even though Susan had known Neil was violent, the tapestry of scars on Billy's back painted a really horrifying picture of what they'd unknowingly allowed to continue. Max hadn't been able to stop herself from apologizing and crying when she realized that Neil gave Billy some of the scars because of her.
It had taken Billy hugging her and repeatedly telling her that it wasn't her fault that she was able to calm down. Thankfully, the doctor that was in charge of checking over Billy was none other than Mrs. Sinclair so she was very patient and understanding when it came to the situation especially after Claudia briefed her quickly about it. Billy had a few incorrectly healed bones that would need to be reset but that could be done at a time that they weren't as high strung.
After his check up had been properly documented and Billy was allowed to rest, they decided it wouldn’t hurt to keep him in the hospital for the night since he had been hit on the head, leading to a possible concussion. Both Max and Susan decided to stay the night with him, unable to go home anyway because their house was an active crime scene but also because they were all high strung and they wanted to be close for once.
The next morning brought Steve who had been eagerly awaiting visiting hours and had brought breakfast for everyone. He had fussed over Billy who was initially surprised to see Steve and to find out that neither Max nor Susan had a problem with him having a boyfriend. Susan reveals that she, Claudia and Joyce had vetted Steve before deciding he was okay which was the only reason she didn’t protest since Susan felt Steve wasn’t good enough for Billy.
Steve had found out from Will who had found out from Lucas who had overheard his mom talking about the poor Hargrove boy when she came home. Steve had barely slept, worried about the condition he might find his new boyfriend in but thankful to at least know he was in good hands and that he was stable at least.
Billy was only kept in the hospital until lunch since he didn’t appear to have a concussion but Hopper met them at the entrance, asking if he could have Susan and Billy come down to the station since Claudia and Joyce were already there so they could get the statements and get everything over with. Max refused to not be allowed to come so she strongarmed her way to being driven there by Steve with her mom and brother so they could meet Hopper there.
Billy had been protected by Susan, Claudia, Joyce, Max and Steve who refused to allow Neil to even see his son after what happened. Hopper had taken Billy first so he could get it over with and he could relax with Max and Steve after. He’d been asked if he wanted anyone else there to support him but Bill had asked that it be just him and Hopper.
Hopper was incredibly wary of how vulnerable Billy was at this point so he had laid out what he knew and asked Billy if he had anything to add to fill in the blanks. Initially, Billy was stone-faced hearing everything but he ended up crying silently when he heard everything. Hopper had immediately wanted to call Susan or Joyce or even Claudia in because he wasn’t equipped to handle crying teenagers. After a few seconds of inaction though, Hopper decided to fuck it and slowly pull Billy in close for a hug.
Billy had stiffened for a second before he’d melted into the unfamiliar embrace as the tears fell even faster. Once he’d calmed down, he told Hopper all about how Neil changed after his mom had suffered a miscarriage and he’d lost his job. He’d started beating his mom and drinking the day away. His mom had tried to run away with Billy but Neil had caught them and killed his wife, running away to Chicago that same night making sure that Billy knew what would happen if he toed the line like his mom had.
Billy had dealt with beatings since the age of 8 and he’d been hospitalized a bunch of times, resulting in them moving away and changing cities every time to avoid CPS. Neil had met Susan after one of their moves and he’d temporarily been nicer to Billy to get him to play along so he could get them a new family. Billy had played along but in the end, he had been played. Neil went back to beating him but it was under the cover of darkness with Billy forced to keep himself quiet or else he’d be kicked out for the night.
Atrocity after atrocity had been shared by Billy all while Hopper listened and wished he had put a bullet in that bastard’s brain. Once he was done, Hopper immediately called in Steve and Susan to help get Billy home or somewhere he could recover after everything. Since Susan had yet to be interviewed and neither of them wanted to bring Billy back to the place where he had suffered so much, Steve offered his house up for now.
Susan agreed after getting a promise from Steve that he would take care of Billy properly or else he’d suffer the consequences. Steve basically carried Billy to his car after getting Max to start and open the car door for them. He’d taken Billy to sleep in his room, having been tired from the past day’s ordeal and he had taken the time to talk to Max who was obviously also spooked by what she found out.
Steve got Max’s perspective on everything and he’d held her as she cried about everything that Billy endured because of Neil. Steve swore to spoil the living crap out of his boyfriend and to never hurt him. This promise was only intensified as soon as he saw Billy practically being swallowed by his clothes and he got a glimpse of the future where he and Billy lived together and every morning started out with the sight of Billy drowning in Steve’s clothes.
Hopper had made sure that Neil was imprisoned for life for the murder of his wife and attempted murder of his son. Susan had quickly sold the house and moved them to a smaller house closer to the Byers and the Hendersons. Mrs. Sinclair had taken care of the resetting of Billy’s bones with the promise that he would be able to recover by the start of basketball season. Steve spoiled Billy with all of the love that he’d been deprived of during his childhood and he made sure that no one, not even the kids he was constantly babysitting had anything bad to say about his boyfriend regardless of how he acted before. Dustin Henderson got the surprise of his life coming home from summer camp to find out that Steve had gotten a new boyfriend and that his mom had pseudo-adopted Billy Hargrove and that he was dating Steve. Billy was just happy to have more people in his life who loved and cared for him and he managed to make Hawkins his home with the help of a few moms and a wonderful but overly doting boyfriend.
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lovebillyhargrove · 10 months
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 20/? "Early Spring Fever"
Billy's listening to Alice Cooper's "I'm eighteen" (released in 1970)
Billy doesn't remember ever seeing a tornado in California. Supposedly, they do happen there, but very seldom.
Usually it's just strong winds, quite often San Diego gets hit by a storm, and once in a blue moon they would issue a hurricane warning.
But Billy's never seen an actual twister. One time though in March 1983 a tornado touched down in Los Angeles, damaging buildings and injuring dozens of people. There were news reports on TV, shit was disturbing.
Apparently, in the wonderful state of Indiana tornadoes occur every year, it's nothing extraordinary.
Billy's watching one go through the field as he is driving to work. It's unstoppable and unpredictable like a serpent, twisting and hurling. Creepy as fuck. A ghost coming from nowhere and on the way to nowhere
Thin and even fragile, but Billy is aware of the destruction tornadoes can inflict.
A strange sense of foreboding comes over him while he's watching the spinning column of air desperately reach down from the sky, digesting anything it finds on its path.
The feeling chills him to the bone, lasts only a second and dissipates quickly.
Fucking Indiana. It's dangerous to live here.
Hawkins remains unharmed this time, the tornado making its route further into the fields and forests, away from the town.
Mr. Dailey is surprised Billy's on time for the shift, and Hargrove doesn't understand why.
"They sent out a warning on the radio and you had to be staying in a hideout, not driving across town when it was passing. Thank heavens it was only an EF-1."
"An EF-1 ..?"
A first-level Effing Fuck, that's what it was.
"It means that the wind speed wasn't very high. But still, gotta be careful, kid. The sucker came early, usually they don't start roaming around till summer. Anyways .. if you ever hear a warning, drop whatever you're doing and find a safe place to hide."
Billy should probably inform Max on that. Susan must have done it, but it's better to be sure the gremlin knows about this shit. After all, Billy's leaving in summer, but Max is gonna be staying.
During the second week of March together with the first spring tornado, life-changing news arrive in Hawkins. Seniors are getting their acceptance or rejection letters from universities.
Anxiety is through the roof.
Steve gets a rejection from Purdue University in Indianapolis. No biggie. It's not like he was riding his expectations high. How many places did he apply to in total? A couple of more in Indiana, he didn't even try anything out of state. There are definitely some options left, so there's hope.
There's no hope.
Steve knows he won't get into a university, and that's actually fine with him, but his parents are gonna behave like it's the end of the world.
Mom has told him to have a plan B several times already this year. Steve still doesn't.
He'll come up with one, there's nothing to worry about.
If only his parents knew about the monsters wandering under - is it under or is it like an absolutely different dimension? - their quiet town, that would certainly change their perspective of what is really important in the world.
Billy gets an acceptance letter from Chicago University and a rejection from UCLA.
Fuck !!
Billy is not planning on going to Chicago. He isn't going to stay in the fucking middle of the continent. He wants to go back to his state where he knows his way around, where there is access to the ocean. To air, and .. water. He sent a couple of applications to the nearby institutions just for kicks, to have some more options which he knew, he was never gonna use.
UCLA is probably out of his league as it is, and it was too ambitious to aim for it in the first place, but Billy is still a bit disappointed.
That's where he wanted to go.
Billy is not one of those super lucky kids who are unquestionably sure what they want to do in life, from the cradle. He's had different ideas and aspirations, as well as his ups and downs - he almost got expelled from middle school once .. or twice, due to behavioural issues and general neglect towards studying. Guess when this happened. Yes, mama, the first couple of years after you'd run away were the toughest. On the other hand, he's always had one true constant all through the years - his interest in cars. Repairing, yes it's a passion, but also .. perhaps .. developing and building them? Automotive engineering. That's the dream. That's the ultimate dream.
Yeah, sounds too much for a guy like him, he thinks so too. A too big piece to swallow.
There are still some answers to receive, so he's gonna wait for those. The UCLA rejection doesn't come as a total shock though. His mind wasn't in the right place when Billy was sending out those applications back in the fall. In August the news about their move came out of the blue, dad didn't exactly talk things through with his son, so Billy was absolutely not ready for fucking relocating to butt-ass Indiana. He didn't have time to get any recommendations from his teachers in San Diego, the school was closed in summer, couldn't get any from Hawkins High faculty, having just started the year in a new place. His mood was awful and he lacked the reason to get up in the morning, let alone forage for recommendations. It's like the timing of this move was the worst possible. His motivation letter that he wrote hastily and on emotions sounded probably too desperate. The GPA and SAT results were good, however, apparently, other candidates have outperformed him.
It sucks, big time, but he can live with that. He can try next year, or .. or maybe he'll just stick to fixing cars. Now all Billy wants
Is to breathe with a full chest.
Go back home. He's had enough of this place.
Fucking tornadoes just roaming the fields, can you fucking imagine?
He's had enough of this new sickness, too. Billy decides to refer to it with the help of this word, cause he can't think of any other.
It's like years ago, when Billy was little and there was this period of time after his mother had left. He would open his eyes in the morning and feel
The day was beautiful, the sunshine would be pouring through the curtains
Billy opened his eyes, still lingering in the haziness of sleep.
He felt .. light. As if nothing was burdening him.
And then, morning realisations put their weight on him, slowly crushing him, like under a huge press
The first thought - that he was, as of recently, motherless.
She wouldn't be in the kitchen making breakfast for him. She wouldn't be anywhere around.
And then - that his dad was an unmelting iceberg.
The little boy lay in his bed some more, wishing just to go back to sleep and maybe never even open his eyes anymore
Because what was the point.
A minute later Billy would get on his feet and go about his day.
But even now, he so clearly remembers those couple of seconds between waking up and sliding into reality
Those few seconds were his safest haven before the truth became too crystal clear.
It's like now, not so tragic of course, but the overall idea is kinda the same. Billy's eyelashes fly open, he's still in the grasp of sleep, not fully conscious.
Everything is fine, the way it usually is
He's feeling
Uhm, no. Did you forget about
Harrington ??
It lies heavy, the unwanted intrusion.
Like a pile of rocks in his chest.
Fucking Harrington sickness. Fucking everything. Billy's feeling discontented, neither his body, nor mind are at ease. When the fuck is it gonna get better.
It will get better, right?
At school the boys have purposefully avoided being in the showers together ever since Steve's visit to Mr. Dailey's garage. Ever since Hargrove touched the royal dick for the first time and the horny dam got broken and fucking flooded all around. It was actually Billy who began to be very particular about not coming to the showers when Steve was standing there in the nude under warm streams of water.
A fucking wet dream
Usually he just skipped it altogether and took a shower at home or didn't have one at all if there was no time. Sometimes when he knew that Max was going to get held up at her AV club a bit longer, he stayed alone in the gym and shot the hoops for ten or fifteen minutes to make sure Harrington would be gone from the dangerous territories and Billy got a green light to go in.
The basketball court is a problem, but the showers? Standing there completely naked next to a butt-naked Harrington?
Let's just be honest about it, Billy is not able to do it anymore. His dick is not gonna behave, and there would be nothing to cover it with.
Today when the guys leave the court, Billy's staying behind. He waits for fifteen minutes, dribbling the ball, practising various tricks. He usually smokes in the parking lot anyways if Maxine has AV, so he has time to spare.
There's no-one in the showers when he gets there. Good. Billy takes a quick one, turns the water off, wraps a towel around the hips and goes into the locker room, to find Harrington sitting on a bench and looking savoury as hell.
As fucking always.
Those eyes, stop looking at me with your fucking eyes
Steve's waiting for Billy.
They are alone in the room, all the other guys have already left.
Billy is aware what's about to happen to his body in a matter of seconds. The sickness. His heart is gonna be jumping out from his ribcage, the sound of blood roaring in his ears will deafen him, knees will feel as if they are giving out from under him, failing to hold the bulk of his trembling body.
Billy moves to his locker and digs in it to find a t-shirt.
His cock is already swinging like a bat between his legs.
Fucking pavlovian shit.
He can't .. he's feeling too naked, he can't be naked in front of the fully dressed King Steve who's leering at him
What the fuck is this, the sensation of the world narrowing down to just the two of them? Zooming in, and the rest is inexistent?
How would it feel to be absolutely naked with Steve in bed? Would he be shy? Just a little bit? Or will he be as shameless spreading his legs in front of Billy?
Because Hargrove's suddenly fucking shy, and blushing and
His temperature is rising, it's the disease.
Neither of them utter a single word, and this is so damn weird, yet they really don't need to say fucking anything
Steve's eyes are raking over Hargrove's bare back and arms, and Billy is in a hurry to put the t-shirt on. He needs to be on equal terms with Harrington.
He's burning up. He's definitely coming down with something.
"Quit fucking staring."
"You never had a problem with people looking at your body."
How do you even know what I have and what I don't have a problem with
"Just shut up. It's so much better when you're not talking."
Steve is getting up from the bench, comes closer to Billy
An inch away
There's a heat wave standing behind him.
Hargrove turns around, grabs Harrington by the shirt and drags him behind the row of lockers, out of the plain sight. Slams him into the metal and the motherfucker smiles as if he's getting off only on that.
The towel is dropped on the floor
Billy's fingers get tangled in the pretty boy's lush hair
Lips clashing, tongues diving in deep
Fuck, he's so weak, he's so weak
Harrington bites Billy's lower lip, and Billy growls, left hand sliding down Steve's chest and belly to reach for his dick, the right one still pulling on the hair
Steve's fly is already open, the asshole knew what they would be doing.
Billy puts his hand into the furnace
He can't, seriously, he absolutely fucking can't with this bitch
He squeezes Harrington's cock in his palm, it is piping hot, lets go of the king's hair and guides Steve's hand to his own hurting dick
Why does everything in his abdomen hurt like that, like muscle cramps
The moment boys get ahold of each other's cocks
The world becomes a better place, instantaneously.
They kiss hungrily, in a hurry and jerk one another off just as desperately. It's quick and it's dangerous but the fear makes them both cum in record time.
It's not enough.
The weekend is slow and uneventful. Billy drowns himself in work. He would actually prefer to stay at home, in bed, not see or talk to anyone, loaf around, watch porn on the VCR - given the family's been abducted by aliens and he's home alone - and masturbate minimum five times a day to all the recent and not so recent recollections of
Harrington's everything.
Extraterrestrial creatures do not show any interest in the Hargroves, and Billy has things to do at the garage, an old Chevy truck and a pricey-looking beautiful Oldsmobile Cutlass expect his undivided attention. If he's gonna be repairing cars for the rest of his life, he's fine with that, he can continue honing the skills.
He interrupts his work to step outside for a few whiffs, watch the world around change and gradually regain its vibrancy. Despite the fact that March weather in Indiana is unpredictable and volatile - one day it can be relatively warm, sunny and windless and the very next day might be chilly and pelting cold rain - winter inevitably loosens its grip.
Billy's been working for two days straight, long hours, there isn't much sense in doing useless homework anymore, the spring break is just around the corner, and seniors are one foot over the school doorstep, ready to leave for good, even teachers themselves have been cutting the students some slack.
It's already late on Sunday, and Billy wonders what Steve is doing. Most likely, spending time with that new girl of his. Maybe he took her out to a diner or something.
How does it feel to sit across King Steve, talk about stupid shit, mindlessly sucking on a milkshake straw? Billy would make Harrington choke on his food right there, right in front of everyone. He would ignite that fire in those two pools of darkness, would do his magic, making Harrington turn to ash.
How would it feel to drive to the royal palace, fall between the sheets, bodies a mess, and do all the things your minds tell you to do, eager and unrestricted
Taking the time. Not having to rush it.
Maybe the king and his new concubine are fucking right this moment. Maybe Steve's coming, shutting his eyes, throwing his head back, moaning stupid, that Adam's apple under the thin skin quivering
Billy wants to watch it quiver, needs to put his mouth on it, trap it under his lips
Hargrove keeps on wrenching one especially tough nut in the Chevy's insides.
Lucky bitch.
Lucky fucking ugly cow bitch, that fucking Tammy or whatever her name is.
Billy can always call Harrington, the offer is surely still on the table, but it is still a very firm
He doesn't want to feel like a fool. He doesn't want to accidentally come across Harrington's parents, doesn't want to call at an inconvenient time, or god forbid, interrupt something.
When Hargrove sees Harrington at school on Monday, and that girl is glued to his arm, Billy thinks he guessed right. The lovebirds must've had some nice time at the weekend together.
The sight is literally crippling Billy
He looks away, and then back, and then away, and again back
Stop fucking staring at each other like you're getting married tomorrow, for fuck's sake
It's school. People come here to study, not to fornicate.
The disease is flourishing, sweeping through his insides, and Billy's helpless. There is nothing for him to do, so he'll just be simmering in his own gall
It's bitter, stifling, and he can't run away from it.
Hargrove's putting his forehead against the cold metal of his locker
"Are you okay? Billy?"
It's Jennifer's voice
"Are you sure?"
Stop nagging
"Are you coming to lunch?"
He slams the locker shut and Jennifer coils her arm around his.
The medicine isn't working.
This week more news from universities and colleges arrive.
Steve has officially got into none of the places he applied to.
Parents freak out. Dad, red in the face and roaring, shouts something like
"You're the shame of the family!" And something else about his brother's kids being way smarter than his own son and having a life plan, and Steve's aunt's children also having promising perspectives in life, but his child, his flesh and blood is just an irresponsible, immature, still holding onto his mother's skirt and hiding behind his father's checkbook
He's heard it all before. Steve's the lamest among the Harringtons, he gets it.
Mom is nervously clutching a glass of wine in her hands, and after Mr. Harrington storms away to their bedroom, talks to her son in a different tone, but still very very disappointed.
She even cries a little at some point.
Mom what the fuck, why are you crying, it's not like I'm incurably sick or dead or something.
"Oh, Steve .. What are we going to do? Maybe we can look into some undergraduate programs? Or maybe get you into an SAT prep program, retake the exams, try next year? .."
"Mom .."
"We can talk to dad, ask him to look for connections, pour some money into it .."
"No! Mom !! Would you just listen to me? I'm done with this higher education thing. For now, at least .. I don't want it, I can't, okay ?? Maybe next year, yeah. Leave me alone. I'll get a job."
"Oh Stevie, do you think it's easy to get a job??"
"I don't know? But people get some! Tommy's getting one soon .. in his dad's company. Hargrove's got one. Some other guys too .."
"Who is Hargrove?"
"Uh .. a guy from school."
"Never heard the name before."
"He is new in town. Doesn't matter, just .."
"Oh. Honey .. What job are you planning on getting? Minimum wage?"
"Mom, honestly? Right now, I'm not getting anything, let me graduate. But trust me, I'll get one. And maybe yeah, it'll be minimum wage, I need to start somewhere."
Mrs. Harrington finishes her wine and sighs unhappily
"Steve, I know and we know that this has been a hard year."
You have no fucking idea
"It's just more difficult for dad to accept .."
Mrs. Harrington cuts herself off
That his son is a failure?
"But Dad, he .. we want you to succeed in .. in life, to do well."
Steve's aware that his father considers him a disappointment.
"I know you want what's best for me, mom. I just .. Everything will be alright. Okay?"
"Promise me you are going to look into universities next year. You are not going to give up on the education."
Jesus Christ.
"Okay, mom. I promise."
Please just let me be young for a bit longer
Mrs. Harrington joins her husband upstairs. It's around eight-thirty, Steve's not feeling like staying at home. He calls Tommy and asks if he's free right now
"Yeah, man, did something happen?"
"Can I come over?"
"Yeah, sure. Gonna stop on the way and grab some beer?"
The stay in Hagan's room, drink a couple of cans of Budweiser
"Hey, Tommy .."
"Do you like .. you know what you're gonna do after school, right?"
"Sure. Work for my dad. I told you that."
Steve's nodding and taking a gulp of cold beer.
"And you're .. okay with that?"
Tommy's scratching his head and makes a vague gesture with his hand
"I don't really know what other options I have."
"Yeah, but .. you are okay with that? The fact that you're gonna sell farm machinery and you don't seem to have other variants?"
"Yeah, man. I guess."
"That's uh .. that's good."
They keep on sipping the beer and Tommy lights up a cigarette. Steve reaches for it, so Tommy gives him the cig and digs for another one
"Hey, do you know where I can get a job?"
"A job?"
"Well, I gotta do something after graduation."
"I thought daddy was gonna take care of that."
"Dad doesn't think .. he's not .. yeah, I don't know. No universities for me, and dad believes I'm a loser with a capital L. I need a job, alright?"
Tommy's thoughtfully blowing grey smoke up in the air
"They are opening this huge mall nearby, can always ask there."
That's actually not a bad idea.
"Can't imagine you working 9 to 5, dude."
"Yeah. Me neither."
On Friday Harrington bumps Billy's shoulder passing him in the school hallway - purely by accident, he can swear on the Bible in front of the judge and the jury - and Billy is quick to shove him back
"Watch where you're going, assface."
There's no malice in his voice, it almost sounds fond. Its low grumble sparks a pleasant tug in Steve's lower abdomen
Some people are looking at the two boys but no-one from the king's usual company is around, so Billy grabs Steve by the collar of his yet another excessively annoying polo
Gets his face close, inhales the pretty boy's scent.
Whispers in his ear
As though he's threatening him
"Meet me in the drama hall during lunch break."
The tugging sensation in Steve's lower belly flares into sharp twinges
They have to be careful.
Harrington is playing along keeping his voice low
"Tommy's gonna freak out if I'm not there to share my brownie."
That's true. Hagan might go scour the building.
Hargrove pushes the other boy away and keeps on walking
"Douchebag!" Steve's shouting, just in case, and flips Billy's tight ass off.
He catches Hargrove in the hallways later, before the last period.
"Whatcha doing after classes?"
"Picking my stepsister up."
"That redhead you're always carting around?"
"You working tonight?"
Billy's glancing around, but nobody's paying attention to them. They are just two dudes walking alongside on their way to the class, and maybe exchanging a word or two. In a non-aggressive way.
"I'll come by the garage then. You finish at eight?"
Jesus, Billy feels like .. like it's a date
It's probably as close to a date as they are gonna get, so why not accept the offer
Old Joe is closing the shop at 8.10. Billy is hanging around.
"Are you coming tomorrow, kid?"
"Yes, Mr. Dailey, as usual. After school."
"Don't you want a free day from this place? You've been working your ass off lately. Wouldn't you like to .. I don't know what young people do these days .. take a girl out?"
Billy's snorting, not in a disrespectful way though
"Yeah, maybe. Gotta get those two ladies back into shape first. That olds cutlass is a beauty."
His boss is nodding
"Right .. Don't even know what I'm going to do when you leave, kid."
"Still plenty of time till July."
Old Joe is shaking his head in disagreement now, but doesn't say anything anymore. He gets into his old ford and Billy opens the camaro's door
"Have a nice night, Mr. Dailey!"
"You too, Billy. You too."
Hargrove starts the engine, but waits till the ford drives away first. His hands are already giving in to a slight tremor. He fishes out a Marlboro
Gotta calm down
He inhales the smoke deep and rolls out slowly.
Steve's car is parked nearby. It doesn't look conspicuous or anything, it standing on the side of the road. A buddy can be waiting for Billy, right? Also, it's quite late and all respectable Hawkins residents are most likely watching TV, all snug and comfy in their recliners. Wives scurrying in kitchens, kids diligently doing homework.
Billy drops in the backseat, feet still on the ground, finishing the smoke. Harrington is sitting there, huffing in irritation
"Where were you? You said you finish at eight."
"Yeah, got a bit held up, what's fifteen minutes, jesus."
Of course, King Steve doesn't enjoy being kept waiting.
Billy takes the last drag, throws the butt away and closes the door. Harrington's hand is already running up his leg.
They make each other cum. It burns too hot, it ends too quick. Billy needs more time to relish the things he wants to relish. Although it seems like some kind of a well-practised routine by now,
This time it's .. different.
Like Steve is searching for a hint of .. tenderness? Or maybe that's on Hargrove himself, and Harrington is just following the lead.
Or not, it's probably only Billy, but
The way they kiss is different.
It's slower. Tastier.
The way they are touching each other has changed. The shift borders on impalpable.
Yet it's right there.
Perhaps it's all in Billy's head, his imagination running wild.
It is breaking wild, always, always now.
Everything is slower but finishes too fast anyways, and
Please, that's all the drugs I'm gonna get to ease the pain ..?
There's a pack of Parliaments in the front passenger's seat again, and a box of tissues
Harrington has come prepared
After wiping his fingers, Billy takes two cigarettes out, just like last time, and flicks the lighter.
"I'm going away for the spring break," Steve says.
The pretty boy wanted to get some time alone with him before fucking off for a week.
Don't read too much into that, Billy.
"Like I need to know."
Okay, he can keep the conversation up
"Where to?"
"Indianapolis. My parents have an apartment there."
I'm gonna miss you I'm gonna miss you I'm gonna miss you
Shut the fuck up.
"You going anywhere?"
Not yet, your majesty. Not yet.
They finish the smokes, not saying anything else. Hargrove feels the sadness bloom in his chest and doesn't fight it.
When he's watching the beamer drive off into the chilly March evening, Billy's hunger awakes again.
It wasn't enough.
The last week of March is spring break, and Steve, indeed, leaves for Indianapolis on Saturday morning. He has to do some shopping, he wants to unwind a bit.
Steve also spends some time with dad in the office, watching it work, churn, make money that he likes spending so much.
Honestly, he just feels so out of place there, it's plain uncomfortable. Although Dad does his best, gotta give him that, stays on the phone most of the time, doesn't make his son feel like a piece of failed shit entirely, Harrington junior can't outrun the feeling that he doesn't belong where his dad thrives and prospers.
Parents and kids can be different, can want different things, right? Too bad Steve has no idea what he wants. He kinda feels bad for his father, imagine building a solid business dreaming of an heir, and then the heir turns out ..
Steve has heard it from Tommy that Hargrove got accepted into the University of Chicago. Billy must be fucking proud of himself. His family must be proud
Come to think of it, he doesn't even know anything about Hargrove's family. Not that he needs to. He's only mentioned having a stepsister
"We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance to .."
Steve's jealous?
Nooooo. Of course not.
Jealous of what?
University education is not exactly something he wants to pursue.
Andy got accepted somewhere on fucking basketball scholarship. The scholarship Steve had been dreaming of, before .. before everything started happening all at once and falling apart, before he strated realising maybe he's not cut out for university, or college. Maybe it's just too early for him to decide what to do with his life. The money is of course an issue, but his parents have loads, so why rush it now? Having some kind of a career is important, do all the adults know what they want to become when they are 17 or 18?
His dad did, actually. Or so he told Steve, numerous times.
Is Steve just super stupid and slow on the uptake, or maybe it's actually okay for him not to know right this second what he fucking wants ??
Tina has been in tears for the last couple of weeks. She's happy for Andy, her high school sweetheart, she is. However, what's going to happen to their relationship? Harrington's kinda curious which place Andy made it to, he needs to be filled in on the news.
Steve's sliding his hand down his face. Yeah, whatever. He's standing at the traffic lights, and it's time to move, but he can't decide which turn signal to switch on, whether to go forward or back.
On his shopping spree in Indianapolis Steve visits a perfume store. He's sampling different brands and
Oh my god
That's .. that's Hargrove's smell.
He spritzes the fragrant liquid on a strip of paper and places in under his nose again
That's it, that's definitely the smell.
Steve glances at the label
Paco Rabanne
Pour Homme
After Shave
He has finally identified it, the scent that's been on his mind for months
However, at parties - whenever he found himself in Billy's vicinity, or when they were actually getting in each other's space and kissing - Harrington caught a whiff of different perfume notes
Another distinctive Hargrove aroma.
Hmmm ..
Gotta crack that one as well.
Gods of Indiana finally have fucking mercy on Billy because Neil and the family go away to visit Susan's relatives again. For three days, what a delight.
He runs into Hagan in Fair Mart where he's buying a block of Marlboros and two six-packs in the evening after having left the garage at six
All work and no play is gonna make Billy a dull boy
He thinks he's entitled to have a little fun, and Tommy just happens to be in the right place at the right time.
First, Hagan suggests driving up to the quarry, the evening's actually pleasant and relatively warm
"Can't believe you've never seen the quarry, man. It's like the coolest place around Hawkins. You need to check it out."
Alright. So they follow Hagan's plan.
He didn't lie, the view from the top of the cliff is spectacular. Wow. They smoke usual cigarettes, down a couple of cans of beer each, and Tommy of course asks Hargrove if he still has some of the Californian weed left
Billy's feeling generous and hospitable
"Actually, my family aren't home tonight - thank fuck - we could uh .."
Say no more, brother.
They stop on the way to pick Carol up. Ladies always brighten up the mood, however small the party is.
Hargrove needs a love interest for tonight as well. Unfortunately, Jennifer happens to be out of town, but Billy is in dire need of some kind of a sedative, even if for a short relief, it's not gonna cure the problem, but it'll help deal with the ache. The disease hasn't stopped spreading through his body and mind, it's like the fucking plague. He doesn't say all that to the happy couple of course who are already getting handsy near Tommy's ford, but he makes it clear that they need to come up with some ideas on the subject of Billy not third wheeling tonight.
"Hey, Carol, you know Alison, right? Alison Bell from the 11th grade?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Do you have her phone number?"
"I don't, but I can call Tina and ask her. I think she might know."
Sounds like a plan.
"What about Jennifer, Billy?"
"She's away from town. We are not dating. So what about her?"
Carol doesn't have anything to object to that, and Tommy's urging her
"Come on, baby, let it be a fun night."
So Carol goes back inside, makes a couple of phonecalls. Alison is on board with the evening program.
After picking the girl up, they all drive to Billy's place.
Make themselves comfortable on the couch and the floor in front of the tv, turn MTV on, lay the coffee table with beer, cigarettes, some snacks and weed
No fucking adults around
The four teenagers smoke their brains out, turning dumb, numb and horny. Billy takes Alison to his room, leaving the other couple in the living room. They kiss and giggle and
Alison sucks him off in his bed, but
Damn it. Not much of a surprise.
Hargrove pictures Harrington doing it. This has become a habit lately - whatever action he gets with a girl - he closes his eyes and imagines Steve in her place.
Fucking make-believe, fucking stupid. Is that even healthy?
This time even his tongue slips, and Hargrove almost gives himself away when he cums
"Fuuuck .. Take it deeper haa .. rr .. Honey .. girl. Ahh fuck."
That was a close one.
Next day Billy stops by at school before work. With an agenda.
School's closed.
Well, the door is open, but there are no people around, maybe a couple of teachers' cars parked in the parking lot. Billy comes inside and is greeted by the school janitor, Mr. Willis
"Whatcha doing here boy? Missed school much?"
"Yeah, I uh .. just need to pick up some books from the locker."
Mr. Willis looks at him incredulously
"Knock yourself out."
Billy proceeds to his locker, takes out Harrington's welcome gift from behind a stack of books, stuffs the box into his messenger's bag, heart pounding for some unclear reason.
He drives it around in his car all day and when he gets home after eight
He puts the box on the bed. Goes to the kitchen, rummages around in the fridge. Takes a shower. Comes back to his room, throws the towel on the floor, stands there naked, looking at the box.
He isn't sure what he wants to do with the dildo, but he wants to do something. Billy gets on the bed, opens the box, takes the plastic dick out.
He's hard already.
Billy is sliding his fingers over the dildo. It feels cool to the touch, feels weird and .. arousing. It's not as big as Harrington's dick, maybe seven inches,
King Steve is bigger
The sex toy actually looks as realistic as possible, the skin-like material with a pattern of barely visible veins and a couple of thick ones running up and down
The texture is soft and it even has the plastic ball sack.
God, Billy's leaking like a bitch.
He wraps his deft fingers around himself, holding at the dildo with the other hand, imagining he's touching Steve's cock.
Caressing. Squeezing.
And then sucking it.
Billy brings the dildo closer to his face. He's not gonna take it in, no, what he really wants to suck is the pretty boy's pretty dick
But he sticks his tongue out to fuel his imagination to the point of explosion, licks the ridge of the head and
Moans loudly.
Oh fuck .. oh god.
He must look so stupid, jesus
Hargrove licks it again and again and it still feels cool on his tongue, but Billy knows
Harrington's dick is gonna burn in his mouth.
Nnnuuugh ..
He doesn't last, shooting cum all over his belly.
Thanks for the gift, King Steve, it sure came in handy.
Billy lies down for a while, eyes shut, listening to his own heartbeat
Christ in heavens, the stuff Harrington makes him do, not even stirring a finger, not even being in the near, in the same town for fuck's sake.
Finally, he gets off the bed, and stuffs the dildo back into the box and into the suitcase in his closet. He'd like to ..
Do so many things. Do so many fun things.
With Harrington.
He misses him. Billy fucking wants to see him at every damn moment.
He wants more. He wants to do so much more
With Steve.
The next day is March 29, and guess what date it is?
Yeah, it's Billy's birthday. He officially turns 18. His family are still out of town, so no-one congratulates him or anything, it's a usual day. The sun is out, which can be considered as a present, in a way.
When mom was around, there used to be cake and stuff, but then it stopped being a special day. Susan made a couple of weak attempts to revive the cake tradition but it didn't stick, so
Billy gets up late and searches himself for indications that he, as of today, is an adult, mature and earnest. He finds none of course, it's all bullshit, he's still same old Billy Hargrove. Nothing is gonna change for the time being, the only thing he knows dad's gonna do when he comes back - he's gonna have a serious man-to-man conversation with his son about responsibility and such, and inform him that now he will have to pay his share for food and utilities. Neil has mentioned it before. Billy is fine with that. Fair is fair.
Yesterday he asked Mr. Dailey if he can come to the repair shop only for like four hours in the afternoon. The boss didn't mind.
Billy wants to have his evening free. He has a plan to go to the quarry to smoke and look at the vast mirror of water below.
The place seems to calm him down.
When he gets there, a beautiful purple lightning cracks the sky open - another gift - and the rain comes suddenly, fresh and joyful.
Showers began pouring here on the regular maybe a couple of weeks ago, and they are not those awful icy winter drizzles
Nah, spring rains are cool. It's actual water. Just coming from the sky, can't swim in it, but it's still the element that's especially close to Hargrove.
Right now it is a thunderstorm and it's even better. Billy's like a fish, he straightens his gills in the humid air, and breathes more freely
He's in his car, listening to the sounds of raindrops tapping on the hood and the roof, and thunder rumbling in the distance.
Gonna be hell driving back down the muddy road
But it's worth it
Because here he feels closer to the water but also closer to the sky.
He watches the beauty unfold.
When the thunderstorm begins to subside, Billy turns on the music. He wanted to listen to this very song on this very day
Lines form on my face and hands
Lines form from the ups and downs
I'm in the middle without any plans
I'm a boy and I'm a man
I'm eighteen
Billy is eighteen, and as soon as he finishes school and gets everything ready
He'll leave.
I'm eighteen
And I don't know what I want
I get confused every day
Billy sure gets confused. The Harrington thing that's been eating at him, changing hues and evolving but never going away
Confuses him. Irritates him. Bothers.
Other than that predicament, Billy knows what he wants
I've gotta get away
I've gotta get out of this place
I'll go runnin' in outer space
I'm eighteen!
And I like it
Oh yeah
Billy stopped caring about his birthdays a while ago. However, this number now feels big, like he's starting a new page.
I'm eighteen
Lines form on my face and hands
Lines form from the ups and downs
I'm a boy and I'm a man
Billy's looking at his palms. They say, everything that's ours is written on the skin of our hands.
The lines are our life story.
That's all fortune telling nonsense, but he's tracing the lifeline on his left hand with his right thumb
Who knows what's gonna come.
Maybe one day l'll feel free and different.
Happy birthday to me.
On Saturday afternoon Tommy drops by the repair shop and hands Billy a flyer with spring-like ornaments
"Personal delivery to Mr. Hargrove."
His freckled face breaks into a hearty and mischievous grin.
"I knew you'd be here. So here I am, bringing the news."
Billy scans the piece of paper.
Tina is throwing another party right before the last school term.
It's Easter in the quiet town of Hawkins. Not exactly the type of holiday for a wild boozed up teenage mayhem but why not take it and make it sexier
"All girls are gonna be wearing bunny ears, dude. Oh, and fluffy tails on their butts. Can't miss that, am I right?" Tommy is winking and looking even more adorable.
He's got a valid point.
"So .. you gonna be there, Hargrove?"
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sarcasticsweetlara · 1 year
Hannah Abbott
Hannah Abbott was a half blood witch who was sorted into Hufflepuff in 1991, in the same year the famous Harry Potter came back to the Wizarding World and was sorted alongside her but ended up in Gryffindor.
Hannah and her classmates usually had to clean whatever Harry Potter did in the school, and while they hated Dumbledore's favoritism with Harry and Gryffindor, they were glad that in their third year and their fourth year Harry was safe.
Hannah always tried to be fair, even if sometimes she was too angry or hurt to be good with the people who were mean to her friends, but she always defended them.
Her best friends were Susan Bones and Ernie McMillan and they were called the Citrine trio.
She came out to them first by telling them that she was bisexual and they gladly supported her, and beside them the most supportive person she met was her mom, Ethel Alinac, a muggle born who had married her dad Edward Abbott.
The experience of her mom as a student made Hannah aware that people would look down on her for having muggle blood, as well as that she had to look for her value only on herself.
It was a cold morning in Herbology class in 1996, Professor Sprout was giving the instructions when Dumbledore, the headmaster, called Professor Sprout, moments later they called for her and told her what she never imagined she would have to go through.
Her mom had been murdered by Death Eaters, and they hurt her dad.
Hannah traveled home immediately and took care of her ailing father as well as she started training in order to be a better fighter and a better healer so that she could avenge her mother.
And in those times she was able to gather her strength and cast a corporal patronus: a brown bear.
She grew to be grumpy resentful after that, even with Susan Bones and Ernie McMillan but they never gave up on trying to help her and all their efforts were worth it when Neville Longbottom who had always been kind to her tried to get closer and be her friend.
Not an easy task since now she pushed away everyone, but the ever optimistic and sweet Neville kept coming back every time she tried to be away from him, and when they had to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, Hannah was petrified by the sight of Neville under the spell of Voldemort by burning the sorting hat but got relieved and proud by seeing Neville break away and behead Nagini, Neville also got happy when he saw Hannah conjure her beloved brown bear patronus and to see she could find her light among all the darkness they were in.
When everything ended they went to each other to talk and walk.
- You were fantastic today Neville- mumbled Hannah
- You were too, you saved me by casting your patronus, thank you Hannah - Neville said as he gave her a sweet and small smile
- Thank you for always being there, even if I was a pain in the ass, you helped me a lot.-
- I wanted to be there for you, I know how it feels to no longer be able to talk to your mother - Hannah felt a little guilty, Neville's parents were still alive but they were insane and no longer recognized himself and yet she dared feel no one understood her when Neville already knew and that he always tried to give his best and not be resentful, the contrary of her.
- I want to apologize for taking you for granted before, I was a monster, I realize you lost your family too and I really appreciate you and I still want to be your friend.
- You are my friend Hannah, and I want you to know I appreciate you too and you're not a monster, you were grieving and learning how to deal with your pain like the rest of us.
Neville and her got even closer than before after that conversation if it was possible and soon they realized they felt stronger in each other's company and as she got to be a healer in Hogwarts and the new owner of the Leaky Cauldron and him the new teacher of Herbology in Hogwarts they started a relationship, and 3 years later Neville bent on one knee and proposed and Hannah said yes.
Hannah indeed learnt to be better as she acknowledged that she had to recognize and feel her emotions not suppress them, and her brave and humble acts earned her a memorial tribute in Hufflecrew along Susan and her other classmates.
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
the physical resemblance between billy and robin is too strong to be ignored so au where neil keeps sneaking out at odd hours and max comes to billy like “i think your dad is cheating on my mom” and billys like “eh i dont know...” and makes lays out all the ‘evidence’ she has which is really nothing, and billys trying to convince her that neil leaving susan would be a good thing, for susan and maxs sake, but max still wont let it go, so it ends up with max dragging billy on stakeouts with her. following neil around, which is dangerous as shit but max is a dog with a bone and wont let it go, so billy figures she’d be doing this anyway and its better to have him around in case neil catches her, so.
eventually they end up outside a house, which max recognizes at robins, and shes like “neils having an affair with robins mom?!” and billy... he’s familiar with adults having The Audacity™ but even he has to admit mrs buckley having an affair in her own house is... a lot. bold, to say the least.
max wants to go confront him right then and there and billys like no thats stupid we’ll figure something else out.
his version of figuring things out is running to robin the next time he sees her to be like ‘yo your moms fucking my dad just thought you should know” and robins like “what the goddamn hell are you talking about ???”
billy explains what he and max saw and robins like “wait neils your dad?!”
so basically neil and robins mom hooked up years ago while neil was in hawkins visiting family or on a business trip, whatever. didnt know he knocked her up. robins mom ending up meeting mr buckley after robin was born but still too young to really know better so robin just took his last name and he was always dad. but with neil living in town now robins mom decided to reach out and have them meet because its a small town, their paths were bound to cross, and robin deserves to know who her bio dad is. and neil never offered up his last name because he knew it would get back to billy and hes trying to avoid a whole scandal. the buckleys dont know what a menace neil is. robin knows billys dad is an ass...but again, she doesnt know neil and billys dad are one in the same.
cue robin saying how nice neil has been to her and billy having a whole crisis because why doesnt he get that version of neil? but he knows why... he doesnt want to burst robins bubble but the whole nice guy act is just a show and if robin sticks around long enough she’ll see his true colors.
AND on top of all this billy and robin have to confront being siblings and dropping this bomb on poor steve lmao whos honestly ecstatic. his boyfriend and his bestie are siblings? feels very convenient for him. until they start pulling the “dont fuck with my brother/sister!” card on him ... and then steves having less fun. max is excited to have robin as a sister now, though. because theyve decided even if theyre not blood related its close enough and no, billy, they dont care what you have to say about it.
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stranger-rants · 2 years
Billy Headcanon: After his wife left, their home became disgusting because Neil's a man, so obviously, he's not going to cook or clean since that's a wife's job. It gets to a point that Billy can no longer take it and starts to take care of the house and does the cooking, though it takes time to learn and he has to sneak to the library for recipes. Neil hates it and starts to call Billy a girl and derogatory names, but doesn't stop him because he likes everything being neat and orderly. So, instead, he goes looking for a nice, timid wife to bring home to cook and clean for them, before Billy becomes more like a woman or like 'one of those homosexuals'. He meets Susan, and she's perfect, but with her comes Max, who isn't. The problem for Neil is Max is the boy that Billy should be, but she's supposed to be the girl that Billy is. So he makes comments to Susan about who she should be raising Max to be, and Billy learns to be messy to hide that he actually likes cleaning and cooking, because those aren't things he's supposed to like.
"Max is the boy that Billy should be, but she's supposed to be the girl that Billy is"
That's essentially how I view Billy and Max in terms of gender roles. Max likes girly things and Billy likes masculine things, too, of course. The issue is that they both step out of those "boundaries" which canonically upsets Neil. (Maybe he ran over the skateboard, and blamed Billy... It would divide Billy and Max further, making it easier to control them.)
If Neil is ex-military, he might expect basic neatness. Billy doesn't have the cleanest room, which may drive him nuts. Yet, Billy does decorate his room in a somewhat creative fashion (e.g. making his own vanity, because maybe Neil wont let him have one since that's 'for girls.') I think that's what Neil lacks and Billy misses - a well decorated, comfortable home. Instead, it's impersonal and bare bones like those apartments single guys share photos of on Reddit, until Neil brings a woman into the picture.
As far as food goes, I headcanon that Billy can cook basic foods. Neil worked security, so there may be late nights he wasn't home. There were years he did not have a woman in the house to cook for them, and... does Susan know how to cook? I can't remember if in Runaway Max he hates her cooking or if I just read that in a fanfic. Regardless, Billy would have to fend for himself a lot. So he would have to prepare his own food, wash his own clothes, clean the dishes, etc. All things usually reserved for "mom."
So Billy does it and doesn't even think about it. It's necessary, but Neil is the type of person to bully him for that anyway. I think he would have a difficult relationship with cleaning because what Neil expects and what Billy wants to do are different. Like, maybe Billy wants to put up photos and decor while he's arranging the living room but Neil tells him to stop fussing about and vacuum the floor already.
It's interesting that as a child his bedroom looks neat and well put together, but as a teenager it's chaotic in parts - put together with the scraps leftover from his life. A blanket window covering here. A makeshift vanity there. His bed is basically a sheet covering and a pillow. Random posters from magazines he keeps in his drawer. Mismatched furniture. It's like he's trying to make the best out of it, while Max's bedroom is cozy and welcoming and well coordinated.
If Billy were given the opportunity, he would probably decorate his first apartment the way he wanted and learned how to take care of himself without Neil's judgement on how things should be done. Around Neil, he couldn't even breathe right. When you're out of that situation, you have to spend a lot of time learning how to live.
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