#symphonique dorm
symphoniquedorm · 2 years
DanceHall Lessons:(Now Closed)
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A mini sprite art and writing event
Going on all Sept.12th(Will extend to end of 13th due to my lateness)
Wanna dance? Our dorm's wonderful dance instructors are ready to teach you a classic dance they are skilled at performing.
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Sigurd: "We…Dance."
Wriesa: "Hope you're ready to break a sweat!"
Theodore: "I am always ready to groove."
Waltz/Tango ~ Taught by Sigurd(note these are close contact partner style dances)
Simple Breakdancing ~ Taught by Wriesa
Grooving Worm ~ Taught by Theodore
How to sign up
Be sure to let me know your twst blog name if not the same as one you can send asks/dms in.
Send a ask or dm with the following information:
OC's Name:
Dance/Instructor Pick:
Images or Link to profile of OC:
OC's favorite color?:
Do you want sprite art and/or writing(please specify):
If wanting sprite art what type clothing oc prefers?(Bold one): Masculine,Feminine,Mix of the two,Doesn't matter
If wanting writing can please let me know the personality & pronouns of oc(Can be wordy I wanna make sure I understand them. Can link profile too.):
If picked Waltz/Tango/Sigurd is your oc ok with compliments?:
That's it! Once sign ups over I will answer asks or post tag dm participants the sprite art and/or writing in a timely manner.
(I am slow often so apologies in advance for that. Please note there are only 6 slots open for the sprite art requests. Once all taken I will update all sign ups after 6th art one will be writing only so i'm not overwhelmed. One sprite art request per person so more get chance. Writing requests can be sent for different ocs from same person tho or same if wanting to do more dances)
If you wanna contribute anything to the event feel free to but don't have to. Looking forward to the dancing fun. 💃 🕺🎶
(If wondering where is Sigurd's wings are btw he is just hiding them to help dance better with another. Tis why you see in sprite his shadow still so large they there just invisible and weightless.)
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silent-dragon · 2 years
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Dorm uniforms for my Symphonique members.
Theodore is wearing the standard uniform however it is very customizable. I will go more into that with the oc creation post on dorm blog. More info on uniforms below.
Sigurd's & Wriesa's are unique to them and it was Sigurd who got both made. Rare sighting of the bone arm looking mask holder Sigurd is only seen with at balls. He seems so different when holding that...wonder why that is...?
A masquerade mask in red or black accented in gold is made for each student and none are the same. The masks are only for the monthly ball Sigurd does each month.
While Sigurd doesn't change his hair its his signature so why would he most other students will sport different hairstyles to fit attire.
Theodore brushes down his middle point of hair to reveal its kinda long if you think about him brushing the other sides down too. He has abit of bangs too.
Wriesa goes with braiding all her lovely hair which yes takes a long time and she has started to magic spell braid it and leaves some hair out that can be styled into some big poofy curls. Its alot of effort but she does it often. It does help with her ballroom dance lessons alot.
All else was drawn by me
Used Halloween Lilia sprite assets for Wriesa
Theodore shoes by @/rubypearl31
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 months
They do not understand how michis work...
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Bios of the gobbos under cut-
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Name: Ichigo Magmis
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Twisted of: The fireys from The Labyrinth! (All of them are)
Age: 18
Birthday: August 10th
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5'9
Hair color: A mix of reds, yellow and white
Eye color: Light blue
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Symphonique by @silent-dragon!!!
School year: 3rd year
Club: Basketball
Best subject: Music
Dominant hand: Right
Likes: His siblings, fire, dance, singing
Dislikes: People pulling on his tail and horns
Favorite food: Salty food
Least favorite food: Unknown
Hobbies: Sports, the arts, detaching his own limbs to play with his siblings
Talent: He, just like all of his siblings, are exceptional at fire magic!
Personality: Ichigo seems to be a "leader" for the Magmis siblings, despite NOT being the oldest! He's here for the good times, bad times, all times!
They're all very playful and friendly lil guys, especially if you're new to them- however, NONE of them understand that other people cant casually take off and put back their limbs and be perfectly fine without em
Unique Magic: Unknown
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Name: Niko Magmis
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Twisted of: Prev mention!
Age: 17
Birthday: April 13th
Star sign: Aries
Height: 5'7
Hair color: A mix of yellow and pink with red tips
Eye color: Light blue (but darker than the others)
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Prev mention!
School year: 2nd
Club: Football
Best subject: Ancient incantations
Dominant hand: Left
Likes: His siblings, fire, soft things, being loud
Dislikes: Being in places where he has to be quiet
Favorite food: Sweet things
Least favorite food: Unknown
Hobbies: Baking, people watching, detaching his own limbs to play with his siblings
Talent: NONE of the Magmis siblings are capable of lying, it is just not physically possible!
Personality: Niko is quite the loudmouth, he cant help it! Its very easy to get him excited and pumped up, best to keep him away from characters that are easily startled or have sensitive hearing-
Its very difficult for him to contain any of his emotions, especially for long periods of time- if he's feeling some type of way, everyone's gonna know about it
Unique Magic: Unknown
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Name: Sanji Magmis
Gender: Male (He/Him, They/Them)
Twisted of: Prev mention!
Age: 21
Birthday: November 26th
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 6'0
Hair color: Red, white and pinkish-purple
Eye color: Light blue, not seen due to the fact he mainly keeps his eyes closed
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Prev mention!
School year: 4th
Club: Hockey
Best subject: Defensive Magic and Physical Training
Dominant hand: Left
Likes: His siblings, music, climbing, fire, physical attention
Dislikes: Cold weather
Favorite food: Bitter food
Least favorite food: Unknown
Hobbies: Climbing, weight lifting, detaching his own limbs to play with his siblings
Talent: All of them have very strong and prehensile tails, but Sanji's is the longest and strongest!
Personality: He's very gentle and caring to everyone around him! Flower, bug, animal, person, doesnt matter- he's very gentle with you-
That being said, they can still be just as chaotic as their other siblings when they want to- Sanji doesnt hold back his siblings from being little gremlins all over the place-
Unique Magic: Unknown
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Name: Shion Magmis
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Twisted of: Prev mention!
Age: 16
Birthday: July 30th
Star sign: Leo
Height: 5'3
Hair color: A mix of blond and purplish-pink with red tips
Eye color: Light Blue
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Prev mention!
School year: 1st year
Club: Volleyball
Best subject: Animal Linguistics
Dominant hand: Left
Likes: His siblings, animals, astronomy, fire
Dislikes: Bugs, ESPECIALLY arachnids
Favorite food: Sour things
Least favorite food: Unknown
Hobbies: Stargazing, climbing, dance, detaching his own limbs to play with his siblings
Talent: All of em have long tongues, but Shion's is the longest- long enough for him to get himself literally tongue tied
Personality: Shion is the youngest of the siblings but still just as chaotic as they are- Its common for Shion and Niko to try and convince people to also take off their heads and play with them, their puppy eyes are difficult to resist
Out of all of them, Shion also has the worst grades of all the siblings tbh-
Unique Magic: Unknown
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ilquadernodelgiallo · 4 years
La vita come pura manutenzione, ordinaria amministrazione, riproposizione continua delle solite faccende da sbrigare invece di questo insensato anelito a dare forma a un'opera. Io queste battaglie le ho già combattute, sono un guerriero più forte di loro perché le ho perse tutte. La mia solitudine presta attenzione a una grande quantità di pensieri. Dentro di me ci sono tutti questi vagabondi chiacchieroni che si piazzano davanti alla mente, mi parlano in continuazione mentre sto facendo i fatti miei, tirano fuori qualsiasi cosa pur di stare in compagnia, e io sempre a fargli di sì con la testa. Stamattina è scattata la suoneria, ma il mio sonno si è fatto furbo, in quattro e quattr'otto si è inventato un sogno in cui per guardare una specie di video bisognava premere un pulsante, così ho preso il mio telefono in mano e a occhi aperti senza smettere di sognare, ho interrotto la suoneria continuando a dormire. La sveglia è regolata per ripetersi ogni dieci minuti, perciò la stessa cosa è successa dieci minuti dopo. Per ben due volte un pungolo esterno non è riuscito a forare e distruggere il mio sogno. La mia visione ha prevalso sulla realtà. Per tutta la mattina mi sono chiesto se questa non sia la nostra condizione normale, guardavo con diffidenza l'idraulico indaffarato, senza poter escludere che fossi io a sognarlo. Viviamo in stato di ipnosi, intorno il mondo trilla, grida, scoppia, noi assorbiamo i suoi allarmi nella nostra allucinazione. Il negozio ha cambiato gestione, è stato sgomberato completamente, hanno portato via anche i banchi e gli scaffali, hanno ridipinto i muri. Ora è tutto vuoto, bianco. [...] Fisso quelle grandi stanze vuote dietro le vetrine. Non si vende niente. Non si vende l'assenza. Non si vende la mancanza. Non si vende l'incorporeo. Non si vende l'essere andato via. Non si vende quello che non c'è. Tutte cose di cui io faccio commercio abitualmente, con le mie parole scritte. È strano come il deserto, la desolazione infuocata dal sole o ghiacciata, sia considerato il paesaggio più adatto al pensiero. Eppure il pensiero è tumulto interiore, è brusio. Il pensiero è popolazione della solitudine. Forse i deserti sono in empatia con il pensiero proprio perché sono sgombri, danno pochi appigli alla visione, costringono il pensiero alle sue responsabilità: non hai scuse, ciò che pensi non si deve a ciò che vedi, perché qui non sta accadendo nulla - sta accadendo soltanto ciò che pensi. Non si trovano, in Dostoevskij e Caravaggio, luoghi che abbiano valore in sé e meritino una descrizione. L'architettura non esiste. Lo spazio come amnio di eventualità, come condizione degli eventi non c'è, perché gli spazi vengono prodotti in continuazione dagli esseri umani, nel presente. Niente possibilità, solo fatti. Il mondo è una propaggine della vita, non viceversa. Gyorgy Ligeti ha aggredito il tempo sfinendolo: in Poème Symphonique, lo lascia agonizzare facendo esaurire la carica di centro metronomi: un giorno la nostra provvista di tempo finirà. È un brano che si ascolta con indicibile angoscia. [4' 33"] È un brano che fa sentire il particolare tipo di silenzio che si può ottenere da quello strumento, così come se ne tirano fuori suoni specifici, con un timbro caratteristico. Per riuscire a suonare il silenzio di uno strumento, ci vuole uno specialista di quello strumento. Ogni cosa produce il suo silenzio, diverso da qualunque altro. C'è una nobiltà affascinante nell'evitare per tutta la vita di conoscere alcune cose fondamentali. Come quelli che muoiono senza aver visto il mare. Sentirsi estranei a tutto. Attraversare questo mondo schivandolo. Entra nel negozio una biondina sui diciotto anni. Indossa jeans e scarpe da ginnastica. Si dirige verso la mensola delle scarpe più clamorose, da transessuali, ne sceglie un paio rosso fiammante, con il tacco da quattordici centimetri, la zeppa da cinque. Le prova. [...] Montando lassù la biondina ha fatto un balzo nella gerarchia degli esseri, è diventata un'altra donna, un esemplare di un'altra specie. Decuplica il suo potere sessuale; anche il suo sguardo diventa più severo, un'inedita autorevolezza le risale dai talloni al volto. Si dirige alla cassa a comprare quegli attrezzi magici da metamorfosi in drago, che qui a Londra anche un'innocua biondina può procurarsi con quarantaquattro sterline e novantanove centesimi. In metropolitana il vecchio fisarmonicista vestito da montanaro suona [...]. Alla fine passa a prendere le offerte. Ha un modo sorprendente di ricevere il denaro: non dice "grazie" ma "bravo". Non ringrazia: si congratula. [...] Così riesce a ribaltare la situazione: è lui il superiore, che offre ai passeggeri un'occasione di virtù e li giudica. Ho buttato via una borsa piena di appendini [...]. Poi sono uscito a comprare due forme da scarpe [...]. Così ho fatto caso alla parentela fra appendini e forme di scarpe. Sono gli unici oggetti che indossano i nostri abiti, li sostengono dall'interno (infatti in certe regioni gli appendini li chiamano anche ometti). Sono surrogati di scheletro. [...] Immagino un teatrino in cui ogni marionetta è fatta solo di due forme da scarpe e da un appendino: tutto sommato, una rappresentazione dell'umanità che ci farebbe onore (sembra più adatta a un dio). Aspirare a essere piedi e spalle: accorrere e sopportare; mettersi in cammino e farsi carico: piedi e spalle, nient'altro - e un ricciolo di metallo al posto della testa, a forma di punto di domanda. Il nipotino di una mia amica non dorme più. È assillato dall'idea che l'esperimento avviato nell'acceleratore di particelle di Ginevra possa creare un buco nero che inghiottirà il nostro pianeta nel giro di quattro anni, con sadica lentezza. [...] Mi ci stavo affezionando a un'apocalisse così. Peccato che non succeda. Sarei orgoglioso degli esseri umani se distruggessero il mondo non per avidità o guerre, ma per sete di sapere. Gli esperimenti di questi giorni dovrebbero darci lumi sui primi istanti dell'esplosione all'origine dell'universo. Sommamente poetico e filosoficamente decoroso, causare la fine indagando l'inizio. Che cos'è un'epoca? Un tempo che ci offre circostanze tipiche. Il ricatto dell'epoca: non bisogna lasciarsi sfuggire queste circostanze, sono le sole vie di accesso a modi peculiari dello stare al mondo, non si ripresenteranno più. Da cui la necessità di inseguire fenomeni passeggeri, novità tecnologiche destinate a essere presto superate. Chi vuole attingere a tutte le sfaccettature dell'Essere deve star dietro all'effimero. Moltissimi palazzi [di Napoli] sono fatti con il tufo scavato sotto di loro. Poggiano sul vuoto necessario alla loro costruzione. La città è doppia: sotterranee bolle cubiche riflettono quelle gonfiate allo scoperto. [...] Per edificarsi è possibile scavare in sé stessi. Possiamo fondarci sul vuoto che abbiamo causato per esistere. Oggi però a Hagia Sophia non si celebrano messe né si pronunciano preghiere del venerdì. Il tempio resta aperto soltanto per i turisti: la terza religione stratificatasi qui dentro. Noi siamo i credenti di una nuova fede, continuiamo a entrare nel tempio per verificare che gli iddii vi siano custoditi ben chiusi nel passato, in modo che non possano nuocerci. O forse [il Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza] è la rappresentazione più adeguata dell'esistenza: una scena già allestita non da noi, dove siamo chiamati a far risuonare le nostre parole anacronistiche e fuori luogo. Al mercato dei libri antichi e usati di Istanbul ho comprato a poco prezzo una miniatura. Il venditore non ha insistito più di tanto nell'assicurarmi che è autentica. A me interessava l'immagine; che sia vecchia o dipinta ieri non ha importanza. C'è un molare, con le radici estirpate. Sulla fiancata del dente c'è un grande buco. Si vede l'interno: un drago maciulla corpi umani a unghiate e morsi; un poveretto è stato inghiottito per metà nella voragine del mostro. È l'inferno, un inferno che sta comodamente nelle dimensioni di un dente cariato. L'inferno è portatile, ce l'abbiamo addosso, ne facciamo esperienza con un semplice mal di denti (resta da verificare quali parti del corpo e quali sensazioni siano il nostro paradiso portatile, se ne abbiamo uno; in quale recesso organico, tasca dermica, globo o papilla si nasconda). Ma il vero tocco da maestro è lo sfondo d'oro, vero commento sarcastico che mostra quanto consideriamo pregiata questa nostra lancinante esistenza. "Il tornaconto è la migliore soluzione politica" dicono i loro sorrisi "non riusciamo ancora a capacitarci che fosse la più semplice. La prima risposta non è soltanto la più istintiva, è anche quella giusta. Perché complicarsi la vita, quando è contro il tuo interesse? Perché darsi pena per gli immigrati, quando puoi toglierli di mezzo? Perché spazientirsi per il Sud, quando basta tagliargli i viveri? Dovremmo forse vergognarci di ciò che ci conviene? Pazienza se ci faremo odiare. Tanto, non siamo mai risultati simpatici. Si prepara una dolce primavera settentrionale". In piazza Willy Brandt a Francoforte, un monumento al'euro. C'è una grande € in plastica blu, illuminata dall'interno. È circondata da dodici stelle gialle, endoilluminate anch'esse. Immagino sia stato installato per festeggiare il risultato comunitario, la condivisione della moneta che dimostrava una fiducia reciproca fra popoli ecc., ma finisce per essere nient'altro che un inno ai soldi: in questo è il monumento più sincero che abbia mai visto. Nemmeno gli americani sono arrivati a tanto. Se l'Europa ha saputo esprimere una tale pacchianeria, innalzando un tributo megalitico al denaro, significa che ha ancora abbastanza impulsi intestini e forza crassa per sopravvivere. Il simbolo di plastica colorata dà un senso di contemporaneità totale, che contrasta con l'idea di monumento. Non onora il passato. È un monumento al presente, quindi non è un monumento. È un idolo, l'unico veramente condiviso da tutti. Per onestà, andrebbe innalzato in tutte le piazze d'Europa. Le scarpe con la dorature interna innescano una situazione contraddittoria: la scarpa splende solo quando è vuota; se la indossi la spegni, ne diminuisci la brillantezza gloriosa. In altre parole: possesso e uso ne mortificano lo splendore. È un perfetto emblema della merce: se ce l'hai, non ce l'hai (quando la indossi la snaturi); ce l'hai solo quando non ce l'hai (nell'integrità del suo splendore in vetrina), ma siccome ovviamente non puoi accontentarti di averla-senza-averla, la compri. Ma appena la compri, già non ce l'hai più, perché l'hai indossata spegnendone lo splendore, ecc. Il consumismo è inconsumabile. È questa la mia idea di lettura, entrare in casa altrui, non invitato, a vedere come l'autore o l'autrice ha fantasticato verbalmente la vita, l'amore, i soldi, il sogno, la morte. Oggi invece mi si vuol far credere che un romanzo sia un ricevimento. [...] L'artista pretende di essere encomiato perché ha rinunciato a scrivere la sua opera e si è sacrificato confezionando libro per non-lettori. Continuo a pensare alla passeggiata fascista che ho incrociato la settimana scorsa. Non era una manifestazione, nel senso che non aveva un contenuto preciso, non rivendicava nulla, se non la soddisfazione di certificare la propria esistenza. Ormai si mostrano spavaldamente alla luce del sole, marciano in mezzo alla gente che va per negozi, cantano inni ripugnanti, invocano il duce. Sono felici di poterlo fare, di camminare esibendo il saluto romano, si sentono legittimati dal clima generale: ci siamo anche noi, cosa credete. Nessuno dei passanti si è voltato a dirgli "Vergognatevi" (nemmeno io, d'altronde). Stavamo cercando delle calze per lei, in questo giugno grigio e freddo. Siamo entrati in un emporio, merci glassate di luce, musica ritmata. Lo stordente apparato di seduzione mercantile, i pavimenti scintillanti, i ritornelli ruffiani hanno peggiorato la mia prostrazione. Di là il fascismo, di qua il marketing. Difendere la democrazia per salvare la civiltà dello shopping? Giro a Lucca. Bisognerebbe citarla sempre come controesempio quando si teme che il procedere della Storia snaturi i valori culturali, e la perdita significhi per forza scadimento, degrado, barbarie. Lucca ha alcuni splendidi abusi edilizi, o usi distorti dell'architettura e dell'urbanistica. Groviglio è ritornare su sé stessi; è patire sé stessi, viversi come il riattraversamento ostinato di un percorso irrisolto. Non crescere più, non potersi sviluppare ma solo avvilupparsi in una proliferazione di nodi e problemi. [...] inoltrarsi, protendersi al di là, come si passa da un anno all'altro, il tempo è sempre uguale eppure è completamente diverso, noi giubiliamo rumorosamente e inneschiamo la polvere da sparo e facciamo scoppiare la luce nella notte per inventare un passaggio, per aprire una differenza nel tempo indifferente, per gettarci oltre [...]
Tiziano Scarpa, La vita, non il mondo
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silent-dragon · 2 years
Note Wriesa is even more smaller then the other two i just didn't make her look that way here. A height chart showing this accurately is up on dorm blog.
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Now that their profiles are up here my usual post to talk alittle about em and edit credits I do.
These 3 are from Goblet Muse a city in Briar Valley where most of the population is a array of goblin creatures and sized mostly like Wriesa. There's long centuries strife between goblins and faes(Malleus type) to point Goblet Muse doesn't follow the rule of the Draconias and is independent runned by a Mayor and Counsel Members.
Sigurd is a half goblin half fae young man who's sole purpose was to be a symbol of peace between the two species. He a professional ballroom dancer and music composer. He is the son of Goblet Muse's Mayor. Has a strong desire to be loved for who he is.
Theodore is a worm faefolk youth. He has a forsee magical ability that lets him see your misfortunes in love,health,and money. Used to tell people these things but no one listened to him cause he was a 12inch large worm. Now with his more human disguise he can better help others but must flip what he says cause people don't wanna hear misfortunes so he tells them as cautious luck. He made it a business as a fortune teller.
Wriesa is a goblin dwarf girl who been Sigurd's best friend for a long time since her parents work for his father. She holds a longing crush on him but has choose to keep those feelings at bay. Lover of hip hop dancing so she took lessons and is quite good at it and has gotten Sigurd into it too secretly. She always looking after him due to how she feels but also now that she exposed to modern world sees she not very good looking thus he'd never love her unless she disguise her look but thats not her style so conflicted.
• edit credits(srry some i can't recall as i made these with severe lack of sleep its Sigurd's eyes & Wriesa's mouth i cant recall which twst characters i took em from)
All heads by @/rubypearl31
meshed together malleus & sebek school sprites,malleus mouth,armband base by @/rubypearl31
meshed together rook & epel school sprites,epel mouth,vil eyes,armband base,shoes by @/rubypearl31
Lilia school sprite,jack eyes,shoes,socks,& bow by @/rubypearl31
All else was drawn by me
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symphoniquedorm · 2 years
Appearance of Dorm & Maze
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Castle Farscrew
Name of the mini castle that holds the dorm rooms,giant ballroom,a kitchen,and rooms to practice music that are sound barriered so doesn't disturb anyone else.
This castle is modeled after the ancient castle in the city of Goblet Muse that used to house the goblin monarchy when they used to have such a thing. The real castle has been repurposed as a meeting hall for city government things and also functions as Sigurd's family house. People sometimes call him a "Goblin Prince" since he was raised inside a castle.
Castle Farscrew is quite an amazing little castle to see and be mainly just for dorm rooms. As can see it is a normalish castle at first but seems to have giant tree roots growing around and under it to the point they invaded the castle and broke off a section that is now suspended in the air holded by the roots.
The section in the air is Sigurd's area consisting of his dorm and small living room. Most think he just flies up there but they don't know his wings don't work. The way to get up there is quite amazing and only Wriesa is allowed to go there or take people there if they need to speak to Sigurd.
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Maze of the Rose's dream
Garden Maze on the other side of the castle. It is completely made with illusionary magic by Sigurd and stands out as it is not matching the autumn withered of the rest of the area as its green,bright, and has a cloudy rainbowish mist flowing all over.
This is the maze he created that gets weirder the longer you're in it. However he has it written on a stone at the entrance that if you complete it the stone at the exit has a written surprise that is like a fantastic dream. No one has managed to complete it.
Roses of various colors and sizes are everywhere in the maze but the most amazing sight is the giant one you see when you enter. It is enormous and obviously not supposed to be that big.
In the maze you often can find these 3 larger than normal insects/worm that are supposed to talk in riddles to help you find the way. One of them may recognize as Theodore Bisk who is a student but some might not realize it's him cause in worm form if haven't seen it. He loves feasting on the roses even though he knows they are not real. He says it's the vibe of the maze not the real or unrealistic of them as he munches on plants that don't exist. 
However what does really exist is Theodore has a cup of fresh rose blended tea waiting for you he has made. He will ask if you want some. Usually people say no and continue the maze so Theodore just slowly sips on the tea while has a magic kettle making more for others. The tea is actually enchanted by Sigurd and if drank causes the illusions that block your way or scare you to not appear at all in the maze for 30 mins. The other two Insect form students also have this tea and offer the same way as Theodore in different areas.
Usually by time those in maze fail and must leave or must be rescued to the entrance. Theodore and the others are drunk off the tea cause it is so strong and they don't leave any.
I made these images with a A.I. gen btw if wondering
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symphoniquedorm · 2 years
Kingdom of Goblet Muse
Home to an ever changing future in a harsh environment.
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(Image is from movie i will replace with art later)
This city has been around for centuries. Built near the border between another land and Briar Valley. It remains on the Briar Valley side.
History & Issues
The History is entangled with the conflict this city was made to alleviate. The very centuries old war is now just a bitter rivalry of Goblins & Faes. The very land the city rests on was war torn land and holds a lot of good or bad memories with the elder residents. The ground is completely dried of nutrients as punishment faes & other faefolk sapped it all away. Even with these goblins and other Briar Valley folk still live there and rather adept then move on to better place.
City System and Food
Food in Goblet Muse was very hard to come by as none can be grown so all of it is imported from the other land it's near not Briar Valley at all. The Food system works like a food bank. All citizens must register at the main family affair building so how many people are in the city,how many are households,how many children,and how many elderly. Once this is all counted on the 1st of each month large bulk package is delivered to each house of food for the entire month. All residents must have 2 refrigerators,2 freezers,and appliances to make ice if refrigerators don't. There are events to teach new families how to use and preserve their month long rations as they are carefully portioned for their family.
The city works on having a King and 5 council members who are tasked with keeping up different things the city needs. Absolutely no help from the outside they do not want any influence from the Draconias to ever be within the city. The police heavily enforce this by any mention or depictions of them is a crime and will get fined or jailed for it.
There is little room for extra food. There are only two chances for this. The single restaurant in all of Goblet Muse which opens once a month at the end of it and the citizens ball held in the middle of month yet isn't for children as its only place to get alcoholic drinks. While this all sounds awful the citizens have adapted to this controlled food system as surprising as it is freeish and only requires an adult of the household to work a job for the city or a city assigned one to other jobs.
King & Others
Sigurd's entire purpose is to be this symbol of peace as he is of goblin & fae mixed birth. A lot of people both in Goblet Muse and outside find it horrible that the city tried to ease centuries old tension between two species by having an innocent child born who's gone through so much pain & suffering growing up.(More on this will be in Sigurd's backstory post)
The goblin family known as the Farscrew have been the ruling power of the city for a long time. Currently King Sigurd is seen in a split light by his citizens. Most of the system in place was done by his father who recently gave kingship to Sigurd to retire from public life. His son now is faced with being seen as a tyrant or savior.
The city has one school for all children and youths. From age 4 to 18 you can go to this school and are taught very limited subjects because the city puts so much money into the food system the Education one is just a joke. Most times none of the teen youths want to attend and rebel quickly due to how awful it is. Most decide to start working at 14 of age and are on their way to having their own household by 18.
To deal with these issues abit Sigurd has experts of dance,art,and music he convinced to come to Goblet Muse to teach lessons for youths and pays for 10 youths lessons per 3 months to help them obtain or enhance some sort of respectable skill that they can use for future and not just be worker bees.
The Future
Goblet Muse is a far more decent city than it used to be. Alot of the elderly to adults raised by them still hold grudges towards faes but the middle age and younger citizens are more open for change. While only a few people with fae blood mixed in them can call this city home, it's changing. This city cursed with an eternal autumn is going to possibly be different. Maybe if Sigurd reaches out for help..
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symphoniquedorm · 2 years
Hewwo! Ive updated all 3 students profiles with picrews and art ive made/gotten recently and fixed Worm Theodore sprite size with his other sprites so even.
Working on adding more stuff.
One thing I'd like to say now that will be in lore and oc creation posts is this dorm does not have additional younger year students due to how little interest from homecity youths want to go. All current students are 3rd years theres no 2nd or 1st years. Sigurd has been instructed to bring all the students back and if theres a decent interest again he must repeat his years again and be housewarden all 3yrs again. No 4th years advancement.
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symphoniquedorm · 2 years
Random shenanigans
Theodore: Oi Sigurd! Wot does this say, eh?
*Theodore shows him a dez nuts joke on phone*
Sigurd: Those gents nuts?
Theodore: 🤣
Sigurd: ???
Wriesa: Theodore stop making Sigurd say things about nuts..
Theodore: Aww alright..
Sigurd: Wait isn't the proper wording MY NUTS!!??
Wriesa: 😳 Why are you yelling that please..
Theodore: Let him express about his nuts..
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silent-dragon · 1 year
(This oc had a redesign and updated bio to reflect that.)
TWST OC Profile ~ Wriesa Bluedrop
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Personal Info
Name: Wriesa Bluedrop
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Hybrid Bestiore (@/rookvonhunt fanspecies)
Orientation: Bisexual
Birthday: June 1
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 162cm/5ft'3in
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Dyed Cotton Candy Blue 
Homeland: Goblet Muse
Twist of Mizuki from Return to Labyrinth Manga
School Info
School: Night Ravens College
Dorm: Symphonique (my own fandorm)
School Year: 3rd/Junior
Occupation: Vice Dorm Leader,Water Witch,Descendant of Forgotten Royalty
Club: Equestrian Club
Best Subject: Magic History & P.E.
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Other Info
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Flavored Sparkling Water,Cotton Candy,???
Likes: Sweets,Horses(Kelpies Mostly),Baths/Hot Springs,Fishing,Cats,Dancing Music
Talents: Water Magic,Horse Riding,Body Flexibility,Dancing,A bit of Manipulation
Unique Magic: Form of You - Can create illusionary physical water forms of people that are based on the emotion they hide the most. These beings known as "Mirrordrops" look almost like the person but have different coloration features yet same body features. She can control their age,colors,and hair length when creating them but once made all is permanent. They are living breathing beings. She can only use this once a month. (Just for context this UM is based on the ability her twisted inspo can do in the manga)
Personality: She is very coy to everyone. Always feels like she is drawing you in when she seems to not be making visible actions too. Once you befriend she makes it clear whether just sweet and friend to you or was indeed luring you in cause she likes you alot. Has a mix of possessiveness & tsundereness when she is not getting her way.
Short Bio: Young water affinity witch. She used to be the arranged marriage candidate for King Sigurd and dedicated most of her life to him. A disagreement on the value of Goblet muse's citizens made Sigurd officially end the arrangement. She has struggled since to move on and is confused that Sigurd offers to help her as they are still friends. Learning to try to be a decent person but always slips into an evil alignment. She dreams of having what she lost..someone who'd be so loyal and in love with her but doesn't mind opinionated too.
School & Dorm uniform sprites(masked & no mask)
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silent-dragon · 1 year
Just psa about how much i love making fandorms and invite anyone to make ocs for them! Links to dorm posts/blogs will be linked if they have em.
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Fan of NRC but wanna make a oc thats a bit more out there? I have 4 nrc fandorms you can make ocs for.
Mjestamode - Dorm based on Cruella,Disney Animals,and Fashion
Serendipia - Dorm themed to nocturnal,mythology & folklore stories/creatures
Symphonique - Dorm based on 1986's Labyrinth & music
MysticMic - Dorm based on Hypnosis Mic,Crime,and Music Industry (coming very soon!)
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Maybe rather make a oc for a fanschool? I got 4 fandorms aswell that are part of Royal Sword Academy,Hourglass Station Academy,and Death Academy of Combat.
KowaiNyan - HSA - Dorm based on Yo-kai Watch and mobile app creation
Ikimori - HSA - Dorm based on Dead or Alive and self-defense (coming very soon!)
Armonye - RSA Dorm - Based on Court of Darkness Otome
Makasho - DAC Dorm - Based on Inuyasha & Yashahime with hand tool combat (coming soon)
Feel free to DM me about making ocs for any of these I am always so excited and happy to help.
Also if fanschool owner I'd love to make dorm for your school if looking to add more. I have so many ideas just need a place to put them.
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silent-dragon · 1 year
Card Backgrounds for my fandorms
These are for placing art of any students in these dorms or if wanna draw oc in dorm for fun.
These can be found on the fandorm's masterpost posts to.
Night Ravens College - Mjestamode,Symphonique,Serendipia,MysticMic
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Hourglass Station Academy - KowaiNyan,Ikimori
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Royal Sword Academy - Armonye
(coming soon)
Death's Academy of Combat - Makasho
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silent-dragon · 1 year
I feel like I haven't seen my lil buddy Theodore in a hot minute. How did he and the rest of the Symphonique students spend New Year's Eve?
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"There were so many people!! I said hi to like A MILLION people I feel like. Usually we go home for winter break where such things are not celebrated but Sigurd told us we could stay if wanted this time and since he was I did to. It was so amazing and friendly day I hope it's not a one time thing.."
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"I spend most of the day seeing to dorm students who stayed with us that all was well and prepared the giant table for our "last meal of year" as Sigurd called it. Lots of food and chatter..I actually fell asleep before the clock struck the next day due to being tried from working on all the prep sadly so I didn't get to see the fireworks but a bit after I woke Sigurd keep some so I could light them."
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"I threw a big feast for my dorm students who stayed with me for the winter break on eve day at night. I wanted to show I was thankful so I actually spent since the early morning with assistance of others cooking food. I am not good at cooking so I more just rolled out dough for rolls..alot. When time change came I watched the sky light up so beautifully it was my 1st time seeing in person. It has given me alot of inspiration for music."
Bonus Theodore below
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symphoniquedorm · 2 years
Symphonique Housewarden OC Profile ~ Sigurd Farscrew
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some sprite assets by @/rubypearl31
Theme song to listen to while reading ^^
Name: Sigurd Romeo-Henry Farscrew
Title: King of Goblins
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Winged Goblin & Fae Mixed
Orientation: Pansexual
Based On: Jareth & his Masquerade Mask from Labyrinth
Birthday: June 27
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 216cm
Eye Color: Fiery Green
Hair Color: Golden Blonde
Homeland: Goblet Muse
Dorm: Symphonique
School Year: 3rd/Junior
Occupation: King,Music Composer,Professional Ballroom Dancer,Guitarist
Club: Gargoyle Research & Pop Music Club
Best Subject: Enigmics
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Peach Themed Dishes,Pizza
Least Favorite Food: Heavy Onion Dishes
Dislikes: His body need for sleep,People wasting his time,Liars,Broken Vinyl Records,Popped Guitar Strings
Hobby: Listening to Music,Writing Music,Practicing Piano,Solo Waltzing,Solving Puzzles,Dreaming of a Forever After
Talents: Ballroom Dancing,Guitar,Music Making,Party Hosting,Illusionary Magic
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Elemental Magic: Light/Void
Unique Magic: Be Revealed in Story
OC’s Lore Summary: Musical art expert and unwantedly symbol of peace of his homecity. A young looking man who is known for his unnatural beauty given his father's looks. Trained in the arts but never got that feeling of a bit of mischievousness out of his mind. Often seen as "Unbalanced" as he often is found in a state of normal then in a near insanity mood.
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Art by @/soul--surgeon
Personality: He looks and feels like he has a god complex but that's from others just not wanting to go near such a beautiful man. He is kind and thoughtful of others but mind seems to always be in another world often. Soft when around those he declares special to him. Has been seen a few times absolutely going insane and trashing everything around him like a wild animal but it's unknown what caused these moments.
Fun Facts: Despite Sigurd's lovely goblin wings unknowingly to anyone but close friends he can't fly. He can flex them fine so at one point could but don't know why can't now. He doesn't take flying class out of embarrassment of him having to use a broom.
Hates that his father put such weight on his shoulders as a symbol of peace back home. In his home city of Goblet Muse often fae and goblins get into fights. Sigurd's whole birth was a PR move to inspire peace which it did somewhat but it caused Sigurd to be stuck in between these two species who have disliked each other for centuries.
Sigurd finds comfort in dancing and practices hard to be able to ballroom dance as was told he couldn't because he has no human feet so placement would be hard for him. He is now a professional ballroom dancer and a dancer of other genres of music as well. He is secretly a good hip hop dancer taught by his best friend Wriesa who is a professional in his eyes at it.
He is obsessed with finding love so he can focus his mind solely on this person. Some of his written songs often mention his desire to be loved by someone but as well as some things of concern he will do for them and to them. All fuels his pining desire of love.
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Sigurd was born with a defect to his feet where they were normal as a baby but as he got older grew into a hoof-like bottom. They are not hooves as he has zero hoofed species in his blood. It's like his feet are encased in permanent shoes. Wriesa helped Sigurd see them as platform heels and useful as to challenge himself rather than loathe them.
Often gets his love fortune read by Theodore who tells him about the many loves he may have. One that commonly comes across is brunette or brown haired loves so he tends to be interested in people with these hair colors but anyone can interested him too not just these types.
More HCs about Sigurd
About his eating issues
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symphoniquedorm · 2 years
Symphonique Student OC Profile ~ Theodore Bisk
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some sprite assets by @/rubypearl31
Theme song to listen to while reading ^^
Name: Theodore "Wormy" Bisk
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Worm Faefolk
Orientation: Bisexual
Based On: William,The Worm from Labyrinth
Birthday: April 4
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 198cm(30cm as worm)
Eye Color: Scarlet Red
Hair Color: Azure Blue
Homeland: Goblet Muse
Dorm: Symphonique
School Year: 3rd/Junior
Occupation: Fortune Teller,Vibes Feeler
Club: Science Club
Best Subject: Astrology
Dominant Hand: Both
Favorite Food: Loose Leaf Teas
Least Favorite Food: Spicy Food
Dislikes: Sad Songs,Too Serious People,Ones Who don't listen to his readings,Overconfident People
Hobby: Vibing to Nature,Listening to Rave/Techno Music,Maintaining Hairstyle,Using Unique Magic on random people
Talents: Fortune Telling,Being a Friend,Hair Care,Nature Walks
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Elemental Magic: Flora/Water
Unique Magic: Foresee Bad Worms - Can see various misfortunes in a person's futures. Uses this to be a fortune teller and tell people their misfortunes as fortunes or mislead a little to as only way they accept em.
OC’s Lore Summary: Symphonique's resident fortune teller. He is a pretty funky guy with an interesting hairstyle. He likes to wiggle around enjoying friends and nature. Careful of your reading from him it's up to you to believe or not. Most are satisfied but Sigurd is not, so is always summoning him to read his love fortunes. He lies to him to keep getting the increased coins he gives but really his love life is so scary that Theodore has seen for the other person.
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Personality: Chill,Mellow,Cool Vibes,and Funny. He is a great friend to those he enjoys being around. Avoids conflict so you won't see him the moment it arises.
Fun Facts: Theodore loves it when he tells others who don't know Goblet Muse well his parents are magical worms and are 12 & 8 inches long. They used a spell to give Theodore a human form as he too was a small worm.
He only tells his misfortunes as truths as people don't want to hear them as that and won't believe him that bad will happen when all seems well so he rather give em hope. He always warns them to take his words with caution always.
He doesn't know how to dance very well formal wise but can do the worm without fail. He actually practiced to learn it because if he can't do the dance of his kind that would be a shame.
His red scarf is a signature of his and is very small because it is sized for him as human and his worm self. His parents wanted him to use his unique magic to help human and other tall sized people as no one took his words seriously while he was a worm.
Some more Theodore Lore
Height Chart showing His worm and human size difference
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symphoniquedorm · 1 year
Just an update on some changes and others stuff
> I apologize that the writings and arts from the dorm event are still not up. I am working on dedicating a week this month to finishing them I swear it.
> Goblet Muse has been changed to a Kingdom City,the post about it has been updated to reflect this
> Sigurd has been lore changed from son of the mayor to young king of the Kingdom of Goblet Muse,his profile has been updated to state this
> His title is "King of Goblins" and all Symphonique students refer to him as "Sire"
> New content and students are coming soon!!
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