#taerose fanfic
malthemalevolent · 3 years
Elevated Senses - Prelude
A Taerose Fiction.
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She was the bearer of darkness, yet he was born from the light. 
Putting her faith into someone was the very last thing Rosé had inside her. After enduring the aftermath of her past, she couldn’t possibly help but dream of attaining that final form of freedom. 
And that’s where Taehyung’s beliefs made her stand at the crossfire of life and death. 
It was the forced submission and four years of torture which made her refuse any help when he reached his hand out, attempting to pull her into the light.
Yet instead of pulling his hand back, he decides to stay by her side. In the darkness.
It was not the unwillingness to live, for it was a vacuum of nothingness to tackle. 
She was the reality.
He was the mere illusion.
malthemalevolent Ⓒ
8 notes · View notes
queenrozaay · 7 years
it’s a date? | 05.29.17
bg: rosé had taken an interest in taehyung and somehow had gone through hell and back just to get ahold of his kakao. mustering up the courage she sends him a text and one thing led to another and the two have made plans to catch a movie together.
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/okay. truthfully speaking, she couldn't remember how on earth she got his kakao id, but she did and she needed him to answer an important question  for her so hopefully he wouldn't think she was too strange for messaging him out of the blue like this; [ kkt -> bwee ] oi- you got a minute?
kth: /he glanced down at his phone at the sound of the delightful 'ting', confusion running over his expression that was soon replaced by intrigue- [kkt| rosé]: For you I've got multiple. What's up?
pcy: /rosé was in the middle of finishing a dance sequence when her phone went off. in the background she could hear her members griping- something about how blackpink's comeback was next month and that she should be taking practice more seriously; oh quit it. we've been going at it for hours- let's take a short water break. /she suggested as she unlocked her lock screen to find a message from him; [ kkt -> bwee ] on a scale from one to ten, where would you rank your interest/love for superhero movies?
kth: /Taehyung, who'd been lounging on his phone, didn't waste much time with responding. Time in Korea between BTS' tour stops was always short but not having to worry about wifi was always a relief-  [kkt| rosé]: probably 9.5? There's always a part of me that thinks I won't be interested but once I'm in the theater I always love them. Honestly can't wait for Wonder Woman; Gal Godot is my hero.
pcy: /her fingers ghosted over the letters on her keyboard for the longest time unsure whether she should even suggest it or not; get it together chae- /for now she decided to play it safe; [ kkt -> bwee ] AYEE that's what I like to hear. Though to be perfectly honest with you, I'm more of a marvel movie kinda gal. D.C. Movies don't give me the same burst of excitement.. Buuut I must admit... the trailers for Wonder Woman might just be a game changer.
kth: /when it came to movies Taehyung didn't discriminate, but he did have a soft spot for DCU and their brooding emo aesthetic-  [kkt| rosé]: Ha! That's what I like to hear. Marvel has it down to a science but I feel like Wonder Woman and Justice League will officially put D.C. on the map, you know? If you'll have me I'd love to take you to see WW, I need to fully convert you.
pcy: Oh- /she voiced aloud, eyes widening some having not expected the conversation to head in this direction so soon, but was somewhat relieved he had done the hard part for her; [ kkt -> bwee ] I feel like Marvel has a tendency to play it safe most of the time. They found what worked for them and stuck with ajdjsuebzbaie /her members had snuck up behind her at some point and being the nosy punks they were tried to read over her shoulder. startled by their sudden appearance she had accidentally hit 'send' mid-reply. rosé deadpanned and excused herself out into the hallway without another word and the others knew better than to follow after her; [ kkt -> bwee ] **stuck with it. phone please- [ kkt -> bwee ] and what is this converting nonsense you s p e a k of? [ kkt -> bwee ] I may consider it if you throw in a tub of white cheddar popcorn- and since I'm feeling generous maybe I'll sneak in a box of your favorite boxed candy too.
kth: [kkt| rosé]: I'm fixated on convincing you that these books will bring about an entirely new chapter of superhero culture. White cheddar popcorn is a fair sacrifice to make if it means saving you from Marvel Hell ™. Plus candy? This is starting to sound more like a treat than a rescue mission.  /his good mood increased tenfold at her 'kind of' acceptance to his offer, big smiles and his nose stuck even further into his phone convincing a few of the members that he was in fact NOT going to be joining them for Overwatch anytime soon-
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] oh-ho. I must warn you though, since I haven't seen many superhero movies outside of marvel- there is a high chance I may say something stupid. feel free to- oh I don't know flick my forehead or something as punishment. [ kkt -> bwee ] aha- is that what it sounds like?? Consider these snacks a reward for contributing to a worthy cause - aka me. I am a nearly a lost cause. /rosé had caught herself smiling like an idiot. luckily, no one else was around to witness it and question her about it. just to be safe, she started down the hallway with purpose, dark brown eyes peeking into each room until she stumbled upon a vacant room where she took cover for the next few minutes or so; [ kkt -> bwee ] my phone keeps autocorrecting your name to 'beer' and I'm not sure if it's trying to tell me something or what- it's driving me nuts [ kkt -> bwee ] a n y w a y s- what are you up to? am I distracting you from your work?
kth: [kkt| rosé]: Oh, I know better then to fight a marvel stan. You guys will defend your movies to the death and I already admit my defeat when it comes to that. But c'mon, stick with me and there is yet hope for salvation 🙃  /Since his last message Taehyung has since closed his laptop 90% of the way, headphones still in despite not listening to anything so the members would stop shouting at him to do things- 
[kkt| rosé]: Beer? Maybe I should quit the idol life and start a brewing company.  [kkt| rosé]: Nah, I'm just at the dorm TRYING to have some alone time away from these hooligans. We're always together because of our tour so I'm not a bad friend for wanting them to be quiet for just five minutes, right? Maybe even just three. Please... [kkt| rosé]: What about you? Hopefully your day is more interesting than mine.
pcy: /a laugh escaped her lips, frame shaking lightly with each laugh. It was no secret that marvel stans were quick to defend themselves when they feel the least bit threatened even if the other had meant no harm by it; [ kkt -> bwee ] hey, that tub of popcorn has me sold. I'm down. The movie comes out when? Sometime next week right? I'll keep a date free. Just let me know! Ah- /before she forgot, she took it upon herself to message her groupchat and told them she wouldn't be able to make it home in time for dinner and made up some excuse about having a few errands to run; [ kkt -> bwee ] if you do, I volunteer to help you taste-test. 🤗 I've been told I'm a u i t e helpful. /after skimming through the rest of his messages, she breathed a sigh of relief. Becoming a bother to someone else was the last thing she wanted to be; [ kkt -> bwee ] LOL. Maybe I can help you with that. Have you eaten yet? I'm actually done with practice for the day. We've been slaving away these past couple of weeks and the amount of times I've seen the sun I can count on one hand. I'm not even joking..  I don't know if you've read articles recently, but we're having our first comeback of the year this June which explains the uh- slaving away thing. Can't tell if it's better or worse than yours.
kth: /he sighed, impending tour dates, their 4 year anniversary activities for the fans, and new album preparations running through his mind as he attempted to pick a date- [kkt| rosé]: I think the movie comes out June 1st? I actually leave for Osaka tonight, we'll be there for three days. After that we won't have to be in Hiroshima for a few days so anytime between the 2nd and the 6th I'm all yours. [kkt| rosé]: I've heard! I'm looking forward to it, you guys have yet to release a bad song and I'm sure this comeback will be just as good as your debut. /he grinned at the prospect of speaking to someone other than the 6 boys he spend every waking moment with, jumping out of bed while ignoring curious eyes- [kkt| rosé]: If you're offering to grab something to eat with me so I don't go crazy my answer is please. Yes please. I'll even pay.
pcy: /that's right. It's times like these she often forgot that others have been in the industry must longer than she has been, so their schedules are naturally more packed than hers; [ kkt -> bwee ] all mine aye? /rosé tore her attention away from her device and thought for a moment. Oh who was she kidding- she didn't have any major plans next week outside of practice; [ kkt -> bwee ] how about the 2nd? or the 3rd or 4th? It may be a bit crowded still, but not nearly as crowded as opening night. My work load next week is relatively easy, so whatever works best for you I can accommodate! /she picked herself up off the floor and left the room, slowly making her way to the elevator whilst crafting yet another reply; [ kkt -> bwee ] as you wish~! [ kkt -> bwee ] what are you craving? burgers? tacos? pasta-? me? [ kkt -> bwee ] Kidding. but really though. I'm not picky when it comes to food. unless there is celery involved... [ kkt -> bwee ] oh and don't worry about paying for me! I don't mind paying for my own share! I've been budgeting wisely this month so I think I can handle it 
kth: [kkt| rosé]: how about the 3rd? We can buy tickets early and even go to a showtime that no one goes to. Like 11 am or something. It's fun to see all the elderly out and filling places you'd normally see kids in! Truly proves that the soul never ages.  /he slid on his shoes near the front door despite having no clue where he was off to, shouting a simple "be back soon" over his shoulder before stepping out the door- [kkt| rosé]: You know what? Let's eat tacos. I haven't had a taco in ages. I could also go for a burger, though. Just something full of fat. [kkt| rosé]: You can think of it as a thank you. For saving my career and BTS. I don't know how much longer I could have stood being back home. [kkt| rosé]: should I meet you at your company? It's a bit intimidating compared to mine but I'm a big boy.
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] That'll work! I'll put it in my calendar so I don't forget. I swear, you think someone wth a goldfish memory like mine would have more creative ways to help me remember things right? /Tacos did sound pretty good and come to think of it she couldn't recall when she last had one either. Rosé had made it down to the main lobby when she received another string of texts from him. Not wanting to block anyone's way, she found a bench by the doorway and seated herself for the time being; [ kkt -> bwee ] tacos it is! I was actually reading a few comments fans had left on our wall and learned that there's this new Korean-Mexican fusion restaurant nearby. Did a little more digging and found its rated 4.5 stars on a 5 star scale! I think it'll be promising. And if it isn't? You can put the blame on me [ kkt -> bwee ] mm.. if you want to stop by, you're more than welcome to! and don't worry, you'll have me beside you at all times so I can assure you no one will try to bully you.
kth: [kkt| rosé]: don't worry, I'm not picky when it comes to what food I shove into my mouth. 🙃 [kkt| rosé]: it shouldn't take long, I'll drive there. Parking is a nightmare but I feel like it'll be safer for us? Especially with dispatch always poking their noses around. Not that I'd really care but I'm sure you don't want to get caught up in some huge scandal just for some tacos. [kkt| rosé]: even if they're 4.5 star tacos. When we find a 5 star place is when all bets will be off. [kkt: rosé]: I'm stealing (borrowing) my manager's car so it's less obvious, I'll be there soon- don't miss my bants too much. /Taehyung tossed his phone onto the passenger side seat after hitting send on his last message, promising his manager he wouldn't crash his car for the nth time as he drove off towards the YG building-
pcy: /Augh. That's right.. she can't go around frolicking in broad daylight like she used to. She could- but people could easily recognize her these days, but it helped now that her was darker and less orange creamsicle looking. Should she borrow a hoodie or something?; [ kkt -> bwee ] I'll try not to miss you too much [ ikr -> bwee ] drive safe! /She figured she'd respond to everything you had said prior in person. After hitting send, rosé got up and ran toward the lounge where she was sure there was probably a change of clothes she could wear just in case someone had been keeping a close eye on her today. The last thing she wanted to do was inconvenience him;
kth: /how he'd managed to get his license was a miracle given his short attention span but he figured him not having been in an accident yet, knock on wood, was a good sign that he was doing something right. Finding the YG building was easy enough, but finding a place to park that wouldn't get him weird looks proved to be a tad more difficult. Taehyung contemplated in the car, settling on waiting for her instead of going in- [kkt| rosé]: I made it alive [kkt| rosé]: I'm in the blue car, by the way. A bit off to the left once you step out the door. [kkt| rosé]: I doubt anyone will recognize me but I don't want to get you in trouble! I don't know your company rules about boys and stuff.
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] and just in time too! I'll be right out. if it helps I'm wearing a black baseball cap that says 'bless up' in white lettering on the front.  /and with that, rosé stuffed her phone back into her pocket and headed out the door. In the sea of black, grey, and occasionally a splash of red cars- it wasn't /too/ terribly difficult to locate his car. At least- she /hoped/ it was yours.  After climbing in and locking the door behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief to find him sitting in the driver's seat; oh thank god. I saw maybe two or three blue cars out there and literally did that 'eenie-meenie-miney-mo' thing in my head and picked one. I hope it wasn't too much trouble getting here?
kth: Yes, it's me and not some crazy stalker. No worries. /he shrugged, turning a bit in his seat as he continued to speak to her- Finding it wasn't too bad. Convincing those guards over there that I'm not here to kidnap one of the artists through awkward eye contact was a bit more difficult. So! /he tapped his hands against the steering wheel, his body facing forwards again. Taehyung started to drive, having absolutely no idea where he was going but he'd been in Seoul long enough to know how not to get completely and utterly lost amongst countless similar looking buildings and one way streets- where am I going? Please tell me it's not in the opposite direction. If it is we're going to have to go around the block, oops.
pcy: I mean you could be a cleverly disguised sasaeng for all I know. There are people out there who parade around as different people all the time- I think the term for it is an 'identity theft?' /she was rambling needlessly now or so it felt like. when the car started to move, she instinctively reached for her seat belt and tried to buckle herself in but for the life of her struggled. classic rosé; errr- well I thought 4.5 stars wasn't good enough for you, so we were gonna look for a 5 star one? But honestly, I'm so hungry I could eat anything and anywhere. I'm not even joking..
kth: Oh, you got me! Taehyung is the best looking member so of course I had to pick his identity to steal. /he noted her struggle so he reached one hand over, buckling the seatbelt for her with ease- Sorry about that. I keep telling my manager that this seat belt is constantly trying to kill me by getting stuck at the worst of times. It also hits me in the throat which is just lovely. /he chuckled quietly, eyebrows furrowing slightly at the thought of seeming pretentious- I'm not like that, I'd even eat street food right now. Or any time, I don't think there's anything quite like buying tteokbokki from old ladies outside.
pcy: Best looking member huh..? /she mumbled quietly to herself, still somewhat distracted by the seatbelt that wouldn't go in? But thankfully, he helped strapped her in; Ah- thank you. I was beginning to think that maybe I'm just incredibly unlucky and that your car was silently telling me I should get out and take a hike. /she half-joked. Though the mere image of that seatbelt whacking him had her chuckling some; oh- sorry. I wasn't trying to make it seem like you wouldn't settle for anything less than the best. Poor choice in words, my fault. /she bit her bottom lip out of habit, something she normally did when she was either anxious; If you're still hungry after tacos though, we can stop for some tteokbokki! It's actually my favorite street food. I live and breathe for spicy foods~ /rosé gushed while she fished for her phone once more and typed in the address to that fusion restaurant she had told him about earlier; okay- so make a left up here and drive for three more blocks.
kth: Alright! Left it is then. /he merged into the turning lane, turning off to the left once everything was clear- So, Rosé. Girl with the fancy 'E'. How's life been treating you these days? Aside from preparing for your comeback- I know how stressful that can be. /Taehyung was admittedly not the best when it came to face to face conversation, but he figured asking about her wellbeing was a good place to start given he was actually interested- Where do I go next? Not to interrupt, I just don't want to make us crash by suddenly swerving or something.
pcy: Terrible. I slept through all five of my alarms the other day and it had to be the day YG evaluated us on our performance for this month. /she made a face as the mere memory of it all came flooding back to her; -buuuttt. On the bright side- it was one of the best sleeps I've had in awhile.. I haven't been able to sleep very well sadly- oh- /rosé faced front again, eyes scanning the familiar scenery that lie ahead of them; I /think/ you take a right at this stop sign up here... or was it a left..? /she mumbled that last part under her breath. Perhaps this was why her members always joked that she'd make the worst Siri ever- er human GPS;
kth: Ouch- well, catching up on sleep is worth a scolding or two. Have you been feeling better since then? I bet it was the sleep. /he hummed, deciding on taking the right turn despite the worst word to hear when you don't know where you're going; think. The area didn't look too off, but at this point Taehyung was driving without a clue- You know, if we get lost it might be more fun. I've always wanted to do that whole go somewhere you've never been before thing but knowing me I'll drive into the ocean or something. I don't want to die trying to be an edgy cool Tumblr kid.
pcy: /the brunette got a pretty good laugh out of that and ending up along the ocean front didn't seem too bad. Well- there was a difference between driving INTO and ocean and ending up near one; i don't know about you, but I'm twenty right now and I still have a lot of things I still need to cross off of my bucket list and d r o w n I n g in the middle of the ocean with you is not one of them. I mean- not that I don't want to spend my last moments with you or anything- /And there she goes with the rambling again. Shush rosé shuush; ok I'm just gonna shut up now. /and so she did and distracted herself with her phone, pulling up the directions to the restaurant, ecstatic to learn that they were indeed going in the right direction; Oppa- make a left up at this light and it should be a white building with a black roof to our right!
kth: Don't worry! I'll roll all the windows down before we drive into the water so we have a way to escape. I changed my mind, I don't really feel like dying right now either. But yes ma'am, I'll trust your GPS. /and so they were in the aesthetic part of town full of modern shops, cafes, and restaurants where simplicity was the key to looking sleek and sophisticated. The restaurant was lively and easy to spot, but parking was a different story. After circling the block a few times an opening finally appeared and he wasted no time in pulling into the spot- Ready? I don't mean to be basic but we have to take cool photos around here. We can pretend they're candid but pose on the down low.
pcy: /she could only playfully roll her eyes at how ridiculous he sounded in the moment, but it didn't sound all that bad at all. rosé could feel the anticipation bubbling in the pit of her stomach. she couldn't tell if it was because she was hungry or if it was because she was actually having dinner with Taehyung himself. Out of all of her members, she would've thought she'd be the last person to share this moment with him; It's funny you ask, cuz I was about to suggest the same. And since we're talking photos and posing here, I figured I might as well tell you beforehand that I'm the kind of person who takes pictures of their food before eating it. /she hid her face behind her hands both out of slight embarrassment but also to hide the faint smirk that tugged at the corners of her lips; please feel free to judge me
kth: Truthfully I don't understand people who get annoyed with others when they take a lot of photos. It's like- have fun being bitter for no reason while I have lots of pictures that trigger fond memories. Totally a waste of my time. /he unbuckled his seatbelt, grabbing his phone and his wallet before stepping out of the car. Truth be told Taehyung was excited to see what type of photos Rosé would come up with. The blackpink instagram was filled with countless posts of the girls without a single flaw yet she seemed to always stand out to him the most. He met her on the sidewalk, a giant grin on his lips now that they were finally face to face- Do you want to go eat first? I know you said you didn't eat yet so I feel like we should get some food in you. I know I'm always starving after practice.
pcy: But if you're hungry I could understand why you would be semi-upset. Some people take their sweet time snapping pictures of a single dish. I once had a friend snap so many pictures my lasagna went cold. But it was still good either way! /she exclaimed, climbing out of her seat and stepped out into the street where she stretched her arms high up on the air. she met his gaze, an easy smile spreading across her face; we can if you're hungry! I think I can hold off for another thirty, but I know I'll have more energy after I've eaten. I say this but there are times where I've fallen victim to a food coma aha
kth: I'm the most indecisive person ever. You'll find that out soon enough the more we hang out. /he worried his lower lip between his teeth; a quick look around wouldn't hurt, right? He doubted they'd take more than fifteen minutes to explore their surroundings- We can have a look around, yeah? That way I can think about what kind of tacos I feel like eating. I'm sure you don't want to sit there while I have a mini existential crisis. /they could go left, right, across the street, through the alleyway next to some random pet shop. The options were endless. Taehyung huffed, turning back to Rosé- I don't know where we should go...close your eyes! I'll spin you around and whatever direction you're pointing in when you say stop is where we'll go to be typical nineties babies. /he leaned forward to be at her eye level, playfully squinting- no peeking either, miss.
pcy: But we can't have twoooo indecisive people in the same place at the same time- we'll never get anything dooneee!! /she wailed, making a big show of it by resting a hand against her forehead in a dramatic fashion, the corners of her lips tugging upward some; mmm. I don't know about that- I'm sure the stages of a very distressed Taehyung would be quite entertaining if you ask me. Well- at least for me heh- /his idea didn't seem too terrible and she was about to open her mouth to speak again but couldn't make much of a sound, not when he was inches from her face, but she managed to mirror his action, playfully squinting at him in return; -oh don't worry. I've been told I play fair and follow directions very well. /and with that her eyelids fell shut; I'm ready! Don't spin me too fast-
kth: Too late! You're stuck with me. Maybe. I think. /Taehyung joked, chuckling at how cute her overzealous reactions were. He lolled his head to the, shrugging as he playfully pretended to think- Ah...well, maybe I'll have a mental breakdown just for you. For the bants, of course. All about the bants. /he stood up straight as she closed her eyes, carefully spinning her round and round by her shoulders. People passing by on the sidewalk spared curious glances but he paid them no mind even though the two of them attracting so much attention probably wasn't the smartest idea. He'd take his chances, though; it wasn't everyday you saw Kim Taehyung out in a hoodie, baseball cap, and jeans- Tell me if you feel sick so I can run a bit that way, hah-
pcy: Just for me? Pfft. What did I do to deserve such a generous reward? Save a million lives in my past life? /rosé bit her bottom lip in an attempt to suppress her laughter. man- how long has it been since she'd been able to act this carefree? she wouldn't be able to tell you, but she knew that she would be savoring this moment for as long as she could. he made good company and it was honestly nice forgetting about work related business that had been stressing her out lately; uh I don't think so- if I'm going down, /you're/ coming down with me Tae- I take no prisoners.
kth: That's fair. Though I'd like to think I have an advantage at the moment. You're going to be pretty dizzy, so making an escape will be easy. /he stopped briefly, grabbing her hand in order to twirl her around his finger- it'd be less likely for her to wander into the street this way and he didn't exactly want to be the reason for a blackpink member's hospitalization/ but seriously, I'm glad we're doing this now and not when you've just eaten. THAT, would not be a good idea. A disaster in the making. But hey, I'd hold your hair back for you.
pcy: Honestly, it feels like I'm doing some kind of perpetual dance than anything else. /she mumbled quietly, managing to chuckle some. there was no doubt about it eyes were on them and she half wondered if they should even be doing something like this. again- the last thing she wanted to do was find their names in the news the next morning, not that she would mind- it'd just be troubling for you and she didn't want you to get in trouble or anything because of her; how /generous/ of you... //and after awhile she finally stuck her index finger out, "accidentally" poking his chest; oh. it seems like I've hit an obstacle-
kth: Dang. I think this is the universe trying to tell us something, don't you? Maybe it's saying "make up your mind Kim Taehyung, what the hell", or maybe it's a sign that we should dance? For real. /he spun her around one last time, pulling her into a ballroom position/ But okay I suck at dancing so if I step on your foot I'm sorry. /he chuckled, leading her around on the pavement with random steps that made them look like they were stumbling around rather than what he (sort of) intended/ How do I do this for a living again? Huh.
pcy: /her eyelids fluttered open the second they assumed the classic ballroom position. Her big brown eyes widened in surprise, confusion written in them, but even so she did her best and tried to follow his lead; Yah- what kind of dancing is this even? /she asked through fits of laughter, eyes disappearing into crescents. So much for lying under the radar. Oh well; You know I was wondering the same, but I mean hey- if BigHit thinks you're a great dancer I don't think we should question him. You're a lovely dancer.
kth: At least I haven't stepped on you yet? Plus, we haven't fallen either. I'd call this a success but that's just me. /Taehyung began to dance with her properly, guiding her down the pavement until they reached the corner of the cross walk. Reluctantly he let her go, gaze trailing off to the unexplored territory of the neighborhood they were in. Apparently they were traveling this way, as fate would have it/ hey, that building had a mural on the side of it. We can go take our basic photos over there?
pcy: Key word there is /yet/- /she made sure to emphasize that to him, though she was simply teasing and meant no harm by it. After the last twirl, Rosé caught her balance, curious eyes scanning their surroundings and eventually set on that very mural that captured his interest; Not only are you a great dancer, you seem to have an eye for the arts- /she mused and skipped passed him over to that building she had been looking at; you know- I s never been great at the whole modeling thing- Jisoo and Jennie unnie always have me beat.. how should I pose for this one? Should I be obnoxious and hug the wall like this? /and she does exactly that, pressing her stomach against the wall, arms spread out like a freaking starfish;  cute, right?
kth: It's a recent interest, actually. As of late I've been hitting up as many art museums as I can. The one in Chicago is my favorite so far. Everything there is gorgeous. /he followed suit, laughing at her silly pose/ You know what? That's actually perfect. /in seconds his phone was in his hand and he was snapping pictures of Rosé left and right. His personal opinion was that she was the prettiest in the group, but of course felt it wasn't in his place to say/ wow, I'm spamming you with all these photos of yourself later. You're welcome!
pcy: /rosé was about to comment about his interest in art museums and her members was never really appreciative of stuff like this so it was nice being around someone who did. but before she could even deliver her words, her attention was fixated elsewhere, eyes growing wide in a mix of both surprise and horror he instant his camera flash went off; Yah- what are you doing? Delete those this instant! /she's rushing toward him now and proceeded to make grabby hands for him- well, the phone in his hands, leaving a trail of laughter behind her while she's at it; You mustn't spoil the public with these rare photos Tae. No spamming. No nothing you hear?
kth: /he laughed loudly, wholeheartedly, raising his hands into the air in surrender/ Don't worry, these are for me. Not to be weird or anything- I just like the memories. They're actually cute. Here, take a look. /he held out his phone to Rosé, encouraging her to take the device and flip through his photo gallery/ I kind of feel like I should post something of me to the BTS twitter, but at the same time I don't want to ruin anything or make a mistake. /having a career in a field he loved was everything to him, but the tight restrictions did get irritating. He'd love to share their adventures with the world, but that'd have to wait until another time when it wouldn't potentially ruin their careers/
pcy: /she stood flat on her feet again, calming down some after seeing just how harmless he looked. rosé looked up at him with those big brown eyes of hers, lips forming into a small little pout; I don't think posting anything of you running around town would raise any suspicions. I'll even take the photo for you! Just- don't accidentally upload a photo of me by mistake.. that- might earn me a few antis, nbd. Aha. /she bit her bottom lip in thought for a moment before speaking up again; I probably won't upload anything remotely similar to yours, but I'll upload something to the blackpink Instagram, just show that I'm still alive and hey- my fans know I'm artsy fartsy anyways so I doubt they'd put two and two together. It'll be our little secret! /she chirped, giving his arm a little nudge, playful grin spreading across her face. That's if he wanted to. The pictures he'd taken of her weren't all that bad and he actually surprised her with how well she was photographed too, the light hitting her face just right. Not too much sky, not too much ground, just right; Guard these with your life. I trust you-
kth: These will be my new prized possession. A Kim Taehyung exclusive. They won't see the light of day, trust me. /he raised his left hand, the supposedly giant iPhone 7 plus looking tiny with his fingers wrapped around it, his right hand making an 'X' over his heart to nonverbally reinforce his promise of secrecy/ I'm sure I'm just overthinking things. I'm used to not even looking at people a certain way because fans will come up with countless theories out of thin air. /he laughed a bit, rubbing his nape with his free hand/ c'mon. Let's you and me take a quick photo, yeah? Just because I don't want the world to remember this doesn't mean I don't want to. /the offer was good willed and genuine, but he wouldn't be shocked if she said no. Having something like that could end in disaster; you could ruin your reputation with one wrong 'select' but he had faith in himself to not completely fuck up/
pcy: Pfft. New prized possession.. Taehyung puhleaaaseee.. /she repeated with a playful roll of her eyes. There was no hiding the amusement in her voice. It was there and it honestly  didn't surprise her when he confessed the tricks he had to learn to protect himself from weird rumors. She couldn't blame him- hell she'd even do the same if she were ever in his position; Geez. How terrible. Sometimes I wish reporters, netizens- would all understand that we're just normal people with basic needs, trying to make money to survive. But nah- privacy isn't in their vocabulary when it comes to us.. /she mumbled softly whilst shuffling closer to him. Rosé casually wrapped her arms around his waist in a side hug and moved where it seemed most natural before turning to look up at him; I'll help you burn these clothes later- /'ah- wait.' It took her half a second too late to realize the words that slipped passed her lips came out sounding a lot more suggestive than she had interested and she could feel her face growing warm at the sudden realization; -that came out wrong. I was referring to cooties- mine. My germs. Okay- i think it would be best if i just stopped talking. /Rosé coughed awkwardly and looked up toward the sky, anywhere but into his eyes. 'GG CHAE. GG.;'
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