#taejin ff
cliffolly · 2 years
Forever Yours
Pairing: Jin x Taehyung
Oneshot, 981 Words
-> Established Relationship, Angst
Available on AO3
“I want a divorce.”
Taehyung’s words don’t come as a surprise to Jin. If anything, they’re only a small nod to the conclusions Jin was already beginning to draw. The numerous times Taehyung’s come home late after Jin’s gone to sleep and the tepid conversations they dragged on in each other’s presence were more than enough to tell Jin that Taehyung wasn’t about to ask him if they could renew their vows.
Still, Taehyung’s words hurt. They’d been married for, what? Three years now, four in a few months. Jin couldn’t help but wonder what had changed, what had made Taehyung finally speak what they both already knew into the air. They’d been so in love the past five years they’d been together and Taehyung’s desire to end it seemed so unreal to Jin.
However, it wasn’t like Taehyung was the only one to blame or the only one who was considering a divorce. Some odd weeks ago, the thought had crossed Jin’s mind, but it seemed to drastic at the time. Hell, it still seemed too sudden to move to the option of divorce. But at the same time, Jin had put no effort to try to close the growing distance between himself and Taehyung or figure out exactly what was wrong. In a way, perhaps he, too, had already resigned from this marriage.
“A divorce?” Jin crosses his arms over his chest as he reclines in his seat, knees bumping against the marble table that separates him from Taehyung. “Why a divorce?”
The blonde shrugs and looks down at his hands, fiddling idly with the wedding band around his ring finger. He’s silent, not because he’s hesitant, but because Taehyung never really thinks things through before he speaks. He says what he feels as soon as its felt and he tells what he thinks as it crosses his mind, like a news ticker; he’s impulsive, but Jin had always found that it was this characteristic that had made him seem like such an honest person. Now, it only seemed to grate on Jin’s nerves and patience.
“You do realize that a divorce isn’t that easy to obtain, right? Neither was getting married, in case you forgot.”
“Shut up,” Taehyung huffs. “I know it’s not easy. It just seemed like the best solution for… this .” He motions vaguely at the space between them.
Jin arches a brow and leans forward, resting his elbows upon the table to lean his weight on them. “ This ?” he echoes.
“You know what I mean. This… distance. You don’t talk to me like you used to, you know?”
“Well, you haven’t exactly been home long enough for me to try.”
Jin was surprised Taehyung was even home at this hour. He used to be home at this time every day to spend time with Jin. They’d usually be having dinner at the table at this time or curled up on the couch because Taehyung wanted to order in for the night or they’d be laid up in bed, laughing and talking and adventuring the familiar curves of each other’s bodies. As of late, Jin had been spent his dinners alone and Taehyung had only returned home once Jin was asleep and out of the way. Neither can remember when that had become the norm.
Taehyung falls silent again, fingers turning the wedding band round and round, slipping it up and up on his finger until it clinks lightly upon the table. He picks up it, puts it back on, and starts again. “It’s hard to come back early like I used to.”
“And even if you could come back early like then, it’s not like you’d want to, huh?”
Taehyung doesn’t answer.
“I don’t want a divorce,” Jin finally says, causing Taehyung to look up for the first time that night. Jin can’t decipher the look on his face - is it hope, sadness, annoyance? - and he isn’t sure if he wants to, but he decides it’s better than the listless look Taehyung had when he told Jin he wanted to talk about something. “A divorce,” he continues, shaking his head, “is too sudden. It seems like a last ditch effort for something that we worked so hard on. Do you get what I’m saying?”
“I think so.”
“I’m not saying that we won’t get a divorce, that may happen but…” He pauses and shifts his gaze down to the marble table, following the swirls in the rock. “I still care about you, so I figure we can still save this marriage. I don’t want to give up so easily.”
“But I am ready to give up.” Taehyung sounds exasperated, as though he’s been at this fight for much longer than five minutes and it annoys Jin to no end. “I don’t want to try to put this back together when I know it won’t stick, it won’t last. There’s no point in trying to fix this when I’ve already given up, Seokjin.”
“So, you quit?”
There’s no hesitation when Taehyung nods, slipping off his wedding band and placing it carefully in front of Jin. “I quit. I’m sorry.” He clears his throat before stepping away from the table. “We can discuss the details later. I’m going to meet Jimin tonight to help him with--”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Jin interrupts. “It doesn’t concern me anymore.”
“Wow,” Taehyung murmurs. “Kim Seokjin really is always right.”
There’s only the sound of Taehyung’s feet pattering away before the front door opens and closes, leaving the house in sheer silence. Jin finds himself still sat at the table, staring at the ring set before him, hating how the kitchen light overhead beams so bright off of every part of it, how Taehyung had set it down to where Jin could faintly see the engraving on the inside.
Forever Yours.
Forever seemed to be an awfully short time.
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hopepoint · 2 years
Someone tell my why mermaid/sea creature fics have such a chokehold on me ???
Like Little Bones, Precisely When Someone Shows You the Ocean, and I can’t find the last one but it is jikook (it has “be careful what you take from the sea” in the summary) ???
This genre is just *chefs kiss* perfection
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jiminsass-istant · 7 months
How i view all bts duos (crack filled)
(somehow gets crazier as you go down, also minors dni 🚫)
Warning: draft had been sitting for long/written in a sleep deprived state/forgot that tumblr has image limit/will get me cancelled if anyone takes this seriously/this is pure self-indulgence.
Jikook- "We live under each other's skin and there's nothing you can do about it"
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Taekook-" We are dude bros bound by shared love for jimin and gaming"
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Vmin- "we'll roleplay every AU possible so you have more prompts for ao3"
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Minimoni- "he's cute because he's small"+" he's cute because he's big"
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Sope- "He makes me wanna be a better man" + (unpopular opinion but sope would be a great sun and moon duo too)
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Yoonmin- "We mostly fight, but if you heard the most heart-clenching compliment slip in, pretend you never heard it."
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Jihope- "We are each other's light in the dark" (pink and purple lights to be specific)
Namkook- "He doesn't know i have his shrine at home" (jk pov)+" He doesn't know I've legally adopted him" (rm pov)
Taejin- "We are individually pretty hetero, but together we are pretty gay"
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Jinkook - "He's my brother, so I can beat the shit out of him, and I am the only one who can."
Jinmin - "Come here my precious, I'll laugh at all your jokes and cuddle you"
2seok- "We can single handedly bring about world peace just by basking in each other's presence"
Yoonjin- "You're older, so you'll have to baby me" (yoongi pov) + "You are only 3 months older, I can drop the honorifics "( also yoongi POV)
Taegi - "I'll smother you with love till you love me back" (Tae POV) + "That's enough!!! Ffs" *still holding hands* (yoongi POV) - <My 3rd fav ship, btw>
Namgi - "What happened in the studio that late night, stays in the studio" + "anyway, we've known each other for 13 years"(yoongi pov) +"hyung, can we talk about that night-" (rm) "DID I MENTION 13 YEARS??"(yoongi)
Yoonkook- Lovers in HYYH but died and reborn as father son duo in next life.
"I would produce your entire album if sc00ter wasn't in the way"
"He doesn't know I've legally adopted him" (because namgi legal husbands)
Namseok- "Our relationship is not for the cameras. You can probably tell by the way I BAWLED after jhope enlisted" (rm pov)
Namjin- "He lets me practice my pick up lines on him, if he gets a little flustered, it's not my faul- JIMIN STOP WITH THE SMOOCH SOUNDS"
Hopekook- Kangaroo(hobi) and the baby(jk) in its pouch
Taejoon- Fanboy turned boyfriend (tae)
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Vope- "Was the kiss good? Was my dance good? Have i been a good boy?"(tae pov) +"I raised him well (as my perfect sub)" (hobi pov)
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This is me btw, if you even care:
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sparrow-in-the-field · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @strangethings-everywhere ! Thanks for the tag as always!
I guess today is the day that you all get to learn about my other AO3 account since a lot of these Qs are about overall stuff lol.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44 total (14 on sparrow-in-the-field and 30 on idyllic_hummingbird)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
232,723 on sparrow, and 944,120 on idyllic, so that's 1,176,843 total! Pretty nuts lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On sparrow-in-the-field I've written for tbitb, Stranger things, and one Ted Lasso fic (I wanted to write more for Ted Lasso tbh but I was in my Writer's Block Era, so alas it was only one fic. Maybe someday I'll write more??). And idyllic_hummingbird was my BTS account (yes the kpop group lol don't judge me).
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Awakening (BTS) has 2,638
Just Hold On (BTS) has 2,234
A Secret for Shy Affection (BTS) has 2,122
Dirty Laundry (Stranger Things) has 1,888
To Build a Home (BTS) has 1,878
(rip to my smaller fandom fics for this question 🥲 lol)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes!! I love responding to comments, I always respond! One of the best parts of writing ff is the sense of community and I love talking about writing so if you comment I will reply!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angriest ending?
I only write happy endings lol. I guess my least happy/most ambiguous ending was for my gigantic BTS fic Heartbeats in Stone...so much happened to the boys in that one it felt wrong for everything to wrap up with a perfect happy ending, so I left it more as "not everything is okay rn but maybe with time it will be"
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings, idk how to quantify which is the happiest! I guess I'll shout out my tbitb fic The Quiet Act of Loving Someone because I think that one had whole lot of joy in the last chapter and it always gives me the warm fuzzies :')
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have! The worst was on a taejin fic, I had the all too classic, someone mad at who I had top/bottom in smut discourse 🙃 I was younger back then so I foolishly fought back and it became like a whole thing. Luckily I had a good support system in that fandom so I ended up okay. But there for awhile I was just tagging everything as switching so those type of people would leave me alone lol (can I just say, very glad that no one seems to care about that stuff in this current fandom.)
9. Do you write smut?
I think more of my fics include smut than don't lol. Writing smut is very important to me, it's healing. I see it as an ode to my past self, because I used to have a lot of shame around sex, and writing smut helped me unpack that like, a lot.
10. Craziest crossover?
I've never written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and hopefully not. But the BTS and ST fandoms were huge, it wouldn't exactly surprise me if it did happen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've been asked several times, and I always politely decline. Idk if it's selfish, but having a work translated requires relinquishing a lot of control, and my fics are so personal and meaningful to me that the idea always gives me too much anxiety to say yes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! And sorry to all my writer friends but I don't think I could 😅 I just write my own weird shit, the minute I try to write for a prompt or with someone else I just flounder lol
14. All time favorite ship
I have never been able to have just one! In my BTS days I literally wrote poly ot7 because I wanted to write all the ships lol. In tbitb I thought I'd only write Bobby/Don and then fell in love with Chuck/Roger too and want to write Jim/Shorty. I'm hopeless at picking favorites of things lolol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This is going to make me sound like an asshole, but I don't ever start writing fics unless I intend to finish them. Did one of my fics take 5 years for me to write? Yes, but I still finished it. I guess if I include like brainstorming fics, I have several tbitb modern au ideas that I want to write but I keep putting off for new ideas, so. Maybe those?
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd say my biggest strength is dialogue; it comes the most naturally to me when writing. I also tend to get a lot of compliments on my worldbuilding, so I must be decent at it, but tbh to me it just feels like I'm winging it lolol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm bad a descriptions, idk how to go on at length about how anything looks lol. And this one is terrible, but I'm bad at research. If anything I write is ever inaccurate it's because I was more interested in writing the story than looking up like...how boats work (looking at you, The Cormorant Don lolol)
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
No thoughts head empty? Lol I've never ran into this in a fic before...and it's not something I'd be inclined to write, so...idk.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
BTS :> I was a late bloomer to writing ff, so everything I've ever written is on AO3.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Again, I'm so bad at picking favorites!! They're all my babies lol. I guess to shout out a few: in BTS stuff, Just Hold On was the first ever novel-length story I'd ever completed so it's very special to me. In Stranger Things by far my favorite was Can We Always Be Friends? because I loved writing more platonic stobin and a lot of Steve's journey with his sexuality was a reflection of myself. I've been super happy with all of my tbitb fics so it's hard to pick a favorite! Tbh it'll probably be The Cormorant because the premise is so dear to me, but it feels like cheating to pick an unfinished fic. Maybe The Quiet Act? That fic got me out of my Writer's Block Era and introduced me to this lovely, lovely fandom, so of course it also holds a special place in my heart :')
Idk who to tag! @dogwooddiaries @kcsplace have y'all been tagged yet?? I can't keep up lol. No pressure as always!!
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spookyserenades · 7 months
I read a quote somewhere that said "half of the love is lost between words spoken but not meant, and words thought but left unsaid" or something like that and I want mc to read that ASAP and I wholeheartedly wish Tae our lil bear and Jinnie our big house cat will heal from all the hurt and be happy soon enough 🥺they hv gone through so much already!!! I'm a #1 Yoongi stan who had been rooting for their relationship since the beginning and I'm sooo happy for them but I don't want others hurt I feel so bad for Tae and JK can fuck himself I'm mad The chapter was awesome like always love you loads take care till next time 🖤
She DOES need to read that and be brave ffs... I get her hesitation and fear of rejection but good lord stop making TaeJin sad 😭 AHH a fellow Yoongi stan! I'm happy for the two of them too, it's been a long time coming. They make me swoon jflafj 💀 HA Jeongguk the brat... mr. nonchalance.. we'll see about that LMAO
Thank you for reading honey and I'm glad you enjoyed it 🥺💜 Sending you my love!
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Read a taejin ff on ao3. Now I am sad af .
Moral : Always read the tags before diving into the story
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namjinsuperior · 2 years
🔴 OT7/Autres
Voici mes idées (mis à jour quand j'ai des idées évidemment) des pairing OT7 et autres dans le sens où je ne sais pas encore quel pairing c'est, j'hésite entre plusieurs, ou du threesome, etc...
Si vous souhaitez utiliser l'une de ses idées, vous pouvez tant que vous m'identifiez dans l'histoire ou me demander la permission.
Si vous voyez un résumé d'une ff mot pour mot tiré de mes idées, n'hésitez pas à me prévenir :)
Certaines idées n'ont pas de titre ou peuvent changer. La majorité ont une photo d'inspiration.
Kim Taehyung est connu pour ses photos d'une incroyable beauté. Que ce soit d'une simple fleure à un être humain. Lors d'un événement privé, Kim Taehyung est invité en tant que photographe. Riches, artistes, PDG, sont au rendez-vous.
Mais lorsque Taehyung croise le regard de cet homme, son appareil ne peut plus changer de direction. Et chaque photo doit être lui.
Pour faire simple, Taehyung va passer d'un simple photographe à un stalker très clairement.
Le pairing n'est pas encore choisi d'ailleurs. Mais je pense que ça sera soit du VHope, soit du TaeJin.
P.S: l'histoire se passera à New York.
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Namjoon gère un magasin de fleur très réputé entre Séoul et les petites villes de campagne. Sa clientèle double brusquement lorsque son nouvel employé fait son apparition.
Pairing: soit Vmin, Jikook ou MinJoon !
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Je n'ai pas encore d'idée de résumé ou de pairing mais j'ai toujours voulu écrire une ff/AU à cette époque (le style vestimentaire est trop beau). Et il y a un certain temps j'avais demandé à mes mutus de me donner des dates/époques. Et voilà ce que j'ai eu.
Vieux barre américains - année 1935 - 1960
Une vieille Italie - 1850
Amérique du Sud - 1930
Mexique ou Italie - date inconnue
Cuba - début du 20ᵉ siècle
Année 40 en Égypte
Argentine - date inconnue
Havane à Cuba - entre 1670 et 1715
Nouvelle-Orléans - 1930
Ouest américain - 1803-1890
Ça sera peut-être une histoire de mafia/prohibition en Amérique
Mais toutes les idées sont intéressantes.
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Dans la ville de Séoul, quatre gangs règnent sur la partie sombre et secret de la métropole.
Le gang du cœur tenu par J-Hope. Le gang du trèfle tenu par Jin. Le gang du carreau par RM. Le gang du pique par Suga.
Un jour après un accident, le roi de carreau fut contraint a quitté les siens. Deux ans plus tard, il est bien décidé à montrer a ses aînés que le "bébé roi" a bien grandi.
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La famille Kim est composé de 7 enfants. Kim Seokjin, le plus âgé. Kim Namjoon Kim Taehyung.
Après le décès de leur mère, leur père se remarie avec Mme Jung qui donne naissance à Jung Hoseok.
Il finit par divorcé 2 ans plus tard pour rencontrer la sublime Min et son fils Min Yoongi.
Malheureusement, elle découvre que son, désormais mari la trompe avec une femme du nom de Park et qu'elle est enceinte d'un énième garçon du nom de Park Jimin.
Mais ce que la famille Kim ne sait pas c'est qu'ils ne sont pas 6 frères, mais bien 7.
La servante de maison à donner naissance au 7ᵉ fils, Jeon Jungkook.
Quand le chef de famille est au bord de la mort dû à une maladie, les 7 enfants vont se battre pour récupérer l'héritage et pour certain, regagner l'affront fait à leur mère.
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Kim Seokjin. Etudiant en médecine à l’Université nationale de Séoul. Vit a Gangnam
Cherche compagnon compréhensif pour mon enfant Evoli et qui apprécie les blagues de papa.
Qui pensait que cette description sur Tinder allait attirer un gars.
P.S: Pairing pas encore décidé.
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jinniesmoonwrites · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Seokjin | Jin/Kim Taehyung | V Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, monthly author had to project again, i actually have no idea how to tag this, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, Everyone Needs A Hug, references to mental illness, seokjin's undying faith in taehyung, Hugs
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Taehyung thought Seokjin only stuck around out of pity and decided to confront him. But the truth is that to Seokjin a world without Taehyung would be cold and devoid of colour.
Inspired by Your Eyes Tell.
 [The series is a collection of standalone stories of taejin in the same universe]
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dearmyloveleys · 6 years
“I love him, and I don’t know what to do with this information.”
—quote that I made up from an imaginary fanfic
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atticawenny · 7 years
[ Bath and Tea Time]
- A Taejin Fluff - Characters: Kim Seokjin | Kim Taehyung - Words Count: 2685
He is unable to erase the lingering thought out of his mind. It has been bothering him for at least twelve hours straight. He still cannot believe he said those hurtful words to Taehyung.
Seokjin takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes, only to open them up again, staring blankly at the ceiling of his bedroom. His breathing is stuttering as if something heavy is sitting on top of his chest as he’s lying there limply. Warm tears starts to prickle at the corner of both his eyes, falling unstoppably to his ears, his hair and his bed.
At first, it’s only a mute type of crying. The one where your eyes filled with tears and your shoulders shake mildly. But then it turns into the one where you cannot control your own voice anymore.
He HATES being vulnerable but he doesn’t understand how a soft whimper escapes his mouth, followed by another one. Then another one. Then another. It then turns into uncontrollable sobs echoing in the walls.
He is only wearing shorts and a simple white t-shirt, he can feel the empitness and the coldness of the bedroom seeps through his exposed skin. He rolls his body to the side, pulls his knees to his chest. He doesn’t even bother to shut his mouth because he knows no one will hear him. He is not that kind of person who would show his vulnerable side to anyone, after all.
It’s 5 pm and other members have been gone to have dinner outside. It’s not like they didn’t ask Seokjin, but he insisted that he wanted to stay at home to try to sleep. At least Yoongi understood since he had seen Seokjin rolling restlessly in his bed several times. He told the other members not to worry and he asked them to have fun while kicking the clingy Jimin out of the door. But Kim Taehyung knows the real reason.
Yesterday, at around 9 pm after their dance practice, Seokjin went to the bathroom to wash his face. He just wanted to go home and sleep and do nothing else. He has been unable to sleep for the past few days and it’s been killing him. He saw dark circles under his eyes in the bathroom mirror. His slightly pale face made the rims looked darker.
To make his day worse, earlier he saw this one tweet saying that he is useless in the band and he should go and die. Of course he has seen this kind of comments a thousand times, but he just did not understand why this one hit him so hard.
It’s nothing, it’s just because of these sleepless nights, he was trying to calm himself.
His head felt heavy, his stare became unfocused. He didn’t know he had been standing there for more than 10 minutes doing nothing, until someone tugged his shirt.
Seokjin came back to his senses and saw Taehyung’s reflection stared at him.
“Hyung, we’ve bought bulgogi and rice, let’s eat”
He didn’t reply a word. He just stared at Taehyung’s reflection who was staring back at the elder’s reflection.
His head was throbbing in pain and a wave of nausea hit him.
“I don’t want.”
“Ah hyung, come on.”
Ah this boy, can’t you see how tired I am?
“Hyung, let’s go eat…”
“I said I don’t want to. Fuck off you annoying bastard.”
Seokjin shuts his eyes again, but Taehyung’s gloomy face keeps haunting him. He tries to convince himself that the reason he did the thing he did yesterday was because of his fucking insomnia.
He remembers seeing Taehyung back off a little and lower his gaze to the bathroom floor. He remembers seeing the younger open his mouth to say something but shut it again. He remembers seeing Taehyung stare at him with his unreadable expression, slowly turn back and walk out of the bathroom door.
He should’ve stopped him and said sorry but he didn’t. He kind of expected the younger to scream and spit back bad words, but he just quietly walked away. And that hit Seokjin like a brick in the face.
Fucking insomnia, what the hell. What a lame excuse to spit ugly words to your dongsaeng. He and Taehyung have not uttered a word ever since the incident. Even earlier today, the younger kept avoiding eye-contact with him. And Seokjin is too tired and too selfish to fix the situation.
They have always been goofy to each other, throwing jokes and all, but he thinks cursing at Taehyung is a bit too much. It has crossed the border line of joke completely. Seokjin knows that both of them are sensitive, and if he was the one to be called a bastard, he would’ve hurt too.
Today is supposed to be free from stress yet he finds himself in this stressful state. His body is worn-out, his mind is exhausted, yet he is unable to sleep. At this moment, he is considering to see the doctor to have a prescription of something to help him rest at night, but he is still uncertain to take the decision. Maybe he will ask Yoongi later.
Seokjin is still curling into a ball in his bed, trying to come up with a solution: a solution for his insomnia and more importantly a solution for his issue with Taehyung, when suddenly the bedroom door creaks open.
It takes him by surprise and he immediately gets up to see someone standing by the door.
“Yah, what are you doing here?” he blurts out.
Was that my voice speaking to him? I should’ve shut my mouth.
Seokjin’s inner thought quickly takes over, but what’s spoken has been spoken.
Kim Taehyung it is, who’s standing quietly with his gloomy face. He takes a timid step forward, keep watching the elder’s face intently.
“May I come in, hyung?”
“You’re already in tho.”
Taehyung scratches his head and looks down to the floor and then looks up again to see Seokjin.
“Hyung…” He is still frozen in the same spot.
Sitting in his bed, Seokjin raises both hands to his face, trying to wipe remaining traces of tears casually, praying that Taehyung won’t see any.
Taehyung bites his bottom lip, inhaling and exhaling breaths too hard they are echoing in that room. With his final inhale, he takes a sudden step and moves quickly towards Seokjin.
Still standing, Taehyung grabs the back of Seokjin’s head with his right hand and pulls the elder to an embrace. He lowers his head so he can feel Seokjin’s hair on his face. The elder’s hair is damp with sweat, but he loves the familar smell, “I heard you cry.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Seokjin replied with a muffled voice, with his hands still on his face, and himself in the younger’s embrace.
Taehyung pulls himself and sits in the bed to face Seokjin. “Hyung, please look at me.”
Seokjin only shakes his head.
Taehyung pulls the hands away from Seokjin’s face softly, only to find the elder’s bloodshed eyes.
“I don’t want you to see me like this, Taehyung-ah.” He looks away, trying to hide his eyes effortlessly.
Taehyung’s heart is broken to see his hyung like this. Seokjin has always been strong for everyone. He puts other members first above himself. He tries so hard to be cheerful so he can spread positive energy to the younger ones. And seeing him crying at the moment is sure a rare sight, and a heartbreaking one.
“Teahyung-ah, am sorry about yesterday.”
“No, hyung…”
“And what are you doing here? You should be having dinner outside. Aish, I’m fine. Yoongi probably said that I’m not well and all, well, I’m okay so you…”
“…so you can go back outside and…”
Seokjin is silenced by a hand clasped into his mouth. “Sshhhhh, hyung, am here. Please let me be here to keep you company. I’m sorry I wasn’t sensitive enough to care that you were tired yesterday. I’m sorry, hyung. I do care about you.”
“I came back here after Yoongi hyung told me you have this sleeping trouble. Then I heard you crying. I’m sorry, hyung.”
Taehyung takes Seokjin’s hand and put it on his own cheek, feeling it while closing his eyes. He reopens them again and meets Seokjin’s soft gaze.
“I am here for you, hyung.”
Seokjin stares at the younger’s chocolate eyes. He has seen these eyes countless times, yet they’re beautiful and mesmerizing as always. The kind of thing that is so soft, so pure, sometimes so out of this world, and oftentimes he finds himself lost in them.
He leans his forehead on Taehyung’s left shoulder, where he can sense the latter’s sweet scent wafting from his denim Gucci jacket.
Taehyung puts his hand on the elder’s back, caressing it with soothing circles.
“Thank you, Taehyungie,” Seokjin breaks the silence after a few minutes.
Taehyung gives him a gentle smile and then he gets out of the bed, pulling Seokjin with him.
“Come on, hyung. Let’s do this.”
“Do what?”
“Bath time.”
Taehyung looks at him with a serious look “Hyung, can you trust me?”
Seokjin glares at him. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Taehyung gives him a gentle smile again and says, “Wait here.”
Seokjin is clueless. He sees Taehyung get inside the bathroom and he can hear water running into the bathub.
Not long after, the blond-haired male peeks his head outside.“C'mere, hyung.”
Seokjin laughs a little laugh and walks inside the bathroom. He can see the bathtub has been filled with warm water.
And what’s this flowery scent?
“It’s wild chamomile.” Taehyung grinning at the other end of the bathtub.
“So what to do now?”
“Please hyung, have a bath here, it’s warm so it’s okay. I bought this wild chamomile essential oil and put it in your bath water. I asked the shop owner to give me the best and the most expensive one.”
“So considerate.”
“As expected from your best dongsaeng, eh, hyung?”
“I don’t remember I told you that.”
Taehyung just smiles at the tease and offers a hand to Seokjin.
“Get inside the bathub, hyung, before it gets cold.”
“With these clothes on?”
“Should I take them off for you?” Taehyung gives him a wink.
Seokjin laughs again, takes Taehyung’s hand and steps into the warm water, with his t-shirt and shorts on. He lies his back on the bathub and stretches his legs.
“Won’t you come in too?”
“If I do that, it’s gonna be a different story.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Instead of answering, Taehyung puts his jacket off, leaving him with only a black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans on; sits himself on the bathroom floor; leaning his chest onto the bathtub’s side and puts his hands into the water.
“Ahh this feels so good.”
Seokjin gives Taehyung a big grin.
Taehyung moves to sit at the back of Seokjin’s head and he starts massaging Seokjin’s shoulders.
“You know you don’t have to do this, Taehyung-ah.”
“Shhhh no complaining allowed.”
Seokjin sighs and shuts his eyes and silence falls all over them once more.
“But hyung,” Taehyung whispers in the elder’s ear with his husky voice, “do you have something in your mind?”
Seokjin just shakes his head as an answer.
“I’m okay.”
Taehyung feels like his hyung is not telling the truth, but he just hums an “okay” and continues massaging his shoulders.
“I’m okay when I’m with you, Taehyung-ah.”
Seokjin is playing with soap bubbles appearing on the surface. The warm water and the fragrance mixed together bring peace to his mind. He closes his eyes in content, accompanied by the low husky voice of Taehyung humming “Hold Me Tight.”
The incident yesterday seems so far away. The “you should go and die tweet” sounds meaningless.
“Hmmm hyung?”
“Last week, you know, before I got this damn sleeping problem, I had this weird dream. I thought it was real, but I don’t know whether I have to be happy or sad because it wasn’t real.”
“Tell me about it.”
“In my dream, I was diagnosed with some kind of deadly disease. The doctor told me and the people around me that I only had a few days left. I don’t know, the dream skipped forward to my last day.”
Seokjin pauses for a second, inhaling the flowery scent lingering in the bathroom.
“I was in my bed and I was so sleepy. I didn’t recognize the people around me but they seemed to love me a lot. I remember the details so clearly, they were all crying but smiling at the sime time. I remember what they were wearing, there were six of them. They looked at me with those heart eyes, you know.”
Seokjin pauses again and Taehyung keeps massaging his shoulders, slower now.
“So I was so sleepy I could hardly open my eyes. I was so sad yet happiness bloomed in my chest. I felt my breathing was getting slower. It wasn’t harder, it was just slower, gentler. Like a swing in a garden full of flowers, where it is blown by the wind then when the wind is gone, the swing is swaying slower, slower, before it goes into a complete stop. I was thinking, ‘Death is so peaceful’, and I felt my body slowly drifting away, like flying, as I closed my eyes and I couldn’t see those lovely people anymore.”
Silence falls all over the bathroom walls. Taehyung has stopped massaging Seokjin completely. His fingers are gripping his shoulders too hard than he means to.
He puts his chin on top of Seokjin’s head and kiss his hair. Hot tears fall down from his eyes and drop on the elder’s dark locks.
“Why are you crying, Taetae?”
“I don’t know, hyung.” He whispers in Seokjin’s ear. “I think, it was so sad yet so beautiful.”
Taehyung circles his hands around Seokjin’s chest and the elder holds them too tight it might hurt both of their hands but he doesn’t want to let go.
“Taehyung-ah, hyung loves you a lot.”
When the water runs cold and both of them run out of things to say, they decide to finish their wild chamomile bathtime session, remove their soaked clothes, and return to the warmth of the bedroom.
Seokjin is dressing himself in his blue pajamas when Taehyung says, “Hyung, wait here.”
“What now?”
Taehyung just smirks and makes his way out of the door. When he hasn’t returned in 10 minutes, the elder decides to look for the younger. But, when he is about to stand up, he sees Taehyung bringing a tray with a bowl and a cup on it.
It is a bowl of chicken soup and a cup of chamomile tea.
“The heck, Tae.”
“You’re welcome, hyung.”
Taehyung puts the tray on the bedside table and insists in feeding Seokjin.
“Where the heck did you get all these? And lemme eat by my self.”
“I’m not a senseless man who asks his hyung to sleep with an empty tummy. I have my own mysterious way to get all these.”
“Yah, thank you so much, Kim Taehyung.” Seokjin replies, unbothered to ask what mysterious ways Taehyung did to get the food and the tea served because he knows the younger won’t tell him anyway.
Taehyung gives him a warm smile and makes sure Seokjin finish his meal and his tea.
“The tea is supposed to make you relax so I hope you can sleep earlier tonight, hyung.”
“I feel like you are babysitting me.” Seokjin chuckles.
“Old baby, you are.” Taehyung pinches the tip of the elder’s nose, making him yell, protesting to leave him alone and regretting his actions of taking a bath and eating what the younger has served.
Taehyung laughs and hugs Seokjin tightly in bed. Seokjin is lying in content, a comfortable warm feeling fills his heart. “Thank you again, Tae-ah.”
“Shhhh don’t mention it.”
“And I don’t know why I told you about the dream.”
“You can tell me anything, hyung.”
Seokjin gives him a gentle smile and then shuts his eyes.
The incident yesterday seems so far away. The “you should go and die tweet” sounds meaningless. The insomnia seems gone into nothingness.
Taehyung gets up to turn off the lights, except the one from the reading lamp. The bedroom is now dimmed and he gets back to crawl and lie next to Seokjin. He strokes his hyung’s hair and taps his fingers on Seokjin’s chest softly while listening to the elder’s steady breathing.
After a few moments pass by, Taehyung raises his gaze to see Seokjin’s face. He cannot stop his grin from spreading across his face. The grin then turns into a gentle smile as he sees his hyung sleep so soundly with his face so beautiful, so out of this world.
“I love you too, hyung-ah.”
Note: Park Jimin buys the chicken soup but Taehyung makes the tea by himself 😁
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taejinkive · 7 years
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Taste Of Your Love Chapter 3.2/? [0]-[1]-[2.1]-[2.2]-[3.1]-[3.2]-[4]
So our poor ‘hyung’ Jeongguk (gosh it looks and feels weird but my plot it such that i have to) is actually waiting for his soulmate unlike a certain nasty peapod, I might mention *throws look of disgust towards tae* 
Jimin, too, is waiting but who else thinks that he secretly likes jungkook but is hiding it under that ‘waiting for meh soulmate facade’? nah? just me? okay then 
Next chapter will introduce a new character- like an official ‘i-am-gonna-play-a-role-in-this-book’ character. lmao hint: you’ve already met them. 
Also, wait for the trip to the sea. I swear something good is gonna come ;). 
I'm sorry for all my typos. My exams start from Monday yet I have no idea why I'm doing this.
Taejin/Jikook Soulmate AU [based on social media and texts]
Soulmate AU where–once you and your soulmate are both 18– when your soulmate eats something, you slightly can taste it on your lips; maybe feel it and sometimes start craving something when your soulmate craves for it.
Seokjin was a sophomore at KIU High School which was a special institute with a culinary program where students who wish to pursue a kitchen or restaurant job, could go to for getting better learning for their interest. Seokjin wished that his soulmate could taste all the new things that he makes beforehand. So, when he opens a restaurant and becomes famous, his soulmate would know, with one taste of that dish, that the chef was, in fact, his soulmate.
However, Taehyung’s first impression about Seokjin was “who is this and why are they eating strawberries dipped in seaweed soup?” after the 20-year-old internationally famous artist and singer had successfully spit out a mouthful of his expensive Italian dinner in the middle of a high-class restaurant and in front of a blind date. _______ honestly, I kind of feel like I might randomly delete this bc I high-key feel like I am trashing the tags with my bullshit. or maybe it’s my anxiety speaking.
(i love all my readers though, don’t get me wrong)
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moonamjin-blog · 7 years
♔ do you have any prompts?♔
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hello!!! I’ve been feeling quite inspired to write something lately, but I’m just kind of scared to jump into the world of fanfictions. I mean, I’ve read a lot ( like, a lot ) of them, but writing one? s c a r y, ugh. still, I want to try, and I think it would help me heaps if someone gave me prompts or suggestions, maybe adding the pairing you’d like to read about. personally, I think I’d feel comfortable starting with Namjin ( ofc hehe ), Taejin, Taekook, Yoonseok and Yoonmin, so please go ahead if you’ve got anything in mind, starting with the clichiest of stuff or going right to the weird-tm things.
I’m in your hands!!! message me or ask if you’d like to leave suggestions and prompts!
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whereisdie · 7 years
what should I do : finish my job
what I’ve done : making new ff draft on AO3
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jinships-ideas · 6 years
BTS Run 59 & 60 - The Jin Harem
I took a short break but here’s the 2-part special! 58 will be up soon (hopefully)  Let’s just begin~
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We start off this Hotel episode with a cheap yoonjin knee-touch moment!
You know what? 
After the yoonjin drought that was 57 & 58, 
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Joon eyeing Jin scratching his leg
Petition for Yoonjinjoon to always be seated next to each other
Our OT3 heart is weeping in joy
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Jimin using Jin’s knee to push himself forward~
Small but very appreciated Jinmin moment right there!
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Namjin Handshake after discovering they were partners
Yoongs: Really? In front of my salad?
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Joon scooting closer to Jin 
Namjin being off in their own isolated side
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Dear Namjin,
You’ve been missed
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Look at these nerds looking so ecstatic about being ‘Team Kim Seokjin’
WhO nEeDs JiN wHeN wE cAn BeCoMe JiN?
Jin: But I’m Right here? Team Kim Seokjin: LOLOLOLOL
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2 more nerds joined in with the Seokjin Team train
Jin: Really? Ya’ll just gonna do me like this? Joon: Nah. This ain’t it
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The infamous ‘couple watch’ that got Namjin shippers worldwide crying 
Namjinists: WHO SAID NAMJIN WAS DEAD? Namjin: We did.
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Touchy Jin back at it again 
His willing target: Joon
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Chim really threw himself to shove Jin with a whole Tae in between...
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Tae: This ain’t it Chim: *not accepting what just happened* Yoongs: Keep yo hands to yourself or you won’t have any JK: My fists can fly all the way there. Hobi: Enjoy it while you can... I’ll unalive you later
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Tae smiling to himself at Jin’s incorrect team name
Tae kindly reminding Jin his ACTUAL team name
Kim seokjin’s guardian angel back at it with his job
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On the other hand...
JK looks so happy after the Producer teased Jin about his incorrect answer
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The editors are such cowards to not give us a full shot angle of Joon grabbing Jin’s wrists with a full on happy smile 
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Namjin: *flirting* Chim: *Represents us Namjin shippers* YESSSSS Tae: *non-namjin shippers* I did NOT ask for this
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Jk smiling after he corrected Jin’s team name 
Jk is that guy that enjoys teasing his crush but feels happy after helping them too
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In the excitement, Jin actually grabbed Joon’s whistle
But he let it go so Joon could properly grasp his hands in his own
The show producer: Not the hero we asked for, but the hero we needed
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We have Jin laughing while looking at Joon since he messed up their team name (for the umpteenth time)
We have Chim laughing at Jin’s mistake
JINMIN spotted with matching scrunched up laughing faces 
JK laughing at Jin’s mistake and cuteness
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Namjin - Lost the point
But did they really lose though?
When they are looking like a million bucks while being so happy?
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Jin CLEARLY was gunning for a hug
So Jin switched for a hand grab instead
We may have lost a Namjin Hug scene
But we will gladly accept any penny of Namjin content we can get...
Let it remain though, that Jin was AIMING FOR A HUG...
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Jin JUMPED UP in excitement
Namjin: *finally gets the point*
Joon: *did NOT get the point that Jin was aiming for a hug*
All the members looking glad for Namjin’s point XD
they really SUCKED at the game so much that the others are glad for them 
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Yoongs staring at Jin from afar...
Ft. WTF is Jimin doing, rubbing Tae’s knee for no reason while sitting like a penguin?
IDK why, but I’M HERE FOR IT.
A post about Vmin moments? 
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Jimin is US
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Jimin: *A full-fledged Namjinist* Tae: *someone in the midst of becoming a full-fledge Namjinist*
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Jimin: *trying to convert his fellow members to be Namjinists* Yoongs: Ok fine... Namjin is Kinda cute JK: I’m Onboard this Namjin train Hobi: *Still unconvinced*
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Person A whining and complaining about being teased by X to Person B
Meanwhile, Person B just enjoying his view of Person A
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Jin casually looking at Joon’s face for inspiration...
He even gulped while staring at Joon...
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If it’s not obvious by now, Namjin are just flaunting their moments in this entire hotel-based run
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Jin: *literally falling due to a lack of balance since his legs are lifted*
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For them and for us
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Of course, Joon never leaves anyone asking for a high-5 hanging
The same can’t be said about the rest of BTS though...
-Insert sad violin music + all the times Joon’s hand has been left ignored-
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Jin casually stroking Joon’s arms
Jin also proceeds to rant and nag Joon about not participating even when he knows Joon can get the point
Tae: That should be me...
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Hands on thigh 
all day every day
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Of course, Joon gets hit when he gets it wrong XD
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It has given us more Namjin content than the crumbs we’ve gotten for the past 2-3 years T^T
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Jin instinctively reaches for the arm that is close to him...
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But he pushes it away after realizing that Tae was fishing for the answer from Joon
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Credit: Hobi who made Jin smile like this
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Tae... Jin isn’t in your team XD
Don’t discuss with him
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Tae listening in on Namjin XD 
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I touch you
You touch me
We’re just happy Namjinists~
(Please read in the Barney theme song tune)
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Joon looks as though Jin sucker punched his arm or something XD
Don’t worry, he was groaning at getting the lyrics wrong, not from jin’s soft slap across his arm
Joon’s guns can take a few hits from jin
Namjoon? non non
ARMJoon is what he is
You think that’s it? NON NON
We are jumping straight into episode 60!
Let’s Get it~
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Bubbly Jin casually touching Tae’s exposed knee~
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Joon swerving out of Jin’s reach after he got the translations wrong
He knew he was gonna get hit
This is domestic
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Noobs? NO
Noots? YES
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Now we know, Jin nags/scolds in uwu-mode
noot!Jin with his pouty lips ranting at Joon for not trying hard enough at the game 
(Please jin, you didn’t even get any right XD let Joon live XD )
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I love Joon, I love Jin
He practically gave everyone the answer but got snubbed XD
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Jin shaking his hand around until Joon grabs it 
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That Taejin eye contact
Ft. Jin’s smile at Tae’s adorableness
(Notes: I actually have the same bunny hat thingy and being the crackhead that I am, I wore it while re-watching + writing this post)
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This is crackhead culture
Jin: Let me just put my xxthousand dollars watch on this white fluffy thing
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Tae’s cute face when he saw Jin’s antics 
Ft. Namjoon eyeing the whole exchange
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What do you know?
Namjoon immediately does the same with his xxthousand dollars watch
Namjin = crackhead duo
Couple watch + couple watch on bunny hat 
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Jin and Tae whining about wanting to eliminate Hobi from the game since he failed the round
Production team loves hobi ok? LET HIM LIVE
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Hobi shooting love rays at Jin with his aegyo voice and his flapping bunny ears~
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Jin cheekily laughing it off when Joon whined about Jin’s team-kill move 
Ft. Tae patting Jin’s back
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Jin: Your name was all I could remember
That’s some romantic shit ok?
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After that line, Jin proceeds to put his hand on Joon’s leg...
Mayhaps I’m a happy Namjinist
Ft. Bangtan being fellow Namjin shippers
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Jin cheering on bunny!Joon who is up against real!bunny!JK with a smack on the back
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Cheap!Jinmin moment where chim’s foot touches jin’s
But we’re desperate rn so we’ll take all that we can get
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Tae’s knee touching Jin’s leg~
There’s plenty of space and Jin even lifted his legs to take up more space but...
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Once again, Jimin is channeling his inner Namjinist
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Mayhaps I alive’nt
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Jin: Why are you snacking when there’s a priceless snacc right beside you? Joon: *nom* Jin: HECK! I’M AN ENTIRE FULL-COURSE MEAL!
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Touchy Jin back at it again
His small and subtle nudges sends
His cotton bud fists
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Dear Namjin,
Please NVR stop flirting
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Jin’s little happy grab
Joon looking pleased AF 
Happy Namjin is the BEST Namjin
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Because of Joon’s bad timing, they ended up with hand holding again
Joon you dummy
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but Joon the panicked boy hand to snatch his hand out of jin’s cotton bud grip
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As much as I nag about Joon ruining Namjin moments...
Is his arm alright?
Jin has hit it for god knows how many times...
PLease let ARMJOON be ok...
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Tae: Seriously? Haven’t they had enough? Yoongs: That could’ve been me... JK: JUST SAY YOU WANT TO HOLD HIS HAND AND GO Joon: Who cares what you gays think. I’m marrying him. Chim: I’ve honestly seen enough Namjin for a long time Hobi: Disgusting
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Yoongi becomes humble in front of a nagging Jin
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Taejinists, we got some crumbs too!
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This frame might seem normal to you guys
BUT take note that Jin was sitting with his right leg outstretched behind Joon
Which means when Joon leaned back, his arm was encasing Jin’s leg towards himself...
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See it to believe it
This is some boyfriend culture right there
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Namjoon probably thought no one would notice since everyone was distracted with the candy counting
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Tae complaining that his scissors was ignored to a smiley jin
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Jinnie happily hitting Joon before leaning into Joon’s thigh
Seriously those 2 are so domestic 
Is this love, yeah Is this love, yeah Sometimes I know, yeah Sometimes I don't, yeah
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They’ve got both hands clutched together
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Happiness radiates off them
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There’s probably so many mentions of them leaning into each other to whisper already
But this bij will never get tired of it
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This is Namjin teasing Jimin about his phrasing of words
Namjin are the evil uncles that make fun of the ones younger than them
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They are being so comfortable with each other
Jin’s knee is practically on Joon’s thigh
And they are leaning against each other’s side
We’ve REALLY missed Namjin a lot
That’s all for this post! 
Hopefully, BTS Run 58 - The Jin Harem will come soon...
Hope you guys enjoyed the 2-part special!
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Until Next time~
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namjinsuperior · 2 years
🔴 TaeJin
Voici mes idées (mis à jour quand j'ai des idées évidemment) du pairing TaeJin.
Si vous souhaitez utiliser l'une de ses idées, vous pouvez tant que vous m'identifiez dans l'histoire ou me demander la permission.
Si vous voyez un résumé d'une ff mot pour mot tiré de mes idées, n'hésitez pas à me prévenir :)
Certaines idées n'ont pas de titre ou peuvent changer. La majorité ont une photo d'inspiration.
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holdme-baek · 8 years
I’m having a good time appreciating Jin’s and Tae’s vocals in the special stage just to be disappointed with the fucked up comments that still complaining about Kook... damn it.. you all should focus on how heavenly Taejin’s voices are yet some of you complaining about Kook’s lines?????? OH GODDDDD
The only thing that you should complain is about Yoongi’s malfunction microphone.. like we can’t even hear his voice at that part.. NOT FUSSING OVER THE LINES DISTRIBUTION FFS.. 
They worked hard for the stages, not for you to complain.. Just appreciate their effort please.. !!
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