#t:yuuri's posters
yoi-recs · 6 years
Dear Victor
Title: dear victor, by rire
Rating: teens and up
Lenght: 4k
It’s the corner of a small metal box. Victor tugs it out from under the pile of Victor posters. The gold paint has been chipped in many places, but unlike the posters, many of which were covered in a thin layer of dust, the box looks like it had recently been used. On the surface, a sticky note, ripped at the edges, reads simply: Do not open.
Victor opens it.
Post-canon St. Petersburg domestic fluff. While helping Yuuri move in, Victor finds and reads through a box of letters Yuuri had been writing to him since childhood.
Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, Post-Canon, Domestic Fluff, Pre-Canon, this is really sappy i'm sorry!!!, blame victor, he brings out the sap in me
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