#switched credit cards
madame-jupiter · 1 year
Yakuza Bkdk: The Credit Card Switcharoo Part 1
It’s a chance encounter where Katsuki bumps into skinny, green haired guy that looks like he hasn’t slept for days. The resulting collision results with both of their wallets and the contents to spill onto the ground.
Katsuki curses while the skinny man apologizes profusely.
He ignores him, hoping his dragon and tiger tattoos would spook the man off as he gathers his stuff. Gladly they did, the green haired man hightails it away from the blond Yakuza member. After this, Katsuki goes to buy himself cigarettes… Only for his card to decline.
“What the fuck…?!” Katsuki glances down at his card and notices that while it has the same All Might print, it’s not his name on it.
It belongs to a Midoriya Deku.
He grinds his teeth, thinking back to the green haired man he met earlier.
He must of rammed into Katsuki on purpose and stole his card!!
Katsuki’s going to find that bastard and get his fucking card back before that thief drains his bank account.
Meanwhile, Midoriya Izuku, in his sleep deprived mind after working 8 days straight at his crummy warehouse job, is attempting to get himself something to eat from a hot meal vending machine.
Izuku wonders why he even bothers. His card always gets declined even if he attempts to get the cheapest thing on the machine.
To his surprise, his transaction goes through and he almost cries when he gets his favorite flavor of cup ramen. The warmth of the broth and noodles fills his stomach up.
Stomach satisfied for now, he believes it’s a fluke from the machine and it giving him a free meal.
To sleepy to pay attention to the name on the card as he slips it into his wallet, he makes his way to his home.
Which is his car that has seen better days.
Laying down in the backseat that is uncomfortably lumpy all over, he uses a bag full of shredded newspapers as a pillow.
He snuggles underneath a thin blanket and an extra jacket he knows to keep warm.
Not knowing his world is going to completely change…
It’s been three days since Katsuki’s card had been stolen. He had planned on locking his card, but he wants to see what this thief is buying and where he is buying the items from to get a better location.
So far, to his surprise, most the purchases are from cheap vending machines.
One vending machine even being one of those hot meal ones.
Besides those, no exuberant charges are placed. For a thief who stole a card with an account with over 3,000,000 ¥, he’s seems to be cheap.
And so far, no one has been able to locate a Midoriya Deku.
“Are you sure you’re reading the name right?” remarks his right hand man, Kirishima. “You may be good with guns, mathematics, and other things, you are not the best at… reading well.”
Katsuki glares at him.
“Fuck off.”
Kirishima shrugs. “At least let me see the card and read the name.”
Katsuki begrudgingly hands over the card. The red haired man takes it and glances down at it, reading it. Then he clamps down his lips, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. But a few giggles slip out.
The blond doesn’t take to kindly to this. “What?! What’s so damn-“
“His name isn’t Midoriya Deku, it’s Midoriya Izuku.”
Katsuki feels like he’s falling into a pit of embarrassment at such an error. And it seems it doesn’t end because Kaminari, Kirishima’s boyfriend, is also sitting at the long table Katsuki situated himself at to investigate. It doesn’t even take a second for the electric blond to start laughing his ass off.
“Oh my Gods!! Hahaha!!” Kaminari laughs, holding his stomach. “The great Bakugou “The Red Eyed Dragon” Katsuki making such a blunder is hilarious!! Hahaha-AHHH!!!”
He couldn’t take it the moron’s laughing. Katsuki practically launches across the table at Kaminari, about to strangle him. But the little shit is quick and hightails it to hide behind his mountain of a boyfriend.
Katsuki seethes. “Come out from behind him, you coward!”
“Kirishima, protect me!” yells Kaminari, still hiding behind his boyfriend to get away from Katsuki’s clutches.
“Whoa! Whoa!” says Kirishima, holding his hands up in order to placate the red eyed blond. “No killing boyfriends here. What we have to focus on is that we now know this thief’s true name.” He clasps his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, giving him a sharp toothed grin. “So we can go and find him much faster and easier than before.”
Katsuki begins to calm at this.
That green haired thief will pay for stealing what’s his!
There’s no telling by now what this thief is cooking up to buy with Katsuki’s money next.
“Alright. Tell everyone to look for a Midoriya Izuku and report his whereabouts to me ASAP!”
Kirishima and Kaminari nod their heads.
“Yes sir!”
Izuku sneezes.
“Achoo!!” He covers his mouth with his elbow, sniffing a little.
“Bless you!” says his coworker Hatsume Mei. Both of them are covered in grease from loading car parts and other metal objects into boxes; they should be shipping out right about not to their destinations. “Someone must be talking about you.”
He playfully rolls his eyes. It’s an old superstition that people still spread about.
“Don’t know who would be talking about me though…,” he mumbles to himself.
But then only one person comes to mind…
And it makes Izuku’s skin crawl.
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californiaquail · 3 months
i went into a chase bank today to see if i could close my account because i am tired of getting charged $12/month for being broke and unemployed and while the banker was trying to convince me not to do this she was like "i just love us so i don't like seeing people leave us" and like first of all maybe try cutting out the bullshit fees then and also refunding me but second whoooooo shills for jp morgan chase like that. "i just love us" ??????????? girl i know they are not paying you enough to act like that. she also tried to get me to get a credit card but i declined. and then immediately walked across the street to a local bank to ask them about getting a credit card.
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mildmayfoxe · 1 year
hahaha hey you guys guess what. you'll never believe it. got the guy who's in charge of my fraud case on the phone and he was like "who'd you give one-time security codes to yesterday" and i was like "the guy who called me from the fraud department after they noticed a weird login in florida??" and he was like "that was the fuckin hacker. you got got. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!" i handed my entire savings over to a fucking guy on the phone on a silver platter. like some kind of fuckin rube. bro
#IT IS OK THOUGH I HAVE BEEN SORTING IT OUT#account is LOCKED DOWN! card is DELETED! fraud paperwork has been FILED! i have requested a fraud alert AND credit freeze#from the NATIONAL CREDIT BUREAU!#a friend of mine is taking me to MAINE next saturday to go to the BANK! i sent an email to my landlord asking if i can pay rent by CHECK!#i went to my other bank and deposited my BONDS! so i have some MONEY! to pay RENT!#i also got a new debit card from them. and made sure i could use my old checks.#i also bought some STAMPS while i was out and a BIRTHDAY PRESENT for a FRIEND#now i am going to start switching over some auto deposits#so when i get my paycheck on tuesday i will actually get it.#i feel so STUPID but i think i have done all i can to fix this. i am feeling better about it#by next weekend i will have my money again. it's all fine#and hopefully next time i will not get got so easily. lol.#anyway dont get got by people pretending to be your bank i guess. i did think it was weird how many questions they asked but..#they ALWAYS ask lots of questions at the bank!!!!!#i got a text message FROM the bank saying they would be calling me soon and then the next call was from the scammer#and then like a half hour later got one from the bank and was confused bc they'd just 'called me'#anyway. it'll be fine. scary for a while but at least i have things i can do to make it better. it's all good#genuinely feeling like i ought to take out like a thousand bucks cash and keep it in my desk to replace my bonds tho tbh hahah#just in case something like this happens again. you never know. what would i have done if i DIDNT have those yknow#ok thank u all for being along on this journey with me
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mooshkat · 10 days
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
even when they're running for their f*cking lives (again!!!!! funny how that works) Young Hwa has to remind Do Ha about his manners (again). never change pls
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jimalim · 1 year
Oh! I paid off my car today!!
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oh shit this came out a full year before i predicted it would
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switch · 2 years
UUUGH i want to draw nsfw but i don’t want to not be able to post it anywhere!!!
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venln · 1 year
Alright fuck it. I’m buying the splatoon oled.
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bowsersforeskin · 1 year
now i have to take care of that speeding ticket and i can afford traffic school so i can keep that point off my license B) things are looking so good for zed :D
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carcinized · 2 years
i actually had such a good day today yall im not even kidding ‼️ imhappy :D
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tharsei-thanate · 4 months
hype rn bc my credit limit on my newest credit card went up so I can completely transfer the balance from my citi card with 0% apr till next year and pay off my stupid credit card debt faster
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cucucovers01 · 6 months
The Ultimate Guide to PlayStation Controller Skins
Enhance Your Gaming Experience with PlayStation Controller Skins case Gaming enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to elevate their gaming experience. One such way is by customizing their PlayStation controllers with skins. PlayStation controller skins are not only a trendy accessory but also serve practical purposes. These skins offer protection, enhance grip, and add a personal touch to your gaming gear.
What are PlayStation Controller Skins?
PlayStation controller skins are adhesive covers designed to fit seamlessly over your controller. Made from high-quality materials such as vinyl or silicone, these skins are durable and provide a snug fit. They come in a variety of designs, colors, and patterns, allowing gamers to express their unique style.
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Benefits of Using PlayStation Controller Skins
The primary function of PlayStation controller skins is to protect your controller from scratches, dust, and wear and tear. By adding an extra layer of defense, these skins help prolong the lifespan of your controller, keeping it looking brand new for longer.
Grip Enhancement
Many PlayStation controller skins feature textured surfaces that provide better grip during intense gaming sessions. The added traction prevents your controller from slipping out of your hands, giving you better control and precision while gaming.
One of the most appealing aspects of PlayStation controller skins is the ability to personalize your gaming gear. Whether you're a fan of vibrant colors, sleek metallic finishes, or custom designs featuring your favorite gaming characters, there's a skin to suit every taste.
How to Apply PlayStation Controller Skins
Applying a skin for PlayStation controller is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps:
Clean the Controller: Before applying the skin, ensure that your controller is clean and free of any dirt or debris. Align the Skin: Carefully align the skin with the buttons and ports on your controller, ensuring a perfect fit. Smooth Out Air Bubbles: Use a squeegee or your fingers to smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles, ensuring a seamless application. Press Firmly: Once the skin is in place, press firmly to ensure it adheres properly to the controller surface.
Where to Find PlayStation Controller Skins
PlayStation controller skins are readily available online and in gaming accessory stores. You can choose from a wide range of designs and styles to suit your preferences. Additionally, many manufacturers offer custom skin options, allowing you to create a unique design that reflects your personality.
Final Thoughts
Controller skins for playstations are a must-have accessory for any gaming enthusiast looking to add a personal touch to their gaming gear. With benefits such as protection, grip enhancement, and customization options, these skins offer both style and functionality. Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive player, investing in a quality PlayStation controller skin is sure to enhance your gaming experience.
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secundus-cinaedus · 8 months
did daddy gubmint need some paper clips and sold my information to the credit card companies? three letters in one day with offers and such
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katamarei · 9 months
health insurance makes me want to kill myself for real
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jimbuchan · 9 months
The Old Guard Loves Big Accounts. Crypto Loves Everyone
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If you are a resident of North America, you no doubt take for granted the banking system which allows us to send and receive funds through many of the regulated institutions. While this topic may not even seem worth discussing in comparison to other pursuits, there are many places around the world that are not afforded such a necessity. Consider for a moment not being able to receive payment, pay bills or transfer funds in the manner we are accustomed to. All of a sudden this 'insignificant' item becomes very important in your life as without the banking system as we know it, things start to get challenging. This very issue is at the heart of many countries with a large 'unbanked' population, but which have persevered in novel and innovative ways, none more so than cryptocurrency. Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks Taking a basic example of swapping a good or service for a unit of monetary value (i.e. Dollars, Pesos or Yen), if you wish to purchase a bag of apples, the process would be fairly straight-forward. You would go to the local market, pick out your apples, and buy them with your debit or credit card (or fiat-currency). Taking this same situation to a non-banked location, the same bag of apples may be the same, but the payment could be done either with cash, or a via digital assets such as XRP. Where on the one hand, the traditional 'bank' method may be simple, there are transaction fees associated (especially with credit cards), as the old-fashioned system has intermediaries which take a cut for your convenience. Back over at the 'un-banked' use-case with the XRP token, the transaction occurred from one wallet address to another in a matter of seconds, without any middleman or additional fees, other than the base crypto transaction fee which was a fraction of a penny. Let Them Play Their Games Did it have to be this way? No, but since the major financiers are dead-set on serving only the market that makes them comfortable, the 'others' around the world will just have to shut up and take it. But, by their actions, this has opened up a door where many of the population who have used crypto to transact for goods and services would rather continue to utilize this form of value. Why? Because it's too much of a bother to try to fit a square peg in a round hole via the old way, not to mention being eaten alive by ridiculous fees. Cryptocurrency, be it XBT, XRP or whatever token or coin strikes your fancy doesn't care about you or I... it just does what it does, which is refreshing as unlike the 'Member's Only' form of banking, crypto is no respecter of persons, treating everyone equally - including the high-financiers by the way. Is it any wonder why for these reasons alone this asset class keeps growing in popularity?
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When you take into account the growth that occurred post-2017, the old-school bankers rose up and took notice and quickly sprung into action by formulating their plan, which is a blueprint for massive gain (for them) and a campaign of fear for us. The good news for the masses is that the news for the 'classes' is being put into proper context as the song they have been singing for years has not changed one IOTA (pardon the pun). Mass Deflection And Protesting Math Daniel Boorstin once proclaimed that the greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, but rather the illusion of knowledge. For those that have been in the crypto space for some time, hearing the incumbent financiers talk of the evils, perils, or even stupidity of Bitcoin is about as accurate as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. If you believe them, you fall prey to their game of bait-and-switch so common on the traditional news outlets saying un-truths like 'forget the Bitcoin fad - just stick with gold'. What many hear is that this rich dude on TV who is to be trusted deserves my attention (and vote) rather than the YouTuber that is showing us an alternative with crypto. Sadly, there are too many folks who blindly follow the news of the 1% and are unwilling to look under the hood at the facts by investing time in R&D and instead just take the low-road, which is by design as they got to where they did by convincing us to relinquish REAL assets in an effort to lower the price, so they can buy more... and then rinse-and-repeat. Going back to the 'just stick with gold' malarkey, which is one of the most common games the power-grabbers play, let's consider the plain, unfiltered facts, using a simple calculation of a gold-vs-Bitcoin performance metric since the dawn of thew new digital asset:
As per the Gold Return Calculator, If you invested US$1 in gold when Bitcoin started trading in July of 2010, you would have US$1.64 today (Dec. 2023).
As per StatMuse, if you invested $1 in Bitcoin at the same time you invested in gold, you would net a return of a whopping US$878,400 today.
Now of course the ones telling us to avoid crypto and look where they want you to look and not 'there', would never admit to this obvious difference in performance, and the reason is as simple as time immemorial. The are 'banking' on the fact that the majority will have their attention captured for just a brief moment in time and quickly go to other news so the consumers will not have the time to let the information sink-in and allow the mind to process it. These are not stupid people. Their actions are deliberate, carefully planned with an obvious end-game, and when the 'jig is up', they will proclaim how great crypto is and to buy from them, but when this happens, the opportunity for sizeable gains will be gone because there is no more risk. Looking at crypto for what it is, the final say on it is that it cannot be controlled by Governments, Kings or Dictators because there is no 'throat to choke', due to it's pseudononymous make-up. This new form of value can be transferred by anyone with a smartphone, digital wallet, and that's about it. If you're a newcomer to the space, the best advice is to keep your wits about you, and do the prudent, unpopular thing by taking the high road in doing your own research. It doesn't take a lot of time, and if you invest just 15 minutes a day, it won't take long until you are able to see the glass hidden in the grass. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title Image by Shnick | Rise of Satoshi graphic by The Bitcoin Therapist | Quote by Morrissey
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