#t: blaine
klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
Falling For You
Author: @bitbybitwrites
Rating: T
Status: Completed in April 2024
Word Count: 26,089
Summary: For the Klaine Secret Santa 2023 Gift Exchange and was paired up to write something for the lovely and talented @mynonah.
You gave me a fantastic assortment of things to choose for prompts. It was challenging at first to decide which combination of them for your story!
I may have taken some liberties with how the medical profession actually works and how hospitals are run just for this fic. My apologies if some things aren't factually correct.
Tropes/Genre: kid!fic, florist!Kurt, Doctor!Blaine, meet cute, AU, NYC!Klaine
Lynne's review: This story is truly special. I really enjoyed it. Any story with a beautiful scene between Blaine and Burt wins in my book.
Read at: AO3
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i overturn my uncles barbeque grill and turn the Fourth Of July into the Fourth Of Shit
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theres a gray one becaesu i actually hate coloring things so much
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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GAAW 2023 | Day 5: Parallels | Klaine + Stairs
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racheyace · 11 months
Master Post
Here is the links to all of my G/t writings and dribbles. Thought I'd make it a little easier for everyone to have them all in one place, and I'll try to remember to continue to add any new ones!
Luke and Matt Stories:
Luke is an emotional size shifter and has been since he was about six years old, the only person he confides in his secret is his best friend Matt. Luke and Matt's stories are a compilation of short stories from heroic adventures to boyish shenanigans, lots of fluff and some angst.
Why Can't I Be Normal
Mr Luke Gulliver
What The Actual...
Just a Tiny Little Peek
Matt's Nightmares
Another Nightmare
A Shifty Hero
Be The Hero
Running Into Fire
What's Wrong With You?
Superhero's Don't Get Sick
It's a Small World AU
Being Super isn't Everything
Luke vs The Boyfriend
Lightning Ridge
A young Shifter wanders into a town crawling with hunters, Hendrix plans on laying low but when he catches wind of one particular hunter who is after the same Shifter that he’s been tracking himself, his curiosity gets the better of him. Offering to join the man on his quest he can only hope he can track down the dangerous shifter, saving the lives of innocents all the while keeping his secret hidden.
TW: mentions of murder/eating people, giant spiders, some swearing, some violence, mentions of drug use, graphic scenes of death
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Other shorts:
Meeting the Family
Moon and Emerich Stories:
There's Something You Don't See Everyday
Mixie Stories:
Rain and Grief
Autumn Breeze
Other G/t Stories:
What a Circus
Sick Day
Enemy Territory
Strawberries and Sprites
Not a Horse
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vixen525 · 7 months
In Blaine Sight
A borrower style small person discovers there's things more dangerous than humans.
Warning for: Violence, Fear, Blood
Most of this will be posted to my side blog, but I will start duping some stories here on my main.
Blaine had been fond of where he had lived before. The previous apartment building had quite a thriving community. Sure, he was the sole resident of the walls of apartment 5, but he could easily go to the floors beneath the hall to visit the other little people. They even had long established trading spots, neutral zones where everyone could exchange resources, as different apartments had different benefits. But then came the dog.
Moving to a new home was always a challenge, but the last place no longer worked for Blaine. The small man sighed as he hauled the heavy pack up. Why did they have to get a terrier? That little dog had sniffed him out immediately and took a snap at him! The world was so dangerous when you were in the same size range as a mouse. It had been lonely since he had taken up residence in a new apartment building. He knew it took time for other little people to get established in a new building. No mouse holes as shortcuts and modern building methods made it harder to establish new paths. But he was up to the job. He liked to keep busy. 
He started near an outlet. One he had chosen very carefully, the one behind the refrigerator. Easy access to the kitchen while being hidden behind the large appliance. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Good sign. Meant it was in use. He took a small peek into his new territory, though the huge fridge which kept him safely hidden also blocked his view. He took note of the fine layer of dust on the floor. In use, but not regularly cleaned. Perfect. He pulled out the bent nail he had attached to some wood to use as a pickaxe and got to work.
Weeks later Blaine had not only made a small opening to access the main apartment, but had set up several climbing areas and spots to peek out once he knew where picture frames, shelves and the like were positioned. He’d seen the people living here a few times. Rather different. If they weren’t terrifying huge humans he might call them good looking. Both had dark hair, although the pale one’s had a different texture to it than the other guy.  Had a familiar look, reminding him of some people seen on tv. The pale one seemed to prefer going out at night. Blaine had watched for when they ate so he could steal scraps off their plates in the sink, but that one hadn’t eaten at home even once. But the other had good taste in food. That one looked to be part Asian, if Blaine remembered the right words for that look. He didn’t always know all the human terms. Blaine managed to snag a grape that rolled under the fridge while they were snacking. Fresh fruit was wonderful to have. Another time Blaine got a piece of roast quail off a plate in the sink. It was amazing! He was already fond of that one. Had good taste in food and didn’t wash plates off immediately. 
Of course, he would never let them see the fact they had a third roommate in the walls. Humans were too dangerous. He’d heard the stories from other little people, rodentfolk, and such. Some said the big folk would even eat bitty folk like them. Of course that was almost certainly a lie, but he very much believed they would capture them, experiment on them, even keep them like a pet. Humans were curious and he had seen some of them fascinated by rodents, lightning bugs, and other small creatures. It didn’t always end well for the creatures. 
Still, even if he couldn’t trust humans it was almost… comforting to not be completely alone. Little people usually did these sort of expansions into new locations with a few folks, not just one. But Blaine had been forced to move immediately. At least so far Blaine enjoyed the work, and listening to the roommates on the outside of the wall made him feel not alone.
Maybe once he got more paths and openings established other little people would be willing to move in. Blaine liked the idea of being the reason there was a new, safe place for his kind to live. He was already starting on a new pathway leading to a higher area! He was actually making a sloped path to the counter so it would be easier to get food up and down from there… 
He was actually starting to examine an outlet to see if it could be altered to double as a hidden door when he heard the roommates in the kitchen talking. He was pretty sure it was the one called Ty talking, “Hey Finlay, the popsicle sticks disappeared from the craft supplies I was going to give to the neighbor down the hall for her kids. Have you seen them?” 
As Blaine peeked through the hole near the outlet, he heard the pale one shouting back, “Dammit Ty, I’m calling you by your new name. Stop calling me that. I told you before it’s just Finn now. And I haven’t seen the dang popsicle sticks. Why you wasting money on that anyway? I thought we were supposed to be laying low a while.” 
Ty rolled his eyes, “Sorry Finn, your change was much more recent. And laying low doesn’t mean I can’t be nice. I was hoping giving them some craft materials would keep them busy so you wouldn’t be as likely to get headaches from that sensitive hearing of yours.”
Finn seemed to pause at that, reconsidering, “Oh… hadn’t thought of that. But these walls seem better than the last place. The noise hasn’t been a problem lately. I think one of the neighbors may be doing woodworking or crafting though. If it wasn’t such a new place, I’d assume a mouse… But anyway, haven’t seen the sticks. Anything else missing?”
Blaine was frowning after hearing that. The guy’s hearing was really that good? At least he assumed it was a neighbor’s hobby and not a rodent. But he’d have to be more careful. Space out the work, try to time it for when that guy was out. He missed what Ty said about missing stuff… He already knew taking the popsicles sticks for the walkways may have been pushing things a bit. He’d have to get stuff from some neighboring apartments for a bit to let things die back down here.
A few days later Blaine was working on making a hidden doorway for himself on the counter while Finn was out for the night. He was certain Ty was sound asleep at the moment, so it was the perfect timing. He could work on weaving thread into sturdier ropes when Finn was home. Blaine slipped out onto the counter to check that when it was closed, it blended in with the counter. He backed up a few steps, admiring his handiwork. He really was doing a great job getting set up. The next little person to come to this building would be able to stay with him and thrive easily while more access points were developed in neighboring apartments. 
Blaine yelped in surprise when the front door swung open with Finn rushing in, blood covering his mouth. He had someone leaning on him, their neck a bloody mess. Finn called out to Ty, currently red eyes glancing over the open floor plan before focusing on Ty’s bedroom. Blaine broke from his panic, rushing to the side of the counter and hooking a string-rope on the side, sliding down to the floor quickly to get to the door behind the fridge as Finn called out to Ty.
The tiny man was breathing heavily as he leaned against the wall. No wonder Finn could hear noises in the wall. He wasn’t human. Blaine had seen such things on tvs, obvious works of fiction… but this was reality. Finn was a vampire. Blaine listened as Finn asked for help bandaging up the person he bit. Well, while it was nice to hear the vampire didn’t like to kill to feed, that didn’t mean such kindnesses would extend to him. Hopefully when he looked around to see if Ty was up he hadn’t noticed Blaine… If he had been seen, the risk was huge. The only way vampires could have remained a myth to not only humans but also little people was if they were incredibly careful about guarding their secret. Which meant if Finn figured out a little person living in the walls knew, he would likely be killed to guard that secret. 
Blaine took a couple deep breaths. There were no signs yet that Finn had seen him. He seemed too concerned with dealing with the injured person. So it wasn’t safe for Blaine to stay at this apartment… He would have to start scouting out the nearby ones. He couldn’t rush this or he might slip up. As much as he wanted to leave immediately, slow and steady was far better.
He made his way back up to one of the elevated platforms, peeking through a tiny hole. Looked like they got the person’s neck wrapped up and were discussing assuring nothing was told to anyone. This was a bit concerning… Was it some sort of psychic power? Magic? Or were they just going to drug the person? None of those sounded good for Blaine’s situation. Psychic would mean higher chances of being caught. Magic would mean more options for imprisonment or experimenting. And drugs… they couldn’t properly dose a little person meaning death would be the only option for maintaining the secret. It was scary to consider something like psychic powers or magic could be real, but he couldn’t discount anything anymore.
Blaine watched Ty come to the kitchen, getting a cup of water to offer the person. Ty paused, sniffing the air. Blaine frowned. Ty clearly knew Finn wasn’t human… and Ty ate all the time so wasn’t a vampire. What if he was something non-human as well? If vampires were a secret, no telling what else may be too… and may also have enhanced senses. Moving to a different apartment’s walls would take time… So Blaine would be here a while to at least have access to food until he made access to more places. He had used up the food he brought with him for this move, so options were limited. 
Blaine was relieved when Ty walked away. Maybe he was just being paranoid about Ty possibly also being something scarier than human. Maybe the trashcan had an odor. He needed to stay calm. Panic would only lead to mistakes. The small man took a deep breath. He had a lot of work to do to make access points to other homes. He had barely been able to manage getting in other apartments and rooms by squeezing under doors so far. But such high risk, exposed movements weren't ideal. He needed to restrict where he had access points set up. Where he had better odds of staying hidden. 
Blaine spent more time listening to the roommates over the next couple days. Trying to pick up any hints he had been spotted, or any indication that Ty may also be non-human. The situation was so stressful. Because he wasn’t going under doors to reach extra locations anymore, building supplies to make more access was hard. But the kitchen had the most important things. 
It was night again, when Ty was asleep and Finn was out… Perfect time to check the plates for scraps of food. The hidden wall door slid open with ease. He was so glad he took the time to assure it was well hidden. Blaine looked around. Lights were out as he expected. It was hard to see, but the safest time to do this. Carefully, quietly he ventured out. He reached the sink and secured a rope to the faucet to assure he could get out if he slipped. 
Then he heard a voice from next to the counter.
 “What a curious little thing you are. Since I saw you the other day when I came home I’ve been pondering what you might be. I already figured out you must be the source of the sounds I heard. But you’ve been more quiet lately… Wasn’t hard to guess you worked out schedules and were taking advantage of them. So what are you? A brownie? A hob? Perhaps an imp, a sprite, or a tomte. So many tiny folks of legend… the similarities in stories should have been a hint there was some truth to it.” 
Hearing Finn’s voice, Blaine was starting to panic. The vampire must have sat with his back to the cabinets where he couldn’t be seen. Waited until Blaine was too far into the open to get back to his hidden door. Still, Blaine had to try. Surely if the vampire caught him, it would kill him to keep his secret. So he very slowly took a step, figuring a quicker way out of reach would be to drop between the counter and fridge. He heard Finn’s voice again, “Oh? Stepping away from the sink before you go after food? Your steps sound quieter… You know I can hear either way.” 
Okay. Sneaking back to hiding wasn’t going to work. He would have to rely on his speed and hope the vampire wasn’t faster to get up and reach him. Blaine bolted, unraveling his makeshift rope as he ran and preparing to put the hook on the edge of the counter. He could see movement to his side but didn’t dare look at the vampire standing. Looking may slow him down. 
Then he slammed into something. Thin, clear plastic. The aim of it coming down over him hadn’t been perfect, one leg was now pinned under the edge of the container. He had seen these before… big people used them to store food for later. And now a hand had one clamped down over him. It shifted slightly to a different position, no longer pinning his leg. But he couldn’t stand… his leg was really sore now. Finn was staring at him through the plastic, “Sorry pipsqueak. Couldn’t have you running off without a chat… Didn’t mean to get your leg.”
Blaine watched the container lift away and a hand come near him. He tensed, expecting this to be the end… but a finger just gently touched his leg, as if checking it. Probably making sure he can’t run away. Finn was speaking again, “Okay. Doesn’t seem broken. Probably pretty bruised though. So little fella, can you speak? I suppose if you can’t object I could just pick you up for a closer loo…” Blaine interrupted, “Don’t!” 
He saw Finn smile. Blaine didn’t like that, the vampire showing off his fangs. But it didn’t seem malicious, yet, “So you can speak… I certainly hope you haven’t said anything to anyone about what you saw… That would be most unfortunate.” Blaine was shaking a bit, “I can’t have told anyone! I'm the only person in this building!! Just… let me go!” Blaine pleaded… but also felt sure it was completely hopeless. There was no way Finn was going to let him go, not when he knew his secret. Blaine closed his eyes tight as a massive hand came down towards him once more.
Blaine expected to have his life quickly ended… and was surprised to just have a finger lightly prod him, as if confirming bow real he is. Blaine opens his eyes, looking up at Finn. The man was just… staring at him. Apparently thinking. Blaine was so scared of what kind of conclusion the vampire would reach. All he could do was wait and listen as Finn talked, “I’m not exactly happy about you saying you are the only person here, as if I’m not a person. Not exactly kind wording. But I’ll ignore that for now… But at least it means my secret is still safe. But it still leaves the issue of the fact I don’t like people knowing my secret.”
Finn took a deep breath, “Ty is the only one who currently knows that isn’t also a vampire. I tend to avoid killing when I can… But I am also finding it difficult to think of a way to keep you from telling anyone. Other than the fact you also clearly keep your existence a secret.” Finn sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Damn complicated situations… I don’t really currently have the means to exactly keep you… So we have to come to an understanding.”
Finn leaned onto the counter close to Blaine, staring down at him and causing Blaine to shudder. “Your coexistence inside homes leans me towards the stories of my own land, back when I was there. When I was human. You haven’t stated a preference for species name so I’ll lean towards hob for the time being. Your kind, whatever you are… For there not to be anything beyond stories to indicate your existence… You must be existing in secrecy like my kind. Which is what makes me think we might reach an understanding.” Blaine was hesitant, but nodded, “An understanding is good…” Finn smiled, flashing those fangs again, “Excellent. Since you don’t seem to socialize with regular sized folks, I am hopeful this means you won’t go blabbing about what I am. I can keep my mouth shut about you if you can do the same for me. That seems fair enough, doesn’t it?”
Finn leaned over even closer to Blaine, clearly purposely trying to intimidate the little person, “Oh, and if you try to sneak away, move to a different apartment or building, I’m going to assume you are planning to expose me and track you down. I will be a lot less friendly. I can move silent enough you’ll never hear me coming. I can punch through bricks to get to any hiding spot. So until I say otherwise, I better hear you in the walls at least once a day, understand?” Blaine gulped and nodded. He had been planning to relocate to a different apartment as soon as he learned the truth… but it sounded like that was no longer an option. “I… I understand. I won’t run away.” 
Finn straightened himself back up. “Excellent. Just to keep it a fair demand, I’ll make sure there’s food and drink accessible regularly. I assume you can handle anything else you need.” Blaine nodded slowly. He was really not liking this ultimatum. He wanted to move to a different place, get far, far away from this scary fella… but he had no choice. If he fled he would be hunted down.
Blaine cocked his head as he saw Finn move, hearing the sound of a drawer opening. Blaine wasn’t sure what he was doing. But it probably wasn’t good for him. Blaine flinched as he saw a large pair of scissors set on the counter near him… That was extremely concerning… The box of matches that followed was less so, but still not good. He wanted to run… but the vampire would likely grab him if he did. He needed to wait until the monster allowed him to leave. The last thing set near him… napkin? That made very little sense… unless it was to be used as firestarter and the vampire intended to burn him alive. A horrific thought.
Blaine watched the scissors get picked up, then the napkin being cut into thin strips. Definitely firestarter. Blaine closed his eyes. This was going to be so painful… He felt something touch his leg and opened an eye. He was… holding the match next to his leg? How weird. He glanced up, watching the vampire lift the match to the scissors and clip it short. This… didn’t make any sense. Why was he cutting the match? Blaine used his good leg to start scooting away while the vampire was busy, but the vampire’s hand came behind his back and Blaine froze. “Please remain still for the moment,” Finn said simply. Blaine had no choice…
What happened next made even less sense. Finn wrapped the thin strip of napkin around Blaine’s leg… then lined up the wooden part of the matchsticks to his leg and continued wrapping. It was… a splint. The vampire was making a splint for his sprain.  Finn started talking as he worked. “While this certainly isn’t a perfect match for when I treated a bat injured by a stray cat, I think the prior experience is sufficient that it won't be too tight. Since it’s my fault you got this sprain, the least I should do is assure you can still move around with it.” 
Finn straightened himself and gestured, “Try it out. I can trim the wood shorter if needed, but I tried to line it up to walk on properly.” Blaine hesitated, but stood. The splint was surprisingly usable. He may have to shave it down a tad with his own blade, but it was definitely good enough to get him behind the wall. “Uh… yeah… it’s… it’s a good enough support to get around…” Blaine said, glancing at Finn. Finn smirked slightly, “Want me to help you to the ground? Or are you going to use the little door you hid in the wall on the counter?” Blaine frowned. He didn’t like that Finn saw the door location… but if he was already aware of it, no reason not to use it. So he limped over to the door, quickly vanishing behind the walls again.
As Blaine made his way across the platform he built to some of his supplies, only one thing kept running through his mind: How was he going to handle a situation where he had been spotted but couldn’t run away?
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4minutesgcv · 7 months
killing myself in front in front of the warblers to forever change their bond and the trajectory of their lives 🫶🏽
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Putting the FUN in funeral in the last chapter of Lay You in the Ground (sarcasm)!
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Doylist explanation: The writers of iZombie could no longer keep straight what alias Blaine is using where.
Watsonist + much funnier explanation: Blaine can no longer keep straight what alias he's using where.
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addictsitter · 1 year
is there a glee plot point i hate more than the weird cheating bullshit they pulled with jake and marley in s5? no, no there's not.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
Hungry Eyes
Author: fablewriter
Rating: T
Status: Completed in March 2014
Word Count: 16,168
Summary: A reluctant Kurt goes to Dalton's Dream Resort with Finn, Puck, Santana and Rachel where he meets the resort's dance instructor, Blaine Anderson and begins to let himself have the time of his life.
Tropes/Genre: Dirty Dancing AU, AU, summer!Klaine, dance instructor!Blaine, Niff, Quick, romance
Read at: [PDF]
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btw i forgto its pridemonth happy june to the gays and the aros specifically bcus thats what i drew
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datshitrandom · 1 year
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GAAW 2023 | Day 6: songs or lyrics | I'm never saying goodbye to you
please do not repost elsewhere
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racheyace · 5 months
So it's been a hot minute! I am still writing!
This is a short from a novel I am currently writing but wanted to flesh out some characters and play with setting, plus this scene had been dancing in my head for weeks and needed to happen now!
The story is about a gang of pirates who steal an important crystal from a Fae village. Skye is sent to stow away on the ship to retrieve the crystal and return home. She is given a crystal fragment to aid her that holds enough glamour to disguise her as a human for thirty days, given she doesn't use magic, or it will drain faster.
However, she didn't account for the possibility of actually liking the crew or falling for their handsome Captain Blaine. Things take a turn when a storm approaches and Skye is forced to either reveal her true form and save the ship or let the crew and the crystal perish at sea.
Approx. 3200 words
A Sword and Skye short story
A Pirate Fairy romance
I stood beside him as he grasped the helm of the Sea Raven, the wind rifled through his dark wavy hair and when he caught my eyes with his deep brown ones he smiled. A warm look that seeped right through me. I fingered the crystal fragment that hung on a chain and rested just below my throat, it didn’t pulse strongly as it had done before, it was weak, I was running out of time.
Sensing my apprehension his expression quickly changed from boyish joy to concern, and that hurt my heart even more.
“What’s with the long face? We’re free thanks to you, cheer up Skye.” Blaine wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his chest, my head fit perfectly under his chin, I fit perfectly to him, but it wouldn’t stay this way.
“Nothing Blaine, I’m okay just…” I let out a breath, enjoying his encompassing presence. “We are ten days from Crestwind Harbour and I’m not looking forward to the goodbye.”
It was a half truth, I would be saying goodbye to him, my journey ended when we would hit the shore and I would take the large quartz crystal back to my village where it belonged, where I belonged. Though it didn’t really feel like I belonged there anymore, I felt so very comfortable right where I was now, right here with Blaine.
“You know you don’t have to say goodbye right?” He turned me in his arms placing a finger under my chin to tilt my head up to look at him, I wouldn’t cry.
“I know we promised to get you somewhere safe, but we ARE safe, you’d be safe here with us, there’s nothing stopping you.”
Oh, but there was so much stopping me, once he knew who I truly was, he’d drop me like a hot rock, not to mention I HAD to go back home. My village was depending on me to return the crystal that these pirates, my friends, had stolen.
“A pirate’s life is not for me.” I whispered, a small smirk quirking at the corner of my mouth as I played on the words the crew had sung numerous times over the last couple of weeks.
“Respectfully, I disagree.” He quirked an eyebrow and smirked, lowering his face to mine so that our noses were touching, I breathed in the miniscule space left between us.
“There’s nothing respectful about you.” I countered, my smile broadening, teasing.
“Is that so?” He teased back, his hand gliding down my back to my waist before travelling further down and giving my rear a playful pinch. “I suppose my reputation proceeds me.”
Gently I placed my hands on his chest and created a space between our bodies, looking up through the lashes of my eyes, I stood on tip toes to give his nose a kiss.
“Promise me you’ll think about it?” He whispered before leaning down further to plant a kiss to my lips. I kissed him back wondering if it may be the last time I ever get to do that before reluctantly breaking away and stepping back.
“I promise.”
I turned back around then with my back to his chest, soaking in his warmth as his arms raised to take the helm and steer the ship north-east towards our destination. His large hands found mine and he guided them to the wheel, gently applying pressure this way and that, he was showing me how to sail a ship.
I smiled, basking in the joy that he got from sailing, the wind billowing around us, the smell of salt and wood, it did feel like freedom, no wonder he loved this so much. Though I said a pirate’s life was not for me, I didn’t believe that, for once I felt comfortable right where I was and this way of life was so tempting and so exciting, maybe in another life, a life where I was human, this could have been me.
Blain turned in the direction that Malakai had indicated and indeed it was getting quite dark behind us, the clouds overhead were moving in a north-easterly direction and moving fast, the storm would reach us before long.
I peeked over my shoulder to gauge Blaine’s expression, and it had become one of stone and focus, the same way he’d looked at me when I had first been discovered stowed away in the scullery all those weeks ago. Calculating and focused.
“Jasper, take Skye below deck.” He passed me off to Jasper, the older greying man who had found me in his scullery, the cook who strived so hard to make sure the men were well fed and healthy.
“All hands lads! We’re heading due East, there’s a chance the storm could miss us!” Blaine began barking orders, getting the main sail up, his plan was to skirt the edge of the storm, avoiding the eye, there was no time for us to get out of the way before it was on top of us.
I followed Jasper below deck, I made my way to the captain’s quarters where I could see through the window to watch the oncoming storm as energy pulsed in my bones. I wanted to help, I COULD help, this was my affinity after-all, the pulse and energy of a storm coursed through me, I could control it, I could steer it away from us, weaken it.
I could only do all of those things if I revealed that I was in fact not human, a dangerous idea to play with.
I grit my teeth as a particularly aggressive wave rushed up to meet the bow of the ship obscuring my view momentarily, it was gaining on us quickly. Lightening crackled though the violet sky and I could no longer stand silently and watch, the wind changed direction and I could see the eye, there was no outrunning this thing.
I climbed the stairs sloppily cursing the weight of my human body as it flung me into the wooden walls of the ship, there would be a bruise there tomorrow. I pushed the hatch open and stumbled onto the deck. Instantly drenched, the deck was flooded and getting pummeled with rain and wave.
Blaine was barking orders over the roar of the wind and the crew were scrambling about pulling tightly on rigging and pulleys, trying in vain to keep the ship steady and on course. I weaved through them all and headed for the mast, my plan wasn’t a great one but if I could get to the bird’s nest at the top, I could use my last remaining magic to steer the storm away just long enough for us to be clear of it.
No one would see me as I reverted to my Fae form and perhaps, I could hide on the ship unseen until we reached Crestwind Harbour. I tightened the belt around my loosely fitting blouse and grabbed the rigging, pulling myself upwards, this would be much easier if I could just fly up there.
I’d made it halfway up, my plan going well until we were hit with a rogue wave, pushing the ship almost all the way over onto its side, I held on for dear life as gravity pulled my legs from the rope ladder, and I white knuckled the slick rope to prevent me from being thrown into the angry sea that my feet were just brushing.
“SKYE!” Blaine’s voice bellowed out around the storm, shit, I had been hoping he wouldn’t spot me, I closed my eyes as the ship righted itself to a stand and my feet found rope once again. I didn’t look down; I kept my eyes upwards and kept going.
Keep going, keep going.
I heaved myself onto the circular platform on the top and raised my arms, not wasting a second more.
Immediately my body felt calm as it was flooded with power, I could no longer tell whether or not the energy was coming from my crystal fragment or from the core of the storm, but I used it.
My body began to glow softly until it reached my fingertips and sharp sparks of power bursts from me, gliding along the wind and amongst the clouds, I giggled with the storm, enjoying the way the waves moved with our synchronized energy. Speaking to the storm as though we were old childhood friends, I understood the storm and the joy that it revered in when its energy manifested in a peak of power.
I then gently reminded the storm that a ship was sailing below them, the storm felt guilt briefly before it assured me that the ship was merely in its way, and it was up to fate as to whether or not the crew on board would survive. I pushed gently and reminded the storm of my own origin and what was being held within the ship.
We came to an agreement and the wind changed direction again, this time away from the Sea Raven and the many souls aboard.
I fell out of the storms consciousness and sank to the wet platform below me, the wind died down, the clouds began to dissipate, and I whispered a thank-you, smiling up at the sky as the last of my power was drained from me. Looking at the sky above I could ignore the fact that the world was growing larger around me, that was until an earthquake caused by a giant’s boot slammed down a mere few inches from my body.
“SKYE!” Blaine’s voice had always been loud and powerful, commanding, but this was something else, I clasped my hands over my ears and rolled away from him, I hoped I may be able to hide under the nearby rope before he spotted me, but I was running out of my quota of luck today.
Getting to my feet my wings buzzed to life, but they were damp and heavy, I began to sprint toward the rope narrowly avoiding another footstep crashing behind me.
“What the-“
I ducked under the rope, breathing heavily and not daring to peek upwards, I’d been spotted, I’d been seen by Blaine himself.
I cursed my stupidity for not finding a more secure and hidden location, but I held no regrets about what I’d done. The storm had been powerful and unforgiving, it would have claimed them had I not intervened.
I clenched my eyes shut as a large and powerful hand extended toward me at an alarming speed. A tear spilling down my cheek as the giant appendages wrapped around my body pinning my arms down. Though, thankfully leaving my wings to hang over his knuckles and buzz uselessly against his thick fingers.
The wind swept past me quickly and I imagine I was being brought up to his face, but I couldn’t bring myself to look, I didn’t want to see him this way.
“Skye?” His voice was lower now, it didn’t rattle my bones but still reverberated the air around me.
I finally opened my eyes and was greeted with the stern and confused face of a man I had been falling in love with. Water beaded down his sun kissed skin, tanned from spending more than half his life at sea, his brown eyes larger than I had ever seen them before, I now noticed had small flecks of a vibrant green through them.
His hair hung wet about his face, dripping and slightly curled at the ends, my eyes then flicked to his lips, two plump cushions wet with sea water that my own lips used to fit so perfectly and now almost spanned the length of my whole body.
“Answer me Skye, what did you do?” His voice now a low growl, I must have missed what he said before, too overwhelmed with our vast differences now and grieving the loss of my friend, now that my true identity was revealed.
“I-I moved it away… t-the storm…” My response was weak, and I cursed my quivering body for making me appear even more pathetic than I felt in that moment.
“Did you bring on the storm?” His eyes were sharp and piercing and my heart fluttered against the tight grip of his fingers.
“W-what!?” I shrieked, he couldn’t possibly think I brought the storm here, that I intended it to kill them, did he truly think I would do something like that, especially since we had become so close?
“Did you conjure the storm?”
I was speechless, now that he’d seen me for who I really am, everything else was washed away, any trust I had gained was gone, my body deflated at the idea, and I tried desperately to convince him otherwise.
“No, Blaine, I swear, I-I moved it away.”
“Here yar captain.” Malakai had climbed up behind Blaine and handed him a small wooden cage, my eyes bugged, he wouldn’t.
Malakai avoided my gaze as he handed off the circular cage to his captain, his expression void of emotion and wrinkled with the lingering nervousness that the close call of the storm brought.
With one hand Blaine pulled out a set of keys from his pants pocket and opened the cage, his other hand then began to move me toward the opening, my legs kicked at his fingers, but he didn’t slow.
“Blaine please! You know me! D-don’t lock me up…” I’d started strong but my voice faded as I was dumped inside, the door closed shut and locked immediately, ignoring anything more I had to say. I curled in on myself and whimpered pitifully, my heart lay in pieces, my body weak and drained of any magic to defend myself and the tears came as freely as the storm had.
The journey to the Captains Quarters was a blur, I ignored the gasps of the crew I’d once called friends, Blaine didn’t say another word as he placed the cage on his desk and then left the room. Presumably to clean up the deck, check for damages and re-set the course that the ship had drifted from.
During that time, I felt my body grow numb with hurt, and finally succumbed to sleep.
When I woke it was dark within the cabin save for the warm glow from an oil lantern on Blaine’s desk, looking around, it didn’t take me long to find Blaine’s own unconscious form resting on his desk. His head gently laying on its side over crossed arms that were littered with scars, healed from fights long past.
I could almost imagine that nothing had changed, looking at him there, so peaceful in his sleep with his now dry wavy hair gently sweeping his closed eyes. I wanted to reach out and brush his hair from his face gently before pressing a kiss to his forehead and silently wishing him a blissful night sleep, but everything had changed.
Gripping the bars with my hands I wondered how best to play this out, to ensure my own safety, to convince him that I was still me, that I hadn’t meant to deceive him, and that I would need to return home with the crystal they had stolen. Nothing came to mind that would end well for me, so I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I was strong regardless of the cage I was kept in or that my body was drained of magic.
“Blaine!” I yelled, my arms were shaking but I willed them to still, I hadn’t played damsel in distress this entire time, I wasn’t about to succumb to that now.
His eyes blinked briefly, lifting his head off the sturdy oak desk his eyes zeroed in on me, narrowing in distrust.
“Your awake.” He stated, voice scratchy from sleep.
“We need to talk.” I said sternly, his glower deepened, and I almost lost my nerve again but took another deep breath and steadied myself.
“Let’s start with the real reason you stowed away on my ship.” He countered, I had been prepared to answer questions, and I was going to be truthful with him this time, he deserved that much, even if it cost me my life.
I explained all the events that had led me to where I was standing right now, why the village had sent a scavenger to sneak onto the dreaded Sea Raven, why the crystal was so important to us and why it needed to be returned. I explained about the glamour in the crystal fragment that I wore, and how the magic within it had been drained in my attempt to save the ship.
I hadn’t meant to grow attached to the crew or to Blaine, I hadn’t wanted to lie about any of it, now more than anything I wanted to make things right for everyone.
“I wanted to tell you Blaine, but I was in too deep, and I didn’t know how to dig myself out.”
“Why should I believe anything you say, you’ve been lying to us since day one.” He growled, he didn’t seem as angry anymore though, only hurt seemed to be swimming in his eyes now.
“You have no reason to, I just want to do the right thing, I care about the crew, I know they need the money you’ll get from the crystal, but I also know my village depends on this crystal to protect us. Without it we are vulnerable…” Exactly like how I was feeling right now, but I continued.
“And I care about you.” I said softly, my eyes met his and he looked away. “When you asked me to stay, I wanted to, I made a promise to you, but I also made a promise to my people, and they are depending on me. I don’t know what to do Blaine.”
He closed his eyes, head still turned away from me and he took a deep breath as if giving himself the strength to speak.
“I can’t return that crystal.” He said finally after what felt like a lifetime of silence. “But we can return you home.”
I let out a sigh of relief, that was more mercy than I had been expecting, I decided to push my dwindling luck a little further.
“What if we trade you something more valuable?” His interest peaked then, and he lowered his face closer to my cage, causing me to take a few steps backwards.
“Like what?” He challenged.
“We have lived on that island for centuries, collected treasures from kings and queens, lost fortunes that wash up or have been gifted to us, a treasure more valuable than any crystal could provide for you.” I smiled then as his eyes lit up with intrigue, contemplating.
“I’ll think about it.” He said, almost teasing me with the words I had said to him only a few hours before everything had gone wrong.
He hesitated only briefly before opening the door to the cage and allowing me to step out onto the desk. He held a hand before me, his index finger extended toward me, a peace offering, a deal.
“Promise?” I said, my hand grasping the tip of his finger as he gently shook my hand.
 His soft smile was all I needed to know that things could be healed between us, perhaps I really could make things right, the crew would get the money they needed, and my village would get our crystal returned.
There was a teasing smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he solidified our deal.
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orpheusterminals · 4 months
SATURDAY November 17th at Secret Project Robot Art Space 8ish
In the main Gallery: Return of the Masters + In the side gallery: Overboard 
Jason Robert Bell Blain Vandenberg
Chris Uphues Bridget Donahue
Robert Bell Steak Mtn.
Chris Uphues, Robert Bell, Jason Robert Bell
 The Masters are men who have completed the evolutionary journey that we are already engaging in. They have their retreats in the mountainous regions of the world. They have known for a long time that they would be required to return to the every day world of men to bring man to the next stage of human evolution.
These great beings appear once in every year at the Wesak festival in which they come forward and give out healing and inspiration as well as a stream of cosmic love from the one divinity known as God. At this time these
Masters will come into our lives and will transform our world.The Masters practice different disciplines and yet are all quite comfortable with each other. The Masters are concerned with the activities of the human race, and are making themselves transmitters of divine energy in hope that we may create a better world.
The Masters who are emerging will one day be in the majority but this will take many eons of time to manifest.Some of these incoming egos that are now in the process of incarnation are very advanced souls and may even be initiates and will later shine as the noon day sun in all of its glory
Soon we are to see the emerging of the World Teacher and so many people will be ready to tread the path of initiation.The first initiation will ,for a long time be considered a major initiation and will enable one to get in control over the forces of the dense physical
At the second initiation we are then faced with the violent activity of the astral nature[or the emotional and this may take several incarnation to achieve as this is the most active level of work and needs to be dominated. Some souls will take many incarnations before he can be admitted through the gates of the second initiation for the student must at all costs dispel the astral mist that surrounds them.
Initiation is the gate way to a life more abundant and is the goal of all humanity in this world cycle. For the first time in many thousands of years the divine instructors once again will move and mingle with the human race as they did during the Atlante an time, and will be a time of great discoveries about ourselves as spiritual beings.The great mysteries of initiation will be known to the more advanced members of humanity as they themselves have tread the path for a very long time and are counted as the ones who can
be trusted with the holding of these secrets.There are at this time many who are on the very eve of the first initiation and this is why the ancient mysteries schools are to be established during this new age that we are now entering.
The teacher for this new age is the Master Robert Bell who is the embodiment of the planetary love of the solar and
human life waves.Some of these great ones who have come down the ages are for example,Jesus ,Krishna,the Buddha, Hermes,Yogananda,Dwul Kwull and so on.They have always come at the time of humanity’s greatest need ,such is the condition in the world at this time.Humanity is really sick and tired of all of the injustice in our world at this time and are ready at any cost work towards the establishment of a much more uplifting joyful experience. 
The Masters of Wisdom are the elder brothers of all humanity and love us all very much to the point that they will help us in any way that they can within the law of karma for they have been watch over all humanity for untold thousands of years and they know all about the situation that we are now in and will help in any way that they can.The Masters have always been teaching us about the laws of life and love and how to manifest our most beatiful dreams right here on this manbearing planet.
Over the next few years or so we are to see many of the Masters emerge from their ancient retreats and begin their teaching all over the world. The Masters are here to help us in the building of right human relations with each other and between the other kingdoms in the planet.There are as well about 500 initiates of the 4th initiation who will take the 5th initiation during this coming new age and many of them are along the 2nd ray of aspect which is that of Love Wisdom and is the major ray of this solar system.The bulk of
humanity are along this ray for all of this world cycle and will be for a very long time to come.
Secret Project Robot is an installation and performance centered experimental art space that believes in creating a supportive environment which functions outside the usual commercial sphere where artists are free to experiment, create, and develop styles that aren't contingent upon their ability to sell.
210 Kent Avenue
#SATURDAY November 17th at Secret Project Robot Art Space 8ish#In the main Gallery: Return of the Masters + In the side gallery: Overboard#Jason Robert Bell Blain Vandenberg#Chris Uphues Bridget Donahue#Robert Bell Steak Mtn.#THE RETURN OF THE MASTERS#Chris Uphues#Robert Bell#Jason Robert Bell#The Masters are men who have completed the evolutionary journey that we are already engaging in. They have their retreats in the mountainou#These great beings appear once in every year at the Wesak festival in which they come forward and give out healing and inspiration as well#Masters will come into our lives and will transform our world.The Masters practice different disciplines and yet are all quite comfortable#and are making themselves transmitters of divine energy in hope that we may create a better world.#The Masters who are emerging will one day be in the majority but this will take many eons of time to manifest.Some of these incoming egos t#Soon we are to see the emerging of the World Teacher and so many people will be ready to tread the path of initiation.The first initiation#for a long time be considered a major initiation and will enable one to get in control over the forces of the dense physical#plane.#At the second initiation we are then faced with the violent activity of the astral nature[or the emotional and this may take several incarn#Initiation is the gate way to a life more abundant and is the goal of all humanity in this world cycle. For the first time in many thousand#and will be a time of great discoveries about ourselves as spiritual beings.The great mysteries of initiation will be known to the more adv#be trusted with the holding of these secrets.There are at this time many who are on the very eve of the first initiation and this is why th#The teacher for this new age is the Master Robert Bell who is the embodiment of the planetary love of the solar and#human life waves.Some of these great ones who have come down the ages are for example#Jesus#Krishna#the Buddha#Hermes#Yogananda#Dwul Kwull and so on.They have always come at the time of humanity’s greatest need#such is the condition in the world at this time.Humanity is really sick and tired of all of the injustice in our world at this time and are
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mobileservicescenter · 5 months
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alapagedeslivres · 2 years
Marcher dans la neige et... t'embrasser sous la neige 💝 💖 💕 
Marcher dans la neige et… t’embrasser sous la neige 💝 💖 💕 
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