#swayman sighting
waggle100 · 2 years
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Jeremy fishing in a tournament. Can't stop being competitive for a second can he. Thanks for the scoop @misskatieleigh
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hockeybabe · 5 months
Don’t Chirp My Girl | M. Knies
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Pairings: Matthew Knies x gf!reader
Summary: Pastrnak say some not so great things about you to your boyfriend and your boyfriend isn’t having it.
Warnings: pastrnaks a dick, protective Knies, swearing, pure fluff, making out in a car, illusion to smut
Word count: 879
Note: saw this and was like yes sir 🫡
Out of all the people for Pastnak to go after he had chosen your boyfriend. The two of you had been dating for almost two years and you decided, as this being Matthew’s first full season, you’d go to as many games as you could. 
When they got into the playoffs, you made it your mission to be at every game. You were born and raised a hockey fan, knowing every single thing from wrongs to rights. And for the past two games, the leafs weren’t doing what they normally did. Auston wasn’t playing tonight, which meant Matthew would have more ice time.
That made you truly happy knowing you’d see your boyfriend more on the ice. As of now, it was the third period, and the game was still tied at 1-1. Things in the playoffs were another level. They were more intense, and the players weren’t having it with each other.
From the glass seat you were at, you could see Pastrnak staring right back at you with a creepy look on his face. The whistle blew and before you knew it; they were playing. Your thumbs twiddled with each other as you watched the two teams battle it out. 
Swayman was able to stop the puck before it reached the net, allowing the refs to stop play and just like always, Boston and Toronto were going at it. However, this time it was your boyfriend and Pastrnak. Pastrnak was pointing over at you while saying something, making Matthew lose his shit. 
You could barely make out the words Matthew was saying, but you could see him push Pastrnak before saying, “that’s what I thought.” You shivered slightly at the look on your boyfriend’s face as the game continued. He’d never looked so angry at someone’s words. 
It was common for chirping to go around in hockey, it what caused fights. But it was also wasn’t uncommon for rookies to have their loved one's being called out. 
As the game made its way to over time you sat at the edge of your seat watching as John skated fast to Swayman, attempting a shot, but it slid past him and two players, leaving the puck all by itself and an open net. You watched Matthew skate up to it, flicking the puck into the net, and the sirens blazed. 
You shot out of your seat banging on the glass and give high-fives to the little leaf fans around you as the Boston ones flipped you off and said random shit, making a smug smirk grace your lips. You had followed Steph through the crowd as you both made your way to the team's tunnel. 
You watched as Matthew came out of the change room first with a smug look. He was happy, but in his eyes he was clearly annoyed. You sigh knowing that it’d be a long drive home. He had greeted all the partners before parting ways with his team. “He’ll get over it.” Max said to you before you followed him to the parking lot. 
“So,” you started. “You gonna tell me what happened?” You asked, getting into the passenger seat. Matthew only bothered to give you a grunt as he continued to drive to the apartment. “Jesus Matthew! Are you really not gonna say shit?” You cried out as his silence drove you crazy.
Matthew’s grip on the steering wheel tightened as his knuckles turned white. You couldn’t lie, the sight turned you on, but he was mad and with mad came silence and built up emotion. “Matt, pull over.” You told him, sternly. Matthew looked over at you before pulling off to the side of the road. 
You unbuckled your seat belt, climbed over the console and sat yourself in Matt’s lap, your back resting on the wheel. You took Matt’s face into your hands, forcing him to look at you. “What’d he say?” You ask again. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” He grumbled. “So what, you’ll bubble this anger up till Thursday and then what? Take it out on the guy! It’s fucking hockey, baby! Shit happens.” You cried out, hoping to get your words through his thick skull. 
“He said you’d leave me for someone better in the end.” He mumbled, making your heart stop. “I pushed him and told his to not start and he thought wrong for trying me.” He said, snuggling his head into your neck and placing a kiss on your collarbone. “Well, who the hell would be someone better?” You asked, making his head perk up. 
“Cause I’ve got the best guy I’ve met in a while. And he makes my fucking world.” You said with a big smile, making him smirk. “Oh, really.” He whispered, pulling you closer. You were pulled up into his bulge, making you whimper, shutting your eyes slowly. “Yeah, he’s got this goofy, uh, smile and he, um, he wears the number 23.” You breath out as he placed wet kisses on your neck.
“The number he’s going to ruin me in.” You moan. Pressing your lips onto his. His hands ran up your back, pulling you closer than possible. Your lips meshed as his tongue explored your mouth. “Get in the back.” He said in a husky voice. 
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goodbuckcharlie · 7 months
Forbidden things |Jeremy Swayman|
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Summary: it’s all star weekend, and Mitch thinks his sister ,Mackenzie, is there to support him and his teammates, but she has a secret.
Warning: a little spicy but not too much
Note: second post WOOHOO.
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Isn’t tsa and plane rides just the best……..said nobody ever. Mackie arrived in Toronto after her two hour flight and wanted nothing more than to relax and eat. But of course her brother had other plans.
“MACKIE!!!!” Mitch pulls his little sister into the biggest bear hug he could muster. “I missed you so much.”
“Mitchy I love you, but you are going to crush me.” Mitch laughs as he lets her go. She can now see that Steph (Mitch’s wife) is standing behind Mitch. When she see Steph, she excitedly hugs her, just not as intensely as Mitch’s hug. “Oh thank goodness you’re here Steph. I couldn’t handle this idiot without you.”
“Boston has made you mean.” Mitch pouts causing both Steph and Mackie to laugh.
After they drop off all of Mackie’s stuff at Mitch’s house, Steph starts making dinner. Mackie tried helping, but her sister in law simply banned her from the kitchen insisting that since Mackie spends all of her time in the kitchen, she will not cook a single thing while she’s in Toronto. Mitch does help cook, Mackie sits at the counter while they cook for her.
The three of them talk and catch up while the food cooks until Mackie gets a text.
From Jer 💕
Just landed sweet girl. It’s only been 3 hours, but I already miss you.
Mackie smiles at her boyfriend’s text and of course that catches Mitch’s attention. Who grabs his sister ‘s phone before she can text back.
“Who’s this Jer guy and why did you put a heart next to his name?” Mackie tries to get her phone back but Mitch just lifts up the phone so she can’t reach it.
“Just some guy I met at the restaurant, come on Mitchy give me my phone back.” Steph sends Mitch a glare causing him to give Mackie her phone. “I didn’t want to tell you anything till things got more serious.”
“You are too young to be dating boys.” He pouts as Steph tells him to hand Mackie her phone back.
“Mitch baby she’s only one year younger than we were when we got engaged.” Steph kisses her pouty husband before turning back to Mackie, “When you are ready to introduce us to this Jer I bet they are a great person.”
Mackie was so grateful that Steph wasn’t a crazy person and supported her when Mitch got overwhelming.
The couple soon finished cooking and they all talked some more while eating before deciding to go to bed early in preparation for the all stars tomorrow.
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For the most part, Mackie spent her time with her family, which was her mom, dad, older brother Chris and Steph. It was also really refreshing to see all of Mitch’s teammates. Austin especially was like a third older brother.
“Mini Marner!” Auston pulls Mackie into a similar hug that Mitch gave her yesterday, except Auston knew when to let go. “Have you met Biebs yet?”
Mitch and Chris smirk knowing that Mackie had a huge crush on him as a kid. But they are both surprised when Mackie greeted Justin like normal no fluster or fan girl behavior.
“It was nice seeing all of you but I have to run to the bathroom.” Mackie runs off out of the sight of her family and friends, and starts walking in the direction of the bathroom, until she is pulled into an empty room.
The person who pulled her into the broom closet, wastes no time and start to kiss all Mackie all over her face. She can tell just by his cologne that it was Jeremy.
“Oh I’ve missed you so much.” He finally pulls her into the long awaited kiss, which doesn’t last nearly as long as Jeremy wanted since Mackie pulls away.
“Jer we shouldn’t be doing this where anyone can see us.” She whines as Jeremy rolls his eyes.
“Nobody’s coming over here any time soon baby girl.” Jeremy pulls her back into a kiss which she can’t help but smile into and kiss him back, “That’s my good girl.”
The two continue kissing until Mackie receives a phone call. Of course it was Mitch.
“Just let it ring.” Jeremy says while attaching his lips to her neck.
“He’ll send a search party if I don’t answer Jer.” Jeremy just nods and he continues to kiss Mack’s neck. “Yes Mitch?”
“Did you get lost on the way to the bathroom?” She can hear Mitch’s worry through the phone.
“No Mitch there is a line.” While talking to Mitch, Mackie has to slightly push Jeremy away from her neck to avoid getting any marks on her neck. “I’ll be back soon enough okay.”
“Do you want Steph to come and wait with you so you aren’t alone?”
“I’m fine Mitch I’m 23 I don’t need a baby sitter to use the restroom.” Jeremy ,who wants Mackie’s attention again ,starts to play with her hair, “I’ll be back soon okay, yes I’ll call you if I need you.”
After Mitch hangs up, Mackie gives Jeremy one last kiss before she pulls out her contact mirror to fix her hair. But she does not like what she sees on her neck.
“Jeremy those better not be hickeys.” He looks at her neck and laughs, “Jer it’s not funny. Are you trying to get me killed?”
“They aren’t that noticeable just put your jacket on and you’ll be fine.” He kisses her forehead as she sends him an angry yet playful glare.
Luckily, for both of their sakes, the jacket was enough to cover the hickeys for the time being.
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The next day however, the hickeys became an issue. Mitch left earlier than Steph and Mackie to get ready for the skill challenges. So he was not there when Mackie got out of the shower and saw that her hickeys had darkened. And unfortunately her outfit she had planned for today wouldn’t do much to hide them. She had to pull out the big guns, running to her sister.
After getting dressed, she sticks her head into Steph’s room where she is putting her makeup on.
“Steph I need your help.” Steph turns and gives Mackie a welcoming smile, “but you can’t tell anyone, especially not Mitchy.”
“My lips are seals.” Steph does the ‘zipped lips’ motion and waves her in, “If you are asking for my help killing someone it might be hard to hide that from your brother.”
Mackie sighs before entering the room fully. Her neck on display, Steph can’t help but laugh.
“How the hell did you hide those yesterday?” She says while laughing.
“Well I didn’t have them all day yesterday.” Steph gives her a confused look. “Remember when I went to the restroom and said that there was a line.”
Steph nods inviting Mackie to continue.
“Well there wasn’t a line, I never made it to the bathroom.” Mackie avoids eye contact while she plays with the bottom of her shirt. “I was with my boyfriend, Jer, Jeremy Swayman.”
Mackie is ready for Steph to be upset , but she just starts to laugh again.
“I’m sorry, I should be taking this more seriously, but the irony of this all is to die for.” Her laughter finally dies down and she puts her hand on Mackie’s shoulder. “I help you cover them up, but you should really tell Mitch. The longer you wait the worse it will be.”
Steph pulls Mackie into her chair and covers up the marks perfectly.
“You are a life saver again Steph.” Mackie looks into the mirror and her marks aren’t visible at all.
“Next time though make sure Jeremy takes it down a notch.” Steph puts all of her makeup in her bag.
“This is him taking down a notch.”
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Once they arrived at the arena, Mackie got a text from Jeremy asking her to meet in the same spot as yesterday. She tells Steph where she is going and Steph warns her not to ruin her hard work. She gets to the closet and when she opens the door Jeremy is already there sitting down on the random chair.
“I got 20 minutes til I need to be in the locker room.” Mackie closes the door behind her and she is pulled into a kiss. She straddles his lap and he wastes no time running his hands under her Maple leafs jersey. “I need you baby.”
The two lose themselves in each other, so they don’t notice the door has been open.
“What the actual fuck?” Mackie tears herself off of Jeremy and quickly fixes her shirt before she looks up and sees Auston and Mitch.
“You are a deadman Swayman.” Mitch starts going towards Jeremy, but Mackie stands in front of him. “Mackie move.”
“Mitch please hear me out.” Mitch finally looks at Mackie and his look of angry shifted to a hurt look.
“You could have dated anyone else, Jesus I would have been fine with one of the damn Hughes brothers, but a bruins player? And on top of that you picked this asshole?” Mackie feels small as her brother yells at her.
“Hey I get that you are upset, but I won’t stand here and let you yell at her.” Jeremy stands next to Mackie slightly moving her out of the way.
“Oh it’s definitely not her I’m mad at.” Mitch pushes Jeremy
“Mitch dude maybe you should hear them out.” Auston pull Mitch away before he could make any bad decisions. Mitch sighs and calms down a bit.
“You guys have five minutes to convince me not to beat his ass.”
In a panic, Mackie decided to tell Mitch everything.
“I met Jeremy once I got back from your wedding last year. After I saw everyone,it reminded me how lonely I felt back in Boston. I couldn’t just leave, I worked to hard to get where I am. So Maddie recommended I went on a blind date. So she set us up and I didn’t even recognize him at first. Mitch remember how you called me the day you met Steph telling me how you met the one. I called you crazy cause you can’t find the one after meeting someone once, but then I met Jeremy. He’s my one Mitchy.” At this point Mackie was crying and Jeremy held her hand to calm her nerves. “I wanted to tell you I really did, but I couldn’t stand the idea of you not liking Jeremy or worse hating me.”
Mitch pulls Mackie into a hug, not as tight as the one from the airport, but this hug carried more weight.
“I could never hate you Mackie.” Mitch says while he rest his chin on top of her head. The siblings hug for a good minute before pulling away.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Mitch shakes his head as he wipes her tears.
“I’m not mad, although I do wish I didn’t find you guys nearly fucking to find out.” Jeremy laughs causing Mitch and Auston to give him a warning glare. “You are 23 and I have to trust your instincts. So if you say he’s the one then I support you guys. But if you do anything to hurt her Swayman, you will be a deadman.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Now Jer is softly rubbing Mackie’s back to comfort her. “I love her probably way more than she loves me. I’m crazy for Mackie and you could beat me 100 times over, I’ll still be crazy for her.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this ,but I would like you to join us for dinner Jeremy.” Mitch sticks his hand out to Jeremy and he accepts and they shake hands. “Be prepared though, my wife is going to be more viscous than I was. Mackie is her baby.”
“Actually Steph already knows. I told her this morning.” Mitch being the drama queen he is, pretends as if he was stabbed.
“The hurt the betrayal. My sister and my wife teaming up without me.” Mackie rolls her eyes and playfully pushes Mitch while she pulls Jeremy out of the closet.
“Since the secret is out, I can kiss you where ever I want.” Jeremy goes in for a kiss, but instead I met with a hand in between him and Mackie’s lips.
“No way hot shot, just cause Mitch says you guys are cool doesn’t mean we want to see you kiss Mackie.” Austin removes his hand and pulls Mack into a protective hold.
Jeremy gives Mackie the puppy dog eyes look ,causing her to laugh. She wiggles out of Auston’s hold and kisses Jeremy’s check.
“You three should go head in the locker room to change.” Mackie hug Auston and Mitch who leaves to the locker room together. When they are out of sight she pulls Jeremy down for a real kiss. “I love you Jer.”
“I love you too Mackie.” He hesitantly lets go. But they keep eye contact.
“Now go be the best damn goalie on that ice.” She points towards the locker room and Jeremy can’t help but smile. He gives her a quick kiss goodbye before leaving to the the locker room.
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Part two
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drewsbuzzcut · 8 months
This Feeling Is Deeply Profound
Jeremy Swayman x Lyla Blair
A ‘The Masterminds’ fic
Warnings: smut smut smut and slight alcohol consumption
Takes place February 2024
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“I fear you’re better at this than I am,” Lyla breaks the comfortable silence that settled over her and Jeremy as they worked through the recipe.
It’s their third date which consists of a private cooking class, so making and eating food with a nice glass of wine. As of late, Jeremy is proving to be a better cook than herself.
“I don’t know. The sauce you made tastes really good,” he compliments which brings a small, appreciative smile to Lyla’s features.
“Well yeah. That was really easy. I’m struggling with this dough kneading,” she says through a giggle.
Her eyes squint up and her cheeks get rosy. It’s a sight Jeremy adores.
“I think I need your strong muscles for this,” she winks at him, her smirk peeking out although she tries to hide it.
She didn’t care how dumb it sounded, she wanted him surrounding her in every way possible.
Jeremy quickly stands from his chair, making his way behind her sitting form and easily slotting his fingers through hers to guide her with kneading the dough. The smell of his cologne invades her senses, and the warmth emanating from his torso ironically makes goosebumps attack her skin.
“Is this better?” He asks, voice deep and sweet.
She tilts her head back, looking up into his eyes that somehow appear shiny in the dim lighting. Lyla feels her heartbeat race and hears the blood pumping in her ears. He’s so close and it kills her to not be able to have him the way she wants to. As if he’s not close enough, he brings his chair around and sits directly behind her. His hands are still laced and helping her, but it’s hard to focus on anything when she can feel his breath of the shell of her ear.
“Yes. See, you’re better at this,” Lyla says in a whisper, too afraid her voice will betray her.
He presses a chaste kiss to her shoulder, making Lyla take a minute to calm herself. This was going to be a long night if he kept doing little things like that.
After the bread comes out of the oven, hot and smelling heavenly, Jeremy helps set their little table setup. Lyla lights the candles, pours the drinks, and Jeremy plates the food.
“This looks so yummy. I got to say we actually did a really good job!” Lyla comes up behind Jeremy, a hand softly resting in the middle of his back.
“We have to taste it first,” Jeremy teases, earning a playful scoff and eye roll.
Though his playful demeanor hides it, Jeremy is trying not to get weak at the knees from her touch. It’s proving to be a challenge.
“Here’s your seat, babe,” he pulls out Lyla’s chair and she almost does at double take at the pet name that slipped from his lips.
“Thank you, babe,” she tests the name, enjoying the way it rolls off her tongue.
They both don’t draw too much attention to the new addition, both just deciding to start eating.
“This is really good, J. We did a good job,” Lyla hums.
“Oh yeah. Told you you’re good in the kitchen.”
“No way, that’s you! You already know how to cook! Yeah, I remember the couple stories you told me about you cooking- which is how we ended up picking this for our date. You were just blessed with better skills than I was,” Lyla rambles, giggles falling between each sentence.
“Well, that means we have to spend more time together, so I can teach you those said skills,” he lowers his voice, pulling her chair closer to his.
Lyla extends her arm out, setting it over his shoulder as they continue their conversation, now facing toward each other. After many laughs and various conversations about many topics, they finally move onto dessert. The decadent chocolate cheesecake wasn’t prepared by them, but made by the cooks who actually work there.
“You have to try this,” Lyla says, eyes closed as she lets out a moan around her fork.
“I can’t have that. Not during the season,” he says, trying not to focus on the sounds coming from her mouth.
“Please. One bite. I promise it won’t do anything bad to you,” Lyla tries to convince him, but he pulls her into a kiss instead.
Jeremy places a hand on the hollow of her throat, pulling her closer to him. Lyla lets the fork clatter down to the plate, desperately holding in the moans she wants to let out. He’s in the same predicament. He can taste the chocolate when his tongue tangles with hers. Lyla’s hands go straight to his hair, gripping lightly so she wouldn’t float away.
“Yeah, I think I want a bite. It tasted really good,” his lips move to her jaw, pressing wet kisses to her skin.
Lyla starts to feel her resolve crumbling. His lips feel too good on her skin for her to continue to act like she didn’t want him. No, not want. Need. She needs him.
“Then take a bite.” A bite of me.
He pulls away, leaving Lyla to blink back to reality. He brings a piece of their dessert to his mouth and lets out similar sounds that Lyla let out. He holds out the fork to her, a piece waiting for her mouth.
She surrounds her mouth around the fork, maintaining eye contact with the goalie. She’s testing him, seeing how much he can handle before he finally makes a move. Maybe she’ll have to make the first move, but she didn’t care because she still loved to see him get riled up. He tries to hide it, but Lyla knows how to pinpoint his feelings. They are the same as hers after all.
The last of their night passes in a blur for Lyla. She’s so focused on the feeling of his hand wrapped around her waist to even pay attention on their walk back to his car. She doesn’t want to come off too strong, but at the same time she wants to get her point across. Hopefully he’ll invite her inside of his place.
“Did you enjoy tonight?” Jeremy asks once they’re settled in his car.
“I really did. It was nice to do something I’ve never tried before- even if it was just something as simple as a cooking class. I’m really glad we did it together,” she responds, reaching her hand out to place his free hand on her thigh.
She watches Jeremy relax into the driver’s seat, looking awfully calm and collected. His eyes are on the road and his hand squeezes at her thigh. She doesn’t know how he manages to look so cool. She’s trying not to combust at the seams from his gentle touch.
“I had a great time, too. It’s nice to step out of being a hockey player for a minute, especially after a loss,” he admits, taking a glance at her when he stops at the red light.
“You and the team will get back on track soon,” Lyla rubs the back of his neck, feeling quite smug when she sees him shiver.
“Thank you, baby,” Jeremy grabs her wrist and kisses her palm.
Lyla has a hard time not reacting viscerally to the second new pet name of the night. She unbuckles her seatbelt, alarming Jeremy, but she starts pressing kisses to his neck and that gets him silent real quick. She holds onto his face, hands on his jaw as she kisses him from his cheek down to his shoulder. It isn’t anything fast or rough, just small pecks to where she can reach without straddling him.
When the light turns green, she retreats back to her seat and buckles her seatbelt once again.
“Do you want to come over to my place? We don’t have to do anything. I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t want to leave you,” he rambles and Lyla lets out a shy giggle, accepting his offer quickly after.
The rest of the car ride is silent except for the radio. However, Jeremy does turn up the volume when her song starts playing. It was a nice, unexpected moment of laughter. She’d pay anything to see Jeremy poorly sing one of her songs again.
“Do you have something I can change into? These pants are starting to get uncomfortable,” Lyla whispers in his ear.
If someone were to see them right now, they’d probably get weirded out stares. Lyla is attached to his front, arms thrown around him as he walks up to his front door. They’re whispering in each other’s ears as if they had to be silent.
“Of course. You can have a pair of my sweatpants, might have to roll them up, but they should work. You could also use one of my shirts if you’re not feeling the sweatpants.”
“Here’s my room. You wait here and I’ll go get you some clothes,” he walks into his closet while Lyla is left to look around his room.
It’s homey, quite organized for a guy. It also smells like him. There are so many scattered picture frames and they make her smile. She loves that he loves his family.
“I got you a shirt and some pants,” he snaps her out of her thoughts.
“Thank you,” she tries to undo the zipper of her blouse, but for some reason she can’t get a good grip.
“J? Can you help me unzip my top?”
She feels his hands land softly on her shoulders before she hears his response. Her breathing slows at the gentleness of his hands as he pulls the zipper down.
She pulls the sleeves off her arms, her bare nipples hardening as they come in contact with the cool air. She’s still facing away from him, but she can feel the tension grow palpable. After one more phrase of encouragement, she turns around. Her breasts are on full display for him. He tries not to stare, but when Lyla places his hands on her ribcage, he finally takes a look. It’s like every thought and breath exits his body. He doesn’t even know how to react when she presses her chest to his.
He tightens his hold on her, though. He needed to ground himself.
The warmth of her back against his hands is nice, but nothing compares to the heat pooling in her eyes and her core. He presses a bruising kiss onto her mouth, his lips lingering. A burning desire flickers through her entire body.
“I know you said that you didn’t want me to come over for sex, but I wouldn’t mind,” she whispers, and puts his hands on her cheeks.
“Are you sure?” Jeremy feels hesitant. It’s only their third date and he doesn’t want to force her to go through with anything she isn’t comfortable with.
“Yes. Touch me,” Lyla pleads.
A hand on her throat and the other moving towards her nipple, Jeremy pulls her in for another kiss. This time it’s softer, but it still makes Lyla feel lightheaded.
He picks her up and softly lays her on his bed. The neutral colored bedspread looks perfect underneath her. They continue to stare into each other’s eyes as they pull off their clothing. Jeremy’s eyes are beautiful pools of vulnerability, but they’re also laced with lust.
They take a moment to just take each other in. This is new for them, them being naked in front of the other. Lyla feels herself grow wet just looking at his body and all that he has to offer, and he has a lot to offer.
Jeremy’s eyes hone in on the small butterfly tattoo on Lyla’s hip and travel along her curves. Her naked body easily becomes his favorite color palette.
“You’re beautiful,” he says with a tone that’s a mix of astonishment and something that’s akin to love.
He lets a lone finger trace from her collarbones down to her abdomen, and there’s a trail of chills left in its wake. He gets on his knees, leaning over her lower half. His lips press onto the inked skin of her hip and Lyla shoots up, seeking for friction. He never thought someone could be so intrigued with a small tattoo, but he is as he sucks the skin into his mouth to create a hickey.
“Jeremy, I want to touch you,” she reaches out for him.
He crawls in between her legs, hands pressing into the mattress above her head and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.
Lyla lets her hands wander all over his body. She loves the way his muscles flex under her touch. He loves the way her soft skin grazes each scar and bruise he’s ever had because of hockey.
All too soon, he leaves her touch, deciding to travel down her body. A quick stop at her breasts leads to her nipples becoming so sensitive and hard as he sucks on them.
Slowly but surely he gets to the apex of her thighs, moving her legs apart to spread her open. He gets the perfect view of her dripping folds.
“Look at you. My girl is so wet,” he whispers, opening Lyla up before sucking her clit into his mouth.
Despite the moan that rips through her throat, Lyla tries to stay quiet. Jeremy doesn’t allow her the chance to silence herself, though. His tongue flicks over her clit, mouth closing to create the perfect suction around her. Lyla’s hips shoot off the bed, her hands gripping onto his curls. The taste of her arousal coats his tongue, brain going hazy and moaning wildly around her.
“J! Fuck. More, please more,” she cries.
Deciding to tease her, he rips his mouth away. His beard shines with her wetness and Lyla swears she could cum at the sight. He dips two of his fingers inside of her, slowly pumping them in and out of her.
“I need to get you ready for me, baby,” he mutters into the skin of her abdomen, lips moving to kiss her tattoo.
“No. I want you now. Baby, please. Please fuck me,” she begs, voice barely comprehensible.
Hearing Lyla call him baby and in her sexy voice makes him want to make her scream. He wants the only thing he hears for the rest of his life to be her voice.
“I can feel you squeezing my fingers, baby. Do you think you’re ready for me?” His lips ghost over her mound.
“Yes! Please,” she whines.
Jeremy rises to his knees, fisting his cock and guiding it to her opening. Lyla watches with a meaningful gaze as he spreads her wetness around her fluttering hole. She just wants to be full of him.
“Shit. I don’t think I have any condoms,” Jeremy states, getting off the bed to dig around in his bedside drawer.
That’s not what Lyla wanted to hear. That’s not what anyone wants to hear as they’re about to have their world rocked.
She thinks for a while why Jeremy is looking in his restroom. She doesn’t usually have unprotected sex with people she’s getting to know. Not even people she’s been in long relationships with, but this relationship with Jeremy feels different. She trusts him so much and she feels safe with him.
“Jeremy,” the call for him comes out weak, her voice starting to tremble because she’s more nervous than to begin with.
“Jeremy,” it’s a lot more clear now.
He walks out of his restroom, a wince painted on his face and his eyes cast down.
“I’m sorry. I forgot that I didn’t have any condoms. That sounds so bad. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting for us to have sex tonight,” he whispers
“It’s okay. I’m on birth control and I trust you,” she stares into his eyes, waiting for his reaction.
“No. I don’t want you to feel like you have to. I swear we can wait, or I can go buy condoms right now,” he rambles, words getting trampled by each other.
Before he can continue, she gets on her knees and pulls him into a kiss. A whimper being transferred to his mouth when she tastes herself on his tongue.
“I trust you. Do you trust me?” She asks, eyes glossy and hands glued to his cheeks.
“I do.”
“Then we can continue,” she nods her head in reassurance.
He presses his lips to hers, hands going to her back and softly lowering her onto the bed.
He lines himself up with her entrance, slowly pushing in so she can adjust.
“Oh my god,” she breathes out.
“Are you okay?”
“Yup. I just need a minute to adjust,” he complies, pecking her face until it’s safe to move again.
Once given the green light, he starts to rock his hips into hers, feeding off her low moans. She fits perfectly around him.
The pull of his hips is slow, deep, and it makes Lyla feel every single part of him. However, she can tell he’s holding back. She can sense it in the way he’s shaking from trying to stop his movements from being overpowering. She can hear it in the way he tries to control his breathing.
Lyla wraps her legs around his waist, pulling his body closer to hers. Her hands roam up his back, fingernails lightly scratching at his skin. He fucks her like he cares and that sets something feral off inside of her.
“You can be rough with me. I promise I won’t break. I can be your good girl,” she wraps her hand around the back of his neck, lifting her head up so she can whisper in his ear.
He lets out the raspiest moan. Lyla grows wetter at the noise and Jeremy can feel it drip down to his balls. His hips start rocking with more force and a faster pace. Deciding to rest on his knees again, he opens Lyla’s legs wider. He presses on her lower stomach and he angles his hips up.
“Oh my god. That feels so good, baby. Fuck. Keep going,” she moans, head tilting back and fingers clutching onto the sheets.
He can feel himself deep inside of her, but when he sees his cock bulge in her stomach, he feels his cock start to pulse. It’s too soon to bust his load inside of her, though.
Suddenly pulling out of her warmth and smirking at Lyla’s grunts, he flips her over onto her stomach. He grips her hips, making her back arch so that she’s face down, ass up. He pulls her back, cock thrusting into her at a lethal pace.
Lyla screams his name, tears already lining her eyes and blurring her vision.
His balls slap against her clit, sending flames throughout her entire body. He pulls her arms behind her back, holding her wrists together in one of his hands. His eyes are glued to the way her wet walls wrap around him. The way she sucks him back in because she’s so tight. The way she makes his cock glisten.
“You like that, baby? You like my cock splitting you open?” He leans down to whisper in her ear.
“Yes!” She shouts.
He lets go of her hands , enjoying the way she immediately fists the blankets. The tip of his length hits her velvety spot and makes her clench around his shaft. Lyla tries to move, the pleasure starting to get to her, but Jeremy pins her hips in place. His thumbs fit perfectly in the dimples on her back, and his cock continues to drill into her.
“More. More.”
Sweat is already starting to gather in the dips and valleys of their bodies, and Jeremy starts to feel his balls tighten. Knowing that they won’t last much longer, he lifts her body so that her back is to his chest.
Lyla rests her head back on his shoulder, throwing her arms around his neck the best she can. Somehow he hits so much deeper inside of her. She lets out the most sultry gasps each time he ruts into her. She turns her head towards his, eyes connecting in their haze of passion. She can see the lust swimming in them. She presses her lips to his hungrily. Their teeth clash and their tongues dance together. Her breathless moans sound perfect right next to his ear.
She bounces her hips up and down, walls caving in and dragging him closer to his orgasm. Both of their bodies move in tandem. It’s crazy how they’re perfectly in sync.
His grunts echo in her head. His noises are smooth and hot. They are the best thing Lyla has ever heard. She wants to place his sounds in the background vocals of all her songs.
Lyla’s breath hitches when he wraps a hand around her throat and lets his other fingers circle her clit. She feels the heat coiling in her tummy, her body quivering against him as she feels her orgasm coming on strong.
“I’m gonna cum. Please let me cum,” she begs, lips glued to his cheek and she kisses his skin hotly as if he needs convincing.
“Cum for me, baby. Make a mess on my cock,” he gives her permission, pounding his hips into hers.
She lets go with a silent scream, pleasure too much for there to be sound. Her eyes roll to the back of her head, but her vision would be blurred by white, hot starbursts anyway.
Her pussy holds onto him with a vice like grip, and he can feel her muscles contract around him. She pulls his orgasm out of his body. His cock exploding deep inside of her while he moans like it’s the best thing ever. And for him, it is. He’s never known pleasure to be so riveting.
He keeps her pressed to his body, hips slowly working them both through their releases.
“Kiss me,” his husky voice whispers in her ear.
Her lips lock with his, but with each movement of his hips her mouth opens and a whimper spills.
He pushes her body forward, guiding her to lay back down. She turns on her back, eyes boring into his. She needs more of him. Although her body still shakes and feels sore, she needed more of him. She’s addicted.
He hovers over her, eyes making a path down to her spent cunt. He leaves a trail of ghost kisses from her breast to her belly button. She watches with bated breath when Jeremy’s hands go back to her hips, his touch sending electricity through her. He lifts her bottom half up, leaning down to let his tongue explore her further.
“I love the way you taste. I love the way you whimper when I do this,” he sucks her clit into his mouth. Lyla whines and writhes underneath him.
He moans at the sight of her leaking his cum. His tongue creeps down to collect their expense, lapping and making the most obscene noises. Lyla’s legs tremble as they try to close around his head, but he quickly pulls her legs apart.
“J, I can’t. Fuck, I want more,” Lyla mewls, body arching up off the bed.
He keeps lapping at her pussy, warm fingers sinking into her. The continuous press of his fingertips into her sweet spot makes her delirious. The familiar burning sensation churns deep inside of her. She quickly feels a second orgasm pounding on her body. Lyla’s body stills before all her muscles release and a loud cry falls for her lips.
She pushes at Jeremy’s head, way too sensitive for him to keep going. Lyla’s chest heaves as she catches her breath. Her previously curled hair is now a mess and matted to her skin by her sweat. Her head is spinning and all she can feel is her heart beating fast. She doesn’t even release Jeremy left until he reappears with a warm, wet cloth to clean her up.
“You did so well,” he whispers as he softly wipes her body clean.
Lyla stays quiet, getting out of bed to use the restroom. The whole time she’s thinking about what’s next. Does she pick up her clothes from his floor, get dressed then leave? Does she get back into his bed? Does he do aftercare? The walk back into the room feels awkward, which is crazy with how intimate they just were. She decides to get in under the covers. Jeremy is still seated at the end of the bed, feeling confused. He didn’t know why she felt so far away.
After he cleans himself up and uses the restroom, he finds her still tucked under the comforters. He lies down next to her, eyebrows furrowing in worry when he sees her visibly shaking.
“Baby, come here. Please be close to me,” he requests, voice soft.
Lyla immediately turns to him, shimmying her way into his arms. She throws an arm over his chest and a leg over his hips. She focuses on his warmth and how softly he holds her.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks into the skin of her forehead.
“Perfect. You’re perfect. I really love sex with you,” Lyla tilts his head down so he’s looking at her.
She leans in, chastely kissing his lips. Jeremy’s hand finds its rightful place on her throat.
“I really like you, Lyla. There’s no one else like you, and I don’t mean that in the way that everyone else means when they tell someone that. I mean, I truly have never meant someone like you. You’re changing my life in the best way possible,” he stares so deeply into her soul.
“Yeah, well you’re changing mine, too,” she whispers, kissing his chest and cuddling into him.
His hands caress her body, subconsciously finding their way to her hip tattoo. Even though Jeremy’s touch is gentle, her body jerks. The red bruise left behind by his mouth is sensitive.
“Stay the night?” Hands that are soft, but rough around the edges continue to stroke her skin. Lyla finds herself melting into his body.
“As long as you cuddle me the entire night,” the girl counters, lips attacking his neck.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Jeremy holds her tight, falling into a peaceful sleep.
a/n: This is a little rough, but the smut will be better once I start writing more for this pairing! Otherwise, I hope y’all enjoy!
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andydrysdalerogers · 7 months
Cross-Checked ~ Chapter Ten
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Andy Barber x OFC Leighton "Leia" Andrews
Andy Barber is having the best year of his life. His game is on point. It’s gets to play with his best friend and his fiancé just... dumped him?!. 
Reeling from a sudden change in status, Andy decides it’s time to just focus on hockey. Until his best friend's sister comes out with news that rock the entire organizations world., 
Andy has always carried a torch for the untouchable Leighton but in her hour of need, is now the time to shoot and score or risk getting cross - checked again? 
Warnings: Cheating (but not by the MCs); slow burn; friends to lovers eventually; SMUT!; pregnancy; jealousy; handsome goalies, evil exes...
A/N: The tag list is open!
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
Previous: Chapter Nine ~ It's Complicated ~ Jeremy/Leia
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Chapter Ten ~ He Had It Coming ~ Andy
Sitting at home alone was now just pathetic.  
I missed Leia so much. My words hurt her, hurt her so badly that I could see it the moment it happened. I had never spoken to her like that ever. The look on her face will haunt me forever. Why? Why would I talk to her like that? I know that Swayman is making her happy and I should want that for her. But he’s also not a good guy and I just didn’t want to see her get hurt.  
But now she’s not speaking to me, and I only see her in glances at practice or during a game. She’s been avoiding me as much as possible, though I don’t blame her. Luke has been pestering me about why she’s been in a mood but fuck that. I’m not telling him.  He would literally kill me for making his sister cry.  
So now I find myself alone in the big, Leia-less house, wishing I had done things differently. I miss my best friend.  I had just shut off all the lights and was heading for my room when there was a knock at the door. God, I hope it wasn’t Luke.  If he was having trouble with Miranda, I don’t know what my reaction would be. I groan and head back down the stairs. I don’t check out the window and just open the door.  
But I’m surprised to what I found.  
The most beautiful sight is in front of me. Leia. “Princess? You lose your key?” 
She’s playing with her fingers. Oh shit. That is her tell. “No,” she says quietly. “But I didn’t want to just walk in when I have been such a brat with you. I’m sorry.”  
I watch the tears fill her eyes and her bottom lip quiver. “Leia, I’m the one who should be sorry.” I pull her into my arms, and she begins to cry. “Princess, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I should have been your best friend and supported you and I’m just... sorry.”  
I walked us into the house, and I sat her down on the couch. She hiccups a little and I go grab her a water. “Thanks,” she whispers. I can see that she’s been upset for a while.  
“Leia, are you ok?” 
She shakes her head. “No. Just a lot of things, I guess.” She drops a hand to her belly and that’s when I noticed. She’s showing.  
“I’m sorry sweetheart.”  
A flash of heartbreak crossed her beautiful eyes. “Don’t call me that. Just call me Princess, ok?” 
“Ok.  So, my Princess has her belly now, huh?” I smile as I reach out my hand, wanting to distract her. “May I?” 
She gives a small smile.  “Yeah. I don’t feel them yet, but it feels weird.”  
I touch her belly with reverence. She's growing a life in there and soon, we’ll know what it is. “Hello, little one.” I sit there, hoping to feel something but all I feel is a tremble. I look up to see tears streaming down my Leia’s face. “Leia?” 
“He told me he would be there. That he cared.” She took a shuddering breath. “Umm... Jeremy and I are no longer seeing each other.  Apparently, I was wrong that he wanted a relationship with me.” The last words came out in a sob as she leaned forward into my chest. “He slept with someone else and told me that he couldn’t be a father and that I was ruining his reputation. I wasn’t worth it,” she cries, and I held her tight to me.  
I am raging. I am seeing red. I knew this fucker would hurt her and yet, he did so much worst.  
He broke her. 
I rock her as she cries, running my hands over her back and just letting her cry. I’m dreaming of the different ways I will be detaching Swayman’s head from his body. He knew the risks of seeing Leia and he was still his cocky asshole self in the end. As I feel her calm, I press my lips to her head. “I’ve got you Princess, I’ve always got you.”  
“Why won’t they love me, Andy? What did I do for them to hate me?” She thinks it's her. That the choices of these douchebags not choosing her at the end is her fault.  
“They don’t see the best parts of you, Leia. If they don’t see it, they don’t deserve you. You are a strong, independent, kick-ass social media manger, businesswoman, sister, daughter and friend.  And one day, someone will see all of it and not be stupid and make you theirs.” I cup her cheek, so she looks at me. “You deserve to be treated like a queen. Don’t settle for less.”  
A small smile graces her beautiful lips. “Thank you, Andy.” She wiped her cheeks. “I’m going to concentrate on my baby and my business. I don’t need a man to do those things. I just need you and Luke and Stella and Miranda and I don’t need anyone else.”  
I gave her a smile, even though it hurt a little. She still needed me but not as a lover. But it’s ok, because as long as I have her in my life, I don’t need anything else.  “C’mon, Warrior Princess, let’s get a snack and then its bedtime.” I got up and gave her my hand.  
“Can you stay with me until I fall asleep?” She turned those big green eyes on me, and I’m doomed.  
“Anytime you want Princess.”  
She’s back and she’s talking to me again. It's a win. I’ll take it and tomorrow I’ll deal with the raging heat that’s simmering below.  
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Leia woke up and made breakfast and it's like she never left.  She’s quiet but not as despondent as she was last night. “You ok, Princess?” 
“No, but I will be,” she said as she speared a piece of fruit.  
I sighed.  “You have an appointment coming up. Is it an ultrasound? Do you still want me to go?” 
This perks her up a bit. “Yeah, they might be able to tell what the baby is.”  
“Have a preference?” I took a sip of coffee with a smile.  I loved her excitement when it came to the baby.  
“No, healthy is good.  I just want to plan the room and names and stuff.” She looked down at her phone and let out a soft curse. “I’m sorry Andy, I totally forgot I have a meeting with a potential new client. It's a finance company, so new challenge.” 
“Go, I’ll clean up here. I have practice and a meeting with my agent but after, wanna grab a late lunch?” 
“Sure!” She ran out of the room and up the stairs. 
I grimaced but was happy she wouldn’t be at practice. I had a goalie to confront.  
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As team captain, I have to set an example to the rest of the team. I fight for them on the ice with the refs and I am their shoulder to lean on off the ice. I take this very seriously. I will protect all of my team, from the players, to the trainers and our support staff.  I want to be that person my team relies on.  
Today, however, I think I might become the one they fear.  
I had told Coach that I was running late because of an appointment with Leia. I needed to take a moment to remind myself that murder is bad. But blowing up Swayman’s world would be a nice consolation prize.  
Everyone was already on the ice, shooting the breeze while Coach got prepared.  I stretched and dressed. Luke was waiting for me at the end of the hallway. “Everything good, bro?” 
“Everything is fine,” I growl out.  I grabbed my twig and start skating around.  Luke pulls up next to me.  
“Andy, what is it?” I keep skating, not wanting to lose it on my best friend. He’s going to be pissed. I keep my head down just as I pass the net when I hear, “yeah, she was banging.”  
I come to a complete stop and look at him.  “Who was banging?” 
Jeremy has a flash of uncertainty cross in his eyes before he smiles again.  “This chick I hooked up with. She was wild in the sack last night.”  
“Oh,” I kept my face neutral. “This is after you dumped Leia and after you cheated on her, right? Nice.”  
I swear every single skate stopped to stare at the standoff between me and Swayman.  I actually think I managed to shut Luke up the longest.  
“Leia and I weren't a couple. We dated but we weren’t exclusive,” Jeremy defended himself.  
“Oh, so telling her that you would be there for her, be with her for the baby, acting like her boyfriend but really what was your motive? Screw her and then dump her? She is one of us!” A collective intake of breath happens.  
“Jeremy, tell me that isn’t true?” Linus Ullmark says.  
“It's not only true but I had Leia sobbing all night because of this asshat,” pointing at Swayman. 
“Why the fuck do you care, Barber? I had bigger balls than you to ask her out and date her. She was asking to be fucked, acting like a slut.  She was ready to give me everything and then she dropped the truth bomb that she’s pregnant! She is a whore, wanting to sleep with someone else when she has a baby daddy. At least I didn’t fuck her, you should be thankful for that. You won’t have to deal with my sloppy seconds. Or thirds, I guess,” he said with a smirk.  
I tried to lunge at him, but a couple of the guys stopped me.  
No one saw Luke.  
He put everything into that punch. Jeremy dropped to the ice as more guys work to stop Luke from pummeling his ass into the ground. “You fucking asshole!  That’s my baby sister you are messing with!” Luke screams. He’s thrashing in the arms of our defensemen while Linus is helping Jeremy up. Swayman’s got a bloody nose and a split lip.   
“Fuck you, Andrews.  You told me I could go for it. Blame your-fucking-self!” He tries to go for Luke but Ullmark and my other assistant captain, Marchand, hold him back.  
“That’s enough!” The coach walks over to us. “Swayman, go to the trainer's room and get cleaned up.  Andrews,” he looks him up and down, “meet me in my office after practice. Barber, you too.”  
Like I said, I’ll do anything to protect my team. But not when a teammate is a detriment to the rest of us.  
Coach is furious when we walk into his office after practice. Jeremy never made it back to practice and I worry that Luke is about to be suspended for it. He’s holding an ice pack to his knuckles; they’re already turning black and blue.  Coach looks at us and then at the chairs in front of his desk. We take that as the order to sit and do it. “I don’t even know what to say.” He glares at us. I think he is trying to dare us into speaking, but I am no fool. Doing that would be suicide.  
The door opens and one of the trainers pokes his head in. “Sorry coach, you wanted to know...” 
“Yeah?” Coach continues to glare at us.  
“It’s not broken but bruised pretty good. At least one,” doc said.  
“Thanks.” The trainer closed the door and Coach sighed. “You two are both very lucky. Because I was about to bench your asses for however long he would be out.”  
Luke starts, “but Coach...” I grab his arm and shake my head.  
“I want a reason why my captains are fighting with their goalie. Barber, this is your team and you’re starting fights?” 
“Sir, I didn’t start the fight.  I started an argument,” I replied in a steady tone. “Whether or not I was ready to throw down is up for debate.” I keep my eyes with his.  
“I want to know the reason,” he seethes.  
I look at Luke, who nods.  I sigh. “Swayman made a couple of comments about Andrews’s sister. I took offense to them because she is one of my best friends.  He then made a derogatory remark about her. That’s when my teammates stopped me but neglected to account for Luke.” 
“Derogatory how?”  
I forgot that Coach has daughters. “I’d rather not repeat it.  You can ask him if you’d like to, but I refuse to say it.”  
Coach sighs and sits down. This feels like sixth grade all over again when Luke and I got hauled to the principal’s office for fighting. I mean, Tommy Deroux had it coming after pushing Leia to the ground in the playground. The suspension was worth it when he had to apologize to her in front of the whole school. “I really don’t know how to handle this. I get it, she’s your sister, but they are also adults, and they made their choices.” 
“Sir, you didn’t have your sister or best friend sobbing in your arms last night.  It took everything to come in and not start something right away. I was going to let it go because you’re right.  They made this decision to date together.  But I protect everyone on this team, whether their job is on the ice or not.  I will not let the disrespect that happened to another employee go unaddressed.” 
Coach looks at me warily. Then at Luke.  “One game, Andrews. You sit for one game for throwing the punch.  What happens outside of my arena is not my problem.  Now get out of my office.”  
I stood up with Luke and went back to the locker room. We grab our stuff to change since we just dressed in sweats after we showered. “One fucking game,” Luke says.  
“You’re lucky it's not more.” I pulled on my hoodie. “There was a reason I didn’t say anything before practice.” I grabbed my wallet and keys. “She was heartbroken last night.”  
“But that’s my sister, man.”  
“And I have to think about what’s best for the team. You got your hit in, let it go.” I turned around and felt my balls retreat into my body. Luke turned at my silence and froze.  
Leia glared at us. “Wanna explain to me why Marchand is calling me and letting me know that my brother threw a punch at practice?” 
Oh shit. 
Can I just comment here that Leia has her mom look down? 
“Princess...” she raised her hand up to stop me and never took her eyes off of Luke.  I feared for my best friend, and I took a step back.  
“Lucas Michael Andrews, what the fuck are you thinking?” 
“Cubby, listen...” he looked at me but I looked down. He sighed. “Swayman crossed the line at practice, and you can’t expect me to not defend your honor.”  
Leia had a horrified look on her face. “What was he saying?”  
I jump in. “Nothing Princess. It's been handled and I want you to put it out of your mind, ok?” I pulled her into my arms for a hug. “I promise, it's been handled, and Coach gave the punishments and life here will go back to normal.”  
Whatever that looks like.  
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jswayman1 · 3 months
can i request something hurt/comfort with brad marchand, maybe after the team gets knocked out?
i kneel in front of the locker you're already grieving, you turn to me; eyes haunted by the game to come. yellow has never felt so sorrowful.
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IN WHICH, emotions run high pre-game, dreams hang on a knife's edge, and bonds are tested in the face of impending loss
i KNOW you requested a post-game fic, but BARE WID ME. already working on a part two for you.
2.5k words, 14k characters in all, LOTTA angst. 2023 Game 7 if that helps narrow it down for you. Yeah.
a song to listen to while reading: BEING LOVED ISN'T THE SAME AS BEING UNDERSTOOD, VINES
The arena’s cold, brisk air tingles against my skin as I step inside TD Garden. The familiar hum of fluorescent lights, the faint scent of popcorn, and the sharp, almost metallic tang of ice flood my senses, anchoring me in this moment. Tonight's Game 7 against the Florida Panthers holds a weight unlike any other game I’ve experienced.
This is my second playoff season with Brad, and the stakes have never felt higher. As the assistant captain of the Bruins, he’s shouldered immense pressure all season, trying to move past the once reckless and angry rat title he's held. Now, with the possibility of elimination looming, especially with their record this time, the atmosphere almost feels explosive with tension.
Walking through the corridors, I spot some of the other WAGs right in the tunnel. Their designer jackets, specifically made for them, and meticulously styled hair do little to hide the anxiety etched on their faces.
It’s not just about the game; it’s about what happens after. The camaraderie among us is palpable yet tinged with the growing rivalry these two teams have, we all want our partners to shine. To be the heroes, if you will; but only one team can win.
I pause near the lounge area, where a few of the wives and girlfriends have gathered. 
Mia, a jet-black-haired striking girl with an infectious laugh, waves me over. Her boyfriend, Jake, is one of the team’s wingers. We’ve bonded over the past few months, finding solace in shared experiences and the unique rhythm of hockey life.
"How are you holding up?" She asks, her voice a blend of concern and excitement. "First Game 7, right?"
"Yeah," I nod, attempting a smile. "It’s a lot to take in."
Mia’s eyes soften. "It doesn’t get easier, but you learn to ride the highs and brace for the lows. Tonight’s huge, though. The guys are feeling the pressure."
I glance around, taking in the nervous energy. "Have you seen Brad?"
Mia shakes her head. "Not since the warm-ups. He seemed focused, though. More than usual."
Before I can respond, Coach Montgomery appears, clipboard in hand, eyes scanning the room. His presence is commanding, a stark reminder of the gravity of tonight’s game. I’ve only exchanged pleasantries with him a few times, but his dedication is… well, pretty undeniable. What he’s done for this team in such a short amount of time is cinema.
"Ladies," he acknowledges us with a nod, his expression a mix of determination and weariness. "It’s going to be a tough one, but we’re prepared."
As he moves past, I catch sight of Jeremy Swayman, the young goaltender. His face is a mask of concentration, but there’s a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. He’s the substitute tonight for Linus Ullmark, who's undoubtedly winning the Vezina, but out due to tearing his groin last game.
Jeremy has been performing well too - no doubt he's been the top backup in the league - but ever since Mia told me about his girlfriend Tori breaking up with him after three years together, he’s been struggling.
In addition, he now faces the pressure of ending the best season in NHL history and potentially losing key players Bergeron and Krejci to retirement if he fails to win this game.
I catch Jeremy's gaze for a brief moment, offering him a small, reassuring smile before he turns back to his thoughts. The weight on his shoulders is immense, and I can only imagine the whirlwind of emotions churning inside him.
I make my way over to Jeremy, hoping to give him some words of support before the game begins. As I approach, I observe how his hands are balled up into tight fists and his body is tense with nerves.
"You got this." I say softly, trying to break through his pre-game reverie.
Jeremy turns to me abruptly, his eyes widening a bit as he's pulled out of his thoughts. His face is tinged with surprise, but it's tinged with another emotion that I can't quite place.
He runs a hand through his messy hair, the brown strands sticking up and falling back around a pale, weary face. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows, looking uncharacteristically vulnerable for a moment.
"Yeah?" he asks, voice hushed but rough from nerves.
"I mean it." I say firmly, holding his gaze. "You're an incredible goalie, and you've got this. I've seen you play. You've been the best backup in the league this season. You're ready for this."
Jeremy lets out a dry scoff, his hands clenching into even tighter fists next to him. The tension is obvious in his muscles, in the way his jaw is set and his shoulders are taut. "Pressure's on," he mutters, his voice dripping with a bitter mix of self-deprecation and nerves.
I let out a low breath, seeing how he's doubting himself already. "Pressure's always on in this league," I say quietly but with a sharp tone. But you've risen to the occasion every other time? You'll do it again tonight. I have faith in you."
He looks at me then, the doubt still in his eyes, but something else too. A flicker of vulnerability, of need for reassurance. He's fairly new, always been reserved and private from what I know about him, but I think tonight that veneer has cracked a bit.
Jeremy lets out a shaky exhale; his brow furrowed as he tries to rein in his nerves. I can see the internal struggle in his face, the battle between fear and confidence waged fiercely inside his mind.
"I don't know," he chokes out, his voice a strangled whisper. "This isn't just another game, and… -- well, I've never been the number one. They're all just… all watching. Expecting."
He looks away, his gaze going distant as he speaks, his voice wavering.
I step closer, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He's tall, but even standing next to him, I can sense the way he's coiled so impossibly tight, holding all the pressure in his body.
"Yes, they're watching." I say, my voice low and sure. "But you've been trained for this. You're one of the most dedicated athletes I've ever seen. You've prepared for this moment. Use it."
His eyes dart to mine, and there's a flash of something like hope in them, before it's washed away by another wave of self-doubt.
Jeremy lets out a bitter laugh, but it's interrupted by a sharp inhale, as if he's trying to hold back something bigger. Maybe tears, maybe a scream, maybe just his emotions bubbling to the surface.
"I have been preparing, and I have trained." He says, his voice cracking a little despite his effort to keep composure. "I don't think it's going to be enough."
His gaze is wide and raw, a mixture of fear and desperation looking back at me.
"Enough is subjective." I say firmly, my grip on his shoulder tightening. "Don't let yourself spiral. You are enough, Jeremy. For this team, for this game, for yourself."
Jeremy sucks in a deep breath, his body shuddering under my touch. It's like I can feel the tension in his muscles, the way he's holding himself together physically but falling apart mentally.
His eyes close for a brief moment, his lashes trembling against his skin. When he opens them again, staring straight ahead, they're still wide in fear, but there's a fire there too.
"You make it sound so simple," he mutters, his voice choked with emotion. "It's not, though. Not when everything's on the line."
I nod, understanding his struggle even if I can't relate directly. The pressure he's under is enormous, more than most people will see in their lives. I can only imagine what it feels like to have the weight of such a thing on your shoulders.
"I know." I say softly, my tone a mix of softness and steel. "But you're not alone. The team believes in you. Brad believes in you. I believe in you. You just have to believe in yourself."
He gazes at me with his mouth half-open and eyebrows slightly raised, as if he is touched by what I said, but he doesn't have a chance to speak before--
"Swayman, get over here NOW!"
Jeremy's gaze snaps towards the voice, the harsh sound of his name being called in that authoritative tone breaking the fragile moment between us. His body stiffens, and the expression of vulnerability on his face vanishes, replaced by a mask of concentration.
I step back, watching as he takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders. He looks every bit the professional now, but I can see the turmoil of emotions just beneath the surface.
He glances back at me for a brief moment, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and fear, and then he does as said, walking towards Coach Montgomery.
I leave him to his thoughts before making the decision to visit Brad quickly. The game is about to start, and the anticipation is nearly suffocating. I turn to reach the locker room entrance, where the muffled sounds of last-minute strategies and pep talks drift through the door.
Before I can enter, I’m… well, intercepted by Patrice Bergeron, the captain and Brad’s best friend. His usually warm and inviting eyes are shadowed with worry. Tonight could be his last game, and the weight of that knowledge is etched into every line of his face. 
"Hey," he greets me, his voice hushed. "You doing alright?"
"Trying to be," I admit. "How’s Brad?"
"He’s focused," Patrice replies. "But… it’s tough. We all know what’s at stake. Not just the game, but the future. Especially for guys like me and Krejci."
I swallow hard, feeling the lump in my throat. "It’s not going to be the same without you."
He smiles faintly, a bittersweet expression. "That’s life, isn’t it? Constantly changing. Just make sure you’re there for him, no matter what happens."
"I will," I promise, feeling the weight of his words settle over me.
As Patrice heads back into the locker room, I linger for a moment, gathering my thoughts. This is it. The culmination of an incredible, record-breaking season, and the potential end of an era. I take a deep breath and step inside.
As I push open the door to the bustling locker room, my gaze immediately lands on Brad. He sits on a bench in a secluded corner, his head bowed and hands knotted together as if in prayer. His shoulders are tense, his jaw clenched, and my heart sinks at the sight of him in such distress.
I cautiously approach, not wanting to disturb his intense focus. As I come closer, his gaze meets mine and my heart races with conflicting emotions. In his eyes, I see a fierce determination, but also a hint of fear and uncertainty. Yet there's something else, something deeper that I can't quite decipher. My mind is torn between wanting to ease his worry and wanting to understand the turmoil within him.
"Hey," I whisper, kneeling in front of him. "How are you holding up?"
He exhales sharply, reaching out to take my hands in his. "I’m … hanging in there. Lockin' in."
His grip on my hands is firm, almost desperate, and I can feel the slight tremble of his fingers. The weight of the game, the season, and the potential end of an era is bearing down on him, and it’s almost palpable in the air between us.
“You know you’ve got this," I say, my voice steady. "You’ve been incredible all season, Brad. No matter what happens tonight, you’ve given it everything."
His fingers tighten around my hands, a silent thank you. His expression doesn’t change, but there’s a small glimmer in his eyes that wasn’t there before. Despite his usual fiery personality, he looks more vulnerable than I’ve ever seen him, and it’s almost disconcerting.
"I just…" he starts, pausing to collect his thoughts.
It’s… well, rare for Brad to struggle with his words, and the brief moment of hesitation speaks volumes about the intensity of his thoughts. He takes another deep breath, his gaze fixed on our intertwined hands.
 "I just don’t want to let anyone down," he continues, his voice quieter. "The team. The city. Myself. I’ve worked so damn hard to get here."
He lets go of one of my hands, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. I can’t tell if his expression is torn between hope and resignation—
"I don’t want this season to be over," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "It’s been the best damn year of hockey I’ve ever played, and I don’t know what’s going to happen next. Nothing’s certain."
He clenches his jaw, his shoulders tensing. The thought of the future, uncertainty looming, is clearly weighing heavily on him, adding to the already immense pressure.
I squeeze his hand, trying to offer him some comfort, some reassurance. I honestly… don’t know that words aren’t enough to ease the anxiety coursing through him, but I do my best to convey my support and understanding.
"You’ve already done so much this season, Brad. You’ve broken records, led the team to greatness. This season is already a success, no matter what happens tonight."
"It doesn’t feel like enough."
His voice is tight, filled with a mixture of disappointment and determination. The drive to win, to push further, is just a part of who he is. Anything short of victory, no matter how incredible the season, will never be enough for him. "I want the fucking cup."
There’s no need to sugarcoat the truth. Winning the cup is the ultimate goal for every player in the league, and Brad has tasted its sweetness before. The hunger for that feeling, the need to experience it again, fuels his every move.
"I know you do." I sigh softly, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles soothingly. "And you know this team can do it. We all believe in you."
As the door creaks open, I see that there are only three of us in the room: myself, Brad, and now Patrice walking towards us. No one says anything, but when he reaches us, Patrice extends his gloved hand for Brad to take.
Brad looks up at Patrice, his gaze meeting his best friend’s steady one. For a moment, they share a silent exchange, the kind that only comes from years of understanding between brothers.
Brad reaches out and takes Patrice’s hand, holding on like he’d fall if let go. Their bond is evident in the subtle expressions they share, as if silently preparing themselves for the game ahead.
Patrice pulls him to his feet, standing shoulder to shoulder with him. They exchange a brief nod, a silent pact between teammates, friends, and brothers. The years they spent together, the memories they share, it’s all coming to a head on this one night.
Patrice claps him on the shoulder, a gesture of reassurance and support. "It's alright, man."
Brad lets out a deep breath, his expression a mix of determination and nervous energy. He gives Patrice a brief, sharp nod before turning back to me, meeting my gaze with a hint of vulnerability beneath his usual swagger.
I give his hand one last squeeze, wishing I could say more, do more, to ease his tension. "Go out there and play like only you can." I murmur, my voice soft and earnest. "We’re all counting on you."
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hockey-finns · 1 year
okay but why are we not talking about the fact that ullmark called the relationship between him and swayman ”love at first sight kinda thing” 😳
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hockeyboysimagines · 7 months
What are your favorite tropes you’ve written or do you not follow tropes?
Here is a list! My favorite ones are starred*
*Joel Farabee- friends to lovers
Nolan Patrick- Soulmates/Childhood friends to lovers
*Mat Barzal- Second chance romance/ Destiny
*Matthew Tkachuk- Love at first sight or opposites attract
Pierre Luc-Dubois- Friends with benefits
Tyler Seguin-sworn off relationships
*Anthony Beauvillier- Enemies to lovers/forced proximity
Travis Konecny-oblivious to love
Vince Dunn- one night stand
*Jeremy Swayman-Last one to know
Some of these are interchangeable but in my opinion this is where they fall.
And coming soon-
Brock Boeser- Best friends little sister
Arber Xhekaj-Toxic ex’s
Jamie Oleksiak- Infidelity
Seth Jarvis- cannot tell you it’s a surprise
I’m game to try new tropes, but the ones I’ve written as listed above are my favorite.
Thanks for asking!
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slut4sway · 2 years
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fallin, dreamin, talkin in your sleep
i know you want to cry all night
all night
plottin, schemin, finding reasons
to defend all your violent nights
promise me
if you break i won’t let you shatter
tags : fluff, sad comfort, cabin, winter, holidays, cuddling, soft boys, mlm, overthinking, crying, lemon, head with a hoodie on, possession, reflection of myself, imagination, my own raw thoughts
12/22, 6:34pm
linus carefully drove down the salted roads of new england, a hand resting on jeremy’s left thigh. the younger man hid some subtle tears; turning his face away from his boyfriend. his cheeks and tip of his nose were all aglow of that post-cry redness he always seemed to get after a long night or a bad loss. it was finally the week long break they’ve been waiting for but jeremy always thought too much on his downtime.
“sway?” the older man breaking the ambient sound of tires rolling.
“mhm?” jeremy replied. wiping some tears playing it off like waking himself up from a nap.
ullmark examined his rosy cheeks and tear-streaked face from the side. “are you crying, hun?”
“no, it’s alright. im okay-“ the thinner boy said in a shaky voice before being cut off by the sound of the keys being pulled and the running motor of the truck fading off. the driver side door opened as linus treaded across the front of the vehicle and made his way over to jeremy’s side. thinking about so much, he didn’t even realize they made it to their homestead.
“i’m sorry for cutting you off, i just know how this goes. we get into a long, deep conversation and it spirals into you bawling your eyes out and you’re uncomfortable in the truck, so..” his apologetic voice trailing off. the swedish man held out his arms as a non-verbal way of asking the younger one of the two to help him out.
jeremy looked him up-and-down, before stepping out and almost collapsing in his arms as he held tears back. he looked around and realized they finally made it to their cabin, though the last thing he remembered was the blurry sight of the interstate.
“inside?” ully whispered, snowflakes catching on his eyelashes and melting over his black toque.
“i know, my love i know..” the blonde whispering comforting nothings to his significant other while guiding him to their small chalet, the snow crunching and their pair of footsteps following behind.
linus rummaged through his pockets for the keys, jingling before he inserted them into the keyhole and turned, pushing the door open simultaneously while his touch never left the man on his side.
jeremy let some tears slip, the cold making them feel like a murderous burn pouring from his eyes. he had so many questions. why does he think so much? why is he so sensitive? why does he let his brain talk so much? anybody could say it was self-depreciating but swayman just couldn’t face it.
both men kicked their feet on the siding before stepping inside the heated foyer and kicking off their frosty, damp shoes. removing each layer until they were left in a pile of jackets and hoodies to be worried about later.
jeremy tried to hide his emotions, out of the ordinary especially with someone so comfortable with him. he felt ashamed. why? so many thoughts. so many. he couldn’t even keep track he just knew his head was too loud and it was upsetting him.
“why don’t we go take a rest, eh? i’ll make us some hot cocoa. you think you’ll like that? take a warm bath i’ll have everything ready for you.” he said while pecking the younger man’s cheek, jeremy’s stubble grazing his barely overgrown beard. just a gentle reminder the swede was just trying to help.
he silently agreed, as linus’ hands left his shoulders while he mindlessly walked away. he padded his way to the master bathroom, floorboards creaking with every movement until he reached the carpeted area. jeremy flicked the light switch on, a faint but welcoming buzz and a fan beginning to spin above. the alaskan man glanced around at all the decorations as he walked over to the rustic looking bathtub. at first he struggled to find how to work the water, losing the muscle memory after not being there since the summer. water flowed from the faucet, a small amount of steam following as well; he liked his hot baths.
swayman slipped his form fitting base layer off himself as he stared into the full body mirror before it started to fog up from steam billowing towards it. he looked over every inch of his frame in his reflection. it’s been a while since he had ended bulking, looking a tad bit more cut than before. stepping into the tub while he turned the faucet handles. jeremy dropped some dr. teals salt in the rippling water. his muscles relaxed for the first time in a while. the thoughts were finally quieting down.
as ullmark heard the water stop splashing and flowing, he started thinking as well. the hot chocolate mix boiling in the pot; a pleasant scent coming along. why did his overthinking get worse around the holidays? jeremy loves christmas, but always seems more down leading up to it. seemed like a question with no answer, but it didn’t matter. all that was important was that his boy was alright and he was working on it. returning from his spot leaning against the counter he mixed the marbled chocolate one last time and turned the stove off to let it cool. trying to be productive; he layed out some soft flannel pants and his own personalized hoodie for sway to wear after his bath. he went back into the closet and browsed for his own outfit. taking some matching pants out of the organized variety. pulling the drawstring knot out and slipping his other sweats out and swapping them for the flannel pants and tossing the other grey pair in the hamper in the corner of the large walk-in. linus was rid of his long sleeve as well, walking out. the automatic light flicked off as he strode back to pour the hot cocoa, preparing it to set up their bed.
jeremy gradually felt the water cool, it finally stilled as his eyes grew heavy. it eventually became lukewarm. this was his sign to come back to reality. sway rose from the water, disrupting the constant show of nothingness that the ripples had left behind. he caught a glimpse behind the blackout curtains of some snow covered trees and hills in the background. he brought his attention back to what is waiting for him outside, as he let the water drip off his body. jeremy grabbed a soft towel from the rack and stepped out onto the fluffy bathmat as he wrapped the towel around himself, drying himself down from head to toe.
he wrapped the towel around his waist and sluggishly trudged out of the bathroom, switching the light off on his way out. he was met by the sight his boyfriend half asleep on their bed with mugs of hot cocoa resting on the window sill, steam still slowly rising.
linus saw him and pulled himself out of the blankets. sway teared up a bit, emotional from what happened before as his man came over to him, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him into a warm embrace. it was silent. linus could read him so easy and immediately knows what’s going on. it has jeremy weak in the knees as the towel is barely holding on by the fold. this time he finally let himself go as he whimpered into his boyfriends shoulder, salty tears flowing from his hazel eyes. linus rubbed his back and stroked at his dark locks.
he took grasp of his hips and led him towards a chair by a large window where his clothes were layed out. he looked at jeremy for approval to take off his towel. jeremy got the memo and gave him a nod. linus was gentle, softly unfolding and undoing the piece of cloth. the older man rest a hand on his waist while reaching past him to retrieve his fluffy flannel pants - surprise surprise, matching ullmarks. the light from an ambient lamp reflected the small droplets and streaks of water transferred between their bodies onto the swedes bare chest. jeremy watched in awe, just taking it all in as his significant other was on his knees looking up at him (his favorite sight.) waiting for him to give him access and lift his foot so he can pull his bottoms up.
jeremy snapped back and realized he was staring. his lips pursed waiting to say something; but no sound coming from his mouth. he finally let the other man dress him, and after the flannel pants came his hoodie. linus helped pull it over the slightly smaller man. jeremy loved the feeling of his boyfriends hands on him and the fleece lining covering him and keeping him warm.
they both padded over to their bed surrounded by windows, ullmark admiring him the whole way even if it was just a couple feet away. his name in jeremy’s back, and his number just made it harder to focus. jeremy was the first to enter the bed, sitting up as linus followed, he wrapped an arm around him, the other man picking up the two mugs of cocoa and handing one to the other man. it was the perfect temperature, perfect men, perfect moment.
they sipped on their drinks, admiring the snow-blanketed vermont landscape. finally, the swede broke the silence.
“jer.. do you think you’re ready to talk about what happened earlier? i understand if not i just want you to know i love you and i’m always here when you wanna talk.” he rambled a bit, accent laying in heavy.
the alaskan paused before responding, his eyes a bit glassy. he set down his almost empty cup and leaned into linus’ space, snaking a hand over his upper body, feeling every muscle and crevice he had.
“you know i overthink a lot, love.. it gets real bad in the winter.” his voice losing stability in each word.
“i don’t know why, i just kind of let it happen because fighting it is draining. i don’t want to talk about the thoughts because it just doesn’t feel right… i get overwhelmed by everything and there’s so many thoughts, and my head is so loud, a-and it just upsets me a lot, and i never know what to do about it and-“ his breath hitched as he ran on
“shh.. you’re alright babe, i’m here. it’s all gonna be okay, i promise. i’m so proud you were able to open up and tell me this.” he tried to calm him down, knowing if he gets overwhelmed he gets irrational.
“i want you.” jeremy choked through tears.
“you have me, i’m yours my love.” the older man affirmed, running his fingers through his silky brown hair.
“if you break i won’t let you shatter” he whispered, planting a kiss on his forehead. before he lifted his boyfriend up into a more comfortable position as he trailed his kisses down his face, meeting his lips.
their tongues fought for dominance in a desperate but gentle way; the taste of chocolate and marshmallows still lingering , linus took his lower lip into his mouth, nipping a bit eliciting a whine from the younger man.he took this opportunity to break the kiss and continue trailing down to his neck. he suckled and left love bites wherever he kissed. he slipped a warm, comforting hand up his hoodie feeling out his toned abs and riding up to his nipples, running a thumb over his sweet spot, his mouth finally parting from his reddened neck.
jeremy’s flannel pants were obviously growing tighter, linus hooking his fingers around the waistband.
“can i?”
“please, baby..” jeremy whined.
ullmark gently pulled his bottoms down in such a torturously slow way it made jeremy go crazy. he whimpered and whined his name, giving linus a rise in the process.
he wrapped a large hand around the base, just running his tongue over the tip. he was teasing him so much thought he know he needed more.
“fuck.. more- please, please, please” swayman whined.
linus loved seeing him beg, but now all he needed was care and attention so he obeyed and slowly took him fully into his mouth, sucking and running his tongue over the slit of his dick. jeremy pulled at his blonde locks, giving a pleasurable hum from the swede. the vibrations sent him over the edge, as he released into his mouth.
he swallowed everything, but still collecting some dribbles on his finger. jeremy was out of breath coming down from his high. the older man brought his finger up to jeremy’s mouth, letting him taste himself.
“such a good boy, you taste amazing. let me clean you up” ullmark cooed as tears from pleasure slowly dripped out of his eyes onto the bed. linus crawled out of their bed, and strode to the bathroom to get a towel and some lotion for his boy.
he emerged from the dim bathroom light, jeremy’s vision still blurry. he came back to the bed, starting to wipe up with the sweat from his upper body with a cooling towel and some scented lotion and being gentle when he came closer to any sensitive spots; he knew jeremy didn’t need any overstimulation right now.
“you’re so perfect honey, i promise i’ll do anything to help you” he affirmed again.
“i know before you wanted to cry all night, and you didn’t want to talk; but im so proud of you for opening up to me” linus comforted with a warm tone.
it wasn’t a loud, eventful, talkative night. but that didn’t matter
“fuck, i love you so much linus, just kiss me already” jeremy cried, leaning into his space again and letting their lips make contact again.
“if you break i promise not to let you shatter” linus confessed through the kiss. the taste of jeremy and the hot cocoa still prominent.
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slafkovskys · 1 year
what are the peoples' thoughts on jeremy swayman though...bc his summer adventures have been a sight (ex. photo 4 in his post from may)
jeremy swayman is not who i thought he was
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nhlgossips · 3 months
Swayman sighting!
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ao3feed-hockey · 1 year
Red Wine Stains on White Button Ups
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HyidvzG
by mainlypastrnaksbae
It wasn’t until the first red was brought out that Linus noticed him. He sat at the barrel furthest to Linus’ right. White shirt tucked neatly into khaki colored pants. Dark curls falling in a messy way that made them look like they’d been planned but at the same time as though he had rolled out of bed looking like that. Linus dropped the cork he was holding.
Hampus, as always, had perfect timing and picked right then to walk up beside him.
“Jesus,” Linus jumped. He pressed a hand to his chest. “What?”
“See something you like?” Hampus asked.
Words: 6648, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jeremy Swayman, Linus Ullmark, Hampus Lindholm
Relationships: Jeremy Swayman/Linus Ullmark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Winery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Spit As Lube, Porn With Plot, Surprise Ending, Love at First Sight, Slow Burn, Kinda, Speed Dating, Wine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HyidvzG
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not-bcring · 2 years
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Nicky was all nerves as he approached Kichiro, a package held tight in shaking hands enough that the paper wrapped about the soft object inside began to tear. "Uh, so...With the whole uh, puck bunny thing, a-and how you actually like it? I thought you might like this to wear to m' games, since...since you're like my lucky rabbit. Or unlucky rabbit, I guess" It's said with a nervous laugh, a callback to the absolute shit show that was their lives that somehow worked out for the best. Nicky still doesn't understand how that trainwreck of a date actually netted him a partner, but that was beside the point.
Inside the package was a hoodie, it was styled like the jerseys the hockey team wore, this one with Swayman across the back along the back along with Nicky's number, why 69 was funny he still didn't know, but this one was special. Attached to the hood were a pair of bunny ears, and low on the oversized sweatshirt was a cotton tail, a garment truly befitting a puck bunny. "I, um...I still have the receipt? If you don't like it..." // puck bunny uwu
-  ✩   「 @from-across-the-stars 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Kichiro will never understand how they managed to gain a boyfriend. Especially one like Nicky; someone who could easily swoon anyone he set his sights on. Yet, through a mercy of fate, he had not only been literally thrown at Kichiro but stuck around afterward. Since that first encounter, Kichiro had known that Nicky was someone they wanted in their life. Bringing with him a warmth unlike the common chill of other people, easing Kichiro into a sense of comfortable normalcy that one would expect after years of companionship instead of mere minutes. Yet from the start, things had felt like it... clicked, with Nicky.
Which is an amusing thought, considering what a shit show both of their lives can be... For something to be easy, dare-say effortless at times, amongst the ever-present chaos that is their draw for misfortune, is a rare occurrence. Something to be treasured. And now that they’re able to openly treasure Nicky even MORE? One can hardly blame them for notably perking with excitement at the sound of the others voice. With a sharp intake of breath, elation shooting through them like a jolt of lightning, they face Nicky with a bright grin. 
While the other male is a picture of nerves, Kichiro is nothing short of radiant in their happiness, lavender hues focused on Nicky’s face— gazing at it fondly —for a moment before the gift in his hands even registers to them. Once it does though, their curiosity is piqued. Eyes wide as they carefully take the lightly-mangled package, gaze flits from it to Nicky as he talks. Pale cheeks hint pink at the mention of being Nicky’s ‘ unlucky rabbit ’, the title feeling like an honor. A warm color that grows with a soft laugh, theirs endeared rather than anxious.
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When they unwrap the gift and see what’s inside?
Kichiro can’t contain their gasp of delight. Not that they even WANT to. 
Lavender hues sparkling as brightly as their smile, they hold out the hoodie in front of them, turning it around to admire it from all angles. With each new detail they discover— from the name and number, to the ears and the tail attached —they start to lightly bounce up and down on the balls of their feet, it not even occurring to them how fittingly bunny-like this behavior could seem.  ❝  Don’t like it? Nicky, this is amazing! I love it! I love it! I’m going to wear it to EVERY game—  ❞  As they speak, Kichiro is already rushing to put the new hoodie on, wanting to see how it feels. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to layer one loose hoodie over another. Struggling for a moment, impatient to wear their gift and having completely overlooked that problem in their excitement, Kichiro pulls it off with a huff and hastily strips off their skull hoodie too.
Goosebumps littering their skin now that they are merely cloaked in striped tights ( of varying purple hues ) and a loose t-shirt with a patchwork heart design on the front, Kichiro hastily hands Nicky their skull hoodie; pulling their gift over their head before their old hoodie has even been in the hockey player’s hands for a second. Head popping from the hoodie like a rabbit out of a hole, Kichiro beams at Nicky and asks,  ❝  So— How do I look?  ❞  Arms outstretched, they give a twirl to show off, quickly pulling the hood over their head so the ears are proudly displayed.  ❝  Do I look like a proper puck bunny now?  ❞  They joke with a laugh, flopping the ears before turning their spine to better show the tail behind them.
Lightly twisting their hips so that the cotton tail wiggles for a moment, they giggle happily, a warmth spreading throughout them from far more than just the hoodie.   「 ☆ 」 
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
the lover series
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all these fics are standalones, so they can be read in any order as well. i don't really know what brought this series on. i was inspired by a grey's anatomy edit on Instagram.
these are a few of my favorite book tropes, so if you'd like to read of few books similar to these, i have a book wrap-up/book club post. here's the masterlist. just in you're interested.
these will be dropped at any time and in any order, the order below isn’t the order in which they will be dropped.
tw: so, some of these fics will include death. there will be trigger warnings on the fics themselves, so keep an eye out for those.
star-crossed lovers - two people meant to be together forever and doomed due to fate. (freddie andersen)
in another life - two people who are ripped apart but it's not "goodbye". it's "see you later". (colton parayko)
the one that got away - two people who deeply love each other, but it doesn't work out and they're left with regret. (jeremy swayman)
friends-to-lovers - two people that are in an established relationship become romantic partners. (tyson jost)
enemies-to-lovers - two people that overcome their differences and misconceptions end up falling in love. (jamie oleksiak)
fwb-to-lovers - two people who are physically intimate, yet not committed to each other, fall in love. (pyotr kochetkov)
right person, wrong time - two people made for each other, but due to circumstances, can't be together. (nathan mackinnon)
brother's best friend - two people that are connected by one person (a sibling and a brother), and end up falling in love. (william nylander)
childhood-friends-to-lovers - two people that have been friends since their youthhood fall in love. (alex lyon)
opposites attract - two people who are not similar in any way somehow fall in love. (josh norris)
the other woman - two people who aren't together due to one person being in a relationship, which causes the other person to feel like the second option. (joel farabee)
soulmates - two people who have a feeling of deep natural affinity. two people who are perfectly suited to another. (elias pettersson)
unrequited love - one person is in love with the other person who doesn't reciprocate those feelings. (anthony beauvillier)
second-time-around - two people that have broken up once before, and find their way back to each other. (juraj slafkovsky)
slow burn - two people who gradually and naturally fall in love or lust before beginning a romantic relationship. (nick blankenburg)
fake dating - two people who make a deal and decide to start dating each other out of convenience for each other. (brendan brisson)
marriage of convenience - two people who decide to get married for their own personal gain, but end up falling in love with each other. (oliver ekman-larsson)
two person love triangle - two people in love, but one person’s job takes importance in the relationship. (sidney crosby)
"love isn't for me" - one person who isn't against love but isn't actively trying to find it ends up finding their perfect match. (joel edmundson)
relationship in trouble - two people who are in a pre-established relationship, but their relationship is slowly falling apart. (dougie hamilton)
secret baby - two people who, after spending one night with each other, end up with a baby, but one of them doesn't know the baby exists. (andrei svechnikov)
love at first sight - two people who fall in love as soon as they meet. (nico hischier)
grumpy-sunshine - two people who have two completely different personalities. (teuvo teräväinen)
tragic love - two people who fall in love, but one of them guards themselves from the other person. (mat barzal)
add yourself to my taglist!
tagging some friends so this doesn’t flop: @2manytabsopen @tysonjost-taylorsversion @rosesvioletshardy @jostystyles @laurenairay @joshsandersons @miracleonice87 @joelsfarabees @comphyjost @myhockeyworld87 @islesnucks @fallinallincurls @idblowburrow @iwantahockeyhimbo @broadstflyers @hockstuff @kentjohnsons @nylwnder @duhaimes @sydnikov @tonyspep @quietblues @youngbeezer @prettyboyjackhughes @lam-ila @thetysonjost @boesersdrurys @bb-nhlqueen7 @boqvistsbabe @oleksiak-pettersson @senditcolton @hugheshugs @boeswhore @bananarantanen @straussmann @mackiesamo @raysofcrosby @sebbyaho @bords @harlowhockeystick @owenpwr @bitchinbarzal
i apologize for any heartbreak this may cause.
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drewsbuzzcut · 7 months
You’re The One
Jeremy Swayman x Lyla Blair
A ‘The Masterminds’ fic
Warnings: mentions sex and nerves but I think that’s all
Takes place February 2024
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Lyla rocks back and forth on the heels of her feet, the small bouquet of flowers burning in her hands. She feels the oncoming wave of nerves drown out all her senses. She hasn’t physically seen Jeremy in about a week, so she’s both excited and nervous to surprise him. Hopefully he’s not bothered by her showing up unexpectedly. The girl is also trying to stay hidden amongst the other significant others and families waiting for the players to exit the locker room.
“Lyla?” She hears Jeremy’s voice behind her, quickly turning around with a shy smile on her face.
“Hi!” She squeaks, cheekbones popping up to cause her eyes to crinkle.
Jeremy gives her a similar, elated smile. His mouth is agape as he tries to come up with the right words to convey his happiness.
“What are you doing here?” He wraps a hand around her waist, pulling her in. They both lean in for a kiss, but at the last minute move in for just a hug.
Lyla’s arms wrap around his waist and his wrap around her neck. He slides his fingers through her hair, his hand settling on the back of her neck. She can feel her heart thump against her ribcage, and the butterflies roam freely when the warmth coming from his hands seeps into her skin.
“I wanted to surprise you. I missed you while I was gone,” she whispers, head tilted back as she stares up at him. Her long eyelashes kiss her cheeks the same way Jeremy wishes he could.
“I missed you,” he stares at her so warmly, his smile being ear-to-ear and eyes shining with an emotion Lyla’s never seen before.
They pull away, but still hold onto each other. Lyla lightly scratches at his scruff, a small giggle falling from her lips as he presses a swift kiss to her wrist. Her cheeks heat up, body reacting viscerally to his touch. Their eyes communicate in ways that allow them to enjoy their small bubble of silence.
Unbeknownst to the pair, Linus watches their interaction. A smile graces his face looking at his best friend so happy. It’s not a rare sight to see Jeremy bubbly, but this is different. He looks like he’s falling in love. Jeremy’s hands stay planted on her waist as they stare adoringly at each other. Linus takes one last glance at them, witnessing Lyla giving Jeremy a bouquet of flowers. He walks away knowing his best friend is in good hands.
“Oh! I almost forgot, but these are for you,” Lyla hands Jeremy the flowers.
His cheeks get impossibly red when he accepts them.
“Lyla. These are so nice. I- I don’t know what to say. Thank you,” he pulls her into another hug, this one bigger and more bone crushing but she loves it nonetheless.
“Of course. I just wanted to get you some since you got some for me for Valentine’s Day. Which was such a sweet gesture. I hope you’re okay with flowers, though,” she leans up on her tiptoes and whispers in his ear, arms still wrapped around him.
“I love the flowers, baby. Thank you,” he presses a tender kiss to her cheek.
“I missed you so much,” she stresses, not caring if anyone sees her pull him into a kiss.
“I missed you. Do you want to spend the night with me?” He mumbles against her lips, smiling contently as she continues to kiss on cheek and jawline.
“I’d really like that,” she presses herself closer to him, his hands rubbing on her back.
“You’re so beautiful,” Jeremy whispers, lips roaming Lyla’s skin like a road he’s never been on before, but yearns to explore.
His hand is placed on her throat as he works his way down her body. Chills swarm her skin and pleasure fills her veins. She’s naked under his naked body, the morning sunlight filtering through the linen curtains and highlighting their afterglow. Morning sex truly is the best thing to ever exist, especially when it’s with Jeremy. Lyla is pleasantly surprised with how in tune Jeremy is with her body. It’s as if he’s been worshiping her his entire life.
“J,” she sighs, eyes batting at him in a way that makes him want to tease her. It makes him want to hear her beg.
“What, baby?” He presses a kiss on her hip before moving to her other and pressing a soft kiss on her butterfly tattoo.
“Kiss me,” she runs her fingers through his soft hair.
His lips travel up her torso, causing a spark to ignite in her core. She can’t get enough of him.
Jeremy hovers over her, nose gently nudging hers and their eyelashes flutter against each other’s skin. Lyla grabs his cheeks, her thumbs rubbing over the softness of his face. He flips them over, laughing as she squeals in surprise. Her face fits perfectly in the crook of his neck, just as much as the way her leg drapes over his hips.
Jeremy takes a moment to close his eyes and just take everything in. Lyla’s breasts are pressed to his chest and he can feel her steady heartbeat. Her fingers softly trace each bruise on his chest.
She leans up, finally sealing their mouths together. Her head tilts sideways, his lips parting to welcome her tongue. She lets out the most dainty whimper when his tongue tangles with hers. She can still taste herself on him.
Her breath catches in her throat when his teeth tug on her kiss-swollen, bottom lip. Pulling away, their lips are red and glistening. Their eyes are half-lidded and their breath mingles. He thumbs at her pout, smiling at the way she pecks his finger.
She hums in response.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He grows shy, eyes flitting between hers and her heaving chest. Time seems to slow as he awaits her answer. He can clearly hear the thumping of his heart, and he wonders if she can hear it as well.
She intertwines their fingers, turning their joined hands to press a kiss to the back of his. She then presses kisses along his cheeks and his nose.
“Of course I’ll be your girlfriend,” she states, pulling her body to be fully on top of his.
They stare at each other, basking in their happiness. Jeremy flips them over again, this time he’s the one to settle into her body. His cock strains against her thigh and that dizzying passion grips their bodies, and they find themselves rolling around in the sheets for a second time that morning.
a/n: They’re official! I will be starting on the piece where people can hear/see Jeremy in the background of Lyla’s videos, so stay tuned.
I am also working on something else that’s cute and sweet, so hopefully that will be out soon.
After that, I will be starting the mastermind angst
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waggle100 · 3 years
Ok there was my Swayman sighting, no I just need a Knight one
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