#tachibana kotoha x reader
mianexil · 4 months
◇ The way they take care of you during your period ◇
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
💫 [ Girl, I hate this heavenly punishment for being a woman. But don't worry, these sweet kittens will take care of you during this lame time ]
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
ㅡ Suo, Umemiya, Kotoha, Sakura, Tsubakino, Kaji
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Suo has found warm-ups that alleviate the pain of cramps so that you use less painkillers (after all, they can have a negative effect on the body). He comes to you and does this workout with you. He also brings tea that has a calming effect and makes it for you.
Suo is patient enough, but in your case, it can be said that he has a separate oasis of calm in reserve for you. If you feel like a mess, then he will take you on his lap and hug you. Not too tight, so that you feel more free, but not too weak, so that you feel comfortable until you get up yourself.
Suo is not simpleton. He studied the intricacies of the female anatomy when you started dating so that nothing would catch him off guard in the future. Therefore, he understands why this is happening scientifically but doesn't understand why the world is designed so that the wonderful sex suffers every month.
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A white-haired man runs out of the "Pothos" and Kotoha shouts after him.
《 Don't forget to buy a heating pad!! 》
And all because 2 minutes ago you wrote that you needed his warm embrace.
Umemiya is absolutely fine with the topic of menstruation. He is one of those guys who will go to the store and ask the saleswoman to advise him on the topic of pads/tampons.
What are the safest ones for your health? Which are the most convenient?
Hajime will study everything with a serious attitude in order to take good care of you during this period.
He will definitely download the calendar app and set your dates there to prepare in advance.
And of course, he went to Kotoha to get a lecture on how best to take care of you.
Don't worry, honey, Kotoha will definitely bring him up strictly as it should be.
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God, this girl is so sweet. Next to her, all your bad feelings seem to be blown away by the wind.
Who but a woman will understand another woman.
She'll take good care of you: sweets, painkillers, hugs, everything for you.
She will definitely take a day off from Pothos to be with you during this period.
Long, sweet conversations to distract you from feeling unwell, cooking delicious omuraisu for you, it's all about Kotoha.
A cozy movie night? Definitely.
Well, if you want ice cream, then there is always Umemiya, whom she will send to the store as a deliveryman.
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This boy doesn't understand women's stuff at all. Of course, he will be confused at first when he hears an explanation of why you look so exhausted.
Sakura can't stand the sight of the only person he let into his heart suffering so much. He wants to help, but he doesn't know how, and because of this he is very angry with himself.
It's understandable, this little savage does not even know how to take care of himself properly, what does it say about taking care of others? However, this does not mean that he does not want to.
《 Damn, stop suffering in silence. Just tell me, what should I do? I'll do it right now 》
Sakura will blush like a tomato, standing in the store at the shelf with feminine hygiene products, but this does not mean that he won't get a full bag, because his embarrassment can't be compared with the desire to benefit you.
Upon hearing your request for a hug, Sakura will turn to you all blushed, but as soon as he sees your slightly swollen, tired eyes, his body will start moving on its own. Embarrassment doesn't stop him anymore, this is not the time to worry about it.
His arms wrap around you, pressing you against a warm body as if you are about to disappear and he has to hold you.
Yes, he's not experienced in such things yet, but he's trying his best for you.
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Tsubakino is very gentle, but when you feel bad, he reaches his peak.
Tasuki has never experienced anything like this, but he's very knowledgeable about this topic.
He immediately notices when you feel bad, even if you try to hide it. And he will immediately take you home to give you a sense of comfort and relaxation.
Tsubakino will distract you from unpleasant sensations with all sorts of beauty treatments: moisturizing face masks, manicure, massage, everything for your comfort.
Do you want some sweets? ㅡ He will bake you cookies.
Do you want to cry and lament? ㅡ Don't keep it to yourself, honey. He will wrap you in a plaid, and his gentle fingers will wipe the tears from your eyes, holding you in a tight embrace for as long as it takes.
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Kaji will leave the patrol of the city, leaving it to his team to be with you at this time.
He doesn't quite understand how best to behave in such a situation, but his beloved feels unwell, which means he will do everything he can to make you feel better.
Ren will listen to your instructions and silently run back and forth, doing them.
He will bring you a jar of lollipops from his house so that you can choose what you like.
If you want to complain about your condition, he will listen to everything, and then put his headphones on your ears, turn on calm music and sit next to you, stroking your hand.
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
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faintrustle · 5 months
Rotten to the Core
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thinkingotherwise · 6 months
Bofurin my new beloved.
Ways of loving
- five ways to show love, between you and the Wind Breaker characters.
First are the more notable first years (Sakura, Nirei, Suou, Sugishita, Kiryu, Tsugeura) and our dear Kotoha.
Second and Third years
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1. Words of Affirmation
Haruka Sakura - admitting love through phone when classmates can hear
You and Haruka were talking on the phone, you just had to talk with him about the depressing mood you found yourself in following the awful morning, knowing well enough that he could motivate you and make you feel much better. After talking almost the whole break your mood got a lot better and knowing that you would meet with him later on seemed to pick you up on its own.
Sakura didn’t mind you calling him and talking about your or his problems but there was always a moment he dreaded the most. No matter how many times you were talking on the phone he tried to go as far away from his classmates as he could. He loved you, he really did and wanted to tell you that even though it took so much confidence from him, but saying so in front of others was on a whole new level, which he wasn’t yet ready for. And so the whole time you guys were talking he was crouching behind one of the buildings to keep as much privacy as he could.
“Okay then, I’ll see you after school. Love you Haru.” You said sweetly and his ears coloured pink at the nickname you always called him.
“Love you more (N/n).” He replied trying to be suave with his wavering voice but then he heard the laughing and it wasn’t coming from his phone.
Sakura quickly stood up and looked back to be face to face with his whole classroom in the windows listening in on his conversation with you.
“Oh, I love you.” Kiryu started drawing out the words in a joking matter.
“Don’t worry (N/n), we will cuddle later on.” Takanashi said and started cuddling Kakiuchi who in return patted his head.
“No, love you more.” Suou joined in and later on a few more guys jokingly mocked the conversation they heard their class captain having.
Sakura felt himself boiling up, his face got all red and he wasn’t sure if it was because he was nervous and embarrassed or because he wanted to beat the hell out of the guys.
“Is everything alright, Haruka?” You questioned worriedly hearing a lot of voices from Sakura’s side.
“I-it’s fine, the idiots from my class were just listening in, clearly they want a beating.” He said firstly nervous but then his eyes darkened at the classmates.
“We will talk later, love you bye.” Sakura added and quickly hung up placing his phone back in the pocket.
He then turned fully to the guys.
“You better run.” He run up the wall and started climbing through the window to get to them as they started running away while screaming and yelling.
2. Acts of Service
Kyotaro Sugishita - doting on you during everyday activities
Filling the documents for your school club took so much of your attention that you didn't hear the people around you gasp and murmur about the moody boy standing in front of the clubroom. Only when one of your friends nudged you with their elbow did you look up and notice that everyone stared at the long-haired boy speaking to your club president.
You smirked at how uncomfortable Kyotaro looked and started packing your things. It was endearing that even though you told him he could wait outside, knowing that he didn't like socializing, he still came inside your school and even to your clubroom just to get you and walk you home.
"Can you just tell me why you are here?" Your president asked interrogating Kyotaro and you stepped beside them first turning towards you boyfriend in acknowledgment.
"Hi there Kyotaro." Then you turned towards your president. "I'll be leaving now, I'll fill the documents home and bring it to you tomorrow." You informed before grabbing Kyotaro's hand and pulling him through the halls and to your locker.
Changing your shoes Kyotaro held out his hands towards you to make it easier for you and you gladly took it. Leaving some books behind you closed the locker and followed after your boyfriend, outside the school and on the way to your home.
While walking home you got thirsty and when you reached for the juice you had in your bag you were saddened as you saw it was empty.
"Oh, it's empty." You looked inside the bottle looking at it as if it would make it full again.
A few seconds later a freshly opened bottle of tea appeared in front of you.
"Here." Your boyfriend held it in your sight.
"Huh?" You were slightly confused but when he took the empty bottle from your hands and replaced it with the new one you smiled at him.
He put the empty bottle inside his bag while you took a few sips of the tea.
"Thanks Kyotaro." You said and kissed the underside of his jaw.
Kyotaro's breath hitched at the action you just pulled. He grabbed your bag and went a few steps in front of you so that you wouldn't notice the blush on his cheeks. Your smile grew and you ran up to him to walk beside him towards your home.
Taiga Tsugeura - piggyback rides when you're tired
You were used to spending your evening with Taiga in the Muscle Power Establishment. You frequently went out with your boyfriend and most of the time it was to go to his favourite restaurant. You usually picked up one of their drinks trying to test each flavour, while Taiga was eating some high-protein meals after his training.
This evening, you had some blackberry protein shake and you sipped it through the straw. Your boyfriend sat in front of you finishing his banana pound cake as you listened to him telling the stories of recent events happening around the town.
You had your chin propped on your hand observing your enthusiastic partner. But even though his voice was always so energetic you found yourself slowly blinking more and more often with time passing.
As you started yawning, Taiga noticed your tired expression and sleepy gaze. He finished his food and started gathering his things.
“Come on, (Y/n), let’s go home.” His voice was softer when he stood beside you and you turned to him not even noticing when he came to your side of the table.
“Hmm.. oh okay then.”
The two of you said bye to the owner of the small restaurant and started your way home. Moving slowly you bumped into Taiga's side with every other step and he eyed you worriedly hoping you wouldn't hurt yourself. It wasn't common for you to be so tired after a long day and he was concerned if you would make it home.
As another yawn left your mouth you felt Taiga grabbing your hand and stopping before you. He smiled at you before squatting down.
“Go on, I’ll take you home.”
“You sure?” You asked looking at him and he sent another smile your way from behind his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I can see you're tired. Besides, it’s like additional training for me.” He said trying to comfort you that he'd be alright.
You nodded and moved to his back. As you tried to position yourself more comfortably for him he stood up and bounced you on his back keeping a firm grip on your legs. Your hands immediately moved around his neck and your head fell on his shoulder.
"Taiga careful." You said near his ear and he laughed at your words.
"Sorry, sorry, are you comfortable now?"
"Yes, please tell me when you get tired, okay?" You asked but you knew he wouldn't tell you, still he confirmed with a nod and started walking in the direction of your home.
You felt so comfortable and warm leaning against his back that you soon closed your eyes. Taiga only noticed you fell asleep when he felt your head weighing on his shoulder. He squeezed your legs and continued towards your house with a smile, happy that he could help you when you were so exhausted.
3. Gift-Giving
Mitsuki Kiryu - giving him hair accessories and styling each others' hair
The fact that Mitsuki easily lost his pins was obvious to you and you were always carrying some spare ones in your pockets. In addition, whenever you were shopping and caught eye of some pretty hair accessories, that would suit him, you immediately bought them. With how many times that already happened, Mitsuki was used to receiving small gifts from you.
"Oh! These hairpins would match with the new cardigan Mitsu has." You muttered to yourself as you noticed the display in the shop you passed by.
Immediately you went in and looked through their accessories picking a few that you knew your boyfriend would like. With your hands full you went to the checkout and paid for everything, getting a small gift bag and placing everything inside.
You made your way towards your boyfriend's home with the package tightly held in your hand. As soon as you were close you sent him a message and when you rung the doorbell, the doors opened to Mitsuki who sleepily welcomed you and kissed your cheek.
Your smile grew and a small laugh left your lips as your eyes met his bedhair.
"Did I wake you up?" You asked as you sat down on the couch next to him.
His head fell on your shoulder and he shook his head.
"Not really, it was time to wake up anyway." Then his eyes followed to your hand and the small package.
"What's that? Did you find some new hairpins?"
"Yes." Your voiced echoed happily and he straighten up.
He took the gift you gave him and opened it checking the contents, he took everything out and laid it on the couch between you two. His fingers followed and touched each hairpin as he hummed to himself appraising them.
"Thanks, (y/n)." His lips met yours for a quick peck and you smiled in return.
"Would you like me to do your hair? We can use the new hairpins."
"Sure, babe. I'll go get the hairbrush." He said and quickly went to his room to collect the brush and comb.
When he came back he sat between your legs on the carpet. You then grabbed the brush from his hands and started running your fingers between his tresses as the hairbrush followed after. His hair was so soft and nice to touch you loved doing his hairstyles, especially after he confirmed that it felt really nice to have you play with his hair.
You spent the next couple of minutes pampering him and running your fingers through his hair styling it the way he usually wore it and putting a little too many hairpins in wanting to use as much of the ones you bought as you could.
4. Quality Time
Akihiko Nirei - thrift shopping together
You were searching through the aisles in the thrift shop looking for something that you or your boyfriend would like. It was like a habit of yours by now, every other week you'd visit some second-hand shop trying on different things and spending time together.
Moving to the next clothes hanger you noticed two colourful shirts, similar in style and kind of toned down on the patterns.
"They are perfect." You muttered to yourself and took them not even checking the size.
You then marched towards the changing rooms and knocked on one of the doors.
"Yes?" A familiar voice replied and you slowly opened the doors.
"I found the best thing ever, Aki look." Your voice echoed in the small fitting room and you shoved the two shirts in front of you.
Nirei straightened up after rolling up his pants he already noticed the shirts in the mirror but he still turned around and took one of the shirts, which was closer to his size, in his hands.
"It has nice colours, but why two?"
Your smile grew on your face as if waiting for that question. You bounced once on your feet as Akihiko took off his button-down to try on the one you brought.
"Well, it's pretty obvious. One is for you and the other one is for me." You said and he stopped when he put his hand inside the sleeve and your eyes connected in the mirror.
You observed his frozen posture and giggled as he stood in his T-shirt and half-dressed shirt. Hearing your words and giggles his face flushed red.
"Matching outfits." He softly whispered and you heard him only because of the close proximity to him.
"Yes, wouldn't it be cool?" You said as he slowly continued trying on the cloth.
"If you don't want to it's fine." You added and moved towards him to straighten the collar of the shirt and he watched your hands move.
"You look really good in this shirt, Aki."
He smiled at your compliment and muttered a small "Thanks."
"And I wouldn't mind if you were matching clothes with me." He added turning his head away from you trying to hide the red on his face but you could see it in the mirror making your smile grow fondly.
"Here, put on your jacket as well." You add taking the jacket he came in and he quickly put it on.
"Do I look like a bad boy in these clothes?" He questioned shyly looking at the mirror inside the changing room and fidgeting with the shirt.
"My handsome vigilante." Your lips touched his cheek and his eyes never left yours in the mirror while a small smile appeared on his face.
You then quickly put on the other colourful shirt and stood next to him, how lucky that it matched you perfectly. He showed you a double thumbs up meaning he also liked it on you.
"Come on my handsome bad boy, let's go pay for the clothes and go for some melon soda." You mentioned while taking off the shirt and he followed taking the clothes he chose and making your way towards the cashier.
Kotoha Tachibana - gardening together
Knowing how much Kotoha loved plants and you having a little free time decided to start gardening which seemed like a great way to relax and spent more time with her. She taught you a lot of things about the plants, including naming each plant you found cute and wanted to buy.
Every time Kotoha visited you, she knew you'd show off one of the plants you bought with her. But she didn't mind, she found your interest in one of her hobbies as a great and sweet gesture.
"Look at the lemon we bought last week, it already started to grow little lemons, so cute." You said excitedly bringing the big pot from the ground and holding it in front of you so she had a better view and didn't need to bow down.
"It seems like you're taking good care of it." She ran her fingers up some of the leaves and smiled at you.
"Of course, you were the one who taught me that."
You put the lemon down and took her hand walking a little further and onto the balcony.
"But the tomatoes are not doing that good." Your face fell and Kotoha thought she saw the imaginary puppy ears on your head drop down.
She stepped a little closer and crouched beside you examining the seedlings.
"Nah, I think they're good."
"They are nowhere as nice as the ones Umemiya-san has on his rooftop."
"Don't worry, you're doing great. Besides, I like your plants more." Your smile immediately got bigger and your eyes glimmered in happiness.
"Maybe don't mention it to Ume, because he'd be crestfallen." She added shortly after.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." You saluted her jokingly making her chuckle.
After drinking some tea and talking about your days, Kotoha proposed to help you with your Chamaedorea, which needed a bigger pot. The two of you moved towards the balcony where you already had the soil and a bigger pot ready. She crouched beside you and started instructing you on replanting the greenery that was becoming bigger and bigger with each month passing.
"Here." Kotoha took off her glove and swiped the little patch of soil from your cheek as soon as you were finishing the replanting.
"You have a little dirt on your face."
"Thank you." You smiled brightly at her and patted the ground in the pot.
"No problem, cutie." She kissed the tip of your nose and you flushed surprised.
Yes, taking gardening as a hobby was such a good idea.
5. Physical Touch
Hayato Suou - handholding anywhere and everywhere, no matter who sees it
The most surprising thing about Suou after you started dating him was his touchiness. To say that this characteristic of your seemingly stoic and calm boyfriend shocked you is an understatement.
At the beginning of your relationship you were baffled and so so flustered whenever it happened. Of course, you just weren't used to it and as time passed by you became more confident in sharing physical contact with Suou.
You took every chance you got to cuddle with him on the couch, be it studying or drinking some new tea, and you especially loved holding hands with him or just playing with his fingers.
Now, the only thing you were still trying to get used to was PDA. You were still quite hesitant to show off your relationship, especially in front of big crowds but somehow you found yourself marching through the street hand in hand with Suou.
He was talking about this new tea blend that he bought and promised to make it for you as soon as you got back and you smiled at him saying thanks.
Suddenly your talk got cut off by some strangers that came to you.
"Hello, we are doing some street interviews in English and were wondering if you'd like to answer some questions." The girl pointed at the camera as she spoke to you.
Seeing that you instantly tried to let go of Suou hand and hide in embarrassment but he just chuckled at you and tightened the grip on your hand.
"Sure, no problem." He said confidently and you hit his biceps.
"Suou, why?" You whined and he patted your head with his free hand before turning back to the girl.
"So let's start." She switched to English and you tried to hide behind Suou but you only got to partially stand behind his left side while you became flustered at the thought of people on the internet seeing you.
Answering question after question Suou tried to include you too and when you got nervous he would caress your hand with his thumb while holding it tightly.
As soon as you finished and said bye to the two strangers you pulled on his hand and continued towards his home.
"You did really good, darling." He said leaning towards you and placed a quick kiss on your cheek making you shiver at the contact and you quickly hid your smile behind your free hand.
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the-original-skipps · 4 months
could i ask for hayato meeting up the furin boys in the café or something, except he has lipstick kisses on him from a girlfriend they never knew he had. maybe they (sakura) freak out and demand they meet her?
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▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||| 0:10
ya know I’ve seen this exact scenario posted by @getonite so I am guessing this is you? hahaha if not then let me know 😂 thank you for the request lemme say if you are getonite I love your work as well I took some elements from the original I hope you don’t mind
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It's the usual afternoon as Sakura and Nirei wait for Suo to meet up to go on their usual patrol. They sit by the counter as Sakura is stuffing down his usual omelet rice while Nirei speaks to Kotoha while she cleans up the counter. The cafe isn't too packed today with only an elderly couple and a lone high school girl sitting by the booths.
Only when the bell rings does Kotoha stop in her movements. "Welcom―" However, something interrupts Kotoha in her words causing the two boys sitting by the counter to perk up.
"What happened to you?"
Sakura speaks up nonchalantly in between chewing as he looks towards a familiar eye patched man. Kotoha and Nirei could only stare in shock at the sight of Suo with his usual smile. However, his face is covered in marks of pink contrasting his skin. "What do you mean, Sakura-kun?" Suo answers confused by his words as he looks towards their group in question. Nirei begins to turn a shade of pink at the implications on Suo's face as he stutters out the next words.
"Y-You have a s-somethー"
"You got lipstick stains on your face."
Nirei chokes on his words at the bluntness of Kotoha's words. Suo and Sakura only at Kotoha in confusion.
"I do?"
"It's not face paint?"
Kotoha and Nirei can only stare at Sakura in indiscretion, this boy is too innocent, it's adorable. Suo clocks his head to the side as he uses his fingers to touch his face only to return with pink stains on his fingers. "Oh, I guess I do." Suo says nonchalantly with a smile to his face not in the slightest bothered as if he knew from the start. "Why are there lipstick stains on his face?" Sakura suddenly blurts out, causing everyone to look towards him. Nirei could only get redder in the face at his words as he stutters to answer his questions. "I-It's probably b-becauseー!" "Because my girlfriend kissed me!" Suo cuts Nirei off with a grin.
Sakura abruptly stands up, almost knocking over the bar stool he's sitting on-his face as red as a chilly pepper. Eyes blown wide as he stares at Suo, pointing at him. "S-SHE SHE KI..SS...!" Nirei could only yelp, pushing on his shoulders to try to get Sakura to calm down. Kotoha only sighs at the scene as she retrieves a tissue to hand to Suo. Suo takes the tissue with thanks before his eyes widen looking towards something behind Sakura. His eye full of glee as he laughs out with a smile.
"Hey there, girlfriend!"
At those words, the other three snap their head to look towards the lone high school girl sitting by the booth-her face flushed red. "Y-You did this o-on purpose, y-you knew I was here!" She exclaims abruptly standing up just as Sakura did moments ago. Suo only laughs in return, a momentary glint of mischief reflected in his eye.
"Maybe I did."
Overwhelmed, Sakura suddenly collapses. 
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yanderederee · 4 months
Windbreaker Official Q&A !
Part1 › Part2 › Part3
(answer releases are slow, so I’ll post an update probably within a month or so?) -> Q&A hosted here
1. What would you spend 500 yen on?
Sakura: “I’d buy Saboten’s Curry Bread.”
Nirei: “I’d like to buy more notebooks!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “A cup of delicious coffee.”
Suo: “I would donate it of course.”
Hiragi: “I just ran out of stomach medicine.”
2. If you were to travel in Japan, where would you like to go?
Sakura: “Well… a place worth taking a walk.”
Nirei: “We should all go to Okinawa, it looks like fun.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I want to see the snowy scenery of nature in Hokkaido.”
Suo: “I’d like to go to a tea plantation in Shizuoka and pick tea.”
Hiragi: “I want to try snowboarding, so probably a ski resort.”
3. What is your favorite seasoning?
Sakura: “Ketchup. Omurice with ketchup is the best.”
Nirei: “I like to eat rice cakes with sugary soy sauce!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Japanese-style soup stock. With that, I can make anything delicious.”
Suo: “I’d say soy sauce. It's sweet, isn't it?”
Hiragi: “It's delicious if you put miso on nigiri rice and bake it.”
4.) What do you think about before going to sleep?
Sakura: “Fighting.”
Nirei: “I think about everyone I was with that day.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Pothos's sales status.”
Suo: “The dragon sealed in the left eye is about to rampage, so I guess that's it, haha.”
Hiragi: “If I can’t sleep, I try not to think about it.”
5. What would you eat for your last meal?
Sakura: “What… Why is it the last one? I’ve never thought about it.”
Nirei: “High-class meat. I want to eat til I’m full!”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “I dont care what I eat, I just want to eat it with everyone at the facility and the teachers.”
Suo: “Hmm, I don’t need to eat anything.”
Hiragi: “If it’s my last meal, then that must mean I’m in a bad situation, right? That means my stomach hurts, and I wonder if I can eat it. If I can eat it, I might say Katsudon.”
6.) What happened recently that made you happy?
Sakura: “At the butcher's... I got a bonus when I bought croquettes…”
Nirei: “I was able to have small talk with Mr. Umemiya.”
Sugishita: “Dunno.”
Kotoha: “Customers really liked the new menu.”
Suo: * “I had two tea pillars stand recently.”
Hiragi: “I got a ticket for my favorite band.” (LETS GO TOGETHER PLEASE!!!)
* When pouring freshly brewed loose-leaf tea, you can sometimes expect to find a tea stem/pillar in your tea. It’s considered good luck if one of those pillars stand vertically.
7.) What would you do if a stranger of the opposite sex asked for your contact information?
Sakura: “What?! What are you going to do when you have it!?”
Nirei: “A-are you sure it’s mine you want!? Not Sakura, or Suo’s?!”
Sugishita: “eh… uh…. um…”
Kotoha: “Sorry~ I have a boyfriend.”
Suo: “I don’t have a phone, sorry.”
Hiragi: “O..Oh… is my number okay?” (YES PLEASE)
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ccraccz · 4 months
I think this sounds so funny but could you write how the winbre trio (Sakura, Nirei & Suo) would react if f!reader is working at a maid cafe. Totally wearing the cutest pink maid uniform and calling them "Goshujin-sama" (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
AAAA SO SO CUTTTEEE!!! I believe their reactions would be so so fuunnnnyyyy!!! Thank you for the request sweet anon!! <3333
Characters: Sakura Haruka, Nirei Akihiko, Suo Hayato x F!reader
WARNINGS: may be a little suggestive in some way,
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he was basically dragged here
Sadly, Kotoha had fallen sick and the normal meeting spot for the whole group was closed, so they decided the next best thing
A new cafe had just opened a few stores away, so they walked over, not really knowing what to expect.
But what Sakura didn't expect was to see you, someone he recently helped, in a baby pink maid outfit with white accents, breasts pressed together tightly, cute white and pink striped thigh high stockings decorated with bows, and wearing the cutest white shoes that made a light clacking noise every time you took a step
You waved at them, calling out for their attention while walking fast
"Goshujin-sama!!! It's great to see you again! Please follow me, I'll seat you and..." As you walked towards them, your chest seemed to almost have a life of its own, and when you arrived closer to them, quickly grabbing the menus before tripping on air, and falling into his arms.
"A-Ah! I'm so so Sorry Goshujin-sama!!"
He blue screened
Sakura Haruka is no longer working
Please reboot
His face is burning, his shoulders are almost at his ears, and his head is basically steaming
Nirei had to basically push him forwards to their seat, Suo laughing at Sakura because of how sensitive he is to others
"Goshujin-sama! Here are the menus, please do take your time to find something you enjoy, and if you need some help, please do call me over! I'll be sure to do my best!"
After what happened a few minutes before, Sakura was wide eyed and unresponsive the whole time
Suo had to order him both a drink and food, because if not, he wouldn't have even ordered.
And just to torture him more, he was sitting near you, so every time you walked by, he would be able to see you from his peripheral vision
Sometimes, when you came to check on them, you had to break character to ask them if he was alright and if you needed to call for someone
but Suo just told you everything was fine
When they left, you informed them that the meal and drinks were free as they were part of Bofurin
And also, even if they weren't,, you would have paid for Sakura's part since he saved you, twice now
Suo left Sakura's phone number on the table just for you in the end.
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This cutey knew from the start what he was getting himself into
walking inside, he just wanted a cute place to relax, experience something new, and write down some new information of the guys he wasn't able to finish off on his notebook
so why not the cute, new, maid cafe?
"We-Welcome Goshujin-sama..." You greet, holding the menu close to your chest. "Please... Follow me to your seat!" Every step you took to lead him to his seat made your hair bob, and the skirt of your maid costume
He found you to just be so so cute! Wearing a light pink maid dress, with matching bows in your hair, cute glasses on your face moving from their position every time you rush to get to the kitchen with a new order, baby pink stockings being held up by the cutest white cat graters, and some very bulky heels to accommodate your height
You thought that he was super cute too, his freckles, and how he blushed every time you came to check on him
He was sweet, and gentle with how he spoke, and didn't try to touch you
You guys were able to make some small talk together, both of you stuttering here and there, when you came to check on him and the meal, that was a medium size slice of confetti cake with a gorgeous cup of melon soda
You both talked about your day, what each of you have done, and more with large blushes on both of your faces
He sometimes asked some weird question, which you found a bit endearing.
But when it was time for him to leave, he was sure to thank you and you bowed and waved him off, a small blush on your cheeks and he stuttered a good bye
"G-Good bye Goshujin-sama! Please come back soon!" You call out to him
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His favorite tea shop was closed today, so he went for the next best thing
the most recently opened maid cafe that was closer to him than the usual tea house he goes to
and from the ratings on their site, they seemed to also have a few good teas and cakes
While he isn't one to go to a place where you have to interact with someone so much, he might as well get out of his comfort zone
Right when he entered, a few 'maids' turned their heads towards him, blushing at the mysterious male
sadly, for them, their areas were already filled with men and women
minus yours
"Welcome Goshujin-sama," You bowed, a gentle but unemotional smile on your face as you greeted him. You didn't like acting like this, but it was your turn to be the 'kuudere.' Many people don't want the host to be a kuudere, so your bookings were almost free compared to the tsundere and deredere. "Please do follow me to your seat," he smiles back, nodding and walking behind you with his hands behind his back.
he though you were cute, your pink maid costume barely covered your legs, your thighs spilling from the tight thigh highs, them rubbing against each other every step you take, white heels making you taller than him by an inch or two, and cute little bows decorating your hair and uniform
you showed him his seat before pulling at the skirt, trying to have it cover your legs just a bit more
"Please do inform me if you need anything, Goshujin-sama," You smile, placing the menu in front of him before leaving to attend to another customer who was calling you over to them.
Suo waited a bit before waving you over again and asking you what your favorite tea cakes and teas are and got those
at first he didn't understand what was enjoyable about this, but after meeting you and how quick you were, he understood
he especially liked when he was able to make you break out of character and blush with his teasing
in the end, he paid his bill, and you came back with a little gift bag that was given to all new customers and gave it to him, a small smile on your face
inside that small gift bag was some mochi's and small tea cakes, some red tassel earrings, and a note
the note contained your number, a little doodle in the corner of it <3
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11rosebunny · 4 months
Hiragi will never let you pay for a date when you're out eating, expect a fight to break out if you ever try to pay. This man will NEVER let you spend money on him.
For whatever reason, Nirei had a notebook filled with information about a girl he liked in middle school. One day, a group of his classmates saw his open book and found nearly 6 pages that had random facts about his crush. He ended up getting beaten up by the girls friends.
Togame sometimes pretends he's fallen sick so Choji won't bother him.
In the morning, Sakura couldn't be bothered to ever prepare breakfast for himself, it's become so normal for him to skip breakfast, it even annoys him if someone tries to feed him.
Suo surprisingly gets a bit annoyed with picky eaters.
Speaking of eating, Togame is a human vacuum that nearly eats everything.
Tsugeura is terrible at math.
Endo loves lying, it's so annoying because many people can never tell when he's being serious or not. He won't even tell you if he is or not, you just have to guess.
A small thing that Umemiya punches himself for is when he used to have a small fictional crushes in the comics he'd used to read as a kid.
Kaji sometimes listens to eating ASMR.
People are shocked when Tsugeura had been rejected by a whopping of 5 Highschool girls.
Kotoha gets lonely sometimes after running the coffee shop by herself, she really wishes another girl her age would roll around and visit the shop to befriend her.
Choji likes drinking those banana flavoured yogurt drinks after witnessing Taiga drink one.
Togame is very forgetful.
Suo has a small collection of different teas from China, his goal is to collect all of them and taste them individually.
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iueqa · 4 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ bf!suo hayato hcs
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꒰ genre. ꒱ suo hayato + gnreader⌇written : 0.3k -> fluff
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suo hayato who carries little trinkets for you in his pocket at all times. hungry? he has you favorite candies on hand. it’s too hot outside? he lends over the fan he bought just for you. your lips are chapped? say no more, he has the exact brand of chapstick you use up and ready.
suo hayato, who, always keeps his calm and collected demeanor, is shaken up slightly when you tangle your hand softly into his. his undisturbed exterior fades for only a slight minute as he stares at you in awe. this happens way more often than you think.
suo hayato loves sneaking up on his partner. a little too far focused on whatever video was playing on your phone, you were unaware of the tall figure lurking behind you. suo would slowly lean over your shoulder and examine what was playing on your screen, making a comment that would scare the absolute shit out of you. im talking haunting you in your dreams for days, have you checking your surroundings randomly incase your boyfriend were to make another surprise attack.
suo hayato, who has a knack for getting into his rivals heads means you, as his lover, are definitely not spared from the same torment. sometimes suo would speak showing a hint of the way he talks to his opponents, just so you will comply and agree to let him stay the night. these types of complex sentences were his specialty, but he didn’t give you too hard of a time. that goes to say, he finds it very entertaining watching your reactions as you try to understand his complex phrases.
suo hayato, who is teased by ume every living second. he doesn't mind it though, as he is sometimes a little too open about your relationship. ''yuck...you really got it bad man.'' sakura would mutter with disgust watching as suo stared you down with a big cheesy smile. ''yeah, i guess i do.'' he sighed.
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suosgirl · 3 months
Party in the USA (the dayger’s going crazy)
Word Count: 15k+
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Characters: Hayato Suo, Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Kotoha Tachibana, Jo Togame, Ren Kaji, Mitsuki Kiryu, Akihiko Nirei, Choji Tomiyama, Toma Hiragi, Kyotaro Sugishita, Taiga Tsugeura
୨ৎ Warnings: mdni, gn!reader, alcohol (lots of it), alcohol consumption, weed, weed consumption, cigarettes, ooc (most definitely), shitposting, for fun! – if I’ve missed one, I apologize + please let me know!
୨ৎ Note: I feel very well qualified to write about this. I have hands-on experience and feel strongly about this topic. Please feel free to send me an ask regarding any of my references (I have attended many, many daygers.) This is actually so americancore and niche of me – sorry (not sorry). Also! Don’t be fooled, I hate America!
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Hajime Umemiya | “Hey! Hi! Are ya hungry?”
The first face you see when you walk in, all in his shirtless glory
An absolute king at grilling – he’s got burgers, hotdogs, skewers, the works
The lettuce and tomatoes? Yeah, he grew them
Will take every chance he has to tell everyone too
Be careful though – for as much as he’s hot, he’s also a yapper
Being behind the grill unlocks a side of him that not many know – his dad side
“There’s a lot at steak… it’s un-grill-ievable!”
Buzzed & responsible – doesn’t let himself get too lit when he’s grilling
But once everyone’s had their fill and he’s got some downtime? Oh he’s inviting everyone to shotgun a beer with him
Can slam down a can in like 3 seconds no joke
Then, he’ll turn to you with stars in his eyes waiting for your words of praise and acknowledgement (how do you tell him that he did it so fast that you didn't see it?)
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Toma Hiragi | “Whaddya drinkin’?”
You’re telling me you WOULDN'T trust this man to get the best liquor for the party?
Gonna go out on a limb here and say that he leans toward either Hennessy or Casamigos
Throws back his shots like a fucking champ – no chase needed (he likes the burn of it)
Definitely a heavy weight, so he’s got at least 2 of whatever he’s drinking just in case
Also doesn’t drink chase because of his stomach, so you know – go big or go home
Never lets you pour your own shots (chivalry isn’t dead, everyone)
And … if you ask him nicely … he’ll birdfeed it to you
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Ren Kaji | “Chase is over there – you need help getting it?”
With how much candy he has to inhale on a daily basis, it just makes sense that he would be getting the soda, juice, or whatever pairing he thinks goes well with the corresponding liquor
And he definitely went with Hiragi to pick everything up (so cute)
Also in charge of the playlist for the day (I know his music taste is impeccable)
If you tell him this, though, he’d try to be so nonchalant about it (inside his heart is doing little pitter patters)
I feel like he has little shit tendencies and once everyone is feeling good he’ll see how many times he can queue Party In The USA until someone notices (wears his headphone tho bc ofc he would get annoyed)
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Akihiko Nirei | “I made it! It’s really good – want a sip?”
I just know he’s got the most insane recipe in his notebook (he’s got the exact measurements and brand names too)
Based on countless interviews, many trial runs, and many hangovers –  he’s perfected it to a T
Literally one cup has everyone on a good one – and he’s somehow got it to not taste like alcohol at all?
So proud of it too – if you tell him how good it is he’s got hearts in his eyes and he’s offering to get you another cup (with your consent of course)
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Haruka Sakura | “I just grabbed the first one I saw … is it good? Do you like it?”
He’s new to this you know, so he’s keeping it cute and simple and easy
Besides, you can never go wrong with a pack of seltzers
He’s so cute and flustered about it too –
Like imagine him standing in front of the fridges just looking at all of them and getting slowly overwhelmed by all the different types and seeing that they all have different alc % and it’s getting so confusing
He just grabs one that looks decently good or has a name that seems kinda familiar to him and he storms off
And it’s literally like Twisted Tea or White Claws or something
But, as I said, you can never go wrong with a nice basic seltzer
Compliment his choice (even if you know it was made on a whim) and he’ll blush (he blames it on the summer heat)
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Hayato Suo | “Do you want me to get your back?”
Sweet, thoughtful king
Brings sunblock and aloe vera gel because he just knows that everyone else will forget the basic necessities
If you need help getting your back, he’s more than happy to offer his services
Also – who would he be if he didn’t bring green tea shots (it’s a given)
He actually created them not many people know that
It’s always the perfect ratio too – never too strong and never too weak (the perfect balance)
Anyways, also a heavyweight (potentially) but gets just a bit touchy when he’s buzzed
So when he offers to reapply sunblock on you despite having done it less than 30 minutes ago, who are you to say no?
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Kyotaro Sugishita | “I need a partner … You any good?”
This man absolutely demolishes at beer pong
Never leaves the table actually (and stays undefeated the whole dayger)
He’s so tall like he’s got built-in stats for it already
If Umemiya takes a break from grilling and comes to join him? Oh they’re absolutely wiping everyone
If beer pong was an Olympic sport, Sugashita would’ve already been scouted
Because he’s so good, he doesn’t even need a partner that’s at the same level as him – he just needs a partner
But – to him, making at least one cup is better than nothing, and if you’re able to do just that? Oh, you’re never leaving his side
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Mitsuki Kiryu | “You want a hit, cutie?”
It’s actually canon that Kiryu smokes like I just know it in my heart and soul
Loves to make different blends too, some with rose petals and some with lavender 
His blunts are so pretty too, and he’ll use pink wrapping papers
Also has a small bong just in case anyone wants it in that form — and also edibles
And also cigs
He has money, why wouldn’t he show out?
His lighters all have decoden on them too, and they all have his name spelled on it (he was tired of people stealing them)
Also incredibly respectful – brings his own ashtray that he disposes of on his own
I feel like he transitions a lot of people into smoking for the first time (if they’re interested, of course! Would never peer pressure.)
But …. Oh boy… the way that he would gently tilt your head back to blow a hit into your mouth
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Kotoha Tachibanau | “I’m gonna get you so wet!”
Give this girl a break she deserves to have fun!
Stays in the pool most of the time, but also loves to soak up the sun so she’s got her own self-care agenda for the day
Loves water guns! Brings like 2 or 3 of them
Also probably brings a book to enjoy by the pool when she’s tanning
Definitely the type to get the ice water from the coolers and spray anyone who tries to come within 5 feet of her
If she feels silly (and buzzed) she’ll pour jungle juice into them and shoot them into people’s mouths
Takes this time to truly relax and unwind (we love a work-life balance!) – and loves doing it beside you
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Taiga Tsugeura | “Don’t forget to drink water!”
Absolutely brings cases of water and liquid IV
He’s all for partying, don’t get him wrong, but he’s also got to hit the gym tomorrow so
Makes sure that everyone’s got a bottle of water on them – his virtue is caring too much
Also decently good at beer pong, but his downfall is that he throws the ball too hard and ends up hitting people like 10 feet away from him in the head
Also strikes me as unhinged, so – if you’re cool with getting pulled into the pool, then he’s definitely your guy
Definitely does flips while diving into the pool to try and impress you (it works)
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Jo Togame | “Need some help with that?”
What Sakura may lack in seltzers, Togame makes up in beer
If there’s one thing he knows, it’s a good brand of beer
Also clocked in my mind as a heavyweight, so if he’s up to drink, he’s bringing many many cases
Has a bottle opener that has sentimental value to him – probably one that Choji got for him
Can also pop it open with his teeth (but no one ever lets him because it’s bad)
("Sure, okay, whatever squares" — he listens.)
If he sees you struggling to pop the cap off, he’s already grabbing it from your hand and doing it for you – no questions asked
(Ask him while he’s buzzed, and he’ll do it with his teeth, all while staring into your eyes)
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Choji Tomiyama | “Let’s take a shot!”
The first thing he does is do a cannonball in the pool (this is so canon)
If you’re a soju lover – he’s got it!
Brings all the flavors too, but is most partial to yogurt-flavored soju
Is flitting all over the party talking to everyone and anyone
(Tries his hand at beer pong – going to go out on a limb here and say that he sucks)
However! He is a heavyweight!
Can hold his own with Umemiya and Togame for sure
Is definitely the one gathering everyone together to take some shots
Will probably ask Kaji to play Shots by LMFAO and Lil Jon every single time (after the first time, Kaji starts ignoring him)
If you’re open to shots, is absolutely pulling you by your arm to take yet another one
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pumpkin-piiee · 3 months
I've seen people making up different story arcs on what will happen after the Noroshi War so here's mine.
*Manga spoilers ahead*
Maybe in the future, Nii Satoru-sensei might create a story arc about a sukeban*.
*A sukeban is a delinquent girl gang that emerged in Japan from the 1960s to 1970s.
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Credits: yaz1ska on Instagram
Sukebans were formed due to bōsōzoku a.k.a. male biker gangs or the yakuza not accepting female members. The rise of sukebans has a huge impact on the feminist movement in Japan. Each gang has their own rules, hierarchy, and ways of punishment. E.g. Cigarette burns were considered a minor punishment if a gang member was disrespecting a senior member or stealing a boyfriend.
My thoughts if it were to come true
If the author included a story arc about a girl gang, I would have faith in him. I mean look at how well-written & well-designed the ladies in wind breaker are.
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Credits: Pinterest
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Credits: Mangapill
*I love how the author would draw sketches of Kotoha with major characters such as Tsubakino and Sakura. This means that Kotoha is more important than we have initially thought. Moreover, kudos to Nii Satoru-sensei for not sexualising Kotoha. I am sick and tired of mangakas sexualising female characters for no reason.*
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Credits: Nii Satoru on X
Not to mention many of us know that Nii Satoru-sensei is good at writing complex characters such as Tsubakino.
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Credits: MyFigureCollection
Story Arc, Characters & Operation
As for how this story arc will be executed, I believe it will cover topics such as feminism, struggles of womanhood and mistreatment of women.
Moving on to how this sukeban operates, here's my input. I believe everything they do is the complete opposite of Bofurin. E.g. instead of protecting their own town, they protect themselves. This is because the town they live in is also the complete opposite of Makochi, hostile and narrow-minded.
*I just thought of making this sukeban the complete opposite of Bofurin because I think it's interesting to see their reactions. It's also hilarious because the opposite of a boy gang is a girl gang. Get it? Okay, I'll stop.*
I also believe maybe this sukeban and its base can act as a sanctuary for women of its town who were mistreated by men such as giving them food, shelter etc.
I believe the overall vibe that they give is going to be like the military instead of high school.
As for their leader, maybe she'll be the opposite of Umemiya, stoic and serious. However, it is interesting if she was a good leader like Umemiya because so far we've only seen bad leaders in Wind Breaker.
As for their gang name, maybe it will be associated with elements such as water or space. This is because the other gangs e.g. Bofurin 防風鈴 is named after the wind element, Noroshi 狼煙 is named after the fire element, Gravel and Shishitoren 獅子頭連 are named after the earth element along with KEEL is named after or related to the metal element.
*I know that Shishitoren are named after animals but animals are also related to Earth sooo*
Final Thoughts
Overall, this is just a random thought of mine that I just want to share. If Nii Satoru-sensei doesn't include a story arc that talks about girl gangs, I won't be disappointed or upset as long as he writes a good story.
*P.S.. this is my first time ranting about an anime so feel free to critique or educate me if I've made a mistake. Also, I still have some opinions regarding this sukeban idea so should I create a part 2?*
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chubypotato · 4 months
When you make crochet for them and people makes fun of it
@hell-hoound for you 🫶🫶 you basically gave me the half of the idea luv u 🫶🫶🫶
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You made him a cute little accessories for his jacket. He loves his jacket so much and wear it often so you made something not too much visible but still something.
Even though Sakura won't admit it he really love this accessory it makes him feel like you are with him.
Suo tents to tease him with it but in a friendly way he would often compliments it till the bi color head become red.
But one day someone dared made fun of it said it was ugly and that he shouldn't wear that.
That's it Sakura took it personally like this person just insulted you.
He didn't need anything else to jump on that guy and beat him hard enough he couldn't talk.
No one and he means it no one would ever insult you (even though they just made a bad comment about your crochet.)
He cherish this accessory with his life.
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You made him a jewelry close enough to looks like his earing but still different. I think you would match it with a bracelet you would wear all the time.
The simple thought you would match with him on something like that or you taking enough time to make him a gift made him fall over you again.
He would wear it every time you are with him or just when he misses you.
When people questioned him about it he just replied that you made it for him. People could feel how proud he was to have you in his life and that you made him that.
One day he was outside doing a patrol with other when a guy started making fun of his earing. Usually he would let it slide but since these one was the one you made him he didn't let that person keep talking that he respond.
He would break this guy emotionally not a single remorse in him. No one should say something about your work only compliments only that.
The guy ended up crying and left running away as far as possible.
The other were just looking at him and swear to never said something about his earing ever not even compliments they were scared.
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You made him a cardigan. Since he loves wear these type of close you thought he would be a good idea to make him one.
You took so much time on it cause well it's really long to make but his reaction worth it to be honest. Boy was so happy he hugged you thight and wear that cardigan as often as possible.
He would be non stop talking about it to the other yapping again and again about how much you are talented and cute and every compliments he could gave you.
One day he was on the street heading to kotoha cafe's with the other talking about the cardigan you made for him to sugushita when a random guy on the street would say it's not even that pretty.
That was too much for him. He tried to keep it cool but he was so pissed of about it.
He went to the guy and made him realised how shitty he was compared to you and that he didn't have 1℅ of your talent. The guy left just like his dignity and ego.
After that Kiryu went back to sugushita telling him how much he loves that cardigan for 50 times of the week.
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You made him an accesorry for his hair. You know how much your boyfriend loves mode and putting things on his hair so it was natural for you to make him an accessory about it.
You thought this guy would cry when you gave him. He was so emotional. He would wear it every day.
Once he got to school he would go straight to Sakura and Suo to show them how cute it was. He was so proud of it. He couldn't stop touching it and smile.
One day while you were waiting for your boyfriend you noticed the unusual time he took to comeback to you so you started looking for him.
And you found him. A guy were talking bad about your boyfriend saying hair accesorry do not suit him and to throw it away.
While your boyfriend were like trying to calm the guy by telling not to say that and to not letting hear you that. You were very protective of Nireii.
Too bad you were behind him. You started to be very angry how dare that guy telling bad thing about your precious angel.
You wanted to throw hand so you started to walk straight to the guy but your boyfriend took you away telling you he wasn't worth it.
After that he bought you food and listen to you being very angry at that guy.
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You made her a cute phone accessory and a matching one. It was a tiny things but still really precious to her.
She would not drag it to people but Umemiya wouldn't stop talking about it and saying he wants something like that too. But kotoha stopped him by telling it was a thing between her and you.
One day she was shopping for the cafe's patiently waiting on the line her turn on her phone when a guy starting making fun of her accessory.
Kotoha like the queen she is started to laugh ironically at the guy and telling him that he must be very insecure about himself to make fun of these kind of things.
She even started listing all the things he must be insecure about. When the situation started to curiously make people turn around the guy would left line his dignity.
Once she come back she would give you a big hug with a cute earing for the both of you to match and asked you to teach her how to crochet.
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You would have made him an accesorry for his glasses. You know how much your boyfriend loves wearing color glasses so one day while he was asleep you take his glasses and crocheting an accessory color matching his glasses.
He was not expecting you to do such a thing and would be so happy. Poor boy would not be used to be cared of like that he is always the one who takes care of everyone.
He would cherish it to much that he would prefer broke his bones instead of this gift.
But one day, one day someone didn't even make fun of the accesorry but of the glasses but Togame took it as it was the same thing.
He would jump on that guy and beat him so hard no one would dared to approach scared by the fact they would end up like that guy.
Later without knowing why you would have a boy on his knees face on the floor begging you for forgiveness.
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You would have make him a little tiger plush. It is so fluffy so adorable that he took it with him everywhere he just love it so much.
I mean how could he left your child alone at his home that is not good parenting.
Boy would even want to change the gang logo by the plush but you told him he shouldnt do that.
He would always show it to togame and even give him a name.
But one day it was the end of the world someone took his plush someone took your child!
Choji would ask togame to look for it with him. This boy would cry if he doesn't find it. He lost your child what would you say, he would lost the privilege to have it with him.
But he finally found it with some people of the gang making fun of it for no reason.
Choji would push the door asking the guy what they are doing and that they better make they payer now.
He would beat them out to unconsciousness and take their jacket. No one on the gang is allowed to make fun of his child.
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Definitely an accessory for his hair you could see how much they were bothering them when he was looking down so you decided to help him a bit.
Even thought he didn't let his emotion showed you know he enjoyed it since he wears it.
Especially with the fact that Umemiya told him it was cute and we could see how proud he was on his face.
You guys were together on the street having fun and stuff. Especially buying new yarns cause you really wanting to make something.
When boy would have receive a phone call he would go outside to take it when a guy started to make fun of the gift you gave him.
The guy didn't even finished his word that he was already on the floor getting punched by sugushita without even a chance to hit back.
When you get out of the store you told your boyfriend to stopped cause you didn't like to see him fight.
He went back and explained the whole situation to you. He was just defending your honor. You thought it was cute he get angry at such a silly things.
To ask for forgiveness he would make a bracelet for you. It wasn't that cute or well maid but he tried the best he could for you and that all that matters.
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faintrustle · 4 months
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Giving Wind Breaker characters a soda tab so they can exchange it for a kiss
Based on this tiktok I stumbled upon and loved so much I had to turn it into short hc: https://www.tiktok.com/@allie_202_/video/7235944267623992619?lang=en
I didn't know it could be so hard to take this thing of "the correct way"
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Knows what it means and gives it back immediately.
You start laughing joyfully at his (their) expectant face and puckered lips and you give him (them) the biggest smooch ever. He (They) smile back grateful and you are sure to receive some soda during your next days, just to give them more tabs and kisses.
Nirei, Uryu, Tsubakino, Kiryu
Knows what it means but teases you about not giving it back
He teases you trying to throw it away and when you pout at him and call him names in this pouty voice of yours he smirks before moving to you and making you say what you really want because the soda tab is not enough, he wants to hear you say you need his kisses.
Togame, Suou, Seiryu, Kusumi
Doesn't have an idea about it and searches it in google to get to know what to do
After checking out the Internet and getting to know what it means he (she) will start collecting the soda tabs always keeping one on him (her) to give you whenever he (she) wants a kiss. It could be the most random time and he (she) will take out the tab and give it to you asking for a kiss.
Hiiragi, Kotoha, Enomoto, Arima
Doesn't have an idea about it and needs you to explain it
He carefully listens to you explaining the stuff, and when he receives the kiss from you he will go get a soda can and try his best to get the tab off, because he wants another kiss. After trying unsuccessfully, he will tell you to just say the next time you want a kiss because it surely took some effort to get the soda tab with the middle part intact, and you don't need to trouble yourself like that.
Sugishita, Sakura, Tsugeura, Kaji, Kanuma
Doesn't have an idea about it and throws it away just to search through the bin when you tell him what it's for
When he finally finds the tab he comes to you and asks for a kiss he deserves in exchange for the thing. He spends hours learning how to get it off correctly, so he can give it to you for more kisses from you in return. He gets irritated whenever he fails and you need to listen to it for hours.
Umemiya, Tomiyama, Kota, Inugami
Tags: @misticbullet
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osalotte · 6 days
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WC 1.2k, part 1/???
SUMMARY: Umemiya knows that his precious little Kotoha-chan has a boyfriend--it’s obvious. But when he asks her, she won’t tell him anything…. So, being the good big brother he is, Ume takes it upon himself to find out just who this mystery boyfriend is, and if he’s good enough for Kotoha.
(aka: Kotoha is a girl kisser an and Umemiya has no idea)
CONTENTS. Kotoha x Fem!reader, Umemiya being Umemiya, lots of fluff and misunderstanding, reader is explicitly described as feminine/a girl
It was closing time at the cafe again. Nothing out of the ordinary, and for all intents and purposes it was a very normal night. Umemiya was in the back washing dishes while Kotoha straightens up the front. It was one of the only times that Umemiya could genuinely spend time with his little sister.
So why does she keep checking her phone?
As Umemiya scrubbed a particularly stubborn bit of cheese off a plate, Kotoha’s phone dinged, and even from the kitchen he could hear her drop everything to scramble over to check it.
Ume flicked the sudsy water off of his hands and wiped the rest on his apron as he peeked around the corner, careful to make sure he wasn’t noticed.
And there she was: Staring at her phone, completely absorbed, tucking her hair behind her ear, giggling and blushing-
Wait. Giggling and blushing?!
Now, contrary to what some people might assume due to his carefree, friendly nature, Umemiya was not stupid. Not that it took a genius to figure it out--he was sure, watching the scene unfold in front of him, that even someone as emotionally dense as Sakura could come to the same conclusion he did.
Kotoha was texting A Boy.
And no, not “a boy.” A Boy, capitalized. Because this boy was not just any boy, he was THE Boy.
The boy she liked.
Umemiya was able to realize this in a split second. He stepped fully out of the kitchen, not necessarily trying to be stealthy but his appearance went unknown to Kotoha either way as she eagerly types out a response on her phone, fighting (and losing to) the grin on her face. In fact, he was able to sneak up right behind her, peering over her shoulder.
“Who’re ya texting?”
Kotoha yelped and all but jumped out of her skin, immediately closing her phone and protectively pressing it screen-side into her chest. She was red in the face and if looks could kill, Ume would be six feet under.
“What the hell?! Don’t sneak up on me like that,” Kotoha snapped.
Umemiya tilted his head innocently. “Huh? It’s not like I tried to--you just didn’t notice me.”
Kotoha simply growled and went back to open her phone, angling so that her brother couldn’t see who she was texting. And just that alone told Ume all he needed to know.
His face lit up. “Are you texting your boyfriend?”
Kotoha glared at him again, holding her phone even closer to her chest. But she looked flustered. “None of your business.”
‘None of your business’? That wasn’t a ‘no.’ Which must mean…..
“Aha!” he cried, pointing a finger at her. “So you do have a boyfriend!”
Kotoha’s face got even redder and she seemed to shrink in on herself. “Shut the hell up. I don’t.”
“You can’t lie to me, Kotoha-chan,” he strutted around her, leaning in close to her face as she leaned away. “I know you too well. I know what your lie-face looks like.”
Which was true. He could read her expressions like a book. And the one she had on now was the oh-shit-I’ve-been-caught one.
“Whatever,” she grumbled, stuffing her phone into her pocket as she went back to closing up the front. Her face was still red. Umemiya leaned against the counter, looking at her with the biggest grin on his face.
“So what?” she growled.
Umemiya threw up his hands. “So who is he, Kotoha-chan?”
Rather than answering, she simply went back to cleaning. Umemiya made a noise of distress. “C’monnn, I’m your brother-”
“No you're not.”
“-you have to tell me!” he pleaded. “I need to know who he is, what he’s like, if he’s good for you, if he’s good enough for you…. And I also need to tell him that if he breaks your heart, I’ll snap him in two.”
Kotoha scoffed, preparing a retort when there was a sudden knock on the front door. Both of them turned to see you standing there, sheepish, illuminated only by the streetlamp, and carrying a bag of something. You gave them a little wave, and Kotoha immediately scrambled to unlock the door and let you inside.
Umemiya knew you. Quite well, in fact. You and Kotoha had been friends since middle school, and even more recently, you’d been hanging out at the cafe almost every day. Kotoha seemed a lot happier, more vibrant when you were around. You were sweet, polite, and above all, his sister’s best friend. So of course he adored you!
“(Name)!” he exclaimed, bounding up to give you a bone-crushing hug. “How’ve you been? Is school going well? You should really stop by Furin sometime with Kotoha, all the guys would love to meet you!”
You simply chuckled and patted his back, but Kotoha was quick to wrestle you out of his grip.
“I’m good, I’m good,” you replied as Kotoha pulled you away, giving you some breathing room. “What about you?”
“I’ve been good!” Umemiya started to talk about the recent goings-on in Furin, but Kotoha cut him off.
“Shut up, she’s not here for you,” she snapped, making Umemiya pout. She fully ignored him as her face softened and she turned to look at you fully.
“I’m happy to see you, but I didn’t know you were stopping by. I thought you had plans,” she said, reaching out to rub your shoulder. Almost automatically, you brought your free hand up to touch hers, gently holding it.
Meanwhile, Umemiya was shocked by the complete 180 her tone did when talking to you versus him. She’s so…. soft.
“I do, so I can’t stay for too long, but I wanted to drop this off,” you explained. You held out the tote bag you’d been carrying, and Umemiya immediately recognized its contents to be one of Kotoha’s favorite sweaters. The red one she’s had since middle school with holes in the sleeves.
“You left it at my place the other day,” you continued. Kotoha blushed, not meeting your eyes as she took the bag from your hands, and you chuckled.
“You didn’t need to come all the way out here. You could’ve just waited till tomorrow,” she grumbled, still not meeting your gaze.
“It’s no big deal, love,” you replied, smiling at her so warmly and genuinely that Ume realized how happy he really was that you were Kotoha’s best friend. “Wanted to see you before I left, anyhow.”
Umemiya watched as the two of you bid your farewells, heart warming at the tight hug that she gave you before you left.
After the door closed behind you and you walked out of sight, it was quiet. Kotoha hadn’t even turned.
“Ah, she’s so great,” Ume sighed gratefully after a moment. “I’m really glad the two of you are friends. She’s so good to you.”
“...Yeah,” she replied flatly, shuffling past him to finish up closing.
She didn’t look Umemiya in the eye for the rest of the night.
A/N: to be continued! this fic absolutely took over my brain and i had to remove it like a tumor. let me know if u want to be tagged in part 2!!
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vinomino · 2 months
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Café Girl ⋆. 𐙚 ˚
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Meeting and dating Tachibana Kotoha! hcs
Featuring: Tachibana Kotoha x gn!reader
Contents: sfw, fluff
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❀ “Excuse me!” You rush after the short haired brunette, “You dropped your ID!” She turns around, “Oh? Thank you,” you hand the card back to her. She places it back into her pocket, “Do you have some time? I’d like to treat you to a meal.”
❀ Kotoha makes you her delicious omurice at Cafe Pothos
❀ You keep coming back to the Cafe to see her under the disguise of getting coffee (even though the place doesn’t do take out) hehe
❀ It became a daily habit to stop by to see her, even when it’s no longer open hours. You just stop by to talk with her
❀ Umemiya gushes excitedly that his little sister has a friend and squeezes you in a hug that’s way too tight. Kotoha had to save you…… ( ̄ω ̄;)
❀ Chewing on a sandwich, a two colored boy bursts in. Kotoha introduces you to Sakura.
❀ He makes it his mission to avoid going to the cafe when you’re there because seeing the way you look at Kotoha sets off his romance detector. Suo and Nirei keep teasing him for it.
❀ You’re shocked upon learning her age, she looked older and maturer for her actual age. ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
❀ You two end up studying together, hopefully you’re good at math so you can help her (study dates?!)
❀ Sitting next to her on a couch watching a drama you blurt out your confession.
❀ “Hmn…Kotoha?” You mumble out nervously. She turns to look at you, “Yes?” It’s now or never, “I-I like you!” You shout a bit too loud. Kotoha’s eyes widen before going soft, “I like you too.” She smiles.
❀ You end up hugging and cuddling with her the rest of the night. (*ノ∀`*)
❀ Kotoha brews you coffee every morning.
❀ Matching outfits! She loves talking about fashion to you!
❀ Doing each other’s hair in the morning.
❀ If you’re good a cooking, you two cook together. If not, she makes time to teach you. It’s an important skill after all
❀ Silly first kiss: It was your birthday so you licked the frosting off the cake with your finger. She calls you out on it and to use utensils, you flick the frosting off your finger at her. Some of it lands on her lips, she scrutinizes you with her eyes, so you apologize and say you’ll clean it off. Smooching the crème off her lips. How smooth!
❀ “Does it really look good on me?” You ask, spinning around in the Lolita dress.
❀ “Absolutely.” Kotoha chimes, happy you agreed to let her dress you up. You offered because she mentioned she admired Lolita fashion but was too shy to try it out herself. “Stay still for a second…” she fixes the bow headband on your head and puffs up the skirt before stepping back. “Can I take some pictures to remember?” ( ≧ᗜ≦)
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my-blooming-darling · 2 months
I have some new smut fics coming up so here’s some fluff to start off with! Including my girl Kotoha bc we love her in this house
Characters: Sugishita Kyoutarou, Suo Hayato, Sakura Haruka, Tachibana Kotoha, Togame Jo, Umemiya Hajime, Nirei Akihiko
Category: new work, fluff, gn! reader
Tw: Tooth rotting fluff, Hiragi being tired of Sugishita and Sakura (they try to see whose braid is better), IMPLIED poly relationship in both Kotoha and Umemiya’s, head pats galore
🩷 It’s a no-brainer that Sugishita has the best hair for braids. He takes care of his hair and makes sure it’s healthy and soft, so of course he’s got perfect hair for braiding. There’s so much you could do with it.
🩷 He’s initially reluctant to let you braid his hair, but he eventually comes around after Umemiya tells him that his hair covers too much of his face, so he eventually agrees, but only if you let him use your lap for a pillow.
🩷 This man won’t admit it, but he loves when you massage his head and brush his hair with your fingers. I headcanon that he uses a wide tooth comb instead of a brush and puts glycerin at the ends to keep them soft after he washes it. If he can’t find his comb, he uses his fingers to detangle his hair.
🩷 Believe it or not, he doesn’t want to see what you do with it! Not because he thinks you’ll ruin his hair, but because he wants to be surprised. Besides Umemiya, you’re probably the only other person he accepts a surprise from. He’ll keep his eyes closed and won’t open them even if you ask, but you may be able to catch him off guard with a little kiss or two.
🩷 Sugishita leans into your touch when you rub his head while braiding his hair and becomes embarrassed if you point it out to him. He might even pretend he didn’t, but then will do it again when you resume massaging his head.
🩷 No matter how it turns out, he’ll leave the braid in for as long as he can until wash day comes around. You could give him the wackiest, Pippi Longstocking braids in the world, and he’d still wear them in public. If you manage to give him professional grade braids, he’d still leave them in and won’t take them out until he has to wash his hair.
🩷 Will not tolerate any slander on your name!!! The second he hears somebody talking shit about your handiwork, regardless of how it turned out, Sugishita’s immediately on it unless either Umemiya or Hiragi stops him. If he’s not allowed loose in the wild, he’ll sulk until he sees you again.
🩷 If it doesn’t turn out great, he’ll let you practice on his hair until you do better. Sir will not take them out no matter what unless he actually has to.
💚 Now Suo has shorter hair, so the most you’ll be able to do is wee braids, but he’ll still let you do it with a big smile on his face.
💚 They’ll stick out a little bit because of how short his hair is, so he’ll probably lightly tease you about it and tell you that you made him look like a little deer or a bug. This is especially true if you give him two braids atop his head that stick up like antlers or antennas.
💚 Another one who will go about his day with the braids you gave him. Man does not care if he looks silly, he loves it anyway because it came from you. He’s the type to take selfies of what he’s doing that day or who he’s with and send them to you (and Kotoha would be cackling in the background in each and every one of them).
💚 He might actually come back to you and see what other styles you can do on him with braids! You could make him look so pretty or you could make him look silly and he’d still enjoy it because he gets to spend time with you (he will still tease you for the silly styles though).
💚 Suo is a sucker for head pats, so make sure you rub his head occasionally while you’re giving him little braids. Just be prepared to be stuck with him once he falls asleep, because this man is clingy and would squeeze you if you tried to flee.
💚 Will let you put in all kinds of things in his hair! It could be barrettes, colorful bobby pins, butterfly clips, flowers, crazy hair ties and small scrunchies, beads, you name it. He would let it happen…just make sure it’s in moderation because we don’t want split ends in this house.
💚 He’d still smile even if somebody tries to slander your handiwork, but deep down, he’d be thinking of all the ways he could get information out of that person and see how he can use it against them, solely because they had the audacity to say something negative about your efforts.
💚 He’d offer to bring you wigs of varying lengths and textures (and drag Sugishita over for to be a guinea pig) to experiment with if you wanted to improve your braid game. He understands that he has shorter hair, and that it may not always be the best outlet for practice, so he’d see how he can help you work on it.
❤️‍🩹 Sakura’s gonna look at you with utter confusion and disbelief when you ask him if you can braid his hair. Now imagine that facial expression x100 when you offer him head pats and kisses in exchange for his cooperation. He might think you’re messing with him.
❤️‍🩹 Once it sets in that you actually mean it, prepare for his level of embarrassment because he’s used to being ostracized, and now you’re not only offering head pats, you’re offering kisses? Just be ready for him to start poking at you to see if you’re real.
❤️‍🩹 He thankfully gets over the initial shock (mostly…) and sits still, but he’s still wondering why you’re doing this, so he’ll sit pretty stiffly for several minutes before he finally relaxes. He’s reluctant to do that, but after a few kisses, he loosens up considerably.
❤️‍🩹 He loves you but he’s very loudly screeching inside his head like a wet barn owl while you’re putting little braids in his hair. He may seem like he loosened up on the outside, but he’s simultaneously shrieking and melting on the inside.
❤️‍🩹 Sakura stares at you while you braid his hair with the biggest blush on his cheeks in his entire existence, feeling very embarrassed. A good way to make him blush more is by giving him little kisses while telling him how pretty he is. Cue the comparison to a whole red apple!
❤️‍🩹 He surprises you when he suddenly sniffles. You initially think he was about to sneeze, but then you see the tears and realize that he’s definitely not sick. He’s overwhelmed by your affection in a good way. He’s not used to affection. He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.
❤️‍🩹 Will let you continue to braid his hair once he gets a good cry in, but he becomes clingy afterwards and won’t go anywhere for a while. Hope you’re prepared to spend a few hours cuddling with him!
❤️‍🩹 Much to Hiragi’s dismay, he finds Sugishita, who also has braids, and cackles while loudly declaring that his braids are superior. This sets Sugishita off, and to Nirei’s very audible horror, the two almost fight. Thankfully, Hiragi is there to play the “unpaid dad” role and he very aggressively separates them into different corners like bickering schoolchildren.
🩵 Kotoha is immediately on board when you ask to braid her hair! She loves spending time with you and she also loves experimenting with her hair, so she’ll definitely want you to do something different with it.
🩵 Has to tell Umemiya to wait his turn if he happens to be there because he’ll ask you to braid his hair too, and he’ll probably be excited about it when he finds out what you and Kotoha are doing. It’s an overall wholesome experience and she has all of her hair care supplies out to make it easier for you.
🩵 She’s another person with short hair, but she doesn’t mind that one bit. She loves the feeling of your nails gently raking down her scalp when you detangle her hair with your fingers, and she definitely loves scalp massages from you because you find all the spots that most people don’t find.
🩵 She’ll ask you to paint her nails too and it ends up turning into a full day of this. She’ll paint your nails too and if you allow her, she’ll experiment with makeup on you. Be prepared for her to drag Umemiya into this, because that’ll probably be the only time you’ll ever see him with glittery eyeshadow on.
🩵 Kotoha will very likely laugh if you give her a silly hairstyle with braids, but she’ll definitely wear it that way to work because she loves it either way. When asked, she’ll tell the person that you did her hair that day.
🩵 Definitely the type to take pictures of your handiwork and send it to the group chat, declaring that you’re the hair master (even if you gave her a silly hairstyle). She’ll send them to you if you’re not in the group chat, or just plain sends it to the chat if you’re in it.
🩵 Another person who doesn’t accept the slander on your name! She will give them a chance to make a Freudian slip but if that doesn’t happen, the eggs will come out. I believe that she has a great swinging arm on her, so who knows what would happen if she decided to toss some eggs?
🩵 She did witness the little competition between Sakura and Sugishita (waged by Sakura) and she was wholeheartedly dying behind the counter of the cafe when they had a whole argument over whose braids were better. Hiragi was able to step in, and sent the two to separate corners to “think about what they did”. Kotoha says she won the contest.
🖤 Umemiya waits patiently for you to be done with Kotoha’s hair and becomes happy when it’s his turn.
🖤 He’s a somewhat clingy person so there’s a strong chance he’ll hug you immediately upon seeing you. Yes, he will give you kisses, because he’s just affectionate like that. Just let him love you and he’ll be happy.
🖤 If you massage his scalp, this man will fall asleep shortly afterwards because his scalp is sensitive. The tingles just tickle his brain in a way that makes him melt in your arms. It makes it easier to do his hair because he’s not squirming while he sits still. This is assuming he doesn’t have any makeup on yet.
🖤 His hair is a pretty color so even if you give him a wacky hairstyle when you braid it, the color kinda cancels out the silliness of it all…but that largely depends on if you put butterfly clips on him. (Put the butterfly clips on him!!!)
🖤 Will laugh if you give him pigtail braids and say to him, “He was a fairy!” He’s a friendly person who would probably enjoy your jokes and have a good time. If you manage to give him something that looks straight out of a fantasy novel, he will try to match his clothes with the style.
🖤 He’s a pretty boy, and paired with the makeup that Kotoha put on him, you’ll wonder how he hasn’t been scouted for modeling yet. He also takes pictures of your hard work and posts them to the group chat or whatever social media he might have.
🖤 Practically RUNS to Kotoha so he can show her your “amazing work of art”, and will complain if she’s too busy to see it. He just wants to show off your handiwork, he just loves you that much.
🖤 He and Kotoha won the so-called “braid contest” that Sakura waged on Sugishita out of spite. He has turned those two into memes for their antics. Hiragi was less than amused.
💜 You’re the reason Togame has that little braid in his hair!
💜 He was hot one day and he was going to put the longer parts of his mullet into a ponytail, but he didn’t have one on him, so you offered to tie his hair for him.
💜 What was supposed to be a regular ponytail turned into him sitting still and wondering what the heck you were doing with his hair, considering that it shouldn’t take that long to tie a ponytail unless you have problems with mobility, but he didn’t openly question it and just stayed still for you.
💜 When you showed him the little braid you gave him, he stared at it for a moment, then laughed because it was so small on him, but he loved it nonetheless.
💜 He will not wear it any other way now unless he’s asleep. Togame seeks you out at the most random times and asks you to braid his hair.
💜 He can very well do it himself, but he chooses not to because he “likes how you do it better”. That’s only a half true statement, because he secretly uses it as an excuse to spend time with you, but he also really does like how you braid his hair.
💜 He also steals whatever colorful barrettes you might have and wears them in public. Man does not care about how silly he might look, who’s gonna check him? He’ll be outside with a neon pink barrette in his hair and he’d still be somebody that no one wants to mess with.
💜 Sir has a temper on him, so if somebody says anything negative about his hair, he’ll take that as a personal attack on not only himself, but also on you, and he doesn’t tolerate that. Whoever said anything should consider writing their will before he finds them.
🧡 Nirei is immediately embarrassed when you ask if you can braid his hair. He hasn’t even had his first kiss yet, so he has no idea how to navigate this situation.
🧡 The poor thing short circuits for a moment before he finally snaps out of it and agrees a little too loudly, much to his embarrassment, but he quiets down shortly afterwards.
🧡 If you were wondering if he could get any cuter, try rubbing his head before you braid his hair. He’ll become a red mess in your hands, but he’ll ultimately end up melting against you and leaning into your touch. He’ll be another one that’s prone to falling asleep.
🧡 He’s the type to make noise, so there’s a chance you’ll hear a little sigh of contentment from his lips when you massage his scalp. Will definitely have a sweet smile on his face while you do it.
🧡 Will complain if you stop so half of this little session will just be him clinging to you while you massage his head. Hope you went to the bathroom beforehand, because this one here doesn’t want to leave your side any time soon.
🧡 Eventually you’ll be able to braid his hair once he falls asleep from your head rubs. He also loves feeling you play with his hair, so he’ll be asleep long enough for you to put some braids in his hair.
🧡 Nirei will let you take pictures of him with his braids but he won’t wear it out in public because he’s a shy baby. He swears he doesn’t like being called cute or pretty, but he loves it deep down.
🧡 There wouldn’t be any room for somebody saying anything negative about your handiwork because he wouldn’t go out in public with it on. He’s one of those people that keeps the things he does with his partner to himself because he doesn’t want to share! He’d keep the braids in until he had to leave, then they’re coming out…but he’ll definitely come back and let you do it again.
Author’s Note: I’m sorry for what I have done to y’all who read Sakura’s part, but I had to do it to ya 😭
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