endearingheathens · 2 years
"how  long  has  it  been  since  you’ve  slept ?" 🧡
(they said, like a hypocrite :P)
His eyes were drooping as he stares at the laptop screen. A hand holding his head up though sliding slowly out of position with each passing second. Those words cause Fennec to straighten up in his chair, about to turn and face them but glances back to what he's working on. Have to make sure he didn't accidentally mess it up from those sudden movements. No, the mock poster is still intact and nothing out of place. He saves the file then and there, unsure of how long it's been since the last time.
"Uh... Since I last climbed out of bed? Soooo, yesterday morning. Technically." The response didn't sound terrible but the brunette should have gone to bed three hours ago. Does a double take after catching the time on the device's clock. It was that late? So much for just sneaking in another half hour of progress. Three hours of sleep before work is not ideal. "Fuckin' damnit..." Fen clicks his tongue and mutters under his breath while making an attempt to quickly close all the applications before shutting his computer off. The brunette tugs both shirts off over his head before looking up at Tawny.
"I know we have different shifts but... Could you sleep with me? Until I need to get up again?" While doubtful of a decline on his request, he still gives a little pleading look. Quite puppy like as Fennec awaits a response.
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dms-saggicornart · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hand slipped again and I drew Yen from the @sweetandsourstalker blog! Now they are non-binary but I don't think I achieve it exactly? Not very use to drawing them so forgive me if they seem too feminine lol They're an interesting character and I appreciate the interaction from the @keirangoldenwatch blog :) so thanks for that lol
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endearingheathens · 2 years
Blank Mind 🧡
(Time for Yen to be on the receiving end of this pain~)
Send "Blank mind" for a situation where my muse doesn't remember anything.
Something bad happened. Or maybe it was just the lingering haze after a bad dream. Voices talking over each other, unfamiliar faces, shadows obscuring an unpleasant sight. Honestly it felt like walking in on the climax of a film, just utter confusion. Didn't recognize anything so it's probably not worth trying to focus on.
Fennec shuts his eyes and leans into the sofa. Two deep breaths - in and out. The calm settling over him was pushed aside suddenly, opening his eyes again to scan over the room. He stood and carefully gazed at his surroundings. ' How long have I been sitting? When did I even sit down? ...where am I? ' He couldn't find an answer to those questions. Tried to think of what he might have done the past few hours or even the previous day but couldn't recall a thing. Just an empty void where memories should be. The brunette clutched at his clothing, tugging downwards at the bottom edge of his hoodie. Seconds passed and the young man slowly became distressed over a relatively important detail that he couldn't figure out. ' What's my name...? Why don't I-- why can't I remember?! '
He jumps at a noise. Cautiously turning to peer into the room across from his current position. The kitchen seemed vacant. Perhaps an item just tipped over? Content to leave it at that thought until a figure emerged from the back rooms. They spoke to him in greeting, started asking about evening plans but most of it didn't quite reach him. Words tuned out as anxiety took hold from being in unknown territory with someone he doesn't recognize.
The person didn't look to be a threat, even appeared friendly. That's more than enough reason to prevent any sort of escalation but what could he do? A decision needs to be made as their expression shifts from curiously content to heavily concerned based on his body language. When the other approached he stepped back to keep distance between the two of them. The lack of response only made the ginger rush to his side. Lucky for Fennec on those fast reflexes, otherwise he would have stumbled into the television and hurt himself. Unaware of that danger, he nervously slips out of their grasp, now sitting against a wall while they kneel down beside him.
"Don't-- Don't touch me... I don't know where I am... Or who you are-- NO! Just. Stay where you are. Please. Don't come any closer..."
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endearingheathens · 2 years
18 for 🦊~
(For both or just one, whichever you prefer~)
In-Depth Relationship Asks
What were you thinking about right before you kissed your partner for the first time?
The brunette's face just turns red and the shade only deepens as he fights the urge to hide into his hoodie. There's a muffled little noise followed by a stream of words, "Whydoyouneedtoknowthat?!" Were there even any coherent thoughts when kissing Cheetah and Tawny? Wait. They asked about the moment before not during. Ok, slightly easier to talk about. Maybe. Fen taps at his cheek with a finger, green eyes looking off to a nearby wall. "Technically... They both kissed me first, yes - that's important so I have to say it. Guess you could say I was thinking out loud with my boyfriend. I was worrying over turning the relationship stagnant after we sort of rushed into dating. His reassurance resulted in our first kiss."
"With Yen ...that one was a bit more complicated? Maybe that's not the right word but I was still worried over them feeling left out or not getting as much attention as Cheetah so... I'm very much guilty of just being a koala with them. For like, a week and it got brought up in conversation. Don't remember what all we discussed but it ended with a kiss." His cheeks are still flushed and his hands are held together and fidgeting a bit. Probably remembers more than he's admitting to but that seems to be all that Fennec wishes to share. And also just recounting two particularly soft moments in his life has turned him quiet but he's smiling.
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endearingheathens · 2 years
★ + 🧡~
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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endearingheathens · 2 years
🦊 (spoon) 🧡
Underrated affectionate gestures
(spoon) — to let my muse be the little spoon
Whatever conversation they were having beforehand sort of just poofs from his mind. The words trailing off as he's pulled into a close embrace. It's not unusual for Tawny to initiate affection like this, especially now that they're dating each other, but he's blushing regardless. Fennec cuddles up closer to them, smiling with his head resting against the other's chest. There's a contented humming given once he's nestled as close as he can get and hugging into their form - the sound he always makes when completely relaxed and laying with one of his partners.
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endearingheathens · 2 years
☕ 🧡
Send me “ ☕ “ for my muse to drink tea uniquely flavored after your muse, and I’ll tell you what my muse tastes!
The liquid from the cup still has quite a bit of heat and steam rising from it. Fennec blows over it twice before giving it a taste. "Lemon, ginger, and--?!" He makes an odd sound as his words are cut short. Eyes squinted with his nose scrunching up briefly. Just when he thought he was safe from encountering that strong taste. "Yep that's definitely whiskey."
* 10hp regained from this drink
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endearingheathens · 2 years
🌹 + 🦊
"Because Cheetah can't be the only one who gives you flowers!~" 🧡
Initially his first response is to quietly laugh with the sweetest smile on his face. While the two being in competition isn't that bad, he can only imagine the extent if it ever gets out of control. So long as his room doesn't turn into a greenhouse but at the same time, Fennec would enjoy that. He wraps both arms around them and cuddles up close. "Awe Tawny. You spoil me too much, but I will always take flowers from my favorite people ~" The roses are held between both hands while he continues to drape himself over Yen. Hope they weren't planning to do anything afterwards, doesn't seem like he wants to let go anytime soon.
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endearingheathens · 2 years
Send 💕 to surprise hug my muse
Being grabbed so suddenly, a quiet yelp sounded from the surprised brunette. There's only two other people in this residence, it's fair to say that it had to be one of them. His eyes drift down to catch a dual colored shirt sleeve. "Tawny? You couldn't even wait til I was fully dressed?" The question comes out in a laugh. The shorter form tried to peer back at them but his vision is a bit obscured. Long hair down and messy from sleep but that doesn't stop him from reaching to hold one of the hands clasped onto his oversized top.
"Came to make sure I'm resting on my day off? I slept in - it counts! Though, what's up? I didn't even hear you come in."
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endearingheathens · 2 years
📱 + 🧡 (at whatever point in their relationship you'd like~)
Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn't send yours, and one that they did
Sorry for panicking and lying about the sports bra on the floor... ❌
Is Lucy ok? She's been gone almost two days... ❌
Why are there clothes in the freezer? ❌
....should I cut my hair? ❌
Is something bothering you? You've been upset since Elise left last night. Or maybe I did something? ❌
Are you free tomorrow night? I thought maybe you could go see a movie with me? Yes the one I haven't shut up about all week... [Message sent]
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endearingheathens · 2 years
"Hmm, people sure are asking some strange things today, huh...just ignore them, Kitkat. They must be jealous of us~" 🧡
Oh that got him to jolt right out of his seat. While happy to see them, he still feels torn. Offering them a smile before going right back to keeping his hands busy. What was he messing with now? Ah right, the ancient toy that fell out of forgotten clutter. It doesn't work and needs a new battery but for now, the button pressing is helping his nerves.
"Yeah... They tend to do that." Not sure whether to be grateful or dreading when the weirder questions are presented. His lips curve into a wary expression but it fades rather quickly after Tawny offers a reason. That would make sense, just an equally worrisome aspect to consider. "That bored that they have to harass people...?" Fennec muttered that to himself but the grimace was clear on his face. Best not to believe folks without evidence and they didn't have any.
0 notes
endearingheathens · 2 years
"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?~" 🧡
Send me A Bad Pick-up Line
For a second, he thought they came into his room to double check on what to fix for dinner tonight. It threw him off a little when Tawny brought attention to his lips, the inquiry being repeated in his head and causing his face to become flushed. Oh. Being smooth and flirty, nothing food related about this. His hair has already doubled in volume while thinking of something to say. Fennec stammers then clears his throat before making a second attempt. "Technically... our lips have met before. Should definitely do so again though."
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endearingheathens · 2 years
Shapeshifter and Genie for Fennec!
Monster themed asks
Shapeshifter: What would you change about yourself?
He heard the question but takes his time to think of a response. His expression started as neutral but slowly drained into a frown, eyes shifting to the floor as a hand runs through his bangs. "Strangers get the vague answer because 'you must be friendship level 5 to know any of my backstory', but uhm... Quite a few physical aspects mostly. Cause there's quite a few things I don't like about my body and wish I could change. My affinity for my own voice comes and goes so maybe one day I'll figure out how to feel about it."
Genie: If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
"That's... Difficult." There's a lot he could ask for but at this current moment? Can't think of a damn thing. Got out of the worst situation on his own but it wouldn't hurt to have magic reassurance. However, whose to say nothing worse may happen to keep distance from certain family members? Or maybe the wrong person gets effected because of the wish? If he tried to modify an aspect of himself, that could get rid of the negative self image issues. He could also do something for one of his friends, or even his boyfriend. "I guess I'd wish to be ...normal? Or atleast a version of myself that I could love..."
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endearingheathens · 3 years
Current verses for Fennec, ranging from different sources to aus that shift from the main universe. Others are welcome to request what's listed and suggest other potential realms for rps and asks.
Tooth, tail, and talon AU
A collaborative au with askyourboyfriend and sweetandsourstalker.
Fennec has been living in a new town with a pair of roommates for a few months. He's become very close to Yen and views them as his best friend. It's surprising enough that someone new has romantic interest in him but maybe this guy isn't the only one?
(1) Divergence - Main [Your Boyfriend game]
A second year college student that works two jobs, although the second position is just for the sake of helping a close friend... Who insisted on paying him double. He lives in an apartment complex with a mutual friend and life has been pretty decent since cutting ties with the majority of his family.
(2) Corrupt code - Subverse
He finds himself bored one weekend and prepares to spend the next several hours marathoning horror movies. Someone within his group of friends sent a game recommendation. It's not technically finished but they persuade him into helping out with a final testing phase as the estimated distribution date is fast approaching. After a week, he sends that buddy a message of appreciation for the new game only to find out they never sent anything. Despite seeing no signs of a malicious virus, the advice of deletion and restoring his PC to a previous restore point are met with complications.
2.1 - gets sucked into the game
2.2 - the game starts leaking into reality
(3) Fractured barrier - Subverse/AU
There's a vast number of games stored on his computer. One in particular has an additional feature he only recently became aware of. A chibi of the main character pops up when the application is idle. Unbeknownst to him, closing the program doesn't truly stop the companion feature - it just hides in the background. Aware and watching everything his does from the other side of the screen.
(4) Wild Odyssey - AU [Pokemon]
His coming of age journey started much later than the majority of his friends. Family had little to no confidence in his survival skills and confused by the lack of competitiveness. He didn't dislike battles but sure as hell wouldn't show interest in discussing strategies and techniques with them. Once permitted to live on his own, he obtained his starter Pokemon and spent the first few months bonding with it before traveling.
Current party: Fennekin
Goals: Vulpix, Eevee, Shroomish, Carvanha, Gible, Victini, Cottonee, Petilil, Zorua, Litwick, Skiddo, Amaura, Rockruff, Mimikyu, Nickit, Milcery
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