xxlordalexanderxx Β· 12 days
@sweet-chimera replied to your post β€œHow attractive is your muse? "Wrong answer,...”:
Honey: SEE!?
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​"Just be assertive love, take what you want. DAMAND IT."
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save-slot-a Β· 1 day
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The insistent need for wanderlust led him deep into a cavern that felt like a portal, to another world.
The Rogue had been wandering this new realm for a few days when he found himself traversing through a thicket of lush forest where he felt the need to be careful. Certain vegetation, florals and fauna seemed less than friendly to outsiders.
It was here that he caught the scent of something delectable. The undisputed scent of baked goods!
Noteworthy scents were soft. Like a dash of vanilla flavoring along with something sweet, a fruit slowly cooked until soft. Finished off with rich, buttery hints of flakey promises and a sprinkling of sugary sweetness for good measure.
This scent caused a grunt to escape him while he savored it.
His stomach growled.
Driven by hunger his curiosity got the better of him, once again. He tracked the lingering scents trail until he came to what looked like an exceedingly quaint cottage. Inhabited and well cared for. With tended-to gardens and the perfect melding of the wilds meeting curated nature. Warm and welcoming but not too much. It felt like a loving curation, a display of art. A peaceful sanctuary in their personal corner of the cosmos, untouched by most.
Grimulf meandered up into the perimeter of the property, hopping over a picket fence and capturing the sight of the most heavenly creation he'd ever witnessed.
A trio of pies, cooling on the window sill, left seemingly unguarded.
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The concept of a grab and run trickled up his spine and sent him in closer only to abort the mission at the last split second!
He was no thief, so he knocked on the door like a civilized monster and then took a step or two back convinced he'd scare the daylights out of whoever answered the door.
closed starter: @sweet-chimera
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heroesxdemons Β· 26 days
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"Bring some of tae good stuff please."
rp silly party shenanigans with people using the #monsterhouseparty
18+, sinday, so warning in advance for dug use and mentions, alcohol use and mentions, ect.
Be respectful to other participants.
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"Oh hell yeaaaah~! Time to bust out the drinks I got imported from the Hinomoto netherworlds~! And some of the risky dishes too. Who wants some Netherworld Fugu?" AMELIA NO.
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sonicprim3d Β· 5 months
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He can sense his wife Honey is back.
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metalsperfection Β· 8 months
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Tick, tick tock. Goes the clock. Time is a constant; ever changing, ever moving forward in an unstoppable manner as all things come and go, flicker and fade. Begin and end but time also wastes things away. He had been wasting away in his mind, in his code keeping a focus on his goals, this utopia of machinery he oh so desperately craves and yet is foiled at by every means by the blue blur but there is also...another thing. A chimera; one that the machine had encountered several times...he already disappeared once...he did so again...so perhaps a trip down memory lane was needed to see something about time. All things can be forgotten; would he have been forgotten? Neo was curious more than anything so one, two, three, four...march...marching forward upon the places he knew he could find them. One, two...one, two.....clink...clank...clink...clank. Only time would tell the outcome of this trip down memorybank lane for either of them.
@sweet-chimera liked for a starter post.
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marshalforgotten Β· 22 days
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If causing a KNOWN disaster was considered attractive, Alkebu-lan would keep her mouth shut on the truth of Sahara desert then.
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strebcr Β· 25 days
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"Ye loike monsters and stuff roight?"
rp silly party shenanigans with people using the #monsterhouseparty
18+, sinday, so warning in advance for dug use and mentions, alcohol use and mentions, ect.
Be respectful to other participants.
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"Nice! I like monsters and I like booze!! I'll definitely be there, I'll bring a homemade ube roll and some cookies!"
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risingshine Β· 26 days
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"Kami's get days off right?"
rp silly party shenanigans with people using the #monsterhouseparty
18+, sinday, so warning in advance for dug use and mentions, alcohol use and mentions, ect.
Be respectful to other participants.
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"If they don't I'll make it one!~" She definitly won't miss a party for the world!...as long as she doesn't actually have to make that choice-
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hriobzagelthewanderer Β· 10 months
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"...For all intents and purposes, any Badges of Office within the Fae Court follow what I am going to call 'Comm Badge' rules- they track their location and the location of the one they are assigned to, and have a low-level 'awareness' of their surroundings and general state-of-being of their assigned person."
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"This is, however, Limited by design - we are not recording you, we are not spying on you, we are only keeping tabs in order to make sure everyone involved is safe and reachable in the event of an emergency - and to be frank, there is a fine line between knowing someone is on the can and waiting for them to finish before talking, and staring them down like some kind of deranged asshole waiting for them to speak up. If you decide to answer the call WHILE doing that all, that is your problem - and arguably you making it everyone else's problem - which we kindly ask you to refrain from doing. Ever."
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xxlordalexanderxx Β· 14 days
"Kobe--" Fucking. Drunk honey jumping and smacking Alex's ass. "Alex me boy-- ah heard someone called ye tae stripper?"
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The dragon lord gives of a sharp surprised growl and jumps as a result of the unexpected slap to the ass. He was ready to tear of someone's head off, but his features soften seeing that it was Honey.
One of a small handful of folks he was okay with assaulting his ass. "Bloody hell Honey, I almost had a go at you. AH, yes I was mistaken for the, erm. Entertainment. Flattering as it is."
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sleepytime-muses Β· 10 months
Which Tragic Death Would You Suffer?
the betrayal
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you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
Tagged by: @oroanillado Tagging: @sweet-chimera, @autarchi0s, and whoever else would like to.
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⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse?Β 
Nerd Hilichurl
I wanna see Grim completely nerd out. I imagine him visiting a witch, wizard or some other magical individual who has an apothecary chalk full of medicinal/mystical herbs, crystals, ancient dust covered books, various oddities from their world, sacred art, mystical gadgets. To see another muse happy to corral said hilichurl who will be enthusiastically investigating everything and asking a million questions. What's this, what's that? The chance to write him lighting up like that because he's a hoarder too makes me happy.
A Kiss
Am I looking forward to writing a kiss for the muse? Yep.
Time Scapes
I'd like to see him jump into other worlds set in different times. Modern, Victorian, Medieval, Golden age of piracy whatever - count him in! I write him as being very crossover friendly and have no qualms in taking him out of Genshin.
Soft Hilichurl
The idea of him lying down, reading or watching tv in a modern AU while his s.o. is there. They are using him as a pillow, he's lazily trailing his fingers through their hair, while whispered secrets and promises are shared. Just to be able to write him in an intimate thread where he finally discovers comfort and peace after the fresh hell he has been through would be a blessing.
He's a new muse, an open book waiting to be written.
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heroesxdemons Β· 1 month
Overlords and Chimeras
Normally, you'd expect to see coffins during a funeral service or at best on the front lawn as a cheap Halloween decoration but....
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...there's just no way to explain why all of a sudden there's just a coffin in the middle of Honey's backyard! The mysterious coffin bore strange, occult markings etched deeply into the petrified wood and radiated with an oppressive, malevolent aura. It just laid there, lid sealed tight and....seemed to vibrate to the sound of someone snoring! Someone was inside and taking a nap!
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"ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....." Whoever was sleeping in there, their snoring was obnoxiously loud. It was enough to even rattle the leaves off a few nearby trees.
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sonicprim3d Β· 22 days
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" Hm... Causing the eruption of a major volcanic hotspot... Not a bad idea! "
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chiromutt Β· 10 months
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(Thanks @sweet-chimera for this cursed crack.)
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