#tag as incest and ill fucking find you.
written-in-flowers · 3 months
Her Lover: Demon!Hongjoong x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: incubi!hongjoong x fem!reader | side pairing: demonline x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff, major angst MINORS DNI
Word Count: 11k
Summary: Often called "The Beauty" of his brothers, Hongjoong's "hollow day" turns even worse with a visit from his vicious mother and an appearance from his absentee father. The only cure: you.
Tags: polyamorous relationship (m/m/m/f), depression, violence, ritual sacrifices, graphic depictions of death, mentions of mental illness, medication, mentions of bad childhood, mentions of abuse, mentions of emotional neglect, parents being shitty overall, orgies, incest, alcohol usage, outdoor sex, sex in the woods, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, rough sex, very little foreplay, exhibitionism, face fucking, rough oral sex, sloppy oral sex, cum swallowing, light spanking, dom/sub dynamic, choking.
Pretty Lady Masterlist
Previously on Pretty Lady
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He loved watching you sleep. He knew how creepy that sounded, but he enjoyed it. You looked the most peaceful when you slept. Wrapped in a cocoon of suede and linen, there was no smug smirk or furrowed brow on your face. In dreams, you escape all the confusion of this new world and sink into the familiar again. Laying beside you, he wondered what you dreamt about. You’d once had a nightmare about your mother, but as far as he knew, that didn’t happen anymore. Hongjoong hardly remembered his dreams. When he did, he saw blurry, brief images that left him empty inside. 
The first time Hongjoong saw his mother, he was six-years-old and living with a witch in Korea. He recalled playing outside in the small courtyard in front of their hanok when a woman appeared at the gate. The witch, an old hag named Aro, looked stunned and fearful at the sight of her. Hongjoong recalled her stuttering and bowing to the strange woman. She had flowing black hair with smooth yellow-brown skin and thin dark eyes. He remembered her hardly giving notice to Aro, but instead focusing on him. Back then, Hongjoong didn’t know many demons. Aro told him he must keep his true identity a secret if he wished to stay amongst the living. She’d stared at him with brown eyes circled by a thin crimson line and he knew. Most mothers might smile at their child, especially one they barely saw. Not her. 
‘Hello, Hongjoong. Do you remember me?’
How could he when the last time she'd seen him, she'd popped him out of her? Back then, he’d hoped she'd come to take him to France to live with Seonghwa, his elder brother. Perhaps take him to Hell, where he can see his father, Asmodeus, who’d seen him far more often than her. But, no. Mistress Youngmi came for something else. 
‘I have need of him tonight. Bring him to the old meeting place at dusk.’
‘Yes, Mistress.’
Hongjoong didn’t know what she’d planned at the time, but he’d soon find out. His mother gathered her coven of followers, witches whom she’d recruited, to perform ritual. They needed the blood of a demon, the blood of a cambion, and the blood of a human to enhance their powers. He recalled his fear as he pushed stray hairs from your face. Witches, gruesome and snarling, terrified him as his mother dragged him to a cauldron at the cliff's edge. He thought she planned on killing him. He believed this mostly because he’d just seen her slice open the human’s and cambion’s throats. Hongjoong fought and struggled against her tight grip. His sharp claws detracted and he swiped at her sleeve fiercely. This only earned him a harsh smack to the face. Obviously, his mother did not kill him. She’d simply cut open his finger and let a few drops fall into the dark red potion. Humans and even cambions in those days meant nothing to demons. Their blood can be spilt by the gallon. His blood, Aro told him, was special. 
He’d seen how your mother interacted with you. She’d embraced, kissed and comforted you. Witches weren’t known for their kindness. Aro begrudgingly cared for him, he knew. If she wished to have high favor with his mother, she’d care for her son. Yes, she fed, clothed and housed him, but nothing more. This left Hongjoong to his own devices most of the time. He then started hanging around the wrong kind of crowd: the street urchins who got by stealing and committing petty crimes. By the time he was fifteen, young Hongjoong had been behind bars eight times for mostly arson, theft, vandalism, and assault. Reform schools did nothing to “cure” him. The officers there, mean and wicked as they were, could not understand how the little boy with the dark red hair didn’t feel pain. In fact, whenever one of them hit him, they’re the ones who felt it. 
That’s when Hongjoong learned his special ability: Transference. When he returned home from a stint in prison, he told Aro this. Hongjoong still remembered the terror on her face when she saw him put a kitchen knife to his wrist. 
That’s when Seonghwa, sixteen and dressed in the finery of a French nobleman, came to collect him. 
Your faint yawn pulled him from his memories. He laid there and watched you gradually shift from your dreams into reality. Hongjoong never felt or understood love before. Until Seonghwa, he didn’t know what that meant or felt like. He’d known nothing but cold, harsh anger and disdain. Only with Seonghwa, and eventually San, did he understand love and loving in return. He never imagined feeling that with anyone else. Yet, when he saw you, naked and trembling at his soft touch, he felt it blossom in his chest. Nobody other than his brothers made him feel whole. He didn’t understand it at the time; he still doesn’t, but he doesn’t question it anymore. The empty space in his heart belongs to you now. 
“Morning,” you said, voice hoarse from sleep. 
“Morning,” he replied, kissing your cheek. 
“Sleep well?”
“Yeah. I just didn’t feel like getting up yet.” 
He wanted to look at you a little longer. Even in the dimness of his bedroom, he still made out your face. “Don’t you work today?” you asked him. 
The mere thought of the lower dungeons sent a shiver through him. He hated the cold down there. The tunnels only remained warm because of the volcanic vents underneath the stone floors, a luxury given to the jailors and not the prisoners. He much rather preferred the warmth of your body than the chill of his dungeon. But, he knew he couldn’t shirk his responsibilities, Seonghwa had taught him that. 
“Stay,” you whispered, kissing him softly. “Stay with me today.”
“I would if I could, Pet.”
Even without your collar, he still called you ‘Pet’. He couldn’t see himself calling you anything other than affectionate pet names. You’d become too precious. Sometimes, he wondered how things might have been if he’d known you before. Would he have gone down that destructive path if he had your warm touch to soothe him? Would he have suffered lonely nights if he held you in his arms? He didn’t know. He didn’t like entertaining the ‘what ifs’. 
“Not even for a little bit?” you asked, taking his hand to put on your chest. “You didn’t touch me last night.”
He hadn’t for a while. Not because you didn’t arouse him anymore. In fact, you are one of the few things that did. 
“Is something wrong?”
Hongjoong stared at his hand on your breast. Normally, he’d be fondling and kissing you deeply, not caring about the consequences. But, today he couldn’t find it in him. Today was a ‘hollow day’. He rolled onto his back, staring up into the dark canopy of his bed. The wooden posters of his bed, molded snakes coiling around them, connected into a point at the top. His eyes followed them over and over. 
“I’m fine,” he said, though it did not sound convincing. 
“No, you’re not. Is it me?”
“Then what is it?”
‘I was thinking about my terrible childhood and how you’re one of the few people who matter to me.’ It sounded stupid when he thought about it. “Just tired, that’s all,” he said, stretching and yawning. “I really don’t want to go down there. It’s cold.” 
He rolled out of bed before you pressed him further. Hongjoong did not want to talk about his mother or the letter she’d sent yesterday. He would’ve torn it apart if Seonghwa hadn’t opened it first. 
“Then stay,” you said, your hand sliding up under the back of his shirt. Not a sexual touch, but a comforting one. Fingernails traced the small part of his back in idle circles, keeping him grounded beside you. “You’re a freaking duke, Hongjoong. What are they going to do? Fire you?”
He snorted a laugh. In truth, the dungeon masters cannot do much to him in particular. The higher a demon is in society, the less consequences they face. He couldn’t get away with murder, but he could get away with missing a day of work. But, Hongjoong couldn’t stay home today. If he’s in the lower dungeons, then he won’t be home when she arrives. If he isn’t home, she won’t stick around. 
‘Mother is coming to visit. She says she needs you for something. I don’t know, it doesn’t say.’
“It’s my responsibility,” he said over his shoulder. “I have to go.” 
“Well, can I come with you then?” 
He turned to look at you, “What?”
“Yeah,” you scooted closer to his side of the bed. “I’d like to go with you.”
This didn’t sound like you. When he mentioned you coming to the dungeons with him, you’d look disgusted. Yet, now you’re in his bed asking to join him. Hongjoong turned to look at you, seeing the softness in your eyes. You know he’s hollow. He doesn’t know how you do, but you do. Maybe you don’t know either. Seonghwa told him certain people have connections they can’t explain. That might be what you two have. 
“Are you sure?” he asked. “It’s not a fancy place.”
“I don’t mind.”
He laughed, “You?” He laid across you, trapping you underneath him and said, “The one who gets all squeamish when she sees blood?”
“I don’t get ‘squeamish’ at blood,” you defended. “Women see blood way more than men do. It’s all the gore and torture and stuff that’s gross.”
“And there’s plenty and more of that where I work.”
“I know, but,” you gazed over his face for a moment, much like how Seonghwa does, “I haven’t seen you much lately. You’re always working.”
He felt guilty about that. His brothers made time for you: coming to see you at lunch, taking you out on dates at night or spending time in your room or the greenhouse. Hongjoong tried doing the same, but sometimes he didn’t have it in him. His hollow days became more frequent when he didn’t have the thin, minty elixir that balanced him out. Yunho told him the apothecary ran out of mint leaves, and wouldn’t have them for another week. This coupled with a visit from his mother had Hongjoong swallowed up by his sadness. 
“I want to be with you as much as I want to be with San or Seonghwa,” you told him, not shuffling when he moved up your body. “I want to take care of you too.”
That sentence usually sparked a fire inside his loins, but not today. Hollow days never involved sex. “I know, pet,” he said, kissing your lips. Nothing tasted or smelled as sweet as you. He hoped his mother never saw you. He refused to let her ruin anything he loved. “Sure,” he finally said, “You can tag along this one time.” 
He gave you one final kiss before the door opened. “Good morning, sir,” Yunho said, walking by the bed to open the curtains. Bright sunlight shone into the room, burning his eyes as they adjusted to the light. “I suggest you get dressed quickly.”
“Why’s that?” he asked, blinking his eyes and rubbing them. 
“Your mother is here.”
Every muscle in his body turned stiff. “What? Already?”
“Yes,” the butler nodded, facing him. “She arrived a few minutes ago. Your brothers have been told, and Master Seonghwa is meeting with her now.”
“Your mom’s here?” he heard you ask. 
He lifted himself from his position over you and sat on the edge again. She never came this early. Mistress Youngmi didn’t like rising early. She also rarely visited Hell anymore. She said she detested the stench of the city or the uncouth demons that lived there. Youngmi always considered herself above everyone else. 
“Yeah,” he finally said. “She wrote and said she’d be stopping by.”
“Oh, that’s cool,” you sat up in bed, “I can meet her too.”
“I don’t want you to meet her,” he replied. 
“Why? You know my mom. Why can’t I know yours?”
“Because she's a vicious bitch,” he snapped, irritation settling into his chest. “She’s a parasite that infects and sucks the life out of everything around her. Even Lilith doesn’t like her.” He looked over at you, “My mother is a narcissist who sees her children as nuisances. She only comes around when she wants something from one of us.”
When she wants something from him specifically. Much like you, things hadn’t ended happily the last time he’d seen her. 
‘My sisters need your life’s blood in order to keep serving myself and your father.’ 
She loved those grotesque witches more than her own offspring. “I don’t…I don’t want her infecting you too.”
To be honest, once his mother learned who your grandmother was, she’d proceed with more caution. Even if she did think highly of herself, even the dumbest demon knew not to mess with Lilith. 
“If she’s not happy, nobody can be happy.” 
“I’m pretty sure she knows about me anyway,” you told him, rubbing his back. “There’s no point in trying to keep me a secret. I’ll go with you.” 
“If you insist…”
Hongjoong went to his bathroom, forcing himself to clean up even if the hollowness weighed him down. You came in after, shedding your clothes and stepping into a prepared bath, he didn’t notice much. He knew you sensed his sadness, and didn’t know how to cure it. He wished he knew himself. Hongjoong tried giving a reassuring forehead kiss, but you still didn’t believe his muttered ‘I’m fine’.
“How are we today, sir?” Yunho asked, placing a tea tray on a table. 
“Could be better,” he said, walking into his closet to pick out a shirt. She’ll expect him to wear proper clothes like his brothers. He picked up his torn, altered Sex Pistols t-shirt from the rack. “Has Andris called?”
“I’m sorry, he hasn’t. I’ve sent one of the footmen to his shop to get an update. As per usual, I added a bit of whiskey to the coffee. I know it is not a proper replacement-”
“-Better to be numb than hollow, Yunho.” 
He pulled the white sleeveless shirt over his torso, and picked distressed black denims to go with it. If Youngmi considered him a child, then he’d act and dress the part for her. He took a sip of the coffee, tasting the whiskey in the richness, and felt it warm his body. Jumping into the tight jeans, he’d been sliding a studded belt through the loops when San appeared in the doorway. 
“Where’s YN?” he asked. 
“In her dressing room,” he answered. “She says you’re taking her to the dungeons today.”
“She asked,” he shrugged. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“Not really, but she insisted and I want to spend more time with her.”
“Is it really quality time if she’s sitting in a corner while you torture people?” 
“Like I said, she asked.” 
San remained silent. He noticed his tailored three-piece suit, and thought of how suffocated he’d feel in that. Hongjoong wondered how awkward it must be to walk into the stone, ancient arena’s common area in a 1950’s suit. Then again, time periods blended together in Hell. Hongjoong ruffled up his hair, letting it hang in front of his face before he picked up an eyeliner pencil. 
“Yunho says the apothecary doesn’t have your mint in stock,” he said, walking around the dressing room aimlessly. 
“He said he might have it next week.”
“How’re you feeling?”
“You don’t have to lie to me.” 
“I’m not.” He took another sip of his spiked coffee with hopes of feeling numb, “I’m fine.” 
“I don’t think you should take YN with you today. Just take a day off and stay here,” San suggested. “There’s nothing wrong with a mental health day.” 
“I said I’m fine. It’s no big deal.” 
“So, you’re not dreading going to work because of all the movement and crap you have to do there?” he asked, eyeing Hongjoong’s shirt collection. “You’re up to socializing today? Having to use up the last bit of battery in you to make it through the day?”
“Yup.” He held down his lower lid and applied the eyeliner. 
“And this coffee is regular coffee, right?” San opened the carafe Yunho left behind and sniffed it. “And not spiked with whiskey at all?” 
“It was his idea. Not mine.” 
San came to his side, putting a hand on his shoulder, “You know we’re here for you.”
“I know.”
“She’ll only be here for five minutes tops,” he said. “Just give her what she wants, then go do something with YN. Maybe take her into the city on a breakfast date or to the movies or something. Do something with her that isn’t breaking a person to pieces.”
“I have to work.”
“No, you don’t. You want to go to escape the hollowness. Torturing other people to relieve your own sadness doesn’t do anything but make it worse. You know that. Stay home today.”
San didn’t get it. Digging his knives into prisoners, listening to their tortured screams, distracted him. When he's working, he doesn't have to think about all the pain inside him. He'd be too busy for the hollowness to drown him. Hongjoong felt agitated about work, but knew that staying home made it worse. 
“Come on,” San said when Hongjoong did not answer him. “Don’t take her there. You know she only asked because she can tell there’s something up with you. You don’t want her to see how you get when you’re in the heat of it. It’ll scare her. Shit, it scares me.”
Hongjoong rubbed his face, an irritated groan covered by his palms. He knew San was right. Even if you put up a tough front, the dungeons would sicken and frighten you. The only one allowed to be traumatized in the keep is him. 
“She’s not going to let me stay,” he said, running his hands through his hair. 
“She’ll want me to go with her. She tells me the blood needs to be given, not taken.”
“Is it really ‘giving’ if you’re forced to go?”
“I guess?” 
A rocky cliff at the edge of an old forest became the meeting place for his mother’s followers. Hongjoong thought of the open waves crashing into the jagged rocks below, and the sea air blowing through the tall trees. The cauldron often stood on a stone platform right where the moonlight shone. She never told him what the ritual did or what the potion was for. He only found out when Seonghwa told him. 
In order for witches to maintain their immortality and immunity, they needed the blood of three beings: a human to keep their youth, a demon with the power of transference to keep them immortal, and a cambion to bind both together. She typically lured or paid demons handsomely for the ritual. 
“Why can’t she just have another kid?” he groaned, his body heavy and fatigued. He had no desire to go anywhere or do anything. “It’s not like she’d have to care for it.”
“She says having kids gets in the way of her life,” he rolled his eyes. “Cunt.” 
Hongjoong snorted, making himself finish the other eye. “Finish up here,” San said, patting his back, “And come downstairs. She’ll get more annoyed the longer you keep her waiting.”
And when Youngmi gets annoyed, it becomes everyone else’s problem. Hongjoong pulled on necklaces, bracelets and rings before deciding he looked suitable enough. He took a final gulp of his coffee, letting the whiskey settle into his stomach before nibbling on a biscuit. When he reentered his bedroom, you walked in at the same time. A tight black sweater and the blue high waisted skirt shaped out your gorgeous curves, and you’d worn minimal makeup and the long snake earrings he’d bought you. He gave a weak smile, kissing your cheek before bringing you into his arms. 
“I decided not to go to work today,” he told you, burying his face in your hair. “I’ll probably end up going somewhere with my mom, so work’s out of the question.”
“That’s fine,” you said in his shoulder. “Do you want me to bring Linette to your room and you can have some fun with us?”
“Tempting, but no.”
“Maybe you can play your guitar and I can sing for you? You like doing that, don’t you?”
“Not in the mood. I…” he held you a bit tighter, inhaling your scent. “Let’s stay in bed together today. I can have Yunho bring the TV here and we can hang out.”
You pulled away from him, looking into his face. “We can do whatever you want to do,” you said. “I’ll tell Jongho to get us some snacks, and we’ll be a couple of couch potatoes together.”
“After my mom.”
“After your mom.”
He looked forward to it already. Taking your hand, he led you out of his room and down the stairs. He found his brothers in the sitting room where servants laid out a small cheese and meat spread with spirits. Hongjoong had no appetite for the food. The woman sitting on his couch ruined any possibility of breakfast. Youngmi, wearing a long black and red dress, sat on his couch with a glass of wine in her hand. She’d draped black strings of onyxes around her large horns, the strings connected by a large gem. He wondered who paid for that. When she looked over at him, her expression delighted him. 
“Hongjoong, must you insist upon dressing like a child all the time?” she said with distaste. “Look at your brothers: well-dressed gentlemen. I can’t imagine what people must think when they see a Duke walking around like he rolled out of bed and threw on the first thing he saw.”
“Don’t, Mother. You know what too much thinking does to your head,” he replied. “What do you want?”
She didn’t answer right away. Youngmi’s eyes landed on you beside him. “Ah, so this is the one that’s been living here,” she said, unimpressed. “I would take her with us, but I already have a cambion lined up for the ritual.”
“You wouldn’t want this one, Mother,” he said, already feeling the animosity between them. 
“Why is that? Because she’s your little plaything?”
“Because Princess Lilith will be absolutely wroth with anger,” said Seonghwa, cross-legged and munching on a cracker. “She wouldn’t like the idea of a no-name demon mistress utilizing one of her granddaughters in a blood ritual.” 
“She’s one of Lilith’s?” Youngmi asked in surprise. “Impossible!”
“It’s very possible,” he replied. “Plus, our beloved doesn’t particularly like doing things people tell her to do, so I wouldn’t risk it.” 
“What’s your name, girl-”
“-My lady-” Hongjoong corrected her. “I think you’re forgetting your place, Youngmi.”
She glared at him, “What’s your name?”
“I’m YN,” you replied disdainfully. 
“YN, a name as pretty as you,” she simpered. “Your father is going to love her.”
“As if he’d ever see her.”
“He’ll have to when he shows up.”
“Dad’s coming here?” Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa, who grimaced. 
“I just got the letter,” he said, nodding to a paper on the coffee table. “He said he’s coming for a special ‘visit’.”
“Great,” he gave a mirthless laugh, “First her, and now Dad.” 
He sat on San’s couch, head in his hands. “I don’t see why you are so distressed, Hongjoong,” his mother said. “The Eternal ritual is done every ten years. You must’ve known this was coming.” 
“A strangely short timespan for witches to recharge their powers, isn’t it?” he asked, leaning back on the couch. “Don’t you have another demon for this sort of thing?”
“I normally do,” she said, “But my usual volunteer got himself banned from the living world so now I need you.”
He grabbed a tea cup and one of the cheese knives. All he did was think of her, and with a single slice of his index finger, his mother hissed. 
“Ugh, you little bastard,” she glared, holding her bleeding finger. 
“Sorry,” he said innocently, “I can’t control it sometimes.” He squeezed a few droplets into the cup, then passed it to her. “There’s your blood,” he said, wrapping his finger in a napkin. The gash along his finger didn’t hurt, but it certainly bled. “Have a nice time. See you in another fifteen years.”
“You know that’s not how that works,” she scolded. 
“Find a way to make it work,” he retorted, staunching the blood from the wound. 
“The demon has to give it willingly.”
“You know, San posed a pretty good question to me earlier: is it really ‘willingly’ if you’re forcing me to go up there?” 
“It’s good enough,” she said. “It’s not like it’ll take long. Besides, when we’re done, you can have your pick of the ladies there. They’re all eager to see you again, especially after this year’s mass.”
“Your witches are cute when they’re in human form,” he remarked. “I closed my eyes with most of them even then. Besides,” he grinned at you, “I have something much better now.”
“Enough of this nonsense,” Youngmi said irritably. “The longer I spend here arguing with you, the more moonlight I’m losing up there.”
“Beg pardon?”
“Pay me and I’ll go.”
“You’re already wealthy, Hongjoong-”
“-Don’t care. Money and I get to bring YN with me. I think I’d enjoy pounding her underneath a blood moon,” he winked at you, “It’d be special for sure.” 
“Fine,” she snapped, “Fifteen-hundred gold and you can bring the girl.” 
“Sixteen. I like even numbers.” 
“So be it,” she grunted, slamming down her wine cup. “Why couldn’t I be like the other mistresses and have sons who don’t give me headaches?” she ranted as she stood, walking out of the room. “Patricia’s boys never give her so much grief.”
“That’s because she sees them once every two hundred years,” Hongjoong called after her, “Maybe she likes even numbers too.” Once she’d left, Hongjoong checked on his finger. The skin nearly knitted back together, he grabbed a new napkin and stood up. “Looks like pancakes are going to have to wait, pet. We have a ritual to attend.”
“A ritual?”
“I’ll see you two later,” he said to his brothers. 
“Don’t make a scene, Hongjoong,” warned Seonghwa. “Just give her the blood, and come back home. It’s not worth making a fuss.”
“And then put up with Dad all night.”
“Dad’s not all bad,” said Seonghwa. “Alright, he’s just as absent in our lives as her, but at least he’s fun.”
“He also brings gifts when he comes,” said San. 
“Yeah, to make up for not being around.”
“Still,” he shrugged, “Better than pure disdain. You’re also getting sixteen hundred out of it, so it’s not all that bad.”
“You’ll have me with you,” you told him, coming to his side. You examined his finger. You winced at the split skin, “Gosh, doesn’t that hurt?”
“Nope,” he shook his head. “I might not be able to dig into people’s minds or lift them over my head, but I can make them bleed without touching them. That's why she wants me to go so badly.” He then kissed your lips, and said, “You being there will make it so much better.”
Your smile filled his hollowness for a few seconds. “I still want those pancakes when we come back,” you said with a small pout. 
“You’ll get them,” he promised, “And a bit more if we’re up for it.”
“Hongjoong!” his mother screeched from the entry hall.
“Come on,” he slid his good hand into yours, “Before she comes back in here shrieking.” 
The both of you walked outside where he saw Jongho waiting by the door. “Mistress,” he said, “Your mother just sent a messenger. She wants to know when you’re coming to Eden. You have lessons with your Aunt Gaia.” 
“Tomorrow,” you answered as you passed him. “Tell her I had something unexpected come up.”
“Yes, Mistress. I assume I tell Cook to hold off on the breakfast?”
“That too,” you said over your shoulder. 
“As you wish.” 
Walking down the steps into the sunlight, he chuckled. “Aren’t you becoming a real Mistress…”
“I’m only being myself,” you shrugged. “I don’t mind doing stuff on my own, but I won’t complain if someone offers to do it for me.” 
You took to your status easily. He imagined the life you lived above resembled the one down here, minus the CEO position and office jobs. Hongjoong couldn’t imagine working a normal desk job. It sounded dull. He saw the corporate slaves in the official buildings, typing at computers and answering phone calls. Like Mingi said multiple times: demons might scorn humans, but they certainly mimicked them well. They’d adapted a monarchy and class system; they’d rebuilt the barren wasteland of Hell into the flourishing city of Inferno; rather than live in caves or dens, they’d constructed houses and buildings. The volcanic rivers and lakes became utilized for a heat system underneath the city streets. Hongjoong saw it as they stepped into a car and began riding away. Demons of all generations and classes picked up culture and fashion from various periods, causing a period clash that molded together perfectly.
“I remember the first time I came to Hell,” he said out loud, gazing out the window. “I was seventeen and fresh from the living world. My dad threw this huge party for me in his mansion. I’d never been around so many demons before; I thought I’d never fit in with them. Everyone acted so sophisticated and refined, while I was a scruffy street urchin in fancy clothes.”
“Were you scared?”
He thought about it for a moment, “Kind of? I didn’t know anyone besides Seonghwa, and San hadn’t turned seventeen yet so he wasn’t there. I hardly knew my dad and my mom even less.”
“You see him more than her?”
“Yeah. I mean, we’re not close but he invites us to holiday gatherings and we see him during black masses. I’d rather take his company over hers any time.”
“Is that why you’ve been so moody this morning?” you asked him.
You wouldn’t get it; not many people did. He thought about the elixir again and wondered how long it takes to get some stupid leaves? He considered asking you to plant some, but the idea left him feeling sick. He didn’t like talking about it. If he talked about it, that meant his problem was real and not in his imagination. He only started taking the stuff when Seonghwa insisted. Even though he enjoyed rebelling against his brother from time to time, he knew Seonghwa meant well.
“You know you can tell me, right?” you said, breaking into his thoughts again.
“I know.”
“Then why don’t you?”
You’re likely not used to seeing him this way. He’s always been the fun, rebellious, handsome brother who fucks you until you’re a incoherent mess. Today, he’d rather be wrapped in blankets and staring into the void.
“Because I’m fine.”
“I said I’m fine, alright?” he snapped, a tightness forming in his chest. “Why does everyone keep asking me that? I’m good, okay?”
“I’m only worried about you,” you stuck yourself into your side of the backseat, not touching him anymore. “But, whatever.”
He’d hurt you, and he hated himself for it. Hongjoong thought to reach out to you, but he stopped himself. Out of his pocket, he withdrew a flask. In a single swig, the smooth brandy went down his throat sharply. He knew you’d seen him. Mingi, the driver today, saw him in the rearview mirror. Why did people have to stare so much? Why can’t they leave him alone?
“We’re here, sir,,” Mingi’s deep voice broke the silence.
He moved to get out, but Hongjoong opened his own door. He hadn’t intended to slam it. When he looked up, he saw they’d parked in front of the transport station. While trains ran throughout the city, taking people from point A to point B, a special section remained reserved for trips into the living world. He spotted his mother standing near the gates, and he tucked his flask into his back pocket. You walked past him, hardly giving him a glance and likely regretting coming along, and he wanted to take your hand. He wanted to apologize.
“She hates me,” he told Mingi, who came up beside him.
“Hate is a strong word, sir,” he replied, watching you walk towards Youngmi. “She’s just ticked off, that’s all. She really cares about you, Master. We all do.”
Deep down, he knew that.
“Quit dawdling,” his mother called as he approached, “We don’t have all day.”
He considered taking even longer just to annoy her. The blood moon only lasts so long. His eyes met yours, and you looked away from him.
‘Please, don’t look away. I need you. I need you so badly,’ he thought.
“Hongjoong-” his mother started.
“-I fucking heard you,” he remarked at her, pushing past one of her Imps towards the transport gates, “Let’s get this over with.”
He reached the portal gate before the rest of them. At a kiosk, he punched in his name and chose the destination. A white ticket shot out of the slot, and he nearly tore it apart removing it. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to go home. He wanted to be in his bed, holding you and wishing he never had to wake up again. Yet, here he was, scanning his ticket on the gate to let himself through. He felt several people behind him, their presence irking him the longer he noticed them. Naturally, his mother walked ahead of him to the black and green vortex inside a stone archway.
“I’m doing your stupid ritual and then leaving,” he told her one final time. “You have your little minions wire me my money after.”
“You better watch your tone, boy,” she retorted, “Or I’ll-”
“-What? Ignore me for another ten years? I wish you would.”
“You’re just like your father, you know that?”
“Better than being like you.”
He walked through the portal before her, enjoying the weightlessness in the dark void. It nearly suffocated him before the scent of pine wood and crisp winter air reached him. When he came out the other side, Hongjoong took in deep gulps of air. All around him, he saw a dark, sparse forest of thin trees and leafy grounds. Time in the living world and demon world flipped each other: Hell’s day time was a human’s night time. Seonghwa would have some scientific explanation for it that he’d tune out when it got too complicated.
“The breeze is so wonderful,” Youngmi inhaled deeply. “Hell never has any seasons.”
“It’s Hell. It’s supposed to be hot.”
Youngmi rolled her eyes, “Follow me.”
Hongjoong looked over his shoulder to you next to Mingi, taking deep breaths. He should’ve been the one explaining and preparing you. He felt like a total dick now.
If she called his name one more time, he’d find the sharpest stick he could and stab himself with it. Then, he could watch her bleed for once. Hongjoong moved along with her Imps, the small child-like demons who live to serve. He never particularly liked them. Their uncanny appearance to children freaked him out, but not as much as the witches up ahead. In the darkness of the forest, he saw a bright orange and yellow glowing between them. He could hear mad cackling, cheering and saw shadows dance around the large fire.
“The Grand High Witch approaches!” one of the Imps said in his gravelly voice, calling the witches’ attention. “All hail the Grand High Witch!”
“Hail the Grand High Witch!”
Oh, she loved this. Hongjoong did not need to see her face as she strutted up to the clearing with her head up high. He wished he could smell the ocean, but the smoke and fire overpowered it. When he pushed past the clearing, he hoped none of them noticed him. However, they did.
“Master!” one witch hissed, bowing awkwardly to him. It was awkward for her because her hunched back made it difficult. Her pale skin was marked by black holes, and her black lips were cracked and hung open. “Master, you came! You came!”
“We’re delighted to see you, Master,” another said. When he looked, he saw whom he called ‘The Twins’. Two women stuck together by the waist, their long mottled claws reached out to him with their black eyes full of lust and longing. “Yes,” said the one on the left, “So delighted.”
“Um, yes, evening ladies.”
They simpered at his awkward greeting. A witch with an elongated face and a long crooked nose grinned at him with rotten teeth, while another stood at hip height reaching out for him. His stomach churned seeing them. He wished they’d use their human forms.
“Who is she?!” a very tall witch, bony and stooped, pointed at you. “We already have a cambion!”
“She’s with me,” Hongjoong grunted at her, moving over to take your hand. He saw the shock in your eyes at the sight of the dozens of witches in front of you. "Stick close to me,” he assured you, knowing your fear outweighed your resentment towards him. Your fingers sliding between his kept him from drifting. “It won’t take long. I promise.”
The crowd of witches parted as he guided you in front of him. They hissed and snarled at you. One snapped her large jaws, laughing when you flinched.
“She looks tasty…” a witch with spikes coming from her head came to your side. It wasn’t her who spoke, it was the face in her throat. “Scrumptious.”
“I can smell your fear, little girl,” said another, her head similar to a skeleton head with skin, “You’ll make a fine feast.”
“Back off,” Hongjoong growled, baring his canine teeth and flaring the crimson in his eyes. He didn’t bring out his true form very often, but he would for you. “Before I shove you all in the fire!”
As he guided you by the waist, Hongjoong noticed your soft skin gradually turned hard. When he put his full hand on it, he felt the roughness of tree bark. It started at your waist and went up your sides. Armor? He knew you’d started taking lessons with Rhea, who taught you combat and defense skills. He didn’t think you’d gotten that far already.
“We’ll only take a bite!”
A witch with horns all around her head moved forward before a silver blade reached her throat. Mingi, stone-faced and cold, held his blade to her neck.
“Take a bite and I take your life,” he said, deep black eyes glaring at her as his skin slowly turned a light red. “Understand, witch?”
“Ye-yes, Master.”
Finally reaching the front of the crowd, Hongjoong saw a large black cauldron on top of a stone platform. The first time he’d seen it, he recalled the putrid scent coming up from the boiling pot. He remembered the heat against his skin, the steam burning him as she hung his hand over the potion. Hongjoong gripped your waist without meaning to, knowing he’d have to do that again. Looking into the sky, he saw a full moon hanging in the pitch blackness. Soon, an eclipse will occur that will turn the moon from its bright white to deep red. In the rays of its light, the ritual will be performed.
“Daughters!” his mother raised her hands for silence, “Tonight, we gather underneath our sacred moon to fortify and strengthen your powers! With the blood of humans, you maintain your youth. With the blood of a half-breed, you maintain your physical form! And with the blood of a demon of transference,” she glanced over at him, “You maintain your immortality.”
The witches around him hissed, clicking and growling their approval. “Saia, Beatrice!” his mother called to a witch nearby, “Bring out the human first!”
“Oh my god…” he heard you breathe.
“Please! Please, let me go! Please!”
She must’ve been nineteen or twenty-years-old, he deduced. Long blond hair that shone in the firelight, her porcelain skin and slim body made her a perfect candidate. Two witches dragged her over to the cauldron, the woman kicking and screaming between them. Hongjoong watched them force her up onto a step while his mother withdrew a long, curved knife. She began speaking in Latin, a language Hongjoong never bothered to learn, but context told him everything.
“They’re not…” you whispered to him, “They’re not going to-to kill her?”
“That’s exactly what they’re going to do.”
“Stop! Please! Someone help me!” the woman shrieked, tears streaming down her cheeks as the witches held her over the cauldron.
The steam and smell made her turn her head, but one of them forced her to face forward. Her terror did not last long. In the last few words, Youngmi put the blade across the girl’s long neck. You turned away right as blood shot out of the wound and into the cauldron. He held you close, your scent overpowering the stench around him.
“Now,” his mother said, “The cambion!”
“Let me go, you bitches!”
A man this time. No doubt they lured him with their disguised beauty. Like with the woman, they held him over the cauldron as his mother said the second verse. A bit stronger, he managed to break free of their hold, but only for a moment. Slamming his head onto the cauldron’s rim, Youngmi took the chance to slit his throat as well. The potion glowed a deep scarlet color, which will only get darker with his blood added.
“You stay here,” he told you gently.
“No, Hongjoong,” you pleaded, “Don’t go.”
“I’ll be fine,” he assured you, kissing your forehead.
“And finally, my daughters, the blood of a demon!”
One witch tried grabbing him, but he shrugged her off. Hongjoong really wanted to know how a demon gets banned from the living world, and why she didn’t find another. Climbing the steps, he took his mother’s knife and stood next to the cauldron. Six-year-old Hongjoong screamed, cried and begged his mother not to do it. He’d never felt such terror before. But, two-hundred-and-sixty-nine year old Hongjoong knew better now. While his mother and her followers chanted the last stanza of the incantation, he quickly slid the blade along his injured finger to reopen it. The witch across him hissed as her own finger split open. When the first few drops fell into the potion, the smoke billowed thick with the scent of blood. He coughed as it entered his lungs and plugged up his nose. He squeezed his blood into it, then stepped back from the cauldron.
His mother waved her hands around the pot, finishing off the spell while he came back to you. Mingi offered him a handkerchief for his finger, but he only had eyes for you. He saw the terror in your eyes, though you did your best not to show it. You kept yourself from staring at any witch for too long; he saw you already figuring out an escape route as he saw your midsection and shoulders thicken. Daughters of Eden didn’t particularly need metal armor, even if the guards wore it.
“Hey,” he cupped your cheek with his clean hand, “Don’t be scared.”
"Are you serious right now?”
“Okay, yeah I know, but we’re going home,” he assured you. “They won’t hurt you with me around.”
“Drink, my daughters! Come and drink! Receive your blessings!”
Witches flocked to the platform, taking out cups from their cloaks. Hongjoong held you to his chest, about to turn you around to go home when another voice rang out.
“Ladies! How lovely to see you all here!”
A man in a long coat with a vest and ruffled shirt came out of the shadows. Black curls hung around his face and over his red eyes. People told him that his brothers all looked like Asmodeus in one way or another. Seonghwa had his long curls; San had his golden brown skin, and Hongjoong had his narrow nose. The witches all turned at his voice, delighted by the sight of their master, and bowed to him at once. It was only Youngmi who glared at him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, ladling potion into a witch’s cup.
“I was told you’d kidnapped my son,” Asmodeus said, walking further into the clearing. He stared around the semi-circle overlooking the cliffs. “This is a great meeting place,” he whistled his approval. “I think we’ll have our next black mass in these woods. They’re remote, old, and there’s plenty of camping space around here.”
“Get out,” Youngmi hissed.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” his father groaned. “I didn’t come here for any of you, even though…” he walked over to the twins, touching each of their long chins as they sighed dreamily, “I wouldn’t mind partaking while I’m here. How’re my favorite twins doing?”
“Do you have to ruin everything, Asmodeus?” she snapped.
“Hey, you’re the one that took my boy for this strange ritual of yours,” he quipped. He turned from the twins to see Hongjoong nearby. “There you are, Joongie!” he walked over to him, and they clasped hands before hugging. “There’s my handsome boy,” he patted Hongjoong’s back, smiling warmly. He spotted Hongjoong’s bleeding finger, “It doesn’t hurt, right?”
“It hurt someone, just not me,” he replied, which amused his father.
“Good boy, good boy.” His eyes landed on you, and the flirtation turned on again. “Hello there,” he said, drawing closer to you, “Aren’t you a lovely one? Are you new? I don’t see any rot in you at all.” He caressed your cheek, but you moved away. This only made the demon prince chuckle, “Don’t be shy, sweetheart. I don’t bite…unless you ask me to.”
“She’s with me, Dad,” Hongjoong got in between you both, “And she’s your great niece.”
Clarity came to him right away, “She’s Andromeda’s girl? Well, how nice to finally meet you. Your grandmother didn’t shut up about you when I visited yesterday. You really are a beauty,” he moved around Hongjoong towards you. “You should come visit my mansion sometime. I can show you a few tricks of my own.”
“What’s up, Dad?” he stood in front of you again. He knew with enough eye-contact and persuasion, you’d become putty in his father’s hands. “I thought you’d be at the keep.”
“I was, and your brothers told me you’d be here. Listen, son,” he fixed his coat as he said, “I’m having a gathering at my place this weekend.”
“For what?”
He glimpsed over at you as he said, “The Passionate Heart Ball.” He walked around Hongjoong again to you, “It’s an important celebration to us demons of lust, you see. It happens at the first full moon of spring. It’s when our powers are the strongest,” he played with the end of a stray hair, “Where our seed is most potent and we become…truly primal. You could ask your mates all about it: there’s lots of wine, food and fucking going on there.”
“That sounds…interesting, I guess.”
“You’re in Hell, darling. There’s no way you’ve never had a cock before,” he said, voice low with lust. “Not if you’ve been hanging around my boys. Oh…” he exhaled deeply, “I bet your orgasms sound sweet. I’d love to hear them myself-”
“-Seriously, Dad?” Hongjoong interrupted. “We’ll go to the damn ball. You know where to send the details.”
“Don’t be greedy, boy,” he said over his shoulder. “You get to fuck this one whenever you like. Isn’t that right, angel?”
“That’s right.” 
Hongjoong froze. Your voice, breathy and low, told him everything he needed to know.
“How about we ditch this place and go somewhere more private, hm?” his father’s hands traced your shoulder up to your collar, “Where I can see just how beautiful girls from Eden are.”
“I don’t think you want to do that, Uncle,” you said, your own voice flirty and sultry. “I’ve been told my kisses alone can be pretty dangerous.”
“Is that right?” he leaned in closer.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Your sons can go for hours with a kiss or two from me.”
“Ha, I don’t need a kiss to do that,” he said. “I’m lust personified, honey. I can fuck pretty things like you for days.”
“Days? That’s excessive, no?”
“Excess is what I love. Just like how much I love gorgeous women with gorgeous tits.”
“Dad!” Hongjoong felt anger flare in his chest, and he pulled you away from him. “Come on, seriously? My mate?”
“No harm in a little romp,” his father reasoned, hands in the air. “She must be special if even my Hongjoong doesn’t want to share her with me. How many of these did we take together during mass? Ten? Eleven?”
“I lost count after six, if I’m honest.”
His father laughed, distracted by the joke. He rung an arm around Hongjoong’s shoulders, “Bring her to the ball.”
“She’s not a lust demon.”
“I don’t care. Your other siblings will be bringing their pleasure slaves and mates. She can be your plus-one.” He looked back over at you, “Wear something easy to take off. You won’t be clothed very long.”
You smiled shyly, turning away at his forwardness. Hongjoong scowled at his father, who gave you a wink. “See you at the ball, son.”
He gave another hug before walking over to a group of witches. Hongjoong scoffed his disgust, moving towards you. “Let’s get out of here before he starts a full blown orgy,” Hongjoong said, but then he saw your expression. Intrigue filled your pretty eyes, scanning over his father’s athletic, slim body. “Really, babe? My dad? Your great uncle?”
“What?” you groaned, “He’s hot. Sorry I’m not made of stone. You don’t mind the incest when it’s us and your brothers.”
“That’s different.”
“We actually love you, whereas my dad will pound into you for a few hours and then forget your name.”
“If you love me,” you put the handkerchief to his bleeding hand, “Why won’t you tell me what’s really bugging you?”
“Then help me understand,” you said.
He saw witches who’d drunk their potion moving over to his father. The man truly slept with anyone or anything. It disgusted him, and he liked most things. Hongjoong didn’t speak as he took you away from the frivolity into the forest. Out of their notice, he guided you to a spot where the moonlight still shone on you. If anything made him feel better, it’d be a few minutes alone with you. 
“Aren’t we going back to that portal thing?” you asked him, worry in your voice.
“Not right now,” he said.
“Where’s Mingi?”
“Probably still in the clearing. If he’s lucky, one of them turned into a hot girl for him to plug up for a while.”
“Do you always have to be so obscene?”
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
Through a thicket of trees, Hongjoong brought you out of range of the clearing. He leaned against one of the trees, withdrawing his flask to take another swig. The cool breeze went across his hot cheeks to fill his lungs with fresh air. You stood beside him, where you took his flask and drank some yourself.
“There’s days…” he explained, “There’s days where I get this hollow feeling.”
“Empty. I can’t enjoy or experience anything because this emptiness sits inside me and takes up space,” he said. “I feel weighed down. I feel useless and unhappy. I start remembering things, and it only makes it worse,” he took the flask back from you and gulped some down. He let you have the last bit of it as he said, “I force myself to do things because I have to, but all I really want to do is stay in bed and let it swallow me whole.”
“I wouldn’t really know anything about that,” you told him, finishing the flask. “It sounds shitty.”
“It is. I normally take this elixir Yunho makes,” he said, “But he hasn’t had the ingredients for it so I’ve sort of been managing without it.”
“And self-medicating,” you added.
“That too.”
“Then coming here must’ve really been rough for you. Your mother is a real piece of work.”
“You don’t even know half of it.”
“You know you have me,” you told him, taking his injured hand. His finger healed up well, so the only thing you did was wipe off the caked blood. “I might not be able to make potions or anything like that to help, but I’m here if you need someone to stay in bed with you.”
“It’s what I wanted to do,” he said, “But then this happened. Now, my dad is here too? I wish I had more whiskey.”
“Your dad doesn’t seem as bad. He’s definitely better than mine.”
“He’s the lesser of two evils for sure.”
“He can’t be all that bad. My dad never invited me to orgies before.” 
The both of you shared a glance in the dark, the red moon giving just enough light to see your face. He could hear the orgy beginning right on the other side of the bushes. Your beauty astounded him every time. If anything distracted him from his hollowness, it’d be you and your smile.
“A lot of people have shitty parents,” you said, hands sliding onto his chest. “My dad was a mean sonofabitch who liked hitting women and drinking. My mom tells me it’s because of the war-”
“-Your dad was a veteran?-”
“-Yeah, WW2,” you nodded. “He didn’t talk about it, but when I think about him now, I sort of see it. There'd been times that he seemed  there but not there? He sat there physically, but mentally he went somewhere else. My mom told me he became this empty shell when he returned home,” you said. “Is that kind of the same for you?”
“Yeah,” he said. “When I was a kid, I didn’t have Seonghwa’s aristocratic upbringing. I lived in a village with an old witch who’d rather eat me than hug me, and I was left alone a lot.” He let his thumb trace over the necklace you wore today. An opal inlaid with stones, it stood out against your sweater. “I committed crimes. I drank a lot. I went to prison a few times, and that wasn’t exactly a holiday in the Bahamas.” 
“You went to prison? How old were you?”
“Eight. Things have drastically changed since then, obviously,” he said. “They didn’t have juvenile prisons back then. You either went to big boy jail or a reform school; both are equally horrible. The only good thing I got out of it was I sort of honed my skills there? I learned I had transference, so whenever an overseer or officer beat me, it hurt them more. They couldn’t explain it. I think it sort of scared them?” Hongjoong didn’t like thinking about the cruel guards and their unusual punishments. “Things only changed when Seonghwa came. I’d killed the witch I lived with and he came to get me. There I had to be a proper gentleman. I had to go to boring lessons where they taught me how to read and write; they dressed me in fancy clothing with too many layers and taught me how to dance and table etiquette. I hated it. It wasn’t me. When I finally came down here, it was a whole new thing. I could be me and nobody could say anything. I didn’t think my hollowness would find me down here, but it did. It did…”
“Which sounds awful,” you said, kissing his lips. The faint sounds of moaning and groaning caught both of you, and you glanced through the bushes. “I can imagine having a dad like that didn’t make things easy.”
“He’s meant to be a demon who can read people’s emotions, but he seemed to never read mine,” he sighed, seeing his dad kissing the siamese twins. “He might not be Dad of the Year, but he still showed more interest in me than he did my brothers.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’m the ‘Handsome One’.”
You laughed, “Really?”
He pinched your arm lightly, “What do you mean ‘really’?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean it like that,” you assured him. “All three of you are handsome. Why does he have a favorite?”
“I’m the most like him, Seonghwa told me once. San is more into athletics and fighting. Seonghwa likes his books, poetry and philosophy. I was the one who liked having weekend orgies, flirting with anything that looked good, and indulged in his interests,” he shrugged. “To him, I’m the attractive brother. At the mass, I was the one he kept inviting to his tent for his private parties. I don’t know if you noticed, but rather than wait for me to come home, he came here.”
“And yet, he can’t tell that something is bothering his favorite son?”
He turned to see his father tilting his head back as the twins worked him. Witches all around him paired up to engage in their own desires. He noticed his mother mysteriously disappeared. “He’s usually too busy with his own things to notice anything outside of himself.”
“I notice,” you said, and he heard the drop in your voice. “There really isn’t anything I can do to make you feel better?”
He inhaled deep when your hand slid down to his belt buckle. His hands went up your sides where he felt your supple flesh once more. You brought him in for a kiss, and Hongjoong didn’t protest when your tongue tenderly passed his lips. That heady endorphin your kiss brought hit him almost immediately. He pulled your sweater out from under your skirt, and slipped his hands underneath. Your fingers delicately danced over his torso, sliding over the flatness to his chest. Hongjoong gasped softly when your thumbs brushed his nipples. He unclipped your bra, which took your passion up a notch. Leaning against the thick tree trunk, he lifted one leg to his waist to pull your sex to his own.
“No panties,” he groaned between kisses, “Again, pet?”
“I stopped seeing the point,” you giggled, pecking his lips. “You know I love being fucked just as much as you love fucking me.”
He lifted the back of your skirt to grope the soft cheeks that filled his hands. Not a stitch of clothing kept Hongjoong from spreading and squeezing them. He lost himself in you. Your body pressed to his brought on a new feeling that overpowered the hollowness. It took up space in him that made him forget everything that happened. All he wanted was you. The clinking of his belt buckle alone accelerated his arousal, causing him to push you into his bulge more. He could have you just like this, right there in the light of a blood moon. There, he'd have his own special ritual. 
His lips broke from yours to groan when you reached into his jeans. Your hand, cold from the climate, shocked his hot muscle. The coolness against the heat had him moving into your hand for more. You glided your hand as he continued kissing down your neck and grabbing your ass. Every sensation he hoped to grab reached him the longer you stroked him. Once he grew hard enough, you pulled him from his boxers to keep rubbing him. This let him lift your shirt and bra over your breasts so he could suck the hard nipples underneath. One hand massaging them, the other reached between your thighs to your slick sex. Your wet clitoris jutted from your folds as if asking to be touched by him; your folds already puffy and wet on his fingers, he had no trouble sliding to your entrance. 
“Don’t stop,” you whimpered in a kiss, “Please.”
“As long as you don’t.”
Spinning you around, Hongjoong nearly slammed you into the tree as he kept one leg at his hip. Your eyes closed with one swift push into your heat; the penetration bringing relief to both of you. His hands under your thighs, your arms went around his neck to help keep yourself stable in his grasp. Once inside you, Hongjoong didn’t stop. Lips attached to yours again, he kept a steady stride in each thrust. Even with the burning in his arms and legs, Hongjoong chased after the desperation for release. Putting a hand to your throat, he gently squeezed as he pinned you to the tree and picked up the pace. His balls slapped against your soft ass cheeks; his cock pushed deep through your bumpy walls, their taut squeezes driving him insane. 
“Fuck, that feels so good,” you said through gritted teeth, strained by his hand on your neck. “Fuck me, Master. Please, fuck me. Use my pussy to cum.”
“I plan to,” he grunted, tucking your skirt into the waistband for glimpses of your full sex. “Just a pretty hole for me to use whenever I want,” he said, watching himself slide in and out of you. “Are these mine?” he asked in a groan, pumping you faster. “Are your holes mine?”
“Yes,” you whined, “Yes, Master. They’re yours.”
You cried when he withdrew, panting as he turned you to face the tree. He forced you into an arch, then shoved himself back into your heat. The smacking of his lower stomach to your ass joined the lewd sounds it created. He watched your fingers dig into the thick tree bark, smiling as you moaned up into the heavens for him. Keeping one hand on your shoulder, he pinned you to the tree as he slapped your ass cheeks. The harsh smacks must be heard even through the bundle of trees and bushes between you two and the clearing. He loved the way you yelped if he smacked particularly hard or in the right place; how your ass bounced as your need for release grew. Hongjoong made deep thrusts that he swore reached right into your stomach and arranged your insides. 
“Doesn’t she look beautiful?”
Hongjoong might’ve jumped at his father’s appearance had he not been overcome with your drug. Asmodeus stood a few feet away with the humpback and the horned witch naked and rubbing up and down his body. Hongjoong leaned forward and grabbed your breasts, still pushing and pounding you hard. He heard his father’s low groans, suspecting one witch started filling her mouth with him. Hongjoong turned you sideways, lifted your other leg up and gave him a view of your cunt wrapped around his wet cock. 
“Oooh, that’s a nice one,” his father groaned, eyeing where you both met. 
“So nice,” he huffed, “And it’s all mine.”
“Yes, it is,” you giggled, hand around the nape of his neck as you stayed completely still. He felt your nails dig into his flesh, the slight pain pushing him further. “All yours.”
Hongjoong pulled out a moment, tapping and sliding himself on your clit. “I can never get enough of this,” he said, loving the sloppy sounds the touch made. “I end up fucking her until I’m empty.”
“As you should with a beauty like that.”
Pushing back in, he lifted your sweater over your breasts more to see them bounce as he fucked you. “And I love emptying you,” you breathed, moving from your position to squat down on the floor, “Especially if you do it in my mouth.”
Hand in your hair, Hongjoong forced himself into your open mouth. You held onto the trunk while he started pushing to your face. He loved your mouth as much as the other holes. Your mouth sucking his tip and shaft the right amount of firmness had Hongjoong trembling in place in minutes. Blinding passion shut his eyes the moment his body stiffened in his clothes. Every suck suddenly became sensitive as he started squirting into your mouth. You elevated it by sliding him to the back of your throat to let him shoot further down. In the faint light, he saw his cum dripping from the sides of your mouth to your chin. When he pulled out, still hard and pulsing, he saw the few strings keeping you connected. 
“I’m not empty,” he said, slapping his leaking head on your tongue. “I think you need to fix that or otherwise my dad will think you’re not serving me well. You don’t want the Prince of Lust thinking you’re not making his son happy, right?”
“Of course not,” you replied, stroking him slowly as you licked down to his balls. “I’d hate to leave a bad impression, Master.”
“Ass in the air,” he said, grinding his balls to your mouth for gentle sucks from your lips. 
You assumed the position in the dirt, ass up towards him to give him complete control of you. Hands hooked to your skirt’s waistband, he forced you down onto his still hard cock, and used it to guide you along his length. 
“Fuck me,” he ordered, smacking your ass. “I’m the master. I’m not doing the work. Fuck me, slut.”
While his father began fingering the horned witch as the other pushed her sex to his crotch, Hongjoong and you fucked on the ground. His father had no idea the effect your saliva had on people. Perhaps even he would regret inviting you once he’s had a taste of you. You kept the same speed until you began shaking and throbbing on him. Hongjoong knelt there and watched you completely spiral in front of him. He didn’t care if his father saw it. Your pussy creaming and coating his dick caused the muscle to vibrate inside you, as he’d done that first night with you. A gift he inherited from his father. This heightened your orgasm, and you became needier. 
“Keep going,” you whined, your climax subsiding. “Please, Master. Please?”
“I suppose I can.”
And there you continued. The hollowness disappeared the more times he came inside or on you. Clothes and bodies soon smeared with dirt and leaves, muscles tense and shaking each time, Hongjoong let himself be taken over by you. By the time the drug wore off, you both laid on the ground in a messy heap. He left soft kisses on your jawline and neck, his entire body like a puddle of jello. While you drifted to sleep on the floor, he stayed there and looked at you as the sun rose up. 
“She is quite something,” his father said. Both witches laid their heads on his bare thighs, nude and sweaty from pleasuring their master. He leaned against the tree, pushing hair from his face. “I’d hoped to have my turn, but I suppose she’s all spent now.”
“You’ll have her one day, I have no doubt, Dad,” he replied, not looking at him. He smiled softly when you sniffled in your sleep. 
“It’s nice to see you have a girl that makes you smile.” When Hongjoong looked up at him, he said, “I was an angel once, son. I can sense the good and the evil in people. That means I can see their happiness as well as their sadness. I don’t know anything about all this new mental health stuff, but…I know, Hongjoong. I know.” 
From his pant’s pocket on the floor, he withdrew a small pouch and tossed it to him. Hongjoong opened it to see a bundle of mint leaves inside. 
“Give that to your butler,” he said, starting to shut his eyes. “You are not the only one who feels hollow.” 
Neither of them spoke, but Hongjoong nodded his appreciation. He rested beside you, arms around your waist and face close to yours. 
Yes, he certainly preferred his father over his mother. 
A/N: aww, the "handsome one" really has some parental issues. I hope you guys really liked this one, I have San's coming soon after <3
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the-orange-solace · 6 months
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◈ System Name ⇝ The Orange Solace
◈ Collective Pronouns ⇝ They/Them
◈ Bodily Age ⇝ Adult
◈ System Information ⇝ We are a Fictive-Heavy Polyfragmented System and have many duplicates, so names may overlap! Using their chosen emoji's and/or secondary names to distinguish them are recommended!
◈ Additional Information ⇝ We're a Queer Biracial and Neurodivergent system with Tourettes!
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◈ Please use Tone Tags!
◈ Ask to DM!
◈ Free to @!
◈ Asks/Submissions are open!
◈ Each individual has differing opinions on Source! Check below the cut and/or ask before engaging if possible!
◈ This is a safe space for all Plurals, but mainly ourselves! If we don't like what you are doing in anyway we will freely block or simply not interact with you and/or you&!
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◈ Ask posts will be tagged with #Asks
◈ Names given will be tagged for each Ask (ex. An Anonymous Ask will be tagged as #Anon)
◈ We may not keep up with specific tags, this is going to be normal, deal with it
◈ We will not use censorship words (ex. unalive or oofed instead of dead or 🍆 instead of saying any term for genitalia)
◈ We enjoy siting terms and information, expect a lot of links and references
◈ We try to be as accessible as possible, but we may fuck up, just help us out when this happens
◈ This section will be updated as needed
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◈ Headmates each have an emoji/phrase they use for the posts they reblog and/or make
◈ Not all Sys Tags will be named in this post
◈ It's mostly for our own knowledge, state who is speaking, and to find certain posts of/for a member quicker
◈ Doubles and Duplicates welcome! We don't feel uneasy around people who are just like us or share our identity!
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Send in Asks to inform us of any triggers or topics you/you& may need for posts we make or reblog! This can be for any reason, as long as we're able to tag it in some form or be able to distinguish what it is to properly find and tag it!
◈ The following have been tagged:
⇝ Religious Horror (🕳️) ⇝ Body Horror (🕳️) ⇝ Dead Things (🩻)
⇝ ...
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◈ Systems Exclusionists/Sysmeds (Anti-endo, Anti-willogenic, etc.)
◈ Incest Shippers (Tcest, etc.)
◈ Pedophiles
◈ Rapists
◈ Racists
◈ Ableists
◈ Sexists
◈ Misogynists
◈ Misandrists (Believe men cannot also be victims)
◈ Xenophobes
◈ Islamophobic
◈ Antisemitic
◈ Fatphobes
◈ Queerphobes/Queer Exclusionists
◈ Against Neopronouns and/or Xenogenders
◈ Against Lovelessness
◈ Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERFs)
◈ Transmedicalists (Transmeds)
◈ Radical Feminists (Radfems)
◈ Against Recovery (Anti-recovery)
◈ TransID (Trans Disabled, Trans Race, etc.)
◈ Those who demonize Disorders such as...
⇝ Cluster Disorders
⇝ Psychotic Disorders
⇝ Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
◈ Those who Romanticize...
⇝ Mental Illness
⇝ Self Harm
⇝ Abuse
⇝ Rape
⇝ Pedophilia
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Credit: @plural-this-user-is and @endouserboxes
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With no ill intention to op, I'm just scratching my head like...that's exactly why we engage in it. Every single wincestie* finds the horror of incest compelling. It's why we find the entire fucking show compelling. Yes we also make cute headcanons and all that because the characters do clearly love each other and I get if that makes you uncomfortable but like...to put a wincest dni on there is just so silly because we are the people who make that horror content and those comparatives...I don't enjoy deanjohn as a fluff ship at ALL but I don't say dni to people who do...
Admittedly I get people leaving weird tags on a post but I'd rather blame tumblr (the seeing tags update that is) for that. Tags used to be a private thing for one's followers only and it kinda sucks that they must be seen by the op now:/
*I'm using this as an umbrella term for samdean/deanjohn/etc here obv.
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cringefaecompilation · 9 months
Is callowmoore abusive? Bc in this server im in ppl are saying that the cast is enabling abusive relationships bc Fearne hit him and tried to kill him and theyre letting her get away with it and forcing them to be together
short answer: what the fuck no. it sounds like they just really fucking hate fearne. that's a horrible thing to accuse them all of.
long answer which i'm gonna phrase very carefully to keep it out of any other shipping tags:
before they became canon i'd started shipping imogen/laudna out of spite solely because the people that hated them as a couple and kept saying they were abusive were a trillion times more annoying than people who loved them as a couple and kept saying they were perfect.
i deeply dislike orym/ashton and laudna/ashton as couples because most of the fanworks with them utilize my most hated trope of one's significant other being basically a therapist or obsessing over them both being "broken and fixing each other" which feels like it trivializes a lot of their traumas as easily fixable through the power of love and grand shows of romance. this trope also happens to be really popular in fanworks with dorian, both within ships and just in general. he deserves better than that.
(also a LOT of laudna/ashton shippers are gross about imogen and dismissive of lesbophobia when they "criticize" imogen/laudna so like. i trust only two people with that ship and both of them love imogen and ship imogen/fearne.)
but these are just my opinions. i'm not in the right inherently because something makes me uncomfortable. i'm not going to go on AO3 and start interrogating orym/dorian shippers on their opinions on mental health to get a sick sense of personal accomplishment when or if they say something ill-informed.
just like how there are people who see the fearne/ashton ship as platonic or familial because they saw the shards and went "oh, so the emperor and empress are their parents and they're TWINS!" that's completely fine. they're allowed to want it to be platonic. but if someone said fearne/ashton was incest and went around accusing people of loving incest because they shipped it, it'd be gross.
this isn't the first time this has happened, either. people went out of their way to insist fjord/jester was abusive or forced or homophobic or bound to end as a dumpster-fire and it didn't. plus, in canon both ash and fearne need to come into their own and become emotionally ready for a relationship and no amount of cross-table banter is going to change that.
fearne does not know how to handle legitimate romance outside of one-night stands! ashton does not find themselves worthy of love and their sexual history has been incredibly traumatic! it's not going to be an instant thing and i think being gross about it because you hate the ship is just going to leave you looking like an asshole whether they decide to get together or just stay friends. i think everyone needs to step back and not let their opinions inform a total stranger's actions.
tl;dr if someone has that strong of opinions on a ship i think it might just be a personal thing with them. but no, it's not and it's completely disrespectful to outright state it is fact. sorry about jumping off your ask here but this has been bugging me for a hot minute.
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jnnul · 1 year
jnnul’s [works in progress]
a/n: this work in progress list is also a work in progress - but everything on here is stuff that ended up surviving the writer’s fallout purge (where i inevitably delete all the documents of fics i no longer have the passion to write). there is a new and updated second version of this masterlist for the newer ideas that i’ve been working on.
ready for love - jeno x fem!reader (ft. tbz’s juyeon) (non-idol au)
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sum.: a boy who has never taken a relationship seriously. a girl who is seriously over relationships. when they end up finding each other, will they let their ideas of what a relationship should be like ruin their relationship before it even starts?
word count: 19.5k
release date: tues, nov 21, 2023
tags: slice of life, friends to lovers but also...it’s complicated?, everything is just complicated for no reason in this fic they’re just dramatic af, jaemin and y/n are platonic besties
status: released!
of sword and ink - juyeon x fem!southasian!oc (silla era au)
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sum.: where an indian princess is sent to the silla dynasty in order to promote trade through the means of political alliance - marriage. however, the princess soon discovers that the king she is to marry is not like what the stories say he is.
est word count: 30-40k
est release date: may 2024 (or never lol)
tags: dynasty meets the crown meets game of thrones minus the incest, just a lot of politics and a lot of poorly concealed government smacktalk, if i go missing after this one it’s bc i made too many innuendos abt capitalism
status: writing (700 words lmao)
five questions - mark x gn!reader (non-idol au)
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sum.: did you know it only takes five questions to find your soulmate?
est word count: 4-5k
release date: wed, june 27, 2023
tags: finance bro mark and y/n, slice of life, mostly fluff, kinda your typical suburban modern day couple, idk they’re just good ppl who experience a slow and sweet romance, oh! and mark sucks at beer pong
status: released!
great teacher y/n - jaehyun x reader (teacher/school au)
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sum.: teaching high school kids about physics and mathematics was not your career plan. but turns out the government is serious about collecting their loans and there simply isn’t any way to do that without a job. so when nasa doesn’t work out, you turn to teaching physics at a prestigious academy - copernicus academy. as you navigate between being a good teacher, new friends, and possibly even romance, you realize that sometimes, the unexpected plans are the best ones.
est word count: 11k
est release date: august 2024
tags: still fleshing this one out bois
status: on hiatus
peaches - yang jungwon x reader (neighbor au)
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sum.: when you pie your [really-hot] neighbor in the face on accident, you never imagine that you’re gonna have to be wheeling him to the hospital because who the fuck is allergic to peaches? yang jungwon, apparently. but you come to learn that yang jungwon is so much more than his unfortunate allergy to peaches and his pretty face and you’re stuck wondering if falling in love with someone you can’t have is worth it.
word count: 2.9k
release date: june 4, 2024
tags: this one’s sad bois, bullet fic, like ngl, when i was planning this one, i teared up a little bit, sorry in advance tw: major character death, terminal illness, just...not meant for the weak-hearted
status: released!
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cum-villain · 2 months
What's Takatenn?
🤭Okay, so. It's two characters from Idolish7, Kujou Takamasa and Kujou Tenn. Shared surname is due to adoption, but it's important to recognize they don't actually consider each other father and son. It's a facade, they're business partners. Kinky, but not in an incest way. Except legally ofc.
See, Kujou Takamasa used to be the manager of this one extremely popular idol, "Zero". But due to reasons not yet revealed in the plot, not known to us nor Kujou Takamasa himself, Zero disappeared. After this, Kujou kind of became... insane. He's obsessed with Zero, he wants to create an idol to replace Zero, he hates Zero for leaving him behind.
In order to create an idol, he's attempted to find and use other musicians, but after failures (including sending a guy to the hospital with a head injury in order to attempt to acquire the guy's partner), he's started a new method: Adopt children, and raise them to be idols since youth. There are 3 children we know of he's in some way acquired, one of whom he discarded. Another of those children is Kujou Tenn, formerly Nanase Tenn, who he acquired at age 14.
How he acquired Tenn was itself a business deal. Tenn's parents club was losing money, and his twin little brother was chronically ill, requiring hospital fees being payed. All in all, it was a sticky situation. It's honestly unclear right now whether the money situation was intentionally set up by Kujou Takamasa, but regardless of if it was purposeful or coincidence, Tenn agreed to be acquired by Kujou in exchange for his little brother's hospital fees being payed. From the very start, they've known full well they're using each other for their own ends. Purely business, nothing emotional, right?
Except, at some point in the 5 years of being business partners (Tenn is 19 when the show starts), it stopped being pure business for them. Kujou doesn't just want Tenn to be like Zero, he's terrified of Tenn specifically leaving him, and has expressed that multiple times in the show. He isn't just using Tenn coldly, he has a strong emotional dependency on him.
And it's similar for Tenn. He isn't just using Kujou, he genuinely wants to make his dreams come true. His brother's health came first at the start, but now, he's determined to overtake Riku and make Kujou's dreams come true. When Kujou has his breakdowns, Tenn is there to tuck him to bed, reassure him that his nightmare was just a nightmare. Of course, he recognizes that the person he's comforting is something of a monster, whose hurt several people around him, hurt him as well. But still, he wants to make that monster's dreams come true.
So, we have a relationship of two people who, in the beginning, were using to fulfill their dreams while thinking of other people they cared about, but now genuinely have a sort of... I wouldn't say they care for each other, that sounds more sweet than it is. But they have an odd codependency that they get some sort of happiness from.
Also. Let me just share one twitter screenshot before the next part.
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There is??? An odd amount of sexual tension??? Like, its mostly in the third season, but, wow, their solo scenes are oddly steamy??? To be entirely honest those scenes were what opened my eyes, because how you can watch those scenes and think they aren't fucking boggles the mind. I need to rewatch to really explain it properly, but, gosh. The sexual tension was something.
Anyway. When I first saw the ship there was only one page on ao3, and theres no tag for it on tumblr. Except the one I'm about to make with this manifesto. One of these days I'm going to need to write for the ship myself, with how much I think about them.
I leave you with one more thing: A song that fits them well.
(Eng lyrics here)
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shrineofdolls · 9 days
at the risk of losing followers (when am i not at risk for that lol) im going to just admit this out loud cus i don't care. warning in the tags
i still have a desire to self harm but it's not because i dislike myself or think i deserve pain. i find the idea of scarring my body very Hot. not somebody else mind you, this is very much so a private kink between me, myself, and i.
i don't let others hurt me anymore. an ex boyfriend tried to choke me out in some fucked up backwards attempt to "win me back". i had bruises on my neck for weeks. it wasn't planned, it wasn't consensual. we hadn't dated for years. it left me feeling deeply insecure and afraid. funny enough the dude also disliked that i self harmed, go figure. he wanted to cut me but he wanted me to stop. gross behavior. idk how to trust people around the subject anymore. anywho.
i used to self harm because i was in a lot of uncomfortable situations where i had little control. it felt good to take out my frustrations on something, and i felt the scars looked cute on my body. it was like a tattoo but i was too young, poor, and quite possibly too stupid at the time to get one. so i self harmed. never cut deep enough to get to the white stuff except once lol. often i was cutting words into myself that had meaning to me. when i showed another self harmer they shamed me because they felt my scars were pathetic and superficial. i realized cutting wasn't a social activity lol so i mostly kept it to myself.
my ex girlfriend hated that i self harmed and when i told her why she said it was disgusting. she told me i was doing it because i was abused. i guess she wasn't wrong about that ROFL. she had backwards views on kink. really funny though because she was into incest but my self harm was too gross for her. Note: i don't give a shit if you have an incest kink. she insinuated that i self harmed because i was angry with her and that i was doing it to have control over her. i wasn't doing it because of her, i just thought it was fun to cut myself LOL. well and i was going through a lot, with being in foster care and dealing with my broken family. i was horny, sad, and wanted to play with pain. she thought my freak behavior was unacceptable. we never did roleplay incest together. we barely had sex. she often would call me mentally ill.
i don't self harm now. i actually feel like I'm a coward because i don't anymore, like I've lost my edge. two major gender affirming surgeries and scars across my chest and stomach, but i still feel like I'm weak. that said, i don't think it's in my best interest to return to it. i legit think i was addicted in a way, and i had to keep scars fresh on both my thighs or else I'd feel naked. i would seek out things to be upset about and then proceed to chanel that energy into cutting. now in days i would rather do something fun like watch a tv show or go on a walk or stand on my spikey mat because at least that doesn't leave marks.
real talk if you self harm consider buying one of these they're really fun to play with:
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sit on it with your bare ass. that might be fun.
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baelonthebrave · 2 years
'til queendom come, ch. 8
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[masterlist] [Ao3] [playlist]
aemond targaryen x targaryen oc
wordcount: 15,870 😮‍💨
ch. 8, fire and blood: “Prince Aemond and I are to march on Harrenhal, take it back from your father.”
She shook her head. She felt so numb. She could not remember the last time she had felt anything that wasn’t agony. “What authority does Prince Aemond have to make such a decision? Where is Aegon?”
warnings: canon-typical violence, canon-typical incest, abusive parent/child relationship, nsfw/18+, rough sex, choking, mentions of canon sexual violence & abuse (including against minors), spoilers for HoTD/F&B
a/n: tags have changed for probably the last time in the story, so double check and stay safe <3 asks, reblogs, likes, replies are like crack to me. I am the mouse hitting the pleasure button until I die. *drops this and runs the fuck away*
The days seemed to blur together as Sena was held in the Tower of the Hand. Once for guests, her room had been converted to a cell with the door barred from the outside and everything that could be fashioned as a weapon ripped out. She knew she should be grateful that they had not just thrown her in a Black Cell and left her to rot. Still, it was somehow equally aggravating to be a dragonrider who bested the King himself but somehow be too gentile to be kept in the cells with the rest of the prisoners of war. She paced the floor and tugged at the ill-fitting cotton gown they’d given her. She had no idea where Rhaenys was, only knew she’d been pulled from the carnage around Meleys’s body, blessedly still living and in good health, and taken back to King’s Landing in chains. Aegon had not been so lucky. Sena had winced when she’d seen her older cousin dragged from the battlefield, burnt and twisted. She’d done that, she had realised, with a sickening twist in her stomach. Groaning and moaning, King Aegon II had been spirited away into a wheelhouse for the ride back to King’s Landing, tended to day and night by maesters.
Sena’s only indication that he still lived was that she hadn’t had her own head struck off.
Months. That was how long she paced that floor, took her meals alone and yelled out through the door to anyone who would listen. The only people who ever came into the room were the servants and Ser Criston. Not Alicent. Not Helaena. Not Aemond.
Sena had laughed when she’d heard Aegon had sacked his grandfather as Hand and replaced him with Cole. Cole was clever and filled with enough spite to carry this war, that she knew, but Ser Otto had engineered all of this from day one, lurking in council meetings and pouring poison into his daughter’s ear. If Aegon wanted to truly win that throne he sat on, Sena would have counselled him to hold faith with his grandfather. But she wasn’t about to tell him that.
“You’re going to drive me to insanity,” she snapped at Ser Criston one day. He stood before her with the simple missive he had drafted to keep her up to date on the war, although she suspected it was a heavily edited version as it only ever seemed to bear bad news for her side of things, as though trying to convince her resistance was futile. For example, this newest one stressed that whilst Jace was currently combing Dragonstone for wayward seed of their house who would be capable of mounting dragons, he had been incapable of finding a rider for Silverwing. Sena did not point out that being incapable of finding a rider for one dragon did mean he had successfully found riders for two. Two more to their already vastly more impressive score of riders than that of the Greens. “The maid who brings my meals and draws my baths does not even look at me. How am I supposed to keep a grip on my wits if my own family won’t even speak to me? All I have is you, and you despise me.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. He looked handsome, out of his heavy plate armour and dressed in more simple garb, the pin of his office gleaming on his chest. But his was the sort of treacherous beauty that Sena instinctually mistrusted on sight. It was like one of those carnivorous plants from Sothoryos that Helaena liked to read about, the sort that drew in insects with their pretty colours and then snapped shut around them. Her father had that sort of beauty. She’d seen it in Aemond too, that day on the battlefield, his hair pulled back from his sharp features, his armour gleaming. 
“I don’t despise you, my lady,” Cole told her, and the sympathy in his voice made her shudder. “Keeping faith with your father was just about the only honourable thing you could do in your situation.”
Sena could not help the smirk that tugged at the corner of her mouth as she thought of how Daemon’s blood had looked on the front of her dress. I did not even do that, she thought grimly.
“I’m sure you understand that the Queen Mother, the Queen and Prince Aemond are all kept busy by their duties,” he said. 
“Then why are you here?” She snapped. “That is a clear lie, my Lord Hand. If anyone has no time in the day, it ought to be you. At least tell me how they are.”
“The Prince-“
“I didn’t mean Aemond,” she cut him off. There was no part of her, no piece of her being that was ready to confront the mess the two of them had made for themselves. “Tell me how Helaena is, how Queen Alicent is.”
Cole sighed and looked at her.
“Please, Ser Criston. From one soul who loves them to another. Please tell me.”
“There’s not much to say, my Lady,” he said with a shrug. “The Queen Mother is throwing herself into every small council meeting, every letter coming and going to keep her mind busy. And Queen Helaena- she is not well.”
Sena’s heart was pounding in her ears. “Then let me see her,” she breathed, drawing closer to Cole and taking one of his hands in hers. She would beg if she had to. “Let me do what I can to ease her suffering, Ser Criston. Let me at least hold her.”
To his credit, Ser Criston looked to be genuinely struggling. His throat bobbed, and his brow was furrowed deep. “You know I cannot do that,” he said.
“Why not?”
“The King, the Prince-“
“Fuck them,” she rasped, her throat burning at the thought of Helaena all alone, lost in her grief. “This is about Helaena, Ser Criston. Not Queen Helaena, or Princess Helaena but our Helaena. The girl we have both known and loved since she was a child.”
He sighed, blinking back tears, went to say something then thought better of it. He stiffly pulled his hand from her grasp. “I’m sorry, my Lady. I’ll bring you a book next time I visit, to assuage the boredom.”
Sena threw up her hands in frustration, tears of anger spilling from her eyes as he turned to leave. Well, thank the Gods, a book was bound to solve all her problems, she thought bitterly. But she would not lose her temper at him, would not lose the only human contact she had in the entire keep.
She would have been as well throwing her dinner plate at him, though, as the next visit was so dreadful she wished it had never come. Ser Criston laid a copy of the Seven Pointed Star on her dressing table, then turned to face her. The missive in his hand was crumpled, as though he’d been stressing on how much he ought to tell her, and instead of reading it to her he simply handed this one over.
With one son dead and one daughter in chains, it seemed Daemon and Rhaenyra had finally decided to send the rest of their children to safety. As Prince of Dragonstone, Jace was to stay with the black council and Sena could all but hear Baela refusing to go anywhere without him, but Joffrey and Rhaena had been sent to the Vale of Arryn, ostensibly to lend protection with Joffrey’s Tyraxes. As for her youngest brothers, Aegon and Viserys had been sent East on a ship. 
However, the ship had not made it clear of the Gullet before it had been attacked by the Triarchy of Free Cities that Ser Otto had enlisted to the Green cause. Jacaerys had immediately rushed to his brothers’s aid, along with his new dragonriders, Addam of Hull - now Addam Velaryon by royal decree, supposed bastard son of Laenor - and the peasant girl, Nettles. But a third of the Velaryon fleet had been dashed on the Gullet, young Viserys had been taken prisoner and Jace-
Sena stopped reading.
She looked up at Ser Criston sharply, her throat going tight. “Ser-“
“I take no pleasure in telling you this,” he said grimly.
“Like fuck you take no pleasure in this,” she spat and knocked the copy of the holy book he had left on her dressing table to the floor. He flinched but did not move to pick it up. What did he- what did any of them know of holiness, piety, virtue?
Jace was dead. Sweet, handsome Jace who should have been a King. His gentle smile, his strength with a sword that always caught her off guard, his piss poor High Valyrian, all gone in the blink of an eye. “Oh Jace,” she breathed, tugging at the neck of her dress in an attempt to get some air. The room seemed stiflingly hot all of a sudden. “Jace.”
With him went Viserys, for all they knew. With him went Vermax and Stormcloud, her brother Aegon’s dragon. With him went a little more of her light and love.
“There’s more,” Ser Criston said.
She clutched at her stomach, feeling nauseous. “More?” She hissed. Her cheeks were damp. “I don’t have many brothers left, Ser,” she moaned.
He shook his head. “Not your brothers,” he said. “Prince Aemond and I are to march on Harrenhal, take it back from your father.”
She shook her head. It was all too much, far too much. She felt so numb. She could not remember the last time she had felt anything that wasn’t agony. “What authority does Prince Aemond have to make such a decision? Where is Aegon?”
“Incapacitated,” he told her grimly. And now she knew why he had not told her that earlier, because the small thrill it sent through her was shameful but emboldening. She had done that. Then the guilt twisted inside of her. He was still her cousin, how could she be so cruel? This war was turning her into a shadow of her former self. With every child lost, every great destiny wiped out, she felt herself becoming a crueler, harder person. But why was Ser Criston telling her now? “Aemond wears the crown, serves as Prince Regent and Protector of the Realm.”
Sena’s heart lurched. Aemond, crowned in Valyrian steel and rubies. Would he truly wear it better than his brother, as he thought he would? Or would his head bow under the weight of it also? “What does it matter to me?” She hissed. “My father is a seasoned battle commander, rides the Blood Wyrm, defends one of the strongest keeps in the realm. What could you hope to accomplish?”
“You will be accompanying the Prince and I to Harrenhal as ransom,” he told her, “so your father might give it up without a fight.”
Oh Gods. Oh no. Hysterical laughter climbed her throat. She was torn between telling him Prince Daemon would not trade a hot meal for her, let alone Harrenhal, and the creeping fear that he would, just so he could have her back at his mercy. And that scared her more than anything else. “I’m not sure I am the ace you think I am, Ser Criston,” she sniffed. Her nose was running and she swiped at her cheeks with her sleeve angrily. “My father and I are not exactly the image of familial harmony.”
He shook his head. “Perhaps not, but it would be shameful,” he said, “not to pay the ransom, not to take that deal. His eldest daughter, hale and healthy, still a maiden, in exchange for a burnt out shell of a castle.”
She could not help the little smirk that teased at the corner of her mouth at the thought. “Come now, Ser Criston,” she said, raising an eyebrow at him. “When has my father ever known shame?”
That was how she got out of that tower cell, though. Shackled at hand and foot and immediately bundled into a wheelhouse in the courtyard before she could catch a glimpse of the Prince Regent, yes, but at least she was past the four walls of that room.
The wheelhouse hit every bump in the Kingsroad and her tailbone suffered for it. Still, no one spoke to her. Not for days, not for the weeks it took to venture North with an entire army trailing behind them. She was left to her thoughts. Her ruminations, her tears, her dark spirals of dread. Jace, Luke, Jaehaerys. The only people she saw all day were the guard who took her to relieve herself in the woods and the cook who served her meals. When she was led away from the column of the army during a rest break to piss, King Aegon’s men leered at her. “Oi! Dragonrider! I’ll give you something to ride,” one man hollered at her, and Sena yanked at the chains around her wrists, desperate to go choke the life from him with the cold steel. But her guard had a firm hold of her and led her on at a shuffle. The men’s laughter echoed in her ears. 
Her head whipped around, this way and that, searching for Vhagar in the sky.
The guard - Jarrad, she’d heard his commanding officer call him - dutifully stood with his back to her as she relieved herself. She looked down at her chains, wondered how far she would get if she choked him out now and ran. Not so far in a thin cotton gown, shackled at hand and foot, with few places to run and hide in the scorched Riverlands. Aemond would hunt her down by sunset. “Where is the Hand of the King? Where is the Prince Regent?” She grumbled at the guard. “Shouldn’t one of them be making sure their high-value hostage is being held securely?” She was a Targaryen, she had been a dragonrider and she was the entire conceit of their plan to get Prince Daemon to give up Harrenhal without a fight. It was almost insulting that they were ignoring her like this.
The guard shrugged a little uncomfortably, not looking back at her. “We got told, ma’am, before we marched. The man who lets you escape will watch his wife and children hung, drawn and quartered. The man who molests you will be fed his own cock. The Prince Regent was quite clear, m’lady.”
She shuddered. “That’s one way to inspire loyalty,” she muttered with a grimace as she righted her skirts and bent to wash her hands in a nearby stream. Jarrad turned around and offered her a hand up. She took it gratefully. “You can relax, Ser Jarrad. I won’t run away.” Moons ago, back on Dragonstone, she had thought of it. She should have then. But she had too much unfinished business to run from all of this now.
“‘M not a knight, it’s just Jarrad,” he mumbled. “But thank you.”
She nodded. “Please excuse Prince Aemond. He is a good man underneath it all, I promise,” she said with a grimace.
Jarrad raised an eyebrow in confusion. “We heard you were trying to slice him in half at Rook’s Rest, m’lady,” he said, eyeing her shackles.
Sena pulled a face. “Yes, well… he upset me,” she said. “How far to Harrenhal?” She looked around, trying to spot anything to be used as a landmark. Between Aemond’s army and her father’s, they had made short work of this scarred land. Every field her wheelhouse rolled past was scorched, every town pillaged. It made her sick.
“Head of the column says not far now,” he told her. “Three days, mayhaps.”
Three days. Three days to come up with a plan before there was a bloody battle for Harrenhal. But what plan could she come up with, held prisoner as she was? She looked to the guard. “Do you have a wife, Jarrad? Children?” She asked as he followed her back to the column. She was dragging her feet, she knew, but finally someone was speaking to her and she was desperate not to be left alone again so soon.
“A wife, m’lady. Her name’s Marigold. We live in Fleabottom for now, but we’re saving to get somewhere nicer before we try for a babe,” he told her.
She gave him a soft smile. “Well, see, now I know Marigold’s name, so I definitely won’t run from you,” she said. He returned her smile uncertainly. “I’m going to do my best to get us home safe and end all of this, Jarrad. Then you and Marigold can move out of Fleabottom.”
He nodded, but she could tell he didn’t quite believe her. “Are you married to some Lord, m’lady?” He asked out of politeness.
Something in her gut twisted and she glanced overhead for Vhagar once more. “No,” she said with a sigh. “That wasn’t on the cards for me, Jarrad.”
His nod was stiff but he did show some sympathy at the sadness in her voice. “Don’t despair, m’lady. The Gods have a plan for us all.”
Sena agreed with him now more than she ever would have before. She just wasn’t sure if she wished to know what the Gods had in store for her.
She only grew more uncertain when the monstrous Harrenhal loomed into view and its drawbridge simply fell open at the sight of the approaching army. The men at the head of the column faltered at that and if Sena squinted out of the window, she could see Ser Criston directing his horse this way and that in the confusion, white cloak snapping in the wind behind him.
Then, the sound of Vhagar’s wings in the skies above echoed like a thunderclap, and Prince Aemond at last descended to the scorched fields before Harrenhal. He was so far away she could only tell him apart from the others by his hair.
If Vhagar had happily set herself down on the fields before Harrenhal, open on all sides to attack, slow and sluggish as she was, it could only mean that Caraxes wasn’t here. And neither was her father.
What in the Seven Hells was going on?
After much confusion and distant arguments, the column jolted back into motion and the head of King Aegon’s army trooped into Harrenhal’s walls. The larger part of the army began to set up camp around the keep, but Sena’s wheelhouse was drawn right into the courtyard.
When Jarrad finally freed her from the carriage, she shuffled out in her shackles into the yard. Harrenhal was even larger than she imagined, even more dizzying than when it was viewed from a distance. Her head spun as she looked up to try and see the heights of the twisted towers. The stones had melted when Aegon the Conqueror had descended from the sky on Balerion and burned Harren the Black and his sons in their beds. The ruined towers still smoked, a century and then some later. 
When she looked back down to the assembled men before her, she was greeted with the sight of a harried Ser Criston sharply questioning a man in the heraldry of House Strong. “-we had no choice, my Lord Hand. When Caraxes came down from above- it was either surrender or die.” 
“Is he truly not here?” Sena asked. They all turned to look at her - except for Aemond, who was resolutely looking anywhere but at her. When the Strong castellan could only shake his head weakly, Sena could not help the mad burst of laughter that bubbled out of her throat. “So you’re all saddled with me for no good reason?”
Prince Aemond’s jaw twitched. “You,” he said sharply to her guard. “See that the prisoner is found a suitable cell and guard the door with your life.”
“His name is Jarrad, Aemond,” she said even as Jarrad started to lead her away by her shackles. “And mine is Sena, if you don’t remember.”
He still did not so much as look at her, only gritted his teeth.
Jarrad only got her halfway across the courtyard before they stopped at the sight of a harried Maester. The middle aged man in a heavy robe and thick chain came rushing down the steps from the keep with a crumpled scroll in hand. “My lord!” He called in a distressed tone. The Maester went to give it to the castellan, but Aemond swept forward and snatched it from his hand before he could.
The Prince’s eye scanned the text, and they all watched with bated breath. What could have possibly happened in the time since they had left King’s Landing? No sooner was Aemond done reading the scroll than he was drawing his sword from his belt and placing the point against the Strong castellan’s thick neck. Gasps and shouts rose around them. “Fucking traitor,” he growled. “You had a choice when Caraxes descended, you just chose wrongly.”
“My Prince!” Ser Criston warned, and strode forward to grab the scroll from Aemond’s hand. He read as quick as he could whilst he attempted to keep Aemond at bay. “Gods be good… King’s Landing has fallen.”
“What?” Sena breathed as outcries broke out around her and Jarrad stiffened.
“The Black Queen’s dragonriders have taken King’s Landing, and Ser Otto Hightower has been executed…” Ser Criston said in disbelief. “Did you know about this, Ser Simon?”
Something hysterical was mounting inside of her. It was a trick, letting Aemond and Ser Criston lead their army back north to Harrenhal and taking King’s Landing out from behind them. Sena pulled at her shackles, still held by Jarrad. Over the din of the questions and exclamations from the assembled lords and knights, Sena spoke loudly. “Is there any mention of Helaena? The children?” She asked with panic in her voice.
“No,” Prince Aemond said, and at last turned his gaze to meet hers. He looked so tired and frustrated, the underside of his eye bruised a deep purple.
Ser Simon Strong used the Prince’s momentary distraction to draw his own sword and knock the Prince’s blade aside. Silence once again fell on the courtyard as the Prince turned his icy gaze back on the old knight.
“Can we calm down, please? And try to ascertain the truth of what has happened, like the honourable men we are?” Ser Criston insisted coolly, but Prince Aemond and Ser Simon were still eyeing each other, swords at the ready. 
“We know what has happened. Ser Simon has turned his cloak to my lovely sister and thought we would not notice,” Aemond said, dangerously quiet, and Ser Simon glared at him, holding his blade steady. It would not be a true match of skill - Ser Simon had grown stout and weary with age, whereas even exhausted, Aemond held himself like a viper ready to strike.
“Aemond,” Sena insisted, willing him to calm himself, pulling at her shackles in Jarrad’s grip. 
“Jarrad, I believe I gave you an order,” Aemond snapped, never looking away from Ser Simon. “See to it that it is done and she is out of my sight, now.”
“Right away, my Prince,” Jarrad said hurriedly and gave Sena an apologetic look before pulling her along with him.
“No,” Sena hissed, throwing glances back over her shoulder and tugging against her chains even as she was led away by the much larger and stronger man. Gods, Aemond, stop! Before you are truly lost, she longed to beg him, but he was not hearing her, lost in his own grief and anger.
No sooner was she out of the courtyard than she heard raised voices - Ser Simon, Aemond, Ser Criston - and the clash of steel.
At least it was over quickly.
Once Jarrad found her a tower cell, she did not see him again. Aemond seemed dead set on taking every friendly face away from her, and all she had were the maids who came in and out with food, water and fresh clothing. From what she could glean from the whispers of the maids and the guards on her door, Aemond put the rest of House Strong to the sword over the following days in his rage at losing King’s Landing and as punishment for the stain of bastardy their kin had left on the royal House Targaryen. Vhagar ate well.
The fear within Sena that there was no way to stop what was already in motion was starting to rise like a tide. 
She stopped eating, finding the food they sent her tasted like ash on her tongue and rolled around like putrid sludge in her uneasy stomach. She had one small window in the room, and confined herself to sitting in the sill throughout the day, her forehead resting against the cool glass, ignoring everyone who came and went. All she could see out the window was a small corner of the courtyard, the comings and goings of servants and soldiers. The occasional crow. Her breath misted on the window pane when she sighed.
“Again?” A woman’s voice - the one who had come to take her empty plate - sounded. Sena had not touched the supper she had been brought - it smelled like rot to her. The woman sighed. “That’s the second night in a row. You’ll get me in trouble, y’know.”
Sena huffed out a small laugh. “Can’t find it in me to care, if I’m honest,” she mumbled, never looked away from the rapidly darkening yard.
“Of course not,” the woman said coolly. “People like you never care when you tread on people like me.”
That got Sena’s attention.
She whipped her head around and caught the gaze of a tall, willowy woman. Beautiful, with long black hair and earthy brown eyes. She wore an uncommonly fine dress for a servant and a shimmering pendant about her throat. Who on earth did Aemond have serving her, that would speak to her in such an unguarded manor, even if it was deserved? “I do not know who you are to tread on,” she said shortly.
“No reason you would, I suppose,” the woman said. She dipped into a curtsey, fanning out the skirts of her dress with impressive grace. “Alys Rivers, m’lady.”
Sena swung her legs off of the windowsill and regarded the woman - Alys - curiously. “Rivers?” She asked. Some highborn bastard, then? Even the mere thought made her throat close up, her mind drifting to Jace and Luke. Dead and gone.
“Yes,” the woman said and gestured around. “This is my family’s keep. Or it was, before your Prince put them to the sword.”
Sena’s stomach twisted uneasily. Every enemy he was making was another person she could not protect him from while she was locked in a cell. “Not my Prince,” she protested weakly. She was locked up, after all.
Alys Rivers raised an eyebrow. “Could have fooled me. He speaks of you, day and night.”
Something lurched in Sena and her temper flared. “And why are you spending your nights with the Prince?” She gritted out, icy and monstrously jealous.
Alys laughed with satisfaction. “Not your Prince, eh? Don’t bother lying to me, girl, I’ve been walking this miserable realm a lot longer than you have,” she said, and Sena flushed with embarrassment at having been tricked so easily. “Don’t worry, I haven’t laid a hand on your Prince, as pretty as he is. I just report back to him about you and see his wine doesn’t run dry. It’s quite the task, right now, with you being insolent and him being rather depressed.”
Sena swallowed hard. “Why would you care if the Prince is depressed? You said it yourself, he put your family to the sword.”
She shrugged and gave Sena a little smirk. “Never said I liked my family, did I? You of all people should understand that, Visenya Targaryen.”
“I love my family,” Sena gritted out, “and I go by Sena.”
Alys Rivers gave her a smile that was all teeth. “You can love someone and not like them, Sena. Though you know that already, don’t you?” Sena chewed her tongue, did not like being read like she was an open book. Alys picked up her cold dinner plate with a sigh. “Be sure and eat everything tomorrow, for the both of us. Wouldn’t want that pretty figure of yours wasting away, would we?” Alys looked her up and down, and the feeling she sent through Sena was strange. Just like she was. Like there was something not quite normal about her, but Sena could not put her finger on it.
It was only when Alys Rivers had left and Sena readied herself for bed that it came to her. How old had she been? She had looked maybe old enough to be Sena’s mother, if a young mother at that, with fine creases around her large eyes and full lips. But she spoke as though she were an old crone and every time Sena had tried to look at an imperfection - a frown line or grey hair - her gaze had slipped off of it like water off a duck’s feathers. An exceedingly bizarre woman who confounded Sena long after she ought to have been asleep.
The next day brought the same dull parade of officers and washer women in the courtyard, but today, Sena’s mind was occupied by the strange woman. It was a serving girl who brought her her breakfast, but Sena forced it down on the off chance that Alys would return and keeping her happy would allow Sena to ask more questions. The fact that she was growing ravenous also helped her choke down the thick porridge.
After she had eaten, her eye caught on a familiar figure standing guard outside her door, through the small barred opening. “Jarrad!” Sena said with a smile in her voice, and the tall man’s head whipped around to meet her gaze.
He nodded uncertainly. “Mornin’, m’lady,” he said. There was an awkward beat of silence. “Are you… alright?”
“Yes!” Sena said, a little too quickly. “I just- I’m glad to see you, is all. I haven’t seen you since our first day here, I was hoping you were alright.”
Jarrad gave her a small smile at that. “I’m alright, m’lady. Just… worried, is all, about this King’s Landing business,” he said, but the shadows under his eyes and the crease between his brows betrayed the fact that worried was perhaps not sufficient.
Sena nodded, a lump forming in her throat. “Have you heard anything? From Marigold?” She asked.
Jarrad shook his head. “Sounds as though it wasn’t too violent, most of the casualties were soldiers and city watchmen,” he said. “There wasn’t much of a fight since King Aegon and his heirs have disappeared on the wind.”
It was the most she’d heard about Jaehaera and Maelor in months. She let out a small sigh of relief. “My closest friend is there, too, Jarrad. If your wife is anything like her, they’ll both be wise enough to keep out of trouble,” she said, trying to sound reassuring.
Jarrad nodded with a sad look on his face. “I’m keeping Marigold in my prayers, m’lady. I just hope the Gods hear me,” he said and gave an exhausted sigh. “I can pray for your friend too, if you wish?”
Sena smiled at him and reached her hand through the bars to lay a gentle touch on his shoulder. “That would be most appreciated, Jarrad,” she said.
“Are you getting paid to talk or stand guard?” Came an icy voice, and Sena stepped back from the door as Jarrad jumped to attention, turning back to his guard post. There was a rattle of keys in the door and Alys Rivers was pushing it open.
“Leave him be,” Sena warned. “It was my fault. His wife is in King’s Landing, I only wished to know if he had heard from her.”
Alys gave her a strange look, like she did not quite know what to make of that, and kicked the door shut behind her. “You do know he does not have the keys to your cell? I’m the only one with them. It’s me you need to sweet talk, if you want to escape.”
Sena glared at her, not caring at all for the implication. “That might be what would go through your head, my lady, but we are not all the same.”
Alys laughed and gave her that same strange look. “You are an odd one, aren’t you?” She said, shaking her head in disbelief. Sena did not know what to say to that, only watched as Alys crossed the room and checked her breakfast plate. “You’ve eaten. Good girl,” she said and quirked an eyebrow at Sena. Sena did not like how Alys looked at her, like she could swallow her whole. “Have you bathed?”
Sena’s eye flitted to the door of the adjoining chamber, where the bathtub was. “No,” she admitted. “The maids filled it last night, but I was-“ What? Busy?
Alys just rolled her pretty brown eyes. “Right then, get in,” she said and pushed open the washroom door.
Sena followed her through to the next room and winced. The water was from last night. Even with the fire the maid had lit in the washroom, it would be stone cold by now. “I do not mean to be a priss but I would rather not get into a bath of cold water,” she muttered as Alys closed the door behind them.
Alys arched an eyebrow. “Blood of Old Valyria, are you? The toughest, most fearsome lot of dragonriding sister-fuckers in the known world? You’re all rather disappointing in person,” She said with a little laugh. “Worry not, Princess.”
“Lady,” Sena corrected, a blush rising in her cheeks.
“And yet you act so like a Princess,” Alys said with a deriding grin. “Take off your clothes, let me worry about the temperature of your bath.”
Sena frowned but awkwardly went to pull at her dress. She was used to getting undressed before servants, of course, but Alys was no servant and had a way of looking at her like she was a meal. Her nerves - and everything else - evaporated from her mind as she watched Alys raise a hand to her pendant necklace and mutter to herself, eyes flitting shut.
The fire before the bath guttered out in an instant, and so did the pillar candles lighting the recesses of the room. Sena’s eyes went wide and she was so shocked it took her an instant to realise there was steam rising from the bath water. “How-“ her words caught in her throat, her nostrils flared.
Alys gave her an easy grin and moved for the fragranced oils on a shelf. “Do not tell me you ride dragons but you don’t believe in a little magic?” She quipped and Sena’s eyes somehow went wider.
“Magic?” She breathed. She had seen strange things in her life, things that no logician or maester could explain. Dragons bending to the will of mere humans and great beasts that stalked the Kingswood, making the very air around them shimmer. She had heard tales of things that lurked beyond the Wall, of Old Valyria, of Asshai-by-the-Shadow. But she had never seen-
“It will go cold again if you keep standing there gawping like that,” Alys said.
“Right,” Sena said dumbly, and shrugged off her shift.
Alys was swirling lavender oil into the water by the time Sena was disrobed and stepping in. The water was so hot it would have made someone else hiss, but it was soothing to Sena’s dragon’s blood. She leaned back in the water and let her curls go damp.
“You are a pretty thing, aren’t you?” Alys remarked, and Sena wasn’t sure whether she should be embarrassed or proud. “The swordplay has made you strong and a little mannish, yes, but you still have lovely breasts, full hips. And your face… yes, I can quite understand why the Prince is so taken with you.”
Sena reached up to cover her breasts and her bottom half, feeling heat rise in her face. “Can we not talk of him, please?” She asked stiffly. “And let us not talk of my breasts either.”
She could practically hear the smirk in Alys’s voice behind her as she started to work a lather into Sena’s hair. Long fingers worked her scalp firmly and Sena could not help the little sound that escaped her. “He’s a sore subject, then? You must be truly angry with him, to be so sensitive to the very mention of him. Either that or… he’s left you a maiden. Is that why you’re so bashful and demure?”
Sena flushed a deeper red, if that was even possible and Alys let out a low laugh. “Or both? Oh, my lady. That is sad,” she said with a malicious humour in her voice.
Sena twisted around to face her, the hot water sloshing against the sides of the metal tub. “Who are you to judge me? It’s not the same for me as it is for you, you know. I carry my family’s name. If I am not a maiden, I am ruined, I bring shame upon my House.”
Alys smirked at her. “Oh yes, things must have been truly difficult for you, Princess. Being raised in a fine castle and doted on by your royal father. Dancing at balls in silk dresses and falling asleep on satin sheets. I’m positively weeping for you.”
“You do not know the first thing about me,” Sena snapped and turned back to face the other way. “I’m not a Princess and my father never doted on me. Quite the opposite, he despises my very existence.” She ground her teeth as Alys resumed washing her hair. “I have spent the last year watching my family slaughter each other in cold blood. Two brothers. My best friend’s son. Countless men-at-arms and smallfolk and we carry on and step over their bodies as if they were nothing, as if they did not have families and hopes and prayers. And there has been nothing I could do to stop any of it - believe me, I tried. I will not pretend I have faced the same trials as you, my lady, but I have faced my own. They have been agony.”
That won her some silence from Alys as the elder woman washed the suds from her hair. The quiet was oppressive and Sena’s words bounced off of the walls around her, echoing in her ears. The heat of the water now felt uncomfortable more than soothing, like the temperature was slowly creeping up and she was being cooked from the inside out. “So… it is true, then?” Alys said, breaking the silence once more to Sena’s distaste. “What Jarrad has been saying about you? You’re the talk of the castle, you know, in the kitchens and the barracks.”
“I do not know what they say,” Sena gritted out. “That’s rather the point of saying it behind my back, is it not?”
“They call you a peacemaker,” Alys said, getting up from her position at the back of the tub and coming around to sit on the side, holding Sena’s eye. Under Alys’s strange, unreadable gaze, it did not even occur to Sena to cover herself. “A conciliator. They’re saying you want an end to the death and destruction as much as any servant or soldier.”
Sena gave her an odd look. It was true, but why did Alys care? “What does that matter to you?”
“Your Prince put my family to the sword,” Alys said. “And whilst I did not care for them, it took away any protection there was for every cook and serving girl and stablehand that has loyally served House Strong. Now, we all serve at the pleasure of the infamously merciful Targaryen Dynasty, whose dragons melted the towers of the very castle we’re standing in. And I’m sure it did not escape you on your journey up here from the capital that there is very little of the Riverlands left to lay claim to. Like I said, people like you never care when you tread on people like me.”
Sena rose from the bath, not caring for the water that sloshed over the side. She stepped out of the water and stood before Alys Rivers, naked as her name day. “It is not a responsibility my kin takes lightly, being sworn to protect and serve the people of this realm. Though we have been doing a piss poor job of it recently, I’ll give you that. I have fought my whole life for peace in my family. Now, I know I do not care who sits on that abominable throne so long as nobody else has to die for it. Not a dragonrider, not a soldier, not a peasant. I want this done, as much as you, and then I want to live out what days remain to me in peace.”
Alys considered her critically, but there was a small smile on her face. “You will not end this war without another drop of blood, Visenya. ‘Tis a beautiful dream, but it is just that, a dream.”
“But if we keep going the way we are, dragon fighting dragon, sister fighting brother, uncle fighting nephew, we will leave nothing but scorched earth and corpses,” Sena bit out. She finally saw this for the opportunity it was. The opportunity to escape this cell and maybe finally put an end to it all.
Alys stood and rounded the bath, passing her a clean sheet to wrap herself in. Sena took it gratefully, a small shiver running up her spine as she covered her skin. “You truly mean it? You wish to end this bloodshed more than you care about black or green, Queen or King? More than you care about your siblings and cousins, even your Prince?”
“I want to end this because I care about them. I do not care for their titles or their power or even whether they can stand the sight of me, so long as they all live. That would be enough,” she breathed, stepping forward to pull one of Alys’s supple hands into hers. “Just… tell me how.”
Alys gripped her hand tightly at that, so tightly it almost hurt, and Sena gave her a confounded look. “Listen carefully, girl, for I will only tell you this once,” she said, and her voice cut as sharp as Valyrian steel. “If you truly want to end this, no more asking others to tell you what to do. Can you honestly say you have done anything in this war besides reel and react? If you wish to lead, if you wish to bring peace, you must act. Show some initiative, girl. Wrestle back some control now or you will be left with no one and nothing to direct you.”
Sena looked down at their joined hands, her scarred and calloused skin in Alys’s smooth, flawless grip. She looked up at the vibrant pendant at Alys’s throat, then met her eyes. 
She nodded. “Okay.”
Alys nodded with her and released her grip on Sena’s hands. “Okay,” she said. “What is your first act?”
Realisation hit Sena with the force of an anvil. She knew exactly what she had to do. “I need to speak to Aemond. Alone.”
It wasn’t until Alys pointed it out to her that Sena realised they actually looked quite alike. Dark hair, large eyes, similar height. All it would take was a simple spell - a glamour, Alys called it - and Sena would be indistinguishable from the true Alys Rivers for a short time. Unless she did something to expose herself to an observer.
That was how, some hours later, Sena found herself able to slip out of her cell, past Jarrad who knew her face and walk the corridors of Harrenhal. She and Alys had swapped clothes  and Alys would stay in her room and pose as her until Sena returned. Unassailed by all who saw her, she followed Alys’s directions down to the kitchens and without even a second glance at her, a cook was pressing a silver tray into her hands and hissing at her to get it to the Prince before it cooled. 
It wasn’t until she was at the door of Aemond’s chambers that she faltered, the tray wobbling dangerously in her hands. It was not a hypothetical anymore. If she could do this, if she could actually talk some sense into him, this could be the beginning of the end. If she could meet his eye, if he had the patience to look at her anymore. She drew a ragged breath. This was like to be one of the most important moments of her life, she realised. The moment where she would be made or unmade. But first, she would need to do her best to glean what information she could from his papers - Alys could only tell her so much. That Prince Daeron was at the head of the Hightower army and Ser Criston Cole was straining to leave Harrenhal and join their forces together. The rest of it she would have to figure out for herself, and decide how she was going to break the pretence and reveal herself.
She held her head high and pushed the door in.
The rooms were cavernous, like the rest of the keep. Aemond had a fire roaring in the hearth, but it did little to assuage the pronounced chill on the air. At the far end was a sitting area with soft cushions that looked untouched, and to one side was an arch that led to a bedchamber. In the centre of the room was his own war table, with maps and markers, a pitcher of wine, pillar candles that dripped wax. Aemond was sat at the table and did not even look up to acknowledge her entrance, so buried was he in a mass of scrolls and letters. He always had been an avid reader, but this was not the sort of reading he enjoyed - his brow was furrowed and he was chewing at his lip. His left hand was rolling something along the length of the table - no, not something, the crown of the Conqueror. Aemond toyed with his brother’s ruby crown as he read, twisting it on its edge, sending crimson glimmers arching over the ceiling, over his face. 
How does it rest on your head? She longed to ask him. But she could not break character, not yet. Although, it suddenly occurred to her that she had not the slightest clue how Alys acted around Prince Aemond. Was she as flirtatious as she was with Sena, as wickedly unknowable and sharp? Was she deferent?
He looked up from his letters and gave her an odd look. “Are you going to stand there all night or am I to eat at some point?”
She shook her head free of her stupor, her blood thundering in her ears. “Of course, my Prince,” she said hurriedly and moved to the table to set the tray down.
He watched her with his sharp eye and for a second, she could have sworn he saw right through her. Then he raised a hand and waved it. “Lay the table, then,” he said coolly, his brow furrowing further. “If you have not completely misplaced your wits.”
That made her jaw tick. “You’d do well to be polite to the person who could spit in your food,” she bit back, and she flushed at the obviousness of her mistake. There was no way, no way Alys would speak to him that way-
But Aemond only smirked. “There you are, Alys,” he said and went back to his papers. Relief swept through her. “Fill my goblet as well.”
Did he say please? Had he always been such a brat? She had never noticed it before now. She did as she was told, grabbing the pitcher to fill up his goblet from the other side of the table with wine of the deepest claret. Then, she took her chance to round the table and shuffle some of his papers out of the way so she could lay his meal. She slowed her hand as she scanned the seals - the flaming Hightower of Oldtown, the three-headed dragon of her own family. A peak and sunburst that made something tick deep in her memory of boring morning lessons in Queen Alicent’s solar. It was a Westerman, she knew that much, but why was a vassal lord writing directly to the Prince Regent instead of the Lannisters?
Oh, that was why, she thought as she scanned the letter quickly, setting it aside as slow as she dared. The Westerman - a Reyne, mayhaps, or a Lefford - had taken control of the Lannister forces after the death of Lord Jason Lannister, and they had been… slain on the shores of the God’s Eye by men calling themselves the Winter Wolves. Good Gods. Aemond caught her looking. “Careful, Alys, anyone would think you were scouring for information to sell to the enemy,” he snipped, and he would have seen the way her face drained of colour if he had not immediately bowed his head to his hand and pinched at the bridge of his nose, as if staving off a headache. “Untold loss of life. The smallfolk are calling it the Fishfeed.” He laughed bitterly and reached for his goblet. “It was the God’s Eye that Lady Visenya’s dragon retreated to, after our victory at Rook’s Rest. At least he will eat well out of our losses.”
Sena did not know what to say. She shuffled aside more papers to make room. “She is well… the Lady Visenya, that is,” she said as evenly as she could manage. “Eating again.”
Aemond nodded stiffly. “Some good news, at least,” he said.
It was enough to raise a lump in her throat. She took his dinner plate and leaned across him to put it before her. She caught him giving her an odd look. “What?” She asked, her pulse thrumming.
He narrowed his eye, then shook his head. “Nothing,” he said. “Carry on.”
Her heart was in her throat as she leaned in to put down his fork and knife. His head turned to her once more, confused by something.
The knife was in his hand and back off the table as soon as she’d laid it down. He brought it down so swiftly and sharply she did not even have time to react, and he skewered the sleeve of her dress to the table. A scream jumped from her throat. “My Prince!” She cried.
He was up and had his hand under her jaw, tugging her face sharply to meet his. The melting of the glamour felt like a trickle of cool water. A cruel smirk spread across his lips as brown eyes gave way to violet. Sena swallowed hard.
“Nice try,” he said, almost a little admiring. “But remember for next time, most bastards cannot afford lavender oil for their baths.”
“You could smell me?” She balked.
He raised an eyebrow and schooled his expression. “You love lavender,” he said, as if it was obvious. “Are you going to tell me why you are here before I have you taken back to your rooms? Maybe clapped in chains for good measure."
She met his good eye defiantly. “What did you expect me to do?” She asked, belligerent, pinned to the table and caught in his grasp. “You won’t speak to me, you won’t even come and make sure I’m still alive, you just send some woman-“ 
“Whom I trust to know it is in her best interests to be loyal to me and protect you,” he snapped. He shook his head at her in disbelief, thumb trailing along the underside of her jaw. She tried to jerk out of his grasp. “Although it seems I trusted her a little too much, and once again seem to have underestimated your refusal to stay down when you’re beaten.”
She blustered out a laugh, sounding more confident than she felt. “From what I can tell, Aemond, you’re the one who is losing. Not me,” she picked up the letter telling him his casualties from the God’s Eye and held it up. 
He did not look at it, holding her gaze with frightening intensity, then ripped the knife free of the table. 
She stumbled back. Watched him as he carefully composed himself, an irrepressible undercurrent of rage running just beneath the surface. He sat back down again and fixed his steady glare on the crown on the table. “I have won all my own battles yet I am losing this war,” he admitted. “We lost King’s Landing- I lost King’s Landing. My grandfather is dead and gone. Aegon has vanished. I cannot even speak to my mother. All I have is Cole and we cannot even see eye to eye.”
Something in Sena gave a pang. How she hated seeing him lonely. They were supposed to be there for each other, supposed to stop each other feeling alone in the world. They had promised. Five-and-ten years ago, now, they had made that promise, holding hands in the dark. “You have me,” she breathed and his head whipped around to face her.
She drew a steadying breath and leaned on the table next to where he sat, surveying the map. “Tell me what the situation is. Maybe I can help.”
He looked up at her from his seat and his throat bobbed. He dropped his head into his hands and began kneading at his brow. He was so tired there was an uncharacteristic slump in his shoulders. “Why would you help?” He asked bleakly. “It is your family I am trying to destroy.”
She huffed and shook her head. “It is our family, Aemond,” she said sharply. “You - all of you, Aegon, Rhaenyra, my father - are trying to destroy our family. We are one house, the last dragonriders, fire and blood. Do not forget it.” She did not wait for his response before she turned and looked at the map that showed all the realms below the Neck. He had it spread on the table and weighed down with crowned dragons representing his own forces, a cobbled-together mix of Arryn falcons and Velaryon seahorses representing Queen Rhaenyra’s. It made her ache to see it - nobody had ever chiselled two sets of dragon markers. Nobody had anticipated their house turning on itself. “What do we know of what is happening in King’s Landing?”
Aemond let out a long breath. “There is some good news there at least. When all this started, my brother’s council was prudent enough to split the treasury into four and send off three parts for safekeeping. Rhaenyra will be spending the last of what we left to her, by now.”
Sena grimaced at the thought. That would be putting pressure on her indeed. “The smallfolk will be suffering for it. Trade is already disrupted in the Narrow Sea, the Goldroad and the Roseroad cut off, so no trade from the Westerlands or the Reach.”
Aemond nodded. “They’ll be hungry, and what they can get will be taxed viciously by my sister to pay for the war.”
She drew a breath and looked at him. Did her best to steady herself. This was her chance. “This has gone on long enough, Aemond. This family has lost too much. This realm has lost too much.” 
He leaned back in his chair, considering her. “And what do you wish me to do about it, Sena?” He sounded more tired than anything else, shrugging his shoulders. “Crawl on my knees to King’s Landing and beg for forgiveness? Pray your father doesn’t have me strung up by my entrails? It’s not going to work, we’re too far gone to turn back now.” 
She shook her head. “It is never too late,” she said, and his eye flitted to hers.
He managed to give her a wry smile but shook his head. “You have heart, of that there is no doubt, but I will not see her on the throne, Sena. Nor will I see her bastard go after her. She has taken too much - from me, from all of us. My mother has given up her life, her whole life in service of the crown, the people. She gave the King, my father four heirs. Four pregnancies, four births and that is not even considering how she shouldered the running of the realm or the countless times she endured his rutting. And never once has she been thanked or loved or honoured for it. Only disrespected, treated like a brood mare, brushed aside and forgotten.”
Sena frowned, wrapping her arms around herself. “I do not expect you to forget that, Aemond. I do not expect you to forget any of it. I only wish for you to admit this has gone too far. That no throne or crown or title is worth this.”
He suddenly looked as though he was far away from her, in some deep dark place, and he swallowed hard. “Do you know what happened to Maelor?” He asked.
Maelor? A cold fear gripped her. All she knew was what Jarrad had told her - that the King and his heirs had vanished from King’s Landing the night of the Queen’s invasion. She knew not what had befallen Helaena’s infant son. She did not wish to know, if Aemond’s expression was any indication. 
“He was spirited away by a member of the Kingsguard, the night King’s Landing fell, to be taken to Oldtown and my brother. They only got as far as Bitterbridge before the smallfolk caught on, realised they were not who they said they were. They found Maelor’s egg in Ser Rickard’s pack, realised they had a dragon prince on their hands that was worth more than all their pitiful fortunes combined. The fight that broke out, they-“ His words caught in his throat and he cleared it harshly. Sena felt sick. “Some say they tore him limb from limb, Sena. So they might each claim a part of the Black Queen’s price on his head.” 
“Gods,” she said. A wave of nausea rolled through her. He had just been a little baby. This vile, vile war, the fact that their own shortsightedness and vengefulness had done this to them, led them to do this to each other. “Helaena,” she breathed, and Aemond swallowed hard, brushing angrily at the tears on his cheek. “Does she know?”
Aemond shrugged weakly, looking defeated. “I do not know. I fear my half-sister would delight in telling her.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose, felt a twinge of pain where it had healed a little crooked. Closed her eyes as she willed the roiling in her stomach, the thudding of her heart to calm. There was a clammy sweat on her skin and she just wanted to cry. “We need to get to her, Aemond. If we can do nothing else, we need to get her back. We need to take care of her.”
“How?” He asked, sounding defeated. “Helaena, my mother, they’re being held in chains. I do not know what to do.” He sounded so small, so beaten down, and it was breaking Sena’s heart.
Sena stood and rounded the table, planting her hands and surveying the map in an attempt to occupy her mind, stop the dark, yawning pit in her heart from consuming her. “We need to force Rhaenyra’s hand,” she said quietly. “We need to make her come to the table, talk peace. Right now, she has King’s Landing, but that is all she has in the South. You still control nearly everything North of the Dornish Marches and South of the Eyrie and the Neck. If we can make her position untenable…“ 
Aemond was watching her with his reddened eye and drew a deep, ragged breath. He pushed himself up from his seat and came to the edge of the table. He picked up a crowned dragon marker from the Westerlands and rolled it in his hands. “You truly believe there is a way for us? We can end this, stop the bloodshed?”
She looked up and met his gaze steadily. How could he simultaneously look so young and so weathered? So terrified and so exhausted? “I will end this war,” she told him, with every shred of certainty she could muster. “We will save this family, save this kingdom or die in the attempt. That is the only acceptable path left to us, Aemond.”
He studied her for a moment, then looked back down to the figure of the dragon wearing a crown in his hand. He nodded once, then reached up with his other hand and snapped the crown off in one clean motion. Sena was taken aback for a moment, then watched him reach for the next marker, doing the same. Then the next, then the next. She took one up from in front of her and bent it with her hands, feeling the wood splintering under her grip.
The dragon markers went back to their previous places, now without their crowns, and Aemond nodded to himself. Convinced he was doing the right thing, at long last. “No more sides,” she said to him. “No more colours, no more division. Just us. One family. One realm.”
“Show me,” he said, watching her with his piercing, clever eye. “Show me how we end this.”
Sena took a deep breath then looked down at the map before her, a sudden surge of something unnameable in her stomach. Courage? Fear? Love? 
Whatever it was, it was time to get to work.
She had been thinking about this for weeks but now was the time to finally put it into motion. “We need to lay siege to King’s Landing. Block every road in and out, cut them off at sea. Choke Rhaenyra until she has no choice but to meet us under a peace banner.”
His eye flitted between the map and her, and he reached across the table to take her hand, pointing out to her the positions of two of his armies. Lightning sparked through her where their skin met, but she did not let it show on her face. “We have the roads, for now. If I direct Ser Criston Cole and my brother Daeron to march and siege the city…” he looked to the sea and grimaced. “There must be a way to broker another deal with the Triarchy, cut off the Velaryon fleet at sea. But we are low on funds, low on anything they would want. It will not be a pleasant negotiation-” 
“No. Not the Triarchy,” Sena said, shaking her head vehemently. “Your alliance with them is at an end. It will be hard enough to get Rhaenyra to treat with us as it is. We cannot sue for peace with a foreign power backing us and being seen to have a say in the outcome. They shot down Jace and Gods only know what has become of Viserys. Your sister will not listen to a word we have to say with them at our backs. We need another fleet.” 
He considered her words and conceded with a nod. “You have a point,” he said. “But that does not solve the problem. What fleet do we block off Blackwater Bay with if not the Triarchy’s? It will take months to sail ships from Oldtown or the Arbor, and I doubt Dorne would take too kindly to seeing a fleet of war galleys in their waters.” 
The question was making Sena’s head ache. What other options did they have besides the Hightowers and Redwynes? But he was right - it would take time they simply did not have to muster a fleet from the Reach that could rival the Velaryons and even then, they would be putting blind faith in the Gods that their southern neighbours would let them pass by unmolested. She scanned the map. Her eyes fell on the eastern coast. “The Arryns.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow at her. “They are sworn to Rhaenyra, Sena. Her lady mother was an Arryn-“
“I know, I advised Jace on brokering the deal,” Sena ground out. How wrong it felt, to be undoing her lost brother’s good work. Some part of her said that Jace would understand, though, if he was still here. “But if there is one thing our ancestors have shown us about the Vale of Arryn, it is that the impregnable Eyrie is vulnerable to dragons.”
Aemond looked a little bewildered. “We cannot just land a dragon on the Eyrie and demand they switch banners, Sena.”
She sighed. “No, we cannot, but my sister is ward to Lady Jeyne Arryn. Rhaena is a good girl, a gentle girl, she has always loved me like I was her true sister. She will hear what I have to say. And if a deal had the support of House Arryn’s most powerful bannermen-“
Aemond shot her a look. “You mean-“
“Yes,” she said with a nod and the certainty she felt in her was as strong as castle-forged steel. This was how they would accomplish this. She ran her hand over the place on the map where Runestone was nestled. “It is high time I raised my claim to what is mine by rights.” When she looked up, Aemond was smirking at her, brimming with pride. Her cheeks coloured and looked back to the map, desperate to move things along. “A city the size of King’s Landing could withhold siege for untold time, Aemond. They need to fall from the inside, too.” 
Aemond nodded and considered her words, trailing his fingers over the soft blue colouring of Blackwater Bay. In real life, it was a far moodier navy-grey. “My mother,” he said finally. “She’s a pious woman, she has friends in the faith that I reckon she would still be able to reach, even in chains, if they are letting her see a Septon. And if anyone could turn the smallfolk into a mob, it would be the Faith. If we can somehow sneak in a message to her…”
“What about Vhagar’s cavern?” She suggested. “It opens onto the cliffs. If we can get a man in that is familiar with the city and the Red Keep, we could reach her that way.”
He nodded vigorously. “Good. Good thinking.”
They both looked down at the map, moving their markers into place, surrounding King’s Landing fully from all sides. A lump was forming in Sena’s throat. The city was already tense, the smallfolk already being taxed to starvation. “This plan would be like throwing a torch in a hayloft,” she said, fear flooding through her.
Aemond considered the map, considered the armies that spilled out in every direction. Every orphan and widow they would make if they did not end this quickly. “What choice do we have?” He asked.
“Their dragons still outnumber yours,” she pointed out. “If this comes to a battle, you are outnumbered, two to one.” 
“Daeron’s Tessarion has grown into a fine beast, and Vhagar is worth half their dragons put together,” he insisted. “And you forget about your own dragon. We have Vermithor now, once we travel to the God’s Eye. I have received reports that Silverwing has been brought to the capital for Princess Rhaenys to claim, but the she-dragon will not fly against Vermithor. They are mated for life.” 
Sena repressed a grimace at the thought of the unruly dragon who had no love for her. She missed Grey Ghost everyday. But she had no choice and he was right, Vermithor would go a long way to evening the score, even if it was just to lay more pressure on Rhaenyra to negotiate.
Then, she thought of a person she had vehemently not been thinking about up until now. “What about my father?” She breathed, cold dread trickling through her. “Rhaenyra can be reasoned with. She loves her sons above all else. But my father… he will be unreasonable to the end.” 
Aemond gritted his teeth at the thought. “Let me deal with your father,” he said, looking for all the world like he longed to reach out across the table and touch her. “We just have to get them to the table, first of all.”
“And then, all we have to do is get the most unreasonable and obstinate family in the known world to agree with each other?” She asked, taking up the dragon marker and running her finger over the broken crown with a humourless laugh.
He reached across the table and grabbed it out of her hand, their skin grazing for the barest of seconds. “Be careful, you’ll give yourself a splinter.”
Sena could not help the laugh that bubbled out of her throat. Aemond looked up at her sharply as if he’d been slapped. “Sorry, I just-“ she shook her head. Laughed some more. “After all that’s happened… Luke, Grey Ghost, Rook’s Rest, you’re concerned about me getting a splinter?” She held his eye steadily.
He looked away from her, his shoulders bunching up around his ears. “If I could take it back-“
Sena shook her head, morose. “That’s not how anything works,” she said and reached for the pitcher of wine on the side of the table, the one Alys said she was working overtime keeping filled for him right now. Right enough, it was half empty. He was struggling and she was making him feel worse right now. 
No, he would not get her sympathy. So much of what had happened, of what was still happening, he could partly blame on his own pride, his inability to mind his temper or bite his tongue. And maybe that was a luxury of his station in life, maybe that was just one of the privileges of being a man, being a prince. But if he wanted to be at her side and help her end this, he had to learn control, learn remorse. She poured herself a generous glass and drank heavily, rolling the full-bodied wine over her tongue and savouring the bitter taste. “Are you going to apologise to me?”
“How do I apologise for something I did not mean to happen?” He asked quietly.
Was he determined to get on her very last nerve right now? “By saying you’re fucking sorry,” she snapped, slamming her goblet down on the table. A spatter of wine coloured the map and he looked up at her, shocked. Had she ever been the one to lose her temper first between them? She could not recall. “Now, Aemond. I will have your apology. My honour demands it. Either that or your head.”
He watched her with a flicker of something dangerous in his remaining eye. “Done playing the good girl, are you?” His voice was controlled - pure, cold control - and it only made the fiery rage inside her burn hotter.
“It wasn’t an act,” she bit out. She took another heavy swig of wine and wiped at her mouth. “It wasn’t an act. I love you. I love all of you. And you’re all ruining me. You’re making me into an angry, vengeful woman.”
The Prince only smirked at her and it stoked her rage. “Let the fire burn, love,” he said, something dark in his voice, a heat in his eye. “Part of me always wanted to drag you down to my level.”
“Say you’re sorry,” she demanded. “Say you’re sorry for shackling me hand and foot. Say you’re sorry for every bruise and broken bone. Say you’re sorry for Grey Ghost, for Luke.”
“Say you’re sorry for Jaehaerys,” he countered coolly, “for Maelor.”
She shook her head in disbelief. “Aemond, I put a knife through my father’s neck when I learned about Jaehaerys,” she growled. “Do not play this game with me.”
That revelation made him come alive. His chest swelled, his eye went dark. He smirked. “Of course you did,” he breathed. “You are Visenya. My Sena.”
“Your Sena?” She said and her insides were on fire. What right did he have to claim her when all he had ever done was hurt her, cast her aside and place her dead last in his priorities? “Fucking make me yours, you coward.”
She did not know where the words came from. She did not even have time to draw breath before he was round the table and at her side, taking her hips in his hands and pushing her up onto the polished oak. Her blood roared in her ears and a guttural moan broke free of her throat as he fell upon her lips. Biting, licking, bruising. It was hot and wet and desperate, and his hands tangled into her curls, pulling her head back for him. Her hair strained at the roots. The pain was sweet. The pain was like fire.
Her hands flew up to tangle in his hair but he caught her before she could even lay hands on him. He pulled her arms sharply behind her back, held them there with one hand, and used his other to tug her head back by the hair at a sharp angle. “Say it again,” he hissed. His eye was malevolent. “I’m warning you. You have tested my honour too many times. Say it again and I’ll do it.”
The very air in her lungs was molten. She gasped in a breath, her lungs struggling for room as he bore down on her, her arms screaming in protest behind her back. She could break his hold on her if she really wanted to - he was wiry for a man and she was strong for a woman - but there was a current of heat running through her at the way he bowed her to his will. They were already agreeing to betray both their families, the people who had raised them, making a pact writ blood. Everything they had done in the last months - they were without honour, without virtue. That ship had long set sail. What was one final sin to add to her list? The very sin she had burned for, for years. And instead of hatred and despair, it would be committed with heat and desire. With love. It was only right that this final betrayal should be sealed with the blood of her maidenhead. “I won’t beg,” she bit out, her voice trembling. They were nose to nose, brow to brow. He had a beautiful nose. Strong, large, sharp.
He barked a malevolent laugh. “I’ll make you beg.”
Even with her throat bared, her head pulled back, she met his eye steadily. “Would you just shut up and fuck me?”
He gritted his teeth. His iris was swallowed up by the black of his pupil and she could feel a growing hardness pressed against her belly. “As my lady wishes.”
His hand still held hers tightly behind her back, the callouses where he gripped his sword dragging on her skin exquisitely. His other hand left their grip on the roots of her hair to tangle into the laces at the back of Alys’s dress. It was not as fine a dress as her own back on Dragonstone, though, and the eyelets caught on their laces. Aemond’s expression twisted with annoyance and he wrenched the lacing loose.
Sena felt the sharp tug, heard the ripping and pushed back against him. “Aemond,” she snapped, “this isn’t mine.”
He grinned maliciously and pressed his nose into the hollow under her jaw, pressing against her pulse, kissing against the place where she had struck her father with the letter opener. “Only allowed to rip your dresses, am I?” He asked with dry, dry humour in his voice.
She drew in a ragged breath. “Yes,” she gritted out, burning with shame at how needy she sounded. “Only mine. I’ll cut you open from your throat to your balls if I ever hear of you touching another.”
He grinned against her neck and bit her skin sharply, making her hiss. “Only you, my lady,” he hissed, and yanked her dress down, baring her breasts. He licked his lips and sighed shakily, raising a rough, calloused hand to pinch at one nipple, then the other. Sena whined low in her throat, and he dipped his head to latch on. She watched him suckling at her with desperation, watched him switch to her other breast and tweak at the tender, wet nipple with his teeth and tongue. She threw her head back in a moan.
Bent at an awkward angle, Aemond raised his eye to her and watched her sigh in pleasure at his ministrations. He came off of her breast with a wet pop and brought his spare hand up against one flushed, tender nipple in a hard slap. It stung and Sena moaned. “Aemond,” she hissed. “Fuck, please.”
His smirk was so infuriating it set a fire beneath her skin. He drew closer, pressed them together, her thighs parted for him. Chest to chest. He pulled her hips to the edge of the table and ground himself into her, and Gods, she could feel every last inch of him, straining through his breeches. Her bare, sensitive nipples grazed on the silver fastenings of his doublet and it sent a flood of heat through her. “Such a good lady, so obedient and demure for twenty-one long years, just to turn into a wanton whore at the end of it all. All for me.”
“I’m everything for you,” she breathed, hot against his lips. They were eye to eye, her throat bared to him at the most vulnerable of angles. Her shoulders were aching from the way he strained her arms behind her and his other hand was thrust up the skirts of her dress, shoving aside her undergarments and grazing a callous against the height of her pubic bone. “For you, I’m a lady, a whore, preacher, warrior. Fighting for forgiveness you do not even desire. Whatever you want. Whatever you need. I was made for you, Aemond.”
That sealed the deal.
He let go of his grip on her so he could grapple with the front of his breeches and Sena brought her aching arms up to help him. Laces, laces, why so many fucking laces? There was a growing wet spot on the front of his breeches and it was making her mouth water. At long last, together they parted the fabric covering his manhood, and Sena winced, biting her lip. She took his thick length in hand, thumb grazing the weeping head. “Gods be good,” she breathed, trying to calm the small surge of fear at the sight of it.
Aemond smirked, proud, and watched her hand on his cock with avid interest. When she brushed a spot just under the flushed head, his eyelid flickered. “You do know how to flatter a man, don’t you, sweet girl?” He brushed her hair from her neck as she palmed at his cock, her cheeks burning. “It might hurt a little. Just for your first time.”
She drew a bracing breath. Wondered what it said about her that the idea of the pain was even more thrilling. She withdrew her hand from his cock, savouring the low grunt of protest in his throat. She spat into her palm and brought her hand back to him, grazing her fingers over that spot just as she reached the head. Just to watch his eyelid flutter. “Mightn’t be so sore,” she murmured. He slipped a hand between their bodies and used two fingers to stroke her entrance, spread her wetness. He gave her a pleased smile when he found her practically dripping. “I’ve spent so many nights fucking myself with my fingers, thinking of you, imagining it was you,” she sighed as his fingers caught on the rim of her hole. He groaned, his eye fluttering shut. With her spare, trembling hand, she reached up and unbound his hair, pulling his eyepatch from his beautiful face. The sapphire in his left socket glimmered at her and she brushed along the underside of his eye, the jagged line of his scar. “I want the real thing now, Aemond. Do not hold back,” she breathed.
“Fuck,” he choked. Even when his eyes slipped closed in pleasure, his damaged left eyelid let out a sliver of deep blue. He was bent so close to her that his beautiful hair fell like a curtain around them, and for a second, Sena could believe that the world only went as far as them. The table unrelenting against her arse, her own throbbing cunt, Aemond’s weeping cock. That was as far as it went. That was all there was.
Suddenly, he was in motion, pushing up her skirts, pulling down her undergarments and grabbing at her fleshy thighs. He pulled her forward so she was positioned at the edge of the table, at the head of his manhood. He took her hands in his, positioned them on his shoulders. Then he took hold of his cock and stopped for a second, eyeing her for any sign of hesitancy. “Last chance,” he warned her. “We can stop if that is what you desire.”
She pulled him down to her and kissed him. “Do not stop. Please, Aemond. Please.”
She let out a sharp cry when his cock pierced her core.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped, gripping her jaw firmly in his large hands. He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs, held her gaze unshakeably, held her body steady. She knew he wasn’t just apologising for the pain of piercing her. Knew he was apologising for all of it, every last bit of pain he had caused her. Knew this was the best he could do. “I’m sorry.”
Every inch of her was alive, hot and white and bursting with agony. Her eyes brimmed with tears. “Aemond,” she whimpered. “It’s- it’s too much-“
“You can take it,” he whispered. He was seated in her fully now. She could feel his balls brushing against the lips of her cunt. His own pale hair at the base of his cock against her black, coarse curls. The drag of their skin together burned with sweet friction. “You can, Sena. You can do it. You can do fucking anything, my girl.”
They were trembling together as they looked down at where their bodies joined. He groaned when he saw her skirts were in the way and pulled the ruined dress up over her head, leaving her as bare as the day she entered into the world. Now he could see, could see where he had parted and entered her. Her maiden’s blood mingled with her slick and his precum on the base of his cock. He dragged her hands up to his neck and held her trembling form steady. “Beautiful,” he groaned. “Look at us. I told you we’d be beautiful, didn’t I? As one? You impaled on me- Gods, Sena-“
“I’m ready,” she whined. She grabbed his hands in hers, caught them up, twined their fingers together. With a measured breath, she leaned back a little. The new angle set her on fire. She could feel the swollen head of his cock dragging on some dark and secret place inside of her. “Make me yours.”
His hands left hers so he could swipe away the wooden markers in her way, holding her lower back and easing her down to the table. Her shoulders and arse rested against the polished wood, but her lower back and hips curved upwards and met his in an unholy arc. Unholy, good Gods, if only his mother could see them now- “You were always mine, Sena. I was always yours,” he mumbled and she could see the thinnest of threads his restraint was dangling by.
She was in disbelief that it had taken them so long to realise it, such a simple, unassailable truth. She shifted back onto him, wanting to take every part of him and even the minute movement had pleasure spasming through her lower belly. “Well, seal the deal then, beautiful boy. My Prince."
That was all the encouragement he needed. His hips snapped into hers with a lurch that made every muscle in Sena’s core seize, and there was a deep stabbing sensation in her as the head of his cock seemed to push against the very limit of her insides. He groaned and leaned down onto her, covering every inch of her with himself. One hand found her left nipple, tugging and tweaking. The other found the base of her skull, forcing her up into a savage kiss that had her lips singing and swollen. His hips pumped into hers, setting up a punishing pace. Sena brought her hands up to his scalp, knotted them into his hair and pulled. Her body jolted, her breasts bounced, the table creaked in protest. Every inch of her sung.
“Aemond,” she moaned, legs wrapped like a vice around his waist, her wetness running down her arse and the front of his breeches, urging him deeper and harder. He brought his hands down under her arse and pulled her up to meet him, changing the angle in a way that had sharp cries spilling from her lips. He was watching her moan and cry, a malicious, hungry look in his eye, hips slapping into hers, squeezing and kneading at her arse cheeks. He leaned back from her so he could bring one hand between them and a calloused thumb started rubbing relentlessly at her pleasure. The thickened, scarred skin that wielded swords and commanded dragons was building a wave of pressure in her as easily as he might finger out a note on a lyre. He was playing her like an instrument. 
The snap of his hips was growing more frenzied, more urgent, and it was driving her wild. “Yes, yes,” he moaned, “take it, Sena. Take me."
“Gods-“ she gasped, as the wave built.
“Name them,” he hissed. The relentless force of his hips was pushing her up the table, but he grabbed her by her hip creases and pulled her flush back against him, drawing a low moan from her. He was trembling. They would not last long. His hand flew up to fasten around her throat, choking, burning. It was too much, her every sense was screaming, it was way too much and it felt fucking divine. “Balerion, Vhagar, Meraxes, Syrax… Maiden, Mother, Stranger-“
“You,” she moaned. She gripped the hand that covered her throat, holding it tighter around the airway that fed her very life. “Aemond.” 
Her body threw her into fits of pleasure. 
Spasms, tides, relentless waves.
He moaned, let out a sharp grunt as her cunt tightened around him. He was shaking, his eyelids fluttering, and all of a sudden his hips stilled against hers. “Sena,” he groaned and his balls went tight against her cunt, her arse. His cock pulsed deep inside of her.
She pulled him down on top of her and took every inch, every part of him. Thick, hot liquid coated her insides in ropes of syrup, ropes of nectar. Her throat burned to taste it. Soon, soon, she would taste him, taste his seed. “Fuck-“ she moaned, “Aemond.”
His grip squeezed around her throat as his hips continued to spasm, and she choked. The sounds of her gasping for breath alarmed him and he drew back. His head dipped to her collar bone. He licked at the sweat pooling there. “My lady,” he whispered into the hollow of her throat, his hair falling around him. “Are you okay?”
She gasped in a breath and drew his gaze up to meet hers with a finger under his chin. “I’m better than okay,” she said in a whisper. “I’m in bliss.” 
He moaned against her throat and the vibrations went straight to her swollen, abused pleasure. “My beautiful, beautiful lady-“ his cock was softening inside of her, but she never wished him to leave her. She wrapped her legs around the backs of his thighs and held him against her. She could feel the coarse hair coating his thighs and his crotch against the most private parts of her body. The rub and the burn was exquisite.
With a grunt, he leaned back and pulled her up from the table. Wooden markers scattered on the floor, maps torn and creased, his cock still buried to the hilt inside of her. She squeezed her thighs around his slender waist and moaned wantonly as his swollen head dragged inside her. Balancing her on his hips, he carried her through to his bed, and laid her down on the softer surface. She winced at the loss of him, but he kneeled down at the edge of the bed and brushed aside the curls that were stuck to her forehead with sweat. She could feel his seed spilling out of her between her thighs, mourned the fact that she could not hold on to every last drop.
An hour ago, she might have felt horror at the idea of going to Alys or the maester and asking for moon tea. An hour ago, that might have made her so ashamed she could combust. But every last second of Aemond inside her, losing himself in her had been so worth it, she’d let the whole fucking castle watch if he’d just do it again.
Now she knew. Now she knew why married lords and ladies guarded that act with their honour, their lives. Why they had to make it so dirty and wrong and shameful. Because if unmarried maidens knew such pleasure… they would be unstoppable. They would know their true power, know what they could give, know what they could take. Know they could turn lords and princes and kings into desperate, wild animals.
Aemond got up from the side of the bed, his legs shaking a little, she noticed with satisfaction. He grabbed a clean cloth, dunking it in the basin of fresh water and came back to the bed. “Open your legs for me,” he said softly, knuckles of his spare hand brushing the underside of her jaw.
She parted her legs and felt the ache in her hips, the stretch of her hole, and she winced.
“Shhh,” he soothed her and gently wiped at the stickiness between her legs. “You took me so well, sweet girl. Let me take care of you, now.” The washcloth was soft against her intimate skin and he pressed a kiss to her hair. “It won’t hurt so bad the next time, I promise.”
The next time. Her entire body was exhausted but the thought managed to raise a small flush inside her. “What if I liked how it hurt?”
His eye flickered to hers, his gaze catching on where he had gripped her neck. She reached her hand up to feel the ghost of his hand on her. “I lost control,” he said quietly. “I- You spend your whole life wanting something, and when you finally get it- I should have been gentler with you.”
“No,” she hissed, sitting up and pulling him down to sit next to her. “I made you grab me harder. I liked it, Aemond.”
“I should have asked.”
“I will tell you if you do something I do not like, my sweet boy. Do not fear,” she said and pressed a kiss to his brow. He bowed his head against hers and sighed. “And I want to know what you like.”
“I like-“ he stopped, struggling for words, and there was an enchanting blush rising in his cheeks. Was he… embarrassed? “I think I would normally be gentle, tender. It’s a form of worship, isn’t it, really? Honouring something so perfect?” She flushed a deep red at the flattery as he brushed his thumb along the underside of her breast. He looked so genuinely admiring of her body it made her blood sing. “But if I’m frustrated or angry or jealous, I’m going to want to… manhandle you.”
“I’m not fragile,” she said, skimming her thumb over his lower lip. He dipped his head to press a kiss to her palm. “And that was exhilarating. I can see myself enjoying slow and tender, or sitting on top of you and taking my own pleasure. But I loved that. The pain and the pleasure, it was exquisite. You did so well, my sweet boy. You made me feel so good.”
His breath stuttered at that, and his eye was dark. She looked down at the open front of his breeches, the fabric stained with the evidence of their exploits and watched in wonder as his soft cock gave a valiant twitch. She smiled. She would have to remember that for next time, that praising him got such a reaction from him.
He looked down at his own cock and laughed, shaking his head as he leaned back to clean himself with the cloth and then fasten his breeches again. “How come you are naked as your name day and I am still in full court dress?” He grinned, pushing himself up off of the bed and pulling back the sheet from under her so she could get comfy.
“I quite liked that too,” she said with a cheeky smile. “But next time, I want to see all of you.”
He smiled and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. “As you wish, my lady,” he said. “I’ll come to bed soon and we’ll get you moon tea in the morning. I’m just going to stoke the fire and write to Daeron. We’ve got a war to end, after all.”
She gave a shocked little laugh. “Don’t tell me that was what you were thinking about when you were inside me? Writing to your brother?”
His answering grin was beautiful and boyish, his sapphire eye twinkling at her mischievously. “No, sweetheart, I was thinking about how I could die quite happily right now with you on my cock.”
She knew it was only a jest, but her heart seized in her chest and her hand flew out and grabbed him, stopping him from walking away. “Don’t ever leave me,” she breathed. “Don’t ever, ever make me carry on without you.“
“Oh Sena,” he breathed and sat back down beside her. He pulled her close and dipped his head so he could kiss her tender throat. “You are mine,” he murmured, his voice rumbling against her vocal cords. “I am yours.”
“Mine,” she sighed happily, pressing her nose into silver blonde hair. They reeked of sweat and sex, and Aemond gently lowered her to the pillow. “Yours.”
He pressed one last kiss to her lips, then the bed shifted as he rose to go back to his writing desk.
Sena only lasted a few deep breaths before she dipped out of consciousness, so utterly blissed.
taglist (dm/ask/reply to be added): @stargaryen22 @trap-house-homiecide
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im-out-of-it · 2 months
book fans can go off all they want and state how CaSsAnDrA cLaRe HaS sO mUcH rEpReSeNtAtIoN but let me yell it in case anyone missed it:
please we are tired of seeing ourselves being misrepresented and we hate seeing the characters we do like getting treated wrongly. we can tell you don’t like those characters or the storylines. I can tell when there isn’t effort. it’s very bloody obvious.
I’m so fucking tired of seeing “omg CC has done so much representation and has changed her ways.” what has she changed? because she’s still doing the same shit she always does. finds an excuse to use incest, putting the lgbtq+ characters on the back burner, giving POC characters the short end of the stick and the shittiness, stereotyping the fuck out of disabilities. I’m not sorry but I don’t see any progress or any improvement. she’s still dragging out plot lines and putting her fav white toxic irritating boys front and center. as far as I can tell, not much has changed
I’m tired of seeing posts that aren’t with the anti tag because some of these fans are insanely terrifying. going to the ends of the earth to “prove” CC is a god who can’t do wrong and defending every little problematic storyline
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lostcauseinc · 5 months
Call me Lost. Make me worse.
💔 20, mentally ill, unapologetically fucked.
🖤 NSFW, minors DNI, potential triggers ahead.
💔 They/them, neutral or masc terms.
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Most shit will be tagged with appropriate tws. If I miss one, let me know.
Maybe you’ll find a sense of kindred in my posts. Maybe you’ll get off on them. I don’t know, I don’t care. Send me whatever the fuck you want, make it as awful as you want. Go wild, it’s more fun that way.
💔 Switch, pan, very soft sometimes.
🖤 Into incest / fauxcest, corruption, hypno, somno, cnc, intox, kidnapping, k9, sh, scarring, gore.
💔 Hard limits; Unhygenic shit, detrans.
🖤 Don’t ask for images. You’re not getting any. (Send as many as you want, though.)
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fagg0tman69 · 8 months
Hey yall can call me whatever you like cus despite having hundreds of names you'll never know any of them :) I do plan on using fagman as my tags so that works lol. ill update this if I think to add anything else
🥵Hell yeah
Urethra play and fucking, pissing inside, prolapse, stretching, fantasy noncon (includes realistic but not real), painal, cumflation, monster fucking (like I want my life to be in danger lol), all the way through, size difference, hole destruction, really just anything that can only exist in fantasy 😔, dying (ifykyk)
Pet play, degradation, humiliation, praise (I love being a contradiction), Getting pissed on,
hucow (really depends), Drinking piss, fauxcest,
💀Mention/do you get blocked
Scat, vomit, real noncon, detransition kink, ddlg, real incest, feederism/feeding fetish (I am myself fat, I find fat bodies attractive but feeders and feedees give me the ick and trigger me), being really weird/threatening in my asks (very subjective to me, do it at your own risk ig) bitch that I blocked you cus I don't care lol
Minors!!!!! If I can't see your age in bio you are getting blocked. Homophobes and/or Transphobes. Detrans, feederism, and/or DDLG blogs. I also block bots on sight. If you aren't a bot but look like one I'm sorry but it wasn't meant to be
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gab-has-adhd · 2 years
"I have issues but you're just as bad." 🃏📍
Gab / Lubel / Illumi
🏳️‍⚧️(agender - masc expression)
Mentally ill and neurodivergent (ADHD, BPD, possibly PTSD, anxiety disorder)
Current hyperfixation: Hunter x Hunter
Art blog: @lubelzoldyck-artworks
Please be 18+ to follow either of my blogs (frequent suggestive and gore posts)
If you see an opinion you don't like on my blog, please just block me and move on. Don't try to engage discourse with me. I don't like discourse. I am bad a rethoric and it really is just mentally stressful for me. I'm not here to discuss.
I'm an anti, but if you are one and believe death threats / d0xxing / suicide baits towards pr0ships are okay, just fuck off.
Other fandoms I might share stuff of: Homestuck, Saint Seiya, Good Omens, Versailles, Mozart l'Opéra Rock, les Misérables, Undertale, Deltarune, OFF, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Team Fortress 2, Yu-Gi-Oh, Full Metal Alchemist, Houseki no Kuni, Saltburn, etc...
Find my DNI, kin list and socials here:
I'LL COPY MY DNI HERE IN CASE SOME PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO CLICK ON MY CARRD OR CAN'T FOR ANY REASON. DO NOT INTERACT (that means reblogging, yes, even a post I am not the OP of, I check every blog in my notifs) IF YOU ARE:
A truscum / transmed
A matfem
Far right, alt-right
An aroace exclusionist
A radqueer or supporter
Contradicting orientations / identities
An endogenic system
Believing otherkin / fictionkin / kinning in general can be compared to LGBT orientations / identities
Mad Pride / anti-psychiatry
A pr0sh1pper or supporter
Or if you believe fiction can 100% never ever influence reality
An anti who believes harrassing / death threats / suicide baits / d0xxing is a good and efficient way to "get rid" of pr0sh1p
A drawn CP (l0li / sh0ta / cub / babyfur) supporter / enjoyer / artist
Racist, sexist, xenophobic, antisemite, fascist, white supremacist, etc...
Defending cops
"Doesn't see colors"
Supporting Israël
Anti-kink at Pride
A hisogon, illukillu, zoldyckcest, stridercest or other p3do / incest shipper (even if it stays SFW)
Defending Andrew Hussie
A problematic paraphile (p3do, z0o, n3cro, etc...)
NFT / crypto
Against AI art
Supporting JKR
Actively in the Harry Potter fandom
Hetalia fan (yes I know I used to be one but. Really I don't wanna have anything to do with that anime ever again. Thank you)
I pretty much am obsessed with Illumi and Hisoka. Sometimes I will make memes about them or just post rambles about them. I have a "few" headcanons about them, which I talk about on this post 🌸
Frequent personal tags I use:
#gab talks / gabs stuff (when I post stuff)
#gabs face / #my face / #selfie (when I post selfies)
#gab memes (when I shitpost)
#gab replies (when I reply asks)
#gab makes polls
#posts i interacted with
#posts i talked on through tags
#polls (for the polls that aren't mine)
#my beautiful silly girlfriend <3 (when I reblog gfs posts or tag her on one)
#my art (when I reblog my art)
#self-reblog (when I reblog something I already posted or something from my art blog)
#stuff I want / #need
Other frequent tags:
#forever in my heart (the old fav tag)
#meowing cats
#accurate visual representation of adhd
My art blog: @lubelzoldyck-artworks (⚠️ frequent gore / suggestive artworks)
My girlfriend's blog: @sparkling-ladysapphire 💕
My friends: @opossumprince @mey51 @cat-mutual @yamithemoonwitch @forbiddenseason @oloreandil 🌸
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secrfidr · 9 months
Pinned Post
uh hi. wanted to make a Real Pinned Post like all the Cool Tumblr Guys. yippee! very sad i had to unpin my fin fin birthday cake post but life is full of sacrifices
anyways im toastedpencils (he/they/name). call me any variation of that. im toastedpencils everywhere but here and ao3, where its SeCrFiDr. good luck remembering how to spell it! im autistic + ADHD. also: I'm not a minor, and I'm in PST time zone. thats as specific as ill get <3
blog protocol:
-ask/submit/DM me anything! cant guarantee ill see it immediately bcause im sporadically on tumblr, but i like being Known
-im not gonna reblog much real world fucked up shit. like i know theres plenty of spreading awareness posts that are important, but im on tumblr to relax and giggle a little, not. think about sad.
-Please do not ask me to tag triggers(bugs, gore, unreality, etc). I am not going to do that. The only posts I will actually tag are the rare occasions I make my own post. I'm sorry if you don't like this, but my blog exists for me, not you. Block me and curate your own online experience. Thanks for understanding!
-IMPORTANT: If you're a "pro-shipper"(ie, create/support sexual content between minors/adults or minors/minors, sexual/romantic content between IRL people, or any type of incest), PLEASE block me and find a different blog. I'm not here to argue, but I don't want you here. Thank you for understanding.
-I'm otherkin. Mostly painted wolf, but there's some other shit in there I haven't figured out.
Below are fandoms I am a part of! (Subject to editing, obvs)
Special Interests:
Digimon Adventure
Pokemon (specifically the games, but i have a hyperfixation with Ingo Pokemon that comes and goes)
Hermitcraft...mumbo jumbo...
Trigun(98, max, and stamp)
Fin Fin (Come And See Him)
Object Shows (specifically ONE, TNM, II, and BFDI)
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angstingantlers · 1 year
Whump, angst, hurt/comfort, and dark fiction sideblog. General cw for blood, injury, threat, harm, and otherwise dark themes.
Note: This is not a sexual blog. I am generally not a fan of explicit NSFWhump and will rarely if ever post things that are intended to be read as sexual. Feel free to like/reblog for those reasons but please do not add overly sexual comments on my original posts unless they already contain explicit sexual content. For my comfort I will block blogs that I notice doing this.
DNI, blog info, & tags under the cut.
About Me
My name is Hunter, he/him. I am a queer, neurodivergent, and mentally ill adult over the age of 25. I'm a digital artist and writer who tends to be drawn towards horror, tragedy, and content involving either my original characters or specific fandom characters I've latched onto. I am white and live in the UK, and have a BSc (Hons) in Criminological & Forensic Psychology.
My main special interests include the horror genre and the nature of fear and trauma in media, psychology (especially in relation to rehabilitation and prison reform), prehistory, and my original characters.
I am very liberal with the block button. Consider this a heads up that if you follow/like/reblog from me and I notice you fit the following criteria, then I will block you (and report you, if appropriate).
⦿ The usual suspects: radfem, nazi, support Palestinian genocide, other bigots, MAPs, zoophiles, radqueer, etc.
⦿ LGBTQ+ exclusionist (transmed, anti-MOGAI, against mspec lesbian/gay, against aspec/arospec/aplspec identities, etc.)
⦿ System exclusionist (anti-endogenic, sysmed, etc.), against informed self-diagnosis for disability/illness, or 'fakeclaims' others
⦿ Proship/anti-anti/etc., treats pedophilic/incestuous dynamics as cute/desirable, ships real people, or posts kink content featuring underage/incest/RPF
⦿ Blogs that encourage self-harm or heavily focus on IRL self-harm -- including EDs
⦿ Blogs with a heavy focus on discourse/drama regardless of your particular 'stance'
I try to tag specific media, characters, and actors wherever possible so they can be easily searched or blacklisted, using the following format:
⦿ #media: X, #character: Y, #actor: Z
Example: "#media: Doctor Who, #character: The Tenth Doctor, #actor: David Tennant".
Please feel free to correct me if I make a mistake when tagging media/character/actor names.
I'll eventually have a tag to put all my original content under. For now you can find it by looking for:
⦿ #writing prompt, #whump prompt, #whump writing, #whump art
I tag content that features or reminds me of OCs with the following:
⦿ #oc: can't a man just be fucking sad? [Finsterl Tyto]
⦿ #oc: a sad guitar [Deslie Tyto]
⦿ #oc: root of all evil [Hemlock]
⦿ #oc: eric needs a tag [Eric Elsonheir -- @victoryillustrations]
⦿ #oc: the bitter with the sweet [Rowen -- @victoryillustrations]
⦿ #au: supers in seattle
⦿ #au: -tag pending: zombies-
The rest of this post serves as an extremely long breakdown of the things under this umbrella that I do and don't enjoy, followed by media that fulfills these interests or that I want to check out. For anything not mentioned here, you can assume I either don't feel strongly on it or don't know it exists.
Character archetypes I like:
⦿ Resistant, defiant, & sassy
⦿ Arrogant & egotistical
⦿ Intensely manipulative
⦿ Completely broken/conditioned
⦿ Feral & animalistic
⦿ Non-human/anthropomorphic/magical
⦿ God-like figures
⦿ Villains & anti-heroes
⦿ Siblings
⦿ First responders (paramedics, firefighters, etc.)
⦿ Characters trying their best but still making mistakes/that aren't infallible
⦿ Specific OCs/fandom characters
Hurt themes I like:
⦿ Interrogation
⦿ Hostage, ransom, kidnapping, etc.
⦿ Targeted, sustained abuse over time
⦿ Betrayal
⦿ Solo survival (lost alone, being hunted, trapped in rubble, etc.)
⦿ Surgery & surgical emergencies
⦿ Medical experimentation
⦿ Self-sacrifice/self-inflicted suffering
⦿ Near-death experiences
⦿ Being bloody/injured/beaten up & generally in pain
⦿ Being very vocal & reactive to pain
⦿ Enduring extended suffering & dissociating from extreme pain
⦿ Shivering & trembling
⦿ Exhaustion & being forced to give up/unable to keep going
⦿ Heart conditions
⦿ Fever, headaches, & migranes
⦿ Sleep deprivation & insomnia
⦿ Hallucinations, delusions, & paranoia
⦿ Emotional distress & breakdowns, especially in fear/panic
⦿ Suicidal ideation & casual risk-taking/recklessness as a result
⦿ Sadistic/impossible choices
⦿ Hypnosis, brainwashing, & mind-control
⦿ Conditioning, especially subtle/unnoticed
⦿ Slow breakdown of willpower/resilience
⦿ Sensory deprivation -- blinded, deafened, etc.
⦿ Loss of bodily control via possession, transformation, etc.
⦿ Threatening with weapons, particularly guns
⦿ Gunshot/stab wounds
⦿ Treating your own wounds (ineffectively)
⦿ Infected wounds
⦿ Restraints; chained up, bound in rope, collared, muzzled, etc.
⦿ Being trapped, purposefully or by accident
⦿ Manhandling & pinning
⦿ Grabbing by the face, throat, chin, & hair
⦿ Forced to kneel or take another respectful posture
⦿ Forced to accept comfort or other intimacy from their harmer
⦿ Backhanded affection or praise
⦿ Tragic ending/no escape/no recovery/etc.
Recovery/comfort themes I like:
⦿ Slow, complicated trauma recovery & "messy" victims/survivors
⦿ Focus on restoring the recovering person's autonomy as much as possible; re-learning indepedence & self-care
⦿ Learning to live, not just survive
⦿ Anger/lashing out as a trauma response & learning to manage it
⦿ Unhealthy coping mechanisms -> healthy coping mechanisms
⦿ Exploring/coping with triggers & phobias caused by trauma
⦿ Realistic de-conditioning
⦿ Hidden trauma/injuries being discovered & treated
⦿ Aid with caring for injuries
⦿ Resistance to accepting help & learning to accept help
⦿ Having no choice but to accept help (severe injury, illness, etc.)
⦿ Caretakers as friends, teammates, found family, or siblings
I'm sometimes interested in but can be sensitive to:
⦿ Death of significant characters
⦿ Characters dealing with grief
⦿ Impalement except in specific circumstances
⦿ Most natural disaster scenarios
⦿ Honestly most of the standard comfort-focused/caretaker content that's out there, it ranges from being uninteresting to making me feel uncomfortable 4/5 times
⦿ Caretakers as parental figures or romantic partners
⦿ Whumpers as parental figures
I'm usually uninterested by/can tolerate:
⦿ BBU & other socially accepted pet/slave scenarios
⦿ Idealised/'perfect' caretakers
⦿ Focus on romantic or sexual relationships between characters in general
⦿ Generic character names (ie. just called 'Whumpee'), it just takes me out of it
I may sometimes write the following myself, but almost always avoid or need to be in a specific mindset for:
⦿ "Bad boy/girl/dog/etc.", "You've been bad", etc. -- I hate that word and characters being called it
⦿ Explicit usage of medical needles/syringes
⦿ Alcohol/recreational drugs & substance use disorders
⦿ Trapped in fires & other fire-based scenarios/harm
⦿ Focus on graphic abuse or violence to children/younger teenagers (if it's offscreen or in backstory it's fine)
⦿ Parental abuse from father-figures
⦿ Infantilisation & treating bodily adults like children
⦿ Abuse for being autistic or having a similar condition/disability
⦿ Abuse related to enforcing gender identity standards, ie. demeaning a man for being feminine/woman for being masculine, misgendering a trans person, forcing someone to wear gendered clothing, etc.
⦿ Abuse related to a perceived lack of intelligence, ie. excessive use of insults like "stupid" or "dumb", being ridiculed or punished for not understanding something, etc.
⦿ Explicit sexual harrassment & sexual abuse
A list of content I've seen that scratches my itches well or that I want to look into. Always open for recommendations if you think there's something I'd like!
⦿ A very, very, very long list of generic horror movies
⦿ Apostle
⦿ Beaten To Death
⦿ Hannibal NBC
⦿ The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, & Inheritance)
⦿ Jekyll & Hyde (Musical)
⦿ Lucifer
⦿ Mad Max: Fury Road
⦿ The Passenger
⦿ Ravenous (1999)
⦿ Watership Down
Partially Completed:
⦿ 9-1-1 & 9-1-1 Lone Star (s2)
⦿ Casualty & Holby City (scattered arcs/episodes)
⦿ Game of Thrones (literally just Theon's scenes)
⦿ Grey's Anatomy & spin-offs (... s14? Or so?)
⦿ Grimm (unsure how much)
⦿ Once Upon A Time (scattered episodes)
⦿ Our Flag Means Death (s1)
⦿ The Vampire Diaries (s5 I believe?)
⦿ The Walking Dead & spin-offs (partway through s9 or 10)
To Check Out:
⦿ The Blacklist
⦿ Broadchurch
⦿ Doctor Who
⦿ Endeavour
⦿ Hawaii Five-O
⦿ House MD
⦿ Leverage
⦿ Loki (& some MCU)
⦿ The Magnus Archives
⦿ The Revenant
⦿ Peaky Blinders
⦿ Prodigal Son
⦿ The Rookie
⦿ Station 19
⦿ Supernatural
⦿ The Witcher
Notes To Self
I'd love to learn how to make my own movie/TV show gifs at some point. I know the basics but not enough to be happy with. This is a reminder of things I want to gif once I am ready to dedicate time to learning.
⦿ The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It: Ed's heart condition
⦿ Mad Max: Fury Road: Max bound/muzzled & scenes with Furiosa
⦿ Apostle: Lots of Thomas and of the goddess
⦿ The Walking Dead: So much
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pupyr0arz · 1 year
a notice: I am pro Palestine. The only moral option is to be pro Palestine. If you are a Zionist, pro Israel, etc etc, just block me and don’t waste my time. I find you disgusting on multiple levels.
haii, I’m Maxwell! I write and blabber about weirdos online. My main fandoms are supernatural and call of duty lately but I write and chat about whatever catches my fancy.
I take requests! Ask box is open, and just send me 🎲 to hav me post a random snippet from my wip pile.
I write a lot of darker fiction and triggering topics, if that’s not your thing you can mute tags and or block me. I don’t argue about this kind of stuff. Live & let live, don’t like don’t read and all of that.
you can find me (sporadically) on Twitter (@ Brosimping) and even more sporadically on archiveofourown (@ pupyr0arz) I do actually like chatting with people I just am stricken with the ghosting disease.
also, blanket permission to be inspired by anything I write, take any concepts etc. just show it to me too.
Links to my fics and some drabbles below! #writing has my random stuff in it.
supernatural: 8 fics, all on ao3.
cod: 0 (will b changing soon), but you can find drabbles in my #snippet tag
Supernatural :
claims unspoken echoing in the night | 4.7k words
Sam POV, second person ‘character study’. Gencest/codependency.
‘Four k practice using second person. Sam has various thoughts about his life and his brother and exactly none of them are healthy.’
cws: incest coded (sibling), unhealthy relationships, trauma, implied references into Noncon (not overt)
i could eat god | 2.3k words
Werewolf!Sam AU. Eventual wincest in later parts.
‘Sam is hungry, Dean wants to fix that. Or, in which Sam is bitten by Madison & Dean has a complex about caretaking. AU from Heart.’
cws: cannibalism, violence
Alphabet Soup | 4.3k words | unfinished
A-Z 100 word Drabble challenge. Multiship.
cws: tags.
The salt in my wounds doesn’t burn any more than it used to | 2.2k words | unfinished
Dean/John Sam/John background/fake, Azazel/John.
‘John is ill. Luckily, he has his wonderful, amazing, loving husband to take care of him.’
cws: incest (not actual, but parent/child), noncon (implied), gore/violence, cannibalism, mental abuse.
and his gaze was heaven sent | 1.5k | NSFW
Sam/Dean John/Sam/Dean (background.)
‘John should do something. He wont.
In which John listens to his sons fuck and jacks off about it’
cws: incest (parent/child (non physical), sibling), consensual underage sex, nonconsensual/unaware voyeurism
Turning Tricks (5+1) | 997 words 
Sam/others, Sam/Dean
‘Five situations Sam has sex for money, and one time something more important is also at stake’
cws: incest (sibling), implied underage sex (16-18 range), age gap, prostitution, self harm via sex.
can my violence conquer yours? | 1,125 words, 1/4 chapters complete Sam/Dean
‘Sam grows up familiar with how his brother tastes. He never quite grows out of the urge. Things escalate.’ cws: cannibalism, incest (sibling)
WIP / Drabble posts on here:
-> WIP 1 (wincest moment / truecrime!sam / werewolf!sam)
Call Of Duty :
ghostcest wip
gazreader snippet
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hi-im-dingo · 2 years
Hey how ya doing, lemme introduce myself
Tumblr media
Pfp created by chemicataclysm from Picrew
The name is Dingo. I'm 20 years old, go by they/he/it/bark/guts and I'm transmasc genderfluid (+some xenogenders). I'm bisexual demirose, and ambiamorus. I'm a full on sub/bottom I can't even think of being a dom or topping it gives me major anxiety lol. I am mainly t4t most of the time. Unless said so, my posts are all mlm. I do get shy almost 24/7 so sorry if we are ever texting/talking and I go quiet all the sudden hah. I'm single, and it's gonna stay like that for a while until I get more therapy. I love marine life and big cats so much please we must talk about them they are the best
I'm both mentally disabled and mentally ill af lmao /srs. Please be patient with me if we ever talk and please use tone indicators
I finally decided to make a side blog for reblogging nsfw stuff. I shall remain anonymous and not tell my main blog, so I can't follow back. Sorry :(. If you do find it, no you didn't <3
Even though I am a nsfw account, I do NOT sext or flirt, and do not ask for hookups/pictures. If this sounds mean I'm just setting boundaries for my mentality. Only those very close to me can do these. However I will allow nsft asks, and they can be nsft related as well and what you would like to do to me :3 I also would like to meet you guys, so my DMs are open. However due to my anxiety I take a while to respond sometimes. I also sometimes get sex repulsed due to some past events so I'll disappear for a while from this blog
Alright might as well tell some stuff/kinks I'm in to and along with turn offs
I am a dude so refer to me with masc related things, but I am fine with pussy, clit, tcock, and chest. I do prefer to be called handsome. Those who are close to me can call me cute, adorable, hot, etc. and only I can call it boypussy if it's myself. Don't ever refer to me in a feminine way
Turn ons:
Being the pillow prince I am teehee :3
Free use to an extent
I call it being playful, but others call it being a brat lmao
Degrading, teasing, and humiliating to an extent
Fear play to an extent
Praising/being called "good boy"
Light bondage (like a simple hands behind back, maybe even blindfolded)
Voice kink
Denial, edging, and overstimulation
Breeding (no pregnancy)
Ice play
Height/size different (I'm 5'2" lol)
Thigh riding
Light claiming
Predator/prey dynamic
Receiving oral
Taking things slowly and romantically
Consent and communication is the best /srs
Aftercare, cause that's important frfr
Turn offs
Non consent/r*pe. Fucking nasty why would you ever be into that.
Ageplay. Also nasty.
Scat, piss, vomit, etc.
Face slapping, hitting, and punching
Misgendering/detrans, why the fuck you even do that???
Heavy bondage
Corruption (trauma related)
Public sex
Weapon play
Fake safewords
- # Dingo is posting : Any post that I make will always have this, even those with no nsft
- # Dingo is shit posting : Just me being a silly fella teehee
- # Not my post - self explanatory
- # Nsft : self explanatory
- # Not nsft : self explanatory
- # Serious post : for addressing anything very important
- # Please💀 : Scenarios, imagines, etc. from I really like. Will be seen with other people's posts
None as of now. Send an ask for any emoji you'd like to claim along with your gender and pronouns ^3^
!! DNI LIST !!
- Minors and ageless blogs. You will be blocked on sight
- Cishets. Once again, blocked on sight
- Anyone 25+
- basic dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, ableist, zoophiles, pedophiles, incest supporters, etc)
- Proshitter/"anit-anti" or whatever you sick fucks call yourselves these days
- People who age up any minors for anything nsfw and shipping with an adult
- TERFs/radfems
- People who exclude neopronouns, xenogenders, aroace, and/or more
- fetishize age regression
- DDLG and anything relating to such
- Fujoshis
- YBC supporters/fans
- My ex and anyone who has connections with him
- Support/like yanderes (also trauma related)
- Dr. Rockso apologists
- Anyone who is neutral about any of the above
We got that all covered? Alright cool nice :3
I have a feeling this blog won't be 100% nsfw cause I like to be a silly guy most of the time lol
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