#susan the spy
gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 58
Before she decided to be called Susan, Susan was called Arkytior according to some accounts. Arkytior is the Gallifreyan word for "rose." (Short story: Roses)
Indeed, when Spring-Heeled Jack looked into the Eighth Doctor's mind, he referred Susan as his "precious little flower." (Comic: The Curious Tale of Spring-Heeled Jack)
The Fifth Doctor was once scientific advisor to Queen Victoria. (Novel: Empire of Death)
The version of the sonic screwdriver seen in the Doctor Who TV Movie was destroyed by Mary Shelley. (Audio: The Silver Turk)
In one possible future, the Delgado Master received long term care from the Third Doctor in a Zero Room after a collision in the vortex. (Audio: The Threshold)
The Delgado Master's TARDIS console sometimes makes the sound of a drumbeat of four. (Audio: The Threshold)
The Fourth Doctor could tell the difference between natural cerebrospinal fluid and an artificial version with added nutrients based on taste. (Audio: Invasion of the Body Stealers)
While stranded on Earth for 77 years, the Spy Master became a mycologist in Russia while trying to find a Silurian camp as part of an elaborate plan to interfere with Jo and Cliff Jones' marriage. He also became the scientific advisor for the Soviet Union's version of UNIT. (Short story: The Master and Margarita)
Nyssa once called the Fifth Doctor’s cricket pads "strange leggings." (Audio: Autumn)
The Fourth Doctor once downed 12 single malt scotches with a water chaser in order to protect himself against an extradimensional creature. (Novel: Drift)
Irving Braxiatel owns champagne glasses that were molded on the breasts of Marie Antoinette. (Novel: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)
Braxiatel finds it hard to show sympathy, so he normally doesn't even try. (Novel: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)
After learning to read and write, Jamie wrote a letter to Victoria to thank her for her lessons. The Seventh Doctor later delivered this letter to an elderly Victoria. (Audio: The Story of Extinction)
The Shadow Directory calls Time Lords "caillou." (Novel: Christmas on a Rational Planet)
The Shalka Doctor is ticklish. (Short story: The Feast of the Stone)
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albaharu · 1 year
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this movie was when I fell in love with Melissa McCarthy 
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psychicwound · 3 months
susan triad . as seen in the legend of ruby sunday . has red nails . susan triad is possessed by sutekh . you know who picked up the tooth that the master is stuck in ? someone with red nails . bam . kate's nails were a red hereing . dhawan master will appear on our screens tonight . trust !
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skrllec · 6 months
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twelvedimensional · 3 months
hmmmm not gonna lie that did not hook me very strongly
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mrsemilybartrum · 10 months
OFFICIAL Draft for Thank You For Being a Spy:
Coco felt the resistance from the tumblers of the door lock as he stuck in his only key to Richmond Street. The doorknob turned, and Coco opened the door. A loud creak cried out from the door hinges like someone crying out in pain. It was hard to believe that after all those years the house on Richmond Street would once again be operational. The dramas that played out within these walls, beneath this roof. Entire lifetimes were lived and rendered and lived all over again. And then, one day, the program ended.
The house hadn’t been occupied by residents since the early nineties. There was a thick, fuzzy layer of dust collected on what items were left inside to rot after the government left her to die. The house on Richmond Street was a national treasure, though. Even if nobody had ever really known the truth, Coco did. Dusting off the house was like breathing life back into the people who came before, those long gone now. Coco always loved this part of his job. Each time he reopened a residence, it reminded him that he was making a difference in the world one house at a time.
            Coco took in a deep breath of stale air and nostalgia. One minute he was in Miami in the twenty-first century. The next, it was 1985 and he was being called the “Fancy Man” by some crude Italian woman. My, how times and things have changed since then. But then again, things have only stayed the same, it would seem.
The smell of moth balls made it even more real. For a split second, he could swear he could hear Sofia’s slippers shuffling off of the hardwood floors as she headed toward the cookie jar for a saltine cracker. How he missed every single one of the men and women he served over the years. It was like all his memories flashing before him as he walked to the door to answer it. He even saw a house in Cleveland that was a special op in the 2010s.
A doorbell broke Coco’s train of thought.
He was no longer back in 1985 Miami or 2010 Cleveland. He was present in 2023 Miami. And he wasn’t sure who would be already ringing the door bell when the four hadn’t even been selected yet for the mission. Coco went to the front door quickly, just in case the visitor was a superior officer who didn’t like to wait.
Carved deep inside the back of the front door was an exclamation point, as clear as day. He thought back to the origin story of such and odd quirk, and he thanked God that nobody had dare sand the fine work out.
An operative using the handle Dorothy Zbornak carved the exclamation mark into the back of the door the day she arrived to start her mission. She wasn’t what you would call superstitious, but she was a dreamer. She dreamed of a quick mission, in and out in a matter of months. What she got took seven years and cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Regardless, her true purpose was a successful mission. She got just that, and to this day the tradition continues.
Coco turned the old-fashioned knob and pulled the door open. The creaking noise was much worse than when he had arrived. Coco would be getting that sprayed down sooner rather than later. When he saw who was standing on the other side of the door, he almost let out a huge gasp. It was the director of the whole department.
“Looks like this place needs a good cleaning out and maybe a good renovation. Maybe some upgrades with décor and function? And a good airing out. Come, help me open all of the windows, Coco,” the Director said in a rush. The Director seemed to be in a hurry for some reason. Coco couldn’t help but notice she was half dressed.
The Director was tall, lean, and tan. Many people often confused her with a celebrity they couldn’t quite place or assume she’s an influencer. She was younger than Coco, but not by much. She was wearing a crochet crop top that could easily be confused as a bathing suit cover. Her shorts were pleated khaki Bermudas from the GAP. She had clearly been crying, and she didn’t belong there in Coco’s domain. He had a job to do. She was not authorized to be there bossing him around, so why was she there?
Coco stopped the Director in her tracks and demanded to know why she came. She was noticeably crying harder as she came to terms with what she had to tell him. She took a deep breath, and she finally spit it out.
“Do you remember the agent who went undercover as Olga in Cleveland back in 2010? I believe you worked with her at least on that occasion?” The Director asked softly as she wiped away tears.
“Yes, Betty. She was part of my first solo assignment back in Miami in 1985. My first job alone was at this house on Richmond Street, and Betty was undercover here as a lady named Rose Nylund. Why do you ask?” Coco questioned. He was pretty sure he already knew what she was going to say next. Betty was reaching a hundred at that point. He shuddered before he could even hear the words come from the Director’s mouth.
“Agent Betty White, who faithfully served our country during the Cold War and later on during the Global War on Terrorism, went to be with the Lord last night Coco.” The Director said in somber tones, almost rehearsed. The Director hadn’t known the women who last occupied the house on Richmond Street, but everyone knew them. The Golden Girls, they called them.
Even inspired a TV show with the same name, but the world never knew the ladies were all unrelated spies there getting paid to pretend to be Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, and Sofia. Agent Betty White was the last of the original Golden Girls. She was vital in the success of the 2010 Cleveland campaign. Agent Betty White saved thousands of lives, animals, and humans alike in her service to her craft.
Coco had finally realized that he had just been sort of kneeling there, just lumped over with grief. The last of them was now gone. And on the day, he was to begin preparations for the reactivation of Richmond Street. He was hoping he could’ve picked Agent White’s brain on four semi-retired agents who’d want to come back to work for a mission. Instead, he would mourn his dear friend with a slice of cheesecake in the kitchen. For some reason, that idea seemed the most appropriate.
The Director was furious. All four of the women who signed up for the project on Richmond Street were gone. In an instant, the entire program was at risk. To make matters worse, the mission was extremely important for national security.
            Director Kelly Abreu wasn’t new to this life or world. This wasn’t her first rodeo. It might be her last, though, if she doesn’t figure this out. These moments were the worst for several reasons. Working in spy work for the government wasn’t for the faint of heart or those who form attachments to life or people. This was exactly why you never got attached to anything – or anyone.
            She was in her car when she got the news of the tragedy. Director Abreu couldn’t take it anymore. She found a safe spot to pull the vehicle over, and she got out of the driver’s seat. Taking a deep breath, she tried to compose herself and keep her nerves about her. She couldn’t hold it back anymore, though. She wanted to cry, puke, and scream all at the same time. She bent over to put her head between her knees.
            And then, it happened. She lurched up everything that had been on her stomach for the last two days, which wasn’t much more than stomach acid and coffee. She seldom ate when she was in dire straits or in high-speed mode. Not eating made it worse for her, as she could only taste bile. The stomach bile made her hurl even more.
            Once Director Abreu finished emptying the contents of her stomach, she opened the back hatch to sit in the trunk of her car. She grabbed a bottle of water from the kit in the back of her car and rinsed out her mouth. Then, she let out a scream that would’ve awakened the dead. Why did this have to happen?
            All four of these women were selected by the best staffing board ever put together. The entire process was top secret. How these four women could’ve been targeted and snuffed out before they ever began was concerning. There was a leak somewhere, and it had just costed four women their lives. Not only did she and Coco have to start all over with no time at all to find new agents, but she also had a serious security breach to deal with, as well. Grieving would have to wait. At least she was able to get two of those three urges taken care of for now. Crying for her four dead agents would have to wait until the nation was safer.
            That’s always the case, isn’t it? In life, we never get time to process things, to slow down and really digest what we are going through. Agent Kelly Abreu decided it was time to keep moving. If four of her agents were killed, then she could be next. She opened the driver’s door and sat down in her vehicle. She pushed the ignition button and the car revved up. The engine had made this weird noise, she thought.
For a split second her heart stopped. She thought about her mortality. She was certain that the car would explode just then, and she was half expecting her life to flash before her eyes. Instead, a belch of gas came up from her stomach, and she burped. A burp is better than a bomb, I suppose.
She turned on the radio to get her mind off her troubles. That always helped her when she needed it. Distraction is a progress promoter, most of the time. Even Thomas Edison said so, and he was the biggest cheat in history. Andrew Gold came through the speakers. The opening notes were probably the most famous opening notes of any song in America. “Thank you for being a friend… travel down the road and back again… your heart is true. You’re a pal and a confidante…”
Agent Kelly Abreu was in full chorus mode whenever her phone began to ring.
“And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew. You would see the biggest gift would be from me. And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.”
The phone went to voicemail, and she kept going with the song. It was a favorite of hers given she was a big Golden Girls fan. That show was inspired by the real Richmond Street. The whole operation was almost blown because of that show. But, they managed to save the program by convincing one of the stars to leave the show at the height of its success.
The phone rang again, and this time Kelly answered it.
            “Agent Kelly Abreu, how may I help you?” she asked before anyone could speak on the other end. Kelly hated wasting time, and she wanted to get on with her solo concert. Her government-issued Honda had great speakers, who was she to let good resources go to waste? She didn’t manage to look at the caller ID before she answered. She may not have answered it at all if she had seen it. It was a restricted call.
            All she could hear on the car speakers from her Bluetooth was clicking and breathing. In an instant, she realized how bad she just screwed up. She didn’t hesitate. She grabbed her backpack from the front seat. She put the car on cruise control, and she opened her driver door. She jumped out with a tuck and roll that would permanently scar her with road rash.
            Her Honda went rolling down the two-lane country highway like something out of a movie scene. She covered her head and waited for the explosion. Every bone in her body was sore, as it had been a while since she had to tuck and roll out of a car planted with a bomb. That clicking noise on the phone was a dead giveaway. She should’ve looked at the Caller ID.
            She felt herself over as she looked for serious injuries. She didn’t see any, but she sat still for a minute more. And then she heard it. Her government-issued Honda had already careened off of the road and into a ditch at this point. But what was that other sound? She couldn’t quite figure out what she was hearing through the adrenaline and the confusion. She stood up to look over at her car.
            “HELLO? KELLY?? ARE YOU THERE? THE LAWYER HAS OUR DIVORCE PAPERS HERE IN HIS OFFICE. KELLY?” her soon-to-be ex-husband was begging through the car speakers.
            It took three more minutes for the reality of the situation to sink in for Kelly. She dusted her butt off, and she started walking toward her Honda. How on earth would she explain this to the office? Her car had already crashed into the hilly part of the ditch. She walked up to the driver’s side. Her phone was still in the dash holder, so she reached in to grab it.
She disconnected the Bluetooth on the device, and then she walked up to the highway to get better reception.
“Rico. Are you there? Rico?” Kelly asked.
“Yeah, I know you’re busy. Are you okay? It sounded weird for a minute and I was worried I was interrupting important things.” Rico inquired.
“I’m okay ----” BOOM! The minute she confirmed she was alright, the Honda she had just tucked and rolled out of was engulfed in a sea of flames and fury. Her car exploded so hot and violently, she was tossed thirty feet from where she stood.
Agent Kelly Abreu lay face down on the pavement, her face torn up from the pavement. Her phone was knocked out of her hand and broken. She had hoped that Rico still remembered the drill. He should’ve; he used to be an agent himself. She decided it wasn’t safe to stay on the main highway, so she headed toward the wooded area to the right of the roadway.
Her backpack had everything she needed to get herself straight. She had water, survival gear, and food. She even had a burner phone with a prepaid phone card to load it with airtime. Hopefully, the blast didn’t break anything in her bag. Up ahead, she could see a stream and some larger rocks displaced from when they constructed the highway back in the 30s.
When she reached the rock, she sat down on the flattest one. She opened her backpack and started to get to work. Luckily for Kelly, everything was fine in her bag. She activated the phone, loaded the airtime, and called the only man she could ever trust, Coco.
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movieloversposts · 2 years
Spy (2015) 8/10
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The CIA's top analyst (Melissa McCarthy) gets a crack at a case when her partner (Jude Law) dies in the field. It's up to her to find a stolen nuclear bomb that is at risk of being sold into the wrong hands.
Melissa McCarthy shines as Susan Cooper. She's smart, she's witty, and she has determination to make things right. She's also 40, and joined the CIA after quitting her teaching job. But despite the odds, she fights hard for what's right.
The movie stars an ensemble cast, including Miranda Hart, who plays Susan's best friend and colleague, Nancy B. Artingsall, Rose Byrne as Rayna Boyanov, the daughter of Tihomir Boyanov (the only other person who knows where the bomb is hidden), Jude Law as debonair agent Bradley Fine, and Jason Statham as Rick Ford, a super macho agent who clashes with Susan.
The plot is easy to follow, and the movie takes place in Rome, Paris, and Budapest, following Susan Cooper's mission. The jokes are witty, mostly delivered by McCarthy and Statham. (Statham's character has two particular monologues about what he's done on missions, and it's hilarious).
There's not really any dull moments in this movie, because you're engaged in the fact that Susan has to track down Rayna to get to the bomb. And she struggles a few times, but she manages. And Rose Byrne is hilarious as Rayna, playing a stuck up, but ruthless person. She is dedicated to what her father left her.
There's hand to hand fight scenes, a car chase, and shootouts, so if you like any of those in an action movie, this has all three.
I did recently rewatch this movie after not seeing it for a few years, so it did feel long to me, but maybe that's because it's been a while. I'm sure if you see this movie over and over, it'll feel short.
But this is a good action comedy if you don't want to think too much!
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okay but what if he and jesse accidentally became the parental figures of this lonely kid then what..... then what....
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taniushka12 · 25 days
also can I just say? Susan x Rayna is real . . . But so is Susan x Nancy 😤😤😤
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susantbraithwaite · 2 months
Well, Hello There!
Hi, I’m Susan 👋 It’s been a while since I introduced myself! Let me take a minute to say hi to the new faces around here. 🤗 I’m a Scottish romantic suspense author. I love writing about Scottish spy heroes and the strong women they fall for. My stories are filled with intrigue, passion, and a bit of Scottish charm… we do have a flair for inventive swearing (that’s charm, isn’t it?)🕵️‍♂️❤️ When…
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cinema-hallucinations · 5 months
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Prompt: generate a movie concept for a sequel to the 2015 movie Spy with Melissa McCarthy, Rose Byrne, Miranda Hart and Jason Statham all reprising their roles. The film is set several years after Susan's success in the field. Despite her flawless record, she still gets assigned humiliating covert identities and embarrassing spy equipment. This time, she has to break the most unlikely ally out of prison: Rayna Boyanova, who Susan arrested in the climax of the first movie.
Title: Spy Intervention: Unlikely Partners
Logline: Susan Cooper, the world's most underestimated spy, is back! But this time, she's on a mission unlike any other – to team up with her nemesis, the glamorous supervillain Rayna Boyanova, in a hilarious and action-packed prison break.
Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy): Several years after her success as a field agent, Susan remains stuck with embarrassing disguises and outdated gadgets. Despite her proven skills, she's still underestimated by the agency.
Rayna Boyanova (Rose Byrne): Now a glamorous inmate with a killer sense of style even behind bars, Rayna becomes Susan's unlikely partner in a daring escape. She has a hidden agenda, of course.
Nancy Artingstall (Miranda Hart): Susan's best friend and tech expert at the agency. Nancy struggles to provide decent support as Susan and Rayna embark on their outlandish mission.
Rick Ford (Jason Statham): Still as incompetent despite his façade of cool competence, Rick finds himself pulled into the chaos alongside Susan (much to his annoyance).
Susan Cooper has become a legend at the CIA, but her reputation hasn't translated into better assignments. She's tasked with retrieving a vital piece of technology from a high-security prison, a mission requiring top-tier skills. However, the agency, as usual, throws her a curveball.
Instead of sending in a team of elite operatives, they assign Susan to break out the one person with the knowledge to access the technology – Rayna Boyanova. Susan, who accurately assumes that Rayna holds a grudge, is less than thrilled.
Rayna, despite being imprisoned, appears to be living the high life behind bars (think designer prison uniforms and a suspiciously well-equipped cell). She agrees to help, but only if Susan assists in her own grand escape.
Forced into an uneasy alliance, Susan and Rayna embark on a hilarious prison break that utilizes Susan's ingenuity and Rayna's criminal mastermind skills. They must navigate a series of ridiculous obstacles, including a bumbling warden obsessed with prison reform programs (think mandatory yoga sessions and group therapy circles), a team of incompetent prison guards, and Susan's outdated disguise kit (think a grandma disguise that's more conspicuous than convincing).
Through their mismatched teamwork, Susan and Rayna slowly develop a grudging respect for each other. The climax sees them facing off against a rival spy organization that also desires the technology. Susan and Rayna use their combined talents, along with some unexpected help from Rick Ford (who gets dragged into the mess by Nancy), to achieve their escape and secure the technology for the good guys (mostly).
The clash between Susan's awkwardness and Rayna's glamorous villainy.
Susan's continued struggle with outdated spy gadgets and embarrassing disguises.
Visual gags based on the absurdity of prison life and the limitations of Susan's "resources."
The dynamic between Susan and Nancy, forced to improvise solutions on the fly.
Rick Ford's deadpan reactions to the escalating chaos.
Finding an unlikely friend in your worst enemy.
The importance of teamwork, even with the most incompatible partners.
Breaking free from expectations and embracing your own unique skillset.
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siegbert2354 · 1 year
Susan Oliver
Robert culp
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dzelonis · 1 year
Susan Elia MacNeal - Maggie Hope #1-3
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kingorqueenofnarnia · 5 months
Narnia Headcanons
Queen Lucy the Valiant
Did not experience falling in love, and did not feel attracted enough to anybody to go for a casual relationship. She did pester Edmund about being in a relationship and drove him to madness— he already hated the number of suitors Susan had and thinking of people asking for Lucy made him fume even more. She took great amusement in riling him up with imaginary situations.
In Narnia, she was called Lucy the Lionheart, the Fanged Queen, the Merry Child, Queen Lucy the Healer, Lover of the People and more. She was known to be a happy person, always with a smile on her face, but also to be a lethal force in battle. She earned the name the Fanged Queen for her daggers— they were like a Lion's fangs in her skilled hands; fast, razor sharp and deadly.
Outside Narnia, she was known for her childlike smiles and her battle madness— the Child Queen, the Mad Queen, the Wild Child, Lucy the War Hungry, Bloody Lucy, the Merry Murderer and such terrifying titles. It was quite a shock for everyone who had heard her titles before meeting her, for she was nothing other than a little girl with the sweetest smile and the softest voice. Until, that is, the time for war came.
Peter's right hand when it came to battle strategy. Initially, it had been Edmund that had helped Peter, but as Lucy grew older they found she had a penchant for war, and Edmund immediately handed over the responsibilities to her to focus on the judiciary. People learnt very soon not to underestimate the 13 year old with dual daggers— she was as savage and deadly as a lion, and was not afraid to spill blood. Indeed, she was known to laugh as she killed on the battlefield.
Was the Spymaster of the espionage ring, and was extremely competent at it. She employed and trained unlikely creatures that would fly under the radar— Mice and Birds for their ability to appear dumb, Satyrs for their unassuming demeanor, Snakes for their stealth, and other small animals. It was the most successful spy organisation ever seen on the mainland.
Kept her hair short compared to the others. Went just below her shoulders, and had dozens of tiny braids following Peter's tradition. She braided white jasmines into her hair every morning for their smell, earning her the title the Crimson Jasmine after too many instances of the white flowers being drenched in her enemies' blood. When they fell out of Narnia, she had an impressive fifty-four braids— the highest out of all siblings.
Hated studying. Absolutely did not like to sit in one place poring over books for hours on end. She would rather be outside with the dryads and the satyrs, tracking the dumb animals through the forests on hunting expeditions.
Her favourite subjects were Strategy, Dancing lessons and Navigation— she was fond of sailing, and would usually accompany Edmund on his political journeys to the Islands and archipelagos. By the time she turned 16, she commanded her own fleet of warships, specifically to deal with the attacks on Narnian trade ships from pirates. She earned the title the Mad Queen for her daring and outrageous strategies to deal death on the sea.
Dancing with the Satyrs and the Dryads was her favourite passtime. If she was not on the sea and not in the archery range, she was in the forest, dancing around the fire in a circle. Her favourite dances were the Sword Dance and the fast paced Centaur's Canter.
Very often, she would assist Edmund with his ridiculous pranks. Equally often, she would blame him for her own pranks. Nobody other than the older pevensies ever believed that the sweet queen would ever prank anyone, which annoyed the three others to no end.
Playing Chess with Susan was also a treasured activity, for her. Often, the reason she came up with her outrageous battle strategies was that she had already thought of them when going up against Susan on the chessboard. Susan was a formidable opponent on the board and Lucy had to pull all the stops to defeat her. It helped when planning for actual war, and not to mention it was entertaining.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 60
Very soon after regenerating, the Second Doctor had pulled a large earring out of a trunk in the TARDIS, which he described as very fashionable once and remembered that at one point he used to wear it. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
Borusa once wrote a history book titled Rassilon the God. (Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
Like all other Time Lords upon initiation into the Academy, it has been confirmed that Susan once gazed into the Untempered Schism. (Audio: E is for...)
Many years after Nyssa left the Fifth Doctor to stay on Terminus, she had an adventure with the Fourth Doctor. This meant the Doctor had met Nyssa before Traken. (Novel: Asylum)
The First Doctor trained to be a ninja on Quinnis. (Novel: The Devil Goblins from Neptune)
The Ninth Doctor once got stranded when the TARDIS burped and jumped ahead 20 years in the future. From 20 years in the past, he communicated with a 12 year old girl named Sally Sparrow, knowing all about where to leave messages for her because she wrote about it in her homework, and that homework had been given to him by a spy in the future. Sally Sparrow successfully returned the TARDIS to the Doctor and grew up to be that very same spy who gave the Doctor the homework in the first place. (Short story: What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow) This story was later adapted into Blink.
Amendment 9 of the Fourth Constitutional Addendum is a Gallifreyan law also known as the "Stupidity Clause." K-9 brought it up while trying to think of a way to get Romana II found innocent during her trial. (Audio: Mindbomb)
On one of their first trips off Gallifrey, the First Doctor and Susan went to Garazone, where Susan bought him a model of the Nightjar after hearing stories about it. The Doctor put it up in the TARDIS. (Audio: Pursuit of the Nightjar)
This Nightjar model is still in the TARDIS by his Eleventh incarnation. (Audio: All of Time and Space)
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and Doris once saved Susan from drowning. (Short story: The Gift)
Soul catching refers to the Gallifreyan rite in which a Time Lord transfers their mind to another's shortly before their death, after which their mind will join the Matrix. The Third Doctor used it on Waro once, and the Eighth Doctor once used it to communicate with the Beast. (Novel: The Devil Goblins from Neptune; The Taint)
The Thirteenth Doctor once identified Halogi-Kari as a Harbinger, a rare and powerful race. He was a Wolf of Fenric and had transported Ace to Iceworld on Svartos when she was young. (Novel: At Childhood's End)
The Fifth Doctor once went temporarily blind when he plugged himself into a defense net and got overwhelmed. (Audio: The Children of Seth)
The Eighth Doctor tried to warn the Seventh Doctor of the circumstances of his upcoming regeneration, but the Seventh Doctor decided that he would proceed as he would have anyway (as foreknowledge is dangerous to the Web of Time.) (Novel: The Eight Doctors) This means that the Seventh Doctor knew he was about to die and regenerate in the beginning of the TV Movie.
Near the end of his life, the Seventh Doctor grew depressed and lonely, and he knew he should go to Gallifrey and give himself to the Chief Hospitaller and his team of psycho-techs. Gallifrey had access to neurosurgery, therapy, and drugs, and the last resort was forced regeneration with the hope that the next body would not have the same melancholia. (Novel: The Eight Doctors)
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