#sweetheart type lis my absolute beloveds
wonder-falcon · 2 years
i finished loa 2 and it was very good <3 better than the first one even i loved it!!!
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merv606 · 2 years
okay but: pillow princess daniel and terry encouraging it
Violence I tell you - such violence in my inbox lately.
Pillow princess Daniel - my beloved. It’s just as delicious as feral bitey Daniel.
Pillow princess/ Size queen Danny / all shades of royalty our boy.
So I’m not going into the history but it means a lot of things to a lot of people BUT I will include two snippets from woman’s health and cosmo (HIGHLY REPUTABLE SOURCES 😏) which jives the most with how I view a pillow princess.
1) This usually has a negative connotation. In some situations it is an act of laziness but in others it is a girl who lays back and is willing take whatever her partner wants to give her. In this case it is a submissive partner that is willing to give all the control to her dominant partner. Normally this type of relationship is a mutual agreement so that both are getting what they want.
I love my pillow princess. She lays down, does what I say, and takes it how I give it to her.
2) If you’ve never heard the term “pillow princess,” this is what it means: You’re someone who likes to lie back and let your boo do more of the physical work during sex. Sometimes, this may (and absolutely should) involve splaying your body over a big ole pile of fluffy pillows, but pillow princess-ing is a LIFESTYLE and need not require Egyptian cotton sheets.
So I kind of already write him with pillow princess tendencies - it just fits with their vibe esp if it’s daddy/ baby boy
Daniel is not a selfish lover / he is very generous with his body 😏 and he 💯 loves to get his mouth on that 🍆 but in the content of when he’s in full on pillow Princess mode, maybe he lets Terry just use his mouth. Terrys hands on either side of his head as moves his head up and down as he fucks his mouth
He likes being used and Terry likes using him - so it’s not like anyone is complaining.
Terry loves when his Danny boy is greedy - lazy like a cat wanting to be petted.
And okay Terry also has to take responsibility for encouraging this - like all of Daniel’s behaviour.
Because even when he goes to climb on top it doesn’t take Terry’s hands too long to find his way to his boys hips (like magnets) and then not long after that for him to fuck in deep and lift him up and down. Then he just starts bouncing him on his cock as he fucks up but his boy looks so damn pretty when he falls forwards, eyelids fluttering and the pretty noises spilling out of an equally pretty mouth.
Breathy little, “right there,” and him clenching around Terry deep inside him are the older man’s rewards.
As are the little bitten of whimpers as he bites his full lip - hands flexing on Terry’s chest.
And he’s like a little rag doll - Terry’s perfect little doll - just taking what Terry gives him - smaller body jolting as Terry fucks him.
“You like that, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Please: so good. Please don’t stop.”
Like Terry ever would - his home is here - chasing relief in his boy’s body.
A cock ring is in order sometimes - for nights when Terry really needs to last to satisfy his pillow princess - size queen.
Daniel is such a little caregiver too - always worried about and looking out after other people so it makes sense he would maybe let Terry takes them reins in the bedroom - to be looked after for once.
He resists at first - it seems one sided - not getting or understanding what Terry would get out of it. The appeal for the older man.
But nothing is better than when Terry finally finished playing with his boy - pulling out to take in his gaping hole and fucked out body, face blissful with no thoughts in his pretty head but the pleasure Terry just bestowed upon him.
It seems too submissive, too passive, too SELFISH. He does like to give Terry what he wants though.
Maybe though, something resonates the first time Terry whispers - “lie back Baby and let daddy take care of you,” and after that well ….. he lies back and takes whatever Terry gives him.
Now though, Daniel crawling into his lap, or lying back spreading his legs are all it takes to get what he wants.
Terry twisting and molding (manhandling) him how he wants - Daniel’s body willingly taking Terry however the older man wants.
Daniel along for the ride.
And he spoils him in other ways too. Only the best for his boy - The comfiest pillows, the softest sheets, the satin restraints are soft like butter.
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runicmagitek · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @wingsyouburn - thanks bb! 💕
How many works do you have on AO3? 209?? I'm sorry what????
What’s your total AO3 word count? 958,942??? HOW????????????
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? *cackles* Oh sweetheart, sit down. We're gonna be here for a while.
According to my AO3 account, I have 54 different fandoms tagged. Most of them are for video games, but the occasional anime sneaks in now and then. I also have a few MCU fics, one book fic, and a podcast fic. My most prolific fandom is Final Fantasy VI with 50 fics.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wings of Valor and Compassion (Pharah/Mercy - Overwatch)
No Safety in Desire (Urbosa/Zelda - Legend of Zelda)
Give Them Something to Talk About (Dina/Ellie - The Last of Us)
Finally, Beautiful Stranger (Aeris/Tifa - Final Fantasy VII)
Don't Bring Your Black Heart to Bed (Thanatos/Zagreus - Hades)
Glad to see everyone enjoying my quality gay shit. Also very amused that out of these five, three of them were from last year.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I do! Or I at least make a solid effort to do so! I usually can't really sit down to properly reply until the weekend, unless it's something super quick I can shoot off on my phone, so I hope people don't mind the wait.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Depends on the flavor? For straight-up Bad Ending vibes, absolutely Limbo (I really need to crack out another horror fic, because I love those, even if the majority of fandom doesn't). For right-in-the-feels vibes, Waiting for the Dust to Settle was a recent one I did that just sucker punches you with bittersweet Oh No goodness. It also reminds me of In Another Perfect Life, which ends on a similar note. *squints* actually, these are all for Final Fantasy VIII, which is saying a lot about... something lol
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Um... not really? I don't think I have? At least not in the traditional sense where characters from Fandom A interact with characters from Fandom B. I have written some fusion crossover stuff. If You Had Life Eternal comes to mind, where I took Jaina and Kael from WoW and plopped them in Diablo's setting, because reasons.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I had someone leave a super homophobic comment on one of my Pharmercy fics back in the day, which like... dude, are you lost?? I've also gotten some general weird comments that have little to nothing to do with the fic. I do remember someone on FFN commented saying that I needed Jesus on one of my witch-y fics. Sigh.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yes. The delicious kind (I hope).
Have you ever had a fic translated? Probably?? I've had a handful of people over the years ask to translate my stuff, but I haven't seen anything pop up on AO3.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? LIKE JUST ONE???? My brain fluctuates when it comes to this, but I definitely have a type or two I always gravitate towards. The most recent addition is Keitaro/Natsuno (13 Sentinels), which lives in my head rent-free from now until I die. I also always find myself coming back to Celes/Setzer (FFVI) and Aeris/Tifa (FFVII).
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? A bunch of 2016 drafts I started and then dropped when my life imploded. I've yet to revisit any of them and I'm not sure if I ever will at this point :\
What are your writing strengths? Apparently sneezing out 7k words without breaking a sweat.
What are your writing weaknesses? Sneezing out 7k words without breaking a sweat *sobs in a corner* ALSO TITLES I HATE TITLES
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I'm... not sure I fully understand what this means? Like having characters speak in another language randomly? I did this sparingly in Darkness/Starlight, where I had Jidoor be a blend of French and Italian, thus giving Setzer an appropriate accent and the occasional French comment. I didn't translate those into English, because the POV character (Celes) wouldn't have understood what was being said. Plus any time Setzer did dip into it, he was speaking from the heart, but was too afraid to actually TELL her. So if anyone had half the mind to translate those bits, they'd find out Setzer said the most touching things to her in French.
ANYHOW. I honestly don't really do this much, especially when a handful of my fandoms are Japanese and I'm writing in English and we're just assuming everyone's talking in Japanese so... yeah. Take it or leave it, I guess.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Like when I was 10??? A crossover between Sailor Moon and Final Fantasy VII because FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? You're killing me, smalls, and I ain't picking just one.
Darkness/Starlight is forever near and dear to my heart for being a labor of love for such a small, old fandom and my beloved rarepair.
Learn to Fly is one I love for the amount of research I put in (I replayed Pyre and took so many notes on both Ti'zo's and Rhae's speech patterns to get them just right) and the delightful, yet bittersweet messages it exudes.
Long Journey Home is another favorite, because I poured my heart into it and it's got one of my favorite lines and ending.
Of What's Left of Us and Who We Used to Be was my attempt at evoking the surreal, yet heartwrenching vibes from the series and again, I also poured my heart into it.
Before We Have Another Chance to Go Loving was me cramming a massive longfic idea I had in my head forever into a small triple drabble series and it's forever canon in my heart.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves is my most recent fic I've published, which I wrote/edited/polished in four days, but I'm tickled pink with how it turned out.
tagging: @dvske @deemoyza @rosemochi @fury-brand @aliatori and any other writers who feel like swiping this! No pressure, as always 💕
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voidbeans · 3 years
Bestie I don't know if you still want asks but. Tell me about the fantasy novel? I am very intrigued
*rubs hands together gleefully*
ok so there is literally. so much going on in this. there are multiple different storylines and just. ok. (putting a read more here because this is going to get. long)
So: world stuff. There are four kingdoms. There's one in the center that is kind of the main ruling kingdom, the others surrounding it are all under it (they all have rulers of their own but those rulers answer to the ruler of the central kingdom) (i'll get to him in a second). Each surrounding kingdom is dedicated to either the past, present, or future. So like the kingdom of the past is full of historians and scholars, who believe that the past is what shapes everything, that the only way to move forward is to follow the the examples set by history. The kingdom of the present is full of those who are focused on the now, the mercenaries and merchants and soldiers who believe that the most important thing is living in the moment. And in the kingdom of the future, there are the inventors, the prophets, and the beastmasters.
The beastmasters. Are certainly something. They're a type of inventor, I guess you could say. They build... creatures, out of metal and wood and whatever materials they can find. Creatures that move, that serve, that occasionally even make noise. They say it isn't magic, but no one quite believes them. No one really trusts the beastmasters.
All of these kingdoms are kind of.. well, they're a bit hostile toward each other, due to their differences. They're a ticking time bomb about to go off. Most of the hostility is aimed at the kingdom of the future, however, as most believe that the work they do there goes against the gods and their path.
The gods!! There are three gods, or one god with three faces/aspects. It depends on who you ask. Those aspects are the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. There are seperate churches and priests for each aspect, and each order has a different purpose (priests of the executioner tend to oversee war and, well, executions, they have a reputation for being quite violent).
Oh!! Also!! There are lands bordering the kingdoms. There's the Icelands, which are. Well. Full of ice. Very dangerous. There's the Wastelands, which are basically a desert. And the Woodlands!! A huge forest. It's said that any way you go through any of them, you will come to the mountain, home of three ancient seers.
now!! the characters. there are a lot so bear with me here.
So. there's the royal family, the one that rules from the central kingdom. they are:
King Reyne!! Reyne is. So so dear to me. He's neurodivergent and has an anxiety disorder (projecting time babey) that often affects him worse than he lets on. He's super insecure about his ability to rule, and he's under a lot of stress right now due to the growing hostility between the kingdoms i mentioned earlier. But he's an incredible king and a really good guy, just in general.
Queen Lilah!! Reyne's wife. They were an arranged marriage, and while the two of them are not romantically involved, they love each other very much and Lilah is a strong support for Reyne. She's also a badass. Will beat you up if you insult anyone she cares about. Has a bit of a temper (understatement of the century)
Matti!!! Mathias. Prince Mathias. Reyne and Lilah's son, heir to the throne. He takes after his father a lot. He's very curious and has trouble letting things go. He becomes convinced that someone's trying to betray his parents and the kingdom, and that.. kind of consumes him. I'm so excited to write him he has a brilliant storyline.
Ok and then there's the other people involved with the above family!!
RHYS. RHYSANDER FLORENT BLACKWOOD MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED. The king's advisor (and boyfriend), a total sweetheart with something of an edge to him. He, Reyne, and Lilah have this little chosen family thing going on that's really sweet. They're all each other's support and strength.
Silverfish. Silver is... the queen's spy, gatherer of information, sometimes gives advice too. Lilah wants it to also do assassinations, but it refuses to kill (will give the order to kill, but will not do the killing itself). No one really knows where Silver came from, and most don't trust it, but Lilah does. It never lies.
Alright moving on to other storylines: so y'know how no one likes the kingdom of the future? yeah, that's currently much worse due to some strange and unexplained happenings throughout all four kingdoms. Everyone thinks that it's the kingdom of the future angering the gods. So Reyne sends out a team to investigate these happenings peacefully, made up of a beastmaster from the kingdom of the future (he's cool. has an eyepatch. acts kinda bossy and like xe's in charge. a bit of an asshole, but genuinely cares), a knight from the kingdom of the present (trans woman. can and will kill you if you talk shit about her. has a wife. she's literally the coolest), and a historian from the kingdom of the past (Loren!! Loren is babey. the youngest member of the team, hasn't been in a fight in their life. unlike most of their fellow historians, doesn't hate the kingdom of the future and actually uses some of their technology in their archives (trained clockwork ravens, babey!!)). These guys get into so much shit.
Meanwhile, in the mysterious prison pit of despair run by knife monks: it's a prison. it's a pit. run by spooky dudes in hoods who sometimes take the prisoners and train them in their ways. There's a princess there, imprisoned for the massacre of her family (which she insists she had no part in). She's stuck with an annoying cellmate, a thief who broke into the prison just to see if she could. They're trying to get out.
And finally. there is Faraday. Faraday... is a prophet. He travels around preaching that the gods are dead and that the people must learn to take their fates into their own hands. No one likes that. He's wanted in literally every town everywhere. He's determined to prove that he's right, and believes in himself fully. Everything he says could potentially be true or false. No one knows. Probably not even me. He's. I'm so excited to work with him he's so fun. Has a little genderfluid bard that follows him around, hoping for a good story out of it (Ridley my belidly).
Those are.. the basics. But there is a lot. But I love it so much and I'm so excited about it and aaa thank you EVER so much for letting me ramble about this it means the world to me (and so do you) <333
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
TikTok Towel Trick
Pairing: member x reader 
Wordcount: 400 to 600 words each
Genre: fluff, mild smut
Rating: suggested 18+
He's not paying you attention? Try wearing nothing but a towel and dropping it right in front of his eyes.
Saw a post that suggested this and I had to comply. It’s a cute/fluffy/angsty/lowkey smutty (implied smut) galore. Enjoy!
Also, here is my Masterlist
It was a lazy afternoon, Namjoon and you had been watching documentaries on the sofa, his body comfortably sitting while your head lied on his lap, his attention increasingly shifting towards the tv. He was so focused on exoplanets or something that he actually didn’t notice the way you were staring at him, that focused look on his face sending little sparks of longing through your spine.
“Joon”. Your hand snaked around his calf and you started dragging your nails softly agains his skin. “Joon”.
“Wait a sec babe”.
And a second became twenty minutes of him clenching his jaw in concentration, his glasses continuously sliding from the bridge of his nose, and him subsequently sliding them back in that half quirky half sexy move of his. Biting your lip you decided that you might as well try something more aggressive. Standing up, Namjoon complaining because you obstructed the view of his oh-so-beloved documentary, you headed for the bedroom, a small pout on your lips. You quickly and briskly undressed and wrapped yourself in a towel. “Joon” you called one last time, a warning delivered with the most saccharine voice.
No answer. So you headed back for the living room and stood right behind the sofa where he was sitting. You cleared your throat and threw the towel right at the television, half covering the screen. “May I have your attention, sir?”
As he heard his favourite voice of yours - that bedroom voice - Joon turned, eyes wide in childlike surprise, his mouth forming a small “o” and then spreading in a mischievous smile. He carefully dragged his gaze back to your face. “Someone is being needy today” he bit his lip and his eyelids lowered in that sultry expression that always drove you crazy. He turned and switched off the tv. Still staring straight ahead he murmured. “Come over baby, let me show you what you got yourself into”.
He had promised. Promised he would stay in bed and let you make him breakfast. Instead you had woken up to an empty, cold bed and no Mister Worldwide Handsome in immediate proximity. You had been living together for six months now and you had woken up with his face on the pillow next to yours maybe four or five times. Of course, you tended to sleep in while he was more of a morning person, but still you wanted to see your boyfriend first thing in the morning, and maybe enjoy that natural tenderness of having just woken up and other things... So you thought that you might as well get two birds with one stone and drag your boyfriend back to bed while also getting yourself rid of that tendril of wanting coiling in your core. You undressed -- a bit clumsily because you were still half asleep -- and wrapped a towel around you. Feet softly padding to the kitchen -- he was obviously there -- you caught him tasting a blueberry from the plate of pancakes he had prepared for you two. “Oh, good morning honey, you headed for a shower? Maybe you should get breakfast while it’s still warm.”
Your mind quickly corrected your plan. “Maybe you could have a shower with me, Jinnie?” And batting your eyelashes you let the towel fall. “Or maybe you could come back to bed?”
Jin’s face let his confusion and shock show. When he came back to reality, he quickly closed his mouth, staring at your breasts for the shortest second in history, then shutting his eyes and focusing them back in yours. He opened his mouth a couple times as if trying to talk, but then changing his idea, closing it again.
His head kept going back and forth between you and the pancakes. “But breakfast?” He said, looking at you. You shook your head slowly, licking your lips. 
“But they’re still warm...” he whined. You let your hand graze against your chest. “You could bring them to the bedroom with some whipped cream”.
His gaze sparked up in mischief, lips curling in a small smile. Pointing gun fingers at you he said: “I really, really love you.” Then he quickly prepped the ingredients to your spicy breakfast. You simply smiled. Mission accomplished.
Saturday night, you wanted only ONE REGULAR SATURDAY NIGHT. Nothing big, just staying in, maybe cooking together, maybe ordering some take away, dinner together, a bottle of wine, a film and then getting to bed at a decent hour. Getting something more than twenty minutes of Yoongi guzzling his food and then disappearing into his home studio, only to reappear at three am, sliding under the covers behind you, kissing your nape and falling asleep.
And on the side, maybe you also wanted some reminder of those early days, when he would never have enough of you, completely forgetting himself and taking hours to please you. You had complete respect for his job and you would never dare complain about his work ethics, but you wanted that meticulousness and attention aimed at something different - namely, yourself. Just for one Saturday night, just a couple hours.
So after you knocked at the door of his home studio at dinner time you got quite irritated when he said he’d join you later and asked you to close the door.
At that point there wasn’t much left to do. Getting rid of your clothes you wore your favourite accessory and wrapped yourself in a towel.
Knowing it could take a while, you got comfortable on the sofa facing the door of his studio, a book in hand and some snack to quiet down your rumbling stomach. After almost an hour of waiting you heard some shuffling from within his studio.
Yoongi aimed straight at the kitchen, not even noticing you on the sofa. You were outright insulted. You might as well have taken care of yourself.
Once he arrived in the kitchen he looked around, as if looking for you. He turned and finally noticed you on the sofa. “Babe?”
“Where’s dinner?” Then he wasn’t looking for you, but just for the food. Wonderful.
You put your book down on the coffee table and stood up, your towel still around you. You ignored his question and turned your back to him, walking to the bedroom.
Once you were right in front of the door you dropped your towel, showing the lovely harness he had gifted you for your first anniversary.
“Dinner’s right here. If you still know how to eat it.” You smirked.
Yoongi got completely still, his pout a lovely, perfectly round circle. He licked his lips a couple time, he brought his hand to his mouth and when he uncovered it his characteristic side smirk emerged, shortly followed by his sinful fingers combing his hair back. He didn’t even bother blinking, his stare fixed on you.
“I’m sorry, love.” He said taking a step closer. “I’ve been ungrateful lately.” Standing right in front of you, he caressed your cheek and kissed your forehead devotedly.
“Yes, you have.” You lamented.
“Then let me make up for it.” He looked for permission in your eyes, then he briskly grabbed the central ring of your harness and turned you around delivering a quick smack on your behind. “Get in the bedroom, sweetheart, we’re gonna be there for a good while.”
It was rare for Hobi not to pay attention to you. Usually the moment you called his name he would look at you right away, attention undivided, eyes and ears on you.
But today wasn’t that day. Your Hobi was currently online shopping after you decided to redecorate your apartment. Not that you didn’t love designing your new space together. Actually you loved it, but with his busy schedule and your frequent work trips you had little time together and you much rather spending it enjoying each other’s physical presence than watching him get more equipment for his studio and look for the right carpet to match the white leather sofa in the living room -- which, by the way, he could show you sending you the link even when you were on the other side of the world.
So trying to get the best of both of you being in the same place, at the same time, you decided to do that towel trick you had seen on tiktok and snatch his attention away from those expensive (and absolutely superfluous) home cinema speakers.
Excusing yourself, you left the room and took your sweet time getting ready for him, putting on his favourite lotion, some excessively bright lipstick and that necklace he had bought you (and that you never wore because you were too afraid to lose it). All wrapped up in a towel you happily went back to the bedroom where he was casually typing on his computer.
“I was thinking we might need to reorganise the kitchen, you know? We could use one of those kitchenaids-- Hey, I thought we were redecorating together! No way you’re going to take a shower now!” His brow furrowed in disappointment as he saw you in a towel.
“What if we did something else together?” You said as you dropped the towel. The grin on his face was immediate.
“Oh sweetie, that’s-- wow. Wow babe, that’s-- lovely.” He quickly closed his laptop and put it on his bedside table. “Is that the lipstick? That one lipstick?”
You nodded as you climbed on the bed.
“Oh jagiya, so pretty-- so hot-- all mine...”
“Take off your clothes and then take off my lipstick, please?” You smiled sweetly.
Hoseok had never looked happier than that.
Jimin is the loveliest, cutest creature in the world and you adore him from the top of his head to tip of his toes. Your babyboy brought joy and tenderness in your life beyond belief, his sweetness swallowing your life in spotless splendour. Still he could be needy every now and then, turning to a sour, bratty mood whenever you couldn’t meet his requests. Which is exactly what was happening. Unfortunately your boss had required you to stay a little longer for an extraordinary meeting with some foreign client, which had turned to drinks, which had turned to dinner, which had turned to you sending a text to your boyfriend to inform him that you wouldn’t make it to your weekly film night.
You had arrived at his place at almost two am, only to find his bed empty. You switched on your bedside lamp: no Jimin.
You had a mild idea regarding his whereabouts. As you slipped on a robe, you ventured in the guestroom, where he was very likely sleeping. Indeed you noticed a pile of covers in the middle of the bed. You had very highly fucked up.
He had confessed that the feeling of you nuzzling in the crook of his neck under the covers was his favourite thing in the world so, if he decided to deprive himself of that, he must have been very angry. You decided you needed a treat to get on his good side again. And you had an idea.
You set the alarm quite early for the following morning, hoping you would get in the kitchen before him. Unfortunately you woke up to a cacophony of noises, coming precisely from the kitchen. So his revenge had begun. As you got there you noticed him noisily making his fresh orange juice, the news blasting from the tv. He turned on the mixer to scramble some eggs (he was so obviously trying to be loud).
“Good morning” you said, voice calm and sweet.
“Morning” he replied dryly.
“About last night-” you began.
He set the mixer on a higher level and pointed a finger to his ear, as if saying “I can’t hear you.”
You smirked and unplugged the mixer, then started looking for the remote - which he had surely hidden.
“What are you looking for?” He said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.
You switched the tv off with the buttons hidden behind the screen.
The house was now silent. “I am sorry about last night.”
“What about it?” He replied, offended, his eyes cast downwards.
“You know my boss...”
“Yeah, I know your boss. Maybe you should ask him to keep your bed warm.”
You felt the poison but rather than being offended, you thought you might have hurt him more than what you thought you had.
Wordlessly you retreated to the bedroom. When you came back a while later, you noticed Jimin watching a film on the sofa, a pout still on his lips, arms crossed.
“Jiminie.” No answer.
Time for the treat. As you got back to the living room, clad only in a towel, you started your sweet talking. “I realised that lately I’ve been neglecting my precious boyfriend. He’s always so sweet--” you took a step toward him, your praises growing more affectionate “-- and caring. And sooooo perfect. He’s the loveliest babyboy in the world.” You were now almost in front of him, but he just spared you a side glance. “So I thought I should show my gratitude, and show how sorry I am, and how much of a good boy he is,” and that was his undoing, together with the towel now laying on his lap and your naked body right in front of him. As he extended his arms toward you, you straddled him without second thought, his arms naturally enveloping around your middle and his head buried in your chest. “My lovely, perfect man.” You said, caressing his hair.
“It’s-- I’ve been very stressed lately. I just wanted to talk to you about it and then you said you were late and then I thought you wouldn’t come at all and I felt so under pressure.” He confessed.
“I’m here now.”
Okay, videogames were interesting but you? You had the looks of a goddess and you were REAL! Sure, maybe your boobs didn’t explode out of your corset like those ridiculous side characters, and your hips did not match the proportions of a watermelon, but still you looked pretty good. And most importantly you had actual desires and impulses. A bit more than a binary code and some strategic character design. You didn’t have extraordinary plans for the day, but you just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend and drag him away from his liveplay with Jungkook -- the two of them saw each other almost every day so Taehyung could as well borrow you a couple hours of his precious gaming-with-Jungoogie time. “Tae, can you please turn down the volume, I’m trying to read.”
“Yeah babe”. But still, you continued hearing Jungkook’s voice from the headset and Taehyung kept half shouting directions in his microphone, every now and then mouthing a profanity or two.
Since Taehyung was so wrapped up in his game you decided to experiment that technique he had shown you a few weeks ago.
You came back to the living room in nothing but a towel, his foot bare against the marble floor.
Taehyung’s eyes were immediately on you. He batted his eyelashes quickly then his face opened up in the most enthusiastic, childlike boxy grin he could sport, eyes wide like saucers.
“Jungkook-ah, it’s happening, gotta go.” He interrupted the game immediately and removed his headset in a flash putting it on top of the coffee table in a brisk but delicate manner.
And now you had his undivided attention. “Come on baby” he could barely hide his excitement. “Let it fall.”
You raised an eyebrow and finally uncovered your nakedness.
The childlike, enthusiastic grin immediately matured into a dark, expressive gleam of his eyes and a stern, tight line at his mouth. Biting his lip, he brought a finger to his lips, the gesture hitting a switch inside you, making your cheeks heaten under his predatory gaze.
“I’ve been trying to get you to do this for weeks.” He said, getting on all fours on the floor and slowly crawling to you. When he was almost at your feet you stopped him, placing your toe against his chest.
“You have a lot of grovelling to do first.”
“I am more than eager to begin.” He said kissing your calf.
Those big-breasted girls might look interesting, but after all you were his goddess.
Gaming sessions with Taehyung and occasionally with Jin were absolutely normal for Jungkook. What wasn’t normal was the fact that he was doing that while being with you. Whenever Jungkook had time with you he tried to spend it together, talking, cooking, laying in bed watching movies, listening to music, working out, anything as long as it allowed you two to bond. Sometimes you also gamed together -- which made this improv gaming sesh with Taehyung even more suspect. 
And you knew exactly where all of this was coming from. 
A few days ago you had shown him a tiktok where a girl appeared before his boyfriend naked while he was busy doing something. He had blushed and teased you endlessly about you being a perv and people being absolutely shameless, saying it was just outright crazy. But still, you saw the way his eyes roamed down your body while you asked if it was all that bad. Your boyfriend was shy and even if he acted all judgey and quiet, you could tell that he wanted it. 
And since he expected the whole towel trick to happen -- he was quietly begging you to make it happen -- you had to find a way to truly surprise him. You were in the kitchen when you heard him grumble and puff out a breath. He paused the game and came in the kitchen. “You okay, Koo?” You asked. 
His mood looked slightly sour. “Tae left the game. Said he’s busy.” He huffed. “Do we have ramen?”
You pointed to the upper cabinet and watched him reach for it. His thin white cotton shirt showed the muscles of his back stretching and from the warmth spreading on your face and chest you immediately knew what to do. 
Rushing to the bedroom -- timing is fundamental -- you changed out of your clothes and into his robe. Spying him from the corridor you watched as he kept his back to you while putting the ramen inside the microwave. As you heard the ding of the timer, you watched as he took the ramen from the microwave. Swiftly nearing him, you hugged him from the back making sure that he put the bowl down (you didn’t want him to spill it and accidentally hurt himself or you). 
“What?” He said, neutral.
“Don’t you want some of this first?” You asked, making him turn around and quickly unwrapping his robe from your body. 
Jungshook meme: unlocked. 
It took him at least five seconds to regain control of his own brain. 
“You look so good, baby. Can I...?” He didn’t know what to do with himself. 
“Don’t you wanna eat first?” You asked, a lowering your eyes and biting your lip.
“Uhm.” You had officially sent him short circuiting. His eyes were fighting between instinct and decency. “Maybe later?” He said goofily.
You smiled your biggest smile and did a cute come hither gesture that made him trot towards you, throwing you over his shoulder and placing a big, playful bite on your outer thigh. “That’s a snack.” He exclaimed carrying you to the bedroom. “Now I want the full meal.”
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meteor-cities · 4 years
When You Love Someone | jean x marco
heyho! today is different because my beloved twitter friend was complaining that all the jeanmarco fics have a hint of er3ri in them and i was just not having that. sidenote: if you ship eren and levi please block me, as i hate that ship with a passion :)
cw: none! i wanted soft content for once
dt: beloved friend i mentioned in the intro
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Graduation was coming a little bit too soon for Jean’s tastes. He felt as though that maybe, just a little bit, that he didn’t get his senior experience the way he hoped he would.
Of course, he did have quite the suspension record, but that was an entirely different story. It wasn’t his fault people couldn’t keep their mouths shut.
But, on the other hand, graduation meant a lot to Jean. He was leaving! But also, the people around him were talking about prom, and graduation parties, and senior night. All the things that Jean looked forward to throughout high school. Except, he had an additional problem.
He had fallen in love.
Jean was no coward. In fact, he was quite the opposite. But when it came to people he had some sort of infatuation with, he was like a cornered cat. Though, in this case, he had no reason to be.
Marco was never the type to corner people. This was common knowledge. He was the sweetheart and the valedictorian. Popular? Not so much, but he’s had plenty of instances in which girls were all over him. Jean and Marco were two completely different people. Jean was barely getting a diploma handed to him at the end of May. Girls liked him because he was good looking and quite a delinquent.
However, neither of them had interest in girls. At all.
Jean took a peculiar interest in Marco at first because he was so gullible. It used to be a game to Jean to see how many ridiculous things he could tell the otherwise very bright Marco and get him to believe it. It proved to be easier than Jean thought, but that was only because Marco wasn’t as street wise as Jean, and much preferred books than finding out certain quirks and secrets of people.
Marco played a similar game with Jean as well. Marco fed Jean ridiculous things about math or science or just other interesting facts that proved to be myths. Jean was gullible in his own way, at least Marco thought so.
Jean realized his upsetting infatuation when sitting at lunch with his typical circle.
“Look who got here right before I got to the good part of my absolutely amazing story,” Eren chirped, throwing a fry at Jean’s head.
Jean rolled his eyes, sitting down. He watched Mikasa elbow Eren sharply, not looking up from whatever book she was reading. Eren made an over dramatic noise, crossing his arms.
“It’s not that cool of a story, Eren,” the girl muttered, leaning gently against her boyfriend’s arm. Eren shook his head. 
“I think it’s cool.”
“Me doing the bare minimum to keep your ass from falling in the river is not a cool story.”
Jean choked on his sandwich, holding back a laugh. “It still baffles me that you two live together and are dating. Imagine how awkward it would be if you guys broke up.”
Eren shook his head, stealing an apple slice from Armin. The blonde complained, stealing a few of Eren’s fries.
“Hey, I only took one.”
“I don’t care. You always steal my food. If you wanted apple slices, you should’ve bought them.”
Eren ignored Armin, turning to reply to Jean. “I don’t think I’ll need to worry about a break up in a month or so.”
Jean tilted his head. “Care to explain?”
Eren shook his head. “Use your brain, stupid.”
“Who do you think you’re calling stupid?”
“If you don’t-”
“Ah! Let’s not do this again, alright?” Armin laughed nervously, tugging Jean’s wrist before Jean could stand up fully.
Jean sat back down, giving Eren a frown. His eyes wandered, landing on a group of people across the room. 
Jean had to remember the steps to breathing for a moment, but only after Eren hit him with his water bottle. Jean looked up, slightly startled. 
“When are you gonna stop being a coward?”
“I don’t know what in the world you are talking about.”
Eren rolled his eyes. “You act like a deer in headlights when you see Marco.”
Jean felt his face get hot, and he looked down in his lap. “No I don’t..”
Eren laughed, shaking his head. “Let’s make a bet.”
Jean never refused a bet with Eren because he always took the opportunity to win. Though, he was scared of this bet.
Armin spoke up, shaking his head. “Is this really a good idea? Marco is a person, you know.. It’s not fair to bet on a person’s feelings..”
Eren laughed again. “Is it really betting on Marco, though? I’m betting Jean won’t ask Marco out before we graduate.”
Jean widened his eyes, biting his lip. “How much?”
“$100. “
Jean scoffed, looking around before looking down and slouching in his seat. “Deal.”
Eren grinned, getting up. “Good luck. If you win and he rejects you, I’ll throw in an extra 25.”
Jean grumbled, getting up as well. “Whatever. Don’t need sympathy money from you anyways.”
He sighed, looking at the date on the board. Graduation was tomorrow. He was about to lose $100 and all because he was in denial that he liked Marco.
Incidentally, he was short of $100.
He looked up. The class wasn’t doing anything, really. Or, at least the seniors weren’t. They were graduating in the morning, for crying out loud. 
Marco looked particularly focused on something, though.
Jean and Marco were pretty good friends, but not in the same way Jean was friends with Eren and Armin. Those two were more like brothers to him. Jean was more fond of Marco’s company most of the time. If he didn’t feel like talking to Eren, he would talk to Marco, which was a lot more common than you’d think it would be.
Jean leaned over, tapping Marco’s desk. “Hey, what are you writing?”
Marco gasped, looking up with wide eyes. “I’m finishing my speech.. Why?”
Jean shrugged. “Just curious. What’re you doing after we graduate?”
Marco’s face turned red, and he looked away. “I’m taking a year off.. For my family, actually. My dad’s been sick.. I don’t have the strength to go to uni and leave my dad behind.”
Jean frowned, nodding. “So what about your full rides?”
Marco smiled, looking back at Jean. “I told them to give it away to someone else. I figure if I’m not going to college, I might as well let someone else have them, you know?”
Jean’s heart tugged. Marco was a kinder person than Jean could ever manage to be. And that was one of the things that kept him from saying anything to Marco until now. He didn’t really feel deserving of Marco. 
“What about you?”
Jean laughed nervously, beginning to pick at his nails. “Trade school..” He was embarrassed of it even though he liked the idea of having a career in technology of some sort.
“Oh, that’s good too! Plenty of options. You can make a good career out of that without having to spend like 10 years in university.” Marco smiled, leaning back in his chair. 
Jean bit his lip, trying to hide the smile he felt at the corner of his lips. “yeah.. University just isn’t my thing..”
“Really? I would’ve taken you for a frat boy.”
Jean blushed lightly. “I’ve thought about that..”
Marco smiled, patting Jean’s shoulder.
Jean took this opportunity.
“Can we talk outside for a second?”
Marco looked up, tilting his head. “Uh, sure..”
Jean smiled, getting up and walking outside of the classroom. Marco followed shortly after. Jean checked the hallway, sighing and leaning against the wall beside the door.
“I have a thing or two to say..”
Marco got nervous at those words. He hated when people dragged things out when they had to say something. Especially when it came to his friends. He held himself to a high standard when it came to his friends. He didn’t want to disappoint them.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Jean laughed, standing up and grabbing Marco’s hands. “No. The only crime I think you’ve committed is theft.”
Marco’s eyes widened. He couldn’t remember of anything he’s stolen, and if he had, how did Jean know?
Jean chewed the inside of his cheek, stumbling over the words he’s practiced to both Eren and the mirror in his bathroom. “You’re so gullible. Do you know that’s actually one of my favorite things? Like, the way you appear shocked when you hear white lies.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Jean squeezed Marco’s hands, looking down. “I’m sorry to say this so close to graduation.. It’s my own fault. But I think I’ve grown to like you, Marco.”
Marco looked around before pulling Jean into a tight hug, squeezing his eyes shut. “You’re clueless, Jean.”
Jean gasped quietly, hesitant to put his own arms around Marco. “How do you figure?”
“I’ve been dropping hints since I’ve met you, stupid.”
It was Jean’s turn to be embarrassed. He pouted, pulling away. “Should’ve said something earlier, then..”
“Actually, I was waiting for you to say something.”
Jean shook his head, as if the blush on his face would fall off if he did.
Marco smiled, laughing a little. “Don’t worry. I won’t reject you. You’re too cute for me to do that.”
Jean complained, crossing his arms. “I didn’t even get to-”
Marco placed a light kiss to Jean’s cheek, smiling. “I don’t need you to.”
Needless to say, Jean now had $100 more in his wallet than he had earlier that day.
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dio-roga · 7 years
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Author/Artist:              jovishark Additional Credit:        puppetamateur Status:                         Complete Links:                           Tumblr Rec No:                        #2 (Part One)
The Gist of It (aka. TLDR)
‘Stan and Kyle go through a whole lot of shit during their last couple years of high school; with side-characters and sub-plots galore. Honestly dudes, it’s hard to summarize this one since it’s just so jam packed with all kinds of everything. This askblog, maybe more than anything else I’ve read, really does encapsulate that whole ‘something for everyone’ feeling. Just trust me my dudes, ships galore, on-point writing, and gorgeous art. Go go.”
Also putting this before the page break: I know, it’s technically not a Cryde work, but I guarantee, there’s more content between those two in there than in most exclusively cryde-centric things. For a bit of trivia, it was this blog that got me into Cryde as a ship to begin with. So c’mon below, and I’ll try and reassure you…
Also also: Fair warning, this rec’ll be long af. I’m a little obsessed. So, get yourself a drink or something?
So like I said in the gist, the premise is fairly simple from the outset; Stan and Kyle start up an askblog, and your usual mix of hilarity, drama and ‘will-they, wont-they’ romance ensues. Now I had read askblogs before this one, and generally found them a lot of fun, but holy shit− from the get-go dudes, from the absolute start, this one had its hooks in me like nothing else has ever quite managed before or since. I’d originally just come across it after seeing some of the Craig/Clyde panels on some google search one weekend; then before I knew it, it was Monday morning and I’d read the whole blog front to back, and was experiencing like, genuine feelings for the first time in a long while.
A lot of what snagged me was the writing, which I walked in totally not expecting to take my soul hostage the way it did. The dialogue I’ll talk about with the characters, but as far as the actual story elements were presented? It reads like a god damn mini-series, with actual self-contained story arcs, side-scenarios that mesh in with the A-plot and oh my sweet jesus, the world building in this thing… Seriously dudes, I normally try and stay more grounded in tropes and clever literary devices and what have you, but with this blog I have a lot of trouble not getting like, emotionally invested.
I think that really is what makes this one so special; the atmosphere. There’s this underlying theme of determination and overcoming adversity (mirroring the writing of the blog itself, if you read the authors notes throughout− something I’d defiantly recommend) It’s the sort of writing that genuinely inspires people, deals with difficult subject matter and just generally gives off a positive vibe about soldering on and making good on big life changes, and that includes everyone, of every age and background.
And therein lies another giant strength, the variety. I would think it a very difficult task for someone to not find something they enjoy in this story; it’s a god damn carnival ride− not to spoil too much, but there’s a wash of different genres, different dynamics, different methods of storytelling and different perspectives on those stories. There’s music, there’s action, audience-participation, and enough backstory and little details that I’m still picking up new things even after having read through multiple times.
And lastly, oh boy− pitchforks and torches at the ready –there’s the content between Craig and Clyde. Now I’m not going to sugarcoat it, or really bother trying to hide the fact that these two don’t wind up in a happy relationship here. But please, and I really do mean this, don’t let that dissuade you. They have a very complicated relationship that keeps changing throughout, but their bond never goes away− so just because it isn’t all kisses and romance, I’d say it’s still one of the most endearing relationships I’ve seen written about the two (hence why I’m sticking to my guns on calling this a cryde-recommendation). Honestly, and I can say this from experience here, it gels with how boys like that can end up acting at that age. Despite everything, they still wind up being the biggest player in each other’s lives.
There is just characters bursting at the seams here, if you’re a fan of someone in the show, you can bet they’ll probably make an appearance somewhere along the line; or at least get a mention. Even Scott Malkinson gets namedropped, and that’s the first time I’ve seen him show up in something I’ve read in this fandom in like, forever.
Stan and Kyle are great picks for the leads, it feels easy experiencing the events unfold from their perspectives− honestly, it’s like watching a more grown up version of the TV-show for the most part, with Cartman and Kenny filling in with their usual contributions of being an asshole and a sweetheart respectively. (I really do love the way Cartman’s handled; he plays a tremendous bastard to be sure, but in a way you could imagine his childhood-self becoming- he makes a delightfully hammy and worryingly formidable antagonist) Also features pretty much my favorite version of Wendy I’ve come across; she’s the real MVP.
Craig’s low-key stealing scenes at first, before kicking things into high-gear and trying to take over the show throughout the run, to the point where he’s pretty much the focal point of all the drama several times. He’s a bit of a mess, but understandably so. Truthfully, all the characters have a unique take on them (all in keeping with how you’d imagine their canon counterparts at that age) and it’s a delight to learn what makes them all tick. I think with Craig especially, his views often radically differ from what you’re presented with by the other characters (including Stan and Kyle) and it’s never written in a way that forces you to side with any particular party as being ‘in the right’. Something I always find refreshing when it’s done as well as it’s done here. Everyone is presented with both strengths and faults, with actual long-running consequences for past actions, good and bad, and it’s up to you as the reader to make what you will out of it.
But then you’ve got the dialogue, and my god, it really takes the cake. There’s not much I can say apart from I legitimately thought some scenes and mannerisms must have been penned by Trey himself− the humor especially. Truly guys, you’re in for a treat. I would have loved to have asked the boys a question back in the day.
Since I’ve gone long on the writing, I have to pretty much devote this section to the artwork because it’s fucking magic. Picture paints a thousand words and all that, and my god, does it ever do that here− the way things are scripted and tied in with the respective art? It makes for all sorts of amazing comedic timing, adds tenfold to any of the emotional scenes and just makes the story flow like a dream; I always have trouble putting it down once I get started.
Jovi’s just an incredibly talented artist, there is simply no escaping this fact. Each and every character has a unique design that fits their character and− I realize this one’s super subjective –to me, they all have such charm and personality in the way they’re drawn. It’s this masterfully presented cartoon-style with an emphasis on expressions, movement and color that I honestly just adore. Even at the very start of the blog, where the art is almost entirely different than it winds up looking at the finishing point two years later, I just love it− again with a South Park comparison, it reminds me of the watching the early cardboard-cutout style of the show compared to its newer 3D designs, both holding a special place in my heart in their own ways.
It floors me to think this was the author’s first major project. As mentioned above, I’d greatly recommend reading through the blog in its entirety, including all the commentaries by the mods, the funny tags, the side-art. One of the most inspiring things about this work is getting a sense of the love and dedication that was put into it over the years it was running; like watching the behind-the-scenes on some giant motion epic and coming to terms with how much effort went into producing what you’re seeing. It’s practically another story itself, and no less heartening than with the boys and their trials and tribulations. Seriously dude, so much kudos.
Favorite Things
The content variety. There’s just so much to love here, things being kept fresh and exciting throughout the super long run-time of the blog without feeling disjointed, on top of managing a satisfying conclusion. There’s a lot of fun to be had, no half-measures.
The character dynamics are a treat. With such a big cast, there’s all sorts of different personalities playing off each other, with dynamic relationships that all manage to evolve and grow. Definite love given to proper character arcs.
Inspiring themes and feel-good moments really do make this a gem to read when you’re looking for a pick me up. The messages about dealing with depression and addiction, managing your health and fitness and even studying and making smart choices− all of them really hit home.
Relationships of all different types; one’s that work out, one’s that don’t, some being easy, some being hard, long ones, short ones, mistakes and awkward surprises. Romance is well and truly covered, and I like that it doesn’t shy away with the stuff that just doesn’t end well.
Some of the best artwork you’ll come across (and so utterly fitting of the material), drawn to such a quality standard and on such a short time-frame that it kinda makes my head spin. I’m now at the point that when I think about the characters, these versions are the ones that appear in my head.
It’s honestly a little embarrassing for me to talk about AMAB, and god knows it’s pretty presumptuous, y’know? New guy recommends beloved artwork that already attracted thousands of followers back in its day. I’m going to guess this’ll end up being the rec that I’ll have needed to have written the least− since like, all of you have probably already devoured the blog long before you learned about it here.
But you know? If anything, I hope this ends up reconfirming what an excellent choice it was for you to have read it. And as always with these review things, if the author should read this, I hope you know just how much what you’ve made affected me and countless others; how good you deserve to feel, and how proud the people in your life must be of you for doing something so important and worthwhile.
As usual, next post’ll be spoilers and artwork− and I’m just going to bury my head in the sand so hard because my artwork is garbage compared, but we’ll have to muddle through. Join me there for second hand embarrassment, okay?
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