#swallowtail tattoo
bestoflupiniiipoll · 6 months
Best of Lupin III Poll
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Source: Lupin The Third- Stolen Lupin (aka Swallowtail Tattoo)
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I don't really remember that much about this one either, something about this girl named Becky who has (you guessed it) a swallowtail butterfly tattoo who works for some kinda syndicate and she actually stole Lupin himself and the syndicate made him steal a gem inside a bull statue or else Fujiko dies?
Yeah that's probably all I remember lmao
I should rewatch this one sometime soon, there was a nice tiny smigen of Lupgoe in it that I remember too vssvsvzvsshdbd
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puppyeared · 10 months
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wanna see a magic trick? 🪄🎩
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leasdoodles · 7 months
I designed a fun little tattoo for my dnd character sil, it's a barrier tattoo (dnd magic item) and all the different elements represent people who are important to her
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myscreencapalbums · 2 years
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Lupin III: Nusumareta Lupin - Copy Cat wa Manatsu no Cho
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immawraffle · 1 year
Got my first tattoo today!
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queen-scribbles · 24 days
From the 30 Tav questions - 3, 4, 7, 26 for each of your girls?
3. Did your Tav receive any formal or informal education? If yes, how well did they learn? If no, why not?
Tala was educated in "the basics"; reading/writing, math, and then more heavily in the history and religion aspects bc those were special interests of hers. She's insatiably curious and it's going to get her in trouble(she may have exploded the tadpole nursery leaving the nautoloid bc She Had to Touch It), but it came in handy for school bc pretty much everything being taught she wanted to know as much as the teachers could/would tell her.
Maggy has the basic of reading, writing, math insofar as they'd be useful for running a tavern (bc that's her parents' vocation), and her religious education is fairly informal. Her father did pass down a lot of advice from his own adventuring days when she expressed an interest in that life, and she absorbed it all like a sponge. She's a very hands on learner tho, so most of her education comes by doing.
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Tala collects and dries out flowers and herbs to make sachets. She's v good at figuring scents that complement each other, and ones that would be good for a given person once she gets to know them. It started bc sharing a room with four other kids could get pretty.... fragrant and she was trying to combat that. xD She's also a studious journaler, which is partially bc writing down her thoughts is how she processes them, and partially so she can let her mentor read about her adventures if she makes her way back to the temple(and maybe her parents, too, if the miraculous should occur and one of them's still alive to bump into. But that's a very secret hope she'll literally never tell anyone)
Magdala is an amateur tattooist bc she thinks it's cool. She has some very simple ones on her lower legs that she's done herself, and a slightly more intricate flowering one up her left forearm. She's also a good cook, by necessity of adventuring.
7. What circumstances led to your Tav becoming their Class/Subclass?
Tala was raised in a temple orphanage, by very kind priests who were clearly motivated by their faith. And in her questioning to figure out what made them tick, she found herself drawn to that life as well.
Maggy I haven't figured that out yet. She's still WIP 😅
26. Does your Tav have a treasured item with them? If yes, what is it and why is it special? If no, how do they feel about item sentimentality in general?
Tala has a small journal with Lathander's holy symbol embossed on the cover that her mentor gave her when she set off. It's full but she still keeps it wrapped up safe in a pouch on her belt.
Maggy's dad gave her his compass from his adventuring days when she set off. She wears it on a cord around her neck and I"m pretty sure she'd kill a man for trying to take it from her. xD
BG3 Asks
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cazhan · 2 months
Useful Resources for CC creators & others who interested in art
I'm done gatekeeping so i thought i'd share my list of very cool websites (mostly flickr pages) with my fellow creators or just people who interested in arts. Almost all art from this sites have public domain copyrights, meaning you can use it however you want (in most cases even sell) without giving credits, but be sure to check copyrights under pictures on flickr. Links:
British Library - (flickr) thousands of scans from books and posters, has animals, nature, ornaments, paintings of people. Very useful for tattoos, prints and design in general.
Boston Public Library - (flickr) scans of posters, books and postcards, also has vintage photos but most of them copyrighted, so make sure to check for rights under every photo. My personal favorite is painted postcards, check them out.
The Library of Congress - (flickr) vintage photos and most of them doesn't have copyrights, very cool for graphic design.
Biodiversity Heritage Library - (flickr) paintings of animals, snakes, birds, bugs, fish, nature. My fav page from flickr.
Swallowtail Garden Seeds - (flickr) photos and painting of flowers. Good for reference.
Artvee - I LOVE this website. All paintings under public domain in high resolution. You can type in keyword to search for specific painting of something, you can save pics for later or follow artists, there's thousand of choices. I just love it and you should too.
(if u see spelling mistakes look away)
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noordzee · 2 years
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I have returned once again with more ofmd gnome content!
Fairy!Stede the invalid, under Gnome!Ed's expert care, and Stede admiring Ed's, uh, tattoos, nothing but his tattoos, fine draftsmanship there!
There was an optical illusion in the last set, formed by Ed's hat and a curtain, that looked like a beach umbrella when the picture was thumbnail-sized. So I decided I had to make that happen for real and gave Stede a cocktail umbrella parasol, based on that one bts pic of Rhys. And one of the few plot ideas I have for this silly little AU is Ed taking Stede back to the fairy village once he feels better and they attend a party together. It... goes about as well as it did in episode 5, but at least the boys look dashing.
Also: while the sentence "Fairy Stede was in a loveless arranged marriage with his fairy wife" is both Too Stupid and Too Melodramatic for this AU, I did want to draw Mary as a daffodil fairy, I think it suits her. Perhaps they're just friends in this universe. I hemmed and hawed about coloring these for ages mostly because I was terrified of drawing her tiger swallowtail wings, but they turned out alright, whew!
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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“Rider” © Cindy Avellno, accessed at her ArtStation here
[And Monster Girl Summer is officially a Go! Part of my goal with Monster Girl Summer is to reflect on the games I’ve run in the past. And to sort of mentally catalog how many of the PCs started out monstrous, or became monstrous over the course of play. Like Dalya here. Dalya was originally a human, but ended up reincarnated as a gnoll. And was in the half of the party that survived their fight with Karzoug, as opposed to being wiped out in round 1. Time stop + reverse gravity + prismatic sphere, don’tcha know.
I ran Rise of the Runelords in 3.5. Dalya was originally built using the battle dancer class from Dragon Compendium. So making her a brawler was a easy choice for the conversion.]
Dalya CR 18 CG Humanoid (gnoll) This tall, lean hyena headed woman has her hair done up in a dyed fringe, and tattoos are visible beneath her fur. She wears leather armor and carries a buckler and spear.
Born to an exiled Shoanti father and a Varisian merchant mother, Dalya was used to living on the road. But she didn’t expect it to turn out the way it did. Visiting the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint, she was caught up in a goblin raid, which rapidly turned into investigating the growing power of the Sihedron cult and, eventually, opposing the forces of Karzoug. Underneath Thistletop, Dalya was slain by the barghest Malfeshnekor, but her allies were able to fight the beast back long enough to recover her body. Possibly as a side effect of being slain by one of Lamashtu’s chosen, Dalya was returned to life as a gnoll when brought back through a reincarnate spell. And Dalya couldn’t have been happier with her new body.
Dalya’s adventures continued from there, and she proudly brags that she’s never lost a fist fight with a giant. She was instrumental to killing Karzoug and preventing Varisia from being overrun by an army of lamiae and other monsters. But Dalya is not one to rest on her laurels, and she is in no way retired. Her current mission is to help a few packs of non-evil gnolls to settle in the Storval Plateau without causing too much conflict with the Shoanti quahs living there already. Her allies in this mission include a quartet of advanced crocuttals and Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, a powerful warrior of the Sun Clan, himself reincarnated into a monstrous form (a bugbear) following a fatality in combat.
Dalya    CR 18 XP 153,600 CG Medium humanoid (gnoll, human) Reincarnated gnoll brawler (battle dancer) 18 Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18 Defense AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 26 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +6 armor, +6 shield, +3 deflection) hp 200 (18d10+90 plus 7) Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +13; +2 vs. fear, despair Resist fire 30 Defensive Abilities dancing dodge (9/day), hopeful Offense Speed 35 ft. Melee +4 evil outsider bane unarmed strike +34/+29/+24/+19 (2d8+16), +4 evil outsider bane bite +32 (1d6+5) or +4 evil outsider bane unarmed strike +32/+32/+27/+27/+22/+22/+17 (2d8+16), +4 evil outsider bane bite +32 (1d6+5)  or +2 returning distance spear +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d8+17/x3), +4 evil outsider bane bite +32 (1d6+5) Ranged +2 distance returning spear +26 (1d8+17/x3) Special Attacks awesome blow, brawler’s flurry, brawler’s strike (magic, cold iron, silver, chaotic, good, adamantine), martial flexibility (12/day, 3 feats as swift action or 1 as immediate), rolling flurry, sparring partners (3/day) Statistics Str 30, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 16 Base Atk +18; CMB +28 (+36 trip, +35 grapple, +30 bull rush, +29 disarm); CMD 48 (56 vs. trip, 55 vs. grapple, 50 vs. bull rush, 49 vs. disarm) Feats Acrobatic Steps (B), Combat Expertise (B), Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Fleet (B), Improved Grapple (B), Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Iron Will, Mobility, Monkey Moves, Monkey Style, Nimble Moves (B), Power Attack, Snapping Bite, Vicious Stomp (B) Skills Acrobatics +27, Climb +16, Intimidate +17, Linguistics +0, Perception +18, Perform (dance) +11, Ride +12, Sense Motive +12, Swim +16 Languages Common, Gnoll, Shoanti SQ close weapon mastery, dancer’s cunning, legendary, maneuver training (trip +4, grapple +3, bull rush +2, disarm +1), martial training, reincarnated Gear manual of gainful exercise +4 (expended), tome of leadership and influence +2 (expended), amulet of mighty fists +5 (+4 evil outsider bane), belt of physical perfection +4, +4 brawling leather armor, +5 buckler, +2 returning distance spear, winged boots, pliant gloves, cloak of resistance +4, ring of major fire resistance, ring of protection +3, potion of cure serious wounds (x3), potion of haste (x3), 500 gp worth of mundane jewelry, 36 pp. Special Abilities Dancer’s Cunning (Ex) A battle dancer can treat her Charisma score as her Intelligence score for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. In addition, she can attempt a Perform (dance) check instead of a Bluff check to feint in combat, and her unarmed strikes are considered to have the performance weapon special quality. Dancing Dodge (Ex) When an opponent attempts a melee attack against Dalya, she can expend one use of an attack of opportunity as an immediate action to move 5 feet, granting the battle dancer a +3 dodge bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The attack is still resolved normally, even if the battle dancer’s movement takes her out of the triggering attack’s reach. This movement is not a 5-foot step and provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one that triggered this ability, though the battle dancer can attempt an Acrobatics check to avoid provoking the attacks. Dalya can use this ability nine times per day. She can use this ability only while wearing light armor or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load. Hopeful (Ex) Packmaster gnolls gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects and emotion effects such as despair, grief or boredom. They do not gain this bonus against rage effects, or other types of emotion effects, such as an unnatural lust or overwhelming presence spell (GM’s discretion). Legendary Dalya’s statistics are built using 25 point buy, and she has the gear of an 18th level PC. This increases her CR by +1. Reincarnated (Ex) Dalya was born human, but transformed into a gnoll due to a reincarnate spell. She has the bonus feat of a human, and bonus skill ranks for levels 1-4. She does not have the racial Hit Dice, or mental ability bonuses, of a gnoll. Rolling Flurry (Ex) When a battle dancer uses her brawler’s flurry, she must move 5 feet before each melee attack or combat maneuver. If she is unable to move 5 feet, she can’t attempt any further attacks or combat maneuvers. She can’t exceed her maximum speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity if the brawler would be able to take a 5-foot step normally; if she would be unable to (for instance, if she were in difficult terrain), the movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal unless she succeeds at the appropriate Acrobatics checks. While using this ability, she can still take her normal 5-foot step before or after making her attacks. Sparring Partners (Ex) When Dalya gains a flanking bonus on an attack while using her rolling flurry ability, the ally providing the flank gains a flanking bonus on its next attack against that opponent, even if the battle dancer moves out of a flanking position. If either the opponent or the ally moves more than 5 feet before the ally’s attack, the flanking bonus is lost. This ability works only if the ally is on the opposite side of an opponent during the battle dancer’s attack, not if a flanking bonus is gained in some other way, such as through Gang Up. Dalya can use this ability three times per day.
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mysticarts · 4 months
Demon Hui Ying! (+ fun facts!)
yall remember how I said that Hui Ying is technically a Celestial demon due to her being part Celestial and part demon??
Yeah well, Hui Ying got more demon traits in her full form than her Celestial parts, so imma show yall Hui Ying's demon design! (Note: outfit is still a WIP)
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Anyway, here's some fun facts about the Butterfly demons (none of this is actually accurate to chinese mythos, I just thought butterflies would fit into the concept of Hui Ying's charater) as well as Hui Ying's form
Most butterfly demons are highly respected, even by mortals due to Butterflies symbolizing purity and love in China (The butterfly symbolizing is true, atleast according to google)
2. Hui Ying's wings are specially based off of Swallowtail Butterflies! Mostly because many of them have beautiful blue shades to them, and blue is Hui Ying's signature color
3. Butterfly demons are born with their wings under their skin, however when they become old enough, they do a ritual so the Butterfly demon can have a pain free sprouting of wings.
4. Hui Ying, still to this day, never fully went through a 'sprouting of wings' yet. Well, season 1-2 Hui Ying anyway.
5. Most butterfly demons powers are stored in their wings. If not in their wings fully, it's in a part of their body where they get their power from. Like how Hui Ying uses her own soul to create her lightning, the rest of the extra lightning Hui Ying gets stored in her wings.
6. Due to the Celestial realm' judgemental nature, Hui Ying learned Glamour by Tai so she wouldn't be discriminated just in case any demon traits show up.
7. Butterfly demons, funny enough, have very strong durability in their wings. This is mostly because the more you use your power from your wings, the more durable they'll become.
8. Butterfly demons usually show dominace or be intimidating by enlarging their wings so they can be taken seriously. However, this can happen if one is extremely flustered
9. All powerful butterfly demons have tattoos on them. Some are very simple, some are very extravagant. They usually appear when they hit puberty. This is how Hui Ying and Tai got their sun and moon tattoos.
Anyway, feel free to ask Hui Ying or any of my other ocs questions!
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bestoflupiniiipoll · 1 year
Best of Lupin III Poll
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thesedamncannibals · 16 days
tag game!
tagged by @shithitsmynipples
Do you make your bed? Never! Idc. Also I take naps so I don't see the point.
What's your favorite number? 108. . .cuz its tim rogers @ on twitter. IDK.
What is your job? I don't have one :( I wanted to work when I was a teenager but my parents don't want me to and I can't drive and theres 1 car, etc.
If you could go back to school, would you? I'm going to school soon and I'm not that excited. But in the future if I want a career change I could go back, sure.
Can you parallel park? (ㆆ_ㆆ)
A job you had that would surprise people? None, omg this is for people with independence
Do you think aliens are real? I mean yeah, but they don't look like grey humans or whatever.
Can you drive a manual car? I don't think I even want to drive. But most countries barely have any public transport so idk.
What's your guilty pleasure? I have no guilt about my pleasures tbh. Probably because none of them make me feel EXTREMELY good y'know?
Tattoos? No but I want one. Maybe a back tattoo. A back tattoo of a double headed snake. My skin scars easily though it might not work out. I have so many keloids lol
Favorite color? Red.
Favorite type of music? I don't listen to a whole lot. I guess I like heavier stuff? Chat pile is my favorite band.
Do you like puzzles? I like video games. I did play sudoku for a bit but I got bored.
Any phobias? Not any real ones. Spiders I guess. The fear of my life slipping away from me without me ever getting to be independent and alone. um, being stuck in bureaucracy hell ykwim.
Favorite childhood sport? In my childhood the boys played soccer and the girls didn't do shit. And I.. . did homework in class.
Do you talk to yourself? No, I don't even like the sound of my inner monologue.
What movies do you adore? This is hard! The Passenger, Peep Tv Show, Talk to Me, Any Alan Clarke film, Let the Right One In, Gonin, Scream, Dinner in America, Blindspotting, Swallowtail, Summer Vacation 1999, I saw the tv glow, Cure, etc. I watched hunger (2008) and all of us strangers recently. Those were great.
Coffee or tea? I like both, I drink more tea though. Warm water win.
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? Psychologist. LMAO.
tagging @ereb1d , @wheelsup30, @mifhortunach, @constant-fagging and anyone who wants to :^)
no pressure.
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dinofur · 18 days
YOUR BUG DESIGNS ARE SO COOL!!! What’s your thought process when assigning a phighter a bug????
THANK YOU!!! Usually it either has something to do with what that bug does or what it looks like. In fact, I'll share why I assigned each of them the bugs I did!
Sword (Membracis sanguineoplaga treehopper): Looks like the comb of Sword's helmet Skateboard (Mosquito): Characters literally call Skateboard a mosquito, plus skateboard flies in and pecks away at people's health Biograft (Wallcreeper): Biograft isn't a demon, so I chose to make it not a bug Katana (Devil's flower mantis): Mantises fit the shape of the sword, and I wanted one with an "unnerving" abdomen shape Ban Hammer (Goliath beetle): i wanted a big, bulky beetle for Ban Hammer, so I went with the biggest Rocket (Ceroxys latiusculus (picture wing) fly): I'll be honest, I don't remember exactly why, but it worked out with him looking sort of like Zuka (Slingshot (Locust): The jumperrrr Hyperlaser (Spicebush swallowtail butterfly): I wanted something that was more "delicate" for Hyperlaser, so I chose a butterfly. i felt the spicebush swallowtail's adult coloring fit him! Shuriken (Crazy ant): I wanted to make him an ant to go with Vine Staff, and crazy ants are known for being drawn to electricity, so i though it fit that "dangerous" edge to him Scythe (Wheel bug): Many people mistake wheel bugs for spiders at first glance, leading to people being scared of them, and the "wheel" on their backs remind me of her scythe Medkit (Earwig): Earwigs take good care of their young, just like a doctor Boombox (Dog-day cicada): Cicada because noisy, Dog-day specifically because I'm biased (I have one tattooed on me) Subspace (Red velvet ant): Their stings are EXTREMELY painful! Vinestaff (Carpenter ant): Wood Coil (Flea): The jumperrrr The Broker (Parasitic wasp): Gestures Zuka (Blue dasher dragonfly): Highest successful kill rate of any animal And then all the SFOTH swords are different treehopper species
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texeoghea · 1 year
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I've been trying to design myself a tattoo for years now, and with my 21st birthday in 2 weeks I decided to go a completely different direction to see if I could find something I liked there. I ended up with this which I DO really love but I think it's probably too big and intricate to go on my shoulder. Mission technically failed
SYMBOLISM BREAKDOWN because im the type of bastard where all of my tattoos need to be meaningful
Butterfly. Tiger swallowtails used to be really common where I grew up as a kid, and I found them very beautiful. Butterflies are one of the only types of insect I can touch without freaking out. It's also the symbol used in Persona 1 and 2 to signify Philemon, who is a reference to the Butterfly Dream.
- This is notable because both Philemon and the Butterfly Dream of Zhuangzi fame reference the idea of multiple selves. The Butterfly Dream goes something like "I dreamed that I was a butterfly, and when I awoke, I knew not whether I was a man dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming or a man". One of Philemon's opening quotes, and one referenced afterwards multiple times, is "Are you aware of the many and varied selves you harbor within you? The self suffused with divine love, the self capable of demonic cruelty... People live by wearing different masks... Your current self may be only one of many of those innumerable masks." Both of these feel relevant and important to my life - The butterfly's wing spots are drawn to resemble teeth and an eye to further slot into that Philemon quote, of both divine love and demonic cruelty within the self. Also because of my fascination with monsters and cosmic horror. And also because I was struggling so hard to draw the wing, and I realized that the teeth looked like a really cool way to compromise with myself on photorealism
Edelweiss. After doing some googling it seems like these epic fuckers represent courage and devotion, due to the harsh climates they grow in. Combined with the butterfly, I feel it represents confidence and love for the self. I have a commitment to the life I have made for myself, I value it dearly and I try every day to make the most of it.
The Wheel of Fortune is here in name only, but it's one of my birth cards, along with The Magician. I have a personal attachment to both those cards, and I plan to make The Magician appear in my other tattoo once I finally finish that design (I want it to have something to do with the white rabbit from alice in wonderland and the idea of a thing disguised as something else, how following blindly can be a mistake). I consider myself a very fortunate person in that I've always found help in unexpected places whenever I've found myself in trouble. I do my best to help other people in an effort to return that energy to the universe and the people around me. Also the designs for the Wheel of Fortune in most decks are very beautiful to me. It's my favorite card. I like the idea of leaving things up to chance because that's just what life is baby!
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myscreencapalbums · 2 years
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Lupin III: Nusumareta Lupin - Copy Cat wa Manatsu no Cho
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