#suzuki bullet train
bigfootshonkers · 2 years
I read Bullet Train and I feel like nobody talks about Suzuki
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Like this was gay right?
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indeedgoodman · 9 months
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Forgot to mention this before but honestly favorite part about the Bullet Train book is when Ladybug is trying to get off the train at the end and he has a full on slapstick scenario happen where he hits his head on like the overhead thing and eats shit so hard he gets the doors closed on him <3 
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haliaiii · 2 years
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uhhh sketches I did while reading three assassins
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theres-a-bea · 2 years
look ik br*d pitt brought a cutesy lil charm to movie ladybug but book ladybug just hits different ok nanao is actually hot with like a subtle lil michael cera energy
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0verzealouz · 2 years
Your reminder that “Three Assassins”, the book before Bullet Train, exists. 
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blacjaq1 · 1 year
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sohcah--toa · 5 months
bullet train/マリアビートル details ~
Hello!! I recently dug up the Bullet Train script (if you search it up, you should be able to find it relatively easily!! I'm not sure if it's completely reliable but it seems to be the first version) and listened to the soundtrack. (It's awesome, you should listen if you haven't already!!)
There's a lot of stuff here about マリアビートル, I hope you enjoy reading 🥳 (It's really ridiculous)
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I attached a photo for reference in the book!! :D (there's highlighter marks, I'm sorry) His backstory is tragic and aahh noo 🥹... I won't say much on it because we're all thinking the same thing. In the script, this is carried over when Lemon passes out because of the water. But apparently, in the final movie, this isn't shown a lot. In the book and movie, they aren't brothers and have a considerably colder relationship, so I can understand why the childhood scene in the cut is so much more wholesome. (Still supersuper cool though!!)
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-- 2) "I'm forever blowing bubbles"
The original reason why this song was chosen for Bullet Train was because of Tangerine's West Ham United sticker (turns out, that's a football club). Hey!! But wait a minute!! There's a funny coincidence because Ladybug in the book was trying to become a football star. He has a quote that's like "my friend told me that someone like me could either become a footballer or a criminal, so I did both" and he says that his first crime was stealing a football.
The song delves into themes surrounding fortune as well!! I love their music selection 🙇‍♂️😤
Okay this part (in a way...) contains spoilers for Three Assassins, which is the first book of the "series"! ! The story revolves around a guy named Suzuki, who appears again in Bullet Train!! He kinda-sorta becomes friends with Ladybug and it's like 😊 they are so happy. To be completely honest, Suzuki's a bit traumatised but so is Ladybug, right?? Lovely friendship!!
It's also so interesting that he's reading a hotel buffet menu because his wife used to love eating at buffets and he adopted the habit of hoarding all the food as well. He's on the train to meet with his dead wife's family (which was extremely difficult for him after her passing).
There's this other book in the series called The Mantis or AX for the Japanese version. This one isn't talked about a lot but if you like family stories, this book is so so soo good. It really pulled at my heartstrings when I first read it but I can't say too much without spoiling everything. Anyway, it makes a few references to Bullet Train and literally starts with the main character, Kabuto (an assassin), having a flashback to talking to Tangerine and Lemon during one of his missions, where they had the same target so they worked together. The Twins really respect him, actually, but find it funny that he's so careful around his wife (YES KABUTO, AN ASSASSIN, HAS A WIFE). Some characters reappear so.. :")) yay!!
-- 5) 777
Ladybug comes back!! He comes back in the latest book in the series; 777. So far, the Japanese reviews have been pretty positive and I think there's an English translation coming in November!! 🥳 I like how the title is 777; 7 like 7 tails in Nanao (七尾), car 7, his favourite number is 7 (if I recall correctly), 7 the "lucky number".
-- 6) THIS GUY
No one asked but I heavily dislike the Prince in the book. (to be honest, who doesn't...) He's just mean for no reason and likes ruining people's lives, makes fun of poor Ladybug (this really isn't that bad compared to the other stuff he does) and yeah, the list goes on. Also apparently he (heavily) tortures other schoolmates and it's not like he gets paid for it like the Twins or the other guys. He just does it for fun?? OK!! The premise of his character is amazing and it's great to see a villain that's actually just straight evil but since he's designed that way, we are validated when hating him ww. He talks about politics as well for some reason... keeps referencing historical tragedies.... man.
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The Pusher is back too!! Weee~ (not really)
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In the movie, it seems as though this entire part got cut out which, like, is reasonable. I attached a photo from the Grasshopper (2015) movie for reference hahaha. The guy in the black suit is the Pusher!! Yeah, he pushes people!! (not in the fun way!!)
He is in charge of protecting Wataru from the Prince's guy, although he's reluctant at first. He's obsessed with bugs and stuff. Whenever he opens his mouth, it's probably going to be about bugs. The Pusher's also strangely poetic. Maybe it's because he likes old bands like the Rolling stones? Oh!! And he gets mentioned in The Mantis.
And speaking of the Kimura family, Yuichi Kimura says something very true and it's:
"who do they gotta make the train toilets so nasty"
This is very much a fact. In Mariabeetle, he gets kidnapped when he's 8 years old because he gets mistaken for a rich kid (after he lost a bet with his wealthy friend and had to wear his "rich person backpack"), then in the place he's being held captive, he escapes by HIMSELF since his dad isn't able to give the guys money for his son back (since they took the wrong person!!). But heyy he's resourceful and smart.
AND guess what?? He gets traumatised because there was this other boy being held but Ladybug didn't save him and it's haunted him ever since. This is also one of the reasons why he ends up helping the Prince even though he knows it won't do him any good.
Obviously, it gets worse from there. He makes it back to his family and they're pretty happy. Unfortunately, they're far from rich and Ladybug has to study extremely hard to get into a college. Spoiler alert, he doesn't. THE THING IS!! He studied so hard!! It's just that during his exam, some kid sneezed on his paper and he wiped it, smudging all his work and even his name!! Nanao! No!!
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To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
"We perished, each alone."
-> He really loves that quote. A lot. Also he's a Virginia Woolf fan!!
2. Forbidden Colours - Yukio Mishima
-> He's also a Yukio Mishima fan... I wonder if he's ever read "The Sound of Waves". What would he think about it? Hahaha this will keep me up at night 😅 (<- SLANTED EMOJI!!)
3. The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Yukio Mishima
-> To talk about Article 41 of the Penal Code of Japan. (Mr Kotaro Isaka, the author, studied law, by the way!! It's interesting!!) However, here, Tangerine quotes Mishima on Article 41 ;)
4. Hemingway and Faulkner
-> Actually it's a collection so it's not really a book recommendation but these two people are real - Ernst Hemingway (the Old Man and the Sea guy) and William Faulkner. They didn't really get along, by the way, and even though they respected the other's work, they criticised more than praised. Sounds like the Twins.
5. Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
-> "Crime is no longer insanity, but simply common sense, almost a duty; anyway, a gallant protest."
I think the author is a heavy Fyodor Dostoevsky fan, just because he also referenced his works in Three Assassins.
6. Crime and Punishment ;D
-> "Science now tells us, love yourself before all men, for everything in the world relies on self-interest."
(CONT'D) yeahh this book was referenced in Three Assassins and one of the characters is obsessed with it. Glad to see that Tangerine is a fan too hahahaha.
Opinionated text here but Lemon is plain awesome.
"Between the principal's name and Doraemon's gadgets, it was blindingly obvious which one was more important."
To each their own and I know he's a criminal but he seems like he has no enemies. Sounds very wholesome.
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She's in Three Assassins AND the Mantis!! Hypercool. In both books, the Hornet is a team of a male and a female. The female is eliminated (this word choice ww) by Ladybug but the male is still up and kicking, though Ladybug feels bad about it. They use poison needles, like the movie, but they trigger anaphylaxis, which is a really dangerous allergic reaction that causes body shocks.
"If people knew that they might be killed by someone tomorrow, economic activity would grind to a halt."
... well 😅 take from that what you will.
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(that's Suzuki!!)
Cela dit... that's all.... so long, I'm sorry. But thank you so much if you read until the end!! I hope you at least found it a bit entertaining!! :"))
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Hey @ask-milo-suzuki (look! Daddy Legion!)
Slayers and hunters fear my hoovesteps
Nuckalavee Grimm info:
Height: 15 feet
Weight: 900lbs
Weapons: Claws, Hooves
Strengths: One of the strongest creatures of Grimm to ever exist, Has caused the deaths of countless Huntsmen and innocent civilians, Immensely powerful (Having killed countless Huntsmen of varying skill including Lie Ren’s parents, Nearly killed Team RNJR), Is extremely durable (Has a multitude of Weapons sticking out of it causing it no harm of discomfort, It took everything Team RNJR had to wear it down and defeat it), Extreme reflexes (Was able to react and counter attacks from Team RNJR when they attacked it from multiple sides and angles), Can stretch its arms for ranged attacks.
Weaknesses: Seems to be only able to move either the Horse or humanoid parts of its body at a time (the humanoid part hanging limp off when the Horse half moves and the Horse standing stock still whilst the humanoid part attacks).
Legion Yamamoto info:
Height:7foot 2 as a humanoid oni but he grows up to 35-40 foot as a true demon
Weight:Unknown but he makes sink holes when he jumps and craters when he falls.
Weapons:metal club, claws, teeth, demon blood art.
Strengths:despite being younger then most demons by the time he steps into the limelight he's one of the strongest demons that lived and he's survived everything up to an unknown death (the whole village was chanting for Kaito to win against Posiden.) Insane strength (threw train cars at muzan as a demon as a human he ripped demons apart and could throw around a massive club to split demons in two as a demon he was strong enough to split mountains and easily threw a large robot triple the size of a tank called Nancy. [According to death battle it should way 15 to 20 tons]) Insane durability (one of the few demons that's immune to sunlight and can't die by decapitation. Being an Oni in the reboot timeline he is bullet and blade proof. He's also been decapitated so many times it's nothing more then a nuisance.) Suprising speed (Despite his massive size he kept up with Douma and helped both the slayers and tanjiro defeat muzan and akaza without slowing down. Kaito believes he's faster than upper moon 4) his blood art gives him the ability to make whatever he eats part of him (ate enough frogs to give himself multiple long tounges gained wings this way. He also did the same to deers cows and elks to grow extra legs. He can use weakened versions of blood arts if he eats a demon as long as he didn't digest them fully. Is the reason he can sprout multiple eyes and arms) Suprisingly good at fighting despite being a brezerker (survived fights against Yoriichi despite knowing what he could do. Fought muzan for 4 hours straight as a human with demon eater powers. Fought akaza to a standstill as a human.)
Weaknesses:he's very straightforward and prideictable in a fight. He canonically dies before the start of Izukus time according to the other Einherjars. While immune to demon weaknesses he has a skin/allergy to water which worsened when he became an Oni (melted to a puddle almost killing him when Milo alsomost got swept away in a flood in the future.) Will sacrifice himself without thinking even if it does more harm then good. He's a massive target.
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omnitheist27 · 7 months
The 40: Catch the Bullet
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"To answer your question, you get to be a superhero by believing in the hero within you and summoning him or her forth by an act of will." - Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias
@the-ravenclaw-werewolf, @purplemochi20055, @hulkchloron99, and @r3dp4nd4ch1ld
I decided to bust out my drawing tablet and use Photoshop again to create a comic for The 40, and I will say...it's a start for me to brush up on my digital illustration skills.
Izuku has come a long way after his year-long intense training regiment compared to his Pre-Character Development self. But the most gracious physical feat he had performed that would make Bakugou jealous and All Might proud, was being able to catch a bullet fired from a revolver.
I was looking over Alan Moore's well-known comic, Watchmen, and was greatly interested in Ozymandias' character and the astonishing physical and mental feats he's able to perform after dedicating himself to training his mind and body by retracing the steps of Alexander the Great by traveling the world. The one thing that interests me about how he managed to become what he is, is through his interview in the second to last issue. Where Adrian firmly believes that anyone can do what he can achieve, as you need to have the belief and willpower to see it through.
And what do you know...Izuku manages to do the impossible after the many trials that await him in the year-long intense training regiment. Reacting immediately upon seeing an unknown assailant pull a revolver on him, and summoning all of his willpower and technique to time his catching of the bullet correctly. However, like with Ozymandias, Izuku's skin was damaged from the bullet due to the obvious friction from the speed it had. But it's still a great accomplishment compared to his pre-training self, as the bullet would've burst through his hand and killed him, never mind the idea that he could actually catch it.
Afterward reaction from the other members of The 40.
Spike Spiegel: Shhiieeeeeeeeettt kid...you actually caught it...
Levi Ackerman: Well I'll be damned...
Zuko: Izuku...you did it.
Korra: That...was the most craziest thing you have ever done.
Saitama: ...Good for him...
Mob: That was close!
Edward Elric: How is that possible?
Ishigami Senku: That can't be scientifically possible!
Gojo: Bwa ha ha ha! Amazing!
Hanako: That was close.
Souma: Holy crap!
Mako: Whoo hoo Izuku-kun!
Kobayashi: That was too close for comfort!
Tohru: (worryingly) Izuku-kun!
Chika: Hmm...I must keep a close eye on this one.
Haruka: ...Huh...
Naegi Makoto: He actually caught it!
Ciel Phantomhive: That was...impressive...
Katsuki Yuuri: That took some insane reaction speed.
Shouyou Hinata: Go for it Izuku!
Saiki Kusuo: I knew he would catch it. Looking at you Omnitheist27.
Suzui Ryōta: I wouldn't take a gamble like that.
Heine Wittgenstein: He has come a long way.
White Blood Cell / Neutrophil (U-1146): The medulla oblongata must be very active for him to do that.
Satō Mafuyu: ...
Hasegawa Langa: ... 
Killua Zoldyck: While impressive for someone like Izuku, I've seen greater reaction time.
Kamado Tanjirou: Yeah! Izuku-san!
Kuroko Tetsuya: ...
Okumura Rin: I've got to train harder if I want to do that.
Fujioka Haruhi: That really was close.
Emma: Go Izuku!
Serinuma Kae: I've got to read Observepeople again!
L: To possess the will needed to pull that off...
Shiota Nagisa: I'm not sure if I want to do that...
Legoshi: So humans are capable of such feats.
Suzuki Iruma: I wonder if learning to catch a bullet would come in handy for school?
Fujinuma Satoru: That...is something you don't see every day.
Feliciano Vargas (North Italy): I'm starting to get flashbacks of Japan wanting to cut bullets.
Canon MHA cast reaction:
Midoriya Inko: (bawling) IZZUUUUUKKUUU!!!
All Might: (in English) Oh my...oh my...GOODNESS!!!
Bakugou Katsuki: Tch! I would've caught it as well!
Uraraka Ochako: You did it Deku-kun!
Todoroki Shouto: Midoriya...
Asui Tsuyu: That was reckless Midoriya-san, but good job.
Mineta Minoru: HE'S INSANE!!! Although he was pretty cool.
Kirishima Eijiro: MANLY!!!
Shinso Hitoshi: Could I do that...
Togata Mirio: POWER!!!
Izumi Kota: Kick his ass Izuku!
Eri: D-D-Do your best Deku!
Shouta Aizawa: (to the rest of Class 1-A) If I catch any of you performing a stunt like that...
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burlveneer-music · 11 months
VA - J Jazz Vol. 4: Deep Modern Jazz from Japan - Nippon Columbia 1968 -1981 - a new entry in BBE Music's excellent comp series
With J Jazz volume 4, the BBE J Jazz Bullet Train continues its journey traversing the expansive landscape of modern Japanese jazz. Volume 4 is the latest in the universally praised compilation series exploring the best, rarest and most innovative jazz to emerge from the Far East. Please take your seats for a first-class ticket to J Jazz central. This latest station stop off is with the famed Nippon Columbia label, one of the biggest labels in Japan, whose jazz output embraces every possible style imaginable. Focussing on the key years 1968-1981, J Jazz volume 4 sees compilers Tony Higgins and Mike Peden dig even deeper into their record collections and pull-out tracks that span styles ranging from solo to big band, jazz classical interpretations and heavy jazz rock, to febrile post-bop, white hot samba fusion, and modal psychedelic wig-outs. J Jazz volume 4 features icons such as drum master Takeo Moriyama, keyboard magi Hiromasa Suzuki, Fumio Itabashi, and Masahiko Satoh, and guitar wizards Kazumi Watanabe and Kiyoshi Sugimoto, alongside big band maestros and innovators Nobuo Hara and his Sharps and Flats, and Toshiyuki Miyama’s New Herd. Thunderous basslines nestle alongside glistening runs of electric piano, bubbling synths and air-tight drumming as the heavy psychedelic modal blues of Jiro Inagaki flows with the infectious samba grooves of Takashi Mizuhashi featuring Herbie Hancock; Shigeharu Mukai’s fusion funk epics take the music to another level and Mikio Masuda’s driving keyboard rhythms brings the heat to an incendiary dancefloor zone. With 7,000 words of extensive sleeve notes, J Jazz vol 4 comes in a triple 180g vinyl set inside a deluxe gatefold sleeve with obi strip plus a 4 page insert. The double CD features two bonus tracks not on the vinyl edition. Mastered at the Grammy-nominated Carvery Studio by Frank Merritt, this latest collection is a worthy successor to the preceding three volumes that have set the bar so high. J Jazz is curated for BBE Music by Tony Higgins and Mike Peden. 
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bigfootshonkers · 2 years
I decided to start a Bullet Train discord server. It features Nazuki and Tangbug
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ohara-n-brown · 2 years
Bullet Train fandom I’m literally gonna explode
Idk if y’all know but there’s a loose-prequel of Bullet Train called Three Assassins that takes place in the same world. It was published before Bullet train but it only got translated to English very recently
and MY GOD is it good. If you love Ladybug/Nanao just wait until you meet the disaster Suzuki, a math teacher who joins a gang to avenge his wife expect, except he has no idea what the hell he’s doing
Plus it adds three new assassins to the canon: The Whale, The Cicada, and The Pusher. Each of which are extremely talented and oddly wholesome despite them having ass backwards morals
And there’s NO fandom for it whatsoever 😭 Y’all please
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gumy-shark · 4 months
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am asking u to elaborate :3 i agree with u
yippeee!!! ok so. the suzukis.
it’s a little hard for me to analyze shou properly because he gets very little focus compared to the other teen espers we see.
shou is a character who has very much internalized the idea that with great power comes great responsibility. like teru he falls into the trap/coping mechanism of seeing himself as a Teen Protagonist, and he comes in with a very simplistic view. there is a right way and wrong way to use psychic powers- the wrong way involves using them to hurt people, and the right way involves using them to stop those who use their powers the wrong way- and if you have the power to fight and you don’t, you’re a coward.
but also, again, he’s coming at this from a Teen Protagonist lens. he’s the Only One Who Can Do This. he fights against toichirou not because of a personal grudge, but because of their relationship, and because what he’s doing is wrong.
fuck lost track of my train of thought. bullet points version of the rest:
the “how could you embarrass your own son like this” scene in the world domination arc. just a good scene.
this little moment from when toichirou is about to explode
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^ from the way he was moving, shou probably would’ve stuck around at explosion ground zero if ritsu hadn’t left
the whole confession arc bit where toichirou tries to sacrifice himself and shou is literally like “what the fuck no you don’t get to die here”
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Which of the four nations do you think each of the 40 (excluding Zuko and Korra) would be part of and which ones could bend?
Remember! List is subject to change!
Indented: Character
Bullet point: Explanation
When writing my answer, I had thought of a A:TLA AU with these characters, with the exception of Korra, but let me know if anyone is interested in hearing it!
MCS (WE): A:TLA Elements
I came up with this list back with the mind set of all of them to be benders, but if I had to chose some of them to be non-benders to would be:
Spike Spiegel
He isn't rich or socially powerful as some of the other characters from his anime, but he's always quick on his feet and has a few tricks up his sleeves.
Mako Mankanshoku
She's already weaker in a sense compared to the cast of her anime, but I can see her being supportive and learning chi-blocking, even if she executes in a weird way.
Chika Fujiwara
She is definitely the opposite of Spike when it comes to wealth and social standing, but I could imagine her more in a role of where she is a non-bender but is very manipulative, kind of playing mind games with her opponent.
Tohru Honda
She didn't need special powers in order to help the Sohma family, so a non-bender role would fit with her.
Izuku Midoriya
I don't think I need to say it.
Senku Ishigami
Iruma Suzuki
He's isn't a fighter, but we have seen him train and fight when faced against the odds, even though he is just a human in the Netherworld full of demons.
Nagisa Shiota
Naturally adaptable and can easily fool his opponents into dropping their guard because of his unassuming appearance.
Ciel Phantomhive
It's in a similar vain to Chika, but he would be pulling more strings in the background to combat any benders.
But regardless, here is my take on your question!
Heine Wittgenstein
Earth would be a good element for him as he endured so much from both versions of his backstory. However, because he was a leader in both stories and he was driven to make changes to the kingdom/lives of those who lived in the lower class better, I put him with fire.
Satoru Gojo
He wants to change how the jujutsu system is and has an insane amount of drive, even if it seems he’s just kickback. Not to mention he already has such powerful and destructive technique, what could possibly go wrong? (Answer: Everything).
Kusuo Saiki
Even in the most ridiculous of situations, he has the drive and energy to achieve his goals and or a quiet life.
Rin Okumura
Driven, determined, stubborn, wants to be the best exorcist and defeat Satan, definitely a firebender.
Soma Yukihira
His biggest drive is to beat his father and to become the best chef in the world, making his perfect element fire.
Ciel Phantomhive
Ironic that he’s fire, but I chose this element as he is a leader who takes charge of his life, even if it means to make a contract with a demon. He knows what he wants and he doesn’t care what it takes to get it.
Killua Zoldyck
Fire, and not just for his lighting. He has the strength and determination to fight for what he believes, even if it means fighting against his family or powerful enemies. He will even use everything in his arsenal to see that Alluka, his friends, and Gon are safe and sound.
Definitely fire as she is driven to get the kids of the orphanage out of there and safe all the while doing everything in her power so they can get to the human world safely. I could see her as earth too, but she isn't afraid to challenge the system.
Levi Ackerman
Is a firm leader who doesn't bend (ha!) to anyone and keeps marching forward even in the hardest of times.
Blunt, stubborn, but determined and headstrong, I can see her as a powerful earthbender who knows how to keep others in line.
Edward Elric
Even though he has a short temper, he would make a perfect earthbender as he already works with so many elements from the earth and is stubborn to a fault.
Senku Ishigami
He has conviction and drive, but also when he sets his mind to a goal, there is no talking him out of it. For better or for worse, he take on any challenge he comes across and sweeps everyone else along for the ride.
(Plus I can imagine him using his bending and science to creating Octo-Arms just like Doc Ock.)
While indifferent, he still has a heart and fights for the right thing. He can come off as rude or cynical, but that’s only because his indifference affects his social interactions. I first thought fire or earth would be his forte, but then I thought of how he usually fights in the defense of others. Sure he wants to find a fight that he can go all out in, but more often than not, get involved in a fight when civilians or an area is in danger. So I thought air would fit him.
Naegi Makoto
He tries to keep the peace and finds a resolution, and absolutely hates the idea of killing. But he brings a sense of community to the group he leads.
He is quite humble as he purely uses his strength for the sake of others and to protect them, so he would be a prefect airbender
Mako Mankanshoku
Full of life, cheer, and loves her family and friends to the very core, even through the hardest time, she has such high spirits that it’s hard to not get swept up in it.
Ryota Suzui
He doesn’t like to take risks, but is shown to pull through when the stakes are high. Smart, yet thoughtful. Careful, but determined. But above all else, he is grounded.
Tetsuya Kuroko
As you know, he works best in the shadows and as a support. And since air can be used to support the other elements, this is perfect for him.
Izuku Midoriya
He deeply cares for those he loves and stands up for what is right. While some go with fire, I see air bending as more of his style.
Shoyo Hinata
He doesn't like to be shackled by his own limitations, which is why he strives to break them so he can go higher.
Shigeo Kageyama
He can be naive at times, but he has a deep understanding of people and emotions, and plus his esper abilities already deals with spirits, so this is a good choice for him.
Iruma Suzuki
He doesn't have material desires, he just wants to live his life with his family and friends. He may be a gentle soul, but when push comes to shove, he can pull off amazing feats.
Because of his playful nature and that he strives to protect the spirit world and those he cares deeply for.
One of his famous landmark is the Grand Canal, but I see that he is a peacekeeper, but also a fighter if need be, (i.e. Turkey). I considered him as an Airbender, but he has earthly attachments so water I found was a better fit as he also cares for his family and friends and can adapt pretty much everywhere, even in the wackiest of ways.
Spike Spiegel
Like his philosophy, he goes with the flow of life and adapts to anything life throws at him. He also has a heart, even if he doesn’t show it.
Satoru Fujinuma
When he has to constantly live through Revival, he has to adapt and be quick to find the oddity. And even if he doesn’t show it or says he doesn’t have the capacity to care about others, he constantly puts himself in harm's way for their sake.
L Lawliet
He is adaptable in so many ways that he always has a contingency plan. Even if one plan fails, he’s quick to come up with another and is always strategizing, like his mind games with Light.
Yuuri Katsuki
He has a deep love for his family, friends, and later on Victor. His entire program centers around the concept of love and during his training he learns how to adapt both physically and mentally.
Definitely determined and hardworking, for his ultimate goal is to protect the body and the cells that live in it, making him the perfect waterbender.
Haruka Nanase
Do I even need to say it?
Kae Serinuma
Throughout the changes of her life, she adapts and finds ways to conquer through them. And she wishes for the others to get along, even if she’s oblivious to their feelings for her.
Langa Hasegawa
Adapts from snowboarding to skateboarding in a matter of seconds and deeply cares towards his new found family.
Chika Fujiwara
As a politician's daughter, she needs to be ready for anything. With all her skill sets and to be able to switch the situation to her advantage, this is her element. (But now I’m terrified that she will try to learn blood bending.)
Mafuyu Sato
Despite being soft spoken and most of the time expressionless, he has a big heart and cares for those he loves, especially when he is afraid of saying the wrong thing. He found a place within the band and could definitely call it home.
Tohru Honda
Gentle, thoughtful, sometimes stubborn, has adapted to the worse, and a healer to all, this is her element.
Haruhi Fujioka
Often blunt and lacking tack at times, she has shown to be understanding and quite motherly at times, which makes her caring but brings about a tough love.
Tanjiro Kamado
He is entirely devoted to his family and those he cares about and strives not only to find a cure for his sister, but to rid Muzan from the world so that innocent people can live out their lives in peace.
Nagisa Shiota
He mostly puts others in front of himself, but he is ready to fight for his classmates and teachers, as they all become this weird, but wonderful family.
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Lemon and Tangerine dying. Tangerine’s reaction to Lemon dying. Crying. Sobbing. Banging my hands on the wall.
ALSO MORNING GLORY!!!!! LOVE HIM!!!!! Love Suzuki too I love these book only fellas,,,
Ladybug being laughed at for his bad luck (being victim to snake) and no one helping him wkandnsnsn
Maria giving us sleepy bitches representation everyone say thank you Maria
Get fuckign HORNETED Minegeshi
I never thought I’d say this but I hope this 14 year old is fucking dead if that gunshot was anything but a bullet going through Satoshi’s skull I’m rioting
Also rip to Yuichi he didn’t die but fuckign sitting in the bathroom with two corpses while nursing a bullet wound?? Girl I would wish I was dead <3
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