#susanoo onigiri
hekateisconfused · 4 months
Happy Pride Month Chat!~ From your favorite pangender, pansexual celestial witch!
I don't have much at the moment... So to atleast give y'all something, here's my Onigiri sexuality/gender headcanons! (also my main ships teehee-)
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No way I can fit everyone in the tags so I'll just fill in names till it caps me--
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kaaedey · 5 years
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Boys in swimsuits!
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waffle-the-badger · 7 years
*insert ugly crying face here*
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travelinguchiha · 4 years
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Having just got home from the precinct, Sasuke made his way to his dining room table—no, not to eat; to continue his investigation. After the Killing Joke, the precinct made sure to have tight security, at least for a few more weeks or until this whole thing subsides. Everyone was still on the edge after all. Not like he had anyone to blame, he would be too if he was a civilian. After all, being attacked and having a concussion would do some trauma if one wasn’t used to it.
He sighs, rubbing his head at the spot where the Killing Joke had hit. Damn, if only backup arrived a minute sooner, he wouldn’t have been in that situation. Oh well. He couldn’t fully blame anyone for what he had been put through. He was the one that ran off on the Joke’s trail on his own, so he shared some of the blame. However, what was done was done and he was back on the force less than two weeks later—which was good. He needed something to distract himself from not having the ability to go home so quickly. Not like he had anyone to return to: all of Team 7 (or, well, one was missing he supposed) was here and living in the same building. He could easily visit if he wanted to, or if he had the time to. Lately he hasn’t had any due to missing work and the precinct putting more work in tightening security. And so, here was Sasuke riffling through the documents that he had missed working on while he was out on hospital leave.
His fingers went as he skimmed through the different, non-Killing Joke related cases. It seemed like a normal day in Wonderland. Or, well, as normal as it could be in Wonderland. Sasuke was still unsure of what was normal or what wasn’t by Wonderland’s standards. Everyone was a hotpot of cultures and time after all, so who was to say and who has the time to designate the normal with the abnormal.
His mouth goes, as he stands up and walks to his room to get fresh clothes. He couldn’t stew in his police uniform. It was starting to get heavy with the day that he had. Sasuke maneuvered to his bathroom, closing the door behind him and hearing a mewl of protest from his lazy cat. Of course Susanoo would want to be in the shower—that cat was weird. He liked water. Sasuke lets out a chuckle as he strips off of his uniform and turns on the shower. It was time to relax and make some late-night snack before turning it in for the day.
Went the shower knob as he finished his warm shower after a few long minutes. He had much to think about, and much to un-think about. He reaches for his towel, drying himself off and stepping out. He wonders what snack to eat, but it would probably be the same. Ramen with bonito onigiri. The usual late night for him. Sasuke wipes the mirror from its light fog, examining himself before eyes darting to an unfamiliar mark. 
Squeak squeak
His hand goes over the mirror and he sees it: 7♧ over his heart. What the hell was this? Was something in the air? Did someone write on  while he was taking a nap in the break room? Did the Killing Joke do this? Or was Orochimaru behind this? No. He hasn’t seen Orochimaru in a long time and even then, his master wouldn’t make this rather tacky mark on him. Or at least: that’s what Sasuke thinks. Maybe he should wipe this away.
Fifteen minutes
He spent trying to wipe the mark away till his skin was red and stinging. And yet, the mark remained freshly black. Sasuke rubbed at his chest gently—feeling the sting intensify then subside. As much as this pissed Sasuke off, he had to move on, or else he’d become rather weary.
Perhaps, he’d again become what people would say a tragedy.
And so, Sasuke does move on. Just enough for him to wear fresh clothes and get out of the bathroom where his cat was waiting. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to have a 7♧. No, he’s lying to himself at this point. He can’t take this. There’s so much to do and this is just a hindrance. Now he had to spend multiple minutes trying to figure just what the hell this was. Perhaps he should ask Sakura. But...Sasuke looks out his window across from hers: dark. Either Sakura wasn’t home yet or she’d gone to sleep. But who is caring? Not him. No. Unless?
He had to repeat that to himself as he slowly treks back to his dining table. He suddenly doesn’t feel hungry anymore. If anything, he feels...he doesn’t know what he’s feeling, really. A myriad of many things possibly. But at the same time a myriad of nothing. Something he couldn’t decipher, but he knew there was disaster afoot behind this. Maybe the mark truly was of cursed origin.
What a pain.
What a disaster.
What a Greek Tragedy.
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hekateisconfused · 10 months
LMFAOOOOOO That's it expect me to draw Susanoo as Kaito soon-- something as cursed as that is perfect inspiration to pullout the tablet--
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hekateisconfused · 1 year
So wait, what are the canon sexualities/genders? Momotarou's trans?
Trans Momo is a headcannon I have because HOLY HELL THAT MAN IS JUST RADIATING GENDER CONFUSION ALL THE TIME (I wouldn't say "dysphoria", but he's definitely confused on who he is). The game has used him in feminine terms before (Miroku sometimes refers to him in the "chan" terms, though it's usually a joke) and in an arc of the game he's wearing a pink, frilly dress. I'm just sayin, there's no way that's a cisgender man-- Definitely trans-coded to some degree.
As for characters sexuality/genders... (these are all headcannons, however everyone is queercoded in the actual game (play Onigiri and you'd know- *cough cough*--) )
Lady Shizuka: Bisexual
Crystal: Pansexual
Yoshitsune: Transgender Lesbian
Miroku: Bisexual
Ibaraki Douji: Pansexual
Momotarou: Transgender Pansexual (rarely I say he's Omnigender as well)
Kaguya: Lesbian
Susanoo: Pansexual
Amaterasu: Asexual Panromantic
I also have a list of headcannon sexualities and genders for the side characters, but I'll only give them out if asked because there's a lot of side characters in Onigiri :33
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kaaedey · 5 years
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I love this event
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kaaedey · 5 years
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He’s still jelly (≧▽≦)
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kaaedey · 6 years
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Main 8 characters phone wallpapers! Like / reblog if you use one of them!
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kaaedey · 6 years
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Onigiri wallpapers made by @felinefaery !
Thank you dear for sharing these masterpieces with me ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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kaaedey · 6 years
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Someone is jealous~
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travelinguchiha · 4 years
to: itachi
𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐥
                           𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲.
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Time surely passed by quickly, as quickly as the seasons changed. Without even waiting long for it, Sasuke had realized it was today—Itachi’s birthday. How long has it been since they’ve seen each other last? It was on their last fight, no? No; it was on the battlefield. Itachi was there, moving through the trees. Only, it wasn’t Itachi. Or maybe it was. It had been so long that Sasuke forgot Itachi had an ounce of humanity in him prior to finding out the truth about the Uchiha clan and Konohagakure.
Sasuke didn’t have many pleasant memories of his brother, and those that were pleasant were cherished and guarded well in his heart. Even now, Sasuke had a habit of using the forehead tap on someone else, the same one Itachi would use on him when he apologized and told him “Next time.” A small smile graces the remaining Uchiha’s lips as he remembers all the times that would occur. Far too many.
He moves from the couch to the dining room table, drumming his fingers against the simple wooden table. He’s restless during this day. There’s always so much to say, yet not enough time nor space.
He moves again, but only to get a piece of paper and a pen, before moving back to the dining room table. He sits, tapping the pen on his hand against the wood this time. It must’ve bothered his cat because he had heard a rather impatient meow. The cat took after him, Sasuke noticed. Sasuke wonders if Itachi would have liked Susanoo. Not like anyone hated the cat, it was a lovable pet and generally known in Wonderland by a small group of people. Not that he nor Sasuke minded. He turns to his paper again, writing his own brother’s title. 
                                                                                       ⎡ Big Brother ⎦
Sasuke wasn’t much for formalities—even Itachi knew this—but for Itachi, it was the only thing Sasuke could do to honor him. He was done trying to get revenge for and against him. Itachi didn’t want that for him anyway, that he knew well. 
There was always so much to say, yet nothing would come out properly. Where should Sasuke start? From the beginning? Sasuke thinks that even a big speech from start to finish wouldn’t even be enough, yet it would be too much—even for Itachi. Itachi was busy, and he would probably get hungry before Sasuke could even finish if he was alive and well with him in Wonderland. Even Sasuke would get impatient and hungry, too. They were too alike. They both knew they weren’t that patient when it came to things, and they both excelled in talking less. They both knew actions spoke louder than words. It showed with how they moved and how they conveyed their feelings. Perhaps they got it from their father. But yet? Sasuke couldn’t help but feel like he should be wordy. It’s been a long time after all, and he was unsure of when he’d get to see to the older Uchiha’s grave again. Was Itachi worried about him?
❝ Big brother, are you wondering where I am? ❞
The young Uchiha would ask himself as he looked down on the paper with only his brother’s title decorating the blank page.
Sasuke heaves a sigh and stands up again. Perhaps he should take time to recollect his thoughts before writing. Itachi would have wanted Sasuke to do that instead of sitting here in this moment of silence trying to write something for him. Instead, Sasuke rummages through his fridge to take out some food. Itachi would have loved this more than cake itself. Or that’s what Sasuke thinks. Or maybe he’s trying to compensate for his grief by romanticizing what his brother would have wanted for his birthday.
He tries his best. That’s what he thinks and that’s what he tells himself as he shaped rice balls into triangular and circular shapes. Three of Itachi’s favorite, and three of Sasuke’s. Kelp and bonito respectively. It doesn’t look the way Sasuke had hoped, but what was he to do about it when he only has one hand to maneuver the rice with? It’s not a big deal, Sasuke tells himself—because that’s what Itachi would tell him as well. Setting the made rice balls in the fridge, he returns back to the almost blank paper resting on the table.
He hasn’t forgotten. But he also hasn’t formed the words he wants to say.
Nevertheless, he sits gingerly across from the piece of paper. Don’t think to hard about it, he tells himself because that’s what Itachi would tell him as well.
Taking the pen from the table, he taps it against the grain repeatedly—not wanting to make a mess on the pristine paper.
                                                                                      ⎡ A lot of things have happened after the events of the war. But I’m sure you’ve already known that, you have your ways of knowing—even while you were living. How is mom and dad? I miss all of you, and I wish that we could spend this time together as family for once. 
Big brother, I now know I cannot fault you for what you have done. It was the right thing to do at the time, I understand. I just wish it didn’t come to that conclusion. I just wish we could be sitting next to each other celebrating your birthday. But, it’s not the time to lament such things is it?
I’ve made your favorite. I remember it was kelp onigiri, wasn’t it? Or, so that’s what I remembered enough to make. Of course, there’s other things as well. We can’t leave it at just rice balls. But, you’d have to forgive me since everything else but the onigiri was pre-made. There’s only so much I can do alone with one hand. 
Big brother. There’s so much more that I want to tell you. I’ve recently gone to a strange world and I suddenly cannot return to you. I can’t even send this letter directly to your grave. Do you miss me? Are you lonely, big brother? I’m trying my best to return home as quick as possible. But till then, next time. Right? Thank you. For everything.
The young man folds the letter into threes, putting it inside a golden envelope that was addressed to his brother before setting it in the middle of the table. Taking out the rice balls, the cabbage salad with cherry tomatoes and yuzu dressing, and the dango, Sasuke tries to set things up as nice as possible—feigning like it was a big party when, in reality, it was only him celebrating. 
Sasuke bows his head in respect. He would clap three times if the ability to do so wasn’t being hindered by only having one arm. Nevertheless, he makes do as he lowly hums ‘Happy Birthday.’ Itachi would have wanted him to sing but he’s not much for singing anyway. Instead, Sasuke takes a minute to be in silence after humming. To honor Itachi the way he should have been honored.
❝ Thank you, Itachi. For everything. ❞
He mutters after the minute of silence was up—taking a bonito rice ball and giving cheers to the air as if Itachi was there with him doing the same thing.
                                                                                     ❝ Happy birthday. ❞
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