#switch to inbound marketing in canada
snamarketers · 4 years
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5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Increase Traffic
As a small business owner, it is important to find the best digital marketing strategies to increase traffic to your website. You may have the best product or service in the world, but unless you have customers coming through your doors, nothing else really matters. This does not mean however, that you should ignore advertising altogether. There are plenty of digital marketing strategies to help you promote your business.
One of the best digital marketing strategies to increase traffic to your website is creating an engaging content rich site. If your site is well designed, visitors will be more likely to return and browse through the pages. Research shows that people tend to spend twice as long on websites that they enjoy reading. To attract and retain visitors, try to ensure that there are compelling topics and pictures that entice them to stay on your page longer.
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Your website should contain a link to your social media profile or blog. This helps to increase your brand's visibility to an even greater extent. Many people are now relying on their social media profiles as a way to attract customers to their websites. You can use these as a digital marketing company like edkentmedia.com/digital-marketing-services in Canada to bring in more business.
The layout and content of the page should focus on the interests of the target audience. For example, if you sell policies for pet owners, then your home page should be completely focused on this topic. On your blog, you can add articles about pet care issues, pet breeds and tips for taking good care of your pets.
You need to make sure that the information on your site is relevant and current. Most visitors will not spend very much time researching a product if the information is not useful to them. Try to keep your content up-to-date so that you can avoid having outdated content that does not interest visitors. Make sure that your website offers original content and does not plagiarize material from other sources. This will get you more traffic in the long run.
One of the best marketing strategies to increase traffic to a website is video marketing. There are many benefits of video marketing including reaching your target audience, making a great first impression and increasing brand recognition. A video marketing strategy should be part of your overall internet marketing strategy. Search engines like Google greatly value original video content. So, a video marketing strategy can help you improve your search engine ranking.
Writing quality content is another great strategy to gain higher rankings. Inbound links are crucial to any successful website. If you have a well written content, then you will not have to rely on external backlinks. Good content is not just a keyword or phrase stuffed into the article. It should be informative and provide real information about your industry or product.
Pay per click advertising is the last strategy on our list. This method of online marketing is very effective and affordable. You have to choose the right pay per click program. Not all companies that offer pay per click advertising work. You want a company that will help you achieve your goals for traffic building and success.
The next step in an effective campaign is tracking. Every marketing company will provide you with tracking numbers for your campaign. This will show you which keywords and ads are working. The number one goal is to see what works and what doesn't.
Once you have the basic tools in place, the real fun begins. Use these digital marketing strategies constantly and watch the results. As your business grows, you may start to use other digital marketing strategies. It is always good to diversify. If one strategy isn't working, don't switch to the next until you get results from all of your efforts.
Don't underestimate the power of a digital marketing strategy. With some time, money and effort put into your online marketing, you will begin to build an audience that is loyal to your website. Once this audience becomes established, you can really make money by selling your products and services. Remember to keep these 5 digital marketing strategies to increase traffic to your website.
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How To Build a (Low Cost) PBN Fast With WordPress Alpha
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One of the advantages of using WordPress Alpha is that we can use it to create a Private Blog network with very little effort. In fact it can be done in just 3 Steps! (Literally 4 CLICKS Per Site) Let me show you how...
How To Build A Private Blog Network One Site (4 Clicks) At A Time For Under $15 Per Site
The steps below are for the actual site building and assume that you have already found a domain and that you have spam checked the domain too.
Personally i use VidSpy Alpha to find niche relevant expired domains and although there are far more comprehensive tool out there this one does the job for me and finds great domains that i can easily boost the SEO metrics after rebuilding and adding fresh content by adding some basic link strategies and indexed the existing backlinks to each site using Link Control Alpha.
The third tool in this system is Expired Domain Alpha which rebuilds sites from archive.org (wayback machine) with the exact design as it was before, regardless if it was a WordPress site or not and will even recreate the exact internal and outbound links that the site had previously.
The Expired Domain Alpha plugin costs from as little as $5 per site. In contrast if you tried to buy that on fiverr.com it would cost you minimum $80 for the same in depth rebuild but without the internal and outbound links feature.
And Yes...            
It takes just one click and is part of the 4 click PBN site building system below...
Click ONE
Deploy Your Site In WordPress Alpha Choosing Your First Host Server...
​There are 8 cities worldwide with servers in digital ocean, in fact there are 12 data centers in total, in different locations like London, New York, Singapore, San Francisco, Amsterdam  etc. (See Screenshot below)
Each host (droplet that you deploy costs $5 per month) and you can add multiple sites to each but you should use only one per PBN site unless you take advantage of cloudflare API which is one way to ad more sites but is a risk that you need to weigh up yourself.
Choose option of one host - multiple sites as we can use the server for other types of sites later (such as traffic sucking local biz alpha directory sites as these are not part or of a PBN and can be hosted anywhere giving you more value for money)
 Digital Oceans 12 Datacenter Locations
Digital Ocean locations
DigitalOcean's datacenters are in the following locations:
NYC1, NYC2, NYC3: New York City, united States.
AMS2, AMS3: Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
SF01, SF02: San Francisco, United States.
SGP1: Singapore
LON1: London, United Kingdom.
FRA1: Frankfurt, Germany.
TOR1: Toronoto, Canada.
BLR1: Bangalore, India.
Digital Ocean Pricing
One of the great features within digital ocean is the auto expansion when needed for server resources.
When you deploy a site with WordPress Alpha it creates a droplet in Digital Ocean with the configuration that costs $5 per month.
Digital Ocean WordPress Hosting Options
Remember that you can add multiple sites but the more you add the slower your sites are likely to be.
However, digital ocean offers quality but optionally cheap WordPress hosting options. You can scale up as needed when you have sites that start to drive more traffic.
We suggest 10 to 12 sites maximum per server unless they are Local Biz Alpha Sites as they tend to run into 10's of thousands of pages.
Click TWO
Set Your DNS Within WordPress Alpha, It's just one click and done
Wait a few minutes for your site to propagate
Your site will be set up with pre configured plugins
You can add personalization to your site and tweak some settings
​(Optional But Highly Recommended)
Recreate Your Expired Domain From Wayback Machine In One Click!
Or  you can add Expired Domain Alpha plugin and restore the website from wayback machine with the exact design it had previously (regardless if it was a wordpress site or not) and with it's exact internal and outbound links! - Super Powerful Huh?
The Expired Domain Alpha plugin automatically pulls in snapshots from archive.org (wayback machine) for you to choose which one you want to deploy)
The plugin will show a progress bar when it is deployed. As it is rebuilding the entire site together with all internal and outbound links it needs time to work. It will provide an estimated time (in days) for the rebuild to be complete. It's starts with deploying pages and design and goes through each page rebuilding it exactly as it was.
Install SSL which is literally just one click and done.
Click FOUR
Deploy SSL To Make Your Site http
 How to make a secure website with WordPress Alpha?
Super simple, it takes just one click to make your site secure.
This is required and sites not https may be disadvantaged in the search results by Google
It takes one click within WordPress Alpha (If you're logged in to the site log out and back in again after clicking the https deployment button
Thats it!
Of course there are numerous things in between these 4 clicks to personalise your site, finalise your settings on some plugins and add logo and do some settings etc. but this is as close as we can get to fully automated PBN building, right down to recreating the expired domain in one clicks and 
 Quick Tips For Building A PBN With WordPress Alpha…
I suggest that you want a few weeks before starting to add links. It is so easy to add these sites that you can build out multiple sites per week pretty effortlessly and just leave them to mature. As WordPress Alpha evolves we will add i more detailed site management features like tagging, notes and labels etc for you to keep track and even export according to tags into CSV etc. We have rebuild sites using WordPress Alpha using HTML within WordPress, you can still add more content in the normal way or even just run an invisible autoblog to keep the content unique and fresh. The WordPress Alpha “PBN” Template will be ready within a few days and will have the exact plugins that i recommend with settings already done and with advanced options for you to choose from such as:
Option To Hide WordPress
Option To Block Bots
Analytics Tools That Do Not Need Google Analytics
Option For Complete Link Control For Bulk Management Of Internal and Outbound Links Using Link Control Alpha
With Link Control Alpha You Can Even Discover The Expired Domains Inbound Links and Send To Indexer In Two Clicks! 
Ever wondered how to backlink an expired domain PBN site? It should already have backlinks if you choose a good domain, just index them on a drip feed
Rebuild and Ping Sitemaps For XML Sitemap, as well as Video XML, Image XML and Mobile XML with the WP Alpha Template for PBN Sites (takes one click to set up and one click to ping google per sitemap)
WordPress RSS Tools For Fast Indexing and Syndication
Optional Autoblog Content From Any RSS Feed With Built In Spinner And Automated One Page SEO For Every Post Using Autoblog Alpha Plugin (Best Add This To A Category That Does Not Show In Navigation)
Pre-Configured Settings For Yoast/All In One SEO, Hummingbird, GDPR, Statistics and More
Built In HTML Sitemap, Schema, AMP,
Choice Of Fast Themes To Switch Between On Each Site
Marketing Elements Built In To Make The Sites Look REAL such as call to action, list building optin forms (slide in, full page overlay, smart bar options)
In the meantime you can build adequate PBN sites with the existing Generic Blog template, and you can check out the core plugins and features that we have pre-configured on this post about How & Why To Set Up A Site With WordPress Alpha.
We will even have a service from my own PBN site builder guy that i have been using for years (long before WordPress Alpha). In fact he has built loads of my PBN sites in Easy Blog Networks and configuring them to look like real sites.
He is available to build all this out for you if you want to take it much further with CTA, logo, optin forms, auto content and more. However i suggest that you only do this if you have a traffic breakout site (a site that starts ranking and driving traffic) so that the cost can be recovered quickly. One more thing… Beyond those 8 servers that Digital Ocean Provide you can also use Cloudflare for DNS too. That can create unique Class C IP’s for extra sites outside of the first 8 sites. It's not a perfect way to do it but it can work if you do it properly, which i will explain how in the course that comes with WP Alpha Private Blog Network template training. Essentially what we do is build some “concept” PBN sites.
What's a Concept PBN site?
Tune in when we launch the PBN template and learn what this is and how easy it is to do in detail. No One Else Is Teaching This As A Strategy (It's One Of My Own Unique Tricks!) All of this will be covered in step by step detail in video tutorials which is what i do with every new template and will include building a 25 site PBN for under $350.
Source: wordpressalpha.com
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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SEO is now so fiercely competitive that it’s no longer enough to rely on the standard techniques that everyone has mastered; you need to use data science techniques to unearth hidden opportunities that will give you the edge. This post offers a four-step framework for applying data science to your SEO data and transforming it into actionable marketing insights. 1. Decide on your data sources Data insights will only ever be as good as your data sources. Where should you look? Google Analytics and other descriptive analytics tools like Google Search Console, SemRush, Ahrefs, heatmaps and technical audit tools are strong contenders. However, as SEO gets more complex and integrates with other areas of digital marketing such as CRO, content marketing, CX management and ultimately sales, relying on one (or a few) of these solutions is no longer enough. So how many data sources are necessary to get better SEO insights? The answer will depend on your current setup and post-adoption goals. Consider the areas where your visibility is limited and which data sources contain the answers you need. The next step will be to build a good harvesting engine/pipeline for those sources and to prepare your data for analysis. 2. Use data science to align SEO with other marketing initiatives Your SEO gets stronger when backed by other marketing initiatives. A single team cannot optimise for all the 50+ search ranking factors without close collaboration with other specialists such as developers, UX designers, sales and customer support teams. Data science helps you figure out a universal set of SEO best practices every team can apply and adhere to. To better understand what actions matter the most for your business, consider tracking the ever-changing relationships between the dependable and independent variables. A variable is an event, a sales offer, a campaign or another activity that your company can measure. Data science allows you to pinpoint the relationships between different campaigns (or individual actions) executed and attribute their results to some KPIs (e.g. higher conversion rates). To get a better understanding of how your SEO impacts other channels, consider capturing and analysing the following data: Conversions and assisted conversions. The latter will help you identify the channels that don’t directly generate the conversions but play a part in the process. For instance, a customer discovered your website via organic search, browsed the products and later typed in the URL directly to make a purchase, or converted from a remarketing FB ad. Top conversion paths. This data will give you more insights into how users interact with your website and other channels before becoming a lead or placing an order. By gaining a deeper understanding of your customers’ journeys, you can create stronger alignment between all the marketing activities you deploy and attribute the results to individual campaigns with ease. 3. Focus on stories, not numbers Apart from picking the right data sources/tools, you should also pay attention to the right metrics. Rapid growth in search traffic from Canada may seem like an SEO win, but is that traffic of any value for a business operating solely in the UK? The answer is clear. Focus on tracking the metrics directly tied to specific KPIs – such as those reflecting conversions, repeat business, higher customer engagement etc. Make sure that you keep a strong focus on quantifiable, actionable metrics, not the vanity ones.     In addition, it’s important to look beyond the SEO campaign numbers and dwell more on what drives those results. Insights are not just good data summaries. They are stories, explaining certain behaviours your customers are exhibiting and their correlation with your marketing campaigns.   SemRush suggests focusing on the following metrics to create effective measurements: 4. Use data science techniques to visualise Numbers stashed in spreadsheets can be hard to stomach for decision-makers. And by looking at your data hierarchically, you can miss an important story hidden between the lines. Data visualisations can help you: Accelerate knowledge discoveryCompare and contrastSpot common trends and patternsDigest large amounts of data at scaleReveal questions that would otherwise be missed Here’s a real-life example from our team. We leveraged data science during an SEO technical audit and received a lot of insights about the client’s website health and performance. That data told us all about the page authority, number of inbound/outbound links per page, rankings and a multitude of other factors. However, it didn’t provide a clear answer as to why some pages performed better in search results, while others lagged behind. By visualising the website’s internal link structure and estimating the overall domain authority of each page on a 1-to-10 scale similar to Google, we could immediately see the areas for improvement and take proactive action. Before After On-page SEO optimisation is just one example of how marketers can combine visualisations with data science to gain better results. Visualisations help you make your SEO data even more actionable. Ultimately, the goal of data science is to eliminate most of the guesswork from your SEO. Instead of presuming what will work and how a certain action impacts your goals, you switch to knowing what’s bringing you the results you need and how you can quantify your successes.   Interested in using data science? If you’d like to start applying data science to your marketing but aren’t sure where to start, give us a call on 02392 830281 or send us your details and we’ll call you. The post How to apply data science to your SEO data appeared first on Vertical Leap.
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cathrynstreich · 5 years
Mastering the Online Referral Game
ReferralExchange LIVE Helps Real Estate Professionals Maximize the Value of Real Estate Leads Since 2005, ReferralExchange—a nationwide referral and lead management service—has been creating real estate experiences between agents and clients that are second to none.
Expanding the company’s referral offerings even further, ReferralExchange launched a new service this past summer that helps agents make the most of their network by verifying and qualifying contacts acquired through their third-party lead generation efforts. Dubbed ReferralExchange LIVE (Lead Intent Verification Engine), the service makes it easy to see, at a glance, which contacts should be pursued—helping agents maximize the value of real estate leads.
Having specialized in inbound referrals in order to grow his business after launching his real estate career 34 years ago, Mel Loewen knew he needed to reinvent himself after an eight-year hiatus.
“Up until 2005, I was averaging between 30 and 50 closed transactions a year on referral business alone,” explains Loewen, an associate broker with The Starnes Group at Coldwell Banker Complete Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta Canada.
“Coming back into the business after taking a soft leave, I realized that I was too old-school. I had to reinvent myself, and I had to do it with new technology, which is something I’ve always embraced,” says Loewen, who quickly discovered that the team at ReferralExchange had built a highly effective system.
“When ReferralExchange LIVE first came out, what appealed most to me was that it was like having my own personal assistant. What they said was going to happen, which was that they would get the client on the phone with me, actually came to fruition,” explains Loewen.
“My results speak for themselves,” adds Loewen, who points to his success at being able to close a client on the first call as a true testament to the power of the service.
Allowing agents to hone their focus even further, ReferralExchange LIVE has three primary components:
Lead verification: ReferralExchange uses proprietary scrubbing technology to quickly figure out which of an agents’ third-party, raw leads are real and which are not.
Lead readiness: ReferralExchange’s licensed customer service team calls leads using a proven system that qualifies them and determines their readiness to transact. A live transfer sends them directly back to the agent via phone.
Lead transaction: Once a lead has been verified as real and ready to transact, the agent may decide whether or not to complete the deal themselves, or refer it to ReferralExchange’s network.
But the benefits don’t end there, as ReferralExchange LIVE puts time back into the hands of real estate professionals.
“A good real estate professional is well-rounded,” says Kathie FitzPatrick, a broker with Keller Williams Yakima Valley in Yakima, Wash.
In addition to being a full-time real estate professional, FitzPatrick spends a lot of time volunteering with violent and at-risk youth—among other initiatives she’s passionate about.
“My time is valuable, and I needed what the LIVE service offers,” says FitzPatrick, who points to the time savings as a key benefit.
“ReferralExchange scrubs the leads and makes sure the person is ready to talk, which is huge,” explains FitzPatrick, as it takes the pressure off of her while helping her stand out from the competition at the same time.
“The LIVE service also makes me look more professional in the eyes of the consumer due to the simple fact that someone is calling prior to me reaching out in order to qualify them and determine their readiness to transact.”
Having spent 10-plus years building a sophisticated software that uses advanced data science to make the most successful consumer-agent connections, ReferralExchange LIVE is taking the work out of turning raw leads into clients who are ready to transact.
For those not taking advantage of ReferralExchange LIVE yet?
“You’re going to spend a lot more time making cold calls and trying to follow-up on leads,” says FitzPatrick, “and you’re going to lose large chunks of your life trying to develop business.”
As the competition continues to heat up in real estate markets across the U.S., the importance of having a product like LIVE is more critical than ever before.
“As more and more agents get into the business, especially here in the Pittsburgh market, the pie that we all share is getting smaller for many,” says Rick Xander, a REALTOR® with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices The Preferred Realty in Moon Township, Pa. “LIVE is another way for me to not only maintain the level of business I’m used to, but to also expand upon it.”
A former journalist, Xander got into real estate in 1997 when the newspaper he worked for switched from a morning paper to an evening paper.
To say that he’s been impressed with the ReferralExchange platform—and now the LIVE product—would be a serious understatement.
“The folks at ReferralExchange initially contacted me after I earned my Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) designation,” says Xander, who has been pleasantly surprised with the expanded LIVE product. “It’s been better than I thought it was going to be.”
“To me, it means more successful leads, which translates to more listings and more sales.”
While ReferralExchange LIVE saves Xander both time and energy, it’s also been extremely beneficial when pursuing FSBO leads.
“Pursuing FSBOs can sometimes be exasperating, but ReferralExchange LIVE has agreed to massage these leads for me,” says Xander, “connecting me with the lead after they’ve made contact.”
As the day-to-day demands continue to increase for real estate professionals across the board, the team at ReferralExchange is committed to doing everything they can to set agents up for continued success.
For more information, please visit www.referralexchange.com/live.
Paige Tepping is RISMedia’s managing editor. Email her your real estate news ideas at [email protected].
The post Mastering the Online Referral Game appeared first on RISMedia.
Mastering the Online Referral Game published first on https://thegardenresidences.tumblr.com/
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callhippo · 6 years
Benefits of Virtual Call Center Software
Your business may be a new start-up, or a mid-sized expanding firm or a global level enterprise, but chances are high that you need to have a fully functional call center to smoothly manage customer queries and complain. A call center is a vital piece of infrastructure that can help any organization make clients feel valued and route their inbound or outbound calls efficiently for superior service. Investing in intelligent powered tools such as business VOIP phone service is a sure shot method to keep operational efficiency high and provide a delightful experience to valued customers so that they keep coming back to your organization.
Local call center software systems help organizations serve their customers better and manage all communication in a streamlined way. A survey conducted by leading Consultancy firm Deloitte revealed that over 60% of customers prefer telephonic calls over other mediums such as live chats, store visits to solve their problems or issues. Hence, it is definitely a good idea to invest in a local business phone number so that your support representatives can provide timely help to clients.
Why Does Your Business Need A Call Center Software Solution?
Virtual phone systems have been widely accepted across the globe, and most managers have ditched traditional communication processes by switching to innovative business phone systems. It is a great way to expand business operations in emerging economic hotspots such as Canada as all you require is a Canada phone number to build a strong lasting rapport with local customers.
If you are still on the fence about getting a local business phone number for your startup or small business, think no more and move forward to transform your corporate communication by getting an automated call center software tool. Here are some novel benefits that you will instantly accrue for your organization:
Systematic Call Routing: Most businesses have to deal with huge volumes of business calls from customers and clients on a routine basis. Getting a local call center software solution is the best way to propagate systematic and structured call routing – your customers are assured of quick, speedy and agile service as they are instantly diverted to an available support representative. Clients do not have to wait endlessly for service as virtual phone numbers have facilities such as call forwarding and voicemail that allow managers to help customers by delivering superior service.
Scalability: Your call center may expand operations with the passage of time, hence it is a smart move to invest in innovative cloud call center software as these systems are highly scalable. Your organization can simply purchase additional modules that will suit your corporate communication requirements. There is no doubt that by investing in a local business number, your business will not have to spend extra big bucks in case of diversification or expansion! Low Cost and Maintenance: Every organization needs to save pennies in today’s cut-throat business environment. Making the decision to go in for a local call center software is the fastest way to boost profitability as it has extremely cheap and pocket-friendly calling plans. It is especially a great service for businesses that make frequent international calls as it can lead to a massive increase in bottom line profits and cut down the communication budget in an exponential manner!
Easy Accessibility: Mobility is the name of the game in today’s business arena, and call center software systems are potent weapons that can help your organization expand its customer base through easy accessibility. For example: If your organization purchases a local Canada phone number, it will immediately be able to strike a rapport with clients and expand its presence in a foreign market. Team members need not remain confined to physical office premises – all they require is a working internet connection and they will remain accessible to clients round the clock!
Improved Lead Generation and Customer Service: Maintaining a big and satisfied customer base is a challenge for any growing business organization. Investing in local call center software tools can facilitate effective lead generation and help your organization retain an engaged customer base. Continuous service and support from company employees is the key to retaining old customers, so getting a business phone number is the smartest business decision for your firm.
Call center software solutions are the latest buzzword, and this growing trend has definitely caught up in the last few years. It is time to think big and thinks smart for your organization – master the communication game for your organization by getting the best call center software from a reliable service provider. Local call center software platforms will be sure to transform your business fortunes positively and help your company attain the peak of commercial success instantly!
Reference: Benefits of Virtual Call Center Software
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brandonxnellis · 6 years
Line2 App Review
Nowadays there’s more than enough apps and services that let you add a second number to your phone. Line2 is one of them and we’ve decided to take a closer look at what makes this app unique.
Line2 – 2 Line, 1 Phone
Using the slogan “2 lines, 1 phone,” the latest iOS and Android app that lets you make and receive calls, texts, and even images using a secondary phone number has finally arrived.
Personal and Business – combined
Line2 lets you use your second number for anything you like; be it personal use or business-related. Line2 works on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smartwatches. It functions as a fully-fletched business phone that is invaluable to freelancers and entrepreneurs who are always on the go.
You can call and text from separate numbers without having to buy new devices for you and your team. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection or cellular network to communicate with anyone in the US or Canada for the reasonable price of only $9.99 per month.
Line2 App Overview
Free Chat and VoIP with other Line2 Users
You can even chat with other Line2 users for free. Line2 is one of the numerous VoIP apps available for the iPhone. It is aimed at business users and is one of the most sophisticated solutions out there due to its enterprise-grade virtual PBX. Its main competitor is Google Voice which is currently in App Store limbo following an ongoing FCC investigation.
Apple Approved Apps
Apple has approved Line2 for both iPhone and iPod touch which allows you to turn your device — formerly for music use — into a versatile machine capable of making calls and sending messages. The Line2 app itself costs 99 cents and comes with a free 30-day trial for new users.
Free – kind of
After your trial expires, you’ll be charged $14.95 per month but there are no long-term contracts that bind you to use the service for a set amount of time. The Line2 app can generate local numbers, 800-numbers, or you can even transfer an existing number to use it on the app. It gives you unlimited calls within the US and Canada as well as cheap international calling rates.
Lack of SMS
Unlike Google Voice, it doesn’t offer SMS but that’s not too big of a drawback considering the fact that its IM game is up to par. The app features dual-mode capabilities — VoIP & cellular — for outbound and inbound calling alike. Dual-mode calling capabilities allow it to make calls wherever you are even if your office or home falls under a cellular dead zone.
Automated Swapping to Wi-Fi
If your AT&T cell reception is iffy at work, just use your app to make calls and send messages until you get back home.
Line2 automatically switches to Wi-Fi connection when there’s no cellular signal in a given area. Line2 will ring your phone whether or not the app is running which makes it easy to use without the worry of missing calls just because you mistakenly closed the app a few minutes ago.
Interruption Protection
Other VoIP apps like Skype need to be up and running to announce incoming calls on your device. Line2 is even the first VoIP app that doesn’t shut down if a normal iPhone call comes in on your device. You can easily dismiss the incoming call and continue your conversation as though nothing had happened.
You should consider referring your friends to Line2 so that you can easily communicate with them without any additional charges or annoying ads. If they’re reluctant to get into it then just call them with the premium plan.
Local Area Codes Available
You can get a designated number in any area code of your choosing. Line2 is a great alternative to getting a business line without shelling out cash for those bulky landline phones. Its performance is equally good across both Mac and Windows operating systems with each having downloadable apps.
One Account, One Device at a time
While you can install the app on multiple devices free of charge, you can only use individual accounts on a single platform at any one time. If you sign up for the standard or pro plans — $9.99 and $14.99 per month respectively — then you’ll be able to access premium features and have the virtue of priority support.
Free Unlimited Texts and Calls to other Line2 Users
You can also use the free version that lets you call and text other users on the Line2 platform. The standard plan allows you to send unlimited texts and receive unlimited inbound calls for the ultimate business experience.
Outbound Calls are Limited
Outbound calls, on the other hand, are limited to 1,500 minutes each month if you upgrade through the in-app menu and 5,000 minutes per month if you upgrade through the official Line2 online billing system.
Miscellaneous Features
Other features that you get with the standard plan include improved voicemail, incoming and outgoing caller ID, group calling, call forwarding, and even “do not disturb” modes.
Line2 App Features – a closer look
Line2 has a very intuitive GUI that makes it extremely easy to use. Its contact management system can be integrated with Address Book. Business users are most attracted to the visual voicemail feature as well as the highly sophisticated online PBX system.
You can configure additional features through your browser to access a wide range of advanced call-routing capabilities such as auto attendant, conferencing, call screening, do not disturb, and after-hours call handling.
Two lines, one phone
With Line2 you can easily separate business calls from personal calls with your virtual secondary phone number. You can contact associates on all your devices without having to buy clunky landlines that cost way more than they’re worth.
Mobility for flexibility
You can talk to your clients, employees, and partners anywhere you go with Line2. It helps you take calls, respond to messages, and stay in touch with your business associates even if you fall into a cellular dead zone.
Grow your small business
You can use Line2 to improve your customer service performance on startup businesses or to supplement your branding campaigns and improve your communications capabilities.
High value, easy setup
With its premium plans starting at $9.95, you can set up new lines in a matter of minutes without having to purchase extra equipment or get IT support.
The Pro Plan with Line2
While the standard plan may meet the needs of many, its features may not be enough to accommodate more complex business needs. For a more robust experience, you should consider getting the pro plan that provides access to additional features on top of everything that is already offered by the standard plan.
You’ll get a 5,000-minute limit on your outgoing calls and the ability to set up group conferences with up to 20 participants. You can even forward calls to six different phone numbers.
The auto attendant feature is invaluable for call routing. The first step to setting up the auto attendant is recording a standard greeting for inbound calls that will provide callers with all their dialing options. You don’t need anything fancy, just the standard “press 1 for support, press 2 for marketing” menu that tells callers how to navigate to the various departments.
The next step is programming different actions that correspond to each numerical value to ensure that all calls are routed to the appropriate department. You can even set up a dial-by-name directory so that calls can be routed to various employees by using the first three letters of their last name.
You can even set up after-hours screening so that calls outside of business hours will be automatically directed to voicemail during specific times of the day. You can set up different categories for each caller type and block those who flood your voicemail.
The Line2 Online dashboard
All features that are controlled by the Line2 auto attendant needs to be configured through the online dashboard. You won’t be able to adjust the settings through your mobile or PC Line2 apps.
However, you’ll still be able to manage call screening, voicemail messages, call forwarding, and do not disturb settings from the app itself. The online dashboard can be used for far more than just configuring feature settings though.
You can use the dashboard to add or remove contact lists; access activity for incoming calls, texts, and voicemail messages; and so much more. Your voicemail messages can be downloaded in MP3 format or listened to through your dashboard. You can even receive an email notification whenever a voicemail comes in through Line2.
Assigned telephone numbers can be selected on the app or during the signup process on the Line2 online platform. The phone numbers are limited to the US and Canada but widespread coverage is available. When you’re making outgoing calls your Line2 number will be displayed on your recipient’s caller ID.
Like with other apps in the VoIP category, any Line2 calls that are made through a cellular data connection will draw minutes from your mobile carrier plan. Line2 can’t be used if you don’t have a mobile plan.
You might want to think twice before paying for Line2 if your mobile carrier plan has limited call minutes. That said, any calls made with Wi-Fi won’t count on your mobile carrier bill but will instead count against the provided call minutes for outbound calls that are in your Line2 monthly plan.
Final Thoughts / Verdict on Line2
The Line2 service is a great app with sophisticated features that can help you handle any and all business-related communications. You can transfer your assigned digits to a toll-free number and even set up a virtual fax service for $120 per year.
If you do decide to sign up, be sure to do so through the online platform so that you get 5,000 call minutes as opposed to the 1,500 minutes that you would have gotten had you signed up through the app itself. The pro plan can only be upgraded to on the platform. If you try to upgrade in the app, your only option will be the standard plan.
In comparison to other PBX apps, Line2 hosts a wide range of features and is relatively easy to use. It may be a bit complex at times but the overall user experience is quite pleasant. With a monthly cost of $14.99 it stays affordable and is still much cheaper than installing a landline phone system at your office. That said, if you’re a sole proprietor, it may be a bit too complex for your needs.
The standard plan is a bit cheaper but lacks the handy features that can help you run your company — the most significant of these being the auto attendant.
We advise that you put some careful thought into the decision before you commit to a Line2 premium subscription. Line2 gives you a seven-day free trial upon signing up so that you can test it out and see if it’s the right app for you.
Bear in mind that your credit will be billed if you don’t cancel the service before your free trial period ends. All in all, we think that the Line2 app is a viable solution but definitely not the only app in its field and it would be worth looking into other options before paying for a premium plan.
The post Line2 App Review appeared first on Hushed.
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Your Amazon Echo UPGRADED - Every new feature arriving on popular smart speaker REVEALED
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=24000 Your Amazon Echo UPGRADED - Every new feature arriving on popular smart speaker REVEALED - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=24000 Amazon Echo is getting a major update (Image: AMAZON)The Amazon Echo continues to be one of the most popular smart speakers on the market with millions shipped across the world.The clever device received a major refresh late last year with an updated look and lower price but now it seems more features are being pushed out to this intelligent speaker.Amazon has just announced two changes which will not only make this device sound a little better but also improve the overall experience.So, if you now an Amazon Echo here’s what’s new.THE ECHO WILL SOON SOUND BETTERThere’s no question that the Echo is a brilliant little smart speaker but one of its biggest flaws is that it doesn’t sound all that good.Amazon is now boosting the Echo’s audio credentials with a new equalizer feature.This upgrade will allow users to customise the way audio sounds from the Echo. Amazon Echo - Things you MUST ask Alexa right now Mon, January 30, 2017 Amazon's Echo speaker has plenty of tricks up its sleeve but we bet you didn't know you could ask Alexa this EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS 1 of 9 Things to ask Amazon's Alexa Bass, midrange and treble can be individually adjusted within a range of six decibels (dB).Settings can be adjusted using the Alexa app for smartphones and tablets or by simply saying “Alexa, increase bass" or “Alexa, decrease treble".In blog post, Amazon developer Mike Maas wrote: "Today we are excited to announce equaliser (EQ) and sound mode controls for smart home entertainment devices, available today for customers in the US across the Amazon Echo family of devices, and on select Alexa-enabled devices built using the Alexa Voice Service (AVS)."Now customers can personalise the tone of the audio playing on their speakers, AV receivers, and sound bars by simply saying, 'Alexa, crank up the bass,' 'Alexa, turn up treble,' or 'Alexa, set TV mode'."The equalizer is available now in the US but it looks almost certain that UK Echo owners will be treated to improved sound in the autumn.ALEXA CASTThe equalizer may not be ready in the UK just yet but there is a feature that is available right now.Alexa Cast is a new way for customers to enjoy tracks with it allowing Amazon Music subscribers to play music and/or control music playback on their Alexa-enabled devices from the Amazon Music app on iOS or Android.With this new feature customers can easily transition the playlist they were listening to on their commute home from their Amazon Music app to Alexa devices in their living room when they walk in the door.Even if you switch to voice controls, the Amazon Music app will match the progress of the music playback.To get started with Alexa Cast in the Amazon Music mobile app, Amazon Music Unlimited and Prime Music listeners can update the app for iOS or Android today or download it from the Apple or Google Play app stores.From there, simply go to the “now playing” view to find the Alexa Cast icon. Just tap the icon to bring up a list of all available Alexa enabled devices, select a device or group to start casting music to and begin playing music on your Echo device.Alexa Cast has launched in the US, UK, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India and France. NEW Amazon Echo revealed - Upgraded and cheaper smart speaker in pictures Wed, September 27, 2017 AMAZON has just revealed its new Echo smart speaker which now features improved sound, better design and cheaper price. EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS 1 of 12 New Amazon Echo smart speaker revealed A FEATURE TO RIVAL THE GOOGLE HOMEThe Google Home is Amazon's biggest rival and, with the search giant's huge web knowledge, this Google-powered speaker does have some advantages.However, Amazon is fighting back with a new partnership with Yext, a company specialising in business data that is distilled from the likes of Google and Facebook.Yext attempts to bring users the most precise answers possible by partnering with businesses directly to ensure information is correct.This means, in theory, if a business is closing early on a bank holiday it will notify Yext who would then work with Amazon to ensure hours are updated when a user asks their Echo.The update is currently available in the UK, US and Australia among others but will both companies plan to radically expand the roll out in the future.Announcing the partnership with Amazon, Yext said: "With this new relationship, consumers using Alexa for voice search can receive the most up-to-date facts about businesses—locations, contact information, hours of operation, and more—straight from the source: the business itself."The Google Home is one of Amazon's biggest rivals (Image: GOOGLE)AUDIBLE ON THE ECHOStarting this week, Amazon Echo users who are new to Audible (those who have never taken a trial before) can sign-up to a free 30-day trial simply by asking Alexa to start an Audible trial, or to start reading one of the 300,000 titles available in Audible’s catalogue.Existing members are now also able to purchase audiobooks with their credits through their Echo device. Echo owners simply need to say: “Alexa, start (an/the) Audible trial…” - “Alexa, join Audible…”  - “Alexa, read [book title]…”Audible content includes more than 300,000 titles.Amazon Echo Dot could be getting a refresh (Image: AMAZON)AND FINALLY…IS A NEW ECHO DOT INBOUND?Amazon refreshed its main Echo speaker last year but it didn't touch the baby Echo Dot.Now a new leak may reveal that the online retailer is planning to upgrade this budget smart device with a brand new look.According to French website FrAndroid, the Dot is set to get a fabric design similar to its bigger brother.Leaked photos, which have not been confirmed, claim to show this upgrade which certainly gives the Dot a softer and more appealing appearance.We’ll wait and see if this rumour becomes a reality but Amazon could announce these changes later in the year. Source link
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ntrending · 7 years
All the science that made it into the State of the Union
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/all-the-science-that-made-it-into-the-state-of-the-union/
All the science that made it into the State of the Union
On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump made his first State of the Union Address. Keeping with the mandate laid out by the U.S. Constitution, which asks the president to report to Congress “such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient,” Trump touched on his favorite topics, including tax reform, border control, and police heroism. He also touched on science.
Following a week in which the President was roundly criticized for neglecting to appoint a director for the Office of Science and Technology Policy and his inaccurate remark that the extent of polar ice have reached record highs (they’re actually at record lows), Trump addressed scientific topics ranging from prescription drugs to energy development.
For your convenience, find below all of the President’s State of the Union comments concerning science. I guess you could call it … the State of the Science.
“We have endured floods, and fires, and storms.”
Trump opened his speech with a reflection on his first year in office, a year plagued by record-breaking natural disasters of all stripes. Despite the fact that a third of Americans in Puerto Rico are still in the dark after Hurricane Maria wiped out the electrical grid more than four months ago, Trump didn’t lay out a vision for disaster response or rebuilding. Instead, he focused on sharing the stories of “forged new American heroes” Coast Guard Petty Officer Ashlee Leppert and firefighter David Dahlberg. Leppert helped rescue people trapped in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Dahlberg rescued children from a summer camp threatened by California wildfires.
“To everyone still recovering in Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, everywhere, we are with you, we love you, and we always will pull through together, always,” Trump said, closing out this segment.
“The individual mandate is now gone.”
While recent efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act were unsuccessful, Republicans in Congress successfully repealed the individual mandate, which required Americans be insured, lest they face a penalty fee. “We repealed the core of the disastrous Obamacare,” Trump said. “The individual mandate is now gone. Thank heavens.”
“We have ended the war on beautiful clean coal.”
Trump didn’t elaborate on this point, but we will. There’s no such thing as clean coal. As Kendra Pierre-Louis wrote for PopSci last year, using coal as energy is an inherently dirty proposition, as the act emit mercury, dangerous particulate matter, and other pollutants into the air. It also emits carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. Even with existing technical hacks, this remains true.
“We have ended the war on American energy,” he continued. “We are now, very proudly, an exporter of energy to the world.” Though he didn’t specify in the speech, he was probably referring to the news that analysts predict, by the end of the year, the United States will be the world’s biggest oil producer. This is thanks in large part to our plentiful natural resources—and to Congress’s efforts back in 2015 to repeal a law that banned American oil from being exported anywhere except to Canada.
“Patients with terminal conditions, terminal illness, should have access to experimental treatment immediately that could potentially save their lives.”
As PopSci’s Claire Maldarelli explained in a piece this week, the FDA’s process for testing and approving prescription drugs and medical treatments is arduous, but also extremely important. “Before the FDA existed, manufacturers could market and sell any drug without needing to say what’s in it and without needing to show that it could actually treat the thing that you were buying it to treat,” she wrote. “While it’s hard to sit with the idea of potentially losing a medical breakthrough race, it’s important to remember how and why the United States created the FDA in the first place.”
Still, many Americans feel that people who have exhausted all their treatment options should have an easier time accessing experimental treatments. It appears Trump is among them. “To speed access to breakthrough cures and affordable generic drugs, last year, the FDA approved more new and generic drugs and medical devices than ever before in our country’s history,” he reflected. “People who are terminally ill should not have to go from country to country to seek a cure. I want to give them a chance right here at home. It’s time for Congress to give these wonderful, incredible Americans the right to try.”
“One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs.”
As Trump switched from a reflection of his first year to his plans for the future, he narrowed in on American pharmaceuticals. “In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States. And it is very, very unfair,” he said. “That is why I directed my administration to make fixing the injustice of high drug prices one of my top priorities for the year.” After applause, he added, “And prices will come down substantially. Watch.”
Glen T. Schumock, a pharmaceutical researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago, told FactCheck.org that the reason drugs cost more in the United States is because Republicans in Congress have, at least historically, resisted regulating the price of drugs.
“We will build gleaming new roads, bridges, highways, railways and waterways all across our land.”
Trump finally shared (a few) details from his long-awaited infrastructure plan. “Tonight, I’m calling on Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for the new infrastructure investment that our country so desperately needs,” he said in an attempt to make good on a popular campaign promise. However, as NPR reported in December, it’s likely that the federal government will provide closer to $200 billion, with the rest coming from state and local funds or private investment. In this vein, Trump called for private investment and serious reductions in permitting time.
“America is a nation of builders,” he said. “We built the Empire State Building in just one year. Isn’t it a disgrace that it can now take 10 years just to get a minor permit approved for the building of a simple road?”
“We must get tougher on drug dealers and pushers if we are going to succeed in stopping this scourge.”
When it came time to address the opioid epidemic, Trump said, “Never before has it been like it is now. It is terrible. We have to do something about it. In 2016, we lost 64,000 Americans to drug overdoses. 174 deaths per day. Seven per hour. We must get much tougher on drug dealers and pushers if we are going to succeed in stopping this scourge.”
This statement seems to indicate a misunderstanding about the root of the opioid epidemic. Unlike other drug epidemics, the opioid crisis doesn’t really stem from covert drug making or shady dealers on the streets. Rather, it stems from what appears to be a campaign by pharmaceutical companies to portray prescription pain medication as non-addictive and get painkillers into the hands of Americans through perfectly legal means.
This means that tighter immigration laws likely won’t stop the flow of these drugs, as Trump implied. But restricting prescriptions and holding drug companies accountable just might.
“My administration is committed to fighting the drug epidemic and helping get treatment for those in need. For those who have been so terribly hurt,” Trump said, “the struggle will be long and it will be difficult, but as Americans always do, in the end, we will succeed. We will prevail.”
“We must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal.”
Right now, the metaphorical Doomsday Clock sits just two minutes to midnight, a number it hasn’t struck since the Cold War. On January 13, a missile alert system falsely informed Hawaii residents that a ballistic missile was inbound to their island state, causing widespread panic. And, as Trump says, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is in “reckless pursuit of nuclear missiles,” with test missiles that appear capable of reaching the United States.
While there is no consensus among experts, many have expressed concern that verbally antagonizing Kim is counterproductive, or even dangerous. Trump, however, pressed forward. “As part of our defense, we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal. Hopefully never having to use it, but making it so strong and so powerful that it will deter any acts of aggression by any other nation or anyone else,” he said in the address. “Perhaps some day in the future, there will be a magical moment when the countries of the world will get together to eliminate their nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, we are not there yet.”
Written By Eleanor Cummins
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luxenovella-blog · 7 years
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from Russell Wright Dragonflyillustration http://dragonflyillustration.com/search-engine-optimisation-is-not-any-different-than-every-other-skill-the-terrific-results-will/
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snamarketers · 4 years
How Inbound Marketing Helps Your Business?
Inbound marketing is the most important part for any business . As it helps in getting maximum responses and clicks on the wave and is less in cost . Inbound marketing helps to keep one visitor in your web site and contents.
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Best VoIP Provider For Business
The best VoIP provider for your business naturally depends on your business and your needs but the best services have at least two common characteristics. Price and versatility are what you need to look for.
Switch2Voip allows you to save money on your phone bill using VoIP. The more calls you make the more you save versus a traditional phone. This is because you only pay for the minutes you talk at minimum low VoIP rates.
You do not have to pay the exorbitant fees that phone companies charge for local long distance or multiple lines. This means substantial savings for companies that have heavy phone traffic like outbound sales calls or inbound customer calls. The best VoIP provider offers prices under one cent per minute. $0.008 per minute to the USA, $0.008 per minute to the United Kingdom, and $0.005 per minute to Canada. No phone company can compete with Switch2Voip prices.
The best VoIP provider for business offers the option of prepaid billing or pay-as-you-go billing with no contracts. The options make budgeting for growth easier for your company.
You do not have to pay for a VoIP Phone Number. The best VoIP provider for your business will provide you with a Free USA or Canada virtual phone number on every new account.
"The best VoIP phone service provider for your business offers international virtual phone numbers."
Always remember to look for a VoIP provider for business who offers SIP Trunking for Asterisk. Asterisk is a computer-to-phone interface.
What is SIP Trunking? SIP means Session Initiation Protocol. SIP trunking allows you to transmit media files and data files over your VoIP link. This makes your communication with a customer real live as well as real time.
Switch2Voip offers unlimited VoIP channels on your SIP trunk because you will want to make multiple concurrent calls from your PBX or Auto-Dialer.
A virtual VoIP phone number that is accessible internationally. If your company have a website or is doing business through social media sites then you already have an international market.
You may not be taking full advantage of international sales due to the costs that a customer will incur when calling your local phone number. An international VoIP-Phone number helps your clients and customers making it possible for them to call your business for free.
You know that growing your business can be problematic in a very competitive market. Switch2Voip helps you grow your business and save money over traditional phone systems. You pay less per call and you get free local long distance calling.
Just comparing prices alone is enough evidence to make you want to switch. The idea that you can almost instantly become an international business by changing how you make calls is an enticement that few companies can afford to overlook.
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snamarketers · 4 years
How Inbound Marketing Helps Your Business?
Annoying popups are huge deal breaker. just switch to inbound marketing with professional service and gain up to 90%+ traffic with SNA Marketers.
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snamarketers · 4 years
How Inbound Marketing Helps Your Business?
Inbound marketing is the most important part for any business . As it helps in getting maximum responses and clicks on the wave and is less in cost . Inbound marketing helps to keep one visitor in your web site and contents.
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