#swimsuit for mature women
h0neygirls · 2 years
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almanzart · 4 months
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Sammy's Little Problem, Chapter 16
Read Chapter Fifteen here.
Alyssa smiled. They were making progress. At least Sammy decided on the rest of her diapers without much more of a fuss. Still, there were plenty more opportunities for meltdowns ahead.
It wasn’t easy, but Sammy managed to pick out her daytime, nighttime, and swim diapers without feeling horrible. Even when she looked at the nighttime diaper samples, which she swore were twice as thick as the daytime diapers. But she found some cute—and she hated that she thought they were cute—pink ones that had a different Disney Princess on each one.
Choosing swim diapers felt even more strange. The thought of needing diapers even to swim made her blush harder than she anticipated. Another thing to worry about. And how she could hide those poofy diapers under her swimsuit was something she wouldn’t let herself dwell on. That’s future Sammy’s problem, she said to herself.
Sammy had to distract herself from watching Allie scan all the diapers, though. She kept scanning and scanning. The number of diapers piling up. And she would go through every single one, whether she wanted to or not.
She still wasn’t used to the idea she’d be in diapers every day for the rest of her life. Knowing that her last diaper-free day was behind her. That she would never use the toilet again. The toilet would become nothing more than an ornament, a memorial in the bathroom. Everything will end up in the seemingly endless supply of diapers Allie was scanning.
Sammy was startled back to reality. She felt Allie’s hand reach under her skirt, checking her diaper. It was done so casually, so mechanically that Sammy felt even more infantile. Apparently, Allie decided that she’d check her diapers the same way as any other toddler.
“You’re a little wet, Sammy,” Allie said matter-of-factly, “but I think you can go another hour or so.”
“Okay,” Sammy responded meekly.
“Now, there’s a few more things we need in the L1/L2 combined section before we move on. Sippy cups and bottles are the next aisle over, then—”
“Alyssa? I thought I recognized you!” A woman interjected, happy to see Alyssa.
“Oh, wow, hi Linda, it’s great to see you,” Alyssa responds, “didn’t expect to run into you in the diaper aisle!”
Linda was one of the few women that matched Alyssa in height. Her smile was contagious. She seemed every bit as warm and comforting as Alyssa. Standing next to her was a shy girl who looked to be a few years older than Sammy. She was dressed a bit more…mature than Sammy, though still obviously looking every bit like a Little. Sammy could detect no diaper bulge, though.
“Yeah, Emily here has been having a bit of a problem staying dry during naptime at preschool. Her pull-ups aren’t cutting it anymore, so her teacher recommended she bring some diapers until she gets it under control.”
Emily’s face flushed red. Unlike Sammy, she clearly never expected to be in diapers. She looked at Sammy, almost daring her to say something. Sammy offered her a sympathetic smile.
“But enough about me, Allie, you didn’t tell me you adopted a Little! That’s so exciting! I’ve been wondering when it would happen!”
“It only happened a few days ago! This is Sammy, my Little.”
Linda beamed at Sammy. “Hi, Sammy! It’s nice to meet you! You’re a lucky girl, Allie is probably the best person I’ve ever met!”
Sammy stood there, embarrassed. “T-thank you,” Sammy mumbled, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Sammy is my little sister Lindsay’s best friend. You met her a few times when we were at USC. She took her classification results pretty hard. She’s an L2, but I knew I couldn’t let her go to an adoption center. I’ve known her too long to let that happen.”
Emily gave Sammy a piteous look upon hearing Sammy was an L2.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that! I know it can be hard at first, Sammy, but you are in great hands,” Linda says before turning to Emily, “this is my Little, Emily. She’s an L3.”
“Hi Sammy,” Emily adds.
“Nice to meet you,” Sammy says, trying to sound as mature as possible.
“Well, I hate to run, Allie, but we need to run, I need to drop Emily off with her diapers before I rush to work,” Linda said, “but we should schedule a playdate soon so we can catch up!”
“That would be great!” Allie agrees, “it’s been way too long. I’ll call you soon to set something up!”
Moments later, Allie and Sammy are alone again. Sammy was still recovering, she’d never met another Little in person. Seeing an L3 made her jealous, if she had to be Little, why couldn’t she have been an L3?
“Linda is so sweet,” Allie says, “she was one of my best friends when I was at USC. I don’t know why we lost touch…but, anyway, where were we?”
Sammy didn’t want to be the one who reminded Allie about her sippy cups. So she just shot Allie an innocent look of uncertainty.
“Oh, that’s right! We need to get you some bottles and sippy cups!”
“Do I really need bottles, Allie? Or sippy cups? I’m not a baby and I can drink without spilling.”
“You’re not the one who will have to clean up the spills, Sammy. And besides, won’t it just be easier not having to worry about spilling?”
Sammy was willing to concede the sippy cups, but not the bottles. “I guess so, Allie, but do I really need a baby bottles?”
“You don’t need to use them all the time, Sammy, but I’m sure every once in a while it will be easier for you. Especially when you’re really tired. I’ll only get a few and we can figure it out as we go.”
“Fine,” Sammy whimpers.
“Oh, look at these Sammy!” Allie exclaims, pointing to a set of cups, “these match your diapers! Look they all have princesses on them!”
Sammy wasn’t sure about this new Disney Princess motif. Sure, she loved them growing up, but to go back to them like this wasn’t what she ever expected. “Those are fine,” Sammy says.
They move to the next aisle. A whole row dedicated to pacifiers. A seemingly endless supply of colors, variations, and sizes. Just looking at them filled Sammy with emotion.
“Okay, Sammy, try not to get overwhelmed with choices,” Allie says, mistaking the look on Sammy’s face.
Sammy’s eye’s begin to tear up again. Pacifiers were for babies. Not her.
Alyssa realizes in the nick of time what Sammy was thinking. She found a cute pink pacifier, scanned it, and opened the packaging. Before Sammy could react, she placed it in her mouth.
The foreign object startled Sammy. But to her surprise, before she could spit it out or yell at Allie, her mouth started sucking on the nipple. It was…calming. Her mind wanted to reject it, but couldn’t. No, this was okay.
Alyssa smiled as she watched Sammy accept it. She’d been waiting for this moment since she asked Sammy to be her Little. Nothing soothes a tantruming Little faster than her pacifier.
“How do you like it, Sammy?” she coos.
It took a few seconds for Sammy to respond. “ith nithe I gueth,” Sammy said clumsily, not used to talking with it in her mouth.
“Well I think you look so cute,” Allie laughs, “now can we choose some pacifiers?”
Even Sammy was startled how much her pacifier calmed her. She almost didn’t even care how she looked. A few minutes later, Sammy had picked out a collection of them. As they moved to the next aisle, she didn’t even think about taking it out.
The next section was changing tables. Alyssa didn’t bother asking Sammy her input for this. She looked at each one in detail, deciding which one fit her needs best. Each of them looked the exact same to Sammy, but Alyssa looked at each like it was completely different. Finally, Alyssa looked satisfied and scanned the one she wanted.
They reached the changing table pad section. Alyssa had Sammy lay on each one, asking her which one felt the most comfortable. “Make sure you choose a comfortable one, Sammy, You’ll be spending a good amount of time on it!”
Once Sammy chose, they went to the bedding section. Sammy’s heart sank when she saw most of the selection was cribs. “Do I really need a crib, Allie?”
“Well, that depends, honey. If I catching you sneaking out of bed too often, yes. But for now I think we can settle on a hybrid bed. The ones over there have much smaller railings to keep you from falling out of bed. But if necessary, it can convert into a crib.”
The process went remarkably similar to the changing table. Alyssa looked at each model in detail, ultimately choosing without Sammy’s input. Sammy, however, got to choose her own mattress.
“We’re making great time!” Alyssa grinned, “you’re doing such a good job, Sammy. I’m proud of you!”
“Thankth,” Sammy responded, blushing at the realization she’s had her pacifier in the whole time.
Sammy watched Alyssa as she fumbled with something in the cart. She saw a flash of something pink before Alyssa turned around and walked over to her. Alyssa was checking her diaper before she could react.
“Wow, Sammy, you really soaked this, I’m glad I checked! We need to get you changed really quick.”
Without warning, Alyssa picked Sammy up and carefully placed her in the cart, making sure Sammy’s feet went through each opening. Sammy felt her diaper squish as she was placed down. She didn’t remember having a single accident.
Though that was the least of Sammy’s concerns. Being picked up without any warning made her feel so tiny. Especially now, as she was essentially face to face with Alyssa pushing the cart. She looked down, realizing her swollen diaper was on full display, her skirt unable to cover the diaper.
“Sorry, Sweetie, but it was just easier this way.”
As Sammy was pushed to the back of the store, she tried to ignore the smiles of other Caregivers as they saw her, eyes always drifting down to her diaper. There were the “awws” and “she’s so cute!” every time she passed anyone.
Finally, they reached the changing area. The women’s bathroom had a series of changing tables. Alyssa swung the diaper bag on her shoulder before picking Sammy up, laying her down next to another Little. The Little showed no sign of reaction, nor said anything in return to her Caregiver’s questions. Sammy assumed she must be an L1. The Caregiver gave Sammy a wave.
As she watched, Sammy felt the tabs being ripped from her diaper. She suddenly felt embarrassed again, sucking on her pacifier harder than ever. To her horror, Sammy realized Alyssa had picked out a nighttime diaper for Sammy. It’s size was immediately apparent as Alyssa fluffed it.
Alyssa noticed Sammy’s apprehension. “I know it’s a nighttime diaper, Sammy, but we have to go look at clothes and car seats next, and I want to make sure everything we choose one that fits all your diapers, okay?”
Sammy didn’t want to wear it but wanted to get out of this changing room as soon as possible. Public diaper changes were always so embarrassing. She just nods silently.
As the diaper is pulled up to her stomach, Sammy realizes just how much thicker it actually was. Even dry it felt thicker than the soggy diaper she was just changed out of.
“There, all done, Sammy,” Allie bubbled, picking Sammy up and putting her down.
Sammy realizes how much harder it is to walk like this. She couldn’t put her legs together even if she wanted to. The diaper was clearly visible below her skirt. Sammy can only imagine how she looks right now, standing there in a diaper her clothes do nothing to hide, a pacifier that matches her diaper in her mouth.
She doesn’t think it could get any worse until she tries to take a step. She started waddling like a baby taking their first ever steps, unsteady on their feet.
“Okay, Sammy, you ready?”
Go to Chapter 17.
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helpwerami · 1 year
Osomatsusan headcanons cause I’m bored
This is more on a take on them in a more psychological/meta pov on them.
-He’s still irresponsible as the show states repetitively, but I think there’s a deep under layered of anger issues. Maybe feeling like he’s stuck being unemployed and can’t change his life, or feels like his feelings are put on the sidelines.
-oso secretly very stressed but hides it by playing it down. Being the oldest but not the most matured may be a result of him trying to get some control of himself or over small things.
-He acts sexist and pervs on girls on the regular. I like incorporating the old show to the new one, specifically we’re oso was a ballerina,and wore womens swimsuits. So I like to think he secretly wants to be more feminine and dress feminine, but fears the shame or backlash of his family. He Avoids and projects his wants and desires in a more “masculine” manner instead.
-The problem with him at the root of it all is that he doesn’t want to change. He’s comfortable, he’s unfamiliar to change. Therefore he sees change as a threat.
-Oso’s anger makes him go quiet and visibly irritated. Storming off out of the house for a few hours before coming right back.
-He’s an alcoholic,smokes,gambles,unemployed,lives with his parents guy. He doesn’t want to change.
-The most confident in himself. His fashion is questionable ofc but it shows how willing he his to present himself. Albeit his made up persona of himself.
-Closeted. His brothers have made comments of his clothes looking gay and how he acts is gay as-well, but he can take that. He thinks if he actually comes out he thinks he’s giving more ammo for his brothers to put him down
-Kara is secretly the most matured. He uses his persona as a shield to deflect his brothers judgement. Later in more recent seasons you see him start to not use his persona less and less, and his brothers caught on it even,but when faced with the confrontation he gets aggravated and even intimidates his brothers when he gets mad.
-On a more positive note I would like to think he got his jacket from
-Kara’s more of a job hopper. Never keeping one and doing small gigs like street shows or helping Chibita with his business.
-he tries to act better or more mature than he really is. Helps his mother with taxes and some small chores but he uses this to put himself on a higher horse in comparison to his brothers.
-wares a collared shirt under his hoodie kind of shit.
-he gets very defensive about very small things. Considered being more short tempered than the sophisticated role he tries to put up.
- he hides his love for anime and idols away from his brothers because he’s ashamed of himself for liking it. Although most already know because he buys copious amounts of merch and tickets for idol shows.
-though he does look after his brothers in a more keeping tabs sort of way than a mom would. Comment or would ask if they’d showered or brush their teeth that day then lecture them to do so. This does help some of them positively to keep somewhat of a schedule.
-I want to say he’d might want to work at a manga/anime shop or something, but I’d doubt it. he’d be too ashamed to work at one. He feels like degenerates or creeps work at manga stores. (Even though that’s verbatim what he is.) would maybe end up in a book/convince store ran by an old lady.
-he’s my favorite so take some of this with a grain of salt.
-he hides how he feels. His antisocial behavior and dislike of the general public is why he turned to cats.
-uses cats as a coping mechanism and hyper fixation. Shows some signs of being on the spectrum be he doesn’t want to know the diagnosis/ answer to what specifically he has. He feels like it’s searching for an excuse for the way he is. (Not in a ableist way but more in a learned helplessness way.)
-low hygiene. Either Smells like cat piss or just body odor. His depression not helping him at that, choro runs his mouth at him on the regular for this. But instead of picking up that he’s maybe depressed, he calls him lazy and gross for ‘sulking in his filth’.
- oso and ichi are more closer in a bond because of their similar nature. The only difference between them is that oso is more accepting and chill about his current state. While ichi is more pessimistic and hopeless in his. Giving each other nicknames to show there on good terms.
-gets small jobs at local restaurants. working at the back cleaning dishes and taking out the trash.
-looks after jyushi. Finding solace in his more cheerful enthusiastic nature to his pessimistic one.
-autistic with adhd. dresses more for comfort than to present himself. Highly energetic with not much sense of social cues or sarcasm.
-he’s more of a good influence on the brothers by bringing them outside when he wants to go out, instead of being shut-ins. He helps them have more to do than gamble or drink.
-i like to think he’d have a long distance relationship with him and Homura. Like todo got him a Nokia so he wouldn’t break it and to call her now and then. It would give him some one positive to talk to and she’d have him to talk to.
-he likes to hang out with ichi on the regular. Help ichi get out of the house, and then go feed stray cats in ally’s.
-maybe he’d volunteer at daycare’s or babysit if he needed to work. Showing in some episodes that he’s good with kids.
-The most put together. Has his job at a cafe in the city and usually has good luck when gambling on pachinko.
-Openly gay with his family. They weren’t too surprised and he wasn’t to scared about it either since he already dressed in more pink and flamboyant clothing,and having friends that are mostly girls.or fuck it he had friends period.
-The most social brother. He tried to bring some of his brothers to mixers but it didn’t end up too well. Either in their brothers getting them kicked out or in other times or his own exclusion.
-I feel like he could move out if he wanted he makes his own income to have a phone and can walk or take a bus to his job. Maybe own an apartment of some kind.
-this might also go hand in hand with the fact he’s scared to be alone. He’s never not been alone for so long that when he finally is, it scares him. It’s unfamiliar to him.
-in the episode were they all got tortured in hell we saw the demon read his dairy. It said he wanted to dress like a girl and be like a girl, then you see him almost cry from the embarrassment.
-I think he’s questioning in his gender,but is to scared to explore that part of himself yet.
I do feel like As much as they hate or irritate each other, a key reason they don’t move out minus the money or occupation, is that their all unconsciously codependent on each other. If they even wanted to move out, the thought/feeling of being alone is so out their comfort zone and unfamiliar they’d rather spend their lives with familiarity.
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yeowangies · 1 year
Blood Stains
CHAPTER V: Since the moment I saw you
PAIRING: Raditz/Reader RATING: Mature CONTENTS: Canon Divergence AU, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Enemies to Lovers. WARNINGS: Implied sexual content. WORDCOUNT: 2536
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you.”
His honesty visibly startles you, and Raditz’s smirk grows wider. You don’t even have to consider whether or not you’re going to let him in because you have already decided that you will.
I'm sorry in advance lmao
You can check the tag #*bs if you wanna see the previous chapters.
Raditz stares at the sky from the middle of the highlands where he’s spending most of his time. This planet is pleasantly calm. He hates it sometimes. There are moments when he feels like getting the fuck out of there; he’s not used to peace and quiet. Most of his life has been chaos and fighting and blood and destruction. He craves it again. Sometimes. 
Other times, he finds this lifestyle surprisingly easy. He just does what he wants when he wants to do it, and it’s simple. He doesn’t have to explain himself to anyone. 
He encountered a human woman days before he went to see you at Capsule Corp. It was a peculiar woman; she was looking for an ‘adventure’ or something, and she was fascinated by his tail, said she didn’t believe it was real. 
Raditz had smirked at the moment. He wanted to get laid and the opportunity had presented itself all on its own. That woman wasn’t bad looking either, she was more on the muscular side. It was easier to seduce her than he thought; she was already hung up on him because of his tail anyway. 
The sex had been fine. More than satisfactory even. She did things that women and men rarely do on other planets, like oral sex. And when he penetrated her, he realized he did actually need to get laid. It felt good to be inside a tight wet warmth after all that time, and he came sooner than he anticipated, though the woman didn’t seem to mind. 
Raditz left her where he found her soon afterwards, ignoring her when she asked if he had a phone number she could call him too. It had felt good and all, but he didn’t want to spend anymore time around her. Or anyone. 
That had been the worst part. He realized he needed to get laid, but that didn’t solve the underlying issue he had been dealing with. Even after days went by, he still thought about you way too often. He still wanted you. If anything he wanted you even more now that his dick wasn’t so desperate to get wet. 
Raditz wasn’t expecting to find you at Capsule Corp. when he went there. He just wanted to find the radar for the Dragon Balls he assumed existed. And from what he heard from you, your friend must have it. It had been pointless, because he destroyed her lab and found nothing that might resemble a radar. His old scouter had caught his attention when he saw it, but he didn’t need it anymore so he left it there. 
But that makeout session had made everything worth it. Kissing, just kissing, had never actually felt so right and so good. He could have spent the entire night kissing you, and he was reconsidering even leaving your balcony to look for that radar until you left. He would have stayed there all night, and that was making alarm bells ring in his head. 
What kind of power did you have over him that just made him lose his head so easily? 
As he looks at the night sky, moonless and full of stars, Raditz can’t stop thinking about how soft your lips were, and how smooth your touch felt when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He’s getting hard imagining how all of that would feel in other parts of his body, like your fingers tracing his torso, and your lips kissing his abdomen and trailing even lower. 
He’s picturing a lot more raunchy scenarios in his head when he grips his cock some time later, coming all over his hand with forceful tugs. He knows he’s doomed, he can’t stop thinking about you no matter what he does. The image he first had of you in your swimsuit was long gone by now, he just pictures you in whatever clothes he saw you last, but it doesn’t matter because all he wants is to take them off anyway. 
Why does he even want those Dragon Balls? Raditz just wants you. 
He’s still furious about what Vegeta said about him. Immortality would make it easier for Raditz if Vegeta wants to beat him to death or something, wouldn’t be the first time the man does that to him. He knows he’s stronger after that near death experience, he feels it in his muscles and the way he can gather his energy in one hand so fast and just better than before; but at best, he’s at Nappa’s level of strength, not Vegeta’s. 
But he really doesn’t know what to do when those two get here. 
There’s no way Kakarot can win that fight. It doesn't matter how much he’s training or whatever, he’s no match for Nappa or Vegeta. He wasn’t even a match for Raditz himself. And even his nephew, who was stronger than Raditz then, wouldn’t stand a chance, he was a kid with zero experience in real life combat after all.
Maybe actually nothing has changed. He’s still a Saiyan, working with the remaining of his species under Frieza, hoping to one day overthrow him. And this is just a break in his routine. 
It doesn’t feel right to think that way, but this is a situation without any kind of resolve. This is just a break. Nappa and Vegeta will get here, and he’s going to have to leave with them somehow, even when he doesn’t know how because his pod is not even operable. 
That’s the scenario most likely to happen, and as days go by, Raditz accepts that idea more and more. Immortality sounds like a good idea too, however. For his own good, at least.
Bulma is furious with you, though she hasn’t explicitly said it like the last time you argued, but you could feel it whenever you were around because she glares at you. As if you had anything to do with Raditz practically destroying her entire lab.
You want to know why he did it, but it’s been a month since that and you have no idea where the hell Raditz is. It’s getting a little annoying to see him come and go so easily, but you have no right to be upset about it either.
That kiss lingered on your mind since then, though. It was too much, yet not enough. But now that the attraction on both sides was more than obvious, you’re starting to feel a little guilty about it since Raditz is still technically your enemy. You don’t know what he’s planning to do once the other two Saiyans get here, and if you have to take a guess… He’s not going to want to stay on this planet. You never expected that to begin with, but you feel a little bad the more you dwell on it.
Before that, your expectations were practically non-existent. You like Raditz, he’s handsome and hot and you could look at him for hours, but that was it. You craved him, and even more so now after that kiss, and he obviously wants you too. Is sleeping with the enemy a good idea, though?
You’re back in your apartment by then, thinking about it as you put on the shirt and shorts you use as pajamas to rest for the night. It has already been around seven months since Goku died. You have no idea how long his training will take, but you hope he’s back soon, you miss him, you didn’t really get to spend time with him the last time you saw him, since he died that same day. You wonder how Gohan is doing, and you worry how much is Piccolo changing him; he’s just a child after all. 
You wrap your hair in a messy bun after blow drying it, putting away the dirty laundry for tomorrow before you climb on the bed, practically collapsing once you’re on top of it. It has been some rough days, but it has been like that since that day Raditz came to Earth. Sometimes you’d panic thinking about how vast the universe must be now that you know there are a lot of species and habitable planets out there. And Goku is one of those species from far away. It doesn’t feel real. 
When you hear a loud knock at your balcony door, you practically fall off the bed. You’re on the tenth floor…
Letting your hair down and running your fingers through it to look somehow presentable, you jump off the bed and peek through the curtains. There is Raditz, smirking when he notices you. You open the door of the balcony, and look at him curiously.
“I’m gonna teach you how to use the door.”
“This is much more fun, though.” He grins. 
You don’t make a move to let him in, and he doesn’t move to walk inside either.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you.”
His honesty visibly startles you, and Raditz’s smirk grows wider. You don’t even have to consider whether or not you’re going to let him in because you have already decided that you will. You open the door wider after a moment and move to the side, and he walks in.
“You stink…” You say, holding your nose as you close the door. Raditz only chuckles. “I’ll get the bathroom ready for you to shower…”
“Like I said, there aren’t any showers where I’m staying.” He says casually.
“So you come here once a month to use my shower?”
“No, I try to clean myself as best as I can by the river.”
You hum in acknowledgement as you get the clothes he has left there last time he was in your apartment, now clean and fresh. When you’re done setting everything, he doesn’t wait for you to say anything before he walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. You roll your eyes to yourself, amused that he feels so at home at your place. 
So, he’s staying near a river; you remember he mentioned he was staying in the wild, so apparently he hasn’t been going to too many places. Still doesn’t answer what he’s been doing.
When Raditz walks out of the bathroom, you glance at him, taking in the sight of his body wearing sweatpants and shirt, and his tail tightly wrapped around his waist, as per usual. You saw him with those clothes before, but it’s different now; he’s in your apartment, at night, a month after you two kissed. 
“Did you eat?” You ask. 
He only grunts as a yes, walking into your room to look around. You walk behind him, looking around as well to see if you hadn’t left anything weird on the floor or by the dresser. 
“Bulma is mad that you destroyed her lab, you know?” You comment as you watch him snoop around. 
“No kidding.” He replies flatly. 
“Why did you do it?”
Raditz turns to look at you, but he doesn’t reply right away. He stares for a long time until you start fidgeting, feeling a little awkward.
“The Dragon Balls, you have them, don't you?” 
You can’t help but gape at him momentarily, enough to make him smirk when he notices your panicked look.
“Why do you want them?” 
“I assume if you had to look for them, like you said,” Raditz goes on, ignoring your question. “There must be something to help you with that, like a radar. I know you won’t tell me where the Dragon Balls are, so I went there looking for that radar instead.”
He could have turned Bulma’s lab upside down and he wouldn’t have found it. She keeps the radar in her bedroom. 
“Why do you want them?” You repeat the same question, but Raditz only huffs, choosing not to reply. “You won’t tell me, huh?”
“Just like you won’t tell me where they are.”
“We want to bring Goku back to life, I can’t give them to you.”
“I’ll make my wish and then you all are free to wish my brother back.” He smirks, taking a couple of steps closer to you. “It’s not like that’s going to help you much anyway.”
“I can’t! The Dragon Balls can only grant you one wish before they remain useless for a year-” You gasp, covering your mouth with your hand when you realize you haven’t told him about this particular piece of information. Until now. “Fuck.”
Raditz looks at with brows furrowed, confused, as he registers what you just said.
“So you have been hiding more information from me. I should have known.”
“I didn’t know what you were going to do, I couldn’t tell you everything!”
“And you’re still not telling me everything, are you? I suppose we are still enemies after all.” 
“Maybe, but I had never treated you like one.” When he raises an eyebrow, you roll your eyes and clarify. “Except for all this. Or are you gonna tell me that you kiss all your enemies?”
“No, I do not kiss any of my enemies.”
“So I think we’re past being either friends or enemies, don’t you think?”
Raditz looks at you with an unreadable expression. Luckily you have never been afraid of him, because not knowing why he’s looking at you like that is making you uneasy. You bite your lip, averting your eyes elsewhere so you wouldn’t have to look at him. Having him so close is making heat rise up to your face, and you hope it’s not noticeable. 
“When you went to Capsule Corp. did you kiss me to distract me or something?” You ask him with a side glance. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, I didn’t need to distract you from anything. In any case, you were trying to distract me.” He huffs with an amused grin now, making you chuckle. “I had no idea you were there.”
“Well, you surprised me too.”
“Did I?”
With that smug smile still on his lips, Raditz leans down impossibly closer, his nose almost touching yours. You can’t hide your blush then, but you don’t pull back, expecting to see what he does next, even though you know it before he even does it. 
It still surprises you how soft he can be when he kisses you, lips pressed against yours before he darts out his tongue to explore your mouth. You hum, exhilarated, as you slide your hands up his shoulders, gripping his shirt when his hands land on your waist. 
“I won’t help you.” It’s the first thing you say once you’ve caught your breath, as Raditz leans his forehead against yours.
“I’m not expecting you to.” His hand slides across your cheek softly before settling on your neck, and even that simple gesture thrills you. “You said we were past being friends or enemies. This is something we can do without being either.”
What he’s doing is obvious, you don’t really need any convincing to go into this. You love seeing his attempts, though.
“I know you want me too.” Raditz finally adds with a smirk.
“‘Too’?” You quirk an eyebrow. 
“I want you. Since the moment I saw you, I’ve wanted to have you.”
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riemmetric · 14 days
When this is over | Original fiction
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Note: Based on the current @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt, lights and sirens. The context for this one is, perhaps, very silly. I've started watching Formula 1 in August. Just like with everything else that I watch, be it a piece of media or a sport, my thoughts immediately veered towards how can I create a novel(la) within this universe. Car racing doesn't lend itself well to novel writing, though, (no way to capture speed on paper) and I doubt Netflix will hire me as a script writer for a tv show any time soon. But nothing stops me from creating a bunch of characters and writing heartfelt conversations between them. So, the people in this little piece: Martin and Matthew are two F1 drivers racing for the same team. Pauline is a sports photographer, Martin's girlfriend and the same age as him. Natalia is a supermodel, Matthew's girlfriend and a decade younger than him. The four of them go on holiday together and the two women share a moment while alone at sea.
Natalia swims in the sea. Pauline, perched on a rock, watches her glide in and out of the moonlight. Only the disturbance in the glasslike surface of the water betrays the presence of a body. Martin and Matthew are still on the boat moored to this small piece of earth that barely classifies as an island. There is no one else around for kilometers.
The deck sports colorful fairy lights and big headlights to keep watch over the swimmers. Natalia emerges from the water, her perfect profile backlit by the moon. She waves at Pauline, who has never learned how to swim properly. This close to the water she’s wearing boots and a loosely knitted jumper over her swimsuit.
The stillness of the night is punctuated by the laughter coming from the boat. Matthew is adamant to make a chess player out of Martin by the end of the trip. There’s a gin bottle on the table and it keeps track of time like an hourglass of old.
Natalia swims back to shore and grabs hold of the rock Pauline is sitting on. Her beauty is unreal.
“Come in!” Natalia says.
Pauline feels the pull of the water. There is a freedom here that cannot be captured anywhere else on planet Earth. But she can’t. The sea is a cruel mistress. She doesn’t want to be a sad story in the news.
“I can’t swim,” she says. “Sorry! I grew up smack in the middle of Germany. I was never much of a fan of the seaside.”
Natalia lowers herself under the water. The noise is extinguished from the world and she savors this moment, when it’s just her, a body held in perfect equilibrium within the universe. She comes back up when her lungs demand breath and sits down next to Pauline.
In the world of light, Martin yells fuck you, man and Matthew laughs.
“Do you ever think about the end?” Pauline asks.
“Of the world?” Natalia answers.
“Of this.”
Natalia looks up. She can hear the faint sound of Matthew explaining some chess move.
“No. I don’t think about the future. You can’t do that in my line of work, or you wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of it. I want to enjoy it.”
Pauline falls silent. Natalia is a supermodel. Her body is regarded as piece of art as much as the clothes they adorn it with. Its value is not timeless. It makes Pauline sad.
“Do you love Matthew?”
Natalia turns to look at her. There is an air of maturity about her that wasn’t there a moment ago.  
“What is love? He laughs at my jokes. Not many men pay attention at how funny I am, they just laugh at my accent. But he laughs at my jokes. I think he’s funny too. He’s nice to me. He listens to me. He cares about what I say. I feel safe with him. Maybe I do love him a little.” She looks wistfully at the moon. “We’re young, and he’s beautiful, and a good kisser, and the sunsets in Monte Carlo take my breath away. The present is the only thing that’s real, the only thing I care about.”
Natalia is sitting so close now; she smells like the sea. Pauline knows she herself smells a little like cigarettes, a little like alcohol, a little like Martin’s cologne. Natalia is looking straight into her eyes; fairy lights dance around her dark irises.
“When this is over, I’d like to see to you again. I’d like to go on a trip like this with you, just the two of us.”
Pauline can’t help her smile. She closes her eyes to hide a certain sadness she knows is there. Her thoughts circle around soft hands, lipstick stains on her neck, champagne and solitary islands in the Mediterranean Sea, away from the judgment of men. Nothing about this night feels real. This sentiment is not uncommon to her. Sometimes, when she watches the race, the number next to the unit of measurement for speed doesn’t feel real either. Neither does the champagne out of those oversized bottles, neither the fireworks over a track in a country where women aren’t allowed to drive. Sometimes, although it pains her to admit, the light coming through the white silk curtains in Martin’s Monaco apartment feels like the light on a movie set.
The rock feels sturdy under her. She presses her open palm hard against it for stability. A breeze passes over her body, like the breath of a sleeping giant. All of it is real, all of it. Reality all the way down.
“Yes, I'd like that,” she says.
The fairy lights from the boat chase each other around the trail of moonlight. Natalia’s head finds Pauline’s shoulder. Pauline squeezes Natalia's hand, warm fingers closing around a cold palm. It’s nothing and everything at the same time.
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childofaura · 1 year
What are your thoughts on ichikawa halu? They did Legendary Caeda, Resplendent Cecilia, Baby Ilyana, Summer Micaiah, Rearmed Ophelia, Halloween Rhea, Tatiana and Duo Ymir + Eir.
They’ve mostly drawn women so far but I would like to see them tackle an Owain/Odin alt or maybe even a Brady alt but I think that Lissa and/or Maribelle would’ve benefited from ichikawa’s artstyle.
I really enjoy their artwork, and I LOVE their work for Halloween Rhea.
So I'll break it down.
Firstly, I like their expressionwork. It's not crazy expressive like Argon or Nishiki Areku, but it's very expressive nonetheless (Where it applies, lol):
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And side note, I love their effects during the crit portraits.
But also their original designs are pretty awesome; Rhea looks very pretty, Summer Ymir and Eir have well designed swimsuits (without looking too goofy), and then there's Re-Armed Ophelia and, despite my minor gripes, Resplendent Cecilia:
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The designs are pretty neat, and Cecilia's is still very pretty and nice to look at.
I think it also goes without saying that their posework and their color/lighting/shading work is pretty on point. They have a very vibrant color style.
For some criticism, like you mentioned, they haven't really drawn any boys, but I have a feeling they'd easily be able to draw some boys in the child range. If we ever get Duo Kanas, I think they'd have no trouble tackling the other gender. That and I don't think their range for drawing girls is too huge, it's really just young and maybe SOME mature adults. But again, they have a type and IS keeps assigning them that type.
I think I'd put Ichikawa Halu at an 8.5/10. I'm usually pretty happy to see their artwork and that Summer Ymir and Eir they did recently was really fun.
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atlantisview · 1 year
tumblr re reviewed my post of chlöe bailey and still decided it needed a “mature” community label. how about y’all do something about the fucking bots instead of labeling women in swimsuits “mature”. idiots lol
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customknitfactory · 7 months
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mirellasblogs-blog · 1 year
“Questions for wild experiences"
1-Do I like it when someone brushes against me in a crowded place?
2-Would you like to engage in a BDSM relationship?
3-Would you sleep with someone else to pay off your spouse's debt?
4-What would you do if your partner cheated on you, seek revenge or break up?
5-Would you kiss someone else in front of your partner?
6-How many people have you kissed so far?
7-Do you watch incest videos?
8-I have no feelings or physical experiences, so I cannot comment on how I would feel about sleeping with two men.
9-How does it feel to have a gay spouse?
10-Do you flirt with someone of the opposite sex when you are with your partner in different settings?
11-Send a special photo to someone you don't know and share their reaction with me
12-Throughout your life, do you want to have sex with only one penis/vagina, or would you try different relationships?
13-What do you think about those who cheat on their spouses, do you think it's a need or betrayal?
14-What do you think about cuckold relationships?
15-Would you sleep with someone else within your husband's consent?
16-Do you want your husband to watch you in a cuckold relationship?
17-Would you engage in a relationship with a transvestite?
18-What are your favorite toys?
19-What do you think about swinger relationships?
20-Send a photo to anyone and tell them to do a tribute
21-Go crazy and send a nude photo to the last person in the photo you shared and see their reaction
22-Make a confession about a relationship.
23-Do you like it when the eyes on the street watch you?
24-How would you react if your spouse's friend touched you while sleeping with your spouse?
25-Meet the courier with the door half-open with your partner.
26-Would you prefer a mature man who knows how to make love or a young man?
27-Take a walk on the street with your husband in a short skirt and show him how other men desire you
28-Would you sell photos or lingerie to strangers?
29-Are you a lesbian, do you have the courage to engage in lesbian acts in front of your husband?
30-Have you ever considered creating content on platforms like OnlyFans, and would you do it for money or for pleasure?
31-What does it mean to you for others to look at your body?
32-Is it 30 minutes with a Black person or 10 minutes with your partner?
33-Would you prefer mature women or young women?
34-If you saw your mother cheating on your father, what would you do?
35-Do you want to have a relationship with someone who gives you pleasure or with the person you love?
36-If you had a second male preference, would you cheat or would you share this with your partner?
37-Do you want a woman to fuck you with a strapon?
38-Would you share photos and videos with your spouse on private platforms?
39-What does it mean to you if your partner looks at other girls' or guys' photos, is it a reason for a fight?
40-Every woman wants to have sex with a different man, do you agree with this?
41-Have you ever made money by video chatting?
42-What do you think about women who share daring photos of themselves in bikinis and swimsuits?
43-Do you use drugs and have sex?
44-"Would you like to connect?"
45-Would you accept marrying a divorced person?
46-What position would you recommend to someone who wants to have sex with you?
47-Have you ever shared explicit photos on Tumblr, or do you plan to?
48-Would you bring third parties into your relationship to help shape it? Do you lean more towards men or women in your preference?
49-Would you like to watch your husband with another woman?
50-Are you looking for someone experienced in lovemaking or someone inexperienced?
51-Would you prefer to sleep with three men separately or together?
52-Would you prefer to sleep with the man you love or the man who makes you orgasm?
53-Who was the first man you kissed?
54-If you were being raped, would you try to find pleasure in it or try to escape?
55-Would you have a relationship with a celebrity you admire?
#Questionanswer #Relationship #Emotion
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homedina · 2 years
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OMKAGI Workout Set for Women 2 Piece Seamless One Shoulder Sports Bra Scrunch Butt Lifting leggings Gym Outfits
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand How to Start Since 2015, OMKAGI engineered for International Women Clothing Market. Innovation A strong professional design team, more than 100+ members. Constantly looking for new style to improve our women bikini set, one piece swimsuits, gym leggings, workout shorts. Profession A mature supply chain system, triple quality test, more than 12 test by…
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spacesgreys · 2 years
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eulaliacc6b · 5 years
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ownskinblog · 3 years
Mature Swimsuits: Prime Women Style
Mature Swimsuits: Prime Women Style
Just because our figures are, shall we say, a little fuller now, and maybe things aren’t where they used to be, and it takes a lot of self-tanner to make our legs look okay, doesn’t mean we don’t want a stylish swimsuit. Mature swimsuits are out there, but you have to know where to find them. You also need to know what you are looking for in a swimsuit, what assets you want to flatter, and those…
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