#t's just supposed to be black goo or ink though !
thislittlecowcanfly · 10 months
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
A little short from a catim canon crossover I thought about once
“”Wow! This…. ink like substance is absolutely fascinating” Donnie stated as he was looking at a sample of the black goo they collected from that.. demon thing with Casey’s voice under a microscope.
Whilst everyone else was looking over dons shoulders, leo sat back with a severely traumatized look on his face. The team wondered if this was caused by the demon nearly choking him to death.
Donnie continued on with his examination. “This uhh.. ink… seems to be highly highly infectious. Even close proximity could possibly cause mental side effects. Can’t even imagine how severely it’s effects could be if it got in someone’s system” Donnie stated.
“Well then, what the heck are we supposed to do against that uhhh…” raph remarked “Ink demon?” Middy finished for him.
“We’re actually calling it that? Fine. ink demon” Raph finished sarcastically.
“Also. Are we ignoring the fact it sounds like Casey with a voice distorter?” Mikey asked.
“That blind old man leo that showed up outta nowhere already has me questioning a million things. The demon thing sounding like me can wait till later” Casey answered.
“Speaking of Leo’s, are you alright, leo?” April looked at Leo’s direction and asked him as he was starting to sweat.
“Uhhh… leo?” Middy also started to ask as everyone was now looking towards his direction. Raph waved his hand in front of leo to get his attention, to no avail.
“Dang! Didn’t think a demon choking you would mess you up this badly after everything. Do you need a minute bro?” Raph asked concerned about his older brother.
Leo looked at raph with pinpoint irises and began to open his mouth, only to fall forward in a fit of vomiting.
“WOAH! LEO!” Raph jumped down to check on leo as everyone else reached towards him.
Middy looked down and noticed the “Vomit” was an incredibly dark black. It looked a lot like the ink Donnie was examining, but much darker and much thicker.
There was an insane amount pouring from his mouth before it stopped momentarily and leo clamped his mouth shut to prevent it from happening again. And it was very noticeable he was fighting for that to not happen.
“Leo? LEO!” Raph was shaking leo in a panic. Leo was shaking and sweating, and raph noticed a ring of black around his neck with black veins surrounding it.
Raph swore he saw veins…. crawling right below Leo’s skin all over. Leo’s blue eyes also seemed… darker?
“DAH!” “S••T!” Raph heard his little brothers shout behind him.
Raph turned around to see his teammates pointing their weapons towards Leo’s “Vomit” which was now some sort of crawling creature with half of a humanoid body.
The thing was moaning and crawling towards the team.
“What the f••k is that?!” Casey exclaimed as he tried to smash it with a hockey stick
Middy tried to think quickly. Donnie said that ink is highly infectious, so she couldn’t let that thing on the floor touch them.
She could only grab 2 teammates at a time though. So she automatically grabbed Mikey’s shell and raphs plastron and yoinked them away as raph grabbed Leo with them.
She was about to grab the other 3 once Leo, raph and Mikey were out of the way but-
“I got it!” Casey shouted as his reflexes caused him to swing his hockey stick down at the thing.
“Waitwaitwait!” Donnie said as he waved his arms, but Casey registered the warning too late and his hockey stick splattered the ink creature, getting ink all over him, Donnie and april.
The rest of the team was safe from the crossfire. The hit seemed to have worked, the creature now just being a splattered black puddle but…
“What part of highly infectious do you not understand?” Donnie said angrily as he was dripping with black goo and april was trying to get the black ink out of her red hair.
“I PANICKED” Casey shouted in fear as he realized his huge mistake and, while he wouldn’t say it, was now very concerned what that stuff could do to him and his friends, considering what it was doing to Leo…”
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