basmathgirl · 6 years
15 Questions
I was tagged by @tobeconquered. Thank you, love! 
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, as far as I know, but I was named by my grandfather so I’ve often wondered who he met to influence that choice.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Sunday. My hormones/migraines just love me to cry.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes. Three of my own and many I’ve ‘adopted’ online.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not as much as I used to, but it’s always fun to do. 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The warmth of their welcome.
6. What’s your eye colour?
A blueish grey.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I don’t mind a bittersweet ending, to be honest, but unless the scary movie is funny (or features a certain actor in black leather trousers) I’ll plump for the happy ending.
8. Any special talents?
Not really. I can play music by ear.
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
I used to do crafting (cross stitch and card making in particular) before writing fanfiction took over as my major hobby. Other than that, I’m an avid TV addict. 
11. Have you any pets?
I think I can still count my darling Tentoo that @some-thrilling-heroics gave me as a pet a few years ago. Yes, why not? He brings me a great deal of joy. 
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play darts, snooker and do a spot of sailing in the deep distant past.
13. How tall are you?
5’4” on a good day.
14. Favourite subject in school?
I was a good all-rounder at school and thought I’d probably end up doing an English degree, but instead I fell in love with Mathematics and Psychology when I was in the Sixth Form. 
15. Dream job?
David Tennant’s bed-warmer Teacher, or TV critic for The Financial Times
Tagging: @kat-the-cleaver, @oscarwetnwilde, @mizgnomer, @musicmystery1, @shadowolf17, @acciogryffindordudes, @svlover, @raywritesthings, @uglywettiewrites and @custard-cream-dispenser
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svlover · 6 years
I've received 31 491 notes🎈
on my original posts
Blog: svlover | Calculated by Tumblr Note Counter on January 5th 2019
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queeranarchist · 11 years
I was tagged by withinfinities
Rule 1: always post the rules Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones Rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post Rule 4: actually tell them you tagged them withinfinities’ questions: 1. Do you prefer ties or bowties? Bowties of course! I'm actually wearing one now 2. Have you ever slept through a whole day? Yes, on several occasions 3. What was the last song you listened to? Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls 4. How many blogs do you follow? 560 5. Do you have a roommate or your own room? Own room 6. Coffee or tea? Tea 7. What was the last book you read? 1984 8. Do you play any instruments? No 9. What’s the weirdest (real) name you’ve ever heard? Sarskia (It seemed weird when I first heard it but it doesn't seem weird anymore so idk) 10. Do you skip breakfast? Yes 11. Did you watch the 50th anniversary? I've seen it three times today actually Lokithelegend questions 1. Top five fandoms? 2. Favourite Doctor? 3. What country do you live in? 4. If you could meet any fictional character who would it be? 5. Top three actors? 6. Favourite movie? 7. Dream job? 8. Any pets? 9. Any siblings? 10. Something you're looking forward too? 11. Collect any weird things?
0 notes
basmathgirl · 6 years
Rules tag 15 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @theyre-not-sandshoes37. Thank you so much, love! Feel free to tag me (or come and chat) any time you like.   :D
Relationship Status: *peers at hubby* I think I can safely say I’m in one
Favourite colour:  a sort of electric blue
Lipstick or chapstick: *sighs deeply* here we go again with the chapstick question… I ‘m starting to think it is sponsored by Revlon of London. Anyway, basically my answer is “no”
Three favourite foods:  chips (proper fish shop chips), grilled fish fingers, and nutty chocolate (of course I blame my hormones for craving peanut M&Ms)
Last song I listened to: it was on BBC Radio 2 in the car but I was distracted from remembering what it was because I was rather lost at the time and desperate to lie down to sleep off a migraine.
Last movie I watched: erm… an old John Wayne one… *consults the Radio Times* it was “The Quiet Man”
Top 3 shows: I’m a telly addict so this sort of question is torture. I suppose I’d better state “Doctor Who”, I’ve only just started to watch “Safe” on Netflix, and “Split” on BBC One is drawing me in despite it’s naffness.
Books I’m currently reading:  aside from various online erotic novels *coughs* erm...
Last thing I googled: it was DPD tracking – I bet I’ve got you green with envy at my racy life now. ;)  
Height: 5′ 4″ the last time I was measured but that’s an awfully long time ago
Time: 22:23 UK time as I queue this
Song stuck in my head: “White Flag” by Dido, because in was in a film soundtrack the other night and I absolutely love that song
What are you wearing: maroon tunic top and black trousers, but I bet you really wanted to know about my grey stripy socks….
How many blankets you sleep with: none; I just use a duvet
Dream Trip: back to a loch in the highlands of Scotland
I tag (15?! Wow that’s a lot!): @vikith21, @svlover, @dessi1998, @proudweirdaspie, @not-falling-but-sauntering-down, @excusemewhileiwagmytail, @blazingaholmes98, @sane-song, @allons-y--spaceman, @stupidlittlenemo, @cookie-moi, @dvandme, @h-a-p-p-i-e-s, @lakesidecabin and @raywritesthings
 and anyone else who knows me and anyone who fancies having a go, as I’d love to see your answers. 
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basmathgirl · 6 years
Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by: @raywritesthings. Thank you, love! I’m a sucker for these things, and you’ve probably noticed that.   :D
Nicknames: BMG, Bas or “online mummy”
Gender: Female
⭐ sign: Virgo – so yes, I’m pedantic and critical. I also know that apparently I’m a great lover! *shrugs* No idea if that’s true.
Height: It used to be 5’ 4” but I suspect I’ve shrunk since then
Sexuality: Pensioner [not that I have a kink for pensioners or anything, I hasten to point out, but more a case of it’s all so long ago I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to have one]
Hogwarts: Ravenclaw, according to a questionnaire I did online; and I can’t say I disagree.
Favourite animal: Probably dogs, and I’m determined to hold hubby to his promise of us getting one next year
Average hours of sleep: About 7 hours a night if I’m lucky; but I do make up for it at other times of the day/week.
Number of blankets: None as I always use a duvet (that’s a comforter, to American folks) instead.
Dream trip:  I always want to go back to Scotland but there are loads of places I’d love to see.
Dream job: I usually put “David Tennant’s bed warmer” (since I am excellent at warming a bed up!) or failing that, TV critic for the Financial Times; and this time ain’t going to be any different. ;)
When I made this account:  June 2013
Why I made this account: I was enticed here by @dreamerbee and her delicious artwork. Plus, she very politely asked me to join, and that always wins extra Brownie points. I came for the inspirational fanart on here and stayed for the lovely people who messaged me.
Followers: *goes to check…* 1342. It was higher than that, so I assume the porn blogs are dropping like flies. Shame…  I almost miss them.
I tag: @svlover, @coraleemonster, @imapencilinsideamug, @kat-the-cleaver, @ouatlovr, @not-dying-fast-enough, @viviannightingales, @hypodermicsallies, @of--roses--and--words, @lovethytennant, @dahlia-ships, @red-madam, @dvandme, @ladyjess1126, @antiantemeridian, @donnawho2607, @kaichouchou, @mulberrytreelover, @cannibalilly, and @vikith21
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basmathgirl · 7 years
About Me - 3
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by the ever so lovely @dvandme! Thank you. :D
A - Age: 5*mumble mumble*
B - Birthplace: East London
C - Current time: 22:27
D - Drink you last had: a mug of tea
E - Easiest person to talk to: my son
F - Favourite song: I don’t currently have a favourite above all others
G - Grossest memory: probably being projectile vomited on then having to stand under a cold shower to get it all off my clothing, and finding a missing bit in my bra. Deep joy.
H - Horror yes or horror no: not usually unless it is a comedy and/or has hunky men wearing leather trousers
I - In love?: technically yes
J - Jealous of people?: nah! I can’t be arsed with that sort of thing
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I’ll agree there’s attraction at first sight, but not love. But by all means come and chat with me. 
M - Middle name: S... nope, ain’t admitting that one again either
N - Number of siblings: two
O - One wish: my sons to be healthy and happy
P - Person you called: I think it was DHL, and a lovely lady in export customer services called Julie. 
Q - Question you are always asked: "You’re quiet; are you okay?” which is bloody ironic because I was accused of being too chatty this week
R - Reason to smile: just opening the front door is a reason to smile. I’m very much a ‘silver lining’ sort of person. Although I’ve had it confirmed I’ll be babysitting my wee grandson on Saturday!!! Oodles of smiles to gain from that. 
S - Song you sang last: “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell
T - Time you woke up: hubby tried to wake me about 7:30am but I resisted it for an hour
U - Underwear colour: cheeky! it’s white, btw.
V - Vacation spot: nothing has been planned yet
W - Worst habit: overthinking and letting anxiety about where to park the car really get to me
X - X-rays: pelvis, chest, and boobs
Y - Your Favourite food: chips and/or crusty bread.
Z - Zodiac sign: Virgo
Tagging: @whovianfloozy, @love-in-the-time, @ellenemi, @dahlia-ships, @smackalicious, @echogivesnoanswer, @drtonks, @memsevpersonal, @svlover & @bananenparty
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basmathgirl · 7 years
I was tagged by the eternally huggable @lostlastsforever756. Thank you! :D
Rules: If you’ve been tagged, reblog and edit (or if you’re on mobile erase the old text when reblogging)  to answer the questions, write who you’ve been tagged by, either come up with new questions or leave the old ones and tag 5-10 people who you want to answer them.
1. Favourite Girl Scout cookies?
Well, I only know of Girl Scout cookies because of things like “Everybody Loves Raymond” and “Frasier”, since all that sort of thing doesn’t exist here in the UK. Now I DID get treated to a cup of tea when my nephew was working towards his tea making scout badge, but I’m not sure you’d be interested in that snippet of information.
2. Go to movie when you’re stressed out?
I’m not even sure I have a go-to movie for when I’m stressed. I’d probably switch on the satellite TV box and see whatever is currently playing at the moment; probably aiming for the Disney Movie Channel, if I’m honest.
3. Summer plans?
My summer plans will probably involve staying well away from the sun, knowing me. I am meeting up with a couple of LJ friends in London quite soon, and I will soon have to fork out for some new double-glazed windows (life is SO exciting as an adult); but beyond that I haven’t thought further than warning work about the days I shall need to be late in or totally absent
4. How many times do you wash your hair per week?
Ah, this the point at which I shall probably show myself up (in your eyes, at least) because I have never formed the habit of washing my hair more than once a week. The shampoo I have to use, to counteract the effects of psoriasis, is rather expensive – as it is I have to hide the bottle from other people in the household so that I actually have some to use – and often in the past I just couldn’t afford to merely go out and buy myself a new bottle every fortnight if I didn’t ration its usage. Plus, there is the whole self-loathing thing I have battled with since my teens where self-care hasn’t exactly been high up on my list of priorities, shall we say. Add in the often inability to even get out of bed during the last decade or so (let alone feel able to get dressed), along with the lack of energy, and I’m not onto a winner... I do, however, have things in place now to improve this situation very soon.
5. Most memorable vacation?
A two week trip to stay in a log cabin up in the Highlands, that sat by the Caledonian Canal. I’d invested in wet proof clothing for my sons, and they had a whale of a time going in and on the loch, whilst I enjoyed the beautiful and peaceful scenery.
6. When I say junk food, what is the first thing that immediately comes to your mind?
Any menu that is mainly pictures, I suppose, and American in origin. Basically, something fried and something grilled.
7. What movies are you looking forward to watching?
Well, I have the copy of “Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them” my son bought me still sitting in its cellophane wrapper because I haven’t had the chance to watch it alone (or with someone willing to see it) yet. I’m going to hint that I want “Star Wars: Rogue One” for my birthday because I’d like to see that again; and of course I can hardly wait to see “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” when I eventually get the chance. But getting excited about new films coming out was rather marred for me when a young friend I used to enthuse about it all died; and I’ve never reached those giddy heights since.
8. Favourite book your English teachers made you read in high school?
Ooooh, so many to choose from. The ones that stand out in my memory are:  “I Am David” by Anne Holm , “All Quiet On The Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque, “The Bell” by Iris Murdoch, and “The Inheritors” and “Pincher Martin”, both by William Golding.
9. Favourite breakfast?
As much as I love a full English breakfast, or even a full Scottish breakfast, the one I like to treat myself to is warm/hot chocolate croissants (aka pain au chocolat) although I am also rather partial to warm croissants served with jam and butter/margarine.
10. What is the title of the book you’ve read the most times? 
Aside from any course textbook (of course), the book I’ve probably read the most is “Pride & Prejudice” by Jane Austen. I was quite obsessed with it at one time, and I refuse to apologise for that.
Using the same questions, I am going to tag to answer these: @ackabulaka, @soulofair, @mlfishy, @kat-the-cleaver, @svlover, @drwhogeek, @wouldyoulike-fries-withthat, @wantingtheworld, @thedoctors-lover, and @serenbex
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basmathgirl · 8 years
20 followers you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by both @joi-in-the-tardis and @develish1 to do this, so thank you for thinking of me! I appreciate it, and since I’m a sucker for answering questions, here are my replies:
Name: Denise
Nickname: BMG or Bas
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Virgo
Sexual Orientation: boringly heterosexual female
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, apparently
Favourite Colour:  a darkish blue
Favourite Animal: dogs, I suppose
Time Right Now: as I type this it is 11:04pm
Average Hours of Sleep: if I’m lucky, then it’s about 6½ - 7 hours
Cat or Dog Person: I’m more of a dog person (and been told I look like an old English sheepdog far too often for comfort)
Favourite Fictional Characters: *brings out a long list* Donna Noble, Tenth Doctor, Alec Hardy, Ellie Miller, Obi Wan Kenobi, Bennet, Mr Darcy, Ann Elliott, Captain Frederick Wentworth, Elinor Dashwood, Mrs Merton, the Royle family, Peter Vincent, Joanie Taylor, Batman, Snoopy, Richard Karinsky, Captain Picard, Harry Potter, Dobby, Winky, Peter Kingdom, Sherlock Holmes, Inspector Morse, Inspector Frost, Linda Green, Starsky & Hutch,…. *runs out of breath* Samantha Stevens, Endora, Hilda Ogden, Gabrielle Dragon, Emma Hornett, Madame Arcati, Rupert Rigsby, Ruth Jones, Calamity Jane, Jamie McCrimmon, Wallace & Gromit, Gene Hunt, Sarah Postern, Trevor Gunn, M, and I’d better stop there….  
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: none, to be honest, because the wonderful goose feather & down duvet we have rather does the trick all on its own and I’m my own personal hot water bottle.
Favourite Singer/Band:  good grief, I don’t like only 1 band or singer, but absolutely loads of them. Because of that, I tend to buy a lot of compilation albums and soundtracks along with people like Adele, James Blunt, Olly Murs, K.D, Lang, Sophie Ellis Bextor, Will Young, Take That, Westlife, Coldplay, Muse, Yes, Beatles, Paul Simon, Phil Collins, La Roux, Annie Lennox, Abba, Eurythmics, Pet Shop Boys, Mike Oldfield, Neil Diamond, Glen Campbell,  Fleetwod Mac, etc.
Dream Trip:  almost anywhere with hubby is fine by me (despite a possible initial grumble) BUT going back to Scotland is enough to make me very happy. Nothing can beat the thrill as you drive through Crianlarich and head for Glen Coe.
Dream Job:  David Tennant’s bed-warmer or cuddle teddy? Failing that, TV critic for the Financial Times, or being a maths tutor in a Sixth Form College, I suppose.
When was this blog created: *goes to check* 25th June 2013
Current Number of Followers: 1,225 (although I suspect an unhealthy amount are porn blogs)
When did your blog reach its peak: probably round about now
What made you decide to get tumblr: I was originally on LiveJournal, and was warned about the addictive qualities of tumblr, so I resisted joining for quite a while, and then @dreamerbee suggested that I take the plunge, as it were, because I loved the artwork I saw on here.
20 Followers I’d Like to get to Know Better (only 20?! I’d love to know about everybody): @imapencilinsideamug, @captainepoppins, @spoopyacnl, @svlover, @bananenparty, @orchidsslayer, @stormagul, @oortmist, @ladyjess1126, @zombiegravitation, @crossoverland, @24601error-prisonernotfound, @stupidlittlenemo, @flawlessdonnaisflawless, @wameenkarimloo, @theintelligentdrunkard, @norahamett, @cuckleberrywish, @bazingholmes98, and @mindibindi.
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