#swindle's bakery au
bambifornia · 4 months
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Swindle Bakery AU!
Massachusetts, May 13th, 2155.
Swindle finds himself on Earth, nearly inches away from offlining. His entire frame aches, and his processor rings inside his helm. His data tracks can only replay a couple of memories before he slips into stasis mode. Bots chasing him, a shoot-out in an alien bar, him scanning a new alt mode, a ship crashing into the ground...
From there, it all goes black. Swindle didn't come back online until he found a little old lady seated behind the wheel, desperately trying to start the engine.
Swindle paused for a moment. When did this organic find him? What was she trying to do with him?
And when Swindle looked around and saw he was now parked at a car dealership, he wondered how he had managed to get himself there in the first place.
And he was horrified to find out that he didn't remember.
due to unfortunate circumstances involving a crash-landing and persecution from the Elite Guard, swindle finds himself back on Earth without any memory of how he got there. he's fortunate enough to find a sweet old lady, mabel, who offers him shelter while swindle tries to recollect his memories
during his stay, they both discover the other's talent. swindle nibbles on one of mabel's cookies (because he was damn near starving and couldn't find any energon or oil (and also he has a mod which allows him to digest some organic food, in case he's stranded without fuel)) and quickly becomes obsessed with mabel's baking
mabel, on the other hand, admires swindle for his knack for business. she laments how useful that skill must be and how she doesnt have it; maybe if she was more like swindle, she could save her dying bakery (which is like. 5 dollars away from bankruptcy lol)
the two then decide to strike a deal; swindle shares his expertise in exchange for a roof over his head (and an unlimited supply of treats). from there begins their alliance and they both start to reap the benefits from it in the form of profit.
what they both didn't expect to gain from this partnership, though, is a friendship
anyway that's the intro to this silly au !! if u guys wanna know more lemme know. i will be glad to share more of my silly lil ideas with you all
(and before anyone asks, there's a reason why I gave swindle a new form. he scanned a new alt form before slipping into stasis mode)
as always, the ppl who r still here reading this get a extra doodle. this doodle was made very early on, when I planned on making this au as a fic
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anyway. that's it. bye bye
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 year
Tell me about your servamp AUs... All of them...
ok this is going to be a long list tho so buckle up:
Succubus Mahiru AU, inspired by @yarrayora 's bc i love it and would love to hear theirs. plz. I wanna hear about it so bad.
Kuro Has Too Many Exes AU, where the usual "Mahiru drags home a human!kuro" and gets into a situationship that turns into a relationship with him and he meets all of kuro's exes (the other servamps, gear, germaine) and helps him deal with all of that.
The Game (i havent figured out a cool name for this au yet) AU where there is this huge reality tv show that doubles as a romance/job hunting thing where people or companies will hunt someone of their choosing for either romance or to recruit. The people chasing are hunters and the people running are prey and the goal of the prey is to run around the country to avoid getting caught by the hunters for as long as they can for a guarantied better life and a heafty cash prize. The goal of the hunters is to try and capture their desired prey and if they succeed, they date or recruit them. Mahiru finds himself nominated by japan internet to be prey and he does it.
"Haunted House" Au where the Servamps arent vampires but still immortal and they get sentient houses out of it. I love this one.
Mahiru And The Witch's Broom Au, based off the movie Mary and the Witches Flower. An Au where Mahiru breaks his broom so he buys another that turns out to be a magic broom that broomnaps him into the magical world hidden from non-magic humans. He had picked up a normal "cat" the same day and the cat, Kuro, got broomnapped with him. Mahiru becomes a witch and its chaos, I love it.
There's also my Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-Kun au for Servamp. Akira made a deal with a demon, Tooru, when Mahiru was born in order to help take care of him and give him a family, Tooru gets attached to Akira and they both end up concidering themselves siblings and so obviously he loves his sister very much as well as his adorable nephew Mahiru. Akira dies and their both heartbroken, Tooru doesnt let go of the Shirota Visage and stays in the human world (illegally) to care for Mahiru. Shit happens and Mahiru gets sucked into the demon world and he isnt able to go back. There starts his new school life!
My clown au that is so for me specifically and i love love love LOVE IT.
My Au based off of the Lotus Flower Casino from the Percy Jackson movie specifically. Please ask about this one.
Mine and @pinkestlittlebutterfly 's Candy House au, which is a more mafia setting post-Tsubaki defeating that has all the demons being human apart from their servamps and each respective demon-servamp has History with each other. Sloth, named Rowan here, ends up falling in love with Mahiru in an attempt to steal away the thing Kuro loves the most. No, they are not related here but everything is great and Fibi's ideas are *mwah* CHEF'S KISS.
We also made a Fae Au together that i adore just as much.
My self-indulgent Sloth Pair move-out au where they get a really nice but trashed house they renovate and its very lovey dovey and domestic and a bit angsty bc Mahiru's never really been anywhere but Tooru's apartment and also Touma makes Tooru miss Mahiru's move-out day when they finally fix their house up. Also they somehow swindle C3 into paying their bills for saving japan.
The Bakery Au where Mahiru opens his own small bakery/resturaunt and takes in Kuro and attracts very annoying people because of it. They all love his cooking. Kuro ends up learning and helping Mahi along with Sakuya. Tho I admit that this au is a little half-baked..... ;3
The Au where Mahiru takes Sakuya up on his request to start a band together and their love gets stronger and stronger with each song and mishap they make and get into.
Love Is Stored In The Cat AU, where Kuro gets moved into the apartment next to Mahiru by a worried Lily, finds a random cat in his apartment one day that got into his house through the faulty balcony door, ends up meeting mahiru because thats his cat and they start talking and its really cute. This is a Kuro healing au.
That Au where C3 buys a place to make all of the Pairs + Team M live in together. Its a very big, nice, high tech house with more than enough space for all of them and their individual preferences but we all know thats not going to stop any chaos and sibling drama. It has a huge, high tech kitchen that I swear Mahiru is in love with. Hed marry it, theres so much space. Also there are a lot of other rooms for activities! Team M has a room dedicated to their game nights.
My IB au, following the game, Mahiru goes on a school field trip to a new museum and gets sucked in to the world of Germaine's paintings. In this au, Germaine immortalizes the servamps through art.
And there's of course the AU where Germaine gets a body of his very own and due to very tough and unfortunate circumstances, Mahiru makes a contract with him! Kuro is not happy.
Then there's the Merfolk Au i have where all the Eves are merfolk instead of the other way around.
Thaaaaaaaat's all I can think of rn. So yeah. Also GET THE HELL OFF MY TUMBLR NICCOLO!!! WE WERE IN CLASS SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER WHEN U SENT ME THIS STHAP. cant believe i didnt see you do that.
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rawrsatthetree · 7 months
Idk how people can make dedicated content for their tav. I have a new Tav every month that I focus on and make a whole story for and ultimately drop for the next Tav to infect my mind.
Anyways my current Tav of the month is a human oath of devotion Paladin with an urchin background who’s an AU version of my dark urge where they aren’t a Bhaalspawn and got to grow up with their foster family instead.
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Ala'onna (An Elven name that means keeper of harmony). 26 years old.
They were adopted by their dads, a 300 year old retired paladin dwarf and a 650 year old retired ranger elf, who run a bakery on the outskirts of Riften. They always dreamed of growing up to be an adventurer like their dads, inspired by their many bedtime tales. They spent their childhood running around the lower city and exploring the sewers getting into trouble while their Vul (dwarf dad) would sell baked goods from his cart. They got mixed up with some ruff kids and learned how to swindle and steal. One day a strange pale girl with even paler eyes joined their little group of would be thieves. Everything was fun and games until this strange girl killed one of their friends, pushing him from one of the high city walls and watching with glee as he splattered on the cobblestone below. They watched in anger as flaming fists just shrugged it off and refused to even acknowledge those most in need of protection. They vowed to work hard to become a real hero that would protect everyone who was in need, even those others deem unworthy of protection.
They were on their way back to the city after an adventure to check on their Vul and Ada when they got snatched up by the mindflayers.
When the party got to Baldur’s Gate they were super excited to introduce all the companions to their fathers however they had both decided come out of retirement and went off to fight the Absolute’s army.
They don’t recognize that the pale girl from their childhood was Orin but they do admit she seems hauntingly familiar. They were a bit too young to run around in the same circle as Karlach and a little too low-class to play with Wyll. They had bumped into Astarion before, on a night they were out far later than they were supposed to be, they were dared to pick pocket him since he looked wealthy and stupid. He frightened them off flashing his fangs and glowing red eyes threatening to drain them dry if they didn’t piss off. They refused to sleep alone for the next month waking up from nightmares of a vampire trying to bite them in their sleep. Astarion doesn't remember, but they do. They don't just recognize he's a vampire that night when he tried to bite them, but specifically the vampire that haunted their nightmares as a child.
They think they tread the line of an oath breaker but, for all their grey morality, they always stand up to evil. Even if their definition of evil is a little more fluid and grey. They try not to judge creatures based on what they are or people based on their background. "Stealing is ok, the real evil is the rich that let you starve"; "maybe goblins wouldn't be like that if people treated them with kindness and respect" that sort of thing. This does make them very naive, they're open mind getting in the way when they really shouldn't trust or give people a chance. They fight with themselves to see the good in the world, for them it's a choice they make, in spite of everything. They tend to shoulder too much, when bad things happen it's their fault. They should have been stronger, they should have been quicker, they should have known better.
They actually have a really low constitution for a paladin, it's only 11. Yes they still always use compel duel, yes they go down every other fight, yes Astarion is loosing his mind over his knight in shining armor with a death wish. They also have laughably low wisdom (8) and intelligence (9).
Growing up everyone thought they were actually half dwarf because they're 5'3" and kind of stocky. They're not really self conscious or anything, they know they're muscular (18 strength) and their chubbiness is just proof of being raised in a loving home with good food and lots of bread (their Vul taught them this).
They're Ada was a little more distant from them than their Vul that dotted on them constantly. Not that he didn't love them as much, but being 660 years old will make you a little distant or so their Vul told them. They wouldn't say they have daddy issues since their Vul is also their dad, more specifically they Elf daddy issues. They are embarrassingly desperate for attention and validation from specifically Elven men. Astarion is blissfully unaware of this, of course they want his approval that's what he's manipulating them for. Halsin however knows.
They're not fluent but they can speak and understand a bit of Elvish and Dwarfish as well as some thieves chant.
Their second highest stat is charisma and they love to sing. They swear they should have been a Bard but the schooling is much more expensive than some starter armor, a sword, and an oath.
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omniswords · 4 years
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass 11
here’s the next update, everyone! sometimes i wish i could update this more frequently than i do, but the writing has been slow going because of a) other pieces i'm working on and b) work kicking back into high gear 😣 but i really appreciate your patience all the same.
it's looking like this first part of the story will be about 24 or 25 chapters, plus a sequel somewhere in the pipeline. i'm actually really excited for it, but i have some questions about it for you that’d help me guide how i want to get it out! if you could leave a comment with your thoughts, i'd be super appreciative.
would you prefer the sequel to be from Marinette's point of view? or a mix of Marinette and Luka?
if you'd like a mix, would you like a retelling of Chronicles from Marinette's point of view, too, to balance it all out? 
do you like the narrative format? or should i try my hand at making it look more like a social media AU? or a mix of both?
thank you so so much! your feedback will really help me figure out what i want to do going forward 💙🎶💖
damn, uh. i wasn’t expecting you all to like that so much. i guess i just needed to give it a little more time to sink in.
it’s only a work in progress, but hey. here’s hoping you’ll like it when it’s all done. thanks for giving it a chance @itsdjbubbles
Marinette was looking at a billboard of Adrien Agreste back then. He’s not so stupid that he didn’t notice. And it wasn’t that typical Celebrity Crush Stare, either. He knew what those looked like. He’d worn them, sometimes even daydreamed about someone looking at him like that from an audience pit. This was different. This was… wistful. The kind that said something could have been, but never was.
Did Marinette… know Adrien Agreste? Like, personally? She had mentioned getting a letter of recommendation from his father, after all. Had she done some kind of special work? Or entered some contest? Maybe she’d only gotten a handful of passing glances when she had the distinguished honor of weaving through the halls of the illustrious Agreste mansion. (Luka didn’t actually know if it could be called “illustrious;” it simply looked that way from the outside, and it wasn’t as though any of the Agrestes had deigned to order food from his job, so it wasn’t as though he could just waltz in and find out.)
Something was there. And Luka didn’t need to find out what that something was. But he wanted to. Curiosity hadn’t killed him yet—
Across the ping pong table, Juleka fans herself with her paddle, eyeing the ball that smacked him in the face as it rolls away. “Game, set, and match,” she says with a deadpan expression. “Should’ve known thinking about Bakery Girl wouldn’t help you win.”
“I wasn’t thinking about her,” Luka insists to no avail.
He relents, rolls his eyes, picks up the ping pong ball. “One more.”
“Nah.” Juleka sets her paddle down and starts to cut through the greenhouse area on the Liberty. “It’s no fun winning when you’re all distracted. Even you letting me win is more fun than that.”
Defeated, Luka picks up the ping pong ball—the only victory, considering how many of them they’ve lost to the Seine—and goes after her. She was right to fan herself; it’s way too hot to function on deck, so he ties his hoodie around his waist and wrestles his hair into a short ponytail. Sure, it’s due for a cut and a dye, and sure, Juleka would pounce on the opportunity if he asked, but there are more important things to worry about than his hair. And it surprises him to even think that. “Honestly, I… didn’t think you wanted to bring her up again.”
To an untrained eye, Juleka wouldn’t have frozen or flinched, but he knows his sister better than that. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s my God-given right as your younger sibling to rib you about any and every crush you have.”
“Do you even believe in God?”
“Only when you make me ride on the back of your bike.”
Touché. Luka stifles a faint laugh and sinks to the couch. Twenty-one years on this boat, and he’s never thought to question why there’s an entire vintage furniture set in a greenhouse. But then, he’s never been one to question his own mother—even if she’s made it a point time after time after time to question authority at every corner. At least it’s cooler with the glass to protect them, and Juleka looks so unfazed in all that black that she has to be stronger than that pathetic thing America calls an army.
“Hey,” he says after a moment. “Do you wanna talk about it?” He doesn’t bank on her saying yes, but these days, everything feels like it’s worth a shot. Even if he ends up kicking himself after. If he can survive winking at Marinette Dupain-Cheng and then having a full-blown conversation with her after, he can probably do literally anything else.
It doesn’t surprise him that Juleka shakes her head, but at least he doesn’t feel like kicking himself after all.
“Is it…” He pauses to gather his words; he’s pretty sure Juleka’s one of the only people he could do that for. “Is it one of those things that you want to forget ever happened? You know?” He knows. There are plenty of things he wants to forget, too.
“Nah,” Juleka finally says. “It’s more like… I don’t think it’s my thing to tell.”
Luka isn’t exactly sure what that’s supposed to mean; the only thing it tells him is not to ask her any more questions—that he should go to Marinette with them instead. And he’s not even sure that that’s the best idea. It might take a few more napoleons. A few more deliveries.
He decides to change the subject. “So I started talking to this guy.”
Juleka cocks her head and folds herself up on the armchair. “Huh. That was fast.”
“No, I mean…” He rolls his eyes. “He could get us a gig.”
This time, her expression shifts from sardonic to wary. He has to wonder if anyone else can see these little differences, besides him and Rose. “How do you know he’s legit?”
“I think a couple thousand followers and some DJ sets are pretty legit.”
“How do you know he doesn’t want something from you?”
“Well…” Luka holds his breath in his lungs. She has a point. A couple of points, actually. Sure, they’ve been private messaging back and forth for a few days now, but he still, admittedly, doesn’t know a whole lot about this Bubbles guy. Most of the content they post goes right to Soundcloud, as if the account is automatically linked to post every time a new song or clip goes up. And admittedly, the music is pretty good. Hell, he’s only seen that one silhouette, and that’s the closest he’s gotten to a photo. For all they both know, Bubbles could up and swindle them out of their own guitars. And it’s not like he’s actively trying to compare himself to Adrien Agreste, but he at least wants to keep one of the reasons that might make Marinette want to keep talking to him. It’s not as though all he has to do is exist and have his face plastered all over half of Paris.
It’s just…
It’s just that Luka’s wound his way around the internet enough times to know when kindness is just too kind. He’s been around the block with people who try to get to know him after one song or one close-to-tasteful selfie, only for him to find out exactly what they want from him. He’s gotten on with enough people who ended up blocking him or posting vague, passive aggressive things that he thought he knew—and then definitely knew—were about him. And if Bubbles really was on the Champ de Mars that afternoon, then there was nothing in that park that told him to be scared. Not a single suspicious note.
“I don’t,” he confesses. “Not totally. But I want to believe him.”
“Do you want to believe him?” Juleka asks. “Or are you looking for a reason to impress her?”
For a flicker of a moment—long enough for only his sister to have the eye to notice—Luka can feel his expression go sour. If his guitar weren’t safely downstairs, he’d be holding it close for his own security. Instead, he gets to his feet with a sudden rush of energy, and he makes for the watering can. The plants are looking a little dry. Or maybe he’s just looking for something to do. Something to need him for a bit. “Music’s been around for me before I even knew she existed,” he says, quiet enough for the rug and the upholstery and the leaves to absorb before anyone else does. “And it’ll be there for me till I’m dead and buried. It’s my guarantee, Jules, and I should at least pay it back for everything it’s done for me.”
“That’s not a no.”  At least she lets the silence hit before she says it.
Luka sets the watering can down, shuffles his way out of the greenhouse and back into the sun. “Yeah, well. Maybe I’m not totally opposed to it being a yes.”
What is his music, he thinks, if he doesn’t share it with anyone? Just another one-way conversation? Hasn’t he had enough of those?
Behind him, Juleka catches up and takes him by the wrist. “Come on,” she says with a conceding sigh. “Let’s go.”
“Go where?”
She flicks his little ponytail. “You need a re-up,” she says simply. “Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
So he puts his time in Juleka’s hands, and he’s never quite sure how long it takes, but he doesn’t mind her taking care of him while he tries—and fails—to forget about Adrien Agreste, and while he gives his messages with Bubbles another go. He even dares to post a picture—not of himself, but of his sneakers, cluttered with designs and as loud as the personality he sometimes wishes he had. The personality that only barely pokes through when Bubbles says something about a set and a club and a real, actual date and time.
look, ma. no vans. and no dollars. and no dates.
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freakinhorse123 · 3 years
Robin!! For ur power au does that mean bench trio + Wilbur + Fundy are basically vigilantes? Do they usually work with each other or are they doing their own thing?
Also any characters that u already assigned as supervillains and/or superheroes?
(also very cool au my beloved)
On the spectrum of morally grey, Wilbur and Fundy are very much a dark shade of grey. They will kill people if necessary and they do what they do for their own self interest. Wilbur and Fundy used to work together a bit but something went wrong on a job that made Fundy a lot less eager to work with Wilbur
On the other hand, bench trio is a lighter morally grey. Tommy only kills people if there is no other option (which isn’t often) and likes helping people and Tubbo’s job is steering people away from the fight so he doesn’t see combat much. But Ranboo’s other form is a lot greyer. I took inspiration from the hulk so, as you can imagine, Ranboo’s other form isn’t to cautious when fighting. Bench Trio wouldn’t really work with Wilbur and Fundy unless they were taking down a common enemy (like a corrupt politician or asshole billionaire)
As for other roles so far I have:
— Schlatt is a corrupt politician who fucked over Wilbur and led to him spending a stint in prison. His powers allow him to swindle the higher ups and do whatever he wants, so not everyone is too fond of him
—Quackity is also a politician. He’s not as corrupt as Schlatt but he works with Heroes and even some vigilantes and Antiheroes occasionally and is hellbent on putting every powered person in the country on taking down one certain villain.
— Sapnap is Quackity’s bodyguard. Q’s regulations and excessive control on the superhero industry makes him not so well liked and so the government thought he needed protection. They slowly fell in love (cliché I know) and Sapnap introduced him to his boyfriend Karl. But Sapnap doesn’t know all of what’s going on with Q and it puts a strain on their relationship sometimes.
— Karl looks like just a civillian. He works in a bakery in town and is visited by a lot of people (including some superheroes and supervillains). But he seems to know quite a bit and there are some suspicious photos on web forums regarding him.
— Dream is a supervillain. The baddest supervillain. Even some other villains and morally grey people aren’t too keen on him because of the underhanded methods he uses to get what he wants. He has friends in high places and some of them don’t even know it and he will use them for his own gain.
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lumassen · 4 years
Kinda dumb au but pirate Monaco (im thinking Francis' first mate who really like booty ;)) and Mermaid (or siren) Seychelles. Love your writing thanks for reading my ask
Hiya! Thanks so much for your ask, I LOVED writing this little AU! It ended up being a little longer than I wanted it to be, and the end might be a little abrupt, but I really enjoyed writing Monaco (Lucille) as a pirate! Hopefully you like it! :) If anyone else would like me to write them something, drop me an ask!
The waves parted along the bow as The Elusive finally broke into calmer waters. The South Atlantic could be unforgiving and had claimed many a ship in its history, but over the past few days it had been no match for The Elusive.
Magnificent sails cracked in the wind and the sea foamed in the wake of the great ship as it slipped through the water, now making good time and perfectly on course, thanks to its Captain. She was as beautiful as her ship was. There were many ships that sailed the seven seas, but hardly any compared to Captain Lucille and her crew. At first she’d been looked down upon, sneered and spat at, and outright ignored simply because she was a lady. But a skilled swordsman she was, and soon most rival ships around the globe had come to fear her. Dressed in the finest silks and feathers that gold could buy, at first glance one might only see elegance, grace and beauty, but underneath all the decadence was a true pirate, so much so that many swore instead of blood, it was saltwater ran through her veins.
Long, braided hair the colour of barley ran down her back as she stood proudly at the helm and took in a deep breath of the sea air she loved so much. Now that The Elusive was safely out of the storm that had engulfed the South Atlantic in the past hours she could finally relax after bringing her ship and her crew to safety once again. The deck was an inch or so deep in saltwater, clumps of seaweed and driftwood debris strewn everywhere from the 10 foot waves that had crashed up the sides of the ship. The Captain could only hope that too much hadn’t seeped below to the quarters or the hold. She was soaked to the skin as she had stayed at the helm all through the night to ensure that they came out of the storm in one piece. Her wide brimmed ostrich feather hat and velvet breeches the colour of deep wine were no doubt ruined, but such things were replaceable whereas a valued crew was not.
Lucille would bet her life that she had the most formidable crew on the sea and each member of the ships company had proved themselves worthy and pledged loyalty to their Captain in many ways. Her Gunners were her best men, some of whom she had stolen from a rival ship that had abandoned their previous captain just for the chance to serve Lucille after she had plundered them and looted all of their riches in a single attack.
Her Sailing Master was known across land and sea for his extensive skills when it came to route plotting, navigation and co-ordination. She had sailed all the way to England and paid a pretty penny to persuade him to come aboard The Elusive. The day he finally bowed beneath her heeled boot and pledged to serve her was one of her greatest triumphs.
Finally, her First Mate and Quartermaster was someone who she trusted with her life, and that was hard to do if you were a wealthy and strong Captain with such a strong ship as she was where even your crew mates might slit your throat in your sleep. Francis Bonnefoy was the closest person that Lucille had to a family. Dragged up on the streets of coastal Cannes, France as an orphan, Lucille had to fight her way to glory and Francis had been by her side every step of the way. Although he was 8 years older than she was, Lucille and Francis had always been equal.
Francis was cunning and clever, and could always manage to swindle his way out of paying for bread at the bakery so that they could fill their stomachs, and Lucille was brave and had her wits about her, somehow managing to get away with hitching rides on the back of a horse and cart to save their aching feet or swipe some jewels from an unsuspecting rich man’s pocket in a crowd. Francis had taken Lucille under his wing, expecting nothing in return from her apart from her company. She was a pretty girl and as they were growing up as nothing but sewer rats he could have done anything he wanted with her. He could have sold her away as a slave or chambermaid, or forced her to marry him and they could have crawled through society together, but instead Francis had let Lucille lead him, and he followed in her every footstep. The belief he had in her strength had paid off when the young girl grew into a young woman, and one day she tricked a fisherman into giving her his boat in exchange for a night with her. The two of them had stolen away in the night out into the open sea after leaving the fisherman with a good blow to the head out cold in a run-down brothel somewhere.
Some 15 years and a lot of trading, clawing and plundering later, they were now wealthy pirates in charge of the Mediterranean.
“Mon trésor, I can man the helm for a while. Manon has lain out some dry clothes in your chambers for you.” Francis spoke up from behind Lucille, and she looked over her shoulder to meet his gaze.
He looked at her as salt water sprayed up the side of the ship and her hair blew in the sudden gust of wind that the wave brought with it, her eyes shining and her face alive with the thrill of being out on the water at the helm of her ship. Francis had always known that he’d loved Lucille, and just looking at his Captain as she stood before him, the trying sun shining through the breaking storm clouds casting rays of light onto her, he felt that love now more than ever.
Quickly she took one hand from the wheel and removed her sopping wet hat from her head and took her braid out, shaking her hair free.
“But we’re out of the thick of it now, and we’re so close I can smell it. I’ll soon dry in this breeze.” She said with a grin, then turned back to the helm and gripped the wheel with both hands, steering starboard slightly. Francis smiled at the back of her and shook his head, bending down to pick up her discarded hat from where it lay on the desk at her feet, its feathers’ sea soaked beyond repair.  
The Elusive and its crew had set off from the coast of France a few weeks ago in search of an island somewhere in the Indian Ocean that sail master Arthur had overheard some scallies talking about in hushed tones over a pint one evening. He’d sat in the pub for hours and worked out a map, listening as best he could to their talk about how to apparently find it until he’d been shooed out into the night once the pub closed its doors. Whenever they were docked and on shore, Lucille would send Arthur out to scope out as much information as he could about riches and treasures that were there for the taking if you were brave enough. As well as being a skilled sail master, Arthur was resourceful and could force words right out of a person’s mouth, even if he had to hold a dagger to their throat. He was ruthless, sly, and quite frankly strikingly handsome, not having any trouble taking people to bed to entice them to reveal any secrets that they knew.
Judging by the tropical storm that they had passed through, Captain Lucille and her crew weren’t far from their destination. If Arthur was right and the scallies from the pub weren’t talking nonsense, then an undiscovered island of riches and otherworldly wonders were in their wake.
Francis hung Lucilles hat on a hook in the mast pole in an attempt to dry it out in the warm breeze, then tied his blond hair back with a ribbon before peering over the edge of the ship. The waters that lapped against the hull were clear and blue, a mighty comparison to the cold and dark waters of the Atlantic that had stretched around The Elusive as far as its crew’s eyes could see for the past few weeks.
“Land ahoy, Captain!” the watchman called from his station atop the mast.
“Francis! Man the helm!” Lucille shouted, already half way across the deck by the time Francis had turned away from the edge of the ship.
She swung herself up onto the forecastle deck at the very front of the ship in a swift motion, using one of the loose sail ropes to pull herself up and unclasped her telescope from its sheath at her hip. Raising it to her eye, the Captain looked out over the ocean in front of her, and sure enough, there it was. Land, at last. Wonder began to well inside of her just as it always did when she had made another successful voyage, and she never tired at the thrill of the adventure. All they had to do now was land ashore. Her polished leather boots hit the wooden lower deck hard as she jumped down and made her way back over to the helm.
“Bring her in steady Francis; we’re only a league or so from shore.” Lucille said with a grin, and then turned her attention to three of the gunners who had emerged from below deck as a result of the cries of land ahoy, ready and waiting for their Captains orders. They worked on lowering the sails and slowing down The Elusive as they neared the shore, and Lucille took a good swing and hit at the large gong the ship used to signal to any other rival ships of their arrival.
“Captain Lucille, you’d better take a look ahead!” the watchman called again from atop the mask, waving down at Lucille and pointing to the shore ahead of them as it grew nearer. Leaning over the side of the ship, Lucille brought her telescope to her eye once more, her breath hitching in her throat as the lens focused on what she could only imagine the watchman intended for her to look at.
“What is it? What do you see?” Francis asked as he hurried to her side, peering at the shore before them. Lucille didn’t say a word and just slowly passed the telescope to Francis in a stunned silence. It took a moment for him to focus, but Lucille could feel him tense beside her once he’d spotted it.
“Mon dieu, is that really a… siren?” he choked out, hardly believing the words that left his own lips as he lowered the telescope. It was unmistakeably a Siren, lain out on a rock only a few feet from the shore.
Every pirate that had ever sailed the seas knew the legends and myths about Sirens and Merfolk, and every pirate knew that they were dangerous and were probably the last thing you ever saw if you came across one. Lucille’s mouth had gone dry and her voice rasped as she cried out for the crew to lower the anchors and stop their course for shore at once, and she watched as calmly as she could as her men got to work. If the tales and legends were true, then the company of The Elusive were in trouble. As far as Lucille knew, she was the only female Captain that sailed the Mediterranean at least, and possibly the majority of the seven seas, and she and her galley maid Manon were the only women on board. In the legends there was never any mention of Sirens effects on a woman, but that could simply be because Lucille was not meant to be aboard a ship, let alone be its captain according the tradition and society and so women had never been included in the tales.
“Captain, we’re surrounded by them,” the watchman said as he jumped down from the ladder on the mast, his expression full of concern.
Lucille looked to Francis for guidance, even though she had a plan that was forming in the back of her mind.
“I have an idea, and you have to trust me.” She said, looking deep into his eyes. She could see the fear in them despite him holding his head high. Francis shook his head,
“I’ve always trusted you, but now you’ve made me nervous.” He said, his voice hesitant.
Hearing the commotion, most of the crew had come up from below deck, and they all stood around their Captain, too scared to even cast their gaze over the side of the ship should it fall upon a Siren.
“I’m not going to let my ship and my crew sink at the hands of these creatures we all thought to be a myth until now,” she began, tying her hair back into a ponytail and away from her face, “so unless any of you boys have a better idea, I need you to hoist me down in the rowboat.” Lucille finished, trying to remain as absolute as she could when her crew gasped around her and Francis grabbed her arm.
“You can’t be serious. I know that we’re pirates and you’ve fought many enemies for us, but those foes have been human.” Francis pleaded, realising what it was that Lucille planned to do, and the crew nodded and murmured in agreement.
Lucille sighed heavily in exasperation as she shook Francis’s grip from her arm. Her heart was in her mouth, and she was terrified of what creatures lay beneath the waves, but she couldn’t reveal that to her crew. She was their Captain, and she was going to save them.
After much persuasion and the raising of her voice, Arthur and Francis finally began to lower the ropes that held Lucille and the wooden rowboat that she was sat in to the hull of The Elusive. They kept their eyes averted away from the ocean as they did so for fear that they would catch the eye of a Siren in the waters and throw themselves overboard if it was so much as to will them to. Even if Lucille’s plan didn’t work, they were probably going to die out here in the middle of the Indian Ocean anyway, but they would have rather died with their Captain at least, as they were bound to do as her crew.
Francis’ hands were trembling as he held the ropes, and he wanted to do nothing more than to pull his Captain back up on deck, but he couldn’t. He had allowed Lucille to go down to greet the Sirens in an attempt to make peace with them and spare their lives on one condition, which was that if anything seemed to be going wrong she would signal to him and he would dive in after her. To Lucille, it didn’t seem like a good plan or a good rescue attempt at all, because as soon as Francis hit the water he would likely be lured to his death by the sirens anyway, but she couldn’t refuse his request. If she were going to die, she wanted to die with Francis by her side.
Clutching her crossbow to her breast, Captain Lucille tensed as the boat hit the sea and rocked a little in the wake of the waves that crashed back and forth against the hull of her ship. Hastily, she un-hooked the ropes that connected the rowboat to it, then grabbed an ore and pushed away from the shadow of The Elusive before she could have second thoughts. Looking out across the vast waters that now surrounded her as she rowed out, Lucille’s eyes narrowed, searching for any trace of movement from the depths below. Heart still drumming in her chest, she could feel how her pulse quickened at every sound, every call of a gull in the sky above, every creak that the boat made beneath her.
Then, all of a sudden, a Siren emerged out from under the water just inches from the boat, and stared up into Lucille’s face as she scrambled to reach for her crossbow from where she laid it down beside her. Compared to Lucille’s rugged beauty the Siren was otherworldly, and she was transfixed. Its hair was as dark as jet, as were its eyes as they bored into the blue of Lucille’s. Her body felt as though it had turned to stone as she took in the angular features of the Sirens face as it clutched the side of the boat, pulling itself up so that it was now only inches from Lucille’s face. She noticed the darkness of its skin and scales, and the gills that opened and closed on either side of its neck. As it gazed at her, Lucille found that she couldn’t look anywhere else, her muscles refusing to move and her eyes suddenly unable to blink even as a scaled hand reached out to grasp her hair. Perplexed, the Siren ran Lucille’s long hair through webbed fingers, the tip of its tail rising out of the water, curling in curiosity. Although Lucille knew that she was caught under the Siren’s spell, something about this being in front of her didn’t seem like the tales she’d heard of ugly, half human half fish creatures that would sing sweetly whilst pulling you under the waves to your death.
Without warning, it suddenly felt as though an invisible bubble had burst around her, and her body slumped forward as she quickly regained control over her muscles again. Hastily, she looked over her shoulder and back to her ship, waving to Francis and Arthur and her crew who all hung over the sides, signalling that she was okay. Then she felt the boat jolt and clung onto the oars to steady herself. The siren had grabbed hold of the edge of the rowboat and was pulling Lucille toward the shore and out of the deep water.
“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” Lucille asked, panic rising in her chest a little, but she tried to swallow it back down again, knowing that the Siren probably couldn’t understand her. More of them had appeared now, their heads just breaking the surface of the water as they swam alongside the boat.
“You are not like the others,” One of them said, its voice soft and melodic, “We will not harm you.”
Lucille thought she must have imagined it, but then the Siren who had first approached her that was pulling her in the boat spoke,
“Many have sought our treasure, yet none have ever been worthy of it.” It said, and the boat came to a halt a few metres shy of the shore. Lucille watched as the other Sirens gathered around the darker haired Siren who had last spoken and they all reached out toward it, placing their hands over any part of its skin that wasn’t already covered by another’s until a ring of bright light began to glow around them. Lucille shielded her eyes from its intensity as it grew brighter and brighter, and once it had faded and she opened her eyes again she saw that the Siren now had a pearl necklace in its upturned palms, holding it out towards her.
“We Sirens can be found in all of the seven seas, just like you pirates. But you are not just a pirate, you are like us. To protect yourself and your crew while exploring our seas, wear this necklace. Your crew is made up of men, and most Sirens will not be as understanding as we are, but if you wear this your ship and its crew will be protected from our wrath should you ever stray too close again.”
The pearls were cold and smooth as the Siren pressed the necklace into Lucille’s hands,
“They call me Seychelles, and we are the Sirens of this isle. May we now part as friends, for you are like us.”
Lucille closed her fingers tightly around the necklace as she grasped it as a tear rolled down her cheek. Although she loved her crew, most men of the sea were not like they were. She’d been plundered many times just because other ships and their crews thought her to be weak or an easy target, but it was more at a loss to them as each time she rose again even stronger. She had often considered cutting her hair short and trying to disguise herself as a male but every time fought against herself. At a loss for words, Lucille didn’t have time to speak or say anything to the Sirens before the disappeared back under the waves as quickly as they had appeared, leaving her sat aboard her little rowboat.
She was a woman of the sea, just like the Sirens.
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Paper Airplane
Jung Hoseok/Reader [F]
Genre: Drabble, Internet Friends AU, Friends to Lovers, Fluff
Words: 1.6k
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You were scrolling lazily on your laptop that sat on your hardwood, cheap desk you picked up at a Goodwill.  Your foot tapped i boredom as your cheek squished in your palm that cradled it.  Your posture was anything but good, relaxed and definitely lazy.  You nearly had a heart attack when your speakers began singing the tune to let you know you had a Skype call coming through.
You quickly picked up the call and before the caller had the chance to let out a breath, you were quick to chew them out. 
“What have I told you about texting me before calling me!  Honestly, do you ever learn Hobi!”  You scolded, but whined, making your best friend over seas laugh loudly.   
“What’s the problem with calling?  I’m sure you weren’t busy, you’re never busy.  You have like no life.”  You rolled your eyes as you unplugged your laptop and carried it to the bed, to flop down on it the mattress with a comfortable huff and began talking to your best friend. 
You two had met accidentally.  Hobi had been attempted to skype someone else, but had entered in the wrong username and ended up calling you instead.  While most people would duck their head, end the call and cringe into an eternal void, Hobi laughed at your confused face and messy bed head and made a new friend.  After that first 4 hour Skype call, he’d message you through there and eventually you were texting each other daily. 
“So, hey, did you get my box?”  Hobi asked as you nodded.  You sprung off the mattress and grabbed a shoe box from underneath your mattress.  You pulled the top open and showed him the inside.  
“Yup.  You send a lot of colorful paper this time.  I like it.”  You giggled as he clapped excitingly.  You didn’t know why or when he started doing this, but he one time asked for your address.  You had given it without hesitation and a week later a box showed up to your house.  Inside the shipping box was a shoe box.  And inside that was many paper airplane.  Each plane had messages, or encouraging words written on them.  Jokes and small stories that were sure to cheer you up. 
So, now once a month, Hobi is sure to send another box.  The latest arrival was filled with paper planes of pinks, blues, yellows and bright greens.  Along with his chicken scratch handwriting that is slowly improving. 
You set the box aside as you thanked him one again for his planes.  You’ve known him almost a year now, and under your bed is your collection of shoe boxes just filled with paper plane.  His paper planes.  In some ways, it felt like a part of him was with you.  
It was no secret that you had a crush on your over sea’s friend.  You weren’t that far from him.  You had been living in Japan for the past 3 years for college, and of course while Hobi did visit Japan quite frequently, he never had the time to really visit you like he had always wanted to.  He wanted to meet you one day.  One day soon.  
You had told him you like him about 3 months ago, and it wasn’t awkward for you.  You two were such good friends that saying you had a crush on him was almost too easy.  He laughed, but not mocking.  He was flattered that someone like you actually liked him romantically.  He really appreciates your feelings, and he wants to let you know how grateful he is.  
“Hey, pretty girl, I gotta skedaddle.”  He whines as he pouted his lips.  It was late, but he had a few more things to do before finally crawling into bed.  You nodded in understanding.  “But, before I log out, see the white plane in your box?”  You looked in the box and dug a bit before you saw the only plane that was made of regular printer paper.  You nodded at you showed it.  He smiled.  “Make sure to read that paper only on the date it has on the wing.”  You looked and it indeed have a date on the wing written on it.  
It was written a week from now.  You nodded slowly as you lowered the plane gently into your lap. 
“Okay?  Why though?”  
“Just because!  Promise?”  You nodded gleefully. 
“I promise.”  He laughed as he waved goodbye to you from his screen. “See you Pilot!”  You had started calling him that when you got your first box.  He was giving you paper plane he folded and wrote himself, he was their pilot.  Flying them all the way to your hands from his across the ocean’s gap. 
A week later and you were at work.  Being a server at a small time little bakery with only 10 tables inside and an outside desk wasn’t too much of a hassle.  It was a local joint, a place were familiar people would stop for a bagel, or donuts.  They’d treat you with a smile as you treated them with their pastry and accommodating beverage. 
It was a slow day today, and your boss, who also happened to be the parent of a friend of yours, seemed awfully giddy today.  Like she was hiding something from you.  In fact, it seemed like a lot of your regular costumers looked at you with sparkling eyes today.  Did something happen and you didn’t know?  It was like you just hit puberty and you were glowing or something. 
You shrugged it off for most of your shift, until it was almost 2 in the afternoon.  Almost time for your shift to end.  You were making your final rounds of checking on tables when you heard something skit to a stop at your feet.  Looking down past your apron tied about your waist, on the floor by  your black, flat covered foot was a single, perfectly folded paper airplane.  
Picking it up gently, you unfolded it out of habit of always getting Hobi’s plane and opened it up.  You didn’t expect it to have words on it, but it did.  
‘Turn around Pretty Girl.’
You folded the paper in half and stuffed it into your apron pocket as you whirled around and was already running to the door as you heard the sound of the bell atop it signalling someone had just stepped inside.  
You practically flew to the door as you hurled yourself into a body.  The body that belonged to your best friend of a year.  Hobi laughed as you clung to him, legs around his waist as your ankles locked around his back and your arms linked around his neck.  Your head rested by his neck as he held your thighs to keep you from falling off him.  
You two had never met in person before, but he desperately wanted to.  He’s always wanted to really meet you.  Not just through the camera of your phone or laptop, but with his own eyes.  Your boss leaned across the counters as she gushed at the ‘young love’ in front of hr, while the older couple who came in every Tuesday and Friday made a special stop when your boss told them Hobi contacted her to make sure you worked today so he could surprised you.  
It was heartwarming.  You jumped off Hobi as he held your waist and you stood in front of him, smiling ear to ear.  He pulled on your puff cheek and you pouted, whining as he smiled, cheek reddening in adoration.  
“You’re so much cuter in person.” You hit at his chest as you stomped your foot. 
“you should’ve told me you were here!  I’m in my work clothes!”  He chuckled at he pushed your cheeks together, making your lips pucker and he nuzzled his nose against yours. 
“I’ve seen you with smudgy eyeliner, smeared lipstick and hair that would put Eisenstein's white cotton-ball head to shame.  I see no difference in the beautiful girl I’ve seen through a screen and the one in front of me though.”  You rolled your eyes. 
“You’re being awfully flirty.”  He chuckled again as he quickly pecked your still puckered lips and then released your cheeks.  You felt him spin your around and pat your ass in the direction of your boss.  You were frozen for a moment just processing.  One, he slapped your butt, that was unusual, but he also kissed you.  
“Go clock out!  We don’t have all day, and I’m crashing at your place.”  You whirled around as he was running around tables and outside.  
“Who said you’re staying at my house?!  Jung Hoseok!”
Later that night, when Hobi had successfully swindled you into letting him stay with you, he was hogging your bed.  You had let him cuddling you, since he had been ‘dying to do so’, and you couldn’t say no to the innocent gleam in his eyes. You had gotten up to get some water, but stopped at your bedside and slid your box of planes out from under your bed.  
Taking the white one that was dated for today, you unfolded it as Hobi slept on his back, snoring lightly. You smiled as you read his handwriting. 
‘I hope I wasn’t a weeny and actually asked you to be my girlfriend.  And I hope you said yes.’ 
You giggle silently as you took a sharpie from your desk and carried the plane to it and wrote a reply on it.You curled into bed next to him as you lay on your side.  As if sensing it was you, Hobi turned form his back to his side and slung an arm over your waist, sighing in the new found warmth.  
You had left the only white, delicate paper plane unfolded on the desk where Hobi would surely see it tomorrow when he woke up.  Bold, black, thick letters of the only reply you’ve ever written on one of his planes.  The first plane of both of yours. 
‘Of course I said yes.’
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khgne · 6 years
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✨ klance fic rec list (pt. 4) ✨
pt.1✨   pt.2 ✨  pt.3✨  
Read All About It - M // 1 chapter // 8k+ words // ongoing // AU - Modern Setting, High School
Keith is Altea High’s star athlete. And Lance, a wily reporter for the school newspaper, is crushing hard. The only problem? They’ve never actually met before. So when Lance decides to broadcast his long-hidden feelings in an explicitly romantic exposé, he ends up accidentally sparking a school-wide epidemic. Suddenly the entire student body is in on the drama, but are words truly enough to win over the school’s enigmatic heartthrob?
The Meaning of Donuts - M // one shot // 14k+ words
Keith realizes he may, potentially, possibly have some feelings for a certain blue paladin and he is Not Thrilled about it.
And Slowly, So It Goes - T // 1 chapter // 6k+ words // ongoing // Post S8
Lance joins the Blade of Marmora, but what started off as a way to better honor Allura’s memory turns into a lesson on what it means to trust himself again.
Sunflower - M // 3 chapters // 11k+ words // ongoing // Post S8
On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who's always been there for him.
Wild Magic - M // 2 chapters // 46k+ words // ongoing // AU - Fantasy, Magic
The Vastaya are an ancient and proud race, born of magic and man, and they are dying. The spread of humans makes the magic of their homelands run thin. What is left is preyed upon and corrupted by the rising galra influence.
After losing their home, what remains of the Marmora tribe scatters, fighting the spread of corruption where they can. For the last few centuries, this is the only life Keith has known. And with Shiro’s disappearance, he’s more alone than ever. But he keeps going, even if it means losing himself. For the fight. For his people. For their future. For his homelands. For magic.
The last thing he expected to find is another feathered vastaya, one with wings that shine like the sky and move like waves when he dances. He never asked for company, never wanted it. But as Keith finds himself growing fond of Lance’s flippant attitude and determined blue eyes, he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t want to fight alone anymore.
Holding Out For A Hero - E // 3 chapters // 27k+ words // ongoing // AU - Fairy Tale // contains smut
Lance considers himself a good guy. He has some youthful misdemeanors under his belt, yes; he may have stolen a few purses, swindled a few men, seduced a few people he shouldn't have. But he has a good heart! And his record for the last two years has been squeaky clean, working in the bakery owned by his friend Hunk and making old ladies smile.
He definitely does not deserve to hear that the Lion of Altea will be returning to the crown city for Princess Allura’s coronation.
New - M // 4 chapters // 11k+ words // ongoing // Post S8
After six years of silence, Lance packing up and leaving his relatively quiet life sparks enough panic amongst his family for them to contact Keith to... track him down? Keith isn't too sure, only that getting roped into this miserable road trip wasn't part of his plan.
You Build Your Tower (But Call Me Home) - T // 1 chapter // 15k+ words // ongoing // AU - Gargoyle, Fantasy, Fairytale
In the land of Arus, the youngest Nalquodian prince—Prince Leandro—is hidden away in a little castle that overlooks the kingdom; a countermeasure to protect him from the Galran assassins that have sworn to take his life.
And in the tallest tower of the castle, behind a grimy rose window and under a dusty sheet, is an enchanting gargoyle that the prince finds himself compelled to visit every day.
Almost as if by a spell...
The Way I Love You -  T // series of 7 one shots // 13k+ words // ongoing // Post S7 
A collection of quiet moments in which keith and lance fall in love. And kiss a lot.
                                                                                           [will update this later]
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
Holding Out For A Hero
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SUjEOH
by lobelie
Lance considers himself a good guy. He has some youthful misdemeanors under his belt, yes; he may have stolen a few purses, swindled a few men, seduced a few people he shouldn't have. But he has a good heart! And his record for the last two years has been squeaky clean, working in the bakery owned by his friend Hunk and making old ladies smile.
He definitely does not deserve to hear that the Lion of Altea will be returning to the crown city for Princess Allura’s coronation.
* Fairy tale/fantasy AU in which Keith is the beloved hero of Altea, and Lance is just a humble baker's assistant trying to get by.
Words: 9835, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Getting Back Together, Mutual Pining, Lance (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Bottom Lance (Voltron), Top Keith (Voltron), Anal Sex, Drinking
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SUjEOH
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Multichapter Complete Recs
Hello Captain Swan Fandom, this is a list of some COMPLETE Multichapter fics. Some are old, some are new but they are all a delight to read! So, let’s show some love to this talanded writers for their fantastic works.  Hope you enjoy! 🧡 📚✒
If you are intrested you can find my other lists here.
A Cold Awakening, @swanderful1
Modern crime AU. Twenty years have gone by since Storybrooke was shaken to the core by a gruesome crime that went unsolved. Sheriff David Nolan and his partner, daughter Emma are forced to revisit the crime. At the same time, Killian Jones and his older brother Liam have been drawn back to the town they had longed to never see again, struggling to find their own answers.As taunting notes and clues show up they are taken on a journey to finally bring justice for the Jones family. And Emma Nolan finds herself caught in a situation more dangerous than she could have ever imagined.
Tripping Over the Blue Line,@welllpthisishappening
It’s a transition. That’s what Emma’s calling it. She’s transitioning from one team to another, from one coast to another and she’s definitely not worried. Nope. She’s fine. Really. She’s promised Mary Margaret ten times already. So she got fired. Whatever. She’s fine, ready to settle into life with the New York Rangers. She’s got a job to do. And she doesn’t care about Killian Jones, captain of the New York Rangers. At all.
He’s done. One more season and he’s a free agent and he’s out. It’s win or nothing for Killian. He’s going to win a Stanley Cup and then he’s going to stop being the face of the franchise and he’s going to go play for some other garbage team where his name won’t be used as puns in New York Post headlines. That’s the plan. And Emma Swan, director of New York Rangers community relations isn’t going to change that. At all.
The Reason, @xemmaloveskillianx
The three of them share a laugh before they all look to Emma. She has yet to comment on the new addition because she isn’t sure what to say. She usually doesn’t like change, they have a good thing going there, just the four of them. Plus, they all know him and she doesn’t, but she trusts their judgement, and she’s sure any brother of Liam can’t be all that bad. So, with a shrug and a smile she says, “Welcome to Storybrooke, Killian Jones.”
If Looks Could Kill, @wellhellotragic
Emma Swan is a dedicated FBI agent getting over a bad breakup. When she and her partner, Ruby Lucas, are forced to go undercover as contestants on a reality show, Emma is forced to try and win the affections of Killian Jones, a man she despises.
Killian Jones is a lost boy. Having recently been nicknamed the ‘Bad Boy of Boston,’ he’s been living up to his moniker using women and rum to avoid dealing with his dark past. When he’s forced to take the lead in a reality show, he encounters a gorgeous blonde who turns his world upside down.
Rated M for language, and possible smut later on.
Miss Congeniality meets The Bachelor
The Darling Affair, @icecubelotr44
Ex-military officer Killian Jones has never forgiven the Gold family for what they took from him. But when his path searching for justice (and maybe revenge) leads him straight to Emma Swan, a social worker who’s young charge has just been kidnapped by Malcolm Gold, he might just learn to let go of the past.
Traveling the Open Roads of Us, @imhookedonaswan
Emma Nolan and Killian Jones have been best friends ever since first grade, so when it comes time to travel across the country for college, it’s only natural that they would make it a road trip as it’s their last chance to spend together before their schools start. Could driving across the US, through corn fields and deserts, bring any changes for these two?
Freaky Friday, @msgenevieve447
Realising you’ve packed the wrong shoes to go with your skirt and you have to rethink your whole outfit is bad enough. Being holed up in a hotel bathroom while you get changed into said outfit because you’re suddenly sharing your room with a strange British man is a whole lot worse.
Drowning is Too Late to Learn, @accio-ambition
Bouncing around with her son for the majority of her life, Emma Swan has told herself she’s happy in the city. It’s where the most camera operating jobs are, and that’s how she makes her money. But when an old friend calls her and asks for her help on a new project in small town Maine, Emma finds herself in a place she’s never been with people she doesn’t know filming a profession she knows nothing about. But with the captain of the ship she’s filming begins taking a keen interest in her and her life, she finds herself wondering whether she might just catch something other than fish. Deadliest Catch AU
Flirting, Fraud, and Other Bar Crimes, @emmakillianfan
Emma Swan just wants to do her job and go home to her apartment alone, but her friends have other things in mind. How far will she go to avoid their blind date offers? And how can a guy she met at a bar help her find real happiness while helping her avoid their matchmaking? Rated M for language and sexual themes.
Vidders Anonymous, @mryddinwilt
Captain Swan, modern AU. Emma and Killian are Youtubers who discover each other through their Youtube channels. Some long distance misunderstandings, angst, and eventual IRL meeting. There is even a lovely playlist to listen to while you read! 
To Every Thing a Season, @icecubelotr44
After witnessing the tragic murder of his brother Liam, Killian Jones is more determined than ever to discover the secrets of time travel. Fast-tracking his education at Storybrooke University, Killian is assigned a lab assistant, one Emma Swan. Together, they find a way to break through the veil of time so Killian can set things right. But what will be the price for changing the past, and is it one they’re willing to pay?
Back to the Beginning, @xhookswenchx
After an ugly divorce, Emma Swan moves back to Storybrooke. She doesn’t particularly want to move back to her childhood home, but she has nowhere else to go. Still grieving from her most recent loss, she now finds herself haunted by a past she was determined to leave behind.
Thank God It’s Friday,  @curiousthingdarkness
Killian Jones is left unemployed when his brother Liam dies and their business falls apart. He takes a job at a local supermarket until he can get back on his feet but he hates it. That is until he starts serving a beautiful blonde every Friday. (Modern CS AU)
With Affection, @phiralovesloki
Emma Swan isn’t a middle schooler. So why is she receiving notes from a secret admirer? She’s also definitely not a romantic person. So why is she writing back? Modern!AU, Captain Swan, with side orders of Snowing and Frankenwolf. Updated with additional epilogues.
When The Tide Turns, @trueloveseyeroll
The plan was to go to England, finish the case and head back home in a matter of days. Of course, nothing in Emma’s life ever goes according to plan. Not only does she end up travelling across Europe, looking for a Liam Jones in order to finish her case, she ends up travelling with Liam’s brother - an annoyingly handsome Killian Jones. And she doesn’t trust him one bit.
The Con, @captainswanluver
Killian Jones is a con man who swindles wealthy women out of their money. Emma Swan is an heiress and owner of a security firm. Killian settles on Emma as his next mark.
Accidentally My Ass, @ilovemesomekillianjones
Based on this prompt - BOSS: Know why I called you in here? ME: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic BOSS: (stops pouring two glasses of wine) Accidentally?
Across the Sea, @thejollypirate​
The unintentional, unpleasant  Killian Jones, lead singer and guitarist of The Ruthless Pirates, meets with the blonde stranger who is apparently his manager’s friend, doesn’t stop him from starting a special bond with her while he has the chance. Long distance relationship AU.
Turning Page, @cutieodonoghue
au; the kingdom of misthaven’s prince killian jones is on the hunt for a bride. enter emma swan, and a whole slew of women from all over the land, in a massive dating game in the middle of building turmoil with the dark one and evil queen. captain swan. (loosely based on the selection by kiera cass)
Every Letter, @bleebug
A pen pal writing assignment connects a young Emma Swan with her best friend Killian Jones. Life sends many hardships their way, but their friendship remains solid through the years. As they both grow older and begin to realize what they want out of life, will their letters be enough?
Rum and Cupcakes, @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt
When a bookstore moves in across the street from Emma Swan’s cupcake bakery, she thinks there’s no way she’ll ever get along with the new business owner. The new shop owner disagrees.
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bambifornia · 4 months
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swindle is an open-minded bot. so long as you can pay the fee
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javajunkieao3 · 7 years
Fake Dating AU: Fake It Till You Make It
Title:  Fake It Till You Make It
Summary:  Betty and Jughead pose as a fake couple for an investigative journalism piece.  
Written for:  @raptorlily
Not sure how I feel about this, but I will be out of writing commission for a few days so I figured I’d post what I have.  Here’s to hoping it’s not awful!
Ever since she was a little girl, Betty wanted to be a journalist.  She watched her own mother, Alice, chase down the perfect story with the same gusto that other mothers in Riverdale sought out the perfect pump or roasting pan.  Alice wasn’t domestically inclined, and it was Betty’s father who took over more of the domestic duties as Alice’s career took off.  Her mother wasn’t particularly nurturing in those years while she was chasing one story after another.   Instead, Alice taught her daughter the importance of hard work, perseverance and, above all, the truth.   
           Betty took what Alice taught her and let it fuel her through college and her first few years at small papers, paying her dues with mindless stories covering local basketball games and small town oddities. The work wasn’t exactly fulfilling, but it served its purpose when she finally found herself on the investigative journalism beat.  It all started when she sniffed out a local bakery swindling older customers into buying days old pastries for full price.  It wasn’t exactly the piece of a lifetime, but it gave her visibility.  A few meatier pieces later, Betty proved that she was able to find stories, and her newspaper gave her more autonomy in choosing her stories and investigating them.  She still took assignments when her editor offered, which happened with increasing frequency as she ingrained herself farther into the investigative beat.
           “Betty, I have a story for you,” her editor, Mark, said, walking over to her desk and sitting in front of her.  She looked up from her stack of interview notes, glasses perched haphazardly on her nose.
           “What type of story?”
           “What do you mean what type of story?” he returned glibly.  “A good one. Why else would I bring it to you?”
           Betty grinned.  “Tell me more.”
           “You’re familiar with the Blossom family, right?”
           “Of course I am,” Betty returned easily. Everyone in Riverdale knew about the Blossom family and their maple syrup fortune.  No kitchen was complete without one bottle of Blossom maple syrup on the table and at least two in the pantry.  
           “I’m sure you are also aware that their prodigal son, Jason, is still refusing to take his rightful place in the family business, which has left the fortune remarkably vulnerable.  This weekend is their weird Stepford family reunion where Blossoms from far and wide come and see the trees tapped for maple syrup. Rumor has it that someone is going to make a grab for the company.  I want you to get the inside story.”
           “Okay,” Betty said slowly, mind whirring as she tried to think of a way for her to get inside.
           “Before you start worrying about how to get in, I already took care of that,” Mark said.  “I had Jonah doctor up something that says you’re a fifth cousin or something. They already sent the invitation with an apology for not reaching out sooner.”
           Betty blinked with confusion and asked, “How do they think I’m a fifth cousin?”
           “Jonah forged a birth certificate,” Mark returned easily.
           Betty gaped at him and said, “Mark, I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”
           “No one will find out,” Mark said dismissively. “Besides, all for the story right?”
           Betty felt a thrill run down her spine.  He was right.  People did a lot worse in pursuit of the truth.   She nodded wholeheartedly and said, “You’re right, Mark.  All for the story.”
           Her blood began to pump feverishly as she thought about the story and all of the moving pieces.  She hadn’t been fully immersed in many stories like this, and she knew it would take a vigilance that she hadn’t needed before.
           “Betty, before you get too far in your head there, I should tell you that you’re not going in alone.”
           “I’m not?”  Betty asked with confusion.  They rarely sent more than one journalist in for a piece.  They were a small outlet and usually couldn’t afford to stack a given story with more than one writer.
           “The Blossoms don’t like unmarried women.  It’s antiquated bullshit, but they don’t trust them.”
           Betty snorted.  “You’re kidding, right?”
           “I wish I was.  We need them to trust you, Betty.  So, we’re sending Jughead in with you.”
           Betty laughed at the stupidity of that notion and said, “Jughead?  As, what, my husband?”
           “Yep, that’s the plan.”
           “You do realize that even if you send Jughead with me, I am still an unmarried woman."
           “Yes, Betty, I understand the basic mechanics of a marriage,” Mark returned drily.  “You and Jughead will not actually be married.  But the Blossoms will not know that.”
“You can’t be serious.”  When she saw that Mark was, in fact, serious, she said, “Mark, you know how Jughead and I are together.  No one is going to believe that we are married.”  
“Then make them believe it.  Sell it.”
“Look, if you’re that opposed to Jughead going with you I can find someone else.  I wanted my strongest writers going, but if you have that big of a problem-“
“No, I don’t,” Betty interrupted, more horrified by the idea of someone else getting her story than having to play house with Jughead for a weekend.  “I want this story.”
“Good.  Jug’s out of the office right now but I told him to talk to you when he gets back.” Mark stood up and said, “Try to play nice.  Remember that you guys have to actually look like you like each other this weekend.”
Betty frowned and murmured, “That may be harder than the actual assignment.”
“What ever happened with you guys anyway?”  Mark asked.  “You’re nice to literally everyone except him.”
“It’s a long story,” Betty said wearily.
“Well, whatever it is you guys better get over it.”
Betty took a deep breath and said, “Don’t worry, Mark, I am an adult.  I can put aside my personal feelings for one weekend and I’m sure Jughead can do the same.” Thinking of her editor’s prior words, she echoed, “Besides, it’s all for the story, right?”
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hookedonapirate · 7 years
My Captain Swan Fics
A collection of my work
These are stories that are either finished or that I am currently working on. 
~*One Shots*~
Definitely Not Over You
Rated: T
Words: 4,443
The one where Emma is in love with her best friend and leaves a drunken message on his phone, claiming she’s over him. (She’s not over him.)
Based off of an episode of Friends - The one where Ross find out.
Rated Teen and Up for cursing, drinking and CS bed sharing in their underwear (not necessarily in that order).
Oh Daddy
Rated: Explicit
Summary: When Emma had started listening to CaptainHook's audios online, she had imagined meeting the man responsible for her first orgasm with his accented words and dirty talk alone, imagined what it would be like to actually be with him, but she never thought she actually would.
So NOT Pregnant
Rated: G
Words: 815
Summary: Emma didn’t believe them when they told her she was pregnant.
Handprints On My Soul
Rated: M
Words: 15,011
Summary: Leaving home and a career as a roller coaster engineer on a whim with his six-year-old daughter was one of the last things Killian Jones wanted to do. But after falling in love with someone he’d met online to find out he’d been catfished, it seemed like the best idea. It seems even more appealing when Emma Swan, musician and bartender at a charming Irish Pub, enters his life… even if his brother and daughter have to be the ones to help him realize it.
Rated M for a dash of salty language and a pinch of smut.
Arrest Me, Officer
Rated: T 
Words: 4,085
Summary: "I met my husband when I went running outside with no clothes on as a dare. He was the cop who arrested me."
Every Night
Rated: G
Words: 1,737
Summary: Based on this prompt with the roles reversed: "It's midnight when Emma hears someone playing the piano in the apartment above her. They're playing the song from Titanic 'My heart will go on'. She opens her door and yells 'Jack'. The music stops and she hears someone running down the hall above her shouting 'Rose'."
Nothing but a Dirty Pirate
Rated: M
Words: 2,031
Summary: Canon divergent post-Neverland based on a prompt from anonymous. David walks in on Emma and Killian during lazy morning sex and completely flips out.
Washing the Nightmares Away
Rate: M
Words: 1,956
Summary: Captain Swan fluff and sexy time in the bathtub to help Emma forget about the nightmares after the events of the Underworld.
Something Just Like This
Rated: M
Words: 1,369
Summary: A take on the first time Killian and Emma consider having their wedding on the sea. Post engagement.
She’s All I Need
Rated: T
Words: 1,097
Summary: Happily married to Emma Swan, Killian tries to explain to his fellow Naval Officers why he’s not interested in going to strip clubs whenever they ask him. Modern AU.
Toilet Paper, Tampons and the Hot Guy in the Checkout Lane
Rated: T
Words: 1,737
Summary: While Emma makes a run to the grocery store for some essential items, she gets embarrassed when she runs into a hot British guy in the checkout lane. Modern AU.
Sweaters, Lingerie and Sex in the Fitting Room
Rated: M
Words: 2,902
Summary: Sequel to Toilet Paper, Tampons and the Hot Guy in the Checkout Lane. Modern AU.
Dammit Ruby!
Rated: T
Words: 4,432
Summary: Ruby sets Emma up on a blind date and forces her to go shopping. While Emma is in the fitting room, Ruby decides it’d be funny to steal all of Emma’s clothes, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. As she decides she’s just going to have to try to sneak out in her underwear and hope no one notices, she bumps into another shopper and later learns his name is Killian Jones, Emma’s blind date. Humor and revenge ensue. Modern AU. 
Give Me Some Sugar
Rated: G
Words: 5,287
Summary: Owning a cupcake and candy shop has always been Killian’s dream and managing a Hallmark Store was far from a fairy tale for Emma. But when piercing blue-eyed Irish man meets green-eyed, sassy blonde, it just might be a match made in heaven. Every holiday and special occasion, they both buy product from each other for their family and significant others, until one year when they both end up single on Valentine’s Day and exchange more than just cards and sweets. Sweet and fluffy modern AU.
Rated: M
Words: 5,361
Summary: “I don’t know how to say this, love, but I think you’re pregnant.” An angsty and smutty piece where Killian is an ob-gyn who knocks up the gorgeous blonde pediatrician during a casual tryst at the hospital. Modern AU.
May the Tides Wash Away Our Sins
Rated: M
Words: 11,151
Summary: Emma Swan is the sheriff who takes up jogging along the sandy shores of Storybrooke. Killian Jones is the town priest who enjoys his morning dips in the ocean. She’s a woman of the law and he’s a man of God. Their love for the beach initially pulls them in, but their duties and beliefs keep them apart. Until they don’t. A Sheriff!Emma and Priest!Killian AU where temptation leads to broken laws and broken oaths.
~*Completed Multi Chapters*~ 
To Play the Game (and win your heart)
Rated: M
12 Chapters
Summary: Some people would call it a job, but to Emma and her sister, Milah, it’s a game of the heart. Play by the rules and you’ll never get hurt.
Whatever you call swindling wealthy men out of their money, this con-artist duo has it down to a tee. Milah sets up an available, rich man and gets him to marry her. Emma seduces and lures the husband into having an affair so he’ll get caught in the act. He then loses his money in the ensuing divorce.
The sisters wear a coat of armor around their hearts to keep them intact, but when they set their sights on their next mark, professional golfer Killian “Hook” Jones, Emma never imagined how hard the game could be and how easily her heart could be stolen—especially when she switches roles with Milah and becomes the one exchanging vows with the gorgeous multi-millionaire.
A Dollar for Your Time, Two for Your Heart
Rated: G
Chapters: 2/2
Summary: When Killian’s roommate, David, talks him into babysitting his sister’s twins without her knowledge one night, it turns out to be the best mistake Killian’s ever made. A Babysitter!Killian modern AU.
Hands of an Artist, Lips of an Angel
Rated: T 
Chapters: 2/2
Summary: “You’re the one person who can do my elaborate stage makeup, so every night you spend half an hour in close proximity to my face and I want to kiss you so badly.” A Celebrity!Killian and MakeupArtist!Emma modern AU.
Happy Accident 
Rated: M
Chapters: 2/2
Summary: Killian receives an unforgettable pic from a stranger. Modern AU that I turned into a 14 chapter fic For Your Eyes Only where sexting between two strangers turns into something more.
On the Virge
Rated: M
Chapters: 10/10
Summary: Emma Swan is an aspiring filmmaker struggling to get a job in Hollywood. When she lands an editing position at a porn production studio and has to collaborate with the director, Killian Jones, she realizes it’s definitely more than she bargained for. Based on the movie, Finding Bliss. Contains obscene language, sexual humor and an added epilogue that’s purely based on the theme. PornDirector!Killian Modern AU.
Writings on the Wall
Rated: M
Chapters 11/11
Summary: Emma and Killian become best friends in an orphanage when they are thirteen and after they reunite years later, they add a physical component to their friendship. When true feelings are finally revealed, will it tear their friendship apart or turn it into something more? Modern Lieutenant Duckling/Captain Swan best friends to lovers AU. 
Sweet Salutations 
Rated: M
Chapters: 20/20
Summary: Killian Jones is the new Deputy of Storybrooke, where he wasn’t expecting to be working at such a small police station and he definitely wasn’t expecting the Sheriff’s daughter, who owns a bakery across the street. He’s quickly hoping to taste more than just the creme-filled pastries she’s offering him. A sugary themed modern AU.
Breathe Again
Rated: M
Chapters: 21/21
Summary: The world came crashing down on Killian Jones when he found out his wife was having an affair. While in the midst of a divorce, he moves across town and starts taking his son to a daycare recommended by his best friend. When he meets Emma Nolan, another single parent who’s going through a similar experience, will they be able to help each other mend their broken hearts? A modern AU about two single parents finding love again after divorce. 
A Helping Hand
Rated: M
Chapters 5/?
Summary: “My girlfriend just dumped me and I’ve gotten piss drunk and somehow managed to get into your apartment instead of my own. I’m trying to masturbate my feelings away and boy were you surprised.” A modern AU Neighbor trope with a very interesting meet, Liam/Emma friendship, jealous Killian, sexual themes.
The Swan Stripper
Rated: M
Chapters: 1/?
Summary: Killian despises even the thought of going to a strip club, but a certain blonde stripper might change his mind. Modern Stripper!Emma AU. This started as a one-shot but I’m considering expanding it due to popular demand, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I will also be throwing in another trope but it’s an added twist so I can’t say what it is.
Wild At Heart
Rated: M
Chapters 4/?
Summary: Born and raised by rich parents, Emma Nolan has always done what’s expected of her, from what clothes to wear to what school to attend, what career to pursue and even who to marry. After graduating from Harvard and going back home to Storybrooke, South Carolina, she agrees to marry Oz Walsh by the wishes of her parents. With a year of engagement behind her, she goes to Boston for business and has to fly back home to get to her wedding. What happens when she has a run-in at the airport with a dashing, blue-eyed thief who is apparently bound and determined to throw a wrench in all of her plans? Will she make it back to Storybrooke on time for her wedding or will she find her home along the way? A road trip modern AU that I am currently in the process of updating.
Tangled Up In Blue
Rated: M
Chapters: 23/?
Summary: Fear for her unborn child, a bruised and broken Emma Swan is determined to escape an abusive marriage. After she drives a long way from home to a small town in Maine, she doesn’t think her life could get more complicated… that is until she ends up falling for her OBGYN, a blue-eyed British man who’s shielded his heart from love long ago. But he may be just what she needs to begin her healing process and start a new life for her child. If only nothing gets in the way. Pregnant!Emma and Ob-gyn!Killian modern AU that includes violence, explicit language, smut and a various assortment of trigger warnings. If you’re looking for a story with lots of pregnancy fluff and smut and some angst thrown in the mix, this is your fic.
~*WIPs on the back-burner that I plan on finishing in the future but not anytime soon*~
Until I Met You
Rated: M
Chapters 6/?
Summary: Killian Jones is a pharmaceutical sales rep and notorious womanizer who’s never been in love. When he meets Emma Swan, an alluring 26 year old with Parkinson’s Disease, his life changes forever. The Love and Other Drugs AU with my own take.
Box It Up And Ship It
Rated T
Chapters 6/?
Summary: Looking to get their box company off the ground, Emma and her brother pair with a moving business owned by the Jones brothers. Will Emma be able to work together with the arrogant co-owner, Killian, or will they clash? Modern enemies to lovers AU
All stories also available on fanfiction.net
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bambifornia · 4 months
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sneak peek for tomorrow
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