#taffy swallows x the creature
untitled5071 · 6 months
your taffy and creature quality time was super cute!! i’d absolutely love it if you could do an unrequited love oneshot of taffy falling for the creature whilst trying to help him woo lisa! (it’s okay if you don’t want to!)
This was such an interesting ask, I hope I did it justice! Writing the pining was easy because I, too, am in unrequited love with Creature, as I'm sure most of us are. I hope you enjoy!
If Taffy had to watch them carry on like this for much longer, she would surely go insane. 
She was nestled on the far right end of the couch, Lisa's creature next to her and Lisa on the other side, all of them with their attention turned to the television as The Princess Bride played. 
It had been Taffy's suggestion; she had come home to see Creature (it was the only title that suited him, really, no name seemed to fully fit) trying to woo Lisa with his piano playing skills, and though Lisa was dancing and singing along (and when was the last time Taffy had heard Lisa sing? Had she ever?), it was clear that she was painfully oblivious to the undead man's affections, and would remain so until something was done about it. 
Taffy had stood there, watching Creature's fingers fly across the piano keys and ignoring the clenching in her heart before she decided that she would be the person to do something about this one-sided love, because come on, she was not going to let her sister ignore what was right in front of her.
Especially since Lisa seemed to be the only person who would be lucky enough to hold such a high standard in the corpse's unbeating heart. 
It would be a shame to let that much devotion go to waste. 
So she had loudly declared her presence (making both of them jump) and dictated that they should have a movie night, giving the other two no room to protest as she strode over to the television and turned it on, inviting them both to join her on the couch as she found the perfect movie. 
The second she saw Cary Elwes’ face, she knew there was only one correct choice of feature film for the evening. 
She snuck a glance at the two of them during the Shrieking Eels scene and saw that they were both totally entranced, Lisa by the movie Taffy knew she secretly loved and Creature by the fact that he was watching something as wonderous as a movie in general. 
As Buttercup was rescued, Taffy took a second to examine the reanimated corpse sitting next to her; he looked–for lack of a better word–more human than he had when she had first stumbled upon him, save for the stitched-on features she refused to think about the origins of and some intense purple eye bags. His hair flopped over on the right side of his head in dark waves that by all accounts should not look as soft as they did, and his eyes were a deep, intelligent blue, brimming with emotion and complexity as he watched the Man in Black scale the Cliffs of Insanity. 
She was sick of trying to pretend like she was still in denial about the feelings she had for him. 
In all honesty, it shouldn't even be a possibility; he was rotting in the ground not too long ago, and now he was sitting on the couch next to her, his knee slightly knocking into hers and making her heart flutter with every brush of contact. She was very much not into necrophilia, but the corpse to her right was so undeniably and deeply human despite his subzero body temperature that she couldn't help it. 
And his very obvious and intense emotional intelligence weren't making things any easier. 
Anyone with any sense regarding love could see how deeply smitten he was with Lisa. Well, everyone save for Lisa herself. He listened to her, really listened to her in a way that no one had since her mom had died (as much as Taffy tried, she knew she lacked a bit in that regard), and she could see the positive effect it was having on her introverted stepsister. Taffy has never seen her so empowered and talkative, and it was all thanks to the strange creature that had broken into their home.
Despite herself, Taffy wanted someone like that in her life. 
She wanted him. 
But alas, it was not to be, and as they watched the Man in Black enter into a battle of wits with the arrogant Vizzini to reclaim the princess, she saw Lisa lean her head on Creature's shoulder, and the cadavear blushed as much as a corpse could, and it didn't take a genius to see how much the simple gesture meant to the lovesick man. 
Suddenly feeling very restless, Taffy stood up from the couch, answering the inquiring looks from the two still on the couch with a dismissive arm wave and a smile. 
“I don't know where my manners were, we can't have a movie without snacks! You guys just hang tight, I'll be right back. Don't worry about pausing it, I've got this part memorized.”
She flashed another carefully rehearsed smile at the pair before hurrying off to the kitchen before either of them could answer or let her know what they wanted, separating herself from their clueless display. 
She busied herself with gathering a large bowl and setting some Jiffy-pop on the stove, and as it started to heat up she took a moment to give herself one of her famous pep talks, her voice drowned out by the creschendo of popping on the stove.
“C'mon Taff, you've got to get it together. You could have any guy you wanted, everyone says so. You've got a reputation to maintain, you can't go falling for a pathetic Victorian man who is very obviously and very permanently in love with your sister. And she deserves it; she hasn't been happy in a long time, and he's going to be able to give that to her, if she ever notices his very obvious hints. The good thing to do is just stay behind and let them have each other. They deserve that, at least. He's not for you.”
She sighed, giving the pan one last shake as if to shake herself out of the feelings she hadn't meant to fall into. When she spoke again, her voice was quiet and solem, secret as her heartache. 
“He's not for you.”
She poured the finished popcorn into the bowl and took a deep breath to center herself just like she did before any cheer routine, though somehow walking back into the room with Lisa and the Creature felt more daunting than being thrown into the air by her fellow cheerleaders. 
When she returned to the living room, a distraught Buttercup was squaring up with her latest captor now, and he revealed herself to be her beloved Westley with his cry of “As You Wish” as he stumbled down the ravine he was pushed into. Naturally, Buttercup flung herself in after him, and they landed at the bottom together as lovers reunited. 
And on the couch, Lisa was still pressed against the Creature, both of their eyes soft as they watched Westley rush to hold Buttercup. 
Her presence still unknown to the pair, Taffy pretended she didn't see the way Creature’s head turned the tiniest bit as if he wanted to kiss Lisa on the forehead, but decided against it. 
Westley's voice rang out from the TV, his tone even but his sincerity immense. 
“Death can not stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.”
It was almost too much; from her hidden spot in the threshold, Taffy saw Lisa and the Creature exchange a meaningful glance, both looking away and blushing as the two figures onscreen leaned in for a kiss. 
Taffy took that as her cue.
She strolled her way back into the room, plopping herself down and offering the bowl to her two companions while promptly ignoring the ache in her heart. 
Lisa deserves this. Taffy would just have to be content to find her own happiness somewhere else, even if it pained her.
It's what a good sister would do, after all. 
“So, who wants popcorn?”
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manwholovescabins · 5 months
thinking about how the heart-shaped gravestone with flowers on it was 100% chosen by taffy. and then the creature added “beloved wife” and took care of it despite her not being truly dead. lisa’s grave is just a monument of love.
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creaturedefender · 6 months
here’s what the lisa frankenstein blu ray looks like!
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we’re getting deleted scenes and a gag reel…. and more… 😻 available for pre order now, released on april 9th!
source: amazon
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scinnahunbun · 7 months
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Obsessed with this movie ❤️
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th3d0nutl0rd · 7 months
Okay but I was thinking about Lisa Frankenstein earlier (I'm never not) and I had a thought; at the end of the movie, Taffy was obviously confused by the 'beloved wife' carving, but it occurred to me that she probably knew it was the creature; from her perspective she'd seen her sister change clothing style, become more extroverted and more confident in herself, the telltale signs of a highschool romance, right? But she'd also been told BY Lisa that she'd been visiting the cemetery and had a favourite grave- one belonging to a young man.
Her next run-in with the creature after that is when he follows Lisa into Michael Trent's room, and cuts off his dick. Then Lisa shoves Taffy into her car, chasing the creature to the graveyard and huffing stuff like "ugh I bet he's here." (Or something along those lines) And gives her a lecture promptly before chasing the creature off into the cemetery with an axe.
So I think Taffy's confusion stems more from a "wait- they've only known each other for like, a day." Or "just how long has this guy been back from the dead?" Or even if she didn't realise he was the guy from the graveyard it would be- "there's still a murderous lunatic on the loose because he's carved this in my sister's headstone." Ykwim????!?!? Anyway that's my two cents
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illusbyliz · 4 months
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Lisa Frankenstein stickers~ starring Lisa and the Creature. I watched this movie with my bf weeks ago and I thought it was the cutest horror rom-com I've ever seen. Def one of my favs now!!
Available in my Etsy shop today: https://etsy.me/3X5hTSh
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z0mbiebrid3 · 2 months
Some Lisa Frankenstein drawings i made over the past two months :3
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saecoyle · 7 months
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angel-sweets666 · 4 months
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Chapter 2 The creature x fem!reader
warnings! Murder, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of sex and a author who hasn’t actually watched the movie because it’s not streaming in Australia 😭😭
A/n CHAPTER TWO IS OUTTT (read chap one here) UGHHH, I’m sorry I’m not the best writer I feel like i rush things but I am learning, I’m going to try and release more fanfiction with more fandoms so it’s not all Lisa Frankenstein <3
It had been a few days since you and The creature had smashed Janet’s head into a sewing machine and cut off her ear to use it for his own purposes, taffy and your father were none the wiser! They think she is at a work trip. You walked downstairs in a lacy tank top, sweat pants and your hair in a messy scrunchie bun. Taffy giggled up at you “don’t tell mom but… it’s actually nice when she’s gone.. right dad?” She smiled warmly over to the other side of the table were your father was standing “uh… yeah.. it’s quiet” he said as he sipped his morning coffee and holding up the newspaper. You pulled the chair out and sat down “so uh… have we heard from her?” You questioned, acting clueless “nope! Must be realllll busy” taffy smiled innocently, not knowing the true fate of her mother. You bit your lip and nodded “mhm… yep…” you acted as normally as you possibly could; knowing you had murdered someone, or rather you were the accomplice to a murder. You used your manicured fingernails to tap on the table, making clicking noises “ah I love your nails! See it’s so nice to look after yourself” taffy giggled as she ate a strawberry “oh uh.. yeah..” you were awfully quiet…. “You okay? Your acting funny” taffy’s dark eyebrows furrow, her once bubbly smile dropping “oh I’m just.. worried about uh.. mom..” taffy’s eyes lit up “AWWWW, it’s okay I bet she’s okay..” she rubbed your back to “comfort” you.
Once the breakfast was over you rushed to go back upstairs and to your room, the sounds of your feet against the carpet made a pitter patter as you rushed up the carpet “ughhh! What do I do?!” You yelped to the creature, he grunted and his body twisted towards you, making a sickening cracking sound from his rusty and old joints “okay.. ew… anyways, are you sure they won’t find the body?” You asked frantically, he groaned and slowly nodded; making a familiar cracking noise from his neck. “Are you sure sure?” You pressed. The creature seemed annoyed with your constant worrying about being caught. He grabbed your shoulders and held you in place, looking at you with a ‘it’s fine’ look. You sighed and began to count to ten in an attempt to calm yourself down “1….2….3….4….5… oh god… 6…7….8…9…” inhale “10…. Im calm… I’m very calm… I’m very very calm…” you sighed and leaned onto the creatures chest, noticing the lack of heart beat “oh.. yeah… your dead.. you.. you don’t have a heartbeat huh..?” You looked up at him, his somewhat stiff face looked back down at you as he grumbled in an attempt to say “yes”. Your shoulders slumped as you sighed, leaning back onto his “that’s… that’s okay..” you smiled and closed your eyes, for a dead man… he was oddly comforting…
the next morning…
you opened the closet door to find him against the wall, asleep. “Hey buddy..” you smiled and woke him up “I uh… I have an idea!” You smiled to the now stirred zombie man. The creature grumbles, tilting his head to the side “well.. remember how I went to that party the other day..?” You tried to jog his foggy memory, in hopes despite his heart not working, that his brain still worked! The creature nodded again, but it was slow and stiff due to the fact he was fresh out the tomb. “And remember how that Doug guy kept grabbing me and hitting on me and ended up yk.. sexually assaulting me..?” You asked him quietly and he nodded again “I think… we might just have a hand donor!” You looked down at the creatures “nub” which was where his hand mustve been in the 1830s. The creatures face lit up the best of its ability, you slowly walked over to the pink landline phone laying on your wooden table. Dialing a couple numbers then placing your phone to your ear
“Hello doug..? I was wondering if maybe, we could go on a walk with me today or tomorrow..?”
“yeah! Of course beautiful”
you grinned to the creature as a good sign, you suddenly put on your acting skills “oh thank you Doug… what time today?” You said as you twirled the cord around “2:30? Too easy. See you then~~”
“Hey… I’m so glad you came..” you said breathily to Doug, he smiled to you. You two started walking together in the woods as he grabbed your hand, you swiftly pulled your hand away from his hand “w-what you don’t wanna hold my hand..?” He seemed surprise that you didnt want to be romantic with him at all.“I… just wanna show you something” you said as you began to speed walk ahead of him. “Hey wait up!” He yelped, you slowly bushed some old bushes away to show him the bachelors grove cemetery. “This is my uh.. this is my spot!” You smiled and giggled as you held your hand out to him to follow you into the cemetery and to be honest he looked wary “r-really? A cemetery?” He stuttered, looking up at the metal sign…but by the time he lowered his head to look back at you; you were already way ahead of him. Little did he know the creature was waiting for him with a axe in one hand and a shovel in the other. Once Doug catched up to you, you acted clueless for a while, not even listening to his ranting about you and how pretty you were, as you looked over the thorny bushes you could see a head of curly hair, the creatures head of curly hair to be exact. The dirt and leaves crunched beneath your feet as you and Doug walked closer and closer to Doug’s future grave. The deep hole you and the creature had dug for him this morning waiting for him. Doug didnt even get to finish one of his many sentences before you violently shoved him into the hole, he screamed like a little girl “w-what?! *name* who’s this?! what.. what’s he doing?! Oh god…” he began to violently scream as the undead man hacked his hands off and then just began to swing the axe at him. Repeated blows turning Doug’s body into nothing but skin tissue and blood. You smiled as you finally got the revenge for the assault you faced at the hands of that grubby little boy.. you slowly climbed into the dirt hole and grabbed one of Doug’s bloody and amputated hands and held it up to the creatures wrapped up nub he once called his wrist “it’ll work” you shrugged and smiled to him, throwing the hand into a plastic bag with a uncomfortable thud.
The blue thread weaves in and out of the creatures skin, as you sewed the hand to him. Finishing up the last stitches “how’s that feel..? Handy?” You giggled, he didnt make a noise back “right yeah.. we gotta electrocute ya don’t we?” You smiled warmly to him, he seemed to have grown to you as a great comfort in your life. You had been miserable since the death of your mother and now.. the creature filled that void in some ways, he wasn’t your mother but he certainly was something. “Let’s go get ya zapped up huh..?” You went to go play with the curls in his hair “hm?” He grumbled and leaned into your hand “hey.. you’re actually pretty cute…” you muttered only to go a pink shade “w-what? Nobody said anything.” You tried to cover up what you said as you helped him up and down the stairs to the tanning bed. The creature stumbled into the tanning bed room, and laid down into the bed. You fidgeted around with the crank again until you could turn it on and close the magenta lid. You waited almost 15 minutes for him! A ear would take 5 minutes to attach, so a hand.. a whole limb! Must take longer right..? When the 15 minutes were up, the familiar ‘ding!’ Noise rang in your own ears, you jumped in surprise and quickly rushed to the tanning bed to see if it worked. Not only did it work, but it did something else. It made him look more…. Human. His face looked more alive and he had now grown eyebrows, a feature he lacked before. “Woah..” he looked at you, equally as surprised! You pulled him up so he sat up in the tanning bed, he looked at his new hand and attempted to wiggle it, the fingers wiggled and you gasped, clapping your hand excitedly “it worked! You have a hand, can you talk now?” Instead of trying to speak like you were suggesting, the creature stood up and offered his hand to you like men did back in the 1800s when they wanted to dance with a woman “no no.. I can’t dance” you turned away and before you knew it, he grabbed you and yanked you backwards towards him. You yelped in surprise, then looked up at his smiling face.
The creature spun you around, grabbed you by your waist and hand then kept slow dancing with you in the back yard.. you blushed deeply and leaned onto his chest. He bowed you down then brought you back up and once again, kept twirling and dancing; the green grass making a slight noise with each step, it felt so romantic… the hand that was originally on your waist reached to play with the scrunchie in your hair, and the curling iron curls in your hair. “W-what are you doing..?” You looked up at him, he made a hum noise “we.. we should go inside.. it’s getting cold…” you suggested, shivering against him.. he nodded slowly and ushered you inside; holding you firmly and securely by your waist, treating you like your made of porcelain…
You took him upstairs, into your warm cozy room. “Should we find you some cozy clothes..? I’ll let you lay in bed with me…” you said sweetly to him, his face lit up “mhm..” you smiled and then walked into the closet, looking around for a pair of pyjamas that would fit him, and you successfully found some old Christmas pyjamas “here you go!” You tossed it to him then ushered him into the closet, he stumbled out in the Christmas pyjamas “awe how cute!” You squealed and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around you, then you pulled away “oh wait I gotta get into my own pyjamas…. Don’t peek” you scolded him and he smiled, the creature sitting down on your bed. You put on a lacy night gown and placed your hair in braids with ribbons on the end and to finish it off, frilly cozy socks. “Tada!” You bursted out the closet, pretending to hold a fashion show for him, he tried ti laugh but it sounded more like a wheeze… oh yea… he’s dead. You laid into bed with him. You and him spent hours talking.. or rather, you talking and him making noises due to his lack of tongue. “If I’m going to die… I don’t want to die a virgin…” you said quietly, and he chocked on his own spit “what! Did you die a virgin..?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him, “tsk…” the creature let out “your not gonna tell me..?” He shook his head “I tell you everything
he sighed
and held up one finger
a/n that’s the end of todays chapter! I would write part 3 but I’m honestly too lazy😖😖
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bigforeheadbaddie · 7 months
feel like it would’ve been a great jawbreaker (another colorful, dark teen comedy) reference for lisa to have said something along the lines of everything being “peachy keen” to taffy when she’s freaking out about her mom missing. especially since the peach rings are so significant to the movie!!
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bright sunshine day~
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the lack of sleep has fueled the fixation
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untitled5071 · 6 months
your drabble of taffy meeting the creature earlier on the film makes me want to see those two being friends. but also taffy realising the creature likes lisa but lisa is too focused on michael to notice. catch her putting some colour on his face and painting his nails. she makes him watch romantic films to give him ideas on how to win lisa over
I'm glad you liked the last one! I have no idea of you meant for this to be a request but I took it as one anyway, please enjoy some Creature/Taffy bonding time!
“Okay, the next thing we have to work on is your nails, because no offense, but judging by these cuticles I can absolutely tell that you were in the ground for a century and a half.”
The corpse across from her grunted in indignation, but the effect was skewed by the blush that dusted his cheeks and the fluffy pink scrunchie that was currently holding his hair back. 
Taffy rolled her eyes teasingly and held out her hand, gesturing for the creature to give her his. He complied, and she grabbed the manicure kit she had gotten for Christmas the year before and got to work, pushing his cuticles back gently and cleaning up his nail beds as best she could while her TV announced the next music video it would be playing behind her.
They were sitting on the floor of Taffy’s bedroom; Lisa had gone out for a snack run and left her step sister alone with her secret undead companion, and Taffy hadn’t hesitated to use the opportunity to give the creature in her sister’s closet some much-needed pampering.
 He had protested the idea until Taffy had told him it would make him look more presentable for Lisa, and soon he was reluctantly sitting cross-legged in front of her on her bright teal carpet while Taffy tried and failed to find a foundation shade that matched his pallid skin. 
The process of applying makeup hadn’t lasted long since the creature wanted to remain as natural (unnatural?) as possible, and soon Taffy was taking his hand in hers and applying a base coat of nail polish onto his left hand while he watched curiously. Her TV was tuned into MTV, and she could see Creature stare at it for short bursts at a time before looking away, slightly overwhelmed by the colors, sounds and images he was being exposed to for the first time. 
Taffy hummed along as she fixed up his nails, and when she finished up the left hand she mimed blowing on it and told him to copy her, which he did as she moved onto the right hand, ignoring the stitches as she got started. 
A few minutes of silence lapsed between them; the creature was probably still a little unsure of whether or not he should be hanging around with her; they had a shaky introduction, but he seemed harmless enough to Taffy and she was just happy that someone was around for her sister in a way she herself had never quite been able to despite her best efforts, so he was okay in her book. And Taffy was clearly the family member that Creature had the least amount of disdain towards, so they had formed a tentative friendship, one that Taffy was currently trying to strengthen with this little makeover. 
Deciding to break the silence, she looked up into the corpse’s bewildered eyes and smiled, tearing him away from his staring contest with Billy Idol in the “Rebel Yell” music video.
“Don’t even think about getting bleached, buddy. Blonde would not be a good look for you.”
He grunted again, slightly offended, but she waved him off.
“Let’s rap. When did you first get the hots for Lisa?”
His grunt pitched up in surprise, and he gave her a look that was somehow sheepish, guilty and mortified all at once. 
“Dude, it’s totally obvious. You aren’t subtle AT ALL, I think everyone but Lisa herself can see that you’re totally smitten.”
His cheeks darkened under the artificial blush she had given him, and she nodded sagely. 
“Told you. So, when did it happen? When you got reanimated?”
The creature shook his head and pointed out an arched path with his left hand. 
“Oh, before? When you were still in the ground?”
He nodded, and Taffy whistled, impressed. 
“Damn, that’s some dedicated crush. Who knew grave tending was such a good way to meet guys?”
The creature snorted out a laugh, and Taffy raised a well-plucked eyebrow inquisitively. 
“So when are you going to tell her that you’re head over heels, huh? Frankly I think she should have noticed ages ago, but she’s always needed a bit more help in matters of love than most people and she won’t take my word for it, so you’re probably going to have to do some show and tell before she gets it.”
He hummed distractedly, his blush still very much present as he thought about ways to woo Taffy’s stepsister. She finished up his right hand and took his left again, his brow sill deeply furrowed in thought as she picked up the bottle of black nail polish that she had gotten for the Miss Tristate Teen Halloween pageant and began applying it to his now-dry nails. 
“I can practically hear the wheels turning in your head, you know. If you need any help we can go raid her VHS collection, I know she’s got some rom coms in there that you could get some inspiration from.”
He groaned in agreement, eyebrows still scrunched together. Taffy rolled her eyes fondly at the lovesick, oblivious idiot in front of her. 
“But you know, you probably don’t need much help. She may not realize it yet, but I can tell she’s got feelings for you, too. I don’t have to be an I.P. for that, I just know. I haven’t seen her talk or smile this much since I met her, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that she’s turning heads in the hallway. That’s all you, and I’m sure she’ll realize it eventually. Just so long as you keep doing what you’re doing and practically worshiping the ground she walks on, she’ll figure it out. I promise.”
She switched to his other hand as the creature absorbed her words, and when she looked up he grunted, the words lost but the message clear. 
Thank you. 
She beamed at him. 
“You’re welcome. Just don’t break her heart, or else I’m going to put you back in the ground for good this time, okay?”
She said it brightly, but her eyes were anything but joking. Creature’s own widened in turn and he shook his head vigorously and with complete conviction. Taffy nodded, satisfied. 
“Now hold still or you’re going to mess me up.”
The corpse complied, letting Taffy get back to work. She hummed along to the music video playing behind her, and she was just about to put the finishing touches on his thumb when the front door opened and shut under them, and the sound of combat booted feet trampling up the stairs caught their attention. A few seconds later, Lisa poked her head into Taffy’s bedroom door, arms laden with candy bags and eyes bright. 
“Oh, hey guys! Are you doing makeovers?”
“Yep! Come join us, though I should warn you I require payment for my services in the form of Bottlecaps.”
Lisa smiled and walked into the room, handing the previously mentioned candy to Taffy before plopping down next to her corpse, patting the top of his head before taking a look at the spread of self-care items before them. 
While Lisa was absorbed in her examinations, Taffy absolutely did not miss the absolutely adoring eyes the creature was turning her way, nor the way his longing practically radiated off of him in waves. She grinned, and the corpse looked up and caught her eye. She winked at him and gave him a quick double thumbs-up out of Lisa’s view, and his eyes widened, before he relaxed slightly and gave her a shy, conceding smile. 
The moment was interrupted by Lisa straightening, her hands wrapped around the same bottle of nail polish Taffy had just finished using on the Creature. 
“Oooh, can you do mine? I didn’t even know you had black in your collection and I’m awful at doing my own right hand.”
Taffy smiled, utterly delighted at the idea of helping her sister out with a fresh coat of paint. She stretched out her hand and Lisa took it, fingers spread as she bounced a little. The goth looked over at her undead companion as Taffy began painting, and when she noticed his nails her smile widened. 
“Hey, look at that. We’re gonna match!”
He beamed at her in turn, his devotion lined in every crease of his face, and Lisa scooted slightly closer to him, their thighs pressed together. 
Taffy turned her attention to her work, just barely keeping the smile off of her own face. 
They’ll figure it out. Eventually. 
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The Hand That Grips the Ax - moonbunnyblues - Lisa Frankenstein (2024) [Archive of Our Own]
Senior year had turned out to be, like, a total major bummer. 
First, there was the whole drama of Dale and Lisa moving in to begin with. And while Taffy had been excited, ecstatic, even, at the idea of them, the reality of moving two people into a new home was always going to be a bit of chaos. That was fine. This wasn’t her mother’s first husband, after all. It was the first one who had come with a kid, though, and Taffy had been all bubbly nerves and excitement the first time the very quiet Lisa had stood in the middle of what would be her new room, and had only softly said, “it’s very. Pink.”
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chasingpj · 3 years
“Don’t be snarky with me, little girl.”
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 12,757
warnings: same old brujeria, mentions of potential death, uh, I think that's it
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story, click here
a/n: hi hi! this chapter was way overdue! I decided to just post it now because if i continue to edit this, you guys won't get it until the weekend. i hope you guys like it and that the length makes up for the month-long hiatus!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine
A sharp gasp leaves your lips as you jolt up into a seated position. Your eyes scan your surroundings as they adjust to the darkness. Echoes of water dripping in the distance fill in the stillness of the giant cavern ahead of you. You notice the high ceilings and the wall behind you, giving you the only option but to go forward. Gravel digs into your palms as you move to stand, stumbling as your weak legs find the strength to hold you up.
"What? How-?"
"Hello.” A gravelly voice calls with the appearance of a tall, thin figure near the many curved entrances around you. Your pulse thumps loud in your ears, your senses heightening with your adrenaline. What was in front of you vaguely reminded you of Jack Skellington, a black suit and all but with features that attempted to appear human but are uncanny. Its face is long and slim with wide beady bulging eyes. A smile, where the ends of its mouth hike up too high on its cheek, is plastered, quite literally across its face. As its head tilts to the side with a creaky motion, you don’t notice your mouth hanging open, unable to find the words.
This could be no one else but Insammon. Perhaps, his description in the spellbook was empty because he was too creepy to draw, or you consider that no one made it out alive to be able to.
“Why, don’t look so surprised.”
You tense up at the sound of its voice, vaguely masculine, but its gruffness leaves no room for warmth, sends a spike of chills up your spine, and you force yourself to look away from him.
“I just wanted to talk. Perhaps, we can strike a deal.”
You furrow your eyebrows, a deal? A pit in your stomach forms, having a bad feeling about this. Whatever this deal was, you were well aware that you won’t have much say in it. You open your mouth to ask what he wanted, but you’re interrupted.
“You’re probably wondering what I want from you.” The wicked, wide grin remains on his face as if it was stuck while he begins to pace back and forth from the ends of the entrance. “I will be straightforward with you since I’m quite eager to get what I want. Would you like to know what that is?”
You gawk, too distracted at the clunky way he walks to say anything. With a slow nod of your head, he halts, arms crossed over his chest, and he stands taller than before. “I want you to make me a vessel.” Your face scrunches in confusion; your mind too overwhelmed at the situation at hand. “Like a ship?” You ask, that being the first thing that came to mind. Why the hades does he need a ship?
“No, you imbecile!” He hisses, and you jump, his loud voice bouncing off the stone walls and through the empty hallways. “A body! A suit to host my spirit. I’m sick of hiding in the shadows,” he scoffs, shaking his head as his eyes look miles away. “It’s boring.” The sudden softening of his tone took you aback. Was this demon pouting? You didn’t think you’d ever see that. “Boring?” You ask cautiously, his wide grin flipped into a long frown. “Yes, boring! It makes my attack strategy so… limited!” He scoffs and rolls his eyes, which looked more like googly eyes, one eye turning in the opposite direction of the other. “I want slow-burn torture. I want to be perceived as a human, gaining the trust of you naive creatures before I attack,” he sighs, with a dreamy expression on his face.
You shake your head, his suggestion absurd. “I’m not making you a body. I-I’ve never done that before.” “Oh, but you can,” he says confidently, and he steps closer in your direction, your legs instinctively stepping back to maintain the distance. “And you will.” He declares, his eyebrow bone raising, seemingly amused at your retreat.
“You see, you and your siblings weakened me for days after casting that pathetic protection spell. And then you put those awful little sigils all over the place. I couldn’t get in anywhere! I had to stay in that forest and recollect my powers,” he proclaims like a damsel in distress. “You’re more than powerful enough to make me that body, and if you refuse, I will simply take over yours.” “But-” “Though I do prefer more of a masculine appearance,” he sighs, eyes returning to bore into yours. “I could take over your brother’s body, that is, if he survives my presence.” “What do you mean if he survives?” You ask, your heart sinking to your chest. The last thing you wanted was Atticus in trouble. If he were in this situation, you’d be freaking out for sure. You were much too protective of him, and though this situation sucks, you’d rather it be you than him. “If he survives like you are right now,” he clarifies, his eyes looking you up and down with suspicion. “It’s quite impressive. I didn’t expect your fragile human body to be able to host me, but I figured it was worth a shot if I can get what I want.” The crease between your eyebrows deepens as he continues to speak. You consider that you could have easily died if he had overtaken you, but why hadn’t you? You shake your head, pushing the thoughts to the back of your mind. You had more things to worry about right now.
“For something you deem as fragile, you seem quite determined to receive it,” you say through a clenched jaw, trying to remain unphased as he leans forward, his upper body extending like taffy. He halts once his face is inches away from yours, giving you no choice but to look into his bulging eyes as they study you.
He was trying to scare you so that the emotion could fuel his strength. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of scaring you, maintain your emotionless face but the pounding pulse from your neck gave you away.
“Don’t be snarky with me, little girl. Agree to make me a vessel, or I stay in yours. I’m willing to give up a masculine appearance if I can keep your sturdy body.” You take a deep breath, your eyes faltering away from his face as you turn to look to the side. From this close, you notice his ghastly pale skin is like leather pulled tight over the structure of his features and how his grin reveals an empty mouth. “I-” you open your mouth, but you close it. You didn’t want to give in, but what choice did you have? To overpower something like this on your own would be impossible. Besides, it’ll be even more work for Lou and Atticus. You knew if he officially took over your body, you may not survive the process of them casting him out.
Anyway, it was just a body…
You wipe your fidgeting hands on your shorts, your thoughts jumping around, trying to find a way out of this. One-half of you didn’t want to agree. How could you aid an entity like this to allow him to wreak more havoc on his victims? And then another part of you figured it wouldn’t matter to you because if you give in, he’ll leave the camp. “It’s just a body,” Insammon whispers, fueling one side of the argument. He circles you, a bitter cold nipping at your skin as he remains close. Your arms wrap around your frame, and you swallow hard. “Fine,” you utter through a clenched jaw.
“Good choice-” “BUT,” you shout, your posture straightening as you find the courage to face him. If he wants it so bad, perhaps, you could get more out of this deal than him not possessing you. “Only on the promise that you will leave camp and never bother me, my family, or any half-blood ever again.”
A chuckle leaves his lips, standing up tall as if he was mimicking you. “Whatever,” he waves his hand as he begins to pace in front of you. “After I’m human, my pool of people to torture will broaden. I’ll take your silly terms.” “Swear on the River Styx.” “Oh. I guess you’re not as dense as I thought you were. The little girl knows how to make a deal,” he mocks, throwing his head back as he lets out a laugh, the sound so fabricated to sound human to the point where it sounded robotic.
“Swear on it.” Your fist clenches on your side, annoyed at his mocking. “You have to swear to make my body first.” “I have more to lose if I don’t make you the body, so you should go first,” you remark.
The way he lowers his glare and how his eyes manically brighten told you that he was well aware of the dilemma he has put you in. “Fair enough.” He clears his throat. “I swear on the River Styx that I will leave you, your family, and any half-blood at this camp,” he whines obnoxiously in an attempt to mimic your voice, his hands thrown upon his side dramatically. “if you make me my body,” he adds quickly in his normal tone. “Your turn.”
You weren’t sure where the exit to the outside was, but you were still able to hear a roaring of thunder, binding him to his words officially. You swallow hard, a bunch of worries filling your head. You’ve never sworn on the River Styx before. What if you weren’t powerful enough to do the spell? Will you be punished for your lack of ability to fulfill the promise?
Insammon waits for you to speak your promise, his hands making a motion as if to hurry up.
“I swear on the River Styx that I will make you a body,” you mutter, cringing as the thunder rolls again. Now, failing to keep your promise is not an option for you anymore. You may be motivated by false confidence, but you decide that you can and will do the spell. You have to. Faintly, the distant chanting of Atticus and Lou Ellen rings in your head, and you groan, simultaneously crouching forward as Insammon growls.
“That stupid spell,” he snarls, his long fingers rolling into a fist. You blink erratically, your vision suddenly going blurry and your head becoming too heavy on your shoulder. As he approaches you slowly, you whimper, dropping to your hands and knees as the world feels like it's spinning
“When I leave your body, you stop them. Do you understand? If you don’t, I will repossess you,” he articulates carefully, and you can only lift your head just enough to see the fronts of his dress shoes.
The ringing drowned out his voice in your ears, and you felt nauseous as the pressure in your head felt like someone was squeezing your skull.
“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” You whine, startled at the booming of his voice that sounds over the ringing in your ears with ease. “Yes,” you whisper, your arms giving out on you, and you lay on your back, eyes straight up at the blurry cave ceiling before Insammon hovers over you. The haze of your surroundings turns white, casting a halo around his face and he gives you one last empty mouthed grin. “Good. Now brace yourself, little girl. This is going to hurt.” A cackle leaves his lips before the white overtakes his face, and the ringing in your ears grows incredibly loud.
Percy watches Atticus and Lou Ellen draw a pentagram in the middle of the cabin with salt. Their movements are hasty, words sparse as they eagerly prepare the spell to get this thing out of you. He bites on the skin of his bottom lip; the longer you remain unconscious, the tenser he and your siblings become. Percy had asked if he could help with anything, but Lou and Atticus shook their heads and insisted that he remained at your side, which didn’t make him feel partially useful. But he complied, considering it was best to stay out of the way, and though they didn’t ask him to, his shaky fingers rested gently on the side of your wrist, making sure that your pulse continued to thump against his fingertips.
A grumble from Ambrose catches his attention, and he finds himself looking back at your face. You hadn’t moved at all in the last hour or so, and you started to pale; your shallow breaths and faint pulse are the only sign of life you gave off.
“Okay, we’re ready,” Atticus gulps as he holds a spellbook open in his hand. Lou Ellen exchanges a look with Atticus, the two nodding at each other before she looks over at Percy,
“You should probably stand with us. I don’t know what its choice of departure will be.”
Percy furrowed his eyebrows, unsure what that meant, but he figured he’d find out regardless. He nods, focusing on your pulse one last time. Though shallow, your pulse remained steady. He was no doctor, but he considered that a good sign. After establishing that you were still alive, he stands up, stepping over your body and walking over to Lou and Atticus, who quickly move to stand in front of him.
“Ready?” Atticus croaks with a shaky voice, his eyes glancing over the words of the spell as Lou Ellen stands tall and nods, “Ready.”
It was quiet for a moment, Percy shifting on his feet as Atticus raised one finger at a time until he reached his third. After a deep breath, they chanted, “Exorcizamus te, immundus spiritus, malignus potestas, incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica…”
As they got through the first stanza of the spell, Percy could hear the gradual loss of confidence in both Lou Ellen and Atticus’s voices. He could tell from the way her violet aura and Atticus’s blue one had flickered as it shrunk into their bodies.
He wasn’t sure how an actual exorcism worked, but if it was like the movies, he was bracing himself for some floating, a scary voice that isn’t yours to come from your mouth, and some thrashing. But none of that happened as your siblings recited the spell further; you just remained still.
Dread fills Percy’s core, and he frowns, “Come on, y/n,” he mutters to himself, eyes searching for some movement before he found it.
Your eyes flung open, wide and alert, and with a sharp gasp, your back arched as the black vapor escaped from where it had penetrated you in the chest like a thick control stream of smoke. Percy winces as a strained cry of agony leaves your lips, your eyes watering as they’re fixed right at the ceiling.
Atticus’s voice becomes strained, hand flying up to clutch his chest as his heart feels like it’s being wrung out like a towel. The pain is so intense that he can’t even imagine how much you feel, but he persists, keeping his focus on the spell.
Soon, the vapor finally leaves your body, forming the familiar figure in the corner of the room.
You sob, the burning in the chest so potent that your vision still blurred white. You turn to your side, barely able to lift your head from Ambrose's body, let alone your body.
“Stop,” you command weakly, your tears dripping on the floor as you attempt to lift your upper body. The chanting of Atticus and Lou drowns out your voice, the two more focused on casting Insammon away.
Your eyes meet Percy’s as he peers over Lou Ellen’s shoulder to look at you. He couldn’t hear what came out of your mouth, but he could tell you needed to stay something. “Guys,” he calls softly, afraid to interrupt them as the look on your face grows more panicked. He wasn’t sure if they had heard him, but if they did, they didn’t pay any mind.
You needed to get them to stop, Insammon growling even louder, and you try not to sob at the idea of doing this possession thing again. Your pulse thumped erratically in your ears, and you let out a weak breath, gathering the last bit of energy you had left. “STOP!”
Your voice bellowed louder than you had expected, effectively silencing your siblings. You had to blink a few times before you were able to stop seeing six instead of three.
“What do you mean stop?” Atticus snaps, eyebrows furrowed in confusion along with Lou. Your eyes flicker to Insammon standing in the corner of the room before returning to your siblings and Percy. “We…” your shaky arm manages to pull yourself up despite the world still fuzzy around you. “we’ve made a deal,” you croak, moving to stand up from the floor a little too fast.
As you stumble onto your feet, still pale and disoriented, Percy rushes over and grabs your arm, catching you before you tipped over. You groan as you lean your side against him, your eyes closing in hopes that when you open them, everything will be back to normal. “What?” Lou Ellen asks, quickly pulling the chair away from Percy’s desk and placing it behind your knees before you plop down into it. “What deal?” Atticus urges, refusing to sit even though his legs felt weak. You take a second to compose yourself, trying to figure out how you can explain it to them without sounding insane. Just by looking at Lou Ellen’s eager expression, you were expecting her to protest.
“He took my subconscious somewhere, and we spoke…” you say cautiously, focusing on your fiddling hands. “And?”
“He said he’d leave us alone on the agreement that I…” your voice falters, “on the agreement that I build him a body.” “WHAT?” You jump as Atticus and Lou Ellen shout at the same time. “Are you insane?” You just might be.
You snap your gaze, eyes switching between Lou and Atticus. “I had no choice! If I disagreed, he was just going to stay in mine, and… and you know what the chances of surviving an exorcism are,” you point out. Lou Ellen and Atticus freeze, their faces darkening as they run the situation at hand through their heads. Insammon hisses in the corner as if he was laughing, and you roll your eyes, glaring at him, “I’m glad you find this funny.”
“We’ve never made a body before, Y/n and… how are we going to hide that?!” Atticus points over to the amused shadow in the corner, and you frown, noticing his messy hair from running his fingers through it so much as he looks at you with wide eyes, filled with concern. “He’ll lay low in the meantime. He can’t get into any of the cabins because of the sigils. We’ll cleanse Perce’s cabin and put up the sigils on his door, so he’ll have nowhere to go but the forest,” you explain. A knot formed in your throat, neither of them looking convinced.
“In Alabaster’s black magic book, there’s a spell to make a body out of wax…” you turn around, grabbing the book from the desk. Your fingers hastily flip through your pages before landing on the instructions of the spell. You lift it, opening it wide in their direction so that they can see it for themselves. “With all of our powers together, we can do it.” Lou Ellen furrows her eyebrows, her eyes scanning over the Latin quickly. You were sure you had her convinced before she pulls away, tsking softly. “We need a body of water to host it.”
You bite your lip, turning the book to read it for yourself. “We…” your voice falters. Schist. You didn’t think that far. Where are you even going to host the body? It's not like you can grow it in the lake.
After some silence, you grow nervous under the expectant stares of your siblings, your leg bouncing as you rack your mind for possibilities. Maybe you could host it in a tub in the forest. No, that would take too long, and not only would you need the help of a Hephaestus camper, but a monster might also destroy it, or even worse, the nymphs might see it. Too many people involved. In the showers? No. Obviously not.
“The bathtub in the big house,” Percy blurts out, and you snap your gaze over to him. “That… that could work,” your face brightens, feeling a little relieved. Your excitement falters as you glance at Lou Ellen and Atticus’s knitted eyebrows and frowns. Even a groan comes from Ambrose, making you feel even more discouraged. Even your familiar is having doubts. Great.
“That could not work! It’s right in the big house! One person uses that bathroom, and we’re dead!” Lou argues, and you throw your head back and groan. You didn’t think it would be this complicated. “No one uses the bathroom upstairs,” Percy mentions, and you shift, perking up again. At least Percy seemed to be on your side. “Exactly! Everyone only uses the bathroom downstairs. Chiron doesn’t sleep in the big house, and he’s definitely not using the bathroom there, and Mr. D doesn’t use the bathroom at all. He’s a god!” “It’s in plain sight,” Atticus emphasizes, and your shoulders hunch forward, looking for a solution.
“Lou can use the mist,” you propose after some time, half expecting another argument, but as Lou Ellen halts with a half-opened mouth, you know you’ve succeeded. She shifts on her feet, looking down at the floor. “You’ve been practicing, right?” You ask though you already know the answer. She’s been reading about the mist and practicing since the beginning of the summer. Alabaster was teaching her how to hide items, starting small and gradually building her way up. The other day, as a prank to cheer you up, she hid all of Connor’s shoes, sending him into a frantic search for his shoes all morning. It was hilarious watching Connor accusing all of his siblings of taking his sneakers, resulting in them bickering back and forth about how they didn’t have his shoes. All this arguing and almost tearing half of the cabin apart looking for his shoes, just for Lou Ellen to make them reappear as if they were never tampered with. “Yeah, I mean, I can try?” Lou looks down at her feet, her tone unconfident, but you nod, having fate that she’d be able to do it. “Great!” You hop up on your feet, a little too fast for your weakened state. Atticus gives you a disapproving look, holding your arm to keep you standing. You look around at their nervous faces, but you don’t let that discourage you.
Behind Atticus, you notice the yellow hue of the sunrise beginning to seep through Percy’s blue curtains. “Lou, you have to sneak back into the cabin before anyone wakes up. Atticus and I will cleanse Percy’s cabin and put sigils on the doors. We’ll make sure he-” you point over at the expecting figure in the corner, listening attentively to your conversation. “goes into the forest. At breakfast, we’ll tell Chiron we succeeded. We can sneak into the big house after lunch. After doing the spell, Lou Ellen will use the mist to hide the body, and… everything should go smoothly,” you declare, chin high with confidence.
You give them a wide smile, satisfied even if Percy is the only one to return the smile, though it was hesitant and weak. Lou and Atticus exchange a look before Lou scoffs and shakes her head, “This is insane,” she grumbles, and you refrain from frowning. You don’t say anything, helping them gather their materials before Lou Ellen leaves. As you cleanse the cabin while Atticus carves the sigils on the doorframe outside, you look over at Percy sweeping up the salt from the floor. Your eyes unexpectedly meet his as he averts his gaze from the floor, and he frowns, “You really think everything is gonna work out?” He asks the question genuinely. He didn’t know all the ins and outs of what you had to do, and he decides that your opinion is worth more than everything he’s learned from just observing. You bite the inside of your cheek. Things should go as planned. At this point, you weren’t even worried if you three were powerful enough to cast a spell that will hold. It was getting caught that you were the most nervous about.
“Yeah, I think everything will be fine,” you smile softly, concealing the anxiety that’s festering in your core.
The bathroom floor tile is cool under your bare thighs, contrasting the wax that is almost too warm in your hands as you carefully sculpt the figure. The upstairs bathroom of the big house is tidy and untouched, though a little dusty, which proved Percy’s claim of the bathroom being vacant.
“Broad shoulders and tall, he demanded of me,” you roll your eyes, making Atticus and Lou snicker under their breaths.
“Is he serious?” Lou asks as she kneels next to the bathtub, throwing the necessary herbs for the spell into the water. “Yeah, completely serious. He has a list of preferences, as you can see,” you point at the piece of paper laid in front of you filled with the features that he desired to have. “Tall, broad, and blonde,” you recite. “Is Johnny Bravo his inspiration?” Atticus jokes, and you giggle, shaking your head. “I don’t know, but I might make his body proportions the same," you play along, making the two of them laugh as you continue to form his legs.
“Did he ask for a…” Atticus trails off, and you look up, knowing what he had hesitated to say, and you cringe, “Ew. He didn’t, but even if he did, I’m not sculpting that.” The sounds of Lou Ellen and Atticus’ laughter make you crack a smile. It was nice that you guys can joke, easily looking past the mutual anxiety you guys held for the situation. “So he’s going to be flat like a barbie?” Lou sits on the edge of the bath, and you press your lips together and nod, “Yup.”
Atticus snorts, shaking his head as he lays out the spell books in front of you, and you pull away from the wax sculpture you’ve been working on for almost an hour now. You nod, eyes scanning to make sure you didn’t leave out the essentials. Eyes, mouth, ears, and nose? Check. Eyebrows? Check. Two arms and legs and 20 fingers in total? Check. You furrow your eyebrows and hum, “Should I give him… nipples? A belly button?” “Might as well if you aren’t giving him a, you know,” Atticus says as he flips through the book in front of him, and you giggle as Lou cringes. “Might as well,” you agree, grabbing more wax and your sculpting tools to do the last finishing touches. You sigh, your eyes scanning over it one last time before deciding you were satisfied with it, and you hope he’ll be satisfied too. You agreed to make him a body; you never said it would be a perfect one. “Okay, let’s get this thing started. The game could end any minute now."
You get up on your feet, looking over at the window on your left. You peeked through the blinds, double-checking that the camp courtyard was still empty to confirm that everyone was still in the forest playing capture the flag.
You were worried that you wouldn't be excused from the game since you've had a lot of passes this summer, but all it took was a short complaint about being tired from staying up all night and over-exhausting your powers, and you were excused. It wasn’t a complete lie, though. You were still queasy from Insammon leaving your body, and Atticus was still recovering from feeling it as well. Lou Ellen just escaped from the game to join you guys. The Hermes cabin was playing on the same side as the Ares cabin, so it’s not like she was given an important role anyway. They wouldn’t even notice she had left.
You pull away from the window, walking over to the tub, and gently placing the wax figure in the water. The three of you grab each other’s hands, exchanging looks before chanting the spell.
I invoke the power of the elements
I beg, accept our sediment
Air, Fire, Water, Earth
Bring us a great storm of mirth
Our origins; the pillars of vitality
Conjure a suit of mortality
Gift me a figure as alive as the land and sea
So mote it be
Your auras mingle around your intertwined hands, yours and Atticus’s making a cyan color as yours forms a dark brown with Lou Ellen’s. Closing your eyes, the three of you set your intentions on the spell as you chant it in unison three times. You feel that familiar tug in your gut as you channel your energy while repeating it one last time. You open your eyes the same time as Lou and Atticus, and the three of you gawk at the murky crimson of the water that was once clear. “Its blood,” you shift, letting go of their hands. “... at least we know it worked?” Atticus nods slowly, too enthralled at the water to look away. “I think it caught well,” Lou says, rubbing her sweaty palms on her jean shorts. “Everything should thicken and come together in a week, right?”
You nod, “It said it could be earlier if the spell caught on well. We might get lucky and get this over with by the weekend.” You sigh softly, hoping that you guys will get lucky this time. The burden of this promise was starting to weigh heavy on your shoulders.
The shouting of victory from campers as they return to their cabins catches your attention, and you curse under your breath. “Let’s clean up, hide this thing with the mist and go before we get caught,” you instruct, already reaching to collect your materials.
“Do you think we should stay?”
Your eyes flutter open, your hand coming up to shield them from the bright sun hovering overhead. A sigh leaves your lips, turning your head toward Atticus, who’s laid beside you on the sand, and you notice his hopeful expression begins to falter. Last summer, he had mentioned staying all year round, but the both of you had decided otherwise.
“After everything that’s happened this summer. I just want to go home,” you admit, and Atticus frowns, considering your point. This summer was way too eventful for you, and you had found yourself missing your neighborhood and the comfort of your home and your father. The communal showers and sleeping arrangements were things you couldn’t see yourself deal with any longer than you had to.
“Yeah…” Atticus sighs, and you scan his face, feeling the disappointment radiating off of him. You mimic his sad facial expression, reaching over to push his hair out of his eyes. As much as Atticus wants to stay all year round, he wouldn’t stay if you weren’t with him. “Don’t you miss dad? You know how he’ll feel if we stayed all year,” you point out. In the many letters and care packages your father had sent you too, it was clear that he was counting down the days of your return. Without you guys, the house was empty, just him and whatever activity he chose to occupy himself with. “I do miss him! It’s just- I really don’t want to go back to school,” he groans dramatically, and you laugh, nudging the other’s shoulder. “Yeah, because our father, the professor with two Ph.D. 's, is going to let you drop out of school.” Your tone is sarcastic, and you scoff. “You’re right. There’s no point in staying. He would be bang on the borders to get us,” Atticus grunts. “He’s probably bored out of his mind. What do you think he's doing right now?" You shift on your side to face your brother, Atticus smiling as he does the same. His eyes falter to the side as he thinks about the question. After a while, he shrugs,
"Probably, reading?" You laugh, assuming the same thing before Atticus has said so. "Maybe writing another textbook? I don't know. He must be bored out of his mind."
"He for sure is. That's kinda what happens when two 13-year-olds are your only friends," you joke, and Atticus shake his head,
“Dude, Dad needs a girlfriend. He shouldn’t have to depend on us as his main source of entertainment.” A giggle bubbles in your chest, and you agree.
Your father’s life has revolved around you guys and his work for so long. He had a few fellow scholars that he went to dinner with once and a while, and he went to conventions for his specialty often, but that was the extent of his social life. You didn’t think much of it until you noticed your grandmother constantly bickering with him about finding a wife and getting married. Sometimes you wonder if he got lonely.
"We should pray to Aphrodite about that," you suggest, and Atticus gives you a wide grin.
"Good idea. We can make some offerings for her when we get home.” You nod, already devising a plan for it in your head. You don’t get to dwell on it as Atticus speaks again. “Do you think the last time he dated was when he was with mom?"
"Probably. He was in love with her.” Your smile turns sad at the reminder of your mother. She’s so fondly spoken of by your father, and it made you want to meet her even more. Their time was short, about five months, but your father had a lot of stories about her. "It's been 13 years, though; I think it's time to move on."
"Yeah…” Atticus says sadly, and you furrow your eyebrows in concern. “I would like dad to find someone. Sometimes, I-I get worried."
"Because what if something bad happens to us? What would he do?" Your heart sinks in your chest at his question. The possibility of you living long enough to make it past being a teenager was low, and you were well aware of that. But you refrained from thinking about what would happen to your father. You couldn’t imagine the grief he’d go through. A few times, you’ve thought about the reversed situation, and you couldn’t conceptualize how you would be able to handle that much pain.
"I don't know,” you whisper, your brother's expression filled with sorrow. “But I'm sure he's thought about it.”
When you were younger, you didn’t quite understand why your father was always so anxious. You remember the panic in his voice when you wandered to play with the neighbor’s dog down the street instead of being in the front yard where he could see you. Or the time you lost Atticus for a few seconds at the giant Toys R Us in Times Square, only to find him gawking at the massive wall of action figures at the end of the aisle.
“You guys are my gifts.” That’s what he always says with a fond smile. “And when you have a gift so precious like the two of you, you want to protect it.” You could practically feel your father’s fingers patting the top of your head affectionately and the kiss he’d press on you and Atticus’s forehead when he would tuck you guys in bed as young children.
Sometimes you wished you could go back in time and be six again. When the only thing you knew was your father's tender adoration for you and Atticus and none of this goldy parent stuff.
"It's okay, though,” you chime in as you let the memory escape you. “Everything is fine right now, so let's not worry about that, alright?" You give Atticus a soft smile, hoping to lift the mood. Atticus nods, but his expression is still sad.
“Anyways…” You clear your throat, wanting to change the topic. It wasn’t worth dwelling on the future when things were okay now. Well, kind of okay, if you excuse the promise with a demon thing and the betrayal of your siblings. You shake your head as if it would shake those thoughts away too.
“Who are you asking to the party this weekend?”
Atticus sighs, quiet for a moment as if he was debating what to say. "I want to ask Annabeth, but she's probably going to say no.”
You jerk your head back, not expecting him to want to ask her. They barely talked, at least from what you’ve seen. "Annabeth? You like her?"
"... I didn't say I like her. I just said I wanted to ask her to the party,” Atticus stammers a bit, and you squint your eyes. Now it was time for you to call him out using the advantage of feeling his emotions.
"Well, you're asking her because you like her, right?"
"Wrong," Atticus says bluntly, and you press your lips together, amused that he was trying to deny it. Even without feeling his emotions, you were sure you would be able to tell. His crush didn’t surprise you that much.
"Atticus, there's no point in hiding how you feel about her. She's so your type," you turn on your back, feeling Atticus stare at the side of your face.
"As if you know my type," he scoffs and moves to sit up, leaning back on his hands.
"I do."
"Oh, really? what is it?"
"Hermoine Granger," you answer, looking up to see his reaction. You couldn’t see his reaction as he looked out at the lake.
"I remember very clearly you saying that if you ever met a girl or guy like Hermoine Granger, you'd want to marry them.” You move to sit up beside him, noticing how his face remains expressionless.
“You cannot tell me, Annabeth isn't exactly like her, besides the magic and the British accent.” The silence that falls between the two of you makes you smile, knowing that you left him without words.
"It doesn't matter! Either way, she's gonna say no," he says, suddenly defensive, and you laugh at his frown.
"You could try?"
"No point. I asked my pendulum if she'd go with me, and it said no. I don't need to be Apollo to know that she's definitely going to reject me," he grumbles, and you sigh, shifting as you fold your legs to cross them.
"Well… we can just hang out together?" You offer, upset that Atticus had felt discouraged. You hadn't thought about the party. It didn’t occur to you that anyone would ask you to go with them either, so you had planned just to drop by and leave early.
Atticus side-eyes you, “just because I'm not asking Annabeth doesn't mean I'm going alone.” His tone was mocking, and your jaw dropped. You can’t believe you just got rejected by your own brother.
"Wow, okay. I'll just go with Lou Ellen then," you stick your tongue out at him, and Atticus smirks,
"Can't. Cecil asked her this morning."
You slouch at the news, and a grunt leaves your lips. You had planned to go alone anyway, so you shrug. "Well then, I'll just go alone.”
"I'm sure someone will ask you. I mean, you're not ugly," Atticus says, not too convincingly, putting his arms up when you narrow your gaze at him. “Wow, thanks.” “Guys!” You glance over at the direction of the call, Lou Ellen holding her sneakers in her hands as she rushes over to you. “You wanted to check on the body today, right? We should go now. Mr. D is at the strawberry fields with Pollux and Castor, and I saw Chiron in the stables,” She whispers once she’s close enough. Right. You momentarily forgot about your last obstacle.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Your tone filled with dread as you stand up, patting the sand off your legs.
“Gross,” Lou Ellen mutters as you close the door slowly behind you. You scrunch your face at the sight before you. The figure has fully grown, but its flesh and hair were missing in chunks.
“I mean, it’s growing…” you point out, looking off at the blue-tiled wall beside you. “Faster than we thought, too,” Atticus adds, gawking at the tub, and he walks over, grimacing at how the red water turned black and thick. “You know, I thought this wasn’t going to work, but we’re actually pulling this off,” he says proudly, and you giggle,
“Don’t speak too soon.”
It was as if the universe had heard your self-praise and decided to pull a joke on you because the moment you finished your sentence, you almost jump out of your skin as the bathroom door swings open, revealing a familiar blonde. You gasp, the three of you lunging from three different corners of the room and huddle close together to block the view of the tub.
Annabeth’s eyes fix on the three of you, not sure what she just saw in the bathtub before you three jump to stand in front of you.
“Hey,” you greet weakly, waving at her, and Annabeth furrows her eyebrows, a look of suspicion taking over her features.
“What is that?” She asks, leaning to the side to try and look past you. You lean to continue blocking her view, along with Atticus and Lou Ellen beside you.
“Nothing! We were just uh, gonna give Harvey a bath!” Atticus says, the ferret squealing on his shoulder as if he was vouching for him. Annabeth doesn’t look convinced, though, your body language telling her that you three were up to something, and she was determined to find out. She steps forward, forcibly cutting through you and Atticus, and you close your eyes in anticipation as you hear her breath get caught at the back of her throat. “What…” she trails off, not exactly sure what she was looking at. She backs away, her vision shifting from the three of you, and she shakes her head, eyes glazed over in disbelief, “CHIR-”
“SHUSH!” You leap over, covering her mouth, Annabeth’s eyes wide before they cloud over. Before she could strike you, Lou Ellen grabs her arms behind her back, binding her wrists and feet with magic while Atticus flicks his fingers to shut the door and locks it with his telekinesis. “I’m so sorry,” you apologize hastily, your hand effectively muffling her string of curses. “Incantare: Labia Sigillum,” you recite as she flails her body, trying to get out of the binds with no success.
“We just need you to listen, okay?” You ask Annabeth as she sits on the toilet lid, glaring at you with stormy eyes. You hope she calms down after you explain everything to her. You actually liked Annabeth; she showed you around camp when you had arrived and helped you pick out your dagger. The last thing you needed was to get on her bad side. Because if you did, you knew she wouldn’t go easy on you like Percy when it came to sword fighting.
Lou paces behind you, biting on her fingernails, “We’re so dead. She’s going to tell Chiron!” Atticus shakes his head, “No, she won’t. Right?” He asks Annabeth. Her persistent glare doesn't make you feel too confident in his assumption. You did not doubt in your mind that Annabeth would go to Chiron if you didn’t have her hostage in the bathroom right now.
“Look, you remember the demon thing we had to cast out of Percy’s cabin… the demon we told Chiron that’s already gone?”
You wait for a response, but you only receive a rolling of her eyes. You take that as a yes, so you continue, “when we tried to cast it away, it possessed me and made me make a deal with him. The deal is if I make him a body, he’ll leave all of us alone; which explains that.” You point to the half wax, half-human sitting up in the tub
Annabeth hesitantly looks over at it before returning her gaze to you. A series of grunts and groans leave her throat as if she’s trying to tell you something. “If I take the spell off of you, do you promise not to call Chiron?” You ask nervously, and though Annabeth nods, you didn’t quite believe her, but you decide to undo it anyway. Maybe, being the child of the wisdom goddess, she could help you out. Perhaps, give some words of advice. “Incantare: Contrarium,” you say softly, pointing at her lips. Her dark stare remains as her lips return to normal, the three of you still as you wait for her to speak. “All of you are idiots,” she snaps after some silence. So much for wise words.
You shift on your feet, opening your mouth to say something, but she cuts you off, “Are you really going to let that thing out into the world?”
“I mean, it’s going to terrorize people regardless,” you trail off as Annabeth gives you a look, telling you you needed to consider everything you’ve been worried about. Of course, you didn’t want to let him loose with a body that opened new possibilities for him. You bite the inside of your cheek as you come to terms with your moral code that’s been bothering you for a few days now.
“I- I can’t back out now! I swore on the River Styx that I’d give him this body,” you tell Annabeth as she shakes her head, the daughter of Athena pondering for a second.
“What did you swear to exactly?”
“I swore that I’d make the body,” you say, and Annabeth squints at you.
“That’s it?”
“Yes...?” You shift under her gaze, her expression unamused and impatient.
“You didn’t promise not to destroy it,” Atticus chimes in, and Annabeth’s eyes flicker over to him.
“Oh, look. He has a brain.” Annabeth smiles sarcastically, and Atticus nods, smiling wide and proud,
“You bet, Goldilocks. I’m actually pretty smart.” The side of your mouth curls at the interaction between the two, finding it funny as Annabeth’s face drops straight.
“Mhm,” Annabeth hums slowly before returning her gaze to you. “Your brother has your solution. Destroy it.”
“But-” you halt, thinking for a second. You couldn’t destroy it now. He’s still in the borders. If he found out that you ruined his body, he’ll quickly take over your body with or without protection. “We’d have to trick him.”
Lou perks up, “we can let him take over the body when it’s ready. We’ll escort him out of camp, and the moment he walks across the border, we can attack him from the other side.”
You turn around, considering her plan, before nodding. “Yeah, yeah! Though it looks like flesh, in its core, it’s still wax. Together we could form a beam of energy hot enough to melt him.”
“And even though his body will be destroyed, he still has to keep his promise,” Atticus adds.
You exchange looks with Lou and Atticus as you smile widely. Though you still held the burden of hiding the body, you felt lighter. At least you didn’t have to keep the guilt of letting him roam free, disguised as a human.
“Congrats! Now, can you let me go?” Annabeth cuts in, and you turn around. “Oh right, but… you promise not to tell Chiron, right?”
“I won’t tell anyone about this; I promise,” Annabeth says sincerely, and you nod, not seeing any reason to make her swear on the River Styx. You undo the binding spell, Annabeth standing up the moment she was free. She sighs, looking at the three of you one last time before she opens the bathroom door.
“You know, I liked you more than your brother, but now you guys are on the same level,” she narrows her eyes at you, and you frown.
“Sorry," you giggle nervously, catching Atticus’s offended expression,
“Hey!” ☆’.・.・:★:・.・.’☆
You look around, making sure there weren’t any wood nymphs watching you. You had seen them at the farm and in the kitchens making dinner for tonight, but you had to double-check for your peace of mind. Insammon had found a small crevice under Zeus’ fist to hang around in the meantime, and he insisted that while he waited for his body, he needed to be fed. It was like having a pet you didn’t ask for. You just hoped that the wood nymphs don’t take inventory because you’ve been taking whole chickens to Insammon almost every day.
Carefully, you approach the back of the fist, dumping raw chicken out of the plastic supermarket bag right in front of the entrance.
“There,” you grimace before Insammon’s long pale fingers with black nails appear from under the rock and snatch the meat under the stones.
“What’s the status?” He whispers.
“It’s almost done. It’s fully grown, but its flesh hasn’t covered the wax completely. It’s in patches.” The sound of gummy chewing of raw meat suddenly stops before his long face sticks out from under the rocks.
“What do you mean it’s in patches,” he snarls. “You said it would be done in four days!” “I said it might be done in four days, but it’ll most likely take a week,” you emphasize, annoyed at his impatience. “You better not be playing games with me, little girl,” he narrows his eyes at you, and your fist clenches at your side.
“Look, I don’t know what to tell you. Spells like this take time. If I could make this process faster, trust me, I would,” you roll your eyes, looking away for a second. You do a double-take as you catch Connor walking in the distance. You bite your lip, throwing the last bits of raw meat you were carrying, along with the bag at Insammon. He hisses at you as a drumstick bounces off his head, but you disregard his reaction. “Look, I have to go,” you tell him hastily. “I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“Whatever,” Insammon growls, too hungry to argue with you, and he swiftly returns into his little cave to enjoy his lunch. You speed walk away from the rocks, not wanting Insammon to hear if Connor called your name. Once you get a good distance, you stroll through the forest as usual. Just as you expected, Connor notices you, and with a call of your name, he is already jogging in your direction.
“Hey Con,” you smile, shoving your hands in your pockets. You look down at the giant black plastic bags in his hands, and you squint. “You’re sneaking contraband into the camp?” You ask, shaking your head as if you disapproved.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that. May I remind you that some of these things are for you?” He teases, pulling out one of the snacks you paid him to get for you.
“Right, I forgot about that," you admit, and Connor chuckles as you take the bag of chips from his hands and open them up.
"You know, I was gonna go look for you," he says, and you tilt your head a little to the side as you munch on the chips in your mouth.
"I'm not pulling another prank with you." You didn't take Connor admitting to looking for you as a good thing. The last thing you wanted was to be a part of his schemes.
Connor laughs, and you’re still wary as he nudges you playfully. "That's not why I was going to look for you.” You squint at him, not too convinced, but as his expression left no traces of his usually mischievous grin, you consider that it was the truth. "I was looking for you because I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to that party with me on Friday."
You freeze, surprised at his question. You didn't think you'd get asked, especially not from Connor, and you weren't exactly sure what this meant. Connor notices your confusion, and he clears his throat, feeling shy all of a sudden.
"As friends!" He suddenly adds, his hand rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I was going to ask someone else, but she had a date already, and Atticus mentioned you didn't have a date yet. So I thought I'd ask you…”
You nod slowly, feeling a little relieved that he had cleared that up. Connor was like a brother to you; you couldn’t see him any other way.
“But I don't want you to feel like a second choice!” He explains hastily, taking your lack of expression as if he offended you. “And you know, I don't see you like that, and we’re just friends. You're not my type… BUT that's not because you're not pretty. You're really pretty, and I'm surprised no one has asked you yet-"
"Connor, I'll go with you," you agree, amused at his rambling. You giggle at his wide eyes as he processes what you said for a moment. He huffs out shakily, cracking a smile at how nervous he suddenly was around you.
“Oh, great!” He perks up, and you reach over, pushing at his shoulder lightly.
"I know you weren't flirting, but if you got that nervous asking me to a party, you must be wreck around a girl you actually like," you tease, watching Connor’s mouth drop open at your assumption.
He scoffs, "I'm very good at flirting, but thanks for your concern.”
"If you say so," you say sarcastically, and you laugh as he jumps at the opportunity to defend himself.
You switch the sweaty solo cup from one hand to another, sitting on the stone steps of the amphitheater. Social events like these are fun, but after a while, you become drained and eventually need some time to regroup. Ambrose’s head rests on your knee, snorting as you scratch the back of his ear.
“Hm, should we take a walk?” You ask your familiar, placing the solo cup of soda beside you, and you stand up. His wagging tail told you that he didn’t mind a walk right now, so you begin making your way to the exit. Before you leave, you look over and find Connor laughing with his brothers, teasing Travis, who’s talking to Katie Gardner.
Con mentioned that Travis had a little crush on Katie, and you can imagine that he was talking to her now under the persuasion of Connor, of course. You giggle, watching the boys laugh for a moment before turning around and walking with Ambrose.
“Should we go to the docks?” You ask Ambrose, thinking perhaps you could hang out there before you decided to call it a night. The hound beside you barks, and you take that as yes as you change your direction to the water.
Your mind wanders off to what Atticus would say if he saw you ditch the party to sit on the docks. He’d probably tell you that you’re boring.
“Would you really rather stare at water than dance or talk to people?” You could hear his voice asking. To answer that question, yeah, sometimes you would prefer to stare at water than be at a party. Though, it wasn’t like you were miserable. For the first few hours, you were hanging amongst your friends, and you danced with Connor and a few other people, but you eventually went off to sit by yourself as Connor got swept up in the festivities.
When you arrive at the water, you take off your shoes, letting your feet sink in the sand. A cool breeze hits your skin, and you smile, closing your eyes as you take a moment to enjoy it.
You had thought you were alone until you walked along the sand, looking up at seeing Percy sitting at the edge of the dock, eyes fixed at the sky. Your eyes may have lingered at the sight for too long, admiring the way the moonlight illuminates off of Percy’s skin. His lips move as if he was talking to someone, and you assume that he’s praying. You didn’t intend to get his attention, deciding you’d probably sit on the sand for a little before calling it a night. That is until Ambrose barks and rushes over to Percy.
You were just as startled as he was, smiling nervously as his gaze snaps over. As Ambrose’s tail wags erratically, you shake your head amused. Though Ambrose was hostile to Percy at first, it didn’t take long for him to warm up to him, especially after staying over in his cabin. If Ambrose could touch him, he’d probably be all over him, especially as he jumps up only for his paws to go right through Percy’s body.
“Hey, buddy,” you hear Percy say as you walk over, his eyes meeting yours once you step on the dock.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you say playfully, and Percy smiles,
“I’m starting to think you’re following me,” he jokes. Amongst your first meeting, you’ve had a couple of other run-ins with him at night on the docks. There were always coincidences. But you did find yourself hoping that you would see him there on the nights you decided to hang out there.
You giggle and shake your head, sitting beside him at the end of the dock. “You’ve caught me,” you say sarcastically, making a soft chuckle come from Percy. Leaning back on your hands, you look out at the crescent moon in the sky.
“Sorry if Ambrose interrupted anything. He was excited to see you, obviously,” you giggle as Ambrose breathes heavily, his head in between your bodies as he looks at Percy with cheerful eyes.
“It’s okay.” Percy laughs at Ambrose, finding him to be cute after looking past him resembling a baby bear at times. His eyes scan over Ambrose’s features, and he hums, “I wish I could touch him, though.”
“I mean, I could make that happen,” you mention, and Percy perks up with interest. “I just need something from your body to offer it to his soul.”
“Like a shirt?”
“More like blood or hair,” you clarify, Percy’s expression flashing with shock, which sends your chest bubbling with laughter.
“Really?” He gawks at you, not sure if you were joking or not.
“Yeah, it’s a commitment, so you should probably think about it. You shouldn’t give your blood or hair to just anyone, especially not a witch,” you joke, and he scrunches his face.
“You’re scaring me,” he says with a slight smile on his face. “Will you hex me? Make a voodoo doll?”
“Only if you give me a good enough reason to. But in the meantime, I’d just put it on Ambrose’s little altar. After I do, he’ll be able to touch you like a normal dog. It's your choice.”
“I’ll think about it, but I think petting Ambrose would be worth it.” Percy nods, watching Ambrose as the hound lays his head on your shoulder.
“The slobber is a bonus. You’d be crazy to give it up.”
Percy’s eyes glint at your sarcasm. “You’re right. You might get a piece of my hair soon, firefly.”
You smile, head tilting a little to the left as you take notice of the nickname he had given you.
“Yeah, when you do magic, you glow. It’s cool,” Percy nudges you, and you scoff. “What? Do you not like it? Are you jealous that it’s more creative than water boy,” he teases.
Your jaw drops open, eyes bright as he insults your nickname for him. His nickname was better than yours, but you couldn’t admit that out loud. “Please, I could come up with a better nickname for you if I wanted to.”
“Oh really? Then what would it be?” He challenges. You’re still for a second as you try to think of another nickname for him. Percy’s amused stare is hard to ignore, his smile so bright you swore it glowed in the moonlight. The longer you’re silent, you press your lips, refusing to give in to how contagious his smile is.
“Puddles,” you blurt out, surprised when Percy bursts into laughter.
“Where did that even come from?” He chokes out, and you shift, suddenly feeling defensive.
“Anything that has to do with water seems like an appropriate nickname for you- why are you laughing?!” Percy’s face turns pink as his laughter echoes into the distance, and you couldn’t help but join him.
“No-nothing! It was just the last thing I’d expect you to say. I thought you were going to say something like Aquaman or Captain Saltwater.” The side of your lip curls into a smirk, and you shrug,
“I mean, I could call you Captain Saltwater.”
“Call me that, and I’ll call you the necromancer,” Percy threatens playfully, and you scrunch your nose, shaking your head at the nickname.
“Fair enough, puddles,” you say, trying not to focus on the butterflies in your stomach as he nods,
“Good choice, firefly.”
“I’m glad that you’re spending time flirting with your boyfriend instead of making my body,” a voice cuts in, and you gasp, turning around and seeing Insammon standing at the beginning of the pier.
“Woah,” Percy mutters, the hair on his arms sticking up as his mind can hardly process Insammon’s exaggerated human features. Ambrose growls, his body alert, and you quickly stand up, Percy doing the same. You move in front of him, annoyed that Insammon would dare to show himself out in the open like this.
“I told you already. Spells like this take time-”
“That was two days ago. I’m bored!” He complains, his bulging eyes roll, and your fist clenches, eyes averting to make sure no one else is around. To your relief, you three were alone.
“Too bad! I need at least another day or two!”
“Two?” Insammon asks with a chuckle, but it wasn’t from amusement. His legs clank as he begins to approach you, Ambrose’s growl grows louder and more threatening. “Listen, little girl.” His tone deepens as he narrows his gaze at you. “I am not a force to be reckoned with. I want that body now or else. Should I remind you what’s at stake?” He asks, not waiting for your answer as black vapor begins to swallow him whole. You feel goosebumps rise on your skin as he surrounds his body and shrinks into a ball as it did the night you tried to cast him away.
“Protego rotundus!” You shout, everything going in slow motion as Insammon contracts in a ball of vapor and shoots himself toward you. A sinking feeling fills your gut, worrying that you had cast the spell too late but the white translucent dome forms around you and Percy fast, deflecting Insammon as it sends him flying backward. The cloud of vapor crashes back where he stood before dispersing and revealing Insammon’s true form again.
A feral snarl leaves his mouth, his eyes bulging so much out of his head that you half expected it to pop out and roll on the floor. You gulp as a shrill laugh come from his lips,
“So quick-witted. I must admit I admire it, but I’m still impatient,” Insammon growls.
“I already told you! It’s not finished!” You argue, holding the dome for as long as you could.
“Fine! Then I’ll need to quench my boredom. Should I perhaps attack one of your friends in the Amphitheater? Most of them don’t have those fancy domes,” he points out before turning around, eyes looking in the direction of the Amphitheater. “... what do you think?”
“You can’t!”
“I can’t?”
“No, you’ll break your promise,” you say, and he furrowed his eyebrows,
“I said I would leave everyone you know alone on the agreement that I get a body from you,” he explains with a clenched jaw.
“No, it was on the agreement that I make a body for you. I’ve already started making it so you’ll be pushing the terms,” you protest, and he squints at you, thinking for a second.
“It’s not completely made yet.”
“It wasn’t specified that you’d keep your promise after it was completely made. But sure, would you like to challenge the terms? You’ll probably only get thrown into Tartarus for a few thousand years.” You cross your arms over your chest. “Who knows? I may have saved you by casting this spell.”
Insammon scoffs, shifting uncomfortably as he considers your point. “Tomorrow. That’s the longest I’m willing to wait.”
“Fine. If you want to walk amongst the mortals with half a face, then who am I to argue?” You watch as his face clouds wickedly, and he points a finger at you.
“You’re pushing it, little girl,” he warns as the vapor takes over his body again, and he disappears right before your eyes.
The white dome retracts, your eyes scanning the area to see if he had left for real. “You know…” You cut through the silence that fell after his departure. “Maybe the necromancer is a good nickname for me,” you comment, looking over at a pale Percy.
“Yeah,” he chuckles nervously, still shaken from what he had seen. “Seems like they like you.”
“I don’t like it.”
“What do you mean, you don’t like it?!” You shout, Insammon standing in front of the tub with his arms crossed and his face contorts into a pout.
“Dude, it has everything you asked for,” Atticus argues, pointing at the body in the tub.
“I just don’t like it!”
“Well, too bad! Get into it and get out. We don’t have time for this,” Lou Ellen whispers, opening the bathroom door and peeking into the hallway to see if the lights of the big house were still turned off. The three of you cut dinner to take Insammon to the big house while everyone was in the dining pavilion. You had hoped you could get back before anyone noticed you were gone.
“I’ll trap you again to make sure I get a new one,” Insammon proclaims, pointing a finger at you.
You roll your eyes, picking up the clothes you stole from Mr. D’s room off of the counter. “We’ll wait for you outside of the door. Rinse yourself off and put this on.”
You and Atticus exchange a look before you shove the outfit into Insammon’s chest. “Yes, this!” Insammon makes a sound close to a gag as he holds the outfit away from him as if it were toxic.
“A Hawaiian shirt and… KHAKIS? I’m offended that you dare demand that I put this on!”
“Well, you can change into better clothes when you’re out of here.” You give him a fake smile before grabbing Atticus’s hand. “So hurry up,” you urge before the three of you funnel out of the bathroom and close the door behind you.
Lou Ellen paces in front of the bathroom, and you bite your lip, furrowing your eyebrows at how silent it became in the bathroom. For the past 10 minutes, you heard an array of noises; the water from the shower, some bumps, and bangs as Insammon clumsily washes himself off and figures out how to put his clothes on. You tap your foot, wondering why he was so quiet, and lift your arm to knock on the door before you hear a loud groan.
“Ugh! I look like an American tourist,” he proclaims dramatically, and you roll your eyes, realizing the reason why he was so quiet was because he was checking himself out in the mirror.
“Who knew demons cared so much about self-image,” Lou Ellen grumbles as finally, after what felt like forever, Insammon opens the door, revealing himself with his new body. You preferred this appearance better than his true form.
“You do look like an American tourist,” Atticus snorts, and both you and Lou Ellen send him a glare, making him put his arms up in defense. “He said it first!”
“Just get me out of here. The faster I leave, the sooner I get better clothes. If you can even call these clothes,” he rolls his eyes and pushes past you.
Atticus slaps his hand over his mouth, and you press your lips together as you watch the other walk. The clanky walking turned into a wide step with knees too bent and feet turned out. A whimper leaves Lou Ellen’s throat as she refrains from laughing, especially as he halts at the stairs.
“How do you walk on such a thing?” He asks, pointing at the stairs, and you exchange looks with your siblings, hoping that teaching him how to get down the stairs isn’t going to take too long.
Long story short, Insammon marked a significant milestone as a human: he took his first fall. As his body plummeted down the stairs after missing a step, you, Atticus, and Lou Ellen lost your breath in silent laughter. The three of you had tears in your eyes as you attempted to conceal your laughter as a groaning Insammon clumsily got back on his feet.
“You regret being a human now?” Atticus comments as he walks down the rest of the stairs, you and Lou Ellen following close behind him.
“Shut up,” Insammon snaps. “Get me out of this glorified daycare. I’m tired of being here.”
You roll your eyes, leaning him out of the back door of the big house and making your way straight into the forest. The commute was uncomfortably quiet, the three of you not wanting to be suspicious. Even though you had discussed your plan before he had arrived, you were still nervous about it.
“So, what are your plans once you get out there?” Atticus asks, attempting to make some small talk, and Insammon hums, contemplating his choices now that he was a human.
“I will find new clothing first,” he declares, still bothered at what he was wearing. “But after that, I will find my next target,” he smiles wickedly.
“Sounds like a good time,” Atticus says, and you make eye contact with the other, immediately sensing his anxiety as it added to your own. He smiles softly, though, silently communicating to you that everything will be fine, and you hesitantly return the smile as you eventually arrive at the camp entrance.
Insammon walks across and turns around, looking at the three of you. You, Lou Ellen, and Atticus make sure to remain within the camp borders just as planned. “Well, this is where we leave you. Just keep walking straight, and you’ll reach the road,” you explain while giving him a fake smile.
“I refuse to thank you for your service since you did a horrible job. I will not miss you, nor do I care about you, so I will simply say, hmm, goodbye,” he proclaims, and you press your lips together, nodding your head, “Uh... okay.”
He gives you a satisfied look before facing the rest of the forest. Your pulse thumped loud in your ears, and you grabbed Lou Ellen and Atticus’s hand. Together, you took a deep breath, your auras seeping out of your bodies and fusing into a giant orb right in front of you. You bite your lip, getting the sphere almost as big as Insammon’s body while the other mindlessly walks into the forest, too busy making sure he doesn’t trip over the tree roots and branches. But as the orb grew and the colors swirled wildly amongst themselves, the light illuminated further and further, catching Insammon’s attention right before it was done. “What is this? What are you-?!” “NOW!” You shout, releasing the tug in your core, and with your will, you send the beam right into Insammon. He fails to lunge out of the way in time, his reflexes slow as he’s still unadjusted to his new body. A scream of agony and anger, mostly anger, cuts through the stillness of the night as the heat of your orb engulfs him, melting right into the wax, and soon he topples over, his screams ceasing as the orb of light fades. It was quiet for a moment; the only sound you could hear was your pulse, and you opened your mouth to say something before Insammon suddenly appeared in his true form. “How dare you, you little brat!” He shouts, stomping right to you. “I will possess you again, not to take over your body but to KILL YOU!” You step back, flinching as Insammon collides with the borders of the camp. He growls in frustration, banging on the wall with his lanky arms, a blue ring forming around every hit.
“You’ll die trying,” you remind him. “But if you’re so keen on going to Tartarus, we could send you there ourselves.” You’re unphased at the strained face of anger that flashed over his features. The bulged eyes, the wide mouth, the way his pale skin has turned a tint of pink.
The adrenaline of your success kicks in as your siblings begin to chant the banishing spell, and you chant with them—Insammon, too eager to get to you, kicks and growls against the borders.
You knew he was too weak to shift into his shadow self. He hadn’t fed off anyone’s fears in a week, and possessing that body and yours took a lot of strength. You couldn’t help but smile as you approached the end of your chant, watching as he began to shrink, using his last bit of energy to bang on the borders and yell threats that he’d never be able to fulfill.
“Bye-bye,” you kneel in front of him, your smile genuine this time.
“Curse you,” he strains as your siblings yell the sentence that ends all of your spells.
“So mote it be,” you join, watching as he disperses into ash with one last scream, and you sigh in satisfaction before standing back up.
It was silent for a moment, and you turned to your siblings with a smile on your face. Atticus stretches out both of his arms, and hands clenched into fists, “Pound it!” He shouts, and you and Lou Ellen giggle, pounding your knuckles into his.
“Now that that’s over, let’s go see if Percy saved us food,” Lou giggles, and you nod,
“Gah, I hope so. I’m starving.” Atticus nods in agreement, and you circle your arms around both of them, pulling them close to your side.
“That was pretty awesome,” Atticus says, the three of you beaming now that that whole ordeal was solved.
“Ha! I know! I told you we’d get this sorted out!” Lou Ellen declares.
“Actually, Y/n said everything would work out. You were the pessimistic one,” Atticus points out, and Lou Ellen scoffs,
“I’m not pessimistic! I’m just cautious!”
“You weren’t very cautious when you almost singed my eyebrow hairs when we were practicing our beams earlier this summer!”
“You were in the way!”
“I was behind you! I couldn’t have been more out of your way!”
You giggle as you listen to the two bickers back and forth. While walking with them side by side back to camp, you find your mind faltering to all of your worries a few weeks ago and your grief towards losing your guides in your magic. As you take in Lou Ellen and Atticus, you realize that your fear of being lost had been foolish. The three of you were more than capable, working as one to cast spells that you’ve never done before with ease. And with the relief of getting rid of Insammon comes the comfort of you accepting that you, Lou, and Atticus will be just fine without your brothers.
masterlist taglist: @xxyrr @nct127bee @mochabreezeee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @Slytherclaw-kitten @zhethugisa @-thatgirloverthere- @sanovr @passionswift @nanskidoodle @idk-bye-no @ilvermornyidiot @all-hailreyna @blackpopcorn @autmngirlworld @sunkissedskin1328 @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @hajigayy @aleksanderwh0r3 @drayshadow @tonyedwardstarkk @londoncherry @ashookykooky @lotusnegra666 @loverstyless @t0xicmuse @ohmydamgods @jordannfields @tomriddles-wh0re @pixietilly1924 @amy-writes-blog
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thosewickedlovelies · 3 years
“Ask me”
Frankie Morales x GN!Reader x Santiago Garcia
Summary: *ben wyatt voice* It’s about the tension
Word Count: 1,046
A/N: Just a saucy little concept I’ve had in my notes for a while. I was loosely imagining this set in the Into the Woods ‘verse, but it’s definitely a standalone piece
Part 2: The answer
“Ugh, you guys can keep going, but I’m taking a break,” you declare, dropping your controller and stretching your arms overhead. After spending the morning hanging out with Santiago and the afternoon listening to his and Frankie’s shit-talking, you need one. Your stiff limbs unfold gratefully as you stand.
“You sure babe?” Frankie looks up in concern.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna chill for a bit,” you assure him, brushing an affectionate hand over his cheek.
“Okay.” His adoring smile always makes you melt a little. Like taffy in the sun, you soften and bend back down to him, pressing a kiss to his tousled curls before withdrawing.
You leave Frankie and Santi gaming away on the couch and unspool yourself along the cushioned loveseat, comfortably propping your feet up on its arm. With the tv screen behind your head, their banter fades into the background, and you allow your thoughts to drift as well. You’re happy to give the boys time to themselves- Frankie’s friends always made you feel included, but their bond pre-dated you by a wide margin.
“Come on baby, come on baby,” Frankie croons, coaxing his vehicle onscreen.
Santiago snickers. “You talk to your real-life baby the way you talk to these cars, ‘Fish?”
Frankie cuts his eyes to you, a slow smirk sweeping over his face at the opportunity his friend had just unknowingly presented. “Ask them.”
The sudden low drawl of your lover’s voice rolls over you like a wave, and an answering rush bubbles low in your belly. You look up, eyes a little wide. But your mouth quirks right back at him. Delighted at the unexpected turn in conversation, you eye them both smugly, not even bothering to feign admonishment at Frankie’s R-rated implications. Truthfully, you love when he gets a little suggestive in front of the boys- it’s fun to play along and make them squirm, and the resulting boost to his ego benefits you both at the end of the night. 
Santi glances between you, immediately sensing the heat now shimmering thick in the air. “Ugh,” he grumbles. “Sorry I said anything.”
But the sofa cushions creak in betrayal of the lie as he shifts, drawing the controller a little higher in his lap. You catch Santi’s eye and hold it. Luring him in to your partner's setup, you deliberately drag your gaze inch by inch over Santi's tense frame before swinging it back to Frankie. His darker eyes gleam steadily, doubtless remembering the same half-serious conversation you’d had a few weeks ago.
You and Santi had always been…familiar. Perhaps more so than would normally be considered appropriate given he was your boyfriend’s best friend. But Frankie had never been threatened by your occasionally line-toeing flirting, knowing that he was the one you went home with. 
Even now, he turns his smirk back to the tv while your gaze darts between them, his slouch unconcerned. A definitive answer to your increasingly urgent question. Santiago, on the other hand, has abandoned his game’s chances entirely, pinned under your considering stare. He swallows.
You cock your head. “Are you going to?” you query. All round-eyed innocence.
Santi looked mildly dazed, but at the hint of a challenge in your question his brow furrows. That sharp watchfulness so often present in him returns to his expression. “Going to what?” he asks warily.
Your mouth curves higher on one side, and the glint in your eyes puts Santiago in mind of a creature whose beauty hides a deceptive lethality.
“Ask me,” you clarify. 
As if it should have been obvious. As if any of Santi’s mental efforts could currently be expended on anything other than identifying the nature of the trap he had unwittingly wandered into.
A dry, uncertain sound that could have been a chuckle rasps from his parted lips. He angles Frankie a sideways glance, clearly wondering how he’s supposed to be reacting to this situation.
Frankie’s face is a portrait of tranquil amusement, although his attention is obvious by the crawling speed of his activities onscreen. “Everything alright over there, Pope?” he asks, utterly unfazed.
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at seeing Santiago so flustered. Normally it was him and his sculpted beauty affecting you so, with the way he weaponized those heart-stopping grins and allusive eyes. You’d turned the tables on him by involving Frankie, by provoking him in broad daylight. Afternoon sun filters through the windows, bathing the room and the men in a golden glow. It’s a time of day when the bedroom often calls to you, as it is now- lazy contentment has wound amongst the three of you like warm honey, sweet with slowly stirring desire.
“You tell me, man,” Santi answers. “Is this- what’s happening here?” He ticks a finger back and forth between you and Frankie, not yet accepting a part in this game. This bluntness, cutting straight to the chase, was usually his way of putting others off, maintaining an edge in the conversation. But not all of his techniques worked on Frankie anymore.
You exchange a last look with your partner, who pauses the game and sets his controller aside. There’s a trace of apology in the smile you give to Santi now. Aware of him tracking your motions, you keep them unhurried as you cross the room and sit between the two men. 
You settle next to Santi attentively, draping yourself against his side. Giving in to the ever-present urge to touch his hair, you rest one arm along his muscled shoulders, toying with the shorter curls at the back of his scalp. It’s a relief to feel the reflexive squeeze of his hand on your knee at the action. His guarded expression has transformed into something more curious, calming your fluttering heart.
“Santi,” you begin. “We, um…” Your first attempt at speaking is promptly thwarted by Frankie easing up behind you, brushing his lips over your shoulder and neck. Teasing kisses meant to encourage, distract. Sending electric shivers racing through you to be absorbed by Santiago.
One broad hand rests heavy on your hip, keeping you pressed forward into the other man’s ready grasp. A familiar heat prickles and hums beneath your skin. You meet Santi's burning gaze. “We had this idea.”
Taglist: @thirstworldproblemss, @leonieb
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goodlucktai · 5 years
Protective Joxter?
this got…..so much longer than i was expecting…………..so it is in 2 parts. have some father + son bonding between 2 people who have no idea how to be a father and a son :)
all you gotta do’s knock on my door (1 of 2)
the moominspairing: the joxter & snufkin word count: 2048read on ao3
(next chapter)
There is company just beyond the light of his campfire; Snufkin has a certain sense for these things, lifting night-eyes to scan the woods around him. Everything is gray in the daybreak, hard to make out, but he still finds what he’s looking for.
“I know you’ve been following me since I left town,” Snufkin says mildly. He stirs the pot of stew with a patient hand. “There’s plenty here for the both of us if you’d like to join me.”
After a moment, someone drops down from a nearby tree. He pads over the leaves and forest litter without making a sound and settles down an arm’s length away from where Snufkin is sitting. His legs are folded up, arms draped over his knees, as if he absolutely needs to be in position to nap at a moment’s notice.
Snufkin smiles. His usual reaction to this particular creature is fond amusement, and tonight is no different.
“Hi, Dad.”
The Joxter tilts his head, blinking slowly. In the low light of pre-dawn, his eyes are very dark; or it could be his round pupils, swallowing up all the blue.
“H’llo, Snufkin,” he says, voice a lazy stretch, like taffy left out in the sun. “You don’t mind the company?”
They’re two of the same, and Snufkin knows his father would leave without ire or hurt feelings if Snufkin asked him to. As it is, though, “Not at all. I won’t be alone for much longer anyway. Spring is here, and it’s only two more days to Moominvalley.”
It’s unnecessary to point out, because the Joxter is probably familiar with the way himself by now. Since meeting Snufkin there two years ago, an adolescent son he had never known about, the Joxter has made it a point to spend at least summers in the valley. It’s common ground for them both, an easy place to navigate newfound family or peel away for time alone or time with friends.
Sometimes the Joxter leaves early, too restless to sit still, and Snufkin doesn’t begrudge him that. They always cross paths again on the road at some point, or in some faraway city or unmapped village, so there’s never any true need for goodbyes.
Snufkin is beginning to think his father is keeping loose tabs on him. This early morning is a perfect example. He just can’t think of why, when they both know Snufkin is self-sufficient, and has been since he was very small.
“Three days,” contests the Joxter, chin sinking down to rest on his knees. “You don’t sleep enough.”
Snufkin ignores the remark comfortably, passing him a bowl of the finished stew. His father gets most of the meat in his serving, and Snufkin most of the vegetables, and they’re both content as they tuck into the warm meal.
The peace lasts for about three minutes after that, and then a sudden frantic voice from overhead has Snufkin jumping in surprise.
“You there! Little snufkin! Won’t you help me?”
“Oh, dear,” Snufkin says, setting his food aside and climbing to his feet. There’s a bluebird swooping in frantic circles above his camp, and it can hardly calm down long enough to land on the arm he offers as a perch. “Slow down, my friend. What’s the trouble?”
“A snake came in the night and tried to eat my nestlings,” the bird cries. “My neighbors helped drive it away, but it upset the nest, and now my babies will fall!”
Alarmed, Snufkin skirts the fire and starts to run, without pausing even to grab his hat. “Lead me to it, and I’ll do my best to help.”
The bird takes flight and stays low, eye-level. The Joxter is keeping pace beside Snufkin on silent feet, curious and watchful.
“I forget that you can speak to birds,” the Joxter says. Birds avoid him, as do most small creatures, because he’s as much a predator as a snake in a nest. He knows better than to eat any of Snufkin’s companions, and generally has stopped offering to bring food to Snufkin’s campfire unless it’s fish. “How is it that you learned? It all sounds like chatter to me.”
Snufkin keeps his eyes on the bluebird so he doesn’t lose sight of it, even as he explains, “When I was young, there was no one else to talk to but the birds in the trees. After a while their music began to sound like language. It helps that I’m a good listener, I suppose.”
The Joxter doesn’t say anything after that, and it’s only moments later that they reach the bluebird’s tree. A quick glance doesn’t reveal any nests in precarious positions, so it must be on a higher bough. Snufkin spares a moment to wish he had had time to pull his smock on over his undershirt, because his arms will surely get scratched on the way up.
“I should do it,” his father says suddenly. “I’m the better climber.”
“They’re frightened enough as it is without you prowling around their babies,” Snufkin retorts, and eyes the lowest branch, which is still well above his head. His father has more than a foot of height on him, which lends itself to a handy solution, and he turns to wave the taller creature over. “Give me a boost, please. And then wait for me down here so you don’t send anyone into a fresh panic.”
Grumbling under his breath, the Joxter hoists Snufkin up enough that he can grab the branch and pull himself the rest of the way into the tree. Snufkin calls down his thanks, and the bluebird lands on his knee.
“This way,” it says, “not much farther! Oh, hurry!”
Snufkin follows it up easily, thanking all the warm afternoons he and his friends spent playing in the trees around the valley, because the experience certainly helps. His grip slips a few times, and once a branch bends beneath his weight, but he makes it to the nest without incident.
Right away, Snufkin can see the danger. The small bunch of branches the nest was safely built into are broken, the skirmish with the snake causing what was stable to lean hazardously to the side. The little ones inside have picked up on the bigger birds’ distress and their shrill cries work straight through Snufkin’s heart.
“Alright,” he says softly, “there’s no need to fear. I’ve got you.”
He works the nest into the cup of his palms and holds it carefully. The bluebird directs him to a new place for it, a hollow in the trunk that a squirrel helpfully surrendered, and Snufkin can only breathe easily again once the little nestlings are squared away inside.
“Thank you!” half a dozen birds seem to say at once, coming to perch on his arms or the branches around him. The mother bird adds, “To think what might have happened if I hadn’t found you— !”
Pleased with the positive outcome, Snufkin says, “Don’t think of might haves. You and your nestlings are safe and that’s all that matters. I’m happy I could help.”
He leans back to make room for yet another perching bird, shifting his footing as it flutters by, and something snaps beneath his boot. He realizes with a second to spare that he’s about to fall, and then there’s no time to grab hold of anything before the birds are shrieking in alarm, and gravity is snatching hold of his shirt and tugging him backwards, and Snufkin’s mind is blank with fear—
But he doesn’t hit the ground. He lands much sooner than that, against something much softer.  
Snufkin blinks, reorienting himself, and finds himself halfway down the tree, tucked securely between his father’s arm and chest.
“Ah,” the smaller snufkin says, more relieved than anything. “Thank you.”
The Joxter picks his way down carefully. His dark fur is raised, tail like a bottle brush, and his claws are caught in Snufkin’s shirt. He doesn’t let go until the ground is firm beneath their feet, and even then it takes him a long moment to decide to set Snufkin down.
“Next time,” the Joxter says slowly, “I am climbing. I would rather scare the little birds than watch you break your bones.”
Snufkin has to work not to roll his eyes. He’s a little hardier than that. It wouldn’t have been the first time he fell from a tree, and it surely won’t be the last. Not as long as there are little birds who need favors.
The Joxter seems to sense the repressed eye-roll and his own eyes narrow. The pupils in them are slitted now; Snufkin doesn’t think he’s seen them like that since the day they met, the day Moominpappa introduced them to each other and the Joxter startled so badly he dropped one of Moominmamma’s best teacups.
“A twenty foot fall is not nothing.” The Joxter’s quiet tone has taken a sharp turn. “If I hadn’t caught you—“
“But you did,” Snufkin says, his own hackles rising. These might haves again, and right after he told the bluebird not to think of them! “And I said thank you. There is nothing else to talk about.”
“We could talk about risking your life for an animal. A bluebird,” the Joxter says in distaste, “one of a hundred thousand bluebirds. What’s next? Will you help an injured creep cross the river? Save a squirrel kit from a landslide?”
An argument, Snufkin realizes, his stomach turning sour. He has witnessed the uncomfortable scene a dozen times before in a dozen places, a child and their parent screaming at each other in marketplaces or city squares.
The Joxter is taller than him, bigger, sharp where the Mymble’s blood made Snufkin soft. His voice is usually low and unobtrusive, a storyteller’s voice, but it sounds so different in anger. Snufkin wonders what it will sound like when he is shouting the way those other parents shouted, and a very cold feeling slides around inside him.
But Snufkin never learned how to back down. The orphanage matron tried to teach him but those lessons didn’t stick. Whether it’s park keepers, or the traveler who came through the valley last year and thought it was okay to call Sniff simple, or his own father, Snufkin stands his ground.
“There could be a hundred thousand snufkins just like me,” he shoots back. “Better snufkins, even, who can play more than just guitar and harmonica, who have never been invisible and never gotten lost and never fallen out of a tree. What makes me worth so much more than that bird?”
The Joxter surges a sudden step forward, and all of Snufkin’s courage deserts him. He ducks his head, missing his hat dearly, and braces himself for furious hands.
They don’t come. He opens his eyes.
His father is crouched in front of him, hands in his lap, eyes round and hurt. The anger, if it was ever anger, is gone. When he reaches out, Snufkin is ready for it this time, and he doesn’t move away. 
The Joxter’s dark paw lands very lightly on Snufkin’s auburn hair. It’s a gentle touch, and then it’s gone. The Joxter pulls back and straightens up and does a tidy disappearing act into the trees. Snufkin loses sight of him within moments.
It’s just Snufkin and the worried birds and the rising sun. Their comfortable breakfast feels like it happened a year ago.
He wraps his arms around his middle and stares at the ground. He doesn’t like arguments, for all that he can be contrary and difficult when his principles are fringed upon, when his personal boundaries are broken. Pulling up fences and signposts is one thing, but fighting with words? Just talking with words can sometimes be too much, let alone fighting with them. There is a reason he tends toward silence and solitude.
“If I didn’t have birds to talk to, I wouldn’t have anyone,” he murmurs miserably. “I’d drive them all away. All except dear Moomintroll.”
The name is like a balm, and Snufkin lifts his head to the north. Two days— less than, if he pushes himself— and he could see Moomin again. The one person whose welcome he’s never had to doubt.
Snufkin rushes back to the camp to pack his things. If he’s hoping to run into his father there, he’s sorely disappointed. But that’s only if.
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