#sweet boy Darrell
avicryptidbard · 6 months
hii >_< so i drew something based on your fic about darrell (intro to cluckophony) hghjdhhb i adore it so much thank you for creating this fic :3
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(I don't know if you have seen this or something but just wanted to let you know about this :3)
OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING?!!??!? Thank so much oh my god 😭😭💕💕💕 I’m so glad you liked the fic, I’m so incredibly honored you wanted to make art about my fic thank you sm !!!!
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i don't know much about your blorbos but it is my (very un)professional opinion that pidge would be really fun in expression 1d and the palette rickroll :3
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Unprofessional or not, you have the best taste dear moot! And if you give me a chance, you'll know everything about my number one blorbo lol
He absolutely does look good with your choices, look at him! An absolute cutie <3
If anyone else wants to send a request in, this is the post I'm referencing! Open image for better quality <3
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yogsbloodbag · 5 months
One of my friends had requested this but she doesn’t have tumblr but I thought I might as well post it on here.
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the greasers/gang reacts to how you hug them out of no where.
Just a slight bit of cussing and a lot of fluff. Enjoy!
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Darrel Curtis
- oh lover boy
- would kinda freak out ngl
- but he enjoys your hugs
- he’s not really affectionate himself but he can and also will hug you back if he had the meaning too
- he thinks it’s really sweet of you to just give him a hug like that
Sodapop Curtis
- he is probably DYING to get a hug from you
- once he did, he was happy, like very very happy
- he couldn’t explain it
- just like Darry, he enjoys your hugs, a lot
- not to mention but bro is the type of one to have you in a death grip, and won’t let go until you can’t breathe
- Stan Sodapop, he’s the type of one to grab YOUR ass while hugging you 😭
Ponyboy Curtis
- just a hug of reassurance would be good for once in a while
- but this time it wasn’t out of reassurance
- it was out of love actually
- that boy was shocked
- he loves your hugs, he wishes he can stay in your arms all day
- but, he can’t:c
Johnny Cade
- this boy would do ANYTHING to get his hands on affection but he is somewhat scared someone is going to hurt him after what his parents did to him
- you hugged him and told him that everything was going to be okay, and that you weren’t going to let no one hurt him anymore
- he struggles to show how he feels so you randomly hugging him out of no where lets him open up a bit
- he loves your hugs too much to be honest, he’s so affectionate starved
- but is careful around other people when you hug him because he doesn’t want to get you NOR him jumped because that’s his biggest fear
Steve Randle
- god, can you handle the Randle?
- I sure as hell can’t
- giving this man a hug is like asking for a death wish
- he’s just like soda, he’ll hug you back but when he hugs you, it’s like you’re gonna die from suffocation
- but he’s really sweet about you giving him random hugs
- he thinks it’s adorable
Two-Bit Matthews
- hehe you like giving hugs to Two-Bit Matthews
- he’s so sweet and passionate about it, you can’t get over it- what???
- craves your touch fr
- he’s always talking about you to the rest of the gang about how you just give him random ass hugs out of no where and he won’t SHUT UP.
“You know, my girlfriend gives me hugs randomly- and I love them so much, just like the feeling of her on me makes me wanna scream- and I can’t explai-“
- yeah and it goes a little something like that
Dallas Winston
- Dally, Dally, Dally.
- he hates affection. (No he wouldn’t have a soft side for you. Unless it’s out of character.)
- but he likes them, somewhat.
- it’s kinda confusing to tell if he likes them or he’s just cringing
- sometime he needs that hug too no matter what he’s going through
- but he doesn’t like the feeling, of love actually after what happened with him and Sylvia.
- there’s a slight 5% chance he’ll hug you back but most of the time he will just wrap an arm around you or he doesn’t hug back.
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A/N: thank you for reading this as it my first headcannon post. Normally when I post these, it’s on Wattpad or something else, but this one just kinda felt special with me, you know? anyways, bye!!!
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Imagine telling Darry you want to marry him while drunk
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It was a normal Saturday night for the gang, drinking at the Curtis house after seeing a movie. Two-Bit brought out the drinks at the movie and you started drinking with him. Eventually the movie ended and you all started walking home. Darry and Pony were joking around and eventually Darry somehow got Pony on his back and at that moment you thought about how much you wanted him to marry you.
There was a loud cheer behind you and you saw Soda on Two-Bits back as they ran down the two other brothers and raced down the street.
When they caught up to Pony and Darry, Soda stated a game of chicken and not a single one of them was going to back out from that. The rest of the gang gathered around them cheering for either Pony or Soda. You laughed and Darry gave a quick glance at you before going back against Two-Bit. He pressed Soda and Two-Bit up against a fence and Soda started to lean backwards and flipped himself over the fence.
The Gang let out a chorus of cheers and you went over to check on Soda (who was completely fine).
Darry walked with you under his arm the rest of the way home, Pony and Soda walking in front of you two.
"Lovebirds." Steve said coming beside you two, "Y'all got any beer at the house?"
"Not enough for the lot of you." You reply.
"Good thing I always bring extra." Two-Bit said coming beside you two. "Try this (y/n)."
You swallow down the flask with a grimace, not only does it taste awful but it's disgusting, you pass it to Darry who takes one wiff of it and hands it back to his friend.
"Disgusting." You say, "What is that?"
"The quickest way to get drunk." Two-Bit says swallowing down another gulp.
He wasn't lying, by the time you had all gotten to the house you were very giggly and so was half the gang.
Darry kept you within arms reach but with you floating around everyone so much he just decided to sit you in his lap.
You giggled and looked at his face playing with his hair, he couldn't help but smile at your antics.
"What's so funny?" He asked after a minute of you just starring and laughing.
"You're so pretty!" You say, "Like so pretty."
Pony and Johnny laugh in the couch at you two.
"He is!" You defend. "Listen kids this is why you don't drink! Ok? Just so don't, cause then you'll look at Darrel Shaynne Curtis Jr. the whole night cause he's so so pretty."
"Babydoll." Darry says laughing, "I think you need sleep."
"No." You gasp out and then fall to his chest. "I don't think so."
Darrys hand on your waist gently rubs circles on with his thumb against your skin.
"Is Soda ok?" You ask. "And Two-Bit?"
"Yes Dear." Darry says, "Theyre trying to sleep in the kitchen right now."
You go to sit up and look at the sleepy boys in the kitchen.
"I'll get them blankets." You say getting up.
"No it's alright (y/n)," Johnny says getting up, "We can get them."
"You're so sweet Johnny." You say, "I wish we could keep you here all the time."
He blushes and hurries to the closet where the blankets are kept.
"You have the sweetest people in your life." You say to Darry, "It's hard not to love any of them."
"I know." Darry says pressing a kiss on your forehead.
"Like you're doing so good with them, Pony's so smart and the rest of the gang loves you so so much."
Darry pulls you closer to him and you ret your head under his chin.
"I really wanna marry you." You slur out, "Can we get married?"
Your glazed eyes look up at him like a dog begging for table scraps, Darry chuckled and presses a kiss to your forehead as Pony and Johnny come back in.
"Thank you so very sweet boys." You say giggling. "I am so proud of you two."
Pony and Johnny both are now sporting red faces as you continue to compliment them. Dally and Steve come in from outside and you gasp and wave at them both.
"Hi!" You gasp out, "I'm so happy you guys are here!"
"How drunk are they?" Dally asks with a grin.
"Sooooo drunk!" You say laughing, "But like I think you guys should all stay forever and we could all like out our checks into like living together and it would be so fun."
Darry presses his face into your hair and laughs quietly.
"Steve!" You say, "Darry won't answer a super important question for me."
"Dude." Says a slightly drunk Steve, "That's such a drag."
"I know!" You say.
"What's the question?" Dally asks.
"I asked," you say giggling, "if we could get hitched and he laughed!"
Dally starts laughing too and so does Steve.
"Come on," Darry says picking you up bridal style. "Time to hit the sack."
"Night night boys!" You call waving to them as Darry takes you to his room, he throws you in the bed and you giggled taking off your shoes and jeans. Darry throws you a nightgown as he takes off his jeans.
You stare and giggle, when he turns back around you've managed to get everything off just not get the nightgown on.
"You have the cutest butt!" You say laughing. "Literally my favorite butt in the whole world."
"Good," Darry says, he comes over and helps you out the nightgown on before joining you under the covers.
Darry joins you under the covers, you continue to giggle a little even as your eyes feel heavy.
"So..." You mumble out "Are you gonna answer me?" You ask.
"(y/n)," Darry says pressing a kiss to your cheek, "Babydoll," he says pressing another to your forehead. "I thought you knew by now that I'm gonna marry you someday."
"Yay," you say sleepily into his chest. "I can't wait.."
"Me either." Darry says as you fall asleep against his chest.
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juniperss · 2 months
heheh i’ve always wondered how the outsiders boys would kiss. like is it sweet and soft or like heavy and passionate. or even where they like to be kissed 🤭🤭🤭 i love my silly little greaser boys
*kicks my feet* coming right up, anon!!
Kissing the Gang Headcanons:
In ‘Chocolate Kisses’ I wrote that Darry’s kisses are always heavy and full, so allow me to expand on what I mean by that! I fully believe that Darrel kisses with his entire being each and every time he kisses you as if he’s trying to convey how much you mean to him with just his mouth. “Full” meaning that his lips are completely on yours and “heavy” meaning that you’re usually not just kissing, you’re full on making out.  He’s pouring everything he has into those kisses, He’s not big on PDA and since he’s almost always surrounded by the Gang he makes up for lost time by kissing you A LOT in private and with all of his attention. The kinds of kisses that make your chest burn from how long they are.  His lips are usually chapped or dry since he works outside, usually under the sun. He’s a great kisser and has had years of practice (look he was a football star and pretty popular, what do you want me to say???). 
Two Bit:
One word: Fun. His kisses are always followed with a smile from one of, or both of, you. He’s kissing everywhere on your face before he gets to your lips and then he squishes your cheeks as he reaches your mouth. Even when he’s trying to be sexy about it there’s such an element of fun in the way he kisses you. You make him happy and that always comes out in his kisses. I don’t see him having a problem with PDA at all, much to the annoyance of everyone around you two! While he loves to kiss you on the lips, I can definitely see him being a fan of neck or shoulder kisses!! Especially when you two are lounging around or waiting in line for snacks at the drive in; he just presses kisses to your shoulder while he stands behind you. 
Soda is a romantic, or at least he likes the idea of being a romantic. We see that when he loves someone, he’s completely dedicated to them and that definitely translates into kisses. His kisses are gentle and earnest, always chasing your lips with his even if he’s the one who initiated the kiss. He makes sure he’s wearing chapstick so his lips aren’t rough and he always tastes faintly of mint. Soda is a big fan of kissing you when you’re sitting on the kitchen counter or on one of the cars he’s working on so he can put his arms on either side of you while you two kiss. Really he’s not paying attention to anything around when you’re smooching him and whenever you pull away he’s got this glazed look in his eyes like he’s coming out of a trance. Because he doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings during kisses, you two have been caught kissing A LOT by the guys and that means you have to deal with the roasting that follows.
His kisses are either possessive or playful and I don’t think there’s really an in-between. Dallas’s temper and emotions run hot and cold at an incredible speed, so it only makes sense to me that his kisses vary on mood, day and whatever happened .2 seconds prior. His possessive kisses are slow and forceful, one hand on your waist and the other on your neck, holding you still the entire time. His playful kisses are fast, almost teasing and leaving you chasing after his mouth. Dally likes to kiss, he likes to makeout and he’s happy to do it whenever you ask. He’s not much into PDA, he prefers to have his attention on his surroundings and the environment and PDA makes him concerned that he’s not going to be prepared.
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 months
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Darry Curtis x Home Baker Reader
Basically Darry with sunshine reader but shhhhhhhh
For the loml @st4rgzer
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⋆ For starters, he’s so supportive
⋆ Just freaking adores your baking
⋆ You get very good at baking chocolate cake because you’re making it. Constantly.
⋆ He also just thinks your the sweetest thing ever (pun intended)
⋆ About kills Dallas a couple times for criticizing you or your baking
⋆ Speaking of Dallas, you and him have a similar relationship to what he had with Mrs.Curtis
“Dallas Winston why is there a cigarette lit inside my house?” you ask as you walk into the living room. “I’m puttin out, I’m puttin it out” he mutters as he stubs the cigarette on the ashtray on the coffee table. “Y’know, I don’t even know why you have this thing if you and Darry are so anti-smokes” he says, you roll your eyes “you just used it, didn’t you?” You ask incredulously, smile playing on your lips. “Yea yea” he mutters
⋆ The gang calls you and Darry, Mom and Dad
⋆ Darry claims not to like it
⋆ Secretly he’d be so sad if they stopped
⋆ Let me just reiterate that this man ADORES YOU.
⋆ He gets home from work and immediately asks you about your day, won’t tell you about his until you atleast say “it was good”
⋆ If you say it’s bad he offers to let you talk about it
⋆ Most nights consist of you massaging his back and shoulders while you two talk about your day
“Well I delivered a pie to this older woman over on the East Side and she was just the sweetest thing! Oh she was lovely Darrel, and her husband too? Gosh they were just the kindest souls” you giggle as you ramble on about your day. “That oughta be us someday, yea?” He hums, turning around from where he’d been leaned against your chest to kiss your cheek. “I think that could be arranged”
⋆ Also, you call him Darrel and he loves it
⋆ Don’t get me wrong, you also give him a billion nicknames, along with his preexisting ones
⋆ But the way his name sounds from your lips just drives him nuts
⋆ Also the boys love you
⋆ Not just Pony and Soda, but the whole gang
⋆ You, rather quickly, took on a motherly roll
“Those better not be work boots on my freshly mopped floor” you call over your shoulder as you hear Soda and Steve come inside, two quick “Sorry!”’s sound from the living room as they turn back around to put the boots on the porch
⋆ You bake Darry (and all the boys) a cake for his birthday.
⋆ Not just the regular chocolate cake he’s been making constantly his whole life. But a nice, double layered, decorated, dream. It took you all day.
⋆ He cries.
⋆ Darry refuses to let you help more than absolutely needed for bills so you buy things for him and the boys
⋆ You buy Pony some nice, new, good condition books, and that boy decides that if Darry ever breaks up with you he’s running away
⋆ Yea no, Soda and Pony are on your side in any and every argument
⋆ Not that you and Darry fight often
⋆ Maybe once every couple months, but you never go to bed angry.
⋆ The day he realizes he’s in love with you is when he came home from work to both his brothers asleep on the couch next to you, and you folding laundry
“Now what’s all this?” He smiles, coming over to kiss your forehead. “They had rough days” you tell him. “So you’re babysitting?” He asks, you playfully glare at him. “It’s not babysitting, it’s comforting” you say, he just hums. “And laundry is a part of comforting?”. You roll your eyes, carefully getting off the sofa. You walk over and put your arms over his shoulders. “Will you ever just let me help around here without telling me I dont have too?” You hum, he shakes his head, leaning down to kiss you. “Dar’. I like helpin’” you say softly, he smiles against your cheek, where he’s pressing small kisses “I know you do. You’re so amazing. So so so amazing”
⋆ He just adores having someone like you around
⋆ Swears up and down no one as great as you has or will ever exist
⋆ Your kinnda known around Tulsa as the “sweet baker girl” so people leave you alone
⋆ The gang jokes that you’re the joining force between Socs and Greasers
⋆ But on the off chance someone does mess with you?
⋆ Darry raises hell
⋆ And if you’re physically hurt?
⋆ He basically puts you on home lockdown because he does not want you to see the side of him that whoever hurt you is about to see
⋆ On a less violent note!
⋆ He always makes sure you have fresh flowers
⋆ No matter what.
⋆ Even if it means picking some from some garden. He makes damn sure you have fresh flowers
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EEEE MY FIRST OUTSIDERS POST!!!!!!! More are on the way (Johnny Cade fic soon maybe possibly)
My requests are open for the outsiders gang and Dean Winchester if you wanna send somethin over
Remember to reblog because it really helps
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cinnamonrollsledge · 21 days
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Sound of Music Speirton AU
Okay, so hear me out….
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Captain von Speirs is a renowned and currently retired military officer, and the widowed father to seven young children- Floyd, Joseph, George, Frank, William, Donald, and Darrell.
Their mother passed away five years ago, and Captain von Speirs’ grief led him to become increasingly distant and withdrawn from his sons, and to run their home with stern, military-like order and discipline. They, in turn, frequently cycle through nannies, governesses, and tutors, who struggle to cope with the boys’ mischief and misbehavior.
Carwood Lipton is a postulate at a monastery in Salzburg. One day, his superiors send him on an unexpected assignment: filling the gig of private tutor for the von Speirs children.
From their first meeting, Carwood bristles against the handsome but aloof Captain, and his strict, authoritative approach to the children’s upbringing.
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But he departs a few days later for an extended business trip, thus leaving the children entirely under Carwood’s care and command.
Over the next few months, Carwood’s thoughtful and empathetic approach, and his calm, steadfast manner soon win the children’s trust and love.
When Captain von Speirs returns home and finds that Carwood has been defying his strict expectations for order and discipline for the children, the two have a heated argument. Carwood criticizes the Captain for his cold treatment of the children, and the Captain consequently fires him.
However, Captain von Speirs also notices the difference in his children, seeing happiness and sweetness shining through to him for the first time in years. His heart begins to shift, realizing that Carwood’s criticisms of him may have been accurate. He admits as much to the other man, and asks him to stay.
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After this breakthrough, Captain von Speirs begins to withdraw some of his emotional walls and authoritative distance, and starts becoming a doting father again. As a side effect of this and their proximity, he and Carwood inadvertently start developing strong feelings for each other.
But then, a friend of Captain von Speirs makes a comment to Carwood in private suggesting that he seems to have feelings for the Captain. Fearful and embarrassed, Carwood panics. That very night he packs his meager belongings and slips away to return to the monastery.
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The boy are devastated, confused, and heartbroken. Their father is just as much so, although he tries to hide it. All that Carwood left was a brief note, saying that he's very sorry but he misses his life at the monastery and wishes to return. The children even sneak out to go to the him there, where they beg to come in and and speak with Carwood. They are told he is in seclusion, and turned away and sent home.
After this, the Abbot calls Carwood to speak with him, and he kindly orders him to explain what happened. Carwood divulges his true reasons for leaving, particularly his guilt and fear about his feelings. The Abbot persuades him to stop hiding from the situation and to return, to face the Captain with honesty, and pursue this chance for happiness.
Carwood returns to the von Speirs family, and the children's relief and delight is exceeded only by their father 's. However, Carwood tells them his return will just be temporary, until arrangements can be made for a new tutor. The Captain realizes that he and the children will lose Carwood forever if he doesn't act.
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That evening, Carwood goes on a stroll around the grounds bathed in moonlight, and Captain von Speirs finds him. The two finally each admit their feelings for the other, and their desire to be together, no matter the obstacles.
The children are overjoyed when Carwood announces he intends to stay permanently, and, although they must still hide their romance, he and Captain von Speirs are, privately, blissfully happy.
But the political situation between Austria and neighboring Germany threaten danger for the family, particularly as Captain von Speirs has made no secret of his utmost distaste for Hitler and his regime. It's made clear by rumor and threat that when (not if) Austria cedes to Hitler, that Captain von Speirs would be required to return to his former military position and serve the Third Reich. Carwood, as a young able man, may also be drafted into service.
To refuse or resist would endanger each other and their family, but to comply and serve the Nazis would be unthinkable, and either scenario would find them separated from each other and their family. Therefore, Captain and Carwood quietly begin making preparations.
When Germany annexes Austria, the orders soon come. They feign compliance, but as soon as night falls, they flee their home, bringing only a few valuables, the children, and each other.
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After danger and pursuit, they manage to slip across the border into Switzerland, then flee the European continent, and they rebuild a new, happy life together.
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sleeplessgreaser · 10 months
The Outsiders as Animals
wanted to draw Johnny and Dally but I can't draw people to save my life + i love using animals to represent characterizations of people = i came up with the animal equivalents of the gang
also im an animal nerd so i gotta use my knowledge somehow
This is gonna be long because of all the pictures, sorry
Johnny Cade - alley cat
A skinny alley cat of no specific breed, just your basic domestic feline. Likely with black, tuxedo or black smoke fur. He lives almost exclusively outside and is often the target of abuse and bullying, resulting in malnourishment and less-than-ideal hygiene. But, if you feed him and give him a warm place to sleep at night, he might just be your friend. He didn't choose this kind of life, and really he deserves much better.
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Dallas Winston - hound
A tall, lanky mutt, with a barrel chest and sharp, pointed features. He's not a specific breed, and definitely not a purebred, but similar to an Ibizan hound. He likes to go fast and enjoys racing, but he also enjoys going out and hunting for some action. His stature might be intimidating, and his teeth sure are big, but he's not so bad once you get to know him... if he let's you, that is.
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Two-Bit Mathews - possum
Just your average wild possum, with a goblinoid personality and little grabby hands. He'll show off his teeth any chance he gets, but it's anyone's guess if he'll ever use them. Also, he's surprisingly clean given his lifestyle. (And it's absolutely shocking that he doesn't carry rabies.)
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Steve Randle - mountain lion
Lean and muscular, can jump wide gaps and is surprisingly dexterous, and sure he looks innocent enough on the surface (if you didn't know any better) but he would love to beat you up and absolutely will if you give him ANY reason to. You may not be afraid of him, but you should be.
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Darrel Curtis - Kodiak or grizzly bear
Big, strong and sturdy. He looks scary, and sounds scary, and yes you should probably be scared, but he'll leave you alone if you mind your own business. Alongside that, he's mostly a loner, definitely wishes he didn't have 2 cubs to look after, but he will provide for them and protect them until his dying breath.
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Sodapop Curtis - black bear
A handsome guy, with sleek fur and a kind face. He looks so sweet, and boy is he a charmer, but in reality he is a menace to society (and it's easy to forget that). He will mess with you, and he enjoys being a nuisance, but if you tell him to knock it off he'll probably stop... probably.
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Ponyboy Curtis - Gobi bear
Small and dog-like, but still a bear! His kind is endangered and there aren't many like him. He lives in a place that you might not expect, but he's happiest there. He's not much of a hunter, definitely more of a gatherer. He'll defend himself if he has to, especially if he has some backup, but really he doesn't want to hurt anyone.
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✩Tim Shepard Vs. That Little Psychopath from the Curtis Gang✩
Tim Shepard & Johnny Cade
It didn’t snow often in Tulsa. So when it did, it became a big deal.
Tim was—for some reason—hanging out with the Curtis gang. He had originally come by to give Darrel back a piece of Christmas decor that Curly stole for absolutely no reason at all. He just ended up… not leaving.
Sometime while he was there, it began to snow.
“Holy shit. It’s snowing.” Tim finds himself saying, glancing out the kitchen’s window. The little one—his name starts with a ‘J’, Tim never cared to learn his name because he wasn’t half the threat the rest of the gang was—muttered something that sounded mocking under his breath.
“What was that?” Tim askes, turning to him and raising a brow. The boy lifts his head, glances around, and then looks back at Tim. “Aren’t you a little old to be excited about snow?” He says, the corners of his mouth tilting up in a smirk.
Tim could already feel his face heating up from embarrassment. It didn’t help that the two other people in the kitchen—Dallas and Darrel—started laughing just loud enough to be heard.
Tim found himself stepping outside a second later. He can’t help but smirk secretly to himself as he gathers a decent amount into his hands. He peeks his head back into the room for just a second.
Ponyboy—Little Curtis, as Tim called him—whispered something to his pal. The boy turned—Tim chucked the snowball at him the second he was facing his way. The room was silent for a second.
Johnny was actually the first to laugh, wiping some off his face. The others followed—Tim could very much see Dallas glaring at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
“The hell was that for?” Dallas whispers to him. Tim—still just barely leaning inside the building—shurgged his shoulders. “Just a little joke. He had it coming.” Dallas begins to open his mouth—Tim shuts the door before he can.
“Jesus!” He gasps, turning around to see the younger standing right behind him. Tim hadn’t seen him sneak off. And he would’ve had to be quick to get there that fast. And there were no footprints following him. The hell?
“You should probably apologize.” The boy—Johnny! That’s his name—says, a sweet looking smile on his face that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“You have some on your nose.” Tim says simply, already turning to walk away. “Apologize.” The boy repeats—he doesn’t even attempt to stop him, yet Tim pauses anyway. His tone is so cold—like all humor from before was ripped away.
Whenever Dallas spoke about him—which was …very often—he always said Johnny was incapable of sticking up for himself. Tim certainly isn't seeing that.
“No.” He says, holding back his own smirk.
The front door opens a second later. “Johnny, there you are! Get back inside, it's freezing.” Darrel says, already tugging him in the door. “What are you even doing out here?”
“Revenge.” Johnny says—he says it in a joking tone but something about it makes a chill go down his spine.
“Maybe you guys should have a snowball fight.” Darry says in the same tone,heading back inside as well. Tim can see the boy smiling at him creepily from the doorway as it closes.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Tims not entirely sure why—but he does end up showing up to the lot the next day.
Obviously he isn’t going to have an honest to god snowball fight with a fifteen year old, he’s not crazy. He actually did come to apologize—in the way any Shepard apologizes, anyway.
He pulls open the gate, shaking some of the snow off of his hands. Upon closer inspection, there’s nothing there but a single snowman. As impressive as the size of it is, all he can do is sigh and turn to leave.
There’s a lock on the gate—like, an honest to god lock with chains and shit. He’s lived in Tulsa for 17 years and he’s NEVER seen that gate locked. Also—he just opened it—not even a minute ago.
Just as he turns around, someone actually jumps out of the snowman. He doesn't even see who it is before he’s pelted over and over again by snowballs. He stumbles backward completely out of shock—his back hits the the gate and he falls forward onto the freshly salted cement.
Even as he’s on the ground, whoever it is keeps tossing snowballs at him. They have to have rocks in them or something—because they hurt . All he can do is bring his hands up to his head and curl in on himself.
The person doesn’t stop too long after—though Tim’s sure they just ran out of snowballs.
“Jesus, I can’t feel my fingers.” A voice says—Tim blearily opens his eyes and glances up at them—
“Hey, Tim, Maybe you should ice that!” The boy laughs, kicking him once in the chest for good measure while pointing at his face. When Tim reaches up and touch’s his face—he realizes that his nose is quite literally bleeding.
He reaches out to try and grab the boy’s leg—he can’t be seriously bested by some little psycho kid—but Johnny rips his leg away and actually steps on his hand. Luckily he doesn’t do it hard enough to break, but enough so that Tim has to put his hand away before he does.
Tim hasn’t been beaten that badly by a Curtis member ever in his entire life. Even Dallas usually stopped when he didn’t fight back—but that little freak just kept wailing on him. It was bad enough that Tim had to lie there, defenseless, to gather up the strength to stand.
He finally pulled himself to stand after a few moments. It’s not even that he was hurt—it was the utter shock.
Tim makes it back into the house not long after. “Jeez, what happened to you?” Curly asks, looking over the couch to look at him. “Johnny Cade.” He says simply, heading to the kitchen for ice.
Curly laughs—he doesn’t stop until he notes that Tim isn’t joining in. “You’re joking.” He says, furrowing his brows. “I don’t think he’s even capable of getting into a fight.”
“Me either.”
“Even if he did try to fight you—you’re seriously saying he beat your ass?” Curly knows Johnny more than he does—but he seems to think just like Dallas does.
“It was like—a fucking ambush, man, I don’t know what you want me to say.” Tim says defensively—he’s slowly getting more and more embarrassed that he got his shit rocked by a big half his size.
“Johnny Cade ambushed you?” Curly asks, unimpressed. “Have you had anything to drink?”
“No, I haven’t had anything to drink you little shit. ” Tim barks, acutely aware of the promise he made to Angela about staying sober for Christmas. “That little freak hopped out of a fucking snowman and threw snowballs at me!”
“Snowballs?” Curly smirks. “Yes—With rocks!” Tim yells, throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation. “Mhm.” Curly hums, unimpressed. “Just make sure you don’t do any driving—“
“Fuck you, Curly.” Tim says finally, storming off to his room.
“Watch out for any flying snowballs!” Curly yells back to him, ignoring the jacket tossed at his head.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
It was only a few days later—the effect of the first attack was wearing off. He’s almost a hundred percent sure he imagined the whole thing.
Johnny Cade? Attacking him? With snowballs and rocks? Fat chance.
Tim throws his jacket onto the counter as he comes into the house, shaking the snow out of his hair while grumbling. “Hey, Curly, I thought I told you to shovel the damn driveway.” He scolds, lifting his head up to look at the boy.
Curly was watching TV—he didn’t even turn to look at Tim. He’s usually a little shut about being told what to do, but he knows better than to ignore him.
“Hello? Earth to Curly Shepard.” Tim furrows his brow, walking up to the boy. He takes his head in his hands and shakes it back and forth lightly when he doesn’t respond.
Suddenly, Curly turns—and holy shit it’s not Curly.
Johnny-Fucking-Cade reaches up and smashes a snowball into the side of his head hard enough to send him tumbling to the ground. He and Curly both have pretty long hair—curly and black, it’s a miracle nobody ever commented on how similar it was.
Johnny jumps over the couch and manages to keep him on the ground simply by pelting his in the face with snowballs—over, and over, and over again.
“Johnny!” Tim yells, bringing his hands up to cover his face when the familiar sting comes back. “Cut that out!”
Johnny just laughs, hitting him with a few more before he just dumps the rest on him. He manages to quite literally jump over him—narrowly missing Tim’s hand trying to grab him.
“That was fun, let’s do it again sometime!” Johnny says, already at the door.
Tim doesn’t like what that alludes to.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Every single time Johnny gets him, he’s caught off guard. So this time around he’s sure to be ready.
When he enters the Curtis house to pick up Curly, he keeps a tightly-packed snowball tucked safely in his hand. Nobody seems to notice that he’s shown up, doing their own thing.
He decides to get the upper hand.
Johnny stands from the couch—he passes by the group and it looks like he’s heading towards the bedrooms. Tim aims for his head, throwing it as hard as can—he used to be on the baseball team, so god knows it’ll hurt.
And, he fucking misses.
He misses entirely and manages to hit the window beside him and shatter it. The only thing stopping Johnny from being covered in shards of broken glass is Darrel Curtis tugging him back.
The whole room is silent as they all turn to stare at him—wide eyed and mouths agape. Tim’s fight or flight response kicks it—usually it’s fight, Tim Shepard doesn’t back down goddammit. But yeah he’s gonna fly like the damn Wright brothers today.
He makes it all the way to the front gate before he’s tugged back by the collar. Darrel Curtis glares down at him when he turns. “Tim, can I talk to you?” He asks, a dark look in his eyes.
“No you cannot.” Tim says frantically, already trying to run off again. Darrel doesn’t do much to stop him except for keeping his hand on his collar, which happens to be quite effective.
And yeah, maybe picking a fight with a guy that has over 1000 pounds of man bowing to his every whim because he’s such an Angel maybe wasn’t Tim’s… best idea ever.
Darrel drags him to the side of the house, crossing his arms and glaring down at him. “Tim,” he begins. “What the hell was that? You could have seriously hurt him!”
“Oh, yeah? So it’s okay when he—“ Tim pauses, seeing a little pair of black eyes peeking out from the corner of the house. Darrel turns to see where he’s looking. “Johnny? Is everything alright?” He askes in a gentle tone.
“Y-yeah Darry, I’m alright.” The boy says, fully coming to the side of the house while giving them both a soft smile. “I just—well, yesterday I threw a snowball at Tim on his way home from work. It’s not his fault and—“
Holy shit, this kid's a good actor. He genuinely seemed so innocent and worried—If Tim wasn’t the one being attacked he’d believe him too.
“Johnny, go back inside, okay? None of this is your fault.” Darry says in that same soft voice he only used with Johnny. Johnny looked sad while Darry turned away—but once he wasn’t looking he made sure to give Tim an evil little smirk.
Johnny walked off a moment later, before Tim could say anything.
“Seriously, Tim? That’s the kid you decided to hurl things at?” Darry askes, incredulous. Tim opens and closes his mouth a few times before he gets any words out. “You don’t get it—that little freak has been terrorizing me! He’s been chasing me around with snowballs and breaking in—”
Darrel smacks him right on the cheek before he can say anything more. “Don’t you dare call him a freak.” The older snarls, face set in a deep scowl. “Let’s say, in some alternate universe, he is chasing you around with snowballs. So what? I’ve played football with him, Tim, he cannot throw that hard.”
“Tell that to my fucking nose!”
“He’s a kid, Tim. Even if he was doing any of this—which he isn’t —he probably just thinks two are playing around.” Tim thinks that’s fucking comical—Johnny is exactly two years younger than him, they aren’t that far apart in age. “What you did was dangerous and inappropriate. You could have seriously hurt someone.
Tim opens his mouth to once again defend his honor, but Darry interrupts.
“I don't want you coming to my house anymore, okay? Get a fucking hold of yourself.” Darry says with a sense of finality, walking off before Tim could say anything more.
He actually did end up listening—he didn’t go anywhere near that house or their gang. Partly, because he’s embarrassed by the fact that to everyone else—he’s going after someone years younger than him, half his size, incredibly sweet, and genuinely likable… all because of one comment about him being childish. Also because he was terrified that the boy would tear him apart Jack the Ripper style.
He gets home that night with a gift on his porch step. He glances around, seeing nobody and no foot-marks in the snow. He picks it up and surveys the outside. ‘Hey Timmy, Merry Christmas. Open immediately, Love Syl.” Read the little note attached to the corner.
Sylvia is Dallas’s on and off girlfriend—she’s usually with Tim when they are off.
He chuckles and slowly pulls off the bow. He has to pry the top of the box open—when he finally gets it open, he’s met with a flash of white and the feeling of something cold hitting his face.
Upon closer inspection—Johnny, because who else would it be—had managed to build some kind of mini catapult that tossed a fucking snowball into his face the second he opened it.
He could hear maniacal laughter to his left—when he looked, after wiping his face off, he could see Johnny Cade actually doubled over laughing at him. Tim drops the box and starts chasing him—Johnny bolts.
And, for having short legs, the kid can run very very fast. But Tim got a head start and also is incredibly angry. He catches him at the lot, tackling the boy to the ground.
Even when he’s on top of the boy with his hands fisted in his shirt, he’s still fucking laughing.
“Dude, seriously , I surrender.” Tim says, getting off of him. Johnny takes a moment to catch his breath—not from running, but from laughing because he’s actually crazy. “I don’t accept your surrender.” He says simply, pushing himself to stand.
“Seriously, cut it out.” Tim repeats, standing as well. He’s a full head taller than the boy and he still feels intimidated.
“One condition.” Johnny smiles.
“I want you to admit that you’re a childish little asshole and the only reason anyone hangs out with you is because they’re worried you’ll attack them like the hopped-up adrenaline junkie you are.”
Tim is actually taken aback. Most by the words, but Johnny says it so casually that if he didn’t speak English he’d think he was asking for directions. “You’re a psychopath.” Tim says, furrowing his brow.
“I’ll take that as a no.” Johnny says, shrugging his shoulders and walking off. Tim stands there, staring at the spot he was just in, for about 30 minutes before he leaves.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
He didn’t see Johnny for a week. He’s sure the boy is planning something—probably just waiting until he lets his guard down. He’s looking over his shoulder more often and he's not sure if he's hearing things or there actually is someone walking around his house at night.
Its the thursday before Christmas and the Shepards decide to go to a diner for dinner. They usually don’t even eat together—but it feels wrong being so separated during this time of year.
Curly is racing out the door—the place stops selling milkshakes after 9pm and it is currently 8:45. “Woah.” He mutters, standing frozen in the doorway. “What is it?” Angela askes, looking out the door and then having the same reaction.
Tim shoves them both out of the way to look for himself—stopping dead in his.
Snowmen—big ones—lined up one by one along the front lawn. “You weren’t joking.” Curly says from beside him with raised brows, glancing around the array of identical snowmen.
Angela just rolls her eyes, making an attempt to walk to the car. Tim grabs her arm tugging her back. “We oughta be a little more careful, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, Jack Frost might jump us.” Curly adds from behind her. Tim feels his cheeks heat up and just groans. Even now neither of them believe him—which, fair. If anyone is else told him that Johnny Cade was terrorizing him to the point of psychological torture…. Yeah, he wouldn’t believe them either.
Tim watches from the door as they both walk to the car and get in. He knows he eventually has to move—but atleast the boy is kind enough to not attack his innocent siblings. Well, not innocent, the asshole-ery runs through their blood.
He takes his first step off the porch and towards the hoard. Luckily, there’s so many—his siblings can’t really see him duck out of their way and definitely punch through a few. He doesn’t remember even being this scared in his life—which is, truly , saying a lot.
By the time he makes it to the car—his hands and forearms covered in snow, and he’s breathing heavily enough to fog up the windows. “You are actually pathetic.” Angela laughs at him from the passenger seat
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Tim grumbles, putting the car in gear while backing out. He really doesn’t get what he’s so scared of—he only got genuinely hurt once, right? Not to mention that if anything truly bad happened he could just beat the kid’s ass—
Holy shit he’s on the roof.
Upon backing out—he takes a single glance back at that house. Johnny-fucking-Cade is on the roof, sitting with his legs crossed and leaning on the chimney. He swears he sees the kid wink at him—right before he hops down to the back of the house, out of sight.
“What’re you staring at?” Curly asks from the backseat, leaning forward to look out the windshield. Tim just sighs, hauling ass out of there before he decides to chase after them or something.
Yeah, he’s not gonna mess with that kid again.
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This post is introducing The Outsiders.
So i’ll name them and put their picture and their personality. Greasers only. SPOILERS IF YOU DON’T WANT TO SEE SPOILERS DON’T READ!!!! This is for my post I’ll be posting soon! Maybe in a couple weeks. It’s been taking me forever.
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Sodapop/Soda Curtis- He dropped out of school to work for his brothers. He kind of took over as one of the parents because his parents died in a car crash. He doesn’t sm*ke unless something is bugging him or he has a rough day. He’s always working to support their family and their group. He’s a funny person. Steve is his closest friend throughout the whole group. Sadly girls only want him for his looks. He hates when he gets tied up into Darry and ponyboys fights it always stresses him out. He grew up not really knowing his parents.
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Darry/Darrel Curtis- He is the legal guardian of Ponyboy since their parents died. He is definitely like a parent to the whole group of greasers. He’s always making sure everyone is okay. He always worry’s he’s gonna fail at being a parent to Ponyboy. He always try’s to make sure everyone will be okay. He is a really sweet guy to his close ones. He HATES the color yellow with all of his heart. He isn’t the type to show how he’s feeling if any of his emotions. Ponyboy and him fight most of the time but he loves ponyboy and is always trying to look out for him.
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Ponyboy/Pony Curtis- He is the “Kid” in the family. Him and Soda grew up not really knowing their parents. He doesn’t like to hurt anyone. He got beat up and hurt badly the beginning of the story/movie by the socs. He is a nice boy. His closest friend is Johnny throughout the whole group. His hair is the only way he truly feels like he’s apart of the greasers. When he ran away with Johnny he spent all his time with Johnny and when he spent time with him Johnny bought him a book and he was the happiest boy ever. He spent each night by Johnny’s side. When Johnny died he went crazy and he had a concussion from the rumble so he wouldn’t eat forever because everything tasted like bologna to him because when they ran away that’s all they had to eat and he hated it.
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Dally/Dallas Winston- He is a tough guy. He is always starting trouble with someone or doing something bad. He loves Johnny but won’t admit it. Johnny is basically his best friend. After Johnny died he went crazy and he robbed a store. He threatened the cops with a gun and then he ran out of the store. He had the cops after him so he used one of the phones in the streets to call Darry and tell him to hurry. Once everyone got there he was surrounded by the police and the group. He pointed the gun at the police and they shot Dally. Steve was scared to even be there because he was afraid he would be in trouble and he had his hands up. Darry and pony were crying and screaming. The rest were so upset and basically flabbergasted. But i’ve seen almost everywhere that Dally said “Pony” before he got shot because he realized he loved Pony just as much as he loved Johnny but he just didn’t hear it. But Pony loved Dally so much but he never showed it.
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Johnny Cade- Ponyboy is his best friend. He is always there for Ponyboy. He’s basically just the “Pet” of the group. But Ponyboy sees him more than a “Pet” he sees him as his closest person ever. Johnny is also close with Dally. Before Johnny died he told Pony to “Stay Gold” because a poem that Pony liked was “Stay Gold” Pony didn’t know what it meant. But before Johnny died he figured out that it meant “Stay young and Stay innocent. It meant when your younger everything is vibrant and new and your innocent. but as you get older you lose the color and it doesn’t last long.” Johnny always wanted to die but when he was dying he didn’t want to die. He didn’t think 16 years was long enough.
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Two-Bit Matthew’s- He is a pretty strong guy. He seems to be pretty hyper. Hes close with everyone just in general. He’s not scared to hurt someone. He sticks up for his group. He dosent show much emotion the only emotion he really shows is happiness. He is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. He’s always wearing his go-to Mickey Mouse shirt. If that shirt is dirty he will wear his orange one. He is really smart. He laughs at his own jokes all the time no matter if they’re funny or not. He dosent like kids but he’s still good with them. His hair is always greasy no matter what you will never see him without greasy hair. He likes Leather jackets a lot.
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Steve Randle- He is always bragging about something no matter what. He’s closest with Sodapop. He is very respectful to girls/women of any age. He’s scared of birds… No matter what he’s getting into a fight. He likes girls with Ginger hair but he can’t find any where he lives. Honestly if you asked him he would probably teach you how to work on cars. He likes flexing to people. He is always making something for them to eat and he’s always trying out new dishes. (I don’t really know much about him.)
That’s all the greasers. <3
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billkaulitzwife · 1 year
The Outsiders as Weird Message SS From My Phone
ponyboy and Addie insulting each other
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Darry questioning two-bit when he's drunk
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a real convo between johnny and Steve
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A normal text from Steve and Sodapop to Darrell
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johnny meant to type Jewish but Dallas and pony are bullies
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(*Elvis not rob), Addie and Layla having a normal convo being delusional
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darry after finding out the stuff pony and addie read together while sodapop laughs his arse off
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sodapop texting Addie at 3 am
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pony Dallas and Addie swooning for the Lil Italy boy
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Steve doesn't understand anything keith says right now
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two didn't know Dallas and Sylvia broke up
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steve sends whimpering audios to Ponyboy 24/7 to piss him off
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dallas yelling at two cuz he has a crush on mickey mouse / Curtis brothers yelling at 11 y/o Addie for liking (att 14) y/o dallas
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the gang gc left unattended for 4 seconds
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darry / two telling dally / Steve how to pass a droog test
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pony when he found addie's secret journal
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Soda just checking on johnny :3 how sweet
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I like club crackers
ok bye love you guys
Thanj U to @billkaulitzgirlfriend for the last one😍
Ty to Rob, Karina, Dani, Ace, Abby, Mars, Layla 1&2, Vivian, Ochi, slipii, AJ, and a few others!! You're all so silly!!
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judgeitbyitscover · 1 month
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The Particolored Unicorn by Jon DeCles
Cover art by Darrell Sweet
Ace 1987
A boy and his unicorn
There were only three things in the world Piswyck wanted.
The first was his inheritance: the castle, the fine horses, the tapestries, the jewels... But his father, the wizard, was still very much alive.
The second was his love, the beautiful Miranda... But her wicked uncle held her hostage. One of these days he would have to get around to rescuing her.
The third was the particolored unicorn.
And so our tale begins...
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 years
Run2u - Shifty Powers
Description: When a valentines date goes wrong, your bestfriend, Shifty can always make it better
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(Shifty x female reader)
*based of the song ‘run2u’ by Stayc*
Word count: 3362
Genre: Fluff, a tiny bit of angst
Warnings : vulgar language, a tiny bit of name calling, and douchbags .
Masterlist <3
(Modern AU)
“I'll cross the line over and over. It's okay if I get hurt, I'll run to you~”
You look at yourself in the mirror one more time, examining your features, checking for any mistakes in your makeup or any flyaways in your hair.
For some context, It was Valentine’s day and you agreed to go on a date with a boy, Jake from one of your semenars in school.
He was a sweet boy really. He was nice, funny and always gave you the homework answers when you needed them, but he wasn’t the one person you had intended on spending Valentine’s day with.
But your bestfriend and roommate, Shifty, always caught your eye instead.
Even as little kids you were head over hills for the sweet boy. Whether it’d be playing in the forest, or telling off bullies in school ~ You were still smitten with Shifty.
He never noticed though, despite your best efforts of flirting over the years. You never minded though, just getting to be best friends with him was enough for you.
As kids, you guys continued to hangout almost everyday, spending any free time you had together, but once fall rolled around and it was time for you and Shifty to begin high school, everything had changed.
Shifty always showed his southern hospitality to everyone at your school. regularly saying hello to people in the halls, helping teachers with their bags, and was one of the star athletes on the football field. He, of course, quickly became popular with many new friends and often smitten by the popular girls.
You on the other, not so much. You stuck to a couple of your other friends and art, But your eccentric and rebellious style often led to the occasional teasing and harsh rumors against you.
Adjusting into different friend groups, getting into relationships, hobbies, and sports made it hard to see your best friend anymore.
And with overtime, You had thought that maybe your feelings for Shifty had subsided. Finally coming to terms with the thought that he probably wasn’t interested in you the way you were interested in him.
Until, he asked you to be his roommate for college, when he found out you guys were both accepted into the same uni, only a month before graduating.
You agreed and you both started hanging out more and more just like old times.
Eventually all of those feelings that you had for Darrell in the past had started coming back to you, for good this time.
Now living with him and seeing him everyday, It made it ten times harder for you to hide your feelings around him.
You finally walk out of the bathroom door into your room. making way towards your bed, which laid your beautiful black dress you’d picked out for tonight.
You put your dress on and took a spin in the mirror. Somehow you wished that it was Shifty you were spending Valentine’s day with, and not Jake.
When you two were in the kitchen earlier this morning, Darrell had brought up Valentines plans and you thought it would be the perfect time to bring up Jake.
“So Shifty guess what?” You said sitting in the dining room table, eating a bowl of cereal.
“what’s on your mind y/n?” He said with a bright smile looking up from the orange he was peeling.
“I got asked out today, I’m finally going to have a Valentine’s date after all these years!” you said walking towards the boy. “isn’t that great!?”
Shifty stopped peeling his orange, looking up at you.
“Really y/n? well that’s great, really” He looking at you, with almost a bittersweet smile. Then quickly going back to his orange.
You looked at him confused. Something had changed in his demeanor when you brought up your new date.
He continued peeling his orange with a blank expression on his face.
“well what about you shift, what are your plans for valentines?”
“oh nothin really, i’ll just be here y’know, maybe go out with some friends.” He said not taking his eyes from the orange.
“Oh okay, well when I get back we can watch plenty of movies! it’ll be your pick tonight!”
“Of course y/n. Good luck on your date tonight. I’m really happy for you.” He looked up at you with a sullen look on his face. Before taking his orange and walking off to his room.
It was definitely an odd encounter between you two but you didn’t question it. You just assumed that he isn’t used to you going out on dates and that was the reason behind his off behavior.
You go into your closet, looking for the perfect pair of heels that would go with your pretty dress.
You find some simple black heels, that aren’t too high and would go perfect with your dress.
You look in the mirror one last time before you grab your phone and purse and start to walk out of the bedroom door.
As you’re walking out you hear a text notification coming from your phone.
“I’ll be there in 5, be ready”You text back an okay and shut your door.
You walk out in the living room to see a concentrated Shifty playing his game.
“How do I look Shift?”
He quickly pauses his game on the tv and sits up from his spot on the couch.
“Wow, Y/n. y-you look amazing” He says, Looking you up and down respectfully.
“Thanks shift, you always know how to make me blush”
He smiled at your comment then looked back down again, as if he was trying to find the words he wanted to say. “Jake is one lucky man”
“Thanks Shifty, I’ll be back before you know it!” You smiled back to him.
Right then you hear the doorbell ring.
“I will, be safe y/n and if you need me just call.” He said walking you up towards the door.
“ I will, bye shifty!” You open the door, to see a nervous Jake, scratching the back of his neck and looking towards the drive way.
“Hiya y/n. You ready?” He quickly puts his hand down from his neck and moves it towards you, waiting for you to grab his hand.
you gladly accept and head out the door on the way to his car.
It was almost towards the end of the date with Jake. He took you to a nice restaurant downtown.
It was okay so far, He didn’t ask really any first date questions, or any questions at all.
He seemed more interested in talking about himself and what he was up to, but you were alright with it, never being much of a talker yourself.
“So again, That’s how me and my friends Didn’t get caught stealing that stop sign” He boasted on about yet another story of his.
He noticed you looking in the distance, watching the rain start to pick up from outside.
“Are you even listening to me?” He put put down his fork and grabbed onto his glass of champagne.
“Yea, yes I am” You said looking back towards him with a grin.
“Alright well, are you almost ready to leave, maybe go somewhere quieter than here” He said looking at you with a charming smirk.
You gave him a timid “sure” before you guys headed on your way.
Once you guys were finally on the road, He finally starts asking basic ‘get to know you’ questions, As you start to tell him about your hometown, you feel jakes free hand slowly creep up your thigh.
“Jake, What are you doing?” You gave an unsure look his way.
“Oh nothing doll, Can I not touch a darling like you?” He asks with a chuckle. Squeezing your thigh before going up further under your dress to your panty line.
You start feeling uncomfortable by his gesture, wishing for him to stop, “Jake quit.”
“quit what, darling?” You try to pull his hand off of your inner thigh but he doesn’t budge.
“Get you hands off me!” You raise your voice slightly, You push his hand as hard as you can.
You get a scoff return from Jake as he pushes his hand back to the steering wheel, shaking his head, almost as if he was embarrassed that he was turned down.
“Take me home, now.” You say facing the passenger window, refusing to look at him.
“Whatever” He replies, keeping his eyes on the road.
“bitch” you hear him mutter under his breath.
“What did you just say?” You grit your teeth in anger.
“Nothing, y/n, I said nothing” He said clenching his jaw and continuing his eyes on the road.
You could feel tears in your eyes starting to form. Why, out of all nights this had to happen?
The rest of the car ride was silent, except for the heavy rain that starting coming down onto the car.
Finally, in what you thought took forever, You could see him slowly pulling up to the front of your house.
“Get out” He spat out at you. You could hear the irritation in his voice but just ignored it.
“Trust me, I am” You replied, rolling your eyes.
You gathered all of your belongings in the car before heading out of the car into the rain.
“Thanks a lot for wasting my night, bitch” Jake yelled out to you before driving off recklessly.
You start to feel your throat close up and your eyes cloud with those familiar tears from earlier.
You let out all of your emotions right there in the drive way of your house. How could you be so stupid to go out with him?
Why did he feel the need to call you a bitch and what were his intentions with you anyway? Your head starts to load with these unwanted thoughts.
“Y/n?” you hear a voice come from the porch, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You turn your head to see a concerned looking shifty standing in the door way of your shared home. Only being able to make out little parts of his features in the darkness and rain.
You see him close the door for a second, only for him to turn the porch light on and get what looks to be a rain coat from the rack by the door.
“C‘mon let’s get inside y/n, you’re gonna get sick.” He says stepping out of the house and towards you.
He examines the features on your face, noticing your runny mascara, red eyes, and tear stained cheeks.
You quickly look down, trying to hide your face from the sweet boy, not wanting him to see you like this.
“Are you alright, darlin?” He said, lifting your chin up with his calloused but soft fingers.
You look up at him, meeting his eyes.
You felt his hand move up to your cheek, caressing it lightly. “Tell me what happened, honey”
“He was a douchebag, and It was just horrible Darrell.” You started to cry again.
“Hey, hey it’s okay” He said wrapping you in his arms. Holding you tight from all of the pain you endured this evening.
“Here take this” He grabbed the coat and started to wrap it around you. You noticed his soft but focused features. You couldn’t help but notice how good he looks in the rain.
“What?” He grinned, looking back at you once he wrapped you up the in coat. He caught you staring.
“Nothing, Shift.” You said still staring at him dreamily, and once again, he really did look nice in the rain.
He observed the way you looked at him. You could see his body shift, noticing his cheeks and ears go blood red.
“y-y/n let’s go inside where it’s warm. We can talk more about it if you want to inside.”
He gently grabbed your arm and led you up the porch and into the house.
Once you to got inside he took the coat off of you and replaced it with a nice blanket.
“Go sit down and warm up, i’ll go make some hot chocolate for you, a-alright?” He hurried to the kitchen to fix you up a nice drink.
When he came back into the living room he sat down and handed you your hot chocolate and a water bottle just in case you needed something else to drink with the warm beverage.
“Tell me what happened darlin. I m-mean only if you want to, no pressure” He started to explain himself.
“It’s alright Shifty. I’ll tell you what happened.”
You started onto the story of what happened from the beginning to the end as he listened to your words carefully.
As you started to tell him what happened in the car you could see his face harden and his jaw clench at your words. It was rare to see Darrell angry, but when he was, it was almost scary.
You could feel yourself choke up on your words, tears ready to spill again at any moment.
“So that’s what happened shift. That’s why i’m crying. ” You tried slowing down your tears. Holding the blanket closer to you, searching for comfort in the warmth.
“That guy, i-imma get him. No man should treat a little lady like that. Especially you, y/n.” He got up, ready to set out and look for the boy that made his y/n cry.
“Darrell wait, please just stay with me. He ain’t worth it. ” You looked up at him with your glassy doe eyes. His expression softening after your eyes met his.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. That guy’s a real jerk, he doesn’t deserve a pretty girl like you” He sat back down and rubbed your back lightly.
You think your heart skipped a couple beats when he said that. He called you pretty?
“Thank you shift. I don’t think he deserved me either” You said pausing, before taking a leap of faith. “But I could think of someone who does”
“Who y/n? He must be somethin” Shifty replied, leaning forwards to grab his hot chocolate.
“Would you like to know who it is Shifty?” You grabbed his arm, making him set his mug down and lean back into the couch.
“Who is it y-you like y/n? Tab? Chuck? Just tell me.” He looked at you with curious eyes. It seemed as if he needed to know you answer more than you did.
“But if I tell you nothing will change, right?” You ask him.
“Just spit it out y/n/n”
You thought about the words you were about to say. You might not ever get the chance to tell him how you feel, so now would be the best time to live in the moment.
“I like you Darrell.. Ever since we were kids i’ve liked you. It’s always been you who I run to.” You finish. Looking for any expressions on his face, Looking for any signs that he might just want you back.
You waited for a response. Shifty sat there with a blank expression, in shock. He didn’t know what to say to you.
“Shifty, say something please” You plead in a soft whisper, feeling your voice go weak and your throat close up.
This was one of your worst fears
That the relationship between you and shifty was unrequited and that he had never liked you.
You look at him one last time before standing up and walking fast out of the front door, slamming the it shut.
As you hear the door close, you slowly sink to the porch floor, feeling your knees go out as you finally let out all of your held in emotions.
Today has been so draining for you, and the last thing you needed was this.
Shifty had always been such a big part in your life. Your first crush, your first friend. Losing him would almost be like losing a part of yourself, and you couldn’t let that happen.
“Y/n?” You hear a soft voice open the door.
Knowing the familiar voice and scared to hear what he might have to say, you get up and start to walk away from him into the rain.
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t- I didn’t mean to leave you hanging in there. I j-just didn’t know what to say. I’m just sorry y/n” You see him shutting the door and following after you into the rain.
“It’s okay, Shift. I get it” You stare at your feet blankly. You could feel your heart breaking by the second.
You could now notice how much closer he had gotten to you. You examine his soft eyes, it almost looked as if he had tears in his eyes, In this moment, whatever he said could make or break your relationship between him forever.
He takes a step closer towards you, if that was even possible, and puts a few wet strands of hair behind your ear. Looking at you with those same dreamy eyes. You start to feel your mind and heart calm down to its original, peaceful state.
He grabs you softly pulling you into his warm embrace. He holds you tightly, almost as if he could lose you at any second.
You sink into to his chest, hearing his heartbeat in your ear and smelling his woodsy cologne on his shirt.
You take your head away from his chest and look back up at him, before feeling his soft lips melt into yours. In that moment you could feel a hundred thoughts at once, all landing back to him.
You never thought a kiss could have so much emotion and love before until tonight. His kiss was so loving, soft, but passionate all at the same time, something you could definitely get used to.
As the kiss continued, you could feel him sigh into your mouth as a sign of relief, before coming back up for air.
You both stepped back to look at each other. From your previous position before he hugged you.
“I always thought you were just joking, no way did I ever think you actually liked me y/n. If so, I would’ve asked you out in a heartbeat” You hear him speak his feelings to you , in a whisper like voice.
You couldn’t believe your ears, all of this just seemed too perfect. You would have never believed, in a million years that the Shifty Powers had liked you all along and never once told you.
“So, I’m sorry y/n, ” He starts back up to his confession.
“b-but It’s always been you” He takes his hand and pets your cheek softly.
You were so happy, you could almost cry. You scold yourself for never thinking you had a chance with him in the first place.
“so Shifty… Now that I know you feel the same. Will you be my Valentines?” You tilt your head at him curiously.
“Of course” He replies back to you with a soft smile, before going back to kiss your cheek.
You smirk to yourself then look at him, “It’s crazy.”
Kissing Shifty in the rain would be nothing little of a dream come true for you, but here you are.
“What is?” He questions, noticing the smirk on your face.
“us, you and me in the rain confessing our feelings for one another.” You start to laugh again.
“You’re right, I thought they only saved this stuff for the movies.” You hear him chuckle.
“Good thing you’re wrong” You say, admiring his wet features in the rain.
“Let’s go inside, then we can start are Valentines evening, Darling” He takes your hand and leads you back to the house.
Tonight was definitely a roller coaster ride of emotions but in the end it was all worth it, and this Valentine’s day was definitely one for the books.
A/n : Hiii I hope everyone likes this post!! I really challenged myself with this one and this imagine is just sooo cute!! - Mac <3
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Me: *pouring my morning coffee*
Darrell in the Olympian AU is just Hercules 2.0~
Me: *Drops the creamer and scrambles for my phone*
Ares: *Wants to show up Zeus*
Ares: *Makes Darrell and is a good father to his son turning Darrell into a kind hearted, sweet gentle southern boy with a mean battle streak to match Ares*
Darrell: *is adored, looked up to and loved by everyone he meets because he's a genuinely good person*
Ares: My job here is done! Suck it Zeus!
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bluecoolr · 2 years
🎱 Darrell Todd NSFW Alphabet 🎱
A/N: Keep in mind our boy is bi. I tried keeping this gender neutral, though. This is in Darrell Todd x You format. Also keep in mind he is a vers. I once said he gave subby energy, but soft dom is also applicable.
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Absolutely not proofread. I charged through this like a diesel train firing on all cylinders.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He's usually light-headed after sex. When he comes down from his high he'll make sure to attend to you. He helps you clean up (if you want) and would get both of you a drink of water. Tucks your hair behind your ear/brushes your hair from your forehead while you drink.
Would love to cuddle after, share a kiss or 2 … or 3 before falling asleep with you in his arms.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His hands. They're big with prominent knuckles. There's a couple of freckles on the backs of his hands and one mole on his right wrist. He has vertically long fingernails which have a sort of pale pink nail bed and barely there lunulas. He keeps his nails trimmed and clean.
His hands are reliable. They can touch, caress, hold, grope, and pull orgasms out of you.
Of course he also likes his dick. He's all about closeness and thinks having it buried balls deep inside you would be the epitome of closeness.
Your tits and thighs and lips. Don't get me wrong he appreciates a nice ass, but tits drive him wild. Chronic case of lemme suck them tiddies. He can get off on it alone.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Thick and white, which is relatively surprising for someone who has bad eating habits and who leisurely smokes.
Would love to cum inside you every chance he gets, but if you don't want that he'll gladly cum on your belly or your thighs.
Likes to see his cock covered in both your juices when he pulls out.
Gathers any that leaks out and pushes it back in.
Likes it when you swallow.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Would just love to bite you
He settles for nips and hickeys but he would love to sink his teeth down and mark you up
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's pretty experienced and kinda knows his way around.
Deadset on learning how you like it so he can satisfy you. He will find that sweet spot and make it his fucking mission to hit it every single time. He sleeps well knowing he did a good job for you.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Missionary and its variations: Both legs on his shoulders. One leg up. Your ankles locked around his waist/the small of his back.
He thinks it's perfect because you can have eye contact and its easier for spotting any signs of discomfort (no matter who's topping)
Also allows for deeper penetration and gives him front row seats to your tits. Makes your lips more accessible to deep, heated kisses.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Somewhere in the middle, I suppose. Likes to enjoy the closeness, wants to focus on how good it feels throughout.
Won't actively joke but he'd make you smile with honest, genuine praise.
Praise him and you'll get him very red and smiley.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The carpet obvs doesn't match the drapes. He doesn't shave but trims it to help with clean up and comfort.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Very intimate.
Leans down all the time to kiss you. Thinks he can manifest his feelings through kissing. Outside of a sexual setting his kisses hold a lot of meaning too.
Kisses every bit of skin he can reach.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Jerks off a lot. It's one of the ways he relieves stress.
He'll be at work and very subtly reach down and palm himself behind the counter. Sometimes he disappears into the gas station bathroom to pump one out. Things get more interesting in his trailer.
He humps his pillow, hands clutching it in a death grip, while he lets his thoughts wander or while looking at pictures of you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink
Mutual masturbation
Taking pictures/getting his picture taken
Outdoor sex/Agoraphilia
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His trailer, in the woods or by the lake of Devil's Peak
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Dirty talk and naughty texts
Send him a pic and he's fucking feral, itching to get off his shift
On the opposite end however, he also gets turned on when you're just relaxing/cuddling. Loves it when there's this shared air of trust and open affection that wraps around you.
Confident and genuine smiles, twinkling eyes, and having some outspoken passion for an interest enthralls him too
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Knife or bloodplay
Any form of hitting (spanking or slapping)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Honestly, he loves both. He knows how to go down on you for sure.
Great hand-tongue coordination *wink wonk*
He likes to lace his fingers with yours while giving/receiving
Absolutely loves when you come in his mouth and swallows every drop
Will not hesitate to kiss you even with the taste of him on your tongue.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He gives you time to adjust once he bottoms out, but he's quick to settle on a pace you both enjoy.
Knows how important good rhythm is, so he's gonna commit to that.
Gets faster as both of you are close.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Loves a good quickie <3
Willing to risk it all for a quickie
If he's stuck at work, you're more than welcome to drop by and take him in the storage closet or bathroom.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
50/50… if it makes him uncomfortable or bears any form of resemblance to his turn offs, I'm sorry he isn't doing it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Baby can take 2 max, but each round lasts a while so you both would have had your fill by then.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Surprisingly doesn't own toys. Considered buying one of those doll torsos, but decided against it. Didn't appreciate how desperate he seemed.
If you do have toys, he'll gladly use them on you, and if you get him any he's very willing to try them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Doesn't tease much. Doesn't like to be teased either. If you want him, you'll get him and would appreciate it if you return the favor. He gets embarrassed/incredibly needy when you tease.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Loud. Can't help it. Absolutely vocal.
Sprinkle of expletives here and there
So much moaning it might surprise you because in a normal setting he isn't too talkative.
Petnames galore. Says "ma'am/sir" or "mama/daddy" when subbing, but always uses "baby".
Out of breath by the time he's about to cum. Just helpless pathetic whimpers that he buries in the crook of your neck.
Begging. That's it.
Stumbles over his words.
His orgasm pulls out a deep, satisfied, moan out of him.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Thoroughly believes that sex isn't good sex unless it's sloppy so... let's hope you're at the lake or near some running water and paper towels.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
*cracks knuckles* I've said before that he's big in every sense of the word and I stand by it. He's a good 8 inches in length, maybe a spare .02 or .04 or so, and a decent 5 inches in girth. Uncircumcised. (Gasp! An uncircumcised Christian?! Heresy! Bloo is burnt at the stake)
A shower. When you pull down his pants, it's a bit of a shocker and he always chuckles at your reaction.
Worried that you genuinely can't take it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Relatively average sex drive? Although it's pretty high when you're around.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Pretty fast, only because he's absolutely spent afterwards, but he'll force himself to listen to you if you wanna talk after. He'll insist he's just resting his eyes when he closes them. Pretty soon his replies turn into sweet but monosyllabic mmm's. Then he's out.
Gonna tag some people who interacted with my post: @rottent33th @fraidy-farfelle @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @solmints-messyocdiary @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Redeeming big brother; Steve Harrington x pre-teen sis reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is a pretty short sweet little ficlet that went around my head for awhile. Like I said I’ve been wanting to write a Steve Harrington fic since s.2 came out but I didn’t have the time nor the inspiration to write him a story until I decided to first do a platonic fic and BOOM!! Cause let’s face it, Steve is the Babysitter and I could imagine him being the type of brother that I made him in this oneshot so I hope you guys enjoy this little fic and until next time :)
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“Look all I’m saying is that he could’ve at least had his parents drive to pick you up.” Steve said to me.
“I told you Steve, Tony said he was carpooling with his friends because his dad’s mustang was in the shop.”
“The shop right yeah.” He muttered.
“You know you didn’t have to drive Dustin and I to the Snowball, we could’ve asked his mom.”
“No, no I needed to make sure that little shit didn’t try anything with you.”
“Eww Steve what the hell! Dustin and I do not like each other like that. You know that.”
“Still I just wanna make sure that even when you’re dressed all……you know—”
“Barbie? A slut?”
“Hey! You are not that don’t ever call yourself that even if you’re joking. You-you look beautiful. Really you do. It’s just…..” he took a deep sigh as clenched the stirring wheel.  “You don’t dress up this nice like most girls do. And I’d hate for those boys to suddenly see you and think they need to jump your bones.”
“They’re not like that Steve. Plus Max will have my back, and you know how savage we can be together.”
“Believe me I saw it for myself. All I’m saying is don’t let any boy try to take advantage of you. Especially this Bobby guy.”
“His name’s Tony.”
“That’s what I said, Darrell.” I rolled my eyes as Steve pulled into Dustin’s curb and honked the horn.  
We sat there for a few minutes which allowed me to check my makeup, nothing too extreme just some blush, a bit of eye shadow to match my blue dress and checked to make sure my hair was alright.  
“Hey, c’mon now.” Steve lifted the visor up.  I looked at him annoyed but he assured me with a gentle look in his eyes “I already told you, you look beautiful.”
I’ll admit.  He really was trying to be the brother he once was.  Ever since he became ‘King Steve’ he never wanted anything to do with me. Said I was too nerdy to be with someone ‘cool’ like him.  It really hurt to lose my brother like that to the poison that was popularity.
And he only seemed to get worse as the years went by, especially when he was involved with the whole Nancy ‘the Slut’ Wheeler vandalization at the local theater.  But ever since he got involved with the Upside down, and he broke free of that dick Tommy Hagan and that bitch Carol, he started to change.
Especially this past year.  He’s even tried to mend our bond but when the events of the Upside down began to come back with Will, the Demodogs and Max’s asshole brother Billy (not Upside down related, he’s just an asshole. Nearly killed me, Dustin and Lucas while we were biking home from school on Halloween).  And Nancy broke up with Steve, he seemed a bit more—emotionally vulnerable.
He wanted to be with me but I had other problems at the time with Dustin and his ‘secret pet’.  That’s when Steve, Dustin and I became the starting team in this whole demodogs thing, then one disaster fell after another until we were finally able to get the gate close permanently and get rid of all the demodogs.
Finally Dustin came racing down and I couldn’t stop but stare at the nest on top of his head.
“Thanks for the ride guys.” He said getting into the back seat.
“Uhh Dustin, what the hell happened to your head?” I asked him.
“Your head. I’ll need to find Diana Ross’ number because I think I just found her hair.”
“Shut up!” Dustin snapped at me.  “My hair does not look like hers.”
“You’re right you’re right. It actually looks like if Elvis was given a bad perm.” I laughed.
“Alright you little shit ease up on him. Ignore her Dustin, she’s just jealous because it took her five hours just to get her hair like this.” I punched Steve’s arm and ordered him.
“Just drive asshole.” As Dustin giggled from the backseat, Steve turned the car back on and he drove us to the school.
He pulled us in and we could see from the cat some of the Snowball decorations and could hear the music playing loudly.
“Hey Hover switch seats with me, I need to check the mirror now.” Dustin said.
“Dustin you know I was kidding right. You look great.”
“She’s right. Now remember, when you walk in there.”
“Pretend I don’t care.” Dustin said.
“You don’t care.”
“I don’t care.”
“Honestly why did you have to say that? That’s literally the worst advice ever Steve.” I scoffed rolling my eyes and shaking my head solemnly. “Dustin continues to listen to you and he’ll be single until he’s 30.”
“Okay that’s overexaggerating. Don’t listen to her Henderson. You’re gonna go in there, look like a million bucks, and you’re gonna slay them dead.”
“Like a lion.” Dustin then let out a purr to which both Steve and I cringed.
“Yeah don’t do that.” Steve told him bluntly.
“Ever again.” I also told him.
“Right.” Dustin agreed before he got out of the backseat and I followed suit.  Soon pulling up behind us was a large black SUV it slowly came to a stop before the front door opened to reveal one of Tony’s friends, Andrew.
“Thanks mom. See yah at 10.” Soon the back door opened and more of Tony’s friends piled out until Tony was the last one to come out. My heart fluttered in my chest as my palms started to grow a bit sweaty.
“What you just gonna sit there and gawk (Y/n)?” Dustin said to me.
“Shut up Henderson.” I said.  I took a deep breath and took about two steps forward only to stop and see someone else coming out of the SUV as well.  It was the biggest bitch in the whole seventh grade, Jenna LoDuca and she was holding Tony’s hand.
“Thanks baby.”
“No prob babe. Ready to head in?” Tony asked her.
“Yeah thanks.” She said as they walked hand in hand towards the gym following behind Tony’s friends.
My heart shattered and fell into my stomach as I looked down. So he really didn’t care.  He never cared to begin with. He didn’t even have the guts to tell me that he was gonna take out Jenna instead of me, he could’ve at least told me.
“(Y/n)? Hey it’s…..” Dustin started off but I didn’t want to hear it.  I took off running as tears fell down my face.
I don’t know where I ended up but all I know was that I wasn’t at the back entrance where the dance was but I was still within the school grounds.  I kicked the gravel under my feet harshly scuffing up the 1 inch high heeled shoes mom got me on her last business trip (even though I hate anything that isn’t a sneaker or sandal on hot days).
“(Y/n).” I sniffled and crossed my arms over my chest.
“I don’t wanna hear it Steve!” I snapped.
“Okay. Do you…….do you want me to take you home?” he asked in a nervous, unsure tone.
“No. Because then I’ll have done all this for nothing. Plus Jenna will rub it in my face Monday.”
“Wait she bullies you?”
“It doesn’t matter Steve. Just go home and don’t bother me with this anymore.” I walked back towards the school and tried to clean my face off as best as I could before entering the school with a big fake-ass smile on my face.
I met with the guys at the table and they were surprised to see me come walking in.
“(Y/n) you—you actually came in.” Mike said.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?”
“Because of Je—” Dustin started off by saying but Max kicked him in the shin.
“Don’t listen to them, there’s more to life than stupid boys. C’mon (Y/n) let’s get something to eat I’m getting a bit peckish.” Max came over and took me away from the boys.
“Thanks Max, I owe yah.”
“I’ll remember that for later. But for real, don’t worry about those turd wards. You’re more badass than the two of them are popular.” Max said playfully shoving my shoulder with hers.  That got a small smile out of me as we reached the food stand and we each got a plate of crackers, cookies and a cupcake.
As the dance went on, it soon came time for the slow dancing. At first Max declined Lucas’ offer to dance but since I could tell how long Lucas had probably rehearsed this, I told her it was okay so she and Lucas went to the dance floor together.
Then a girl from mine and Will’s art class came up and asked Will to dance (even though she called him Zombie boy).  Then Dustin went over to a group of popular girls to ask one of them to dance leaving Mike and me alone for the first song (it’d just be awkward to dance together).
When the next song came on, we both took notice of El coming into the gym now, all dolled up and pretty.  Mike stood up and walked towards her without saying a word to me (but truthfully he didn’t have to).
I was now all alone at my table, in fact looking around every one of my peers had a partner or were in their friend groups chatting along the sides of the gym.  And just ahead of me I could easily spot Jenna and Tony dancing together, hell they pretty much remained in my visual range throughout the whole slow song montage.
It was then my favorite Lionel Richie song, Truly began playing through the speakers.  I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and was just tempted to leave the gym and stay outside for the rest of the dance.
“Hey little Hover.” I looked up and saw my brother Steve wearing his homecoming tux and sporting his Risky Business shades.
“Steve? What are you…how did you get in here? You didn’t ask to volunteer.”
“I know. I’m not a volunteer. I’m your date.”
“C’mon please. Don’t make me get on my hands and knees begging over this song cause you know I will. In front of all your friends and these people I’ll…..”
“Okay! Okay you big hairy oaf!” I said getting up and took his hand before we went over to the dance floor.  We stood before each other and he took my right hand into his left while his right rested along my waist and my other hand rested on his.
“He wasn’t worth it.” I looked at him as he lead me in the first few steps of our slow dance.  “Your tears. Boys this age are incredibly stupid and he’s gonna regret leaving you for that.” He gave a slight gesture of his head towards Tony and Jenna who were looking at us.
“Maybe it’s because I really don’t live up to the Harrington name.”
“Hey now…...”
“No Steve it’s true. I mean, look at her. She’s popular than me, she’s smart, and she’s way prettier than me.”
“Now that’s total bullshit.” He gave me a gentle spin before bringing me back into him.  “First of all you are smarter than your older brother. In fact you’re too smart. I swear dad never shuts up about how my 13 year old sister is smarter than me, a senior in high school. Second, being popular really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially if it changes you for the worst.”
He stroked a baby strand of hair from my forehead and tucked it back over my teased hair.
“It makes you cruel and makes you blind to what’s in front of you. I swear the last thing I remember was you clinging onto your teddy bear you won at the 4th grade fair and now here you are. A teenager in the works who I think is the most beautiful girl in all of Hawkins.”
“Even more beautiful than Nancy Wheeler?” I asked skeptically.
“Especially more than Nance.” He said without hesitation.
“Best not let her hear you say that.”
“Truthfully I think you were her favorite Harrington more than me.” I softly laughed.  “No I swear, she’d always ask me when she’d see you. She even said at times she could trade Mike in for you.” Steve said through his laughing as he spun me outward our hands keeping a firm hold on each other before I spun back into him just as the song came to my favorite part.
Right as Lionel’s voice hit that crescendo, I was resting my head against my brother’s chest as my arms wrapped around his waist.  I felt him slightly pick me up and he placed my feet gently on top of his as I heard him softly sing along to the ending of the song.
It brought me back to the early days of my childhood when Steve and I were the best of friends.  Whenever I was sad or felt lonely from mom and dad’s constant work travels, Steve always played a slow song  over dad’s radio, he’d have me standing on top of his toes and the two of us would sway like this as he’d sing the song to me.
After the dance was over, I was just getting into bed when I heard a knock at my bedroom door.
“Knock, knock.” Steve’s voice spoke from the other side of the door.
“Speak friend and enter.” I said.
“You know I don’t speak that nerd language.”
“Then you cannot pass.” I teased him.  He knocked again and I couldn’t help but say, “I hear yah knockin, but you can’t come in!”
“(Y/n) at least tell me your decent.”
“Yes I’m in my jammies.” He opened the door and came right on in.  “No respect for your sister’s room. Why do you think I asked you to speak the password? It’s not that hard, the password is Mellon.”
“I’ll slow dance with you, sing to you, even fight interdimensional monsters with you. But never on this green earth will you get me to speak that nerd language.” He said as he came over and sat at the edge of my bed.
“It’s not nerd language is Elvish. Sindar to be exact.” Steve buried his face into his hand groaning softly.  “Hey, Dustin and I got you to watch Star Wars with us and you loved it. Which makes you a nerd too Stevie.”
“First of all just because I enjoy it doesn’t make me a ner—okay I see what you’re doing munchkin.” He said as he ruffled my head. “So, your first school formal. Besides the little jerk that shall remain nameless in this house, how was it before I got there?”
“It was alright. Mostly Max and I talked and of course the guys were giving Dustin a hard time with his hair. I think his natural curls just really threw the Farrah faucet spray off.”
“Yeah it did. But the kid needed the reassurance. Now correct me if I’m wrong but did he call you Hover back in the car.”
“Hover is my D&D character’s name. She’s a level 16 rouge assassin. Sometimes Dustin calls me that outside of the game.”
“So you used my nickname for you for your nerdy game?”
“Steve it’s not…..” he raised his hand and continued.
“I was just going to say it’s actually kinda sweet.”
“Yeah. Though I wish it was still between us. After all I’ve been calling you that since you could walk.” He said booping my nose. “Well it’s late, you should get some sleep.” At that point I let out a soft yawn and got under the covers.  “Goodnight Hover.” He stood up but before he left my room I grabbed his hand. I sat up and hugged him before kissing his cheek. “What was that for?”
“For being my big brother.”
“But I��..”
“I know you’ve been an asshole for the past few years now but in the past year you really have been trying. I could see you putting in the effort to try and fix things between us. You could’ve stayed the way you were, or worst become like Billy.”
“I’d rather get eaten by one of those dog things than ever raise a hand to you like that asshole does to Max.”
“I know. That’s why I’m grateful to have a brother like you. You may not be smart, but you’re a damn good big brother and I love you for that.” A smile came at the corner of his lips as he ruffled my hair again before leaning forward and kissed the crown of my head.
“You’re not so bad either squirt.” He pressed his forehead against mine and continued, “And I love you too.” I smiled softly as Steve pressed another kiss to my forehead before we told each other goodnight and he left my room and I soon fell fast asleep.
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