#sweet bug you were probably better off BEFORE i gave you advice <3
finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hello! I don't want you to feel like you have to answer this but I appreciate anything you have to say; I just started write some fanfictions, mostly ships and sometimes character/reader and I wonder if you know how to get more likes or advice for a new writer?
hey lil bug, i am probably not the best person to ask because i am in an eternal struggle there too, i think we all are? but i think important things (that are easier said than done trust me) i'll list below and apologies if i'm talking absolute shite i am so ill lmao
stop counting notes and don't compare yourself to others, i see people get lots more likes or reblogs than me because they are bigger blogs or more than me because they are smaller but better lmao but if you're writing things you like and are having fun then who the fuck cares (it's me i care deeply and ashamedly oops) but it leads to some classic menty-bs™ at least on my part
i run an etsy shop and i don't do jack shit in terms of pushing it so like i just inherently do not care about engagement culture? i noticed that the people who like my fics also like my dumb posts about my life, so it's nice to conflate it like do they like me because of my fics or my fics because of me, either way that's a warming feeling, so maybe try being yourself more and not a "content machine"? i dunno i'd rather have friends than popularity
even if you get one like that's still a whole person who read your thing and like it u-u i love reading stuff by people who are just starting to write (i think fic writers who don't support other fic writers are weird sorry, like i'll push someone to write the exact same scenario as me with the same characters if i need to and then i'll reblog it without giving a shit because someone's hobby is valuable and beautiful)
ok so for new writers: write as much as you can, but you don't need to post everything! and my top tip is writing notes to yourself the way you would talk to yourself like i no kidding have documents filled with things like "and then omg finnie what if he took his dick out and slapped you in the OMG IN THE FACE WITH IT and then yummy sex ensues yeah bitch" and just having something silly but that feels fun is enough to make me find the energy to write
and! foster as many relationships as you can, sometimes i write things knowing full well that the only people who might enjoy it are the discord server, or my one friend who is also deeply into a specific niche fetish in relation to one character, and it feels like giving a gift to someone which is joyous
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reluctant-fan-girl · 3 years
My thoughts on 139 as an Ereri shipper
Buckle up for a long read and some unpopular opinions haha. Feel free to add on/ correct me but this is only how I feel so take it with a pinch of salt, I'm not asking anyone to change how they feel because we're all feeling some feels right now and your grief is valid. I just really wanna talk about the chapter before I go back to my Yaoi ship. (Forgive my grammar errors and all I wrote this at 5am and I'll probably come back and fix the spelling and stuff later today)
Thoughts on ch 139:
Well... here we are guys. The last chapter, it's been one hell of a ride and even though I have only been a part of the community for three years I'm still sad it ended. (Not to mention it finished 4 days before my birthday but that's just an extra oof) I keep seeing a lot of Mikasa hate and even though I used to despise her this chapter really got me thinking and damn, she's definitely one of the strongest characters (second to Levi at least in terms of resolve but hey I'm biased lol) she killed the person she loved, who pushed her away time and time again, and until the very end wanted to save him yet she was the one who ended it all. I doubt I could do that if my girlfriend was doing something similar... but I guess most people are like that. I admit, when I read the chapter at work I began crying in the break room, not because the ending caught me off guard, it was about what I was expecting, but I'm still sad Eren died. All this stuff was foreshadowed through especially the last few chapters and I kind of hopped into the manga around when Zeke blew Levi up, and even then... I feel like I knew this would be how it turned out some time last year? It was mostly predictable since this story, from it's inception, has done nothing but break the shonen stereotype time and time again and this was just the kind of ending that would shatter the mould and make it worthy of that moniker. Now am I happy that Eremika is canon? Not really, in fact not at all I'm mad. Although tbh it's not that I really expected a same sex, age gap relationship to be canon in mainstream manga, but this is what fan fiction is made for right? Besides as much as this manga has challenged or straight up ignored it's very obvious what the intended ship was going to be from the start. Even still the confession at the end by Eren is honestly OOC from most of everything else he's said/done and feels forced but, 🤷🏻‍♀️ like... the ending would have been better if Eren's feelings stayed vague so we could come to our own conclusion. If I had my way I'd have Eren confessing to Levi and they'd run off to live in secret but again... that isn't how it ended and I'm accepting that even if I don't like it. (Plus I can read/write a fanfic of a 'better' ending to make myself feel better) but I'm glad I stuck around for such a bitter sweet end.
Eren's character:
Now I love Eren as much as anyone else, but I see lots of people crying "character assassination" and I feel this personally isnt true at least not completely. We're all grieving right now and I know he was so cute and lovable at the start (hell in a way he still is) but this has always been his character. He is the one who most desperately yearns for freedom because feels trapped by his fate more than anyone else. The line "I felt like I had to and I let myself get caught up in the flow" is proof he *knows* he isn't free despite his father's reassurance, and his own repetition of the phrase. There's a common phenomenon with mantras or the practice of repeating something over and over in your head, the more you say it, *the less you believe it* and IMHO Eren never really felt free from the start. He knew his fate was sealed and he probably could have, no... *should* have acted differently yet he himself couldn't change what fate had in store. He just kept moving forward for no other reason than he wanted to save Mikasa, Armin, and his people. He (may have?) sacrificed Carla, not to serve as motivation, but so that he could save Armin later on by eating the Colossal titan instead of burning to death. It must have been a heart wrenching choice to make but he cares for his friends more than anyone else. He gave them a fighting chance and his death gave the alliance a good name so the world (or the 20% left of it) would see they aren't the same as him. Of course I'm thinking, "What if he had Dina free Carla or just let her eat Bert I mean Grisha probably would have passed on the Attack titan to Eren even if Carla had lived," but Armin very well could've died in another way or things could've turned out so much worse for everyone else. But even if Eren hates his choice I think something to note here is he doesn't seem to regret it, taking some of Levi's advice with him to the grave (quite literally) Plus you guys have to remember he died at 19 years old, that is *young* and I may only be a few years older but 18-21 is a huge period of change and you wont make the best choices, he's dealing with all that on top of the memories of the other titan holders, and the founding titan which I think really messed with him more than anything. He even says he only wants to live 10 more years ;-; the poor thing deserved a full life too even if his perception of time is warped and he never got a chance to become an adult.
The aftermath:
Well, everyone seems happy for the most part which is great! The one thing that I didn't expect was for the ending to be bitter sweet rather than total annihilation. Historia really does seem... fuck it I don't know and this is the part that bugs me most is she never really got the ending she deserved and felt kinda... forgotten? It's hard to tell but I think she ended up loving her child in the end... maybe... she's smiling while holding her... right? Levi is out beyond the walls and he may be wheelchair bound and half blind but he's still alive! Now this is honestly my saving grace here I mean god imagine him surviving a literal bomb only to die such a lame and pointless death in the last chapter. My boy made it through everything though and he's still got them dad vibes with Gabi and Falco which is kinds sweet... but I still hate Gabi. I still really hate Gabi, but it's nice to see that they're all somewhat okay. (Plus okay... Eren Canonically being reborn as a bird is kinda hilarious yet fitting since he got his freedom... Parasitic Jaeger haha good one Isayama.) Who knows if the war will ever end, heck Isayama himself said this is only the begining and while the fight goes on they have a chance thanks to Eren sacrificing himself the way he did. He could've made so many other choices and I don't know what could've/would've been better. Maybe Isayama knows but time travel and altering the past opens a whole ass can of worms that is just... like the killing your grandpa paradox kinda thing and if I were writing this story I wouldn't wanna try and deal with that either, especially after writing one story for eleven years.
(LEVI LIVED MY BEST BOI LIVED WHOOOO YESS 😭😭😭 ALL I COULD ASK FOR AHHH) *cough* sorry I had some crying fan girl in me that demanded to be seen too
Anyways this was just my thoughts for now, I may eventually write more and hell I'll probably go back to sweet sweet denial myself, posting contradictions because dammit I love my ereri too much and some people have good points or some posts are just funny in general. Have a good day, stay safe, and we are all in this together <3 Thanks for reading all the way if you did! (And here's a good meme to lighten the mood too)
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layce2015 · 5 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
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Chapter 2: Sean And Daniel
Chapter 1
Mount Rainier, Washington 
3 Days Later
I was walking down the quiet, deserted road, just minding my own business when I come up to an old sign:
Trout Spring Trail - Nisqually River viewpoint.
Oh, good. A place to sleep. I thought as I come up to an abandoned car. I walk over to it to look inside and see nothing really, except for a Choc-O-Crisp on the dashboard. Sweet! I mean, I still have a few bars left of this candy. But....you can never have too many! I thought as I dig in my pocket and pulled out and un-bent paperclip. I stick the paperclip into the keyhole of the car door and jiggle it for a few moments before it pops open. 
Score! I thought as I open the door and grab the candy. "Hell, yeah." I mutter when I heard some voices coming. "Are we there yet?" A young boy's voice asks. "Dude. Stop! You know what, you're not allowed to say that...Ever again!" An older male voice exclaims, annoyed. "Yesssss...Sir." The young voice replied, defeated. "You'll be the first one to know when we get there, okay? I'm tired and hungry too!" The older voice said.
I turn around as the footsteps get closer. "Listen...This looks like a perfect place to camp out...I bet we're not the first people to stay the night." The older voice said as it grew closer and closer. "It's creepy! There's nobody out here...We didn't even see any cars!" The young voice said. "We're gonna camp here. I'll look out for you." The older voice said just as two figures walk up and I could see that it was two boys, one looked really young (probably about eight or nine) and the other looked about the same age as me. Both of them looked like they were Hispanic descent.
"Oh! Uh....hi." the older boy greets, awkwardly, to me as I look between him and the little boy. "Uh..hi. Sorry...you guys just scared the crap outta me." I said, alittle nervously. "I just...wasn't expecting anyone out here."
"Yeah...neither were we." The older boy said to me, still a little awkward. I run my right hand over the back of my neck as I asked. "Soooo....what are you two doing out here?"
"We're on a camping trip!" The little boy exclaims, excitedly. "Oh, really?" I said with intrigued. "By yourselves?" I asked him. "Yeah, but we're supposed to meet our dad later." The boy said and I happened to look over at the older boy and I could tell that he was hiding something. "Really? Well that's cool." I said as I look back over at the young boy.
"What about you? You seemed to be alone." The older boy pointed out and I chuckle. "Yeah....I am. It's just rarely do I see other kids out here alone. Usually they're with an adult." I said. "What about your parents? Aren't they worried?" The little boy asked me. "I..uh...don't have any parents. They gave me up for adoption. I've basically been on my own for awhile." I replied as I cross my arms. "Oh...I'm sorry." The older boy said and I wave my hand, vaguely, at him. "It's okay. People have tried to put me in foster care, but I always leave....I don't belong to those families. I'd rather go at it alone." I said.
"So...you're like a runaway, then." The older boy said and I smiled. "Yeah....I guess you could call me that." I said with a laugh. "How long have you guys been on your trip?" I asked them. "About two days." The older boy said. "Oh...so, you're just pups when it comes to this sort've thing." I chuckled as the older boy replies. "We're learning."
"Well, like he said, munchkin, this place is a good place to camp out. It's quiet, calm and beautiful and as long as you don't bother the wilderness, you should be good." I said to the younger boy as I gesture towards the older boy. "Uh...thanks for the advice..uh..." the older boy stuttered and I smirk. "(Y/n). My name is (y/n)." I introduced. "I'm Sean. And this is my little brother, Daniel." Sean introduced. "Well, nice to meet you, Sean and Daniel." I said as I do a little bow at them, but I began to wander why those names sounded familiar. I feel like I should know but I can't remember.
I hear Daniel giggle a bit as I stand up straight then got an idea. "Hey, you seem a little hungry. I might have something in here...." I said as I pull my backpack off then dig inside it. "Ah, here they are." I said as I pull out a bar of Choc-O-Crisp. "A Choc-O-Crisp! No way! I haven't had one in like...a million years!" Daniel exclaims, excitedly, and I chuckle. "More like two days ago!" Sean said to him. "Well that's too long for you to go without one. Here, it's all yours, munchkin." I said as I hand the candy to him. "Wow! Really?! Thank you!" He exclaims with happiness and I smile at him. "No problem." I said as I put my backpack on.
"You better watch out, you just became his favorite person now." Sean said to me and I laugh. "Hey, I don't mind. He looked alittle hungry anyway." I said as Daniel opens up the wrapper and begins to eat it, like a starving man. "Wow, and I thought I was the addict when it comes to Choc-O-Crisp!" I said as he munched down on that candy. "Are you kidding?! He could wipe out an entire bag of those things!" Sean said and I look over at Daniel, impressed. "Wow, kiddo. That's impressive." I said as Daniel looks up at me and smiles.
"Well, I guess I better leave you two to your trip." I said to them. "Aww, you're leaving?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, I don't want to impose on a camping trip between two brothers. I'll just...be on my way." I said as I start to walk away. "Wait! Sean, she could come with us." Daniel said as I turn to face the brothers. "Hey, wait! You could...uh..stick around. We could use an expert's help." Sean said and I look over at him. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah, plus it would be cool to have someone new to talk to." Sean said and I smiled. Normally, people don't want me around but these two do. "Okay...cool. Well then, I guess I'm joining your party then." I said, smiling, as Daniel shouts for joy.
I chuckled at this as we began to walk over to a tree with some marks on it. "What is that? Graffiti?" Daniel asked Sean and I as he points at the tree. "Not exactly...It's called a Trail Blaze and people used to put them up to give directions..." Sean replied to him and Daniel looks over at him. "Like GPS?" He asked. "Yeah...Just slightly more ancient." I replied. "Awesome! Let's follow it!" Daniel exclaimed and we start to walk into the forest.
"Come on, boys...The sun is going down..." I said as we started to come up to an old port house. "Okay, dude. Do you have to use the bathroom?" Sean asked as he points at the old shed. "No! It smells real bad..." Daniel said as he looks at the building at disgust. "No shit. Seriously? You better go now." Sean tells him. "I don't have to go! Jeez! Can't I just pee on a tree?" Daniel asked his brother. "As long as you don't mind the poison ivy on your balls!" Sean said to him.
"Uhhhh....Well...Maybe I'll go...But don't let me get stuck in there!" Daniel said to us. "Don't worry, we'll call the forest plumbers if you fall in." Sean said as Daniel gets inside the port-o-potty and started to use the toilet. "Yuck...This is disgusting! So gross! These are worse than the ones at school!" He exclaims, few minutes later, as he starts to walk out it. "Especially after you use it..." Sean teased and I chuckled at this. "You two are a mess." I muttered with a smile.
"Sean...(y/n)....Look how big these trees are..." Daniel pointed out as we walk deeper into the woods. "That's only because they need the sun. Besides, they'll protect us from the rain." I said to him. "What if they don't? What if they...a...attack us?" Daniel asked me, nervously.
"Aren't you Mr. Minecraft? I thought you loved the forest? I watched you build giant cities out of logs!" Sean said to him. "I did! I built the biggest cities ever! Ooo...I can use my axe to chop up some wood! Then we can build a secret base!" Daniel exclaims in excitement. "Well...Sounds like you're ready for the woods! Lead the way!" I laughed as Daniel runs ahead.
"Where are we going?" Daniel asked as we approached a direction sign that showed one way was towards the picnic are where the other leads to the river. "Hmm...The river must be a bit further..." I said as I look over the sign. "Yeah...Let's take a look around." Sean said and we reach an area where the path branches out, trees were scattered about and to the left was a picnic area.
"Wow...That place is huge!" Daniel said in awe. "Yeah, it's kinda cool." Sean said. "Yeah, this place is pretty epic." I said while Daniel walks up to some berries. "Hey guys! I found berries! Can I taste one, please?" He asked as he gets in front of the bush. "Hold on, munchkin. Let's check those out first." I said as Sean and I walked over to the bush. I check the berries, by tasting them, then nodded. "They're okay. Go ahead." I said and the boys begin to eat some. Daniel even tries to throw the last one into his mouth but he misses.
The path we take branches off to a small picnic area with some benches and a noticeboard. I run up to the board and read the wild animals poster. "Picnic and Hiking Site..." I read then look around just as Daniel walks up to me but Sean goes over to a bench and sits down as he looks out towards the river. "Well, I bet nobody comes out here to picnic anymore...and that's good for us..." I told Daniel as he looks up at the poster.
"No camping? Uh oh..." he said with worry. "Don't worry. Nobody is going to find us out here." I assured him while he continued to read the poster. "Do not feed...or disturb the animals? What...What kind of animals? Like bears...or coyotes...or..." Daniel said as he looks around, nervously. "More like...squirrels...rabbits...critters... like I said earlier...don't bug them and they won't bug us...They're way more scared of us than we are of them." I said as I place a hand on his shoulder, assuredly. "Unless they're angry...or hungry..." he said with worry. "Don't freak yourself out, munchkin. Everything will be fine. If anything, your brother and I will protect you." I said as I patted his shoulder and he smiles at me before he goes over to his brother.
"Whoaaaaaa..." Daniel said as he comes up behind his brother and sits next to him. I walk up next to the bench and look out at the river. "Look at that..." Daniel said. "Yeah..." Sean mutters. "So cool!" Daniel exclaims in excitment. "Never seen you get so jacked up over a nice view before..." Sean said to Daniel. "So? I've never seen anything like this! Never ever!" Daniel replied as he shakes his head. 
"Never ever?!" I asked him. "No." Daniel replied and I smile. "Don't worry, Daniel. You'll be seeing more views like this when you're out on the road, trust me." I said as I sit down on the edge of the bench and Sean chuckles. "Yeah...I remember when... Dad..." he stops as he looks down at the ground and I frown at this.
"I wish Dad was here with us..." Daniel said, sadly. "Well... Thanks! Not cool enough anymore?" Sean asked him. "Yes, you're super cool...But...I just wish the family was together... at home...It'd be cool to watch a movie and get a pizza and eat ice cream." Daniel replied to him. "Oh, you're making me hungry." I groaned as I rubbed my stomach. "Yeah, dude...stop. Besides, I told you we have to keep going...We'll see Dad later...Right now it's just...you, me and (y/n)...Okay?" Sean said to him.
"Yeah! It's our park! We can do whatever we want!" Daniel exclaimed, excitedly. "That's right...So...we better go build a secret base...so we can hide out for the night...Are you ready?" I asked Daniel and he nods. "Yes! I can build anything! We just have to find some cool blocks around here...and be careful of Creepers..." he said and I laugh as Sean starts to get up and Daniel cups his mouth and shouts. "HELLOOOOOOOOOO DOWN THERE!"
I get up and walk over to Sean and look at him with concern. "Hey, you okay, Sean?" I asked him. "Huh? Oh uh....yeah. I'm fine." He replied. "You sure? You just seem...kinda...out of it." I said. "I'm fine. I promise." He replied. "Look, I know we just met and all but....if there's anything that's on your mind, I'm a good listener." I said as we walked out onto a big open section.
"Ooooo, Sean! (Y/n)! Let's play hide and seek!" Daniel exclaims as he runs over to us. "Betcha can't find me!" He said and I laugh then I look over at Sean. "Looks like your little brother challenged us." I said and he smiles as he rolls his eyes. "Yeah. Okay. We'll give you ten seconds to find a hiding spot and then you're toast!" Sean said to Daniel as he winks at him. "Turn around so I can hide. And don't look!" He said and Sean and I start to count on the spot, without covering our eyes. 
"Come on! You guys are cheating..." Daniel exclaims and I roll my eyes as Sean and I turn around and cover our eyes. "No peeking!" Daniel said, warningly, and we began to count again. "One...Two...Three...Four...Five...Six. Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!" We said and we turn around to see no Daniel in sight. "Hmmm....you go this way and I'll go this way." Sean said to me and I nod at him and he goes to the right side of the forest and I go left.
It was a few minutes and we still haven't found Daniel, and I could tell Sean was alittle bothered by it. "Daniel!" He calls out as we look around. "Daniel!" Both of us exclaim then I got an idea. "Well...looks like I'm gonna be enjoying these Choc-O-Crisp all by myself." I called out and I swore I heard a noise in front of us. 
Sean and I look towards the noise then I nod at him and he comes up to this large tree. I follow him and we see Daniel hiding behind a tree, his hands covering his face. We slowly come up behind him then we shout. "There you are!" And he jumps back in fright. "Aww, no fair! You guys were peeking!" He said. "Not when we could see your foot a mile away, dude! We win!" Sean said as I chuckle. "Whatever..." Daniel grumbles and we continue down the trail.
Eventually, we come across a raccoon sitting on a rock just off the trail. "Daniel! Come check this out!" Sean said as he points out the raccoon. "What? What?" Daniel asked, gleefully. "Be quiet...He'll take off." I said to him as he comes over to us. "Ooo...Raccoon! He's sooo cute!" Daniel said. "Hah. That raccoon will tear us apart. Let's go, bro." Sean said while Daniel has a face of disbelief and walks forward, but the raccoon scurries away.
"Here, kitty kitty! Aww, that raccoon must be starving..." Daniel said as he starts to walk along the edge of the path, looking for the raccoon. "Raccoons are way smarter than us...He'll find more food!" I said to him and we began to walk some more.
"Hey! There's another one here!" Daniel exclaims as he points at the trail blaze then I follow the trail. "Hey! I think this path leads to the river." I said to them. "Coming!" They said and we keep walking until we reach a fallen tree, even on the ground, it goes almost up to Daniel's shoulders. "Wow. That's one big tree!" Daniel said as Sean and I climb over it. "Come on. I'll help you climb up." Sean said as he places his hands under Daniel's arms. "You better not let me go!" Daniel said to him. "Would I do that to my little brother?" Sean asked as he picks him and helps Daniel over the tree trunk and sets him down next to me.
"Let's go!" Sean said as Daniel runs off and said. "We have to watch out for skeletons, and zombies!" I look over at Sean and said. "It's really cute how you help out your brother." Sean looks over at me in slight shock and I notice his face turned red. I wink at him then I continue forward until I hear a bird chirping and I see a bird's nest up in the tree.
"Hey! Daniel! You hear that?" I asked him as he runs over to me. "Is that a bird's nest?" He asked me. "Oh yeah. They're everywhere out here." I replied to him. "At least they have a home..." Daniel said in a sad tone. I frown at him as Sean said. "Come on...We're too big for a nest."
Sean, Daniel and I reach a ledge as tall as Sean and I, but he and I jump down. "Mmm, this is pretty high up..." Daniel said with worry. But Sean holds Daniel up and helps him to the ground. "Come on! I got you!" He said to Daniel as he sets him down on the ground. "Whew...Thanks!" Daniel said then they high-five each other. I smile at this as we continue onwards.
"Uuuuhh...You guys see that?" Daniel asked as he points out some weird mushrooms on a tree. "Looks like a Clicker...Creepy..." Daniel said then Sean makes a weird clicking noise from this video game I remember watching a playthrough of on the internet a few years ago. "Stop it!" Daniel laughed as he starts to run ahead. Sean and I continue down the path but as we turn around the corner, Daniel was nowhere to be found.
"Uh...Sean? Where's Daniel?" I asked and he starts to look around. "Daniel?" Sean calls out but nothing. "Daniel?!" I call out, again nothing. "C'mom, dude! This isn't funny!" Sean said as we start to come upon a tree. "Muhhhwaaahh! I got you!" Daniel exclaims after he pops out behind the tree, scaring Sean and I as we jumped back but I accidentally stumble into Sean's arms. He and I look at each other for a moment as Daniel laughs. "You got me, munchkin." I said, laughing, as I stand up. "Dude...You struck out. That did not scare me..." Sean said to his brother.
"Liar! Liar! I saw your face!" Daniel said, in a laughing tone. "That was...uh...surprise. Maybe you scared me for like...one second..." Sean said as he starts to walk ahead. "Ha! I got you, I eat you! Don't mess with the zombie!" Daniel said, smiling. "Well, I'd rather be bitten by a cute zombie than an ugly one." I said as I ruffle Daniel's hair, who looks up at me and smiles. "Oh God, he got to you too!" Sean grumbles but I could see he had a slight smile and I laugh at this. "Hey, didn't you know? Cute kids are great chick magnets!" I teased and Sean rolls his eyes as he continues on, Daniel and I follow him.
Finally, we reach the riverside where there's a large beach area and a rock formation, which was jutting out, offering shelter. "Ooo...Looks like a cave...Kind...Kind of spooky..." Daniel said, nervously, as we come upon the formation. "No. Actually...it's kind of perfect." I said as I look it over. "For what?" Daniel asked me. "For us, man." Sean replied.
"We're gonna stay in there?" Daniel asked as I looks at it, questionable. "I dunno..." he mutters. "Come on, Daniel." Sean said, exasperated, then he turns to me for help. "Look, this can be...our secret base!" I said to him as I place a hand on his shoulder. "Hmmmmmm. We...could fight off any Skeletons or Creepers with some good traps!" He said and Sean and I smile down at him
"Cool!" I said. "In that case, we definitely need to get a fire going first. Right?" Sean said and Daniel nodded. "Right! Yes! Uh...So what do we need?" Daniel asked. "Um...You know...Shit to make a fire." Sean said. "Twigs, branches, paper, if there's any around..." I added. "Are...you sure we can do this?" Daniel asked us. "Who can stop us?" Sean asked him and Daniel smiles. "Nobody!" Daniel said and he takes a step and looks back, Sean nods at him and then Daniel runs off towards the beach.
"Okay...Let's unpack." I said to Sean as we set our backpack down. "Finally." Sean mutters as both of us take out our blankets from our bags. Sean lays his blanket on the ground under the cave and I lay mine on the other side of the small firepit, across from Sean's blanket.
Next, Sean takes out a newspaper clipping and looks at in disbelief. "What's that?" I asked him, after I walk up behind him, and he looks up at me in shock. "Uh...uh..well...." he stammers but I could clearly read the headline on the paper and my eyes widen. Now I know why their names sounded familiar.
Shooting in South Seattle
"Sooo....you're the Diaz brothers." I said and Sean looks at me in fear. "Yeah, I know about it. I passed by that area about a couple of days ago, sometime in the evening, and people were talking about it. I even saw it on the news the next morning when I went and ate breakfast. " I informed him and he looks down. "You're not going to say anything to him, are you?" Sean asked me and I give him a quizzical look then I realized what he was referring to.
"Does Daniel not know?!" I asked him. Before Sean could say anything, Daniel shouts. "Guys, check it out! I already got one branch for the fire!" We jumped and look out to see him picking up the branches. Sean crumples the newspaper clipping up and puts it in the fire-pit as kindling.
"Coming!" Sean shouts then he turns to me and grabs my arm. "Please don't tell him." He pleads. "Sean, I promise I won't tell him. I understand where you're coming from but....you need to tell him." I whispered. "I know, I know. It's just...I'm trying to find the right time." Sean said to me and I nod at him. "Yeah, I understand. That kind've stuff is hard. But I do want to say, I am sorry about your dad, Sean. I...I couldn't imagine going through that and..." I stop then sigh at this before I continued. "I know I'm basically a stranger to you and your brother but if you feel like talking just come to me." I said and Sean nods as he let's go of my arm. "Thanks, (y/n)." He said then he covers the pit with logs and dirt. "No problem." I said.
"Hey, guys. Let's have a race! Whoever finds three logs is the winner, cool?" Daniel asked us as we walked over to him. "Okay. You're brave to challenge me...So let's do it!" Sean said and I smile at them. "No way you boys are gonna beat me." I said, jokingly. "Nu-uh!" Daniel exclaims and he begins to run around the beach and Sean and I laugh as we spread out to find some logs.
By the time I find three logs and started to head towards the cave, I hear Daniel shout. "I win! It's over, guys!" Sean and I reach the campsite and check the pile. "All right, how much you got?" Sean asked him. "It's all there!" Daniel exclaims. "Yeah, okay...That should be enough for the night." I said as we set down our wood pile and we look it over. "Ha ha! See? Told you! I won." Daniel exclaims.
"All right. We have a little time to explore before we light up the fire." Sean said to him, smiling. "Cool! I'll go check the river!" Daniel said and he runs off. "Man, this place is like our own giant camp! We should catch some fish for dinner!" Daniel exclaims and I smile. 
As Sean makes the fire-pit, I walk over to the river and see Daniel trying to stab at fish with a long stick. "Gotcha! No I don't..." he mutters. "What are you doing, mountain boy?" I asked him as I walk next to him. "I'm gonna catch a fish to cook!" He replied to me. "Nice! But we should wait until we get some gear or something..." I said to him. "I can do it! Just watch..." Daniel said to me. "I know....we'll come back later." I said. "You promise?" He asked me and I smiled. "Promise." I said as I nod and he smiles at me.
He walks away from that section of the water and walked down stream. I smiled as I turn around and see Sean sitting on a log. He had a notebook and pen out and I couldn't tell if he was writing or drawing. I walk over to him and asked. "Whatcha' doin'?" He jumps in shock then looks up at me. "Whoa! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I said as I hold my hands up then I was able to see that he was indeed drawing.
"Whatcha' drawing there?" I asked him. "Oh...uh...nothing r-really..." he replied and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Really? It looks like something." I said. "It's just...sometimes I just like to sit and draw things." Sean replied to me. "Can I see it?" I asked as he looks at me. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to...." I said. "No, no...it's okay. I'm just alittle conscious about it." Sean said and he hands me his notebook and I take it in my hands and look at the drawing of the river and trees but I also noticed that he drew Daniel and I near the river.
"Wow, Sean, this is good. Like really good." I said as I go and sit down next to him. "Really? You think so?" He asked me, sounding shocked that I complimented him. "Way better than me. I can only draw stick figures." I said and he and I laugh at this. "You've got talent." I said as I hand him the notebook. "Thanks." He said as he takes the notebook and puts it away. I look over and see Daniel throwing a rock into the river, which lands with a thump.
"He shoots, he...Oh...Sorry, Mr. Fish!" Daniel said and Sean gets up and walks over to him. "Watch me!" Daniel said and he throws another rock, but it falls straight into the river. I chuckle as I walk over to them as Sean says. "Dude, come on...That's a boulder, not a rock! Here, you need a flat rock..." Sean said as he picks up a flat rock. "Hold it like this...Look at my hand..." he tells Daniel as he holds his hand then he flicks it and the rock skips across the surface of the water. "Boom!" He said. "Okay, I get it! My turn!" Daniel said as he picks up a flat rock.
"Hold it with your thumb and finger...and...spin your wrist when you throw..." Sean said as he demonstrates to Daniel. Daniel copies him then has another go, but he is no better. "Almost... What'd I do wrong?" Daniel asked. "Not bad! Give it another try." Sean encouraged him. Daniel throws again, but there's no improvement. "Aw... So close..." Daniel said, defeated. "Try again, Daniel. You've almost got it..." I said to him. "She's right, enano. You're getting into the zone. Don't give up now!" Sean said and Daniel throws again....and it skips over the water several times.
"I did it! I did it! Did you guys see?" Daniel exclaims, excitedly. "Oh yeah...That was awesome!" Sean said as they high-five and fist bump. "I think you're ready for the Olympic Stone Skipping Team!" I said as Daniel and I high-five each other.
A few minutes later we head back to the cave and Sean crouches down then gets his lighter ready when Daniel calls out to us. "Check this out, guys! Whoa! Nice view...You can see so far..." he said as we look up and see Daniel sitting on the rock ledge. "Wait, we're coming!" Sean said and we walk up and Sean sits on Daniel's left side and I sit on Daniel's right side.
"It's...beautiful!" Daniel whispers. "Pretty amazing, huh?" I said and Daniel smiles. "See? It's not so bad here in the forest..." Sean said to him then the three of us lay on our backs, staring at the clouds. "Hey. Look at those clouds. What do they look like to you?" Sean asked us. "I don't know...Cotton candy?" Daniel said, questionable. "That's it? Cotton candy?" Sean said, shocked. "I dunno...What do you see?" Daniel asked him.
"A dragon!" Sean replied. "What? Where??" Daniel asked. "Okay. There's the tail...and the horns...and the fangs! And the smoke coming out of its mouth!" Sean said as he points towards the sky. "Oh, I see it! It's awesome!" Daniel said. "And I see a castle. Looks like the dragon is going to attack it." I said and Daniel smiles. "Wouldn't it be cool if we had a pet dragon?" He asked. "Yeah, it would be faster to travel than on foot." I said. "I hear that." Sean said and I smile.
Then I started to feel something. Something I've never felt before as I lay here, watching the clouds with these two brothers. As I watch them look up at the clouds, I began to wonder....is this what I was looking for? Are these two the answer to my question of where do I belong? Have I already found what I'm looking for? I mean, I just met these two but...I've never connected with people so quickly like I have with these two. Maybe I could hang around them alittle longer and see where this goes. I thought.
"Ooo...I see something else! There's a giant douchebag!" Daniel said. "Oh yeah? Where?" Sean and I asked. Daniel points up at the sky, then lowers his arm to point at Sean. "Right here." He replied and I began to laugh. "Right here, huh?" Sean said as he playfully nudges Daniel's arm away. We laid there for a few minutes and watch the clouds go by until Sean sits up. "C'mon. Let's go eat something." He said. "You read my mind." I said as I sit up and we walk down the formation and enter inside the cave.
"All right, enano. We're cave people now. Time...to make fire." Sean said to Daniel. "Okay...Can I help?" Daniel asked him. "You have a big mouth like me, so come on! Blow!" Sean said and Daniel smiles. "Yes!" He exclaims then he gives a large puff that blows smolder everywhere. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said as Sean exclaimed. "Dude, don't blow it out!"
"Sorry, sorry...I wanted to do it like a movie..." Daniel said, apologetically, then he gives a softer puff. "Nice. It's warming up..." I said and we began to pull out the food from our backpacks and began to eat.
Chapter 3
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pythagoreanwhump · 5 years
1981 - Pt. 1
This is part one of how my espionage OCs met each other. As suggested in the title, this is set in 1981. It’ll be at least 3 parts, but I don’t know exactly how many yet. In Part 1 Anton and Walter have met each other. David has been mentioned to them but they haven’t met yet. This small series won’t contain any whump, just setting up the relationship between my characters. Well, that’s the plan, anyway. I always find ways to put whump into things that shouldn’t be whump.
As I said, no whump, really tame, so no content warnings, but I’ll still put it under a read more for length
also some of the dialogue is in German. Translations underneath the paragraph in brackets and italics.
“Andrushin, I’ve got a new mission for you.” Melya knocked on the door, dragging Anton out of his trance of staring at the same page of his book for the past 20 minutes. “What are you thinking about?”
Anton shrugged and didn’t answer Melya’s question, responding to his first statement instead. “What mission? Where?”
“Why don’t you have a guess?” Melya had a smile that told Anton he wasn’t going to like whatever it was.
“I’m gonna have to leave the country, aren’t I?” Anton hopped off his bunk bed, already starting to pack.
“Yep. West Germany this time.”
“West Germany?” Anton asked. “Why? What’s in West Germany?” Americans, that’s what. Swathes of American soldiers in nightclubs.
“Your mission is to help train an East German spy. Be nice to him, will you? It’s his first assignment.” Melya handed Anton a file.
Anton groaned, the loudness mostly for dramatics in front of Melya. “Kids. I hate kids.”
Melya pulled Anton’s briefcase away from him and pointed to the file. “He’s only about a year younger than you. You’d know that if you read the case file. You never do until I force you to.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Anton rolled his eyes at Melya and flipped through the file about this Walter. “Who’s this?” He asked as he reached the last page.
Melya peeked over. “Ah, that. That’s supposed to be his target, an American soldier at Ramstein Air Base named David Whitley. You don’t get much information about him because it’s supposed to be Walter’s mission, not yours. All you need to do is keep him out of trouble. I have no idea why they chose you for this, you can barely keep yourself out of trouble.”
Anton reached over, trying to take his suitcase back and continue packing, but Melya pulled it further away from him. “No need to pack yourself,” He said, “Clothes have been provided for you. You’ll get it when you arrive in Bonn. In the meantime,” Melya gave Anton an outfit, “You’ll wear this. You’ll arrive in Berlin first and meet with Walter, and then drive to the West together. A hotel room has already been booked for you, Walter will know how to get there.”
“A hotel room?” Anton asked incredulously as he put on the outfit. It was loose, a sporty T-shirt and jeans. He was using his usual cover again, a university student, and he looked the part dressed like this.
“Es gibt keine Hungersnot,” Melya said with a dry chuckle. “You’re going there on a cargo plane, wheels up in 20 minutes.”
(There is no famine. An East German expression used sarcastically when people talk about how poor the government is. It actually surfaced into use more near 1986-ish but I don’t really care right now)
Walter stood near the border gate nervously, waiting for the Soviet agent he was supposed to work with. Despite having worked at the border crossing for over a year, he has never left his country. If what he was taught growing up was true (which he knew it was at most partially), it wasn’t going to be pleasant.
“Hey! Weidenmann!” A friend called out to him, “Your soviet friend is here!”
A car rolled up and Walter waved. This must be Anton then. Anton got out of the car and motioned for Walter to get into the driver’s seat.
He got in and his friend waved him through. He waved back, suddenly unsure of himself.
“Why did you want me to drive?” He asked Anton in broken Russian.
“Germans drive too fast. It scares me,” Anton replied, his German flawless.
“Your German is very good. Have you been to Germany before?” Walter asked.
“I’m a language analyst, I speak a lot of languages.” Anton looked around, taking in the sight of the West. “Been to East Germany before, this is my first to dem Westen. You?”
Walter looked over at Anton, impressed. “I went to West Berlin on official business once, straight in and out. Other than that I’ve never seen anything outside the DDR. Have you been to anywhere else? What’s the outside like?”
“Oh, dangerous question, young man.” Anton pointed to the radio, signaling that it was probably bugged, and mouthed “later”. “So, tell me about your job before. You graduated last year but this is your first mission. What did you do?”
“Border guard.” Walter was already opening up. Anton seemed friendly. “At the checkpoint we just passed through.”
“Do they know?” Anton gestured backward, asking about Walter’s colleagues at the checkpoint.
“Not officially.”
Anton nodded and smiled. “They’ll be pestering you about your experiences when you get back.”
Neither of them talked much for the rest of the drive. Walter had turned the radio on, hesitantly tuning to the Western stations. The first one that came on was a news channel, talking about Reagan. As soon as he figured out what they were talking about, Walter frantically turned the dial, remembering the warning about bugs from Anton. The next station they found was a comedy show, and Anton frowned, cringing a bit at the bad humor. Finally, they both settled on a music channel. It wasn’t very different from what they listened to at home.
The hotel they arrived at was… shabby. Anton knew that the government was broke, but is this seriously the best they could do? Walter shrugged and got out the car, looking behind at Anton and waiting for him to follow.
There was a woman at the front desk, probably a university student by the looks of her. She asked for Walter and Anton’s passports. Walter was posing as a West German, and she only flipped the passport open and scanned it for a couple of seconds. When Anton handed over his bright red booklet, however, she looked up in surprise.
“Ein Sowjetischer?” She asked.
(A Soviet?)
“Ja,” Anton replied simply.
“Was bringt Sie nach Deutschland?” She asked, leaning forward in curiosity.
(What brings you to Germany?)
“Besuchen bei meinem Freund,” Anton pointed at Walter.
(Visiting my friend)
The girl nodded, sensing that Anton didn’t want to say much more, and handed him his passport back and directed them to their room.
“I’m hungry,” Anton said as soon as they finished settling in. “Come on, let’s go get some food.”
“Sure,” Walter finished putting away his clothes. “What do you wanna get?”
“I don’t know, some street foods?” Anton was already out the door.
As soon as they got out onto the streets, Anton turned to Walter. “So, you wanted to hear about the outside? The room was booked by the government, so it was probably bugged as well. Safer out here. What do you want to know?”
“For starters,” Walter must admit that he was surprised Anton was so forthcoming. The possibility that this was a trap to test his loyalty didn’t occur to him until much later. “Where have you been? America? Great Britain?”
“Both of those, yeah. I’ve been to America multiple times. Britain only once. Finland a couple of times as well. France. I think that’s it.” Neither did Anton think that he shouldn’t trust someone he had just met and tell them all of this.
“Is America, you know, what they say it is? Both the bad and good.” Walter asked.
“Both the bad and good, yeah.” Anton pointed towards the busier section of the city. “Let’s actually get some food so they wouldn’t get suspicious. I mostly went to the big cities, and they seemed prosperous on the surface, but there’s more to it. They have homeless people, can you believe that? Just people lying on the streets, freezing in the winter and under the scorching sun in the summer. They have all their belongings in a shopping cart. And the government just does nothing.” He shook his head. “Anyway, let’s talk about more pleasant things.”
Walter remained silent, not knowing what to say in reply. The propaganda made everything in the west seem so bad, and sometimes he wondered if it was really true. If what Anton said were real, then it wasn’t far from the truth. Maybe exagerrated, but not completely baseless. He sighed, “I thought their government was rich?”
“Of course they are,” Anton scoffed, “They take money from the people and never give back anything. I would be rich too if I did that. Currywurst?” He pointed to a cart with a long line behind it.
Walter shrugged. “Sure, if you wanna stand in line.” He really didn’t want to think about politics right now, so he tried to find other topics to talk about. “So… Do you have a girlfriend?” He asked Anton, his voice teasing.
Anton blushed, but he turned his face away to hide it. One could almost mistake the pink glow for the reflection of the neon lights overhead. “No, do you?”
Now it was Walter’s turn to blush. “I’m engaged. We’re planning to get married next spring.”
“Wow, congratulations!” Anton beamed at Walter. “Come on, tell me about her. What’s her name? How did you meet?”
Walter’s blush deepened. “Her name is Zoe. We’ve known each other since we were kids, we grew up in the same town.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. Have you planned your wedding yet?”
“Not much into detail,” Walter replied, “I think we are going to take our wedding photos at the Alexanderplatz, but maybe that’s a bit too boring. Everyone does that.”
“Well, I can’t give you any advice there.” Anton chuckled. “All I know is that girls like big white dresses. The bigger and whiter the better. My sister has never had a boyfriend and she is still talking about how she’d like an extravagant wedding.”
“Oh, you have a sister?” Walter asked Anton. “I’m an only child.”
“Yeah, She’s just over a year younger than me.” They arrived at the front of the line and Walter quickly ordered while Anton was talking. “She the reason I’m doing this.”
“What do you mean?” Walter asked through a mouthful of food.
“She’s very sick. She has leukemia.” Anton’s voice turned gentle at the discussion of his sister. “They said they’d move her to a better hospital, with the best doctors, if I did this.”
Walter nodded, knowing what Anton meant by this. It seemed like neither of them really wanted to get into this line of work. Whether that was because of the danger, the secrecy, or the less than honorable things they have to do for it. And they obviously didn’t have a choice.
“Should we go back now?” Anton suggested as they both finished their food. “It’s rather late. You’ve got a long day ahead of you.”
“Yeah, sure.” Walter pulled his coat tighter around himself. “It getting cold out here too.”
As soon as they got back to their room, their conversations stopped. They couldn’t be sure what would be safe and what wouldn’t be, on the off-chance that they were being bugged. Anton had fallen asleep almost the minute he lied down, but Walter laid awake, thinking. Think about what Anton had said. Thinking about his mission. Thinking of all the ways he could mess up and everything that could go wrong. He kept telling himself he would do fine, but somehow he just couldn't believe it.
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kz-i-co · 7 years
First Love
Tumblr media
» Summary: You move into a new apartment and you become enemies with your new neighbor.
» Pairing: Min Yoongi / Reader
» Genre: Smut
» Words: 4.4k
» Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
» m.list ╫ bts masterlist
“Thank you so much for helping me.” You hugged your friend.
“You sure you’re gonna be okay here alone?” She asked concerned.
“I’ll be okay Chae.”
She hugged you once again before leaving.
Now to unpack.
You finally moved out of your parents house and into your own apartment. You wanted a change. The only thing was that you were living in the more active side of town. You were more towards the city so the crime rates were a little high. Plus it was loud.
As soon as you went through your boxes, pulling out picture frames first you heard piano coming from next door. You leaned in closer to get a clearer sound. It was beautiful.
You decided to just go back to unpacking. You did feel a little uneasy being alone. This was a new feeling for you, being on your own.
One of the first things you wanted to do was set up your TV. You hooked up your cable, easy enough and then turned your TV on using the remote. As soon as you turned it on, it seemed to be working fine so you left and went to the kitchen putting away some dishes.
You turned around from the sound of plastic hitting the floor. Sammy. Your cat jumping up on the counter knocking shit off like usual.
“Get down.”
You went back to unpacking your kitchen box when you heard the cable going out with a loud static you had to cover your ears. You immediately went into panic mode trying to find the remote that you only had a few minutes ago.
The noise was unbearably loud that you couldn’t take another second. You heard a loud door bell ringing over the static.
You quickly went to the door opening it up seeing a young guy looking extremely annoyed.
“Shut it off!” He tried to shout over the noise.
“What?” You yelled back.
“Shut it off!” He made his voice louder.
“I’m trying!”
He entered your apartment uninvited and marched over to your TV. He couldn’t find the buttons to the TV so he just reached around and unplugged it.
You looked at him apologetic.
“You couldn’t do that?” He snapped.
“I’m sorry….my cat must of knocked the cable out.”
He rolled his eyes making his way towards the door. “You just move in?”
“Yeah.” You nervously tugged your hair behind your ear.
“Please keep it down.” He glared at you before he stepped out your apartment and you heard the door next door shut. Was he the one that was playing the piano?
You glanced at the time seeing it was 10:30. No wonder he was mad, who wouldn’t be mad.
You decided to just call it a night and dragged yourself to your room.
The next morning you got a call from your friends Chae and Jisoo. They wanted to meet you for lunch. As soon as you got ready they texted you the address of the place. It wasn’t too far.
“Hey girl.” Your friend Chae greeted you. “How’s the place?”
“It’s pretty nice, and cozy.” You smiled.
“Did you finish unpacking?”
You shook your head. “Too tired.” You leaned back in your chair.
“What apartment complex did you move into again?” Jisoo asked.
“The Gardens.”
“Really?” She asked. “My brother lives there.” She smiled.
“That’s cool.”
“Now I can visit you both at the same time.”
“You go there often?”
“Not really, my brothers always busy.” She pouted.
You didn't stay long, you still had a lot of packing to do. Before you went upstairs you stopped at the main office claiming your mailbox. They gave you a key and they told you to make sure it works from it being a little out of date.
You went back to the front door where the mailboxes were and attempted to open your mail box. As soon as you opened it you saw a letter already.
Welcome to The Gardens.
That’s it?
You heard noise next to you as someone else was getting their mail. The guy from last night. You tried not to cause attention to yourself. You walked back over to the office saying your key was fine and headed towards the stairs. You had to pass the mailboxes again to get to there.
You saw the guy look in your direction as you walked forward.
“Hey….I’m sorry for last night I was just trying to finish my work.” He apologized.
“No I’m sorry for making so much noise.” You smiled.
“I’m Yoongi.” He reached out his hand.
“I’m (Y/N).” You shook his hand.
“Do you need any help unpacking?” He kindly offered.
“No that’s okay I only have a few boxes left.” The shy person you were avoided any confrontation as possible. Even how cute this guy was.
“Okay well, you know where to find me.”
He went to the elevator. You were honestly afraid of elevators you avoided them at all cost. You were only on the third floor so it wasn’t a big deal.
As soon as you got to your room you continued unpacking, you had more then you led on.
“Sammy, don’t you dare touch that TV.” She looked at you then swatted at the cord making it fall out again. The irritating noise come back.
“Sammy!” You ran to your TV hitting the power button turning off the sound. You didn’t bother even looking for the remote because you knew you wouldn’t find it.
You heard a instant knock on your door. “You’re making me look bad Sammy.”
(I actually talk to my cat, not crazy cat lady way but like this, so I hope this is not weird xD lol)
You opened the door to see the familiar face of annoyance. “Need help with your TV again?”
“I’m sorry but I turned it off quicker this time.” He walked into your apartment again uninvited. He sat down in front of your cable box attempting to screw in the cable.
“Here’s your problem.” He sat up. “Your cable adapter is broken….it just spins it doesn’t tighten that’s probably why it keeps falling out.”
“Your gonna need a new one.”
“Here I have a better idea.” You grabbed the duct tape and started to unwrap it.
“Really? Duct tape doesn’t fix everything.” He arched his eyebrows.
“It will do for now so Sammy won’t knock it out again.”
“Sammy?” He asked.
“My cat.” You confirmed.
He laughed. “Of course.”
His laugh was beautiful.
What were you thinking, you just met this guy and he seemed like a grouch. No offense.
He looked around your apartment seeing the mess. “It looks like you still have a lot of work to do.”
“Yeah….I’m not exactly sure where I’m putting everything yet.” You bit inside your cheek.
“Need any help?”
“That’s okay I’m gonna call it a night.”
“Okay.” He nodded and made his way towards your door. “Hopefully your cat can keep it quiet.” He smiled causing you to blush.
Why was his smile so perfect? Why was he effecting you this way?
You woke at 5am on this Saturday morning so you can start your morning shift at 6am. You worked with your parents twice a week but you also had a full time job at the local restaurant for about two years now.
It was nicer since you only had to travel a few blocks but now you were on your own so it was either walk or city bus since you didn’t have a car.
You hated working at the restaurant, it was always busy at night and you had to deal with rich snobs. There was occasional sweet people who left you nice tips but that was a rare occasion. You were trying to work your way through school. You still had two years left.
“You’re late sweetie.” Your mother scolded you.
“I’m sorry, the bus was late.”
“I don’t feel comfortable with you taking the bus.”
“It’s fine mom.”
“You should of worked on getting a car first before moving into an apartment.” You rolled your eyes. She was always like this.
“Mom I’m 21 now, I need to be on my own.”
“Okay fine then be on time.” You squinted your eyes.
Your parents owned a local pharmacy in the city.
As soon as you dragged your self off the bus you were already tired. Saturdays were your busy day at the pharmacy. When you reached your apartment entrance you decided to stop at the mail box.
You opened your box and it only had a few letters in there. You couldn’t imagine you having mail already. As soon as you pulled them out you noticed the name saying Min Yoongi.
You felt a mini anxiety attack meaning you had to bug him again.
When you got to your floor you stood outside his door taking a deep breath before you lifted your fist and softly knocked.
You heard the door handle turn not to long after. When he opened the door he seemed surprised to see you there.
He didn’t say anything he just stared waiting for you to say something.
“Um….your mail was in my mail box by accident.” You looked down handing over his mail.
“They do that a lot…they probably have dyslexia.”
You pursed your lips. “Okay well-” You started to turn around.
“Wait.” He stopped you suddenly. “Can I ask your advice on something?”
You looked at him confused. He moved to the side so you could walk through. He shut the door behind you making you jump. You didn’t know why you felt so intimidated by him.
You waited until he led you to a open space next to the living room. He had a grand piano next to a Yamaha electronic keyboard.
“I want advice from an outsiders point of view instead of my friends who hear my stuff all the time.”
He sat down at the piano and he looked at you signaling you to sit next to him. You noticed the music sheet on the stand labeled ’Butterfly’.
He brushed the keys before he pressed down playing the first note. The song was unbelievably gentle. It gave you some inner feeling you couldn’t explain. You had chills, you have never heard anything so beautiful in your entire life.
The song felt emotional.
After he was done he looked forward, like he was thinking until he turned to you. “Was it okay?”
“Okay? It was beautiful.” You sweetly smiled.
“Yeah….you wrote that?”
He nodded. “Amazing.”
“Thank you.”
For the past week you couldn’t get Yoongi out of your head. The way he smiled, even though that wasn’t often. But yet you couldn’t figure him out. One moment he was grouchy the next he was sweet.
You couldn’t even tell if he likes you or not. He’s either knocking on your door telling you you’re being too loud or he’s inviting you over for advice then kicks you out.
You were a dance major so once you hooked up your stereo you were always practicing, which often caused Yoongi coming over asking you to lower the music.
You were living at the apartment for a month now and you had a huge audition coming up so you had to practice as much as you could.
You had your music at a dim volume so Yoongi wouldn’t come pounding on your door again, it got to the point that every time he saw you he was constantly wearing a annoyed expression and he hasn’t invited you over since that one day two weeks ago. You came to the conclusion that he didn’t like you.
You practiced your whole routine twice through still needing to practice it.
As you started the third time you heard loud music coming next door. You stopped immensely to turn your music up a little more but that made no effect. It seemed his music just got louder. For the past ten minutes you just tried to ignore it but it had no use. You stopped your music and left your apartment in a rage.
You buzzed his doorbell and knocked as loud as you could. He opened the door arching his eyebrows. You heard a echo of his music coming from another room.
“Can you please keep it down?” You shouted.
“Sorry am I too loud?” He smirked.
“I’ve been keeping my end low lately.” You argued.
“I can still hear yours, so I just decided to turn mine up.”
“I have an important audition coming up.” You basically whined.
“Oh, that’s why your dressed like that.” He referred to your ballet sweats.
You glared at his cocky smile. “I’m being serious.”
“Well sorry I’m doing my job.”
“Is your job being rude as fuck?” Your shy side no longer an issue.
Yoongi stepped back with a surprised expression but he still had a smile on his face. You also saw that he had guest so you immediately toned down.
“Okay I’ll turn it down if you do.” He smirked again.
You rolled your eyes and stormed back to your room.
You knew you weren’t being that loud he’s trying to get back at you.
“You have a friendly neighbor.” Jhope laughed sarcastically at his friend.
“She’s cute.” Jimin said making Yoongi smile.
You wasted too much time angry at Yoongi that you had to already get ready for your night shift at the restaurant.
It was 9:30pm and you were counting down the time you could go home. You still had a dreadful four hours. You stood to the waiting area for another family or couple to be seated. You looked at the direction of a young couple entering the dinning area. Your eyes widen as you had to take a double glance towards the pair.
It wad Yoongi with a girl. She was beautiful. Of course he has a girlfriend.
Wait a minute, why did you all of a sudden feel jealous? After today you never want to see or hear from him again.
You don’t care. You don’t care.
You kept repeating.
“(Y/N)!” You heard your manger whisper shout at you. You looked at him and he pointed to the young couple.
Of course. You have to seat him.
You made your way over to them and bowed. Yoongi looked at you with wide eyes and then he smirked. He didn’t say a word that he knew you, which you were kind of grateful for. You lead them to their table and pulled out your pad.
“Hello I’m (Y/N) and I’ll be your server, can I start you with some drinks?” You asked professionally.
“I’ll take a water….Suga?” She tried to get his attention. He looked up from the menu.
“Same.” Then looked back down.
You walked away getting ready to get their drinks. Why did she call him Suga? Was it some cliche couple name? Why were you caring so much?
“Why so grumpy?” One of the cooks laughed as you set up the drinks.
“Nothing.” You smiled sarcastically.
“Are you guys ready to order?” You said as sweet as you can while putting their drinks on the table.
She ordered and then he just agreed on whatever she was having.
The rest of the night was a blur, as you waited in your service area, you occasionally caught Yoongi glance at you and he would do his annoying smirk.
You honestly couldn’t get him through your head. Was he purposely trying to annoy you or make you uncomfortable because it was working.
Cleaning up their table you collected the envelope where they placed the tip and put it in your pocket with the rest of your tips.
Later that night you dragged yourself up the stairs through your apartment complex. You dreaded this job, but it was too good of a paycheck to pass up.
As soon as you entered your room, the shoes came flying off. You heard faint piano keys from the room over. What was he still doing up? It was 1:30am.
It reminded you to check your tips. You opened the envelope from.his table. You pulled out the amount and looked at it confused. This must be a mistake. $300. You never got that high of a tip before.
You knew he was up so you made your way next door knocking. You heard the piano stop suddenly and not to long the door opened.
He had a habit of not greeting you, he would just stare and wait for you to speak first.
“I think you accidentally gave me too much money.” You waved the envelope.
“No.” He shook his head.
“Yoongi this is $300….even rich people with ten houses don’t give me that much.”
“That’s how much we gave you.” It looked like he was almost going to shut his door in your face
“Well…its too much….I appreciate it but I’m not struggling or anything.”
“It’s fine, my friend has a lot of money….you deserve it.”
Before you could speak he did shut the door in your face.
You deserve it? You went back to your apartment confused. How would he know? Yoongi was a puzzle that you were trying to figure out. Even though your close to finishing it there’s always one piece that’s missing.
It was the end of next week and your last day to practice your dance routine and of course Yoongi had his music interrupting your music again.
You marched back over pounding on his door. His music never stopped so he probably didn’t hear you. You jiggled the handle and saw that it was opened. You didn’t see him once you entered. You just followed the music until you stood in front of another door. You turned the knob and saw a studio type den.
He was sat down in a chair in front of a panel filled with hundreds of switches and buttons.
“Yoongi!” You shouted over the music. He slightly jumped and turned the music down to a dim.
“What do you want?”
“Don’t you own a pair of headphones?” You snapped.
“Yes.” He smirked.
“Why are you doing This? To get back at me? I’m sorry for the past few weeks okay…..so can you please stop punishing me I’ve been playing my music low every night for you.” You rambled.
“Why should I, I pay to live here and I’ve gotten no complaints till you lived here.”
“Why are you such a jerk?” You yelled.
“If I’m such a jerk then move.” He stood up.
“You know what, good idea.” You turned around and headed towards his door.
You were close to his opened door but before you could leave he beat you to it and closed the door with his presence behind you.
“I’m sorry okay.” You turned around and walked backwards until your back hit the door from how close he was. “I don’t want you to leave.”
“Why do you care….you hate me.” Your tone of voice was still agrivated.
You saw him lean in closer. “I dont hate you.” He glanced at your lips before looking into your eyes again. You saw him lean in even closer that you could feel his breath on your lips.
You were tempted to fill in the rest of the space but your mind flashed back to the restaurant. He had a girlfriend. You weren’t gonna be some homewrecker to some innocent girl who has a cheating boyfriend.
“Can you let me leave please.” You said softly.
“Do you hate me?” He asked sadly.
You didn’t answer you just closed your eyes to avoid his gaze. “Please Yoongi.”
“Why didn’t you say so?” He backed up and opened the door. After you left you couldn’t help but feel guilty. The look on his face was haunting.
The only positive thing this week was that you passed your audition with flying colors but the rest of the week was quiet. You didn’t have to practice or neither did you hear Yoongis music through your wall. You were happy but yet you felt lonely.
But you tried to not feel guilty, he wanted you to suffer and you did.
It was Monday so you had the night off. Thank God.
You were about to cook yourself some dinner when you heard a loud irritating noise. You looked over to where it was coming from and you saw your cat playing with the cable again.
“Sammy!” You ran over and chased her away from the TV. You quickly hit the switch making it quiet again. You expected a knock on your door immediately but nothing. You went back to the kitchen to go back to cooking. You were actually quite sad honestly, you wanted him to go to your door like before.
After you finished your meal, you went back over to the TV and plugged the cable on. When you turned it on it was still a loud irritating static.
What the hell? The cable was in. You turned your TV off again to make it quiet. You pulled out the cable to look at it. It was broken, actually more chewed off.
“Sammy.” You mentally argued. She must of just did that. You put your shoes on getting ready to leave. You needed to buy a new cable, you couldn’t just sit in silence for the rest of the night.
As soon as you opened your door, Yoongi was waiting on the outside. “Having trouble with your TV?” He smirked.
“My cat chewed it up.” You looked down.
“You need a spare?” He asked.
“You have a spare?” He nodded.
“I was gonna give it to you before but then you pulled out the duct tape.” He smiled making you blush.
He tilted his head for you to follow him. And you did.
When you entered his apartment you closed the door behind you. He went to the end of the hall into a walk in closet. He leaned down and grabbed a fresh new cable that was still in its package.
He stood back up and handed it to you. He looked at you with hungry eyes. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
“Thank you.” You softly spoke as he handed it to you.
“Do you need help hooking that up?”
“Um…I-” He caused you to stumble over your words as he leaned in closer to you, resting his hand on the wall next to you.
He smiled as you attempted to speak. You closed your eyes. The last thing you saw was him leaning in closer but this time you were frozen. You finally felt his lips brush yours. It felt nice. You didn’t push him away, your lips actually responded against his. He gently pulled your hips to his feeling every inch of him closer to you.
Before you could go in any deeper. You softly pushed him away. “What about your girlfriend?”
He laughed. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
You looked at him confused. “But what about at the restaurant-”
“That’s not my girlfriend…we work together and she invited me out for dinner.”
Now that you thought about it, that night you never seen them being affectionate. It was wrong for you to assume.
“So…” He waited for you to do something. “Can I kiss you again?”
You blushed as he leaned in forward. You bit your lip nervously while you nodded in approval. He once again broke the free space bringing his lips towards your.
This time he didn’t hold back, he kissed you desperately. Like he wanted to for a while. He lifted you up and carried to the next room over which was his studio. He sat you on his desk and immediately started sucking on your neck. You wrapped your legs around his waist to feel him closer.
You felt his hand make it’s way up your shirt playing with the hooks of your bra. You toyed with the waist band of his sweats making his voice moan vibrating your skin. You felt chills run down your spin.
He left your neck and went back to your lips. He moved his tongue inside to explore every inch. The butterflies went off when You felt his member poking you through his thigh. You had the urge to reach through his pants grabbing him but your shy side didn’t want to make anything uncomfortable.
He pulled away noticing how you stiffened up. “You can tell me to stop, I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”
“I feel that way about you.” He arched his eyebrows confused. “I want to um-” You nervously stumbled.
“Say no more.” He leaned in kissing you again tugging on your sweat pants. He pulled them off in a swift motion dragging down your underwear also. He pulled away slightly to admire your body. You smiled as he started tugging on his own pants.
But before you could get a look at him he kissed you again. You felt his member brush your folds before pushing in. You arched in pain as you tried to adjust to his size.
He didn’t give you much time as he started thrusting into you. The pain was visible for the first few pumps until it turned into pleasure. You tilted your head back enjoying the pleasure.
You heard him giggle watching you skirm. You grabbed onto the edge of the desk as you felt your body reach its climax. Your moans were pretty much uncontrollable at this point. The feeling hit you immensely, you felt weak but he kept his quick pace working up his own release.
He continued to rock against you until you heard a ring enter the quiet room. You giggled as he rolled his eyes but he didn’t stop. You leaned in and kissed him passionately while he hit his release.
You both took a second to catch your breath. “Your phone’s still ringing.” You whispered.
He leaned back and made a cute groaning sound. He pulled his pants up while going to his phone.
“Yeah?” He answered annoyed.
“What took you so long to answer the phone?” You heard the other end. You slid off the desk and pull your pants back up.
“I was busy.”
“I’m outside your door.” You heard the female.
You watched as his eyes widen. Then turn to annoyance. “Okay.”
Then he hung up. “What’s wrong?” You asked.
“My sister’s here.” He walked out of the room while you followed him.
“You want me to go?” You asked before he made it to the door.
“No…please stay.” He begged.
You went over to the couch and sat down. He opened the door for his sister greeting her in the process.
You glanced back and you never felt more anxiety.
“Jisoo?” There stood your best friend, who happened to be sister’s with the guy you just slept with.
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tachibubu · 7 years
Tired [Part: 2]
Pairing: Jerome Valeska/Joker x Reader x Peter Parker/Spiderman.
AU included: DC/MARVEL
Prompt: You had enough with Jerome as he keeps seducing other girls in front of you so you plan to leave him and go to New York. Where you will find yourself stuck in the web of another bug who will fall in love with you.
OMG. YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN SO KIND TO ME AT THE COMMENTS ASDFGHKL. Anyways~ Back to the point! This part 2 took me awhile! ^^”, I don’t really have much complete plot line for this story so yeah. And if you’re wondering, isn’t Gotham actually New York? Well, I knew that and this are two alternate universe conjoined to each other so mind as well say Gotham is different city in this reader insert, also Gotham isn’t really a popular city in this AU so yeah. Enjoy reading!
PART [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
It was a long ride to New York and you were awakened around the afternoon to find the owner of the bus tapping you.
“Miss, this is the last stop.”
You groaned and hoisted, nodding at the old man and resumed on walking out of the bus. The city of New York was eventful, and you couldn’t help but gawk at how optimistic the people are here. In Gotham, people feared for their lives but here you could see children moving around freely, stands that aren’t broken and everything that is the opposite of Gotham.
You separated the hood that was covering your face off. People here don’t really know much about Gotham so why bother cover up like some paparazzi would start taking picture of you. The rumbling of your stomach disturbed your fantasy, and you started to find some restaurant or whatever eatery that could provide you food for your hunger. Your luck remained beside for you as you found a hotdog stand in a distant. You paid for the hotdog that was on a stick with ketchup that accessorized it. You sat on a bench that was shaded by a tree and started to eat the food. While eating you brought out your cellphone.
And to your fear he texted you.
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“Shit, now he would start find me. Better keep a low profile now,” you winced at the thought. You always loved attention and just having a low profile is hard for the formal serial killer.  You threw the phone at the earth and started stomping on it, which made some civilians gaze at you with oddness. You just wanted to stare back at the people and threat but you reminded yourself that you’re trying a new life as a rational person once again.
“There, no tracing me.” You muttered but then you grasped at the reality. “Fuck, now I don’t have a phone…”
You heaved a sigh and clutched your bag and roamed around for a while, trying to find a cheap hotel before you get a job. But then life teases you so much as you made another turn and saw a Mall with an Apple Shop.  You smirked, “Maybe stealing for a second wouldn’t hurt.”
Dragging the hood and is now covering your face, you arrived at the mall in silence. You passed the security with a little trick that Jerome taught you once, just thinking about that name made you wince. As you passed, the guards nod and you’re now almost free to steal hundreds of things in this mall but an IPhone is the only thing you needed for now. Maybe a MacBook too, it was a good decision so you included it at the list to steal in your head.
You entered the shop, and examined for any security cameras. “Of course there would be,” you murmured as you sighted three.
You then went to a laptop, which was not occupied and sneakingly hacked the system and deactivated the cameras one by one. Now your next plan, which you weren’t proud, had, consist of aiming a pistol towards the cashier.
“I need a phone dear, the latest one. And if you don’t hand it over to me I’ll—” you shot one person at the head that was trying to escape.  “Do that to you,” you spoke. Aiming once again to the cashier. “Y-yes sir!” she complied and proceeded to give you an IPhone, “Also give me one of the MacBook Air.” The cashier once again nodded and gave you the bag of the laptop. You proceeded to put the box to your backpack but then heard the girl calling 911. You rolled your eyes then shot her but then you heard the speakers of the mall alarming people.
You took your time but then you heard someone behind you. “Whoa man, stop right there.”
Turning back you saw a man dressed up in a spider suit which was odd because spiders couldn’t possible have red and blue color at the same time, right?
“The fuck is this, child’s play?” you thought out loud. “I wouldn’t think of that if I were you sir.” He then proceeded to shoot some web trying to get the gun but you managed to toss it and catch it with your other hand, you were completely surprised. People in New York have supernatural abilities? This will probably be harder than you thought it would be. You then shot the glass wall and dived in and continued on running, gripping the two bags tightly. The spider boy continued to chase you, you tried to lose him but he was too fast. You started to climb a ladder of a building. You were really talented on gymnastics and parkour because of your job in the circus with Jerome.
When you were now at the rooftop spider boy was there, stretching.
“Mister you need to give that back!” you could almost imagine him beaming in triumph. You grumbled then sprint towards him, which made him, shock for a moment but then recovered back, you proceeded to engage a fight with him. You swing some punches to him and tried to kick him, which he kept dodging. Unfortunately, he was too quick and when you avoided one of his fists your hood fell and revealed your ponytailed/hair.
“Y-You’re a girl?!” he gasped but then you managed to kick him on the chest and made a run for it. But when you were about to jump off the building and land to another one with such a great distance. Spider boy achieved to fire some webs on your leg when you jumped and tugged you towards him and proceeded to shoot some webs on all of your limbs, straining you. Preventing you to flee. You wriggled frustration is getting you.
“W-whoa! Calm down ma’am.” He brought out both of his hand and raised it beside him in a mocking manner. “If you didn’t stole, you wouldn’t been in this situation.”
The man in spider suit advanced picked the bag and the other bag, which has the laptop in it, hopefully it didn’t broke “Let me just get this and call the police—“
The man stared at you as you started to cry and shout he was confused on why you were acting like that. A trick? No, it seems genuine.
The cops dragged you at the station while you were crying and freaking out. “Madam, that man is a psychopath. He could never love you, he brought you in this situation and you chose to believe him and now this is the punishment.”
“No… J loves me he loves me! He wouldn’t leave me in this son of a bitch jail…. JEROME!” you said, struggling. Some of your faith was vanished when the police said those words. No, he couldn’t possibly abandon you here. Isolated. Few ticks ago, you and Jerome slaughtered most of the children and some parents in a birthday party. One of the neighbors overheard it and called the police leaving you unalert but Jerome knew this. So when you started to blow a punch on one of the children on the face, Jerome said that he would be back with a surprise. This is the second time both of you had a murder spree, so you could call yourself novice. You nodded, grinning at him and heard the door shut.  You continued on punching, stomping, having the time of your life and releasing all of the stress that was buckled up inside you.
You heard someone unlocked the door and you turned back smiling, “Jerome! This is fun!”
But it wasn’t Jerome you saw. It was three cops raising their guns at you. Now, you could easily escape this now but you weren’t witty back then. And that lead to the condition you were, in a cold prison. How did you get out? An acquaintance of Jerome and you from the circus helped you abscond. It was successful but when she said that you shouldn’t do it again and that Jerome is a bad deal you didn’t consider her advice. The next day you went to the circus to find Jerome with a brunette playing some games.
“Mr. J!” you called out, they both turned around. The girl was angelic looking but had an aura around her that you didn’t like, when you glanced at Jerome. You swore he looked disappointed but rapidly covered it up. “Oh hey (Y/N)!” No sweet calls, no welcome back. As if he didn’t care you getting sealed up in the dungeon of a jail for five months, no hugs, no anything. Your heart stopped; this was the first time your heart broke due to love. “Who’s she?” the girl inquired Jerome.
“She’s a close friend of mine, hun.” You stared at him, eyes like saucer. “Please excuse us for a moment.”
You were about to speak up for yourself when he held your hand and dragged you in a well dim place. He looked at you, smiled. “I’m happy you’re out darling.” This gave you hope, a small smile managed to creep on to your face. “Don’t worry about her, bug.  She is just my new play toy, I still love you so much. Now be quiet of our relationship darling, it will ruin the fun.” He whispered and pecked your lips, it was quick which you were disappointed about but at least he gave some of his attention.
After that, he continued to do that same act again. Making you trust him, but smash it, then having an affair with another woman but claims that the female is another toy to him and you’re his soul mate.
“Jerome, don’t leave me…. I’m sorry for being a pain in the ass, I’m sorry for disturbing your torture, I’m sorry for asking too many question about the different girls you brought in the house! I just want you to stay Jerome…”
Spiderman looked at you confused but gloomy at the same time.  He wondered what happened to your past life that made your life so miserable. He assumed it was this “Jerome” person you were confessing about. He started to believe that you didn’t seem to be a bad person at all. Well being a homicidal person is unhealthy and awful but you seemed just mentally ill and had a hard time on your life. He couldn’t believe it but he is actually convinced that you can be cured. He pondered to whether give you to the police or just probably help you cope up and have a sane life. He felt sympathy. You seemed really afraid of being in jail; all people are but you in different case.
He sighed, “I’m going to regret this.”
“Spiderman!” he heard the cops call out. He then proceeded to slide down the building, landing gracefully on top of the car of the police. “Did you manage to capture the burglar?” the fat police said, while the other police searched for the robber.
“Sorry o-officer…” he gulped. He wasn’t really a good liar; he just hoped they bought it. “The thief escaped. I’m really sorry.”
The policeman sighed, “Well… It happens, not all heroes could do their job perfectly.” He winced, his reputation decreasing.
“Alright, I’ll just go…” he answered back, swinging and jumping back at the building. He saw you passed out, in exhaustion probably.
“Spiderman, helping a criminal. What a news, I just hope I wouldn’t get caught…” He anticipated, detaching his mask. He wiped his sweat and looked at the sunset, then back to you. “What was I thinking?…” Peter walked towards you and kneels down. “Well… Off we go miss criminal, I guess?” he questioned to himself before putting his mask on and picking you up then going back to his and his Aunt May’s apartment.  He was just thankful that Aunt May was on a vacation the one and only Tony Stark.
Two people have been asking me to tag them if the new part is out so: @adidabach @peppermint-17
If you want to be tagged at the next part (including the people I just tagged now.) Just comment!
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